This file aggregates references used with our mediator and
mega-programming papers and the like. It is
periodically updated. The master copy is located in
~//earth/gio/web/biblio/references.html, also accessible as
/u/ftp/public_html/gio/biblio/references.html or
by browsing to
There is also a large, broad-based historical (up to 1992) file at
In this electronic world it is to be expected that many references will be digital as well, some citations here are only available on-line, any URLs though are always suspect. Maybe has archived pages that found to be dead.
Many entries have comments, after the citation and a `='
A @ field in the = section gives the location of the authors.
A =I3= entry indicates general relevance to mediation technology.
A =NII= entry indicates relevance to CS99I.
A =SimQL= entry indicates relevance for simulation access research.
A =SKC= entry indicates relevance to the ontology algebra work.
A =SW= entry indicates relevance for CS446 and mega programming.
A =TIHI= entry indicates relevance to our security and privacy research.
[AAAS:99] National Conversation on NSF Advanced Networking Infrastructure Support;
[AberleEa:96] Denise Aberle, John Dionisio, Michael McNitt-Gray, Rickt Taira, Alfonso Cardenas, Jonathan Goldin, Kathleen Bown , Robert Figlin, and Wesley Chu: "Integrated Multimedia Timeline of Medical Images and data for Thoracic Oncology Patients"; Imaging and Therapeutic Technology, Vol. 16 No.3; May 1996, pp.669-681.
[AbernethyA:98] Neil Abernethy and Russ Altman: SOPHIA: Delivering Ontologies and Knowledge Bases over the Web from a Simple RDBMS; Stanford report SMI-1999-0773, for IEEE Intelligent systems, 1999; in Chaudhri, Borgida, Staudt(eds): 5th International Workshop on Knowledge Representation Meets Databases (KRDB '98), Seattle WA, pp.01-1 - 01-6, 1998. =SKC= Access97 RDBMS storage for hierarchical ontology frames to replace ontolingua. OKBC-like capabilities. Modest performance, but portable. Three main relations frames, hierarchy, class schemas. 100 000 frames required 2 000 000 tuples.
[AbitboulB:86] S. Abiteboul and Bidoit: "Non First Normal Form Relations: An Algebra Allowing Data Restructuring"; Journal of Computer and System Sciences, December 1986.
[AbiteboulHV:94] Serge Abiteboul, Richard Hull, Victor Vianu: Foundations of Databases; Addison-Wesley, 1994 = This database theory book provides a focused presentation of the core material on relational databases, and presents a number of advanced topics in a unified framework. Some of the advanced material has never before been presented in book form. The style is rigorous, with detailed proofs and many exercises. The text and numerous examples highlight the intuition underlying the development. As a textbook, the book is aimed at graduate students and seniors who would use it as the main text in a database theory course, or as complementary material in a database systems course. It can also serve as a reference for database researchers and for other computer scientists interested in databases.
[AbiteboulGPY:96] S. Abiteboul, H. Garcia-Molina, Y. Papakonstantinou, R. Yerneni: "Fusion Query Optimization"; Technical Report, 1996. = TSIMMIS Mediators
[AbiteboulBS:00] Serge Abiteboul, Peter Buneman, aand Dan Suciu: "Data on the Web, From Relations to Semistructured Data and XML"; Morgan Kaufman, 2000. =I3= XML. OEM.
[Abramsky:94] S. Abramsky, D. Gabbay, and T. Maibaum: "Handbook of Logic in Computer Science"; Volume 1, Mathematical Structures, Clarendon Press, Oxford University Press, 1994. =SKC=
[AbrialSM:80] JeanRaymond Abrial, S.A. Schuman, and Bertrand Meyer: Specification Language, On the Construction of Programs, an Advanced Course; Cambridge Un.Press, 1980. =SW=
[Ackerman:94] M.J. Ackerman: "The Visible Human Project": Proc. Medicine Meets Virtual Reality Conf. , SPIE, San Diego CA, 1994. = there should be a better reference soon
[ACM:95] ACM publication Board: "Interim Copyright Policies": Comm. of the ACM, April 1995
[ACM:99] Neal Coulter, et al: ACM Computing Classification System
[AdamW] Adam,N.R. and Wortmann,J.C.: Security-Control Methods for Statistical Databases: a Comparative Study; ACM Computing Surveys, Vol. 25 No.4, Dec. 1989. =TIHI=
[Adiba:81] Michel E.Adiba: ``Derived Relations: A Unified Mechanism for Views, Snapshots and Distributed Data"; VLDB 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds), Sep.1981, pp.293--305.
[AdlerW:92] P.S.Adler and Terry Winograd: Usabililty; Turning Technology into Tools; Oxford Un. Press, 1992.
[Adobe:99] Adobe Corp.: PDF and Printing;
[AgarwalKSW:95] Shailesh Agarwal, A.M. Keller, K. Saraswat, and G.\ Wiederhold: ``Flexible Relation: An Approach for Integrating Data from Multiple, Possibly Inconsistent Databases" ; Proc. IEEE Data Engineering Conference, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995.
[Agha:88] Gul Agha: "The Relation between Problems in Large-Scale Concurrent Systems and Distributed Databases": ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX, Dec 1988= at Yale Un. =PARADATA= DBDdist
[AgrawalEa:98] Hira Agrawal et al.: "Mining System Tests to Aid Software Maintenance"; IEEE Computer, vol.31 no.7, July 1998, pp.64-73. =SW= [AgrawalIS:93] Rakesh Agrawal, Tomasz Imielinski, and Arun Swam: "Mining Association Rules Between Sets of Items in Large Databases"; {\sl Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conference}, 1993, pp.207-216.
[AhmedEa:91] R. Ahmed et al.: "The Pegasus Heterogeneous Multidatabase System"; IEEE Computer, Vol.24 No.12, Dec.1991.
[AhrensP:95] Judith D. Ahrens and Noah Prywes: "Transition to a Legacy- and Reuse-Based Life Cycle"; IEEE Computer, Oct 1995, pp.27-36. =SW= maintenance ?
[AllenL:99] Paul Allen and David Liddle: About Interval;, Interval Research Corporation, 1999.
[Alschuler:95] Liora Alschuler: ABCD.. SGML; ITP International Thomson Computer Press. = thorough explanation of SGML and HTML.
[AltmanEa:98] R. B. Altman, M. Bada, X. J. Chai, R. O. Chen, & N. F. Abernethy: Using Ontologies for a Collaborative Scientific Data Resource in Molecular Biology: The RIBOWEB System; Stanford report SMI-98-0729 1998; for IEEE Intelligents Systems. =I3= Ribosome data represented as a actve digital document.
[Amazon:99] Amazon Associates Program
[Amico:98] Art museum image consortium (AMICO): Image collection preservation;
[AndersonJ:87] J.G. Anderson. and S.J. Jay (Eds):. Use and Impact of Computers in Clinical Medicine; : Springer-Verlag, 1987. = This collection of papers presents research on the factors that affect the adoption, diffusion, and utilization of clinical information systems in hospitals. It includes chapters on the attitudes of health professionals toward computers and the probable effects of clinical systems on aspects of medical practice, such as the role of physicians, relations between doctors and patients, and the organization of the health-care-delivery system.
[Andrews:93] Tim Andrews: "Designing Linguistic Interfaces to an Object Database or What do C++, SQL, and Hell have in Common?"; in Database Programming (DBPL-4), edited by C. Beeri, A. Ohori, and D. E. Shasha, Springer-Verlag, 1993, pp. 3-8.
[AndrewsA:87] T. Andrews and C. Andrews: "Combining Language and Database Advances in an Object-Oriented Development Environment"; Proceedings of OOPSLA, Orlando, Florida, 1987.
[AnnasGR:95] Georg J. Annas, Leonard H. Glantz, and Patricia A. Roche: The Genetic Privacy Act and Commentary; Health Law Department, Boston University School of Public Health, February 1995. [AonumaIK:89] Horomi Aonumi, Hiroshi Imai, and Yahiko Kambayashi: "A Visual System of Placing Characters Appropriatly in Multimedia Map Databases", in T.L. Kunii: {\sl Visual Database Systems}, North-Holland 1989, pp.526-546.
[AppelbeA:95] B. Appelbe et al: "Beyond Objects, a Response"; SigSoft Engineering Notes, Vol.20 no.3, July 1995, pp.45-48. =SW
[ArensCHIK:94] Yigal Arens, Chin Chee, Chun-Nan Hsu, Hoh In, and Craig Knoblock: "Query Processing in an Information Mediator"; Proc. ARPA/Rome Laboratory Knowledge-Based Planning and Scheduling Initiative Workshop, Tucson AZ, Morgan Kaufmann, 1994.
[ArensCHK:93] Yigal Arens, C.Y. Chee, C-N. Hsu, and Craig A. Knoblock: "Retrieving and Integrating data from Multiple Information Sources"; Int. J. on Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems, Vol.2 No.2, 1993, pp 127-158. =I3=
[ArensK:92] Yigal Arens and Craig A. Knoblock: "Planning and
Reformulating Queries for Semantically-Modeled Multidatabase Systems";
Proceedings of the First International Conference on Information
and Knowledge Management (CIKM), Baltimore, MD, 1992. =
[ArensKS:96] Ygal Arens, Craig Knoblock, and Wei-Min Shen: "Query Reformulation for Dynamic Information Integration"; in Wiederhold (editor): Intelligent Integration of Information, Kluwer Pubs., 1996. =I3=
[Arnold:93] Robert S. Arnold: Software Reengineering; IEEE Press, 1993.
[Arthur:88] Lowell Jay Arthur: Software Evolution: The Software Maintenance Challenge; Wiley, 1988. = Maintenance to increase quality =P[Lisa Camensano 1995] =SW=
[Artur:92] Lowell Jay Artur =Arthur? : Rapid Evolutionary Development, Requirements, Prototyping, and Software Creation; Wiley, 1992. =SW
[AshishK:97] Naveen Ashish and Craig A. Knoblock: "Semi-automatic Wrapper Generation for Internet Information Sources"; Second IFCIS Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS), Charleston, South Carolina, 1997 =@ISI, USC. Second IFCIS Conference on Cooperative Information Systems (CoopIS), Charleston, South Carolina, 1997. =I3= Building wrappers for/from WWW sources. Deals with 2 types of sources: 1) Multiple-instance sources (provide info in multiple pages, as CIA World Fact Book or NSF grants database 2) Single-instance sources - information is on 1 page as Yahoo list of countries by region; not with loosely-structured sources. Use lex and yacc to produce a parser of the source pages. Wrapper finds network location of page(s) from URLs. User specifies a mapping for multi-page URLs. Wrapper uses PERL to get pages over web and KQML to communicate with mediator [W.Pollock].
[AtkinsonC:94] Colin Atkinson: Object-oriented Reuse, Concurrency, and Distribution; ACM P 1994?.
[AtkinsonBM:95] M.P. Atkinson, V. Benzaken, and D.Maier (eds.) Persistent Object Systems; Springer-Verlag and British Computer Society, 1995, Workshops in Computing Series, ISBN 3-540-19912-8 = The proceedings of the sixth international workshop on Persistent Object Systems held in Tarascon, France 1994. 29 papers with summaries of sessions and keynote discussions (object store engineering, object caching, concurrency, applications, system evolution, optimization, reflection).
[Auletta:98]Ken Auletta: The Highwaymen: Warriors of the Information Superhighway; 1998. = =TIHI= Security
[ATP:99] NIST Advanced Technology Program; =TT=
[Bach:94] James Bach: Process Evolution in a Mad World; Borland International, Scotts Valley CA, 1993.
[Backup:99] Backup:The #1 Online Backup Service;, San Diego CA, 1999,
[Baker:94] Nicholson Baker: ``DisCards"; The New Yorker Magazine, 4 April 1994, pp. 64--86.
[Baker:98] Thomas Baker : "Languages for Dublin Core:"; D-Lib Magazine, 1998, http://cnri.dlib/december98-baker
[BalEa:98] Henri E. Bal, Raoul Bhoedjang, Rutger Hofman, Ceriel Jacobs, Koen Langedoen, Tim Ruehl, and M.F. Kashoek: Performance evaluation of the ORCA shared-object System"; ACM Trans.Comp.Sys., Vol.16 No.1, Feb.1998, pages 1-40. =SW= Since ORCA objects reside in a distributed shared memory system, it is intended for modules sharing a memory bus and having a high degree of consistency.
[BaraaniPSG:95] Ahmed Baraani-Dasterdji, Josef Pieprzyk, Reihaneh SafaviNaini, and Janusz R. Getta: "A Cryptographic Mechanism for Object-Instance-based Authorization on Object-Oriented Database Systems"; in Papazoglou (ed.) OOER'95, Springer LCNS No.1021, 1995, pp.44-54. =TIHI=
[BarkerO:89] V.E. Barker and D.E. OConnor: ``Expert Systems for Configuration at Digital: XCON and Beyond''; Comm.ACM, Vol.32 No.3, Mar.1989, pp.298--318.
[Barkley:95] John Barkley: Role-based Access Control for the WWW;, 1995. =TIHI , RBAC provides an administrator's view of organization and its policies.
[Barnhart:94] Andy Barnhart: "Component-based solutions with OLE 2.0"; Software Development, Vol.2 No.9, Sept. 1994,page 47-51.
[BarrT:94] Avron Barr and Shirley Tessler: Software Industry Study; Stanford Computer Industry Project">(SCIP), Stanford 1994.
[Barsalou:88] Thierry Barsalou: ``An Object-based Architecture for Biomedical Expert Database Systems"; SCAMC 12, IEEE CS Press, 1988.
[BarsalouCW:89] Thierry Barsalou, R. Martin Chavez, and Gio Wiederhold: "Hypertext Interfaces for Decision-Support Systems: A Case Study"; Proc IFIP MEDINFO 89, Beijing and Singapore, Dec. 1989, pages 126 to 130 (received gold medal); also Stanford KSL Report 89-03, Jan. 1989.
[BarsalouW:89] Thierry Barsalou and Gio Wiederhold: ``Knowledge-directed Mediation Between Application Objects and Data"; Proc. Working Conf. on Data and Knowledge Integration, Univ. of Keele, England, 1989, Pittman Pub.
[BarsalouW:90] T. Barsalou and G. Wiederhold: ``Complex Objects For Relational Databases''; Computer Aided Design, Vol. 22 No. 8, Buttersworth, Great Britain, October 1990.
[BarsalouSKW:91] T. Barsalou, N. Siambela, A. Keller, and G. Wiederhold: ``Updating Relational Databases through Object-Based Views''; ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder CO, May 1991.
[BarsalouSHW:92] T. Barsalou, W. Sujansky, L.A. Herzenberg, and G. Wiederhold: "Management of Complex Immunogenetics Information Using an Enhanced Relational Model"; IMIA Yearbook in Medical Informatics, International Medical Informatics Association, 1992.
[Basili:88] V.R. Basili and H.D. Rombach: "The Tame Project: Towards Improvement-Oriented Software Environments"; IEEE Trans SE, vol.SE14, 1988, pages 758-773. =SW=
[Basili:90] Victor Basili: "Viewing Maintenance as Reuse-Oriented Software Development"; IEEE Software, Vol.7 No.1, Jan. 1990, pp.19-25.
[Bassett:98] P. Bassett: "Managing for Flexible Software Manufacturing"; IEEE Computer, Vol.31 no.7, July 1998. = The article discusses reuse, the reason why it does not happen, and proposes some general remedies: management, architecture, infrastructure [Beringer].
[BBN:81] BBN: A History of the ARPANet, The First Decade report 4799, Bolt Beranek and Newman, Cambridge MA, 1981.
[BeckCT:93] Howard Beck, Ken Currie and Austin Tate: A Domain Description Language for Job-Shop Scheduling; Un. of Edinburgh AIAI-TR-137 October 1993; =SW=
[BeckEa:94] J. Robert Beck et al: Policy Forum; JAMIA. Vol.1 No.4, July/August 1994, pp. 313-324. =TIHI= Special issue on Privacy and Security in Healthcare.
[BeeriR:87] C. Beeri and R. Ramakishnan: ``On the Power of Magic"; ACM-PODS, San Diego, Mar.1987.
[Beizer:90] B. Beizer: Software Testing Techniques; Van Nostrand Reinhold, 1990.
[Belady:91] Laszlo A. Belady: "From Software Engineering to Knowledge Engineering: The Shape of the Software Industry in the 1990's"; International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol.1 No.1, 1991. =SW= Type A and type B programers
[Bellovin:97] Steven M. Bellovin: "Network and Internet Security"; in Peter Denning and Dorothy Denning, eds.: Internet Besieged: Countering Cyberspace Scofflaws, ACM Press, 1997. =TIHI=
[Bellovin:96] Steven M. Bellovin: "Network Security Issues"; in A. Tucker, ed., CRC Computer Science and Engineering Handbook, CRC Press, 1996. =TIHI=
[Bellovin:95] Steven M. Bellovin, "Security and Software Engineering"; in B. Krishnamurthy, editor: Practical Reusable UNIX Software, John Wiley & Sons, 1995. =TIHI=
[Behrens:97]. Cliff Behrens: "USDAC's Prototype Catalog and Data Access System"; Information Technology Workshop 1, Earth & Space Data Computing Division (ESDCD), Code 930, Earth Sciences Directorate NASA/Goddard Space Flight Center Greenbelt MD 20771 USA,
[Belady:91] Laszlo A. Belady: "From Software Engineering to Knowledge Engineering: The Shape of the Software Industry in the 1990's"; International Journal of Software Engineering and Knowledge Engineering, Vol.1 No.1, 1991.
[BeringerTJW:98] Dorothes Beringer, Catherine Tornabene, Pankaj Jain, and Gio Wiederhold: "A Language and System for Composing Autonomous, Heterogeneous and Distributed Megamodules"; DEXA International Workshop on Large-Scale Software Composition, August 98, Vienna, Austria,
[BerleantB:94] Dan Berleant and Hal Berghel: ``Customizing Information''; IEEE Computer; Vol.27 Nos.9,10, Sep., Oct. 1994, pages 96--98, 76--78.
[BernersLeeCGP:92] T. Berners-Lee, R. Cailliau, J. Groff, and B. Pollermann: ``WorldWideWeb: The Information Universe"; Electronic Networking: Research, Applications and Policy; Vol.1 No.2, 1992, pages 52-58. =I3= =NII=
[BernersLee:94] Tim Berners-Lee: RFC 1738: Uniform resource Locators;, Dec.1994. =I3= =NII= URL specification.
[BertinoBFS:96] Elisa Bertino, Claudio Bettini; Elena Ferrari; Pierangela Samarati: "Supporting Periodic Authorization and Temporal Reasoning in Database Access Control"; VLDB 96. = constraint rules useful for =TIHI=.
[Berzins:95] Valdis Berzins (ed.): Software Slicing and Merging; IEEE CS books, 1995. Methods for re-enginering legacy programs. =SW= .
[Betz:94] M. Betz: "Interoperable Objects"; Dr. Dobbs Journal, Vol.19 no.11, pp.18 af. = OLE vs. OpenDoc =SW=
[Beyerchen:92] Alan D. Beyerchen: "Clausewitz, Nonlinearity and the Unpredictability of War'; International Security, vol.17 no.3, Winter 1992, pp.59-90; reprinted in [Czerwinski:98]. = limitations of prediction: linear assumptions: proportionality and additivity of effects. =SimQL=
[BhatnagarK:86] Bhatnagar and L.N. Kanal: "Handling Uncertain Information: A Review of Numeric and Non-numeric Methods"; in Kanal and Lemmer(eds.): Uncertainty in AI, North-Holland publishers, 1986. = SimQL
[Bhimani:96] Anish Bhimani: "Securing the Commercial Internet"; Comm.ACM, March 1996. = barrier to internet commerce and virtual enterprises in security. =TIHI=
[Biefeld:90] E. Biefeld, and Cooper, L.: Operations mission planner; Technical Report. JPL 90-16, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, 1990.=SKC=
[Binder:99] Robert Binder: Testing Object-Oriented Software: Models, Patterns, and Tools; Addison-Wesley, Booch, Rumbaugh Jacobson Series, 1999. =SW=
[Binder:95] Robert Binder: Trends in Testing Object-Oriented Software; IEEE Computer,V ol.28 no.10, Oct.95, pp-68-68. @RBSC Corp. =SW=
[Binder:94] Robert Binder: "Object-Oriented Software Testing"; special topic issue, Comm.ACM, Vol.37 No.9, Sept. 1994.
[Binstock:94] Andrew Binstock: "Objectively Speaking"; Unix Review, June 1994, page 7. =editorial on limited success of OO SW paradigm. =SW=
[BlakeBT:92] G.E.Blake, T.Bray, and Frank W.Tompa, ``Shortening the OED: Experience with a Grammar-Defined Database''; ACM Trans. Information Sys., Vol.10 No.3, July 1992, pp. 213-232. =SKC=
[BlakeleyCL:89] J.A. Blakeley, N. Coburn, and P. Larson: "Updating Derived Relations: Detecting Irrelevant and Autonomously Computable Updates"; ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol. 14, No. 3, 1989, 369-400.
[BlakeleyLT:86] J. Blakely, P. A. Larson, and F. W. Tompa: "Efficiently Updating Materialized Views"; ACM SIGMOD, Int. Conf. on Management of Data, Washington, D.C., May 1986, 61-67.
[BlakeleyMG:93] J. Blakeley, W. McKenna, G. Graefe. "Experiences Building the Open OODB Query Optimizer"; ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, Washington, D.C. May 1993.
[Blakeley:94] J. Blakeley, "OQLC++: Extending C++ with an Object Query Capability"; in Won Kim (ed.): Modern Database Systems: The Object Model, Interoperability, and Beyond, Addison Wesley/ACM Press, 1994.
[Blum:82] Robert L. Blum: Discovery and Representation of Causal Relationships from a Large Time-Oriented Clinical Database: The RX Project; Springer Verlag, Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, no.19, 1982.
[Blum:92] Bruce Blum: Software Engineering, A Holistic Approach; Oxford Un. Press, 1992. = This philosophical but unbiased textbook on software engineering was written by a practioner who has had substantial experience developing clinical applications. It covers the system-development process, data-flow diagrams, and structured-coding technique
[Blum:96] Bruce Blum: Beyond Programming; Oxford Un.Press, 1996. =SW+
[Boehm:84] Barry W. Boehm: ``Software Engineering Economics"; IEEE Trans. Software Eng., Vol.10 No.1, Jan.1984, pp.4--21. =SW=
[BoehmEa:91] Barry Boehm et al.:Department of Defense, Software Strategy (draft); prepared for the Director of Defense Research and Engineering, Dec 1991. =SW= Reuse oriented, includes economic models. In Gio's office =SW=
[BoehmS:92] Barry W. Boehm and William Scherlis: "Megaprogramming (preliminary version)"; Proc. DARPA Software Technology Conference April 1992, Los Angeles CA, April 28-30, Meridien Corp., Arlington VA 1992, pp 68-82. Meridien, 1992, pp 68-82. =SW= see Tracz for reference.
[BoehmEa:98] Barry Boehm, A. Egyed, J. Kwan, D. Port, A. Shah, and R. Madachy: "Using the WinWin Spiral Model: A Case Study"; IEEE Computer, Vol.31 No.7, July 1998, pp.33-44. =SW= short note concerning WinWin Spiral Model, more on experiences in student projects; WinWin seems quite interesting. The WinWin Spiral Model has mainly the following two add-ons to the classical spiral model: 1) additional activities at the beginning of each spiral cycle 2) process anchor points [Beringer].
