Gio Wiederhold's Important Papers
A complete personal bibliography of
Gio Wiederhold
(about 400 entries) is also available.
A file,
Work in
progress, not for general distribution, lists some recent notes and also contains
pointers to several discussion papers and related sides.
A comprehensive general bibliography of
material from the dark ages to 1991 is also available.
References cited in my papers on data and knowledge integration have been collected in the
Wiederhold, Gio: Valuing Intellectual Capital, Multinationals and Taxhavens;
series Management for Professionals, Springer Verlag, New York , August 2013.
Oral interview
Oral interview by Tom Munnecke on the topic of semantics of effective medical information systems and their semantic requirements; on YouTube, recorded 4 June 2013.
Papers available through the ACM Digital Library
Use of change coordination in an information-rich design environment
Other sources for Top-level references for research of
Gio Wiederhold
Listed below in reverse chronological order. Updated July 2006.
Older papers may have the figures as distinct files.
Many are available on-line.
About 1000 viewgraphs used for presentations of
directions and work on Mediation, Security, and Ontologies are available.
Feel free to use them, but I'd appreciate an acknowledgement. Gio.
Wiederhold, Gio: "Follow the Intellectual Property, How Offshoring IP to Taxhavens Causes U.S. Job Losses.
Communications of the ACM, Vol.54 No.1, Jan. 2010, pp.66-74.
Wiederhold, Gio: "What is your Software Worth" full version of a paper
which was published in the Communications of the ACM, Vol.49 No.9,
Sep. 2006, pp.65-75.
Lau, Gloria T., Kincho H. Law, and Gio Wiederhold:
Government Regulations Using Structural and Domain Information";
IEEE Computer, Vol.38 No.12, Dec. 2005, pp 70:76.
Wiederhold, Gio: "Outsourcing as Export of Intellectual Property";
KD (Knowledge Discovery) Nuggets, 10 March 2004,
Mitra, Prasenjit and Gio Wiederhold: "An Ontology-Composition
Algebra"; in S.Staab, R.Studer (eds.): Handbook on Ontologies,
Springer Series: International Handbooks on Information Systems, 2004,
pages 93-113.
Kerrigan, Shawn, Charles Heenan, Haoyi Wang, Kincho Law, and
Gio Wiederhold: "Regulatory Information Management and Compliance
Assistance"; NSF's National
Conference on Digital Government Research (dg.o2003) (under
Panels/E-rulemaking), Boston, May 2003.
Wiederhold, Gio: "The
Product Flow Model"; Proc. 15th Conf. on Software Engineering and
Knowledge Engineering (SEKE), Keynote 2, July 2003, Knowledge Systems
Institute, Skokie, IL., pp. 183-186.
Wiederhold, Gio: "Obtaining Precision when Integrating
Information"; in J.Filipe, Sharp, B. and Miranda, P. (Eds.),
Enterprise Information Systems III, Kluwer Academic Publishers,
Dordrecht, The Netherlands, 2002.
Wang, James Ze, Jia Li, and Gio Wiederhold:
"SIMPLIcity: Semantics-sensitive Integrated Matching for Picture LIbraries";
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine
Intelligence, Vol.23, No.9, Sep. 2001, pages 947-963.
Wiederhold, Gio: "Collaboration
Requirements: A Point of Failure in Protecting Information";
IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man and Cybernetics, Vol.31 No.4,
July 2001, pp.336-342.
Liu, David, Kincho Law, and Gio Wiederhold: "CHAOS:
An Active Security Mediation System"; in B. Wangler and L. Bergman, Eds.:
Advanced Information Systems Engineering (CAISE 12), 5 - 9
June, 2000, Stockholm, Sweden, Springer LNCS vol.1789,
Mitra, Prasenjit, Gio Wiederhold and Martin Kersten: "A
Graph-Oriented Model for Articulation of Ontology Interdependencies";
Extending DataBase Technologies, EDBT 2000,
Konstanz, Germany, March 2000.
Keller, Arthur M., and Gio Wiederhold:
Penguin: Objects for Programs, Relations for Persistence (html)"; in
Roberto Zicari and Akmal Chaudhri(eds.): Succeeding with Object
Databases; Wiley, 2000, pages 75-88;
MS Word.
