CS545 - Stanford InfoSeminar 2010

The InfoSeminar is held during the winter quarter only. It is organized by Jennifer Widom and sponsored by the Stanford Computer Forum.

DateSpeakerTitle (link to abstract)BioSlides
Jan. 8 Jennifer Widom, Stanford University Principled Research in Database Systems bio slides in ppt and pdf
Jan. 15 Phil Bernstein, Microsoft Research Hyder: A Transactional Indexed Record Manager for Shared Flash Storage bio slides in pptx
Jan. 22 Yannis Papakonstantinou, U.C. San Diego Web Application Creation Made Easy bio --
Jan. 29 Philip Bohannon, Yahoo! Research Robust Web Extraction, A Principled Approach bio --
Feb. 5 Laura Haas, IBM Almaden Research Center New Principles for Information Integration bio slides in ppt
Feb. 12 Chen Li, U.C. Irvine Search As You Type bio slides in pptx
Feb. 19 Gerome Miklau, U. Mass. Amherst Analyzing Private Network Data bio slides in pdf
Feb. 26 Shivnath Babu, Duke University Experiment-driven System Management bio slides in ppt
March 5 Michael Franklin, U.C. Berkeley Cloud Computing Research at the RADLab - Present and Future bio --
March 12 Chris Stolte, Tableau Software Visual Interfaces to Data bio --