| PANDA A System for Provenance and Data
(Excerpted from December 2009 short overview paper)
In its most general form, provenance (also sometimes called
lineage) captures where data came from, how it was derived,
manipulated, and combined, and how it has been updated over time.
Provenance can serve a number of important functions:
- Explanation. Users may be particularly interested in or wary of
specific portions of a derived data set. Provenance supports
"drilling down" to examine the sources and evolution of data
elements of interest, enabling a deeper understanding of the data.
- Verification. Derived data may appear suspect -- due to
possible bugs in data processing and manipulation, because the data
may be stale, or even due to maliciousness. Provenance enables
auditing how data was produced, either for verifying its correctness,
or for identifying the erroneous or outdated source data or processing
nodes that are responsible for erroneous or outdated output data.
- Recomputation. Having found outdated or incorrect source
data, or buggy processing nodes, we may want to correct the errors and
propagate the corrections forward to all "downstream" data that are
affected. Provenance helps us recompute only those data elements that
are affected by the corrections.
There has been a large body of very interesting work in lineage and
provenance over the past two decades. Nevertheless, we believe there
are still many limitations and open areas. Specifically:
- Most work has been either: data-based, in which
fine-grained provenance of data elements is tracked based on
well-defined, transparent properties of data models and query
languages; or process-based, in which coarse-grained provenance
is tracked, typically involving workflows and data at the schema
- Often the primary focus is on modeling and
capturing provenance: How is provenance information
represented? How is it generated? There has been considerably less
work on querying provenance: What can we do with provenance
information once we've captured it?
- Many projects have focused on specific functions or
application domains, rather than developing a general provenance
system that can be used for different purposes and across domains.
Our goal is to fill these gaps. Specifically, we want to:
- Seamlessly merge data-based and process-based provenance, so that
the two types of provenance can be combined (e.g., workflows that
combine "opaque" processing nodes with well-understood relational
queries and transformations). We also want to develop a model and
system that offers users a full range from fine-grained to
coarse-grained provenance.
- Define a set of useful operators for taking advantage of
provenance after it has been captured, as well as a general-purpose
language for querying and analyzing provenance, and for combining
provenance with relevant data.
- Develop a general-purpose open-source system that is flexible
and configurable enough to be used for a wide variety of
applications. The system will support its own mechanisms for
provenance capture, storage, operators, and queries, while also
offering interfaces for coupling with outside data sources, processes,
and systems.
The Panda project is supported by the National Science
Foundation (grant IIS-0904497),
the Boeing Corporation, KAUST, and an Amazon Web Services Research
Panda project Wiki
- R. Ikeda, J. Cho, C. Fang, S. Salihoglu, S. Torikai, and
J. Widom Provenance-Based
Debugging and Drill-Down in Data-Oriented Workflows. To appear in
Proceedings of the 28th International Conference on Data Engineering,
Washington, DC, April 2012. Demonstration description.
- R. Ikeda, S. Salihoglu, J. Widom. Provenance-Based Refresh
in Data-Oriented Workflows. To appear in Proceedings of the 20th
ACM Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM '11),
Glasgow, Scotland, October 2011.
- H. Park, R. Ikeda, and J. Widom. RAMP: A System for
Capturing and Tracing Provenance in MapReduce Workflows. To
appear in Proceedings of the 37th International Conference on Very
Large Data Bases, Seattle, Washington, August 2011. Demonstration
description. (Also presented in Hadoop Summit 2011, Santa Clara,
California, June 2011.)
- R. Ikeda, H. Park, and J. Widom. Provenance for Generalized
Map and Reduce Workflows. Proceedings of the
Fifth Biennial Conference on Innovative Data Systems Research (CIDR
'11), Pacific Grove, California, January 2011.
- R. Ikeda and J. Widom. Panda: A System for
Provenance and Data. IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin,
Special Issue on Data Provenance, 33(3):42-49, September 2010. Note: An
earlier, shorter version of this paper appeared in TaPP '10, cited
- R. Ikeda and J. Widom. Panda: A System for
Provenance and Data. Proceedings of the 2nd USENIX
Workshop on the Theory and Practice of Provenance (TaPP '10), San
Jose, California, February 2010. Note: A newer, extended version of this
paper appeared in IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, cited above.
- Panda: A System for Provenance and Data -- slides in PowerPoint (recommended for many animations) and pdf. Medium-length overview talk covering the state of the project as of Spring 2010.
- Faculty
- Students
- Alums
- Junsang Cho
- Akash Das Sarma (IIT Kanpur)
- Charlie Fang
- Semih Salihoglu
- Satoshi Torikai (Hitachi)
Last edited by J. Widom, July 2011