Gio Wiederhold:
Systems that Really Support Decision-making"; presented
at the 11th International Symposium on Methodologies for
Intelligent Systems (ISMIS), Warsaw Poland, June 1999, in Ras &
Skowron Foundations for Intelligent Systems, Springer LNAI
1609, pp. 56-66.
Neal Sample, Dorothea Beringer, Laurence Melloul, and Gio Wiederhold:
Composition Language for Autonomous Megamodules"; in Ciancarini
and Wolf: Coordination Models and Languages, Proc. of Coord99,
Amsterdam, The Netherlands, April 1999, Springer LNCS 1594, pp.291-306.
Gio Wiederhold:
to Deal with Heterogeneous Data Sources"; Vckovski, Brassel, and Schek:
Interoperating Geographic Information Systems, Springer LNCS 1580 (Proc.
Interop'99, Zurich, March 1999), Pages 1-16.
Chavez, Andrea, Catherine Tornabene, and Gio Wiederhold:
Component Licensing Issues: A Primer"; IEEE Software, Vol.15 No.5,
Sept-Oct 1998, pp.47-52.
Gio Wiederhold: "Weaving Data into Information"; Database
Programming and Design; Freeman pubs, Sept. 1998, (Source).
Wang, James Ze, Jia Li, Gio Wiederhold, Oscar Firschein: "System
for Classifying Objectionable Websites"; Proceedings of the 5th
International Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems
and Telecommunication Services (IDMS'98), Thomas Plagemann and
Vera Goebel (Eds.), Oslo, Norway, 113-124, Springer-Verlag LNCS 1483,
September 1998.
Gio Wiederhold, Rushan Jiang, and Hector Garcia-Molina: "An Interface
for Projecting CoAs in Support of C2"; Proc. 1998 Command and
Control Research and Technology Symposium, Monterey CA,
June 1998. An updated version has been accepted
for AFCEA.
James Ze Wang, Gio Wiederhold, and Oscar Firschein: "System
for Screening Objectionable Images Using Daubechies' Wavelets and Color
Histograms; Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and
Telecommunication Services, Proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop
(IDMS'97), Ralf Steinmetz and Lars C. Wolf (Eds.), Darmstadt, Germany,
Springer-Verlag LNCS 1309, September 1997.
Gio Wiederhold and Michael Genesereth:
"Basis for
Mediation" (updated Sep. 1997);
Proc. COOPIS'95 Conference, Vienna Austria, May 1995,
available from {}, pages 138-155;
also edited version
Gio Wiederhold and Michael Genesereth: "The
Conceptual Basis for Mediation Services";
IEEE Expert,
Intelligent Systems and their Applications, Vol.12 No.5, Sep-Oct 1997.
- Transforming Data to Information (ps) | same in gif
- The Mediation Layer (ps) | same in gif
- Resources in a Health Care Setting (ps) | same in gif
- A Customer Hierarchy in a Resource Network (ps) | same in gif
- System with Facilitators and Mediators (ps) | BUGGY in gif
- Resources, Mediators, and Applications (ps) | same in gif
- Information Integration at two Levels (ps) | same in gif
- Fat versus thin Mediators (ps) | same in gif
David A. Maluf, Gio Wiederhold, Ted Linden, and Priya Panchapagesan:
"Mediation to Implement Feedback in Training"; CrossTalk: Journal of Defense Software Engineering, Software Technology Support Center, Department of Defense, August 1997.
Wang, James Ze, Gio Wiederhold, Oscar Firschein, and Sha Xin Wei:
"Wavelet-Based Image Indexing Techniques with Partial Sketch Retrieval
Capability"; IEEE Advances in Digital Libraries (ADL-97),
Library of Congress, Washington, DC, 7 May 1997, pages 13-24.
Susan Malaika ( (chair): Panel on
Databases and the Internet"
Wiederhold, Gio (editor): Intelligent Integration of Information
Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston MA, July 1996.
Meikel Poess et al:
High Performance and Scaleability Through Associative Client-Side Caching, HPTS, 1997.
Wiederhold, Gio:
"Dealing with Asynchrony in Technology Transfer";
abstract for a presentation given at EDBT, March 1996.
