package wrapper; /**Data structure that contains which estimates are required and then gets filled with the required estimates. */ public class Estimates { /**Cost estimation for execution time is required by client*/ public boolean timeRequired = false; /**Cost estimation for fee is required by clien*/ public boolean feeRequired = false; /**Cost estimation for data volume is required by clien*/ public boolean datavolumeRequired = false; /**Value for execution time estimation is provided by megamodule*/ public boolean timeProvided = false; /**Value for fee estimation is provided by megamodule*/ public boolean feeProvided = false; /**Value for data volume estimation is provided by megamodule*/ public boolean datavolumeProvided = false; /**Estimated value for execution time*/ public int timeValue = -1; /**Estimated value for fee*/ public int feeValue = -1; /**Estimated value for data volume*/ public int datavolumeValue = -1; /**Accuracy of the value for execution time*/ public double timeAccuracy = 0; /**Accuracy of the value for fee*/ public double feeAccuracy = 0; /**Accuracy of the value for data volume*/ public double datavolumeAccuracy = 0; }