[Boehm:99] Barry Boehm: "Managing Software Productivity and Reuse";
USC SW institute, July 1999; to appear as an IEEE Computer column; [Booch:94] Grady Booch: Object-Oriented Design with Applications, 2nd Ed.; Benjamin-Cummins, 1994. =SW= An introduction to Object-oriented Programming, by one of its chief proponents and tool builders. [Boose:86] Boose, J.H.: "Rapid acquisition and combination of knowledge from multiple experts in the same domain"; Future Computing Systems Journal, Vol.1, 1986, pp.191-216. =on consensus knowledge acquisition: [BowmanSMS:94] C. Mic Bowman, Peter B. Danzig, Udi Manber, and Michael F. Schwartz, 1994. "Scalable Internet Resource Discovery: Research Problems and Approaches"; Comm. ACM, Vol.37 No.8, pp. 98-107, August 1994. [Boose:86] J.H. Boose: "Rapid acquisition and combination of knowledge from multiple experts in the same domain"; Future Computing Systems Journal, 1, 191-216. = on consensus knowledge acquisition: [BoraG84] H. Boral and I. Gold: "Towards a Self-Adapting Centralized Concurrency Control Algorithm"; ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of Data, Boston MA, May 1984. [BorensteinF:93] Nathaniel Borenstein and Ned Freed: MIME (Multipupose Internet Mail Extension; TR Sep. 1993. [BowmanEa:94] C. Mic Bowman, Peter B. Danzig, Darren R. Hardy, Udi Manber and Michael F. Schwartz: ``The HARVEST Information Discovery and Access System''; Proceedings of the Second International World Wide Web Conference, Chicago, Illinois, October 1994, pages 763--771. Available from [Brachman:91] R. J. Brachman, D. McGuinness, P. Patel-Schneider, A. Borgida: and L. Resnick: "Living with CLASSIC: When and how to use a KL-ONE-like language". In J. Sowa"; (ed.), Principles of Semantic Networks, pages 401-456. Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, Cal: 1991.=SKC= [Brill:93] D. Brill: LOOM Reference Manual; Version 2.0: USC/ISI: 4676 Admiralty Way: Marina del Rey: CA 90292: 1993.=SKC= [Brockschmidt:94] Kraig Brockschmidt: Inside OLE 2; Microsoft Press, 1994, 977pp. [BrodieMS:86] M. Brodie, J. Mylopoulos, and J. Schmidt (eds.): On Knowledge Base Management Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies; Springer Verlag, June 1986. [BrodieS:95] Michael Brodie and Michael Stonebraker (eds): Migrating Legacy Systems; Morgan Kaufman, 1995. [Brown:93] George Brown: "Can Scientists Make Change Their Friend'; Scientific American, june 1993, page 151. = warning on being relevant, by the chair of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology [BukhresE:95] O. Bukhres and A. Elmagarmid: Objrct-oriebted Mukltidatabase Systms; Prentice Hall 1995 [Braithwaite:96] Bill Braithwaite: "National health information privacy bill generates heat at SCAMC"; Journal of the American Informatics Association, Vol.3 no.1, 1996, pp.95-96. =TIHI= [Brown:95] D. Brown: "Design of a Highly Available Switching Platform Employing Commercial Components"; Proc. ICC 95 - International Communication Conference, Hamburg Germany 1995. = HRP, an AT&T CLOS-written system for high-reliability multi-processing. =SW= [BuchananEa:90] B.G. Buchanan, D. Bobrow, R. Davis, J. McDermott, and E.H. Shortliffe: ``Knowledge-Based Systems''; J.Traub (ed.): Annual Review of Computer Science; 1990, Vol.4, pp. 395--416. [BukhresE:95] O. Bukhres and A. Elmagarmid: Object-oriented Multidatabase Systms; Prentice Hall 1995 =SW= [Burgess:94] Lisa Burgess: "New Software Gives Commander Control of Radio Codes"; Defense News, 21Feb1994. [BullDPR:87] M. Bull, R. Duda, D. Port, and J. Reiter: ``Applying Software Engineering Principles to Knowledge-Base Development"; Proc. Expert Systems and Business 87, NY, Learned Information, Meadford NJ, Nov.1987, pp.27--37. [Burnstein:96] M. Burnstein & D. Smith: "ITAS: A Portable Interactive Transportation Scheduling Tool Using a Search Engine Generated from Formal specifications"; in B. Drabble (ed.): Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems, AAAI Press: 1996.=SKC= [Bush:45] Vannevar Bush: ``As We May Think''; Atlantic Monthly, Vol.176 No.1, 1945, pp.101--108; [Bush:93] Randy Bush: "FIDONet: Technology, Tools, and History"; Comm.ACM, Vol.36 No.8, August 1993, pp.31:35. = history, politics, and use of a user initiated-network [ButterworthOS:91] Paul Butterworth, Allen Otis, and Jacob Stein: "The Gemstone Object DBMS"; ?? pp.50-63 [BuvacM:98] Sasa Buvac and John McCarthy: Combining Planning Contexts; Stanford University, Formal AI group, 1998, =SKC= [Cairncross:97] Frances Cairncross: The Death of Distance; How the
Communications Revolution Will Change Our Lives; Harvard Business
School Press, 1997. =I3= [CallahanR:81] M.V. Callahan and P.F. Rusch: ``Online implementation of the Chemical Abstracts SEARCH file and the CAS Registry Nomenclature File"; Online Rev., Vol.5 No.5, Oct.1981, pp.377-393. [CallahanP:91] J. Callahan and J. Purtilo: "A packaging system for heterogeneous execution environments"; IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol. 17, (1991), pp. 626-635.= Polylith UMD [CaludeMS:94] C. Calude, H. Maurer, A. Salomaa: ``J.UCS: The Journal for Universal Computer Science and its Applications to Teaching"; Symposium Didaktik der Mathematik, Klagenfurt, Schriftenreihe Didaktik der Mathematik, 1994. [CarbonellKM:91] Jiame Crabonell, Craig Knoblock, and Steven Minton: "PRODIGY: an integrated Architecture for Planning and Learning"; in VanLehn (ed):Architecture for Intelligence, Lawrence Erlbaum pubs, 1991, pp.241-278. [CareyFLS91] M. Carey, M. Franklin, M. Livny, and E. Shekita: Data Caching Tradeoffs in Client-Server DBMS Architecture; ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of Data, Denver, CO, May 1991, 357-366. [CareyHMW:96] Michael Carey, Laura Haas, Vivek Maganty, John Williams: "Pesto: An integrated Query/Browser for Object Databases"; Proc. VLDB 96, Morgan Kaufman, 1996, pp.203-214. [Cargill:89] Carl Cargill: Information Technology Standardization: Theory, Process, and Organizations; Digital Press, 1989. [Carlson:92] A. Carlson: Penguin System Internal Maintenance
Specifications; unpublished document, Stanford, October 1992. = put it
on a web page, so people can get to it. [Carnegie:94] Carnegie: Science, Technology, and Government for a Changing World; report of the carnegie Commission, 1994. = 5 year study final repor. [Carr:92] T. Carr: "Predicting Software Defects Over Time"; 9th Int. Conf. on Software Testing, Washington DC, June1992 = SW testing asymptote =SW= [Carrol:95] John M. Carroll: "Scenario-Based Design; Envsioning Work and Technology in System Development"; Wiley, 1995 =SW= papers from Jun 1993 workshop. Workflow, representation, OO, User-interfaces. [CasatiCPP:95] F. Casati, S. Ceri, B. Pernici and Guiseppe Pozzi: "Conceptual Modeling of WorkFlows"; in Papazoglou (ed.) OOER'95, Springer LCNS No.1021, 1995, pp.341-354. =SW= [CastanoFMS:95] S.Castano, M.G. Fugini, G.Martella, and P. Samarati: Database Security; Addison Wesley - ACM Press, 1995, pp. 456. =TIHI= | | [Cattell 91] R. Cattell: Object Data Management: Object Oriented and Extended Relational Systems; Addison-Wesley, 1991. [Cattell:94] R.Cattell (eds): The Object Database Standard: ODMG (3 9version 1.1); Morgan Kaufman, May 1994 [CeriPW:89] Stefano Ceri, Barbara Pernici, and Gio Wiederhold:
"Design Support Environment for Distributed Databases"; Information
Systems; Vol.14 No.3, 1989, pages 261-272. [CeriW:91] Stefano Ceri and Jenifer Widom: ``Deriving Production Rules for Incremental View Maintenance''; 17th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, Barcelona, Spain, September 1991, pages 577-589. [CeriF:97] Stefano Ceri and Piero Fratelli: Designing Database
Applications with Objects and Rules, The IDEA Methodology; Addison-Wesley, 1997. =DBD= =I3= [ChalupskyHR:97] H. Chalupsky, E. Hovy, and T. Russ, T.: Presentation on Ontology Alignment; NCITS.TC.T2 ANSI at ad hoc group on ontology, 1997.. =SKC= [ChaudhriEa:98] Vinay K. Chaudhri, A. Farquhar, R. Fikes, P.D. Karp, and J.~P. Rice, Open Knowledge Base Connectivity (OKBC) 2.0.3; Draft standard proposal, SRI International, July 1998.. =SKC= [ChamberlinGT:75] D.D.Chamberlin, J.N.Gray, and I.L.Traiger: ``Views, Authorization, and Locking in a Relational Data Base System"; Proc.1975 NCC, AFIPS Vol.44, AFIPS Press, pp.425--430. [ChakravarthyFM:85] U.S. Chakravarthy, D. Fishmann and J. Minker; ``Semantic Query Optimization in Expert Systems and Database Systems''; Expert Databases, Kerschberg(ed), Benjamin Cummins, 1985. [ChangGP:96] Chen-Chuan K. Chang, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas
Paepcke : Boolean Query Mapping Across Heterogeneous Information
Sources ; IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering; Vol.8,
pp.515-521, Aug., 1996. =I3= [ChaoFK:94] Chin-Wang Chao, Gene Fuoco, and Diane Krpfl: "FASTAR
Platform Gives tbe Network a Competetive Edge"; AT&T Technical
Journal, Vol.73 No. 4, Jul-Aug.1994, pp.69-181 = introduction of
software subsystem for backup link into the AT&T
network. Traditional, but careful SW practice. =SW= [Charles:99] John Charles: "Middleware Moves to the Forefront";
IEEE Computer Magazine, Vol.32 no.5, May 1999, pages 17-19. =I3=
Application areas for middleware.
[Charette:79] R.H. Charette: Software Engineering and Risk
Analysis Management; McGraw- Hill 1979. [Chaudhuri:90] Surajit Chaudhuri: ``Generalization and a
Framework for Query Modification''; Proceedings of the Sixth
International Conference on Data Engineering, Los Angeles, Feb
1990, pp.138-145. [ChavezM:96 ] Anthony Chavez and Pattie Maes: "Kasbah: An Agent
Marketplace for Buying and Selling Goods"; First International
Conference on the Practical Application of Intelligent Agents and
Multi-Agent Technology, London, UK, April 1996. =I3= [ChavezTW:98] Andrea Chavez, Catherine Tornabene, and Gio Wiederhold:
"Software Component Licensing Issues: A Primer; IEEE Software,
Vol.15 No.5, Sept-Oct 1998, pp.47-52. =I3= [ChawatheEa:94] S. Chawathe, H. Garcia-Molina, J. Hammer, K.
Ireland, Y. Papakonstantinou, J. Ullman, and J. Widom: "The TSIMMIS
Project: Integration of Heterogeneous Information Sources"; In
Proceedings of IPSJ Conference, pp. 7-18, Tokyo, Japan, October 1994.
= TSIMMIS mediators =I3= [ChawatheGW:94] S. Chawathe, H. Garcia-Molina and J. Widom:
"Flexible Constraint Management for Autonomous Distributed Databases";
IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Vol. 17, No. 2, pp. 23-27, June 1994.
=Constraint Management in TSIMMIS Mediators =I3= [ChawatheGW:96] S. Chawathe, H. Garcia-Molina and J. Widom: "A
Toolkit for Constraint Management in Heterogeneous Information
Systems"; IEEE Twelfth International Data Engineering Conference, pp.
56-65, New Orleans, February 1996. = Constraint Management in TSIMMIS
Mediators =I3= [ChawatheG:97] S. S. Chawathe and H.
Garcia-Molina: "Meaningful Change Detection in Structured Data";
Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD Conference, Tuscon, Arizona, May,
1997. [Cheeseman:85] Peter Cheeseman: ``In Defense of
Probability''; Proc. IJCAI, Los Angeles, 1985, pp.1002--1009.
[ChenM:89] M.C.Chen and L.McNamee: ``A Data Model and Access
Method for Summary Data Management''; IEEE Data Engineering
Conf.5, Los Angeles, Feb.1989. [ChenEa:99] SuShing Chen et
al.: NSF Workshop on Data Archival and Information Preservation;
Washington DC, March 1999, to appear on
=I3= [CheswickB:94] W. R. Cheswick and S. M. Bellovin: Firewalls and Internet Security: Repelling the Wily Hacker; Addison-Wesley, 1994. =TIHI [ChiangR:82] T.C. Chiang and G.R. Rose: ``Design and Implementation of a Production Database Management System (DBM-2)''; Bell System Technical Journal, Vol.61 No.9, Nov.1982, pp.2511--2528. [ChillaregeA:91] Chillarege et al.: Orthogonal Defect
Classification for Defect Control; IBM TJ Watson Res. TR RC17320,
2Nov1991.= clasify defects, analyze pattern, find cause, and try to
reduce that class of errors in the future. =SW= testing. [ChoiSW:97] Son-Yong Choi, Dale O. Stahl, and Andrew B. Whinston: The
Economics of Electronic Commerce; Macmillan, 1997. =I3= [ChuMB:93] W.W. Chu, M. Merzbacher, and L. Berkovich: ``The Design
and Implementation of CoBase"; ACM SIGMOD '93, May 1993,
pp.517-522. [ChuQ:92] W.W. Chu and Q. Chen: ``Neighborhood and Associative Query Answering"; Journal of Intelligent Information System, Vol.1 No.3/4, 1992, pp.355-382. [ChuQ:94] W.W. Chu and Q. Chen: ``A Structured Approach for Cooperative Query Answering"; IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.6 No.5, October 1994. [ChuEa:96] W.W. Chu, et al.: "CoBase: A Scalable and Extensible Cooperative Information System"; in Wiederhold (editor): Intelligent Integration of Information, Kluwer Pubs., 1996. =I3= [CIA:97] Central Intelligence Agency: CIA Factbook; 1997, =SKC= [CicchettiLLM:89] R. Cicchetti, L.D. Lakhal, N. LeThanh, and S. Miranda: ``A Logical Summary-data Model for Macro Statistical Databases''; DASFAA 1, Seoul Korea, KISS and IPSJ, Apr.1989, pp.43--51. = Distinguishes micro, source databases, and macro, derived summary databases. Compared with Ghosh's SRT, Ozsoyoglu's SMT. Composability of primitive tables. ORACLE implementation. Statistics [Cimino:96] J.J. Cimino: "Review paper: coding systems in health
care"; Methods of Information in Medicine, Schattauer Verlag,
Stuttgart Germany, Vol.35 Nos.4-5, Dec.1996, pp.273-284. =I3= [ClarkeOPT:99] Lori A. Clarke, Leon J. Osterweil, Dewayne Perry,
and Richard N. Taylor: "Software Engineering Research: Challenges,
Successes, and Opportunities"; July 1999; [ClaytonEA:97] Paul Clayton et al.: For The Record, Protecting
Electronic Health Care Information; National Academy Press, 1997.
=I3= [Clearwater:96] Scott H. Clearwater (Ed.): Market-Based Control : A Paradigm for Distributed Resource Allocation; World Scientific Pub, March 1996, ISBN: 9810222548. =SimQL= Market-Based Control is a paradigm for controlling complex systems that would otherwise be very difficult to control, maintain, or expand. The purpose of this volume is to illustrate the utility of market-based control through a series of papers focusing on different applications. A wide range of fields have provided motivation for these works include decentralization, interacting agents, and some notion of a resource that needs to be allocated. The papers span a range including theoretical considerations, simulations, and implementations. [CNRI:99] Corporation for National Research Initiatives; =I3= [CoC:90] Council on Competetiveness: Gaining New Ground: Technology Priorities for America's Future; 1990 [Codd:70] E.F. Codd: "A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared
Data Banks"; CACM, Vol.13 No.6, June 1970. = the fundemental
paper for relational databases. [CochranePM:96] Bobby Cochrane, Hamid Pirhesh, and Nelson Mattis: "Integrating Triggers and Ceclarative Constraints in SQL Database Systems"; VLDB 96, pp 567-578. = clear definition of SQL92/3 connection constraints. Differs from Starburst.. =SM= [Cohen:89] Danny Cohen: ``Computerized Commerce''; Information Processing 89, Ritter (ed), IFIP North-Holland 1989, pp.1095--1100. [CohenC:93] Danny Cohen and N. Campbell: "Automating Relational Operations on Dat Structures"; ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Proc. of the Workshop on Interface Definition Languages, ACM, August 1994. = includes an estimate statement =SW= [CohenF:82] P.R. Cohen and E. Feigenbaum (eds.): The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence; Morgan Kaufman, 1982. [CohenGN:94] Danny Cohen, N.M. Goldman, and K. Narayanaswamy: "Adding Performance Information to ADT Interfaces"; ACM SIGPLAN Notices, Proc. of the Workshop on Interface Definition Languages, IEEE, August 1994. = includes an estimate statement =SW=. [CohenL:88] H. Cohen and S. Layne (editors) Future Data Management and Access, Workshop to Develop Recommendations for the National Scientific Effort on AIDS Modeling and Epidemiology; sponsored by the White House Domestic Policy Council, 1988. {CohenEa:98] Paul Cohen, Robert Schrag, Eric Jones, Adam Pease, Albert Lin; Barbara Starr, david Gunning, and Murray Burke: "The DARPA High-Performance Knowledge bases Project"; AI Magazine, Winter 1998, AAAI, pp.25-49. [ColbyGLM:96] Latha Colby, Timothy Griffin, Leonid Libkin, Inderpal Singh Mumick, and Howard Trickey: "Algorithms for Deferred View Maintenance"; Proc.SIGMOD 96, ACM, June 1996, pp.469-480. = Infsys can be exploited to hold tentative results generated by SimQL. [ColeEa:95] WG Cole, DD Sherertz, MS Tuttle, GT Hsu, LM Fagan, RW Carlson: "Semantic visualization of oncology knowledge sources"; Proc Annu Symp Comput Appl Med Care; 1995, pp.67-71. = LXT, SKC [ColemanALO:94] Don Coleman, Dan Ash, Bruce Lowther, and Paul Oman: "Using Metrics to Evaluate Software Systems Maintainability"; IEEE Computer, Vol.27 No.8, Aug.1994, pp.44-49. =SW= Importance for Hewlett-Packard. Categorization of tasks: Corrective, Adaptive, and Perfective. References to 5 models, but only an HP 3-dimensional (control structure, info. structure, typography) one is evaluated, module by module, versus the assessments of SW engineers. [ColletHS:91] C. Collet, M. Huhns, and W-M. Shen: ``Resource Integration Using a Large Knowledge Base in CARNOT''; IEEE Computer, Vol.24 No.12, Dec.1991. [Conner:94] Dominic Conner: "Microsoft Visual C++"; EXE, Vol.8 No.8. Feb, 1994, pp.58 (4 pages). = Reference for visual programming and OLE, provided by Avery Kadison. =SW= [Connolly:97] Dan Connolly (ed.): XML: Principles, Tools, and Techniques; O'Reilly, 1997; reprint of World Wide Web Journal, Vol.2 No.4, 1996. [CookeG:91] D.E. Cooke and A. Gates: ``On the Developmemnt of a method to Synthesize Programs from Requirements Specifications''; Int. J.on Software Eng. and Knowledge Eng., Vol.1 No.1, March 1991, pp.21--38. [Cooper:95] Cooper-Jones (caton?): Software Productivity measurement = See =P[Emrich:96] presentation at EBDT'96 Productivity C- Cobel=2x; Cobol - Smalltalk 2x ; Smalltalk - reusable objects 2x. [CourtneyJSSW:94] A. Courtney, W. Janssen, D. Severson, M. Spreitzer and F. Wymore: Inter-Language Unification release 1.5; Xerox PARC, ISTL-CSA-94-01-01, No. P94-00058), May 1994, [Corbato:92] Fernado Corbato: " ", 1992 Turing lectures. = we must eecgnize that we will always build systems that fail. [CorellaKWY:84] Francisco Corella, S.J. Kaplan, G. Wiederhold, and L. Yesil: "Cooperative Responses to Boolean Queries"; Proc. IEEE First Data Engineering Conference, April 1984, pages 77-93. [Cox:94] Brad Cox: ``Superdistribution''; Wired, Idea Fortes section, Sep. 1994, The Coalition On Electronic Markets''; George Mason Un., Fairfax VA, 1994 [Cox:94] Brad Cox: The Coalition On Electronic Markets; [Cox:90] Brad Cox "Planning the Software Industrial Revolution"; IEEE Software, Nov.1990, pp 25-33= Brad is now into revenue on-line collection for SW Use, recent work on 1993 ACM SIGSOFT Symposium, (chaired by Barry Boehm) =get [Craig:91] Iain Craig: The Formal Specification of Advanced Problem-solving Architectures; Ellis Horwood, Chichester, UK, 1991. Contains Z specifications of a blackboard system and the sequential component of a CASSANDRA system. A number of interesting properties are proved for blackboard systems. The book provides as a semantics for CASSANDRA systems. [CramsieEa:97] Bill Cramsie et al: CIIMPLEX Reference Architecture; Consortium for Integrated Manufacturing Protocols (CIIMPLEX), Atlanta GA. =SW= [CreecyHS:92] Robert H. Creecy, Brij M. Masand, Stephen J. Smith: "Knowledge Engineering"; Com.ACM, Vol.35 No. 8, August 1992, pages 48-64. Thinking machine classification of census industry and occupational data in natural language. [Cronin:??] May J. Cronin: Doing Business on the Internet; VanNostrand Reinhold (800 842-3636) = for business users. [Culnan:91] Mary J. Culnan: The Lessons of the Lotus MarketPlace:
Implications for Consumer Privacy in the 1990’s; CFP’91. =I3= [Cuppens:96] Frederic Cuppens: "Querying a Multi-level Database: A Logical Analysis"; VLDB 96, pp.484-494,. = MLS query infrence, combines view approach of =P[SmithW:92] Winslett; with trusted overrides. Lower level queries, in case of contradiction, become cover stories. Ordering by need-to-know topics. Can lead to policy differences. Also reviews =P[Lunt:91]; =P[Spalka:94], =P[SandhuJ:92] Jojodia. Plyinstatiation to inhibit signalling or to support cover stories. TIHI=. [Curtis:80] B. Curtis: "Measurement and Experimentation in Software Engineering"; Proc. IEEE, Vol.68, pp.1144-1157 , 1980. =SW= [Curtis:85] B. Curtis: Human Factors in Software Development; IEEE CS Press, 1985. =SW= [Cuthbert:99] Adrian Cuthbert: "OpenGIS: Tales from a Small Market
Town"; in Vckovski, Brassel, and Schek: Interoperating Geographic
Information Systems, Springer LNCS 1580, 1999, pp.17-28. =I3= [Cutkosky:93] M.Cutkosky, R.S. Engelmore, R. Fikes, M.R. Genesereth, T.R. Gruber, W.S. Mark, J.M. Tenenbaum, and J.C. Weber: "PACT: An Experimental in Integrating Engineering Systems"; IEEE Computer, Vol.26 No.1, 1993, pp. 28-37. [CypherST:99] Allen Cypher, David Canfield Smith, Larry Tesler:
Visual Interactive Simulations; Stagecraft Software, Inc., Palo Alto,
CA;, 1999. =I3= [Czerwinski:98] Tom Czerwinski: Coping with the Bounds,
Speculations on Nonlinearity in Military Affairs; CCRP, NDU, 1998
[DahlDH:72] O-J. Dahl, E.W. Dijkstra, and C.A.R.Hoare: Structured
Programming; Academic Press, 1972. =I3= [DAllotto:96] L. J. D'Alotto: "Internet Firewalls Policy Developmemt and Technology Choices"; Proc. 19th National Information Systems Security Conference, Nist and National computer Security Center, Baltimore, MD, 1996, pp.259-266. =TIHI= [DampierB:94] Dave Dampier and Valdis Berzins: "Software Change-Merging in Dynamic Evolution"; NPGS workshop Proceedings 1994.= also see WS 1993 proceedings, slicing of a piece of a program, modifying it, and then prove that 'affected' behavior of the slice is invariant when re-merging. Permits merging of versions. =SW= [DampierLB:94] David Dampier, Luqi, and Valdis Berzins: "Automated Merging of Software Prototypes"; Journal of Systems Integration; Vol.4, 1994, pp.33-49. =SW= [DasSTM:94] A.K. Das, Y. Shahar, S.W. Tu, and M.A. Musen: "A temporal-abstraction mediator for protocol-based decision support"; [DaoP:96] S. Dao and B. Perry: "Information Mediation in Cyberspace: Scalable Methods for Declarative Information Networks"; in Wiederhold (editor): Intelligent Integration of Information, Kluwer Pubs., 1996. =I3= [DateD:93] C.J. Date and Hugh Darwen: A Guide to the SQL Standard, 3rd ed; Addison Wesley, June 1993. [Davenport:92?] Tom Davenport: "Reinventing Industry through Information Technology" =@Ernst and [DawsonQS:98] Steve Dawson, Shelley Qian, and Pierangela Samarati: "SecurevInteroperation of Heterogeneous Systems: A Mediator-based Approach"; submitted to SEC 98. = TIHI, SAW. [DayalH:83] U. Dayal and H.Y. Hwang: ``View Definition and Generalization for Database Integration in Multibase: A System for Heterogeneous Databases"; IEEE Trans. Software Eng., Vol.SE-10 No.6, Nov.1983, pp.628--645. [DeanW:91] Thomas Dean and Michael Wellman: Planning and Control; Morgan Kaufmann, 1991. [DeBellisH:95] Mike Debellis and Christine Haapala: "User-centric Software Engineering (USE)"; IEEE Expert, February, 1995, Volume 10, No. 1. =SW= [DeChampeuxLF:93] Dennis deChampeaux, Douglas Lea, Penelope Faure: Object-Oriented System Development; Addison-Wesley, HP series, 1993. =SW= @HewlettPackard [DegouletEa:94] Patrice Degoulet et al.: The HELIOS European Project on Software Engineering; = collection of papers about a Software Engineering Environment for Medical applications. Copy in Gio's office. =SW= @ Broussais Un.Hospital Paris,Med.Inf.Dept, Paris 75014, France [DeGraceS:93] Peter DeGrace and Leslie Hulet Stahl: The Olduvai Imperative: CASE and the State of Software Engineering Practice; PrenticeHall, 1993. = Software Engineering compared to the organization of work and tools in greece (individual) versus rome (managed). =SW= [DeGraceS:95] Peter DeGrace and Leslie Hulet Stahl: Wicked Problems, Righteous Solutions; 1995? . = Lighthearted critique of SW development models. =SW= [DeJesus:95] Edmund DeJesus: "Big OOP, no Ooops"; Byte; Aug.1995, pp.74-78. =infomercial for Shlaer-Mellor method wrt. to Life-cycle =P[Sosa:95]=SW= [DelisR:92] A. Delis and N. Roussopoulos: "Performance and Scalability of Client-Server Database Architectures"; 18th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada, 1992, 610-623. [DeMichiel:89] Linda DeMichiel: ``Performing Operations over Mismatched Domains"; IEEE Data Engineering Conference 5; Feb.1989; IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.1 No.4, Dec.1989. =I3= [Denning:82] Dorothy Dennning: Cryptography and Data Security; Addison-Wesley, 1982. =TIHI= [DenningDS:79] D. Denning, P. Denning, and M. Schwartz: "The tracker: A threat to statistical database security"; ACM Trans. on Database Systems, Vol.4 No.1, pp.76--96, March 1979. =TIHI+ [DenningM:95] Peter Denning and Mark Mendelbaum: ``The ACM Copyright Policy''; Comm. of the ACM; April 1995. [DenningR:95] Peter Denning and Bernard Rous: ``The ACM Electronic Publishing Plan; Comm. ACM, April 1995. [DenningD:97] Peter Denning and Dorothy Denning (eds.): Internet Besieged: Countering Cyberspace Scofflaws, ACM Press, 1997. =TIHI= [DenningM:97] Peter Denning and Bob Metcalfe (eds): Beyond
Computation; ACM, 1997. =I3= [DeRoseD:94] De Rose and Durand: Making Hypertext Work; Kluwer 1994 = description of HMTL and HyTime. [DeWittMFV 90] D.J. DeWitt, D. Maier, P. Futtersack, and F. Velez: "A Study of Three Alternative Workstation-Server Architectures for Object-Oriented Database Systems"; 16th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, Brisbane, Australia, 1990. [Derr:92] M.A. Derr: Adaptive Optimization in a Database Programming Language; Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, December 1992, Technical Report STAN-CS-92-1460 [Dertouzos:86] Michael L. Dertouzos: "The Multiprocessor Revolution: Harnessing Computer Together"; Technology Review, Vol.89 No.2, March 1986, MIT, pages 44-57. [Deux:90] O. Deux: "The Story of O2"; IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.2 No.1, March 1990. [DevanbuBSB:91] Premkumar Devanbu, Ronald Brachman, Peter J. Selfridge, and Bruce W. Ballard "LaSSIE: A Knowledge-based Software Information System"; Comm.ACM, Vol.34 No.5, May 1991, pp.35-49. = A Class-based CASE tool for reuse in telephone. In special issue on Software Engineering. [DeZegherEa:88] I. DeZegher-Geets., A.G. Freeman, M.G. Walker, R.L. Blum and G. Wiederhold: ``Summarization and Display of On-line Medical Records"; M.D. Computing, Vol.5 no.3, March 1988, pp.38-46. [DiffieH:76] Whitfield Diffie and Martin E. Hellman: "New Directions in Cryptography"; IEEE Trans.Inf.Theory, vol IT-22, 1976, pp.644-654= public key encryption. [diPaolo99] Andy diPaolo: Stanford on Demand; The Stanford Center for
Professional Development;, 1999. =I3= =NII= [DISA:94] DISA TRIK?: Technical Reference for Evaluation of Standards; . =SW= [DISA:96] Joint Technical Architecture (JTA) Overview; Appendix B, List of Mandated Standards and Sources, DISA, US Dept. of Defense, Center for Standards, 701 S. Courthouse Road, Arlington, VA 22204; the 1996 version is on JTA Web-page: http:96//, 1996=SKC= [DoD:85] Dep.of Defense: Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria; 1985. =The orange book, defines A1- B3? =TIHI= [Dodson:95] Donna Dodson: Minimum Interoperability Specification for PKI Components"; 1996. =SW= MEGA [DoE:93] Dep. of Energy: DoE White Paper on Bio-Informatics; URL, 1993. = ignores heterogeneity. [DolinEa:98] R.H. Dolin, S.M. Huff, R.A. Rocha, K.A. Spackman, and K.E. Campbell: "Evaluation of a 'Lexically Assign, Logically Refine' Strategy for Semi-automated Integration of Overlapping Terminologies"; Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association, Mar/Apr 1998. =In this paper, the authors describe their use of a hybrid combination of lexical and logic based strategies to merge terms from two ontologies. The two ontologies are SNOMED (Systemized Nomenclature of Human and Vetinary Medicine) and LOINC (Logical Obse rvation Identifier Names and Codes). SNOMED provides, among other things, a hierarchical classification of laboratory procedures without detailed laboratory terms which are necessary for reporting laboratory information. LOINC contains test result ident ification codes suitable for standardized reporting of laboratory information. Thus, there was much to be gained from merging both data models. The authors started with lexical techniques to merge the terms. To derive the terms to be compared, each string was first normalized. The normalization process involved breaking each string into its constituent words, lower-casing the words, removing pu nctuation, expanding abbreviations, substituting preferred terms for synonyms , etc. Following this process, LOINC concepts were put into appropriate locations in the SNOMED hierarchy. Logic-based techniques were then used to define the concepts and to map and classify terms based on the term definitions [D.Verheijen] =SKC=. The authors believe (and I concur) that their strategy works well if terminologies from both ontologies can be logically defined using the same model. Also, the availability of an existing value restrictions drawn From the SNOMED hierarchy allowed for a highly automated process of merging the terms. Thus, their strategy may not work as well for other merging efforts. [Dorfman:91] P. Dorfman: "FuNeGen 1.0 "; The Molloy Group, Parsippany, NJ, 1996.=SKC= [Doszkocs:86] Tamas E. Doszkocs: ``Natural Language Processing in Information Retrieval"; J.Am.Soc.Inf.Sci., Vol.37 No.4, Jul.1986, pp.191--196. [DownsWB:86] S.M. Downs, M.G. Walker, and R.L. Blum: ``Automated summarization of on-line medical records"; IFIP Medinfo'86, North-Holland 1986, pp.800-804. [Doyle:91] J. Doyle and R. Patil: "Two theses of knowledge representation: Language restrictions"; taxonomic classification, and the utility of representational services, J. Artificial Intelligence, 48, 261-297, 1991.=SKC= [Dunstan:89] James E. Dunstan (ed.): Knobots in the Real World; Report of Workshop on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in a Digital Library System, Corp. for Nat. Res. Initiatives, Reston VA., May 1989. [Dutcher:89] G.A. Dutcher: ``DOCLINE: A National Automated Interlibrary Loan Request Routing and Referral System'; Inf.Technol.Libraries, Vol.8, 1989, pages 359--370. [Dykstra:79] Edsger W. Dijkstra: A Discipline of
