T r e n d s 1998 : 1999
Users of the Internet 40% Ü 52% of U.S. population
Growth of Net Sites (now 2.2M public sites with 288M pages)
Expected growth in E-commerce by Internet users [BW, 6 Sep.1999]
segment 1998 1999
- books 7.2% Ü 16.0%
- music & video 6.3% Ü 16.4%
- toys 3.1% Ü 10.3%
- travel 2.6% Ü 4.0%
- tickets 1.4% Ü 4.2%
- Overall 8.0% Ü 33.0% = $9.5Billion
An unsustainable trend cannot be sustained [Herbert Stein]