Pointers to RX related documents
23 Jan, 12 Feb 2003.
These papers are still in process of extraction from archives and
transformation into current formats.
Wiederhold, Gio: "On
the Need of Closed Loop Models to Discover Low Frequency Events";
Position paper for the SIAM workshop on Security Data Mining, San
Francisco, 3 May 2003.
- Blum, Robert L.: Discovery and Representation of Causal
Relationships from a Large Time-Oriented Clinical Database: The RX
Project; Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Medical Informatics
No.19, Lindberg and Reichertz (eds), 1982, 242pp.
Central papers
- Blum, Robert and Gio Wiederhold: "Inferring Knowledge from
Clinical Data Banks Utilizing Techniques from Artificial
Intelligence"; Proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on Computer
Applications in Medical Care, IEEE, Washington, D.C., November 1978,
pages 303-307.
- Blum, Robert: "Automating the Study of Clinical Hypotheses on a
Time-Oriented Data Base, The RX Project"; Proceedings of the
Medinfo, North-Holland, 1980; also CS
Report, Nov. 1979.
- Blum, Robert: Rx in Context, 1980 slides.
- Blum, Robert: Rx project, 1988 slides.
- Viewgraphs from 1989 RX Tutorial (ps).
- Blum, Robert L. and Gio Wiederhold: "Studying Hypotheses on a
Time-Oriented Clincial Database: An Overview of the RX Project"; Proc.
of the 6th Symposium on Computer Applications in Medical Care, Oct.
30-Nov. 2, 1981, Washington, D.C., IEEE 82 , pages 725-735.
- Blum, Robert L. and Gio Wiederhold: "Studying Hypotheses on a
Time-Oriented Clinical Database: An Overview of the
"RX project"; in
J.A.Reggia and S.Thurim: Computer Assisted Medical Decision-Making;
Springer Verlag, 1985, pages 245-253;
Viewgraphs from 1989 RX Tutorial (ps).
- Walker, M. G. & Blum, R. L.: Towards Automated Discovery from
Clinical Databases: the RADIX Project 1986. KSL-86-07
(abstract only?).
- Wiederhold, Gio: "Knowledge versus Data"; Chapter 7 of Brodie,
Mylopoulos, and Schmidt (eds.): On Knowledge Base Management Systems:
Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies;
Springer Verlag, June 1986, pages 77-82.
- Wiederhold, Gio, Robert L. Blum, and Michael Walker: "An
Integration of Knowledge and Data Representation"; Chapter 29 of
Brodie, Mylopoulos, and Schmidt (eds.), On Knowledge Base Management
Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database
Technologies; Springer Verlag, June 1986, pages 431-444.
- Wiederhold, Gio, Michael G. Walker, Robert L. Blum, and Stephen
Downs: "Acquisition of Knowledge from Data"; International Symposium
on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, ACM, Oct.1986, Knoxville TN;
also KSL
90-02, Feb.1990.
- Wiederhold, Gio, Robert L. Blum, and Michael Walker: "An
Integration of Knowledge and Data Representation"; Proc. of Islamorada
Workshop, Feb.1985, Computer Corporation of America, Cambridge MA;
also Report KSL-86-13, Stanford University, 1986.
Abstract. Available as safe/pap/ISLAMORADA.TEX.Z.
- Wiederhold, Gio, Robert L. Blum, and Michael Walker: "An
Integration of Knowledge and Data Representation"; Chapter 29 of
Brodie, Mylopoulos, and Schmidt (eds.), On Knowledge Base Management
Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database
Technologies; Springer Verlag, June 1986, pages 431-444;
(abstract only?).
Later work
- Barsalou, T., W. Sujansky, L.A. Herzenberg, and G. Wiederhold:
"Management of Complex Immunogenetics Information Using an Enhanced
Relational Model"; Computers and Biomedical Research, Vol.24 No.5,
October 1991, pages 476-498; also report KSL-90-42
- Barsalou, Thierry and Gio Wiederhold: "Knowledge-directed
Mediation between Application Objects and Base Data"; in S.M. Deen
(ed.): Data and Knowledge Base Integration, Pittman, 1990.
- Barsalou, Thierry, Niki Siambela, Arthur M. Keller, and Gio
Wiederhold: "Updating
Relational Databases Through Object-based Views (ps)"; ACM-SIGMOD
91, Boulder CO, May 1991, pages 248-257.
- Barsalou, Thierry, R. Martin Chavez, and Gio Wiederhold:
"Representing Probabilistic Knowledge in Relational Databases"; SCAMC
14, November 1990; also Stanford Report KSL 90-13, March, 1990.
- Barsalou, Thierry, R. Martin Chavez, and Gio Wiederhold:
"Hypertext Interfaces for Decision-Support Systems: A Case Study";
Proc IFIP MEDINFO 89, Beijing and Singapore, Dec. 1989, pages 126 to
130; also Stanford KSL Report 89-03, Jan. 1989.
- DeZegher-Geets, Isabelle, Andrew G. Freeman, Michael G. Walker,
Robert L. Blum, and Gio Wiederhold: "Summarization and Display of
On-line Medical Records"; M.D. Computing, Vol.5 No.3, March 1988,
pages 38-46.
- DeZegher-Geets, Isabelle, Andrew G. Freeman, Michael G. Walker,
Robert L. Blum, and Gio Wiederhold: "Computer-aided Summarization of a
Time-oriented Medical Data Base"; Third Annual International
Conference on Computerization of Medical Records -- Creating Patient
Information Systems, Institute for Medical Record Economics, Chicago,
March 1987; KSL-87-18
(abstract only?).
- Downs, S. M.; Walker, M. G.; & Blum, R. L. Automated Summarization
of On-Line Medical Records. 1986. KSL-86-06
(abstract only?).
- Law, Kincho H. , Gio Wiederhold, Thierry Barsalou, Niki
Siambela, Walter Sujansky, David Zingmond, and Harvinder Singh:
``Architecture for Managing Design Objects in a Sharable Relational
Framework"; International Journal of Systems Automation: Research and
Applications (SARA), Vol. 1, No. 1, pages 47-65, 1991.
- Sujansky, Walter, Thierry Barsalou, and Gio Wiederhold:
"Structural Semantics and Complex Objects for the Coupling of
Relational Database and Knowledge-Based Systems"; Proc. AAAI, Boston,
August 1990; also IBM Research report RC 15924, 4 May 1990.
- Sujansky, Walter, Thierry Barsalou, and Gio Wiederhold:
"Structural Semantics and Complex Objects for the Coupling of
Relational Databases and Knowledge-based Systems"; Workshop on
Knowledge Bases, AAAI Boston, August 1990; Stanford KSL report 90-44,
July 1990.
- Walker, M. G. How Feasible is Automated Discovery?; 1986.
(abstract only?).
- Walker, Michael G. and Gio Wiederhold: "Acquisition and
Validation of Knowledge from Data"; in Z.W. Ras and M. Zemankova:
Intelligent Systems, State of the Art and Future Directions, Ellis
Horwood, 1990, pages 415-428; see
Stanford Report KSL 90-02.,
Feb. 1990.
- Wiederhold, Gio, Peter Rathmann, Thierry Barsalou, Byung Suk Lee,
and Dallan Quass: "Partitioning and Composing Knowledge"; Information
Systems, Vol.15 No.1, 1990, pages 61-72.
- Wiederhold, Gio, Thierry Barsalou, Byung Suk Lee, Niki Siambela,
and Walter Sujansky: "Use of Relational Storage
and a Semantic Model
to Generate Objects: The PENGUIN Project"; Database `91: Merging
Policy, Standards and Technology, The Armed Forces Communications and
Electronics Association, Fairfax VA, June 1991, pages 503-515.
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in progress