Programming; Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, N. J, 1979. ISBN
0-13-215871-X =Zaki hasan: This is one of the classics of computer
programming Dijkstra's theme is a rigorous and methodical way of
developing (small) programs. One of his ideas is that it pays to view
a program text as a mathematical object rather than as a sort of
machine. Some people dislike his approach because it is so
"mathematical", but if you have trouble handling formulas you are in
the wrong business and if you don't like a logical view of programs
Prolog is not for you. Dijkstra's methods are developed for an
imperative language with 'dont-care nondeterminism'. The approach
carries over very will indeed to Prolog. =SW= [Dyson:95] Esther Dyson: "Intellectual Value"; Wired, Vol.3 No.7 July 1995, pp.136-141,182-184.= An article on the diminishing value of contents [Dyson:97] Esther Dyson: Release 2.0: A Design for Living in the
Digital Age; Broadway Books, 1997. =I3= [ECMA:93] ECMA TC33: Portable Common Tools Environment (PCTE), 1992. [ElmagarmidLLR:90] Ahmed Elmagarmid, Y.Leu,Y., W.Litwin, and M.Rusinkiewicz: ``A Multidatabase Transaction Model for Interbase''; Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases 16, Morgan Kaufman pubs. 1990. [ElMasriW:79] Ramez El-Masri and Gio Wiederhold: ``Data Model Integration Using the Structural Model"; Proc. 1979 ACM SIGMOD Conference, pages 191-202. [ElMasriN:89] Ramez ElMasri and Sham Navathe: Fundamentals of Database Systems; Benjamin Cummins, 1989 = Entity- relationship diagramming. =SW= [EmbleyKW:92] David W. Embley, B.D. Kurtz, and Scott N. Woodfield: Object-Oriented System Analysis: A Model Driven Approach; Yourdon series, Prentice-Hall, 1992. =for recent work by Stephen Liddle see =SW= [EMS:94] Charta of Free Electronic Access to Publications; European Mathematical Society, Dec.1994, at []. [Enderton:72] H. B. Enderton: "A Mathematical Introduction to Logic"; Academic Press, New York, 1972.=SKC= [Esculier:89] Christian Esculier: Introduction a la Tolerance Semantique; PhD thesis, Un.Joseph Fournier, Grenoble, 1989. [ESPRIT:99] Esprit, the EU information technologies programme; =I3= =TT= [Esprit:93] Esprit Consortium AMICE: CIMOSA: Open System Archiecture for CIM; Revised and extended edition; Springer 1993.= 18 companies. Ed Beadle, cons.director, British Aerospace plc =SW= [EswaranGLT76] K.P. Eswaran, J.N. Gray. R.A. Lorie, and I.L. Traiger. The Notion of Consistency and Predicate Locks in Database System. Communications of the ACM, Vol 19, No. 11, November 1976, 624-633. [Faloutsos:85] Christos Faloutsos: "Access Methods for Text"; ACM Computing Surveys, Vol.17 no.1, Mar.1985, pp.49--74. = DBDbiblio [FaloutsosEa:94] C. Faloutsos, R. Barber, M. Flickner, J. Hafner, W. Niblack, D. Petrovic, and W. Equitz: ``Efficient and Effective Querying by Image Content"; Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Vol. 3, 1994, pages 231--262. [FeigenbaumWRS:95], Edward Feigenbaum, Gio Wiederhold, Elaine Rich,
and Michael Harrison: Advanced Software Applications in Japan;
Noyes Publications, 1995. =I3= [FenselDES:98] Dieter Fensel, Syefan Dekker, Michael Erdman, and
Rudi Studer: "Ontobroker, Or how to Enable Intelligent Access to the
WWW"; 11th workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modelimg, and
Management (KAW'98), Banff April 1998. =SKC= =I3= Web pages are
annoted by their registered providers, using a defined ontology, to
have consistent access. [FieldingFB:96] R.Fielding, H. Frystyk, and Tim Berners-Lee:
Internet draft: Hypertext Transfer Protocol HTTP 1.1;, Jan
1996. =I3= =NII= HTTP specification. [FikesF:97] Richard Fikes and Adam Farquar: Large-Scale Repositories of Highly Expressive Reusable Knowledge; Stanford KSL report 97-02, April 1997.. =SKC= [FikesCGB:91] R. Fikes, M. Cutkosky, T.R. Gruber, and J.V. Baalen: Knowledge Sharing Technology Project Overview; Knowledge Systems Laboratory, KSL-91-71, November 1991. [Filman:88] Robert E. Filman: ``Reasoning with Worlds and Truth Maintenance in a Knowledge-Based Programming Environments''; Comm. ACM, Vol.31 No.4, Apr.1988, pp. 382-401. [FininWEa:90] Tim Finin, Gio Wiederhold, et al: Initial KQML specification; available from the WWW with the URL [FininEa:96] T. Finin, et al.: "Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language (KQML)";:, 1996/=SKC= [FininEa:94] Tim Finin et al: On Software Agents;, 1994 =SW= [FininFME:94] Tim Finin, Richard Fritzson, Don McKay, and Robin McEntire: ``KQML as an Agent Communication Language''; The Proceedings of the Third International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM'94), ACM Press, November 1994. [Filman:88] Robert E. Filman: ``Reasoning with Worlds and Truth Maintenance in a Knowledge-Based Programming Environments''; Comm. ACM, Vol.31 No.4, Apr.1988, pp. 382--401. [Fisher:92] Gerhard Fischer: "Domain-Oriented Design Environments"; Proceedings of the 7th Annual Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference, September 1992, McLean, Virginia, Rome Laboratory, pub... [Fisher:94] David Fisher: Adanced Technology Program, Component-Based Software (94-06); National Institute of Standards and Technolgy, U.S. Dep.of Commerce. 1994. FishwickH:98] Paul Fishwick and David Hill, eds: 1998 International Conference on Web-Based Modeling & Simulation; Society for Computer Simulation, Jan 1998, [FlanaganHJK:97] Flanagan, Huang, Jones, and Kerf (eds): Human-
Centered Systems: Information, Interactivity, and Intelligence,
National Science Foundation, 15 July 1997, pp.218-221. =I3= [FloresW:85] Feranando Flores and Terry Winograd or vv.: ? ;
1985. = first occuureence of the term ontology in its modern
sense. =P[=SKC=] [FlorescuRV:158] Daniela Florescu, Louiqua
Raschid, Patrick Valduriez: "Using Hereterogneous Equivalence for
Query Rewriting in Multidatabase Systems"; COOPIS95, Vienna Austria,
May 1995, pages 158-169. = Rules for scope matching. Available from [Fowler:99] Martin Fowler: UML distilled 2nd ed.;
Addison-Wesley, 1999. =SW= just the essentials, good
introduction. Alternatives to "UML distilled" are: "UML Toolkit", by
Eriksson and Penker, 1998 (more in depth), "Using UML", by R. Pooley
and P.Stevens, 1999, or another UML book covering the basic UML
notations. [Fox:93] Edward Fox: Sourcebook for Digital Libaries; gopher to, 1993. [FraileyTZ:91] Dennis J. Frailey, A. Joe Turner, Stuart H. Zweben: "Adequacy and Health of Academic-Industry Coupling";Comm.ACM, Vol.34 no.10, Oct.1991, pp 126-128. =TT [FranchittiKB:94] J.C. Franchitti, R. King, and O. Boucelma: ``A Toolkit to Support Scalable Persistent Base Infrastructures''; in Proceedings of the Sixth International Workshop on Persistent Object Systems, Tarascon, France, September 1994, Springer-Verlag LNCS. [FranklinCL:93] M.J. Franklin, M.J. Carey, and M. Livny: "Local Disk Caching for Client-Server Database Systems"; 19th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, Dublin, Ireland, August 1993, pp.641-654. [FreskoTCM:98]]. Marc Fresko, Ken Tombs, Sue Chamberlain, Patricia
Manson: Digital Preservation Guidelines: The State of the Art;
study performed for the European Commission, DG XIII-E/4, Applerace
Limited, Dec.1998. =I3= [Freytag:87] Johann Christian Freytag: "A Rule-based View of Query
Optimization"; Proc. ACM SIGMOD, 1987, pp.173--180. [FriederS:91] Ophir Frieder and Mark E. Segal: "On Dynamically Updating a Computer Program: from Concept to Prototype"; J. of Sy
stems Software, Elseviers, Vol.14, pp.111- 128, 1991. [GabrielianF:91] Armen Gabrielian and Mathew K. Franklin "Multi- Level Specification"; Comm.ACM, Vol.34 No.5, May 1991, pp.51-60. = from hardware on up. In special issue on Software Engineering. =SW= [GaedeG:98] Volker Gaede and Oliver Gunther: "Multidimensional Access Methods"; ACM Comp.Surveys, Vol.30 no.2, June 1998, pp.170:231. [GammaHJV:94] Erich Gamma, Richard Helm, Ralph Johnson, John
Vlissides: Design Patterns, Elements of Reusable Object-Oriented
Software (GOF); 1994/95 =SW= the Unified Process. This is a high
quality and the classic book about design patterns, also called the
GoF book). Alternatives to the Design Pattern book of the GoF are:
"Patterns in Java, Volume 1" by Mark Grand, 1998 (contains all of the
GoF design patterns and applies them to Java, not as good as the other
book) [GarciaMolinaW:82] Hector GarciaMolina and Gio Wiederhold:
"Read-Only Transactions in a Distributed Database"; ACM
Transactions on Database Systems, Vol.7 No.2, Jun.1982,
pp.209--234. [GarciaMolina:88] Hector GarciaMolina and D. Porter: Supporting Probabilistic Data in a Relational System; Princeton, TR-CS-147-88, Feb.1988. = SimQL [GarciaMolinaEa:95] H. Garcia-Molina, J. Hammer, K. Ireland,
Y. Papakonstantinou, J. Ullman, and Jennifer Widom: "Integrating and
Accessing Heterogeneous Information Sources in TSIMMIS"; In
Proceedings of the AAAI Symposium on Information Gathering, pp. 61-64,
Stanford, California, March 1995. = TSIMMIS mediators [GarciaP:96] H. Garcia-Molina and A. Paepcke: "Proposal for I**3
Client Server Protocol"; Technical Report, September 1996 =
Architecture & Implementation for TSIMMIS mediators [GarciaMolinaEa:97] H. Garcia-Molina, Y. Papakonstantinou,
D. Quass , A. Rajaraman, Y. Sagiv, J. Ullman, V. Vassalos ,J. Widom:
"The TSIMMIS approach to mediation: Data models and Languages"; In
Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, 1997. = TSIMMIS Mediators
=I3= [Garfinkel:00] Simson Garfinkel: Database Nation, The Death of Privacy
in the 21st Century; OReilly, 2000. =TIHI= A graphic and blistering indictment ..
[Ralph Nader], lists many problems, few solutions. [GarlanEa:95] David Garlan, Oscar Nierstrasz, Theo Dirk Meijler,
Gio Wiederhold, Frank Manola, Sandra Heiler, an Jeff Sutherland :
"Research Directions in Software Engineering"; ACM Comp. Surveys,
Vol.27 No.2, June 1995, pages 256-276. [GarlanAO:95] David Garlan, R. Allan, and J. Ockerbloom: "Architectural Mismatch: Why Reuse is so Hard"; IEEE Software, Nov. 1995, pages 17-26. =SW= [GarlanSOSS:92] David Garlan, Mary Shaw, Chris Okasaki, Curtis M. Scott, and Roy F. Swonger, Jose Galmes: "Experience with a Course on Architectures for Software Systems"; Proc.6th SEI Conf. on Software Engineering Education, Oct. 1992; also Part II Educational Materials, August 1994, report CMU-CS-94-178. =SW= [GarrettL:93] John R. Garrett and Patricia A. Lyons; "Towards an Electronic Copyright Management System'; Jrnl of the American Society for Information Science, vol.44 No.8, pages 468-473, Sep.1993. Overview of copyright use wrt digital libraries. Simplifies task of a mediator. [Gasser:88] M. Gasser: Building Secure Computer Systems; VanNorstrandReinhold, 1988. =TIHI =SAW [Gates:99] Bill Gates and Collins Hemingway: Business @ the
Speed of Thought: Using a Digital Nervous System; Warner Books,
470 pages. =I3= [GauseW:94] D. Gause and M. Weinberg: "Exploring Requirements: Quality Before Design"; ? = read by Francois Guimbretiere !| =SW= [Gelernter:94] David Gelernter:= "The Cyber-Road Not Taken"; Washington Post, 3 April 1994, page C1.= More Mediocity, Mom! Please? Includes new application ideas: Lifehistory, Video University, Vector search. Have original text. [Gelman:94] Stacey Gelman: "SILVER BULLET: An Iterative Model for Process Definition and Improvement"; AT&T Technical Journal, Vol.73 No. 4, Jul-Aug.1994, pp.35-45 = software process introduction and experience at a high level. =SW= [Genesereth:91] M. Genesereth: "DesignWorld"; in the Proceedings of the 1991 IEEE International Conference on Robotics and Automation, Sacramento, CA, April 1991, pp. 2785-2788. [GeneserethF:92] M.Genesereth and R. Fikes: Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF); Reference Manual, Stanford University CSD, 1992, Updated 1996, =SKC= [Genesereth:92] Michael Genesereth: ``An Agent-Based Framework for Software Interoperability''; Procedings ARPA Software Engineering Conference, Los Angeles 1992, Meridian Corporation, Arlington VA, pp.359-366; < [GeneserethS:93] Michael R. Genesereth and Narinder P. Singh: ``A Knowledge Sharing Approach to Software Interoperation"; Stanford University, 1993. [GeneserethK:94] Michael Genesereth and Steven Ketchpel: ``Software Agents''; Comm. ACM, Vol.37 No.7, July 1994, pp.48-53,147. [GeneserethSS:94] Michael R. Genesereth, Narinder P. Singh and Mustafa A. Syed: ``A Distributed and Anonymous Knowledge Sharing Approach to Software Interoperation"; Proc. Int.Symp. on Fifth Generation Comp Systems, ICOT, Tokyo, Japan, Vol.W3, Dec.1994, pp.125-139. [Genesereth:96] M. Genesereth: "Knowledge Interchange Format (KIF)";, 1996=SKC= [GennariCAM:98] J. H. Gennari, H. Cheng, R. B. Altman, & M. A.
Musen: "Reuse, CORBA, and Knowledge-Based Systems"; Int. J.
Human-Computer Sys., Vol.49 No.4, pp.523-546, 1998. [GerhartCR:94] Susan Gerhart, Dan Craigen, and Ted Ralston:
"Experience with Formal Methods in Critical Systems"; IEEE Software,
Jan. 1994. [Gibbs:94] W.Wayt Gibbs: "The Software Crisis"; Scientific American, Sep.1994. [Gilb:88] Tom Gilb: Principles of Software Engineering; Addison- Wesley, 1988. =SW= [Gilham:89] L.-M. Gilham, Goldberg, A., and Wang, T.C.: "Toward reliable reactive systems. In"; Proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on Software Specification and Design, Pittsburgh, 1989.=SKC= [Ginsberg:90] Matt Ginsberg: ``Knowledge Interchange Format: The KIF of Death''; Communications of the ACM, Vol.33 No.8, Aug.1990. [GlaserAG:83] Edward M. Glaser, Harold Abelson, Kathalee Garrison: "Putting Knowledge to Use"; Jossey-Bass, SF, 1983 = Technology Transition, Knowledge Utilization and Policy or Organizational Change and Adoption of Innovation, supported by NIMH =P[Howard Davis, Susan Salasin]. [Goguen:88] J. A. Goguen, and T. Winkler: "Introducing OBJ3. Technical Report SRI-CSL-88-09"; SRI International, Menlo Park, California, 1988.=SKC= [GohMS:94] Cheng Goh, Stuart Madnick and Michael Siegel: "Context Interchange: Overcoming the Challenge of Large Scale Interoperable Database Systems in a Dynamic Environment"; Proc. 1st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM) 1994. = description of conversions needed in financial applications using multiple sources with differing ontologies. [Gomery:94] Douglas Gomery "In Search of the Cybermarket"; The Wilson Quarterly, Summer 1994, pp.8-17. = Prof. at Un maryland, dep. of Communication warns us to be realistic about the benefits and commercial potential of the NII. Avoid making it a Superhypeway. Educational, etc services on Cable TV did not make it because the benefits were not economically worth it. People won't cange, only 25% readbooks. Switched vs non-switched systems. [GoldmanN:92] N.M. Goldman and K. Narayanaswamy: "Software Evolution through Iterative Prototyping"; 14th Int. Conf. on SW Eng., IEEE, May 1992. [Goldschmidt:96I]A. Goldschmidt: "An Approach to Information Mediation in the Industrial Domain"; in Wiederhold (editor): Intelligent Integration of Information, Kluwer Pubs., 1996. =I= [Goldschmidt:96N] Art Goldschmidt: "Report on NIIIP"; CACM, Vol.39 No.3, March 1996, pp.100-103= =SW= =I3= Infrastructure protocols. [Gong:98] YiHong Gong: Intelligent Image Databases: Towards Advanced Image Retrieval; Kluwer publishers, 1998. = describes QBIC, indexing, but focuses on his ARBIRS system, which does shape-based rerieval. Uses segmentation and texture-based regions. Evaluation is based on 50 image classes. =image= [GongQ:96] L. Gong and X. Qian: "Computational Issues in Secure Interoperation"; to appear in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, IEEE, January 1996. [Gore:99] Al Gore: Proposal of Bill of Rights for Internet Privacy;
New York University Commencement Speech, May 1998. =I3= [GoslingM:95] James Gosling and Henry McGilton: The JAVA Language Environment: a White Paper; Sun Microsystems 1995, [GPO:97] Global Policy Organization: UN Global Policy Site; 1997, =SKC= [GravanoGT:94] Luis Gravano, Hector Garcia-Molina, and Anthony
Tomasic: ``The Effectiveness of GLOSS for the Text Database
Discovery Problem''; Proc. of the 1994 ACM SIGMOD, ACM Sigmod
Record, Vol.23 No.2 May 1994, pp.126--137. [Gray:99] Jim Gray: "What Next? A Dozen Information-Technology Research\
Goals", June 1999. [RedwineR:85] Samuel T. Redwine and William E. Riddle: "Software
Technology Maturation", London, England, August 1985; image on
[GrayEa:98] David N. Gray, John Hotchkiss, Seth LaForge, Andrew
Shalit, and Toby Weinberg: "Modern Languages and Microsoft's Component
Object Model"; Com.ACM, Vol.41 No.5, May 1998, pages 55-65. =
has some relevant information for =CHAIMS= [GrayR93] J. Gray and A. Reuter: Transaction Processing: Concepts and Techniques, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc, 1993. [GreenLBCR:83] Cordell Green, David Luckham, Robert Balzer, Tom Cheatham and C. Rich: "Report on a Knowledge-Based Software Assistant," RADC TR 83-195, Contract No. F30602-81-C-0206, Kestrel Institute, Palo Alto, California, June 1983. =SW= [Gries:81] David Gries: The Science of Programming; Texts and Monographs in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, New York 1981, ISBN 0-387-90641-X. = Zaki Hasan: This text-book is based on Dijkstra's approach, but it is bigger, with more examples and lots of exercises. If you want to master the "discipline of programming" approach, this is the text book to get. I strongly recommend this book. =SW= [GriffithW:76] Pat P. Griffiths and B.W. Wade: "An authorization mechanism for a relational database system"; ACM Transactions on Database Systems; Vol.1 No.3, 1976, pp.242-255. =TIHI= [Grobe:94] M.Grobe: An instanaeous Introduction to GCI scripts and
HTML forms;,
1994. =I3= =NII= GCI documentation. [GronbaekT:94] Kaj Gronbaek and Randall H. Trygg: "Hypermedia
System Design Applying the Dexter Model"; Comm.ACM, vol.37 No.2,
Feb.1994, pp.27-108. = Special issue with several articles on text
browsing [GreenLM:91] Cordell Green, Michael Lowry and Robert McCartney: ``Automating Software Design: An Overview''; in Automating Software Design AAAI/MIT Press, 1991. =CHAIMS= [Green:92] Brian Green: "Technology on Five Fronts"; Air Force
Magazine, Vol.75 No.9, September 1992, pp.62-66. =I3= [Gruber:91] T.R. Gruber: ``The Role of Common Ontology in Achieving Sharable, Reusable Knowledge Bases''; in Allen, Fikes, Sandewall (eds): Principles of Knowledg Representation and Reasoning: Morgan Kaufmann, 1991. [Gruber:92] T.R. Gruber: ONTOLINGUA: A Mechanism to Support Portable Ontologies; Knowledge Systems Laboratory, KSL-91-66, November 1992. [Gruber:92P] T.R. Gruber: "Toward principles for the design of ontologies used for knowledge sharing''; in Guarino (ed) International Workshop on Formal Ontology, Padova, Italy, 1992. [Gruber:93] Thomas R.Gruber: ``A Translation Approach to Portable Ontology Specifications''; Knowledge Acquisition, Vol.5 No. 2, pp.199--220, 1993. [GruberO:94] Thomas R. Gruber and Gregory Olsen: ``An Ontology for Engineering Mathematics''; in Doyle, Torasso, and Sandewall (eds.): Fourth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Gustav Stresemann Institut, Bonn, Germany; Morgan Kaufmann, May 1994. [Gruber:94] Tom Gruber: Ontolingua Overview;, 1994. [GruberO:94] Thomas R. Gruber and Gregory Olsen: ``An Ontology for Engineering Mathematics''; in Doyle, Torasso, and Sandewall (eds.): Fourth International Conference on Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning, Gustav Stresemann Institut, Bonn, Germany; Morgan Kaufmann, May 1994. [Gruber:93] Thomas R. Gruber: ``A Translation Approach to Portable Ontology Specifications''; Knowledge Acquisition, Vol.5 No. 2, pp.199-220, 1993.. =SKC= [Gruber:95] Thomas R. Gruber: ``Towards Principles for the Design Of Ontologies Used for Knowledge Sharing"; Int. J. of Human-Computer Studies, Vol.43 No. 5-2, pp.907-928, 1995. =SKC= [Gruber:96] T. Gruber: "Ontolingua Reference Manual";, 1996=SKC= [GSA:93] General Services Administration: A Guide for Acquiring Software Development Services; GSA, Information Resources Management Service, Washington DC, GPO; 1993 Sep., No.KMP-93-4- P. = This Guide was written by American Management Systems, Inc. Arlington VA. This Guide provides Government program, information resources management, and contracting officials with an introduction to the acquisition of software development services. =SW= [Guarino:97] Nicola Guarino: Presentation on Formal Ontologies; NCITS.TC.T2 ANSI ad hoc group on Ontology; 1997.. =SKC= [GuarinoG:95] Nicola Guarino and Pierdaniele Giaretta: "Ontologies and Knowledge Bases Towards a Terminological Clarification"; in N.Mars: Towards large Knowledge Bases, KBKS '95, 1995. = On Ontologies wrt defintion and use vs. vocabularies, schemas, knowledge-bases. Reviewed by Ida Sim.|| @ Padova: =SKC= [GugliemoR:96] E.J. Gugliemo and Neil C. Rowe: "Natural Language Retrieval of Images based on Descriptive Captions" {\sl ACM Trans. on Information Systems}, Vol. 14 No.3, May 1996, pp.237-267. [Guha:91] R.V. Guha: Contexts: A formalization and some application; Doctoral dissertation, Stanford University. Also MCC Technical Report Number [ACT-CYC}-423-91, 1991.. =SKC= [Gupta: 89] Amar Gupta (editor): Integration of Information Systems: Bridging Heterogeneous Databases; IEEE Press, 1989. [GuptaMS93] A. Gupta, I.S. Mumick, and V.S. Subrahmanian: "Maintaining Views Incrementally"; ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of Data, Washington, D.C., May 1993, 157-166. [HaasEa:90] L. Haas, W. Chang, G. Lohman, J. McPherson,
G. Lapis, B. Lindsay, H. Pirahesh, M. Carey, and E. Shekita:
"Starburst Mid-Flight: As the Dust Clears"; IEEE Transactions on
Knowledge and Data Engineering,Vol.2 No.1, March 1990. [HaddockH:94] G. Haddock and K. Harbison: ``From Scenarios to Domain Models: Processes and Representations"; Proceedings of the onference on Knowledge-based Artificial Intelligence Systems in Aerospace and Industry, SPIE, April 1994. [HadjiefthymiadesM:99] Stathes Hadjiefthymiades and Lazaros Merakos:
"A Survey of Web Architectures for Wireless Communication
Environments"; Computer Networks and ISDN Systems, Vol.28, May 1996,
=I3= [Hafer:89] Tom Hafer: Report on lack of progress on the Navy A-12 attack bomber; PBD-608, Oct.1989= An account which also shows how the the wrong view (based on cost reports) can hide development failures. See also Washington Post magazine, 29 Oct 1995. [HafnerL:96] Katie Hafner and Matthew Lyon: Where Wizards Stay Up
Late; Simon and Schuster, 1996. =I3= [Hague:95] T. Hague: "Configuration Management Tools: Do your Homework before Signing on the Dotted Line"; Computing Canada; Vol.21 no.5, 15 March 1995, pp.36, Plesman publications Ltd. Canada. = Configuration maintenance driven from helpdesk. Blackwood:95] =SW= [HainesKMNW:94] Nicholas Haines, Darrell Kindred, J.G. Morrisett, Scott M. Nettles, and jeanette M. Wing: "Composing First Class Transactions"; ACM TOPLAS, Vol.16 No.6, Nov.1994, pp.1719-1736. = A functional Standard Metalanguage packages concurrrency, locking, persistence, and serialization. =SW= [Halpin:95] Terry A. Halpin: Conceptual Schema and Relational Database Design, 2nd ed.; Prentice-Hall; ||. = Object-role modeling (ORM), schema optimizartion and view-update on derived views, based on NIAM @asymetrix, Bellevue WA =SW= [Hamilton:99] Scott Hamilton: Taking Moore’s Law into the Next
Century; IEEE Computer, Jan. 99, pp. 43-48. =I3= [HamletT:90] D. Hamlet and R. Taylor: "Partition Testing does not inspire Confidence"; IEEE Trans. on SW Engineering, Vol.SE-16, Dec.1990, pp. 1402-1411. [HammerM:78] M. Hammer and D. McLeod: ``The Semantic Data Model: A Modelling Machanism for Data Base Applications"; Proc.. ACM SIGMOD 78, Lowenthal and Dale(eds), 1978, pp.26--36. [HammerEa:95] J. Hammer, H. Garcia-Molina, K. Ireland, Y. Papakonstantinou, J. Ullman, and J. Widom: "Information Translation, Mediation, and Mosaic-Based Browsing in the TSIMMIS System"; In Exhibits Program of the Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, page 483, San Jose, California, June 1995. = TSIMMIS Wrappers =I3= [HammerEa:95] J. Hammer, H. Garcia-Molina, K. Ireland, Y. Papakonstantinou, J. Ullman, and J. Widom: "Information Translation, Mediation, and Mosaic-Based Browsing in the TSIMMIS System"; In Exhibits Program of the Proceedings of the ACM SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data, page 483, San Jose, California, June 1995. = TSIMMIS mediators =I3= [HammerAI:96] J. Hammer, R. Aranha, K. Ireland: "Browsing Object-Based Databases Through the Web"; Technical report, Stanford University, October 1996. = Information Browsing in TSIMMIS =I3= [HammerBEa:97] J. Hammer, M. Breunig, H. Garcia-Molina, S. Nestorov, V. Vassalos, R. Yerneni: "Template-Based Wrappers in the TSIMMIS System"; in Proc. SIGMOD 26, Int. Conf.Management of Data, Tucson AZ, ACM, May 1997. = TSIMMIS Wrappers =I3= [HammerGEa:97] J. Hammer, H. Garcia-Molina, J. Cho, R. Aranha, and A. Crespo: "Extracting Semistructured Information from the Web"; In Proceedings of the Workshop on Management of Semistructured Data. Tucson, Arizona, May 1997. = TSIMMIS Web Extraction =I3= [Hanson:87] Eric Hanson: ``A Performance Analysis of View Materialization Strategies"; Proc. ACM-SIGMOD 87, May 1987. [HansonEa:90] E.N. Hanson, M. Chaabouni, C.H. Kim, and Y.W. Wang: "A Predicate Matching Algorithm for Database Rule Systems"; ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of Data, Atlantic City, NJ, May 1990, pp.271-280. [Hanson:92] E.N. Hanson: "Rule Condition Testing and Action Execution in Ariel"; ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Managing Data; San Diego, CA, June 1992, pp.49-58. [HardwickSRM:96] Martin Hardwick, David Spooner, T. Rando, and KC
Morris: "Sharing Manufacturing Information In Virtual Enterprises";
Comm. ACM, Vol.39, No.2, Feb. 1996, pp.46-54. =I3= [HardyS:94] Darren R. Hardy and Michael F. Schwartz: Harvest User Manual;, Oct. 1994. [HauslerLT:94] Hausler, Linger, and Trammell: "Adopting Clean Room SW Eng with a Phased Approach"; IBM Sys.J., Vol.33. no.1, 1994 = Rick Linger 301 240-8207 !| =SW= [HayesRothEa:94] Barbara Hayes-Roth, K. Pfleger, P. Lalanda, P. Morignot, and M. Balabanovic: A Domain-Specific Software Architechture for Adaptive Intelligent Systems; Stanford Un. KSL report 94-11, march 1994. = Technology-specific rather than domain specific? [HayesRothSBHL:94] Barbara Hayes-Roth, E. Sincoff, L. Brownston, R. Huard, & B.Lent: Directed Improvisation; Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Technical Report KSL-94-61. =SW= [HayesRoth:94] Rick Hayes-Roth: Domain-Specific Software Architecure (DSSA). = rhayes@alfred.Teknowledge.COM| 1994. =SW= [HayesRoth:95] Frederick Hayes-Roth: "The JTF ATD Architecture for Agile"; Mobile, Collaborative Crisis response: A Case Study in Architecture-Driven Development." In D. Garlan (Ed.), Proc. First International Workshop on Software Architecture. Seattle: Dept. of Computer Science, Pittsburgh, PA: Carnegie-Mellon University, 1995.=SKC= [HardwickSRM:96] Martin Hardwick, David Spooner, T. Rando, and KC Morris: "Sharing manufacturing information in virtual enterprises"; Comm. ACM, Vol.39, No.2, Feb. 1996, pp.46-54. =TIHI= [He:97] J. He: "Performance and Manageability Design in an Enterprise Network Security System"; IEEE Enterprise Networking Miniconference 1997 (ENM-97), Montreal, Quebec, Canada, June 11-12, 1997. =TIHI= [Hearst:97] Marty Hearst: "Interfaces for Searching the Web"; in
Scientific American, Mer.1997. =I3= [HelalB:95] Abdelsalem Helal and Ravi Badrachalam: "COM versus CORBA: Will Microsoft Come Out on Top"; IEEE Computer, Vol.28 No.10, Oct.95, pp.61-62. =SW= [HellersteinS:93] J.M. Hellerstein and M. Stonebraker: "Predicate Migration: Optimization queries with Expensive Predicates"; ACM SIGMOD, May 1983, pp.267-375. = Illustra cost model generators can use inputsize, ... =P[MEGA, CHAIMS] [Henzinger:99] M.R. Henzinger, A. Heydon, M. Mitzenmacher and M. Najork:
"Measuring index quality using random walks on the Web"; Proc. WWW8,
page 213. =I3= methods include PageRank.