Published in P.Apers, M.Bouzeghoub, and G.Gardarin:
Advances in Database Technology -- EDBT'96; Lecture Notes in Computer
Science, vol.1057, Springer Verlag 1996, pages 631-634.
viewgraphs(ps) that were used.
Wiederhold, Gio, Michel Bilello, Vatsala Sarathy, and XiaoLei Qian:
"A Security Mediator
for Health Care Information"; published
in the Proceedings of the 1996 AMIA (formely SCAMC) Conference, Oct. 1996, pp.120-124.
Wiederhold, Gio, Michel Bilello, Vatsala Sarathy, and XioaLei Qian:
Collaboration"; Proceedings of the NISSC'96 National Information Systems
Security Conference, pp. Oct. 1996, pp.561-569.
Qian, XioaLei, Gio Wiederhold, Michel Bilello, Andrea Chavez, and Vatsala
Interoperation of Healthcare Information"; Stanford, 6 February 1996,
abstract for the NSF Challenge workshop, March 20-23, 1996.
Gio Wiederhold: Mediation in Information Systems; in Research
Directions in Software Engineering, ACM Comp.Surveys, Vol.27 No.2,
June 1995, pages 265-267.
Gio Wiederhold: Mediation and
Software Maintenance; Technical Note STAN-CS-TN-95-26; The full
report pertaining to a paper: "Modeling for
Software System Maintenance"; a keynote presentation at the ER-OO
conference, Brisbane Australia, December 1995, published in
Michael P. Papazoglou (ed.): OOER'95: Object-Oriented and Entity
Relationship Modeling; Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Vol. 1021, pages 1-20; Proceedings, ER-OO conference, Brisbane
Australia, December 1995.
Gio Wiederhold: Value-added Mediation; Proc. of the IFIP DS-6 Conference,
to appear in Meersman(ed): Database Application Semantics, Chapman and Hall, 1995.
(Embedded postscript)
Gio Wiederhold:
"On the Barriers
and Future of Knowledge Discovery";
foreword to Advances in Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining;
Fayyad, Piatetsky-Shapiro, Smyth, Uthurusamy (eds), AAAI/MIT Press 1996, pp.vii-xi.
Gio Wiederhold:
"Objects and
Domains for Managing Medical Knowledge"; Proceedings IMIA WG6
meeting, 1994; Methods of Information in Medicine (MIM ),
Schattauer Verlag, Vol.34, No.1, pages 1-7, Jun. 1995., with
Figure 1,
Figure 2,
Figure 3,
Figure 4.
Gio Wiederhold:
"Effective Information Transfer for Health Care, Quality versus
Quantity"; NII 2000 Workshop Notes, Computer Science and
Telecommunications Board, National Academy of Sciences, Washington DC,
May 1995.
Gio Wiederhold:
Digital Libraries,
Value, and Productivity";
Com.ACM, Vol.38 No.4, April 1995, pages 85-96.
The associated figures are (created: 10Apr95)
- Participants (ps) |
same in gif.
This figure differs from the one published in C.ACM. The disconnection of the
customer with the output of the publishing process is intentional.
- Path of a Manuscript (ps)|same in gif.
- Output Modes (ps) |
not yet in gif.
- Ranking by model (ps) |
not yet in gif.
- Disambiguation (ps) | same in gif.
- Copyright (ps) | same in gif.
- Opportunities (ps) | not yet in gif.
Wiederhold, Gio and Yelena Yesha: "Dealing with Asynchrony in Technology Transfer";
abstract for a presentation given at NIST, March 1995.
Shailesh Agarwal, Arthur M. Keller, Krishna Saraswat, and Gio Wiederhold,
"Flexible Relations: An Approach for Integrating Data from Multiple,
Possibly Inconsistent Databases,"
Int. Conf. on Data Engineering, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995.
Wiederhold, Gio:
"Interoperation, Mediation, and
Ontologies"; with the associated
slides; Proceedings International Symposium on Fifth
Generation Computer Systems (FGCSOB94), Workshop on Heterogeneous
Cooperative Knowledge-Bases, Vol.W3, pages 33-48, ICOT, Tokyo, Japan,
Dec. 1994.
