--- M.I.F.T. ---
MIFT processes the data that is logged during training exercises and
uses scenario information and domain knowledge to organize the data
from the exercises in ways that are meaningful and useful for O/Cs,
trainees, commanders, exercise evaluators, and others interested in
the results of training exercises. MIFT is also designed to feed
information to other software systems that generate training scenarios
and help commanders plan future training exercises tailored to the
needs of their trainees.
Figure M-1: MIFT's mediators supplement the flow of information from simulations to evaluation and review and complete the feedback loop by supplying information to plan and tailor future training exercises.
MIFT's mediators handle some of the information flows involved in training exercise management. An overview of information flows is shown in Figure M-1. MIFT is designed to integrate with other evolving army exercise management software as illustrated in Figure M-2.
Figure M-2: MIFT can interact with other army exercise management software and support the many customers and uses of exercise result data.
Figure M-2 illustrates the many different consumser of simulation results and the rolls that MIFT can play by implementing reusable mediators that aggregate, summarize, and analyze simulation results and deliver them to various consumers in terms tailored to their individual needs.
1. Since trainees, O/Cs, commanders, exercise evaluators, and weapons evaluators seldom have time to devote to learning to use exercise feedback software, the software must be easy to use and not force them to learn computer concepts rather than their normal domain concepts.Mediators will achieve the first goal by incorporating knowledge about the scenario objectives and the task and subtasks to be trained. Mediators use this scenario knowledge to relate simulation results to the objectives and tasks to be trained so that O/Cs, trainees, and commanders can query the simulation results using scenario-based terminology. For example, rather than forcing the O/C to formulate a query to "select all enemy detections of Alpha company before it began its attack," the O/C can simply ask whether Alpha company achieved its scenario subtask of remaining hidden until the beginning of the attack. A mediator will know that enemy detections before the attack are evidence that the unit was not successful in remaining hidden. Mediators will produce results tailored to the needs of exercise planners, weapons designers, tactics developers, and other consumers of simulation results.2. Domain experts must be able to extend feedback software and tailor it to domain-specific and local needs. Neither professional programmers nor sofware development contracts should be required to extend the feedback analyses, modify them for additonal consumers, and use them with additional exercises.
The second goal of the mediator-based architecture is to enable military training and support personnel to tailor and extend analysis and feedback software to meet there own local needs. The goal is to dramatically reduce the amount of contract programming needed to develop analysis and feedback software for each simulator and each consumer of the simulation results.
The first step in developing a mediation architecture for training
feedback is to isolate the mediators from lower level data sources and
from higher level user interface and application code. The role of
mediators as reusable middleware is shown in Figure A-1.
The MIFT mediation architecture combines plug-in components at three
* Mediators that use scenario-based knowledge to analyze,
query, and present simulation results. Each mediator is a relatively
component. Domain experts extend the analysis functionality by adding
domain knowledge to mediators or by plugging in additional mediators.
* Wrappers that are changed to connect MIFT with the output
of additional simulators.
We propose to use standard knowledge exchange and communications
protocols based on KIF/KQML so that mediators can work with data from
multiple sources and supply information that is reusable in multiple
A key benefit of mediators for military training applications is that
they avoid each simulation program having to build from scratch and
maintain a separate set of analysis and feedback software packages.
Mediators interact with each other through the
standardized knowledge exchange and
communications protocols. The
Within each level of the mediation hierarchy shown in Figure A-2,
mediators may collaborate to produce the desired results. The
collaboration among mediators at the same level is well
It is useful to think of mediators as composed of three parts as
illustrated in Figure A-3:
Figure A-3: Typical mediators are a combination of components that
interface to data sources, represent domain knowledge, and draw
inferences from the internally represented data and knowledge.
2. Knowledge about the application domain is maintained in
declarative representations.
3. An inference engine processes the knowledge and data sources to
produce higher level knowledge that is passed to other mediators or to
the user interface in a standardized form.
This page and related demo are maintained by David Maluf.
For a generic presentation about mediation architectures, click
* User interfaces that accept information from mediators and
provide a standard set of display options.
Interfacing to MIFT
The current MIFT user interface is built on Web browsers since most
users are soon likely to be familiar with a browser. The MIFT user
interface can run at any location that supports Web browsing; the user
does not have to download all the simulation data. An innovation of
the user
interface is that it is designed to display information received from
mediators in varying formats so that new mediators can be added
without requiring that a new scripts be written to display the
information from each new mediator.
1. Data sources are converted into object instances over which
inferences can be performed.