[HerrmanL:97] Robert Herrmann and Carl Lineberger (eds.): More Than
Screen Deep, Toward Every-Citizen Interfaces to the Nation's
Information Infrastructure; National Research Council, National
Academy Press, 1997. =I3= [HewittBS:73] C. Hewitt, P. Bishop, and R. Steiger: ``A Universal Modular ACTOR Formalism for Artificial Intelligence"; IJCAI 3, SRI, Aug.1973, pp.235-245. [Hewitt:88] Carl Hewitt: Knowledge Processing Organizations proposal; Nov.1988. [Hibbitts:96] Bernard J. Hibbitts : Yesterday Once More, Skeptics,
Scribes and the Demise of Law Reviews; Akron Law Review, Vol. 267,
Special Issue, 1996;,
1997. =I3= [HHS:93] Towards a National Health Information Infrastructure; DHHS April 1993. = cites savings based in the Medical and Health Insurance Information Reform Act of 1992, Washington DC, October 1992. [Hodges:98] Bob Hodges: "Component Specification and Conformance, What Components Must Expose to Compose"; OO Composition Workshop, Monterey CA, Jan 1998, paper013.html. = 2Texas Instruments and Sematech. [Hof:99] Robert D.Hof: “What Every CEO Needs To Know About Electronic
Business”; Business Week E-Biz, 22 March 1999, pp.2-12. =I3= [HofmeisterWP:92] C. Hofmeister, E. White and J. Purtilo: "Surgeon: a packager for dynamically reconfigurable distributed applications"; Proceedings of IEEE Conference on Configurable Distributed Systems, March 1992. [HofmeisterAP:92] C. Hofmeister, J. Atlee and J. Purtilo: Polylith User Manual UMD CSD Tech Report 2575. [HolbrookSC:96] Hugh W. Holbrook, Sandeep K. Singhal, and David R. Cheriton. "Log-Based Receiver-Reliable Multicast for Distributed Interactive Simulation"; Proceedings of SIGCOMM'95, ACM SIGCOMM, 328-341, August 1995. =SimQL= Reliable Multicast [HorvitzHL:86] E.J. Horvitz, D.E. Heckerman, and C. Langlotz: ``A Framework for Comparing Alternate Formalisms for Plausible Reasoning''; Proc.AAAI-86, 1986, pp.210--214. = the paper has some confusing statements. [HNS:94] David Hsiao, Erich Neuhold and Sacks-Davis: xx SYSTEMS; Proceedings of DS-5, IFIP transactions A-25, North-Holland 1993. [Huff:54] Darrell Huff: How to Lie With Statistics; Norton, 1954. [HumphreysL:92] B.L. Humphreys and D.A.B. Lindberg: ``The Unified Medical Language Project: A Distributed Experiment in Improving Access to Biomedical Information''; MEDINFO 92, North-Holland, 1992, pp.1496--1500. [HumphreysL:93] Betsy Humphreys and Don Lindberg: The UMLS project : Making the conceptual connection between users and the information they need; Bulletin of the Medical Library Association, 1993, see also =SKC= [Hundepool:96] A. Hundepool and L. Willenborg: "Argus: software for statistical disclosure control"; Third International Seminar on Statistical Confidentiality, Bled, 1996. =TIHI= [HuntR:79] H.B. Hunt III and D.J. Rosenkrantz: "The Complexity of Testing Predicate Locks"; ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf. on Management of Data, Boston, MA, May 1979, 127-133. [HursonBK:93] A.R. Hurson, M.W. Bright, S.H. Pakzad (ed.s): Multi-database Systems: An Advanced Solution for Global Information Sharing; IEEE Press, 1993. [Hsu:98] C-N. Hsu: "Initial Results on Wrapping Semistructured Web Pages with Finite-State Transducers and Contextual Rules"; AAAI'98 Workshop 'AI and Information Integration, Madison, July 1998. =An approach is described for learning wrappers which are specified as non deterministic finite automata. An attribute is a piece of information to be retrieved from the Web page, e.g. a name or affiliation. Borderlines between attributes are specified by so-called 'separators'. A separator is characterized by its left context and its right context. Each context is defined by a collection of disjunctive contextual rules. By means of these disjunctive rules the handling of variations in attribute sequences or of exceptions is enabled. A contextual rule is specified as a sequence of ground tokens and token classes. A token is a word, an HTML tag, a punctuation symbol, .... . An inductive generalization algorithm is used to induce contextual rules from training examples. A training example provides an ordered list of attributes together with the separators between these attributes; e.g., a training example could be an entry on a faculty page specifying a person's name, URL, and academic title. Induction is done by generalizing the tokens found in the training examples along a token taxonomy tree. The induced wrapper is a non-deterministic finite automaton: states represents the attributes and state transitions represent contextual rules defining the separators between attributes. The approach handles one page at a time. The extraction process handles text, but no link information. No transformations are performed as part of the extraction process. The approach exploits the structural knowledge as provided from the markup language. A GUI is offered for supporting the learning process. Advantages: Notion of separators is more general than delimiters (in some cases no explicit delimiter is present in a given text to separate two attributes). Notion of separators is not bound to HTML tags, thus sources which use other markup languages may be handled as well. Variations in the document structure may be handled by the contextual rules. [Hao Xu] =SKC= [IEEE:84] IEEE Software Magazine; regular special topic issues, since 1984. =SW= [IEEE1278:93] IEEE Standard: Protocols for Distributed Simulation Applications: Entity Information and Interaction; IEEE Standard 1278, IEEE Computer Society 1993. [INEL:93] "Ada Electronic Combat Modeling", OOPSLA'93, OOPSLA'93 Proceedings, ACM ISBN: 089791-661-1. [INEL:94] "Software Re-Engineering in Ada: A Practical Approach", TRI-Ada'94, TRI-Ada Proceedings, ACM ISBN: 0-89791-666-2 [INEL:95C] "Electronic Combat Model Reengineering", AJPO-MON-95-01, March 1995 [INEL:95M] "Software Maintainability Metrics Models in Practice", Crosstalk, November/December 1995, Volume 8 Number 11. [Intel:99] The Industry Standard: Intel to Add Personal ID Numbers to
Chips, 1/22/99;
=I3= [ISO/RDA:87] Working draft of ISO Remote Access Protocol; ISO/TC97/SC21 N 1926 (ANSI X3H2-87-210), Jul.1987. [ISO:92] Information Technology: Hypertext Time-based Structurinng Language (HyTime); ISO IEC10744, 1992. [ISX:94] ISX Corporation: Intelligent Integration of Information (I3);, 1994. =I3= [Iyer:95] H. Iyer: "Classificatory Structures: Concepts"; Relations and Representation, Textbooks for Knowledge Organization Vol.2, INDEKS Verlag, Woogstrase 36a, D-60431, Frankfurt, 1995.=SKC= [Jackson:82] M.A. Jackson: System Development; Prentice Hall, 1982.=Diagramming =SW= [Jackson:95] Michael Jackson: Software Requirements and Specifications; ACM Press, 1995. SW= [Jacobson:92] Ivar Jacobson: Object-Oriented Software Engineering; Addison-Wesley, 1992. =SW=. [Jacobson:95] Ivar Jacobson: Business Process Reengineering with Object Technology; ACM Press. 1995. [Jain:91] Raj Jain: ="">The Art of Computer Systems Performance Analysis; John Wiley, 1991. = good statistical coverage, simulation. Also valid remarks about problems software building. =SW= [JajodiaL:90] Sushil Jajodia and Carl E. Landwehr: Database Security IV: Status and Prospects; North-Holland, 1990.=SW= =TIHI= [JajodiaNS:83] Sushil Jajodia, Peter Ng, and F. Springsteel: The
Problem of Equivalence for Entity-Relationship Diagrams; IEEE
Trans. SWEng., Sept.1983. [JanninkSVW:98] Jan Jannink, Pichai Srinivasan, Danladi Verheijen,
and Gio Wiederhold: "Encapsulation and Composition of Ontologies";
Proc. AAAI Summer Conf., Madison WI, AAAI, July 1998. =SKC=
[JanninckEa:99] Jan Jannink, Prasenjit Mitra, Erich Neuhold,
Srinivasan Pichai, Rudi Studer, Gio Wiederhold: "An Algebra for
Semantic Interoperation of Semistructured Data"; 1999 IEEE
Knowledge and Data Engineering Exchange Workshop (KDEX'99),
Chicago, Nov. 1999. =SKC= [JarkeA:95] Mathias Jarke et al.: The NATURE framework; RWTH Aachen, Germany. = Ralf Doemges email: !| = Esprit project on Theories Underlying Requirements Engineering, address fundamental issues associated with the theory of knowledge representation and management, domain modeling and reuse, process guidance and traceability within requirements engineering [JelassiL:96] Th. Jelassi, H.-S. Lai: CitiusNet: The Emergence of a
Global Electronic Market, INSEAD, The European Institue of Business
Administration, Fontainebleau, France;;
Society for Information Management, 1996. =I3= [JensenMRS 90] C.S. Jensen, L. Mark, N. Roussopoulos, T. Sellis;
Using Caching, Cache Indexing, and Differential Techniques to
Efficiently Support Transaction Time; CS-TR-2413, University of
Maryland, February 1990. [Jiang:96] Rushan Jiang: Report on the SimQL project, submitted to
Prof. Wiederhold, CSD Stanford, August 1996. [Joch:95] Alan Joch: "How Software Doesn't Work"; Byte Magazine, Dec.95, pg.49-60. = Industrial use of software engineering. Building reliable code. Capability Measurement. Highly recommended =[Sosa:95] =SW= [JohnsonH:91] Lewis Johnson and D. Harris: "The KBSA Requirements Specification Facet: Aries"; Proceedings of the 6th Annual Knowledge-Based Software Engineering Conference, Syracuse, New York, September, 1991 [Johnson:91] Ray Johnson: Agents ; = mailing list for software agents. =SW= [JohnsonSV:95]Johnson DR, Sayjdari FF, Van Tassel JP.: Missi security policy: A formal approach; Technical Report R2SPO-TR001, National Security Agency Central Service, July 1995. =TIHI= [Jones:94] Neil D. Jones: Partial Evaluation and Automatic Program Generation; ? = Partial evaluation is automatic program specialization:given a program and knowledge of some of its input data, a partial evaluator produces another program which, when run on the missing data, gives the same result as running the original. =SW= @University of Copenhagen, Denmark [JonesCW:95] Vicky E. Jones, N. Ching, and M. Winslett: ``Credentials for Privacy and Interoperation''; Proc. New Security Paradigms '95 Workshop, La Jolla, California, August 22-25, 1995. =TIHI= [Jullig:93] R. Jullig: ``Appying formal software Synthesis''; IEEE Software, Vol.10 No.3, May 1993, pp.11-22. =SW= @kestrel A recent easy-to-read, but slightly dated overview of KIDS and Specware both [Kahle:97] Brewster Kahle: "Preserving the Internet"; in Scientific American, Mer.1997.
=I3= [Kahn:87] Robert E.Kahn: ``Networks for Advanced Computing''; Scientific American, Vol 257 No.5; Oct.1987, pp.136-143. [KahnEa:93] Robert Kahn et al: Proposal for Electronic Copyrights Management; Corporation for National Research Initiatives, Reston VA, 1993. [Kaman:94] Richard Kaman: Act Now to Preserve Information Rights; O'Reilly and Associates, Sebastopol CA, =""> [KamelK:92] N. Kamel and R. King: "Intelligent Database Caching
Through the Use of Page-Answers and Page-Traces"; ACM Transactions on
Database Systems, Vol. 17 No. 4, December 1992, 601-646. [KanamoriU:90] T. Kanamori and M. Ueno: A Fixpoint Semantics for
Guarded Horn Clauses”; Institute for New Generation Computer
Technology: Fifth generation closure reports, TR0551, ICOT Aprol
1990. =I3= [KanasakiK:89] K. Kanasaki and T.L. Kunii: " Case-Based
Evolutionary World Model for Electronic Secretaries"; DASFAA 1, Seoul
Korea, Apr.1989, pp.35--42. = @ Ricoh Co, Ltd, Software Res.Ctr,
(Tokyo, Japan), Schema evolution derived from data. DBDschema [KanthB:88] M.R. Kanth and P.K. Bose: ``Extending an Assumption-based Truth Maintenance System to Databases''; IEEE CS Data Engineering Conference 4, Feb.1988, LosAngeles. [Kaplan:84] S.Jerrold Kaplan: ``Designing a Portable Natural Language Database Query System"; ACM TODS, Vol.9 No.1, Mar.1984, pp.1--19. [Kapoor:91] Mitch Kapoor: "A Software Design Manifesto: Time for a Change'; Dr.Dobbs, Jan.1991. =An alternative to Software Engineering as preached. [Karp:94] Peter Karp: Proceedings of the Meeting on the Interconnection of Molecular Biology Databases ;, 1994. [Karlsson:95] EvenAndre Karlsson (ed.): Software Reuse: A holistic Approach; Wiley, 1995 = articles pertaining to the Esprit III REBOOT project =SW= [Karr:93] Robert N. Karr: Data Management Issues Associated with Stovepipe Systems; U.S General Services Administration, Information Resources Service, KMP-94-1-1, Occt. 1993.= General advice, references to Bill Inmon.. [KatoM:92] K. Kato and T. Masuda: "Persistent Caching: An Implementation Technique for Complex Objects with Object Identity"; IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, July 1992. [KashyapS:96] V.Kashyap and A. Sheth: "Semantic and Schematic Similarities between Database Objects: A Context-based Approach"; VLDB Journal, 1996, Vol. 5 No.4 pp.:276--304.. =SKC= [Keen:81] P.G.W. Keen: "Information systems and organizational change"; Comm.ACM, Vol.24, pp.24, 1981. =MIS= This paper emphasizes the pluralistic nature of organizations. It discusses the changes in patterns of communication, influence, and control that often occur when new information systems are implemented, and it suggests strategies for minimizing social inertia and resistance.
[Kehoe:92] Brendan P. Kehoe: Zen and the Art of the Internet: A Beginner's Guide; Prentice Hall, 1992. =Brief but useful Internet guide with plenty of good advice on useful machines to paw over for data. Mr Kehoe's guide bears the singularly wonderful distinction of being available in electronic form free of charge. [Keller:85] A M. Keller: Updating Relational Databases Through Views; Ph.D. dissertation, Stanford University, February 1985, Technical Report STAN-CS-85-1040. [Keller:86a] A. M. Keller: "The Role of Semantics in Translating View Updates"; IEEE Computer, Vol.19 No.1, January 1986. [Keller:86b] A. M. Keller: "Choosing a View Update Translator by Dialog at View Definition Time"; VLDB 12, 12th Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, Kyoto, Japan, August 1986. [Keller:86c] A. M. Keller: "Unifying Database and Programming Language Concepts Using the Object Model" (extended abstract); Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems, IEEE Computer Society, Pacific Grove, CA, September 1986. [KellerH:87] A. M. Keller and L. Harvey: A Prototype View Update Translation Facility; Report TR-87-45, Dept. of Computer Sciences, University of Texas at Austin, December 1987. [KellerH:93] A.M. Keller and C. Hamon: "A C++ Binding for Penguin: a System for Data Sharing among Heterogeneous Object Models"; 4th Int. Conf. Foundations of Data Organization and Algorithms, Evanston, October 1993. [KellerJA:93] A.M. Keller, R. Jensen, and S. Agarwal: "Persistence Software: Bridging Object- Oriented Programming and Relational Databases"; ACM SIGMOD, International Conference on Management of Data, May 1993. [KellerB:95] A.M. Keller and Julie Basu: ``A Predicate-based Caching Scheme for Client-Server Database Architectures''; VLDB 21, 21st Int. Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, Zurich, Switzerland, September 1995. [Kennedy:94] Randall C. Kennedy: "Unlock the power of OLE"; Windows Sources, vol.2 no.3, March, 1994, pp107 (14 pages). = Excellent Source, multiple articles on OLE; provided by Avery Kadison. =SW= [Kent:93] Stephen Kent: "Internet Privacy Enhanced Mail"; CACM Vol.36 No.8, August 1993, pp.48--60. [Kent:99] Robert E. Kent: Ontology Markup Language;, Feb.1999 =I3= [KentF:99] Stephen Kent and Warwick Ford: Public-Key Infrastructure
Working Group;.,
1999. =I3= [Kern:1994] Harris Kern: Rightsizing the New Enterprise; Sunsoft/Prentice-Hall 1994. = The move to client-server systems =MIST= [KetchpelGP:97] Steven P. Ketchpel, Hector Garcia-Molina, Andreas
Paepcke : Shopping Models: A Flexible Architecture for Information
Commerce; Digital Libraries '97, ACM 1997. =I3= [Kiczales:94] Gregor Kiczales: talk on component code synthesis; OOPSLA, 1994. =SW= [Kieburtz:94] Richard B.Kieburtz: ``Generating Software from Specifications''; Proceedings of the Monterey Workshop on Formal Methods, Luqi (ed.), U.S.Naval Post Graduate School, Sept. 1994, pp.122--128. [KieslerWC:94] Sara Kiesler, D. Wholey and K. Carley: "Coordination as linkage: The Case of Software Development Teams"; in D.H. Haaris: 'Organizational Linkages: Understanding the Productivity Paradox'; National Academy Press, 1994. @Social and Dec.Sc.dep.,CMU [Kilgour:95?] Frederick Kilgour: The Evolution of the Book; Oxford Univ.Press, 1998. = Ed Fox wanted a reference. [Kim:95] Won Kim (ed): Modern Database Systems: the Object Model, Interoperability and Beyond; ACM press, Addison Wesley, 1995. =SW= [Kimball:96] Ralph Kimball: The Data Warehouse; Wiley, 1996. [King:84] Jonathan J.King: Query Optimization by Semantic Reasoning; Univ.of Michigan Press, 1984. [King:95] Roger King et al: Reference Architecture, Intelligent Integration of Information Program;, University of Colorado, Sept.1995. [Kleinrock:94] Leonard Kleinrock (chair Renaissance Committee):
Realizing the Information Future: The Internet and Beyond; Computer
Science and Telecommunications Board, National Research Council,
National Academy Press, 1994. =I3= =NII= focuses on four layers from an
engineer's point of view: 1. low-level comm., 2. transport, 3. simple
middleware, 4. applications. Chapters:1. Summary, 2. US Networking, 3
Open data network, 3 Research, education, libraries, 4. Principles and
Practice, 5. Financial Issues, Government Roles and Opportunities. A.
Federal Networking, B. Sample Principle Sets, C. Usert support
services, D. State and Reginal Networks E. International Issues, F.
Key terms. order 800 624-6242 $24.95 or on WWW. [Klusch:99] Mathias Klusch (ed): Intelligent Information
Agents: Agent-Based Information Discovery and Management on the
Internet; Springer-Verlag, 1999. = papers by M. Papazoglou and
W.J. van de Heuvel, Tilburg University; M. Huhns and M. Singh,
Univ.South Carolina; on Integration of Information from Multiple
Sources of Textual Data S. Bergamaschi and D. Beneventano, University
of Modena; K. Sycara, CMU; A. Ouksel, Univ. Illinois; P. Maes, R.
Guttman, Alex Moukas, MIT Media Lab; 7. Agent-Mediated Auctions: The
Fishmarket Metaphor P. Noriega and C. Sierra; on Strategic Reasoning
and Adaptation in an Information Economy by Ed Durfee, J. Vidal, S.
Park, T. Mullen, P. Weinstein, and A. Armstrong, Univ. Michigan; on
Shared Plans in Electronic Commerce by M. Hadad and S. Kraus, Bar-Ilan
University; on Dynamic Supply Chain Structuring for Electronic
Commerce Among Agents by D. Zeng and K. Sycara, CMU; S. Sen, A.
Biswas, and S. Ghosh, Univ. Tulsa; H. Liebermann, MIT Media Lab; on
Multi-Agent Systems for WWW Sites and Reputation Recommendations by A.
Moukas, G. Zacharias, and P. Maes, MIT Media Lab, USA on Scalable Web
Search by Adaptive On-line Agents: An InfoSpiders Case Study by F.
Menczer, and A.E. Monge, Univ. Iowa; B. Brewington, K. Moizumi, G.
Cybenko, R. Gray, D. Kotz, D. Rus @ Dartmouth College; R. Tolksdorf,
Tech. Univ. Berlin; O. Shehory, CMU; on Securing Mobile Agents by C.
