University Architecture
Buying is less integratable than building.
Integration through shared resources
RPC -- remote procedure ca;; (indepnedent of ownership) DCE
RMI -- remote method invocation (CORBA), the OO equivalent
Event Driven Communication,
publish-and-subscribe interface as spreadsheet to document,
one-way flow, to many independent subscribers, weaker binding.
in CORBA an event channel
Interposition of mediating producer-consumers is possible.
Applied to Stanford's Research Adminstration And Budget Formulation software Requires local autonomy.(own servers and db, add to schema and functions) but has to be agregated (rolled-up)
Partionable recursively
Shared name-server (DCE or CORBA) to access partitions
Security ?
Access to update old SPIRES systems (SPIDERS - university research accounting,
SUFIN - accounts) via wrappers (FOSDIC)
Input from salary files