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CS 446, Class Assignment, due OCT 9th:
Describe a Software Tool that would aid some aspect of ITSS System building. It can be an aid in User Consensus Formation, System Design, System Architecture, upgrading Legacy components (such as Spires) to fit in the new ITSS, testing COTS components, performance prediction of ITSS, automatic generation of scenarios of user interactions with ITSS, or any other aspect of Mary McMillan's job that you can think of. [COTS = Commercial Off The Shelf]
You should describe what your tool would do (i.e., give its requirements), what components you would need to build it, and manpower (Stanford Grad Student months). How would you test it? The tool should be simple, apply to only one or two aspects of ITSS development, and require no more than 6 student months. Support your claims and estimates.
You can use any information you can find, including Mary's slides, ITSS Web page, previous projects, COTS tools you can buy now, etc. But you can't suggest something Mary already has. Expect to write a page or two, but not more than five pages. Organize your write up as best you can to persuade Mary to give you a job. But do NOT include ANY personal information other than your name and E-Mail address.
Submit your Tool description by email to dcl@anna and gio@cs.