F. Tschudin, Univ. Zurich., Switzerland
[KnoblockL:95] Craig Knoblock and Alon Levy (eds): Information Gathering from Distributed, Heterogenous Resources; Proceedings of 1995 AAAI Spring Symposium, March 1995, AAAI, Menlo Park CA. [Knoblock:96] Craig A. Knoblock: "Building a Planner for Information Gathering: A Report from the Trenches"; Artificial Intelligence Planning Systems: Proceedings of the Third International Conference (AIPS96), Edinburgh, Scotland, 1996. source =I3= also access to programs. =CHAIMS= parallel access. [Knuth:89] Don Knuth: Web system; 1989? = combines PASCAL code and comments. =SW= [KonopnickiS:98] David Konopnicki and Oded Shmueli: "Information
Gathering in the World Wide Web: The W3QL query language and the W3QS
System"; ACM TODS, Vol.23 No.4, Dec.1998, pp.369-410. =I3= =NII=
Query language allows access to form-based information on the web. [Kostner:94] Martijn Koster: On Information Discovery;, 1994. [Koster:94R] Martijn Koster: Rules for Web Robots; Nexor, 1994, [KraemerLB:93] Bernd Kraemer, Luqi, and Valdis Berzins: "Compositional Semantics of a Real-Time Prototyping Language"; IEEE Trans.SE, vol.19 No.5, May 1993.= formal description of the NPGS prototyping language PCDL. =SW= [Krishnamurthy:94] B. Krishnamurthy:"Software Architecture and Reuse, an Inherent Conflict?"; Proc. 3rd Internat.Conf.on Software Reuse. Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 1994. =SW= [KrishnanS:94] R. Krishnan and D.H. Steier: ``Adaptive Access to a Digital Library of Corporate Information''; Digital Libraries Workshop, Rutgers Un., Newark NJ, May 1994; [Kruger:92] Charles Kruger: "SoftwareReuse"; ACM Comp. Surveys, Vol.24 No 2., June 1992.= need to abstract implementation patterns. , design and code scavenging, off-the shelf components 9librarues, Booch' standard Ada data constructs. [Kunt:95] Murat Kunt (ed.) "Digital Television"; IEEE Spectrum; Vol.83, nos.6,7, June/July 1995. = issue devoted to Digital TV and compression. [KuokkaH:96] D. Kuokka and L. Harada: "Integrating Information via Matchmaking"; in Wiederhold (editor): Intelligent Integration of Information, Kluwer Pubs., 1996. =I3= [LabrouF:97] Yannis Labrou and Tim Finin: "Semantics and Conversations for an Agent Communication Language"; in Huhns and Singh (eds) Readings in Agents, Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, Inc., 1997. =I3= a KQML specification. [LaiMY:88] K-Y. Lai, T.W. Malone, and K-C. Yu: ``Object Lens: A Spreadsheet for Cooperative Work"; ACM Trans. on Office Inf. Systems, Vol.6 No.4, Oct.1988, pp.332--353. [LampsonPS:81] Butler W. Lampson, M. Paul, H.J. Siegert: Distributed Systems, Architecture and Implementation; Springer, 1981. =SW= [Landgraf:99] G. Landgraf: “Evolution of EO/GIS Interoperability;
Towards an Integrated Application Infrastructure”; in Vckovski,
Brassel, and Schek: Interoperating Geographic Information Systems,
Springer LNCS 1580, 1999, pp.29-38. =I3= [Lang:26] Fritz Lang: 'Metropolis'; UFA 1926.= silent film. [Langer:98] Thomas Langer: "MeBro - A Framework for Metadata-Based
Information Mediation"; First International Workshop on Practical
Information Mediation and Brokering, and the Commerce of Information
on the Internet, Tokyo Japan, September 1998, =I3= at Japan mediation conference [LaQueyR:92] Tracy LaQuey and Jeanne C. Ryer: The Internet Companion; Addison Wesley, 1992. Evangelical etiquette guide to the Internet featuring anecdotal tales of life-changing Internet experiences. Foreword by Senator Al Gore. [LarsonY:87] P.A. Larson and H.Z. Yang: "Computing Queries from Derived Relations: Theoretical Foundation"; Research report CS-87-35, University of Waterloo, August 1987. [LawK:91] A.M. Law and W.D. Kelton: Simulation Modeling and Analysis; Mc Graw-Hill 1991. [LawM:94 =check] A.M. Law and M.G. McComas: Simulation Software for Communicaton Networks"; IEEE Communications, March 1994. [LawEa:90] K.H. Law, G. Wiederhold, T. Barsalou, N. Sambela, W. Sujansky, and D. Zingmond: "Managing Design Objects in a Sharable Relational Framework"; Proceedings ASME meeting, Boston, August 1990. =penguin [LawEa:91] Kincho H. Law, Gio Wiederhold, Thierry Barsalou, Niki Siambela, Walter Sujansky, David Zingmond, Harvinder Singh ``Architecture for Managing Design Objects in a Shareable Relational Framework''; International Journal of Systems Automation: Research and Applications (SARA), Volume 1, Number 1, pages 47-65, 1991. =penguin [Lawton:98]George Lawton: "The Internet's Challenge to Privacy"; IEEE Computer, Vol.31 No.6, June 1998, pp.16-18. =TIHI [Lederberg:78] Joshua Lederberg: "Digital Communications and the Conduct of Science"; Proc.IEE, Vol.66 No.1, pages 1314-1319, 1978. [LederbergU:89] Joshua Lederberg and Keith Uncapher: Towards a National Collaboratory; Proc. Invitational Workshop, Rockefeller Un., March 1989. [Lederberg:93] Joshua Lederberg: Keynote presentation at CAMIS; April 29, 1993, Stanford University. [LedgarT:90] H. Ledgar and J. Tauer: Professional Software, volume 2: Programming Practice; ISBN 0-201-12232-4. = Zaki Hasan: Ledgard and Tauer introduce the term "PA Programmer". A PA programmer is an amateur programmer who thinks he is a professional, or a professional who is acting like an amateur. Near enough is not good enough of a professional, and the two volumes discuss things such as user interface design (volume 1) and naming conventions and layout (volume 2). There is a lot of good stuff in these two volumes, though I'm afraid that their examples finally convinced me that Pascal-like languages are part of the problem. =SW= [LeeW:94E] Byung Suk Lee and Gio Wiederhold: "Efficiently Instantiating View-objects from Remote Relational Databases"; The VLDB Journal, Vol.3 No.3, July 1994, pages 289-323. [LeeW:94O] Byung S. Lee and Gio Wiederhold: "Outer Joins and Filters for Instantiating Objects from Relational Databases through Views"; IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering, Vol.6 No.1, pp. 108 - 119, February 1994. [LegettS:94] John J. Leggett and John L. Schnase: "Viewing Dexter with Open Eyes"; Comm.ACM, Vol.37 No. 2, Feb.1994, = A Hypertext Reference Model [Lehman:94] Manny Lehman;= FEAST project on Feedback, Evolution, and Software Technology. =SW= @ Dep.Computing, Imperial College, London [Lehrer:94] Nancy Lehrer (ed.): Summary of I3 Projects; =""> =SW= [Leiss:82] E. Leiss: "Randomizing, A Practical Method for Protecting Statistical Databases Against Compromise"; Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases (VLDB), Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, 1982, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), pp 189--196. [LenatG:90] D. Lenat, R.V. Guha, et al.: ``CYC: towards programs with common sense''; Comm.ACM, Vol.33 No.8, Aug.1990. [Lenat:90] D. Lenat, and R. V. Guha: Building Large Knowledge Based Systems; Addison Wesley, 1990.=SKC= [Lenat:95] D. Lenat: "Artificial Intelligence"; Scientific American, September, 1995.=SKC= [Lenat:95] D. Lenat: "Cyc: A large-scale investment in Knowledge Infrastructure"; Comm.ACM, Vol.38 No.11, Nov. 1995, pp.33- 38.. =SKC= [LeonhardC:94] Woody Leonhard and Vincent Chen: "Dynamic Data
Exchange; or, how to talk with your mouth full" and "Could OLE
automation be the Princess Charming of software?"; PC- Computing,
Vol.7 Nos.4,5 (April,May, 1994):218,224. = Microsoft OLE, provided by
Avery Kadison =SW= [Lesk:93] Michael Lesk (Bellcore): private communication. [Lesk:91] Michael Lesk:"The CORE electronic library "; Proc.14th SIGIR Conference, ACM, Oct. 1991.= includes a comic book abstract of chemical transforms. [Lesk:97G] Michael Lesk: "Going Digital"; in Scientific American, Mer.1997. =I3= [Lesk:97P] Michael Lesk: Practical Digital Libraries: Books, Bytes, and Bucks; Morgan Kaufman, 1997 [Levenson:91] Nancy Levenson "Software Safety in Embedded Computer System"; Comm.ACM, Vol.34 No.2, February 1991. = Analysis of fatal Software Failures in Medical Equipment. =SW= [Levenson:95] Nancy Levenson: Safeware: System Safety and Computers>; 1995? = Introduction to risk analysis. =SW= [LevyS93] A.Y. Levy and Y. Sagiv: "Queries Independent of Updates"; VLDB 19, Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, Dublin, Ireland, August 1993, pp. 171-181. [LewisR:95] Clayton Lewis and John Rieman: Task-Centered Interface Design; = textbook on Human-Computer Interaction. [LewisS:93] M. Lewis and K. Sycara: "Informed Decision Making in Multi-Specialist Cooperation"; Group Decision and Negotiation, Vol.2 No.3, October 1993. [LewisF:99] Ted Lewis and Benjamin Fuller: Fast-Lane Browsers Put the
Web on Wheels, IEEE Computer, Jan. 99. =I3= mobile browsing. [Lexical:99] Lexical Technology: Oncology Knowledge Authority; =I3= [LiberatoreS:98] Paolo Liberatore and Marco Schaerf: "Arbitration (or How To Merge Knowledge Bases)"; IEEE Knowledge and Database Engineering, Vol.10 No.1, Jan/Feb 1998, pp. 76-90. =SKC= addresses belief revision in propositional models, deals with some weak forms of inconsistency. Review of prior work. [Libicki:95] Martin C. Libicki: Information Technology Standards; Digital Press, 1995. [LiC:94] Wen-Syan Li and Chris Clifton: ``Semantic Integration in Heterogeneous Databases Using Neural Networks''; VLDB 20, Conference on Very Large Data Bases, Morgan-Kaufmann, 1994, pages 1--12. [Liddle:94] David E. Liddle, Meg Withgott and Debby Hindus: An
Overview of Interval Research Corporation; Human Factors in
Computing Systems CHI '94. =I3= [Lieberherr:94] K. Lieberherr: The Art of Growing Adaptive
Software: Beyond Object-oriented Software; 1994.=SW= [LientzS:80] B.P. Lientz and E.B. Swanson: Software Maintenance Management; Addison-Wesley, 1980. = has measurements: about 20% corrective, 25% adaptative, 55% perfective. =SW= [Lim:98] Wayne C. Lim: Managing Software Reuse; Prentice-hall PTR, 1998. = =SW= includes a numberr of project examples from Hewlett-Packard, and other sources. [LinR:98] L. Lin and Tore Risch: Querying Continous Time Sequences;
Proc. 24 VLDB, NYC NY, Morgan Kaufman, Aug. 1998. =I3= [LindbergHM:93] D.A.B. Lindberg, B.L. Humphreys, and A.T. McCray: "The Unified Medical language System"; IMIA Yearbook of Medical Information 93, Schattauer Verlag, 1993. [Linden:1989] Ted Linden: "Planning by Transformational Synthesis"; IEEE Expert, Vol.4 No.2 Summer 1989. [Linden:1991] Ted Linden: "Representing Software Designs as Partially Developed Plans"; Automating Software Design, AAAI/MIT Press, Menlo Park, CA. pp. 603-625. [Linden:1990A] Ted Linden: "A Meta-level Software Development Model that Supports V&V for AI Software"; Expert Systems with Applications, Vol. 1, pp. 271-279. [Linden:1990B] Ted Linden: "Transformational Synthesis: An Approach to Large-Scale Planning Applications" DARPA Workshop on Innovative Approaches to Planning, Scheduling, and Control, Morgan Kaufman Publ., San Mateo, CA, Nov. 1990. [LindenG:92] Ted Linden and D. Gaw 1992: "JIGSAW: Preference-directed, Co-operative Scheduling," AAAI Spring Symposium: Practical Approaches to Scheduling and Planning, March 1992. = JIGSAW generalizes the AI scheduling techniques implemented in the Air Force's Advanced Planning System--which is operational as a component of CTAPS. [LiskovG:86] Barbara Liskov and John Guttag: Abstraction and Specification in Program Development; MIT Press, 1986 = Fundamental paper on object data structures. =SW= [LiskovZ:75] B.H. Liskov and S.N. Zilles: ``Specification Techniques for Data Abstractions''; IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, Vol.SE-1, 1975, pp.7--19. [LitwinA:86] W. Litwin and A. Abdellatif: ``Multidatabase Interoperability"; IEEE Computer, Vol.19 No.12, Dec.1986, pp.10--18. [LitwinR:89] W. Litwin and N. Roussopolous: ``A Model for Computer Life''; University of Maryland, Institute for Advanced Computer Studies, UMIACS-TR-89-76, July 1989. [LitwinS:95] Witold Litwin and Ming Chien Shan: Introduction to Interoperable Multidatabase Systems; Prentice Hall, 1995 [Liu:95] Ling Liu: "Adaptive Schema Design and Evaluation in an
Object-oriented Information System"; in Springer LNCS 1021, pp.21-31.
= maintain reachability of nodes. For extensibility minimize multiple
inheritance =SW= [LockemanEa:97] Peter Lockeman et al.: "The Network as a Global
Database: Challenges of Interoperability, Proactivity,
Interactiveness, Legacy"; Proc. 23 VLDB, Athens Greece, Morgan
Kaufman, Aug. 1997. =I3= [Lockhart:95] H.W. Lockhart, jr.: OSF DCE, A Guide to Developing Distributed Applications; McGraw-Hill, 1995. [Loomis:87] Mary E.S.Loomis: The Database Book; MacMillan, 1987. [LowryM:91] Michael R. Lowry and Robert D. McCartney: Automating Software Design; AAAI press MIT Press 1991. = Articles on Tools for Large SW systems (2), Specification Acquisition(3), Domain-specific Program Synthesis (4), Knowledge Compilation (5), Formal Derivation Systems (7), Cognitive and Planning Approaches (2). A strong AI flavor. =SW= [Lu:94] Stephen C-Y. Lu: Working for the Library or the Factory? A Com parative Study of Production Engineering Research Infrastructures at U.S. and German Universities; draft report, Un.of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Urbana IL 61801, Jan.1994. =analysis of and effectivness of principles and mehods used at the Fraunhofer institutes to achieve technology transfer. Production Eng encompasse Mech.Eng and Industr.Eng. in the U.S. university model. Points- coupling to universities, dual roles of faculty-industry wise men and graduate students-professionals. Institute has mediating org. role between industry and academia. Profs have 5-10 years industry experience. =comments to Lu: viz ARPA successes supporting more-or-less captive orgs: Lockheed skunk works, SRI, ISI, Lincoln labs, ISX, CMU. Timelines difference even more critical than in Germany. [LuMSS:95] James J. Lu, Guido Moerkotte, Joachime Schue, and V.S. Subrahmanian: "Efficient Maintenance of Materialized Mediated Views"; Proc. International Conference on Management of Data (Sigmod 95), ACM, 1995. [Luckham:90] David Luckham: Programming with Specifications; Springer 1990. = Anna provides annotations will enable verification of Ada programs. =SW= [LuntF:90] Teresa Lunt and E. Fernandez: "Database Security"; ACM SIGMOD Record, Vol.19 No.4, 1990, pp.90-97. =TIHI= [Lunt:89] Teresa F. Lunt: "Polyinstantiation: an inevitable part of a Aggregation and inference: Facts and fallacies"; Proc . of the IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy pp.102--109, Oakland, CA, May 1989. =TIHI= [Lunt:91] Teresa F. Lunt: Polyinstantiation: an inevitable part of a multi-level world"; Proc. of Computer Security Foundation Workshop, Francinia, 1991 =TIHI= [LuniewskiEa:93] Luniewski, A. et al. "Information organization using Rufus"; ACM SIGMOD, Washington DC, May 1993. pp. 560-561 =TIHI= [LuqiK:88] Luqi and Mohammed Ketabchi: A Computer-Aided Prototyping System; IEEE Software; March 1988, pp.66-72. = description of CAPS =SW= [Luqi:89] Luqi: "Software Evolution Through Rapid Prototyping"; IEEE Computer, Vol. 22 No.5, May 1989, pp.13--25. = Object technology =add dampier, Luqi, dependencies`between developement activities and their products. Support for: planning, scheduling, tracking, project control & work assignment, configuration & versioning? see [Luqi 1990] [Luqi:90] Luqi: "A Graph Model for Software Evolution"; IEEE Trans. on SW Eng., Vol. SE16 No.8, 1990, pp.917--927. = dependencies`between developement activities and their products. Support for: planning, scheduling, tracking, project control & work assignment, configuration & versioning [Luqi:92] Luqi "" IEEE SW Jan. 1992 = CAPS software model for C3I station [Lynch:90] Clifford A. Lynch: "The Z39.50 Information retrieval protocol: An overview and Status Report"; ACM SIGCOMM, 1990, pp.58--70. = DBDbiblio ASN.1 [LynchL:96] Daniel C. Lynch and Leslie Lundquist @Cybercash, Inc:
Digital Money: The New Era of Internet Commerce; John Wiley and
Sons, 1996. =I3= [Lynch:97] Clifford Lynch: "Searching the Internet"; in Scientific American, Mer.1997.
=I3= [MacGregor:90]} Robert MacGregor: ``The Evolving Technology of Classification-based Knowledge Representation Systems''; in John Sowa, editor, Principles of Semantic Networks: Explorations in the Representation of Knowledge, Morgan Kaufmann, 1990. [MackinlayG:85] Jock Mackinlay and Michael Genesereth: `Intelligent Presentation: The Generation Problem for User Interfaces``; Data-and Knowledge Engineering, Vol.1 No.1, Jun.1985, pp.17--29. [Maddox:94] Tom Maddox= "The Cultural Consequences of the information Superhighway"; The Wilson Quarterly, Summer 1994, pp.29-36. = What islearning and teching, how will it be supported. Even if have-nots are given equal access, they won't get equal benefits. Good people will leave junk grops, making them junkier. [Maes:94] Pattie Maes: Agents that Reduce Work and Information
Overload; Comm.ACM, Vol 37 No.7 July 1994, pp.31-40. =I3= [Magill:91] Frank N. Magill (ed): The Nobel Prize Winners, Vol.2,
1944-1969; Salem Press 1991. = Commentary and bio of Joshua Lederberg,
pp 773-782. [Madnick:91] Stuart Madnick: The Dynamics of Software Development; Prentice-Hall, 1991. =SW= [Madnick:96] S.E. Madnick: "Are we moving toward an information
superhighway or a Tower of Babel? The challenge of large-scale
semantic heterogeneity"; In IEEE International Conference on Data
Engineering, p.61-68, 1996; also reprinted in 21st Century (a Web
Zine at ="">, Vol.1
No. 6, April 1996, pp. 19-20; also to appear in Database Programming
and Design, January 1997. [MageeDEK:95] Magee, J. and Dulay, N. and Eisenbach, S. and Kramer, J.: "Specifying Distributed Software Architectures"; 5th European Software Engineering Conference (ESEC 95), Sitges, Spain, 1995. =SW= Presents a formal model of Darwin in Robin Milner's Pi-Calculus [Perrochon]. [MageeDK:94] Magee, J. and Dulay, N. and Kramer, J.: "REGIS: A Constructive Development Environment for Distributed Programs"; IEE/IOP/BCS Distributed Systems Engineering, Vol.1 No.5, 1994, pp.304-312. =SW= describes the most recent distributed execution environment for Darwin-structured applications [Perrochon]. [Maier:83] David Maier: The Theory of Relational Databases; Computer Science Press, 1983. ISBN 0-914894-42-0. = Zaki Hasan: For the mathematical theory of relational databases you would have a hard time finding a better book. =SW= [Maier:89] David Maier: ``Why isn't there an Object-oriented Data Model''; Information Processing 89, Ritter (ed), IFIPS North-Holland 1989, pp.793-798. [MaierSOP:86] D. Maier, J. Stein, A. Otis, and A. Purdy: "Development of an Object-Oriented DBMS"; Proceedings of OOPSLA, Portland, Oregon, 1986.. [MalufWLP:97] David A. Maluf, Gio Wiederhold, Ted Linden, and Priya Panchapagesan: "Mediation to Implement Feedback in Training"; CrossTalk: Journal of Defense Software Engineering, Software Technology Support Center, Department of Defense, August 1997. = MIFT,=SimQL= =I3= [MalufW:97] David A. Maluf and Wiederhold Gio: "Abstraction of Representation for Interoperation"; Tenth International Symposium on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Springer Verlag, pp 441-455, Oct., 1997. =SKC= [Maney:99] Kevin Maney: "Middlemen have nothing to fear, despite
scary word"; USA Today, 24 Mar.1999. =I3= disintermediation and
reintermediation. [MandelLG:94] Michael J. Mandel, Mark Landler, and Ronald Grover: "The Entertainment Economy'; Business Week, 14Mar1994, pages 58--66. [Maney:99] Kevin Maney: "Middlemen have nothing to fear, despite scary
word"; USA Today, 24 Mar.1999. =I3= disintermediation and reintermediation. [MarcaG:88] D.A. Marca and C.L. McGowan: SADT, Structured Analysis and Design Technique; McGraw-Hill, 1988. =SW= [MarchioniniS:88] G. Marchionini and Ben Shneiderman: "Finding Facts vs. Browsing Knowledge in Hypertext Systems"; IEEE Computer, Vol.21 No1, Jan.1988, pages 70-79. [MarcoB:87] A. Marco and J. Buxton: The Craft of Software Engineering; Addison-Wesley, 1987. [Margolis:99] Melanie A. Margolis;
y/980729Unique.htm =I3= [Mark:94] Bill Mark: Netbuilder Video Tape; Lockheed AI lab.1994, = mega-programming in simulation-based design, with design database access. =SW= [Mark:95] Leo Mark (ed): Database Application Semantics; IFIP WG2.6 Sixth Working Conference on Database Semantics (DS-6), Atlanta, Georgia, May 1995, to be published by Chapman and Hall. [MarkMM:99] David Mark et al.: "Geographic Information Science:
Critical Issues in an Emerging Cross-Disciplinary Research Domain";
NCGIA, Feb. 1999, =I3= [MarkTMS:92] William Mark, Sherman Tyler, James McGuire, and Jon Schlossberg: "Comittment-Based Software Development"; IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering, October, 1992. =MEGA+ [Markoff:99] John Markoff: “How Much Privacy Do People Really Need?”;
New York Times Service, March, 1999. =I3= [MarkosianNBBK:94] L. Markosian, P. Newcomb, R. Brand, S.Burson, and T. Kitzmiller; "Using an enabling Technology to Reengineer Legacy Systems"; Com.ACM, vol 37 No.5, may 1994, pages 58-70. = REFINE=COBOL used at Boeing. [MartinO:92] James Martin and J.J. Odell: Object-Oriented Analysis and Design; PrenticeHall, 1992. =SW [MashburnA:94] Timothy Mashburn and David C. Anderson !prime author?|: "An Extensible Computer Environment for Modeling and Analysis in Mechanical Design"; Proc. ASME Conference Computers in Engineering, 1994/3? = domain-specific module composition =SW= [Mattison:94] Rob Mattison: The Object-oriented Enterprise, Making Corporate Information Systems Work; Tab Books, 1994. Many relevant observations in an after-dinner talk format. =SW= [Maurer:94] Herrman Maurer: ``Advancing the Ideas of World Wide Web: Hyper-G"; Proc. Distributed Multimedia Systems and Applications, Honolulu, 1994, pages 201--203; =""> [MayoM:89] J.S. Mayo and W.B. Marx, jr.: ``Introduction: `Technology of Future Networks'''; AT\&T Technical Journal, Vol.68 No.2, Mar.1989. [McCall:96] Gene McCall (editor): New World Vistas, Air and Space Power for the 21st Century; Air Force Scientific Advisory Board, April 1996, Information Technology volume. = call for SimQL in page 9.. [McCarthy:88] John L.McCarthy: ``Knowledge Engineering or Engineering Information: Do We Need New Tools?"; IEEE Data Engineering Conference 4, Feb.1988, Los Angeles. [McCarthy:91] John McCarthy "!in AI reading list"; =On adapatability Elaboration Tolerance =SW= [McCarthy:93] John McCarthy: "Notes on formalizing context"; Proceedings of the Thirteenth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence; AAAI 1993.. =SKC= see also [BuvacM:97] [McCarthyB:94] John McCarthy and Sasa Buvac: "Formalizing Contexts (Expanded Notes)"; in Aliseda, vanGlabbeck, Westerstahl: Computing Natural Language, 1997; Stanford University, Formal AI group, Technical Note Stan-CS-TN-94-13, 1994, see =SKC= [McConnel:95] Steven McConnel: Code Complete: A Practical handbook of Software Construction; 1995? = Overview of techniques for robust code =SW= [McCrayEa:96] Alexa T. McCray, AM Razi, AK Bangalore, AC Browne, and PZ Stavri: "The UMLS Knowledge Source Server: A Versatile Internet-based Research Tool"; Proc AMIA Fall Symp., 1996 pp.164-168.. =SKC= [McCuneTDS:85] B.P. McCune, R.M. Tong, J.S. Dean, and D.G. Shapiro: ``RUBRIC: A System for Rule-based Information Retrieval"; IEEE Trans. Software Eng., Vol.SE-11 no,9, Sep.1985, pp.939-945. [McEwen:74] H.E. McEwen (ed): Management of Data Elements in
Information Processing; NTIS, US. Dept.of Commerce pub.74-10700,
1974. =I3= [McGuireEa:93] James G. McGuire, Daniel R. Kuokka, Jay C. Weber,
Jay M. Tenenbaum, Thomas R. Gruber, Gregory R. Olsen: "SHADE:
Technology for Knowledge-Based Collaborative Engineering"; Concurrent
Engineering: Research and Applications, Vol.1 No.3, September
1993. [McIlroy:68] Doug McIlroy: "Mass-produced Software Components"; in
Buxton et al.: Software Engineering Concepts and Techniques; Van
Norstrand Reinhold, 1976. [McIntyreH:87] S.C. McIntyre and L.F. Higgins: ``Knowledge Base Partitioning For Local Expertise: Experience In A Knowledge Based Marketing DSS "; Hawaii Conf. on Inf, Systems 20, Feb.1987. [McKay:94] Don McKay: Index page which references into the ARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort Web; =""> = links to KQML work. o.a. =SW= ! [McShaneHKF:79] D.J. McShane, A. Harlow, R.G. Kraines, and J.F. Fries: ``TOD: A Software System for the ARAMIS Data Bank''; IEEE Computer, Vol.12 No.11, Nov.1979,pages 34--40. [MelloulBSW:99] Laurence Melloul, Dorothea Beringer, Neal Sample,
and Gio Wiederhold: "CPAM, A Protocol for Software Composition",
11th Inter. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering
(CAISE), Heidelberg Germany, Springer LNCS, June 1999. =I3= [MerksDR:92] E.A.T. Merks, J.M. Dyk, and B.G. Ryder: Language Design for Program manipulation"; IEEE Trans.SW Eng., vol 18 No.1, Jan.1992, pp.19-32. [Merlo:95] Ettore Merlo (ed): Program IEEE Software Maintenance Conference; =""> =SW= [Meyer:94] Bertrand Meyer: Reusable Software: The Base Object-Oriented Component Libraries; Prentice-Hall, 1994. [Miller:56] George Miller: "The Magical Number Seven +- Two, Some
Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information"; Psych.Review,
Vol.68, 1956, pp.81-97. = bound on short-term memory and hence on
complexity and fanout. =SW= [MillerW:89] John A. Miller and Orville R. Weyrich jr.: " Query
Driven Simulatio using SIMODULA"; Proc. 22nd Simulat ion Symp., March
1989, IEEE CS. = If request for simulation results fails, triggers
computation of result. Warning if delay is excessive. [MillerEa91] John A. Miller, Krys J. Kochut, Walter D. Potter,
Ender Ucar, and Ali A. Keskin: "Query-Driven Simulation Using Active
KDL"; Int. Journal in Computer Simulation, Vol.1 No.1, 1991. = access
to assist modelers. 70 references. [MillerMEa:92] K. Miller, L.Morelll, R.Noonan, S.Park, D.Nicol, B.Murrill, and J. Voas: "Estimating the Probability of Failure when Testing Reveals no Failures"; IEEE Trans SW Eng, Vl. SE-18 No.1, Jan..1992, pp 33-44= testing [MillerWEa:92] P.L. Miller, L.W. Wright, S.J. Frawley, J.I. Clyman, and S.M. Powsner: "Selecting Relevant Information Resources in a Network-based Envirnment: The UMLS Information Sources Map"; in Lun et al.: MEDINFO 92, IMIA, Elseviers 1992, pages 1512-1517. [MillerEa:93] G. Miller et al.: Five Papers on WordNet; =I3= [Miller:94] Barton P. Miller: Making Programs Explode: Using Simple Random Testing on Real Programs; Computer Sciences Department, University of Wisconsin = In 1990, we published the results of a study of the reliability of standard UNIX utility programs. This study showed that by using simple (almost simplistic) random testing techniques, we could crash or hang 25-33% of the these utility programs. Five years later, we have repeated and significantly extended this study using the same basic techniques:subjecting programs to random input streams. A distressingly large number of UNIX utilities still crash with our tests (from 18-23% in the 1995 study). Commercial versions of UNIX that we tested (from Sun, IBM, SGI, DEC, and NEXT) ranged from 15 to 43%. The failure rate of the utilities on the freely-distributed Linux version of UNIX was second- lowest, at 11%. The failure rate of the public GNU utilities was the lowest in our study, at only 7%. =SW= [MillerT:95] Duncan C. Miller and Jack A. Thorpe: "SIMNET: The Advent of Computer Networking"; Proceedings of the IEEE, August 1995, vol.83 No.8, pages 1116-1123. = [MIFT] [SimQL] [Miller:95] G.A. Miller: "WordNet: A Lexical Database for English"; C. ACM , 38, 11, 1995.=SKC= [Mills:94] Elinor Mills: "Users Fear Hassles In Using Component Software"; InfoWorld, Vol.16 No.38, Sept 19, 1994, pages19-20. [Misra:86] J. Misra:"Distributed Discrete Event Simulation"; ACM Computing Surveys, Vol.18 No.1, March 1986, pages 39-95. [Mitchell:95] William J. Mitchell: City of Bits: Space, Plave, and the Infobahn; Mit Press = imaginative duscourse on the virtual work and NII. [MitchellEa:94] T. Mitchell, R. Caruana, D. Freitag, J.\ McDermott, and D. Zabowski: "Experience with a Learning Personal Assistant": Comm. ACM, Vol.37 No.7, pp. 81--91, July 1994. [MitchellFP:95] Ian Mitchell, Ian Ferguson, Norman
Parrington:"Rapid Prototyping: an Integrated CASE-based Approach"; in
Papazoglou (ed.): OOER'95, Springer LCNS 1021, 1995, pp.308-317. =
wrapping and domain specialization, use ER models, takes concepts from
Shlaer-Mellor and Rumbaugh. LOCANA supports loose orthogonality Being
delivered to QED?, DORS tool builders. Maintenance follow up by Manny
Lehman? =SW= [MitraWK:99] Prasenjit Mitra, Gio Wiederhold and Martin Kersten:
A Graph-Oriented Model for Articulation of Ontology
Interdependencies; Stanford University Technical Note,
CSL-TN-99-411, August, 1999. [Morgenstern:87] M. Morgenstern: "Security and Inference in
multilevel database and knowledge based systems"; Proc. of the ACM
SIGMOD Conference, pp. 357--373, 1987. =TIHI= [Morningstar:99] Morningstar Investments; =I3= [MorrisMDF:94] KC Morris, Mary Mitchell, Christopher Dabrowski, and Elizabeth Fong: ``Database Management Systems in Engineering"; in the Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, pp.282-308, John Wiley and Sons, 1994; ="http[A://"> = STEP initial release. more in =""> [Morris:99] Bonnie Rothman Morris: "You Want Fries With That Web
Site?"; The New York Times, 25 Feb.1999, p. D1. =I3= [Murray:93] Janet Murray: "K12 Network: Global Education Through Telecommunications"; CACM Vol.36 No.8, August 1993, pp.36:41. [Musen:92] M.A. Musen: "Dimensions of Knowledge Sharing and Reuse"; Computers and Biomedical Research, Vol.25, pp. 435--467, 1992. [MusenGETP:94] M.A. Musen, J. H. Gennari, H. Eriksson, S. W. Tu, and A.R. Puerta: PROTEGE II: Computer Support For Development of Intelligent Systems From Libraries Of Components; Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, Technical Report KSL-94-60. [NaumannLF:99] F.Naumann, U. Leser, J-C. Freytag: "Quality-driven
Integration of Heterogeneous Information Sources"; VLDB 99,
Morgan-Kaufman, 1999. =I3=
[NavatheD:95] Shamkant B. Navathe and Michael J. Donahoo: "Towards Intelligent Integration of Heterogeneous Information Sources"; Proc. 6th International Workshop on Database Re-engineering and Interoperability; March 1995. [NechesEa:93] R. Neches, R. Fikes, T. Finin, T.R. Gruber, R. Patil, T. Senator, and W.R. Swartout: ``Enabling Technology for Knowledge Sharing''; AI Magazine, Vol.12 No.3, pages:37--56, 1993. [Negroponte:94] Nicholas Negroponte: Being Digital; 1994 =books with sensory experience, feel, smell, temperature [Nelson:74] Ted Nelson: Computer Lib -- Dream Machines;
Distributors, South Bend IN, 1974; Microsoft Edition, 1987. =I3=
Early hypertext proposal. [NII] [Nelson:95] S.J. Nelson, NE Olson, LF Fuller, MS Tuttle, WG Cole, DD Sherertz: "Identifying concepts in medical knowledge"; Greenes, Peterson, Protti: MEDINFO 95 Vancouver, Canada, 1995, pp.33-36. =SKC= LXT [Nelson:97] Ted Nelson: The Future of Information; ASCII Corporation,
Tokyo, 1997, =I3= [Newport:93] J.P. Newport: "The Growing Gap in Software"; Fortune, vol.113, Apr.1992, pp.132-142. =SW= [NgK:95] Ng, K. and Kramer, J.: "Automated Support for Distributed Software Design"; in 7th International Workshop on Computer-aided Software Engineering (CASE 95), Toronto, Canada, 1995. =SW= Mostly describes the Software Architect's Assistant, a visual tool to set up distributed systems [Perrochon], [NingEa:94] Jim Q. Ning et al: "An Architecture-driven, Business-specific, and Component-based Approach to Software Engineering"; International Conf. on Software Reuse, Brazil, 1994. = megaprogramming approach =SW= @Andersen Consulting [Nirenburg:93] S. Nirenburg: "Lessons from PANGLOSS"; Proceedings of the Sixteenth Annual International ACM SIGIR Conference on Research and Development in Information Retrieval, ACM, 1993 .=SKC= [NLM:93] National Library of Medicine: UMLS Knowledge Sources; 7th ed., US Department of Health and Human Services, January, 1996.=SKC= [NTT:99] NTT News Release, June 1998: NTT Develops Secure Public-Key
Encryption Scheme;
=I3= [NYT:97] New York Times editorial: "Intelligence Incompetence";
New York Times, 11 April 1997. =SKC= "The agency (CIA) also blamed
confusion caused by the use of multiple databases and multiple names
for the depot (Kamisiyah), a failure to share sensitive information
with everyone who needed to Know it, and a failure to analyze data
going back far enough into the 10980's." Kamisiyah was a chemical
weapons depot in Iraq, mistakingly destroyed with health risks to
U.S. troops).
