Refereeed Conference Proceedings
Gio Wiederhold.
Note: papers in conferences that are not or marginally refereed appear under `
`Other Publications'
- Wang, James Ze, Jia Li, Gio Wiederhold, Oscar Firschein: "System for
Classifying Objectionable Websites"; Proceedings of the 5th International
Workshop on Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and
Telecommunication Services (IDMS'98), Thomas Plagemann and Vera Goebel
(Eds.), Oslo, Norway, 113-124, Springer-Verlag LNCS 1483, September
- Wang, James Z. and Gio Wiederhold: System for Efficient and Secure
Distribution of Medical Images on the Internet; AMIA-98, Orlando FL, 1998.
Acceptance ratio not published, estimated by the editor at 50%
- Dorothea Beringer, Catherine Tornabene, Pankaj Jain, Gio
"A Language and System for Composing Autonomous, Heterogeneous and
Distributed Megamodules"; Proc. of Data and Expert Systems
(DEXA) Software Composition Workshop, IEEE, August 1998,
Acceptance ratio not reported.
- Gio Wiederhold and Michel Bilello: "Protecting Inappropriate
Release of Data from Realistic Databases"; Proc. of Data and Expert Systems
(DEXA) Security Workshop, IEEE, August 1998, IEEE, August
1998, pp.330-339.
Acceptance ratio not reported.
- Maluf, David A. and Wiederhold Gio: "Abstraction of Representation
for Interoperation"; Tenth International Symposium on Methodologies
for Intelligent Systems, Lecture Notes in Computer Science,
Springer Verlag, pp.441-455, October 1997.
Acceptance ratio estimated at 40%
- Wang, James Ze, Gio Wiederhold, and Oscar Firschein: "System
for Screening Objectionable Images Using Daubechies' Wavelets and Color
Histograms"; Interactive Distributed Multimedia Systems and
Telecommunication Services, Proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop
(IDMS'97), Ralf Steinmetz and Lars C. Wolf (Eds.), Darmstadt, Germany,
Springer-Verlag LNCS 1309, September 1997.
Acceptance ratio 42/103.
- Wang, James Ze, Gio Wiederhold, Oscar Firschein, and Sha Xin Wei:
"Wavelet-Based Image Indexing Techniques with Partial Sketch Retrieval
Capability"; IEEE Advances in Digital Libraries (ADL-97),
Library of Congress, Washington DC, May 1997, pages 13-24.
Acceptance ratio 40%, selection for subsequent journal publication 2.5%
- Wiederhold, Gio, Michel Bilello, Vatsala Sarathy, and XioaLei Qian:
"A Security Mediator for Health Care Information";
Proceedings of the 1996 AMIA Conference,
Washington DC, Oct. 1996, pp.120-124.
Acceptance ratio not published, estimated by editor at 55%.
- Wiederhold, Gio, Michel Bilello, Vatsala Sarathy, and XioaLei Qian:
"Protecting Collaboration"; Proceedings of the NISSC'96 National Information
Systems Security Conference, Baltimore MD, Oct. 1996, pp.561-569;
to be republished in `Information Security' by McGraw-Hill Datapro, 1997.
Acceptance ratio not revealed -- the conference is sponsored by NSA, so
you wouldn't expect that either.
- Shailesh Agarwal, Arthur M. Keller, Krishna Saraswat, and Gio Wiederhold,
Flexible Relation: An Approach for Integrating Data from Multiple,
Possibly Inconsistent Databases"; Int. Conf. on Data Engineering 10,
IEEE, Taipei, Taiwan, March 1995.
Acceptance ratio 56/233.
- Wiederhold, Gio: "Intelligent Integration of Information";
ACM-SIGMOD 93, Washington DC, May 1993, pages 434-437.
Acceptance ratio 39/235.