File created 21 February 2009. Updated 11 April 2013. This file is not regularily revised.
The primary page for CS207 is the CS Wiki for CS207
That page, and its subsidiary pages will be updated as the course progresses.
It also contains pointers to prior year's weekly class notes, readings, references, etc.,
This page is only an introduction to CS207.
This course is intended for students interested in the software industry at all levels. It will provide an understanding how software products are moved into the marketplace and how the resulting intellectual property is exploited. No specific background is required. The course will introduce concepts that are outside of the common knowledge of computer scientists and requires becoming familiar with relevant business terms and concepts. Spreadsheet computations will be used to quantitatively compare alternatives. The understanding gained will have broader applicability than just software, but also contribute to informed decision-making in high-tech product design, acquisition, production, marketing, selection of business structures, outsourcing, and the impact of offshoring and taxation policies.
CS207 is a class with an objective, not a seminar.
Why should software be valued? Principles of valuation. Cost versus value. Market value of software companies. Examples of estimation of the value of software. Intellectual capital and property (IP). The role of patents, copyrights, and trade secrets. Open source software. Life and lag of software innovation. Sales expectations and discounting. Alternate business models. Licensing. Separation of use rights from the property itself. Risks when outsourcing and offshoring development. Effects of using taxhavens to house IP.
Most two-hour sessions will consist of a 50-minute course style presenation on a topic and a 50-minute presentation by an outside expert in the same topic, allowing for some discussion. When there is no outside speaker, the discussion will be among the class particpants.
C207 is offered for 2 units, P/F for
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