[OhN:95] YongChul Oh and Shamkant Navathe:"Seer: Security Enhanced Entity-Relationship Model for Secure Relational Databases"; in Papazoglou (ed.): OOER'95, Springer LCNS 1021, 1995, pp.170-180. =full information =""> grad-students-Oh =TIHI= [OKeefe:94] Richard O'Keefe: Craft of Prolog'; =The introduction to the book points to a a few books I think should be considered for inclusion in the reading list for CS446. The author used to work for Quintus Computer Systems when I was there a few years ago. Presently Richard O'Keefe is a Lecturer in the Department of Computer Science at the Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology. I consider him to be an expert in the theory and practical aspects of Computer Science. Some of the comments made in the introduction of his book are very relevant to the new course we are designing. His book happens to be written about the Prolog, but the comments apply in general to the construction of small or large software. There are a few main themes: - Understanding, not Hacking - You can speed a program up by attending to the fine details. - But really the big savings come from choosing inherently efficient algorithms and exploiting the properties of your problem. To do that, you need a clear understanding of what you want to do and this will show up in your programs. If you don't like mathematics, I have bad news for you:the most effective kind of understanding for this purpose is mathematical. by ZHasan:94=SW= [OkiPSS:93] Brian Oki, Manfred Pfluegl, Alex Siegel, and Dale Skeen: "The Information Bus -- an Architecture for Extensible Distributed Systems; 12th Symp. on Operating Systems Principles (SOSP12), pp.58-68, DEC 1993. [OliverA:94] D.E. Oliver and R.B. Altman, 1994. Extraction of SNOMED Concepts from Medical Record Texts; Knowledge Systems Laboratory, Medical Computer Science, KSL-94-33, May. [OliverSSM:98] Diane E. Oliver, Y. Shahar, E.H. Shortliffe, M.A. Musen: Representation of Change on Controlled Medical Terminologies"; Proc. AMIA Conference, Oct.1998.. =SKC= [Olyzko:95] Andrew Odlyzko: `` Tragic loss or good riddance? The impending demise of traditional scholarly journals'' To be published in the Notices of the American Mathematical Society, Jan. 1995. or send tragic.loss.txt from att/math/odlyzko [OlkenR:86] F. Olken and D. Rotem: ``Simple Random Sampling from Relational Databases"; VLDB 12, Kyoto, Aug.1986 [OMG:91] Object Management Group: The Common Object Request Broker: Architecture and Specification; OMG Document 91.12.1, OMG and X/Open, distributed by QED-Wiley, Wellesley MA, 1991. [OPEC:97] Org. Petroleum Exporting Countries: OPEC web site; Org. Petroleum Exporting Countries 1997, [Oracle:92] Oracle 7 Server Concepts Manual, December 1992. [OrfaliHE:95] R. Orfali, D. Harkey, and J. Edwards: The Essential Distributed Objects Survival Guide; Wiley. 1995. =discusses OpenDoc./CORBA vs OLE/COM, favors CORBA. [Sosa:95] OSA examples =SW= @IBM, Tandem [Orman:88] Levent Orman: ``Functional Development of Database Applications''; IEEE Trans.Software Eng., Vol.14 No.9, Sep.1988, pp.1280--1292. = Since observed events are recorded as opposed to the derived state of the environment, the need for triggers is minimized. [Orsborn:94] Kjell Orsborn: "Applying Next Generation Object-Oriented DBMS for Finite Element Analysis"; ADB conference, Vadstena, Sweden, in Litwin, Risch Applications of Databases, Lecture Notes In Computer Science, Springer, 1994. = related to SimQL [Orsborn:93] Kjell Orsborn: "Modeling of Product Data Using an Extensible O-O Query Language"; Linkoping Un. Report LiTH-IDA-R93-15; International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing, 1993 [OsherEa:95] Harold Osher, Mathew Kaplan, William Harrison, Alexander Katz, and Vincent Kruskal: "Subject-Oriented Compostion Rules"; Proc. OOPSLA 1995, ACM. = compostion of independendently established objects using matching rules. (still lacks a domain algebra). Earlier papers in OOPSLA 1992 and OPPSLA 1993. [OTA:93] Office of Technology Assessment: Protecting Privacy in Computerized Medical Information; GPO 1993. [Oudet:97] Bruno Oudet: "Multilingualism and the Internet"; in
Scientific American, Mer.1997. =I3= [OuldM:90] Martyn Ould: Strategies for Software Engineering: The Management of Risk andQuality; John Wiley and Sons, New York. 1990. = It's in the Terman Engineering library as QA76.758.O84. Ould has his own risk management tips and relates his thinking to Boehm's spiral model. Maybe someone will find it useful. =SW= [OSF:91] Open Systems Foundation: Distributed Computing Environment (DCE); ="">, 1991. [OzsoyogluY:87] Z.M. Ozsoyoglu and L.Y. Yuan: "A New Normal Form for Nested Relations"; ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol.12 no.1, 1987. [OzsoyogluO:84] Z.M. Ozsoyoglu and G. Ozsoyoglu: ``Summary-Table-By-Example: A Database Query Language for Manipulating Summary Data''; IEEE Data Engineering Conf.1, Los Angeles, Apr.1984. [PanchapagesanEa:99] Panchapagesan, Priya, Joshua Hui, Gio
Wiederhold, Stephan Erickson, Lynn Dean, and Antoinette Hempstead: "The INEEL
Data Integration Mediation System"; Proc. International ICSC
Symposium on Advances in Intelligent Data Analysis (AIDA'99),
Rochester, NY, June 1999. [PapakonstantinouEa:95] Y. Papakonstantinou, A. Gupta, H. Garcia-Molina, and J. Ullman: "A Query Translation Scheme for Rapid Implementation of Wrappers"; In International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, 1995. = TSIMMIS Wrappers [PapakonstantinouGW:95] Y. Papakonstantinou, H. Garcia-Molina and J. Widom: "Object Exchange Across Heterogeneous Information Sources"; IEEE International Conference on Data Engineering, pp. 251-260, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995. = TSIMMIS mediators [PapakonstantinouAG:96] Y. Papakonstantinou, S. Abiteboul, H. Garcia-Molina: "Object Fusion in Mediator Systems"; In VLDB Conference, Bombay, India, September 1996. = TSIMMIS Mediators [PapakonstantinouGU:96] Y. Papakonstantinou, H. Garcia-Molina, J. Ullman: "Medmaker: A Mediation System Based on Declarative Specifications"; In International Conference on Data Engineering, pages 132 - 141, New Orleans, February, 1996. = TSIMMIS Mediators =I3= [PapazoglouST:99] Mike Papazoglou , Stefano Spaccapietra, and Zahir
Tari (eds.): Advances in Object-Oriented Data Modeling; MIT Press,
1999. =I3= [PapowsPM:98] Jeff Papows, Jeffrey P. Papows, David Moschella:
Enterprise.Com : Market Leadership in the Information Age; Perseus
Books, 1998. =I3= [Parnas:79] D.L. Parnas: "Designing Software for Ease of Extension and Contraction"; IEEE TSE, Vol.5 No.2, March 1979, pp.128-138. [Parnas:95] David Lorge Parnas: "Fighting Complexity"; IEEE TC ECCS Newsletter, Vol.2 No.2, October 1995. [PastorMF:92] J.A. Pastor, D.P. McKay, and T. Finin: ``View-Concepts: Knowledge-based Access to Databases''; Proc. 1st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM92), Baltimore, MD. 1992. [PatilEa:92] R.S. Patil, R.E. Fikes, P.F. Patel-Schneider, D. Mckay, T. Finin, T.R. Gruber, and R. Neches: The DARPA Knowledge Sharing Effort: Progress Report; in Nebel, Rich and Swartout, eds., Principles of Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; pages 777--788, Morgan Kaufmann, 1992. [PenedoR:92] Maria Penedo and William Riddle (eds): Process- sensitive Software Engineering Architecture Workshop; Rocky Mountain Institute of Software Engineering, Boulder CO, Sep. 1992. =PSEEA, includes Toaster model picture. In Gio's office. =SW= [Perrochon:96] Louis Perrochon: School Goes Internet; Das Buch Fur
Mutige Lehrerinnen und Lehrer; in German, Dpunkt Verlag, Heidelberg
Germany, 1996. =I3= [PerrochonWB:97] Louis Perrochon, Gio Wiederhold, and Ron Burback: "A
Compiler for Composition: CHAIMS"; Fifth International Symposium on
Assessment of Software Tools and Technologies (SAST97), Pittsburgh,
3-5 June, IEEE Computer Society, 1997, pp. 44-51. =I3= [Peterson:94] T. Peterson: "Art & Architecture Thesarus"; 2nd ed., Oxford University Press, 1994.=SKC= [Peterson:95] Ivars Peterson: Fatal Defect: Chasing Killer Computer Bugs; 1995? = Failure cases [Pham:95] Hoang Pham (ed.): Software Reliability and Testing; IEEE CS books, 1995. =SW= . [Pierce:10] C.S Pierce: Theory of Signs; = 10 trichotomies and 66 classes, trichotomies of: Firstness (base icons), Secondness (indices, compulsive), Thirdness (symbols, mediation), Observation of a sign involves a triadic relatonship between the Sign itself, its Object, and Interpretant, which is another sign. Lived 1839-1914. versus Descartes criticism (base of thesis falsfication) 'you cannot doubt everything'. =I3= =SKC= [Pierce:91] B.C. Pierce: Basic Category Theory for Computer Scientists; The MIT Press, 1991.. =SKC= [Pigoski:93] Thomas M. Pigoski: article on maintenance; in Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Wiley, 1993. = Pigoski is President of TECHSOFT, a small business which specializes in software maintenance. =SW= [PistorA:86] P. Pistor and F. Andersen: "Designing a General NFNF Data Model with an SQL-Type Language Interface"; Twelfth International Conference on VLDB, Kyoto, Japan, 1986. [Pockley:96] Simon Pockley: “Lest We Forget: The Flight of Ducks”;
Conservation On-Line, Stanford University, 1996; =I3= [PonceleonSAPD:98] D. Ponceleon, S. Srinivashan, A. Amir, D.
Petkovic, D. Diklic: “Key to Effective Video Retrieval: Effective
Cataloguing and Browsing”; Proc.of ACM Multimedia '98 Conference,
September 1998. =I3= [Pollitt:96] A. S. Pollitt, Martin P. Smith, and Patrick A. J. Braekevelt: "View-based searching systems: a new paradigm for information retrieval based on faceted classification and indexing using mutually constraining knowledge-based views. [PrietoDiaz:91] Ruben Prieto-Diaz "Implementing Faceted Classification for Sofware Reuse"; Comm.ACM, Vol.34 No.5, May 1991, pp.89-97. = A Class-based CASE tool for reuse. In special issue on Software Engineering. [PTAC:98] Information Technology Research: Investing in Our Future;
Advisory Committee Report to the President; =I3= [Pu:88] Calton Pu: "Superdatabases for Composition of Heterogeneous Databases"; IEEE Data Engineering Conf., 1988; also in Gupta, 1989. [PuLC:91] C. Pu, A. Leff, and S-W. Chen: "Heterogenous and Autonomous Transaction Processing"; IEEE Computer, Vol.24 No. 12, Dec.1991, pp.64--72. = DBDdist . was @ Columbia Un., now Oregon GI. [PurtiloLC:91] J. Purtilo, A. Larson and J. Clark. J. Purtilo, A. Larson and J. Clark: "A methodology for prototyping in the large"; IEEE Int'l Conf on Software Engineering, May 1991, pp. 2-12. =CHAIMS Polylith [Purtilo:94] J. Purtilo: "The Polylith Software Bus"; ACM TOPLAS, 1994; UMD CSD Tech Report 2469,, 1992; = Come in to "" as anonymous, give any non-null password, set the binary flag to your ftp, change to the "docs" subdirectory, and grab what you find. =CHAIMS= [PurtiloW:92] J. Purtilo and E. White: "A flexible program adaptation system: case studies in Ada"; UMD CSD Tech Report 2522; to appear in Journal of Systems and Software. [Qian:89] XiaoLei Qian: ``The Deductive Synthesis of Iterative Transaction"; PhD thesis, Stanford University, June 1989. [QianR:95] XL. Qian and L. Raschid: "Query Interoperation among Object-oriented and Relational Databases"; Proc. 11th International Conference on Data Engineering, IEEE pp. 271--278. March 1995. =I3= [QianSKLG:93] X. Qian , M. Stickel , P. Karp , T. Lunt , and T. Garvey: "Detection and elimination of inference channels in multilevel relational database systems"; Proc. of the IEEE Symposium on Research in Security and Privacy, pp.196-205, 1993. =TIHI= [QianW:97] XioaLei Qian and Gio Wiederhold: "Protecting Collaboration"; abstract for IEEE Information Survivability Workshop, ISW'97, Feb.1997, San Diego. =TIHI= [QuassEa:95] D. Quass, A. Rajaraman, Y. Sagiv, J. Ullman, and J. Widom: "Querying Semistructured Heterogeneous Information"; In International Conference on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, 1995. = Semistructured Data in TSIMMIS mediation =I3= [QuirkGLS:19xx] Quirk, Greenbaum, Leech, and Svartik: A Comprehensive Grammar of English; Oxford?, 1779pp = comprehensive, used for ORACLE ConText. =SKC= [RaggettLA:95] Dave Raggett, Jenny Lam, Ian Alexander: HTML 3, Electronic Publishing on the World-Wide-Web; Addison Wesley 1995?. =Java was a buzzword then, ref for CS99I [RajaramanSU:95] A. Rajaraman, Y. Sagiv, and J. Ullman: "Answering Queries Using Templates with Binding Patterns"; In Proceedings of the 14th ACM PODS, pp. 105-112, San Jose, California, May 1995. = TSIMMIS Wrappers [Ramakrishnan:89] Raghu Ramakrishnan; ``Conlog: Logic + Control"; Un.Wisconsin-Madison, CSD, 1989. = Conlog is a database logic programming language with tentative ideas for control, modules, and workspaces in Conlog. It gives the Conlog paradigm of computation. An interface to external routines in C is also planned. DBDkb [RamakrishnanMSW:95] Raghu Ramakrishnan, Hector Garcia-Molina, Avi
Silbershatz, Gio Wiederhold (panelists): "Scientific Journals:
Extinction or Explosion?"; Proc. VLDB 1995, Zurich, Morgan-Kaufman,
1995. =I3= [RamroopP:99] Steve Ramroop and Richard Pascoe: “Implementation
Architecture for A National Data Center”; in Vckovski, Brassel, and
Schek: Interoperating Geographic Information Systems, Springer LNCS
1580, 1999, pp.65-74. =I3= [ReinwaldEa:94] B. Reinwald, S. Dessloch, M. Carey, T. Lehman, H.\ Pirahesh and V. Srinivasan: ``Making Real Data Persistent: Initial Experiences with SMRC''; Proc. Int'l Workshop on Persistent Object Systems, Tarascon, France, pp.194--208, Sept.1994. [ReiserA:84] S.J. Reiser and M. Anbar (eds): The Machine at the Bedside: Strategies for using technology in patient care; Cambridge University Press, 1984. =MIS= This book discusses the theory and use of health-care technologies such as intensive care, diagnostic imaging, and electronic fetal monitoring in the context of legal, ethical, economic, and social concerns. It contains 23 case studies that depict the benefits and limitations of using these technologies.
