CS 446 Fall Quarter 1995-1996 Notes 10

Taken by Gio Wiederhold
Experimental Seminar on Large Scale Software Construction.
Monday, Oct. 30
VITRIA (Software architecture company, had Stanford design contract, also manufacturing sysytems design), Chief Techn.Officer is Dale Skeen

University Architecture
Buying is less integratable than building.
Integration through shared resources

RPC -- remote procedure ca;; (indepnedent of ownership) DCE
RMI -- remote method invocation (CORBA), the OO equivalent

Event Driven Communication, publish-and-subscribe interface as spreadsheet to document, one-way flow, to many independent subscribers, weaker binding.
in CORBA an event channel Interposition of mediating producer-consumers is possible.

Applied to Stanford's Research Adminstration And Budget Formulation software Requires local autonomy.(own servers and db, add to schema and functions) but has to be agregated (rolled-up)

Partionable recursively
Shared name-server (DCE or CORBA) to access partitions
Security ?

Access to update old SPIRES systems (SPIDERS - university research accounting,
SUFIN - accounts) via wrappers (FOSDIC)

Input from salary files