I3 Program Participants:
A vocabulary initiated at the November 1994 Intelligent Integration of
Information (I3) Architecture workshop. It is logically part of a
Reference Architecture document, maintained (1996) at the
University of Colorado.
Wiederhold, Gio:
"An Algebra for Ontology Composition";
with an associated Figure;
Proceedings of 1994 Monterey Workshop on Formal Methods,
Sept 1994.
Lee, Byung Suk and Gio Wiederhold:
Efficiently Instantiating View-objects from Remote Relational Databases";
The VLDB Journal, Vol.3 No.3, July 1994, pages 289-323.
Wiederhold, Gio and Xiaolei Qian: "
Database Engineering"; in J.J.~Marciniak:
Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Wiley-Interscience,
1994, Vol.1, pages 269-282.
Lee, Byung S. and Gio Wiederhold:
"Outer Joins and Filters for Instantiating Objects from Relational
Databases through Views";
IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering,
Vol.6 No.1, pp. 108 - 119, February 1994.
Wiederhold, Gio, Stephen Cross, and Charles Channell:
Supporting User Productivity: Information Integration;
IEEE Educational Video Tape Slides (6 per page) covering two segments
of the tape are available.
Wiederhold, Gio, and Stephen Cross:
"Alternatives for Constructing Computing Systems"; in
Yamada, Kambayashi, and Ohta:
Computers as Our Better Partners, ACM Japan
Symposium, World Scientific Book Co., March 1994, pages 14-21.
Wiederhold, Gio:
"From Data Engineering to Information Engineering";
Brief note on the continuum of databases and simulation, based on an Extended
Abstract for the IEEE Data Engineering Conference Keynote, 17Feb1994.
Historical remarks have been removed.
Kyu-Young Whang, Sang-Wook Kim, and Gio Wiederhold:
"Dynamic Maintenance of Data Distribution for
Selectivity Estimation"; VLDB Journal, Vol.3 No.1, Jan.1994, pages 29-51.
Wiederhold, Gio:
"The Role of Government in Standards";
ACM Standards View, December 1993, pages 2-6; reviewed in
ACM CR, 9202-121.
Wiederhold, Gio: "Intelligent Integration
of Diverse Information"; Keynote presented at CIKM 92, November 1992.
Wiederhold, Gio:
"Mediators in the
Architecture of Future Information Systems"; later published in IEEE
Computer, March 1992, pages 38-49. Associated graphic figures are
3. Data and Knowledge Loops (ps) | 3. (gif) and
5. Layers and interfaces (ps) | (gif).
Wiederhold, Gio: "Model-free Optimization";
DARPA Software Technology Conference 1992, April 1992,
Meridien Corp., Arlington VA, pages 83-96.
Wiederhold, Gio, Peter Wegner, and Stefano Ceri:
"Towards Megaprogramming"; report,
later published in Comm.ACM, Vol.35 No.11, November 1992,
pages 89-99.
Wiederhold, Gio, Sushil Jajodia, and Witold Litwin:
"Dealing with Granularity of Time in
Temporal Databases"; in R. Anderson et al. (eds):
Proc. 3rd Int'l. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems
Engineering, Trondheim, 13-15 May, 1991, Lecture Notes in
Computer Science, Vol. 498, Springer-Verlag, 1991, pages 124-140;
reprinted in Tansel, Clifford, Gadia, Jajodia, Segiv, Snodgrass:
Temporal Databases, Theory, Design and Implementation;
Benjamin Cummins Publishing, 1993, pages 563-579.
Wiederhold, Gio: "The Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Information
Systems"; in Ras (ed): Methodologies for Intelligent Systems,
Le0cture Notes in Artifical Intelligence, Springer Verlag,
1991, pages 38-51.
predecessor report is on-line.
Wiederhold, Gio:
"Obtaining Information from Heterogenous Systems";
Proceedings of the First Workshop on Information Technologies
and Systems (WITS'91), December 14-15, 1991, Cambridge MA, MIT
Sloan School of Management, pages 1-8.
Wiederhold, Gio, Thierry Barsalou, Byung Suk Lee, Niki Siambela,
and Walter Sujansky: "Use of Relational
Storage and a Semantic Model to Generate Objects: The PENGUIN
Project"; Database `91: Merging Policy, Standards and Technology,
The Armed Forces Communications and Electronics Association,
Fairfax VA, June 1991, pages 503-515.
Thierry Barsalou, Niki Siambela, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio Wiederhold,
"Updating Relational Databases through Object-Based Views,"
ACM SIGMOD Proceedings, ACM, May 1991, pages 248-257.
Wiederhold, Gio: KQML, Partial report on a
proposed knowledge acquistion language for intelligent applications
; prepared subsequent to a DARPA, NSF, AFORS sponsored Workshop
in Santa Barbara, March 1990; revised January 1991.
Wiederhold, Gio et al.:
A Precis of Research on Knowledge-based Management Systems,
1977-1988; Stanford University, KBMS project, 1988; updated for
WWW Aug.1995. Overview of research from 1976 on, with some subsequent
updates and many references.
Wiederhold, Gio and XiaoLei Qian:
Asynchrony in Distributed Databases"; invited paper, Third IEEE Computer Society
Data Engineering Conference, Los Angeles, Feb. 1987.
Wiederhold, Gio:
"Views, Objects, and
Databases"; IEEE Computer, Vol.19 No.12, December 1986,
pages 37-44.
Walker, Michael G. and Gio Wiederhold: "Acquisition and
Validation of Knowledge from Data"; in Z.W. Ras and M. Zemankova:
Intelligent Systems, State of the Art and Future Directions, Ellis
Horwood, 1990, pages 415-428; see
Stanford Report KSL 90-02,
Feb. 1990.
Blum, Robert L. and Gio Wiederhold: "Studying Hypotheses on a
Time-Oriented Clincial Database: An Overview of the
"RX project";
in J.A.Reggia and S.Thurim: Computer Assisted Medical Decision-Making;
Springer Verlag, 1985, pages 245-253;
from 1989 RX Tutorial (ps).
Wiederhold, Gio: "Databases"; IEEE Computer, Centennial issue, Vol.17
No.10, Oct. 1984, pages 211-223. (not on-line)
Sacca, Domenico and Gio Wiederhold : "Database Partitioning in a
Cluster of Processors"; ACM TODS, Vol.10 No.1, Mar. 1984,
pages 29-56. (not on-line)
Wiederhold, Gio: "Knowledge and Database Management"; IEEE Software
Premier Issue, Vol.1 No.1, Jan.1984, pages 63--73.
(not on-line)
Wiederhold, Gio: Database Design; McGraw-Hill Book Company,
New York, NY, in the Computer Science Series, May 1977, 678 pages;
edition, January 1983, (restored for the ACM Digital
Library CD ROM, and on-line), March 2002. 768 pages.
Third edition to be placed on-line only in the future 1995.
Wiederhold, Gio, Anne Beetem, and Garret Short: "A Database Approach
to Communication in VLSI Design"; IEEE Transactions on Design
Automation, Vol. CAD-1, No. 2, April 1982, pages 57-63.
(not on-line)
Wiederhold, Gio and Ramez El-Masri: "The
Structural Model for Database Design" (MS Word, no figures yet);
in Chen (ed.): Entity-Relationships Approach to Systems Analysis
and Design, North-Holland, 1980, pages 237-257.
El-Masri, Ramez and Gio Wiederhold: "Data Model Integration Using the
Structural Model"; Proceedings 1979 ACM SIGMOD Conference,
pages 191-202. (not yet on-line, coming)
Weyl, Stephen, James F. Fries, Gio Wiederhold, and Frank Germano: "A
Modular Self-describing Clinical Database System"; Computers
in Biomedical Research, June 1975, Vol. 8, pages 279-293.
(not on-line)
Breitbard, Gary Y. and Gio Wiederhold: "PL/ACME:
An Incremental Compiler for a Subset of PL/1";
Proceedings of the 1968 IFIPConference, Edinburgh, North Holland,
1969, pages 358-363.
Sanders, William J., Gio Wiederhold, et al.: "An
Advanced Computer System for Medical Research"; Proceedings of
the AFIPS Conference, Vol. 31, Washington, DC, Thompson Books, 1967,
pages 497-508.
Gio Wiederhold,
Stanford University,