[Reiter:78] R. Reiter: ``On Closed World Data Bases''; in Gallaire and Minker (eds): Logic and Data Bases, Plenum Press, 1978. [Rettig:91] Marc Rettig "Testing made Palatable"; Comm.ACM, Vol.34 No.5, May 1991, pp.25-29. = in special issue on Software Engineering. [Rheingold:93] Howard Rheingold: The Virtual Community: Homesteading on the Electronic Frontier; Addison Wesley, 1993. [Richards:99] Justin Richards: Evolution and Revolution in the User
=I3= [RindKSSCB:97] David M. Rind, MD; Isaac S. Kohane, MD, PhD; Peter Szolovits, PhD; Charles Safran, MD; Henry C. Chueh, MD; and G. Octo Barnett, MD: "Maintaining the Confidentiality of Medical Records Shared over the Internet and the World Wide Web"; Annals of Internal Medicine, Vol.15 No.127, July 1997, pp.138-141. =TIHI= [Rindfleisch:97] Thomas C. Rindfleisch: "Privacy, Information Technology, and Health Care"; Comm. ACM; Vol.40 No. 8 , Aug.1997, pp.92-100. =TIHI= [Risch:89] Tore Risch: ``Monitoring Database Objects''; Proc. VLDB 15, Amsterdam, Aug.1989, Morgan Kaufmann Pubs. [RischW:91] Tore Risch and Gio Wiederhold: "Building Adaptive Applications using Active Mediators"; DEXA 91 (Database and Expert Systems Applications), Berlin, Germany, August 1991, D. Karagiannis (ed.), Springer-Verlag. [Robinson:94] Edward N. Robinson: "Editorial: The Computerized Patient Record: Privacy and Security"; M.D.Computing, Vol.11 No.2, Mar./Apr.1994, pages 69--73. =TIHI= Well-balanced survey, with many references. [RodriguezEa98] Juan A. Rodriguez-Aguilar, Francisco J. Martin, Pablo
Noriega, Pere Garcia, and Carles Sierra: "Towards a Test-bed for
Trading Agents in Electronic Auction Markets"; AI Communications,
ECAI, Vol.111 No.1 August 1998, pp. 5-19.. =I3= [Rose:83] Robert F.Rose: ``A `Data Engine' Using SAS and INQUIRE''; Journal of Medical Systems, Vol.7 No.3, 1983, pp.257--266. =I3= [RosenberryKF:94] Rosenberry, Kenney, and Fisher: Understanding DCE, OReilley 1994. =SW= [RosenscheinZ:94] Jeffrey S. Rosenschein and Gilad Zlotkin: Rules Of Encounter:Designing Conventions For Automated Negotiation Among Computers; MIT Press 1994. = Applies the general approach and the mathematical tools of game theory in a formal analysis of the rules (or protocols) governing the high-level behavior of interacting computer systems. =SW= [RothKS 88] M.A. Roth, H.F. Korth, and A. Silberschatz: "Extended Algebra and Calculus for Nested Relational Databases"; ACM TODS, Vol.13 No.4, December 1988. [Rothenberg:96] Jeff Rothenberg: “Metadata to Support Data Quality
and Longevity”; First IEEE Metadata Conference, April 1996,
quality.html =I3= [Roussopoulos:91] Nick Roussopoulos: ``An Incremental Access Method For Viewcache: Concept, Algorithm, and Cost Analysis''; ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Vol.16 No.3, Sep.\ 1991, pp.535--563. [RoussopoulosK:86] N. Roussopoulos and H. Kang: ``Principles and Techniques in the Design of ADMS''; IEEE Computer, Vol.19 No.12, Dec.1986 pp.19--25. [Rowe:83] Neil Rowe: ``An Expert System for Statistical Estimates on Databases"; Proc. AAAI, Stanford, Mar.1983. [Rowe:95] Neil C. Rowe: "Retrieving Captioned Pictures Using Statistical Correlations and a Theory of Caption-Picture Co-reference''; Fourth Annual Symposium on Document Analysis and Retrieval; Las Vegas NV, April 1995. [Roy:91] Shaibal Roy: ``Semantic Complexity of Classes of Rela\-tional Queries''; Proc. ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO, May.1991. [Roy:91T] Shaibal Roy: Parallel Execution of Database queries; PhD Thesis, Stanford CSD repor t 92-1397, 1992. [RoyH:97] N.F. Roy and C.D. Hafner: The State of the Art in Ontology Design; AI Magazine, 1997, Vol.18 No.3, pp.53--74.. =SKC= [RubinowitzT:92] H. Rubinovitz and B. Thuraingham; "Design and Implementation of a Query Processor for a Trusted Distributed Query Processor for a Distributed Datbase Managembet System"; Journal of Systems and Software 1992 = (get for TIHI) also in 1991, also MITRE Technical report MTR 92B-77 (also in 1991, 1992 Computer Simulation Conferences) , MTP 291 M91-78. What I have seen yet looks pretty trivial. [RumbleEa:95] John Rumble (convenor), Committee on Application of
Expert Systems to Making Materials Selection During Design:
Computer-Aided Materials Selection During Structural Design;
National Materials Advisory Board, National Research Council, NAMB-
467, National Academy Press, Washington DC 1995. =I3= [Rundensteiner:92] Elke A. Rundensteiner:"Multiview: A
Methodology for Supporting Multiple Views in Object- Oriented
Databases"; Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases
(VLDB) 18, Vancouver, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA), Aug
1992. [RussellG:91] G. T. Russell, Deborah , Gangemi Sr.: Computer Security
Basics; O'Reilly & Associates, Inc., 1991. =YIHI= [Russell:96] E. Russell: CALL Dictionary and Thesaurus; US Army
Combined Arms Center, Ft. Leavenworth,
1996., 1996=SKC= [SA:97] Scientific American Editors: The Internet: Fulfilling the
Promise; special issue, Scientific American, March 1997. =I3= [SaccaW:84] Domenico Sacca and Gio Wiederhold : "Database
Partitioning in a Cluster of Processors"; ACM TODS, Vol.10 No.1,
Mar. 1984, pages 29-56. [SaccaEa:86] D. Sacc\`a, D. Vermeir, A. d'Atri, A. Liso,
S.G. Pedersen, J.J. Snijders, and N. Spyratos: ``Description of the
Overall Architecture of the KIWI System''; ESPRIT'85, EEC,
Elseviers, 1986, pp.685--700. [Sadowsky:93] George Sadowsky: "Network Connectivity for
Developing Countries"; Comm ACM, Vol.36 No.8, Aug.1993, pp.42-47. [SafranRCBSB:95] Charles E. Safran, David Ring, Mieke Citroen,
Albert R. Bakker, Warner V. Slack, and Howard L. Bleich: "Protection
of Confidentiality in the Computer-Based Madical Record", MD
Computing, Vol.12 No.3, May 1995, pp.187-192 =TIHI= security rules for
VIP patients. [SagerCFL:85] N. Sager, E.C. Chi, C. Friedman, and M.S. Lyman:
``Modelling Natural Language Data for Automatic Creation of a Database
from Free-Text Input"; IEEE Database Engineering Bull., Vol.8,No.3,
Sep.1985, pp.45-55. [SagivY:80] Y. Sagiv and M. Yannakakis: "Equivalences Among Relational Expressions with the Union and Difference Operators"; JACM, Vol, 27, No. 4, October 1980, 633-655. [Salton:90] Gerard Salton: ``Full Text Information Processing Using the Smart System''; IEEE CS Database Engineering Bulletin, March 1990, Vol.13 No.1. [SamadzadehM:95] Mansur Samadzadeh and Mansour Zaid: Proc. ACM SIGSoft Symposium on Software Reusability; ACM, April 1995. [Samuelson:92] Pamela Samuelson: Adapting Intellectual Property Law to New Technologies; A Case Study on Computer Programs; NRC, NAS, 1992. [Samuelson:93] P. Samuelson: "Liability for Defective Information"; Comm.ACM, Vol.36 No.5, May 1993, pp.21-26. [Samuelson:94C] P. Samuelson: "Copyright's Fair Use Doctrine and Digital Data"; Comm.ACM, Vol.37 No.1, Jan.1994, pp.21-27. [Samuelson:94N] Pamela Samuelson: ``The NII Intellectual Property Report''; Comm. ACM, Vol. 37, No. 12, Dec. 1994 pages 21--27. [SandersWA:67] William J. Sanders, Gio Wiederhold, et al: "An Advanced Computer System for Medical Research"; Proceedings of the AFIPS Conference, Vol. 31, Washington, DC, Thompson Books, 1967, pages 497-508. [SandersC:94] Joc Sanders and Eugene Curran: Software Quality; ACM Press 1994. = SW [SandewallB:94] E. Sandewall and C. Backstrom (eds.): Current Trends in AI Planning; IOS Press, Amsterdam, 1994. [SandhuJ:92] R. Sandhu and S. Jajodia: "Polyinstantiation for Cover Stories"; European Synposium on Computer Security; Springer Verlag 1992. = TIHI [Sankar:95] Sankar: ... To add to that
thread. BYTE magazine has been running a number of articles in the
last year that talks about the emerging market standards for different
types of infrastructure layers that agents can use (one of which is
CORBA). BYTE a few months ago also had a similar article on
OLE.SOM/DSOM etc. In addition, One can think about messaging layer
standards, distributed database transport layer standards, etc. =SW= private Comm
[SBIR:99] The National SBIR Program Resource Center; =I3= [SchaeferS:95] M. Schaefer, G. Smith: "Assured discretionary access control for trusted RDBMS"; Proceedings of the Ninth IFIP WG 11.3 Working Conference on Database Security, 1995, pp.275-289. [Schank:91] J. Schank: A Review of Strategic Mobility Models and Analysis; Rand Corporation, Santa Monica, CA, 1991.=SKC= [Schmidt:77] J.W. Schmidt: "Some High Level Language Constructs for Data of Type Relation"; ACM Transactions on Database Systems, Sep.1977, Vol.2 No.3, pp.247-261. =SKC= PASCAL-R [Schmolze:89] J. Schmolze: "N-ary KANDOR"; Proc. Knowledge Representation and Reasoning (KR-89), Morgan-Kaufmann, San Mateo, California, 1989.=SKC= [Schneidewind:87] N.F. Schneidewind: "The State of Software Maintenance"; IEEE Trans.on Software Engineering, Vol.SE13 Mar,1987, pp.303-310. [Schneidewind:89] N.F. Schneidewind: "Software Maintenance, the need for a Standard"; Proc.of the IEEE, vol.77 no.4, 1989, pp.618-624. =SW= [Schneidewind:92] N.F. Schneidewind: "Methodology for Validating Software Metrics"; IEEE Trans. on Software Engineering, Vol.SE18, May 1992, pp.410-422. [SchoenB:88] E. Schoen, R.G. Smith, and B.G. Buchanan: ``Design of Knowledge-based Systems with a Knowledge-based Assistant''; IEEE Trans. Software Eng., Vol.14 No.12, Dec.1988, pp.1771--1791. [SchulerRBB:90] D. Schuler, P. Russo, J. Boose, and J. Bradshaw: "Using Personal Construct Techniques for collaborative evaluation"; International Journal of Man-Machine Studies, 33, 521-536. =on consensus knowledge acquisition: [SchuylerHTS:93] P.L. Schuyler, W.T. Hole, M.S. Tuttle, and D.D. Sherertz: "The UMLS Metathesaurus: Representing Different Views of Biomedical Concepts"; Bull Med Libr Assoc., April1993; Vol.81 no.2, pp217-222.. =SKC= [SeligmanK:93] Len Seligman and Larry Kerscherg: ``An Active Database Approach to Consistency Management in Data- and Knowledge-based System''; Journal of Intelligent Information Systems, Vol.2 No.2, 1993. [Sellis:87] T. Sellis. Intelligent Caching and Indexing Techniques for Relational Database Systems. Technical Report CS-TR-1927, University of Maryland, October 1987. [Setliff:95] Dottie Setliff (ed): The Knowledge- Based Software Engineering Conference; Rome Labs, 1995, =""> =SW= @Univ. of Pittsburgh [SewellT:86] W. Sewell and S. Tietelbaum: ``Observations of End-user Online Searching Behavior over Eleven Years"; J.Am.Soc.Inf.Sci., Vol.37 No.4, Jul.1986, pp.234--245. [ShanD:96] M.-C. Shan, J.W.Davis, et al: " Business Process Flow Management and its Application in the Telecommunications Management Network"; HP-Journal, October 1996. =SW=CHAIMS= The paper describes HP OpenPM, now called changengine and used by several banks. It is advanced workflow technology based on a framework approach for reusability. Goals of changengine: - substantial evolution from traditional workflow technologies - for distributed heterogenous computing environment (several procotols via wrappers) - it is a middleware system for procedural automation of a business process by managing the sequence of process activities, including the invocation of appropriate human, instrument or computer resources. - content, structure of process can be preplanned or ad hoc Main elements: - Process engine: based on the business process definition (graphically, rules) the process engine determines when something takes place and triggers activities. - Resource executive: manages resources - BOW: business object wrappers Definition of process: Graph containing work nodes and rule nodes. Each work node can again be a process containing work nodes and rule nodes. Work nodes have status initial or fired. Forward arcs denote normal execution flow, and they form directed acylic graph. Each work node can only have incoming arc, whereas rule nodes can have several incoming arcs (they have rules to deal with that). Both kind of nodes can have several outgoing arcs. Backward arcs are reset arcs, i.e. when they fire, everything in their loop is reset, and started tasks are aborted. Nodes fire like in a petri-net. Rules: e.g. "if Customer.approval = TRUE then arc 5" Events: rule nodes can also raise evens, which themselves can fire rules nodes that have subscribed to that event. Events are modelled like specific kind of nodes, like a shortcut for not drawing to many arcs across the graph. This kind of graph allows to describe: - sequencing and timing and dependancy of business activities, - data and physical agent allocation of business activities - business rules and organization policies Mapping of process definition to execution: Work node -- process activity(task) -- invocation of an operation on business objects(resource) during execution of a process BOW: BOW's wrap business objects and interface to the process engine via CORBA. Towards business objects they interface with various protocols, e.g. also DCOM and DNA. Business objects are catalogued in a library. Interfaces: from process engine are CORBA and WfMC (Workflow Managmenet Coalition standard interface) Optimization: Data handler: allows seperation of application specific data and process-relevant data needed for rule nodes, thus reducing amount of data flow. Resource manager: for automatic workload balancing. Statistical data: bottleneck analysis, flow optimization. References: - paper gives further references (not very new) - Reed Letsinger and Michael VantHilst at HP labs - webpage: is behind firewall [Dorothea Beringer] [ShannonW:48] C.E. Shannon and W. Weaver: The Mathematical Theory
of Computation; 1948, reprinted by The Un.Illinois Press, 1962. =
defines information theory concepts. [ShardanandM:93] U. Shardanand and Pattie Maes: “Social Information
Filitering: Algorithms for Automating Word of Mouth”; CHI 93, ACM
and IEEE, Denver CO, 1993. =I3= [SharpeK:94] Paul Sharpe and Tom Keelin: "How SmithKline-Beecham makes Better Resource Allocations Decisions"; Harvard Business Review, March-April 1998, pages 45-57. [ShawG:89] M.L.G. Shaw and B. R. Gaines: "Comparing conceptual structures: consensus, conflict, correspondence and contrast"; Knowledge Acquisition, Vol.1 No.4, pp.341-364, 1989. =on consensus knowledge acquisition: [Shaw:94] Mary Shaw: "Procedure Calls are the Assembly Language of Software Interconnection: Descriptors deserve First-Class Status"; CMU Tech.Rep. CMU-CS-994-107, 1994..=SW= [Shaw:95] Mary Shaw: "Procedure Calls are the Assembly Language of Software Interconnection: Descriptors deserve First-Class Status"; CMU Tech.Rep. CMU-CS-994-107, 1994..=SW= [Shen:85] Sheldon Shen: ``Design of a Virtual Database''; Information Systems., Vol.10 No.1, 1985, pp.27--35. = include inference and derived data, as a front end to an RDB. = distinguish the conceptual 'virtual' database (CVD) (which is visible to the user as a set of tables) from the 'virtual' database schema (VDS) (not usually visible to the user). The processing needs are satisfied by data retrieval from the tables in the CVD. The VDS describes the base relations, inferencing rules (as in a deductive database), and 'data-processing relationships' of the form 'Ri -f- Rj' to denote that the processing program f transforms a model of Ri to a model offxff Rj. Query processing involves building a query tree with desired table in the CVD at the root and then choosing a suitable order of execution. The proposal is reasonable though somewhat simplistic. --- Arun. = For derived data, data independence and query processing can be maintained. DBDdesign DBDquery xissue [SherertzEa:95] David D. Sherertz, MS Tuttle, NE Olson, GT Hsu, RW Carlson, LM Fagan, RD Acuff, WG Cole, SJ Nelson: "Accessing oncology information at the point of care: experience using speech, pen, and 3-D interfaces with a knowledge server"; Greenes, Peterson, Protti:MEDINFO 95, Vancouver, Canada, 1995, pp.792-795. = LXT [ShethLC:88] A.P. Sheth, J.A. Larson, and A. Cornellio: ``A Tool for Integrating Conceptual Schemas and User Views"; IEEE Data Engineering Conference 4, Feb.1988, Los Angeles. [ShethL:90] A.P. Sheth and J.A. Larson: ``Federated Databases: Architecture and Integration"; ACM Computing Surveys, 1990. [ShivakumarG:96] N. Shivakumar and H. Garcia-Molina: ``Building a
Scalable and Accurate Copy Detection Mechanism''; Proc. 1st ACM
Conference on Digital Libraries (DL'96); ACM, March 1996. [ShlaerM:92] S. Shlaer and S.J. Mellor: Object Life Cycles, Modeling the World in States ; Prentice-Hall, 1992. =SW= This influential textbook was developed by protagonists of the object-oriented software development approach. [Shoch:78] John F. Shoch: "testing the ethernet"; Comm.ACM, 1978. = use of a virus to simulate heavy use of a the ethernet at XEROX PARC. [ShochDRC:82] John F. Shoch, Yogen K. Dalal, David D. Redell, and
Ronald D. Crane: "Evolution of the Ethernet Local Computer Network";
IEEE Compter, Vol.15, No.8, Aug.1982, pp.10-27. [ShortliffePWF:90] Edward Shortliffe, Leslie Perrault, Gio
Wiederhold, and Larry Fagan (eds): Medical Informatics: Computer
Applications in Health Care; Addison-Wesley, April 1990, 715
pages. [ShoshaniW:85] A. Shoshani and H.K.T. Wong: ``Statistical and Scientific Database Issues''; IEEE Trans.Software Eng., Vol.SE-11 No.10, Oct.1985, pp.1040--1047. Shuey, Richard and Gio Wiederhold: "Data Engineering and Information Systems"; IEEE Computer, Vol.19 No.1, January 1986, pages 18-30. [SiegelM:91] Michael Siegel and Stuart Madnick "Context Interchange:Sharing the Meaning of Data"; ACM SIGMOD Record, Vol.20 No.4, Dec 1991, pp.77-78. =SW= [SilberschatzU:90] A. Silberschatz and J. Ullman: The Future of Database Research; the Lagunita Report; University of Texas, June 1990. [SilberschatzSU:95] Avi Silberschatz, Mike Stonebraker, and Jeff
Ullman : Database Research: Achievements and Opportunities into the
21st Century, Report of an NSF Workshop on the Future of Database
Systems Research, May 26--27, 1995, Sigmod Record, ACM,
Vol.27 No.4, Dec.1998, pp.74-88. =I3= The Asilomar report. [Simons:93] P. Simons: "Whos Afraid of Higher-Order Logic?"; Grazer Philosophische Studien 44, 253-264, 1993.=SKC= [Simons:96] Barbara Simons: Outlawing Technology. CACM 41(10): 17-18
(1998). =I3= [Singh:98] Narinder Singh: "Unifying Heterogeneous Information Models"; Communications of the ACM; vol.41 No.5, May 1998, pages 37-45. = description of Tessarae's information systems TIE =I3= SinghalC:95] Sandeep K. Singhal, David R. Cheriton: "Exploiting Position History for Efficient Remote Rendering in Networked Virtual Reality"; Teleoperators and Virtual Environment, Vol.4 No.2):169-193, Spring 1995. = Dead reckoning =SimQL= [SinghalC:96] Sandeep K. Singhal and David R. Cheriton: "Using Projection Aggregations to Support Scalability in Distributed Simulation"; Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (ICDCS), IEEE Computer Society, 196-206, May 1996. =SimQL= Aggregation [SilberschatzSU:91] A. Silberschatz, Michael Stonebraker, and J. Ullman (eds): "Database Systems: Achievements and Opportunities"; Com.ACM, Vol.34 No.10, Oct. 1991, pages 110-120. =I3= =the Lagunita Report, encourages mediators. [SmithMCB:77] R.G. Smith, T.M. Mitchell, R.A. Chestek, and B. Buchanan: ``The Contract Net: A Formalism for the Control of Distributed Problem Solving"; IJCAI, Feb.1977, pp.338--343. [Smith:80] R.G. Smith: ``The Contract Net Protocol: High-Level Communication and Control in a Distributed Problem Solver"; IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol.C-29 No.12, Dec.1980, pp.1104--1113. [SmithEa:81] J.M. Smith et al: ``MULTIBASE --- Integrating Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems"; Proc.NCC, AFIPS Vol.50, Mar.1981, pp.487--499. [SmithG:85] D.E. Smith and M.R. Genesereth: ``Ordering Conjunctive Queries''; Artificial Intelligence, Vol.26, 1985, pp.171--215. [Smith:90] Smith, D.R., KIDS: A Semi-Automated Program Development System, IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering 16(9), Special Issue on Formal Methods, September 1990, 1024-1043. The Generic paper on KIDS [Smith:93C] David R.Smith: ``Constructing Specification Morphisms'', Journal of Symbolic Computation, Special Issue on Automatic Programming, Vol.16 No.5-6, 1993, pp.571-606. [Smith:93T] D.R. Smith: "Transformational Approach to Transportational Scheduling"; Proceedings of the 8th Knowledge-based Software Engineering Conference, Chicago, IL., Sep 14-17,1993. = for a light paper that talks about the derivation of our fast scheduling algorithm: [SmithW:92] Ken Smith and Marianne Winslett: "Entity Modeling in the MLS Releational Model; VLDB:92. = Uses views to define distinct levels, can lead to loss of unclassified information if intermediate join elements are at a higher level.[TIHI] [Smith:95] D.R. and S.J.Westfold Smith: "Synthesis of Constraint Algorithms"; in Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (V. Saraswat and P. Van Hentenryck, eds.), MIT Press, 173-182, 1995.=SKC= [Sneed:95] Harry M. Sneed: "Planning the Reeingineering of Legacy Systems"; IEEE Computer, Jan.1995, pp.24-34. = financial assessment enabled by a strict one-to-one transformation. =SW= [Snodgrass:95] Richard T. Snodgrass (editor): The TSQL2 Temporal
Query Language; Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1995. =I3= [Sommerville:92] Ian Sommerville: Software Engineeering, 4th ed.; Addison Wesley, 1992. =General, but limited text [Sosa:95]=SW= [Sowa:96] S. Sowa: "Standard for Conceptual Graphs"; a draft for the ANSI X3H32 group; private communication, to be published by ANSI in 1997, 1996.=SKC= [Sowa:98] John F. Sowa: Knowledge Representation Logical, Philosophical and Computational Foundations; PWS Publishing Company, 1998.. =SKC= [SpaccapietraP:94] Stefano Spaccapietra and Christine Parent: "View Integration: A Step Forward in Solving Structural Conflicts"; IEEE Trans. Knowldge and Database Engineering, Vol.6 No.2, pp.258- 274, 1994. [SpoonerKWSH:86] David Spooner, Arthur M. Keller, Gio Wiederhold, John Salasin, and Deborah Heystek: "Framework for the Security Component of an Ada DBMS"; Proc. Twelfth International Conference on Very Large Data Bases (VLDB), Kyoto, Japan, August 1986, Morgan Kaufmann pubs., pages 347 to 354; also in Proceedings of the Database Security Workshop, National Computer Security Center, Fort Meade MD, June 1986. [Spalka:94] A. Spalka: "Secure Logic Databases Allowed to Reveal Indefinite Information on Secrets"; in Data Security 8: Status and Prospects, North-Holland, 1994, = TIHI, IFIP WG 11.3. [SRI:99] Stanford Research Institute: Internet Requests for
Comments, =I3= [SrinivasJ:94] Y.V. Srinivas and Richard J"ullig: Specware:(TM) Formal Support for Composing Software; Dec.1994, Kestrel, KES.U.94.5; to appear in Proceedings of the Conference on Mathematics of Program Construction, Kloster Irsee, Germany, July 1995. = the latest on our "Specware" system... This paper is a very mathematical treatise, but it is descriptive to those in the know. =SW= [SrinivasanHandsSV:95] Padmini Srinivasan-Hands; Anand Srinivasan, and Gerard M. Vignes: "Database Design with Behavior and Views Using Parameterized Petri Nets"; in Papazouglou (ed.) OOER'95, Springer LCNS 1021, Dec.1995. =partitioning based on similarity of behavior of tuples/objects. Applications in hospital, manufacturing. =SW= @NCSU, USL [Stefik:96] Mark Stefik: Internet Dreams, Archetypes, Myths, and
Metaphors; MIT Press, 1996. =I3= [Stefik:97] Mark Stefik: "Trusted Systems"; in Scientific American, March 1997. =I3= [SteierS:95] David Steier and Scott Huffman: We have submitted a paper for publication based on our Digital Libraries workshop presentation, but haven't heard yet whether it will be published. Until then the citation is = [Krishnan:94] [Stein:91] Richard B. Stein: ``Browsing through terabytes"; Byte, May 1991, pp.157--164. = Thinking Machines WAIS project DBDdist [STEP:92] International Organization for Standardization: ISO 10303, Industrial Automation Systems and Integration --- Product Representation and Exchange --- Overview and Fundamental Principles; Draft standard ISO TC184/SC4, 1992. [StickelEa:94] Mark Stickel, Richard Waldinger, Michael Lowry, Thomas Pressburger, and Ian Underwood: "Deductive Composition of Astronomical Software from Subroutine Libraries"; Twelfth International Conference on Automated Deduction, Nancy, France, June 1994, pages 341--355. = Amphion, the NASA system for deductive software composition that's being applied to planetary astronomy at JPL. [Stix:97] Gary Stix: "Finding Pictures"; in Scientific American, March 1997. =I3= [Stoll:96] Clifford Stoll: Silicon Snake Oil : Second Thoughts on the
Information Highway; Anchor Books 1996. =I3= [StonebrakerR:86] M. Stonebraker and L.A. Rowe: ``The Design of POSTGRES"; Proc. ACM SIGMOD'86 (Washington DC), May.1986, pp.340--355. [StonebrakerDE:85] M. Stonebraker, D. DuBourdieux, and W. Edwards: ``Triggers and Inference in Database Systems''; Brodie, Mylopoulos, and Schmidt (eds) On Knowledge Base Management Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies, Springer, Feb.1986, pp.297--314. also UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, TR-ERL-M85-46, May.1985. = derived data. Do FOREVER. Includes RETRIEVE-ALWAYS for continuous recomputation of derived data, viz. identity connection DBDkb [StonebrakerSH86] M. Stonebraker, T. Sellis, and E. Hanson: "An Analysis of Rule Indexing Implementations in Data Base Systems"; Proceedings of the First Annual Conference on Expert Database Systems, April 1986, 465-476. [Stonebraker:88] Michael Stonebraker: ``Future Trends In Database Systems"; IEEE Data Engineering Conf. 4, Feb.1988, Los Angeles. [StonebrakerEa:94] Michael Stonebraker, Robert Devine, Marcel Kornacker, Witold Litwin, Avi Pfeffer, Adam Sah, and Carl Staelin: ``An Economic Paradigm for Query Processing and Data Migration in Mariposa''; 3rd Intl. Conf. on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems, (PDIS) Austin, Texas, September, 1994. [Stoyenko:95] Alex Stoyenko: "Engineering of Complex Computer
Systems -- A New Challenge for Computer Types Everywhere"; IEEE TC
ECCS Newsletter, Vol.2 No.2, October 1995. [Stroustrup:91] Bjarne Stroustrup: The C++ Programming Language, 2nd ed; Addison Wesley, 1991. [Studer:98] [Swartz:94] Jon Swartz: "OpenDoc, OLE squaring off"; MacWEEK Vol.8 No.37, 19 Sept 1994 page 1-2. [Sweeney:96] Latanya Sweeney: "Replacing personally-identifying
information in medical records, the scrub system"; Cimino,
JJ, ed. Proceedings, Journal of the American Medical Informatics
Association, Washington, DC: Hanley & Belfus, 1996, Pp.333-337
[Sweeney:97] Latanya Sweeney: "Guaranteeing anonymity when
sharing medical data, the datafly system"; Proceedings,
Journal of the American Medical Informatics Association,
Washington DC, Hanley & Belfus, 1997. [SweeneyEa:98] Latanya Sweeney et al.: "="">Protection
Models for Anonymous Databases; Stanford CSD 1998, related work in
progress. [SuEa:96] S.Y.W. Su, et al.: "NCL: A Common Language for
Achieving Rule-Based Interoperability Among Heterogeneous Systems"; in
Wiederhold (editor): Intelligent Integration of Information, Kluwer
Pubs., 1996. =I3= [Subrahmanian:95] Papers on the HERMES mediator system being
developed at UMd. It appears to use conjunctive queries as the analog
of both OEM objects and queries in OEM-QL or similar languages. It
advertises a "toolkit" which seems to be rather minimal, roughly an
invitation to write a set of "methods" for a source [Summit:67] R.K. Summit: ``DIALOG: An Operational
On-Line Reference Retrieval System"; ACM Nat. Conf. 22, 1967,
pp.51--56. =Dialog [Tajima:96] Keishi Tajima: "Static Detection of Security Flaws in Object-Oriented Databases"; Proc.SIGMOD 96, ACM, pp.341-352= illustrates difficulty of having secure queries =TIHI= @kyoto un [TakahashiK:93] T. Takahashi and A. M. Keller: "Querying Heterogeneous Object Views of a Relational Database"; Int. Symp. on Next Generation Database Systems and their Applications (NDA) 93, Fukuoka, Japan, September 1993. [TakahashiK:94] T. Takahashi and A.M. Keller: "Implementation of Object View Query on a Relational Database"; Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering (DKSME), 1994, Hong Kong, May 1994. [Tanenbaum:88] Andrew S. Tanenbaum: Computer Networks, 2nd ed; Prentice-Hall, 1988. [TanirS:94] Oryal Tanir and Suleyman Sevine: "Defining Requirements for a Standard Simulation Environment"; IEEE Computer, Vol.27 No.2, Feb.1994, pages 28-34. = Languages for writing simulations, layering of the structure of simulations. The top layers are poorly defined. [TanselEa:93] A.U. Tansel, J. Clifford, S. Gadia, S. Jajodia, A. Segiv, R. Snodgrass: Temporal Databases, Theory, Design and Implementation; Benjamin Cummins Publishing, 1993, pages 563-579. [Tapscott:95] Don Tapscott: The Digital Economy, Promise and Peri; in the Age of Networked Intelligence; McGrawHill. 1995. =business insights. [Teknowledge:97] Teknowledge: High-Performance Knowledge-Bases (HPKB); maintained by Teknowledge Corp. for the Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency, 1997, =SKC= [Tenner:94] Edward Tenner= "Learnimg from The Net"; The Wilson Quarterly, Summer 1994, pp.18-28. = History back to Eniac, Internet and its support, load. [The:95] L. The: "Building Suiteware (evaluation)"; Datamation, vol.41 no.6, pp 55-61. =[Williams:95]=SW= [ThompsonBW:92] C. Thompson, J. Blakeley, and D. Wells. "Architecture of an Open Object-Oriented Database Management System," IEEE Computer, Vol. 25, No.10, October 1992. [Rea Tomlinson: private communication]. [TomlinsonCMW:93] Christine Tomlinson, Phil Cannata, Greg Meredith, and Darrell Woelk: "The extensible Services Switch in CARNOT"; IEEE Parallel & Distributed Technology; Vol.1 No.2, May 1993, pp.16-20. =I3= [Tourtier:94] Paul-Andre Tourtier: ``A Flexible, Facilitator-based Cooperation Framework"; Proc. Int.Symp. on Fifth Generation Computer Systems, ICOT, Tokyo, Japan, Vol.W3, Dec.1994, pages 101-110. = features of facilitators =I3= [Tracz:95] Will Tracz: Confessions of a Used Program Salesman; Addison-Wesley 1995. =SW= [Traub:89] Joe Traub (Chair): Scaling Up; a Research Agenda for Software Engineering; Computer Science and Technology Board, National Research Council, National Academy Press, 1989. = good overview, not all focused. =SW= [TriceD:91] A. Trice, and R. Davis: "Consensus Knowledge Acquisition," Proc 6th Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop, 1991 pp.33.1-33.20. (Available through SRDG Publications, Dept. of Computer Science, University of Calgary, Calgary, Alberta, Canada, T2N 1N4) = Andy Trice is currently on the faculty at Univ. of British Columbia, PhD thesis on getting consensus in a knowledge base: [TsichritzisBB:89] D.C. Tsichritzis, T. Bogh: "Fitting Round Objects into Square Databases": OOPSLA, New Orleans, 1989. [TsichritzisFGN:87] D. Tsichritzis, E. Fiume, S. Gibbs, and O. Nierstrasz: ``KNOs: Knowledge Acquisition, Dissemination and Manipulation Objects''; ACM Trans. on Office Inf. Sys., Vol.5 No.1, Jan.1987, pp. 96-112. [Tufte:83] Edward R. Tufte: ="">The Visual Display of Quantitative Information Graphics Press. 1983. = For presenting information graphically, you might also be interested in the various books by Edward Tufte. [Tompa] [TuttleEa:98] Mark S. Tuttle, N.E. Olson, K.D. Keck, W.G. Cole,
M.S. Erlbaum, D.D. Sherertz, C.G. Chute, P.L. Elkin, G.E. Atkin,
B.H. Kaihoi, C. Safran, D. Rind, and V. Law: "Metaphrase: An Aid to the
Clinical Conceptualization and Formalization of Patient Problems in
Healthcare Enterprises"; Methods of Inf. in Medicine, Vol.37 No.4-5, 1998,
pp:373-383. [Turk:98] Matthew Turk(chair): Workshop on Perceptual User Interfaces
(PUI); San Francisco CA, Nov.1998, =I3= [TuttleCSN:95] Mark S.Tuttle, S.Cole, D.D. Sheretz, and S.J. Nelson: "Navigating to Knowledge"; Methods of Information in Medicine, vol.34, No.1-2, 1995, pp. 214-231; =SKC= LXT [TuttleEa:95] Mark S. Tuttle, ON Suarez-Munist, NE Olson, DD Sherertz, WD Sperzel, MS Erlbaum, LF Fuller, WT Hole, SJ Nelson, WG Cole, et al.: "Merging Terminologies"; Medinfo, IFIP 1995; Vol.8 (Pt 1) pp.162-166.. =SKC= LXT [TuttleSFeA:95] MS Tuttle, DD Sherertz, LM Fagan, RD Acuff, WG Cole, PB Schipma, SJ Nelson, RW Carlson: "Bringing knowledge to the point of care"; 1995 Annual HIMSS Conference. San Antonio, TX, 1995:101-120.= LXT [TuttleEa:96] Mark S. Tuttle, Sherertz DD, Olson NE, et al.: "Toward reusable software components at the point of care"; Proc AMIA Annual Fall Symposium 1996: 150-54. =SKC= =SW= =MEGA+ LXT., [UscholdG:96] Mike Uschold and Michael Gruninger: "Ontologies: Principles, Methods, and Applications"; Knowledge Engineering Review, Nov. 1996. =SKC= [Udell:94] John Udell: "Component Ware"; Byte, May 1994, pp.46-56. = Visual basic has obsoleted OO SW. =SW= [Ullman:88] J. D. Ullman: Principles of Database and Knowledge-Base Systems; Volume 1: Classical Database Systems, Computer Science Press, 1988. [Ullman:97] Jeffrey Ullman: "Information Integration Using Logical Views"; International Conference on Database Theory (ICDT '97), Delphi, Greece, ACM and IEEE Computer Society, 1997. [USAToday:99] USAToday, 1999: Archive retrieval; =I3= [Varon:99] Elana Varon: Storage Dilemma Looms; Federal Computer Week,
January 25, 1999.
newsstorage-1-25-99.html =I3= [VernonLP:94] Mary Vernon, Edward Lazowska, Stewart Personick: R&D
for the NII, Technical Challenges; Conference report, 28 Feb.1994 ,
EDUCOM, Washington DC, 20036. =I3= [Vestal:94] Steve Vestal: Papers and Reports on Domain-Specific Software Tools, Focusing on Real-Time Control; 1994, anonymous ftp: =pub/papers/ = ControlH, MetaH languages, styles of programs and analyses, mixing of styles, validation, reliability analysis. timing (rate-monotonic) analysis. =SW= [vanderVinkP:94] Gregory E. van der Vink and Jeffrey Park: "Nuclear Test Ban Monitoring: New Requirements, New Resources"; Science, Vol.263, 4 Feb.1994, pages 634-635. =rapid transmission of seismic data from world-wide observation sites to analysis centers. [VassalosP:97] V. Vassalos , Y. Papakonstantinou: "Describing and Using Query Capabilities of Heterogeneous Sources"; In VLDB Conference, Athens, Greece, August 1997. = TSIMMIS Mediators =I3= [Voas:98] Jeffrey M. Voas: "Certifying Off-the-Shelf Software Components"; IEEE Computer, Vol.31 No.6, June 1998, pp.53-66. =SW =CHAIMS [Waite:94] Doug Waite (sp): "The Software Crisis"; Scientific
Americam, Sep.1994. = Based on interviews with Dave Fisher, B., Ted
Raalston. a.o. [Waldrop:84] M. MitchellWaldrop: ``The Intelligence of Organizations"; Science, Vol.225 No.4667, Sep.1984, pp.1136--1137. [Walker:87] M.G. Walker: ``How Feasible is Automated Discovery?''; IEEE Expert, Vol.2 no.1, 1987, pp.78--82. =datamining= [WalkerW:90] Michael G. Walker and Gio Wiederhold: "Acquisition and Validation of Knowledge from Data"; in Z.W. Ras and M. Zemankova: Intelligent Systems, State of the Art and Future Directions, Ellis Horwood, 1990, pages 415-428; see ="1990/walkerDiscovery.html">Stanford Report KSL 90-02., Feb. 1990. =datamining= [Wallerstein:93] Mitchel B. Wallerstein et al (eds): Global Dimensions of Intellectual Property Rights in Sciences and Technology; National Academic Press, Washington DC, 1993. [Wallich:94] Paul Wallich: "Wire Pirates" Scientific American, 1994 = discusses Parker's faith in goverment regulations, Dorothy Denning, [WangR:91] Y. Wang and L. Rowe: "Cache Consistency and Concurrency Control in a Client/Server DBMS Architecture"; ACM SIGMOD, International Conference on Management of Data, May 1991, Denver CO, May 1991, 367-376. [WangWF:98] Wang, James Ze, Jia Li, Gio Wiederhold, Oscar
Firschein: "System for Classifying Objectionable Websites"; Proceedings
of the 5th International Workshop on Interactive Distributed
Multimedia Systems and Telecommunication Services (IDMS'98), Plagemann
and Goebel (eds.), Oslo, Norway, 113-124, Springer-Verlag LNCS 1483,
September 1998;
=I3= [WangWL:98] James Z. Wang,, Gio Wiederhold, and Jia Li: "Wavelet-based
Progressive Transmission and Security Filtering for Medical Image
Distribution"; in Stephen Wong (ed.): Medical Image Databases;
Kluwer publishers, 1998, pp.303-324. =I3= [Ware:93] Willis H. Ware: The New Faces of Privacy; Rand Corporation, report P-7831, Santa Monica, 1993. [Warnier:81] J.D Warnier: Logical Construction of Systems; VanNorstrand, 1981. = data-oriented design =SW= [Weber:94] Jay Weber: KQML Transport Assumptions; =""> =SW= [Weed:71] L.L. Weed: Medical Records, Medical Education, and the Patient: The Problem-Oriented Record as a Basic Tool; Case Western Reserve Press, 1971. = arguments for a well-structured medical record. [Wegner:90] Peter Wegner: ``Concepts and Paradigms of Object-Oriented Programming''; OOPS Messenger, August 1990. [Wegner:95] Peter Wegner: "Interactive Foundations of Object-Based Programming"; IEEE Computer, Vol.28 No.10, Oct.1995, pp.70-72. [WeiderMS:94] Chris Weider, Mitra; and Karen Sollis: Integrated Internet Information Architecture; Sept.1994; =""> = handles mutiple formats. [Weiner:86] Charles Weiner: "Universities, Professors, and Patents, A continuing Controversy"; Technology Review, Vol.89 No.2, March 1986, MIT, pages 32-43. [Weiner:94] Edmund Weiner: "The Lexical Workstation and the Scholarly Dictionary"; in Atkins&Zampolli: Computational Approaches to the Lexicon, Oxford University Press, 1994, pp. 413-438.. =SKC= [WeintraubEa:95] H. Weintraub et al: "Viewpoint: the Future -- Through a Glass Lightly"; Science, vol.267 No 5204, 17 March 1995, pp1609-1618. =brief stements by about 60 scientists: Terrorist nuclear explosion in 10 years [Abelson]. [Weiser:93] Mark Weiser: "Some computer science issues in ubiquitous
computing"; Comm.ACM, Vol.36 No.7, July 1993, pp.74-83.. =I3= [WetherbeL:85] J.C. Wetherbe and R.L. Leitheiser: ``Information Centers: A Survey of Services, Decisions, Problems, and Successes"; Inf. Sys. Manag., Vol.2 No.3, 1985, pp.3--10. =I3= [WhangKW:94] Kyu-Young Whang, Sang-Wook Kim, and Gio Wiederhold: "Dynamic Maintenance of Data Distribution for Selectivity Estimation"; VLDB Journal, Vol.3 No.1, Jan.1994, pages 29-51. [WickS:89] M.R. Wick and J.R. Slagle: ``An Explanation Facility for Today's Expert Systems''; IEEE Expert, Spring1989, pp.26--36. [Widom:95] Jennifer Widom: "Research Problems in Data Warehousing";
Proceedings of the 4th Int'l Conference on Information and Knowledge
Management (CIKM), ACM, November 1995. =I3= [WiederholdB:70] Gio Wiederhold and Gary Breitbard: "A Method for Increasing the Modularity of Large Systems"; IEEE Computer, March-April, 1970, Vol.3 No.2. =SW= [WiederholdFW:75] Gio Wiederhold, James F. Fries, and Stephen Weyl: "Structured Organization of Clinical Databases"; Proceedings of the National Computer Conference, 1975, AFIPS Vol.44, pages 479-485. [Wiederhold:77] Gio Wiederhold: Database Design; McGraw-Hill, 1977. [WiederholdE:80] Gio Wiederhold and Ramez El-Masri:``The Structural Model for Database Design"; in Chen (ed.): Entity-Relationships Approach to Systems Analysis and Design, North-Holland, 1980, pages 237-257. =Penguin= [Wiederhold:83D] Gio Wiederhold: Database Design, 2nd ed.; McGraw-Hill, 1983. [Wiederhold:83V] Gio Wiederhold: A Spreadsheet Metaphor for Management of Distributed Data; report to VisiCorp, San Jose, November 1983. [Wiederhold:84D] Gio Wiederhold: "Databases"; IEEE Computer, Centennial issue, Vol.17 No.10, Oct. 1984, pages 211-223. [Wiederhold:84K] Gio Wiederhold: ``Knowledge and Database Management"; IEEE Software, Vol.1 No.1, Jan.1984, pp.63--73. =I3= [WiederholdSK:85] Gio Wiederhold, John Smith, and Phillip Kaufman: "Models for Engineering Information Systems"; abstract in Proceedings of the 1985 VHSIC Conference, Silver Spring, Maryland, December 1985. [Wiederhold:86B] Gio Wiederhold: ``Knowledge versus Data''; Chapter 7 of Brodie, Mylopoulos, and Schmidt (eds.) On Knowledge Base Management Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies; Springer Verlag, June 1986, pages 77--82. =I3= [Wiederhold:86C] Gio Wiederhold: ``Views, Objects, and Databases''; IEEE Computer, Vol.19 No.12, December 1986, Pages 37--44. =Penguin= [WiederholdEa:86] G. Wiederhold, A.M. Keller, S. Navathe, D. Spooner, M. Berkowitz, B. Brykczynski, and J. Salasin: "Modularization of an Ada Database System"; Proc. Sixth Advance Database Symposium, Information Processing Society of Japan, Aug. 1986, pages 135-142. [WiederholdWBD:86] G.C.M. Wiederhold, M.G. Walker, R.L. Blum, and S.M. Downs: ``Acquisition of Knowledge from Data"; Proc. ACM SIGART ISMIS, Oct.1986, pp.74--84. =I3= datamining [WiederholdQ:87] G. Wiederhold and X-L. Qian: ``Modeling Asynchrony in Distributed Databases''; IEEE Data Engineering Conference 3, Los Angeles, Feb. 1987. [Wiederhold:87] G. Wiederhold: File organization for Database Design, McGraw-Hill, 1987. [WiederholdEa:87] Gio Wiederhold, Surajit Chaudhuri, Waqar Hasan, Michael G. Walker, and Marianne Winslett: "Architectural Concepts for Large Knowledge Bases"; German Workshop on AI, Fachbericht 172, Springer Verlag, Sep. 1987, pages 377-396. [WiederholdEa:89] G.CM Wiederhold, M.G. Walker, W. Hasan, S. Chaudhuri, A. Swami, S.K. Cha, X-L. Qian, M. Winslett, L. DeMichiel, and P.K. Rathmann: ``KSYS: An Architecture for Integrating Databases and Knowledge Bases"; in Amar Gupta (ed.) Heterogenous Integrated Information Systems. =I3= [WiederholdWN:89] Gio Wiederhold, Marianne Winslett, and Lt. Nicholas Naclerio: "Layering an Engineering Information System"; Digest of Papers, IEEE CS Spring COMPCON 34, February 1989, pages 444-449. [WiederholdEa:90] Gio Wiederhold, Peter Rathmann, Thierry Barsalou, Byung Suk Lee, and Dallan Quass: "Partitioning and Composing Knowledge"; Information Systems, Vol.15 No.1, 1990, pages 61-72. =I3= [WiederholdBSZ:91] Gio Wiederhold, Thierry Barsalou, Walter Sujansky, and David Zingmond: "Sharing Information Among Biomedical Applications"; in T.Timmers and B.I.Blum (eds): Software Engineering in Medical Informatics, IMIA, North-Holland, 1991, pages 49-84. =I3= Penguin= [Wiederhold:92I] Gio Wiederhold: ``The Roles of Artificial Intelligence in Information Systems"; Journal of Intelligent Information Systems; Vol.11 No.1, 1992, pages 35--56. =I3= [Wiederhold:92C] Gio Wiederhold:``Mediators in the Architecture of Future Information Systems''; IEEE Computer, Vol.25 No.3, March 1992, pp.38-49; reprinted in Michael Huhns and Munindar Singh: Readings in Agents; Morgan Kaufmann, October, 1997, pp.185-196. =I3= [Wiederhold:92M] Gio Wiederhold: "Model-free Optimization"; Proceedings DARPA Software Technology Conference 1992, April 1992, Meridien Corp., Arlington VA, pages 83-96. =SW= [WiederholdWC:92] Gio Wiederhold, Peter Wegner, and Stefano Ceri: ``Towards Megaprogramming''; Comm.ACM, November 1992, pp.89-99. =SW= [Wiederhold:93I] Gio Wiederhold: "Intelligent Integration of Information"; ACM-SIGMOD 93, Washington DC, May 1993, pages 434-437. =I3= [Wiederhold:93R] Gio Wiederhold: "The Role of Government in Standards"; ACM Standards Bearer, Dec.1993, pages 2-6. =I3= [Wiederhold:93S] Gio Wiederhold: "Intelligent Integration in Simulation"; MORS Mini-symposium, Fairfax VA, Military Operations Research Society, Alexandria VA, November 1993. =SimQL= [WiederholdJL:93] Gio Wiederhold, Sushil Jajodia, and Witold Litwin: "Integrating Temporal Data in a Heterogenous Environment"; in Tansel, Clifford, Gadia, Jajodia, Segiv, Snodgrass: Temporal Databases, Theory, Design and Implementation; Benjamin Cummins Publishing, 1993, pages 563-579. =I3= [WiederholdC:94] Wiederhold, Gio, and Stephen Cross: "Alternatives for
Constructing Computing Systems"; in Yamada, Kambayashi, and Ohta:
Computers as Our Better Partners, ACM Japan Symposium, World
Scientific Book Co., March 1994, pages 14-21. Japanese translation
by Yahiko Kambayashi in Computer to Ningen no Kyousei, Corona
publishing, Tokyo Japan, 1994, pp. 283-295. =I3= [WiederholdCC:94] Gio Wiederhold, Stephen Cross, Charles Channell: Information Integration; IEEE Educational Videotape, 2 hours, October 1994, Robert Kahrman, sponsor. IEEE, Picataway NJ. =I3= [Wiederhold:94I] Gio Wiederhold: "Interoperation, Mediation, and Ontologies"; Proc. International Symposium on Fith Generation Computer Systems (FGCS) 94, Workshop on Heterogeneous Cooperative Knowledge-Bases, Vol.W3, pp. 33--48, MITI-ICOT, Tokyo, Japan, Dec. 1994. =SKC= =I3= [Wiederhold:94N] Gio Wiederhold: ``An Ontology Algebra''; Proceedings of the Monterey Workshop on Formal Methods, Luqi (ed.), U.S.Naval Post Graduate School, Sept. 1994. =SKC= [WiederholdQ:94] Gio Wiederhold, and Xiaolei Qian: "Database Rngineering"; in J.J. Marciniak: Encyclopedia of Software Engineering, Vol.1, pages 269-282. =SW= [Wiederhold:95A] Gio Wiederhold: "Digital Libraries, and Productivity''; Comm. of the ACM, April 1995. =Ir= [Wiederhold:95D] Gio Wiederhold: ``Value-added Mediation in Large-Scale Information Systems''; Proceedings of the IFIP DS-6 Conference, Atlanta, May 1995; also in Meersman(ed): Database Application Semantics, Chapman and Hall. =I3= [Wiederhold:95M] Gio Wiederhold: "Mediation and Software Maintenance"; Stanford Computer Science Department Technical Note STAN-CS-TN-95-26, October 1995. =SW= [WiederholdY:95] Gio Wiederhold and Yelena Yesha: Dealing with Asynchrony in Technology Transfer; abstract for a presentation given at NIST, March 1995; =""> [Wiederhold:95] Gio Wiederhold: "="">Modeling and System Maintenance"; in Michael P. Papazoglou (ed.): OOER'95: Object-Oriented and Entity Relationship Modelling; Springer Lecture Notes in Computer Science, Vol. 1021, pages 1-20; Proceedings, ER-OO conference, Brisbane Australia, December 1995. =SW= [Wiederhold:96D] Gio Wiederhold: "="1996/TTedbt.html">Dealing with Asynchrony in Technology Transfer"; in P.Apers, M.Bouzeghoub, and G.Gardarin: Advances in Database Technology -- =P[AEDBT'95; Lecture Notes in Computer Science, vol.1057, Springer Verlag 1996, pages 631-634. [Wiederhold:96I] Gio Wiederhold (ed.): Intelligent Integration of Information; Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996. = This book is based on the double issue on of the Journal on Intelligent Information Systems ="">(JIIS) Vol.6, nos. 2-3. =I3= [WiederholdBSQ:96P] Gio Wiederhold, Michel Bilello, Vatsala Sarathy, and XioaLei Qian: "="">Protecting Collaboration"; Proceedings of the NISSC'96 National Information Systems Security Conference, Baltimore MD, Oct. 1996, pp.561-569; to be republished in `Information Security' by McGraw-Hill Datapro, 1997. =TIHI= [WiederholdBSQ:96S] Gio Wiederhold, Michel Bilello, Vatsala Sarathy, and XioaLei Qian: "="">A Security Mediator for Health Care Information"; Proceedings of the 1996 AMIA Conference, Washington DC, Oct. 1996, pp.120-124. =TIHI= [Wiederhold:97] Gio Wiederhold: "Value-added Mediation in Large-Scale Information Systems"; in Robert Meersman and Leo Mark(ed): Database Application Semantics, Chapman and Hall, 1997, pages 34-56. [WiederholdG:97] Gio Wiederhold and Michael Genesereth: "The Conceptual Basis for Mediation Services"; IEEE Expert, Vol.12 No.5, Sep-Oct 1997, pages 38-47. [Wiederhold:97H] Gio Wiederhold: "Effective Information Transfer for Health
Care: Quality versus Quantity"; in Lewis Branscomb et al.: The
Unpredictable Certainty, Information Infrastructure through 2000;
Volume 2: National Academy Press, 1997, pp. 553-559. =I3= [WiederholdG:97] Gio Wiederhold and Michael Genesereth: "The Conceptual Basis
for Mediation Services"; IEEE Expert, Intelligent Systems and their
Applications, Vol.12 No.5, Sep-Oct.1997. =I3= [Wiederhold:97M] Gio Wiederhold: "Customer Models for Effective Presentation
of Information"; Position Paper, Flanagan, Huang, Jones, Kerf (eds):
Human-Centered Systems: Information, Interactivity, and
Intelligence, National Science Foundation, July 1997, pp.218-221.
=I3= [Wiederhold:98] Gio Wiederhold: Database Design Third Edition; Stanford University, ="">, 1998. [WiederholdBD:98] Gio Wiederhold, Michel Bilello, and Chris
Donahue: ="">"Web
Implementation of a Security Mediator for Medical Databases"; in
T.Y. Lin and Shelly Qian: Database Security XI, Status and
Prospects, IFIP / Chapman & Hall, 1998, pp.60-72. =TIHI= [Wiederhold:98D] Gio Wiederhold: "Weaving Data into Information"; Database
Programming and Design; Freeman pubs, Sept. 1998. =I3= [Wiederhold:98P] Gio Wiederhold: "On Software Components: A New Paradigm";
Int. Workshop on Component-based Electronic Commerce, The Fisher
Center for Management and Information Technology, U.C. Berkeley,
July 1998, Section 5. =I3= [WiederholdJG:98] Gio Wiederhold, Rushan Jiang, and Hector Garcia-Molina: "An
Interface Language for Projecting Alternatives in Decision-Making";
Proc. 1998 AFCEA Database Colloquium, AFCEA and SAIC, San Diego,
Sep. 1998, =I3= [Wiederhold:99OO] Gio Wiederhold: Foreword for Papazoglou, Stefano
Spaccapietra, and Zahir Tari (eds.): Advances in Object-Oriented
Data Modeling; MIT Press, 1999. =I3= [Wiederhold:99] Gio Wiederhold: "Information Systems that Really Support
Decision-making"; in Ras et al., Proc. 11th International Symposium
on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems (ISMIS), Warsaw Poland,
Springer LNCS/LNAI, June 1999. =I3= [Wiener:93] Lauren Ruth Wiener: Digital Woes: Why We should Not Depend on Software, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company. 1993; ISBN 0-201-62609-8; QA76.76.R44W53. = We rely on software, and sometimes it fails us. Some of those failures are nuisances; some are disasters. Software is unique and presents unique risks. Issues of digital technology are discussed in professional journals and on-line bulletin boards, but public participation is negligible. We cannot afford to take for granted the assurances of those who build these systems and stand to profit from them. All of us need to participate in these decisions; a lot is at stake. Our lives are changing drastically. It would be wise to guide this change for the better. It is the nature of software to have bugs. Developing software is an expensive and time-onsuming enterprise whose result is likely to be unreliable, as well as less functional than the product originally specified. Developing software for critical systems-if it is done ight-is even more expensive, time-consuming and painstaking. The gain in reliability will be modest. Software is not the answer to every problem. We cannot afford to build everything that's been proposed, not should we allow ourselves to placed at risk. We must choose how we want to use software, computers and digital technology. =SW= [WidomC:96] Jennifer Widom and Stefano Ceri: Active Databases; Morgan-Kaufman, 1996. [Widom:97] J. Widom: "Research Problems in Data Warehousing"; Proceedings of the 4th Int'l Conference on Information and Knowledge Management (CIKM), November 1995. [WilendenA:90] J.C. Wilenden et al: "A Comparative Evalutation of Object Definition Techniques for Large Prototype Systems"; ACM TOPLAS, Vol.12 no.4, Oct 1990, pp.670-699. =SW= [WilkinsCB:87] D.C. Wilkins, W.J. Clancey, and B.G. Buchanan: ``Knowledge Base Refinement by Monitoring Abstract Control Knowledge"; Stanford, TR. STAN-CS-87-1182, Aug.1987. =I3= [WilkinsonN90] K. Wilkinson and M-A. Neimat: "Maintaining Consistency of Client-Cache Data"; 16th Conf. on Very Large Data Bases, Brisbane, Australia 1990, 122-133. [WillenborgD:96] L. Willenborg and T. De Waal: Statistical Disclosure Control in Practice; Springer- Verlag , 1996. =TIHI= [Williams:19xx] Joseph Williams: Style: Towards Clarity and Grace; Univ.of Chicago = thematic development, theme extraction, used for ORACLE ConText. [Wille:92] R. Wille: "Concept Lattices and Conceptual Knowledge Systems"; in Fritz Lehmann, ed.: Semantic Networks in Artificial Intelligence Pergammon Press, Oxford, 1992, pp. 493-516.=SKC= [Winograd:97] Terry Winograd.: "The Design of Interaction"; in Peter
Denning and Bob Metcalfe (eds.), Beyond Calculation, The Next 50
Years of Computing, Springer-Verlag, 1997, pp. 149-162. =I3= [WinslettHKW:89] Marianne Winslett, Keith Hall, David Knapp, and Gio Wiederhold: "Use of Change Coordination in an Information Processing System"; Proceedings of the ACM Design Automation Conference, July 1989. [WoodfillS:83] John Woodfill and Michael Stonebraker: An Implementation of Hypothetical Relations; UC Berkely Memo CSD-83-150, Jan.1983, 30 pp. = used for debugging etc, not a SimQL reference. [WooldridgeJ:95] Michael Wooldridge and Nicholas R. Jennings (eds): Intelligent Agents - Theories, Architectures, and Languages; Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence Volume 890; Published, Springer Verlag, 1995. =I3= [WooldridgeMT:96:] Michael Wooldridge, Joerg P Mueller, and Milind Tambe (eds.): Intelligent Agents II; Lecture Notes in AI Volume 1037; Springer-Verlag, 1996. =I3= [Wulf:94] William Wulf (chair): Information Technology in the Service Society; Computer Science and Telecommuncations Board, National Research Council, 1994. [Yeh:95] Hsiang_Toa Yeh: Software Process Quality, McGraw- Hill, 1995 = methods, do's and don'ts. Confusing metrics =SW= [Young:97] Duglas a. Young: Netscape Developer's Guide to Plug-ins; Prentice-Hall, 1997. =WIPE= [Yourdon:89] Ed Yourdon: Modern Structured Analysis; Prentice-Hall, 1989. =SW [Zave:97] Pamela Zave: "Classification of research efforts in Requirements engineering"; ACM CR, Vol.29 No.4, pp.315-321. =SW= [ZelenikFS:97] Robert C. Zeleznik, Andrew S. Forsberg and Paul S.
Strauss: "Two Pointer Input for 3D Interaction"; ACM SIGGRAPH,
April 1997, pp. 115-120. =I3= [ZelkovitzA:84] M.V. Zelkovitz et al: "Software Engineering
Practices in the US and Japan; IEEE Computer, June 1984, pp
57-66. [Zicari:92] Robert Zicari: General Object Oriented Database for
Software Engineering Processes: (GOODSTEP) ESPRIT-III Project;, 1992. = The objective of GOODSTEP is to
enhance and improve the functionality of the O2 object-oriented
database system to yield a platform suited to applications such as
software engineering environments (SEEs). A number of advanced
software engineering tools are being built on top of the enchanced O2
database. Goodstep started September 1992 is a three years-project,
with a budget of 5,8 MECU and a total of 44 man/year. Goodstep reports
are periodically stored at INRIA ftp server. You can obtain GoodStep
reports via anonymous ftp from Login with user name
anonymous and cd to INRIA/Projects/Verso/GoodStep-Library. There you
can find all compressed postscript files of the reports and an INDEX
listing all reports in that directory, with the title, author(s) and
additional information. =SW= [ZhongE:98] Qun Zhong and Nigel Edwards: " Security Control for COTS Components"; IEEE Computer, Vol.31 No.6, June 1998, pp.67-73. =SW =CHAIMS [ZhouEa:96] G. Zhou, et al.: "Generating Data Integration Mediators that Use Materialization"; in Wiederhold (editor): Intelligent Integration of Information, Kluwer Pubs., 1996. =I3= [ZhouHKF:96] G. Zhou, R. Hull, R. King, and J.-C. Franhitti:
"Supporting Data Integration and Warehousing Using H2O"; IEEE Data
Engineering Bulletin, 1996, special issue on Data Warehousing,
Jennifer Widom (ed.). [Zuba:94] Gerhard Zuba: Software Quality Assurance Acording to ISO 9000; =SW= @Siemens AG, Austria. [u1:94] !unknown| : The Proceedings of the AMAST'93 conference; Springer-Verlag 1993. = Third International Conference on Algebraic Methodology and Software Technology =SW= [u2:94] !unknown| The Economist. 14 Oct 94 On Computing [u3:94] !unknown| Dr.Dobbs October 1994 (SOM/DSOM), COM microsoft [u4:93] |unknown| "How Architecture wins Technoology Wars"; Harvard Business Review, 1993. =SW= %CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC