Database Bibliography. Dark ages-1991 Database Bibliography

Database Bibliography. Dark ages-1991

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Author ={Aalbersberg,I. and Sijstermans,F.},
Title ={High-Quality and High-Performance Full-Text Document Retrieval: the Parallel InfoGuide System},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,

Category ={DBDbib}

Author ={Abadi,Martin},
Title ={Temporal-Logic Theorem Proving},
Institution ={Stanford, CSD, PhD Th., TR-CS-87-1151.},
Year =1987, Month =Mar,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD A temporal logic programming language. Proofs in modal logic. The resolution system required for them. ---Gio. Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile } }

Author ={Abarbanel,Robert},
Title ={Connections, Perspective and Reformation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Intellicorp Category ={DBDkb>} }

Author ={Abarbanel,R.M. and Williams,M.D.},
Title ={A Relational Representation for Knowledge Bases},
Institution ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1, not in proceedings, rcvd Oct.1985.},
Year =1986, Month =Apr,
Annote ={at IntelliCorp KEE extended with access to a relational databases. Frames are assigned to normalized files according to their slots. Due to multiple inheritance many relations are needed. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

Author ={Abate,J., Dubner,H., and Weinberg,S.},
Title ={Queuing Analysis of the IBM 2314 Disk Storage Facility},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1969, Month =Oct,
Pages ="577--589",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

Author ={Abate,J. and Dubner,H.},
Title ={Optimizing Performance of a Drum-Like Storage},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-18.},
Year =1964, Month =Nov,
Pages ="992--997",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

Author ={Abbod,T., Brown,K., and Noble,H.},
Title ={Providing Time-Related Constraints for Conventional Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={extend SQL with temporal predicates. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

Author ={Abbott,K.R. and McCarthy,D.R.},
Title ={Administration and Autonomy in a Replication-Transparent Distributed DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="195--205",
Annote ={at CCA Single-site DBMS solutions to administrative problems do not scale up to the distributed case. Ref. FAUVE. Category ={DBDdist> } }

Author ={Abbott,Russell J.},
Title ={An Integrated Approach to Software Development},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1986,
Category ={DEng>} }

Author ={Abbott,Russell J.},
Title ={Knowledge Abstraction},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Pages ="664--671",
Volume ="30",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Silogic; Aerospace Corp; CSU Chatsworth high level discussion, makes a link to database principles as a solution. Category ={DEng> } }

Author ={Abbott,R. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Scheduling Real-Time Transactions: A Performance Evaluation},
Booktitle ={Princeton Un., TR-CS-146-88.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Princeton Un., DCS best paper, ref.FAUVE. Transactions with deadlines? Algorithms which produce serializable schedules on a single processor memory resident database system. Includes aborts. Priority policies, Earliest Deadline (ED) is the best overall. Concurrency control policies, Conditional Restart (CR) is the best; it needs a run time estimate. Category ={DBDperform> DBFperform> DBFtrans, DBfile Garcia, 2 reports } }

Author ={Abbott,R. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Scheduling Real-Time Transactions with Disk Resident Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at DCS, Princeton Un. (Princeton NJ) Real-time requirements schedule transactions with deadlines. Category ={DBFrealtime> DBFmethods> DBDperf> } }

Author ={Abbott,R. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Scheduling I/O requests with deadlines: a performance evaluation},
Institution ={Princeton Un., CS-TR-287-90.},
Annote ={real-time Category ={DBFperf, DBfile} }

Author ={Abbott,R. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Scheduling Real-Time Transactions: a Performance Evaluation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Sep,
Volume ="17",
Number ="3",
Annote ={real-time Category ={DBFperf>} }

Author ={AbdelGhaffer,K. and ElAbbadi,A.},
Title ={On the Optimality of Disk Allocation for Cartesian Product Files},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month =Apr,
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

Author ={AbdelGhaffer,K. and ElAbbadi,A.},
Title ={Optimal Disk Allocation for Partial Match Queries},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1993, Month =Mar,
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

Author ={Abdelguerfi,M.},
Title ={Special Function Unit for Statistical Aggregation OPerations},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Detroit Un. Category ={DBFmach>} }

Author ={Abdelguerfi,M. and Sood,A.},
Title ={Sorting and Joining Relations with Duplicate Values},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month =Mar,
Category ={DBDops>} }

Author ={Abdellatif,A., Litwin,W., Nicolas,B., Vigier,P., and Zeroual,A.(eds.)},
Title ={MRDSM Demonstration},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at INRIA Example of querying a federated system. Category ={DBDdist, L.deMichiel } }

Author ={AbdelWahab,H. and Jamison,B.},
Title ={The Tole of Linkage-graphs in Prolog relational databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1989, Month =Mar,
Pages ="43--53",
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Old Dominion Un., Norfolk, VA prolog is used to represent the database schema connection defined in prolog Category ={DBDmodel> DBDkb> } }

Author ={Abel,D.J.},
Title ={A spatial database shell for relational database management systems},
Booktitle ={Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, Paris.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Australia Category ={DBDimpl>} }

Author ={Abel,S. and Dourandish,R.},
Title ={Application of Evidential reasoning to Helicopter Flight Path Control},
Booktitle ={Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Workshop at Un.Penn, Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int, .},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1--5",
Annote ={at Expert-EASE systems (Belmont CA) Uncertainty in data fusion. Sensor data and descriptive databases. Relates database schema to Dempster-Shafer theory! Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist> } }

Author ={Aberg,P. and Neches,R.},
Title ={Supporting Implementation of Semantic-Level User Interaction Paradigms},
Booktitle ={INTERCHI'93, Amsterdam.},
Year =1993, Month =Apr,
Annote ={I3 Category ={unknown>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Bidoit,N.},
Title ={Non-First Normal Form Relations to Represent Hierarchically Organized Data},
Institution ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Annote ={
Presents a nested relation database model VERSO formats. The extended relational algebra operations plus a restructuring operation achieves the relational completeness of the Verso operations. Updated version in INRIA report `Non First Normal Form Relations: An Algebra Allowing Data Restructuring' better organized. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Bidoit,N.},
Title ={Non First Normal Form Relations: An Algebra Allowing Data Restructuring},
Journal ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-347.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ An internal report version of `Non First Normal Form Relations To Represent Hierarchically Organized Data', ACM POD, 1984 under different title, using more readable syntax for selection operation, with better detail for super selection. Published in the Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Sep.1986. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Hull,R.},
Title ={IFO: A Formal Semantic Database Model},
Journal ={USC CSD, TR-84-304.},
Year =1984, Month =Apr,
Annote ={at USC A graph-based formal semantic database model. Well written. The model appears to be well founded. ---E.Unger. Category ={DBDops.4> DBDmodel> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Equivalence and Optimization of Relational Transactions},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 10, Singapore.},
Year =1984,
Annote ={at INRIA; UCSD Original title was Transactions in Relational Databases. Category ={DBFtrans, DBfile } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S.},
Title ={Disaggregation in Databases},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Pages ="79--101",
Volume ="32",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Transactions and Integrity Constraints},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month =Mar,
Annote ={at INRIA; UCSD Category ={DBFtrans.7> DBFrepresent-4>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,Serge},
Title ={Cocktail de Dependances},
Institution ={Un.Paris-Sud, Ctr d'Orsay, PhD Th..},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Annote ={Synthesis Category ={DBDtheory, x} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Properties of Transactional Schemas},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month =Mar,
Annote ={at INRIA a study of optimization for insert/delete operations. Category ={DBDops.3> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Ginsburg,S.},
Title ={Tuple Sequences and Lexicographic Indexes},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="409--422",
Volume ="33",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ ordered relations and indexes. Reference constraint. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Ginsburg,S.},
Title ={Logical Design: Data Models},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8708-0697.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="409--422",
Volume ="33",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at USC, Los Angeles Relational model with tuple sequencing; mathematical rigor. Category ={DBDdesign, thesis } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Hull,R.B.},
Title ={Restructuring of Complex Objects and Office Forms},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at INRIA; USC Restructuring between different object types. Introduce `rewrite' operation and its algebra handling aggregation, grouping, and generalization of typed hierarchical objects. Rewrite operation is more powerful than `nest' and `unnest' operations. Generally applicable to equivalent and augmenting structural transformations. An updated version appears in INRIA report `Restructuring hierarchical database objects', 1987. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDobject> DBDtheory> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Hull,R.},
Title ={Restructuring Hierarchical Database Objects},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ An updated version of `Restructuring of Complex Objects and Office Forms', ICDT 86, 1986. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDobject> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={A Transaction Language Complete for Database Update and Specification},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month =Mar,
Pages ="260--268",
Category ={DBDlang> DBDtheory>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S., Kanellakis,P.C., and Brahne,G.},
Title ={On the Representation and Querying of Sets of Possible Worlds},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at INRIA complexity of null management Category ={DBDquery> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={A Transaction-based Approach to Relational DB Specification},
Note ={rcvd.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at INRIA; UCSD Category ={DBDtrans, DBfile} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Equivalence and Optimization of Relational Transactions},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="70--120",
Volume ="35",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at INRIA; UCSD Equivalence can be decided in polynomial time. Algorithms for transactions and normalization. A strongly acyclic TX have particularly desirable properties. Category ={DBDquery> DBFtrans> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Procedural and Declarative Database Update Languages},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 7.},
Year =1988, Month =Mar,
Pages ="240--250",
Annote ={at INRIA; UCSD Includes looping. Category ={DBFtrans> DBDlang> DBDtheory> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Beeri,C.},
Title ={On the Power of Languages for the Manipulation of Complex Objects},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique TR-846.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlang> DBDobject, DBfile} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Hull,R.},
Title ={Update Propagation in a Formal Semantic Model},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="3--12",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={The Connection of Static Constraints with Determinism and Boundedness of Dynamic Specifications},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Scholl,M.},
Title ={From Simple to Sophisticated Languages for Complex Objects},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin, (Special issue on Nested Relations).},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="15--22",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at INRIA Category ={DBDmodel>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Kanellakis,P.C.},
Title ={Object Identity as a Query Language Primitive},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={ Model permits cycles in instances as well as schemas. ---Gio IQL uses oid's to represent data structures with sharing and cycles, to manipulate sets and to express computable database query. IQL can be statically type checked, can be evaluated bottom-up, and naturally generalizes most rule-based database languages. PCK Another value-based Object-Oriented data model. Sets of OIDs manipulated. ---T.Risch. Category ={DBDobject> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={A transaction based approach to relational database specification},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9102-0097.},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Pages ="758--789",
Volume ="36",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at INRIA can generate functional and acyclic inclusion dependencies, not join dependencies. database is updated only by a fixed set of encapsulated transactions defined in the schema; constraints can be automatically maintained; preserve constraints and soundness; preservation and soundness are unsolvable for arbitrary first-order constraints. ---Chomicki. Category ={DBDmodel> DBFtrans> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S.},
Title ={Boundedness is undecidable for Datalog programs with a single recursive rule},
Booktitle ={Inf.Processing Letters.},
Year =1989,
Volume ="32",
Annote ={one predicate (relation) Category ={DBDlogic>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S.},
Title ={Towards a Deductive Object-Oriented Database Language},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlang} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S., Kanellakis,P., and Waller,E.},
Title ={Method Schemas},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month =Apr,
Annote ={ only the methods of objects are visible; method names are bound late and can be overloaded; operational semantics are defined by SMALLTALK interpreter; undecidability is caused by recursion with change of context due to overloading Category ={DBDobject> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Grumbach,S.},
Title ={A Rule-Based Language with Functions and Sets},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Mar,
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ the COL language uses base and derived data functions Category ={DBDlang> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Bonner,A.},
Title ={Objects and Views},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject> VOD>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and Kanellakis,P.},
Title ={The Two Facets of Object-Oriented Data Models},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ the structural data model, the behavioural data model. Category ={DBDobject> } }

Author ={Abiteboul,S., Compton,K., and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Queries are easier than you thought (probably)},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S., Vardi,M., and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Computing with Infinitary Logic},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S. and VanGelder,A.},
Title ={Optimizing Active Databases using the Split Technique},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S., Lausen,G., Uphoff,H., and Waller,E.},
Title ={Methods and Rules},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

Author ={Abiteboul,S., Cluet,S., and Milo,T.},
Title ={Querying and Updating the File},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

Author ={Abraham,C.T. and Ghosh,S.P.},
Title ={Application of Finite Geometry in File Organization for Records with Multiple-Valued Attributes},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1968, Month =Mar,
Pages ="180--187",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Combinatorial access to records having limited valued attributes with redundant storage. Category ={DBFhybrid.6.4> } }

Author ={Abraham,C.T., Ghosh,S.P., and RayChaudhury,D.K.},
Title ={File Organization Schemas Based on Finite Geometrics},
Journal ={Information and Control.},
Year =1968, Month =Feb,
Pages ="143--163",
Volume ="12",
Annote ={ Combinatorial access to records having only binary valued attributes with redundant storage. Category ={DBFhybrid.6.4>%Abraham68 } }

Author ={Abrahamson,David M.},
Title ={An Adaptative Dependency Source Model for Data Compression},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Pages ="77--83",
Volume ="32",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Trinity Coll., Dublin Ireland Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

Author ={Abrial,J.R., Bas,J., Beaume,G., Henneron,G., Morin,R., and Vigliano,G.},
Title ={Data Base Structure (Design and Implementation)},
Institution ={International Summer School, Copenhagen, pub.IMAG, Dep. Mathematique Applique, Grenoble, France.},
Year =1970,
Annote ={ Detailed description of SOCRATE schema driven data base system under CP67, and concepts and techniques suitable for data bases. Category ={DBDschema, x7book, @inproceedings{Abrial1974,
Author ={Abrial,Jean-Raymond},
Title ={Data Semantics},
Booktitle ={Klimbie74 and Koffeman (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1974, Month =Mar,
Annote ={at IMAG (Grenoble) Database model and concepts. Binary relations. of relationships It seems amazing that a lot of concepts in modeling which are only now being implemented (or even discussed) were in this paper back in 1973. A must for anyone interested in data models. Only pages 1-17 are relevant to database modeling. The rest of the paper deals manily with specifying procedures in databases. To quote the author ... this paper belongs to the 'structured programming' area more than to the 'Database' literature... . The first part brings out the need for independence of querying from the mechanism used to get the answer -- semantic data independence. Notions of binary relations and objects and access functions. The idea of constraints associated with operations on objects seems a lot like the ideas of Abstract Data Types.---Maier Category ={DBDobject> DBDschema>%Abrial74 } }

Author ={AbuHakima,S. and Oppacher,F.},
Title ={RATIONALE: Developing Expert Systems that Reason by Explaining},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

Author ={Accetta,M., Robertson,G., Satyanatayanan,M., and Thompson,M.},
Title ={The Design of a Network Based Central File System},
Institution ={CMU, TR.80-123.},
Year =1980, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist> DBFsyseval>} }

Author ={Achubue,J.O. and Chin,F.Y.},
Title ={The Effectiveness of Output Modification by Rounding for Protection of Statistical Data Bases},
Journal ={Auerbach Annual , N-H 1981.},
Year =1980,
Category ={DBDprivacy.2> DBDprivacy-10>} }

Author ={Acker,R.D. and Seaman,P.H.},
Title ={Modelling Distributed Processing across Multiple CICS/VS Sites},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1982,
Volume ="24",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFdist>} }

Author ={Ackoff,R.L.},
Title ={Towards A System of Systems Concepts},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed.).},
Year =1981,
Category ={DBFintro>} }

Author ={ACL},
Title ={On-line Bibliography for NLP and Computational Linguistics},
Organization ={American Journal of Computational Linguistics . available for on-line access. (It's distributed by ACL.) You may access the database by EMail with: subject field: a seq of conjunctively interpreted keywords. TO field: clbib at . If you fill the subject field with `HELP', you'll get a msg explaining about the database itself.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Category ={DBDnat>} }

Author ={ACM Curriculum Committee},
Title ={Curriculum 68, Recommendations for Academic Programs in Computer Science},
Organization ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1968, Month =Mar,
Pages ="151--197",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Specification for a comprehensive Academic Computer Science program. Category ={DBDintro>%ACM68 } }

Author ={Acton,Forman S.},
Title ={Numerical Methods That \ss Usually Work},
Publisher ={Harper and Row, 541pp.},
Year =1970,
Annote ={ Computer-oriented presentation of numerical analysis with many relevant exhortations. Category ={DBFtechn> %Acton70 } }

Author ={Adair,R.J., Bayles,R.U., Comeau,L.W., and Creasy,R.J.},
Title ={A Virtual Machine System for the 360/40},
Institution ={IBM, Cambridge Sci. ctr Report, May .},
Year =1966,
Annote ={at IBM, Data Processing Division ABEND module of OS at SSC Category ={DBFhard> } }

Author ={Adam,N.R. and Wortmann,J.C.},
Title ={Security-Control Methods for Statistical Databases: a Comparative Study},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys, ; ACM CR 9012-0978.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Volume ="25",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Rutgers; Eindhoven Un. Control methods, conceptual, query restriction, data perturbation, and output perturbation; conditions are positively compromised and partially compromised; new threats: logical inference, diophantine inference, regression methodology Survey examines different approaches; no single method is adequate. Category ={DBDstat> DBDsec> } }

Author ={Adam,N., Gangopadhyay,A., and Geller,J.},
Title ={Knowledge Based Query Processing Using Preoptimized Queries},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

Author ={Adam,N. and Gangopadhyay,A.},
Title ={Integrating Functional and Data Modeling in a Computer Integrated Manufacturing System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month =Apr,
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. Category ={DBDdist>} }

Author ={Adams,E. and Popovici,G.},
Title ={On Using a Relational Database to Store Full Text for Information Retrieval with a Trigram Based Index},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Hood College; Wyatt, Inc. Category ={DBDkb>} }

Author ={Adams,S.},
Title ={The MEDLARS System},
Journal ={Fed.Proc..},
Year =1963,
Pages ="1018--1021",
Volume ="22",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

Author ={Adams,S.},
Title ={MEDLARS and the Library Community},
Journal ={Bulletin of the Medical Library Association.},
Year =1964, Month =Jan,
Pages ="171--177",
Volume ="52",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

Author ={Adams,S. and Taine,S.},
Title ={Searching the Medical Literature, MEDLARS},
Journal ={Journal of the American Med. Ass.},
Year =1964,
Pages ="251--254",
Volume ="188",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

Author ={Addanki,S. and Nigam,A.},
Title ={KL-DB: Towards a Unified Approach to Kowledge Representation},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC semantically augmented database systems based on SDM and KL-ONE Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel> } }

Author ={Addis,T.R.},
Title ={A Relation-Based Language Interpreter for a Content Addressable File Store},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="125--163",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Brunel Un., DCS (Uxbridge Middlesex, UK) ICL CAFS is used. Category ={DBFmach> DBDrel.3> } } <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< QR started here >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>

@book{Addis1986, Author ={Addis,T.R.},
Title ={Designing Knowledge-based Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 322pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8801-0014.},
Year =1986,
Annote ={ Augmentation to the relational model, a technique called extended relational analysis (ERA) for representing the entity sets perceived by users in a task domain. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb, MCS library. } }

@article{AdelsonVelski1963, Author ={AdelsonVelski,G.M. and Landis,Y.M.},
Title ={An Information Organization Algorithm},
Journal ={Translation in NASA document n63-11777.},
Year =1963,
Annote ={Balanced binary trees (AVL trees) Category ={DBFtrees.4> } }

@inproceedings{Adiba1976, Author ={Adiba,M., Delobel,C., and Leonard,M.},
Title ={A Unified Approach for Modelling Data in Logical Data Base Design},
Booktitle ={Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, Nijssen(ed), N-H.},
Year =1976,
Pages ="311--338",
Annote ={ Describes a means of translating somewhat restricted network schemas to relational schemas, using a relation to represent each record (including migrated keys) and a relation to represent each set. Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Adiba1976:1, Author ={Adiba,M. and Delobel,C.},
Title ={The Cooperation Problem Between Different Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Res.R. Grenoble no.42.}, Year =1976, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBFhash> DBDdist, DBfile (in French)} }

@inproceedings{Adiba1978, Author ={Adiba,M.E., Chupin,J.C., Demolombe,R., Gardarin,G., and LeBihan,J.},
Title ={Issues in Distributed Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds), W.Berlin, FRG.},
Year =1978,
Pages ="89--110",
Annote ={ Short notes and a comprehensive bibliography. Relates communication to CCITT ISO multi-level protocol. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Adiba1978:1, Author ={Adiba,M.E., Caleca,J-I., and Euzet,C.},
Title ={A Distributed Data Base System Using Logical Relational Machines},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds).},
Year =1978,
Pages ="450--461",
Annote ={Description of SIRIUS POLYPHEME project. databases are heterogeneous (IMS, IDS-II, SOCRATE) but there is a common relational interface package. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Adiba1979, Author ={Adiba,M. and Andrade,J-M.},
Title ={Distributed Databases},
Institution ={Un.Grenoble RR 193.}, Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Annote ={partitioning and migration Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Adiba1980, Author ={Adiba,M., Andrade,J.M., Decitre,P., Fernandez,F., and Nguyen,T.G.},
Title ={POLYPHEME: An experience in distributed database system design and implementation},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Symposium on Distributed Data Bases 1, Delobel and Litwin(eds), Paris, France.}, Year =1980, Month =Mar,
Pages ="67--84",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Adiba1980:1, Author ={Adiba,M.E. and Lindsay,B.G.},
Title ={Database Snapshots},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res.R. RJ1771(35327).}, Year =1980, Month =Mar,
Annote ={ at Grenoble Un., Laboratoire IMAG, France ; IBM, (San Jose CA) Access to obsolete versions of the database. We discuss snapshots, and implementations and we show the importance of the snapshot concept. System supported snapshots periodically reflect selected portions of the database to view the database `as of' a specific time. Category ={DBDtrans-3.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Adiba1981, Author ={Adiba,Michel E.},
Title ={Derived Relations: A Unified Mechanism for Views, Snapshots and Distributed Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).}, Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="293--305",
Annote ={at Grenoble Un., IMAG-LGI, France DEREL can be used to define base relations and to derive different classes of views, snapshots, partitioned and replicated data. DEREL is intended to be part of a general purpose distributed relational database management system. I3 Category ={DBDschema.3.4> DBFhybrid.5.2> } }

@inproceedings{Adiba1984, Author ={Adiba,M. and Nguyen,G.T.},
Title ={Handling Constraints and Meta-Data on a Generalized Data Management System},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Pages ="342--359",
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Grenoble, IMAG-LGI, France PROLOG implementation of a Meta-model of TIGRE. Tigre runs on another node of the local net. Category ={DBDschema.3> } }

@inproceedings{Adiba1986, Author ={Adiba,M. and Quang,N.B.},
Title ={Historical Multimedia Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.}, Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Grenoble Un., IMAG-LGI, (France) temporal Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Adiba1988, Author ={Adiba,M. and Collet,C.},
Title ={Management of Complex Objects as Dynamic Tools},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.}, Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="134--147",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Adiba1988:1, Author ={Adiba,Michel E.},
Title ={Histories and Versions for Multimedia Complex Objects},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.}, Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="3--10",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Semantics of the evolution of multimedia complex objects. Temporal histories and versions. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@unpublished{Adiba1990, Author ={Adiba,M., Lecluse,C., and Richard,P.},
Title ={Rationale and Design of SDL90, a Database Programming Language},
Note ={rcvd .; submitted to DEXA Mar.1991.}, Year =1990, Month Mar,
Annote ={at LGI-IMAG, Grenoble; Altair designed to provide features from semantic data models and from programming languages; pre and post conditions; a declarative way of spefifying data, integrity contraints, (ISA, classification and membership, and views). defines domains by complex views composed of relations; implementation types with private properties and operations; update is programmed. Category ={DBDlang> DBDobject> VOD, DBfile } }

@article{Adlassnig1985, Author ={Adlassnig,K-P., Kolarz,G., Scheithauer,W., Effenberger,H., and Grabner,G.},
Title ={CADIAG: Approaches to Computer-Assisted Medical Diagnosis},
Journal ={Comput.Biol.Med., Pergamon Press.},
Year =1985,
Pages ="315--335",
Volume ="15",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ at U.Vienna, Dep. MCS, (Garnisongasse 13, A-1090 Vienna, Austria) CADIAG-1 is based on a symbolic logic representation of relationships, as confirming, excluding or obligatory occurence are versus facultative and not confirming relationships. CADIAG-2 is a medical expert system based on a fuzzy set theory. Category ={MIS, DBfile } }

@article{Adlassnig1986, Author ={Adlassnig,K-P., and Kolarz,G.},
Title ={Representation and Semiautomatic Acquisition of Medical Knowledge in CADIAG-1 and CADIAG-2},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1986,
Pages ="63--79",
Volume ="19",
Annote ={at UCB, CSD; UCB EE Category ={MIS, DBfile} }

@article{Adlassnig1986:1, Author ={Adlassnig,K-P., Kolarz,G., Scheithauer,W., and Grabner,H.},
Title ={Approach to a hospital-based application of a medical expert system},
Journal ={Med.Inf..},
Year =1986,
Pages ="205--223",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at UCB, CSD; UCB EE CADIAG-2 Category ={MIS, DBfile } }

@techreport{Adler1984, Author ={Adler,Paul},
Title ={New Technologies, New Skills},
Institution ={Harvard Business School, HBS Case services, work.paper 9-784-076.}, Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={effect of automation, specifically on banking Category ={DBappl> } }

@article{Afek1990, Author ={Afek,I., Attiya,H., Dolev,D., Gafni,E., Merritt,M., and Shavit,N.},
Title ={Atomic Snapshots of Shared Memory},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990,
Annote ={at TelAviv Un. memory based temporal Category ={DBDconc, DBfile Dolev } }

@inproceedings{Afrati1986, Author ={Afrati,Foto, Papadimitriou,C., Papageorgiou,G., Roussou,A., Sagiv,Y., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Convergence of Sideways Query Evaluation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.}, Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at National TU.Athens Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Afrati1987, Author ={Afrati,F. and Papadimitriou,C.},
Title ={The Parallel Complexity of Simple Chain Queries},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.}, Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at National TU.Athens Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Afrati1991, Author ={Afrati,F., Cosmadakis,S.S. and Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={On Datalog versus Polynomial Time},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.}, Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@techreport{Afsarmanesh1985, Author ={Afsarmanesh,H., McLeod,D., Knapp,D., and Parker,A.},
Title ={An Extensible Object-Oriented Approach to Databases for VLSI/CAD},
Institution ={USC, TR.CRI-85-09.}, Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at USC Category ={EIS, DBfile Parker} }

@incollection{Afsarmanesh1986, Author ={Afsarmanesh,H. and McLeod,D..},
Title ={A Framewpork for Semantic Database Models},
Booktitle ={New Directions for Database Systems, Ariav and Clifford(eds), Ablex.},
Year =1986,
Category ={EIS> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Afsarmanesh1990, Author ={Afsarmanesh,H., Knapp,D., McLeod,D., and Parker,A.},
Title ={An Extensible Object-Oriented Approach to Databases for VLSI/CAD},
Institution ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990,
Category ={DBDobject> EIS> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Afsarmanesh1985:1, Author ={Afsarmanesh,Hamidah},
Title ={3DIS: An Extensible Object-Oriented Information Model},
Institution ={USC CSD, TR-85-21.}, Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDobject> EIS> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Agarwal, Author ={Agarwal,Shailesh},
Title ={Flexible Relations},
Institution ={Stanford PhD thesis, to appear},
Annote ={Views,objects Category ={DBDrel> EIS> VOD>} }

@article{Agarwala1970, Author ={Agarwala,A.K.},
Title ={Learning with a Probabilistic Teacher},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.Information Theory, Vol.IT16 .},
Year =1970, Month =May,
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFtechn.1> %Agarwala70} }

@book{Agosti1986, Author ={Agosti,Maristella},
Title ={Database Design: a Classified and Annotated Bibliography},
Publisher ={Cambridge Un.Press, NY, 92pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8712-0975},
Year =1986,
Annote ={at Un.Padova,Italy 275 articles and books from prior to 1985 are (mostly) annotated. --- Armstrong. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Agha1985, Author ={Agha,G.},
Title ={A Message-Passing Paradigm for Object Management},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Agha1988, Author ={Agha,Gul},
Title ={The Relation between Problems in Large-Scale Concurrent Systems and Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Yale Un. Category ={PARADATA> DBDdist>} }

@article{Aghili1982, Author ={Aghili,H. and Severance,D.G.},
Title ={Practical guide to the Design of Differential Files for Recovery of On-Line Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="540-565",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDtrans-3>} }

@inproceedings{Agrawal1988, Author ={Agrawal,D. and ElAbbadi,A.},
Title ={Reducing Storage for Quorum Consensus Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="419--430",
Annote ={at UCSB, DCS Category ={DBDconc> DBDdist>} }

@article{Agrawal1989, Author ={Agrawal,D. and Sengupta,S.},
Title ={Modular Synchronization in Multiversion Databases: Version Control and Concurrency Control},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at UCSB, DCS Category ={DBDconc>} }

@article{Agrawal1990, Author ={Agrawal,D. and ElAbbadi,A.},
Title ={Integrating security with fault-tolerant distributed databases},
Journal ={Computing J., ; ACM Computing Reviews 9102-0096.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Volume ="33",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ when data are stored redundantly, data can be compromised more easily; two issues: confidentiality and resiliency, the number that can be destroyed by an adversary Category ={DBDreliab> } }

@inproceedings{AgrawalE1990:1, Author ={Agrawal,D. and ElAbbadi,A.},
Title ={Locks with Constrained Sharing},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at UCSB Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalE1990:2, Author ={Agrawal,D. and ElAbbadi,A.},
Title ={The Tree Quorum Protocol: An Efficient Approach for Managing Replicated Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{AgrawalE1990:3, Author ={Agrawal,D. and ElAbbadi,A.},
Title ={Storage Efficient Replicated Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering . .},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ fragmentation reduces the storage overhead of replicated objects; generalization of quorum algorithms. Category ={DBDreliab> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Agrawal1991, Author ={Agrawal,Divyakant },
Title ={Performance Characteristics of Protocols with Ordered Shared Locks},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalE1991, Author ={Agrawal,D and ElAbbadi,A.},
Title ={Using Data Migration for Heterogeneous Databases},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalK1991, Author ={Agrawal,D. and Krishnaswamy,V.},
Title ={Using Multiversion Data for Non-interfering Execution of Write-only Transactions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at UCSB Category ={DBDconc> DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalEJ1992:1, Author ={Agrawal,D., ElAbbadi,A., and Jeffers,R.},
Title ={Using Delayed Commitment in Locking Protocols for Real-Time Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalEJ1992:2, Author ={Agrawal,D., ElAbbadi,A., and Jeffers,R.},
Title ={An Approach to Eliminate Transaction Blocking in Locking Protocols},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalE1992:1, Author ={Agrawal,D. and ElAbbadi,A.},
Title ={Resilient Logical Structures for Efficient Management of Replicated Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ high availability at low communication cost for read operations Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{AgrawalE1992:2, Author ={Agrawal,D. and ElAbbadi,A.},
Title ={The Generalized Tree Quorum Protocol: an Efficient Approach for Managing Replicated Data},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Dec,
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalEa1988, Author ={Agrawal,P., Bitton,D., Guh,K., Liu,C., and Yu,C.},
Title ={Case Study for Distributed Query Processing},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Chicago Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Agrawal1983, Author ={Agrawal,R., Carey,M.J., and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Deadlock Detection is Cheap},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="19--34",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Category ={DBDintegrity.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Agrawal1985, Author ={Agrawal,Rakesh},
Title ={A Parallel Logging Algorithm for Multiprocessor Database Machines},
Booktitle ={IWDM 4, DeWitt and Boral(eds.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Bahamas.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin Category ={DBFmach> DBDprivacy.3>} }

@article{AgrawalC1985, Author ={Agrawal,R. and Carey,M.},
Title ={The Performance of Concurrency Control and Recovery Algorithms for Transaction-oriented Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="50--57",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDtrans-3> DBDdist>} }

@article{AgrawalD1985, Author ={Agrawal,R. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Integrated Concurrency Control and Recovery Mechanisms: Design and Performance Evaluation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8610-0934.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="529--564",
Volume ="10",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDtrans> DBDintegrity>} }

@unpublished{AgrawalJ1986, Author ={Agrawal,R. and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={On Bounded Linear Recursion},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Observes that since the classes on which Ioannidis' algorithm and Naughton's algorithm work are incommensurate, you can get a larger class by taking the union. ---jeff Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Agrawal1987, Author ={Agrawal,Rakesh},
Title ={ALPHA: An Extension of Relational Algebra to Express a Class of Recursive Queries},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs. [Ahad,Yao,Choi87] D.1. The alpha operator takes transitive closures, but also produces a record of the path taken. Works wonderfully when your graph is a straight line. ---jeff An alpha operator allows a large class of recursive queries. ---gio Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic> DBDrel> DBDops, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{AgrawalJ1987, Author ={Agrawal,R., and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Direct Algorithms for Computing the Transitive Closure of Database Relations},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13 (Brighton, UK).},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDtheory> DBDquery> DBDlogic>} }

@article{AgrawalCL1985, Author ={Agrawal,R., Carey,M., and Livney,M.},
Title ={Concurrency Control Performance-Modeling: Alternatives and Implications},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1985, Annote ={
This paper is unique in that it studies the implications of fundamental assumptions regarding system resources, transactions restarts, and predeclarations of writes. Essential reading. ---H.Korth. Category ={DBDtrans-3> DBDdist> DBtechm> } }

@article{AgrawalCM1987, Author ={Agrawal,R., Carey,M.J., and McVoy,L.W.},
Title ={The Performance of Alternative Strategies for Dealing with Deadlocks in Database Management Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1348--1363",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ A. Continuous detection, periodic detection, delecting to break deadlock cycles. 1) Current Blocker. 2) Random Blocker. 3) Min Locks. 4) Youngest. 5) Min Work. B. Prevention: Wound-Wait, Wait-Die, Immediate-Restart, Running-Priority. C. Timeout. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{AgrawalD1988, Author ={Agrawal,R. and Devanbu,P.},
Title ={Moving Selections into Linear Least Fixpoint Queries},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988,
Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@unpublished{AgrawalDJ1988, Author ={Agrawal,R., Dar,S., and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Transitive Closure Algorithms Revisited: The Case of Path Computation},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs, (Murray Hill NJ) Implementation considerations for practical DBMS. These guys invented `closed semirings', but they haven't got the `closed' part, so they can only handle acyclic paths. They also noticed, as in AHU-1974, that Floyd's and WArshall's algorithms are really the same idea, and perhaps in their next paper, they'll notice that Kleene's algorithm is too. ---Jeff. Category ={DBDops> DBDquery> DBDlogic, DBfile home } }

@unpublished{AgrawalJ1984, Author ={Agrawal,R. and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Efficient Search in Expert Database Systems},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs, (Murray Hill NJ) Levels versus storage structure in minimum path closure computation. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{AgrawalJ1989, Author ={Agrawal,R. and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Materialization and Incremental Update of Path Information},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDperform>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalJ1988, Author ={Agrawal,R. and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Efficient Search in Very Large Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="407--418",
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs, (Murray Hill NJ) Partial derivation, useful for mediation. ---Gio Category ={DBDperform> DBDkb> } }

@article{AgrawalVJ1988, Author ={Agrawal,R., Valduriez,P., and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Multiprocessor Transitive Closure Algorithms},
Journal ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs Paradata. Category ={DBDlogic> DBDdist> DBDarchitecture> } }

@inproceedings{AgrawalDJ1989, Author ={Agrawal,R., Dar,S., and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Composition of Database Relations},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{AgrawalG1989, Author ={Agrawal,R. and Gehani,N.H.},
Title ={ODE (Object Database and Environment): The Language and the Data Model},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs, (Murray Hill NJ) Presents the facilities provided in O++ and the data model it supports. O++ is a database programming language based on C++ (extending C++ classes). ---BSLee. Describes a persistent object extension to C++. Static type checking. Compiler, Versions, Constraints as procedures called when object created, I don't think the constraints are checked when the DB is updated, though. Triggers as procedures to be called when condition over object becomes true. ---T.Risch. Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang> } }

@article{AgrawalBJ1989, Author ={Agrawal,R., Borgida,A., and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Efficient Management of Transitive Relationships in Large Data and Knowledge Bases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalJ1989, Author ={Agrawal,R. and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Recovery Algorithms for Database Machines with Non-Volatile Memory},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Agrawal1989, Author ={Agrawal,Rakesh},
Title ={On Correctly Configuring Versioned Objects},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs (Murray Hill NJ) Object management; a system comprising a set of objects is configured by selecting a version for each of the objects that constitute the system. A configuration is also a versioned object. Category ={DBDobject> EIS> DBDdesign> } }

@article{AgrawalD1989, Author ={Agrawal,R. and Devanbu,P.},
Title ={Moving Selections into Linear Least Fixpoint Queries},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="424--432",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ selection transposition rules for relational algebra are incorrect when the LEP operator is added; moves the strongest selection. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{AgrawalGS1990, Author ={Agrawal,R., Gehani,N.H. and Srinivasan,J.},
Title ={OdeView: The Graphical Interface to Ode},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={multimedia Category ={DBDquery> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Agrawal1J990, Author ={Agrawal,R. and Jagadish,H.},
Title ={Directed Transitive Closure Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{AgrawalDJ1990, Author ={Agrawal,R., Dar,S., and Jagadish,H.},
Title ={Directed Transitive Closure Algorithms: Design and Performance Evaluation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalCL1991, Author ={Agrawal,R., Cochrane,R.J., and Lindsay,B.G.},
Title ={On Maintaining Priorities in a Production Rule System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawaEal1992, Author ={Agrawal,R., Ghosh,A., Imielinski,T., Iyer,B., and Swami,A.},
Title ={An Interval Classifier for Database Mining Applications},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ marketing example; creates decision rules; compared with CART and ID3; splits continuous values into weak and strong intervals Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{AgrawalDG1993, Author ={Agrawal,R., Dar,S., and Gehani,N.},
Title ={The O++ Database Programming Language: Implementation and Experience},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM; ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalK1993, Author ={Agrawal,R. and Kiernan,J.},
Title ={An Access Structure for Generalized Transitive Closure Queries},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM Almaden Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{AgrawalIS1993, Author ={Agrawal,R., Imielinski,T., and Swami,A.},
Title ={Mining Association Rules between Sets of Items in Large Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Ahad1987, Author ={Ahad,R., Bingyao,S., and Hwa,C.J.},
Title ={Modeling and Classification of Recursive Queries},
Note ={Rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland, Dep.Information Systems Classification, with subsumption hierarchy. Correctness is questionable. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Ahad1989, Author ={Ahad,R., BapaRao,K.V., and McLeod,D.},
Title ={On Estimating the Cardinality of the Projection of a Database Relation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 9005-0418.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="28--40",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland A technique when some information about the number of objects that participate in a relationship is known. Uses normal distribution estimates. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Ahad1991, Author ={Ahad,Rafiul },
Title ={ESQL: A Query Language for the Relation Model Supporting Image Domains},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Ahamad1989, Author ={Ahamad,M. and Ammar,M.},
Title ={Performance Characterization of Quorum-consensus algorithms for Replicated Data},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="492--495",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at GIT, Athens measures the proportion of successfull transactions in systems which aborts if data are not available and the mean response time in which systems wait Category ={DBDconc> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Ahamed1993, Author ={Ahamed,S. and Lawrence,V.},
Title ={Interoperability of Multiple DBs for the Design and Simulation of High-Speed Digital Subscriber Lines},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at City Un.of NY; Bell Labs Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Ahituv1987, Author ={Ahituv,N., Yeheskel,L., and Neumann,S.},
Title ={Processing Encrypted Data},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8812-0933.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="777--780",
Volume ="30",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Tel Aviv Un., Israel Processing while the data are still encrypted. Limit to operation is integer modular addition. ---Meadows. Category ={DBFprotect> DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Ahituv1987:1, Author ={Ahituv,Niv},
Title ={A Metamodel of Information Flow: A Tool to Support Information Systems Theory},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8901-0028},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="781--791",
Volume ="30",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Tel Aviv Un., Israel; Claremont Grad.School. States along the flow of data: physical events, language(data), stored data, human data processing, and decision making. Basis for different data flow models. Is set-theoretical. Illustrative examples. Data processing is decomposed into selection, manipulation, and delay. Value of data is obtained when data are perceived. ---Krejci Category ={DEng> DBDmodel> } }

@article{Ahlsen1990, Author ={Ahlsen,M., Bjornerstedt,A., Britts,S., Hulten,C., and Soderland,L.},
Title ={An Architecture for Object Management in OIS},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Ahlsen1985, Author ={Ahlsen,M., Bjornerstedt,A., and Hulten,C.},
Title ={OPAL: An Object-Based System for Application Development},
Journal ={Syslab Report .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Number ="38",
Annote ={ at Chalmers Un.Tech., CSD; Un.Goteborg (Goteborg, Sweden) Category ={DBDobject, DBfile Syslab } }

@unpublished{Ahmed1990, Author ={Ahmed,R. and Rafi,A.},
Title ={Relational Schema Mapping and Query Translation in Pegasus},
Note ={COSI Workshop, Tulsa.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ objects in heterogeneous languages can be mapped to relational systems as well Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Ahmed1991, Author ={Ahmed,R. and Navathe,S.},
Title ={Version Management of Composite Objects in CAD Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={EIS> DBDobject>} }

@article{Ahmed1991:1, Author ={Ahmed,R. et al.},
Title ={The Pegasus Heterogeneous Multidatabase System},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="24",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at HP, Palo Alto object-oriented data modeling and programming; Pegasus uses both type and function abstractions to resolve mapping and integration uses a heterogemous Object SQL, maintains object information, derived functions, limited optimization Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject> DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Ahmed1993, Author ={Ahmed,R., Albert,J., Ketabchi,M., and Shan,M.},
Title ={Automatic Importation of Relational Schemas in Pegasus},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at HP Labs Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel>} } @misc{1993, Title ={An Overview of Pegasus},
Howpublished ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Ahn1986, Author ={Ahn,Ilsoo},
Title ={Towards an Implementation of Database Management Systems with Temporal Support},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.North Carolina Discusses file organization strategies for time variant databases with tuple or attribute versioning. Considers performance characteristics of proposed file organizations. Emphasis on CD-ROM (optical) technology ---Downs. Two schemes to store temporal information of data in database systems are discussed. Tuple versioning: each tuple is augmented with an interval while the tuple is valid. Updating one attribute requires to copy the whole tuple. Attribute versioning : Each dynamic attribute is augmented with an interval. Each attribute has to have its own time information. File organizations for time variant database systems are also discussed. Two-level storage structure: use two storage areas to separate history data from current data, is proposed. History data may be stored in write once media, but index schemes on write-once media are not considered. ---H.Shima. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Ahn1986:1, Author ={Ahn,I. and Snodgrass,R.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of a Temporal Database Management System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Ahn1988, Author ={Ahn,I. and Snodgrass,R.},
Title ={Partitioned Storage for Temporal Databases},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.},
Year =1988, Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Current and historical data are stored distinctly to avoid ISAM problems, joint indexes, snapshots may require both. Performance in INGRES. Category ={DBDops> DBFrepresent, DBfile Snodgrass } }

@article{Ahn1989, Author ={Ahn,I. and Snodgrass,R.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Temporal Queries},
Journal ={Information Sciences,2,3.},
Year =1989, Volume ="49",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ model takes a temporal query and a database schema as input, and outputs the estimated cost; validates the actual cost measured witjh TQUEL, and INGRES extension Category ={DBDops> DBDperf, DBfile Snodgrass } }

@book{Aho1974, Author ={Aho,A.V., Hopcroft,E., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={The Design and Analysis of Computer Algorithms},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1974, Annote ={Chapter 5 has deadlock detection algorithms. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } }

@article{Aho1977, Author ={Aho,A.V., Johnson,S.C., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Code Generation for Expressions with Common Subexpressions},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1977, Month =Jan,
Pages ="146--160",
Volume ="24",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel} }

@article{Aho1979, Author ={Aho,A.V., Sagiv,Y., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Equivalences among Relational Expressions},
Journal ={SIAM J. Comptg..},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="218--246",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDtheory.3>} }

@article{Aho1979:1, Author ={Aho,A.V., Beeri,C., and Ullman,J.},
Title ={The Theory of Joins in Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Sep,
Pages ="297--314",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Bell Labs; Princeton Un. Losslessnes of joins is explored. The examples have suprising dependencies. Category ={DBDtheory.3> } }

@inproceedings{Aho1979:2, Author ={Aho,A.V. and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Universality of Data Retrieval Languages},
Booktitle ={Conf.Record Annual ACM Symp. Principles of Programming Languages 6, San Antonio TX,},
Year =1979, Month =Jan,
Pages ="110--117",
Annote ={ Parallel execution of loops in first order. Complexity. Category ={DBDlogic> DBFindex.3> DBDquery> DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Aho1979:3, Author ={Aho,A.V. and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Optimal Partial-Match Retrieval When Fields Are Independently Specified},
Booktitle ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Pages ="168--179",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Bell Labs; Princeton Un. Category ={DBFindex.5.5> DBFimpl.6> } }

@article{Aho1979:4, Author ={Aho,A.V., Sagiv,Y., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Efficient Optimization of a Class of Relational Expressions},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Pages ="435--454",
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Bell Labs; Princeton Un. Optimizing queries based on select, project, and join. Category ={DBFindex.3> DBFeval.4> DBDrel.2> DBDquery> } }

@book{Aho1982, Author ={Aho,A.V.(ed)},
Title ={Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Principles of Database Systems},
Publisher ={ACM , order , 305pp.},
Year =1982, Number ="475820",
Annote ={ ACM-PODS 1, Mar.1982, Los Angeles, sponsored by ACM-SIGACT and ACM-SIGMOD. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Aho1982:1, Author ={Aho,A.V.},
Title ={Database Systems: Database Work at Bell Labatories},
Journal ={Bell System Technical J., Part 2.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="2383--2385",
Volume ="61",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Bell Labs Category ={DBDintro>} }

@inproceedings{Ahuga1980, Author ={Ahuga,S. and Roberts,C.S.},
Title ={Superimposed Codes},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture 7, La Baule, France.},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Pages ="218--227",
Annote ={at Bell Labs Recommended. ---Miya. Category ={DBFtree> DBFconc> } }

@inproceedings{Ahuja1987, Author ={Ahuja,M.L. and Browne,J.C.},
Title ={Concurrency Control by Preordering Entities in Distributed Databases with Multi-Versioned Entities},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ combines existing algorithms for consistency maintenance, ordering imposes constraints on users Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ahuja1988, Author ={Ahuja,M.L. and Browne,J.C.},
Title ={Performance evaluation of two concurrency control protocols for distributed databases with multiversioned entities},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Aiello1980, Author ={Aiello,N., Bock,C., Nii,H.P., and White,W.C.},
Title ={The Joy of AGE-ing: An Introduction to AGE-1 System},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, Heuristic Programming Project.},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Nii} }

@techreport{AitKaci1984, Author ={AitKaci,Hassan},
Title ={A Lattice Theoretic Approach to Computation based on a Calculus of Partially Ordered Type Structures},
Institution ={U.Penn, PhD Th..},
Year =1984, Annote ={at U.Pennsylvania, Moore School Formalization of semantic nets, including inheritance lattices. Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDmodel.3, Thesis shelf } }

@incollection{AitKaci1984:1, Author ={AitKaci,Hassan},
Title ={Type Subsumption as a Model of Computation},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="124--150",
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at MCC (Austin TX) semantic extensions of logical algebra. Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDmodel.3> DBDkb> } }

@techreport{AitKaci1985, Author ={AitKaci,H. and Nasr,R.},
Title ={LOGIN: a logic programming language with built-in inheritance},
Institution ={Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam), now CMCSC, TR-AI-068-85.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul, Category ={DBDkb, DBFile} }

@article{AitKaci1989, Author ={AitKaci,H., Boyer,R., Lincoln,P., and Nasr,R.},
Title ={Efficient Implementation of Lattice Operations},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Pages ="115--146",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MCC, ACA Program Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Ajitomi1989, Author ={Ajitomi,N. and Kurose,H.},
Title ={An Enhanced RETE Algorithm for Large Scale Data Access},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="117--124",
Annote ={at Ricoh Co., Software Res.Ctr, (Tokyo Japan) Change forward chaining of RETE to trigger selected nodes for processing via 3 message types. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Akima1987, Author ={Akima,Noboru},
Title ={The SIGMA Project and Database Issues},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="32--36",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={ at Information-Technology Promotion Agency, SIGMA Project, (Tokyo Japan) Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Akinyokun1985, Author ={Akinyokun,O.C., Stocker,P.M., and Borges,M.R.S.},
Title ={Bidirectional mapping between a user-oriented conceptual schema and a target logical schema: the ACS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the British National Conference on Databases 4, ; ACM CR 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul, Annote ={at Un.East Anglia, Norwich Category ={DBDschema>} }

@incollection{Akoka1982, Author ={Akoka,J.},
Title ={Design of Optimal Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Distributed Databases, Delobel and Litwin(eds), N-H.},
Year =1982, Annote ={ considered the problem of database allocation rather than file allocation with a simpler model of transaction execution than Casey and without considering horizontal partitioning. Category ={DBFmethods.4.4> DBDdist> } }

@article{Akopyan1979, Author ={Akopyan,K.A., Vartapetov,E.A., and Vel'bitskii,I.V.},
Title ={Description of a Methodology for the Design of Automated Information Systems},
Journal ={Cybernetics, (translation of Kibernetika, May-), Jan.1980.},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Represent objects and processes of the real world, and develop standard structures for the storage of data and methods for their processing by means of a procedure-independent user language. The advent of the R-technology. Category ={DEng, FASAC 151 } }

@article{Akscyn1988, Author ={Akscyn,R., McCracken,D., and Yoder,E.},
Title ={KMS: a distributed hypermedia system for managing knowlege in organizations},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8908--575.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul, Volume ="31",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Knowledge Systems, PA elaboration of ZOG (CMU); simple model: frames and links; emphasis on the user interface; KMS lacks graphic view of the hypertext structure. ---Bolter. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Akyuerek1993, Author ={Akyuerek,S. and Salem,K.},
Title ={Adaptive Block Rearrangement},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBDschema} }

@book{Alagic1986, Author ={Alagic,Suad},
Title ={Relational Database Technology},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), 259pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Sarajevo (Yugoslavia) Category ={DBDintro> DBDrel> } }

@book{Alagic1989, Author ={Alagic,Suad},
Title ={Object-Oriented Database Programming},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), 320pp.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDobject, x} }

@inproceedings{Alashqur1989, Author ={Alashqur,A.M., Su,S.Y.W., and Lam,H.},
Title ={OQL: A Query Language for Manipulating Object-Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at DSRD, Un.Florida (Gainesville FL) Languages for OODB; algebra so that results are structured using the same data model. Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery, DBfile Su } }

@inproceedings{Alashqur1990, Author ={Alashqur,A.M., Su,S.Y., and Lam,H.},
Title ={A Rule-based Language for Deductive Object-Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Florida Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Alavi1984, Author ={Alavi,M.},
Title ={An Assessment of the Prototyping Approach to Information Systems Development},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Volume ="27",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Albano1984, Author ={Albano,A. and Orisini,R.},
Title ={A Prototyping Approach to Database Applications Development},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="64--69",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDschema.5>} }

@inproceedings{Albano1984:1, Author ={Albano,A., Giannotti,F., Orsini,R. and Pedreschi,D.},
Title ={Data Types and Objects in Conceptual Modeling},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Universita di Pisa, Italy Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> } }

@article{Albano1990, Author ={Albano,A., Cardelli,L., and Orisini,R.},
Title ={GALILEO: A Strongly Typed, Interactive Conceptual Language},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDdesign> DBDschema.5>} }

@book{Albano1985, Author ={Albano,A., deAntonellis,V., and diLeva,A.},
Title ={Computer-Aided Database Design: The DATAID Project},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, QA76.9.D3C66} }

@inproceedings{Albano1991, Author ={Albano,A., Ghelli,G., and Orsini,R.},
Title ={A Relationship Mechanism for a Strongly Typed Object-Oriented Database Programming Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Albano1993, Author ={Albano,A., Bergamini,R., Ghelli,G., and Orsini,R.},
Title ={An Object Data Model with Roles},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Albert1991, Author ={Albert,J.},
Title ={Algebraic Properites of Bag Data Types},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ union and intersection semantics match set semantics, as does boolean selection; by defining bag difference complement is defined as well; crossproduct and join is not mentioned Category ={DBDschema> DBDmodel> } }

@article{Albert1983, Author ={Albert,T.M.},
Title ={Geoscience Data Management},
Journal ={Computers and Geosciences, Pergamon Press.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at U.S. Geological Survey, Reston VA The volume of USGS data in digital form at this time is the equivalent of between 10**10and 10**14 characters. NAS suggests a national geophysical data policy. Earth Science Information System (ESIS) which is an interactive, computerized referral system that contains data about our data. The USGS signed an agreement with NBS for Federal earth-science data standards in hydrology, geology, geography, and cartography. Model 204 seems to be the most powerful for general scientific work. Category ={DBappl> DBFrepresent.2, CODMAC } }

@article{Albridge1988, Author ={Albridge,K.M., Standish,J. and Fries,J.F.},
Title ={Hierarchical Time-Oriented Approaches to Missing Data Inference},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic,},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="349--366",
Volume ="21",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., Dep.of Medicine Temporal Category ={MIS> DBDstat> } }

@techreport{Aldred1974, Author ={Aldred,B.K. and Smedley,B.S.},
Title ={An Urban Management System--General Overview},
Institution ={IBM, UK Scientific Ctr, TR.UKSC-53 (Peterlee UK).},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{AlFedaghi1981, Author ={AlFedaghi,S. and Scheuermann,P.},
Title ={Mapping considerations in the design of schemas for the relational model},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Alford1977, Author ={Alford,M.W.},
Title ={A Requirements Engineering Methodology for Real-Time Processing Requirements},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-3 .},
Year =1977, Pages ="60--69",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFuse-2> DBDdesign>} }

@book{Aleksander1985, Author ={Aleksander,Igor (ed)},
Title ={Advanced Digital Information Systems},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBFintro, TK7885.A625} }

@incollection{Aleksandrov1984, Author ={Aleksandrov,V.V., Alekseyev,A.I., and Gorskiy,N.D.},
Title ={Compatibility of Data Structures in DBMS and Data Processing Systems (SOD)},
Booktitle ={Problemno-oriyentirovannyye informatsionnyye sistemy, Leningrad, .},
Year =1984, Pages ="27--30",
Annote ={at USSR Acad.Sci., Leningrad Sci.Res.Comp.Ctr Category ={DBDimpl@inproceedings{Aleliunas1991, Author ={Aleliunas,Romas },
Title ={A Knowledge-Based Subsystem for a Natural Language Interface to a Database that Predicts and Explains Query Failures},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Alford1984, Author ={Alford,M.},
Title ={Derivation of Database/Management Design from System Requirements},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at TRW Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{AlHajj1992, Author ={AlHajj,R. and Arkun,M.},
Title ={Queries in Object-Oriented Database Systems},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Bilkent University, Turkey Category ={DBDkb> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{AlHajj1993, Author ={AlHajj,R. and Arkun,M.},
Title ={A Query Model for Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Bilkent Un. Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Allchin1980, Author ={Allchin,J., Keller,A., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={FLASH: A Language-Independent Portable File Access System},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 80.},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Pages ="151--156",
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@article{Allchin1980:1, Author ={Allchin,J.E.},
Title ={Modula and a Question of Time},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-6 .},
Year =1980, Month =Jul, Pages ="390--391",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., DCS Importance of proper management of this abstract concept in real-time systems; experience with Modula and suggestion for ADA. Category ={DBFrealtime> DBFuse-2.1> DBFhybrid.3> } }

@techreport{Allchin1982, Author ={Allchin,J.E. and McKendry,M.S.},
Title ={Object-based Synchronization and Recovery},
Institution ={GIT Tech.R. 8215.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDobject> DBFreliab, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Allchin1982:1, Author ={Allchin,James E.},
Title ={A Suite of Algorithms for Maintaining Replicated Data Using Weak Correctness Conditions},
Booktitle ={Tech.Rep. GIT-Intern. Conf. on Supercomputing-8218, Georgia Inst.of Tech.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Weak is simply less than serializability. Synchronization sets are local logs that guarantee recovery. Fauve. Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc> DBDreliab, DBfile } }

@techreport{Allchin1983, Author ={Allchin,J.E.},
Title ={An Architecture for Reliable Distributed Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Georgia Inst.of Tech, School of Info.and Comp.sci..},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Allen1975, Author ={Allen,A.O.},
Title ={Elements of Queuing Theory for System Design},
Journal ={IBM, G3321-5009.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Compact collection of queuing formulae with examples. Category ={DBFtechn.4> %Allen75 } }

@article{Allen1987, Author ={Allen,Franklin},
Title ={Discovering Personal Probabilities when Utility Functions are Unknown},
Journal ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Pages ="542--544",
Volume ="33",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Penn, Wharton School random sampling from a distribution is used to elicit values. Category ={MIS> DBDutil> } }

@article{Allen1982, Author ={Allen,F.W., Loomis,M.E.S., and Mannino,M.V.},
Title ={The Integrated dictionary/directory system},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="245--286",
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ A comprehensive survey of dictionary/directory system features with examples from commercial systems Category ={DBFmaint> } }

@inproceedings{Allen1981, Author ={Allen,J.F.},
Title ={An interval-based representation of temporal knowledge},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA), Vancouver BC.},
Year =1981, Pages ="221--226",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Allen1983, Author ={Allen,James F.},
Title ={Maintaining Knowledge about Temporal Intervals},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Pages ="832--843",
Volume ="21",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ a calculus of convex intervals. Defines operations. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Allen1984, Author ={Allen,J.F.},
Title ={Toward a General Model of Action and Time},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1984, Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Allen1973, Author ={Allen,J.R. and Walker,Verdon R.},
Title ={Data Integrity in the GIANT System},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , pp.M60 to M62.},
Year =1973, Volume ="42",
Annote ={at Management Systems Corp (Salt Lake City UT) A short note on key matching in a genealogical data base Category ={DBFuse-4> } }

@inproceedings{Allen1968, Author ={Allen,Roy P.},
Title ={Omnibus, A Large Data Base Management System},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS , Thompson Books.},
Year =1968, Pages ="157--164",
Volume ="33",
Annote ={at Fireman's Fund (San Francisco) Description of large insurance policy filing system, using an indexed seq. org.. Category ={DBFindex.3> %Allen68 } }

@article{Allen1966, Author ={Allen,S.I., Barnett,G.O., and Castleman,P.A.},
Title ={Use of a Time-shared General Purpose File Handling System in Hospital Res.},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE.},
Year =1966, Pages ="1641--1648",
Volume ="54",
Annote ={Early MUMPS paper. Category ={DBFtrees.5>} }

@inproceedings{Allgeyer1987, Author ={Allgeyer,K. and Kratzer,K.},
Title ={Expert System Based Configuration of VSAM Files},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFimpl>} }

@techreport{Allman1975, Author ={Allman,Eric, Stonebraker,M., and Held,G.},
Title ={Embedding a Relational Data Sublanguage in a General Purpose Programming Language},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.ERL-M564.},
Year =1975, Month =Oct,
Annote ={QUEL language for INGRES in UNIX-C. Category ={DBDrel.2, xUC> } }

@article{Allman1982, Author ={Allman,E. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Observations on the Evolution of a Software System},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="27--32",
Annote ={at UCB INGRES encompasses about 75,000 lines of code in 'C' and runs on Unix. Over the past six years, Ingres has evolved into a functionally complete and usable prototype. Development required 25 to 30 programmer-years by a total of 19 people and the system is now in use at over 125 sites around the world. Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{Almarode1990, Author ={Almarode,J. and Anderson,T.L.},
Title ={EasyObjects Designer: A Tool for Object-Oriented Database Design},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul, Annote ={at Servio Logic Corp, Beaverton, OR a window-based, graphical schema editor for Gemstone rules for enforcing correctness of schema models and evolution (see Kim et al TOIS paper) Category ={DBDdesign> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Alonso1985, Author ={Alonso,R., Barbara,D., Cordon,R., GarciaMolina,H., Kent,J., and Pitelli,F.},
Title ={Distributed Database Research at Princeton},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="68--75",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Alonso1987, Author ={Alonso,R., GarciaMolina,H., and Salem,K.},
Title ={Concurrency Control and Recovery for Global Procedures in Federated Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="5--11",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Princeton Un., CSD Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist> } }

@incollection{Alonso1987:1, Author ={Alonso,R., Barbara,D., GarciaMolina,H., and Abad,S.},
Title ={Quasi-copies: Efficient data sharing for information retrieval systems},
Booktitle ={Princeton Un., CS-TR-101-87.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={FAUVE replication at local sites. Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDperf> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Alonso1989, Author ={Alonso,R. and Barbara,D.},
Title ={Negotiating Data Access in Federated Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Alonso1989:1, Author ={Alonso,R., Barbara,D., and Cova,L.L.},
Title ={Data Sharing in Large Heterogeneous Information Networks},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Princeton Un., CSD Federated architecture sketched includes a Resource Discovery Manager, a Negotiation Manager and a Bookkeeper. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Alonso1990, Author ={Alonso,R. and Cova,L.},
Title ={Managing Replicated Copies in Very Large Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Princeton; Florida Int.Un. quasi-copies; specification example Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Alonso1990:1, Author ={Alonso,R., Barbara,D., and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Data caching issues in an information retrieval system},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ focus: cache coherency in distributed information retrieval systems one central server site, data cached at client site. Less response time, but more overhead in maintaining multiple copies. To reduce overhead, allow copies to diverge in a controlled fashion - notion of quasi copies and quasi-caching. - users can precisely define limits for divergence of quasi-copies. - reduces update propagation overhead - main difference with materialized views is that here user can establish degree of coherency - implementation possibilities: invalidate/refresh out-of-date data, include automatic expiration date etc. Paper surveys various implementation strategies and their tradeoffs. users give two types of conditions on quasi-caches: selection and coherency. - selection conditions specify which object images will be cached at the user site. - modifiers: - Add/drop (add to cache or remove) - compulsory or advisory (whether caching is to be enforced or to be taken as a hint) - query optimizer can take advantage if caching is compulsory - advisory selection gives greater system flexibility - static / dynamic ( static => objects selected once when the condition is issued by a user, dynamic => changes in data cause objects to be - triggering delay: specifies acceptable delay for dynamic selections - coherency conditions define the allowable deviations between an object and its images. - default: image must have a valid value (though out-of-date) - delay: how much time an image may lag behind an object - version: acceptable lag of how many versions - periodic: image to be refreshed periodically - arithmetic: deviations limited by the difference between the values of the object and its image. - can also have inter-object consistency constraints. implementation issues - transmission delays and failures: null messages sent out by central site to check if client is alive etc. - what to propagate: - data message: contains new values to overwrite old ones in cache - invalidation message: only identifies invalid object to be purged from the cache, but does not contain new values. - version number message: provides new version numbers only - no new data - implicit invalidation: no message from central site, cache images automatically invalidated after a certain time. - when to propagate: - last minute: delayed until a selection/coherency condition is about to be violated. - immediately: as soon as updates occur - delayed update at central site, so no cache conditions are violated. - collapsing conditions: - possible to collapse several coherency conditions on same object into one - load balancing: central site can partially off-load enforcement of consistency to clients describes a probabilistic performance model and simulation results - simulation parameters are network traffic, query processing time, update installation time etc. conclusions: - quasi-caching can potetially improve performance and availability - problems if: - selection and consistency constraints are complex - large number of updates at central site - open issues: - how much data to cache - how does choice of when to propagate updates affect performance etc. I3 Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Alonso1991, Author ={Alonso,Rafael },
Title ={Data Sharing in a Large Heterogeneous Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Alonso1991:1, Author ={Alonso,R. and Tal,A.},
Title ={Dealing with Failures in Heterogeneous Databases},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Alonso1993, Author ={Alonso,R., Haber,E., and Korth,H.},
Title ={A Mobile Computer Interface for Heterogeneous Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Matsushita Information Technology Laboratory Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Alsberg1975, Author ={Alsberg,P.A.},
Title ={Space and Time Savings through Large Data Base Compression and Dynamic Restructuring},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1114--1122",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Annote ={counterexample to Gardarin 87. Category ={DBDmodel> at Un.Illinois, Ctr for Advanced Computation (Urbana-Champaign) Category ={DBFeval.4> DBFrepresent-4, Shel } }

@techreport{Alsberg1976, Author ={Alsberg,P.A., Belford,G.G., Day,J.D., and Grapa,E.},
Title ={Multi-copy Resiliency Techniques},
Institution ={Un.Illinois, Ctr for Advanced Computation, Urbana-Champaign.},
Year =1976, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans.4>} }

@inproceedings{Alsberg1976:1, Author ={Alsberg,P.A. and Day,J.D.},
Title ={A Principle for Resilient Sharing of Distributed Resources},
Booktitle ={2nd International Conf. on Software Eng., San Francisco.},
Year =1976, Pages ="562--570",
Annote ={ at Un.Illinois, Ctr for Advanced Computation (Urbana-Champaign) A technique is presented which permits distributed resources to be shared in a resilient manner. One of the hosts is declared a priori the primary and the others the backups. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDintegrity.1> DBDdist, Shel x2, filebox } }

@article{AlSuwaiyel1984, Author ={AlSuwaiyel,M. and Horowitz,E.},
Title ={Algorithms for Trie Compaction},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="243--263",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at UCLA Category ={DBFimpl.2.2, DBfile} }

@incollection{Alter1981, Author ={Alter,S.},
Title ={A Taxonomy of Decision Support Systems},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Pages ="26--35",
Annote ={with a recent bibliography by Riley,M.J. Category ={DBappl> } }

@inproceedings{Altman1972, Author ={Altman,E.B., Astrahan,M.M., Fehder,P. L., and Senko,M.E.},
Title ={Concepts of a Data Independent Architecture Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Pages ="363--382",
Annote ={at IBM An integrated description for schema entries (A-strings), rings (E-strings), and indexes (L-strings) Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Altshuler1974, Author ={Altshuler,Gene and Plagman,Bernard},
Title ={User/System Interface within the Context of an Integrated Corporate Data Base},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1974, Pages ="27--33",
Volume ="43",
Annote ={at SRI; Federal Reserve Bank of NY (NY) Review of user-system interface requirements. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@techreport{Alvey1982, Author ={Alvey (chairman British committee)},
Title ={A Programme for Advanced Information Technology},
Institution ={.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDkb, HD9696.C63G76} }

@techreport{Aly1987, Author ={Aly,H. and Ozsoyoglu,Z.M.},
Title ={Non-deterministic Modelling of Logical Queries in Deductive Databases},
Institution ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Case Western Reserve Un. Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Aly1989, Author ={Aly,H. and Ozsoyoglu,Z.M.},
Title ={Synchronized Counting Method},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{AlZobaidie1986, Author ={AlZobaidie,A. and Grimson,J.B.},
Title ={An Expert Clinical Database},
Journal ={Medinfo.},
Year =1986, Category ={MIS, DBfile} } % ------ AM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@article{Amano1985, Author ={Amano,K. and Mochida,A.},
Title ={A Supporting System for Effective Construction and Sharing of Scientific Databases by General Researchers},
Journal ={Inf. Process. Manage., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8610-0935.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="535--544",
Volume ="21",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Hokkaido Un. Comp. Ctr, Sapporo, Japan ORION and ADABAS and a supporting system called COMDBS. Category ={DBappl> } }

@article{Amarel1983, Author ={Amarel,Saul},
Title ={Panel discussion on machine learning},
Journal ={Proc. 2nd Internat.Machine Learning Workshop, Michalski et al. (eds.).},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Amato1993, Author ={Amato,G., Giannotti,F., and Mainetto,G.},
Title ={Data Sharing Analysis for a Database Programming Language via Abstract Interpretation},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDlang>} }

@article{Amble1974, Author ={Amble,O. and Knuth,D.E.},
Title ={Ordered Hash Tables},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1974, Month =Feb,
Pages ="135--142",
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Ambrosetti1984, Author ={Ambrosetti,R., Ciriani,T.A., and Pennacchi,R.},
Title ={An Application Analyzer},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="336--350",
Volume ="23",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, Rome Interactive design using APAX. Lists all functions. Category ={DBappl> DBDquery.3> } }

@inproceedings{Amdahl1967, Author ={Amdahl,Gene M.},
Title ={Validity of the Single Processor Approach to Achieving Large Scale Computing Capabilities},
Booktitle ={SJCC.},
Year =1967, Pages ="483--485",
Annote ={at IBM, Sunnyvale CA Category ={DBFdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Amer1987, Author ={Amer,H.H. and McCluskey,E.J.},
Title ={Modeling the Effect of the Chip Failures and Cache Memory Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@manual{American1974, Author ={American National Standards Inst.},
Title ={Guide for the Development, Implementation, and Maintenance of Standards for the Reorganization of Computer Processed Data Elements},
Organization ={Management of Data Elements in Inf. Processing, National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). , COM74-100700,},
Year =1974, Month Apr,
Pages ="355--418",
Annote ={ Comprehensive guide to coding with bibliography and associated papers. Category ={DBFrepresent, x14 book> } }

@techreport{Ames1984, Author ={Ames,Kathy R.},
Title ={A Relational Approach to the Development of Expert Diagnostic Systems},
Institution ={NASA Tech.Memo .},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Number ="86288",
Annote ={ Application is robot jaw. The `Relational Knowledge-Base Machine'(RKBM) is a LISP database in relational form to model structure and function. Error conditions are enumerated. Category ={DBDkb> EIS, DBfile } }

@article{Amikam1985, Author ={Amikam,A.},
Title ={On the Automatic Generationof Optimal Internal Schemata},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1985, Pages ="37--45",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Queensland (St.Lucia, Australia 4067) A method for deriving automatically the optimal Internal Schema from the Conceptual and External Schemata. Many assumptions. Category ={DBDdesign, x issue } }

@article{Amir1990, Author ={Amir,A. and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Optimal View Caching},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.},
Year =1990, Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile Roussopoulos} }

@inproceedings{Ammann1985, Author ={Ammann,A.C., Hanrahan,M., and Krishnamurthy,R.},
Title ={Design of a Memory Resident Database Management System},
Booktitle ={Proc. IEEE COMPCON.},
Year =1985, Pages ="54--57",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Ammon1985, Author ={Ammon,G.J., Calabria,J.A., and Thomas,D.T.},
Title ={A High-Speed, Large Capacity, `Jukebox' Optical Disk System},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul, Pages ="36--45",
Volume ="18",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at RCA, NASA Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{An1991, Author ={An,H. and Henschen,L.},
Title ={Knowledge based semantic query optimization},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Northwestern Un. precompiling integrity contraints and gathering information Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Analyti1992, Author ={Analyti,A. and Pramanik,S.},
Title ={Fast Search in Main Memory Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@techreport{Anand1986, Author ={Anand,J., et al.},
Title ={A Res.R. on the Laboratory for Database Systems Research: Past, Present and Future},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-NPS52-86-013.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBFarchitecture, DBfile Hsiao} }

@inproceedings{Ananthanarayanan1993, Author ={Ananthanarayanan,R., et al.},
Title ={Using the Coexistence Approach to Achieve Combined Functionality of Object-Oriented and Relational Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Andany1991, Author ={Andany,J., Leonard,M., and Palisser,C.},
Title ={Management of Schema Evolution in Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ handled with revision notions; defines contexts similar to views Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Anderson1977, Author ={Anderson,H.D. and Berra,P.B.},
Title ={Minimum Cost Selection of Secondary Indexes for Formatted Files},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Month Mar,
Pages ="68--90",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Anderson1969, Author ={Anderson,Jerome, Donaghy,Donald A., and Young,Howard W.},
Title ={Controlling Errors in Timesharing},
Journal ={Software Age,},
Year =1969, Month =Jun,
Pages ="8--16",
Annote ={Description of error logging for TSS 360/67. Category ={DBDtrans.4, xB11> } }

@inproceedings{Anderson1978, Author ={Anderson,N.D. and Burkhard,W.A.},
Title ={MINI SEQUEL -- Relational Data Management System},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="57--76",
Annote ={at UCSD Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Anderson1972, Author ={Anderson,R.E. and Fagerlund,Ed},
Title ={Privacy and the Computer; An Annotated Bibliography},
Journal ={ACM Computing Reviews.},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Pages ="551--559",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Well annotated bibliography, much from literature not commonly accessed by computer professionals Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@article{Anderson1978:1, Author ={Anderson,T., Lee,P.A., and Shrivastava,S.K.},
Title ={A Model of Recoverability in Multilevel Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-4 .},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Pages ="486-494",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ at Un.Newcastle upon Tyne, Computing Lab (England) Backward error recovery can be complex, discusses two distinct categories of multilevel system, and issues involved. Category ={DBFuse-4.4> } }

@techreport{Anderson1981, Author ={Anderson,T.L.},
Title ={The Database Semantics of Time},
Institution ={Un.Washington, PhD Th..},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Un.Washington temporal. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDschema.2> DBFhard.1.4> } }

@incollection{Anderson1982, Author ={Anderson,T.L.},
Title ={Modeling Time at the Conceptual Level},
Booktitle ={Burroughs, Austin Res.Ctr, TR..},
Year =1982, Annote ={temporal integrity maintenance. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDintegrity> DBDmodel> } }

@unpublished{Anderson1986, Author ={Anderson,T.L., Ecklund,E.F.Jr., and Maier,D.},
Title ={PROTEUS: Objectifying the DBMS User Interface},
Note ={Rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Tektronix Inc., Computer Res.Lab. All components are objects, schemes, commands, representations, display formats, etc... Now the database manages all information, the object represenations can be changed via database updates, and the representations mappings can be expressed as database commands or rules. Category ={EIS> DBDobject, DBfile } }

@incollection{Anderson1989, Author ={Anderson,T.L., Ohkawa,H., Gjovaag,J., Maier,D., and Shulman,S.},
Title ={Representing CSG Solids Using a Logic-Based Object Data Model},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC-2.6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="183--216",
Annote ={at Servio Logic Development Corp Composed of planes, spheres, double cones, cylinders, torus. Objects have types. Views, constraints. Composition uses reference axes and points. TEDM, Tektronix Engineering Model. Category ={EIS> DBDimage> DBDobject> VOD> } }

@article{Anderson1989:1, Author ={Anderson,T.Lougenia},
Title ={The Tektronix Engineering Database Benchmark},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Servio Logic Corp. Panel on DB System Performance Metrics. Includes nested objects, recursion, and complex operations, such as text and bitmap editing. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Andersson1993, Author ={Andersson,M. et al.},
Title ={The FEMUS Approach in Building a Federated Multilingual Database System},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Lausanne Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Andler1981, Author ={Andler,S., et al.},
Title ={System-D Distributed System for Availability},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res.R. RJ3313.},
Year =1981, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ SYSTEM D is an experimental research vehicle prototyped on a local network. It provides high availability by diagnosing and taking corrective actions against software-induced crashes, the two-phase Direct Commit protocols require fewer messages and I-Os than conventional two-phase commit protocols, datagram-based communications architecture, and a modular storage system. Category ={DBDtrans-4> DBDdist> } }

@article{Andon1980, Author ={Andon,F.I., Kuksa,A.I., and Polyachenko,B.E.},
Title ={Efficient Implementation of a Class of Data-linked Programs},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Jun..},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Pages ="153--159",
Volume ="6",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDimpl, FASAC 311} }

@article{Andon1986, Author ={Andon,F.I., Maryanchik,A.M., et al.},
Title ={Basic Propositions and Architecture of Relational Data Manipulation System},
Journal ={Control Systems and Machines; translation of Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny (Kiev, UkSSR) , Kiev.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Pages ="195--206",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Relational Algebra for OKA. Category ={DBDrel> DBDlang, FASAC 203d@techreport{Andrade1980, Author ={Andrade,J.M.},
Title ={L'Integrite et la Mise a Jour dans un Systeme de Gestion de Bases de Donnees Reparties},
Institution ={PhD Th., INP, Projet Polypheme.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at l'Institut National Polytechnique (Grenoble, France) Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist> } }

@article{Andre1980, Author ={Andre,E. and Bogo,G.},
Title ={Ada, Abstract Datatype, Distributed Database Transaction},
Journal ={Proc.of IEEE-COMPSAC, Chicago.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="33--79",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDlang, Shel} }

@book{Andre1986, Author ={Andre,F. et al},
Title ={Distributed Computing Systems},
Publisher ={N-H, 344pp.; translation from French source 1981.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at CORNAFION Group (France) Transactions. Weak consistency: After bounded time all copies become identical. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Andreassen1988, Author ={Andreassen,A.A., Leighton III,W.J. and Schreiber,D.F.},
Title ={Information Security: An Overview},
Journal ={AT&T Tech.Journal, -Jun..},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="2--8",
Volume ="67",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at ATT Federal Systems Division, (Washington DC) Special issue on security, focusing on networks and access. Category ={DBFsecurity> } }

@techreport{Andrews1990, Author ={Andrews,Fred et al.},
Title ={Crossroads of Information Technology Standards},
Institution ={National Academy Press.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ at Board on Telecommunications and Computer Applications, NRC includes review of Japanese and European processes; recommendation: the director of the Office of Science and Technology Policy should arrange for an ad hoc blue-ribbon study by top-level people from industry and government to establish a vision and high-level architecture for an information technology infrastructure. Category ={DBFintro, DBfile } }

@article{Andrews1989, Author ={Andrews,R. and Beauchamp,C.},
Title ={A Clinical Database Management System for Improved Integration of the Veterans Affairs Hospital Information System},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Volume ="13",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ data from separate ancillary services are difficult to integrate and hence partially replicated, although the DHCP is very integrated operating on the same system hardware and language (MUMPS) Category ={MIS> HIS> } }

@inproceedings{Andrews1990:1, Author ={Andrews,Robert},
Title ={A Common Data Structure for Complex Clinical Data},
Booktitle ={MUMPS Users Group Meeting.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at VA Information Systems Center, Salt Lake City model for querying multiple types of federated databases Category ={DBDdist> MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Andrews1990:2, Author ={Andrews,T. and Harris,C.},
Title ={Combining Language and Database Advances in an Object-Oriented Development Environment},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ A brief overview of VBASE. The schema definition language is block structured support for one-to-one, one-to-many, and many-to-many relationships. Provides an inverse mechanism, the ability to cluster objects and support for triggers and multiple inheritance. Category ={DBDobject> VOD> } }

@techreport{Andrews1986, Author ={Andrews.T.},
Title ={Vbase Integrated Object System: Functional Specification},
Institution ={Ontologic.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Ontologic Category ={DBDobject, DBfile} }

@techreport{Andrews1987, Author ={Andrews.T.},
Title ={Vbase Integrated Object System: Technical Overview},
Institution ={Ontologic.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Ontologic Category ={DBDobject, DBfile} }

@article{Angell1969, Author ={Angell,T. and Randell,T.M.},
Title ={Generalized Data Management Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer Group News .},
Year =1969, Month =Nov,
Pages ="5--12",
Annote ={at Computer and Control Company Concise summary of objectives and existing file systems. Category ={DBFseq> } }

@inproceedings{Annevelink1991, Author ={Annevelink,J.},
Title ={Database Programming Languages: A Functional Approach},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at HP Category ={DBDlang>} }

@article{Anonymous1985, Author ={Anonymous et al},
Title ={A Measure of Transaction Processing Power},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="112--118",
Volume ="31",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ Benchmarks and their performance on typical but unnamed systems. et al includes Jim Gray, Dina Bitton, Stefano Ceri, Bruce Lindsay, Dieter Gawlick, Category ={DBFtrans.7.5> } }

@inproceedings{Ansari1992, Author ={Ansari,M., Ness,L., Rusinkiewicz,M., and Sheth,A.},
Title ={Using Flexible Transactions to Support Multi-System Telecommunication Applications},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@manual{ANSI1985, Author ={ANSI},
Title ={Medium and System-independent File and Data Record Formats for Information Interchange},
Organization ={ANSI-ISO Standard 8211-, ANSI, New York, 1982},
Year =1985, Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@manual{ANSI1984, Author ={ANSI},
Title ={American National Standard Database Language SQL},
Organization ={ANSI X3H2.135, ANSI, NY, 1986.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ The FIPS specifications for the SQL database language Category ={DBFmaint> DBDrel> } }

@manual{ANSI1985:1, Author ={ANSI},
Title ={American National Standard information resource dictionary system: Part 1-- Core Standard},
Organization ={ANSI X3H4, ANSI, NY.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ The FIPS specifications for the core system-standard schema Category ={DBFmaint> } }

@manual{ANSI1985:2, Author ={ANSI},
Title ={American National Standard information resource dictionary system: Part 2-- Entity-level security},
Organization ={ANSI X3H4, ANSI, NY.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ The FIPS specifications for the entity level security module Category ={DBFmaint> } }

@manual{ANSI1985:3, Author ={ANSI},
Title ={American National Standard information resource dictionary system: Part 3-- Application program interface},
Organization ={ANSI X3H4, ANSI, NY.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ The FIPS specifications for the application program interface module. Category ={DBFmaint> } }

@manual{ANSI1985:4, Author ={ANSI},
Title ={American National Standard information resource dictionary system: Part 4-- Support of standard data models},
Organization ={ANSI X3H4, ANSI, NY.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ The FIPS specifications for the data model support module Category ={DBFmaint> } }

@manual{ANSI1986, Author ={ANSI},
Title ={Specification for a Data Descriptive File for Information Interchange},
Organization ={ANSI ISO TC 97, NY.},
Year =1986, Annote ={Specifications for moving data among computers. Category ={DBFmaint> } }

@manual{ANSI1986:1, Author ={ANSI},
Title ={Database Language -- SQL},
Organization ={ANSI X3.135, CBEMA.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ Specifications for SQL-DDL and SQL-DML, at two levels. Annex on embedding in host languages. Category ={DBDrel, x } }

@manual{ANSI1986:2, Author ={ANSI},
Title ={Representation of Geographic Point Locations},
Organization ={ANSI.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ANSI standard X3.61-1986. Category ={Image>} }

@article{Antonacci1989, Author ={Antonacci,F., Russo,M., Pazienza,M., and Velardi,P.},
Title ={A System for Text Analysis and Lexical Knowledge Acquisition},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1989, Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Full coverage over the 5000 press agency releases with about 100,000 different words; the parser can analyze 80 percent of the sentences; lexicon has 10,000 elementary lemmata and the grammar 100 rules. Category ={DBDnat> } }

@inproceedings{Antoshenkov1992, Author ={Antoshenkov,G.},
Title ={Random Sampling from Pseudo-Ranked B+ Trees},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ for auditing or quality control; efficient sampling by using low-level access with 50% acceptance rate Category ={DBFindex> } }

@inproceedings{Antoshenkov1993, Author ={Antoshenkov,Gennady},
Title ={Dynamic Optimization in RDB/VMS},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at DEC Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Anwar1992, Author ={Anwar,T., Beck,H. and Navathe,S.},
Title ={Imprecise Querying in Classification Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Georgia Inst of Tech Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Anwar1993, Author ={Anwar,E., Maugis,L., and Chakravarthy,S.},
Title ={A New Perspective on Rule Support for Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Anyanwu1985, Author ={Anyanwu,J.A.},
Title ={A reliable stable storage system for UNIX},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="973--990",
Volume ="15",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Newcastle (UK) Category ={DBFreliab>} }

@article{Anyanwu1986, Author ={Anyanwu,J.A. and Marshall,L.F.},
Title ={A crash resistant UNIX file system},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience, 8609-??.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Volume ="16",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Newcastle (UK) Information is replicated on disks and the kernel is modified. Category ={DBFreliab> } }

@article{Anzelmo1971, Author ={Anzelmo,Frank D.},
Title ={A Data Format for Information System Files},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C20.},
Year =1971, Month =Jan,
Pages ="39--43",
Annote ={at Chemical Abstracts Application Description Category ={DBFhybrid> %Anzelmo71 } }

@incollection{Aonuma1989, Author ={Aonuma,H., Imai,H., and Kambayashi,Y.},
Title ={A Visual System of Placing Characters Appropriately in Multimedia Map Databases},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC 2-6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="525--546",
Annote ={at Kyushu Un., DCS and Communication Eng. Very nice work on output generation. Consider type, scale, density in label placement of geographical output. Category ={DBDquery> DBDimage> } }

@inproceedings{Apers1978, Author ={Apers,P.M.G.},
Title ={Distributed Query Processing with Inverted File Organization},
Booktitle ={IR 43, VU (Amsterdam).},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Apers1979, Author ={Apers,P.M.G.},
Title ={Distributed Query Processing: Minimum Response Time Schedules for Relations},
Booktitle ={IR 50, VU (Amsterdam).},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Apers1979:1, Author ={Apers,P.M.G.},
Title ={Critique on and Improvement of Hevner and Yao's Distributed Query Processing Algorithm},
Booktitle ={VU, TR.48, VU, (Amsterdam).},
Year =1979, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Apers1980, Author ={Apers,P.M.G.},
Title ={Data Allocation and Distributed Query Processing},
Journal ={ACM Pacific '80, San Francisco.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Pages ="48--54",
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam) Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDbound.5>} }

@inproceedings{Apers1981, Author ={Apers,Peter M.G.},
Title ={Centralized or Decentralized Data Allocation},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Seminar on Distributed Data Sharing Systems 1, vandeRiet and Litwin(eds.) (Amsterdam).},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="101--116",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Apers1981:1, Author ={Apers,Peter M.G.},
Title ={Redundant Allocation of Relations in a Communication Network},
Booktitle ={Berkeley 5, San Francisco.},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Pages ="245--258",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Apers1982, Author ={Apers,P.M.G.},
Title ={Query Processing and Data Allocation in Distributed Database Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Mathematical Centrum, Amsterdam,},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam) Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2> DBFsyseval.4, Thesis shelf } }

@article{Apers1983, Author ={Apers,P.M.G., Hevner,A.R., and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Optimization Algorithms for Distributed Queries},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="57--68",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at VU; Un.Maryland Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery.2>} }

@techreport{Apers1983:1, Author ={Apers,P.M.G.},
Title ={Minimizing the Response Time of a Query in a Distributed Database},
Institution ={VU (Amsterdam).},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist, x} }

@inproceedings{Apers1983:2, Author ={Apers,P.M.G. and Jockin,N.},
Title ={The Usage of Simulation in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={VU (Amsterdam).},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist> DBFmethods>} }

@techreport{Apers1984, Author ={Apers,P.M.G. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={How to Survive a Network Partition},
Institution ={Stanford CSD, Stan-CS-85-1053.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={ approach to maximixe transaction processing in partitioned networks. Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Apers1984:1, Author ={Apers,P.M.G. and Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Expert Database System in a Loosely Coupled Environment},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina, Kiawah Island SC.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="611--617",
Volume ="2",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Apers1985, Author ={Apers,P.M.G. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Transaction Handling in a Loosely Coupled Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.ACM-Intern. Conf. on Supercomputing Conf., Florence, Italy: `Computing 85, A Broad Perspective of Current Developments' Bucci and Valle(eds), N-H 1985.},
Year =1985, Pages ="25--36",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFhard.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{Apers1986, Author ={Apers,P.M.G., Houtsma,M.A.W., and Brandse,F.},
Title ={Extending a relational interface with recursion},
Booktitle ={Memo Un.Twente INF-86-10,},
Year =1986, Annote ={closure joins Category ={DBDops, DBfile Houtsma} }

@inproceedings{Apers1986:1, Author ={Apers,Peter M.G.},
Title ={Geavanceerde Informatiesystemen},
Booktitle ={Un.Twente.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Vrije Un., The Netherlands Survey of Advanced Information Systems: Alice in Wonder informatics land Category ={DBDintro, DBfile } }

@article{Apers1988, Author ={Apers,Peter M.G.},
Title ={Data Allocation in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8904-0252.},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="263--304",
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Fragments are allocated. The strength of the paper is its rigor, the weakness is in the applicability of the model. ---Tufts. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@book{Appelrath1983, Author ={Appelrath,Hans-Juergen},
Title ={Von Datenbanken zu Expertensystemen in German.},
Publisher ={PhD Th., Un.Dortmund.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at ETH Zuerich, now Un.Oldenburg (FRG) DEDUDAB, extends DML and accesses UNIX INGRES through pipes. Tests on a small Parts (43 tuples) and larger Family demo (up to 9600 tuples). With inferences up to length 2 reports times from 23s to 7h (for ancestor) on DEC PDP11/60. Increases in time appear to be O(nlogn). Effect of interference was small (15pct). Surveys Minker's MRPPS, Chang's DEDUCE. Category ={DBDkb> KSYS> } }

@article{Appleton1985, Author ={Appleton,Daniel S.},
Title ={The Technology of Data Integration},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="106--116",
Volume ="31",
Number ="21",
Annote ={ How to share data among heterogeneous applications Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Appleton1984, Author ={Appleton,D.S.},
Title ={Business Rules: the Missing Link},
Journal ={Datamation, 15.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="145--150",
Volume ="30",
Number ="16",
Annote ={at DACOM (Manhattan Beach CA) semantic database constraints define the business policies. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@article{Appleton1986, Author ={Appleton,Daniel S.},
Title ={Rule-based Data Resource Management},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Pages ="86--99",
Volume ="32",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ identifies 4 layers: Database architecture, business rules, conceptual schema, internal schemas. Category ={DBDkb> DBftrans> } }

@inproceedings{Apt1987, Author ={Apt,K. and Pugin,J-M.},
Title ={Maintenance of Stratified Databases Viewed as a Belief Revision System},
Booktitle ={Un.Texas, TR-87-41, rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC This talks about 'stratified negation', as in NAIL!, where negated terms may not be connected recursively to the rule head. ---Ullman Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb, DBfile Walker at Ecole Normal Superieure and BULL They discuss maintaining the `perfect model' of a stratified DB in instantiated form, while updates are made to the EDB. ---jdu Category ={DBDlogic> DBDtheory> } }

@unpublished{Apt1989, Author ={Apt,Krzysztof R.},
Title ={Efficient Computing of Least Fixpoints in Deductive Databases},
Note ={.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ at Ctr.for Mathematics and CS, Amsterdam and Un.Texas at Austin, DCS Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Arbadi1989, Author ={Arbadi,A.E. and Toueg,S.},
Title ={Maintaining availability in partitioned replicated databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , 64.264--290; ACM CR 8911-0827.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DEng> DBDobject> at UCSB accessing data in spite of site failures and network partioning Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab> } }

@techreport{Arbanel1985, Author ={Arbanel,R.M. and Williams,M.D.},
Title ={A Relational Representation for Knowledge Bases},
Institution ={presented at EDBS-2,},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Intellicorp Kee storage, each slot is a value. Due to multiple inheritance too many relations are needed in normalized form. Shows infeasibilty of this scheme. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Arden1975, Author ={Arden, Bruce W.(ed).},
Title ={Interactive Computer Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Proc..},
Year =1975, Month =Jun,
Pages ="883--979",
Volume ="63",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFuse-2>} }

@inproceedings{Arditi1978, Author ={Arditi,J. and Zukovsky,E.},
Title ={An Authorization Mechanism for a Data-Base},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="193--213",
Annote ={at Weizmann Inst.Science (Rehovot, Israel) A schema oriented model, avoids use of a database administrator. Category ={DBDprivacy.2> DBDadmin> } }

@inproceedings{Aref1991, Author ={Aref,W.G. and Samet,H},
Title ={Optimization Strategies for Spatial Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ in SAND (Spatial and Non-Spatial Data) objects' spatial information is stored in separate spatial data structures and their non-spatial information is stored in database relations maintaining links Category ={DBDimage> } }

@techreport{Arens1981, Author ={Arens,Gail},
Title ={Recovery of the SWALLOW Repository},
Institution ={SM TH., Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT LCS TR.252.},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent-3>} }

@inproceedings{Arens1992, Author ={Arens,Y. and Knoblock,C.},
Title ={Planning and Reformulating Queries for Semantically Modeled Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at USC/ISI Description of the planning and reformulation components of of the SIMS systems, which enable it to translate a query in the Loom knowledge representation language into a retrieval plan consisting of database and knowledge base queries to multiple heterogeneous information sources. I3 Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Arens1993, Author ={Arens,Y., Chee,C.Y., Hsu,C.-N., and Knoblock,C.A.},
Title ={Retrieving and Integrating Data from Multiple Information Sources},
Booktitle ={International Journal of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems, Vol. 2 No. 2, to appear .},
Year =1993, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at USC/ISI Description of the SIMS system for retrieval of information from multiple databases and knowledge bases. SIMS uses AI knowledge representation and planning techniques to describe the contents of the information sources, enable uniform querying independent of the distribution of the requested information, and plan the series of queries that will obtain it. This paper provides a detailed description of the SIMS system and the existing prototype, including its learning, reformulation and interface components. I3 Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb> } }

@incollection{Argyris1971, Author ={Argyris,C.},
Title ={Management Information Systems: The Challenge to Rationality and Emotionality},
Booktitle ={Management Science.},
Year =1971, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Ariav1983, Author ={Ariav,G., Clifford,J. and Jarke,M.},
Title ={Panel abstract on time and databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data, San Jose. .},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="143--145",
Annote ={---Kung Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Ariav1986, Author ={Ariav,Gad},
Title ={A Temporally Oriented Data Model},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="499-527",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at NYU at least one timestamp, time of record, plus other temporal --- event stamps. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDmodel> } }

@book{Ariav1986:1, Author ={Ariav,G. and Clifford,J.},
Title ={New Directions for Database Systems},
Publisher ={Ablex Pub., 272pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Proc. NYU Symp.on New Directions for Database Systems, May.1984. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Arie1986, Author ={Arie,Z. and Chen,P.},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Modeling of Fuzzy Data},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Arisawa1983, Author ={Arisawa,H., Moriya,K., and Miura,T.},
Title ={Operations and the Properties of Non-First-Normal Form Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 9.},
Year =1983, Pages ="197--204",
Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Arisawa1986, Author ={Arisawa,H. and Miura,T.},
Title ={On the Properties of Extended Inclusion Dependencies},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Yokohama National Un., Japan Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Arisawa1991, Author ={Arisawa,H., Nagae,H., and Mochizuki,Y.},
Title ={Representation of Complex Objects in Semantic Data Model AIS and Implementation of Set Operators},
Journal ={IEICE Transactions, Vol.E74 .},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Yokohama Un. the model covers entities and associations between entity sets; three kinds of association: existential, cartesian aggregation and referential Category ={DBDops> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Aristides1992, Author ={Aristides,P. and Abbadi,A.},
Title ={Fast Read-Only Transactions in Replicated Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCSB Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Ariwasa1968, Author ={Ariwasa,Makota},
Title ={Residue Hash Method},
Journal ={Journal of the Information Processing Society of Japan.},
Year =1968, Month =Feb,
Pages ="163--167",
Volume ="12",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{Arizio1993, Author ={Arizio,R. et al.},
Title ={Managing Inter-Database Dependencies with 'Rules + Quasi-transactions'},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at CSELT Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Arkin1990, Author ={Arkin,C.F. and Wachtel,M.S.},
Title ={How Many Patients are Necessary to Assess Test Performance},
Journal ={Journal of the American Med. Ass,},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Volume ="263",
Number ="2",
Category ={MIS> DBDstat, DBfile} }

@article{Armenti1970, Author ={Armenti,A., et al},
Title ={LISTAR, the LINCOLN Information Storage and Associative Retrieval System},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1970, Pages ="313--322",
Volume ="36",
Annote ={at Un.New Brunswick (Canada) Category ={DBFseq> Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@inproceedings{Armisen1981, Author ={Armisen,J.P. and Caleca,J.Y.},
Title ={A Commercial Back-End Data Base System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7.},
Year =1981, Annote ={ This article is interesting in that it presents a commercial product, and coming from France, represents an European effort in the field of Database Machine. However, what mars the reading of this paper are the bad spelling and unnatural sentence structure. (Kitty Shih comment) Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Armstrong1974, Author ={Armstrong,W.W.},
Title ={Dependency Structures of Database Relationships},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP Congress.},
Year =1974, Pages ="998--1006",
Annote ={Axioms characterizing functional dependencies. Category ={DBDtheory> %Armstrong74 } }

@article{Armstrong1980, Author ={Armstrong,W.W. and Delobel,C},
Title ={Decompositions and Functional Dependencies in Relations},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month =Dec,
Pages ="404--430",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ at U.Montreal; U.Scientifique et Medicale de Grenoble A general study is made of two basic integrity constrains, functional Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@manual{Army1988, Author ={Army Headquaters, Dep.of the Army},
Title ={Army Data Management Program},
Organization ={Pentagon Document,},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={Data dictionary Category ={DBDschema, DBfile} }

@article{Arnaurov1985, Author ={Arnaurov,D.D., Naidenov,N.V., and Tasev,A.G.},
Title ={Organization of Data Files for Document Retrieval Systems},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Jun..},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Pages ="170--175",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ construction of a hierarchy for hash access to documents Category ={DBDbiblio, FASAC 331 } }

@inproceedings{Arni1992, Author ={Arni,N., Greco,S., and Sacca,D.},
Title ={Set-Term Matching in Logic Programming},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Universita della Calabria, Rende, Italy Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@article{Arnold1974, Author ={Arnold, Barry C.},
Title ={Schwarz, Regression, and Extreme Deviance},
Journal ={The American Statistician, vol.28 no.1.},
Year =1974, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@article{Aron1969, Author ={Aron,J.D.},
Title ={Information Systems in Perspective},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1969, Month =Dec,
Pages ="213--235",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM (Gaithersburg MD) Introduction to the present and future capabilities of management information systems in the context of file handling, system design, and management use. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Arora1981, Author ={Arora,S.K. and Smith,K.C.},
Title ={A Graphical Interpretation of Dependency Structures in Relational Databases},
Journal ={Int.J. Comput. Inf. Sci..},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="187--213",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ A subclass of dependencies, root-dependencies and a common graphical (S-diagram) for all of them. Also automatic constraint checking Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDmodel.3> DBDtrans> } }

@article{Arora1969, Author ={Arora,S.R. and Dent,W.T.},
Title ={Randomized Binary Search Techniques},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1969, Month =Feb,
Pages ="77--80",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Analysis of search through tree with two branches per node. Category ={DBFtrees.4> %Arora69 } }

@inproceedings{Arora1971, Author ={Arora,S.R. and Gallo,A.},
Title ={Optimal Sizing, Loading and Re-loading in a Multi-Memory Hierarchy System},
Booktitle ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1971, Pages ="337--344",
Volume ="38",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota; UNIVAC Optimal allocation indirectly addressable memories of different speeds, with consideration of reorganization frequencies. Category ={DBFeval> %Arora71 } }

@inproceedings{Arora1971:1, Author ={Arora,S.R. and Jain,G.P.},
Title ={Drum Queuing Model},
Booktitle ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1971, Pages ="319--324",
Volume ="38",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota; UNIVAC Analysis of multiple drum queues. Category ={DBFtechn.3> } }

@incollection{Arsenteva1984, Author ={Arsenteva,A.V. and Yepifanov,G.V.},
Title ={Prospects for the Use and Organization of an Associative Recursive Data Base},
Booktitle ={Problemno-oriyentirovannyye informatsionnyye sistemy, Leningrad, .},
Year =1984, Pages ="59--71",
Annote ={at USSR Acad.Sci., Leningrad Sci.Res.Comp.Ctr Category ={DBDimpl, FASAC 32b } }

@techreport{Arthur1980, Author ={Arthur Young and Co.},
Title ={Assessment of the NINCDS Data Bank Network},
Institution ={report to the National Inst.Neurological and Communicative Disorders and Stroke, 143 pp.},
Year =1980, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ Evaluation of a number of database systems, especially TOD, CLINFO, and MERLIN recommending adoption of TOD. Category ={DBappl> MCS> } }

@book{Arthur1992, Author ={Arthur,Lowell J.},
Title ={Rapid Evolutionary Development: Requirements, Prototyping, and Software Creation},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 221pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9211-0860.},
Year =1992, Annote ={ a fast-paced romp extols prototyping, the natural laws, law of 7 plus/minus 2 Category ={DEng> } }

@manual{Artificial1981, Author ={Artificial Intelligence Corp},
Title ={Intellect Query System User's Guide},
Organization ={Release 101, Artifical Intelligence Corp, Waltham MA.},
Year =1981, Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDquery.3.4>} }

@techreport{Arvidson1985, Author ={Arvidson,R., Wiederhold,G., et al.},
Title ={Issues and Recommendations Associated with Distributed Computation and Data Management Systems for the Space Sciences, Volume 2},
Institution ={Committee on Data Management and Computation, Space Sciences Board, Nat. Academy of Sciences.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ contains projections on future computation and storage demands and capability to satisfy them. Category ={DBDone> DBFhard> } }

@article{Aschim1973, Author ={Aschim,F. and Bonne,P.},
Title ={SIBAS, an Implementation of the CODASYL Data Base Concept},
Journal ={Management Informatics.},
Year =1973, Month =Jun,
Pages ="101--104",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Aschim1974, Author ={Aschim,F.},
Title ={Data Base Networks --- An Overview},
Journal ={Management Informatics.},
Year =1974, Month =Feb,
Pages ="12--28",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage>} }

@techreport{Aschim1975, Author ={Aschim,F.},
Title ={Some Design and Analysis Tools for Design of Databases for Database Oriented Information Systems},
Institution ={Central Inst. for Industrial Res., Oslo, Norway,},
Year =1975, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDadmin.1> DBDdesign>} }

@incollection{Aschim1982, Author ={Aschim,F. and Mostue,B.M.},
Title ={IFIP WG8.1 case solved using the SYSDOC methodology and SYSTEMATOR},
Booktitle ={Information Systems Design Methodologies, IFIP, N-H : A Comparative Review, Olle et al(eds), N-H.},
Year =1982, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Ash1968, Author ={Ash,W. and Sibley,E.H.},
Title ={TRAMP, An Interpretive Associative Processor with Deductive Capabilities},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 23.},
Year =1968, Pages ="5--12",
Annote ={Deductive inference on binary relations. Category ={DBDquery> DBFhybrid.7.5, x10> %Ash68 } }

@inproceedings{Ashany1978, Author ={Ashany,R.},
Title ={Application of Sparse Matrix Techniques to Search, Retrieval, Classification and Relationship Analysis in Large Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds), ACM.},
Year =1978, Pages ="499--516",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Ashenhurst1972, Author ={Ashenhurst,R. L.(ed)},
Title ={Curriculum Recommendations for Graduate Professional Programs in Information Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month =May,
Pages ="303--398",
Volume ="15",
Number ="5",
Annote ={With bibliographies. Category ={DBDintro> %Ashenhurst72 } }

@article{Ashfield1989, Author ={Ashfield,J.C. and Cybrynski,D.B.},
Title ={System-independent file management and distribution services},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1989, Pages ="241--259",
Volume ="28",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ identifying, fetching, moving, and storage functions are the same for all applications and can be most efficiently provided by a common process. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Ashok1984, Author ={Ashok,V., McKnight,W., and Ramanathan,J.},
Title ={Integrated Environment for Information Management in VLSI Design},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Ohio State Un. Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Askerov1985, Author ={Askerov,T.M. and Agaev,A.A.},
Title ={Description Language for Cartographic Data},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Apr..},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="102--106",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ geographic primitives are AREA, CONTOUR, BORDER, GRID, CELL, POINT Category ={Image, FASAC 328 } }

@article{Aspinall1972, Author ={Aspinall,L.},
Title ={Improving Disk Drive Performance by Intelligent Record Placement},
Journal ={IBM, Res.R. No.UKSC-11 .},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM, UK Scientific Ctr Category ={DBFhard.2>} }

@inproceedings{Aspnes1988, Author ={Aspnes,J., Fekete,A., Lynch,N., Merritt,M., and Weihl,W.},
Title ={A Theory of Timestamp-Based Concurrency Control for Nested Transactions},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="431--444",
Annote ={at CMU Category ={DBDconc> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Asthana1989, Author ={Asthana,A., Jagadish,H.V., and Knauer,S.C.},
Title ={An Intelligent Memory Transaction Engine},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBFmach>} }

@manual{ASTM, Author ={ASTM},
Title ={Standard Specification for Transferring Clinical Laboratory Data Messages Between Independent Computer Systems},
Organization ={ASTM 1238-88},
Category ={MIS> DBDdist> DBFrepresent, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Astrahan1972, Author ={Astrahan,M.M., Altman,E.B., Fehder,P.L., and Senko,M.E.},
Title ={Concepts of a Data Independent Accessing Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed.).},
Year =1972, Pages ="349--362",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Astrahan1974, Author ={Astrahan,M.M. and Ghosh,S.P.},
Title ={A Search Path Selection Algorithm for the Data Independent Accessing Model (DIAM)},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data , Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="367--388",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Astrahan1975, Author ={Astrahan,M.M. and Lorie,R.A.},
Title ={SEQUEL-XRM, A Relational System},
Booktitle ={Proc. ACM Pacific Regional Conf..},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="34--38",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Astrahan1975:1, Author ={Astrahan,M.M. and Chamberlin,D.},
Title ={Implementation of a Structured English Query Language},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed),},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Description of implementation of SEQUEL interpreter, especially optimizer, which uses indexes to simplify queries. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDrel.2> } }

@article{Astrahan1976, Author ={Astrahan,M.M., et al.},
Title ={System R: Relational Approach to Database Management},
Journal ={IBM, San Jose, Res.R. No.RJ-1738.},
Year =1976, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Category ={DBDrel.2> DBFeval.4, DBfile @article{Astrahan1979, Author ={Astrahan,M.M., et al.},
Title ={System R: A Relational Data Base Management System},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="42--48",
Volume ="12",
Number ="5",
Annote ={overview and some history, SQL, UFI Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@article{Astrahan1972:1, Author ={Astrahan,M.M., Schkolnick,M., and Whang,K-Y.},
Title ={Approximating the Number of Unique Values without Sorting},
Journal ={IBM Res.Lab, CS Res.R. No.RJ-4960 (5), 1985.},
Year =1972, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Estimates of value instance count obtained various way, typically using hashing or projection. Was called `Counting Unique Values of An Attribute Without Sorting'. The idea is to estimate the size of a projection of a relation without looking at the entire relation. Still needed are techniques for estimating the size of a join (of many relations) without actually computing the join. That's what we need if we are going to decide on the proper order in which to join *large* numbers of relations.---jeff Category ={DBDperf> DBFindex> DBDrel.2.3> DBDperf, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Atchan1989, Author ={Atchan,H., Bell,R., and Thuraisingham,B.},
Title ={Knowledge-based Support for the Development of Database-centered Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Atkins1988, Author ={Atkins,John},
Title ={A Note on Minimal Covers},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record,},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="16--21",
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ at West Virginia Un., Dep.Statistics and CS, (Morgantown WV) corrected algorithms Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdesign> } }

@article{Atkins1989, Author ={Atkins,Richard},
Title ={Tool Attachment in EIS},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar., IEEE CS,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="410--414",
Annote ={ at Honeywell Systems and Res.Ctr, (Minneapolis MN) Category ={EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Atkinson1982, Author ={Atkinson,M.P., Chisholm,K., and Cockshott,P.},
Title ={PS-Algol: An Algol with a Persistent Heap},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGPLAN Notices.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul, Pages ="24--31",
Volume ="17",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Edinburgh, DCS (Scotland) PS-algol supports a persistent heap, and an associative store to support tasks normally carried out by filing systems or database management systems. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBFstorage-3.2 } }

@article{Atkinson1990, Author ={Atkinson,M.P., Baily,P., Chisholm,K., Cockshott,P., and Morrison,R.},
Title ={An Approach to Persistent Programming},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Atkinson1985, Author ={Atkinson,M.P., Fiddian,N.J., Gray,P.M.D., Stocker,P.M., et al.},
Title ={The PROTEUS Distributed Database System},
Journal ={Proc.BCS Proceedings of the BritishNational Conference on Databases3 (Leeds)?, Longstaff(ed), Cambridge Un.Press.},
Year =1985, Pages ="225--245",
Annote ={ Heterogenous multi-university system. Network query language NQL and tranfer language NTL are based on the relational Algebra. No update. Category ={DBDdist> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@article{Atkinson1985:1, Author ={Atkinson,M.P. and Morrison,M.},
Title ={Procedures as Persistent Objects},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="539--559",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Glasgow, Scotland PS-algol; First Class Functions; Versions. Category ={DBDobject> DBFintro> DBDnewDBMS> DBFstorage-3.2> } }

@article{Atkinson1987, Author ={Atkinson,M.P. and Buneman,O.Peter},
Title ={Types and Persistence in Database Programming Languages},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="105--190",
Volume ="19",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Glasgow, Scotland Illustrated with 4 tasks. Polymorphism, type inheritance, object identity, and the choice of structures to represent sets of similar values. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Atkinson1990:1, Author ={Atkinson,M., Bancilhon,F., DeWitt,D., Maier,D., Dittrich,K., and Zdonik,S},
Title ={The Object-Oriented Database System Manifesto},
Booktitle ={provided at SIGMOD .},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={ characteristics are separated into mandatory (complex objects, object identity, encapsulation, types or classes, inheritance, overriding combined with late binding, extensibility, computational completeness, secondary storage management, concurrency, recovery and an ad hoc query facility), optional (multiple inheritance, type checking and inferencing, distribution, design transactions and versions), and open (the programming paradigm, the representation system, the type system, and uniformity) Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@book{Atkinson1983, Author ={Atkinson,W. and DeSanctis,P.},
Title ={Introduction to VSAM},
Publisher ={Hayden Book Co..},
Year =1983, Category ={DBFimpl>} }

@book{Atre1980, Author ={Atre,S.},
Title ={Structured Techniques for Design Performance and Management},
Publisher ={Business Data Processing: A John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) Series, 442pp.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBFintro, DB book shelf} }

@book{Atre1983, Author ={Atre,Shaku},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems for the Eighties},
Publisher ={QED Inf. Sciences..},
Year =1983, Annote ={ details of eight major commercially available packages. Category ={DBDimpl> } }

@book{Atre1986, Author ={Atre,Shaku},
Title ={Information Center: Strategies and Case Studies Vol.1},
Publisher ={Atre Int. Consultants, Rye NY, 251pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Atre International Consultants (Rye NY) I3 Category ={DBDadmin, x } }

@book{Atre1988, Author ={Atre,Shaku},
Title ={Database: Structured Techniques for Design, Performance, and Management (2nd ed)},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 430pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8812-0906.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ Seriously outdated. Detailed discussions of IMS--VS. References are old. ---Hoffman. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Atwood1982, Author ={Atwood,J.William, MacLeod,Alexander, and Yu,Keh-Chiang},
Title ={An Empirical Study of a CDC 844-41 Disk Subsystem},
Journal ={Perform.Eval..},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="29--56",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Concordia Un., Montreal; Un.Texas Austin The authors confirm the oft-suspected ineffectuality of seek time scheduling. They warn the reader of the dangers of applying the conclusions reached in the study to other systems, applications, and environments but do give guidance with respect to what might have to be changed in their simulation to make such applications possible. The entire situation studied and so clearly presented is far beyond the analytical state of the art, and thus their use of a combination of measurement and simultation was the approach of choice. Category ={DBFmethods.3> } }

@article{Atwood1972, Author ={Atwood,R.C.},
Title ={Effects of Secondary Storage I/O Contention on the Performance of an Interactive Information Management System},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf , 1972.},
Year =1972, Month =Aug,
Pages ="670--679",
Category ={DBFuse-3>} }

@inproceedings{Atwood1990, Author ={Atwood,T. and Orenstein,J.},
Title ={Notes toward a Standard Object-Oriented DDL and DML},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Object Design, Inc. C++ allows the programmer to create objects with either of two lifetimes limited to the life of the procedure in which the object was created or with the process in which the object was created; support for persistent objects easily added to each relational mistakes: single language for interactive and as a data manipulation sublanguage for programming languagues; single DML for different programming languages propose to add to C++ and Ada: the key word persistent; an inverse clause on relationship declarations, associative retrieval expressions; the transaction statement. Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang> } }

@techreport{Attar1983, Author ={Attar,R., Bernstein,P.A., and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Site Initialization, Recovery, and Back-Up in a Distributed Database System},
Institution ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-10 .},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Pages ="645--650",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Harvard Un., Aiken Computation Lab Category ={DBDdist> DBDprivacy.4, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Attie1993, Author ={Attie,P., Singh,M., Sheth,A., and Rusinkiewicz,M.},
Title ={Specifying and Enforcing Intertask Dependencies},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Atzeni1980, Author ={Atzeni,P., Ausiello,G., Batini,C. and Moscarini,M.},
Title ={Conceptual Relations Among Data Base Schemata},
Institution ={Rpt. 80-32.},
Year =1980, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un. di Roma, Inst.Automatica Such conceptual relations compare the conceptual content of schemata according to the following criteria: - ability to represent objects and relations among objects of the real world - ability to filter incorrect representations of the real world - ability to represent transformations of the real world - ability to 'filter' incorrect transactions which represent transformations of the real world. In section 2, two different types of conceptual inclusion and equivalence between schemata are defined in our approach in terms of a query language Q and an integrity constraints language IC. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign> DBDmodel.3, Th.file } }

@techreport{Atzeni1983, Author ={Atzeni,P., Batini,C., De Antonellis,V., Lenzerini,M., Villanelli,F., and Zonta,B.},
Title ={Computer Aided Tool for Conceptual Data Base Design},
Institution ={Un.Studi, Inst.Automatica, TR..},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Un.Studi, Roma, Inst.Automatica, Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Atzeni1985, Author ={Atzeni,P. and Chan,E.P.F.},
Title ={Efficient Query Answering in the Representative Instance Approach},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Atzeni1986, Author ={Atzeni,P. and Parker,D.S.Jr.},
Title ={Formal Properties of Net Based Knowledge Representation Schemes},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Pages ="700--706",
Annote ={ Representation of types, is-a-relationships and disjointness constraints. Consistency and redundancy are characterized by constraints. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Atzeni1986:1, Author ={Atzeni,P. and Parker,D.S.},
Title ={Set Containment Inference},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at CNR, IASI (Italy); UCLA (USA) Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Atzeni1987, Author ={Atzeni,P. and DeBernardis,M.C.},
Title ={A New Basis for the Weak Instance Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.La Sapienza, Roma, CNR Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Atzeni1987:1, Author ={Atzeni,P. and Chan,E.},
Title ={Independent Database Schemes Under Functional and Inclusion Dependencies},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Atzeni1988, Author ={Atzeni,P. and Parker,D.Stott},
Title ={Set Containment Inference and Syllogisms},
Journal ={Theoretical Computer Science, Vol. 62m .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Atzeni1989, Author ={ Atzeni,P. and Torlone,R. Atzeni,P. and Torlone,R.},
Title ={Updating Databases in the Weak Instance Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Atzeni1989:1, Author ={Atzeni,P. and Chan,E.P.F.},
Title ={Efficient Optimization of Simple-Chase Join Expressions},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="212--230",
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IASI-CNR, Roma, Italy Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Atzeni1990, Author ={Atzeni,P. and Torlone,R. },
Title ={Efficient Updates to Independent Schemes in the Weak Instance Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={More efficient way for PODS89 model Category ={DBDtheory> DBDmodel> } }

@article{Atzeni1992, Author ={Atzeni,P. and Torlone,R.},
Title ={Updatiing Relational Databases through Weak Instance Interfaces},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Dec,
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Atzeni1993, Author ={Atzeni,P., Cabibbo,L. and Mecca,G.},
Title ={ISALOG: A declarative language for complex objects with hierarchies},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.di Roma Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Auddino1992, Author ={Auddino,A., Dennebouy,Y., Dupont,Y., Fontana,E., Spaccapietra,S., and Tari,Z.},
Title ={Super-Visual Interaction with an Object-Based ER Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ at Laboratoire de bases de donnees (CH-1015 Lausanne-Ecublens, Suisse) A visual interface for editing database schema and queries based on a variation of the E-R model. The added semantics to the E-R such as ISA and maybe-a (with no inclusion constraint) do not have a special effect on the interface. In my opinion, visual editing of E-R shema is a sound idea. On the other hand, visual editing of queries by copying a subset visual schema may confuse users, if the copied subschema containes cycles -- a potential source of the user's misunderstanding. SUPER forces users to break cycles, but it is not clear how intuitive this cycle-breaking semantics will be to the user. --- Cha. Category ={DBDquery Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery> } }

@techreport{Auer1980, Author ={Auer,H.},
Title ={RDBM --- A Relational Data Base Machine},
Institution ={Un.Braunschweig, TR.8005.},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFmach> DBappl>} }

@book{Auerbach1980, Author ={Auerbach,I.L.(ed)},
Title ={The Auerbach Annual: Best Computer Papers},
Publisher ={N-H , 1981.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ Selected papers, often in databases and information processing Category ={DBDintro> } }

@manual{Auerbach1981, Author ={Auerbach Staff},
Title ={Practical Data Base Management},
Organization ={Reston, 430pp.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDintro, DBfile} }

@techreport{Ausiello1981, Author ={Ausiello,G., D'Atri,A., and Sacca',D.},
Title ={Graph Algorithms for Functional Dependencies Manipulation},
Institution ={Un.Roma, Inst.Automatica, TR.R.81-09.},
Year =1981, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Universita di Roma, Instituto di Automatica, Rome, et al Graph theoretic approach allows a homogeneous treatment of closure, minimization which leads to simpler proofs and more efficient algorithms. Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ausiello1982, Author ={Ausiello,G., D'Atri,A., and Moscarini,M.},
Title ={Minimal Coverings of Acyclic Database Schemata},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Logical Bases for Databases, Toulouse.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile} }

@article{Ausiello1983, Author ={Ausiello,G., D'Atri,A., and Sacca',D.},
Title ={Minimal Representations of Directed Hypergraphs},
Journal ={Un.Roma, R.83-02.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ Hypergraphs --- functional dependency manipulation. Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile } }

@article{Ausiello1985, Author ={Ausiello,G. and D'Atri,A.},
Title ={Chordality Properties on Graphs and Minimal Conceptual Connections in Semantic Data Models},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un. La Sapienza Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Austin1964, Author ={Austin,C.J.},
Title ={Data Processing Aspects of MEDLARS},
Journal ={Bulletin of the Medical Library Association.},
Year =1964, Pages ="159--163",
Volume ="52",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Austing1973, Author ={Austing,R.H. and Engel,G.L.},
Title ={A Computer Science Program for Small Colleges},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month Mar,
Pages ="139--147",
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland; Pennsylvania State Un. Category ={DBDintro.1> } }

@article{Austing1979, Author ={Austing,R.H., Barnes,B.H., Bonnette,D.T., Engel,G.L., and Stokes,G.},
Title ={Curriculum '78 Recommendations for the Undergraduate Program in Computer Science},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Pages ="147--166",
Volume ="22",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland A report of the ACM Curriculum Committee on Computer Scienc. CS5: Introduction to File Processing (3-0-3) Prerequisite: CS 2 The objectives of this course are: (a) to introduce concepts and techniques of structuring data on bulk storage devices; (2) to provide experience in the use of bulk storage devices; and (3) to provide the foundation for applications of data structures and file processing techniques. Category ={DBDintro>.3 } }

@inproceedings{Avizienis1984, Author ={Avizienis,A., Cardenas,A.F., and Alavian,F.},
Title ={On the Effectiveness of Fault Tolerant Techniques in Parallel Associative Data Base Processors},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at UCLA; United Technologies Category ={DBFstorage-3.2> } }

@inproceedings{Baruch1990, Author ={Baruch Awerbuch,B., Baratz,A., and Peleg,D.},
Title ={Cost-Sensitive Analysis of Communication Protocols},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Aylamzyan1988, Author ={Aylamzyan,A.K. and Gilula,M.M.},
Title ={The Concept of an Information Machine},
Journal ={rcvd from Apple (Scripta Technica, Inc.)},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Pereslavl-Zalesskiy avoid ordering and fixed attributes by adopting pile file model Category ={DBDmodel> DBFseq, FASAC 305 } }

@article{Aylamazan1986, Author ={Aylamazan,A.K., Gidula,M.M., Stolboushkin,A.P., and Shvarts,G.F.},
Title ={Reduction of Relational Model with Infinite Areas to Case of Finite Areas},
Journal ={Doklady Akademii nauk SSSR, Moscow.},
Year =1986, Pages ="308--311",
Volume ="286",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at USSR Acad.Sci., Inst.Cyb. Problems, Pereslavl-Zalesskiy Branch stopping data-dependent recursion. Category ={DBDquery, FASAC 40 } }

@article{Aylor1986, Author ={Aylor,J.H., Waxman,R, and Scarratt,C.},
Title ={VHDL -- Feature description and Analysis},
Journal ={IEEE Design and Test Magazine.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Pages ="17--27",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Introductory article to issue devoted to VHDL. Category ={EIS> } }

@techreport{Azema1982, Author ={Azema,Pierre},
Title ={Specification of the Concurrent Access Mechanism},
Institution ={Internal Rpt. .},
Year =1982, Annote ={at CNRS (Toulouse, France) Petri net based proof for recovery states in a distributed database, the author states that a mechanization using PROLOG is feasible. Category ={DBDintegrity.1> DBDdist, DBfile <<>> } } % ----- B ---- biblio -----

@techreport{Baats1987, Author ={Baats,W.E. and Jeijs,L.M.G.},
Title ={A Formal Specification of INGRES},
Institution ={rcvd. Esprit Project 432, Meteor Task 7.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDrel, DBfile Philips} }

@techreport{Baats1987:1, Author ={Baats,W.E., Feijs,L.M.G., and Gelissen,J.H.A.},
Title ={Formal Specification of a Design Engineering Data Base},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Philips Res.Lab, Eindhoven, Netherlands. Category ={EIS> DEng, DBfile Philips, passed to Marianne } }

@techreport{Baba1987, Author ={Baba,T., Yao,S-B., Hevner,A., and Z-Shi,Z.},
Title ={Design of a Functionally Distributed, Multiprocessor Database Machine Using Data Flow Analysis},
Institution ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-36 .},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFmach, DBfile} }

@article{Babad1977, Author ={Babad,J.M.},
Title ={A Record and File Partitioning Model},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1977, Month =Jan,
Pages ="22--31",
Volume ="20",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFseq>} }

@article{Babad1984, Author ={Babad,Y.M. and Hoffer,J.F.},
Title ={Even No Data Has A Value},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Pages ="748--756",
Volume ="27",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Un.Illinos, Chicago Circle; Indiana Un. missing data in programming, statistics, and hierarchical databases. Category ={DBDschema.2> DBDstat> } }

@article{Babb1979, Author ={Babb,E.},
Title ={Implementing a Relational Database by Means of Specialized Hardware},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--29",
Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Babb1982, Author ={Babb,E.},
Title ={Joined Normal Form: A Storage Encoding for Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="588--614",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at ICL prejoining for CAFS. Category ={DBFmach> DBDperf.3.3> } }

@article{Babenko1986, Author ={Babenko,L.P., Bobrov,V.A., et al.},
Title ={Language Aids Generator for Interaction with Database Management System MAKROBOL},
Journal ={Control Systems and Machines; translation of Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny (Kiev, UkSSR) , Kiev, p.147.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Number ="2",
Annote ={not a database Category ={DBDquery, FASAC 203b@article{Baber1963, Author ={Baber,R. L.},
Title ={Tape Searching Techniques},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1963, Month =Oct,
Pages ="478--486",
Volume ="10",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Backspacing versus rewinding (no backward reading) to known records. Category ={DBFstorage-3.1> %Baber63 } }

@article{Babkhanyan1986, Author ={Babkhanyan,L.S., Vardanyan,E.O., and Tarasyan,S.M.},
Title ={Design Documentation Database},
Journal ={Promyshlennost Armenii, Yerevan.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="55--77",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ EIS documentation, BOMP using INES (hierarchical DBMS plus links). Trying to implement GOST requirement 1.001-70; looks similar to DoD CALS. Print text is in an indirect file. Change files implement versions. BOMP hierarchy is by product, in a distinct DBMS: SOA. Category ={EIS, FASAC 44 } }

@techreport{Baccelli1982, Author ={Baccelli,F. and Coffman,E.G.jr.},
Title ={Analysis of Replication in Distributed Data Bases},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR..},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Number ="150",
Annote ={ at INRIA (Le Chesnay, France); Bell Labs (Murray Hill NJ) Approached through the analysis of an M/M/m queue subjected to state-independent, preemptive interruptions of service. The file replication allows parallel access for reads. However these last are periodically interrupted by the arrival of updates which have to be processed with a preemptive priority on all the file copies. Category ={DBDmodel.7, House File } }

@inproceedings{Bach1992, Author ={Bach,J., Paul,S., and Jain,R.},
Title ={An Interactive Image Management System for Face Information Retrieval},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Michigan Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Bachman1964, Author ={Bachman,C.W. and Williams,S.B.},
Title ={A General Purpose Programming System for Random Access Memories},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1964, Pages ="411--422",
Volume ="26",
Annote ={at GE; Honeywell IDS basic description. Category ={DBFhash.6> DBDbound.5> %Bachman64 } }

@article{Bachman1965, Author ={Bachman,Charles W.},
Title ={Integrated Data Store},
Journal ={DPMA Quarterly.},
Year =1965, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at GE Category ={DBFhash.6>} }

@article{Bachman1965:1, Author ={Bachman,Charles W.},
Title ={Software for Random Access Programming},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1965, Month Apr,
Pages ="36--41",
Annote ={GE IDS related design description. Category ={DBFhash.6> DBDbound.5> } }

@article{Bachman1966, Author ={Bachman,Charles W.},
Title ={On a Generalized Language for Organization and Manipulation},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1966, Month Mar,
Pages ="225--226",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at GE Category ={DBFhash.6> DBDbound.5>%Bachman66} }

@inproceedings{Bachman1968, Author ={Bachman,Charles W.},
Title ={Data Structure Diagrams},
Booktitle ={IAG (File68).},
Year =1968, Pages ="181--192",
Category ={DBFhash.6.1>} }

@article{Bachman1972, Author ={Bachman,Charles W.},
Title ={The Evolution of Storage Structures},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month =Jul, Pages ="628--634",
Volume ="15",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Honeywell, Information Systems Good overview of basic definitions and their relationships Category ={DBFintro.3> %Bachman72 } }

@inproceedings{Bachman1972:1, Author ={Bachman,C.W. and Bouvard,J.},
Title ={Architecture Definition Technique: Its Objectives Theory, Process, Facilities and Practice},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Pages ="257--305",
Annote ={ Description, specification, and example of a structured method for data base design. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Bachman1973, Author ={Bachman,Charles W.},
Title ={The Programmer as a Navigator},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month =Nov,
Pages ="653--658",
Volume ="16",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ Turing award acceptance speech-general view of the state of database work from a DBTG originator. Category ={DBFintro.4> DBDschema> %Bachman73 } }

@inproceedings{Bachman1974, Author ={Bachman, Charles W.},
Title ={MIACS --- User of the First Generalized Data Base System ?},
Booktitle ={Proc.of INTERCON 74, IEEE NY , Section 16.2},
Year =1974, Annote ={ Description of early (1961) application of IDS to bills-of-material problem at GE. Category ={DBDintro.8> %Bachman74M } }

@incollection{Bachman1974:1, Author ={Bachman,C.W.},
Title ={Implementation Techniques for Data Structure Sets},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H.},
Year =1974, Category ={DBFuse-3> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Bachman1974:2, Author ={Bachman,Charles W.},
Title ={The Data Set View vs. The Relational View},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDbound>} }

@inproceedings{Bachman1975, Author ={Bachman,Charles W.},
Title ={Trends in Data Base Management --- 1975},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="569--576",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={ Discussion of schemas, relational systems, and new hardware options. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBDschema> DBDschema> %Bachman75 } }

@inproceedings{Bachman1977, Author ={Bachman,C.W. and Daya,M. },
Title ={The Role Concept in Database Models},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed), IEEE, Tokyo Japan.},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Pages ="464--476",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Bachman1983, Author ={Bachman,C.W.},
Title ={The Structuring Capabilities of the molecular Data Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .3, Davis et al(eds), N-H , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8411-0952.},
Year =1983, Pages ="55--57",
Annote ={at Bachman Information Systems (Lexington KY) A generalized network model. Partnership is the term used for connections. Category ={DBDmodel.6> } }

@inproceedings{Bachman1982, Author ={Bachman,C.},
Title ={Cooperating Systems Architecture},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul, Pages ="66--75",
Annote ={at Cullinane Database System. (Westwood MA) Concepts as the basis for the International Standards Organization's 'Reference Model of Open System Interconnection' and for a new standard reference model for data storage and retrieval. Category ={DBDmodel.6> } }

@article{Bachman1988, Author ={Bachman,C.},
Title ={A CASE for reverse engineering},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1988, Category ={DEng>} }

@article{Bachman1989, Author ={Bachman,Charles W.},
Title ={A Personal Chronicle: Creating Better Information Systems, With Some Guiding Principles},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Back1984, Author ={Back,R.J.R. and Mannila,H.},
Title ={A Semantic Approach to Program Modularity},
Journal ={Inf. and Control, Nos.1-3, -Feb.-Mar..},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Pages ="138--167",
Volume ="60",
Annote ={at Abo Akademi, Dep.Inf. Processing, (Finland) toward definition: maker locality of specification, recursive use, and composability. Scope is used for large systems, as in Ada. Category ={DEng, DBfile Mannila } }

@article{Bacon1974, Author ={Bacon,G.C.},
Title ={Mass Storage Workshop Report},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1974, Month =Oct,
Pages ="64--65",
Annote ={ Short report on workshop in Washington DC, May 22--23, 1974 Magnetic disk technology will remain competitive and allow densities of 10**7 per square inch. Management of system with 10**12 is not well understood. Category ={DBFhard>%Bacon74 } }

@inproceedings{Badal1971, Author ={Badal,D.Z. and Pollak,V.},
Title ={Automatic grain counting in chromosome autoradiographs},
Booktitle ={Proc. 3rd Canadian Biomedical Eng. Soc., Halifax, Nova Scotia.},
Year =1971, Month =Aug,
Category ={MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1972, Author ={Badal,D.Z., Pollak,V. and Fedoroff,S.},
Title ={Biomedical data acquisition and processing system},
Booktitle ={Proc. 4th Canadian Biomedical Eng. Soc., Winnipeg, Manitoba.},
Year =1972, Month =Sep,
Category ={MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1972:1, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={Chromosome autoradiograph processing system},
Booktitle ={Proc. Automatic Cytology Conf., (Saxtons River VT).},
Year =1972, Month =Aug,
Category ={MCS> DBDoffice>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1977, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={DBS architecture and the functions it should support},
Booktitle ={Proc. 15th IEEE CC, COMPCON Fall 77 (Washington DC).},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Pages ="132--137",
Category ={DBDarchitecture>} }

@article{Badal1969, Author ={Badal,D.Z. and Budil,J.},
Title ={Information Retrieval System --- KOMPAS},
Journal ={Automation (in Czech), Vol. IX .},
Year =1969, Number ="4",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1978, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={On Semantic Integrity in Centralized and Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={HCSS, Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 11.},
Year =1978, Month =Jan,
Pages ="63--74",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1978:1, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={Data Base System Integrity},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON 16, Spr.78, San Francisco.},
Year =1978, Month =Feb,
Pages ="356--359",
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1978:2, Author ={Badal,D.Z. and Popek,G.J.},
Title ={A proposal for distributed concurrency control for partially replicated distributed database systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 3, San Francisco.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="273--285",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Badal1979, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={Integrity, consistency and concurrency in distributed database systems},
Institution ={Infotech State-of-the-Art Report on Distributed Databases, Infotech Int. Ltd. (Maidenhead, UK).},
Year =1979, Month =Jul, Pages ="15--29",
Annote ={invited paper Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1979:1, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={Efficient monitoring of database assertions in distributed databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 4, San Francisco.},
Year =1979, Month =Aug,
Pages ="125--137",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1979:2, Author ={Badal,D.Z., and Popek,G.J.,},
Title ={Cost and Performance Analysis of Semantic Integrity Validation Methods },
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 79, Bernstein(ed).},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="109--115",
Annote ={the cost is very high Category ={DBDschema> DBDintegrity> DBDperform> } }

@inproceedings{Badal1979:3, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={Correctness of concurrency control and implications for distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPSAC 79, Chicago.},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Pages ="588--594",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1980, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={On the Degree of Concurrency Provided by Concurrency Control Mechanisms for Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Symposium on Distributed Data Bases 1, N-H, Delobel and Litwin(eds), Paris, France.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="35--48",
Category ={DBFdist> DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1980:1, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={The Analysis of The Effects of Concurrency Control on Distributed Data Base System Performance},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="376--383",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDperform> DBFhard.5> DBDintegrity.1> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Badal1981, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={Concurrency Control Overhead or Closer Look at Blocking vs. Nonblocking Concurrency Control Mechanisms},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 5, San Francisco.},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Pages ="85--94",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1982, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={The effects of concurrency control on centralized DBMS and distributed DBMS based on long haul and local networks},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Symposium on Distributed Data Bases2, West Berlin.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1982:1, Author ={Badal,D.Z. and Gehl,M.T.},
Title ={On robustness of deadlock detection algorithms for distributed computing systems},
Booktitle ={P2ICCS, Santiago.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1983, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={Long lived transactions: Are they a problem or not?},
Booktitle ={COMPSAC 26, San Francisco.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="503--509",
Category ={DBDoffice>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1983:1, Author ={Badal,D.Z. and Gehl,M.T.},
Title ={On deadlock detection in distributed computer systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.of Joint Conf. of the IEEE Comp. and Comm. Soc83, San Diego.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Pages ="36--49",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1983:2, Author ={Badal,D.Z. and Relue,R.},
Title ={Data Base Systems In Microworld --- DBASE II and MDBS III},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data83, San Jose, Proc. of DB Week.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="15--25",
Category ={DBDoffice>} }

@article{Badal1984, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={On semantic integrity enforcement in centralized DBMS and distributed DBMS based on slow (geographically distributed) and fast (local area) networks},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1984, Pages ="121--139",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ FAUVE rules are defined to be semantics, the methods are not. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity> DBDconc, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Badal1984:1, Author ={Badal,D.Z. and McElyea,W.M.},
Title ={A Robust Adaptive Synchronization for Distributed Database Operating System},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the 3rd Joint Conf. of the IEEE Comp. and Comm. Soc., Proc.of Joint Conf. of the IEEE Comp. and Comm. Soc84, San Francisco.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="382--392",
Annote ={ Switches from optimistic to 2-phase as the number of conflicts increases. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Badal1985, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={New generation of DBMS: An architecture proposal},
Journal ={IEEE Comp. Soc. Press.},
Year =1985, Pages ="206--211",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Badal1985:1, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={On efficient monitoring of database assertions in distributed databases},
Journal ={IEEE Computer Society Press (Washington DC, Los Alomitos CA) .},
Year =1985, Pages ="77--91",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Badal1986, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={The Distributed Deadlock Detection Algorithm},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ; ACM CR 8703-0176.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Pages ="320--337",
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at HP Lab., Palo Alto Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Badal1987, Author ={Badal,D.Z.},
Title ={MMFQL: A Multimedia Form Query Language},
Booktitle ={Proc. of Comp. Soc. IEEE Symp. on Offc. Automation, National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). .},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Pages ="312--316",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDoffice>} }

@inproceedings{Badrinath1987, Author ={Badrinath,B.R. and Ramamritham,K.},
Title ={Semantics-Based Concurrency Control: Beyond Commutativity},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Badrinath1988, Author ={Badrinath,B.R. and Ramamritham,K.},
Title ={Synchronizing Transactions on Objects},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="541--547",
Volume ="37",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Mass. Concurrency control, granularity graph, object orientation, semantic information and compound objects, transactions. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Badrinath1990, Author ={Badrinath,B.R. and Ramamritham,K.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Semantics-based Multilevel Concurrency Control Protocols},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. Protocol and simulation with recoverability Category ={DBDconc> DBDperf> } }

@article{Badrinath1992, Author ={Badrinath,B.and Ramamritham,K.},
Title ={Semantics-Based Concurrency: Beyond Commutativity},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month Mar,
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@techreport{Baeck1985, Author ={Baeck,A.A., Neitzel,B.J., Ripple,B.J., and Taub,R.G.},
Title ={Evaluation of Open Source Literature Databases},
Institution ={SRI, Project ESU 7801, Contract -D-3323.},
Year =1985, Number ="84",
Category ={DBDQuery, DBfile} }

@book{Baehne1935, Author ={Baehne,G.W.},
Title ={Practical Applications of the Punched Card Method in Colleges and Universities},
Publisher ={Columbia Un.Press.},
Year =1935, Category ={DBFrepresent.2>} }

@article{Baer1975, Author ={Baer,Jean-Loup},
Title ={Weight-Balanced Trees},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="467--472",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at Un.Washington Analysis of trees for unequal access frequencies. Category ={DBFtrees.4> %Baer75 } }

@book{Baer1972, Author ={Baer,Robert M.},
Title ={The Digital Villain},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), London .},
Year =1972, Annote ={at UCB Illustrations of effects of computers and data bases on society. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@article{BaezaYates1989, Author ={BaezaYates,R.A. and Larson,P-A.},
Title ={Performance of B+-Trees with Partial Expansions},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="248--257",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo, DCS, (Waterloo, Ontario, Canada) Ten percent storage efficiency is gained by gradually increasing the size of an overflowing bucket, instead of immediately splitting it. Category ={DBFindex> } }

@techreport{Baik1983, Author ={Baik,K.H and Miller,L.L.},
Title ={Topological Approach for Testing Equivalence of Databases},
Institution ={Un.Oklahoma, School of EECS, TR..},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ objective is a database generator. Topology is based on FDs and MVDs, Category ={DBDmodel.6> } }

@article{Baik1990, Author ={Baik,K.H and Miller,L.L.},
Title ={Topological Approach for Testing Equivalence in Heterogeneous Relational Databases},
Journal ={Computing J., ; ACM Computing Reviews 9107-0566.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Volume ="33",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Milwaukee equivalent means having the same functional dependencies; is based on a topology, then attributes must be contained in minimal lhs and rhs open sets of the same cardinality; better to use covers and partitions --- W.Armstrong. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Bailin1989, Author ={Bailin,Sidney C.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Requirements Specification Method},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Pages ="608--623",
Volume ="32",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at CTA Inc., (Laurel MD) Uses an ER model applied to bank check processing. Category ={DEng> } }

@book{Bain1989, Author ={Bain,M., Bland,R., Burnard,L., Duke,J., et al.},
Title ={Free text retrieval systems; a review and evaluation},
Publisher ={Taylor Graham Pub., London, 120pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9005-0370.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ project at Bish Universities evaluated and compared BASIS, BRS/Search, and STATUS; relevance measures and document ranking are nonexistent in BASIS and BRS/SEarch and not yet tested in STATUS. ---Gebhardt. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@techreport{Baker1978, Author ={Baker,C.T.},
Title ={Logical Distribution of Applications and Data},
Institution ={IBM, G321-5121.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Baker1972, Author ={Baker,F.T,},
Title ={Chief Programmer Team Management of Production Program\-ming},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1972, Pages ="56--72",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDadmin.1> } }

@article{Baker1975, Author ={Baker,G.J.},
Title ={The Correct Use of CODASYL DBTG Data Sets},
Journal ={Database Journal-Software World.},
Year =1975, Pages ="19--21",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDbound.5> %Baker75 } }

@techreport{Baker1979, Author ={Baker,Geoffrey(ed)},
Title ={Database Achievements},
Institution ={British Computer Society.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDintro, QA76.9D3D311} }

@book{Baker1989, Author ={Baker,Louis},
Title ={Artificial Intelligence with Ada},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 361pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9002-0097.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Mission Research Corp, Albuquerque programs forward and backward chaining plus frames and augmented transition network parser; a small number of large programs, in all 8000 lines; approach to AI is sophisticated searching of a sophisticated database ---R.Garrett. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Baker1972:1, Author ={Baker,M.G.J., Betts,A.K., Collton,G.K., and Mitchell,M.J.},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems, Their Use in Hospital Data Processing},
Institution ={Her Majesty's Stationery Office, London .},
Year =1972, Annote ={ at National Health Computing Services Group, Data Base subgroup (UK) Expositio[An and analysis with examples of problems with the structure proposed in the DBTG report. Category ={DBDbound>%Baker72 } }

@article{Baker1990, Author ={Baker,T.E.,},
Title ={A hierachical/relational approach to Modeling},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management, no.1.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDappl>} }

@book{Bal1990, Author ={Bal,Henri E.},
Title ={Programming Distributed Systems},
Publisher ={Silicon Press, 282pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9012-0925.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Vrije Un, Amsterdam based on PhD thesis; only communicate by message passing; Amoebe limitations; a new language, Orca, based on the shared data model; manages the actual physical replication of data among various processors Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Balaban1987, Author ={Balaban,D.J., Wright,G.K., Innes,F.T., and Goldfarb,N.I.},
Title ={Choosing a Micro Database for Easy Retrieval of Reprints},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag, -Jun..},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="23--29",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Names: Notebook II, Sci-Mate Manager, FYI-3000, Superfile, Sire, Ref-Ed, Professional Bibliographic System, Citation, ZyINDEX, PowerBase, REF-11, Cardfile. Includes evaluation and addresses of suppliers of bibliographic products. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@techreport{Balbin1986, Author ={Balbin,I. and Ramamohanarao,K.},
Title ={A Differential Approach to Query Optimization in Recursive Deductive Databases},
Institution ={Un.Melbourne, TR., rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ Formal differentiation of expressions, fairly readable. Category ={DBDtheory, Ullman } }

@unpublished{Balbin1987, Author ={Balbin,I., Port,G.S., and Ramamohanarao,K.},
Title ={Magic Set Computation for Stratified Databases},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Melbourne The problem is that if one is not careful, when you apply a magic-sets transformation to stratified Datalog with negation, you can get rules that are not stratified. They define two notions of `safety' of rules (called `allowed'). One, which I'll call bottom-up safe, is the usual notion: Every variable of the rule must appear in a POSITIVE subgoal. The second, `top-down safe' is defined with respect to an adornment, that is, a set of bound arguments for the head. It requires that every variable of the rule either appear in a positive subgoal or a bound argument of the head. The difference is seen in p(X,Y) :- q(Y,Z) and not r(Z,X). This is not BU safe; if you try to compute the relation for the body from q and r, you have nothing with respect to which you can complement r, i.e., there is no limit to the set of possible X's. On the other hand, proceeding top down, if you have a binding for X from the head, say set x0, you can complement r by subtracting it from piZ(q) * x0, so it is rightly considered TD safe with respect to adornment p(bf). Their main idea, as far as I see it, is a construction that takes any set of rules and a query, such that the rules are TD safe for that query (and presumably a decision as to how information is passed sideways in each rule, so the adornments for the various rules can be established). The output of the construction is a revised set of rules that are BU safe and can answer the query bottom-up in an `efficient' manner; i.e., a `magic sets' transformation has been applied. --- jeff Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@unpublished{Balbin1988, Author ={Balbin,I., Meenakshi,K., and Ramamohanarao,K.,},
Title ={An Efficient Labelling Algorithm for Magic Set Computation on Stratified Databases},
Note ={Un.Melbourne, TR.88.1, rcvd..},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ The problem is that when we have a stratified KB, and we try to apply a magic sets transformation, we may wind up with a nonstratified KB. A previous paper by Balbin, Port, and Ramam... proposed labeling as a way to avoid the problem. One places subscripts (labels) on different occurrences of the same predicate, say p, in the bodies of the rules. Having, say, split p into p1 and p2, we make two copies of the rules for p (after having labeled the p's in the bodies) and label the heads of one set p1, the other p2. This paper proposes a way to do labeling in a way that makes the rules stratified after the MS transformation, and yet minimizes the number of rule duplications. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Balbo1984, Author ={Balbo,G., Demo,G.B., DiLeva,P., and Giolito,Leva P.},
Title ={Dynamics Analysis in Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Torino Italy Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{Balboni1993, Author ={Balboni,J.},
Title ={Interoperable, Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at SQL Access Group Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Baldissera1979, Author ={Baldissera,C., Bracchi,G., and Ceri,S.},
Title ={A Query Processing Strategy for Distributed Database},
Journal ={Proc.EURO-IFIP Congress, London UK, N-H.},
Year =1979, Pages ="667--677",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS.7> DBDdist> DBDdesign> DBDrel.3 <} }

@inproceedings{Baldissera1979:1, Author ={Baldissera,C., Ceri,S., Pelagatti,G., and Bracchi,G.},
Title ={Interactive Specification and Formal Verification of User's Views in Data Base Design},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Rio de Janeiro.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Politecnica di Milan o(Italy) Category ={DBDdesign, Stdt File Ceri } }

@book{Baldissera1981, Author ={Baldissera,C., Ceri,S. and Colorni,A.},
Title ={Optimization Methods and Computer Programs},
Publisher ={Informatica Series, CLUP.Ed, (in Italian).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFmethods.4> DBDdist>} }

@article{Ballard1985, Author ={Ballard,Bruce W.},
Title ={Editorial: Introduction to the special issue on Transportable Natural Language Processing},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="165--184",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at ATT Bell Lab and Southwest Research Inst contains papers by Epstein,S.S; Marsh,E., Friedman,C; Hafner,C.D., Godden,K; Damerau,F.J; Thompson,B.H. and F.B; Slocum,F. and Justus,C.F. Category ={DBDnat, xissue } }

@inproceedings{Ballard1984, Author ={Ballard,B.N. and Lusth,J.C.},
Title ={The Design of DOMINO: A Knowledge-Based Retrieval Module for Transportable Natural Language Access to Personal Computers},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at ATT Bell Lab and Southwest Research Inst Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Ballou1989, Author ={Ballou,D.P. and Tayi,G.K.},
Title ={Methodology for Allocating Resources for Data Quality Enhancement},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="320--329",
Volume ="32",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at SUNY-Albany Un., School of Business Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@unpublished{Ballou1987, Author ={Ballou,N., Chou,H.T., Garza,J.F., Kim,W., Petrie,C., Russinoff,D., Steiner,D., and Woelk,D.},
Title ={Coupling on Expert System Shell with an Object Oriented Database System},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at MCC Features hypothetical transactions, schema changes, truth maintenance, versions. Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Balter1981, Author ={Balter,R.},
Title ={Selection of a Commitment and Recovery Mechanism for a Distributed Transactional System},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 1, Bhargava(ed) .},
Year =1981, Pages ="21--26",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2> DBDrel} }

@techreport{Balz1966, Author ={Balz,Charles F. and Stanwood,Richard H.},
Title ={Literature on Information Retrieval and Machine Translation, 2nd edition},
Institution ={IBM, Fed. Sys. Div., doc.953-0300.},
Year =1966, Month =Jan,
Annote ={Bibliography with 3800 entries. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Balzer1982, Author ={Balzer,R., Dyer,D., Fehling,M., and Saunders,S.},
Title ={Specification Based Computing Environments},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="273--279",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3>} }

@article{Balzer1984, Author ={Balzer,R.M., Goldman,N., and Neches,B.},
Title ={A Specification-Based Computing Environment for Information Management},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="454--458",
Annote ={at USC, ISI Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Balzer1986, Author ={Balzer,Robert M.},
Title ={Open Issues in Expert Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Balzer1986:1, Author ={Balzer,Robert},
Title ={Living in the Next-Generation Operating System},
Journal ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf', H.Kugler(ed), N-H (Amsterdam).},
Year =1986, Annote ={at USC Data and control spaces. In data space: persistence, sharing and strucutre should be independent. 'The distinction between explicit, stored data, and implicit, derived data, is only a manifestation of the data's physical representation' !? System to provide associative retrieval to the data. Control space: modules interact through the database. Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Balzer1989, Author ={Balzer,R. Gabriel,R.},
Title ={Draft Report on Requirements for a Common Prototyping System},
Booktitle ={ACM Sigplan Notices, Volume 24, Number 3, March .},
Year =1989, Annote ={ Describes a proposed DARPA research program to take 4 years, and result in a unified protoyping environment and language. A prototype is a program built in order to obtain information useful in the construction of a future production system. Such information make take the form of performance estimates of algorithms and implementation strategies, or experience with the adequacy of a proposed user interface. In order to be economoically justified a prototyping system must support very rapid development, and have a strong instrumentation facility. On the other hand, the protoype need not be as efficient as the production version, it may implement only a portion of the eventual application, and it may require manual intervention in order to run. The document describes requirements for an environment and system, and expresses the opinion that while no individual part of the project requires a great advance in the state of the art, bringing all the pieces together into a unified system, is likelyt to prove very challenging. Database and communication facilities required include: 1) A persistent object store a) An application specific component to store objects needed by the application in its execution, including test cases, etc. b) protypes themselves, their components, and information about them, including version histories, and the results of instrumented prior runs. c) Definitions of types and abstractions used or produced by a prototype. These should be stored by the system to facilitate composition and inter-language communication 2) Call-in/Call-out. Prototypes will be written using multiple languages (typically Lisp and ADA, and perhaps more specialized constructs as well.) Modules need to be able to share objects across language boundaries, and there needs to be an encapsualtion facility so that a module may be implemented in different languges during the prototype development process. Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Bamford1987, Author ={Bamford,R.},
Title ={Oracle: A High Performance PRoduction DBMS},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Oracle Corp} }

@inproceedings{Banatre1988, Author ={Banatre,M., Muller,G., and Banatre,J-P.},
Title ={Ensuring Data Security and Integrity with a Fast Stable Storage},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBFreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Banatre1993, Author ={Banatre,M., Heng,P., Muller,G., Peyrouze,N., and Rochat,B.},
Title ={An Experience in the Design of a Reliable Object Based System (Synopsis)},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at INRIA; Bull Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Bancilhon1977, Author ={Bancilhon,F.M. and Spyratos,N.},
Title ={Protection of Information in Relational Data Base Management Systems},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR.243.},
Year =1977, Annote ={at IRIA Category ={DBDprivacy, DBfile} }

@techreport{Bancilhon1978, Author ={Bancilhon,F.},
Title ={On the Completeness of Query Languages for Relational Data Bases},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR.297.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ Shows recursion and transitive closure capability in pure relational calculus. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDrel.2.1, DBfile } }

@article{Bancilhon1981, Author ={Bancilhon,F.B. and Spryatos,N.},
Title ={Update Semantics of Relational Views},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="557--575",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ A mapping called a translator, associates with each view update a unique database update. A method for defining translators with the user-defined view, define a complementary view such that the database could be computed from the view and its complement. We define the translation of a given view update in such a way that the complement remains invariant. Aplies to Universal relations. Category ={DBDmodel.6> } }

@article{Bancilhon1982, Author ={Bancilhon,F. and Richard,P.},
Title ={TQL: A Textual Query Language},
Journal ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR.145.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul, Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDquery, DBfile} }

@techreport{Bancilhon1983, Author ={Bancilhon,F.B. and Richard,P.},
Title ={A Sound and Complete Axiomatization of Embedded Cross Dependencies},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR.249.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile} }

@incollection{Bancilhon, Author ={Bancilhon,F. and Richard,P.},
Title ={Managing Texts and Facts in a Mixed Database Environment},
Booktitle ={`New Applications of Databases' Gardarin and Gelenbe(eds), Academic Press (New York NY),},
Category ={DBDquery.1>} }

@article{Bancilhon1985, Author ={Bancilhon,F. and Spyratos,M.},
Title ={Algebraic Versus Probabilistic Independence in Data Bases},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at INRIA Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Bancilhon1985:1, Author ={Bancilhon,F., Kim,W., and Korth,H.F.},
Title ={A Model of CAD Transactions},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 11, Stockholm.},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Annote ={View Objects Category ={DBDobject> EIS> VOD, DBfile Korth } }

@inproceedings{Bancilhon1986, Author ={Bancilhon,F., Maier,D., Sagiv,Y. and Ullman,J.},
Title ={Magic Sets and Other Strange Ways to Implement Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA. },
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Bancilhon1986:1, Author ={Bancilhon,F. and Khoshafian,S.},
Title ={A Calculus for Complex Objects},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA. },
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDobject> DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Bancilhon1986:2, Author ={Bancilhon,F. and Ramakrishnan,R.},
Title ={An Amateur's Introduction to Recursive Query Processing Strategies},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Pages ="16--52",
Annote ={[Ahad,Yao,Choi87] B.1,C.n. Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Bancilhon1987, Author ={Bancilhon,F., Briggs,T., Khoshafian,S., and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={FAD, a Powerful and Simple Database Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Bancilhon1988, Author ={Bancilhon,F.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Altair Invited lecture. Gives his vision of the current state of object-oriented database research. Considers encapsulation, object identity, classes, inheritance, overriding and late binding as important characteristics. Predicts that object oriented systems have a reasonable chance to take over relational systems. Outlines the good and the bad and identifies research issues. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@book{Bancilhon1990, Author ={Bancilhon,F. and Buneman,P. (eds)},
Title ={Advances in Database Programming Languages},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 457pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ type systems for databases, logic and functional paradigms for database programming Category ={DBDlang> } }

@article{Bancilhon1990:1, Author ={Bancilhon,F. and Kim,W.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Database Systems: In Transition},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ query model, optimization, user interfaces, design, view, performance benchmarks designed for engineering applications Category ={DBDobject> } }

@book{Bancilhon1991, Author ={Bancilhon,F., Delobel,C., and Kanellakis,P.},
Title ={Building an Object-Oriented Database System},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufman, 600pp.},
Year =1991, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ languages in O2 implementation and user interface Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Bancilhon1993, Author ={Bancilhon,Francois},
Title ={The role of Database Theory in Future Database System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at O2 Technology, INVITED TALK Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Bandurski1975, Author ={Bandurski,Ann E. and Jefferson,David K.},
Title ={Data Description for Computer-Aided Design},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="193--202",
Annote ={at Naval Ship Res. and Dev. Ctr Problems in implementing design network data models in DBTG and relational systems. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Bandyopadhyay1988, Author ={Bandyopadhyay,S., and Sengupta,A.},
Title ={Robust Protocol for Parallel Join Operations in Distributed Data Bases},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un. of Windsor Category ={DBDops> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Banerjee1978, Author ={Banerjee,J. and Hsiao, D.K.},
Title ={Performance Study of A Database Machine in Supporting Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ DBC, Database Computer, is one of the larger-scale research efforts in Database Machines. It is one of the earlier models which attemps to support large databases, as well as multiple data models. A distinguishing feature is its pipeline design. Its four components are: KXU, SM, SMIP, and IXU. --- Kitty Shih Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Banerjee1978:1, Author ={Banerjee,J., Hsiao,D.K., and Baum,R.I.},
Title ={Concepts and Capabilities of a Database Computer},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Pages ="347--384",
Volume ="3",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Ohio State Un.; IBM, Poughkeepsie Lab The concepts of a database computer (DBC) are given. The theory of operation is based on abstract models. The DBC performs access operations, manages data structures and security specifications. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Banerjee1979, Author ={Banerjee,J., Hsiao,D.K., and Kannon,K.},
Title ={DBC--A Data Base Computer for Very Large Data Bases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-28 .},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Banerjee1986, Author ={Banerjee,J. and Kim,W.},
Title ={Supporting VLSI Geometry Operations in a Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Banerjee1987, Author ={Banerjee,J., Kim,W., Kim,K-J., and Korth,H.F.},
Title ={Semantics and Implementation of Schema Evolution in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at MCC single class hierarchy, multiple inheritance Category ={DBDobject> DBDschema> } }

@article{Banerjee1990, Author ={Banerjee,J., Chou,H-T., Garza,J., Kim,W., Woelk,D., Ballou,N., and Kim,H},
Title ={Data Model Issues for Object-Oriented Applications},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Banerjee1988, Author ={Banerjee,J., Kim,W., and Kim,K-C.},
Title ={Queries in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Banerjee1988:1, Author ={Banerjee,J., Kim,W., Kim,S-J. and Garza,J.F.},
Title ={Clustering a DAG for CAD Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE),},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1684--1699",
Volume ="14",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Unisys Corp., St.Paul MN Depth-first, breadth-first, and a hybrid children-depth-first traversal. Clustered by visit order. Category ={EIS> DBDmodel> DBDperform> } }

@article{Banks1985, Author ={Banks,P.M.(chair)},
Title ={Space Station Summer Study Report},
Journal ={NASA (Washington DC).},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={ Sect.5.2: `IOC Facility and Operations Requirements: Communications and Information Systems' has requirements for information systems. Category ={DBappl, x } }

@article{Bannister1982, Author ={Bannister,Joseph A.},
Title ={Task and File Allocation in Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul, Pages ="103--111",
Annote ={ at Research Triangle Inst. (Research Triangle Park NC) Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDdist> } }

@article{Banville1989, Author ={Banville,C. and Landry,M.},
Title ={Can the field of MIS be disciplined?},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9008-0696.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Volume ="32",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Quebec the attempt to create an MIS discipline is a legitimate, if ill-fated task Category ={DBDappl> } }

@inproceedings{Baral1991, Author ={Baral,C., Kraus,S., Minker,J., and Subrahmanian,V.},
Title ={Combining knowledge bases consisting of first order theories},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un. Maryland priorities to resolve Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Baran1964, Author ={Baran,P.},
Title ={On Distributed Communications: IX. Security, Secrecy and Tamper-Free Considerations},
Institution ={Rand, RM-3765-PR,},
Year =1964, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Rand (Santa Monica CA) Category ={DBDprivacy.1>} }

@inproceedings{Barback1992, Author ={Barback,M., Lobo,J., and Lu,J.},
Title ={The Non-monotonic Nature of a Class of Incomplete Information},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Northwestern University, Evanston Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@techreport{Barbara1982, Author ={Barbara,D. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={How Expensive is Data Replication, An Example},
Institution ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 3, ?.},
Year =1982, Pages ="263--268",
Annote ={at Dep.EE eand CS, Princeton Un. Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent, DBfile } }

@techreport{Barbara1984, Author ={Barbara,D. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={The Vulnerability of Vote Assignments},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR.321.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul, Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent> DBDintegrity, Dist. DBfile } }

@article{Barbara1986, Author ={Barbara,D., GarciaMolina,H., and Spauster,A.},
Title ={Increasing Availability under Mutual Exclusion Constraints with Dynamic Vote Reassignment},
Journal ={Princeton Un., DCS, TR.CS-TR-056-86.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Coteries are more powerful than vote assignments; they are more structured in formal analysis and help the selection of good mechanisms; a new class of quorum based protocols. Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab, DBfile Garcia at Princeton Un., DCS Category ={DBDreliab> } }

@techreport{Barbara1984:1, Author ={Barbara,D. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Evaluating Vote Assignments with a Probabalistic Metric},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR.EECS 331.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDintegrity> DBFmethods.4, DBfile Garcia } }

@techreport{Barbara1986:1, Author ={Barbara,D., GarciaMolina,H., and Kogan,B.},
Title ={Maintaining Availability of Replicated Data in a Dynamic Failure Environment},
Institution ={Princeton Un. DCS, CS-TR-064-86.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDconc, DBfile Garcia at Princeton Un. Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab, DBfile Garcia } }

@techreport{Barbara1986:2, Author ={Barbara,D., GarciaMolina,H. and Spauster,A.},
Title ={Protocols for Dynamic Vote Reassignment},
Institution ={Princeton Un., CS-TR-037-86,},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile} }

@article{Barbara1987, Author ={Barbara,D. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={The Reliability of Voting Mechanisms},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-36 no.10, 1197-1208.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist> DBDconc>} }

@techreport{Barbara1987:1, Author ={Barbara,D. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Exploiting Symmetries for Low-Cost Comparison of File Copies},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR.CS-TR-117-87.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Princeton Un., DCS Checking replicated data. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBFdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Barbara1990, Author ={Barbara,D. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={The Case for Controlled Inconsistency in Replicated Data},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Barbara1993, Author ={Barbara,D. et al.},
Title ={The Gold Mailer},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Barbara1993:1, Author ={Barbara,D. et al.},
Title ={Interoperability with Unstructed Data and Services},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at MITL Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Barbic1985, Author ={Barbic,F. and Pernici,B.},
Title ={Time Modeling of Office Information},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Proc., Austin.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Temporal Semantic Office System (TSOS). Precise defionitions. Cyclic periodic events. Triggers (activation rules). Category ={DBDmodel> DBDoffice> } }

@article{Barclay1982, Author ={Barclay,D.K., Byrne,E.R., and Ng,F.K.},
Title ={A Real-time Database Management System for No.5 ESS},
Journal ={Bell System Technical Journal.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="2423-2437",
Volume ="61",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ Database management system for the No.5 Electronic Switching System. The database is distributed and subject to stringent real-time constraints and reliability requirements. Category ={DBFrealtime> DBappl> DBDdist> } }

@incollection{Barcucci1990, Author ={Barcucci, E., Pinzani,R., and Sprugnoli,R.},
Title ={Optimal selection of secondary indexes},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE) .},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Pages ="32--38",
Volume ="16",
Annote ={at Un.Firenze minimize the transactions total cost by a heuristic algorithm based on the cost function in polynomial time. Category ={DBFindex> } }

@article{Bard1980, Author ={Bard,Y.},
Title ={A Model of Shared DASD and Multipathing},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="564--572",
Volume ="23",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBFsyseval.4>} }

@inproceedings{Barghouti1990, Author ={Barghouti,N. and Sokolsky,M.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Data Modeling in Rule-Based Software Development Environments},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Columbia Category ={DBDobject> DEng>} }

@techreport{Barker1988, Author ={Barker,K. and Ozsu,M.T.},
Title ={Survey of Issues in Heterogeneous DDB Systems},
Institution ={Un.Alberta, DCS, TR-88-9.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans, DBfile Ozsu} }

@inproceedings{Barker1991, Author ={Barker,K. and Ozsu,M.},
Title ={Reliable Transaction Execution in Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Barker1989, Author ={Barker,V.E. and OConnor,D.E.},
Title ={Expert Systems for Configuration at Digital: XCON and Beyond},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="298--318",
Volume ="32",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Digital Equipment Corp Motivation for R1ME, declining with growth and complexity. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Barkmeyer, Author ={Barkmeyer,E., Mitchell,M., Mikkilineni,K., Su,S.Y.W., and Lam,H.},
Title ={An Architecture for an integrated manufacturing data administration system},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). IR 863312, National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md.},
Category ={unknown>} }

@book{Barlow1956, Author ={Barlow,R.E., Proschan,F., and Hunter,L.C.},
Title ={Mathematical Theory of Reliability},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 256pp.},
Year =1956, Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@book{Barnes1985, Author ={Barnes,J.G. and Fisher,G.A.(eds)},
Title ={Ada in Use},
Publisher ={Cambridge Un.Press, Ada Letters, Sep-.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Volume ="5",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Proc. Ada Internat.Conf., Paris, May.1985. Category ={DBDdesign, QA76.73.A16A25 } }

@book{Barnes1986, Author ={Barnes,Lan},
Title ={dBASE Demystified. dBASE II/III/III PLUS: Applications and Solutions to Real Problems},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 310pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8904-0194.},
Year =1986, Annote ={Minimal advanced use. Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@article{Barnes1962, Author ={Barnes,R.F.},
Title ={Language Problems Posed by Heavily Structured Data},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1962, Month =Jan,
Pages ="28--34",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Itek Labs (Lexington MA) Graphs to describe language statements. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@incollection{Barnett1974, Author ={Barnett,A.J. and Lightfoot,J.A.},
Title ={Information Management System},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={ An early users experience in the evolution of IBMs IMS Category ={DBDbound.6> } }

@inproceedings{Barnett1981, Author ={Barnett,A.},
Title ={Securing User Involvement},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley (Ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin} }

@article{Baroody1982, Author ={Baroody,A.J.Jr. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={The Impact of Run-Time Schema Interpretation in a Network Data Model DBMS},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="123--137",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ We present a performance model, the workloads used in our simulations, and the experimental results. To examine the effect of mass storage performance on interpretation overhead, our performunce model includes parameters which describe the CPU and the mass storage system being studied. We next analyze these experiments and describe our conclusion that schema interpretation is a significant portion of system overhead. A second source of overhead involving contention for schema descriptor buffer space is then discussed. In a coded system B locality of D, B references are required. Category ={DBDschema.4.1> } }

@inproceedings{Barnett1981:1, Author ={Barnett,Jeffrey A.},
Title ={Computational Methods for a Mathematical Theory of Evidence},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7.},
Year =1981, Month =Aug,
Pages ="868--875",
Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@techreport{Baroody1977, Author ={Baroody,A.J., and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Application of Abstract Data types to the Implementation of Data Base Management Systems},
Institution ={CS TR.307.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile} }

@article{Baroody1981, Author ={Baroody,A.J.,jr. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Approach to Database System Implementation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="576--601",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ at Xerox, Webster Research Ctr; Un.Wisconsin, Madison Category ={DBDobject> DBDschema.6> } }

@techreport{Baroody1977:1, Author ={Baroody,A.J. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Application of Abstract Data Types to the Implementation of Data Base Management Systems},
Institution ={Un.Wisconsin, CSD, TR.307.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile} }

@article{Baroudi1986, Author ={Baroudi,J.J., Olson,M.H., and Ives,B.},
Title ={An Empirical Study of the Impact of User Involvement on System Usage and Information Satisfaction},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Volume ="29",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ evidence that the satisfaction with the system will lead to greater usage. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@techreport{Barr1980, Author ={Barr,A. and Davidson,J.},
Title ={Representation of Knowledge},
Institution ={Stanford CS Tech.Rep. Stan-CS-80-793.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Annote ={ section for 'The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence' Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Barr1981, Author ={Barr,A. and Feigenbaum,E.F., P.Cohen},
Title ={The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufman, (Los Altos CA), 1982.},
Year =1981, Annote ={ Vol.1, pp.180-189 has some notes on semantic nets Vol.3, pp.171-172 has dome notes on data models. Category ={DBDquery.1> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Barrera1981, Author ={Barrera,R. and Buchmann,A.P.},
Title ={Schema Definition and Query Language for a Geographical Database System},
Booktitle ={CAPAIDM, Workshop on Parallel Image Proc. and Mgmt., IEEE Hot Springs .},
Year =1981, Category ={Image>} }

@article{Barrera1991, Author ={Barrera,R., Frank,A., and AlTaha,K.},
Title ={Temporal Relations in Geographic Information Systems},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Barron1967, Author ={Barron,D.W., Fraser,A.G., Hartley,D.F. and Needham,R.M.},
Title ={File Handling at Cambridge University},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1967, Pages ="163--167",
Volume ="30",
Annote ={at Cambridge Un., The Mathematical Lab File support for scientific multiprogramming system --- Atlas Category ={DBFuse-4.6> } }

@techreport{Barsalou1987, Author ={Barsalou,T. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Applying a Semantic Model to an Immunology Database},
Institution ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 11, (Washington DC), Stead(ed), IEEE Computer Society Press (Washington DC, Los Alomitos CA) .},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Pages ="871--877",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., MIS Application of the structural model. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Barsalou1988, Author ={Barsalou,Thierry},
Title ={An Object-based Architecture for Biomedical Expert Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 12, IEEE Computer Society Press (Washington DC, Los Alomitos CA) , Washington DC.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., MIS object generation and instantiation based on the structural model. I3 Category ={DBDobject> MIS> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Barsalou1989, Author ={Barsalou,T., Chavez,R., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Hypertext Interfaces for Decision-Support Systems: A Case Study},
Booktitle ={Stanford KSL report 89-03.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Annote ={(received gold medal); Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Barsalou1989:1, Author ={Barsalou,T. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Knowledge-based Mapping of Relations into Objects},
Journal ={to be published in Computer Aided Design.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Stanford Un., MIS Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Barsalou1989:2, Author ={Barsalou,T. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Knowledge-directed Mediation Between Application Objects and Base Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Working Conference on Data and Knowledge Base Integration, University of Keele,England, Pitman, London, UK.},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Barsalou1989:3, Author ={Barsalou,T. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={A Cooperative Hypertext Interface to Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 13, IEEE Computer Society Press (Washington DC, Los Alomitos CA) , Washington D.C..},
Year =1989, Month =Nov,
Pages ="383--387",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Barsalou1990, Author ={Barsalou,T.},
Title ={View Objects for Relational Databases},
Institution ={Technical Report No. STAN-CS-90-1310.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDobject> VOD>} }

@inproceedings{Barsalou1990:1, Author ={Barsalou,T. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Expert database Systems in Biomedicine, the PENGUIN project},
Booktitle ={Stanford report KSL 90-12.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Barsalou1990:2, Author ={Barsalou,T., Keller,A., Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Relational Updates Through View Objects},
Institution ={Stanford report KSL 90-29, June .},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Barsalou1990:3, Author ={Barsalou,T., Chavez,R.M., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Representing Probabilistic Knowledge in Relational Databases},
Institution ={Stanford report KSL 90-13.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Barsalou1990:4, Author ={Barsalou,T. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Knowledge-based Mapping of Relations into Objects},
Journal ={Computer Aided Design, Buttersworth, Great Britain.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Barsalou1990:5, Author ={Barsalou,T. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Complex Objects for Relational Databases},
Journal ={Computer-Aided Design, special issue on OODBManagement Science, Journal of TIMSs.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Barsalou1991, Author ={Barsalou,T., Siambela,N., Keller,A., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Updating Relational Databases through Object-Based Views},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={ a specialization of view update using the structural model, object constraints and interrogation. I3 Category ={DBDobject> VOD> } }

@article{Barsalou1991:1, Author ={Barsalou,T., Sujansky,W., Herzenberg,L., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Management of Complex Immunogenetics Information Using an Enhanced Relational Model},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, pages 476-498.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Volume ="24",
Number ="5",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Barsalou1992, Author ={Barsalou,T. and Gangopadhyay,D.},
Title ={M(DM): An Open Framework for Interoperation of Multimodel Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Category ={DBDdist> } }

@book{Barstow1979, Author ={Barstow,Dave},
Title ={Knowledge-based Program Construction},
Publisher ={Elseviers.},
Year =1979, Category ={DEng>} }

@book{Barth1966, Author ={Barth,John},
Title ={Giles Goat-Boy},
Publisher ={Fawcett, Greenwich CN, 766pp.},
Year =1966, Annote ={ Boisterous fantasy of computers and the educational system. Category ={DBFintro> %Barth66 } }

@inproceedings{Bartlett1978, Author ={Bartlett,J.F.},
Title ={A NonStop operating system},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 11.},
Year =1978, Pages ="103--117",
Volume ="3",
Annote ={description of TANDEM system. Category ={DBFuse-4.1>} }

@book{Bartone1983, Author ={Bartone,John II},
Title ={Current Status Of Computers In Medicine: Medical Subject Analysis and Bibliography},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1983, Category ={MCS, Z6675.E4B373.} }

@inproceedings{Baru1987, Author ={Baru,C.K. and Frieder,O.},
Title ={Implementing Relational Database Operations in a Cube-connected Multicomputer},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={hypercube Category ={DBFmach>} }

@unpublished{Baru1990, Author ={Baru,C.K. and Padmanabhan,S.},
Title ={Join and Data Redistribution Algorithms for Hypercubes},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDhard, DBfile} }

@article{Baru1990:1, Author ={Baru,C.K. and Goel,P.},
Title ={Squashed Embedding of E-R Schemas in Hypercubes},
Journal ={J. of Parallel and Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990, Volume ="8",
Category ={DBDhard, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Bary1970, Author ={Bary,C., et al.},
Title ={Presentation on Virtual Access Methods},
Booktitle ={SHARE-TSS Project Proc..},
Year =1970, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM, TSS Group System description of a file system based on automatic paging capability. Category ={DBFhybrid.8> } }

@article{Basarab1984, Author ={Basarab,I.A. and Redko,V.N.},
Title ={A Logical-Functional Approach to Data Bases},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Apr..},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="87--99",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ algebra for relational databases. Relational structures are to be enhanced. Some SQL quantors are not expressible in logic. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDops, FASAC 325 } }

@article{Baskett1976, Author ={Baskett,F. and Smith,A.J.},
Title ={Interference in Multiprocessor Computer Systems with Interleaved Memory},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Pages ="327--334",
Volume ="19",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Stanford Un.; UCB Category ={DBFeval.4>} }

@article{Basden1980, Author ={Basden,A. and Clark,E.M.},
Title ={Data Integrity in a General Practice Computer System},
Journal ={International Journal Biomed. Computer.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Pages ="511--519",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Bass1987, Author ={Bass,Leonard J.},
Title ={Role of a Historian a Data Base Management System},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="35--40",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at CMU DATAMAN maintains an audittrail. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Bassiouni1985, Author ={Bassiouni,M.A.},
Title ={Data Compression in Scientific and Statistical Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1047--1058",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Central FL. Orlando extensive summary. Category ={DBFrepresent-4> DBDprivacy-10> } }

@inproceedings{Bassiouni1989, Author ={Bassiouni,M., Mukherjee,A., and Ranganathan,N.},
Title ={On Software and Hardware Techniques of Data Encoding},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Bastani1987, Author ={Bastani,F.B. and Yen,I-L.},
Title ={A Fault Tolerant Replicated Storage System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Basu1988, Author ={Basu,Amit},
Title ={Knowledge Views in Multiuser Knowledge Based Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Presents the organization of a rule-based knowledge base system that supports multiple heterogeneous user views. Domain knowledge is partitioned into separate views. Knowledge sharing between different views is achieved by importing derived data and rules from another view. I don't like this idea of interacting views. Maybe it can be avoided by defining views dynamically. Worth as a foundation for further research. ---BSLee. I3 Category ={DBDkb> VOD> } }

@inproceedings{Batcher1981, Author ={Batcher,K.E.},
Title ={STARAN Parallel Processor System Hardware},
Booktitle ={in Kuhn and Padua 'Tutorial on Parallel Processing', IEEE.},
Year =1981, Annote ={Required. ---Miya. Category ={DBDparallel>} }

@inproceedings{Batcher1968, Author ={Batcher,K.E.},
Title ={Sorting Networks and their Applications},
Booktitle ={SJCC.},
Year =1968, Pages ="307--314",
Annote ={at Goodyear Aerospace Corp, (Akron OH) Category ={DBFmach, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Bate1989, Author ={Bate,Geoffrey},
Title ={Alternative Storage Technologies},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar.,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="151--157",
Annote ={at Santa Clara Un. Cost prediction Category ={DBFhard> } }

@unpublished{Bateman1990, Author ={Bateman,John.A.},
Title ={Upper Modeling: A general organization of knowledge for natural language processing},
Note ={Workshop on Standards for Knowledge Representation Systems, Santa Barbara.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Annote ={at USC/ISI supports interface between domain-specific knowledge and general linguistic resources. Category ={DBDnat, DBfile } }

@incollection{Bates1982, Author ={Bates,D., Boral,H., and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={A Framework for Research in Database Management for Statistical Analysis},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="69--78",
Category ={DBFmethods.2> DBappl> DBDstat>} }

@incollection{Bates1984, Author ={Bates,M., Moser,M.G., and Stallard,D.},
Title ={The IRUS Transportable Natural Language Database Interface},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at BBN. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Batini1982, Author ={Batini,C. and Lenzerini,M.},
Title ={A Methodology for Data Schema Integration in the Entity Relationship Model},
Journal ={Un. di Roma, Inst.Automatica, R.82-09.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.di Roma, Inst.Automatica An enriched Entity-Relationship Model is chosen. First of all several types of conflicts are checked and solved; secondly, schemata are merged into a draft integrated schema, that is finally enriched and restructured. Category ={DBDmodel.7> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@incollection{Batini1982:1, Author ={Batini,C., Lenzerini,M., and Moscarini,M.},
Title ={Methodology and Tools for Data Base},
Booktitle ={Un.Roma, Inst.Automatica, TR-82-07.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDmodel.6, DBfile} }

@article{Batini1983, Author ={Batini,C. and DAtri,A.},
Title ={Relational Database Design Using Refinement Rules},
Journal ={RAIRO Inf.Theor., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-0581.},
Year =1983, Pages ="97--119",
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Roma, Italy application of hypergraphs and hypergraph grammers, grammers that generate tree hypergraphs corresponding to Boyce-Codd normal. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDschema> } }

@article{Batini1984, Author ={Batini,C. and DiLeva,A.},
Title ={A Methodology for Conceptual Design of Office Data Bases},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , -4, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="251--263",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Roma, Italy only addresses the static portion of the conceptual design phase. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{Batini1983:1, Author ={Batini,C., Lenzerini,M., and Moscarini,M.},
Title ={Views Integration},
Institution ={'Methodology and Tools for Database Design', Ceri(ed.) N-H.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDmodel.6>} }

@techreport{Batini1983:2, Author ={Batini,C., Talamo,M., and Tamassia,R.},
Title ={An Algorithm for Computer Aided Layout of Conceptual Diagrams},
Institution ={Un.Roma, Inst.Automatica, TR-83-08.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Annote ={ An algorithm for computer aided layout in the conceptual design of data bases. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@techreport{Batini1984:1, Author ={Batini,C., Nardelli,E., and Tamassia,R.},
Title ={A Layout Algorithm for Data Flow Diagrams},
Institution ={Un.Roma, Dep.Informatica, TR-11-84.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Annote ={flowcharting Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Batini1984:2, Author ={Batini,C., DeAntonellis,V., and DiLeva,A.},
Title ={Database Design Activities within the DATAID Project},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="16--21",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Batini1986, Author ={Batini,C., Lenzerini,M., and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={A Comparative Analysis of Methodologies for Database Schema Integration},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="323--364",
Volume ="18",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Roma, (Italy) Comparisons of 12 established schema integration methodologies. Examples include relational, structural, extended E-R model. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Batini1988, Author ={Batini,C. and DiBattista,G.},
Title ={A Methodology for Conceptual Documentation and Maintenance},
Booktitle ={Inf.Syst..},
Year =1988, Pages ="297--318",
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Batini1989, Author ={Batini,C.(ed)},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Approach: A Bridge to the User},
Publisher ={N-H, 526pp.},
Year =1989, Annote ={Proc. ER Conf. 7, (Rome Italy, Nov.1988). Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@book{Batini1990, Author ={Batini,C., Ceri,S., and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Database Design: An Entity Relationship Approach},
Publisher ={Benjamin/Cummings Publishers, 512pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ large, realistic case study throughout the book; a chapter on database design tools by David Reiner Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Batory1979, Author ={Batory,Don S.},
Title ={On Searching Transposed Files},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Pages ="531--544",
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto (Canada) Analytic cost expresions for processing conjunctive, disjunctive, minimizing query processing costs is presented. Category ={DBFtrees.1.4> } }

@article{Batory1980, Author ={Batory,D.S.},
Title ={Optimal File Designs and Reorganization Points},
Journal ={Un.Toronto, TR-CSRG-110.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ Applications of the model to hash-based and indexed-sequential files reveal important relationships between initial loading factors and reorganization frequency. Category ={DBFindex> DBFhash> DBFmethods.4.3> DBFstorage-1, DBfile } }

@article{Batory1982, Author ={Batory,D.S. and Gotlieb,C.C.},
Title ={A Unifying Model of Physical Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="509--539",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Annote ={comments in ACM TODS, Vol.10 No.2, pp.285--287. Category ={DBDmodel.0> } }

@article{Batory1985, Author ={Batory,D.S. and Kim,W.},
Title ={Modeling Concepts for VLSI CAD Objects},
Journal ={ACM-SIGMOD .},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel.0> EIS, DBfile} }

@techreport{Batory1985:1, Author ={Batory,D.S. and Kim,W.},
Title ={Support for Versions of VLSI CAD Objects},
Institution ={Un.Texas, Austin, TR-85-18.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Annote ={versions. Category ={DBDobject> EIS, KHall} }

@article{Batory1985:2, Author ={Batory,D.S.},
Title ={Modeling the Storage Architectures of Commercial Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="463--528",
Volume ="10",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ considers ADABAS, INQUIRE, SYSTEM2000 in depth. Classification of linksets. modeling storage methods of Inquire, ADABAS, and System 2000. Category ={DBDbound> DBFarch> DBFtree> } }

@techreport{Batory1986, Author ={Batory,D.S., Barnett,J.R., Garza,J.F., Smith,K.P., Tsukuda,K., Twichell,B.C., and Wise,T.E.},
Title ={GENESIS: A Reconfigurable Database Management System},
Institution ={Un.Texas, TR-86-07.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin, DCS Category ={DBDimpl, DBfile} }

@article{Batory1986:1, Author ={Batory,D.S.},
Title ={Extensible Cost Models and Query Optimization in GENESIS},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1986, Pages ="206--212",
Volume ="5",
Annote ={ extensible database system that is a realization of a theory of DBMS implementation; the DBMSs can be synthesized from primitive prewritten modules that have standardized interfaces Category ={DBDimpl> } }

@article{Batory1986:2, Author ={Batory,D.S., Leung,T.Y., and Wise,T.E.},
Title ={Implementation Concepts for an Extensive Data Model and Data Language},
Journal ={Un.Texas, TR-86-24.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin, DCS The semantic interface of GENESIS. Queries of both 1NF and nested 1NF relations. Illustrates a functional data model of GENESIS. Defines GDM, the data model, and GDL, the data language. GDM productions are stream rewrite rules and GDM computations are expressed as streams of tokens. Promotes extensibility. To build a non-1NF query processor is an example. ---Holmes. Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Batory1987, Author ={Batory,Don S.},
Title ={Principles of Database Management System Extensibility},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="100--106",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBDimplement>} }

@techreport{Batory1988, Author ={Batory,Don.S.},
Title ={Concepts for a Database System Compiler},
Institution ={Un.Texas, TR-88-01.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin, DCS Category ={DBDimpl, DBfile} }

@article{Batory1990, Author ={Batory,D.S., Barnett,J.R., Garza,J.F., Smith,K.P., Tsukuda,K., Twichell,B.C., and Wise,T.E.},
Title ={GENESIS: An Extensible Database Management System},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDdesign> Components in GENESIS can be written in a few months. An architecture specification of the DBMS and reconfiguring takes a few hours. Modularity Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Batory1989, Author ={Batory,D.S.},
Title ={On the Reusability of Query Optimization Algorithms},
Journal ={Information Systems,2,3.},
Year =1989, Volume ="49",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Batra1990, Author ={Batra,D., Hoffer,J.A., and Bostrom,R.P.},
Title ={Comparing Representations with Relational and EER Models},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9012-0979.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Pages ="126--139",
Volume ="33",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Florida Intern.Un. a usability study which compares the relational and the extended entity relationship, semantic model, pretty obvious result. overwhelming evidence is in favor of the graphic E-R model for correctness Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Batra1992, Author ={Batra,R., Georgakopoulos,D., and Rusinkiewicz,M.},
Title ={A Decentralized Deadlock-free Concurrency Control Method for Multidatabase Transactions},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of 12th International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, Yokohama, Japan, June.},
Year =1992, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Batteke1974, Author ={Batteke,J.P.H., Heaps,D.M., and Mercier,M.A.},
Title ={Canadian Water Resources Information -- A Network Approach},
Journal ={Information Storage and Retrieval, Nos.3-4.},
Year =1974, Month Mar,
Pages ="85--99",
Volume ="10",
Category ={DBDintro.8> DBFuse-2>} }

@techreport{Baudet1973, Author ={Baudet,G.},
Title ={Etude du comportement d'un tambour soumis a des demandes de transfert groupees},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique TR , (Le Chesnay, France)},
Year =1973, Number ="30",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@techreport{Baudinet1988, Author ={Baudinet,Marianne},
Title ={On the Semantics of Temporal Logic Programming (Preliminary Report)},
Institution ={Stanford Un., TR-CS-88-1203.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Baudinet1991, Author ={Baudinet,M., Niezette,M. and Wolper,P.},
Title ={On the Representation of Infinite Temporal Data and Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@techreport{Bauerle1988, Author ={Bauerle,Rainer},
Title ={Ereignisse und Reprasentationen},
Institution ={IBM Deutschland GmbH, LILOG TR-43.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul, Annote ={at Un.Tubingen, FRG Event representation, temporal. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Baughman1987, Author ={Baughman,David},
Title ={The Tortuous Route to High-Volume Production of a Hard-Disk Controller},
Journal ={VLSI Syst.Design.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Pages ="22--24",
Annote ={at Konan Corp (Tempe AZ) Incorporate cache and compression. Category ={DBFrepresent> DBFarchitecture> } }

@inproceedings{Baugsto1989, Author ={Baugsto,B.A.W. and Greipsland,J.F.},
Title ={Parallel Sorting Methods for Large Data Volumes on a Hypercube Database Computer},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Trondheim, Norway Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Baum1965, Author ={Baum,C. and Gorsuch,L.(eds)},
Title ={Proc.of the Second Symposium on Computer Centered Data Base System},
Booktitle ={SDC Memo TM2624160,},
Year =1965, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at SDC Survey of early data base and file systems. Category ={DBFintro> DBDintro> } }

@article{Baum1976, Author ={Baum,R.I. and Hsiao,D.K.},
Title ={Data Base Computers--A Step towards Data Utilities},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-25 .},
Year =1976, Month =Dec,
Number ="12",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{BauzerMedeiros1992, Author ={BauzerMedeiros,C. and Andreade,M.},
Title ={Implementing Integrity Control in Active Databases },
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Universidade Estadual de Campinas, Brazil Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Bayard1971, Author ={Bayard, Browne, Gross, and Hainey},
Title ={Treet},
Booktitle ={Proc.2nd Symp.on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation, pp.261.},
Year =1971, Month Mar,
Annote ={System description Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Bayer1971, Author ={Bayer,R.},
Title ={Binary BTrees for Virtual Memory},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="219--235",
Category ={DBFseq>} }

@article{Bayer1970, Author ={Bayer,R. and McCreight,E.M.},
Title ={Organization and Maintenance of Large Ordered Indexes},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET .},
Year =1970, Pages ="107--141",
Annote ={at Purdue Un.; IBM, Palo Alto, Res.Ctr Algorithms and performance analysis for tree structured files, Btrees. Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFimpl.3, DBfile %Bayer72O } }

@article{Bayer1972, Author ={Bayer,R.},
Title ={Symetric Binary Btrees: Data Structure and Maintenance Algorithms},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Pages ="290--306",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Algorithms and performance analysis for indexes, including splitting. Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFimpl> DBDintegrity> %Bayer72S } }

@inproceedings{Bayer1974, Author ={Bayer,Rudolf},
Title ={Storage Characteristics and Methods for Searching and Addressing},
Booktitle ={IFIP74 Proceedings.},
Year =1974, Annote ={Hashing versus trees. Category ={DBFhybrid, DBfile} }

@article{Bayer1975, Author ={Bayer,R. and Metzger,J.K.},
Title ={On the Encipherment of Search Trees and Random Access Files},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed), (abstract)},
Year =1975, Pages ="508--510",
Annote ={at TU Munchen, Inst.Informatik (FRG) trees versus hashing as his 1974 IFIP paper? Category ={DBFseq> DBFstorage.7> DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Bayer1976, Author ={Bayer,R. and Schkolnick,M.},
Title ={Concurrency of Operations on Btrees},
Journal ={IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab, Res.R.RJ 1791,},
Year =1976, Month =May,
Category ={DBFindex> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Bayer1976:1, Author ={Bayer,R. and Unterauer,K.},
Title ={Prefix Btrees},
Journal ={IBM Yorktwon, T.R.RJ1796.},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Annote ={Index Btree structures can easily be compressed. Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDintegrity> DBFstorage.3, DBfile } }

@book{Bayer1978, Author ={Bayer,R., Graham,R.M., and Seegm\"uller,G.(eds)},
Title ={Operating Systems, an Advanced Course},
Publisher ={LNCS, Goos and Hartmanis(eds), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), 593pp.},
Year =1978, Volume ="60",
Category ={DBFintro.7> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Bayer1980, Author ={Bayer,R., Elhardt,K., Heller,H., and Reiser,A.},
Title ={Distributed Concurrency Control in Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="275--284",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.1>} }

@article{Bayer1984, Author ={Bayer,R., Elhardt,K., Kiessling,W., and Killar,D.},
Title ={Verteilte Datenbanksysteme, Eine Uebersicht ueber den heutigen Entwicklungsstand},
Journal ={Informatik-Spektrum.},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Pages ="1--19",
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at TU Munich, FRG In German, Distributed Database Systems, an Overview of the State-of-the-Art. Extensive bibliography. Category ={DBDdist, x-issue } }

@article{Bayer1986, Author ={Bayer,Rudolf},
Title ={Consistency of Transactions and Random Batch},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="397-404",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at TU Munchen Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@techreport{Bayer1984:1, Author ={Bayer,R.},
Title ={Query Evaluation and Recursion in Deductive Database Systems},
Institution ={TUM report .},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ intension and recursion over extension. Insert propagation and its parallel execution. Reference to Paige. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Bayer1986:1, Author ={Bayer,R., Guntzer,U., and Kiessling,W.},
Title ={On the Evaluation of Recursion in Deductive DB SYstems by Efficient Differential Fixpoint Iteration},
Booktitle ={TUM, TR.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at TU Munich Looks like someone has discovered that you can `differentiate' relational algebra expressions. ---jeff Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@article{Bayes1969, Author ={Bayes,A.J.},
Title ={Retrieval Times for a Packed Direct Access Inverted File},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1969, Month =Oct,
Volume ="12",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Bays1973, Author ={Bays,Carter},
Title ={The Reallocation of Hash-Coded Tables},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month =Jan,
Pages ="11--14",
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Algorithm to handle increase or decrease within a direct access table containing entries. Category ={DBFhybrid.4> DBFhash.5> } }

@article{Bays1973:1, Author ={Bays,C.},
Title ={Some Techniques for Structuring Chained Hash Tables},
Journal ={Computer J.,},
Year =1973, Month =May,
Pages ="126--131",
Volume ="16",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{Beaman1979, Author ={Beaman,P.D., Justice,N.S., Blank,M.S., Villee,C.A., and Barnett,G.O.},
Title ={A High Level Mumps Query Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the MUMPS Users' Group Meeting.},
Year =1979, Pages ="9--23",
Annote ={at Massachusetts General Hospital (Boston) MUMPS Query Language (MQL) for expressing information, MUMPS databases, and especially the COSTAR 5 database. Queries involving temporal relationships between events can be expressed. Category ={DBFtrees.5, DBfile } }

@article{Beam1989, Author ={Beam,P.D. and Althouse,J.J.},
Title ={Distributed MUMPS Databases},
Journal ={MUG Quarterly, Fall ,},
Year =1989, Pages ="31--34",
Volume ="19",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Datatree,Inc., Waltham, MA DT Network performs multiple database operations per request message, caches data locally, and correctly synchronizes distributed database operations. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@techreport{Bean1968, Author ={Bean,J.W., Kidd,S.W., Sadowsky,G. and Sharp,B.D.},
Title ={The BEAST: A User Oriented Procedural Language for Social Science Research},
Institution ={Report of the Brookings Inst., 13 .},
Year =1968, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at The Brookings Inst. (Washington DC) A report on a data base language facility Category ={DBDschema> DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Beck1989, Author ={Beck,H.W., Gala,S.K., and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Classification as a Query Processing Technique in the CANDIDE Semantic Data Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Beck1980, Author ={Beck,L.L.},
Title ={A Security Mechanism for Statistical Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="316--338",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at Un.Florida; General Research Corp; Georgia Institute of Technology Category ={DBDkb> at Southern Methodist Un. A general model of user inference is proposed; two special cases contain previously published strategies for compromising a statistical database. Category ={DBDprivacy.3> DBDprivacy-10> } }

@article{Beck1988, Author ={Beck,M., Bitton,D., and Wilkinson, W.K.},
Title ={Sorting Large Files on a Backend Multiprocessor},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul, Pages ="769--778",
Volume ="37",
Number ="7",
Annote ={several architectures. Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Becker1991, Author ={Becker,B., Six,H., and Widmayer,P.},
Title ={Spatial Priority Search: An Access Technique for Scaleless Maps},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Freiburg Category ={DBDimage> DBDindex>} }

@book{Becker1963, Author ={Becker,J. and Hayes,R.M.},
Title ={Information Storage and Retrieval},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1963, Pages ="359--397",
Annote ={at UCLA Theories of File organization design Category ={DBFseq, 029. 5B29. 5> } }

@article{Becker1992, Author ={Becker,L. and Guting,R.H.},
Title ={Rule Based Optimization and Query Processing in an Extensible Geometric Database System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDquery> IMAGE>} }

@inproceedings{Becker1993, Author ={Becker,L., Hinrichs,K., and Finke,U.},
Title ={A New Algorithm for Computing Joins with Grid Files},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Westfaelische Wilhelms Un. Category ={DBDschema} }

@techreport{Becker1986, Author ={Becker,S. and Selman,B.},
Title ={An Overview of Knowledge Acquisition Methods for Expert Systems},
Institution ={CSRI-184.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto, CSRI Category ={DBDkb, DBFile} }

@inproceedings{Beckmann1990, Author ={Beckmann,N., Kriegel,H.-P., Schneider,R., and Seeger,B.},
Title ={The R-tree: An Efficient and Robust Access Method for Points and Rectangles},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un. Bremen Reorganization in a complex tree; spatial access Category ={DBFindex> DBDhybrid> IMAGE> } }

@inproceedings{Beckstein1987, Author ={Beckstein,C., Goerz,G., and Tielemann,M.},
Title ={FORK: a System for Object-and Rule-Oriented Programming},
Booktitle ={Berichte des German Chapter of the ACM, vol.28, B.G.Teubner (Stuttgart) .},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Un.Erlangen-Nuernberg portable extension of Flavors, with class-owned variables, types, structural connections, set variables, alternate ways to control inheritance, views (perspectives). Further work on truth-maintenance and temporal forms. Category ={DBDobject> VOD, DBfile Goerz, passed to Chaudhuri } }

@incollection{Bedell1989, Author ={Bedell,J.R. and Maryanski,F.J.},
Title ={Extensible Semantic Automata for Modular Design Systems},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC 2-6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="43--56",
Annote ={at Un.Connecticut, CS and Eng.Dep., (Storrs CT) Binnacle provides semantic support for CAD hierarchies, with nests, reference and association. Extendability by arrays and predicates support for presentation interfaces. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDimage> } }

@techreport{Beech1983, Author ={Beech,David},
Title ={Introducing the Integrated Data Model},
Institution ={Comp. Res.Ctr, HP Labs., (Palo Alto).},
Year =1983, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@techreport{Beech1983:1, Author ={Beech,D. and Feldman,J.S.},
Title ={The Integrated Data Model --- A Database Perspective},
Institution ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 9, Florence.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Beech1984, Author ={Beech,D., Derrett,N., Shepherd,A., and Wilson,T.},
Title ={Overview of the IRIS Information Model},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at HP, Labs Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Beech1985, Author ={Beech,David},
Title ={Using a Command Language Reference Model in the Design of a Voice Mail Interface},
Institution ={Tech.note prepared for IFIP W.G.2.7.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul, Category ={DBDdesign> DBDlang>} }

@techreport{Beech1986, Author ={Beech,David},
Title ={An Introduction to Iris and OSQL},
Institution ={STL-TM-86-11 .},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBFile} }

@incollection{Beech1987, Author ={Beech,David},
Title ={Groundwork for an Object Database Model},
Booktitle ={'Research Directions in Object-Oriented Programming', P.Wegner(author) and B.Schriver(ed), Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8811-0875.},
Year =1987, Pages ="317--354",
Annote ={ Defines a formal model with data type constructors, sets, lists, and other goodies. -----jeff. The model can handle ordinary relations, but semantic content can be incorporated. Traditional on shared access persistence. ---Colijn. Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Beech1988, Author ={Beech,D. and Mahbod,B.},
Title ={Generalized Version Control in an Object-Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Beech1988:1, Author ={Beech,David},
Title ={Intensional Concepts in an Object Database Model},
Booktitle ={Proc. Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications , San Diego.},
Year =1988, Pages ="164--175",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Beech1993, Author ={Beech,David},
Title ={Collections of Objects in SQL3},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Beeri1977, Author ={Beeri,C., Fagin,R., and Howard,J.H},
Title ={A Complete Axiomatization of Functional and Multivalued Dependencies in Database Relations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 77, Smith(ed) (Toronto Canada).},
Year =1977, Pages ="47--61",
Annote ={at Princeton Un. Category ={DBDtheory.1>} }

@inproceedings{Beeri1978, Author ={Beeri,C., Bernstein,P., and Goodman,N.},
Title ={A Sophisticate's Introduction to Database Normalization Theory},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds), Berlin.},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="113--124",
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Beeri1979, Author ={Beeri,C., and Bernstein,P.A.,},
Title ={Some Computational Problems Related to the the Design of Normal Form Schemata},
Journal ={errata in ACM Transactions on Database Systems , pp.396.},
Year =1979, Month =Sep,
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Beeri1980, Author ={Beeri,Catriel},
Title ={On the Membership Problem for Functional and Multivalued Dependencies in Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="241--259",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ The problem of whether a given dependency in a database relation can be derived from a given set of dependencies is investigated. We show that the problem can be decided in polynomial time when the given set consists of either multivalued dependencies only or of both functional a functional or a multivalued dependency. These results hold when the derivations are restricted not to use the complementation rule. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@techreport{Beeri1981, Author ={Beeri,C. and Korth,H.K.},
Title ={Compatible Attributes in a Universal Relation},
Institution ={IBM, TR.RC 8968 (39325).},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Annote ={ A tree structure is defined to describe the compatibility. Applied to QUEL. Category ={DBDmodel, DBFile } }

@article{Beeri1981:1, Author ={Beeri,C, Mendelzon,A.O., Sagiv,Y., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Equivalence of Relational Database Schemes},
Journal ={SIAM J.Comput.},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Pages ="352--370",
Annote ={at Hebrew Un., Jerusalem reduced to equivalence of fixed-point join-project mappings, that satisfy given dependencies. Polynomial algorithms to test without dependencies, and to test of if a mapping with dependencies preserves functional dependencies. Irreducible update sets. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDtheory, DBfile } }

@techreport{Beeri1983, Author ={Beeri,C. and Vardi,M.},
Title ={On Acyclic Database Decompositions},
Institution ={Stanford report STAN-CS-83-976.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDmodel.3, DBfile} }

@article{Beeri1983:1, Author ={Beeri,C., Bernstein,P.A, Goodman,N., Lai,M.Y., and Shasha,D.E.},
Title ={A Concurrency Control theory for Nested Transaction},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing 2, SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp..},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDmodel.3, DBfile} }

@article{Beeri1984, Author ={Beeri,C. and Vardi,M.},
Title ={A Proof Procedure for Data Dependencies},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="718--741",
Volume ="31",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@article{Beeri1986, Author ={Beeri,C. and Kifer,M.},
Title ={An Integrated Approach to Logical Design of Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Pages ="134--158",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel.1>} }

@techreport{Beeri1986:1, Author ={Beeri,C., Bernstein,P.A., and Goodman,N.},
Title ={A Model for Concurrency in Nested Transaction Systems},
Institution ={Wang Inst, TR-86-03.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Hebrew Un. (Jerusalem, Israel) Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@article{Beeri1986:2, Author ={Beeri,C. and Kifer,M.},
Title ={Elimination of Intersection Anomalies from Database Schemes},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul, Pages ="423--451",
Volume ="33",
Number ="3",
Annote ={remove cyclic dependencies. Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Beeri1987, Author ={Beeri,C., Naqvi,S., Ramakrishnan,R., Shmueli,O., and Tsur,S.},
Title ={Sets and Negation in a Logic Database Language (LDL1)},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Hebrew Un.; MCC The title says it all. LDL is MCC's NAIL!, and LDL1 is a proposed extension to allow set operations and negation. Category ={DBDkb> DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Beeri1986:3, Author ={Beeri,C., Kanellakis,P., Bancilhon,F., and Ramakrishnan,R.},
Title ={Bounds on the Propagation of Selection into Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam), now CMCSC report.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ This gives the proof of the result about simple-chain logic programs being equivalent to a monadic recursion (= only one argument on recursive predicates) iff the underlying CFG is regular. I always knew language theory would come to some use! ---- jeff In general [Ahad,Yao,Choi87] L.n cannot become nL.1. Category ={DBDlogic> DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Beeri1987:1, Author ={Beeri,C. and Ramakrishnan,R.},
Title ={On the Power of Magic},
Booktitle ={Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam), now CMCSC, Res.R. DB-061-86, rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Hebrew Un. (Jerusalem, Israel); Un.Texas This is the paper that generalizes and synthesizes all the algorithms for `sideways information passing': magic sets, Rohmer's and Van Gelder's algorithms, etc. Everyone ought to see this. ---jeff I3 Category ={DBDlogic> DBDtheory> } }

@article{Beeri1987:2, Author ={Beeri,C. and Kifer,M.},
Title ={A Theory of Intersection Anomalies in Relational Database Schemes},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8807-0536.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Pages ="544--577",
Volume ="34",
Number ="3",
Annote ={see JACM, Vol.33 No.3, Jul.1986. Intersection anomalies due to multivalued dependencies, that need to be removed from real-world databases to make them acyclic. Transformation algorithm. ---Tufts. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel> DBDtheory> } }

@book{Beeri1988, Author ={Beeri,C., Schmidt,J.W., and Dayal,U.(eds)},
Title ={Third International Conference on Data and Knowledge Bases},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufmann, 422pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at The Hebrew Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Beeri1989, Author ={Beeri,C., Bernstein,P.A., and Goodman,N.},
Title ={A Model for Concurrency in Nested Transactions Systems},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Volume ="36",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at The Hebrew Un. A serializability theory for nested transactions and for multi-level database systems. Category ={DBFtrans> DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Beeri1989:1, Author ={Beeri,C.},
Title ={Formal Models for Object Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Beeri1991, Author ={Beeri,C. and Milo,T.},
Title ={Subtyping in OODB's},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Beeri1991:1, Author ={Beeri,Catriel},
Title ={Theoretical Foundations for OODB's - a Personal Perspective},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Beeri1991:2, Author ={Beeri,C. and Milo,T.},
Title ={A Model for Active Object Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Beeri1992, Author ={Beeri,C. and Milo,T.},
Title ={Functional and Predicative Programming in OODB's},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Beeri1992:1, Author ={Beeri,C., Srivastava,D., Ramakrishnan,R., and Sudarshan,S.},
Title ={The Valid Model Semantics for Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Beeri1993, Author ={Beeri,C. and Milo,T.},
Title ={On the Power of algebras with Recursion},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Beetem1982, Author ={Beetem,A., Milton,J. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Performance of Database Management Systems in VLSI Design},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="149--154",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Beetem1985, Author ={Beetem,A., Beetem,J., and Nigam,A.},
Title ={HDMS: A Hierarchical VLSI Design Data Management System},
Institution ={IBM TJWRC, TR-RC-11417.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={Hierarchical Design. Category ={EIS, KHall} }

@article{Beetem1989, Author ={Beetem,A. and Beetem,J.},
Title ={Introduction to the Galaxy Language},
Journal ={IEEE ?.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ language for digital hardware design; overloading, exceptions Category ={DBDlang> EIS, DBfile } }

@techreport{Beetem1981, Author ={Beetem,John F.},
Title ={Structured Design of Electronic Systems Using Isomorphic Multiple Representations},
Institution ={Stanford Un., Management Science, Journal of TIMS Thesis.},
Year =1981, Annote ={Isomorphic representations. Category ={EIS, KHall} }

@article{Beggs1973, Author ={Beggs,S., Nick,W.V., Chase,R.C., Keller,M.D., and Vallbona,C.},
Title ={Individual Privacy Considerations for Computerized Health Information Systems},
Journal ={Medical Care ( or 1974).},
Year =1973, Annote ={at Texas Medical Ctr (Houston) Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@inproceedings{Behymer1974, Author ={Behymer,J.A., Ogilive,R.A., and Merten,A.G.},
Title ={Analysis of Indexed Sequential and Direct Access File Organizations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="389--417",
Category ={DBFindex.3> DBFhash.5, x} } @misc{Beierle1988, Author ={Beierle,C., Dorre,J., Pletat,U., Rollinger,C., Schmitt,P. and Studer,R.},
Title ={The Knowledge Representation Language LILOG},
Howpublished ={LILOG report 41,},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ at IBM Deutschland GmbH, WT LILOG, (Stuttgart, FRG) Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang, LILOG } }

@techreport{Beierle1989, Author ={Beierle,C. and Boettcher,S.},
Title ={PROTOS-L: Towards a Knowledge Base Programming Language},
Institution ={IWBS Report 90.},
Year =1989, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM Lilog Category ={DBDkb> DBDprog, LILOGbox} }

@inproceedings{Bein1987, Author ={Bein,J., King,R., and Kamel,N.},
Title ={MOBY: An Architecture for Distributed Expert Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Beitz1970, Author ={Beitz,E.Henry},
Title ={The Interpretation of Structured Stored Data Using Delimiters},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Houston TX,},
Year =1970, Pages ="188--200",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Beitz1975, Author ={Beitz,E.Henry},
Title ={Sets as a Model for Data Base Representation: Much Ado About Something},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf..},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="80--84",
Annote ={at Software a.g. (St.Paul MN) Basic concepts of data, attributes, use of a lexicon, by an ADABAS author. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Beitz1974, Author ={Beitz,E.Henry},
Title ={A Set-Theoretic View of Data Base Representation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed), pp.477.},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDschema, x3} }

@techreport{Bekkers1984, Author ={Bekkers,Y., Canet,B., Ridoux,O., and Ungaro,L.},
Title ={Specification d'une Machine de Gestion Memoire pour les Interpreteurs des Langages Logique},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR., ; also No.280, Mar.1984.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Number ="283",
Annote ={PROLOG machine Category ={DBFmach, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Belady1992, Author ={ Belady,A. Belady,A.},
Title ={The Interdisciplinary Future: The (Data) Engineering Point of View Is Not Enough},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Mitsubishi Electric Research Labs Category ={DEng>} }

@techreport{Belady1977, Author ={Belady,L.A. and Merline,P.M.},
Title ={Evolving Parts and Relations --- A Model of System Families},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RC6677.},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Annote ={versioning Category ={EIS> DBDprivacy.5>} }

@article{Belik1990, Author ={Belik,Ferenc},
Title ={An Efficient Deadlock Avoidance Technique},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Volume ="39",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Lund, Sweden algorithm for maintaining an acyclic graph acyclic; it uses a path matrix representatin; low cost detection can amortize the cost of other operations in dense systems Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Belford1984, Author ={Belford,G.G., Liu,J.W.S., Cho,D., Cotten,P., England,S., Goldstein,J.D., Hwung,S.C., Kaufman,K.A., Kim,C.K., Leo,J., Manolas,A.P., Moon,A., Smet,A.D., Yan,Y.L, Robinson,G.I., and Lapp,R.I.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of a Prototype Data Traffic Management System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois; U.S. Army Category ={DBappl>} }

@inproceedings{Belford1986, Author ={Belford,G.G et al},
Title ={Report Generation Facility,A High-Level Interface for Coherent Access to},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Belkis1977, Author ={Belkis,L.K. and Marron,B.},
Title ={Technical Profile of Seven Data Element Dictionary/Directory Systems},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). Special Publication 500-3.},
Year =1977, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at NBS (Washington DC.) Category ={DBDschema.1>} }

@unpublished{Bell1986, Author ={Bell,A., Conway,L., et al.},
Title ={Toward a Characterization of Abstraction},
Note ={rcvd , 1981.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Category ={EIS> DBFhard.1.4, KHall} }

@inproceedings{Bell1983, Author ={Bell,A.E.},
Title ={Critical Issues in High Density Magnetic and Optical Storage},
Booktitle ={Optical Data Storage, DiChen(ed), Proc.SPIE.},
Year =1983, Pages ="2-15",
Volume ="382",
Category ={DBFhard.1.2> DBFhard.1.4>} }

@inproceedings{Bell1984, Author ={Bell,A.E.},
Title ={Optical Data Storage --- A Status Report },
Booktitle ={Proc. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 6.},
Year =1984, Pages ="93--98",
Category ={DBFhard.1.2>} }

@book{Bell1971, Author ={Bell,C.Gordon and Newell,Allen},
Title ={Computer Structures, Readings and Examples},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY),},
Year =1971, Category ={DBFhard>} }

@techreport{Bell1966, Author ={Bell,C.J.},
Title ={A Relational Model for Information Retrieval and the Processing of Linguistic Data},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RC1705, Yorktown Heights,},
Year =1966, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@inproceedings{Bell1992, Author ={Bell,C., Nerode,A., Ng,R., and Subrahmanian,V.},
Title ={Implementing Deductive Databases by Linear Programming},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Bell1970, Author ={Bell,James R. and Kaman,Charles H.},
Title ={The Linear Quotient Hash Code},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ..},
Year =1970, Month =Nov,
Pages ="675--677",
Volume ="13",
Number ="11",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Bell1972, Author ={Bell,J.R.},
Title ={The Quadratic Quotient Method - A Hash Code Eliminating Secondary Clustering},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Pages ="107--109",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{Bell1987, Author ={Bell,D., DeTalens,A., Gianotti,N., Grimson,J., Hutt,A., OSullivan,D., and Turco,G.},
Title ={MULTI-STAR: A Multidatabase System for Health Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Int. Congress on Medical Informatics 7, Rome.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={MIS> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Bell1989, Author ={Bell,D., Ling,D., and McClean,S.},
Title ={Pragmatic Estimation of Join Sizes and Attribute Correlations},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDperform>} }

@article{Bell1990, Author ={Bell,D., Shao,J., and Hull,M.},
Title ={Integrated deductive database system implementation; a systematic study},
Journal ={Comp.J., ; ACM Computing Reviews 9102-0099.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Volume ="33",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Ulster an abstract model for integrating relational and deductive databases using three coupling levels: logical, functional, and physical; describing both NAIL! and Prolog access methods to INGRES; EDUCE experiment in supporting different coupling strategies Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@incollection{Bell1989:1, Author ={Bell,Jean},
Title ={Research issues for rules management in a heterogeneous database environment},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Colorado School of Mines (Golden, CO) use a database to provide centralized rule management Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Bell1992:1, Author ={Bell,J. and Rowe,L.},
Title ={An Exploratory Study of Ad Hoc Query Languages to Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Bell1988, Author ={Bell,R. and StDennis,R.},
Title ={ADT: A Toolkit for Development of Data Base-Centered Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Bell1988:1, Author ={Bell,T.C., Cleary,J.G., and Witten,I.H.},
Title ={Text Compression},
Journal ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1988, Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Bell1989:2, Author ={Bell,T., Witten,I., and Cleary,J.G.},
Title ={Modeling for Text Compression},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Volume ="21",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Bellcastro1988, Author ={Bellcastro,E., et al.},
Title ={DQS -Distributed Query System},
Booktitle ={21st Int. Conf. on Extending Database Technology, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1988, Annote ={at CRAI, Italy Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Bellerby1973, Author ={Bellerby,B.},
Title ={Prism Lags the Data Base Ghost},
Journal ={Computing, 11..},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Pages ="8--9",
Annote ={Special purpose versus generalized system. Category ={DBDintro.0> } }

@inproceedings{Bellew1990, Author ={Bellew,M., Hsu,M-C., and Tam, V-O.},
Title ={Update Propagation in Distributed Memory Hierarchy},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6, LosAngeles CA.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Harvard Un. conservative and aggressive update strategies in a multi-node hierarchical memory system, presented as a single virtual memory. Category ={DBFhard> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@techreport{Bellmass1970, Author ={Bellmass,T. and Elliott,T.},
Title ={Management Informations System, Component No.5},
Institution ={Wellsco Internal report},
Year =1970, Annote ={at Wellsco Data Systems (San Francisco) Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@article{Bellon1981, Author ={Bellon,C., and G.,Saucier,},
Title ={Protection Against External Errors in a Dedicated System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-31 .},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Pages ="311--317",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ at Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble (France) The inputs can be erroneous and the subsystem must be able to detect erroneous inputs and to recover from them. We study the propagation of errors in the subsystem, i.e., the contamination of the process variables by external errors. A correlated recovery strategy is proposed: implementation of rollback points and variables to be saved. Category ={DBDtrans-3> } }

@incollection{Belousov1986, Author ={Belousov,N.N.},
Title ={The Optimization of Interpretation Algorithms of Directives in Transformers of Data Models},
Booktitle ={Koroleva and Krasoshchekova(eds) `Operations Research Software and Models', Moscow, Nauka.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDimpl> DBDdesign, FASAC 209c} }

@inproceedings{Beltz1972, Author ={Beltz,G.E.},
Title ={NASDAQ - The Evolution of Automation in OTC Trading},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1972, Pages ="1009--1015",
Volume ="41",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@book{Bely1970, Author ={Bely,N., Siot-Deauville,N. and Borillo,A.},
Title ={Procedures d'Analyse Semantique Appliquees a la Documentation Scientifique},
Publisher ={Gauthier-Villars, Paris.},
Year =1970, Category ={DBFintro>} }

@inproceedings{Belz1990, Author ={Belz,F. and Luckham,D.},
Title ={A New Approach to Prototyping Ada-Based Hardware/Software Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM Tri-Ada conference, Baltimore.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Category ={DEng> Currently, prototyping is not a single technique, but rather a collection of widely diverse activities, with highly fragmented support technology. TRW and Stanford have recently collaborated to develop an approach for reducing this fragmentation in the future. This approach focusses on supporting the development of large distributed systems in a variety of modern implementation languages, including Ada, and C++. It is based upon the design of a prototyping language and system which we are tentatively calling \it \bf Reality. The Reality language is a departure from 'normal' programming languages, but bears similarities in form and concepts to standard languages Ada and VHDL. Category ={DENG> } }

@inproceedings{Benecke1990, Author ={Benecke,K.},
Title ={A powerful tool for objectoriented manipulation},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={stroke operator provides renesting of objects} }

@inproceedings{Beneventano1992, Author ={Beneventano,D. and Bergamaschi,S.},
Title ={Subsumption for Complex Object Data Models},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at CIOC-CNR, Bologna, Italy Category ={DBDtheory> Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Benjamin1986, Author ={Benjamin,A. and Lew,K.},
Title ={A Visual Tool for Managing Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDrel> DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Benjamin1972, Author ={Benjamin,R.L.},
Title ={A General Perspective of Information Systems Development},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1972, Month =Jul,
Pages ="640--643",
Volume ="15",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBFintro.5>} }

@book{Benci1975, Author ={Benci,E., et al.(eds)},
Title ={Data Structures Models for Information Systems},
Publisher ={Presses Universitaires de Namur, 250pp.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Benci1976, Author ={Benci,E., Cabanes,A., Bodart,F., and Bogaert,H.},
Title ={Concepts for the Design of a Conceptual Schema},
Booktitle ={Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, Nijssen(ed), N-H .},
Year =1976, Pages ="181--200",
Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@techreport{Benn1989, Author ={Benn,W., et al.},
Title ={STRETCH -- Extensible KBMS for Knowledge Based Applications},
Institution ={Fern Un., Informatik Berichte, ESPRIT Project 2443.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Hagen Un., Praktische Informatik, FRG Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Schlageter } }

@inproceedings{Benn1991, Author ={Benn,Wolfgang},
Title ={KBMS Support for Multiple Paradigm Applications},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Benn1992, Author ={Benn,W., Kortenbreer,C., Schlageter,G., and Wu,X.},
Title ={On Interoperability for KBMS Applications - The Horizontal Integration Task},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Benner1967, Author ={Benner,F.H.},
Title ={On Designing Generalized File Records for Management Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1967, Pages ="291--304",
Volume ="31",
Annote ={at Bell Telephone Co. (PA) Quantitative design of record structure for data base applications. Category ={DBFhybrid> DBFeval> DBFtechn> DBDbound> %Benner67 } }

@article{Bennett1977, Author ={Bennett,B.T. and Franaszek,P.A.},
Title ={Permutation Clustering: An Approach to On-Line Storage Reorganization},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1977, Month =Nov,
Pages ="528--533",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC (Yorktown Heights) Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Bennett1965, Author ={Bennett,Edward, Haines,Edward C., and Summers,John K.},
Title ={AESOP: A Prototype for On-Line User Control of Organizational Data Storage, Retrieval, and Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.of FJCC, AFIPS,},
Year =1965, Pages ="435--455",
Volume ="27",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Bennett1982, Author ={Bennett,J.},
Title ={A Database Management System for Design Engineers},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 19, Las Vegas NE.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="268--273",
Annote ={at Mentor Graphics Corp, (Portland OR) This appears to be more of a requirements note. Little database experience, if any, is conveyed. An implementation is in progress (Sep.1982). Category ={DBappl> EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Bennett1990, Author ={Bennett,J. and Bauer,M.},
Title ={An Analysis of Replication Strategies for X.500-like Distributed Directories},
Booktitle ={Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data, Houston, TX.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un. West Ontario Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Benneworth1981, Author ={Benneworth,R.L., Bishop,C.D., Turnbull,C.J.M., Holman,W.D., and Monette,F.M.},
Title ={The Implementation of GERM, An Entity-Relationship Data Base Management System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Cannes, France.},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="478--485",
Annote ={at Bell-Northern Res. Ltd. (Ottawa, Canada) Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Bentley1989, Author ={Bentley,Bob},
Title ={TPC Benchmark Atm},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at BiiN, (Hillsboro OR) In panel on Database System Performance Metrics. A refinement of the informal DebitCredit transaction. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@article{Bentley1975, Author ={Bentley,J-L. and Burkhard,W.P.},
Title ={Heuristics for Partial Match Retrieval Data Base Design},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. , ?.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFindex.4, DBfile} }

@article{Bentley1975:1, Author ={Bentley,J.L.},
Title ={Multidimensional Binary Search Trees Used for Associative Searching},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="509--517",
Volume ="18",
Number ="9",
Annote ={K-D trees Category ={DBFimpl.2> DBFtree>} }

@article{Bentley1986, Author ={Bentley,J.L., Sleator,D.D., Tarjan,R.E., and Wei,V.K.},
Title ={A Locally Adaptive Data Compression Scheme},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Pages ="320--330",
Volume ="29",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Exploits locality of reference when words are used frequently over short intervals; is based on a self-organizing search and on variable-length encodings of integers.Its performance is close to that of Huffman coding. Requires only one pass over the data. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@techreport{BenZvi1982, Author ={BenZvi,J.},
Title ={The Time Relational Model},
Institution ={PhD Th., UCLA.},
Year =1982, Annote ={ temporal views enabled by 5 kind of timestamps. Limited algebra. Adds 5 attributes for temporal query conversion. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Berelian1977, Author ={Berelian,E., and Irani,R.},
Title ={Evaluation and Optimization},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed), ACM.},
Year =1977, Pages ="545--555",
Category ={DBFuse-3> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Berelian1977:1, Author ={Berelian,E.},
Title ={A Methodology for Database Design in a Paging Environment},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Michigan.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBFstorage-2.2>} }

@techreport{Beretvas1982, Author ={Beretvas,T.},
Title ={Page/Swap Configurations},
Institution ={IBM, Poughkeepsie, IS TG, TR. (NY) .},
Year =1982, Annote ={data on skew of access patterns. Category ={DBFeval>} }

@inproceedings{Berg1986, Author ={Berg,David L.},
Title ={On the Application of Data Engineering to the Configuration Management of a Hybrid Simulator},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmethods.3>} }

@incollection{Berg1974, Author ={Berg,Ivar},
Title ={Information, Management and the Status Quo},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Columbia Un. Some organizational and social implications of database management systems. 'Natural' systems may be thwarted to the detriment or benefit of the organization. Category ={DBDadmin, x> } }

@techreport{Berg1976, Author ={Berg,J.L.(ed)},
Title ={Database Directions, the Next Steps},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). , Special Publication; 451, 176pp.},
Year =1976, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ This report constitutes the results of a workshop sponsored jointly by the NBS and the ACM. The purpose of the workshop was to bring together leading users, managers, designers and researchers in the area of database technology to provide insight for managers facing database management decisions. The five subject areas covered were: 1) auditing; 2) evolving technology; 3) government regulations; 4) standards; 5) user experience. --- Fountain Category ={DBDschema, x 155, Student file (Fountain) } }

@book{Berg1980, Author ={Berg,J.L.(ed)},
Title ={Data Base Directions -- The Conversion Problem},
Publisher ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). Special Publication 500--64,},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Ctr for Prog. Sc.andTech., NBS Proc.of Workshop at Fort Lauderdale, Nov.1-3, 1977, NBS-ACM. Category ={DBDschema.6.1> DBDadmin.2.2, Ref.shelf } }

@book{Berg1982, Author ={Berg,J.L.(ed)},
Title ={Data Base Directions II: The Conversion Problem},
Publisher ={ACM SIGDB Data Base and ACM-SIGMOD Record.},
Year =1982, Month =Jan,
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDschema.6.1>} }

@inproceedings{Bergamaschi1988, Author ={Bergamaschi,S., Cavedoni,L., Sartori,C., and Tiberio,P.},
Title ={On Taxonomic Reasoning in E/R Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. . 7, Rome.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Bologna, Italy Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Bergamaschi1992, Author ={Bergamaschi,S. and Sartori,C.},
Title ={On Taxonomic Reasoning in Conceptual Design},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Sep,
Volume ="17",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Bergquist1986, Author ={Bergquist,J.T.},
Title ={A General Paradigm for Knowledge-Based Systems},
Booktitle ={rcvd. for IFIP TC-2.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Distinguish static and dynamic knowledge, the later is more like data. A generalization of some rather simple cited experiments. Category ={DBDkb, Hasan } }

@inproceedings{Bergsten1989, Author ={Bergsten,B., Couprie,M., GonzalezRubio,R., Kerherve,B., and Ziane,M.},
Title ={A Parallel Database Accelerator},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Bull, France Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Bergsten1991, Author ={Bergsten,B. Couprie,M., and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={Prototyping DBS3, a Shared-Memory Parallel Database System},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Bergsten1993, Author ={Bergsten,B., Couprie,M., and Lopez,M.},
Title ={DBS3: A Parallel Data Base System for Shared Store (Synopsis)},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Bull Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Berild, Author ={Berild,S. and Nachmens,S.},
Title ={CS4 - A Tool for Database Design by Infological Simulation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems ?},
Category ={DBDadmin.1> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Berkel1988, Author ={Berkel,T., Klahold,P., Schlageter,G., and Wilkes,W.},
Title ={Modelling CAD Objects by Abstraction},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.2.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Hagen (FRG) Category ={DBDkb> EIS>} }

@article{Berkovitch1972, Author ={Berkovitch,S.},
Title ={Machine Organization of a Growing Search Tree},
Journal ={Doklady Akademii Nauk SSSR.},
Year =1972, Month =Jan,
Pages ="298--299",
Volume ="202",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFseq> DBFtree> DBDintegrity>} }

@techreport{Berkowitz1985, Author ={Berkowitz,Murray},
Title ={WIS Database Interaction Tool},
Institution ={IDA, TR..},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Berkowitz1985:1, Author ={Berkowitz,Murray},
Title ={WIS Data Dictionary/Directory},
Institution ={IDA, TR..},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Annote ={and Sham Navathe. Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Berlandier1988, Author ={Berlandier,Pierre},
Title ={Integration d'Outils pour l'Expression et la Satisfaction de Contraintes dans un Generateur de Systemes Experts},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Res.R. .},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Number ="924",
Annote ={at INRIA, Sophia Antipolis, France Tool integration for the representation and checking of constraints. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Berlekamp1968, Author ={Berlekamp,E.R.},
Title ={Algebraic Coding Theory},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY),},
Year =1968, Category ={DBDtrans.3>} }

@book{Berlekamp1970, Author ={Berlekamp,E.R.},
Title ={A Survey of Algebraic Coding Theory},
Publisher ={Un.Undine, Dep.Automation and Information, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) 1972, 74pp.},
Year =1970, Annote ={at Bell Telephone Category ={DBFrepresent-3>} }

@inproceedings{Berlekamp1975, Author ={Berlekamp,Elwyn R.},
Title ={Algebraic Codes for Improving the Reliability of Tape Storage},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="497--500",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at UCB; Cyclotomics, Inc. Category ={DBFuse-4.1>} }

@article{Berman1974, Author ={Berman,G. and Colijn,A.W.},
Title ={A Modified List Technique Allowing Binary Search},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM,},
Year =1974, Month Apr,
Pages ="227--232",
Volume ="21",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo (Ontario) Binary searching of an index structure Category ={DBFimpl.2> } }

@unpublished{Bernard1990, Author ={Bernard,G. and Steve,D.},
Title ={Handling Distribution in the O2 System: an Experiment with an Object Server Architecture},
Note ={submitted to DS4.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ at Institut National des Telecommunications, France The V1 prototype is distributed according to a workstation-server; executing methods on a server is not easy but some speedup in favorable cases is attained Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@article{Bernstein1969, Author ={Bernstein,A.J. and Shoshani,A.},
Title ={Synchronization in a Parallel Accessed Data Base},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1969, Month =Nov,
Pages ="604--607",
Volume ="12",
Number ="11",
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Bernstein1984, Author ={Bernstein,L.M., Siegel,E.R., and Goldstein,C.M.},
Title ={The HEPATITIS Knowledge Base},
Journal ={Annals of Int.Med., Suppl.Part 2.},
Year =1984, Pages ="183-222",
Volume ="93",
Number ="1",
Annote ={A structured collection of english text. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Bernstein1975, Author ={Bernstein,P.A., Swenson,J.R., and Tsichritzis,D.C.},
Title ={A Unified Approach to Functional Dependencies and Relations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75.},
Year =1975, Pages ="237--245",
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Bernstein1976, Author ={Bernstein,P.A.},
Title ={Synthesizing Third Normal Form Relations from Functional Dependencies},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1976, Month =Dec,
Pages ="277--298",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDtheory> DBDschema.2.8> DBDmodel.3> DBDdist> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Bernstein1977, Author ={Bernstein,P.A., Rothnie,J.B., Shipman,D.W., and Goodman,N.},
Title ={The SDD-1 Redundant Update Algorithm (The General Case)},
Booktitle ={CCA, TR.CCA-77-91.},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Bernstein1978, Author ={Bernstein,P., Rothnie,J., Goodman,N., and Papadimitriou,C.},
Title ={The Concurrency Control Mechanism of SDD-1: A System for Distributed Databases (The Fully Redundant Case)},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-4 .},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Pages ="154--168",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.1>} }

@techreport{Bernstein1979, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Chiu,D.W.},
Title ={Using Semi-joines to solve relational queries},
Institution ={Comput. Corp of America, TR.. CCA-79-01.},
Year =1979, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.3> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Bernstein1979:1, Author ={Bernstein,P., Shipman,D., and Wong,W.},
Title ={Formal aspects of serializability in database concurrency control},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-5 .},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="203--216",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@book{Bernstein1979:2, Author ={Bernstein,P.A.(ed)},
Title ={Proc.of the ACM SIGMOD Int. Conf.},
Publisher ={ACM NY.},
Year =1979, Annote ={ Proc.of the ACM-SIGMOD 79 Conf. held in Boston MA., May.1979. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Bernstein1979:3, Author ={Bernstein,P.A., Casanova,M.A., and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Comments on 'Process Synchronization in Database Systems'},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Pages ="545--546",
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Harvard Un. The results of Schlageter are in error Category ={DBDparallel> } }

@techreport{Bernstein1980, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Fundamental Algorithms for Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems},
Institution ={CCA, TR.CCA-80-05, 254 pages.},
Year =1980, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at CCA Surveys state-of-the-art. Analysis is a decomposition into two major sub-problems: read-write and write-write synchronization. Performance analysis considers communication overhead, local processing overhead, transaction restarts, and transaction blocking. 10 of the principal control methods are dominant. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.1, DBfile } }

@article{Bernstein1980:1, Author ={Bernstein,P.A., Shipman,D.W., and Rothnie,J.B.jr.},
Title ={Concurrency Control in a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1)},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="18--51",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1> DBDdist>} }

@article{Bernstein1980:2, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Shipman,D.W.},
Title ={The Correctness of Concurrency Control Mechanisms in a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1)},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Pages ="52--79",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDintegrity.1> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Bernstein1980:3, Author ={Bernstein,P.A., Blaustein,B.T., and Clarke,E.M.},
Title ={Fast Maintenance of Semantic Integrity Assertions Using Redundant Aggregate Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="126--136",
Annote ={at Aiken Computation Lab., Harvard Un. An enforcement method that is efficient for a large class of relational calculus assertions. Category ={DBDintegrity.3.2> } }

@inproceedings{Bernstein1980:4, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Timestamp-based Algorithms for Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="285--300",
Annote ={at CCA and Harvard Un. A series of timestamp-based algorithms, synchronization techniques that achieve read-write and/or write-write synchronization. Using this framework we describe 12 principal concurrency control methods leading to more than 50 distinct concurrency control algorithms. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Bernstein1980:5, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={What Does Boyce-Codd Normal Form Do},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="245--268",
Annote ={ at Aiken Computation Lab, Harvard Un. (Cambridge MA) Category ={DBDmodel.3.8, DBfile } }

@article{Bernstein1980:6, Author ={Bernstein,P. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Concurrency control in distributed database systems},
Journal ={Auerbach Annual , N-H 1981.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDquery.1> DBFseq.1, DBfile} }

@article{Bernstein1981, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Chiu D.W.},
Title ={Using Semi-Joins to Solve Relational Queries},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Volume ="28",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Bernstein1981:1, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Power of Natural Semijoins},
Journal ={SIAM J. of Computing.},
Year =1981, Pages ="751--771",
Volume ="10",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@techreport{Bernstein1981:2, Author ={Bernstein,P.A., Goodman,N., and Lai,M-Y.},
Title ={Laying Phantoms to Rest},
Institution ={Harvard Un., TR-03-81.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDintegrity.1> DBDconc, DBfile} }

@article{Bernstein1981:3, Author ={Bernstein,P.A., Goodman,N., Wong,E., Reeve,C.L., and Rothnie,J.B.jr.},
Title ={Query Processing in a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1)},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="602--625",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Harvard Un.; UCB; MIT; CCA Techniques to optimize relational queries in the SDD-1 distributed database system. First phase executes relational operations at various sites to delimit a subset called a reduction. The second phase transmits the reduction to one designated site. The principal reduction operator, introduced here, is called a semijoin. Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery.2> DBFimpl.2.4> DBDintegrity.1> } }

@article{Bernstein1981:4, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Power of Natural Semijoins},
Journal ={SIAM J.Comput., no.4.},
Year =1981, Pages ="775--771",
Volume ="10",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Bernstein1983, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Multiversion Concurrency Control, Theory and Algorithms},
Institution ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing 1, abstract.},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ Versioning, describes Prime computer method as well. Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Bernstein1982, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={A Sophisticate's Introduction to Distributed Database Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="62--76",
Annote ={at Harvard Un., Aiken Computation Lab Effects replication not directly database, ignores compatibility. Framework, transactions, data models, and schedules. Category ={DBDintegrity.1> } }

@inproceedings{Bernstein1983:1, Author ={Bernstein,P.A., Goodman,N., and Hadzilacos,V.},
Title ={Recovery Algorithms for Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IFIP .},
Year =1983, Annote ={ Nice model. Methods are classified into that Undo/DontRedo (rime), that Redo/DontUndo 8INGRES,SDD-1), and that Redo|Undo (B.Lindsay), that dont Redo|Undo (SystemR). Then 2Phase and 3Phase commit for Distr.DBs. Category ={DBDtrans-3, DBfile } }

@techreport{Bernstein1983:2, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Concurrency Control and Recovery for Replicated Databases},
Institution ={Harvard Un., TR-20-83.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ serializability for Replicated Databases. Shows problems with Eswaran et al, Rosenkrantz et al approaches. A new theory and analysis of quorum consensus (voting), 'missing write' (by Eager and Sevcik), and 'available copies' (SDD-1) algorithms (which are found to be best). Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity> DBDtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Bernstein1983:3, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={The Failure and Recovery Problem for Replicated Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ serializability for Replicated Databases. Shows problems with Eswaran et al, Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Bernstein1983:4, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Multiversion Concurrency Control --- Theory and Algorithms},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="465--483",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist>} }

@article{Bernstein1983:5, Author ={Bernstein,P.A., Goodman,N., and Lai,M-Y.},
Title ={Analyzing Concurrency Control Algorithms When User and System Operations Differ},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE) Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="233--239",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Harvard Un., Aiken Computation Lab Reads and Writes are sometimes inaccurate models of the operations executed by a database system. Two new concurrency algorithms. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist> } }

@article{Bernstein1984:1, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={An Algorithm for Concurrency Control and Recovery for Replicated Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="596--615",
Volume ="9",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Wang 3-phase commit. The first and third phases are identical to the two phases of 2-phase commit. There is a `Precommit' phase after the first phase where the knowledge of the coordinator is replicated elsewhere, thus protecting against a crash of the coordinator (which could result in locks being tied up for long periods. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Bernstein1986, Author ={Bernstein,P.A.},
Title ={Synchronizing Memory in the Sequoia Fault-tolerant Multiprocessor},
Booktitle ={IEEE Data Engineering, Vol. 5.},
Year =1986, Pages ="17--24",
Annote ={ based in presentation at Workshop for High Performance Transaction Systems. Category ={DBFreliab> } }

@book{Bernstein1987, Author ={Bernstein,P.A., Hadzilacos,V., and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Concurrency Control and Recovery in Database Systems},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 370pp.; ACM CR 8807-0485.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Wang Bibliographic notes and demanding exercises. Excellent glossary and bibliography. Accessible presentations of algorithms and discussions of performance and feasibility. ---Hevner. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDconc, x } }

@article{Bernstein1987:1, Author ={Bernstein,P.A. and Lomet,D.B.},
Title ={CASE Requirements for Extensible Database Systems},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="62--69",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at Wang Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Bernstein1990, Author ={Bernstein,P.A., Hsu,M., and Mann,B.},
Title ={Implementing Recoverable Requests Using Queues },
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={Reinvention of 1970 CICS technology KQML managing the flow of requests is often as important as executing the transactions themselves; fault-tolerant protocols for managing transaction requests between clients and servers require recoverable queuing systems; these queues are often not FIFO The protocol and implementation of a queue mechanism for maintaining the `exactly-once', fault-tolerant execution of request-reply between a client and a server. ---BSLee Category ={DBDtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Bernstein1993, Author ={Bernstein,P., Gyllstrom,P., and Wimberg,T.},
Title ={STDL - A Portable Language for Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDlang>} }

@inproceedings{Berra1974, Author ={Berra,P.Bruce},
Title ={Some Problems in Associative Processor Applications to Data Base Management},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS ,},
Year =1974, Pages ="1--5",
Volume ="43",
Annote ={at Syracuse Un. (Syracuse NY) Review of basic file operations using associative processors. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Berra1974:1, Author ={Berra,B.},
Title ={Associative Processing in Data Base management},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="463--476",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Berra1979, Author ={Berra,P.B. and Oliver,E.},
Title ={The Role of Associative Array Processors in Data Base Machine Architecture},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Pages ="53--63",
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Berra1977, Author ={Berra,P.B.},
Title ={Data Base Machines},
Journal ={ACM SIGIR Newsletter, Win. .},
Year =1977, Pages ="4--23",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@book{Berra1984, Author ={Berra,Bruce(ed)},
Title ={Proceedings of the First International Conference on Data Engineering},
Publisher ={IEEE CS, Los Angeles CA.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={DE1 proceedings. Category ={DBFmaint>} }

@article{Berra1988, Author ={Berra,P.B. and Marcinkowski,S.J.},
Title ={Optical Content Addressable Memories for Managing an Index to a Very Large Data/Knowledge Base},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="4-13",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Syracuse Un., Dep.EE Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Berra1987, Author ={Berra,B. and Troullinos,N.B.},
Title ={Optical Techniques and data/Knowledge Base Machines},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, no.10.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Pages ="59--70",
Volume ="20",
Annote ={at Syracuse Un. survey of optical storage, communication, and processing. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Bert1984, Author ={Bert,M., Ciardo,G., Demarie,M.L., Iacobelli,C., and Marrchisio,P.},
Title ={A Relational Interface for CODASYL Databases},
Booktitle ={CELT TR.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Pages ="431--439",
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ ORINOCO is a relational interface to non-relational DBMS, using C and QUEL (EQUEL) to IDMS. Presented at May.1984 'Trends and Application Conf.', Gaithersburg. Category ={DBDrel.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Bertino1983, Author ={Bertino,Elisa},
Title ={Distributed Database Design using the Entity-Relationship Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .3, Davis et al(eds), ; ACM Computing Reviews 8502-0127.},
Year =1983, Pages ="189--203",
Annote ={at CNR, Pisa Italy inheritance of fragmentation. Category ={DBDintro.1> DBDdist> } }

@article{Bertino1986, Author ={Bertino,E. and Rabitti,F.},
Title ={Query Processing Based on Complex Object Types},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1986, Pages ="198--205",
Volume ="5",
Annote ={document applications Category ={DBFobject> DBDoffice>} }

@article{Bertino1988, Author ={Bertino,E. and Haas.L.M.},
Title ={Views and Security in Distributed Database Management Systems},
Journal ={EDBT},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@article{Bertino1988:1, Author ={Bertino,E., Rabbiti,F., and Gibbs,S.},
Title ={Query Processing in a Multimedia Document System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 8908-0571.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IEI, Pisa; MCC query optimization strategies of the MULTOS project with simulation results; MULTOS uses signature files; active formatted and unformatted data, passive references image, graphic and audio data. ---Eich. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Bertino1989, Author ={Bertino,E. and Kim,W.},
Title ={Indexing Techniques for Queries on Nested Objects},
Journal ={Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam), now CMCSC, TR-ACT-OODS,132-89.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={ Path indexes for hierarchical objects. Evaluated in single attribute query and update versus nested index, multi index, and intersected indexes. Category ={DBFadvindex, box MCC } }

@incollection{Bertino1989:1, Author ={Bertino,E., Negri,M., Pelagatti,G., and Sbattella,L.},
Title ={An object-oriented approach to the interconnection of heterogeneous databases},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ADTS as mapping representation Category ={DBDlang> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Bertino1991, Author ={Bertino,Elisa },
Title ={An Indexing Technique for Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDobject> DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Bertino1991:1, Author ={Bertino,E.},
Title ={Integration of Heterogeneous Data Repositories by Using Object-Oriented Views},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Bertino1992, Author ={Bertino,E.},
Title ={Data Hiding and Security in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Universita' di Genova Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Bertino1992:1, Author ={Bertino,E., Damiani,M., and Paganini,A.},
Title ={A View Mechanism for a Knowledge Representation System},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Bertino1993, Author ={Bertino,P., Damiani,M., Randi,P., and Spampinato,L.},
Title ={An Advanced Information Management System},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Bertolazzi1983, Author ={Bertolazzi,P., Missikoff,M., and Terranova,M.},
Title ={CID*, A VLSI Device for List Intersection},
Institution ={Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. (Rome, Italy), IASI.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Annote ={at CNR, IASI, (Rome, Italy ) A VLSI device for the intersection of lists in a database machine. A TID list represents in a compact way the intermediate result of a query. DBMAC is a relational database machine where the relations are stored as fully inverted data sets. Elements are continuously rotated past the leaves of a comparison tree and deleted on match. Category ={DBFmach, DBfile } }

@techreport{Bertolazzi1983:1, Author ={Bertolazzi,P., DeStefanis,D., Terranova,M.},
Title ={On optimal file allcation in database machines},
Institution ={Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. (Rome, Italy), IASI, R.70.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBFmach, CSlibr.019803} }

@article{Berul1969, Author ={Berul,Lawrence H.},
Title ={Document Retrieval},
Journal ={Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, ASIS, Cuadra(ed), John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) .},
Year =1969, Pages ="203--227",
Annote ={A bibliography. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@unpublished{Berzins1983, Author ={Berzins,Valdis},
Title ={Attaining CAD of Software},
Note ={Draft .},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota (Minneapolis MN) Category ={DBDdesign> EIS, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Berzins1984, Author ={Berzins,Valdis},
Title ={Attaining CAD of Software},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1984, Annote ={at Un.Minnesota (Minneapolis MN) Category ={DBDdesign> EIS, DBfile } }

@article{Berzins1986, Author ={Berzins,V, Gray,M., and Naumann,D.},
Title ={Abstraction-based Software Development},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Volume ="29",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@techreport{Berztiss1985, Author ={Berztiss,Alfs},
Title ={A Conceptual Model based on Events and Functions},
Institution ={Syslab TR.35,36 Jul.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Annote ={at SYSLAB Category ={DBDops.4, DBfile Syslab} }

@techreport{Berztiss1987, Author ={Berztiss,Alfs},
Title ={A High level Specification of office Information Systems},
Institution ={SYSLAB Report , rcvd .},
Year =1987, Number ="42",
Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh, DCS; Un.Stockholm, SYSLAB Category ={DBDoffice, DBfile Syslab } }

@techreport{Berztiss1986, Author ={Berztiss,A.T},
Title ={Data Abstraction in the Specification of Information Systems},
Institution ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh, DCS (PA) Four classes of computational activities are identified, namely changes in an information base, look-ups, computation of function values by computation rules, and processes. They require different specification mechanisms. Information changes are specified in terms of events and temporal aspects are taken care of by a fully separate `responder'. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDops> DBDmodel, DBfile Syslab } }

@techreport{Berztiss1987:1, Author ={Berztiss,Alfs},
Title ={Expert Systems and Software Development},
Institution ={SYSLAB Report , rcvd .},
Year =1987, Number ="41",
Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh, DCS; Un.Stockholm, SYSLAB, Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Syslab } }

@article{Berztiss1987:2, Author ={Berztiss,Alfs},
Title ={A Mathematically Focused Curriculum for Computer Science},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="356--366",
Volume ="30",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Level 2: CS3: Data Structures and Algorithms; Level 3: CS6: Computer Systems; CS3 would introduce knowledge representation, semantic nets and frames. in CS6, students would study principles of operating systems and database management systems. These are two large topics, which means that neither could be studied in depth. CS130: Theory of Processes CS160: Artificial Intelligence Category ={DBDpreface> } }

@article{Berztiss1987:3, Author ={Berztiss,Alfs},
Title ={A Taxonomy of Binary Tree Traversals},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh Category ={DBFtree> DBDops, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Berztiss1988, Author ={Berztiss,A.T.},
Title ={On information-control systems, object orientation, and expert systems},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at USA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Bestavros1991, Author ={Bestavros,A.},
Title ={IDA-based Disk Arrays},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Bever1985, Author ={Bever,M. and Lockemann,P.C.},
Title ={Database Hosting in Strongly-Typed Programming Languages},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8707-597.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="107-126",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ ADABAS is the experimental target system and the language is LIS. Category ={DBDschema.4> DBDimpl> } }

@inproceedings{Bever1988, Author ={Bever,M. and Ruland,D.},
Title ={Aggregation and Generalization Hierarchies in Office Automation},
Booktitle ={ACM Conf.on Office Information Systems.(>1988?).},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="250-264",
Annote ={at IBM, NC, Heidelberg Category ={DBDmodel> DBDoffice>} }

@techreport{Bever1987, Author ={Bever,M. and Lorie,R.A.},
Title ={An Enhanced Referential Integrity Schema Supporting Complext Objects},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R No.RJ-5585.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Bezanson1985, Author ={Bezanson,L.W., Fields,L.G., Knight,D.O., Merritt,M.J., Millard,B.R., Miller,D.S., and Rony.P.R.},
Title ={Engineering Support System User Requirement},
Journal ={IEEE Micro.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="36--51",
Volume ="5",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Based on report of the First Engineering Support Workshop, Arizona State Un., Tempe AZ, Apr.1984. Processor-oriented, paragraphs on Database and standards. Category ={EIS> } }

@techreport{Bhalla1987, Author ={Bhalla,S., Prasad,B.E., Gupta,A., and Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={A Technical Comparison of Distributed Heterogeneous Database Management Systems},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, Sloan School of Management, TR.5.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={COSI Category ={DBDdist, DBfile MITbox} }

@techreport{Bhargava1980, Author ={Bhargava,B.},
Title ={An Optimistic Concurrency Control Algorithm and its Performance Evaluation Against Locking Algorithms},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1980, Annote ={ Simulation in a Centralized Distributed Database System Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2, DBfile } }

@incollection{Bhargava1980:1, Author ={Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Design of Intelligent Query Systems for Large Databases},
Booktitle ={Pictorial Information Systems, Chang and Fu(eds), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) .},
Year =1980, Pages ="431--445",
Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh Category ={DBDquery.3> Image, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1981, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Lillien,L.},
Title ={Feature Analysis of Selected Database Recovery Techniques},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , Chicago IL, 1981.},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Pages ="543--554",
Volume ="50",
Category ={DBFrepresent.6>} }

@article{Bhargava1981:1, Author ={Bhargava,B.(ed)},
Title ={Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Pub. 81-CH1632--9.},
Year =1981, Annote ={ Proceedings of IEEE 1SRDSDS conference sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society in cooperation with ACM at the Un.Pittsburgh, Jul.1981. Category ={DBFrepresent.0> } }

@article{Bhargava1981:2, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Hua,C.},
Title ={Cost Analysis of Recovery Block Scheme and Its Implementation Issues},
Journal ={Int.J. of Computer and Information Sci..},
Year =1981, Pages ="359--382",
Volume ="10",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@techreport{Bhargava1982, Author ={Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Optimistic Concurrency Control in Distributed Database System},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDintegrity.2, DBfile} }

@techreport{Bhargava1982:1, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Lillien,L.},
Title ={Time Complexity of Database Verification and Recovery},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1982, Annote ={ Database acceptability, instead of database correctness, is considered as a practical notion. Two criteria of acceptability: transaction-consistency and integrity have been contrasted. It has been shown that there is no fast algorithm for verification of database transaction-consistency, unless P=NP. With a log, backward approximate consistent/integral state restoration and backward approximate consistent history restoration have fast algorithms. Category ={DBFrepresent.6> DBDintegrity.3, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1982:2, Author ={Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Resiliency Features of the Optimistic Concurrency Control Approach for Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed).},
Year =1982, Pages ="19--32",
Category ={DBFrepresent.7> DBDintegrity.2, DBfile} }

@article{Bhargava1982:3, Author ={Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of the Optimistic Approach to Distributed Database Systems and Its Comparison to Locking},
Journal ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 3, Miami FL..},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Pages ="19--32",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.3, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1982:4, Author ={Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Evaluation of the Network Merging Protocol Based on the Optimistic Concurrency Control and Rollback Semantics},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPSAC, Chicago IL, 8-12.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@incollection{Bhargava1983, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Hua,C.T.},
Title ={A Causal Model for Analyzing Distributed Concurrency Control Algorithms},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Pages ="470--486",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.1>} }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1985, Author ={Bhargava,Bharat},
Title ={Design of Intelligent Query Systems for Large Databases},
Booktitle ={Pictorial Information Systems, Fu(editor), ?.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh, CSD Category ={Image, DBfile} }

@techreport{Bhargava1986, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Riedl,J.},
Title ={The Design of an Adaptable Distributed System},
Institution ={Purdue Un., CDS-TR-580,},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={general overview of RAID project. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@techreport{Bhargava1987, Author ={Bhargava,Bharat(ed.)},
Title ={Workshop on Design Principles for Experimental Distributed Systems},
Institution ={rcvd., Purdue Un., Oct.1986.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Purdue Un. Category ={DBDdist, Proc.Shelf} }

@unpublished{Bhargava1987:1, Author ={Bhargava,Bharat},
Title ={Transaction Processing and Consistency Control of Replicated Copies during Failures},
Note ={To appear in Management. Inf. Syst.. (spl. issue on DB systems).},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Purdue Un. Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@techreport{Bhargava1986:1, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Riedl,J.},
Title ={A Model for Adaptable Transaction Systems},
Institution ={Purdue Un., TR.CSD-TR-609, Revised May.1987.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1986:2, Author ={Bhargava,B., Dilley,J., and Riedl,J.},
Title ={RAID: A Robust and Adaptable Distributed System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGOP, Workshop Making Dist. Syst. Work.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Purdue Un., CSD system level support for transaction based applications. concurrency control mechanisms based on time-stamps provide a variety of methods spanning from two-phase locking to optimistic methods. Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1986:3, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Riedl,J.},
Title ={The Design of an Adaptable Distributed System},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPSAC Conf..},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Purdue Un., CSD Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab>} }

@book{Bhargava1987:2, Author ={Bhargava,Bharat(ed)},
Title ={Concurrency Control and Reliability in Distributed Systems},
Publisher ={Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY), 620pp.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ good paper selection. Intro by Jim Gray. Many papers individually listed. Also further papers by Bhargava with Lilien, Hua, and Ruan. Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab> DBDtrans, DBfile Lilien } }

@incollection{Bhargava1987:3, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Lilien,L.},
Title ={A Review of Concurrency and Reliability Issues in Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Concurrency Control and Reliability in Distributed Systems, B.Bhargava(ed), Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY).},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Reliability is defined as accuracy, consistency, and timeliness. A DDBMS must maintain reliability and access. Six subsystems: external data integrity, transaction correctness, transaction atomicity, rconfiguration concurrency, and internal data integrity. Control can be in normal mode, adaptation mode, or degradation mode, or recovery mode. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDreliab, DBfile Lilien } }

@unpublished{Bhargava1988, Author ={Bhargava,B. and LeiNg,P.},
Title ={A Dynamic Majority Determination Algorithm for Reconfiguration of Network Partitions},
Note ={To appear in Int. Journal of Inf. Science. (spl. issue on DB syst.)},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Purdue Un., CSD, Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab>} }

@incollection{Bhargava1986:4, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Ruan,Z.},
Title ={Site Recovery in Replicated Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE Conf.on Distributed Computing Systems 6, Cambridge MA..},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={at Purdue Un., CSD The session number represents the actual state of a site, the consistent view of the nominal session numbers maintained by control transactions, which run concurrently with user transactions. Replication. Category ={DBDreliab> } }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1988:1, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Noll,P.},
Title ={An Experimental Analysis of Replicated Copy Control During Site Failure and Recovery},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab>} }

@article{Bhargava1989, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Riedl,J.},
Title ={The Raid Distributed Database System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Volume ="15",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Bhargava1988:2, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Riedl,J.},
Title ={A Model for Adaptable Transaction Systems},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1989:1, Author ={Bhargava,G. and Gadia,S.K.},
Title ={Achieving zero information-loss in a classical database environment},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="217--224",
Annote ={at Iowa State Un., DCS, (Ames IO) Use temporal transaction history relations. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1989:2, Author ={Bhargava,B., Mafla,E., Riedl,J., and Sauder,B.},
Title ={Implementation and Measurements of Efficient Communication},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1990, Author ={Bhargava,B., Leu,P-J., and Lian,S-R.},
Title ={Experimental Evaluation of Concurrent Checkpointing and Rollback-Recovery Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6, Los Angeles.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Purdue Un. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1990:1, Author ={Bhargava,B. and Browne,S.},
Title ={Adaptable Recovery Using Dynamic Quorum Assignments},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Bhargava1992, Author ={Bhargava,Bharat},
Title ={From Relational to Object Based Distributed Database System (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Purdue University Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Bhatia1991, Author ={Bhatia,S., Deogun,J., and Raghavan,V.},
Title ={User profiles for information retrieval},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un. Nebraska, Lincoln to learn individual user interpretation of keywords, correlates to index terms in system (SMART) Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@incollection{Bhatnagar1986, Author ={Bhatnagar,R.K. and Kanal,L.N.},
Title ={Handling Uncertain Information: A Review of Numeric and Non-numeric Methods},
Booktitle ={`Uncertainty in AI', Kanal and Lemmer(eds.), N-H.},
Year =1986, Annote ={Uncertainty. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Bhattacharya1967, Author ={Bhattacharya,C.C.},
Title ={A Simple Method of Resolution of a Distribution into Gaussian Components},
Journal ={Biometrics.},
Year =1967, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFtechn.1>} }

@inproceedings{Bhide1988, Author ={Bhide,A. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={A Performance Comparison of Two Architectures For Fast Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Bhide1988:1, Author ={Bhide,Anupam},
Title ={An Analysis of Three Transaction Processing Architectures},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="339--350",
Annote ={at UCB, CS Div. Category ={DBFtrans> DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Bhide1992, Author ={Bhide,A., Goyal,A., Hsiao,H-I., and Jhingran,A.},
Title ={An Efficient Scheme for Providing High Availability},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ updates the secondary replica in an asynchronous manner; a log server node is hardened; uses the ARIES recovery scheme Category ={DBDreliab> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Bhide1993, Author ={Bhide,A., Dan,A., and Dias,D.},
Title ={Simple Analysis of the LRU Buffer Replacement Policy and Its Relationship to Buffer Warm-up Transient},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center} }

@incollection{Biagioni1985, Author ={Biagioni,Eduardo},
Title ={Interactive Deductive Data Management __The Smart Data Interactive Package},
Booktitle ={Fachbericht 112, Knowledge Based Systems, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1985, Pages ="208--220",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Bibel1984, Author ={Bibel,W. and Buchberger,B.},
Title ={Towards a Connection Machine for Logical Inference},
Booktitle ={rcvd..},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at TU Munchen; Un.Linz Category ={DBFmach> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@manual{Bibliotheque1990, Author ={Bibliotheque de France},
Title ={Project Informatique},
Organization ={rcvd April .},
Year =1990, Annote ={ motivation and timetable for a massive library automation project, candidate for mediation. Category ={DBDbiblio, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Bic1985, Author ={Bic,L. and Hartmann,R.L.},
Title ={Hither Hundreds of Processors in a Database Machine},
Booktitle ={IWDM 4, DeWitt and Boral(eds.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Bahamas.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Bic1989, Author ={Bic,L. and Hartmann,R.L.},
Title ={AGM: A Dataflow Database Machine},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="114--146",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at UC Irvine Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Bic1991, Author ={Bic,Lubomir },
Title ={Set Restrictions for Semantic Groupings},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Bickel1987, Author ={Bickel,Michael A.},
Title ={Automatic Correction to Misspelled Names: A Fourth generation Approach},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="224--228",
Volume ="30",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Letters are assigned weights based on their information value, and a minimum distance function is used to locate their neighbors. 95pct success. Used for NASA space shuttle data on NOMAD2, Distinct from Soundex. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@inproceedings{Bidoit1986, Author ={Bidoit,N. and Hull,R.},
Title ={Positivism vs. Minimalism in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA. },
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at INRIA Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Bidoit1986:1, Author ={Bidoit,Nicole},
Title ={Efficient Evaluation of Relational Queries using 'Nested Relations'},
Booktitle ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR.480.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Annote ={uses UCLA VERSO Model Category ={DBDquery, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Bidoit1986:2, Author ={Bidoit,N. and Hull,R.},
Title ={Minimalism, Justification, and Non-Monotonicity in Deductive Databases},
Note ={rcvd.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at USC ---jdu. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Biehl1982, Author ={Biehl,L.L., Bauer,M.E., Robinson,B.F., Daughtry,C.S.T., Silva,L.F., and Pitts,D.E.},
Title ={A Crops and Soils Data Base for Scene Radiation Research},
Booktitle ={Machine Proc. of Remotely Sensed Data Symp., West Lafayette IN.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Purdue Un.; NASA (Houston TX) 200,000 truck-mounted and helicopter-borne observations and 400 flight lines of aircraft scanner data. These data are supplemented by agronomic and meteorological data. Category ={DBappl, CODMAC } }

@article{Biermann1980, Author ={Biermann,A.W. and Ballard.,B.W. },
Title ={Toward Natural Language Computation},
Journal ={AJCL, Apr-.},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="71--86",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDquery.3.4>} }

@article{Biggerstaff1987, Author ={Biggerstaff,T., Ellis,C., Halasz,F., Kellogg,C., Richter,C., and Webster,D.},
Title ={Information Management Challenges in the Software Design Process},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="24--31",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DEng>} }

@article{Biggerstaff1989, Author ={Biggerstaff,T.},
Title ={Design Recovery for Maintenance and Reuse},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1989, Volume ="22",
Number ="7",
Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Bihan1980, Author ={Bihan,J.L., Esculier,C., LeLann,G., Litwin,W., Gardarin,G. Sedillot,S., and Treille,L.},
Title ={SIRIUS: A French Nationwide Project on Distributed Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="75--85",
Annote ={at INRIA,-SIRIUS (Le Chesnay, France) SIRIUS is aimed at the development of, and the experimentation with techniques and methodologies which permit the definition, realization and exploitation of Distributed Data. It gives also a listing of the principal technical documents. Category ={DBDdist> DBrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{Bihan1982, Author ={Bihan,J., Esculier,C., Lann,G., and Treille,L.},
Title ={SIRIUS-DELTA: A Prototype Distributed Database Management System},
Booktitle ={Distributed Databases, Delobel and Litwin(eds), N-H.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Biliris1987, Author ={Biliris,A.},
Title ={Operation Specific Locking on BTrees},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Boston Un. Category ={DBFindex> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Biliris1990, Author ={Biliris,A.},
Title ={Modeling Design Object Relationships in PEGASUS},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Boston University Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Biliris1992, Author ={Biliris,A.},
Title ={An Efficient Database Storage Structure for Large Dynamic Objects},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Boston Un. Category ={DBFstorage} }

@inproceedings{Biliris1992:1, Author ={Biliris,Alexandros},
Title ={The Performance of Three Database Storage Structures for Managing Large Objects},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ EXODUS (B-tree with fixed objects), Starburst (doubling buddy extents) EOS (variable sized buddy) Starburst is to update, fast create, read EOS improves on update Category ={DBDperf> DBDobject> } }

@article{Biller1977, Author ={Biller,H., and Neuhold,E.J.},
Title ={POREL: A Distributed Database on an Inhomogeneous Computer Network},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Tokio.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Biller1978, Author ={Biller,H., and Neuhold,E.J.},
Title ={Semantics of Data Bases: the Semantics of Data Models},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="11--30",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Biller1982, Author ={Biller,Horst},
Title ={On the Architecture of a System Integrating Database Management and Information Retrieval},
Booktitle ={Research and Development in Information Retrieval, Proc.Intl. Conf., Berlin FRG, Salton and Schneider(eds), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), 1983.},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="80--97",
Annote ={at SIETEC (Berlin FRG) Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@article{Billings, Author ={Billings,John Shaw},
Title ={Mechanical Methods Used in Compiling Data of the 11th U.S. Census, with Exhibition of a Machine},
Journal ={Proc.Am. Ass. Adv. of Science, 1892.},
Annote ={ Suggestion, taken up by Hollerith to use punched cards. Category ={DBFhard.1.1> } }

@techreport{Bingham1965, Author ={Bingham,H.W.},
Title ={Security Techniques for EDP of Multilevel Classified Information},
Institution ={Burroughs, TR-65-415, Rome Air Development Command.},
Year =1965, Annote ={ at Burroughs, Defense Space and Special Systems Group, (Paoli PA) Report to the DOD on extensive choice of design methods to achieve security. Category ={DBDprivacy, AD476557 } }

@article{Binot1991, Author ={Binot,J-L, Debille,L., Sedlock,D., and Vandecapelle,B.},
Title ={Natural Language Interfaces: A New Philosophy},
Journal ={SunExpert Magazine.},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Pages ="67--73",
Annote ={at BIM This is an article about Loqui, yet another commercial natural language interface for database access. No new concepts in technology. perhaps a nice integration of existing concepts in a working product. The product is based on an extensive natural language research and development effort which started in 1983 as part of ESPIRIT project, and has been available since the summer of 1990. Recognizing the difficulty of porting and fine-tuning a natural language interface to a new database, the system is not proposed as an off-the-shelf product, but as a technological basis (which must be complemented by specific customizing work performed by a team of specialist). The authors state that the off-the-shelf approach of selling natural language interfaces with porting tools is probably one of the reasons why natural language interface systems have not been used widely as they should. Its features include: - Implementation in BIM Prolog (35K lines of code) - Connection to relational DBMS (Sybase, Oracle, Ingres, ..) at the tuple level, namely, bypassing the SQL interface. - Top-down layered processing architecture (as in SRI's TEAM). - Grammar formalism based on Generalized Phrase Structure Grammar. - A postquery cooperative response module. ---Cha. Category ={DBDnat> } }

@techreport{Birkhead1979, Author ={Birkhead,J., DeBrie,K., Forker,N., Issacs,L., Melen,R., and Wellman,J.},
Title ={A Survey of Data Base Systems},
Institution ={The Ad Hoc Database Study Comm. of the Stanford Ctr for Inf. Processing,},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDintro, DBfile} }

@techreport{Birman1988, Author ={Birman,K.P. and Joseph,T.A.},
Title ={Exploiting Replication},
Institution ={Cornell R 88-917.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Cornell distributed programs for faster execution, uses the LINDA model Category ={DBEng> } }

@techreport{Birman1989, Author ={Birman,K.P.},
Title ={How Robust are Distributed Systems},
Institution ={Cornell TR 89-1014.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Cornell Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Birss1977, Author ={Birss,E.W., Jones,S.E., Ries,D.R., ans Yeh,J.W.},
Title ={Scientific Data Base Management at Lawrence Livermore Lab: Needs and a Prototype System},
Institution ={LLL, Preprint UCRL-80146,},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ Commands and use of CODASYL system ADMBS for support of FRAMIS Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@manual{BIS1981, Author ={BIS Applied Systems},
Title ={Data Base Techniques, Software Selection and Systems Development},
Organization ={.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Bisbee1973, Author ={Bisbee,R.R. and Popek,G.L.},
Title ={Encapsulation, An Approach to Operating System Security},
Institution ={ISI Report RR 73-17},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at USC, ISI (Marina del Rey CA) Use of a minicomputer to control input/output channels to protect privacy. Category ={DBDprivacy.5, xB12.5> } }

@book{Bisco1970, Author ={Bisco,R.L.(ed) },
Title ={Data Bases - Computers and the Social Sciences},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-BeckerHayes.},
Year =1970, Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh Collection of papers from a 1967 Conf. Category ={DBFintro> %Bisco70 } }

@inproceedings{Bisiani1988, Author ={Bisiani,R., Lecouat,F., and Ambriola,V.},
Title ={A Planner for the Automation a Planner for the Automation},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 21, Hawaii.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ Unix tool to reduce the time to develop heterogeneous parallel systems. Transform a set of goals and constraints specified by a user into the correct set of tool invocations. Loading and initializing, for example, components must be assigned to machines, for each component one must be sure that an up-to-date executable built for the assigned machine is available, shared data structures must be created and initialized, etc. The planner uses descriptions of the problem and the available tools to dynamically create scripts of tool invocations. Category ={DBDdist> PARADATA> } }

@article{Biskup1979, Author ={Biskup,J., Bernstein,P.A., and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Synthesizing Independent Database Schemas},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data , Boston.},
Year =1979, Pages ="143--151",
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Biskup1981, Author ={Biskup,Joachim},
Title ={Uber Datenbankrelationen mit Nullwerten und Maybe-Tupeln},
Journal ={Schriften zur Informatik und Angewandten Mathematik, Aachen.},
Year =1981, Number ="67",
Annote ={at Rheinisch-Westfalische TH Aachen On Relations in Databases with Null Values and Maybe Tuples Category ={DBDtheory, DBfile } }

@article{Biskup1983, Author ={Biskup,Joachim},
Title ={A Foundation of Codd's Relational Maybe Operators},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="608--636",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at TH Aachen (FRG) Join, Project, Select, Union, Difference is defined for nulls which are not labeled, results include Maybe. Division does not work. Update is discussed. Category ={DBDschema.3> } }

@techreport{Biskup1987, Author ={Biskup,Joachim},
Title ={Privacy Respecting Permissions and Rights},
Institution ={rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ at Hochschule Hildesheim, Inst. fur Informatik (FRG) Category ={DBDprivacy, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Biskup1986, Author ={Biskup,J., Bruggeman,H.H., Schnetgoke,L., and Kramer,M.},
Title ={One Flavor Assumption and Gamma-acyclicity for Universal Relation Views},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA. },
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un. Dortmund Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Biskup1986:1, Author ={Biskup,J. and Convent,B.},
Title ={A Formal View Integration Method},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data (Washington DC).},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un. Dortmund Equivalence is preserved. Identity constraint defined among keys. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDmodel> EIS> } }

@unpublished{Biskup1987:1, Author ={Biskup,J., Raesch,U., and Steifeling,H.,},
Title ={An Extended Relational Query Language for Knowledgebase Support},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Hochschule Hildesheim (FRG) Proposes graph-theoretic primitives to augment relational algebra, so you can do transitive closure. ---jdu Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Biskup1989, Author ={Biskup,J. and Bruggemann,H.H.},
Title ={The Personal Model of Data -- Towards a Privacy Oriented Information System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Hochschule Hildesheim, Inst.Informatik (FRG) Authority, views and access rights, security. Category ={DBDprivacy, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Biss1971, Author ={Biss,K., Chien,R., and Stahl,F.},
Title ={R2 - A Natural Language Question-Answering System},
Booktitle ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1971, Pages ="303--308",
Volume ="38",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Natural language system using a data base of 2000 English sentences. Category ={DBDnat, x10> %Biss71 } }

@article{Bitton1983, Author ={Bitton,D. and DeWitt,D.},
Title ={Duplicate Record Elimination in Large Data Files},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Pages ="255-265",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={use a modified sort-merge. Category ={DBDrel.3.4>} }

@techreport{Bitton1985, Author ={Bitton,D., Mannila,H., and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={Design-By-Example: A Design Tool for Relational Databases},
Institution ={Cornell Un., TR-85-692.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Cornell Un., DCS Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile Mannila } }

@inproceedings{Bitton1983:1, Author ={Bitton,D., DeWitt,D., and Turbyfill,C.},
Title ={Benchmarking Database Systems: A Systematic Approach},
Booktitle ={NorthWestern Un., TR-526. Also comments.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ A customized database and a set of queries for systematic benchmarking of relational database systems. Comparative evaluation was performed on DIRECT, the IDM 500 database machine, the `university' and `commercial' versions of INGRES, and ORACLE. Each system was evaluated using similar disks and equivalent amounts of buffer space. One of the major observations made in the paper is that the use of hardware parallelism does not necessarily guarantee a performance exceeding that of a system which runs smart and efficient algorithms without any assistance of parallel hardware. ---Full report in Mien Shih student file The conclusions of this report were challenged by ORACLE, Mar.1984, stating that an obsolete and modified version of ORACLE had been used and a special single user version of RTI INGRES used. It is also stated that for ORACLE slower disks, less memory, smaller blocks (512 vs 2048), no overlapped IO, more update indexes, and non-clustered files were used. The INGRES database is said to have been reorganized between tests and the queries did not included the DISTINCT term to guarantee uniqueness. DeWitt in a short response states that the ORACLE numbers were consistent. Category ={DBFmach> DBDperf> } }

@techreport{Bitton1985:1, Author ={Bitton,D. and Zanken,V.},
Title ={A Better Tool for Query Optimization},
Institution ={Cornell, CSD, TR-85-671.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Cornell Un. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Bitton1986, Author ={Bitton,D. and Turbyfill,C.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Main Memory Database Systems},
Institution ={Cornell, CSD, TR-86-731.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Cornell Un. Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Bitton1986:1, Author ={Bitton,Dina},
Title ={The Effect of Large Main Memories on Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data, Panel Discussion.},
Year =1986, Pages ="337--339",
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Bitton1987, Author ={Bitton,D., Hanrahan,M.B., and Turbyfill,C.},
Title ={Performance of Complex Queries in Main Memory Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Bitton1988, Author ={Bitton,D. and Gray,J.},
Title ={Disk Shadowing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="331--338",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Chicago, EECS Storage replication also improves recovery performance. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Bitton1989, Author ={Bitton,D., Millman,J., and Torgersen,S.},
Title ={A Feasibility and Performance Study of Dependency Inference},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Bitton1989:1, Author ={Bitton,Dina},
Title ={Arm Scheduling in Shadowed Disks},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar.,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="132--136",
Annote ={ Shadowing is mirroring with ngt2. Scheduling the disks so that the seek time for a read is minimized. Analysis of the shortest seek algorithm and simulation. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Bjork1973, Author ={Bjork,Lawrence A.},
Title ={Recovery Scenario for a DB/DC System},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1973, Pages ="142--146",
Annote ={at IBM Rules for reconstructing a data base after multi-programmed system failure. Category ={DBFuse-4.5, xB11.5> } }

@article{Bjork1975, Author ={Bjork,L.A.jr.},
Title ={Generalized Audit Trail Requirements and Concepts for Data Base Applications},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1975, Pages ="229--245",
Volume ="14",
Number ="3",
Annote ={Audit log manipulation for time varying data. Category ={DBFuse-4> } }

@techreport{Bjorner1973, Author ={Bjorner,D., Codd,E.F., Deckert,K.L., and Traiger,I.L.},
Title ={The Gamma Zero n-ary Relational Data Base Interface: Specifications of Objects and Operations},
Institution ={IBM, TR.RJ1200.},
Year =1973, Month Apr,
Annote ={Low level database with schema based on ALPHA. Category ={DBDschema, xc> } }

@book{Bjorner1982, Author ={Bjorner,D. and Jones,C.B.},
Title ={Formal Specification and Software Development},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 501pp.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at TU.Denmark; Un.Manchester,U.K. The Vienna Development Method (VDM) and examples of the application include database systems. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Bjorner1982:1, Author ={Bjorner,D. and Lovengreen,H.H.},
Title ={Formalization of Database Systems --- And a Formal Definition of IMS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="334--347",
Annote ={ Constructive definitions in the denotational semantics style of the VDM: Vienna Development Method. Category ={DBDbound.6> DBDlang> DBDdesign> } }

@article{Bjornerstedt1983, Author ={Bjornerstedt,A. and Hulten,C.},
Title ={RED 1: A Database Design Tool for the Relational Model},
Journal ={SYSLAB Res.R. .},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Number ="18",
Annote ={at SYSLAB Schema and transaction design to prototyping a small, but representative data base. PROLOG is used for the implementation. Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2, SYSLAB file } }

@article{Blaauw1983, Author ={Blaauw,G.A., Duijvestijn,A.J.W., and Hartman,R.A.M.},
Title ={Optimization of Relational Expressions using a logical Analogon},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8404-297.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Pages ="497--519",
Volume ="27",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ relational expressions (including 'exclusion') become set expressions (using the Universal relation concept) with only INTERSECT, UNION, and DIF., and then logical expressions with AND, OR, and NOT. To facilitate removal of common subexpressions a SPLIT operation is introduced. Category ={DBDrel.3> } }

@article{Blaauw1985, Author ={Blaauw,G.A., Duijvestijn,A.J.W., and Nieuwerth,F.},
Title ={Decomposition of select expressions},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Pages ="325--330",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Twente Un.Technology (The Netherlands) optimal conjunction normal form of Boolean predicates of the select operation Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Black1989, Author ={Black,A.P. and Burris,C.H.Jr.},
Title ={A Compact Representation for File Versions: A Preliminary Report},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFperform>} }

@inproceedings{Black, Author ={Black,D. and Manley,J.},
Title ={A logic-based architecture for knowledge management},
Booktitle ={HP Rep. HPL-BRC-TM-86-037},
Annote ={at HP, Bristol Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Manley} }

@article{Black1987, Author ={Black,J.P., Marshall,L.F., and Randell,B.},
Title ={The Architecture of UNIX United},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="709--718",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo, CSD (Canada) Category ={DBDdist, xissue } }

@inproceedings{Black1987:1, Author ={Black,Paul K.},
Title ={Is Shafer General Bayes},
Booktitle ={Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Proc.of an Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int workshop, 10},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Blackwell1983, Author ={Blackwell,P.K., Jajodia,S., and Ng,P.A.},
Title ={A View of Database Management Systems as Abstract Data Types},
Booktitle ={ER 3, Davis et al (eds), ; ACM Computing Reviews 8408-0657.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="661--668",
Annote ={at Un.Missouri Advocates the use of abstract data types. However, no axioms are given; the operations chosen are not well defined. ---Osborn. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Blaha1988, Author ={Blaha,M.R., Premerlani,W.J., and Rumbaugh,J.E.},
Title ={Relational Database Design Using an Object-Oriented Methodology},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Pages ="414--427",
Volume ="31",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Blaha1990, Author ={Blaha,M.R., Premerlani,W.J., Bender,A.R. and Salemme,R.M.},
Title ={Bill-of-Material Configuration Generation},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at GE Corporate Research and Development Category ={EIS> } }

@article{Blair1985, Author ={Blair,D.C. and Maron,M.E.},
Title ={An Evaluation of Retrieval Effectiveness for a Full-text Document-Retrieval System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="289--299",
Volume ="28",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Experiments using STAIRS for 40000 documents gave recall of less than 20pct, precision of 79pct. Category ={DBDquery.1> DBDbiblio> } }

@inproceedings{Blakeley1986, Author ={Blakeley,J.A., Larson,P-A., and Tompa,F.W.},
Title ={Efficiently Updating Materialized Views},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Incremental relational view maintenance, viz. identity connection I3 Category ={MAT> } }

@techreport{Blakeley1987, Author ={Blakeley,Jose A.},
Title ={Updating Materialized Database Views},
Institution ={Un.Waterloo, CSD, Res.R. CS-87-32.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Category ={DBDperf, Thesis file} }

@techreport{Blakeley1987:1, Author ={Blakeley,J.A., Coburn,N., and Larson,P-A.},
Title ={Updating Derived Relations: Detecting Irrelevant and Automously Computable Updates},
Institution ={Indiana Un., TR-235.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Indiana Un. rigorous mathematical proofs; expressions that are capable of being tested constitute a large and commonly occurring class. ---Miller. Category ={DBDperf, DBfile } }

@techreport{Blakeley1989, Author ={Blakeley,J.A. and Hernandez,H.},
Title ={Multiple-Query Optimization for Materialized View Maintenance},
Institution ={Indiana Un., TR-267.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDperf, DBfile} }

@techreport{Blakeley1989:1, Author ={Blakeley,J.A. and Martin,N.L.},
Title ={Join Index, Materialized View, and Hybrid-Hash Join: A Performance Analysis},
Institution ={Indiana Un., TR-280.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Indiana Un., CSD Category ={DBDops> DBDperform, DBfile } }

@article{Blakeley1986:1, Author ={Blakeley,J.A., Coburn,N., and Larson,P.A.},
Title ={Updating Derived Relations: Detecting Irrelevant and Autonomously Computable Updates},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo (Canada) Identity implementation . Category ={DBDrel> DBDperf> DBDmodel> VOD, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Blakeley1990, Author ={Blakeley,J.A. and Martin,N.L.},
Title ={Join Index, Materialized View, and Hybrid-Hash Join: A Performance Analysis},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Indiana University Category ={DBDindex>} }

@inproceedings{Blakeley1990:1, Author ={Blakeley,J.A., Thompson,C.W., and Alashqur,A.},
Title ={Strawman Reference Model for Object Query Languages},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at TI quite complete, based on C++ Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Blakeley1993, Author ={Blakeley,J., McKenna,W., and Graefe,G.},
Title ={Experiences Building the Open OODB Query Optimizer},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Blanchard1974, Author ={Blanchard,J.Stevens},
Title ={We Bet Our Company on Data Base Management},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1974, Month =Sep,
Pages ="61--65",
Annote ={at Science Dynamics Corp Application of multi-ring system (XEROX DMS) to medical billing. Category ={DBFhash.6> } }

@article{Blandy1989, Author ={Blandy,G.O. and Newson,S.R.},
Title ={VM/XA Storage Management},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1989, Pages ="175--191",
Volume ="28",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, Data Systems Div., (Kingston NY) Category ={DBFhard> } }

@techreport{Blanken1984, Author ={Blanken,H.M.},
Title ={Performance Aspects of Database Management Systems},
Institution ={Twente Un., PhD Th..},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at TU.Twente, The Netherlands Includes papers on VIDEBAS, uses a SEQUEL derivative. Gives values. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDrel.2, thesis file } }

@article{Blanken1984:1, Author ={Blanken,H.M.},
Title ={Performance of VIDEBAS in an Operational Environment},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8412-1025.},
Year =1984, Pages ="19--26",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at TU.Twente, The Netherlands Model compares VIDEBAS with a DBTG (UDS) system model. Assumptions? Category ={DBDmodel> DBDrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{Blanken1990, Author ={Blanken,H.M., Ijbema,A, Meek,P., and vandenAkker,B.},
Title ={The Generalized Grid File: Description and Performance Aspects},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Twente, The Netherlands Category ={DBFindex>} }

@techreport{Blankinship1985, Author ={Blankinship,R., Dorris,B., and Hevner,A.},
Title ={The File Allocation Problem - a Survey and Annotated Bibliography},
Institution ={Database Systems Res. Ctr. Working Paper Management Science, Journal of TIMSS 85-013.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBFdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Blankinship1991, Author ={Blankinship,R., Hevner,A., and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={An Iterative Method for Distributed Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Blanning1984, Author ={Blanning,Robert W.},
Title ={A PROLOG-Based Framework for Model Management},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina. The RSS, which actually manages the database, has links. The RDS, which compiles SQL statements into RSS calls, only makes limited use of links. In particular, links are defined between certain system catalogs, and the RDS uses them. However, links are not visible to the users of the RDS. I.e., users cannot create links, and the query optimizer does not use links when planning access strategies.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Vanderbilt Un. Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@techreport{Blasgen1945, Author ={Blasgen,M.W. and Eswaran,K.P.},
Title ={On the Evaluation of Queries in a Database System},
Institution ={IBM, Res. Report FJ (RJ1745), IBM, San Jose, 1976.},
Year =1945, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Comparison of techniques for evaluation of relational queries within a storage/access path model, contrasting index/pointer ring structures, clustered versus non-clustered storage, etc. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDrel.2.5> } }

@article{Blasgen1976, Author ={Blasgen,M.W., Eswaran,K.P., and Casey,R.G.},
Title ={An Encoding Method for Multifield Sorting and Indexing},
Journal ={IBM, Res.R., RJ 1753, IBM San Jose, Res.Lab.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Annote ={Coding for SYSTEM R multi-field indexes. Category ={DBFimpl.6.4> DBFrepresent.2, DBfile } }

@article{Blasgen1978, Author ={Blasgen M.W. and Eswaran,K.P.},
Title ={Storage Access in Relational Databases},
Journal ={IBM, G321-5058.},
Year =1978, Annote ={A simplified version of IBM RJ1745. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDrel.2.6, Shel } }

@techreport{Blasgen1978:1, Author ={Blasgen,M., et al},
Title ={System R: An Architectural Update},
Institution ={IBM, G321-5140.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDintro.1>} }

@article{Blasgen1981, Author ={Blasgen,M.W. et al},
Title ={System R: An Architectural Overview},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J.,},
Year =1981, Pages ="41--62",
Volume ="20",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ This paper describes overall architecture of the system, including the Relational Data System (RDS) and the Research Storage System RSS). RDS is a data base language compiler. Host language programs with imbedded SQL statements are compiled by System R, which replaces the SQL statements with calls to a machine-language access module. From: Laura Haas :LINKS Category ={DBDtheory> DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Bledsoe1986, Author ={Bledsoe,W.W.},
Title ={Some Thoughts on Proof Discovery},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp.on Logic Programming 86, Salt Lake City UT.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Bleier1967, Author ={Bleier,Robert E.},
Title ={Treating Hierarchical Data Structures in the SDC Time-shared Data Management System (TDMS)},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 22, MDI Pub. Wayne PA.},
Year =1967, Pages ="41--49",
Annote ={at SDC (Santa Monica CA) General description of TDMS Category ={DBFtrees.4> DBDrel.3> } }

@inproceedings{Bleier1968, Author ={Bleier, Robert E. and Vorhaus,A.H.},
Title ={File Organization in the SDC TDMS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf-68, Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H, pp.F92--F97.},
Year =1968, Category ={DBFtrees.4>} }

@inproceedings{Bleier1970, Author ={Bleier,Robert E.},
Title ={Data Definition Standardization},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Houston TX.},
Year =1970, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@techreport{Bloch1984, Author ={Bloch,J.J., Daniels,D.S., and Spector,A.Z.},
Title ={Weighted Voting for Directories: A Comprehensive Study},
Institution ={CMU, DCS, TR-84-114.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at CMU, DCS Replicated directory. Performance. Category ={DBDperf> DBFbasic, DBfile Spector } }

@inproceedings{Block, Author ={Block,F.P. and Chan,N.C.},
Title ={An Extended Frame Language},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA 89.},
Pages ="151--157",
Annote ={ They extend the semantics of frame-based operation to include the ability to represent complex items, such as arrays, and to allow slot definition sharing. Their `frames' are similar to Smalltalk-like objects. This can be interesting to database work in that frame-based data modeling may be used at the database level as well as in programming environments. ---Paepcke Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Blois1987, Author ={Blois,Marsden S.},
Title ={What is it that Computers Compute?},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag, -Jun..},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="32--56",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ short note stressing information concepts. IAIMS. Category ={MIS> DBDintro> } }

@article{Blois1987:1, Author ={Blois,Marsden S.},
Title ={Information holds Medicine together},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag, -Oct..},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="42--46",
Volume ="4",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ How to combine the various types of information --- factual and judgmental - remains a prime concern in the use of the computer for medical practice. Category ={MIS> } }

@book{Blois1984, Author ={Blois,Marsden S.},
Title ={Information and Medicine},
Publisher ={UC Press, 298pp.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDdesign, x} }

@book{Blokdijk1987, Author ={Blokdijk,A. and Blokdijk,P.},
Title ={Planning and Design of Information Systems},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY) Press, (Orlando FL), 578pp.; ACM CR 8811-0834.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at IBM, European Systems Res.Inst. Parts: Planning and Design: Methodology; Users and Information Systems; Information Systems Planning; Application Planning; Logical Design of the Application. What and how to do 'Quality Metrics'. For the information professional. Well written and structured. ---P.Teplitzky. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Bloom1969, Author ={Bloom,Burton H.},
Title ={Some Techniques and Trade-offs Affecting Large Data Base Retrieval Times},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf ,},
Year =1969, Pages ="83--95",
Annote ={at Computer Usage Co. Sample analysis of indexed and direct access. Category ={DBFseq.0> } }

@article{Bloom1970, Author ={Bloom,B.H.},
Title ={Space-time Trade-offs in Hash Coding with Allowable Errors},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1970, Month =Jul,
Pages ="422--426",
Volume ="13",
Number ="7",
Annote ={Phantom use of a direct access list. Category ={DBFhybrid.6>%Bloom70 } }

@inproceedings{Blott1992, Author ={Blott,S., Harper,D., and Norrie,M.},
Title ={Active Queries-a Lazy Approach to Query Evaluation in OODBs},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at The University, Glasgow, Scotland Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Blum1980, Author ={Blum,B.I.},
Title ={Mumps},
Booktitle ={rcvd. ?.},
Year =1980, Annote ={at Johns Hopkins Un. (Baltimore, MD) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Blum1986, Author ={Blum,Bruce I.},
Title ={Clinical Information Systems},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) .},
Year =1986, Annote ={ chapter 5 covers databases: file structure, Mumps, Btree, DBMS, DB design Category ={MCS> DBFindex> DBFimpl> } }

@article{Blum1987, Author ={Blum,Bruce I.},
Title ={The TEDIUM Development Environment for Information Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="25--34",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={OCIS Category ={DBDlang>} }

@inproceedings{Blum1982, Author ={Blum,Bruce I.},
Title ={Mumps, TEDIUM and Productivity},
Booktitle ={Proceedings MEDCOMP '82.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Johns Hopkins Un. Authors description of a new proprietory programming system. Category ={DBFtrees.5> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@techreport{Blum1990, Author ={Blum,Bruce},
Title ={Software Engineering for Small and Large Projects, Chapter 1, the Software Process},
Institution ={Johns Hopkins Un. report RMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers-90-008.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Category ={DEng, DBfile} }

@techreport{Blum1990:1, Author ={Blum,Bruce},
Title ={Software Engineering for Small and Large Projects, Chapter 2, Requirements Analysis and Modeling},
Institution ={Johns Hopkins Un. report RMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers-90-017.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Category ={DEng, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Blum1990:2, Author ={Blum,B.I.},
Title ={The Software Process for Medical Applications},
Booktitle ={IMIA Working conference on Software Eng. and Medical Informatics, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ TEDIUM supports implementation and maintenace of systems with very many transaction programs and relations Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Blum1992, Author ={Blum,Bruce (},
Title ={The Evolution of Software Engineering (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Johns Hopkins University, Applied Physics Lab. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Blum1978, Author ={Blum,R.L. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Inferring Knowledge from Clinical Data Banks Utilizing Techniques from Artificial Intelligence},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 2, (Washington DC), IEEE.},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Pages ="303--307",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDstat> MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Blum1980:1, Author ={Blum,R.L.},
Title ={Automating The Study of Clinical Hypotheses on a Time-Oriented Database: The RX Project},
Booktitle ={MEDINFO 80, Lindberg and Kaihara(eds), IFIP, N-H .},
Year =1980, Pages ="456--460",
Category ={DBappl> DBDquery.1> MCS>} }

@article{Blum1981, Author ={Blum,R.L.},
Title ={Displaying Clinical Data from a Time-Oriented Database},
Journal ={Computers in Biology and Medicine.},
Year =1981, Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDquery.1> MCS>} }

@article{Blum1982:1, Author ={Blum,Robert L.},
Title ={Discovery, Confirmation, and Incorporation of Causal Relationships from a Large Time-Oriented Clinical Database: The \csc rx Project},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1982, Pages ="164--187",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Blum1982:2, Author ={Blum,R.L.},
Title ={Discovery and Representation of Causal Relationships from a Large Time-Oriented Clinical Database: The RX Project},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Medical Informatics , Lindberg and Reichertz (eds), 242pp.},
Year =1982, Number ="19",
Category ={MCS> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Blum1982:3, Author ={Blum,R.L and Wiederhold,G.C.M.},
Title ={Studying Hypotheses on a Time-Oriented Clinical Database: An Overview of the \csc rx~Project},
Booktitle ={SCAManagement Science, Journal of TIMSI 6, -Nov. (Washington DC), IEEE 82 CH1805-1.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Pages ="725-735",
Category ={DBDkb >} }

@article{Blum1986:1, Author ={Blum,Robert L.},
Title ={Computer-Assisted Design of Studies Using Routine Clinical Data: Analyzing the Association of Prednisone and Cholesterol},
Journal ={Annals of Internal Medicine},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Blumenthal1969, Author ={Blumenthal,S.C.},
Title ={Management Information System - A framework for Planning and Development},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1969, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Blumer1987, Author ={Blumer,A., Blumer,J., Haussler,D., McConnell,R., and Ehrenfeucht,A.},
Title ={Complete Inverted Files for Efficient Text Retrieval and Analysis},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8810-0785.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Pages ="578--595",
Volume ="34",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at U.Denver main memory, compacted suffix DAG for every substring, replace suffix trees. Data structure is a compact directed acyclic word graph. Searches for arbitrary strings are allowed. Suggest searching DNA sequences. Linear times for finding the longest prefix of a keyword. ---J.Fried. Category ={DBFtree> } } % ------ BM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@inproceedings{Bobbie1991, Author ={Bobbie,P.O. and Urban,J.E.},
Title ={A Method for Integrating Heterogeneous Knowledge-Bases},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Annote ={ characterizes bandwidth requirements for transaction processing and database queries. Category ={DBFdist> Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Bobeck1969, Author ={Bobeck,A.H., Fisher,R.F., and Perreski,A.J.},
Title ={A New Approach to Memory and Logic - Cylindrical Domain Devices},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1969, Pages ="489--498",
Volume ="35",
Annote ={at Bell Telephone Lab (Murray Hill NJ) description of bubble memory principles Category ={DBFhard.1.4> } }

@book{Bobeck1975, Author ={Bobeck,A.H. and DellaTorre,E.},
Title ={Magnetic Bubbles},
Publisher ={N-H, Elseviers, 222pp.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFhard.1.4 %Bobeck75} }

@inproceedings{Bobeck1975:1, Author ={Bobeck,A.H., Bonyhard,P.I., and Geusic,J.E.},
Title ={Magnetic Bubbles, An Emerging New Storage Technology},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1176--1195",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Annote ={Comprehensive description and bibliography Category ={DBFhard.1.4> } }

@inproceedings{Bober1992, Author ={Bober,P. and Carey,M.},
Title ={On Mixing Queries and Transactions via Multiversion Locking},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Bober1992:1, Author ={Bober,P.M. and Carey,M.J.},
Title ={Multiversion Query Locking},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={reduces the cost of versioning Category ={DBDconc>} }

@article{Bobrow1972, Author ={Bobrow,D.G., Burchfiel,J.D., Murphy,D.L., and Tomlinson,R.S.},
Title ={TENEX, A Paged Time-Sharing System for the PDP-10},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1972, Month Mar,
Pages ="135--143",
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at BBN Includes description of file system aspects and protection. Category ={DBFintro.4> DBFintro.7> DBDtrans.6> } }

@article{Bobrow1977, Author ={Bobrow,D.G., Kaplan,R., Kay,M., Norman,D., Thompson,H., and Winograd,T.},
Title ={GUS, A Frame-Driven Dialogue System},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1977, Pages ="155--173",
Volume ="8",
Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDkb> DBDnat>pr} }

@article{Bobrow1984, Author ={Bobrow,Daniel.G.},
Title ={If Prolog is the Answer, What is the Question},
Journal ={Fifth Generations Computer Systems, ICOT, pub. North-Holland-84.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="138--145",
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Bobrow1985, Author ={Bobrow,D.G. and Hayes},
Title ={AI --- Where are we?},
Journal ={AI journal.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Bobrow1985:1, Author ={Bobrow,D.G.},
Title ={COMMONLOOPS: Merging Common Lisp and Object-Oriented Programming},
Institution ={Xerox PARC, ISL-85-8.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang> EIS, Sang st.file} }

@article{Bobrow, Author ={Bobrow,D.G., DeMichiel,L.G., Gabriel,R.P., Keene,S.E., Kiczales,G, and Moon,D.A.},
Title ={Common Lisp Object System Specification},
Journal ={DBDlang>},
Annote ={ANSI X#J13 Document 88-002R.} }

@inproceedings{Bobrow1972:1, Author ={Bobrow,Robert J.},
Title ={An Experimental Data Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Data Base Systems, Rustin(ed), Prentice-Hall .},
Year =1972, Pages ="125--142",
Annote ={at UCI (Irvine CA) Description of BBN-LISP based Data Management System from experimentation developed from TDMS. Has privacy control on relations as well as elements. Category ={DBFtrees.1> DBFhard-3> } }

@techreport{Bobrow1978, Author ={Bobrow,R.J.},
Title ={The RUS System},
Institution ={BBN Inc, Report 3878..},
Year =1978, Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Bobrow:1, Author ={Bobrow,R.J., Resnik,P., and Weischedel,R.M.},
Title ={Multiple Underlying Systems: Translating User Requests into Programs to Produce Answers},
Booktitle ={American Journal of Computational Linguistics 90.},
Annote ={at BBN the Janus natural language interface translates intensional logic expressions representing the meaning of a request into executable code for each application program, chooses which combination of application systems to use, and designs the transfer of data among them in order to provide an answers AFIS, KQML Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Bocca1986, Author ={Bocca,Jorge},
Title ={On the Evaluation Strategy of EDUCE},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 86 (Washington DC).},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Pages ="368--378",
Annote ={at ECRC, Munich FRG Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Bocca1986:1, Author ={Bocca,J.},
Title ={Some Steps Towards a DBMS based KBMS},
Booktitle ={Proc.IFIP Congress 86.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Bocca1986:2, Author ={Bocca,Jorge},
Title ={EDUCE --- A Marriage of Convenience: Prolog and a Relational DBMS},
Booktitle ={IEEE-SLP 86, Salt Lake City UT.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at ECRC, Munich Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Bocca1989, Author ={Bocca,J. and Freytag,J.C.},
Title ={Rules for Implementing Very Large Knowledge Base Systems},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="29--35",
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at ECRC, (Munich FRG) EDUCE* compiles, indexes on type, binds rule triggers into extension. Transforms queries to iterations. A rule base optimizer deals with heavy CPU load in the KBMS. ---Gio. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Bocca1990, Author ={ Bocca,J. Bocca,J.},
Title ={Compilation of Logic Programs to Implement Very Large Knowledge Base Systems - A Case Study: Educe*},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at ECRC, GmbH, Munchen, FRG Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Bochmann1988, Author ={Bochmann,Gregor V.},
Title ={Delay-Independent Design for Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1229--1237",
Volume ="14",
Number ="8",
Annote ={ at Un.Montreal, Dep.Informatique et de Recherche Operationnelle, Canada Modules are interconnected by channels over which the modules exchange messages. The behavior of each module is described in terms of its possible states and transitions. Delays clearly have an influence on performance. Under certain circumstances, delays have no influence on the logical system properties. Regularity. FAUVE Category ={DBDdist> } }

@book{Bodner1987, Author ={Bodner,Michael S.},
Title ={Mocro to Mainframe Data Exchange},
Publisher ={TAB Books, 273pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8809-0664.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Bodner & Hutchins, Houston TX Management level overview of the issues involved. ---R.E.VanCleef. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Bodorik1988, Author ={Bodorik,P. and Riordon,J.S.},
Title ={Distributed Query Processing Optimization Objectives},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={dynamic optimization in parallel with execution. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Bodorik1988:1, Author ={Bodorik,P., and Riordon,J.S.},
Title ={Heuristic Algorithms for Distributed Query Processing},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Technical Un. of Nova Scotia Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Bodorik1990, Author ={Bodorik,P., Pyra,J., and Riordon,J.S.},
Title ={Correcting Execution of Distributed Queries},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ at Technical Un.Nova Scotia, Canada; Carleton Un.,Canada a low overhead method to decide if dynamic rescheduling of a complex query is warranted. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Bodorik1992, Author ={Bodorik,P., Smith,F. and Lewis,D.},
Title ={Transactions in Distributed Shared Memory Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Technical Un.Nova Scotia Category ={DBDtrans> DBDdist> } }

@article{Boehm1971, Author ={Boehm,Barry W.},
Title ={Some Information Processing Implications of the Air Force Space Missions in the 1970's},
Journal ={Aeronautics and Astronautics.},
Year =1971, Month =Jan,
Pages ="42--50",
Annote ={at Rand Data on cost of maintaining reliability. Category ={DBFuse-4, xB11> } }

@techreport{Boehm1981, Author ={Boehm,K. and Neuhold,E.J.},
Title ={Communication Interface for a System of Distributed Processors},
Institution ={Un.Stuttgart, Inst.Informatik (FRG), TR281 ( )},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Boehm1981:1, Author ={Boehm,B.W.},
Title ={Software Engineering Economics},
Booktitle ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1981, Annote ={--- Kung I3 Category ={DEng>} }

@incollection{Boguraev1984, Author ={Boguraev,B.K. and SparckJones,K.},
Title ={A Natural Language Front End to Databases with Evaluative Feedback},
Booktitle ={`New Applications of Databases' Gardarin and Gelenbe(eds), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3>} }

@inproceedings{Boguraev1986, Author ={Boguraev,B.K., Copestake,A.A., and Jones,K.S.},
Title ={Inference in Natural Language Front Ends},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Cambridge Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb>} }

@article{Bohl1981, Author ={Bohl,M.},
Title ={Introduction to IBM Direct Access Storage Devices},
Journal ={SRA.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFhard>} }

@book{Bolc1986, Author ={Bolc,L. and Jarke,M.(Eds)},
Title ={Cooperative Interfaces to Information Systems},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), 328pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8804-0252.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Eight papers. Chapter 6: semantics-based approach to the analysis of natural language queries over a relational database. Treatment of ambiguity, conjunction and ellipsis. HAM-ANS can provide access to a variety of information systems. ---Chrz. Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb> } }

@article{Boleda1985, Author ={Boleda,A., Lasker,D. and Stewart,G.},
Title ={The Impact of New Technologies on Northern Telecom's Office Communications Architecture},
Journal ={IEEE ICC , of 3.},
Year =1985, Pages ="379--384",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Boley1986, Author ={Boley,Harold},
Title ={RELFUN: A Relational/Functional Integration with Valued Clauses},
Institution ={SEKI-REPORT SR-86-04.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={at AI Lab., Un.Kaiserslautern (FRG) Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@techreport{Bollinger1991, Author ={Bollinger,T., and Pletat,U.},
Title ={The LILOG Knowledge Representation System},
Institution ={IWBS report 156.},
Year =1991, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ based on order-sorted predicate logic enriched by a type system KL-ONE like, default reasoning and external deductive components Category ={DBDkb, LILOGbox } }

@article{Bollinger1991:1, Author ={Bollinger,T. and McGowan,C.},
Title ={A Critical Look at Software Capability Evaluations},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1991, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at NEC; Software Productivity Consortium evaluation of SEI work Category ={DEng> } }

@techreport{Bollinger1991:2, Author ={Bollinger,T., and Pletat,U.},
Title ={Knowledge in Operation},
Institution ={IWBS report 165.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM external spatial reasoner for LILOG Category ={DBDimage >DBDkb, LILOGbox } }

@article{Bologno1986, Author ={Bologno,S. and Leveson,N.G.},
Title ={Reliability and Safety in Real-time Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-12 .},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Pages ="877--878",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ foreword for special issue on real-time process control. Category ={DBFrealtime> } }

@techreport{Bolour1979, Author ={Bolour,A.},
Title ={The Process Model of Data},
Institution ={UCSF, Lab.of Med.Inf.Sc., TR.#38.},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCSF (San Francisco) Modeling of time and processes into a datamodel Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Bolour1979:1, Author ={Bolour,A.},
Title ={Optimality Properties of Multiple-Key Hashing Functions},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1979, Month Apr,
Pages ="196--210",
Volume ="26",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBDschema.5>} }

@article{Bolour1982, Author ={Bolour,A., Anderson,T.L., Debeyser,L.J. and Wong,H.K.T.},
Title ={The Role of Time in Information Processing: A Survey},
Journal ={SigArt Newsletter.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Pages ="28--48",
Number ="80",
Annote ={ It is quite a useful reference on temporal data (surajit) Category ={DBDschema.2> } }

@inproceedings{Bolour1983, Author ={Bolour,A. and Dekeyser,L.J.},
Title ={Abstractions in Temporal Information},
Booktitle ={Inf.Syst..},
Year =1983, Pages ="41--49",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Bonano, Author ={Bonano,R., Maio,D., and Tiberio,P},
Title ={An Approximation Algorithm for Secondary Index Selection in Realtional Database Physical Design},
Institution ={To appear in the Computer Journal},
Category ={DBFindex.4, DBfile-Tiberio} }

@inproceedings{Bonatti1992, Author ={Bonatti,P., Kraus,S., and Subrahmanian,V.},
Title ={Declarative Foundations of Secure Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@book{Bonczek1984, Author ={Bonczek,R., Holsapple,C., and Whinston,A.},
Title ={Micro Database Management},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), 511pp.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDintro>} }

@article{Bondar1982, Author ={Bondar,E.V.},
Title ={Method of Increasing the Efficiency of Text Compression Processes},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Jun..},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="156--161",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFrepresent, FASAC 318} }

@inproceedings{Bonner1992, Author ={Bonner,Anthony},
Title ={The Complexity of Reusing and Modifying Rulebases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Bonyhard1970, Author ={Bonyhard,P.I., Danylchuk,I., Kish,D.E., and Smith,J.L.},
Title ={Applications of Bubble Devices},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.on Magnetics,},
Year =1970, Month =Sep,
Pages ="447--451",
Volume ="6",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFhard.1.4, x2>} }

@techreport{Boon1973, Author ={Boon,C. and Bunyan,C.J.(eds)},
Title ={Data Base Management, International State of the Art Report No.15},
Institution ={Infotech Information Limited (Maidenhead, UK).},
Year =1973, Annote ={ 120 papers from a 'State of the Art' Conf. discussing generalized database management systems, mainly CODASYL approach; annotated bibliography. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Booth1960, Author ={Booth,A.D. and Colin,J.T.},
Title ={On the Efficiency of a New Method of Dictionary Construction},
Journal ={Information and Control.},
Year =1960, Pages ="327--334",
Volume ="3",
Annote ={at London Un., Birbeck Coll. (London) Hierarchical dictionary, optimized according to Zipf's Law. Category ={DBFtrees.4> %Booth60 } }

@article{Booth1967, Author ={Booth,A.D.},
Title ={A `Law' of Occurrences for Words of Low Frequency},
Journal ={Information and Control.},
Year =1967, Pages ="386--393",
Annote ={more on Zipf's law Category ={DBFrepresent, Shel} }

@inproceedings{Booth1972, Author ={Booth,Grayce M.},
Title ={The Use of Distributed Data Bases in Information Networks},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the First International Conf. on Computer Communications: Impacts and Implications.},
Year =1972, Month =Oct,
Pages ="371--376",
Annote ={ at Honeywell, Information Systems (Phoenix, Ariz.) This paper does not say much; Booth's 1976 paper is better. Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@book{Booth1973, Author ={Booth,G.M.},
Title ={Functional Analysis of Information Processing},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1973, Annote ={Taxonomy of system components. Category ={DBFintro.3> %Booth73 } }

@inproceedings{Booth1976, Author ={Booth,G.M.},
Title ={Distributed information systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS . },
Year =1976, Pages ="789--794",
Volume ="45",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintro.8>} }

@book{Booth1983, Author ={Booth,G.M.},
Title ={The Design of Complex Information Systems: Common Sense Methods for Success},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 320pp.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Boral1980, Author ={Boral,H. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Design Considerations for Dataflow Database Machines},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 80, Santa Monica.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Boral1981, Author ={Boral,H. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Processor Allocation Strategies for Multiprocessor Database Machines},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="117--254",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin Category ={DBFmach>} }

@techreport{Boral1981:1, Author ={Boral,H. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Associative Disk Designs},
Institution ={Un.Wisconsin Tech.Report 417.},
Year =1981, Annote ={ Model based evaluation of Processor-per-track, -per-head, per-disk designs with var. params., sbout IBM 3330 type, incl. IO contention (MShih). Category ={DBFmach> DBFstorage-3.3> } }

@article{Boral1982, Author ={Boral,H. and Dewitt,D.J.},
Title ={Applying Data Flow Techniques to Data Base Machines},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Pages ="57--77",
Volume ="15",
Number ="8",
Annote ={ Analysis of problems using experience from DIRECT. Category ={DBFmach> DBDrel.2> } }

@article{Boral1982:1, Author ={Boral,H., DeWitt,D.J., Friedland,D., Jarrell,N.F., and Wilkinson,W.K.},
Title ={Implementation of the Database Machine DIRECT},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="533-543",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ This is a well-written article and should be read by anyone interested in the subject of Database Machine. The authors first give a brief overview of the original design and then describe how the present implementation differs from it. They explain the motivations behind some of the design decisions. The authors not only discuss the implementation issues, but are candid in disclosing the errors they made as well as the lessons they learned from the project. (Kitty Shih comment) Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Boral1988, Author ={Boral,H.},
Title ={Parallelism and Data Management},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Boral1988:1, Author ={Boral,Haran},
Title ={Parallelism in BUBBA},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Boral1990, Author ={Boral,H., Alexander,W., Clay,L., Copeland,G., Danforth,S., Franklin,M., Hart,B., Smith,M., and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={Prototyping Bubba, a Highly Parallel Database System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MCC the processors to not share memory or disks, the FAD language provides complex objects, object identity, data manipulation to accessing nested sets and tuples, control primitives as while-do and if-then-else; FAD treates transient and persistent data uniformly; Bubba is implemented on a 40-node Flex/32 multicomputer. Category ={DBDmach> } }

@inproceedings{Borges1985, Author ={Borges,Marcos R.S.},
Title ={Towards a flexible mechanism for concurrency control in database systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the British National Conference on Databases 4, ; ACM CR 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.East Anglia (Norwich) semantic information used to modify concurrency control, comparative performances of the pessimistic (locking) versus optimistic approaches simulation only. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Borgida1984, Author ={Borgida,Alex},
Title ={Intelligent Handling of Exceptions in Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Borgida1985, Author ={Borgida,A.},
Title ={Features of Languages for the Development of Information Systems at the Conceptual Level},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Pages ="63--72",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel.6> DBDkb> DBDlang, DBfile} }

@article{Borgida1985:1, Author ={Borgida,Alexander},
Title ={Language Features for Flexible Handling of Exceptions in Information Systems},
Journal ={Rutgers Un., TR-LCSR-70, rev. .},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. Adding exception handling to database systems to deal with unusual, unknown, or otherwise exceptional attribute values. A semanticextension that may inspire KBMSers. I have a report in my office on the possibilities of this approach, by Alex Borgida of Rutgers. It's very readable, and it may inspire someone to cook up such ascheme of his or her own for Naxos, thesis, or whatever. -----Marianne W.W. Category ={DBDlang> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Borgida1987, Author ={Borgida,A., Jarke,M., Mylopoulos,J., Schmidt,J.W., and Vassiliou,Y.},
Title ={The Software Development Environment as a Knowledge Base Management System},
Institution ={Un.Passau, DCS, TR-Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersP-8710.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ at Un.Passau, Fak.Mathematik and Informatik (FRG) Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Borgida1989, Author ={Borgida,Alexander},
Title ={Type Systems for Querying Class Hierarchies with Non-Strict Inheritance},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Borgida1989:1, Author ={Borgida,A., Brachman,R.J., McGuiness,D.L., and Resnick,L.A.},
Title ={CLASSIC: A Structural Data Model for Objects},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs, (Murray Hill NJ) Descendant of KLONE, Complex objects defined by relationships to other objects, using constraints, generalizations. Supports open world assumption. Deals with incomplete knowledge (defaults) and some forward chaining. They make a point of being more restrictive than general logical databases for efficient implementation. ---T.Risch. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Borgida1993, Author ={Borgida,A. and Brachman,R.},
Title ={Loading Data Into Description Reasoners},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Borgida1992, Author ={Borgida,A. and Brachman,R.},
Title ={Customizable Classification Inference in the ProtoDL Description Management System},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Rutgers; ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Borner1987, Author ={Borner,S. and Studer,R.},
Title ={An Approach to Manage Large Inheritance Networks},
Note ={IBM, FRG, LILOG.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at IBM, Stuttgart FRG, LILOG Project Category ={DBDkb, LILOG box } }

@inproceedings{Borgwardt1986, Author ={Borgwardt,P. and Rea,D.},
Title ={Distributed Semi-Intelligent Backtracking for a Stack-based AND-parallel Prolog},
Booktitle ={IEEE-SLP 86, (Salt Lake City UT)},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Tektronix Labs; Un.Minnesota Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{BorlaSalamet1991, Author ={BorlaSalamet,P., Chachaty,C., and Dageville,B.},
Title ={Compiling Control into Database Queries for Parallel Execution Management},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Borning1979, Author ={Borning, Alan},
Title ={Thinglab --- A Constraint-Oriented Simulation Laboratory},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford Un., TR.STAN-CS-79-746.},
Year =1979, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3>} }

@inproceedings{Borr1981, Author ={Borr,A.J.},
Title ={Transaction Monitoring in ENCOMPASS: Reliable Distributed Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="155--165",
Annote ={at Tandem Computers Inc. (Cupertino CA) Category ={DBDtrans-4 @inproceedings{Borr1984, Author ={Borr,A.J.},
Title ={Robustness to Crash in a Distributed Database: A Non-Shared-Memory Multi-Processor Approach},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 10.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDtrans-4> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Boruch1972, Author ={Boruch.Robert F.},
Title ={Security of Information Processing --- Implications from Social Research},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1972, Pages ="425--433",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={at Northwestern Un. Category ={DBDprivacy.8>} }

@incollection{Bosch1993, Author ={Bosch,C., Gomaa,H., and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={Design and Construction of a Software Engineering Environment: Experiences with Eiffel},
Booktitle ={IEEE Readings in Object-Oriented Systems and Applications.},
Year =1993, Annote ={I3 Category ={DEng>} }

@article{Bosak1962, Author ={Bosak, Robert, et al},
Title ={An Information Algebra},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1962, Month Apr,
Pages ="190--204",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Texas Instruments Category ={DBDkb> at CODASYL Development Comm., Language Structure Group Early CODASYL concept paper defining data bases as relations in a multi-domain space with algebraic operations to solve file problems. Category ={DBDschema> %Bosak62 } }

@techreport{Bose1967, Author ={Bose,R.C.},
Title ={Lectures on Coding Theory},
Institution ={Tata Inst., Lecture Notes Series H31, Bombay .},
Year =1967, Annote ={ Mathematical derivation of error detecting and correcting code transformations. Category ={DBDtrans.3, book> } }

@article{Bose1969, Author ={Bose,R.C., Abraham,C.T., and Ghosh,S.P.},
Title ={File Organization of Records with Multiple-Valued Attributes for Multi-Attribute Queries},
Journal ={Combinatorial Mathematics and Its Application, UNC Press.},
Year =1969, Pages ="277--297",
Category ={DBFimpl.2.7>} }

@article{Bose1969:1, Author ={Bose,R.C. and Koch,Gary G.},
Title ={The Design of Combinatorial Information Retrieval Systems for Files with Multiple Valued Attributes},
Journal ={SIAM J. Appl. Math..},
Year =1969, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1203--1214",
Volume ="17",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFimpl.2.7, DBfile %Bose69} }

@book{Boss, Author ={Boss,Richard W.},
Title ={The library manager's guide to automation (3rd ed.)},
Publisher ={G.K. Hall, 202pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9102-0049.},
Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@article{Bottcher1986, Author ={Bottcher,S., Jarke,M. and Schmidt,J.W.},
Title ={Adaptative Predicate Managers in DB Systems},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at J.W.Goethe Un. (Frankfurt, FRG) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Bottcher1990, Author ={Bottcher,S.},
Title ={Attribute Inheritance Implemented on Top of a Relational Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM GmbH, FRG Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Bottom1985, Author ={Bottom, Joseph, Bernard,A., and Anderson,Kevin.},
Title ={The Art of Modeling},
Journal ={Datamation, 15.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="140--146",
Volume ="31",
Number ="22",
Annote ={at Touche Ross and Co. (San Francisco CA) survey of IBM PC based DBMS, specifically for application prototyping. Category ={DBDintro.0> } }

@techreport{Bouchon1987, Author ={Bouchon,Bernadette and Yager,Ronald R.(eds)},
Title ={Conference Internationale sur le Traitement d'Information et la Gestion d'Incertitudes dans les Syst\`emes a Base de Connaissances},
Institution ={IPMU, Paris France, Jun-.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at CNRS (Paris); Iona Coll. (New Rochelle NY) Extended Abstracts of an Uncertainty Conference, most are in English. A.o. papers (copied) by Lowrance,J.D.; Wesley,L.P. (both at SRI); Mellouli,K., Shafer,G., Shenoy,P.P.; Gallant,S.I., Frydenberg,M.; Belvedere,M. et al (ISInf.Bari); Prade,H., Testemale,C.; Ras,Z.W., Zemankova,M.; Oblow,E.M.; Smets,M., Magrez,P.; Clouaire,R.M.; Sabatier,P.C.; Steve,G.; Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb, x } }

@techreport{Boudol1987, Author ={Boudol,G. and Castellani,I.},
Title ={Concurrency and Atomicity},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-748.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={Procedural concurrency. Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Bougetta1992, Author ={Bougetta,A. and King,R.},
Title ={Large Multidatabases: Issues and Directions },
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Colorado at Boulder Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Bouguettaya1991, Author ={Bouguettaya,A. and Zhao,K.},
Title ={FINDIT: A Server Based Approach to Finding Information in Large Scale},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Bouguettaya1993, Author ={Bouguettaya,A., King,R., Galligan,D., and Simmons,J.},
Title ={Implementation of Interoperability in Large Multidatabases},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at University of Colorado Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Boullier1973, Author ={Boullier,P. and Jancene,P.},
Title ={LAMBDA, LAnguage pour la Manipulation d'une Base de Donnees Associative},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR.25.},
Year =1973, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IRIA, Le Chesnay (France) Extension to CPL (PL/1 like) to handle LEAP type associative processing. The direct access space is increased on demand. Category ={DBDquery>+ 3.5+ 4.6 } }

@book{Bourney1963, Author ={Bourney,Charles P.},
Title ={Methods of Information Handling},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-BeckerHayes.},
Year =1963, Annote ={at UCB Discuss basic library support systems. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@book{Bouros1985, Author ={Bouros,Michael P.},
Title ={Getting Into VSAM: An Introduction and Technical Reference},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 435pp.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Also includes descriptions of IBM hardware; VSAM recovery and protection. Category ={DBFimpl.4, QA76.9.V5.B68 } }

@book{Bouros1989, Author ={Bouros,Michael P.},
Title ={Getting Into VSAM: An Introduction and Technical Reference, 2nd edition},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 2nd ed., 464pp.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBFadvindex>} }

@article{Bouwman1983, Author ={Bouwman,Marinus J.},
Title ={Human Diagnostic Reasoning by Computer: An Illustration from Financial Analysis},
Journal ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS.},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Pages ="653--672",
Volume ="29",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Un.Oregon Decision-making computer programs that merely provide a final decision and fail to present the supporting argumentation. This article presents an approach basing them on human decision making behavior. Decision making processes of student financial analysts are captured. These traces are analyzed. The models are translated into computer programs. The model appears to perform in a similar manner as the human decision maker. Category ={DBDlang> DBDquery.2> } }

@techreport{Bouzeghoub1970, Author ={Bouzeghoub,Mokrane},
Title ={MORSE: A Functional Query Language and its Semantic Data Model},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, rep. 270.},
Year =1970, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery.3, DBfile} }

@incollection{Bouzeghoub1984, Author ={Bouzeghoub,M. and Gardarin.G.},
Title ={The Design of an Expert System for Database Design},
Booktitle ={`New Applications of Databases' Gardarin and Gelenbe(eds), Academic Press (New York NY), .},
Year =1984, Pages ="203--223",
Annote ={at INRIA SECSI uses simple French natural language (7 verbs) dialogue to obtain specs stored in frames. An inference engine creates relation schemas and constraints. From semantic network description of the application a relational schema is generated. Very simple Syntax of statements is used. Internal links are: INFO(object,categ), CONNEC(Obj1,obj2),INTG_CONST( contraint ...) and COMMENT(). There are also 4 classes of RULES: SIMPLIFICATION (for finding 1NF), DEPENDENCY, NORMALIZATION, OPTIMIZATION. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign> DEng> DBDops.4> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Bouzeghoub1984:1, Author ={Bouzeghoub,M., Gardarin,G., and Matais,E.},
Title ={SECSI: Une Application des Systemes Experts a la Conception des Bases de Donnees Relationnelles},
Booktitle ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique Bul., in french.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Number ="97",
Annote ={at INRIA Category ={DBDops.4> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Bouzeghoub1991, Author ={Bouzeghoub,M. and Metais,E.},
Title ={Semantic Modelling of Object Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ MORSE tool implements a design methodology based on a semantic network; methods generated are integrity, add, delete, fetch; MORSE can also generate relational schemas Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Bowen1991, Author ={Bowen,T., Gopal,G., Herman,G., Lee,K., and Mansfield,W.},
Title ={Achieving Throughput and Functionality in a Common Architecture: The Datacycle Experiment},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={unknown>} }

@unpublished{Bowie1979, Author ={Bowie,J. and Kerlin,D.},
Title ={A multi-clinic implementation of Costar V},
Note ={?},
Year =1979, Annote ={at MITRE Category ={MIS, DBfile} }

@article{Boyce1973, Author ={Boyce,R.F., Chamberlin,D.D., King,W.F. III, and Hammer,M.M.},
Title ={Specifying Queries as Relational Expressions: SQUARE},
Journal ={IBM, San Jose Res.R. RJ1291.},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Category ={DBDrel, xC@inproceedings{Boyce1974, Author ={Boyce,R.F. and Chamberlin,D.D.},
Title ={SEQUEL: A Structured English Query Language},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Pages ="249--264",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@techreport{Boyce1973:1, Author ={Boyce,R.F. and Chamberlin,D.D.},
Title ={Using a Structured English Query Language as a Data Definition Facility},
Institution ={Res.R. RJ1318, IBM Res., San Jose.},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ A data definition language that allows specification of relational structures, to work with a SEQUEL inquiry system. Category ={DBDrel.2, xC, CSD 005089, DBfile } }

@article{Boyd1963, Author ={Boyd,H.S. and Krasnow,D.F.},
Title ={Economic Evaluation of Management Information Systems},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1963, Month Mar,
Pages ="2--23",
Annote ={ Model of information flow in a large manufacturing system. Category ={DBFeval> } }

@article{Boyd1978, Author ={Boyd,D.L.},
Title ={Implementing Mass Storage Facilities in Operating Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1978, Month =Feb,
Pages ="40--45",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhard.1.4>} }

@article{Boyd1963:1, Author ={Boyd,D.F. and Krasnow,H.S.},
Title ={Economic Evaluation of Management Information Systems},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal,},
Year =1963, Month Mar,
Pages ="2--23",
Annote ={ Model of information flow in a large manufacturing system. Category ={DBFuse-2> } }

@article{Bozman1989, Author ={Bozman,Gerald P.},
Title ={VM/XA SP2 Minidisk Cache},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1989, Pages ="165--174",
Volume ="28",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Bracchi1970, Author ={Bracchi,G., Ferrari,D., and Somalvica,M.},
Title ={A Multilevel Data Structure for Complex Hierarchies of Interrelated Data},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Houston TX.},
Year =1970, Pages ="246--275",
Category ={DBFtrees.5>} }

@article{Bracchi1974, Author ={Bracchi,G., Fedeli,A., and Paolini,P.},
Title ={A Relational Data Base Management System},
Journal ={Klimbie74 and Koffeman (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Polit.Milano Description of a data base manipulation system to be built from modules (MORIS) and a related Information Retrieval System (COLARD). Category ={DBDrel> DBDquery> DBFstorage>%Bracchi 72 } }

@inproceedings{Bracchi1972, Author ={Bracchi,G., Fedili,A., and Paolini,P.},
Title ={A Language for a Relational Data Base Management System},
Booktitle ={Proc.Sixth Ann. Princeton Conf. on Inf. Sciences and Systems,},
Year =1972, Annote ={ at Polit.Milano, Inst.Electtrotecnica e Elettronics (Milano, Italy) Category ={DBDschema.1, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Bracchi1975, Author ={Bracchi,G., Paolini,P., and Pelagatti,G.},
Title ={Data Independent Descriptions and the DDL Specifications},
Booktitle ={Data Base Description, Douque and Nijssen(eds), N-H (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1975, Annote ={Critique of the CODASYL DBTG DDL Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Bracchi1976, Author ={Bracchi,G., Paolini,P., and Pelagatti,G.},
Title ={Binary Logical Associations in Data Modelling},
Booktitle ={Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, Nijssen(ed).},
Year =1976, Annote ={ A paper usually referred to when people discuss binary data models. However, the main theme of the paper is the necessity of giving the Enterprise Administrator as much as flexibility as possible in designing the Conceptual Schema, to suit the needs of various users. Emphasizes problems of 'logical consistency' (mapping of external schema to conceptual schema --- queries and updates), and 'physical consistency' (mapping of conceptual schema to internal schema). Points out the limitations of the network and relational models in this respect. Puts forward 'Binary Logical Associations'as a better model for Conceptual Schema design. Tries to show by examples that it is the most suitable. Not too well written, especially section II. One needs to keep in mind the key ideas given above, and see how the authors substantiate their positions. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@book{Bracchi1978, Author ={Bracchi,G. and Lockeman,P.C.(eds)},
Title ={Information Systems Methodology},
Publisher ={LNCS, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), 696pp.},
Year =1978, Volume ="65",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Bracchi1979, Author ={Bracchi,G. and Nijssen,G.M.(eds)},
Title ={Data Base Architecture},
Publisher ={N-H .},
Year =1979, Annote ={ Proc.of IFIP TC-2 Working Group Conf.(No.5), Venice, 26 Jun.1979, 342pp. Contributors: G.Gardarin, M.Jouve, S.A.Mahmoud, R.Munz, G.Pelagatti, J.S.Riodan, F.A.Schreiber, K.C.Toth. Integrity Contributors: C.Bachman, G.Colliat, D.B.Lomet, J.S.Nauman. Recovery Contributors: T.Harder, A.Reuter, G.Schlageter, J.S.M.Verhofstad Multilevel Architectures of Database Systems Contributors: F.Bancilhon, L.I.Mercz, C.Zaniolo. Database Languages Contributors: T.Amble, K.Bratbergsengen, B.Breutmann, E.Falkenberg, R.Mauer, O.Risnes. Models for Conceptual Schema Contributors: H.Biller, R.K.Stamper, Y.Tanaka. Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Bracchi1983, Author ={Bracchi,G. and Pernici,B.},
Title ={SOS: A Conceptual Model for Office Information System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Database Week, San Jose, May .},
Year =1983, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Bracchi1983:1, Author ={Bracchi,G. and Pernici,B.},
Title ={Methodologies and Models for Office Information Systems and Conceptual Design},
Institution ={Polit.Milano, Dep.Elettronica Res.R..},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Category ={DBDmodel.0, Pernici file} }

@article{Bracchi1985, Author ={Bracchi,G. and Pernici,B.},
Title ={The Design Requirements of Office Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="151--170",
Volume ="2",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBappl, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Bracha1983, Author ={Bracha,G. and Toueg,S.},
Title ={Resilient Consensus Protcols},
Booktitle ={Symp.on Principles of Distributed Systems, Montreal.},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Pages ="12--26",
Annote ={at Cornell Un. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Brachman1980, Author ={Brachman,R.J. and Smith,B.C.(eds)},
Title ={Special Issue on Knowledge Representation},
Journal ={SIGART Newsletter(70).},
Year =1980, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Brachman1981, Author ={Brachman,R.J. and Israel,D.J.},
Title ={KL-ONE Overview and Philosophy},
Booktitle ={Woods(ed) `Research in Knowledge Representation for Natural Language Understanding'.},
Year =1981, Pages ="5--26",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Brachman1983, Author ={Brachman,R.J., Fikes,R.E., and Levesque,H.J.},
Title ={KRYPTON: A Functional Approach to Knowledge Representation},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="67--73",
Volume ="16",
Number ="10",
Annote ={ Definitional knowledge -- terms Tbox, Abox is for data -- assertions. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3> } }

@article{Brachman1983:1, Author ={Brachman,Ron},
Title ={What Is-A Is and Isn't: An Analysis of Taxonomic Links in Semantic Networks},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Volume ="16",
Number ="10",
Annote ={ discusses several different meanings of Is-A in the literature. ---Xiaolei Category ={DBDkb> } }

@incollection{Brachman1984, Author ={Brachman,R.J., Levesque,H., and Patel-Schneider,P.F.},
Title ={What makes a Knowledge Base Knowledgeable? A view of Databases from the Knowledge Level},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at Fairchild, Lab.for AI Research (Palo Alto CA) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Brachman1985, Author ={Brachman,R.},
Title ={`I lied about the Trees' or, Defaults and Definitions in Knowledge Representation},
Journal ={AI Magazine, Fall.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ the need of definitional capability in frame representation systems. Frames repesenting PROTOTYPE concept (such as TYPICAL mammal), as opposed to definitional concept, allos representation of exceptions by cancellation of attributes and/or overriding of default attribute values in inheritance mechanism. However, with this prototype capability alone, we cannot express exceptionless universally quantified statements like `Every Four_Legged_Mammal has the attribute 'Number_of_legs' and its value of 4', since the attribute 'Number_of_legs' can be cancelled(disappear) or the value of 4 be overridden in more specialized frames down from the frame Four_Legged_Mammal. To augment the prototype representation capability with definitional one, we should be able to declare SACREDNESS (as opposed to cancellable or overridable) on attribute and/or its value. Four types of slots are conceivable according to the degree of sacredness : I. Sacred attribute and sacred attribute value (to express `Every Four_Legged_Mammal has the attribute 'Number_Of_Legs' and its value of 4') II. Sacred attribute and overridable default value (Once the attribute in parent frame is inherited to child frame without cancellation, the value specified in the parent frame should be inherited, too.) IV. Cancellable attribute and overridable default value. Recognition of different types of slot gives the different degree of belief by interpreter. Inheritance Constraint : In inheriting attribute from parent frame to child frame, cancellable attribute may be inherited cancellable or converted to sacred attribute. The same for inheritance of the attribute value: The overridable default value may be inherited as overridable default value or converted to sacred value. However, the sacred attribute or attribute value should be inherited sacred in child frame. In addition to giving the different degrees of belief in interpretation, recognition of different types of slots and imposing inheritance constraint also helps the process of structuring and maintenance of knowledge easier. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Brachman1985:1, Author ={Brachman,R.J. and Schmolze,J.G.},
Title ={An Overview of the KL-ONE Knowledge Representation Scheme},
Journal ={Cognitive Science, vol.9 no.2.},
Year =1985, Pages ="322--346",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Brackett1986, Author ={Brackett,Michael H.},
Title ={Developing Data Structured Databases},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 226pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBDkb> dated and dull --- A.Berztiss. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@book{Brackett1990, Author ={Brackett,Michael H.},
Title ={Practical Data Design},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 592pp.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Bradburn1987, Author ={Bradburn,N.M. Rips,L.J., and Shevell,S.K.},
Title ={Answering Autobiographical Questions: The Impact of Memory and Inference on Surveys},
Journal ={Science, 10 ,},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Pages ="157--161",
Volume ="236",
Number ="4798",
Annote ={ may be relevant to research on knowledge acquisition from experts. Gio Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Bradley1978, Author ={Bradley,J.},
Title ={Operations in Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Berlin FRG.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ a process entity class incorporates the time dimension. Temporal extension of CODASYL. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Bradley1978:1, Author ={Bradley,J.},
Title ={An Extended Owner-Coupled Set Data Model and Predicate Calculus for Database Management},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Pages ="385--416",
Volume ="3",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Bradley1981, Author ={Bradley,J.},
Title ={Application of A User-Friendliness Measure to The SQL and EOS Data Base Retrieval},
Booktitle ={Proc.Canadian Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf Society Conf., Waterloo Ontario.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="921-927",
Annote ={at Un.Calgary (Canada) Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{Bradley1982, Author ={Bradley,J.},
Title ={SQL/N: A Natural Quantifier Extension to SQL},
Booktitle ={rcvd. .},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDrel.2.3, DBfile} }

@article{Bradley1982:1, Author ={Bradley,James},
Title ={The Elusive Relation},
Journal ={Computer World, `In Depth'.},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--16",
Category ={DBDtheory.2, from WICS class, DBfile} }

@article{Bradley1983, Author ={Bradley,James},
Title ={Application of SQL/N to the Attribute-relation Associations Implicit in Functional Dependencies},
Journal ={IJConference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP.},
Year =1983, Pages ="65--86",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at U.Calgary, Canada Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDquery.2, DBfile } }

@article{Bradley1987, Author ={Bradley,James},
Title ={Relationship Relations and Natural Quantification in Relational Databases},
Journal ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Bradley1985, Author ={Bradley,James},
Title ={Use of Mean Distance between Overflow Records to Compute Average Search Lengths in Hash files with Open Adressing},
Journal ={to appear in Computer Journal.},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile} }

@techreport{Bradley1985:1, Author ={Bradley,James},
Title ={Application of SQL/N and Association Modes to Data Bases Containing Recursive Associations},
Institution ={Un.Calgary, DCS, TR.8520215.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDquery.2, DBfile} }

@article{Bradley1988, Author ={Bradley,J.},
Title ={A Group-Select Operation for Relational Algebra and Implications for Database Machine Design},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="126--129",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Calgary The quantity of tuples for the operation is specified. Category ={DBDops> DBFmach> DBDrel, DBfile } }

@article{Bradley1986, Author ={Bradley,J.},
Title ={Join Dependencies in Relational Data Bases and the Geometry of Spatial Grids},
Journal ={Computer J., pp.388.},
Year =1986, Volume ="29",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Bradley1987:1, Author ={Bradley,James},
Title ={Polygon Join Dependencies, Closed Co-Relationship Chains and the Connection Trap in Relational Databases},
Journal ={Accepted by Computer J.. Fall .},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Un.Calgary connections where neither field is a ruling part Category ={DBDtheory> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Bradley1987:2, Author ={Bradley,J.},
Title ={A Fundamental Classification of Relationships in Relational Data Bases},
Journal ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@book{Bradley1987:3, Author ={Bradley,James},
Title ={Introduction to Database Management in Business},
Publisher ={CBS College Publ., 2nd ed., 669pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8803-0157.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Good choice for a senior-level college course in Database Management in a DPMA or an ACM curriculum. SQL is on-line series and using COBOL as a host. IDMS/R is used to illustrate CODASYL DBTG. INTELLECT is presented. A relational form without modification anomalies. A hierarchical normal-form classification scheme. Advocates attaining fourth normal form. ---D.Mitchell. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Bradley1988:1, Author ={Bradley,J.},
Title ={Co-relationships, levels of Significance, and the Source of the Connection Trap in Relational Data Bases},
Journal ={rcvd .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Bradley1988:2, Author ={Bradley,J.},
Title ={A Group-Select Operation for Relational Algebra and Implications for Database Machine Design},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), to appear .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDops, DBfile} }

@book{Bradley1988:3, Author ={Bradley,J.},
Title ={Business File Processing},
Publisher ={Mitchell Publ. Inc. (Santa Cruz CA), 400pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8810-0748.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ File processing using COBOL, ISAM, VSAM, CICS and SQL. Lacks generality. Wiederhold's book is substantially better. ---Babilonia. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Bradshaw1983, Author ={Bradshaw,G.F., Langley,P.W., and Simon,H.A.},
Title ={Studying Scientific Discovery by Computer Simulation},
Journal ={Science.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="971--987",
Volume ="222",
Number ="4627",
Annote ={at CMU Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Braegger1985, Author ={Braegger,R.P., Dudler,A.M., Rebsamen,J., and Zehnder,C.A.},
Title ={GAMBIT: An Interactive Database Design Tool for Data Structures, Integrity Constraints, and Transactions},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="574--583",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Braegger1987, Author ={Braegger, Richard P.},
Title ={Wissensbasierte Werkzeuge fur den Datenbank-Entwurf in German},
Institution ={PhD Th., ETH Zurich,},
Year =1987, Annote ={Knowledge-based tools for database design. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb, PhD shelf } }

@article{Brainerd1978, Author ={Brainerd,W.(ed)},
Title ={FORTRAN 77},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1978, Month =Oct,
Pages ="806--820",
Volume ="21",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Burroughs I-O and OPEN statements. Category ={DBFhybrid.1> } }

@book{Braithwaite1985, Author ={Braithwaite,Ken S.},
Title ={Data Administration: Selected Topics of Data Control},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 220pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8511-1007.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Un.Alberta Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@book{Braithwaite1988, Author ={Braithwaite,Ken.S.},
Title ={Analysis, design, and implementation of data dictionaries},
Publisher ={McGrawHill, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8809-0665.},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@book{Braithwaite1990, Author ={Braithwaite,Ken S.},
Title ={Database Environment},
Publisher ={Van Nostrand Reinhold Co., 274pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ Data Administration, Data Dictionary, Business Systems Planning, Security Controls, Disaster Recovery Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@book{Braithwaite1989, Author ={Braithwaite,Ken S.},
Title ={Systems Design in a Database Environment},
Publisher ={Intertext-McGrawHill, 308pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9211-0849.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ businesspersons's perspective; pictorial techniques Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Brahmadathan1989, Author ={Brahmadathan,K. and Ramarao,K.V.S.},
Title ={Read-Only Transactions in Partitioned Replicated Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Brajnik1986, Author ={Brajnik,G., Guida,G., and Tasso,C.},
Title ={Design and Experimentation of IR-NLI: an Intelligent User Interface to Bibliographic Databases},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Udine (Italy) Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Bramer1985, Author ={Bramer and Bramer},
Title ={The Fifth Generation: an annotated Bibliography},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDkb, Z5640.B73} }

@article{Brandejs1983, Author ={Brandejs,Jan F.},
Title ={Phoenix- Oracle-Based Hospital Decision Support System},
Journal ={International Oracle Users Group Conference.},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at NRC (Canada) Category ={MIS>} }

@techreport{Brandt1988, Author ={Brandt,J., Damgard,I.B., and Landrock,P.},
Title ={Anonymous and Verifiable Registration in Databases},
Institution ={TR-DArtificial Intelligence in MedicineI PB-249.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Annote ={at Aarhus Un., CSD, Denmark Privacy protection of identifiers by encryption Category ={DBFrepresent, DBfile } }

@article{Brandwain1981, Author ={Brandwain,Alexandre},
Title ={Models of DASD Subsystems: Basic Model of Reconnection},
Journal ={Perform. Eval..},
Year =1981, Month =Nov,
Pages ="23--281",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Amdahl Corp, Sunnyvale,CA The treatment is based on reconnection with a single blocking point, so that the delay due to missed reconnections can be handled fairly accurately. Other assumptions of the model include: 1) all I/O requests are statistically identical; 2) the dependence of the seek time on the number of I/O requests is not taken into consideration; 3) those I/O requests which find the I/O path busy are not expected to be reissued by the CPU; 4) after a reconnection is established, the time spent for searching the data-identifier key is treated as part of the transfer time; and 5) in the normal cases the transfer times are represented by random variables with an exponential distribution. Category ={DBFmethods.2> DBFmethods.5> DBDdist> } }

@article{Brandwajn1983, Author ={Brandwajn,A.},
Title ={Models of DASD Subsystems with Multiple Access Paths: A throughput-Driven Approach},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-32 .},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="451--463",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Amdahl Corp. Category ={DBFstorage-3> DBFsyseval.4>} }

@article{Branstan1973, Author ={Branstan,D.K.},
Title ={Privacy and Protection in Operating Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer,},
Year =1973, Month =Jan,
Pages ="43--46",
Annote ={at National Security Agency A short report on a workshop on privacy and protection held in Princeton (NJ), Jun.1972. Category ={DBDprivacy.1> } }

@inproceedings{Brant1991, Author ={Brant,D.A., Grose,T., Lofaso,B., and Miranker,D.P.},
Title ={Effects of Database Size on Rule System Performance: Five Case Studies},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ compare two systems: TREAT and LEAPS, a lazy machine algorithm; lazy improves performance Category ={DBDkb> DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Brant1993, Author ={Brant,D. and Miranker,D.},
Title ={Index Support for Rule Activation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Brantley1984, Author ={Brantley,Jr,B. Alton},
Title ={Issues Concerning Practical Applications of Expert Database Systems in Medicine},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Duke Un., Medical Ctr Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Bratsberg1990, Author ={Bratsberg,S.},
Title ={FOOD: Supporting explicit relations in a Fully Object-Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at The Norwegian Inst.of Technology Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Bratsberg1992, Author ={Bratsberg,S.E.},
Title ={Unified Class Evolution by Object-Oriented Views},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Bratbergsengen1984, Author ={Bratbergsengen,K.},
Title ={Hashing Methods and Relational Algebra Operations},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 10, Singapore.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Pages ="323--333",
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Bratbergsengen1989, Author ={Bratbergsengen,K. and Gjelsvik,T.},
Title ={The Development of the CROSS8 and HC16-186 Parallel (Database) Computers},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at The Norwegian Inst.of Technology, Norway Category ={DBFmach> } }

@book{Brathwaite1988, Author ={Brathwaite,Ken S.},
Title ={Analysis, Design and Implementation of Data Dictionaries},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 214pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8809-0665.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ at Un.Alberta and Software Design Assoc. (Union NJ) Users should construct their own in-house dictionary system. This premise is not convincing. --W.McGee. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@techreport{Brauner1984, Author ={Brauner,K. and Briggs,D.},
Title ={The Second Draft Report of the Ad hoc Committee on the Contents and Methodology of the IGES Version 3},
Institution ={Boeing Memo CAT-4734, 72pp.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Boeing Airplane Co. The Second PDES Report: Graphics Excange Specification suitable for CAD/CAM. Category ={EIS> Image, DBfile } }

@article{Bray1976, Author ={Bray,O.H.},
Title ={Distributed data base design considerations},
Journal ={Trends and Applications: Computer Networks; IEEE CS,},
Year =1976, Pages ="162--169",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Bray1982, Author ={Bray,Olin H.},
Title ={Distributed Database Management Systems},
Publisher ={, 176pp.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDdist, QA76.9.D3B712.} }

@article{BreazuTannen1991, Author ={BreazuTannen,V., Buneman, P., and Ohori,A.},
Title ={Data Structures and Data Types for Object-Oriented Databases},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{BreazuTannen1992, Author ={BreazuTannen,V., Buneman,P., and Wong,L.},
Title ={Naturally Embedded Query Languages},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@techreport{Breiman1984, Author ={Breiman,L., Friedman,J.H., Olshen,R.A. and Stone,C.J.},
Title ={Classification and Regression Trees},
Institution ={Wadsworth International, Monterey, CA .},
Year =1984, Annote ={cart algorithm Category ={DBFmethods>} }

@inproceedings{Breitbart1984, Author ={Breitbart,Y.J. and Tieman,L.R.},
Title ={ADDS --- Heterogeneous Distributed Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Seminar on Distributed Data Sharing Systems 3, Schreiber,Litwin(eds), Parma, Italy, N-H, 1985.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="7--24",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Breitbart1986, Author ={Breitbart,Y., Olson,P.L., and Thompson,G.R.},
Title ={Database Integration in a Distributed Heterogeneous Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={experience at AMOCO Category ={DBDdesign.5> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Breitbart1987, Author ={Breitbart,Y., Silberschatz,A., and Thompson,G.},
Title ={An Update Mechanism for Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="12--18",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Kentucky, CSD FAUVE federated. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Breitbart1988, Author ={Breitbart,Y. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Multidatabase update issues},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data, pp 135--142.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Breitbart1988:1, Author ={Breitbart,Y. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Multidatabase Systems with a Decentralized Concurrency Control Scheme},
Journal ={IEEE CS Dist.Processing TC Newsletter.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="35--41",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Kentucky, DCS FAUVE. Locks are released by a global transaction only after that transaction completes its execution at each local site. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@incollection{Breitbart1989, Author ={Breitbart,Y., Silberschatz,A., and Thompson,G.R.},
Title ={Transactions managements issues in autonomous heterogeneous DBMS},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Proof of correctness of independent global control under several assumptions - no failure, global serial operation. Category ={DBDtrans> DBDdist> } }

@incollection{Breitbart1989:1, Author ={Breitbart,Y., Morales,H., Silberschatz,A., and Thompson,G.R.},
Title ={Multidatabase performance evaluation},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Federated concurrency cost of Ries 77 and Breitbart 89. Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Breitbart1990, Author ={Breitbart,Y., Silberschatz,A., and Thompson,G.R.},
Title ={Reliable Transaction Management in a Multidatabase System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Kentucky Fauve, requires new prepare command, another partial solution for federated systems. Does not handle network partition. Recovery procedures that retain global database consistency. Partition data into local and globally updatable items, also read restriction. Category ={DBDtrans> DBDdist> } }

@unpublished{Breitbart1990:1, Author ={Breitbart,Y., Georgakopoulos,D., Rusinkiewicz,M., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Rigorous Scheduling in Multidatabase Transactions},
Note ={Workshop in Multidatabases and Semantic Interoperability, Tulsa.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ rigorous requires strictness and analogous execution and serialization order in all sites, and makes guarantees in federated databases possible; 2PL and conservative timestamp algorithms can satisfy rigorousness strictness means that no data item may be read or written until the transactions that previously wrote it, commit or abort Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc> } }

@techreport{Breitbart1990:2, Author ={Breitbart,Y., Garcia-Molina,H., Litwin,W., et al.},
Title ={Final Report of the Workshop on Multidatabases and Semantic Interoperability },
Institution ={Cosi Workshop, Tulsa,OK.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Breitbart1992, Author ={Breitbart,Y., Silberschatz,A., and Thompson,G.},
Title ={An Approach to Recovery Management in a Multidatabase System},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) J.},
Year =1992, Month =Jul,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ local transactions to execute outside the multidatabase system control; schema based on local database systems use of two-phase locking; can provide local transaction atomicity and freedom from global deadlocks Category ={DBDtrans> DBDreliab> } }

@inproceedings{Breiteneder1990, Author ={Breiteneder,C. and Mueck,T.},
Title ={Performing Logical Database Design Using and E-R Graph Rewriting System},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Vienna generate relational schemas Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{Brennan1969, Author ={Brennan,J.F.},
Title ={The Self Repairing Computer},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R.,},
Year =1969, Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Introduction to error correction techniques. Category ={DBDtrans.3, xB11> } }

@inproceedings{Brenner1967, Author ={Brenner,H.},
Title ={On Designing Generalized File Records for Management Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1967, Pages ="291--304",
Volume ="31",
Category ={DBDschema>%Brenner67} }

@techreport{Brenner1978, Author ={Brenner,J.B.},
Title ={A General Model for Integrity Control},
Institution ={ICL Technical Journal, issue 1.},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Pages ="71--89",
Annote ={at ICL Product Development Group (Manchester) projection of integrity control of ICL 2900 IDMS to distributed systems. Category ={DBDintegrity.3> } }

@article{Bretholz1985, Author ={Bretholz,E. and Rotem,D.},
Title ={Data base design with th constrained multiple attribute tree},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1985, Pages ="47--56",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo (Canada) minimum average number of pages per query satisfying the storage constraint. Assumptions: independent assumption, proportionality assumption. ---Kriegel. Category ={DBDdesign> DBFtree, xissue } }

@article{Breutmann1979, Author ={Breutmann,B., Falkenberg,E.F., and Mauer,R.},
Title ={CSL: A Language of Defining Conceptual Schemas},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP WC on Data Base Architecture, N-H.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDschema.1>} }

@article{Brewer1968, Author ={Brewer,Susan},
Title ={Data Base or Data Maze --- An Exploration of Entry Points},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1968, Pages ="623--630",
Annote ={at General Electric (Phoenix) Simple review of file organization methods. Category ={DBFseq.0> } }

@inproceedings{Briandais1959, Author ={Briandais,Renee de la},
Title ={File Searching Using Variable Length Keys},
Booktitle ={Proc. WJCC, AFIPS.},
Year =1959, Pages ="295--298",
Volume ="15",
Annote ={ Description of 'trie' structures, branching based on character values implemented on a drum computer for a FORTRAN compiler. Category ={DBFimpl.2.7> } }

@techreport{Brictson1967, Author ={Brictson,R.C.},
Title ={Some Thoughts on the Social Implications of Computers and Privacy},
Institution ={SP 2953, SDC.},
Year =1967, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at SDC Category ={DBDprivacy.0>} }

@techreport{Briggs, Author ={Briggs,David A.},
Title ={A Reconsideration of the Termination Conditions of the Henschen-Naqvi Technique},
Institution ={U.Mass, COINS, TR-87-11.},
Annote ={at U.Massachusetts, Amherst Gives an example database (containing cyclic relations) and query on which the algorithm given in Henschen and Naqvi's January 1984 JACM paper terminates before all answers have been produced. Also describes a condition sufficient to guarantee that all answers have been produced. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Briggs1990, Author ={Briggs,David A.},
Title ={A Correction of the Termination Conditions of the Henschen-Naqvi Technique},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.S.Maine Datalog database, it in some cases fails to produce all answers on recursively defined relations; the cause of failure is noted and a correction is described Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@article{Briggs1982, Author ={Briggs,Faye A., Hwang,Kai, and Wah,Benjamin W.},
Title ={PUMPS Architecture for Pattern Analysis and Image Database Management},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol.C-31 .},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Pages ="969-982",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Rice Un.; Purdue Un. Category ={DBappl> Image>} }

@inproceedings{Brill1984, Author ={Brill,D., and Templeton,M.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Distributed Query Processing Strategies in Mermaid},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at SDC} }

@inproceedings{Bright1976, Author ={Bright,H.S. and Enisa,R.L.},
Title ={Cryptography using Modular Software Elements},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1976, Pages ="113--123",
Volume ="45",
Annote ={random number driven keys Category ={DBFrepresent-5.3>} }

@inproceedings{Bright1991, Author ={Bright,M. and Hurson,A.},
Title ={Linguistic Support for Semantic Identification and Interpretation in Multidatabases},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{BrinchHansen1972, Author ={BrinchHansen,Per},
Title ={A Comparison of Two Synchronizing Concepts},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Pages ="190--199",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={Monitors versus semaphores. See also comment in Acta Inf., Vol.1 No.4 by Courtois,P.J., Heymans,F., and Parnas,D.L. Also, reply to Acta Inf., Vol.2 No.2, pp.189--190, Aug.1973 Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@book{BrinchHansen1973, Author ={BrinchHansen,Per},
Title ={Operating System Principles},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 366pp.},
Year =1973, Annote ={ Includes material from earlier papers; some allocation and queuing. Category ={DBFintro> DBFtechn.4> DBFtechn.5> %Brinch Hansen73 } }

@article{BrinchHansen1973:1, Author ={BrinchHansen,Per},
Title ={Concurrent Programming Concepts},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys,},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Pages ="223--245",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at CalTech (Pasadena CA) Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Brinkhoff1993, Author ={Brinkhoff,T., Kriegel,H., and Schneider,R.},
Title ={Comparison of Approximations of Complex Objects used for Approximation-based Query Processing in Spatial Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Munich Category ={DBDquery} }

@manual{British1977, Author ={British Computer Society},
Title ={Report of Data Dictionary Systems Working Party},
Organization ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record, pp.24.},
Year =1977, Volume ="9",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Britton1990, Author ={Britton,Chris},
Title ={Database design problems with object-oriented databases},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Unisys problems and fixes in object-oriented design Category ={DBDobject> } }

@techreport{Britts1986, Author ={Britts,Stephan},
Title ={Dialog Management in Interactive Systems: A Comparative Survey},
Institution ={Un.Stockholm, Syslab Report .},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Number ="45",
Annote ={at Syslab Category ={DBDlang, DBfile Syslab} }

@techreport{Britts1986:1, Author ={Britts,S. and Ahlsen,M.},
Title ={An Architecture for Dialog Management in Opal},
Institution ={Syslab Rep. 43.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Syslab Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile Syslab} }

@article{Brodetskiy1985, Author ={Brodetskiy,G.L. and Shchetinin,I.Ye.},
Title ={Selection of Optimal Period for Storage of Information with Random Interruptions of a Computational Process},
Journal ={Doklady Akademii nauk Ukrainskoy SSR, Seriya A Fiziko-mathematicheskiye i tekhnicheskiye nauki.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="62--65",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Kiev Constr. Engrg. Inst. Optimal backup period given random memory failure, including error effects of interrupts. Category ={DBDrel, FASAC 21 } }

@techreport{Brodie1978, Author ={Brodie,Michael L.},
Title ={Specification and Verification of Data Base Semantic Integrity},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Toronto, TR.CSRG-91.},
Year =1978, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Data typing and relationship mapping. A schema language, BETA, to express the constraints, including universal and existential quantitative assertations. Some notes on schema design. Category ={DBDschema.2> DBDdesign> DBDintegrity.2> } }

@inproceedings{Brodie1980, Author ={Brodie,M.L.},
Title ={Data Abstraction, Databases and Conceptual Modelling},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="105--108",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland, DCS Motivations and objectives for the High Level Abstraction Workshop, Jun.1980 at Pingree Park, and summarizes the discussions on Artificial Intelligence, Databases, and Programming Languages. Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDkb> DBDdesign> } }

@book{Brodie1980:1, Author ={Brodie,M.L.},
Title ={Data Abstraction, Databases, and Conceptual Modelling: An Annotated Bibliography},
Publisher ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). Special Publication 500-59.},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Annote ={ The bibliography contains entries for over 350 books, articles, and papers. Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDdesign, Ref. shelf Marine Road } }

@techreport{Brodie1981, Author ={Brodie,M.L. and Zilles,S.N.(eds)},
Title ={Proc.Workshop on Data Abstraction, Databases and Conceptual Modelling},
Institution ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record, also ACM-SIGART Newsletter No.24, ACM-SIGPLAN Notices Vol.16 No.1, ACM order No.47800, 211pp.},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland, College Park (MD); IBM, San Jose Proc.of the workshop on data abstraction and modeling, held 23-26 Jun.1980 at Pingree Park CO. Many tutorials. An effort is made to define terms throughout, but the models used remain quite inconsistent. Category ={DBDmodel.0> } }

@article{Brodie1981:1, Author ={Brodie,M.L.},
Title ={On Modelling Behavioural Semantics of Databases},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7.},
Year =1981, Pages ="32--43",
Category ={DBDops.4> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Brodie1981:2, Author ={Brodie,M.L. and Schmidt,J.W.(eds)},
Title ={Final Report of the ANSI/X3/SPARC DBS-SG Relational Database Task Group},
Booktitle ={Doc. No.SPARC-81-690, available from Nat.Technical Information Service, US Dep.Commerce (Springfield VA).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ recommends that a functional standard should be developed. includes survey of relational systems: IDM, INGRES, MRDS, MRS, NOMAD, ORACLE, PASCAL/R, PRTV, RAPPORT, SYSTEM R (SQL), QBE, RAPID and cites a total of 60. Many references. Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDintro.1> } }

@inproceedings{Brodie1982, Author ={Brodie,M.L., Bjorner,D., Buneman,P., Dosch,W., and Furtado,A.},
Title ={Type Specification and Databases: Topic Outline for a Panel},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDschema.2, DBfile} }

@article{Brodie1983, Author ={Brodie,Michael L.},
Title ={Research Issues in Database Specification},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Pages ="42--45",
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDmodel.0>} }

@book{Brodie1984, Author ={Brodie,M.L., Mylopoulos,J. and Schmidt,J.},
Title ={Perspectives in Conceptual Modelling},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), in press .},
Year =1984, Annote ={ Contains papers derived from Pingree conference on Conceptual Modeling: Perspectives from Artificial Intelligence, Databases,and Programming Languages. Levesque,H. .... Category ={DBDmodel.0> DBDkb> } }

@incollection{Brodie1984:1, Author ={Brodie,M. and Jarke,M.},
Title ={On Integrating Logic Programming and Databases},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at CCA and New York Un., Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Brodie1984:2, Author ={Brodie,M.L. and Ridjanovic,D.},
Title ={A Strict Database Transaction Design Methodology},
Institution ={report .},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at CCA; Un.Minnesota Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBDtrans.4, DBfile } }

@techreport{Brodie1984:3, Author ={Brodie,M.L. and Ridjanovic,D.},
Title ={Fundamental Concepts for Semantic Modelling of Objects},
Institution ={report .},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ 'Extended Semantic Hierarchy Model' (SHM+) for structural and operational properties. Starting with a small number of primitives, precisely defined constructors are used to design object and operation hierarchies. Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel.0> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@techreport{Brodie1984:4, Author ={Brodie,M.L. and Ridjanovic,D.},
Title ={Functional Specification and Verification of Database Transactions},
Institution ={report .},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDmodel.0> DBDtrans.4, DBfile} }

@book{Brodie1986, Author ={Brodie,M.L. and Mylopoulos,J.},
Title ={On Knowledge Base Management Systems, Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={Proc. of 1985 Islamorada Workshop. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Brodie1989, Author ={Brodie,M.L., Bobrow,D., Lesser,V., Madnick,S., Tsichritzis,D. and Hewitt,C},
Title ={Future Artificial Intelligence Requirements for Intelligent Database Systems},
Journal ={to appear in Conference on Expert Database Systems Proc. 2nd Conf., Benjamin/Cummings Publishers (ed),},
Year =1989, Annote ={at GTE Labs Inc. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@incollection{Brodie1990, Author ={Brodie, M.L. et al.},
Title ={Next Generation Database Management Systems Technology},
Booktitle ={in Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases, W. Kim, J-M Nicolas, S. Nishio, (eds.), Elsevier Science Publishers.},
Year =1990, Annote = {} }

@inproceedings{Brodie1991, Author ={Brodie,M.},
Title ={Distributed Object Management Research},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Second Telecommunications Information Networking Architecture (TINA) Workshop, pp. 297-303, Chantilly, France.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Brodie1991:1, Author ={Brodie,M. and Hornick,M.},
Title ={An Interoperability Development Environment For Intelligent Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Int. Workshop on the Development of Intelligent Inf.Systems.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Brodie1992, Author ={Brodie,M.L. and Mylopoulos,J.},
Title ={Artificial Intelligence and Databases: Dawn, Midday, or Sunset?},
Journal ={Canadian Information ProcessingInformatique Canadienne, Aug..},
Year =1992, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Brodie1992:1, Author ={Brodie,M.L.},
Title ={The Promise of Distributed Computing and the Challenges of Legacy Systems},
Booktitle ={in P.M.D. Gray and R.J. Lucas (eds.) Advanced Database Systems: Proceedings of the 10th British National Conference on Databases, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA)-Verlag, New York/Heidelburg.},
Year =1992, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Brodie1992:2, Author ={Brodie,M.L. and Ceri,S.},
Title ={On Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems},
Journal ={Int. J. of Intelligent and Cooperative Inf. Syst 1, 2 Sept..},
Year =1992, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Brodie1992:3, Author ={Brodie,Michael},
Title ={The Promise of Distributed Computing and Challenge of Legacy Systems},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Brodsky1989, Author ={Brodsky,A. and Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={Inference of Monotonicity Constraints in Datalog Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Brodsky1989:1, Author ={Brodsky,A. and Sagiv,Y},
Title ={On Termination of Datalog Programs},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Brodsky1991, Author ={Brodsky,A. and Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={Inference of Inequality Constraints in Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Brodsky1993, Author ={Brodsky,A., Jaffar,J. and Maher,M.},
Title ={Toward Practical Constraint Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Bronnenberg1987, Author ={Bronnenberg,W.J.H.J., Nijman,L., Odijk,E.A.M., and vanTwist,R.A.H.},
Title ={DOOM: A Decentralized Object-Oriented Machine},
Institution ={IEEE Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersCRO.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Pages ="52--69",
Annote ={at Philips Res. Lab, Eindhoven, The Netherlands Category ={DBFmach, DBfile Nijman } }

@book{Brooks1975, Author ={Brooks,F.D.jr.},
Title ={The Mythical Man-Month: Essays on Software Engineering},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 195pp.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDadmin, x} }

@article{Brooks1987, Author ={Brooks,Frederick P.jr.},
Title ={No Silver Bullet: Essence and Accidents of Software Engineering},
Journal ={Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8811-0849.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Pages ="10--19",
Volume ="20",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.North Carolina, Chapel Hill NC 'No single development, in either technology or in management technique, by itself promises even one order-of-magnitude improvement in productivity, in reliability, in simplicity'. Four attacks: Buy vs. build; Requirements refinement and rapid prototyping; Incemental development; Great designers. ---B.Skwiersky. Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Brosda1984, Author ={Brosda,V. and Vossen,G.},
Title ={Update and Retrieval in a Relational Database through a Universal Schema Interface},
Journal ={TU.Aachen, TR-101.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at City Un.N.Y. AFIS Category ={DBDkb> includes update constraints: key requirement, representative instance must be unique, even if schema is ambiguous. Also used are URSA and URA, the Universal Relation Schema Assumption and the Unique Role Assumption (Maier84) insufficient recognition of prior work by Beeri, Mendelzon, Sagiv and Ullman in SIAM J.Comp. May.1981. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDquery, TODS file } }

@article{Brosda1985, Author ={Brosda,V. and Vossen,G.},
Title ={A High-Level Interface for Update and Retrieval in Relational Databases - Language Aspects},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Annote ={at TU.Aachen Category ={DBDrel.2, TODSfile} }

@article{Bross1969, Author ={Bross,Irwin et al},
Title ={Feasibility of Automated Information Systems in the User's Natural Language},
Journal ={American Scientist, Sum..},
Year =1969, Pages ="193--205",
Volume ="57",
Category ={DBDnat>%Bross69} }

@article{Brouwers1987, Author ={Brouwers,J. and Gray,M.},
Title ={Integrating the Electronic Design Process},
Journal ={VLSI Sys. Design.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at EDA Syst. Inc. The Workspace Server provides design data management, user-design interaction, AND general database services. A logical data model deals with design data management -- version management, hierarchical composition and configuration management, and multiple representations management. Category ={EIS> } }

@techreport{Brown1987, Author ={Brown,Alan W.},
Title ={A View Mechanism for An Integrated Project Support Environment},
Institution ={Un.Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Computing Lab, rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Un.Newcastle-upon-Tyne, Computing Lab Proposes an object oriented mechanism for managing knowledge bases. An object is only accessible via a set of defined operators. Layered architecture, each layer is defined using the operators and datatypes defined in the next lower one. Each layer acts as a firewall. Special update operators of an object are defined in terms of the update operators from the next lower layer recursively. until we reach primitive data types. A view is then one of these layers (actually the adt levels are arranged in a tree structure.) Comment: essentially procedural semantics. There is always the possibility of throwing away too much in the course of creating a new level, and there is no possibility of recourse to more primitive, richer levels. ---PKR Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> DBDnewDBMS> VOD> } }

@inproceedings{Brown1985, Author ={Brown,David C.},
Title ={A Data-Base for a Design Expert System},
Booktitle ={2nd Ann.ACM Northeast Regional Conf., (Framingham MA).},
Year =1985, Category ={EIS>} }

@book{Brown1984, Author ={Brown,David C.},
Title ={Expert Systems For Design Problem-Solving Using Design Refinement With Plan Selection And Redesign},
Publisher ={PhD Th., Ohio State Un., 252pp.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ the design of mechanical components viewed as a problem-solving activity. Design knowledge expressed in a design language and some implementation details are presented. Category ={EIS> DBDkb, Sumex arch. NLM.1q84 } }

@book{Brown1988, Author ={Brown,D.C. and Chandrasekaran,B.},
Title ={Design Problem Solving, Knowledge Structures and ? Structures},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ Description of DSPL, based in 1984 thesis. Example is air cylinder mechanical design. ---Gio. Category ={EIS> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Brown1989, Author ={Brown,David C.},
Title ={Adjusting Constraints in Routine Design Knowledge},
Booktitle ={NSF Eng. Design Res.Conf., U.Mass.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="347--362",
Annote ={ at Worcester Polytechnic Inst., CSD, AI Res.Group DSPL-based systems will be able to adjust their knowledge in simple ways as the result of experience. Category ={DBDkb> EIS> } }

@article{Brown1970, Author ={Brown,D.T. and Sellers,F.F.jr.},
Title ={Error Correction for IBM 800-bit-per-inch Magnetic Tape},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1970, Month =Jul,
Pages ="384--389",
Volume ="14",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFhard.1.2> DBFstorage.12.1} }

@article{Brown1972, Author ={Brown,D.T., Eibsen,R.L., and Thorn,C.A.},
Title ={Channel and Direct Access Device Architecture},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1972, Pages ="186--199",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at IBM Evaluation and resulting design modifications of IBM disk and drum storage devices. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Brown1983, Author ={Brown,H.D., Tong,C., and Foyster,G.},
Title ={Environment for Circuit Design},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Volume ="16",
Number ="12",
Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Brown1974, Author ={Brown,J.S., Burton,R.R., and Bell,S.A.G.},
Title ={SOPHIE: A Sophisticated Instructional Environment for Teaching Electronic Troubleshooting},
Institution ={BBN Res.R. .},
Year =1974, Month Mar,
Number ="2790",
Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Brown1993, Author ={Brown,K., Carey,M., and Livny,M.},
Title ={Managing Memory to Meet Multiclass Workload Response Time Goals},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Brown1977, Author ={Brown,M.R. and Tarjan,R.E.},
Title ={A Fast Merging Algorithm},
Institution ={Stanford Un., TR-CS-77-625,},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD binary tree merging Category ={DBFseq, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Brown1978, Author ={Brown,M. and Tarjan,R.},
Title ={A Representation for Linear Lists with Movable Fingers},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing 10, San Diego CA.},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Pages ="19--29",
Category ={DBFseq> DBFhybrid> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Brown1985:1, Author ={Brown,M., Kolling,K., and Taft,E.},
Title ={The ALPINE File System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems,},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="261--293",
Volume ="3",
Number ="4",
Annote ={on the Alpine file server system. Category ={DBFhard> DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Brown1967, Author ={Brown,Robert R. and Nordyke,Peter jr.},
Title ={IMS Development},
Booktitle ={FID-IFIP Proc., N-H 1968.},
Year =1967, Category ={DBDbound.6>} }

@article{Brown1983:1, Author ={Brown,R. and Parker,D.S.},
Title ={LAURA: A Formal Data Model and Her Logical Design},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 9.},
Year =1983, Pages ="206--218",
Category ={DBDops.4, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Brown1983:2, Author ={Brown,V.A., Navathe,S.B., and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={Complex Data Types, and a Data Manipulation Language for Scientific and Statistical Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Second International Workshop on Statistical Database Management, Menlo Park CA.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Pages ="188--195",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Browne1975, Author ={Browne,J.C. and Lasseter,G.L.},
Title ={An Optimizable Model for Application of Rollback/Restart/Recovery Procedures for Large Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed), (abstract).},
Year =1975, Pages ="508--510",
Annote ={ at Un.Texas; Information Research Associates (Austin TX) Category ={DBFuse-4> } }

@inproceedings{Browne1985, Author ={Browne,J.C., Dale,A.G., Leung,C., and Jenevin,R.},
Title ={Parallel Multi-Stage I/O Architecture with Self-Managing Disk Cache for Database Management Applications},
Booktitle ={IWDM 4, DeWitt and Boral(eds.), Bahamas, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFmach, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Browne1971, Author ={Browne,P.S.},
Title ={Data Privacy and Integrity: An Overview},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="237--240",
Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@inproceedings{Browne1971:1, Author ={Browne,P.S. and Steinauer,D.},
Title ={A Model for Access Control},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="241--262",
Category ={DBDprivacy.3>} }

@techreport{Browne1979, Author ={Browne,P.S.(ed)},
Title ={Security, Checklist for Computer Center Self-Audits},
Institution ={Best Practices Series, AFIPS, Arlington VA.},
Year =1979, Annote ={ Revision of Patrick's 1974 manual, stresses physical and operational aspects Category ={DBFuse-4.0, Reference file 155MR> } }

@book{Brownston1985, Author ={Brownston,L., Farrell,R., Kant,E., and Martin,N.},
Title ={Programming Expert Systems In OPS5; An Introduction to Rule-Based Programming},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDkb, QA76.9.E96P76} }

@book{Broy1984, Author ={Broy,Manfred(ed)},
Title ={Control Flow And Data Flow: Concepts of Distributed Programming},
Publisher ={NATO ASI Series.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ International Summer School Directed by Bauer, Dijkstra, Hoare. Category ={DBFintro.4, QA76.9.D5N375 } }

@inproceedings{Bruandet, Author ={Bruandet, Marie-Francoise},
Title ={Optimisation D'un Compilateur Incremental et Conversationnel de PL/1},
Booktitle ={These. Institut National Polytechnique de Grenoble},
Annote ={at Un.Scientifique et Medicale de Grenoble It mainly concerns optimizing the interpreter. Not much is done incrementally. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Brumfield1988, Author ={Brumfield,J.A., Miller,J., and Chou,H-T.},
Title ={Performance Modeling of Distributed Object-Oriented Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un. of Texas at Austin Category ={DBDobject> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Bruno1971, Author ={Bruno,J. and Coffman,E.G.jr.},
Title ={Nearly Optimum Binary Search Trees},
Booktitle ={preprint booklet IFIP TA-2.},
Year =1971, Pages ="29--32",
Annote ={at Princeton Un.; Un.Penn Category ={DBFtrees.4>} }

@article{Brutyan1985, Author ={Brutyan,K.K. and Mkrtchyan,L.V.},
Title ={Concerning One Method of Integration of Data Bases},
Journal ={Izvestiya Akademii nauk SSSR, Tekhnicheskaya kibernetika, Moscow, -Oct..},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="29--35",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ user load factors and hierarchical height. To be integrated elements must be at similar height. Applicable to OKA CODASYL databases. Category ={DBDdesign, FASAC 38 } }

@inproceedings{Bry1986, Author ={Bry,F. and Manthey,R.},
Title ={Checking Consistency of DB Constraints: a Logical Basis},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at ECRC (FRG) Category ={DBDmodel> DBDkb>} }

@article{Bry1989, Author ={Bry,Francois},
Title ={Towards and Efficient Evaluation of Genral Queries: Quantifier and Disjunction Processing Revisited},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at ECRC, (Munchen FRG) Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Bry1989:1, Author ={Bry,F.},
Title ={Query Evaluation in Recursive Databases: Bottom-up and Top-down Reconciled},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Bryant1966, Author ={Bryant,J. and Semple,P.},
Title ={GIS and File Management},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 21, P21,},
Year =1966, Pages ="97--107",
Annote ={at IBM Description of GIS Category ={DBFhybrid.4>} }

@inproceedings{Bryce1990, Author ={Bryce,D. and Hull,R.},
Title ={SNAP: A Graphics Based Schema Manager},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Brykczynski1988, Author ={Brykczynski,Bill},
Title ={Methods of Binding Ada to SQL: A General Discussion},
Booktitle ={Ada Letters, -Feb., ACM SIGAda.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="38--57",
Annote ={at IDA Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@inproceedings{Brynjolfsson1993, Author ={Brynjolfsson,E. and Hitt,L.},
Title ={Is Information Systems Spending Productive? New Evidence and New Res},
Booktitle ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Sloan School Working Paper 3571-93.},
Year =1993, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at MIT The productivity paradox of information systems (IS) is that, despite enormous improvements in the underlying technology, the benefits of IS spending have not been found in aggregate output statistics. One explanation is that IS spending may lead to increases in product quality or variety which tend to be overlooked in aggregate output statistics, even if they increase sales at the firm-level. Furthermore, the restructuring and cost-cutting that are often necessary to realize these potential benefits have only recently been undertaken in many firms. Our study uses new firm-level data on several components of IS spending for 1987-1991. The dataset includes 380 large firms which generated approximately two trillion dollars in output annually. We supplemented the IS data with data on other inputs, output, and price deflators from several other sources. As a result, we could assess several econometric models of the contribution of IS to firm-level productivity. Our results indicate that IS have made a substantial and statistically significant contribution to firm output. We find that between 1987 and 1991, return on investment (ROI) for computer capital averaged 54% in manufacturing and 68% for manufacturing and services combined in our sample. We are able to reject the null hypothesis that the ROI for computer capital is no greater than the return to other types of capital investment and also find that IS labor spending generates several times as much output as spending on non-IS labor and expenses. Because the models we applied were essentially the same as those that have been previously used to assess the contribution of IT and other factors of production, we attribute the different results to the recency and larger size of our dataset. We conclude that the productivity paradox disappeared by 1991, at least in our sample of firms. Category ={unknown> } }

@techreport{Bubenko1975, Author ={Bubenko,J.A.jr., et al},
Title ={Information Analysis and Design of Data Base Schemata},
Institution ={CADIS, TR-JTA-IBADB-3091.},
Year =1975, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ at Un.Stockholm, Royal Inst.Technology, Dep.Administrative D.P. Alternate DBTG schemas to optimize retrieval or updating. Category ={DBDbound, x9book } }

@inproceedings{Bubenko1975:1, Author ={Bubenko,J.A.jr.},
Title ={Some Theoretical and Practical Observations in a Data Base Case},
Booktitle ={Ludeberg and Bubenko(eds), Systemeering-75, Student Litteratur (Lund, Sweden).},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFintro> DBDschema.0>} }

@inproceedings{Bubenko1976, Author ={Bubenko,J., Berild,S., Lindencrona-Ohlin,E., and Nachmens,S.A.},
Title ={From Information Requirements to DBTG Data Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data SIGPLAN Conf.on Data, ACM.},
Year =1976, Pages ="73--85",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBDdesign>} }

@incollection{Bubenko1977, Author ={Bubenko,J.A.},
Title ={The Temporal Dimension in Information Modeling},
Booktitle ={Architecture and Models in DBManagement Science, Journal of TIMSs, Nijssen(ed), N-H.},
Year =1977, Pages ="93--118",
Category ={DBDmodel> DBDschema.1>} }

@book{Bubenko1978, Author ={Bubenko,J. and Yao,S.B.(eds)},
Title ={Proc.of the 4th International Conf. on Very Large Data Bases},
Publisher ={IEEE 78 CH 1389.6C, 555pp.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ Papers from VLDB 4, Conf. held in Berlin FRG, Sep.13-15, 1978. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@inproceedings{Bubenko1980, Author ={Bubenko,J.A.},
Title ={Information Modeling in the context of system development},
Booktitle ={Proc.of IFIP , 1980.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="395--411",
Category ={DBDmodel>DENG>} }

@techreport{Bubenko1983, Author ={Bubenko,J.A.Jr.},
Title ={Information and Data Modeling: State of the Art and Research Directions},
Institution ={Syslab TR-20.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Syslab Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile Syslab} }

@techreport{Bubenko1986, Author ={Bubenko,Janis A.Jr.},
Title ={Information System Methodologies -- a Research View},
Institution ={Syslab, TR-40.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Syslab Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile Syslab} }

@article{Bublik1980, Author ={Bublik,V.V.},
Title ={An Operator for Data Structure Analysis},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Apr..},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="84--89",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDops, FASAC 310} }

@article{Buchanan1978, Author ={Buchanan,B.G. and Feigenbaum,E.A.},
Title ={DENDRAL and Meta-DENDRAL: their Application Dimension},
Journal ={Artificial intelligence.},
Year =1978, Pages ="5--24",
Volume ="11",
Annote ={ DENDRAL uses the generate-and-test paradigm. A canonical representation of molecular structures enables search and ranking. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Buchanan1979, Author ={Buchanan,B.G., Mitchell,T.M., Smith,R.G., and Johnson,C.R.Jr.},
Title ={Models of Learning Systems},
Institution ={Report No.STAN-CS--79--692, HPP Memo HPP--77-39.},
Year =1979, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Buchanan1982, Author ={Buchanan,B.G. and Duda,R.O.},
Title ={Principles of Rule-Based Expert Systems},
Booktitle ={Yovits(ed), Advances in Computers, Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@techreport{Buchanan1982:1, Author ={Buchanan,Bruce .G.},
Title ={Partial Bibliogtaphy of Work of Expert Systems},
Institution ={Stanford CSD TR.82-953,},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDqkb, DBfile} }

@article{Buchanan1984, Author ={Buchanan,J.R., Fennell,R.D., and Samet,H.},
Title ={A Database Management System for the Federal Courts},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="72--88",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Federal Judicial Ctr and Un.Maryland >DBappl> } }

@book{Buchanan1985, Author ={Buchanan,B.G. and Shortliffe,E.H.(eds)},
Title ={Rule-based Expert Systems: The MYCIN experience of the Stanford Heuristic Programming Project},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Stanford Un., KSL Lab. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Buchanan1985:1, Author ={Buchanan,Bruce G.},
Title ={Expert Systems: Working Systems and the Research Literature},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CS-85-1075.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={bibliography. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@techreport{Buchanan1989, Author ={Buchanan,B.G., Bobrow,D., Davis,R., McDermott,J., and Shortliffe,E.H.},
Title ={Research Directions in Knowledge-Based Systems},
Institution ={Stanford Un., TR-KSL-89-71.},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh Primary problems to be addressed now are: knowledge maintenance, models of problem solving, and machine learning and knowledge acquisition. AFIS ref. I3 Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Buchholz1963, Author ={Buchholz,W.},
Title ={File Organization and Addressing},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1963, Month =Jun,
Pages ="86--111",
Volume ="2",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM, Design of direct access Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBFtechn.1> } }

@article{Buchholz1969, Author ={Buchholz,W.},
Title ={A Synthetic Job for Measuring System Performance},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1969, Pages ="309--318",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={PL/1 file program for testing. Category ={DBFtechn.2> %Buchholz69 } }

@book{Buchler1955, Author ={Buchler,Justus(ed)},
Title ={Philosophical Writings of Peirce},
Publisher ={Dover.},
Year =1955, Annote ={ Papers by Charles Sanders Peirce, including Abduction and Induction. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@inproceedings{Buchmann1985, Author ={Buchmann,A.P. and Perez de Celis,C.},
Title ={An Architecture and Data Model for CAD Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 11, Stockholm.},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Buchmann1989, Author ={Buchmann,A., McCarthy,D., Hsu,M-C., and Dayal,U.},
Title ={Time-Critical Database Scheduling: A Framework For Integrating Real-Time Scheduling and Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDperform> DBDconc>} }

@unpublished{Buchmann1990, Author ={Buchmann,A. and Hornick,M.},
Title ={A Transaction Model for a Distributed, Heterogeneous, Active Object System},
Note ={COSI Workshop, Tulsa.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at GTE placeholder objects manage actively the interface and consistency between local and global homogenous object spaces Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject> } }

@techreport{Buchmann1991, Author ={Buchmann,A.P., Ozsu,M.T., and Georgakopoulos,D.},
Title ={Towards a Transaction Management System for DOM},
Institution ={TR-0146-06-91-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Buchmann1992, Author ={Buchmann,A.P., Ozsu,M.T., Hornick,M., Georgakopoulos,D., and Manola,F.},
Title ={A Transaction Model for Active Distributed Object Systems},
Booktitle ={in Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications, A.K. Elmagarmid, (ed.), Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, Spring .},
Year =1992, Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@book{Buckingham1986, Author ={Buckingham,R.A., Hirschheim,R.A., Land,F.F. and Tully,C.J.},
Title ={Information Systems Education: Recommensations and Implementation},
Publisher ={Cambridge Un.Press, 256pp. (British CS); ACM Computing Reviews 8807-0497.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.London IFIP/BCS curriculum in three levels. The five introductory modules are computer, quantitative, business, social studies and conceptul foundations (information, data, knowledge; systems design; technology and society). Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Buckley1985, Author ={Buckley,G.N. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Beyond Two-Phase Locking},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="314--326",
Volume ="32",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ graph protocols with a-priori knowledge outperform 2PL without deadlock. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } }

@article{Budd1988, Author ={Budd,J.R., Warwick,W.J., Wielinski,C.L. and Finkelstein,S.M.},
Title ={A Medical Information Relational Database System --- MIRDS},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Pages ="419--433",
Volume ="21",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ at Un.Minnesota, Medical School, Dep.of Pediatrics Support pulmonary testing, store patient record for the population of cystic fibrosis patients. Category ={MIS> } }

@article{Buff1988, Author ={Buff,H.W.},
Title ={Why Codd's Rule No.6 Must Be Reformalized},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record,},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="79--80",
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Swiss Reinsurance Co, Zurich Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Buff1991, Author ={Buff,H.W.},
Title ={A Complete Identity Set for Codd Algebras},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Buitelaar1992, Author ={Buitelaar,P. and VandeRiet,R.},
Title ={The Use of a Lexicon to Interpret ER-Diagrams: A LIKE project},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Bukhres1992, Author ={Bukhres,O.},
Title ={Performance Comparison of Distributed Deadlock Deflection Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Moorhead State Un. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Bukhres1993, Author ={Bukhres,O., Kuehn,E., and Puntigam,F.},
Title ={A Language Multidatabase System Communication Protocol},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Purdue Un; Un.Technology Vienna Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Bukhres1993:1, Author ={Bukhres,O. and Alm,J.},
Title ={A Priority-Based PCG Algorithm for Global Deadlock Detection an Resolution in Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Moorhead State Un. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Bull1987, Author ={Bull,M., Duda,R., Port,D., and Reiter,J.},
Title ={Applying Software Engineering Principles to Knowledge-Base Development},
Booktitle ={Learned Information, Meadford NJ.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Pages ="27--37",
Annote ={ Maintenance of the knowledge base tables and connections in SYNTEL I3 Category ={DBDkb> DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Buneman1977, Author ={Buneman,O.P. and Morgan,H.L.},
Title ={Implementing Alerting Techniques in Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. COMPSAC.},
Year =1977, Pages ="463--469",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Buneman1977:1, Author ={Buneman,O.P. and Clemons,E.K.},
Title ={Efficiently Monitoring Relational Databases},
Journal ={Working paper, 76-10-08, Dep.Decision Sciences, The Wharton School, Un.Penn, PA.},
Year =1977, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ An alerter monitors a database and reports when a specific condition occurs. Alerters may be placed on a query, a method is demonstrated for reducing the amount of computation involved in checking whether an alerter should be triggered. Recomputation of derived data with pruning, viz. identity connection. I3 Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDintegrity.3> } }

@unpublished{Buneman1988, Author ={Buneman,O.P., Davidson,S.B., and Watters,A.},
Title ={Querying Independent Databases},
Note ={U.Penn, Conference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP Dep., MS-CS-87-67.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at U.Penn, DCS Recognize anomalies and create maybe tuples in autonomous databases. Based on isa definitions and an expanded union semantics to compute bounds: LLB, also GLB (meet) and join. Category ={DBDdist> DBDops> } }

@article{Buneman1982, Author ={Buneman,P., Frankel,R.E., and Nikhil,R.},
Title ={An Implementation Technique for Database Query Languages },
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="164--186",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at Dep.Computer and Inf.Sc., Moore School; Un.Penn, PA FQL, a Functional query language implemented on a CODASYL system. Lazy evaluation. Category ={DBDbound.5> DBDquery.2> } }

@inproceedings{Buneman1981, Author ={Buneman,P. and Nikhil,R.},
Title ={A Practical Functional Programming System for Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. Conf.on Functional Programming Languages and Computer Architecture, .},
Year =1981, Pages ="195-201",
Category ={DBDbound.5>} }

@inproceedings{Buneman1986, Author ={Buneman,P. and Atkinson,M.},
Title ={Inheritance and Persistence in Database Programming Languages},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Buneman1986:1, Author ={Buneman,Peter},
Title ={A Domain Theoretic Approach to Higher-Order Relations},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at U.Penn, USA Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Buneman1988:1, Author ={Buneman,P., Davidson,S. and Watters,A.},
Title ={A Semantics for Complex Objects and Approximate Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Annote ={ Most of the work on complex objects allow tuples and sets as constructors. Further, most domains are partially ordered. In the presence of complex objects, we need to reexamine the denotation of a tuple. The denotation of a tuple that is adopted here is that all tuples that are maximal elements with respect to the tuple. This denotation needs extension when attributes are set-valued. The desirable semantics is that the maximal elements must be a subset of the union of the maximal elements of the set. This leads us to define a `sandwich' instead of a set as the tuple constructor. The sandwich provides an upper and lower bound on maximal elements. The concept is useful in defining the notion of unknown nulls (or queries). Rules with complex objects are defined and a fixpoint semanics is provided. ---surajit. FAUVE; monotone improving results. Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@incollection{Buneman1989, Author ={Buneman,O.P., Davidson,S.B., and Watters, A.},
Title ={Federated Approximations for heterogeneous databases},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at U.Penn semantics of missing information in merged subsets of distinct supersets. Result is in minimal boundaries box. The term approximation is used for precise data in those subsets. Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Buneman1992, Author ={Buneman,Peter},
Title ={Partial Information as a Basis for Data and Knowledge Integration (Invited Talk},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Bunker1986, Author ={Bunker,R.},
Title ={A Method on Compiling Efficient Constraint Checks for Database Programming Languages},
Note ={Un.Mass., Amherst.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Transactions are analyzed to obtain a set of execution paths. Symbolic execution techniques are used to derive, for each path, a set of pre-conditions and post-conditions for a constraint. Pre-conditions can only be derived for single-tuple update (i.e., at most one tuple of each relation is changed). The method only works for constraints with specific patterns of prefix: (\forall x)*(\exists x)* or (\exists x)*(\forall x)*. A large body of rules for arithmetic is hand-encoded to avoid theorem-proving. ---Xiaolei Category ={DBDlang> DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Bunshaft1983, Author ={Bunshaft,A.J.},
Title ={A View of Amininistrative Flow and Usage},
Institution ={report submitted to Shuey,R., Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst..},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ Information usage and its potential automation. The Intecom IBX data switch. Category ={DBDadmin, Thesis file } }

@techreport{Burdekin1979, Author ={Burdekin,R. and Scowen,R.S.},
Title ={Computers and the Construction of Economic Models},
Institution ={Computer J..},
Year =1979, Annote ={at Charles Un, Czechoslovakia Czech natural language query for student and hospital data Category ={DBDnat, DBfile at IBM, UK Scientific Ctr (Peterlee, UK) Category ={DBappl, DBfile } }

@article{Burge1971, Author ={Burge,W.H. and Konheim,A.G.},
Title ={An Accessing Model},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1971, Month =Jul,
Pages ="400--404",
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={Exact solution to sector queuing in drums. Category ={DBFtechn.4> } }

@article{Burkhard1973, Author ={Burkhard,W.A. and Keller,R.M.},
Title ={Some Approaches to Best-Match File Searching},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1973, Month Apr,
Pages ="230--236",
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFimpl.3, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Burkhard1975, Author ={Burkhard,Walter A.},
Title ={Partial-Match Queries and File Designs},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed), (abstract).},
Year =1975, Pages ="523--525",
Annote ={at UCSD (San Diego) Tries and hashing. Category ={DBFtree>%Burkhard76 } }

@article{Burkhard1976, Author ={Burkhard,Walter A.},
Title ={Partial Match Retrieval},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark.},
Year =1976, Pages ="13--31",
Volume ="16",
Annote ={at UCSD (San Diego) Tries and hashing. Category ={DBFtree, DBfile %Burkhard76 } }

@article{Burkhard1975:1, Author ={Burkhard,W.A.},
Title ={Hashing and Trie Algorithms for Partial-Match Retrieval},
Journal ={UCSD, Appl.Physics and Inf.Sc, CS TR.2.},
Year =1975, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFimpl.2.2, DBfile} }

@article{Burkhard1979, Author ={Burkhard,W.A.},
Title ={Partial-Match Hash Coding: Benefits of Redundancy},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Pages ="228--239",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhybrid.5>} }

@article{Burkhard1981, Author ={Burkhard,W.A.},
Title ={Interpolation-based Index Maintenance},
Journal ={Technical Report Number CS-053, ?},
Year =1981, Annote ={ extension of linear hashing, overflow chains for multiple keys. interpolation-based order preserving hashing algorithm analysis requires random insert normal key distribution Category ={DBFindex.6> DBFhash, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Burkhard1988, Author ={Burkhard,W.A., Martin,B.E., and Paris,J-F.},
Title ={The Gemini Replicated File System Test-bed},
Booktitle ={To appear in spec. issue on Data Engrg. in IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE)Information Science,},
Year =1988, Annote ={Consistency in replication is essential. Category ={DBFdist> DBFperform, DBfile Paris } }

@inproceedings{Burkowski1990, Author ={Burkowski,F.J.},
Title ={Retrieval Performance of a Distributed Text Database Utilizing a Parallel Processor Document Server},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo, Canada Category ={DBFmach> DBDbiblio>} }

@techreport{Burnaugh1966, Author ={Burnaugh,Howard P.},
Title ={The BOLD (Bibliographic On-Line Display) System},
Institution ={NCIR 3, Phil., Schecter(ed), Thompson 1966.},
Year =1966, Pages ="53--55",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Burnett1984, Author ={Burnett,R.A. and Thomas,J.J.},
Title ={Data Management Support for Statistical Data Editing and Subset Selection},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Pacific Northwest Lab (Richland WA) definition and prototype implementation of SDB on VAX system. Uses transposed files. Category ={DBappl> DBDstat> } }

@book{Burns1987, Author ={Burns,A., Lister,A.M., and Wellings,A.J.},
Title ={A Review od Ada Tasking},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), 141pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8809-0655.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Un.Bradford, Bradford UK Excellent report on concurrent programming and the Ada tasking model. ---Leavitt. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@article{Burns1973, Author ={Burns,D.},
Title ={A Self-Sufficient ROBOT},
Journal ={Computing, 22, page 9.},
Year =1973, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDintro.0>} }

@inproceedings{Burns1986, Author ={Burns,T., Fong,E., Jefferson,D., Knox,R., Reedy,C., Reich,L., Roussopoulos,N., and Truszkowski,W.},
Title ={Reference Model for DBMS Standardization},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Burr1983, Author ={Burr,William E.},
Title ={Overview of the Proposed American National Standard for Local Distributed Data Interfaces},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Pages ="554--561",
Volume ="26",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at NBS includes discussion of problems of impedance match of disk and CSMA on LAN-(ethernet) networks. Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage-3.4> } }

@techreport{Burrows1988, Author ={Burrows,Michael},
Title ={Efficient data sharing},
Institution ={Rep. No. 153, Computer Lab, Un. Cambridge.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={Ph.D. thesis. replication Category ={DBDperf>} }

@incollection{Burstall1969, Author ={Burstall,R.},
Title ={Formal Description of Program Structure and Semantics in First-order Logic},
Booktitle ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers 5, Meltzer and Michie (eds), Edinburgh Un. Press.},
Year =1969, Pages ="79--98",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Burstein1989, Author ={Burstein,J.S. and Martin,E.G.},
Title ={Computer Information Systems},
Publisher ={Dryden Press, (Hinsdale IL), 736pp.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at San Jose State Un., CA Emphasis on the user and the role of people. Database management: Harnessing the power of files. Career box: Database administrator. Examples from dBase III PLUS, R:BASE 5000, and PC-File III. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Burton1985, Author ={Burton,F.W., Kollias,V.J., and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={Expected and Worst-Case Storage Requirements for Quadtrees},
Journal ={Patt. Recog. Ltrs. .},
Year =1985, Pages ="131--135",
Volume ="3",
Annote ={ at Un.Colorado (Denver); Athens Un., Faculty of Agric.; Nat.TU.Athens picture processing. Category ={DBFtree, DBfile Kollias } }

@article{Burton1984, Author ={Burton,F.W., Kollias,J.G., and Alexandridis,N.A.},
Title ={An Implementation of the Exponential Pyramid Data Structure with Application to Determination of Symmetries in Pictures},
Journal ={Computer Vision, Graphics, and Image Proc. .},
Year =1984, Pages ="218--225",
Volume ="25",
Annote ={at Un.East Anglia; Nat.TU.Athens Category ={DBFindex, DBfile Kollias } }

@article{Burton1985:1, Author ={Burton,F.W., Huntbach,M.M., and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={Multiple Generation Text Files using Overlapping Tree Structures},
Journal ={Computer J.},
Year =1985, Pages ="3--6", Volume ="28", Number ="2",
Annote ={ at Un.Colorado (Denver); Un.Sussex; Nat.TU.Athens Category ={DBFtree, DBfile Kollias } }

@unpublished{Burton1985:2, Author ={Burton,F.W. and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={Reduction of Storage Requirements by Sharing Common Information in an Office Information System},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Colorado, EE (Denver) Category ={DBFrepresent-1>} }

@incollection{Bush, Author ={Bush,Vannevar},
Title ={As We May Think},
Journal ={Atlantic Monthly},
, Vol ="176", Number= "1", Year =1945, Pages ="pp.101--108",
Booktitle ={reprinted in Kochen67},
Annote ={ Early concepts regarding an associative retrieval machine, MEMEX. I3 Category ={DBFintro> DBDquery.0, ISBN 0-914845-74-8. } }

@manual{Business1971, Author ={Business Week},
Title ={Business Takes a Second Look at Computers},
Journal ={Business Week, 5,},
Year =1971, Month =Jun,
Pages ="59--136",
Annote ={ Extensive survey of status of computer applications in business. Category ={DBFintro.6> } }

@manual{Business1981, Author ={Business Week},
Title ={Opening Up Data Files to Laymen},
Journal ={Business Week, 10 .},
Year =1981, Month =Aug,
Pages ="64--66",
Annote ={ By 1985 the amount of data stored on-line in files will jump to seven times the 1.7 trillion characters that are stored today. 'Less than 10 pct. of all companies using computers have data base management systems now.' By 1990 90 pct. of all computer users will have them. Category ={DBFpreface.1> } }

@article{Bussolati1983, Author ={Bussolati,U. and Martella,G.},
Title ={Towards a New Approach to Secure Database Design},
Journal ={Comput.Secur., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8408-0655.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="49--62",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Polit.Milano, Italy Category ={DBFsecurity>} }

@inproceedings{Butler1987, Author ={Butler,Margaret},
Title ={Storage Reclamation in Object-Oriented Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDobject> DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Buzbee1985, Author ={Buzbee,B.L. and Sharp,D.H.},
Title ={Perspectives on Supercomputing},
Journal ={Science.},
Year =1985, Month =Feb,
Pages ="591--597",
Volume ="227",
Number ="4687",
Annote ={ Includes description of mass storage file server at Los Alamos with automatic migration. Category ={DBFstorage-3.4> } }

@article{Byar1980, Author ={Byar,D.P.},
Title ={Why Data Bases Should Not Replace Randomized Clinical Trials},
Journal ={Biometrics, vol.36.},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="337--342",
Annote ={ the argument is correct, but databases remain valid for hypothesis generation and exploration. Category ={Statistics> } }

@techreport{Byrd1987, Author ={Byrd,G.T. and Delagi,B.A.},
Title ={Considerations for Multiprocessor Topologies},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD TR-CS-87-1144, ; KSL-87-07.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD scalability of parallel machines Category ={DBFmach, DBfile } }

@article{Byrnes1969, Author ={Byrnes,Carolyn J. and Steig,Donald B.},
Title ={File Management Systems: A current Summary},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1969, Month =Nov,
Pages ="138--142",
Volume ="15",
Number ="11",
Annote ={Self-contained packages for 360 equipment. Category ={DBFhybrid> DBDbound> } } % ------ C ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@inproceedings{Byrom1973, Author ={Byrom,S.T. and Hardgrave,W.T.},
Title ={Representation of Sets on Mass Storage Devices for Information Retrieval Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Volume ="42",
Category ={DBFhard.2>} }

@inproceedings{Cacace1990, Author ={Cacace,F., Ceri,S., Crespi-Reghizzi,S., Tanca,L., and Zicari,R.},
Title ={Integrating Object-Oriented Data Modelling with a Rule-Based Programming Paradigm },
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject} }

@manual{CACM1962, Author ={CACM},
Title ={Papers from the 1961 Princeton Conf. on Information Retrieval},
Organization ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1962, Month =Jan,
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDquery.1>} }

@inproceedings{Cadiou1976, Author ={Cadiou,Jean-Marie},
Title ={On Semantic Issues in the Relational Model of Data},
Booktitle ={Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Poland, Springer Verlag 5, Gdansk Poland, LNCS , Springer.},
Year =1976, Pages ="23--38",
Volume ="45",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@techreport{Cadwallader1969, Author ={Cadwallader,G.},
Title ={Functional and Software Considerations for Bibliographic Data Base Utilization},
Institution ={Auerbach Corp (Philadelphia PA), PB 183 816.},
Year =1969, Month =May,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Cagan1973, Author ={Cagan,Carl},
Title ={Data Management Systems},
Publisher ={Melville Publishers, Los Angeles, 141pp.},
Year =1973, Annote ={ Survey of data base systems, many small examples. Category ={DBDintro.9> } }

@inproceedings{Cai1990, Author ={Cai,Y., Han,J., and Cercone,N.},
Title ={An Attribute-Oriented Approach for Learning Classification Rules from Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser University,Canada Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Calderbank1988, Author ={Calderbank,A.R., Coffman,E.G.Jr., and Flatto,L.},
Title ={Optimal Directory Placement on Disk Storage Devices},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Pages ="433--446",
Volume ="35",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs locate in the center or replicate and locate in center of l/r. Also two head eval. Category ={DBFseq> } }

@article{Calderbank1989, Author ={Calderbank,A.R., Coffman,E.G.Jr., and Flatto,L.},
Title ={A Note Extending the Analysis of Two-Head Disk Systems to More General Seek-Time Characteristics},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1989, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1584--1586",
Volume ="38",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ heads a fixed distance d apart linear in z, optimal the value of d nearly independent of nonlinear acceleration effects. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Callahan1991, Author ={Callahan,J. and Purtilo,J.},
Title ={A packaging system for heterogeneous execution environments},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1991, Pages ="626--635",
Volume ="17",
Annote ={MIF work. Category ={DEng>} }

@article{Callahan1981, Author ={Callahan,M.V. and Rusch,P.F.},
Title ={Online implementation of the CA SEARCH file and the CAS Registry Nomenclature File},
Journal ={Online Rev..},
Year =1981, Month =Oct,
Pages ="377-393",
Volume ="5",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ at Lockheed, DIALOG Information Services (Palo Alto CA) Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) produces a variety of chemical information in both printed and computer readable form. Although the information content of CAS computer-readable files is quite informative, the database from which they are derived was designed primarily for producing printed products. I3 Category ={DBDquery.1> } }

@article{Caloini1989, Author ={Caloini,A., Mainetti,S., and Paolini,P.},
Title ={Prolog Programs and Standard Data Bases},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="289--303",
Number ="367",
Annote ={at Polit.Milano, Dep.Elettronica Justification for loose coupling. ---Gio. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Cameron1991, Author ={Cameron,E., Ness,L., and Sheth,A.},
Title ={A Universal Executor for Flexible Transactions which Achieves Maximal Parallelism},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Cameron1986, Author ={Cameron,J.R.},
Title ={An Overview of JSD},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE12 .},
Year =1986, Pages ="222--240",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ The Jackson Design Method begins with describing action on an object. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Cammarata1981, Author ={Cammarata,S.},
Title ={Deferring Updates in a Relational Data Base System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="286--292",
Annote ={at Rand (Santa Monica CA) Delays the application of updates until a request is made for the value. The method uses generalization, property inheritance, and procedural attachment for dynamically maintaining the update and query processes. Category ={DBDschema.3.4> DBFhybrid.6> } }

@techreport{Cammarata1983, Author ={Cammarata,S., McArthur,D., and Steeb,R.},
Title ={Strategies of Cooperation in Distributed Problem Solving},
Institution ={Rand, Note N-2031-ARPA.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Rand Corp., (Santa Monica CA) Experiments in Air Traffic Control: shared convention vs. least constrained vs. most-knowledgable. Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist> } }

@article{Cammarata1989, Author ={Cammarata,S., Ramachandra,P., and Shane,D.},
Title ={Extending a Relational Database with Deferred Referential Integrity Checking and Intelligent Joins},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Rand Corp. Join predicates between relations stored in meta-database. Intelligent Joins = Use inter-relation connections to query without specifying join conditions. (I.e. querying the universal relation). Given meta-data integrity constraint checking procedures checking unique keys etc. can be run now and then. (This is close to my own thesis work from 1978). ---T.Risch. Category ={DBDrel> DBDintegrity> } }

@techreport{Cammarata1991, Author ={Cammarata,S., Shane,D., and Ram,P.},
Title ={IID: An Intelligent Information Dictionary for Managing Semantic Metadata},
Institution ={Rand R-3856-DARPA.},
Year =1991, Annote ={ building and maintaining relational and derived databases Category ={DBDschema, DBfile } }

@article{Campbell1986, Author ={Campbell,R.H. and Randell,B.},
Title ={Error Recovery in Asynchronous Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-12 .},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="811--826",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois; Un.Newcastle Fault tolerance includes Error detection, damage confinement, recovery, fault treatment and continued service. Forward and backward error recovery. Exception handlers. Banking example. Category ={DBDrel> DBDdist> } }

@article{Can1990, Author ={Can,F. and Ozkarahan,E.},
Title ={Concepts and Effectiveness of the Cover-Coefficient-Based Clustering Methodology for Text Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Miami Un. Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@article{Canaday1974, Author ={Canaday,R.H., Harrison,R.D., Ivie,E.L., Ryder,J.L., and Wehr,L.A.},
Title ={A Back-end Computer for Data Base Management},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Oct,
Pages ="575--582",
Volume ="17",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Bell Telephone Labs (Piscataway NJ) Physical separation of data base management from data processing to gain flexibility, etc. in the XDMS system. Category ={DBDdist> DBFmach> DBFeval> %Canaday74 } }

@article{Cannellys1967, Author ={Cannellys,Nicholas},
Title ={Automation and Computers in Commercial Lending},
Journal ={The Journal of Commercial Lending.},
Year =1967, Month =Sep,
Pages ="21--27",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Canning1967, Author ={Canning,Richard G.(ed)},
Title ={File Management and Retrieval (and 4 other related articles)},
Journal ={EDP Analyzer, Vol.7,No.10,11, 1969, Vol.8 No.2,3,4,11, 1970, Vol.9 No.5,6,11, 1971.},
Year =1967, Volume ="5",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at Canning Publications (Vista, CA) A series of articles describing data bases and their use in a number of Corporations. Mostly descriptive, and intended mainly for a managerial audience, the articles are a good survey of the current state of the art. Some editorial comment is included, not always separable from technical content. Category ={DBFintro.6> } }

@article{Canning1972, Author ={Canning,R.G.(ed)},
Title ={The Debate on Data Base Management},
Journal ={EDP Analyzer.},
Year =1972, Month Mar,
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Canning Publications (Vista CA) Review and analysis of COBOL DBTG report and arguments. Category ={DBDschema, x8 SIGbox> } }

@article{Canning1968, Author ={Canning,R.G.(ed)},
Title ={Restart and Recovery},
Journal ={EDP Analyzer.},
Year =1968, Pages ="1--10",
Volume ="6",
Number ="13",
Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@article{Canning1970, Author ={Canning,R.G.(ed)},
Title ={Data Security in the Corporate Data Base},
Journal ={EDP Analyzer.},
Year =1970, Month =May,
Pages ="1--14",
Volume ="8",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@article{Canning1972:1, Author ={Canning,R.G.(ed)},
Title ={Computer Security --- Backup and Recovery Methods},
Journal ={EDP Analyzer.},
Year =1972, Month =Jan,
Pages ="1--15",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@article{Canning1972:2, Author ={Canning,R.G.(ed)},
Title ={The Debate on Data Base Management},
Journal ={EDP Analyzer.},
Year =1972, Month Mar,
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Review and analysis of COBOL DBTG report and arguments. Category ={DBDschema, x8 SIGbox> } }

@article{Canning1972:3, Author ={Canning,R.G.(ed)},
Title ={The Data Administrator Function},
Journal ={EDP Analyzer.},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Description of this new job function in a number of companies. Category ={DBDadmin, xB15> } }

@article{Canning1973, Author ={Canning,R.G.(ed)},
Title ={The Cautious Path to Data Base},
Journal ={EDP Analyzer.},
Year =1973, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Canning1974, Author ={Canning,R.G.(ed)},
Title ={Problem Areas in Data Management},
Journal ={EDP Analyzer.},
Year =1974, Month Mar,
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDintro.9>} }

@article{Canning1976, Author ={Canning,R.G.(ed)},
Title ={Distributed Data Systems},
Journal ={EDP Analyzer.},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Canning Publications Inc. (Vista CA 92083) Provides a good overview of distributed data bases from the business point of view. Describes a few systems that are being implemented in some banks and companies. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDdist, Shel } }

@article{Canning1977, Author ={Canning,R.G.},
Title ={Getting the Requirements Right},
Journal ={EDP Analyzer .},
Year =1977, Volume ="15",
Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Cantor1969, Author ={Cantor,D., Dimsdale,B., and Hurwitz,A.},
Title ={Query Language One (QL/1) User's Manual},
Institution ={IBM, Los Angeles Scientific Ctr, report 320-2627,},
Year =1969, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at IBM, Los Angeles Description of PL/1 related query language for hierarchically structured data. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Caplinger1989, Author ={Caplinger,M. and Schatz,B.},
Title ={Searching in Hyperlibrary},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ at Kamen Sciences Corp, 258 Genesee St. (Utica NY); RADTC (Griffiss AFB NY) High-level proposal for PROLOG access to DBS. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@book{Capron1986, Author ={Capron and Williams},
Title ={Computers and Data Processing, Second Edition},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1986, Annote ={Special Software Version Category ={DBFintro, QA76.C357 } }

@article{Carbonell1967, Author ={Carbonell,Jaime R.},
Title ={On Man-Computer Interaction: A Model and Some related Issues},
Journal ={BBN report AD 666 666,},
Year =1967, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at BBN (Cambridge MA) Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Cardenas1973, Author ={Cardenas,A.F.},
Title ={Evaluation and Selection of File Organization --- A Model and a System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month =Sep,
Pages ="540--548",
Volume ="16",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ Tree, indexed, and ring files compared for six files and various retrieval requests. Category ={DBFtechn> DBFhybrid> } }

@article{Carbonell1968, Author ={Carbonell,J.R., Elkind,J.I., and Nickerson,R.S.},
Title ={On the Psychological Importance of Time in a Time Sharing System},
Journal ={Human Factors.},
Year =1968, Month Apr,
Pages ="135--142",
Volume ="10",
Category ={DBFuse-2>} }

@article{Cardenas1975, Author ={Cardenas,A.F.},
Title ={Analysis and Performance of Inverted Data Base Structures},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="253--264",
Volume ="18",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDseven.2.3> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Cardenas1977, Author ={Cardenas,A.F. and Sagamang,J.P.},
Title ={Doubly-Chained Tree Data Base Organization: Analysis and Design Strategies},
Journal ={Comput.J..},
Year =1977, Pages ="15--26",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFhash.6> DBDdesign>} }

@incollection{Carbonell1980, Author ={Carbonell,Jaime G.},
Title ={Default Reasoning and Inheritance Mechanisms on Type Hierarchies},
Booktitle ={Proc.Workshop on Data Abstraction, Databases, and Conceptual Modelling, Brodie (ed).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="107--109",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Carbonell1981, Author ={Carbonell,J.G. and Hayes,P.J.},
Title ={Dynamic Strategy Selection in Flexible Parsing,},
Booktitle ={Proc.American Journal of Computational Linguistics 19, Stanford CA..},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDquery.3.4>} }

@article{Carbonell1982, Author ={Carbonell,J., Hendrix,G., Hill,J., Joshi,A., Kaplan,J., Petrick,S., Sacerdoti,E., and Waltz,D.},
Title ={Report on Natural-Language Interfaces},
Journal ={JAmerican Journal of Computational Linguistics, to be published very soon ( note).},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ Natural-Language Interface Panel at the Workshop on Applied Computational Linguistics in Perspective, held 26-27Jun.1981 at Stanford Un.. includes bibliography, entries listed with = ACL Category ={DBDnat, x? } }

@inproceedings{Carbonell1984, Author ={Carbonell,Jaime G.},
Title ={Is there Natural Language after Data Bases?},
Booktitle ={COLING .},
Year =1984, Pages ="186--187",
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@book{Cardenas1979, Author ={Cardenas,A.F.},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems},
Publisher ={Allyn and Bacon, Boston, 1984.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBFintro> DBDintro.0, DB book shelf} }

@article{Cardenas1980, Author ={Cardenas,A. and Pirahesh,M.H.},
Title ={Database Communication in a Heterogeneous Data Base Management System Network},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press ,},
Year =1980, Pages ="55--79",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={model is ER, implementation CODASYL. Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb> } }

@article{Cardenas1987, Author ={Cardenas,Alfonso F.},
Title ={Heterogeneous Distributed Database Management: the HD-DBMS},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="588--600",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at UCLA, CSD Category ={DBDdist, xissue} }

@article{Cardenas1983, Author ={Cardenas,A.F., Alavian,F., and Aviziensis,A.},
Title ={Performance of Recovery Architectures in Parallel Associative Database Processors},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Pages ="291-323",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at UCLA three methods of recovery in logic-per-track processors are analyzed. Category ={DBFmach> DBFrepresent.5> } }

@book{Cardenas1985, Author ={Cardenas,A.F.},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems, 2nd edition},
Publisher ={Allyn and Bacon, 745pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8604-0293.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ 3 intro chapters(156pp), 8 DBMS chapters: CODASYL, Total, IMS, System 2000, Relational approach, SQL/DS, QBE, 5 chapters: FDs, DBA, DDict.,DBM, Distr.DB, Appendix: devices, query characterization. added chapters Relational Database Management Systems, Data Dictionary/Directory Systems, Database Machines, and Distributed Database Management Systems, included chapters on the features and facilities of a number of commercially available Database Management Systems, plenty of examples --- Grimson. Category ={DBFintro, X } }

@article{Cardelli1985, Author ={Cardelli,L., and Wegner,P.},
Title ={On Understanding Types, Data Abstraction, and Polymorphism},
Journal ={ACM Comp.Surv..},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="471--522",
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Ada examples, full set of type inference rules. Category ={DBDlang, DBFile Wegner } }

@article{Cardelli1990, Author ={Cardelli,L.},
Title ={Semantics of Multiple Inheritance},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={unknown>} }

@book{Cardenas1990, Author ={Cardenas,A. and McLeod,D. (eds.)},
Title ={Research Foundations in Object-Oriented and Semantic Database Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 432pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ SDM, commonloops, POSTGRES, Iris(Fishman et al), SIM, PICQUERY Category ={DBDobject> } }

@techreport{Carey1983, Author ={Carey,M.J.},
Title ={Granularity Hierarchies in Concurrency Control},
Institution ={UCB, Memo UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, M831.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDintegrity.1, DBfile} }

@techreport{Carey1983:1, Author ={Carey,Michael J.},
Title ={An Abstract Model of Database Concurrency},
Institution ={UCB, Memo UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, M836.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDintegrity.1, DBfile} }

@techreport{Carey1983:2, Author ={Carey,Michael J.},
Title ={Modeling and Evaluation of Database Concurrency Control Algorithms},
Institution ={UCB, PhD Th., Elec.Res.Lab, Memo 8356.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ simulation, some proofs. Blocking is better than restarts on single sites. Category ={DBDintegrity.1, thesis shelf } }

@inproceedings{Carey1984, Author ={Carey,M.J., DeWitt,D., and Graefe,G.},
Title ={Mechanisms for Concurrency Control and Recovery in Prolog --- A Proposal},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin (Madison) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Carey1986, Author ={Carey,M.J. and Lu,H.},
Title ={Load Balancing in a Locally Distributed DB System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Carey, Author ={Carey,M.J., DeWitt,D.J., Richardson,J.E., and Shekita,E.J.},
Title ={Object and File Management in the EXODUS Extensible Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern. Workshp. on Object-Oriented Databases, K.Dittrich and U.Dayal(eds), Asilomar CA, 198?.},
Month =Sep,
Pages ="52--65",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Carey1986:1, Author ={Carey,M.J. et al.},
Title ={The architecture of the EXODUS Extensible DBMS},
Booktitle ={Int Workshop on Object Oriented Database Systems,Pacific Grove CA.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Carey1987, Author ={Carey,M.J.},
Title ={Improving the Performance of an Optimistic Concurrency Control Algorithm through Timestamps and Versions},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="746--751",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDconc>} }

@article{Carey1987:1, Author ={Carey,M.J. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={An Overview of the EXODUS Project},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="107--114",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBDimplement>} }

@techreport{Carey1987:2, Author ={Carey,M.J., DeWitt,D.J., and Vandenberg,S.L.},
Title ={A Data Model and Query Language for EXODUS},
Institution ={CS-TR-734.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison, CSD EXCESS and EXTRA Category ={DBDmodel> DBDobject> DBDquery, DBfile } }

@article{Carey1989, Author ={Carey,M.J. and Livny,M.},
Title ={Parallelism and Concurrency Control Performance in Distributed Database Machines},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={ Four algorithms, distributed 2PL, wound-wait, basic timestamp ordering and a distributed optimistic algorithm. A combination of ?? 2PL and global ??seems best. Includes replication. Ref.FAUVE, uses simulator. ---Gio. Category ={DBDperf> DBDdist> DBDconc> at Un.Wisconsin, (Madison), CSD Order still and more so shown by simulation: Two phase locking is best, then woundwait, basic time stamp ordering, optimistic. Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Carey1989:1, Author ={Carey,M, Jauhari,R., and Livny,M.},
Title ={Priority in DBMS Resource Scheduling},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at CSD, Un.Wisconsin (Madison WI) Priority scheduling; the objectives of priority scheduling can not be met by a single priority-based buffer management policy. Category ={DBDobject> DBDperf> DBFperf> } }

@incollection{Carey1990, Author ={Carey,M., DeWitt,D., et al.},
Title ={The EXODUS Extensible DBMS Project: An Overview},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Carey1990:1, Author ={Carey,M., Krishnamurthi,S., and Livny,M.},
Title ={Load Control for Locking: The `Half-and-Half' Approach},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Carey1990:2, Author ={Carey,M., Shekita,E., Lapis,G., Lindsay,B., and McPherson,J.},
Title ={An Incremental Join Attachment for Starburst},
Booktitle ={IBM Rep.RJ 7544.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ a pointer-based access structure has been added to the Starburst extensible DBMS; the Starburst IMS attachment provides support for pointer- based joins and inter-relation clustering;' it adds hidden pointer fields to related records and keeps them up-top-date as related records are inserted, deleted, or modified; includes tests on an IBM RT under AIX Category ={DBDrel, DBfile IBM } }

@inproceedings{Carey1991, Author ={Carey, M.J., Franklin,M.J., Livney,M., and Shekita,E.J.},
Title ={Data Caching Tradeoffs in Client-Server DBMS Architectures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={caching, performance, client-server ---King. Category ={DBFhard> DBFdist> } }

@article{Carey1991:1, Author ={Carey,M. and Livny,M.},
Title ={Conflict Detection Tradeoffs for Replicated Data},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Carey1993, Author ={Carey,M., DeWitt,D., and Naughton,J.},
Title ={The DEC 007 Benchmark},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Carlis1980, Author ={Carlis,John V. and Held,James P.},
Title ={MATCH- A New High-level Relational Operator for Pattern Matching},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDoperations>} }

@article{Carlis1981, Author ={Carlis,J.F., March,S.T., and Dickson,G.W.},
Title ={Physical Database Design --- A DSS Approach},
Journal ={Conference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP II, Ross(ed).},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="153--172",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Uses Decision Support System to help DBA in Design. Category ={DBFsyseval.3> } }

@article{Carlis1983, Author ={Carlis,J.V. and March,S.T.},
Title ={Computer-aided Physical Database Design Methodology},
Journal ={Computer Performance.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@article{Carlis1983:1, Author ={Carlis,J.V., March,S.T., and Dickson,G.W.},
Title ={Physical Database Design: A DSS Approach},
Journal ={Information and Management, N-H .},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Pages ="211--224",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota, Minneapolis Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Carlis1984, Author ={Carlis,J.V., and March,S.T.},
Title ={A Descriptive Model of Physical Database Design: Problems and Solutions},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles. rcvd Sep.1986},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@article{Carlis1985, Author ={Carlis,J.V. and Held,J.P.},
Title ={Conceptual Data Modelling of an Expert System},
Journal ={ER 4, Chicago,},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Carlis1986, Author ={Carlis,J.V.},
Title ={HAS, a Relational Algebra Operator or Divide is Not Enough to Conquer},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ relates divide to Group-by operation, generalizes to 16 cases. Category ={DBDops, DBfile } }

@article{Carlis1986:1, Author ={Carlis,J.V., Beyer,D. and March,S.},
Title ={A Decision Framework and Survey of Research in the Physical Design of},
Journal ={Un.Minnesota,},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@techreport{Carlis1986:2, Author ={Carlis,J.V.},
Title ={Logical Data Structures},
Institution ={Un.Minnesota, TR 85-23.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={ foundation for GALEN. Many mapping and modeling issues formulated. Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Carlis1986:3, Author ={Carlis,J.V. and March,S.},
Title ={On the Interdependencies between Record Structure and Access Path Design},
Journal ={Un.Minnesota.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Category ={DBFhybrid, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Carlson1976, Author ={Carlson,C.R. and Kaplan,R.S.},
Title ={A Generalized Access Path Model and Its Application to a Relational Data Base System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 76, Rothnie(ed).},
Year =1976, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Carlson1979, Author ={Carlson,C.R. and Arora,A.A.},
Title ={The Updatability of Relational Views Based on Functional Dependencies},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Furtado and Morgan(eds), Rio de Janeiro, pp.415.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDschema.5.1> DBDschema.3.4> VOD>} }

@inproceedings{Carlson1983, Author ={Carlson,C.R. and Arora,A.K.},
Title ={UPM: A format Tool For Expressing Database Update Semantics},
Booktitle ={ER 3, Davis et al (eds), N-H, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-0584.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="517-525",
Annote ={at Standard Oil, Chicago Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@techreport{Carlson1983:1, Author ={Carlson,E.R.(ed)},
Title ={Databases for Business and Office Applications, Proc.of Annual Meeting},
Institution ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, Database Week, San Jose, 190pp.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Category ={DBappl>} }

@article{Carlson1985, Author ={Carlson,C.R. and Arora,A.K.},
Title ={Towards the Next Generation of Data Modeling Tools},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 no,9.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="966-970",
Annote ={at IIT, Chicago UPM models update transactions. Category ={DBDops.4> } }

@incollection{Carmo1987, Author ={Carmo,J. and Sernadas,A.},
Title ={A Layered Approach to Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Temporal Aspects in Information Systems, N- H, to be pub. in .},
Year =1987, Annote ={at INESC/IST, Lisboa, Portugal Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@techreport{Carnese1985, Author ={Carnese,D.J},
Title ={Multiple Inheritance in Contemporary Programming Languages},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, LCS, TR-328.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Carr1971, Author ={Carr,M.R.},
Title ={A Survey of Management Information Systems Literature},
Journal ={Computer Bulletin,},
Year =1971, Month =Jun,
Pages ="218--223",
Volume ="15",
Number ="6",
Annote ={Bibliography on applications. Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@book{Carrabis1987, Author ={Carrabis,Joseph-Conrad},
Title ={dBase III Plus Programmer's Library},
Publisher ={SAManagement Science, Journal of TIMS, 522pp.},
Year =1987, Annote ={Listings of ready-made application modules. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@book{Carrabis1987:1, Author ={Carrabis,Joseph-David},
Title ={dBASE III PLUS: The Complete Reference},
Publisher ={OsborneMacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 745pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8904-0194.},
Year =1987, Annote ={Fair advanced use. Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@inproceedings{Carriero1988, Author ={Carriero,N. and Gelernter,D.},
Title ={Applications Experience with Linda},
Booktitle ={ACM Sigplan PEAGS Conf.},
Year =1988, Annote ={parallel execution of DNA search, ICM monitor Category ={GENE> MIS, DBfile Gelernter } }

@inproceedings{Carroll1987, Author ={Carroll,J.C., Long,D.D.E., and Paris,J-F.},
Title ={Block-Level Consistency of Replicated Files},
Booktitle ={Proc. IEEE DCS-7, Berlin.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at SDSU replication. Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliable> } }

@inproceedings{Carroll1970, Author ={Carroll,J.M. and McLelland,P.M.},
Title ={Fast 'Infinite-Key' Privacy Transformations for Resource-Sharing Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1970, Pages ="223--230",
Volume ="37",
Category ={DBFrepresent-5>} }

@inproceedings{Carroll1971, Author ={Carroll,J.M., McHardy,L., Martin,R., and Moravec,H.},
Title ={Multi-Dimensional Security Program for a Generalized Information Retrieval System},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1971, Pages ="571--577",
Volume ="39",
Category ={DBDprivacy.3>} }

@article{Carrol1972, Author ={Carrol,John M.},
Title ={Snapshot 1971 --- How Canada Organizes Information about People},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1972, Pages ="445--452",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={at Un.Western Ontario (London, Canada) Extensive study on movement of private data and personal attitudes towards privacy. Category ={DBDprivacy.1> } }

@techreport{Carrol1977, Author ={Carrol,J.M.},
Title ={Database and Computer Systems Security},
Institution ={ADL, The Data Base Monograph Series: 10 Reports, ?, 60pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ Covers security factors and facilities including physical access, user identification, program isolation, integrity, detection, and surveillance. Category ={DBFintro.2> } }

@article{Carrol1983, Author ={Carrol,J.M. and Wu,O-L.},
Title ={Methodology for Security Analysis of Data-Processing Systems},
Journal ={Comput.Secur., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8411-0951.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="24--34",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Modeled in PROLOG. Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@book{Carrol1958, Author ={Carrol,Lewis},
Title ={Symbolic Logic},
Publisher ={Dover Publications NY, 166pp.},
Year =1958, Annote ={Appendix addressed to teachers. Category ={DBDintro.9>} }

@inproceedings{Carswell1986, Author ={Carswell,J. and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={SA-ER: A Methodology that Links Structured Analysis, and Entity Relationship Modeling for Database Design},
Booktitle ={E-R 5, Dijon, France.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Carter1986, Author ={Carter,Harold W.},
Title ={Computer-Aided Design of Integrated Circuits},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Pages ="19--36",
Volume ="19",
Number ="4",
Annote ={introduction , connects to VLSI design systems. Category ={EIS> } }

@article{Carter1979, Author ={Carter,J.L. and Wegman,M.N.},
Title ={Universal Classes of Hash Functions},
Journal ={To appear in Jour. of Comp. Sys. Sci about},
Year =1979, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC (Yorktown Heights NY) Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, DBfile } }

@article{Carter1984, Author ={Carter,M.P.},
Title ={Costing management information---a more formal approach},
Journal ={J.Inf.Sci.Princ.Pract., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8608-?.},
Year =1984, Pages ="117--122",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at North Staffordshire Polytechnic (UK) Category ={DBDeval> } }

@article{Carter1985, Author ={Carter,M.P.},
Title ={The valuing of management information. Part II: using the cost of not having information},
Journal ={J.Inf.Sci.Princ.Pract.,; ACM Computing Reviews 8608-?.},
Year =1985, Pages ="51--58",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at North Staffordshire Polytechnic (UK) Category ={DBDeval> } }

@article{Carter1985:1, Author ={Carter,M.P.},
Title ={The valuing of management information. Part III: estimation heuristics},
Journal ={J.Inf.Sci.Princ.Pract., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8608-?.},
Year =1985, Pages ="95--98",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDeval>} }

@article{Carter1985:2, Author ={Carter,M.P.},
Title ={The valuing of management information. Part IV: a practical approach},
Journal ={J.Inf.Sci.Princ.Pract., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8608-?.},
Year =1985, Pages ="143--147",
Volume ="10",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at North Staffordshire Polytechnic (UK) Category ={DBDeval> } }

@inproceedings{Casanova1980, Author ={Casanova,M. and Bernstein,P.A.},
Title ={A Formal System for Reasoning about Programs Accessing a Relational Database},
Booktitle ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1980, Month =Jul,
Pages ="386--414",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDrel.2> DBDkb>} }

@book{Casanova1981, Author ={Casanova,M.A.},
Title ={The Concurrency Control Problem for Database Systems},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Goos and Hartmanis(eds).},
Year =1981, Volume ="116",
Annote ={ Correctness criteria for general purpose schedulers. Transaction systems. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@techreport{Casanova1982, Author ={Casanova,M.A., Fagin,R., and Papadimitriou,C.H.},
Title ={Inclusion Dependencies and Their Interaction with Functional Dependencies},
Institution ={IBM, Res.Report RJ3380 (40160).},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at PUC Rio de Janeiro, IBM and MIT. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@inproceedings{Casanova1983, Author ={Casanova,M., and Vidal,M.},
Title ={Towards a sound view integration methodology},
Booktitle ={2nd ACM SIGACTSIGMODPODS, Atlanta, Ga..},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Casanova1984, Author ={Casanova,M.A. and AmaralDeSa,J.E.},
Title ={Mapping Uninterpreted Schemes into Entity-Relationship Diagrams: Two Applications to Conceptual Schema Design},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Pages ="82--94",
Volume ="28",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Casanova1985, Author ={Casanova,M.A., Moura,A.V., and Tucherman,L.},
Title ={On the Correctness of a Local Recovery Subsystem},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IBM, Brasil Category ={DBFuse-4> DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Casanova1988, Author ={Casanova,M,and Tucherman,L., and Furtado,A.L.},
Title ={Enforcing Inclusion Dependencies and Referential Integrity},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="38--49",
Category ={DBDmodel> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Casanova1989, Author ={Casanova,M.A., Tucherman,L., Furtado,A.L., and Braga,A.P.},
Title ={Optimization of Relational Schemas Containing Inclusion Dependencies},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM Brazil (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil) Complex objects; preserve inclusion dependency in the presence of insertions and deletions; first eliminates inclusion dependencies which are redundant; discards dependencies through a structural transformation that preserves the semantics of the data. Also for subset inclusion. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign> } }

@article{Casanova1991, Author ={Casanova,M., Furtado,A., and Tucherman,L.},
Title ={A Software Tool for Modular Database Design},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="16",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ first modularize, then use the tool to develop and maintain schemas; functions declared to enforce constraints Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{Casas1986, Author ={Casas,Ignacio R.},
Title ={Prophet: A Layered Analytical Model for Performance Prediction of Database Systems},
Institution ={Un.Toronto, TR-CSRI-180.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto, CSRI Category ={DBDperf, x} }

@inproceedings{Casas1989, Author ={Casas,I.R. and Sevcik,K.C.},
Title ={A Buffer Management Model For Use in Predicting Overall Database System Performance},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFperform>} }

@inproceedings{Casais1988, Author ={Casais,Eduardo},
Title ={An Object Oriented System Implementing KNOs},
Booktitle ={ACM Conf.on Office Information Systems.(>1988?).},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="284-290",
Annote ={at Un.Geneva dynamic properties argument inheritance, sim. Hypercard on SUNet Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Caseau1989, Author ={Caseau,Y.},
Title ={A Formal System for Producing Demons from Rules in an Object-Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Casey1972, Author ={Casey,R.G.},
Title ={Allocation of Copies of Files in an Information Network},
Booktitle ={Proc.SJCC , AFIPS .},
Year =1972, Pages ="617-625",
Volume ="40",
Annote ={ Relaxes the assumption of fixed number of copies and stressed the difference between updates and retrieval. Demonstrates several properties of the optimal assignment of files to nodes in a network with multiply-located files. A test useful in determining the optimum configuration is derived. Category ={DBFtechn.4.4> DBFstorage-3.1,.4> DBDdesign> DBDdist, Shel } }

@article{Casey1973, Author ={Casey,R.G.},
Title ={Design of Tree Networks for Distributed Data},
Journal ={Proc.Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA) , AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Pages ="251--257",
Volume ="42",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Networks are restricted to tree structures. A procedure for finding the close to optimal network (file location, line capacities and network topology) is described. Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Casey1974, Author ={Casey,R.G. and Osman,I.},
Title ={Generalized Page Replacement Algorithms in a Relational Data Base},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDperf>} } @misc{Cashing1991, Author ={Cashing, Douglas L.},
Title ={A programmer's Guide to File Processing},
Howpublished ={PWS-Kent, 199 pp.},
Year =1991, Annote ={at Bonaventure College (NY) informal, mainly textual descriptions. Category ={DBFintro, x } }

@article{Cashman1973, Author ={Cashman,Michael},
Title ={A Read-Write Optical Memory},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1973, Month Mar,
Pages ="66--69",
Annote ={at Datamation Description of Harris-Intertype Holographic store Category ={DBFhard.1>%Cashman73 } }

@inproceedings{Castano1992, Author ={Castano,S., DeAntonellis,V., and Zonta,B.},
Title ={Classifying and Reusing Conceptual Schemas},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Castellanos1991, Author ={Castellanos,M. and Saltor,F.},
Title ={Semantic Enrichment of Database Schemas: An Object Oriented Approach},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Castellanos1993, Author ={Castellanos,M.},
Title ={A Methodology for Semantically Enriching Interoperable Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Politecnica de Catalunya Category ={DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Castelli1989, Author ={Castelli,Eugenio},
Title ={Symmetry Based Approach to Mechanical Drawings Retrieval, an AI Application},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC-2.6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="405--413",
Annote ={at Polit.Milano, Dep.Meccanica Retrieval by semantics as mechanical function. Solid modeling representation as parameterized prototypes, constructive models (CSG), and boundary representation (B.R.). Category ={DBDimage> EIS> DBDappl> } }

@inproceedings{Castillo1986, Author ={Castillo,A., Corcoran,S., and Scacchi,W.},
Title ={A UNIX Based Gist Specification Processor: The System Factory Experience},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Castleman1967, Author ={Castleman,P.A.},
Title ={User-defined Syntax in a General Information Storage and Retrieval System},
Booktitle ={NCIR 4 (Philadelphia PA), Tonik(ed).},
Year =1967, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Castro1988, Author ={Castro,L., Hanson,J., and Rettig,T.},
Title ={Advanced Programmer's Guide Featuring dBASE III and dBASE II},
Publisher ={Ashton-Tate Books, 679pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8904-0194.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Ashton-Tate, (Torrance CA) This is a small phone book full of often interesting tidbits about dBASE II and III. Some parts of it could use some work, but it is reasonably complete and correct. It includes descriptions of .DBF and .NDX file formats for both dBASE II and III; it doesn't have dBASE III .NDX format. Good advanced use. Category ={DBDintro> DBappl> DBDimpl> } }

@inproceedings{Catarci1988, Author ={Catarci,T. and Santucci,G.},
Title ={Query by Diagram: A Graphic Query System},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Roma, Italy Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Catarci1988:1, Author ={Catarci,T. and Ferrara,F.M.},
Title ={OPTIMER: an Automated Tool for Supporting the Logical Design Within a Complete CASE Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. . 7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Roma, Italy Category ={DBDdesign> EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Catarci1990, Author ={Catarci,T., D'Angiolini,G., and Lenzerini,M.},
Title ={Concept Description Language for Statistical Data Modelling},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={Statistics> DBDmodel>} }

@article{Caton1976, Author ={Caton,J.M. and Schroeder,J.R.},
Title ={SPIDOC: An Integrated Database Approach to the Management and Use of Reference Documentation},
Journal ={Proc.of Share XLVII, Montreal, Quebec.},
Year =1976, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Caton1976:1, Author ={Caton,J.M. and Sack,J.R.},
Title ={Managing Computer Center Documentation with an Integrated Database},
Journal ={Proc.of SIGUCC of ACM, Tucson.},
Year =1976, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDintro.8>} }

@techreport{Cattell, Author ={Cattell,R.G.G.},
Title ={Design and Implmentation of a Relationship-Entity-Datum Data Model},
Institution ={Xerox, Palo Alto, Rep. CSL-83-4.},
Category ={DBDschema.6, Home file>} }

@inproceedings{Cattell1980, Author ={Cattell,R.G.G.},
Title ={Integrating a Database System and Programming/Information Environment},
Booktitle ={ACM Pingree Park Workshop, Brodie(ed).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="110--111",
Annote ={at Xerox, PARC Work on the Cedar programming environment. Category ={DBDmodel.0> } }

@inproceedings{Cattell1980:1, Author ={Cattell,R.G.G.},
Title ={An entity-based database interface},
Booktitle ={Proc. ACM-SIGMOD.},
Year =1980, Pages ="144--150",
Annote ={browsing. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Cattell1983, Author ={Cattell,R.G.G.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of a Relationship-Entity-Datum Data Model},
Institution ={Xerox Corp, (Palo Alto), TR-CSL-83-4.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDmodel.6, Home file} }

@techreport{Cattell1984, Author ={Cattell,R.G.G.},
Title ={A Paradigm for Database Editing, Browsing, and Query},
Institution ={Xerox Corp, CSL, Palo Alto, rcvd for TODS .},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@techreport{Cattell1987, Author ={Cattell,R.},
Title ={Simplify: A Workstation Interface to a DBMS},
Institution ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Sun Microsystems. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Cattell1989, Author ={Cattell,R.G. and Skeen,J.},
Title ={Engineering DBMS Benchmark},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={ at Sun Microsystems, Database Engineering Group, (Mountain View CA) Follow-up of Rubenstein et al. 'Benchmarking Simple Database Operations', ACM SIGMOD 87. Describe the simplified benchmark and new results obtained running it on relational and object-oriented systems. Caching in workstation-server environment. ---BSLee. model-independent, with some measurements attached Category ={DBDeval> EIS> DBDobject, DBfile } }

@book{Cattell1991, Author ={Cattell,R.G.G.},
Title ={Object Data Management: Object-Oriented and Extended Relational Database Systems},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 350pp.},
Year =1991, Annote ={ aplied anonymously to Objectivity-DB, Object Design Object Store, Ontologic ONTOS, Versant, and a Relational DBMS Category ={DBDobject> DBDperf> } }

@article{Cattell1992, Author ={Cattell,R. and Skeen,J.},
Title ={Object Operations Benchmark},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month Mar,
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Cauvet1988, Author ={Cauvet,C., Proix,C., and Rolland,C.},
Title ={Information systems design: an expert system approach},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at France Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Cavallo1987, Author ={Cavallo,R., and Pittarelli,M.},
Title ={The Theory of Probabilistic Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@manual{CCA1981, Author ={CCA},
Title ={Codasyl Query Language FLAT (CQLF) Specifications, and Codasyl Query Language FLAT (CQLF) Capabilities Description},
Organization ={reports submitted to National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). .},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at CCA (Cambridge MA) work by Manola, Pirotte, Blaustein, and Ries. Category ={DBDquery.3.3, manual file CCA } }

@inproceedings{Celentano1992, Author ={Celentano,A., Fugini,M., and Pozzi,S.},
Title ={Conceptual Document Browsing and Retrieval in Kabiria},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Politecnico di Milano knowledge document on structure and text and the environment where documents are used; three activities: classification, filing, and retrieval according to structure, contents, and role of documents and to the domain dependencies between office environment and the domain context Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@techreport{Celeux1988, Author ={Celeux,Gilles},
Title ={Le Traitement des Donnees Manquantes dans le Logiciel SICLA},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-102, Programme 5.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at INRIA Fill in missing data from neighbors using 1) independence assumptions and averages, 2) independence and random numbers, 3) correlated with given means and variances, 4) same with gaussian random selction. No discussion of effect on statistics of subsequent operations. ---Gio. Category ={DBDrepresent, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Cellary1980, Author ={Cellary,W. and Meyer,D.},
Title ={A Simple Model of Query Scheduling in Distributed Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Pages ="137--147",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Cellary1988, Author ={Cellary,W., Krolikoqski,Z., and Morzy,T.},
Title ={Other comments on 'Optimization Algorithms for Distributed Queries'},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Volume ="14",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at TU.Ponan, Inst. Control Eng., Poland Comment on Apers, Hefner, and Yao, IEEE TSE, 1983. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@book{Cellary1988:1, Author ={Cellary,W., Gelenbe,E., and Morzy,T.},
Title ={Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems},
Publisher ={N-H, 350pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ algorithms and their performance, syntactic and semantic concurrency control models, for monoversion DDBSs locking timestamp validation and hybrid methods, also multiversion DDBSs Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Cercone1985, Author ={Cercone,N., Boates,J., and Krause,M.},
Title ={An Interactive System for Finding Perfect Hash Functions},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="38--53",
Volume ="2",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFhash.5.1>} }

@inproceedings{Ceri1980, Author ={Ceri,S., Pelagatti,G., and Bracchi,G.},
Title ={Integrated Specification of Static and Dynamic Requirements of Database Applications: The Transaction Definition Language},
Booktitle ={IFIP.},
Year =1980, Annote ={at Polit.Milano (Italy) Category ={DBappl> DBDquery, DBfile } }

@article{Ceri1980:1, Author ={Ceri,S., Martella,G., and Pelagatti,G.},
Title ={Optimal File Allocation for a Distributed Database on a Network of Minicomputers},
Journal ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Databases, British Computer Society 1, Aberdeen, Hayden Publishers. },
Year =1980, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Considers the problem of database allocation rather than file allocation with a simpler model of transaction execution than Casey and without considering horizontal partitioning. Category ={DBFmethods.4.4> DBDdist> DBDdesign> } }

@book{Ceri1980:2, Author ={Ceri,S., Pelagatti,G., and Bracchi,G.},
Title ={Structured Methodology for Designing Static and Dynamic Aspects of Database Applications},
Publisher ={Pergamon.},
Year =1980, Annote ={at Polit.Milano Category ={DBDdesign> DBappl, DBfile} }

@article{Ceri1981, Author ={Ceri,S. Pelagatti,G., and Bracchi,G.},
Title ={Structured Methodology for Designing Static and Dynamic Aspects of Database Applications},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFmethods.4.5>} }

@techreport{Ceri1981:1, Author ={Ceri,S., Navathe,S., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Optimal Design of Distributed Databases},
Institution ={CS Report No.STAN-CS-81-884.},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBFmethods.4> DBDdist> DBDdesign> DBDquery> } }

@article{Ceri1982, Author ={Ceri,S. and Pelagatti,G.},
Title ={Allocation of Operations in Distributed Database Access},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-32 .},
Year =1982, Month =Feb,
Pages ="119--128",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Polit.Milano, Dpt.di Elettronica (Italy) A model for allocating the operations which are required by a transaction on a distributed a set of partial operations performed on different nodes...optimality is the minimization of transmission costs. Category ={DBFmethods.4.4> DBDdesign> DBDrel.3> } }

@inproceedings{Ceri1982:1, Author ={Ceri,S., Negri,M., and Pelagatti,G.},
Title ={Horizontal Data Partitioning in Database Design},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Schkolnick(ed), Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Ceri1983, Author ={Ceri,S. and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={A Methodology for the Distribution Design of Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON 26, San Francisco.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Polit.Milano; Un.Florida Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist> DBappl> } }

@book{Ceri1983:1, Author ={Ceri,S.(ed)},
Title ={Methodology and Tools for Data Base Design},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ Report on 3-year progress on DATAID. Contributions by DeAntonellis, Demo, Bussolati, Ceri, Zonta, Batini, Lenzerini. Moscarini, Bertaina, DiLeva, Giolito, Staniszkis, Sacca, Manfredi, Mecchia, Bonfatti, Maio, Tiberio, Colombetti, Guida, Somalvico, Bracchi, Pelagatti, Atzini, Carboni, Villanelli, Albano, Orsini. Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDdesign.7> DBDadmin> } }

@techreport{Ceri1983:2, Author ={Ceri,S. and Reghizzi,S.C.},
Title ={Relational Data Bases in the Design of Program Construction Systems},
Institution ={Polit.Milano, TR-83-8.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDdist> DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@techreport{Ceri1983:3, Author ={Ceri,S., Gottlob,G., and Pelagatti,G.},
Title ={Joining Fragmented Relations in Distributed Databases},
Institution ={Lab di Calcolatori, Polit.Milano, TR-83-9.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDdist> DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@article{Ceri1983:4, Author ={Ceri,S., Navathe,S., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Distribution Design of Logical Database Schemas},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Pages ="487--563",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ input is cardinalities of relations and connections, candidate partitionings into fragments, transaction access and frequencies. An linear integer(0-1) programming model describes the choices and is solved. The results on a sample were evaluated and non-obvious. Category ={DBFmethods.4.4> DBDdist> DBDdesign.7.5> DBDdesign> } }

@article{Ceri1983:5, Author ={Ceri,S. and Pelagatti,G.},
Title ={Correctness of Query Execution in Distributed Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8412-1026.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="577--607",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery.2>} }

@techreport{Ceri1983:6, Author ={Ceri,S. and Reghizzi,S.Crespi},
Title ={Relational Data Bases in the Design of Program Construction Systems},
Institution ={Polit.Milano, Lab.Calcolatori, TR.83-8.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDdist> DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@techreport{Ceri1983:7, Author ={Ceri,S., Gottlob,G., and Pelagatti,G.},
Title ={Joining Fragmented Relations in Distributed Databases},
Institution ={Polit.Milano, Lab.Calcolatori, TR.83-9.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDdist> DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@book{Ceri1984, Author ={Ceri,S. and Pelagatti,G.},
Title ={Distributed Database Design: Principles and Systems},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDdist> DBDmodel>} }

@techreport{Ceri1984:1, Author ={Ceri,S. and Gottlob,G.},
Title ={Join Optimization with Partioned Relations in Distributed Databases},
Institution ={Lab di Calcolatori, Polit.Milano, TR-84-15,},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ minimize transmission costs. Avoids semi-join reductions if fragments will not be moved. Consider semantics of fragment assignment to avoid joins. Category ={DBDperf> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ceri1984:2, Author ={Ceri,S., Pernici,B., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={An Overview of Research in the Design of Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE Database Engineering.},
Year =1984, Pages ="227--232",
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist>} }

@article{Ceri1985, Author ={Ceri,S. and Pernici,B.},
Title ={DATAID-D: Methodology for Distributed Database Design},
Journal ={To appear in `Computer-Aided Database Design' N-H.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist, DBfile} }

@techreport{Ceri1985:1, Author ={Ceri,S., Pernici,B., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Design Support Environment for Distributed Databases},
Institution ={Polit.Milano, Dep.d.Elettronica, Lab.d.Calc., Res.R. -7.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Number ="85",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist>} }

@article{Ceri1985:2, Author ={Ceri,S. and Gottlob,G.},
Title ={Normalization of Relations and PROLOG},
Journal ={Polit.Milano, Dep.Elettronica, Lab.d.Calc. TR..},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel, DBFile} }

@techreport{Ceri1985:3, Author ={Ceri,S.},
Title ={Proposal of a Standard database for Cystic Fibrosis},
Institution ={Milano-Stanford, draft.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Category ={MCS>} }

@unpublished{Ceri1985:4, Author ={Ceri,S, and Warwick,W.W.},
Title ={Design and Development of CFDB : A Standard Database for Cystic Fibrosis},
Note ={Rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Category ={MCS>} }

@article{Ceri1985:5, Author ={Ceri,S., Gottlob,G., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Interfacing Relational Databases and Prolog Efficiently},
Journal ={in 'Expert Database Systems', Kerschberg(ed), Benjamin/Cummings Publishers.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ efficiency issue in interfacing between a relational database and a Prolog interpreter. The approach is to use a loading mechanism which retrieves information from the secondary storage database and stores it in the main memory in a concise form, which can be used by the Prolog interpreter. The loading mechanism works in two ways. First, prior to the execution of the Prolog program, the loading mechanism determines those predicates which correspond to small relations and retrieves all the data of the relations into main memory. Second, during execution, the loading mechanism interacts with the main memory database to determine whether the access to data in the secondary storage is unavoidable, and performs queries on the secondary storage database only in that case. For this purpose,a 'tracer' is needed to keep track of the instances of database facts fetched into the main memory. Although the loading mechanism was implemented in the Prolog environment, the ideas of the approach are also applicable to the LISP environment. The implementation was partially completed. ---BYLee Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Ceri1985:6, Author ={Ceri,S., and Pernici,B.},
Title ={Chapter VIII: Dataid-D: Methodology for Distributed DAtabase Design},
Journal ={Comp. Aided DB Design, N-H},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Polit.Milano Category ={DBDdist> DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@article{Ceri1984:3, Author ={Ceri,S., and Gottlob,G.},
Title ={Translating SQL into Relational Algebra: Optimization, Semantics, and Equivalence of SQL Queries},
Journal ={Polit.Milano, Lab.di Calcolatori, TR-84-16.},
Year =1984, Annote ={at Polit.Milano Category ={DBDquery> DBDrel.2> DBDperf, DBfile incl.slides } }

@inproceedings{Ceri1986, Author ={Ceri,S., Gottlob,G., and Lavazza,L.},
Title ={Translation and Optimization of Logic Queries: the Algebraic Approach},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 11.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Pages ="395--402",
Annote ={at Polit.Milano Conditions for transform. [Ahad,Yao,Choi87] L.n to nL.1. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Ceri1987, Author ={Ceri,S., Pernici,B., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Distributed Database Design Methodologies},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="533--546",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBDdist, x issue} }

@techreport{Ceri1987:1, Author ={Ceri,S., CrespiReghizzi,S., Lavazza,L., and Zicari,R.},
Title ={Algres: A System for the Specification and Prototyping of Complex Databases},
Institution ={Polit.Milano, Res.R. -018.},
Year =1987, Number ="87",
Annote ={ at Polit.Milano, Dep.Electronica, Lab.Calcolatori Category ={DBDdesign> EIS> MAT, DBfile } }

@techreport{Ceri1987:2, Author ={Ceri,S., and Tanca,L.},
Title ={Optimization of Systems of Algebraic Equations for Evaluating Datalog Queries},
Institution ={Polit.Milano, TR-86-034, rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Polit.Milano, Dep.Elettronica Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile } }

@techreport{Ceri1987:3, Author ={Ceri,S., Paolini,G., Pelagatti,G., and Schreiber,F.A.},
Title ={Distributed Database Research at the Politechnico of Milano},
Institution ={Rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Polit.Milano Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Ceri1987:4, Author ={Ceri,Stefano},
Title ={A Database System for the Care of Cystic Fibrosis},
Note ={slides for CFDB, rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Stanford Un.; Polit.Milano Category ={MIS, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Ceri1988, Author ={Ceri,S., Gozzi,F., and Lugli,M.},
Title ={An Overview of PRIMO, A Portable Interface Between PROLOG and Relational Databases},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Modena Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Ceri1989, Author ={Ceri,S., Gottlob,G., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Efficient Database Access from Prolog},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE),},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="153--164",
Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Ceri1989:1, Author ={Ceri,S., Pernici,B., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Design Support Environment for Distributed Databases},
Journal ={Information Systems.},
Year =1989, Pages ="261-272",
Volume ="14",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDkb> Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Ceri1990, Author ={Ceri,S. and Widom,J.},
Title ={Deriving Production Rules for Constraint Maintenance},
Booktitle ={IBM Almaden Res.Ctr., IBM Res.RP. RJ 7348, 46pp.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Annote ={ SQL-based language for defining integrety constraints and a framework for translating constraints into production rules. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDkb> DBDschema, DBfile } }

@article{Ceri1990:1, Author ={Ceri,S., Crespi,S., Zicari,R., Lamperti,G., and Lavazza,L.},
Title ={Algres: an advanced database system for complex applications},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Algres is an extension of the relational model to manage complex objects (similar to nested relations) and express recursive algebraic expressions; Algres progrmas operate on main-memory data structures, which are loaded from mass-memory storage in an external database using explicit statements; design is based on the assumption that a typical Algres user will require only a fraction of the mass memory database; an object's schema includes records, sets, multisets, and sequences; Algres extends SQL to express explicity the Closure Nest, and Unnest operators and deal with multisets and sequences. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@book{Ceri1990:2, Author ={Ceri,S., Gottlob,G., and Tanca,L.},
Title ={Logic Programming and Databases},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), 284pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ coupling of Prolog and Datalog to large database; overviews of LDL, NAIL! POSTGRES, SGen, KIWI, ALGRES, PRISMA Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb, x } }

@inproceedings{Ceri1991, Author ={Ceri,S. and Widom,J.},
Title ={Deriving Production Rules for Incremental View Maintenance},
Booktitle ={IBM Almaden Res.Ctr., IBM Res.RP. RJ 8027, 26pp.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Annote ={prize paper incremental maintenance of materialized read-only views without duplicates; uses key information; cost estimates are provided I3 Category ={DBDimpl> DBDschema> VOD, DBfile IBMbox } }

@inproceedings{Ceri1992, Author ={Ceri,S. and Widom,J.},
Title ={Production Rules in Parallel and Distributed Database Environments},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ active databases with (events, predicate, action) with distributed data and rules; rule execution transparency correctness requiring new locks; not all rule sets are partitionable Category ={DBDimpl> VOD> } }

@inproceedings{Ceri1992:1, Author ={Ceri,S., Houtsma,M., Keller,A., and Samuratai,P.},
Title ={Achieving Incremental Consistency among Autonomous Replicated Databases},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Ceri1993, Author ={Ceri,S. and Widom,J.},
Title ={Managing Semantic Heterogeneity with Production Rules and Persistent Queues},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ Shows how production rules and persistent queues together provide a mechanism for maintaining consistency in semantically heterogeneous multidatabase environments. Describes a specification language and methods for automatically deriving production rules that maintain both existence and value interdatabase dependencies. The production rules derived from dependency specifications use persistent queues to monitor and maintain the dependencies automatically, asynchronously, incrementally, and correctly. I3 Category ={DBDdist> } }

@incollection{Cerone1986, Author ={Cerone,N. and McCalla,G.},
Title ={Accessing Knowledge through Natural Language},
Booktitle ={Advances in Computers, M.C.Yovitis (ed.).},
Year =1986, Volume ="25",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Cervesato1992, Author ={Cervesato,I. and Eick,C.},
Title ={Specification and Enforcement of Dynamic Consistency Constraints},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Houston Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Cesarini1983, Author ={Cesarini,F., Cardillo,D., and Soda,G.},
Title ={An Assessment of the Query-Processing Capability of DBMAC},
Journal ={In Advanced Database Machine Architecture, Hsiao (ed), Prentice-Hall publishers, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8408-0663.},
Year =1983, Pages ="109--129",
Annote ={at Inst.Informatica e Sistemistica (Florence) simulation of the performance of DBMAC. DBMAC stores each attribute of a relation as a separate file. It seems that conventional processors with simple indexing schemes perform as well. -----Levine. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Cesarini1991, Author ={Cesarini,F. and Soda,G.},
Title ={A Dynamic Hash Method with Signature},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="16",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Cha1991, Author ={Cha,Sang K.},
Title ={Kaleidoscope: A Cooperative Menu-Guided Query Interface (SQL version)},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Stanford, EE Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Cha1991:1, Author ={Cha,S.K. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Kaleidoscope Data Model for an English-like Query Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ based on a grammar specifying the syntax and semantics of an English-like query language (EnQL), the interface generates legitimate query constituents imcrementally as menu choices; to support Kaleidoscope the presence of a high-level data model is critical Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Chakravarthy1989, Author ={Chakravarthy,Sharma},
Title ={Rule Management and Evaluation: An Active DBMS Perspective},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="20--28",
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at Xerox Advanced Information Technology, (Cambridge MA) Monitors and triggers. ---Gio. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Chakravarthy1982, Author ={Chakravarthy,U.S., Minker,J., and Tran,C.},
Title ={Interfacing Predicate Logic Langages and Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of n International Logic Programming Conference 1, Marseille France.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Chakravarthy1984, Author ={Chakravarthy,U.S., Fishman,D., and Minker,J.},
Title ={Semantic Query Optimization in Expert Systems and Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland; Hewlett-Packard I3 Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Chakravarthy1986, Author ={Chakravarthy,U.S., Minker,J. and Grant,J.},
Title ={Semantic Query Optimization: Additional Constraints and Control Strategies},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Chakravarthy1986:1, Author ={Chakravarthy,U.S. and Minker,J.},
Title ={Multiple Query Processing in Deductive Databases using Query Graphs},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at CCA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Chakravarthy1990, Author ={Chakravarthy,U.S., Grant,J., and Minker,J.},
Title ={Logic-Based Approach to Semantic Query Optimization},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Pages ="162--207",
Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Xerox consolidate results emphasizing the techniques and their applicability for optimizing relational queries; recursion and integrity constraints that contain disjunction, negation, and recursion. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Chakravarthy1991, Author ={Chakravarthy,U.S. },
Title ={Divide and Conquer: A Basis for Augmenting a Conventional Query Optimizer with Multiple Query Processing Capabilities},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Challis1978, Author ={Challis,M.F.},
Title ={Database Consistency and Integrity in a Multi-User Environment},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="245--270",
Annote ={ at Pontificia Un.Catolica (Rio de Janeiro, Brasil) Category ={DBDintegrity.1> } }

@techreport{Chamberlin1974, Author ={Chamberlin,D.D., Boyce,R.F., and Traiger,I.L.},
Title ={A Deadlock-Free Scheme for Resource Locking in a Database Environment},
Institution ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 74, N-H.},
Year =1974, Pages ="340--343",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab (CA) Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Chamberlin1974:1, Author ={Chamberlin,D.D. and Boyce,R.F.},
Title ={SEQUEL: A Structured English Query Language},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res.R. RJ 1394, San Jose.},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Category ={DBDquery, x10Codd, DBfile} }

@article{Chamberlin1975, Author ={Chamberlin,D.D., Gray,J.N., and Traiger,I.L.},
Title ={Views, Authorization, and Locking in a Relational Data Base System},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , AFIPS Press.},
Year =1975, Pages ="425--430",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={ Subset selection operations in SEQUEL, supporting System-R. I3 Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@article{Chamberlin1976, Author ={Chamberlin,D.D.},
Title ={Relational Data-Base Management Systems},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="43--66",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Introductory paper Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@article{Chamberlin1976:1, Author ={Chamberlin,D.D., Astrahan,M.M., Eswaran,K.P., Griffiths,P.P., Lorie,R.A., Mehl,J.W., Reisner,P. and Wade,B.W.},
Title ={SEQUEL 2: A Unified Approach to Data Definition, Manipulation, and Control},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1976, Month =Nov,
Pages ="560--575",
Volume ="20",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDrel.2.7> DBDintegrity.3>} }

@techreport{Chamberlin1977, Author ={Chamberlin,D.D., Gray,J.N., Griffiths,P.P., Traiger,I.L., and Wade,B.W.},
Title ={Data Base System Authorization},
Institution ={Res.R. RJ2041, IBM Res., San Jose.},
Year =1977, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDtrans.3>} }

@article{Chamberlin1979, Author ={Chamberlin, D.D., Astrahan,M.M., King,W.F., Lorie,R.A., Mehl,J.W., Price,T.G., Schkolnick,M., Selinger,P.G., Slutz,D.R., Wade,B.W., and Yost,A.},
Title ={Support for Repetitive Transactions and Ad Hoc Queries in System R},
Journal ={IBM, Res.R. RJ2551(33151).},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Annote ={ Embedded SQL statements are processed by the System R precompiler enabling highly efficient support for repetitive transactions. Ad hoc query is specified. By providing a flexible spectrum of binding times. System R permits transaction-oriented programs and ad hoc query users to share a database without loss of efficiency. Category ={DBDschema.6.1> DBDrel.2> DBDrel.2.4> DBDquery.3, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Chamberlin1981, Author ={Chamberlin,D.D., Gilbert,A.M., and Yost,R.A.},
Title ={A History of System R and SQL/Data System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="456--464",
Annote ={ SQL/DS is a relational database management system by IBM for the DOS/VSE operating system. SQL/DS interfaces with CICS and can be used with DL/1. Category ={DBDintro.1> DBDintegrity.3> } }

@inproceedings{Chamberlin1992, Author ={Chamberlin,D.D. and Schmuck,F.B.},
Title ={Dynamic Data Distribution (D3) in a Shared-Nothing Multiprocessor Data Store },
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ reorganize after a failure without interruption of service including removal of a processor Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab> } }

@inproceedings{Chambers1993, Author ={Chambers,L.},
Title ={Parallel Features of NonStop SQL},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Tandem Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Champine1977, Author ={Champine,G.A.},
Title ={Six approaches to distributed data bases},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1977, Month =May,
Pages ="69--72",
Volume ="23",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Champine1979, Author ={Champine,G.A.},
Title ={Current Trends in Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="27--41",
Volume ="12",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Sperry Univac Category ={DBFintro> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Chan1983, Author ={Chan,A., Dayal,U., Fox,S., Goodman,N., Ries,D., and Skeen,D.},
Title ={DDM: An ADA Compatible Distributed Database Manager},
Booktitle ={COMPCON '83.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at CCA (Cambridge MA) ADAPLEX is the result of integrating Ada with DAPLEX. Local Database Manager (LLDM), is designed as a high-performance stand-alone system for managing local data. The Distributed Database Manager (DDM) interconnects multiple LDMs in a computer network. DAPLEX supports the important semantic notions of entities, functions, and generalization hierarchies. ADAPLEX Programming Language Interface is designed primarily for application programmers, application developers and database administrators. Can create temporary databases, interface with the Report Writer, the Bulk Load utility, and the Test Data Generator utility. An integrated global schema that encompasses data stored at all sites. Consistency of replicated data. Continued operation in spite of site failures. No partial effects of one transaction will be seen by another. Category ={DBDdist> DBDnewDBMS.7> in DBfile } }

@article{Chan1975, Author ={Chan,A. and Gray,R.},
Title ={Implementing Distributed Read-only Transactions},
Journal ={rcvd .},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDdist> DBDnewDBMS.7> DBDintegrity.1, DBfile} }

@techreport{Chan1981, Author ={Chan,A., Fox,S., Lin,W-T.K., and Ries,D.},
Title ={The Design of an ADA Compatible Local Database Manager (LDM)},
Institution ={CCA, TR.81-09.},
Year =1981, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at CCA (Cambridge MA) some overlap with VLDB 82 paper. Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Chan1982, Author ={Chan,A., Fox,S., Lin,W-T.K., Nori,A., and Ries,D.R.},
Title ={The Implementation of an Integrated Concurrency Control and Recovery Scheme},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="184--191",
Annote ={uses versions Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans-3.2> DBDintegrity.3, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Chan1990, Author ={Chan,A., Danberg,S., Fox,S., Lin,W-T.K., Nori,A., and Ries,D.R.},
Title ={Storage and Access Structures to Support a Semantic Data Model},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ ADA's type definition provides referential, subset overlap, totality (essential), and uniqueness constraints. To be stored are values, type and subtype information, and reference count to enforce proper deletion. data are grouped 'semantically' down to binary tuple groups for secondary functions. Hierarchical clustering improves ISA inheritance performance. An entity directory permits rapid logical access to primary entity records of a hierarchy. Logical record types can be fragmented and fragments can be combined into files. Horizontal fragmentation is based on subsets. Hybrid, logical + physical, pointers are used for cross reference, a physical destination is checked, and if it doesnt match the logical reference is used and the physical part reset. Category ={DBDkb> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@article{Chan1983:1, Author ={Chan,A., Dayal,U., Fox,S., Goodman,N. ,Ries,D.R., and Skeen,D.,},
Title ={Overview of an ADA Compatible Distributed Database Manager},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, San Jose CA.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="228--237",
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Chan1983:2, Author ={Chan,A., Dayal,U., Fox,S., Goodman,N., Ries,D., and Skeen,D.},
Title ={DDM: An ADA Compatible Distributed Database Manager},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON .},
Year =1983, Annote ={at CCA ADAPLEX is the result of integrating Ada with DAPLEX. Local Database Manager (LDM), is designed as a high-performance stand-alone system for managing local data. The Distributed Database Manager (DDM) interconnects multiple LDMs in a computer network. DAPLEX supports the important semantic notions of entities, functions, and generalization hierarchies. ADAPLEX Programming Language Interface is designed primarily for application programmers, application developers and database administrators. Can create temporary databases, interface with the Report Writer, the Bulk Load utility, and the Test Data Generator utility. An integrated global schema that encompasses data stored at all sites. Consistency of replicated data. Continued operation in spite of site failures. No partial effects of one transaction will be seen by another. Category ={DBDdist> DBDnewDBMS.7, DBfile also presentation slides by Fox } }

@inproceedings{Chan1985, Author ={Chan,A. and Sarin,S.},
Title ={Improving Availability and Performance of Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="34--41",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDtrans-3> DBDdist>} }

@unpublished{Chan1985:1, Author ={Chan,A., Dayal,U., and Hsu,M-C.},
Title ={Providing Database Management Capabilities for Mission Critical Applications},
Note ={rcvd.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at CCA versioning in LDM/DDM of Adaplex. Category ={DBFtrans> DBDdist> } }

@article{Chan1987, Author ={Chan,A., Dayal,U., and Fox,S.},
Title ={An Ada-Compatible Distributed Database Management System},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="674--694",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at CCA, Cambridge Category ={DBDdist, xissue} }

@book{Chan1991, Author ={Chan,A., Khoshafian,S., Wong,H., and Wong,A.},
Title ={A guide to developing client/server SQL applications},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufman, 500pp.},
Year =1991, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Ashton-Tate case studies compare database servers as EE,RDB,ORACLE and SQL server; discusses major products as dBASE/SQL, DataEase, Paradox, SQL windows, and Object/1 Category ={DBDrel> } }

@inproceedings{Chan1976, Author ={Chan,A.Y.},
Title ={Index Selection in a Self-Adaptive Relational Database Management System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 76, Rothnie(ed). },
Year =1976, Pages ="1--8",
Category ={DBFimpl.2.3>} }

@inproceedings{Chan1991:1, Author ={Chan,Christine },
Title ={Inferential Modelling Technique for Constructing Second Generation Knowledge Based Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Chan1992, Author ={Chan,C.Y., Ooi,B.C., and Lu,H.},
Title ={Extensible Buffer Management of Indexes},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFfile>} }

@techreport{Chan1984, Author ={Chan,Edward P.F.},
Title ={Query Answering and Schema Analysis under the Weak Instance Model},
Institution ={Ph.D. thesis, Un.Toronto, CSRI-164.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ uses universal relation model. Chase join expressions. Category ={DBtheory, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Chan1986, Author ={Chan,Edward.P.F.},
Title ={On the Properties and Characterization of Connection-trap-free Schemes},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Alberta Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Chan1986:1, Author ={Chan,E.P.F., Hernandez,H.J.},
Title ={On the Desirability of Gamma-Acyclic BCNF Database Schemes},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Alberta (Canada) Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Chan1987:1, Author ={Chan,E.P.F. and Hernandez,J.},
Title ={On Designing Database Schemes Bounded or Constant-Time Maintainable with Respect to Functional Dependencies},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Alberta Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Chan1988, Author ={Chan,E.P.F. and Hernandez,H.J.},
Title ={Independence-reducible database schemes},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Toronto some database schemes require the user to know implied relational dependencies and logical connections in order to retrieve the correct data; a secondary purpose appears to be to support the creation of automatic connections between relations, which would be needed by a universal relation interface system; such a system would shield the user from specifying logical connections among relations. ---Tufts. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDquery> DBDmodel> Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Chan1989, Author ={Chan,E.P.},
Title ={A design theory for solving the anomalies problem},
Journal ={SIAM J.Computing, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9006-0514.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Alberta shows an example of a schema in Boyce-Codd Normal Form (BCNF) that has insertion and deletion anomalies; relation schema R is anomaly-free if every insertion set on R contains the primary key of R. A less restrictive assumption is that an inserted tuple should be non-null on a candidate key only; presents many results concerning different classes of replacement anomaly-free relation schemes. ---Pokorny. Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Chan1992:1, Author ={Chan,Edward},
Title ={Containment and Minimization of Conjunctive Queries in OODB's},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Chan1981:1, Author ={Chan,P. and Shoshani,A.},
Title ={SUBJECT: A Directory Driven System for Organizing and Accessing Large Statistical Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="553--563",
Annote ={at UCB, LBL (Berkeley CA) Category ={DBDquery.1> DBDstat> } }

@techreport{Chan1974, Author ={Chan,S.},
Title ={QLS: A Query Language Generator System},
Institution ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS Thesis, DCS, Un.Toronto (Canada).},
Year =1974, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Chancelier1989, Author ={ Chancelier,J.P., Gomez,C., Quadrat,J.P., and Sulem,A. Chancelier,J.P., Gomez,C., Quadrat,J.P., and Sulem,A.},
Title ={An Expert System for Stochastic Control Problems: Automatic Report Generation},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management (Computer Science in Economics and Management 21).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ A special issue devoted to papers presented at the conference on ICC Institute, Austin TX. D.A. Kendrick, L.S. Lasdon, T.W. Ruefli and A.B. Whinston (eds.). ---Gio Category ={DBDappl> } }

@inproceedings{Chandra1977, Author ={Chandra,A.K. and Merlin,P.M.},
Title ={Optimal implementation of conjunctive queries in relational databases},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing 9, Boulder.},
Year =1977, Month =May,
Pages ="77--90",
Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@article{Chandra1980, Author ={Chandra,A.K. and Harel,D.},
Title ={Computable Queries for Relational Database Systems},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science 21.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ Queries not expressible in a pure relational calculus due to lack of transitive closure. Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{Chandra1981, Author ={Chandra,A.K.},
Title ={Programming Primitives for Database Languages},
Booktitle ={Conf.Record Annual ACM Symp. Principles of Programming Languages 8,},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Pages ="50--62",
Annote ={Includes bounded looping. Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Chandra1982, Author ={Chandra,A. and Harel,D.},
Title ={Horn Clauses and the Fixpoint Query Hierarchy},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Annote ={ Method for transforming [Ahad,Yao,Choi87] L.n to nL.1. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Chandra1982:1, Author ={Chandra,A. and Harel,D.},
Title ={Structure and Complexity of Relational Queries},
Journal ={J.Comp. and Sys.Sciences,},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Pages ="99--128",
Volume ="25",
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@techreport{Chandra1983, Author ={Chandra,A.K. and Vardi,M.},
Title ={The Implication Problem for Functional and Inclusion Dependencies Is Undecidable},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RC9980.},
Year =1983, Annote ={Ownership. Category ={DBDmodel.3.4>} }

@article{Chandra1983:1, Author ={Chandra,A.K. and Harel,D.},
Title ={Horn clauses and the fixpoint query hierarchy},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 2.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ on the complexity of answering queries defined by logical rules Category ={DBDquery.3> } }

@inproceedings{Chandra1986, Author ={Chandra,Ashok K.},
Title ={Database Queries and Programming Constructs},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Chandra1993, Author ={Chandra,R. and Segev,A.},
Title ={Managing Temporal Financial Data in Extensible Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Annote ={Survey Category ={DBDtheory> Category ={DBDappl>} }

@book{Chandrasekaran1987, Author ={Chandrasekaran,B., and Mittal,S.},
Title ={Conceptual Representation of Medical Knowledge for Diagnosis by Computer: MDX and Related Systems},
Publisher ={? rcvd.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Ohio St. Un., CSD Category ={MIS, MISfile} }

@article{ChandyR1968, Author ={Chandy,M.K. and Ramamoorty,C.V.},
Title ={Optimization of Information Storage Systems},
Journal ={Information and Control,},
Year =1968, Month =Dec,
Pages ="509--526",
Volume ="13",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@article{ChandyH1976, Author ={Chandy,K.M. and Hewes,J.E.},
Title ={File Allocation in Distributed Systems},
Journal ={Proc.Int. Symp. on Computer Performance, Modeling, Measurement, and Evaluation.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="10--13",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist>} }

@article{ChangL1982, Author ={Chang,C.C. and Lee,R.C.T.},
Title ={Symbolic Gray Code as a Perfect Multiattribute Hashing Scheme for Partial Match Queries},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="235--249",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at National Chiao-Tung Un., Inst.Computer Eng. (Hsinchu, Taiwan) Good for partial match queries. A new hashing scheme called bucket-oriented symbolic Gray code which can be used to produvce any arbitrary Cartesian product file. Category ={DBFtrees.4.3> } }

@article{ChangDL1984, Author ={Chang,C.C., Du,M.W., and Lee,R.C.T.},
Title ={Performance Analyses of Cartesian Product Files and Random Files},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-10 .},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Pages ="88--99",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Formulas for the average number of buckets to be examined over all possible partial match queries for Cartesian product files and random files. Category ={DBFimpl.2.7> } }

@inproceedings{ChangS1983, Author ={Chang,C.C. and Shieh,J.C.},
Title ={On the Design of Ordered Minimal Perfect Hashing Functions and Join Dependencies},
Booktitle ={to appear Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@inproceedings{ChangL1989, Author ={Chang,C.C. and Leu,D.F.},
Title ={Multi-key Sorting as a File Organization Scheme when Queries Are Not Equally Likely},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="219--224",
Annote ={ at Nat.Chung Hsing Un., Inst.Applied Math, (Taichung, Taiwan) Category ={DBDindex> } }

@article{Chang1976, Author ={Chang,C.L.},
Title ={DEDUCE--A Deductive Query Language for Relational Data Bases},
Journal ={Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Chen(ed), Academic Press (New York NY), },
Year =1976, Category ={DBDquery.2.3> DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Chang1978, Author ={Chang,C.L.},
Title ={DEDUCE 2: Further Investigation of Deduction in Relational Data Bases},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res.R. No.RJ2147, San Jose, ; ACM Computing Reviews 40,416.},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Annote ={ usable as a front-end to system R; general rules defining virtual relations; Logic is the query language allowing existential, universal, and numerical quantifiers; consistency constraints are not restricted to functional dependencies. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDquery.2> DBDkb>in DBfile } }

@techreport{Chang1978:1, Author ={Chang,C.L.},
Title ={An Optimization Problem in Relational DataBases},
Institution ={Res.R. RJ2287, IBM Res., San Jose.},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Annote ={scheduling of Join operations Category ={DBDrel.3.4>in DBfile } }

@incollection{Chang1979, Author ={Chang,C.L.},
Title ={On Evaluation of Queries Containing Derived Relations in a DB},
Booktitle ={'Formal Bases for Databases', Toulouse Conf..},
Year =1979, Annote ={ Attempts to improve the generality of Reiter 'Deductive question answering in relational databases' Gallaire and Minker 1978. -- his basic strategy: transform logic to algebra, apply the algebra to the database.--- Ullman. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Chang1984:1, Author ={Chang,C.L. and Walker,A.},
Title ={PROSQL: A PROLOG Programming Interface with SQL/DS},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Res.Lab Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Chang1976:1, Author ={Chang,E.},
Title ={A Distributed Medical Data Base},
Journal ={Computer Networks.},
Year =1976, Pages ="33--38",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at CSD, Un.Waterloo, Ontario Describes the software design aspects of a distributed medical database to be implemented on a homogeneous minicomputer loop network. Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Chang1989:1, Author ={Chang,E.E. and Katz,R.},
Title ={Exploiting Inheritance and Structure Semantics for Effective Clustering and Buffering in an Oject-Oriented DBMS},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at UCB, EECS Category ={DBDobject> DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Chang1978:2, Author ={Chang,H.},
Title ={On Bubble Memories and Relational Data Base},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds), Berlin.},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFhard.1.5> DBFmach> DBDperf>} }

@article{Chang1981, Author ={Chang,J.M. and Fu,K.S.},
Title ={Extended K-d Tree Database Organization: A Dynamic Multiattribute Clustering Method},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-7 .},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Pages ="284--290",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFimpl.2.5>} }

@inproceedings{Chang1982:1, Author ={Chang,J-M.},
Title ={A Heuristic Approach to Distributed Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="54--61",
Annote ={at Bell Labs (Murray Hill NJ) A heuristic algorithm is proposed to determing the sequence of semijoins used to answer an arbitrary query Q. Phase 1 concentrates on accumulating the values of the join. Phase 2 uses the join attribute values to reduce the sizes of the relations. This algorithm produces optimal solution for simple queries. For general queries, the empirical results indicate up--50pct performance improvement over SDD-1. Category ={DBDperf> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Chang1985, Author ={Chang,J-M.},
Title ={LAMBDA, A Distributed Database System for Local Networks},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="76--83",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Chang1989:2, Author ={Chang,J.W. and Lee,Y.J.},
Title ={Multikey Access Scheme Based on Term Discrimination and Signature Clustering},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="211--218",
Annote ={at KAIST, DCS, (Seoul Korea) Analytic estimation, recognizes primary key. Category ={DBFhash> } }

@article{Chang1976:2, Author ={Chang,P.Y.},
Title ={Parallel Processing and Data Driven Implementation of a Relational Data Base System},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1976, Pages ="314--318",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Chang1988, Author ={Chang,P.Y. and Myre,W.W.},
Title ={OS/2 EE Database Manager Overview and Technical Highlights},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal .},
Year =1988, Pages ="105--118",
Volume ="27",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM (Austin) SQL in the PC is consistent with 360 SQL. Dynamic SQL has PREPARE, DESCRIBE, EXECUTE (IMMEDIATE) statements. Category ={DBDrel, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Chang1975, Author ={Chang,Shi-Kuo},
Title ={Data Base Decomposition in a Hierarchical Computer System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="48--53",
Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown Heights Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Chang1975:1, Author ={Chang,S.K.},
Title ={Preliminary Report on a Relational Data Base System for Medical Decision Making},
Institution ={Dep.s of Information Engineering and Ophthalmology,},
Year =1975, Annote ={at Un.Illinois Category ={DBDintro.8, DBfile} }

@article{Chang1976:3, Author ={Chang,S.K., O'Brien,M., Read,J., Borovec,R., Cheng,J., and Ke,J.S.},
Title ={Design Considerations of a Database System in a Clinical Network Environment},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1976, Pages ="277--286",
Volume ="45",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Chang1978:3, Author ={Chang,S.K. and Cheng,W.H.},
Title ={Database Skeleton and Its Application to Logical Database Synthesis},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-4 .},
Year =1978, Month =Jan,
Pages ="18--30",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Chang1976:4, Author ={Chang,S-K. and Ke,J.S.},
Title ={Database Skeleton and its Application to Fuzzy Query Translation},
Journal ={Un.Illinois, TR..},
Year =1976, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Describes how an imprecise or fuzzy query can be translated into a completely specified query using a database skeleton (or schema). A fuzzy query is one which does not specify the relation names or the relationship among the attributes used in the query. Category ={DBFeval.4> 10.2.3 @article{Chang1980, Author ={Chang,S.K. and Cheng,W.H.},
Title ={A Methodology for Structured Database Decomposition},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-6 .},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Some of thearticles are quite interesting and others are quite bad; it gives a good idea of the research work that is occurring in the far east in the office systems and management systems area. Category ={DBDintro.8> Category ={DBDmodel.6> } }

@book{Chang1980:1, Author ={Chang,S.K. and Fu,K.S.(eds)},
Title ={Pictorial Information Systems},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), LNCS, Goos and Hartmanis(eds), 445pp.},
Year =1980, Volume ="80",
Category ={DBappl>} }

@article{Chang1982:2, Author ={Chang,S.K. and Liu,A.},
Title ={File Allocation in a Distributed Database},
Journal ={International Journal of Computer and System Sciences.},
Year =1982, Pages ="325--340",
Volume ="11",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Chang1988:1, Author ={Chang,S.K., Yan,C.W., Dimitroff,D.C., and Arndt,T.},
Title ={An Intelligent Image Database System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="681--688",
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Prototype intelligent image database system. Iconomic query language not stated how icons are generated from images. Category ={Image> } }

@book{Chang1989:3, Author ={Chang,Shi-Kuo},
Title ={Principles of Pictorial Information Systems Design},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 369pp.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh Representation and compression of images. Icons. Category ={Image, x } }

@inproceedings{Chang1990, Author ={Chang,T-H.},
Title ={An Entity-oriented Data Model - MIX},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at DEC universal model and ISA hierarchies, characteristic property hierarchies, aggregation hierarchies, and shared property hierarchies, graphic notations Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Chang1989:4, Author ={Chang,T-S. and Tanaka,K.},
Title ={Alternative Objects in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="182--189",
Annote ={ at Kobe Un., Grad.School of Science and Technology, (Kobe, Japan) Category ={EIS> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Chang1989:5, Author ={Chang,W.W. and Schek,H.J.},
Title ={Multi-level Signatures and their Integration into BTree Index Files},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM Almaden RC (San Jose CA) multilevel signature files using a new composite method of parent signature generation; for a large number of fields for which no index exists; reduces the number of tuples assessed. Category ={DBFadvindex> DBFhash> } }

@techreport{Chang1993, Author ={Chang,Y., Raschid,L., and Dorr,B.},
Title ={A Survey of Approaches to Achieve Interoperability with Multiple Databases},
Institution ={CS-TR-3089, UMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersACS-TR-93-53.},
Year =1993, Annote ={at Un.Maryland This paper discusses the technique for achieving interoperability among multiple databases or knowledge bases. The first problem - representational discrepancy - occurs when the underlying databases represent the same knowledge in different ways. The second problem - knowledge heterogeneity - occurs when they represent different, probably inconsistent knowledge. We then review approaches to resolve representational discrepancy. There are currently three approaches. The first approach is to extend the original data model to include some good properties from other data models. The second approach is to build a global conceptual schema unifying all databases. The third approach is to build a mediator among databases. We also give a brief description about our work. It is based on the idea of building a mediator, but also adopts the techniques from the other two approaches. I3 Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Chao1986, Author ={Chao,T. and Egyhazy,C.J.},
Title ={Estimating Temporary File Sizes in Distributed Relational Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Chapin1968, Author ={Chapin, Ned},
Title ={360 Programming in Assembly Language},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 532pp.},
Year =1968, Annote ={ Chapter 11 has file programming and disk layout detail for IBM 360 computers. Category ={DBFhard.1>%Chapin68 } }

@article{Chapin1969, Author ={Chapin,Ned},
Title ={Common File Organization Techniques Compared},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1969, Pages ="418--422",
Volume ="35",
Annote ={at Consultant (Menlo Park) A short survey of commercial file implementations Category ={DBFseq> %Chapin69F } }

@inproceedings{Chapin1969:1, Author ={Chapin,Ned},
Title ={A Comparison of File Organization Techniques},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1969, Pages ="273--283",
Category ={DBFeval>%Chapin69A} }

@inproceedings{Chapin1969:2, Author ={Chapin,Ned},
Title ={A Deeper Look at Data},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1969, Pages ="631--638",
Annote ={at Consultant (Menlo Park) A different viewpoint on data relationships, claiming to refute some of the concepts of Mealy's paper. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@techreport{Chapiro1983, Author ={Chapiro,D.M.},
Title ={Sorting by Recursive Partioning},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR-CS-83-994.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Adaptsort: initial pass provides info, total is O(n log log n). Internal although author claims external. Category ={DBFseq, DBfile } }

@book{Chard1988, Author ={Chard,Tim},
Title ={Computing for Clinicians},
Publisher ={Elmore-Chard Publishers, London UK, 136pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at The London Hospital Medical Coll., OBGYN Dep. Category ={MIS, x } }

@article{Charles1973, Author ={Charles,William R.},
Title ={Some Systems Should Not Use Paired File Techniques},
Journal ={Data Management,},
Year =1973, Month =Sep,
Pages ="33--37",
Annote ={ Use sequential processing if a computation requires more than 5pct of the records. Category ={DBFseq, DB and Home files } }

@inproceedings{Charrel1981, Author ={Charrel,P.J.},
Title ={L'Influence des Crit\`eres d'Application dans la R\'esolution du Probl\`eme de l'Allocation Optimale des Ressources d'une Base de Donn\'ees R\'eparties},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Seminar on Distributed Data Sharing Systems 1, vandeRiet and Litwin(eds) (Amsterdam).},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Chase1981, Author ={Chase,K.},
Title ={Join Graphs and Acyclic Data Base Schemes},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="95--100",
Annote ={at Pennsylvania State Un. (University Park PA) We provide a sufficient condition for a join dependency to be acyclic dependency is cyclic, we give two distinct methods that the designer can use to solve this problem. Category ={DBDmodel.1> } }

@book{Chase1989, Author ={Chase,Paul},
Title ={VM/CMS: A User's Guide},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 466pp.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBFadvindex>} }

@article{Chaskin1973, Author ={Chaskin,Dennis R.},
Title ={Security vs. Performance},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1973, Month =Nov,
Pages ="110--116",
Annote ={at U.S. Gov. Acct. Office General remarks on the problem. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@inproceedings{Chaudhuri1990, Author ={Chaudhuri,Soma},
Title ={Agreement is Harder than Consensus: Set Consensus Problems in Totally Asynchronous Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Un.Washington, Seattle Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Chaudhuri1988, Author ={Chaudhuri,Surajit},
Title ={Temporal Relationships in Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="160--170",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDmodel> DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Chaudhuri1990:1, Author ={Chaudhuri,Surajit},
Title ={Generalization and a Framework for Query Modification},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6, Los Angeles.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD AFIS abstraction task in some SoD mediators; a mediator technique. I3 Category ={DBDmodel> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Chaudhuri1990:2, Author ={Chaudhuri,Surajit},
Title ={Database Types: a Plea for Simplicity},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDmodel, studentfile} }

@inproceedings{Chaudhuri1991, Author ={Chaudhuri,Surajit},
Title ={Detecting Redundant Tuples During Query Evaluation},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Chaudhuri1992, Author ={Chaudhuri,S. and Vardi,M.},
Title ={On the Equivalence of Datalog Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Chaudhuri1992:1, Author ={Chaudhuri,Surajit},
Title ={Finding Nonrecursive Envelopes for Recursive Datalog Predicates},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Chaudhuri1993, Author ={Chaudhuri,S. and Shim,K.},
Title ={Query Optimization in the Presence of Foreign Functions},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Chaum1985, Author ={Chaum,David},
Title ={Security without Identification: Transaction Systems to make Big Brother Obsolete},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1030--1040",
Volume ="28",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at MC (Amsterdam) extensive article on use of random, transient personal id's. A digital pseudonym with each organization. Category ={DBDprivacy.2.1> } }

@article{Chavez1990, Author ={Chavez,R.M. and Cooper,G.},
Title ={Hypermedia and randomized algorithms for medical expert systems},
Journal ={Computer Methods and Programs In Biomedicine.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Volume ="32",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MIS, Stanford graphical representation for decision models Category ={MIS> DBDappl> } }

@incollection{Chazan1969, Author ={Chazan,D., and Miranker,W.},
Title ={Chaotic Relaxation},
Booktitle ={Linear Algebra and Its Applications, Amer. Elseviers.},
Year =1969, Annote ={ the numerical analysis argument for less than strict synchronization, as background for the identity connection. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile Miranker } }

@article{Cheatham1962, Author ={Cheatham,T.E.jr. and Warshall,S.},
Title ={Translation of Retrieval Requests Couched in a 'Semi-formal' English-like Language},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1962, Month =Jan,
Pages ="34--39",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Harvard Un. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Cheeseman1983, Author ={Cheeseman,Peter},
Title ={A Method of Computing Generalized Bayesian Probability Values for Expert Systems},
Institution ={SRI, TR..},
Year =1983, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb> DBFmethods>} }

@inproceedings{Cheeseman1985, Author ={Cheeseman,Peter},
Title ={In Defense of Probability},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA), Los Angeles.},
Year =1985, Pages ="1002--1009",
Annote ={at SRI Category ={DBDkb> DBFmethods> DBDstatistics, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Cheeseman1986, Author ={Cheeseman,Peter},
Title ={Induction of Models Under Uncertainty},
Booktitle ={International Symp.on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems; Un.Tennessee.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="130--144",
Annote ={at NASA Ames Res.Ctr Category ={DBDkb> KSYS>} }

@inproceedings{Cheiney1986, Author ={Cheiney,J.P., Faudemay,P., and Michel,R.},
Title ={An Extension of Access Paths to Improve Joins and Selections},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDrel.3.3>} }

@inproceedings{Cheiney1986:1, Author ={Cheiney,J.P., Faudemay,P., Michel,R., and Thevenin,J.M.},
Title ={A Reliable Parallel Backend Using Multiattribute Clustering and Select-Join Operator},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto,},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Cheiney1988, Author ={Cheiney,J-P. and Kiernan,G.},
Title ={A Functional Clustering Method for Optimal Access to Complex Domains in a Relational DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ LISP functions can be defined over complex attributes to generate useful values for indexing and multi-level clustering by CLUSTER statements. Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile Kiernan with related papers } }

@inproceedings{Cheiney1989, Author ={Cheiney,J.P. and deMaindreville,C.},
Title ={A Parallel Transitive Closure Algorithm Using Hash-Based Clustering},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at ENST, France Category ={DBFmach> DBDquery> DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Cheiney1991, Author ={Cheiney,JPierre },
Title ={Parallel Computation of Direct Transitive Closures},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Cheiney1992, Author ={Cheiney,J-P. and Lanzelotte,R.},
Title ={A Model for Optimizing Deductive and Object-Oriented DB Requests},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at INRIA, France Category ={DBDlogic> DBDobject>} }

@article{Chen1985, Author ={Chen,A.L.P. and Li,V.O.K.},
Title ={An optimal algorithm for processing distributed star queries},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8604-0355.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Systems Dev. Corp, (Santa Monica CA) join graph is configured as a star with the target relation at the center. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Chen1984, Author ={Chen,A.L.P and Li,V.O.K.},
Title ={Improvement Algorithms for SemiJoin Query Processing Programs in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol.C33 .},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="959--967",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at USC (Los Angeles) optimal means minimal transmission of tree queries. They make 'no' assumptions, which means to me that all relations are equal in size and all selectivities are uniform. Redundant semijoins are recognized and eliminated and the remaining neccessary semijoin transmission are propagated to defer completing the joins. Category ={DBDdist> DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Chen1990, Author ={Chen,A.L.P.},
Title ={Semantic Outerjoin Optimization in Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Bell Communications Research the outerjoins here merge incompatible relations with the same key Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Chen1993, Author ={Chen,C. and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Adaptive Database Buffer Management Using Query Feedback},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Chen1975, Author ={Chen,Di and Zook,J.David},
Title ={An Overview of Optical Data Storage Technology},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1207--1230",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Honeywell With extensive bibliography Category ={DBDprivacy.1.4> } }

@inproceedings{Chen1989, Author ={Chen,I.A. and McLeod,D.},
Title ={Derived Data Updates in Semantic Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at CSD, USC (Los Angeles CA) Derived data and constraints; update propagation is not unique; utilizes a semantic database schema as superclass, value classes, inverses, decided insertion class. Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Chen1991, Author ={Chen,I. and Lee,R.},
Title ={An approach to deriving object hierarchies from database schema and contents},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at IntelligenceWare, Los Angeles extract subclass hierarchy by checking instances for nulls, contstraints, subsumption, referents Category ={DBDmodel> DBDobject> } }

@article{Chen1989:1, Author ={Chen,J.S.J. and Li,V.O.K.},
Title ={Optimizing Joins in Fragmented Database Systems on a Broadcast Local Network},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 8911-0828.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Pages ="26--38",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Teradata Corp, Los Angeles Broadcast reduces intersite data transfers. Replication is fully exploited, integral with other optimization steps. A four-phase approach equivalent to finding a minimum-weight vertex cover for join-analysis graph, is NP-hard. Properties of join-analysis and a heuristic are developed. Semijoin reductions are also considered. Find a set of data migrations with miminal total transmission cost; a join graph is built to detect which joins are non-empty. The two-way join optimization is mapped into finding the minimum-weight vertex. Properties of such graphs reduce the size of the search space. Finally, selecting for each fragment, the most lightly loaded site where a physical copy is to be found. Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Chen1993:1, Author ={Chen,L-T. and Rotem,D.},
Title ={Declustering Objects for Visualization},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Chen1982, Author ={Chen,M., Fedorowicz,J., and Henschen,L.},
Title ={Deductive Processes in Databases and Decision Support Systems},
Booktitle ={North Central ACM 82 Conf, Milwaukee.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Northwestern example of decision-making for computer purchase expressed in logic Category ={DBDappl> DBDlogic, DBfile } }

@techreport{Chen1984:1, Author ={Chen,Michael C-K},
Title ={On the Use and Internal Structure of Logic-Based Decision Support Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Northwestern Un., NLM No.AAD84-23215, 143pp.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ A general decision support system based on first-order logic with characteristics of semistructured, supporting, descriptive, effective, and evolutionary. It improves the frameworks of Sprague and Bonczek, Holsapple, and Whinston in terms of flexibility and efficiency. A connection graph is used as a basis for pre-compiling queries for efficient response as well as for modifying pre-compiled queries in response to what-if type of questions. Category ={DBDkb, Sumex arch NLM.1q86 } }

@article{Chen1989:2, Author ={Chen,M.C. and McNamee,L.},
Title ={A Data Model and Access Method for Summary Data Management},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDperform>} }

@inproceedings{Chen1990:1, Author ={Chen,M-C., McNamee,L., and Matloff,N.},
Title ={Selectivity Estimation Using Homogeneity Measurement},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCLA Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Chen1990:2, Author ={Chen,M.S. and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={Using Join Operations as Reducers in Distributed Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at IBM TJ Watson Research Center complementary to semi-joins to simplify query graphs. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Chen1991:1, Author ={Chen,Ming-Syan},
Title ={Determining Beneficial Semijoins for a Join Sequence in Distributed Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Chen1992, Author ={Chen,M-S., Yu,P., and Wu,K-L.},
Title ={Scheduling and Processor Allocation for the Execution of Multi-Join Queries in a Multiprocessor System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM Thomas J. Watson Research Center Category ={DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Chen1992:1, Author ={Chen,M-S., Lo,M.L., Yu,P.S., and Young,H.C.},
Title ={Using Segmented Right-Deep Trees for the Execution of Pipelined Hash Joins},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFhash> DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Chen1993:2, Author ={Chen,M-S., Hsiao,H-I., and Yu,P.},
Title ={Applying Hash Filters to Improving the Execution of Bushy Trees},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Chen1973, Author ={Chen, Peter P.S.},
Title ={Optimal File Allocation in Multi-Level Storage Systems},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Pages ="227--282",
Volume ="42",
Annote ={at Harvard Un. Minimization of mean response time or storage cost with response time constraints for a multi-device file system. Category ={DBFeval> } }

@article{Chen1976, Author ={Chen,Peter P.S.},
Title ={The Entity-Relationship Model --- Toward a Unified View of Data},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="9--36",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MIT (Cambridge MA) Nothing fantastic, but a reasonable paper to read by anybody interested in Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Chen1977, Author ={Chen,P.P.S. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Design and Performance Tools for Database System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed), Tokyo, Japan.},
Year =1977, Pages ="3--15",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDschema> DBFeval> Chen} }

@article{Chen1977:1, Author ={Chen,P.P.S.},
Title ={The Entity-Relationship Model --- A Basis for the Enterprise View of Data},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , AFIPS Press, 1977.},
Year =1977, Pages ="77--84",
Volume ="46",
Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDdesign>} }

@book{Chen1979, Author ={Chen,P.P.S.(ed)},
Title ={The Entity-Relationship Approach to Logical Data Base Design},
Publisher ={The Q.E.D. Monograph Series, Data Base Management, Q.E.D. Information Sciences, Wellesley MA, 220 pages.},
Year =1979, Annote ={ This group of monographs is the most complete and comprehensive collection of papers dealing with E-R models and logical design which I have uncovered to date. --- Fountain Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel.1> DBDschema.6> } }

@book{Chen1980, Author ={Chen,P.P.(ed)},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Approach to System Analysis and Design},
Publisher ={N-H, 663pp.},
Year =1980, Annote ={Proc.ER Conf.1, Los Angeles CA, Dec.10, 1979. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel> } }

@book{Chen1980:1, Author ={Chen,P.P. and Sprowls,R.D.(eds)},
Title ={ACM-SIGMOD 80 Proceedings},
Publisher ={ACM, Santa Monica CA.},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Category ={DBDintro>} }

@book{Chen1980:2, Author ={Chen,P.P.(ed)},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Approach to System Analysis and Design},
Publisher ={N-H, 663pp.},
Year =1980, Annote ={Proc.ER Conf.1, Los Angeles CA, Dec.10, 1979. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel> } }

@article{Chen1980:3, Author ={Chen,P.P. and Akoka,J.},
Title ={Optimal Design of Distributed Information Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol.C-29 .},
Year =1980, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1068--1081",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ Considers simultaneously the distribution of processing power, the allocation of programs and databases, and the assignment of communication line capacities. It also considers the return flow of information, as well as the dependencies between programs and databases. In addition, an algorithm, based on the `Bounded branch and Bound' integer programming technique has been developed to obtain the optimal solution of the model. Category ={DBFmethods.4.4> DBDdesign> DBFsyseval.4> } }

@book{Chen1981, Author ={Chen,P.P.(ed)},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Approach to Information Modeling and Analysis},
Publisher ={N-H, and ER Inst., Los Angeles.},
Year =1981, Annote ={Proc.ER Conf.2, held in Washington Sep.1981. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Chen1984:2, Author ={Chen,Peter},
Title ={Query Languages for the Entity Relationship Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at LA State Un. Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@techreport{Chen1986, Author ={Chen,P.P. and Yang,A.},
Title ={The application of Boolean Lattice to Data Manipulation Types and their Subtypes},
Institution ={rcvd. for IFIP TC-2.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Generates all combination of subtypes for enumerable domains. Not as general as Kait-Aci's work. Category ={DBDkb, (Swami) } }

@inproceedings{Chen1986:1, Author ={Chen,Q.},
Title ={The Management of Dynamically Distributed Database Windows},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Res. Inst.Surveying and Mapping, China Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Chen1989:3, Author ={Chen,Q. and Chu,W.W.},
Title ={HILOG: A High-Order Logic Programming Language for Non-1NF Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlang>} }

@inproceedings{Chen1991:2, Author ={Chen,Q. and Kambayashi,Y.},
Title ={Nested Relation Based Database Knowledge Representation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Chen1986:2, Author ={Chen,Su-shing},
Title ={Evidential Logic and Dempster-Shafer Theory},
Booktitle ={International Symp.on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems; Un.Tennessee.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="201--206",
Annote ={at Un.N.Carolina, Charlotte, DCS Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Chen1978, Author ={Chen,T.C.},
Title ={Computer Technology and the Database User},
Institution ={IBM, Res., Yorktown Heights NY RJ2316(31258),},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab (CA) Category ={DBFhard.1, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Chen1989:4, Author ={Chen,T-C. and Ramarao,K.V.S.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Distributed Commit Protocols},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Chen1983, Author ={Chen,W.C. and Vitter,J.S.},
Title ={Analysis of early-insertion standard coalesced hashing},
Journal ={SIAM J.Computing.},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Pages ="667-676",
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Annote ={chaining and open addressing Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Chen1984:3, Author ={Chen,W-C. and Vitter,J.S.},
Title ={Analysis of new Variants of Coalesced Hashing},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="616--645",
Volume ="9",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Brown Un. Chaining and open addressing. Internal memory is assumed! Category ={DBFhash.5> } }

@inproceedings{Chen1989:5, Author ={Chen,W. and Warren,D.},
Title ={C-Logic of Complex Objects},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at SUNY at Stony Brook Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Chen1992:2, Author ={Chen,Y. and Haerder,T.},
Title ={Improving RQA/FQI Recursive Query Algorithm},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Kaiserslautern, Germany Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Chen1993:3, Author ={Chen,Y.},
Title ={A Bottom-up Query Evaluation Method for Stratified Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Chen1984:4, Author ={Chen and Hernon},
Title ={Numeric Databases},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBappl> DBFrepresent.2, QA76.9.D3.N86} }

@article{Cheng1984, Author ={Cheng,J.M., Loosley,C.R., Shbamiya, and Worthington,P.S.},
Title ={IBM Database 2 Performance: Design, Implementation, and Tuning},
Journal ={IBM Sys.J.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="189-210",
Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Annote ={DB2 Category ={DBDrel.2> DBFstorage>} }

@inproceedings{Cheng1991, Author ={Cheng,J. and Hurson,A.},
Title ={Effective Clustering of Complex Objects in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder,},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at Penn State Category ={DBDperf> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Cheng1991:1, Author ={Cheng,J. and Hurson,A.},
Title ={On The Performance of Object-Based Buffering},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFhard> DBDobject>} }

@article{Cheng1969, Author ={Cheng,P.S.},
Title ={Trace Driven System Modelling},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1969, Pages ="280--289",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Simulation input from system logging. Category ={DBFtechn.2> %Cheng69 } }

@inproceedings{Cheng1980, Author ={Cheng,W.K. and Belford,G.G.},
Title ={Update Synchronization in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="301--308",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Urbana-Champaign The update initiating node acts as a semicentralized manager for that update. A timestamp is not required. An analysis is included. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> } }

@article{Cheng1988, Author ={Cheng,Y., Iyengar,S.S., and Kashyap,R.L.},
Title ={A New Method of Image Compression Using Irreducible Covers of Maximal Rectangles},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="651-658",
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Category ={Image>} } @misc{1992, Title ={An Entity-Relationship-Based Methodology for Distributed Database Design: An Integrated Approach Towards Combined Logical and Distribution Designs},
Howpublished ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Chen1992:3, Author ={Chen,Q. and Kambayashi,Y.},
Title ={Coordination of Data and Knowledge Base Systems under Distributed Environment },
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at HP labs; Kyoto University, Japan Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Cheriton1983, Author ={Cheriton,D.G. and Zwaenepoel,W.},
Title ={The Distributed V Kernel and Its Performance for Diskless Workstations},
Journal ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 9, Bretton Woods NH.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. includes data for sequential and random remote file access on a network Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage-3.4, DBfile } }

@techreport{Cheriton1984, Author ={Cheriton,David},
Title ={WIS Transaction Management},
Institution ={IDA Internal Document.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Cheriton1987, Author ={Cheriton,David},
Title ={UIO: A Uniform I/O system Interface for distributed systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, No1.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Volume ="5",
Category ={DBFdist> DBFhard>} }

@techreport{Cheriton1986, Author ={Cheriton,D. and Mann,T.},
Title ={A Decentralized Naming Facility},
Institution ={Stanford Un., TR.CS-86-1098.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFdist , DBfile} }

@techreport{Cheriton1986:1, Author ={Cheriton,D. and Finlayson,R.S.},
Title ={Log Files: An Extended File Service Exploiting Write-Once Optical Disk},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ WORMS indexed by binary bitmap trees, rewritten periodically and partially. Category ={DBFhard, DBfile } }

@article{Cheriton1987:1, Author ={Cheriton,David},
Title ={UIO: A Uniform I/O system Interface},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, to appear .},
Year =1987, Annote ={ a block level interface, with only idempotent operations, a skeletal mechanism for atomic transaction management has been provided. ---Bob Hofkin. Category ={DBFhard> DBFtrans> DBFdist> } }

@article{Chernoff1980, Author ={Chernoff,Herman},
Title ={The Identification of an Element of a Large Population in the Presence of Noise},
Journal ={The Annals of Statistics.},
Year =1980, Pages ="1179--1197",
Volume ="8",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at MIT Chernoff Faces Category ={DBappl> DBDstat, DBfile } }

@techreport{Cherubini1984, Author ={Cherubini,Ralph},
Title ={The Architecture of INFOBASE -- Stage I},
Institution ={DEC.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at DEC, Intelligent Sys. Tech. Group, Hudson X9 query system, with videodisc access and voice. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Chesson1973, Author ={Chesson,F.W.},
Title ={Computers and Cryptology},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1973, Month =Jan,
Pages ="62--81",
Annote ={ An introduction into enciphering and decrypting methods with simple examples. Category ={DBFrepresent-5, xB12.7> } }

@inproceedings{Cheung1989, Author ={Cheung,S.Y., Ahamad,M. and Ammar,M.H.},
Title ={Optimizing Vote and Quorum Assignments for Reading and},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Cheung1990, Author ={Cheung,S.Y., Ammar,M., and Ahamad,M.},
Title ={The Grid Protocol: A High Performance Scheme for Maintaining Replicated Data},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Georgia Institute of Technology Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Cheung1980, Author ={Cheung,T-Y.},
Title ={Two Statistical Models for Estimating the Number of Records in a Relational Database},
Institution ={Un.Ottawa, DCS, TR-80-11 (Ontario, Canada) .},
Year =1980, Category ={DBFimpl.2.3>} }

@article{Cheung1982, Author ={Cheung,T-Y.},
Title ={Estimating Block Accesses and Number of Records in File Management},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="484--487",
Volume ="25",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Ottawa Category ={DBFimpl.2.3>} }

@article{Cheung1982:1, Author ={Cheung,T-Y.},
Title ={A Method for Equijoin Queries in Distributed Relational Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, Vol.C-31 .},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Pages ="746--751",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Un.Ottawa Generate a sequence of semijoin transmission schedules with minimal response time. Each sequence will fully reduce the joining domain appearing at the end of the sequence. Transmits these fully reduced domains to other relations to achieve more data reduction. Category ={DBDrel.3> DBDdist> } }

@article{Cheung1989:1, Author ={Cheung,T-Y., Ahamad,M., and Ammar,M.},
Title ={Optimizing Vote and Quorum Assignments for Reading and Writing Replicated Data},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="376--386",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Georgia Inst. Techn. Category ={DBDconc>} }

@article{Chi1982, Author ={Chi,C.S.},
Title ={Advances in Computer Mass Storage Technology},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="60--74",
Annote ={at Sperry Res.Ctr Magnetic and optical head and perpendicular mode recording, and the evolution of functional intelligence are ensuring the continued dominance of magnetic mass storage devices. Category ={DBFhard.1> } }

@inproceedings{Chi1985, Author ={Chi,E.C., Lyman,M.S., Sager,N., Friedman,C., and MacLeod,C.},
Title ={A Database of Computer-Structured Narrative: Methods of Computing Complex Relations},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="221--226",
Annote ={ at NYU, Courant Inst., Linguistic String Project Category ={MIS> } }

@article{Chiang1982, Author ={Chiang,T.C. and Rose,G.R.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of a Production Database Management System (DBM-2)},
Journal ={Bell System Technical Journal.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="2511--2528",
Volume ="61",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ A production system, high performance and flexibility. An extended entity-relationship data model provides a basis for DBM-2. I3 Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Childs1968, Author ={Childs,D.L.},
Title ={Feasibility of a Set Theoretical Data Structure --- A General Structure Based on a Reconstructed Definition of Relation},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf-68, Proc.IFIP , N-H.},
Year =1968, Pages ="162--172",
Annote ={at Un.Michigan Seminal paper defining an algebra on sets applied to relations. Category ={DBDschema> %Childs68F } }

@article{Childs1968:1, Author ={Childs,D.L.},
Title ={Description of a Set-Theoretic Structure},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1968, Pages ="557--564",
Volume ="33",
Annote ={Experimental data base based on ordered sets. Category ={DBDrel>%Childs68D } }

@inproceedings{Chilenskas1982, Author ={Chilenskas,R.M., Blaustein,B., and Ries,D.R.},
Title ={Concurrency After the Fact},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA, page 63.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at CCA If a network becomes partitioned, the independent groups could continue running and build conflicting versions of the database. Category ={DBFrepresent.5> } }

@inproceedings{Chilson1983, Author ={Chilson,D.H. and Kudlac,M.E.},
Title ={Database Design: A Survey of Logical and Physical Design Techniques},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, Database Week, San Jose CA.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="70--84",
Annote ={ at Bowling Green State Un.; Owens-Corning Fiberglas Cop. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@article{Chimenti1987, Author ={Chimenti,D., et al.},
Title ={An Overview of the LDL System},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="235--245",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at MCC Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Chimenti1989, Author ={Chimenti,D., Gamboa,R., and Krishnamurthy,R.},
Title ={Towards an Open Architecture for LDL},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at MCC Extend LDL to allow programs to call external procedures and vice versa. Category ={DBDkb } }

@inproceedings{Chimenti1990, Author ={Chimenti,D., Gamboa,R., Krishnamurthy,R., Naqvi,S., Tsur,S., and Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={The LDL System Prototype},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ overview of the system and description of the LDL language; also the optimization techniques to improve performance and assure safety Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Chin1978, Author ={Chin,F.Y.},
Title ={Security in Statistical Databases for Queries with Small Counts},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Pages ="92--104",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Under the assumption that the system protects the individual's information by the technique which avoids publishing summaries with small counts, properties about the system and a necessary and sufficient condition for compromising the database have been derived. Category ={DBDprivacy.2.1> } }

@article{Chin1981, Author ={Chin,F.Y. and Ozsoyoglu,G.},
Title ={Statistical Database Design},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month Mar,
Pages ="113--139",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Limit the use of the database so that no sequence of statistical queries is sufficient to deduce confidential information at the conceptual data model level. Category ={DBDprivacy.2.2> DBDprivacy-10> } }

@article{Chin1982, Author ={Chin,F.Y. and Ozsoyoglu,G.},
Title ={Auditing and Inference Control in Statistical Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="574--582",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDstatistics> DBDprivacy-10, DBfile} }

@article{Chin1986, Author ={Chin,Frances Y.},
Title ={Security Problems on Inference Control for SUM, MIN, and MAX queries},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="451--464",
Volume ="33",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDprivacy-10>} }

@article{Chin1989, Author ={Chin,Tan Joo and Wang,K.Y.},
Title ={Software Technology Development in Singapore},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="61--65",
Annote ={at Information Technology Inst., Singapore Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Chin1975, Author ={Chin,Y.H.},
Title ={Analysis of VSAM's Free-Space Behavior},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed), (abstract).},
Year =1975, Pages ="514--515",
Annote ={at Northwestern Un., CSD (Evanston IL) Category ={DBFimpl.3.1> DBFtree, DBfile, binder 4 full paper } }

@article{Chinese1986, Author ={Chinese Computer Federation},
Title ={Journal of Computer Science and Technology},
Journal ={Allerton Press, NY ?},
Year =1986, Annote ={ an invaluable overview of the computation sciences in China Category ={unknown> } }

@techreport{Chiu1979, Author ={Chiu,D.M., Ho,Y.C., and Bernstein,P.A.},
Title ={On Optimization of Query Processing Strategies},
Institution ={Harvard Un., Div.Applied Sciences, TR.672.},
Year =1979, Annote ={ at Harvard Un., Div.Applied Sciences (Cambridge MA) Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Chiu1987, Author ={Chiu,L. and Liu,M.T.},
Title ={An Effective Concurrency Control Algorithm for Distributed Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Chiueh1991, Author ={Chiueh,T. and Katz,R.},
Title ={Trait: An Attribute Management System for VLSI Design Objects},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={EIS> DBDobject>} }

@book{Chiyokura1988, Author ={Chiyokura,Hiraki},
Title ={Solid Modelling with DESIGNBASE},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 305pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Ricoh (Tokyo, Japan) Category ={EIS, x} }

@article{Chmura1990, Author ={Chmura,L.J., Norcio,A.F., and Wicinski,T.J.},
Title ={Evaluating Software Design Processes by Analyzing Change Data Over Time},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Volume ="16",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at NRL, Washington Category ={DEng>} }

@techreport{Choi1986, Author ={Choi,A.},
Title ={Optimal Memory Management Strategies for Query Processing},
Institution ={PhD Th., UCD.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at UCD Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Choi1989, Author ={Choi,C.H.B. and Lee,D.L.},
Title ={Generic Associative Memory for Information Retrieval},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Ohio State Un. Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Choi1990, Author ={Choi,I. and Mannino,M.},
Title ={Type restrictions and methods interfaces in object-oriented database programming},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin method semantics, avoid anti-monotonicity (subsumption) Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Cholvy1986, Author ={Cholvy,L. and Demolombe,R.},
Title ={Querying a Rule Base},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at CERT, Toulouse, France Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Cholvy1986:1, Author ={Cholvy,Laurence},
Title ={Update Semantics under the Domain Closure Assumption},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at ONERA-CERT-DERI (France) Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Cholvy1986:2, Author ={Cholvy,Laurence},
Title ={A Model Approach to Update Semantics Problem},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 Conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Onera-Cert (Toulouse, France) Information stored in the database is not only factual updates concern facts and rules . Category ={DBDops> DBDkb> } }

@unpublished{Chomicki1985, Author ={Chomicki,J. and Imielinski,T.},
Title ={Recognizing Pseudo-recursion in Deductive Databases},
Note ={.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ Jeff N. need not quake. They dwell on typed formulas, not untyped as he does. In fact, this paper seems to relate both to the Maier/Ullman/Vardi `revenge of the JD' and Sagiv's `real revenge of the JD'. ---jdu Category ={DBDtheory.2, ullman } }

@inproceedings{Chomicki1988, Author ={Chomicki,J. and Imielinski,T.},
Title ={Temporal Deductive Databases and Infinite Objects},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDobject> DBDlogic>} }

@article{Chomicki1989, Author ={Chomicki,J. and Imielinski,T.},
Title ={Relational Specifications of Infinite Query Answers},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={ at Un.Maryland, Inst.for Advanced Computer Studies Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Chomicki1990, Author ={Chomicki,Jan},
Title ={Polynomial Time Query Processing in Temporal Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.N.Carolina TDD is DATALOG extended, rules relate events; an annual event is represented by E(T+365)=E(T), Finite granularity, yes/no answers are decidable Category ={DBDkb> DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Chomicki1992, Author ={Chomicki,J.},
Title ={History-less Checking of Dynamic Integrity Constraints},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Kansas State Un. Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Chomicki1992:1, Author ={Chomicki,Jan},
Title ={Real-Time Integrity Constraints},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Chomicki1993, Author ={Chomicki,J. and Imielinski,T.},
Title ={Finite Representation of Infinite Query Answers},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1993, Month =Jun,
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Choobineh1988, Author ={Choobineh,J., Mannino,M.V., Nunamaker,J.F.Jr., and Konsynkski,B.R.},
Title ={An Expert Database Design System Based on Analysis of Forms},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Pages ="242--253",
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDkb> DBoffice>} }

@book{Chorafas1982, Author ={Chorafas, Dimitris N.},
Title ={Databases for Networks and Minicomputers},
Publisher ={Petrocelli Books., Princeton NJ, 281pp.},
Year =1982, Annote ={ Organizational steps which are required in order to prepare a database for operation in an online distributed environment. Three layers: data processing, data communication, and database management. Also his own classification system for identifying information elements. J.B. Grimson Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent.1> } }

@article{Choquet1954, Author ={Choquet,G.},
Title ={Theory of Capacities},
Journal ={Annales de l'institut Fourier, Grenoble.},
Year =1954, Pages ="131--295",
Volume ="5",
Annote ={conditions for an algebra of uncertainty. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Chou1989, Author ={Chou,D. and Segev,A.},
Title ={SQL Query Modification Algorithms},
Institution ={LBL-27430, ?},
Year =1989, Annote ={at LBL Category ={DBDrel, DBfile Segev} }

@book{Chou1986, Author ={Chou, George T.},
Title ={dBASE III Plus Handbook 2nd Edition},
Publisher ={QUE Corp, 520pp.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@article{Cou1986, Author ={Cou,H-T., Garza,J., and Ballou,N.},
Title ={Supporting a Database System on Symbolics Lisp machines},
Journal ={IEEE Data Engineering, Vol. 5.},
Year =1986, Pages ="143--158",
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDkb> DBDobject>} }

@unpublished{Chou1986:1, Author ={Chou,H-T. and Kim,W.},
Title ={A Unifying Framework for version control in a CAD Environment},
Note ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@article{Choudhary1989, Author ={Choudhary,A.N.},
Title ={A modified priority based probe algorithm for distributed deadlock detection and resolution},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 89-8-0570.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Eliminates false positives and missed deadlocks of Sinha and Natarajan; transactions specify their intent to lock to a distributed manager that will detect and correct deadlock with additional messages; no formal proof of correctness. ---Bash. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Choudhary1990, Author ={Choudhary,A.N.},
Title ={Cost of Distributed Deadlock Detection: A Performance Study},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois Category ={DBDDIST>} }

@article{Chow1969, Author ={Chow,David K.},
Title ={Now Balanced File Organization},
Journal ={Information and Control.},
Year =1969, Pages ="377--396",
Volume ="15",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFhybrid.6.4>%Chow69} }

@inproceedings{Chow1987, Author ={Chow,Ey-chih},
Title ={Representing Databases in Frames},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int'87.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ The article is concerned with how a part of IRIS database may be loaded in HPRL (A Frame System). SOme performance tradeoffs were discussed. There is a class frame corresponding to each relation name. Every tuple corresponds to an instance frame. The foreign keys are mapped to either physical pointers to frame or left as it is. The performance aspects of these two representations were discussed. It mentions caching for speedup but does not discuss the criteria/techniques. The title sounds exciting but I failed to notice any new idea in this paper. May be I am missing the point... --- surajit Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Chow1990, Author ={Chow,F. and Hennesy,J.},
Title ={The priority-based coloring approach to register allocation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at MIPS Category ={DBDperf>} }

@techreport{Chowdhury1990, Author ={Chowdhury,Shamsul},
Title ={Computer-Based Support for Knowledge Extraction from Clinical Databases},
Institution ={PhD Thesis.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Linkoping Un. Category ={DBDkb, Thesisfile} }

@techreport{Choy1984, Author ={Choy,D.M., Bamford,R.J., and Tung,F.C.},
Title ={A Database Management System for Office Systems and Advanced Workstations},
Institution ={IBM, Res. Report RJ 4318.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDoffice>} }

@inproceedings{Choy1991, Author ={Choy,D. and Selinger,P.},
Title ={A Distributed Catalog for Heterogeneous Distributed Database Resources},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Christensen1987, Author ={Christensen,A. and Zahle,T.},
Title ={A Comparison of Self-contained and Embedded Database LANGUAGES},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={and improvements. Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Christensen1972, Author ={Christensen,G.S. and Jones,D.D.},
Title ={The Control Data STAR-100 File Storage Station},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS , page 561--570},
Year =1972, Volume ="41",
Annote ={at CDC, St.Paul Category ={DBFhard.5.4>} }

@inproceedings{Christmann1987, Author ={Christmann,P., Haerder,T., Meyer-Wegener,K., and Sikeler,A.},
Title ={Which Kinds of OS Mechanisms Should be Provided for Database Management?},
Booktitle ={WS Dist. System, Berlin.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Kaiserslautern (FRG) Category ={DBDarchitecture, DBfile } }

@techreport{Christodoulakis1981, Author ={Christodoulakis,Stavros},
Title ={Estimating Selectivities in Data Bases},
Institution ={Un.Toronto, TR.CSRG-136.},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFseq.1.1>} }

@article{Christodoulakis1987, Author ={Christodoulakis,Stavros},
Title ={Analysis of Retrieval Performance for Records and Objects Using Optical Disk Technology},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="137--169",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo Category ={DBFmethods> DBFhard>} }

@techreport{Christodoulakis1983, Author ={Christodoulakis,Stavros},
Title ={Estimating Block Transfers and Join Sizes},
Institution ={Proc. ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data, San Jose.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="40--54",
Category ={DBDrel.2.3>} }

@techreport{Christodoulakis1983:1, Author ={Christodoulakis,Stavros},
Title ={Estimating Record Selectivities},
Institution ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFseq.1.1>} }

@techreport{Christodoulakis1983:2, Author ={Christodoulakis,Stavros},
Title ={Estimating Record Selectivities},
Institution ={IEEE DBE Bull..},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDrel.2.2>} }

@article{Christodoulakis1984, Author ={Christodoulakis,S.},
Title ={Estimating Block Selectivities},
Journal ={Inf. Sys..},
Year =1984, Pages ="69--79",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Christodoulakis1983:3, Author ={Christodoulakis,S.},
Title ={Implications of Certain Assumptions in Data Base Performance Evaluation},
Journal ={rcvd .},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Un.Toronto The assumptions of random placement of records in the blocks of a file, and the uniformity and independence of attribute values in the file, are frequently used in database performance evaluation studies. We prove that these assumptions often result in predicting only an upper bound of the expected system cost. We discuss the implications of non-random placement, non-uniformity and dependencies of attribute values on database design and database performance evaluation. After a somewhat cursory reading of the paper--A few comments: A. Uniform distributions, particularly for parallel machines, may imply uniform distribution of work over the machines--thus givingan upper bound for speedup--thus a uniform distribution is an optimistic assumption. B. For uniprocessor systems -- the assumption of a uniform optimistic when: 1. hashing--fewer collisions, shorter lists at collisions should be expected from a uniform distribution. 2. trees--more balancing costs may be incurred for non-uniform distributions. 3. searching--for example, a binary search on a non-uniform could cost significantly more. 4. sorting--I suspect that uniform distributions are optimal for some sorting methods, although I haven't looked at this in any detail. ---B.Thompson. Category ={DBFmethods.1> DBFseq.1.1, DBfile } }

@article{Christodoulakis1984:1, Author ={Christodoulakis,Stavros},
Title ={An Experimental Multimedia System for an Office Environment},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="43--48",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFhard.1> Image>} }

@article{Christodoulakis1986, Author ={Christodoulakis,Stravos},
Title ={Query Processing in Optical Disk Based Multimedia Information Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Data Engineering, Vol. 5.},
Year =1986, Pages ="193--197",
Annote ={ MINOS project in multimedia information management; includes Contant Linear Velocity optical disks Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Christodoulakis1986:1, Author ={Christodoulakis,S. and Faloutsos,C.},
Title ={Design and Performance Considerations for an Optical Disk-Based Multimedia Time Object Server},
Journal ={Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8707-598.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="45--56",
Volume ="19",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo; Un.Maryland a query specification and a retrieval browsing interface. performance issues limited and system design issues hardly at all. ---Huber. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Christodoulakis1988, Author ={Christodoulakis,S. and Graham,S.},
Title ={Browsing Within Time-Driven Multimedia Documents},
Booktitle ={ACM Conf.on Office Information Systems.(>1988?).},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="219--227",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo, Inst.Computer Res. Temporal abstraction for voice, animation with hold and go. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Christodoulakis1988:1, Author ={Christodoulakis,S., Elliott,K., Ford,D., Hatzilemonias,K., Ledoux,E., Leitch,M., and Ng,R.},
Title ={Optical Mass Storage Systems and their Performance},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="14--25",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo, DCS Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Christodoulakis1989, Author ={Christodoulakis,S. and Ford,D.A.},
Title ={Retrieval Performance Versus Disc Space Utilization on WORM Optical Discs},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Chrysanthis1990, Author ={Chrysanthis,P.K. and Ramamritham,K.},
Title ={ACTA: A Framework for Specifying and Reasoning about Transaction Structure and Behavior},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at UMass, Amherts Model with some applications; actions are classified. The classification is applied to nested transactions. Fauve Transaction has a view set and an access set; failure atomicity and serializability combine notions such as visibility, permanence, recovery and consistency. This paper introduces a formalizable framework named ACTA which allows for specifying the structure and behavior of transactions as well as for reasoning about the consistency and recovery properties of the transactions. In ACTA, two types of completion dependencies and two kinds of sets are used to implement above functions. Complete Depencencies: Commit-Dependency - One transaction cannot commit until another Abort-Dependency - If one transaction aborts then another transaction should also abort. View Set: contains all the objects potentially acceccible to a transaction Access Set: contains all the objects already accessed by a transaction The paper shows that the semantics of four already proposed transaction models, namely nested transactions, split transactions, recoverable communicating actions and cooperative transactions, are specified clearly using ACTA framework. Also the paper proves ACTA's rich ability by introducing new transaction model which is defined by combining nested transaction model and split transaction model. ---Mikasa. Category ={DBDtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Chrysanthis1991, Author ={Chrysanthis,P., Raghuram,S., and Ramamrigham,K.},
Title ={Extracting Concurrency from Objects: A Methodology},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDconc> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Chrysanthis1991:1, Author ={Chrysanthis,P.K. and Ramamritham,K.},
Title ={A Formalism for Extended Transaction Models},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={FAUVE Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Chu1991, Author ={Chu,B-T},
Title ={On the representation of continuous causal relationships},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at UNC, Charlotte causation probabilities can be derived based on classical statistical theory Category ={DBDkb> } }

@unpublished{Chu, Author ={Chu,S. and Winslett,M.},
Title ={The Performance of CAD databases: UNIFY'd MAGIC},
Note ={rcvd. 90.},
Month =Dec,
Annote ={ performance is relatively independent of the data model retrieval from the DBMS (UNIFY using ring structure for a layout tool (MAGIC) was within 25 percent of the ordinary files Category ={EIS> DBDperf, DBfile Winslett } }

@article{Chu1968, Author ={Chu,Wesley W.},
Title ={Optimal File Allocation in a Multicomputer Information System},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf-68, Proc.IFIP Congress, N-H , pp.F80--F85.},
Year =1968, Annote ={at Bell Telephone Labs, Holmdel (NJ) A model for cost minimization in a network having high speed comm. links. Category ={DBFtechn.4.4> DBDdist> } }

@article{Chu1969, Author ={Chu,W.W.},
Title ={Optimal File Allocation in a Multiple Computer System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C18 .},
Year =1969, Month =Oct,
Pages ="885--888",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at UCLA, CSD (Los Angeles) A model is developed for allocating information files required in common by several computers. The model is formulated into a nonlinear integer zero-one programming problem. Category ={DBFstorage-3.1> DBFeval.4> DBFeval.4.11> DBFtechn.4.5> DBDdist, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Chu1973, Author ={Chu,W.W.},
Title ={Optimal File Allocation in a Computer Networks},
Booktitle ={Computer-Communication Networks, Abramson and Kuo(eds), Prentice-Hall publishers, .},
Year =1973, Pages ="83--94",
Category ={DBFtechn.4.4> DBDdist>} }

@article{Chu1974, Author ={Chu,W.W. and Ohlmacher,G.},
Title ={Avoiding Deadlock in Distributed Data Bases},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf, Nov .},
Year =1974, Pages ="156--160",
Volume ="1",
Annote ={ Deadlock prevention mechanisms and a deadlock protection mechanism for distributed data base systems are presented. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDintegrity.2> DBDquery, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Chu1975, Author ={Chu,W.W. and Nahourii,E.E.},
Title ={File Directory Design Considerations for Distributed Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed), (Abstract only).},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="543--545",
Annote ={at IBM, Systems Dev. (Palo Alto) The centralized, the localized and the distributed file directories are studied, Mathematical models are formulated to study the tradeoffs in cost and response time. Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Chu1979, Author ={Chu,W.W. and Hurley,P.},
Title ={A Model for Optimal Processing for Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE Compcon 18, Spr. .},
Year =1979, Pages ="116--122",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Chu1980, Author ={Chu,W.W., Holloway,L.J., Lan,M-T., and Efe,K.},
Title ={Task Allocation in Distributed Data Processing},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Chu1982, Author ={Chu,W.W. and Hurley,P.},
Title ={Optimal Query Processing for Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol.C-31 .},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="835--850",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at UCLA, and Bell Lab, Holmdel NJ.. Modeling techniques based on multivariate statistical models shown better estimates of record selectivity. Category ={DBDdist> DBDperf> } }

@article{Chu1987, Author ={Chu,W.W. and Leung,K.K.},
Title ={Module Replication and Assignment for Real-Time Distributed Processing Systems},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="547--562",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at UCLA Category ={DBDdist, xissue} }

@article{Chu:1, Author ={Chu,Wesley W.},
Title ={Principles of Distributed Data-Base Design},
Journal ={Comp. Communications, : systems and applications, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8703-0164.},
Pages ="434--480",
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at UCLA, CSD File allocation file directory approaches deadlock. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Chu1984, Author ={Chu,W.W., Lan,M-T., and Hellerstein,J.},
Title ={Estimation of Intermodule Communication (IMC) and its Application in Distributed Processing Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol.C-33 .},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Pages ="691--699",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at UCLA, CSD Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Chu1985, Author ={Chu,W.W. and Hellerstein,J.},
Title ={The Exclusive-Writer Approach to Updating Replicated Files in Distributed Processing Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers., Vol.C-34 .},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Number ="6",
Annote ={at UCLA, CSD Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Chu1987:1, Author ={Chu,W.W., Kim,K.H., and McDonald,W.C.},
Title ={Testbed-Based Validation of Design Techniques for Reliable Distributed Real- Time Systems},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="649--667",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at UCLA, CSD; UCI Category ={DBDdist, xissue} }

@inproceedings{Chu1991:1, Author ={Chu,Wesley},
Title ={Using Type Inference and Induced Rules to Provide Intensional Answers},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Chu1987:2, Author ={Chu,W.(ed)},
Title ={Special Issue on Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="532--735",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Chu1990, Author ={Chu,W. and Hwang,A.},
Title ={Inference Techniques for Fault Tolerant Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCLA alternate inference paths Category ={DBDreliab> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Chu1991:2, Author ={Chu,W., Chen,Q., and Lee,R.},
Title ={Deriving Intensional and Approximate Answers in a Cooperative Database Environment},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Chu1992, Author ={Chu,W., Ribeiro,B., and Ngai,P.},
Title ={Object Allocation in Distributed Systems with Virtual Replication},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCLA Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Chu1992:1, Author ={Chu,W.W., Ieong,I.T., Taira,R.K., and Breant,C.M.},
Title ={A Temporal Evolutionary Object-Oriented Data Model and Its Query Language for Medical Image Management},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ TEQL primitives on GEMSTONE; include temporal and image data operations for retrieval by image content based on textures Category ={MIS> DBDops> Image> DENG> } }

@article{Chu1992:2, Author ={Chu,W.W. and Chen,Q.},
Title ={Neighborhood and Associative Query Answering},
Journal ={Journal of Intelligent Information Systems.},
Year =1992, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@article{Chu1993, Author ={Chu,W.W. and Chen,Q.},
Title ={Pattern-based Data and Knowledge Integration for Intelligent Query Answering},
Journal ={J. of Heuristics, special issue on Intelligent Information Systems.},
Year =1993, Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@article{Chu1993:1, Author ={Chu,W.W. and Chen,Q.},
Title ={A Structured Approach for Cooperative Query Answering},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Data and Knowledge Engineering.},
Year =1993, Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@incollection{Chuang1989, Author ={Chuang,P-J. and Springsteel,F.},
Title ={ERDDS - The Intelligent E-R-based Database Design System with Visual Semantics Knowledge Base Prototype},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC 2-6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="57--86",
Annote ={at Un.Missouri, Columbia, DCS E-R model is validated with relational normalization rules. Loop free ER diagrams are BCNF. Semantics kept in Prolog form. Design tool. Category ={DBDimage> DBDmodel> DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{Chueh1973, Author ={Chueh,J.C.},
Title ={A Memory Interlocking System for Storage Hierarchies},
Institution ={Company internal report.},
Year =1973, Annote ={at MASCOR; MEMOREX (Cupertino CA) Computer Architecture specifications for interlocking Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Chun1973, Author ={Chun,K-T., Cobb,S., French,J.R.P.jr., and Seashore,S.},
Title ={Storage and Retrieval of Information on Psychological Measures},
Journal ={American Psychologist,},
Year =1973, Month =Jul,
Pages ="592--599",
Volume ="28",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Michigan, Inst.for Social Research Review of problems of description of criteria, many references. Data elements in psychological research; Uses AUTONOTE system. Category ={DBDschema, xB7%Chun73 } }

@inproceedings{Chung1984, Author ={Chung,C.W. and Irani,K.B.},
Title ={Optimization of Queries in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at General Motors; Un.Michigan Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Chung1990, Author ={Chung,C-W.},
Title ={DATAPLEX: An Access to Heterogeneous Distributed Databases},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9012-0941.},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Pages ="70--80",
Volume ="33",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at General Motors Research Laboratories Use the relational model as a common data model and the SQL; 14 modules: controller (multiple transactions); user interface (full screen) application interface; SQL parser; data dictionary manager; security manager; distributed query decomposer; distributed database protocol; translator; local DBMS interface; distributed query optimizer; distributed transaction coordinator; relational operation processor and error handler. a query is partly decomposed at the user location, but transactions are translated at the data location; two-phase commit; the local prepare-to-commit phase must be made globally visible by each local database manager. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Chupin1973, Author ={Chupin,J.C.},
Title ={Control Concepts of a Logical Network Machine for Data Banks},
Journal ={Proc.of IFIP Congress .},
Year =1973, Pages ="291--295",
Annote ={at CII, Scientific Ctr, IMAG (Grenoble, France) Describes the control concepts of a Logical Network Machine to be used for data base application using the Socrate system. It's hard to understand what the author is saying in the paper. Category ={DBFeval.4> } }

@book{Churchman1968, Author ={Churchman,C.West},
Title ={The Systems Approach},
Publisher ={Delacorte Press and Dell Publishing, NY.},
Year =1968, Annote ={at UCB A philosophical basis for system evaluation Category ={DBFeval> } }

@book{Churchman1971, Author ={Churchman,C.W.},
Title ={The Design of Inquiring Systems},
Publisher ={Basic Books.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBDquery.3>} }

@inproceedings{Chute1990, Author ={ Chute, et al. Chute, et al.},
Title ={A Preliminary Evaluation of the UMLS Metathesaurus for Patient Record Classification},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE .},
Year =1990, Annote ={Unified Medical Language System Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@inproceedings{Cicchetti1989, Author ={Cicchetti,R., Lakhal,L., LeThanh,N., and Miranda,S.},
Title ={A Logical Summary-data Model for Macro Statistical Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="43--51",
Annote ={at CERAM, Sophia Antipolis, (Valbonne France) Distinguishes micro, source databases, and macro, derived summary databases. Compared with Ghosh's SRT, Ozsoyoglu's SMT. Composability of primitive tables. ORACLE implementation. I3 Category ={Statistics> } }

@article{Ciciani1990, Author ={Ciciani,B., Dias,D., and Yu,P.},
Title ={Analysis of Replication in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="2",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Roma Un. the benefit is sensitive to the concurrency control protocol, the transaction mix, the communication delay and overhead, the number of distributed sites, and the available MIPS Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Ciciani1990:1, Author ={Ciciani,B., Dias,D., Iyer,B., and Yu,P.},
Title ={A Hybrid Distributed Centralized System Structure for Transaction Processing},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Volume ="16",
Number ="8",
Annote ={ distributed to take advantage of locality of reference and central to handle transactions that access nonlocal data. Category ={DBFdist> DBFtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Ciepelewski1986, Author ={Ciepelewski,A. and Hausman,B.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of a Storage Model for OR-Parallel Execution},
Booktitle ={IEEE-SLP 86, Salt Lake City UT.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Swedish Inst.of Comp.Sc.(SICS) Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@manual{CII1980, Author ={CII, Honeywell},
Title ={Formal Definition of the ADA programming language},
Organization ={CII, Honeywell, TR..},
Year =1980, Annote ={ uses FORMOL (based on INRIAs MENTOR) as the specification language. Heavy, detailed. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Civelek1988, Author ={Civelek,F.N., Dogac,A., and Spaccapietra,S.},
Title ={An Expert System Approach to View Definition and Integration},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Middle East Tech.Un., Turkey Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Clearwater1991, Author ={Clearwater,S., Hubermann,B., and Hogg,T.},
Title ={Problem Solving by Committee},
Note ={submitted to Science.},
Year =1991, Annote ={at Xerox Parc experimental results on cooperative problem solving; the agents are equivalent (not specialized) and solve a description problem Category ={DBDdis, DBfile } }

@article{Cleary1984, Author ={Cleary,J.G. and Witten,I.H.},
Title ={Data Compression Using Adaptive Coding and Partial String Matching},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.Commun..},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="396--402",
Volume ="32",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Clancey1983, Author ={Clancey,W.J.},
Title ={The Epistemology of a Rule-Based Expert System a Framework for Explanation},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1983, Number ="20",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Clancey1983:1, Author ={Clancey,W.J.},
Title ={The Advantage of Abstract Control Knowledge in Expert System Design},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR.Stan-CS-83-995.},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Rule ordering versus domain-independent Meta-rules. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Clancey1985, Author ={Clancey,W.J. and Bock,C.},
Title ={Representing Control Knowledge as Abstract Task and Metarules},
Institution ={TR-STAN-CS-87-1168.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Partitioning Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Clancey1986, Author ={Clancey, William J.},
Title ={Viewing Knowledge Bases as Qualitative Models},
Institution ={STAN-CS-87-1170.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Clark1987, Author ={Clark,D.C. and Wilson,D.R.},
Title ={A Comparison of Commercial and Military Security Policies},
Booktitle ={Proc. IEEE Symp.on Security and Privacy, Washington DC,},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDprotect>} }

@inproceedings{Clark1978, Author ={Clark,J.D. and Hoffer,J.A.},
Title ={A Procedure for the Determination of Attribute Access Probabilities},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78.},
Year =1978, Pages ="110--117",
Annote ={ Five kinds of statistic collection biases are systematically considered, experimental results are reported. Category ={DBFseq.1> DBFindex.4> DBFhash.6> DBFtechn.2> } }

@techreport{Clark1979, Author ={Clark,J. and Hoffer,J.A.},
Title ={Physical Database Record Design},
Institution ={ADL, The Data Base Monograph Series: 10 Reports, ?, 100pp.},
Year =1979, Annote ={ Tools for collecting and/or derivisng parameters and design algorithms for physical record design. Category ={DBFseq> } }

@book{Clark1981, Author ={Clark,J.D.},
Title ={Data Base Selection, Design and Administration},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Clark1978:1, Author ={Clark,J.},
Title ={Negation as Failure},
Booktitle ={'Logic and Data Bases', Gallaire and Minker(eds), Plenum Press.},
Year =1978, Annote ={related to Reiter's closed world assumption. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.2> } }

@article{Clark1966, Author ={Clark,W.A.},
Title ={The Functional Structure of OS/360: Part III Data Management},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1966, Pages ="30--51",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM File Organization Methods. Category ={DBFhybrid> %Clark66 } }

@inproceedings{Clark1974, Author ={Clark,W.O.},
Title ={A Dual Structured Data Base System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGPLAN SIGIR , Nance(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="131--143",
Annote ={Trees, compressed indexes, etc.. Category ={DBFimpl> DBFhybrid> } }

@inproceedings{Claybrook1974, Author ={Claybrook,Billy G.},
Title ={A File Definition Facility for File Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed),},
Year =1974, Pages ="1--14",
Annote ={Storage declarations in a schema. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Claybrook1974:1, Author ={Claybrook,B.G.},
Title ={FOL: A Language for Implementing File Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGPLAN SIGIR , Nance(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="101--112",
Annote ={at Virginia Polytechnic Inst. and State Un. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Clemons1978, Author ={Clemons,E.K.},
Title ={An External Schema Facility to Support Data Base Update},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="371--398",
Annote ={at U.Penn Category ={DBDschema.2>} }

@article{Clemons1981, Author ={Clemons,E.K.},
Title ={Design of an External Schema Facility to Define and Process Recursive Structures},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="295--311",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ An external schema facility is both simple and recursive. Functions must be provided for node specification and node control. [Ahad,Yao,Choi87] A.2. Category ={DBDlogic> DBDschema> } }

@article{Clark1967, Author ={Clark,R.A.},
Title ={LOGIC: The Santa Clara County Government Inf. System and It's Relationship to the Planning Department},
Journal ={Planning, May 12..},
Year =1967, Category ={DBDintro.8> %Clark67} }

@article{Clark1989, Author ={Clark,R.L.},
Title ={Engineering Data Management Directions},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar., IEEE CS,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="415--420",
Annote ={at TeamOne Systems Inc. Growth estimates of the industry. Category ={EIS> } }

@book{Claybrook1983, Author ={Claybrook,B.G.},
Title ={File Management Techniques},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1983, Annote ={ Long time in coming, oriented towards mainframes. Disk and tape performance. Category ={DBFintro> DBFseq.0, QA76.6F5C55 } }

@unpublished{Clayman1988, Author ={Clayman,Stuart},
Title ={An Architecture for Distributed Control in Large Systems},
Note ={rcvd. ?},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Kingston Polytechnic, U.K. Category ={DBFdist, DBfile } }

@article{Clifford1983, Author ={Clifford,J. and Warren,D.S.},
Title ={Formal Semantics for Time in Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Pages ="214--254",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook (NY) all timeslices are represented. No inference needed. Storage could be huge. Uses term historical db versus temporal db. Intensional Montague logic. Two timestamps: `state' and `exist' Category ={DBDschema.2> } }

@inproceedings{Clifford1985, Author ={Clifford,J. and Tansel,A.U.},
Title ={On an Algebra for Historical Databases: Two Views},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 85, Austin TX.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Pages ="247--265",
Annote ={ Temporal attributes are individually stamped by one or two stamps. Also triplet values and sets in tuples. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Clifford1987, Author ={Clifford,J. and Croker,A.},
Title ={The Historical Relational Data Model (HRDM) and Algebra Based on Lifespans},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Clifford1988, Author ={Clifford,J. and Crocker,A.},
Title ={Objects in Time},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="11--18",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at NYU, Grad.School of Business Administration Temporal management of objects in historical databases. Objects are distinguished by an essence, not by a key. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Clifford1987:1, Author ={Clifford,James},
Title ={Natural Language Querying of Historical Databases: The QE-III Language Definition and Examples},
Journal ={NYU, Dep. Information Systems, TR-CRIS-164, GBAddison-Wesley (Reading MA)P87-90.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Discusses a 'formal' syntax, semantics, and pragmatics for querying historical databases within the framework of Montague semantics. ---Cha. Category ={unknown> } }

@article{Clift1986, Author ={Clift,B., Haussler,D., McConnell,R., Schneider,T.D., and Stormo,G.D.},
Title ={Sequence Landscapes},
Journal ={Nucleic Acid Research.},
Year =1986, Pages ="141--158",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Storage for fast retrieval of DNA sequences, main memory, compacted suffix DAG for every substring. Category ={MIS> DBFtree> } }

@inproceedings{Clifton1990, Author ={Clifton,C. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Indexing in a Hypertext Database},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Clifton1973, Author ={Clifton,J.A. and Helgeson,D.(eds)},
Title ={Computers in Information Data Centers},
Publisher ={AFIPS Press, 109pp.},
Year =1973, Annote ={Proc.of a seminar at the 1972 FJCC. Category ={DBDquery> %Clifton73 } }

@book{Clifton1981, Author ={Clifton},
Title ={Business Data Systems},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFintro>} }

@inproceedings{Climenson1966, Author ={Climenson,W.D.},
Title ={File Organization and Search Techniques},
Booktitle ={Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, ASIS 1, Cuadra(ed), John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) .},
Year =1966, Pages ="107--135",
Annote ={at U.S. Government Category ={DBFseq>} }

@inproceedings{Cline1984, Author ={Cline,C. and Siegel,H.J.},
Title ={A Comparison of Parallel Language Approaches to Data Representation and Data Transferral},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Purdue Un. Category ={DBFstorage-3.2>} }

@book{Clocksin1981, Author ={Clocksin,W.F. and Melish,C.S.},
Title ={Programming in PROLOG},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang>} }

@article{Clocksin1985, Author ={Clocksin,W.F.},
Title ={Implementation techniques for PROLOG databases},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="669--675",
Volume ="15",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Cambridge informal specification of the clause database manager for PROLOG-X. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@unpublished{Clouatre1987, Author ={Clouatre,A. and Merrett,T.H.},
Title ={Accessible Set Algorithms for Secondary Storage, Based on Relational Operations},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at McGill Un., transitive closure Category ={DBDlogic, x } }

@techreport{Clouatre1987:1, Author ={Clouatre,Andre},
Title ={Implementation and applications of recursively defined relations},
Institution ={PhD Th., Mcgill Un., Sch.of Computer Science.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at McGill Un. Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Clough1976, Author ={Clough,L, Haseman,W., and So,Y.H.},
Title ={Designing Optimal Data Structures},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1976, Pages ="829--837",
Volume ="45",
Annote ={at CMU Category ={DBDschema.2> DBFeval.4, Shel} }

@inproceedings{Cluet1989, Author ={Cluet,S., Delobel,C., Lecluse,C., and Richard,P.},
Title ={Reloop, an Algebra Based Query Language for and Object-Oriented Database System},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Cluet1992, Author ={Cluet,S. and Delobel,C.},
Title ={A General Framework for the Optimization of Object-Oriented Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@book{Coad1989, Author ={Coad,P. and Yourdon,E.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Analysis},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 256pp.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ five steps identifying objects, identifying structures, identifying subjects, defining attributes and defining services; maps approach into the US Defense Dept's DOD-Std-2167A, Defense System Software Development; bibliography. Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Cobb1984, Author ={Cobb,R.E., Fry,J.P., and Teorey,T.J.},
Title ={The Database Designer's Workbenvch},
Journal ={Inf.Sci..},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Pages ="33--45",
Volume ="32",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ logical record access evaluator to decide physical connections. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@inproceedings{Cochinwala1993, Author ={Cochinwala,M., Lee,K., and Mansfield,W.},
Title ={A Distributed Transaction Monitor},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Bellcore Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Cochrane1989, Author ={Cochrane,R. and Mark,L.},
Title ={Automating Relational Database Support for Objects defined by Context-Free Grammars - the Intension-Extension Framework},
Institution ={SRC TR 89-105.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBDobject, DBfile Mark} }

@book{Cocke1970, Author ={Cocke,J. and Schwartz,J.},
Title ={Programming Languages and Their Compilers},
Publisher ={NYU, Courant Inst., TR., Second Revised Version.},
Year =1970, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDlang, xbook>} }

@article{Cockshot1990, Author ={Cockshot,W.P., Atkinson,M.P., Chisholm,K.J., Bailey,P.J., and Morrison,R.},
Title ={Persistent Object Management System},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Un.Edinburgh (UK) description of the software used to implement a persistent heap, includes an interprogram type checking, data integrity, disk transfer optimization, and name-space management Category ={DBDobject> } }

@manual{CODASYL1969, Author ={CODASYL Systems Committee},
Title ={A Survey of Generalized Data Base Management Systems},
Organization ={ACM NY.},
Year =1969, Month =May,
Annote ={ Language and Design of then current systems, discussed separately. Category ={DBDschema> %CODASYL69 } }

@article{CODASYL1968, Author ={CODASYL Data Base Task Group},
Title ={COBOL Extension to Handle Data Bases},
Journal ={ACM SIGPLAN Notices.},
Year =1968, Month Apr,
Pages ="1--45",
Volume ="3",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Language Specification for a Schema Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{CODASYL1969:1, Author ={CODASYL Data Base Task Group},
Title ={Report of the CODASYL Data Base Task Group},
Journal ={ACM.},
Year =1969, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ Proposal for a generalized schema language and manipulation commands, many IDS-like aspects. Category ={DBDschema, x7book> %DBTG69 } }

@manual{CODASYL1971, Author ={CODASYL Systems Committee},
Title ={Feature Analysis of Generalized Data Base Management Systems},
Organization ={ACM NY.},
Year =1971, Month =May,
Annote ={ Detailed comparative analysis of a number of commercially available data base systems. Covers IBM GIS, GE IDS, IBM IMS, informatics Mark IV, IBM FFS or NIPS, Auerbach and Western Electric SC-1, SDC TDMS, RCA UL/1 Category ={DBDschema> %CODASYL71 } }

@manual{CODASYL1971:1, Author ={CODASYL Data Base Task Group},
Title ={Report of the CODASYL Data Base Task Group},
Organization ={ACM NY.},
Year =1971, Month Apr,
Annote ={Revised language specs of 69 report. Category ={DBDschema, HF 5548. 5 D3C6, x7 book> %DBTG71 } }

@manual{CODASYL1973, Author ={CODASYL DBTG},
Title ={CODASYL Data Description Language},
Organization ={Jour. of Development, National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). Handbook 113, U.S. Government Printing Office, Wash., DC.},
Year =1973, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDschema, xbook> %CODASYL73} }

@manual{CODASYL1974, Author ={CODASYL},
Title ={Data Description Language},
Organization ={U.S. Dep.Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). , Handbook .},
Year =1974, Month =Jan,
Number ="112",
Category ={DBDschema> %CODASYL74} }

@manual{CODASYL1975, Author ={CODASYL Programming Languages Committee},
Title ={COBOL Journal of Development},
Organization ={Technical Services Branch, Dep.Supply and Services (88 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, Can. K1AOS5), and continuing.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Continuously updated reference on COBOL development prior to standardization. The page-changes for May 75 include COBOL changes for DBTG subschema and data manipulation. Category ={DBDschema, x7book> %CODASYL75 } }

@manual{CODASYL1976, Author ={CODASYL System Committee},
Title ={Selection and Acquisition of Data Base Management Systems},
Organization ={ACM, 276pp.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDadmin.1, App.C} }

@manual{CODASYL1978, Author ={CODASYL Data Description Language Committee},
Title ={Journal of Development 1978},
Organization ={Canadian Gov.Publishing Ctr, Supply and Services Canada (Ottawa ON),},
Year =1978, Annote ={ at Secretariat of the Canadian Government EDP Standards Committee A specification of a language to describe the structure and contents of a database. The subschema language specifications and the DML specifications are outside the scope of this Journal. Appendix: 1.Specification of a Data Storage Description Language (DSDL). DSDL is used to define a storage schema for use in conjunction with a schema written in DDL. 2.Database architecture and the mapping of data to storage. 3.This should enable the Data Administrator to modify the storage representation, for example to tune the database, without the need to modify the schema. 4.The DSDL specified in this document is a Low Level DSDL. The Data Administrator must state precisely the description of the storage on the data storage medium, and the mapping of data between schema and storage schema. Category ={DBDschema.5.3> DBDbound.5> } }

@manual{CODASYL1978:1, Author ={CODASYL},
Title ={CODASYL Data Base Task Group Revised Report},
Organization ={Committee on Data System Languages, ACM, New York.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDschema.3.5>} }

@article{CODASYL1978:2, Author ={CODASYL Systems Committee},
Title ={Distributed Data Base Technology--An Interim Report of the CODASYL Systems Committee},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , AFIPS Press.},
Year =1978, Pages ="909--917",
Volume ="47",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@manual{CODASYL1980, Author ={CODASYL Programming Languages Committee},
Title ={COBOL Journal of Development},
Organization ={Technical Services Branch, Dep.Supply and Services, 88 Metcalfe St., Ottawa, Can. K1AOS5.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ Continuously updated reference on COBOL development prior to standardization. The page-changes for May.1975 include COBOL changes for DBTG subschema and data manipulation. Category ={DBDmodel, x7book> %CODASYL75 } }

@techreport{Codd1969, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Derivability, Redundancy and Consistency of Relations Stored in Large Data Banks},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RJ599,},
Year =1969, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Codd1970, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={A Relational Model of Data for Large Shared Data Banks},
Journal = Comm. ACM, Vol.13 No.6, June 1970. Bookchapter = {'Readings in Database Systems', M.Stonebraker, Morgan-Kaufmann, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8905-0329.},
Year =1988, Pages ="5--15",
Annote ={The fundemental paper for relational databases. Shows problems of hierarchical data organization, presents a non-hierarchical `normal' structure, and discusses languages for describing relations of such normal structures. Category ={DBDtheory, xC> %Codd70 } }

@book{Codd1971, Author ={Codd,E.F. and Dean,A.L.(eds)},
Title ={Data Description Access and Control},
Publisher ={ACM.},
Year =1971, Annote ={ACM-SIGFIDET 1971, Codd(ed) Category ={DBFintro> %Codd71 } }

@inproceedings{Codd1972, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Relational Completeness of Data-Base Sublanguages},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res., RJ 987.},
Year =1972, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDtheory> DBDrel.2, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Codd1971:1, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Further Normalization of the Data Base Relational Model},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res., RJ 909.},
Year =1971, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDrel.2, DBfile} }

@article{Codd1971:2, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Data Base Sublanguage Founded on the Relational Calculus},
Journal ={IBM, Report RJ893},
Year =1971, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Review of purpose and method of normalization. Describes ALPHA. Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{Codd1971:3, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Normalized Data Base Structure: A Brief Tutorial},
Booktitle ={IBM, Report RJ935},
Year =1971, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDschema, xC, DBfile} }

@article{Codd1971:4, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Further Normalization of the Data Base Relational Model},
Journal ={IBM, Report RJ909 .},
Year =1971, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM, Research, San Jose Formal reduction of attribute relations for simplified access and minimal redundancy. Category ={DBDtheory, xC> } }

@article{Codd1972:1, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Relational Completeness of Data Base Sub-Languages},
Journal ={Data Base Systems, Rustin(ed), Prentice-Hall publishers .},
Year =1972, Pages ="65--98",
Annote ={ Formal evaluation of query languages for relational data bases Category ={DBDintro.1, xC> } }

@inproceedings{Codd1973, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Understanding Relations},
Booktitle ={FDT (Publ. of the ACM SIGFIDET), and later issues..},
Year =1973, Month =Jun,
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDschema>%Codd73} }

@article{Codd1974, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Recent Investigations in Relational Data Base Systems},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf-74, Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H.},
Year =1974, Pages ="1012--1021",
Category ={DBDschema> DBDrel.2> %Codd74} }

@inproceedings{Codd1974:1, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Seven Steps to Rendezvous with the Casual User},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management, Klimbie(ed), IFIP-TC2 Conf., N-H, 1975, pp.179-- 200.},
Year =1974, Annote ={ A Brief seven-step plan for the development of a natural language interface with a relational datbase system. Goal is to bring casual users into effective communication with formatted data bases. --- Fountain Category ={DBDnat> 9.2 @inproceedings{Codd1974:2, Author ={Codd,E.F. and Date,C.J.},
Title ={Interactive Support for Non-Programmers: The Relational and Network Approaches},
Booktitle ={IBM, Report RJ 1400,},
Year =1974, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDschema, xC, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Codd1975, Author ={Codd,E.F.(ed)},
Title ={Implementation of Relational Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM FDT,},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Transcript of panel discussion from May.1975 NCC (Anaheim, CA) giving state of the art remarks. Category ={DBDintro.9, xC, DBfile } }

@techreport{Codd1978, Author ={Codd,E.F., Arnold,R.S., Cadiou,J-M., Chang,C.L., and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={RENDEZVOUS Version 1: An Experimental English Language Query Formulation System for Casual Users of Relational Data Bases},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RJ2144, San Jose.},
Year =1978, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDnat, DBfile} }

@incollection{Codd1978:1, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={How About Recently? (English Dialogue with Relational Databases Using RENDEZVOUS Version 1)},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneidermann(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Pages ="3--28",
Annote ={ English Dialogue with Relational Databases Using RENDEZVOUS Version 1. Category ={DBDquery.3.4> DBDnat> } }

@article{Codd1988:1, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Extending the Database Relational Model to Capture More Meaning},
Journal ={'Readings in Database Systems', M.Stonebraker, Morgan-Kaufmann, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8905-0330.},
Year =1988, Pages ="457--475",
Annote ={ Semantic models for formatted databases, to capture in a more or less formal way more of the meaning of the data. Two major thrusts: relation and molecular semantics. Extensions to the relational model (RM/T). New rules for insertion, update, and deletion, as well as new algebraic operators (Theta-select, outer join,....). Category ={DBDtheory> DBDschema> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Codd1980, Author ={Codd,Edgar F.},
Title ={Data Models in Database Management},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record, ACM, Brodie(ed).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="112--114",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDmodel.0>} }

@inproceedings{Codd, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={The Capabilities of Relational Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={IBM Res.Lab (San Jose CA), Res.R. .},
Number ="3132",
Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDintro.1>} }

@article{Codd1982, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Relational Database: A Practical Foundation for Productivity},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1982, Month =Feb,
Pages ="109--117",
Volume ="25",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ 1981 ACM Turing Award Lecture, delivered at ACM, Los Angeles CA, Nov.9,1981. Category ={DBDintro.1> } }

@incollection{Codd1971:5, Author ={Codd,Edgar F.},
Title ={Further Normalization of the Data Base Relational Model},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res.R. No.RJ909.},
Year =1971, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM, Research, (San Jose CA) Formal reduction of attribute relations for simplified access and minimal redundancy. Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile } }

@article{Codd1986, Author ={Codd,Edgar},
Title ={An Evaluation Scheme for Database Management Systems that are Claimed to be Relational},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={see also Computerworld articles, Nov.1985. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Codd1987, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={Missing Information (Applicable and Inapplicable) in Relational Databases},
Journal ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Heidelberg.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Relational Inst., (President) extension to dealing with the inapplicability of certain properties to some objects. Codd proposes two types of null values, `missing' and `inapplicable', and gives a 3-valued logic interpretation to queries involving them. This article could have been written 10 years ago; perhaps its ideas would have seemed fresh then. ---Marianne. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDschema, home } }

@inproceedings{Codd1987:1, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={More Commentary on Missing Information in Relational Databases (Applicable and Inapplicable Information)},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="42--50",
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Referential Integrity, nulls, and other issues. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@book{Codd1990, Author ={Codd,E.F.},
Title ={The Relational Model for Database Management, version 2},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 448pp.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Cody1976, Author ={Cody,R. and Coffman,E.G.jr.},
Title ={Record Allocation for Minimizing Expected Retrieval Costs on Drum-Like Stroage Devices},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, Jan},
Year =1976, Volume ="23",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFtechn.3, box>} }

@article{CoenPorisini1991, Author ={CoenPorisini,A., Lavazza,L., and Zicari,R.},
Title ={Updating the Schema of an Object-Oriented Database},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Politecnico di Milano Category ={DBDobject> DBDschema> } }

@techreport{Coffin, Author ={Coffin,T.},
Title ={Data Base and Analysis Program for Shuttle Main Engine Dynamic Pressure Measurements},
Institution ={REPT-66338-01, NASA-CR-178808},
Annote ={at Wyle discussion of data acquisition reduction procedures and analysis, program listings are given. Category ={DBappl> } }

@article{Coffman1966, Author ={Coffman,E.G. and Wood,R.C.},
Title ={Interarrival Statistics for Time Sharing Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1966, Month =Jul,
Pages ="500--502",
Volume ="9",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@article{Coffman1969, Author ={Coffman,E.G.jr.},
Title ={Analysis of a Drum Input-Output Queue under Scheduled Operation in a Paged Computer System},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1969, Month =Jan,
Pages ="73--90",
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFtechn.4> at Princeton Un. Category ={DBFtechn.3> } }

@article{Coffman1970, Author ={Coffman,E.G. and Bruno,J.},
Title ={On File Structuring for Non-Uniform Access Frequencies},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark.},
Year =1970, Pages ="443--456",
Volume ="10",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFindex.4> %Coffman70B} }

@article{Coffman1970:1, Author ={Coffman,E.G. and Eve,J.},
Title ={File Structures Using Hashing Functions},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1970, Month =Jul,
Pages ="427--436",
Volume ="13",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ Tree structure with branching based on bit values of key code. Category ={DBFhybrid.5> %Coffman70E } }

@article{Coffman1971, Author ={Coffman,E.G., Elphick,M.J., and Shoshani,A.},
Title ={System Deadlocks},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1971, Month =Jun,
Pages ="67--78",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@article{Coffman1972, Author ={Coffman,E.G.jr., Klimko,L.A., and Ryan,B.},
Title ={An Analysis of Seek Times in Disk Systems},
Journal ={SIAM J. on Comp., vol.1 no.3.},
Year =1972, Pages ="269--279",
Annote ={Analysis of FSCAN. Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@article{Coffman1981, Author ={Coffman,E.G.Jr., Gelenbe,E., and Plateau,B.},
Title ={Optimization of the Number of Copies in a Distributed Data Base},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-7 .},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Pages ="78--84",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Replication of files. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Cohen1985, Author ={Cohen,B. et al.},
Title ={Representativeness and Uncertainty in Classification Systems},
Journal ={AI Magazine, Fal..},
Year =1985, Annote ={Frames. ---Surajit. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Cohen1984, Author ={Cohen,B. and Murphy,G.L.},
Title ={Models of Concepts},
Journal ={Cognitive Science.},
Year =1984, Pages ="27--58",
Volume ="8",
Annote ={at Boston Coll., CSD; Brown Un., Psychology Dep. argues about flaws in fuzzy logic and proposes alternatives. Some of arguments are based on weak linguistic examples. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Cohen1988, Author ={Cohen,Benjamin C.},
Title ={Views and Objects in OB1: A PROLOG-based View-Object-Oriented Database},
Institution ={SRI, PRRL-88-TR-005, rcvd. .},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Annote ={at SRI, David Sarnoff Res.Ctr (Princeton NJ) The view-object manager combines relational views and objects. The results are placed into a direct object manager. These view-objects remain defined through predicates, dont have identity, and are not directly updatetable, only base relations are to be updated, if possible, through the views. Category ={DBDobject> VOD> @book{Cohen1984:1, Author ={Cohen,B.G.F.(ed)},
Title ={Human Aspects In Office Automation},
Publisher ={Elsevier Series In Office Automation.},
Year =1984, Volume ="1",
Category ={DBappl, HF5547.5.H85} }

@book{Cohen1971, Author ={Cohen, Burton J.},
Title ={Cost-effective Information Systems},
Publisher ={American Management Association, Inc. NY.},
Year =1971, Annote ={ Organization and control of data processing projects. Category ={DBDadmin, x15book> } }

@inproceedings{Cohen1978, Author ={Cohen,D. and Liu,M.T.},
Title ={Event Driven Protection for Enhancing Data Sharing in Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="411--431",
Annote ={at Ohio State Un. Category ={DBDprivacy.2.2>} }

@article{Cohen1982, Author ={Cohen,D.},
Title ={Implementation of a Distributed Database Management System to Support Logical Subnetworks},
Journal ={Bell System Technical Journal.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="2459-2474",
Volume ="61",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ The design and implementation were parts of a study to evaluate the database management needs of software-defined logical subnetworks. Primary node concept for multicopy updates. Data unconsistencies are detected and removed by the software. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintro.0> DBDuse-4 } }

@article{Cohen1989, Author ={Cohen,Danny},
Title ={Computerized Commerce},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89, Ritter (ed), IFIPS, N-H.},
Year =1989, Pages ="1095--1100",
Annote ={ The FAST system for ordering chips and components. AFIS I3 Category ={DBDappl> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Cohen1989:1, Author ={Cohen,Donald},
Title ={Compiling Complex Database Transition Triggers},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at USC, Marina Del Rey, ISI Active databases. AP5 is an extension to commonlisp which provides database-like abstractions and facilities. Category ={DBFkb> } }

@article{Cohen1989:2, Author ={Cohen,E.I., King,G.M., and Brady,J.T.},
Title ={Storage Hierarchies},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1989, Pages ="62--76",
Volume ="28",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, Data Sys.Div., (Poughkeepsie NY) CPU, processor cache, central storage, expanded storage, DASD cache, DASD. IBM 3880 and 3990 cache control units adopt multiple strategies: LRU. Achieve up to 80pct hit ratios on small-record databases. Partial track staging anticipates sequential references. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@techreport{Cohen1975, Author ={Cohen,Gerald},
Title ={Four Papers on the Use of Databanks for the Chronically Ill},
Institution ={written, Un.North Carolina, rcvd .},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at NCHSR Category ={DBDintro.8> MCS, DBfile} }

@techreport{Cohen1988:1, Author ={Cohen,H. and Layne,S. (eds)},
Title ={Future Data Management and Access, Workshop to Develop Recommendations for the National Scientific Effort on AIDS Modeling and Epidemiology},
Institution ={sponsored by the White House Domestic Policy Council.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ databases and analysis of AIDS, HIV-infected populations. Recommendations for catalogs, distribution, and secure access. I3 Category ={DBDprivacy> DBDdist> MIS> } }

@article{Cohen1967, Author ={Cohen,J. and Trilling,L.},
Title ={Remarks on Garbage Collection Using a Two Level Store},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark.},
Year =1967, Pages ="22--30",
Volume ="7",
Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@book{Cohen1975:1, Author ={Cohen,L.J., Burr,W.E., Del'Marmol,G.M., Grodman,L.K., and Kerr,E.F.(eds)},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems, a Critical and Comparative Analysis},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, Wellesley Hills MA, 420pp.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Evaluations of IMS-2, TOTAL, ADABAS, and SYSTEM-2000 with glossaries. Category ={DBDbound> %Cohen75 } }

@book{Cohen1982:1, Author ={Cohen,Leo},
Title ={Creating and Planning the Corporate Database System Project},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 323pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8412 0981.},
Year =1982, Annote ={various topics, databases vs. D. Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Cohen1975:2, Author ={Cohen,M.S. and Chang,H.},
Title ={The Frontiers of Magnetic Bubble Technology},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1196--1206",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFhard.1.4>} }

@inproceedings{Cohen1982:2, Author ={Cohen,N.B., et al},
Title ={Gemini: A Reliable Local Network},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 6.},
Year =1982, Month =Feb,
Pages ="1--22",
Category ={DBFtrees.4>} }

@book{Cohen1986, Author ={Cohen,Norman H.},
Title ={Ada as a Second Language},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Softech Category ={DBDlang>} }

@book{Cohen1982:3, Author ={Cohen,P.R. and Feigenbaum,E. (eds.)},
Title ={The Handbook of Artificial Intelligence},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1982, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Cohen1985:1, Author ={Cohen,Paul R.},
Title ={Heuristic Reasoning About Uncertainty: An Artificial Intelligence Approach},
Publisher ={Research Notes In Artificial Intelligence 2, Pitman .},
Year =1985, Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb, Q375.C64 1985.} }

@inproceedings{Cohen1987, Author ={Cohen,P.R., Shafer,G., and Shenoy,P.P.},
Title ={Modifiable Combining Functions ,},
Booktitle ={Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Proc.of an Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int Workshop.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={uncertainty functions. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Cohen1989:3, Author ={Cohen,S. and Wolfson,O.},
Title ={Why a Single Parallelization Strategy is Not Enough in Knowledge Bases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Technion Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Cohn1989, Author ={Cohn,A. et al.},
Title ={AXON: A computer-based approach to intelligent retrieval of radiographic studies using 'Axes' of clinical relevance},
Booktitle ={MEDINFO.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Yale Parameters are: 1. radiographic findings (eg. diffuse infiltrate or pulminary mass) 2. etiology 3. clinical findings 4. imaging modality Category ={MIS> } }

@techreport{Coker1987, Author ={Coker,H., Demurjian,S.A., Hsiao,D.K., Rodeck,B., and Zawis,J.},
Title ={The Multi-Model Database System},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-NPS52-87-026.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile} }

@article{Colby1989, Author ={Colby,Latha S.},
Title ={A Recursive Algebra and Query Optimization for Nested Relations},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Indiana Un., DCS Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Cole1982, Author ={Cole,A.J. and Morrison,R.},
Title ={Triplex: A System for Interval Arithmetic},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience.},
Year =1982, Pages ="341-350",
Volume ="12",
Category ={DBFmethods>} }

@article{Collet1991, Author ={Collet,C., Huhns,M., and Shen,W-M.},
Title ={Resource Integrating Using a Large Knowledge Base in Carnot},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="24",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at MCC federated integrating separately developed information resources permits access and coherent modification; it uses the Cyc knowledge base as a global schema to resolve inconsistencies Cyc is used as the knowledgebase to resolve inconsistencies. and proved a global view of all data resources. E-R models, define objects from resource databases. Articulation axioms are used to translate data among specified contexts. Test databases are AAA, Fodor, and Mass travel information. Applications can also work on local subviews. Null conversions are passed through. mediation I3 Category ={DBDdist> DBDdesign> DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Colliat1979, Author ={Colliat,G. and Bachman,C.},
Title ={Commitment in a Distributed database},
Booktitle ={Data Base Architecture, Bracchi and Nijssen(eds), N-H .},
Year =1979, Pages ="107--121",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.1>} }

@inproceedings{Collins1980, Author ={Collins,D.W. and DeFanti,T.A.},
Title ={An Interactive Graphics System for Causal Network Graph Models},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences.},
Year =1980, Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Chicago Circle example applied to Weiss' Glaucoma model. Category ={DBDdesign> MCS> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Collmeyer1970, Author ={Collmeyer,A.J.},
Title ={File Organization Techniques},
Journal ={IEEE Computer Group News,},
Year =1970, Month Mar,
Pages ="3--12",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at XDS Category ={DBFseq>} }

@article{Collmeyer1970:1, Author ={Collmeyer,A.J., and Shemer,J.E.},
Title ={Analysis of Retrieval Performance for Selected File Organization Techniques},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1970, Pages ="201--210",
Volume ="37",
Category ={DBFseq> %Collmeyer70} }

@article{Collmeyer1971, Author ={Collmeyer,A.J.},
Title ={Data Management in a Multi-Access Environment},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, IEEE Computer Group,},
Year =1971, Month =Nov,
Pages ="36--46",
Volume ="4",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at XDS Exposition, File sharing Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Collmeyer1972, Author ={Collmeyer,A.J.},
Title ={Implications of Data Independence on Architecture of Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Pages ="307--321",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@incollection{Colombetti1977, Author ={Colombetti,M., Paolini,P., and Pelagatti,G.},
Title ={Nondeterministic Languages Used for the Definition of Data Models},
Booktitle ={Logic and Databases, Proc.of the symp. on Logic and Databases, Toulouse, France, 16-18. H.Gallaire and J.Minker(eds), Plenum Press, New York, 1978, 237--257.},
Year =1977, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Polit.Milano (Milan, Italy) Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Colton1993, Author ={Colton,M.},
Title ={Open and Distributed Processing with SQL Server},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Sybase Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Comba1975, Author ={Comba,P.G.},
Title ={Needed: Distributed Control},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed), Farmingham MA.},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="364--373",
Annote ={at IBM, Cambridge (MA) States that for very large databases, distribution is the only way to go. Lists the political, technical, organizational, etc. advantages to distributed databases. Category ={DBFdist> DBFstorage-3.4, Comba75 Shel } }

@inproceedings{Comba1975:1, Author ={Comba,Paul G.},
Title ={Needed: Distributed Control},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="364--373",
Annote ={at IBM (Cambridge MA) Category ={DBFindex.1> DBDschema.6>%Comba75 } }

@article{Comber1969, Author ={Comber,Edward V.},
Title ={Management of Confidential Information},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1969, Pages ="135--143",
Volume ="35",
Annote ={at System Dynamics, Oakland Lists of elements and points to be considered in evalution. Category ={DBDprivacy.1> } }

@article{Comer1978, Author ={Comer,D.},
Title ={The Difficulty of Optimum Index Selection},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Pages ="440--445",
Volume ="3",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Purdue Un. Theorem: optimum index selection problem OISP is NP-complete for files of degree d ge 2. Category ={DBFindex.4> } }

@article{Comer1979, Author ={Comer,D.},
Title ={The Ubiquitous Btree},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Pages ="121--137",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhybrid.4> DBFindex.4>} }

@article{Comer1979:1, Author ={Comer,D.},
Title ={Heuristics for Trie Index Minimization},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Sep,
Pages ="383--395",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Of primary concern in making a trie practical is the problem of minimizing storage requirements. One method for reducing the space is attribute testing which is NP-complete. Another alternative is an O-trie, in which the order of attribute testing is contained in the trie itself. O-tries are smaller than other implementations of tries. Category ={DBFimpl.2.3> } }

@article{Comer1981, Author ={Comer,D.},
Title ={Extended K-d Tree Database Organization: A Dynamic Multiattribute file correspond to leaves in the tree. This paper considers a 'greedy' heuristic for constructing low-cost trees.},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="513--537",
Volume ="6",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ A Trie is a distributed-key search tree in which records from a Category ={DBFimpl.2.2> } }

@book{Comer1984, Author ={Comer,Douglas},
Title ={Operating System Design, the XINU approach},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers,},
Year =1984, Annote ={ File systems software, interrupt processing, device drivers. Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@manual{Comptroller1979, Author ={Comptroller General, GAO},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems--Without Careful Planning There Can Be Problems},
Organization ={Report to the Congress FGManagement Science, Journal of TIMSD--79-35, 29,},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ at General Accounting Office (GAO) (Washington DC) Most agencies did not adequately plan before acquiring a base management system; they have spent substantial amounts for automatic data processing resources that they did not need. The costs of acquiring data base management systems are insiiignificant compared with the costs involved in using them. In most instances, organizations do not save dollars by integrating files and implementing a data base management system, primarily because of increased costs associated with a more complex system. Category ={DBDadmin.1, 155MR Reference shelf@manual{Computer, Author ={Computer Corporation of America},
Title ={The CCA model 104 Information Retrieval System},
Organization ={CCA Manual, Cambridge MA.},
Annote ={at CCA Hardware implemented retrieval system Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Computer1990, Author ={Computer Science and Technology Board "},
Title ={Scaling up: a research agenda for software engineering},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9012-0947.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="33",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ mega relevant; the gap between practice and theory is caused by theory's lack of understanding of practice; recommends more than a dozen actions Category ={DENG> } }

@manual{Computer1983, Author ={Computer Sciences Corp},
Title ={An Evaluation of Data Base Management Systems for Use at the Science and Applications Computing Center},
Organization ={Prepared for Goddard Space Flight Ctr, CSCTM-836154.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ For IBM equipment, mainly DB-2, IDMS-R, Inquire, Model 204. Category ={DBDnewDBMS, Home file } }

@article{Conklin1987, Author ={Conklin,Jeff},
Title ={Hypertext: An Introduction and Survey},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="17--41",
Volume ="20",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at MCC generous list of systems. Good survey and critique. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@book{Connor1985, Author ={Connor,Dennis},
Title ={Information System Specification And Design Road Map},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 236pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ six approaches are compared: Information Engineering, Structured Analysis and Design, Structured Requirements Definition, Jackson System Development, Higher Order Software, and Systems Prototyping. is a document library, no finished system is given. Category ={DBDone> DBDdesign, T58.6.C668 } }

@article{Connors1966, Author ={Connors,T.C.},
Title ={ADAM --- A generalized Data Management System},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1966, Pages ="193--203",
Volume ="28",
Category ={DBFtrees.4> %Connors66} }

@inproceedings{Connors1985, Author ={Connors,Tim},
Title ={Equivalence of Views by Query Capacity},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Connors1991, Author ={Connors,T., Hasan,W., et al.},
Title ={The Papyrus Integrated Data Server},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDhard>} }

@inproceedings{Considine1969, Author ={Considine,J.P. and Weiss,A.H.},
Title ={Establishment and Maintenance of a Storage Hierarchy for an On-Line Data- Base under TSS/360},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1969, Pages ="433--440",
Volume ="35",
Annote ={ Migration of data according to access frequencies Category ={DBFeval> } }

@article{Considine1977, Author ={Considine,J.P. and Myers,J.J.},
Title ={MARC: MVS Archival Storage and Recovery Program},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1977, Pages ="378--397",
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDadmin.2.2>} }

@manual{Consultative1987, Author ={Consultative Committee for Space Data Systems},
Title ={Standard Formatted Data Units - Structure and Construction Rules},
Organization ={NASA, Red Book, Issue 2.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Convent1986, Author ={Convent,Bernhard},
Title ={Unsolvable Problems Related to the View Integration Approach},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFindex.3> at Un.Dortmund (FRG) Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@article{Converse1986, Author ={Converse,P.E. and traugott,M.W.},
Title ={Assessinpg the Accuracy of Polls and Surveys},
Journal ={Science, 28.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1094--1098",
Volume ="234",
Number ="7780",
Annote ={ evaluation of questionaires and responses in politics. Category ={MIS-DE> } }

@article{Conway1972, Author ={Conway,R.W., Maxwell,W.L., and Morgan,H.L.},
Title ={On the Implementation of Security Measures in Information Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month Apr,
Pages ="211--220",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@inproceedings{Cook, Author ={Cook,S.A.},
Title ={The Complexity of Theorem-Proving Procedure},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing 3, NY.},
Pages ="151--158",
Category ={DBFmethods.6>} }

@inproceedings{Cook1975, Author ={Cook,T.J.},
Title ={A Data Base Management System Design Philosophy},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed),},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="15--22",
Annote ={at Un.Utah Design background for system which is to provide independence of data structure and data values and support multiple user views of the data. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{CooperOB1982, Author ={CooperOB,Eric C.},
Title ={Analysis of Distributed Commit Protocols},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="175--193",
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans-3.2> DBDintegrity.2> DBDconc> } }

@article{Coonen1980, Author ={Coonen,Jerome T.},
Title ={An Implementation Guide to a Proposed Standard for Floating Point Arithmetic},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1980, Month =Jan,
Pages ="68--79",
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={representation for real numbers. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@techreport{Cooper1986, Author ={Cooper,G.F.},
Title ={A diagnostic method that uses causal knowledge and linear programming in the application of Bayes' formula},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, Memo KSL-86-9.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Category ={MCS>} }

@techreport{Cooper1991, Author ={Cooper,G. and Herskovits,E.},
Title ={A Bayesian Method for the Induction of Probabilistic Networks from Data},
Institution ={Stanford KSL 91-02.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Category ={Uncertain} }

@book{Cooper1981, Author ={Cooper,Robert B.},
Title ={Introduction to Queueing Theory},
Publisher ={Elsevier N-H, Inc., New York , 347pp.},
Year =1981, Annote ={at Florida Atlantic Un. (Boca Raton FL) Second edition Category ={DBFmethods.4.1> } }

@article{Cooper1984, Author ={Cooper,R.B. and Solomon,M.K.},
Title ={The Average Time Until Bucket Overflow},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="392--408",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFmethods.4.1>} }

@article{Cooper1976, Author ={Cooper,W.S.},
Title ={Fact Retrieval and Deductive Question Answering Systems},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1976, Month Apr,
Pages ="117--137",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Observation on requirements for deductive inference systems, specification of a language, a translator, and sample results. Category ={DBDquery.1> } }

@inproceedings{Cooper1984:1, Author ={Cooper,W.S.},
Title ={Bridging the Gap between AI and IR},
Booktitle ={Research and Development in Information Retrieval, in BCS-WS, vanRijsbergen(ed), Cambridge Un.Press, ; ACM-CR 8511-1062.},
Year =1984, Pages ="259--265",
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.2>} }

@inproceedings{Copeland1973, Author ={Copeland,G.P., Lipovski,G.J., and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={The Architecture of CASSM: A Cellular System for Non-Numeric Processing},
Booktitle ={ACM CA-NNP 1, Gainesville FL.},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Copeland1974, Author ={Copeland,P.G. and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={A High Level Data Sublanguage for a Context-Addressed Segment-Sequential Memory},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed)..},
Year =1974, Pages ="265--271",
Annote ={ Description of SLICK, retrieval, and manipulation of relations, both not- normalized and normalized. Category ={DBFstorage-3.2> DBFmach> DBDrel, 10 } }

@article{Copeland1982, Author ={Copeland,G.},
Title ={What If Mass Storage Were Free},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="27--35",
Volume ="15",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ at Tektronix., Beaverton OR, later Servio Logic Corp This paper investigates how database systems would be designed and used under the limiting-case assumption that mass storage is free. Free mass storage will free database systems from the limitations and problems caused by conventional deletion techniques. A non-deletion strategy is described that would significantly simplify database systems and their operation, as well as increase their functionality and availability. This limiting case helps shed light on a more realistic argument: if the cost of mass storage were low enough, then deletion would become undesirable. Category ={DBFhard.1> } }

@inproceedings{Copeland1984, Author ={Copeland,D. and Maier,D.},
Title ={Making SMALLTALK a Database system},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1984, Pages ="316--325",
Annote ={ Original concepts leading to GEMSTONE, obsolete per Maier 1987. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Copeland1986, Author ={Copeland,G., Khoshafian,S., Smith,M., and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={Buffering Schemes for Permanent Data},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFhard.3>} }

@inproceedings{Copeland1990, Author ={Copeland,G. and Khoshafian,S.},
Title ={Object Identity},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Copeland1989, Author ={Copeland,G. and Keller,T.},
Title ={A Comparison of High-Availability Media Recovery Techniques},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBFreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Copeland1989:1, Author ={Copeland,G., Keller,T., Krishnamurthy,R., and Smith,M.},
Title ={The Case for Safe RAM},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at MCC (Austin TX) Recovery and concurrency control; battery packed-up DRAM memories can be configured today to be almost as reliable as disk. Safe RAM is cost-effective today and will become increasingly so as more caching is used. Category ={DBDobject> DBDarchitecture> DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Cordon1985, Author ={Cordon,R. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={The Performance of a Concurrency Control Algorithm That Exploits Semantic Knowledge},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 5.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Annote ={ local locks permit compatible operations to be run in parallel, global locks check the total schedule. Simulations. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2> DBDkb, DBfile Garcia } }

@inproceedings{Gore1988, Author ={Gore,N., Edmiston,E., Saltz,J., and Smith,R.},
Title ={Parallel Processing of Biological Sequence Comparison Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE .},
Year =1988, Annote ={ two string matching algorithms on two multiprocessors, Intel hypercube and the Connection Machine Category ={GENE> } }

@inproceedings{Corella1984, Author ={Corella,Francisco, Kaplan,S.J., Wiederhold,G., and Yesil,L.},
Title ={Cooperative Responses to Boolean Queries},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={ at Symantec; Tecknowledge; Stanford Un.; and Stanford Consulting Group Cooperative querying applied to RLIN Library System. Category ={DBDquery.3.4> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Corella1984:1, Author ={Corella,Francisco},
Title ={Semantic Retrieval and Levels of Abstraction},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={ at Fairchild Lab for Artificial Intelligence Research Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Corey1985, Author ={Corey,S. and Rajinikanth,M.},
Title ={Explorer Relational Table Management System},
Booktitle ={Proc. ACM Advanced Sys. Track Section TI-Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersX Intern. Computer Symp., (New York NY).},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Cormack1984, Author ={Cormack,G.V. and Horspool,R.N.},
Title ={Algorithms for Adaptive Huffman Codes},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Cormack1985, Author ={Cormack,Gordon V.},
Title ={Data Compression on a Database System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1336--1342",
Volume ="28",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ first partition into IMS based types, then Huffman. Gives factor two space, adds 17pct time. Category ={DBFrepresent.3> } }

@article{Cormack1987, Author ={Cormack,G.V. and Horspool,R.N.},
Title ={Data Compression Using Dynamic Markov Modelling},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Pages ="541--550",
Volume ="30",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Cornelio1989, Author ={Cornelio,A. and Navathe,S.},
Title ={Database Support for Engineering CAD and Simulation},
Booktitle ={IEEE 2nd Conf. on Data and Knowledge Ssytems for Manufacturing.},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ The existing design database and part catalog database serve as suggestion systems. A structure-function CAD modeling paradigm is used to represent designs, to perform simulations, and to let designs evolve over time. Category ={EIS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Cornelio1990, Author ={Cornelio,A. and Navathe,S.},
Title ={Extension of object-oriented concepts for engineering design and simulation},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Category ={EIS> DBDobject, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Cornelio1993, Author ={Cornelio,A. and Navathe,S.},
Title ={Using Active Database Techniques for Real-Time Engineering Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Bellcore; Georgia Institute of Technology Category ={DBDactive> } }

@inproceedings{Cornell1987, Author ={Cornell,D.W., Dias,D.M., and Yu,P.},
Title ={Analysis of Multi-System Function Request Shipping},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBFdist, DBfile Yu} }

@article{Cornell1986, Author ={Cornell,D.W., Dias,D.M., and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={On Multisystem Coupling Through Function Request Shipping},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-12 .},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Number ="10",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFtrans> DBFdist, DBfile Yu} }

@inproceedings{Cornell1987:1, Author ={Cornell,D.W. and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={A Vertical Partitioning Algorithm for Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Cornell1988, Author ={Cornell,D.W. and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={Site Assignment for Relations and Join Operations in the Distributed Transaction Processing Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFdist> DEBtrans>} }

@article{Cornell1989, Author ={Cornell,D.W. and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={On Optimal Site Assignment for Relations in the Distributed Database Environment},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE). , ; ACM Computing Reviews 9008-0701.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1004--1009",
Volume ="15",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Farleigh Dickinson Un., DCS, (Teaneck NJ) Decomposes queries into relation steps and assignments on either a linear integer programming or a heuristic technique. A heuristic approach must be used to minimize response time; the results would be of little use given the current architectures of distributed database systems. ---Osborn. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Cornell1989:1, Author ={Cornell,D.W. and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={Integration of Buffer Management and Query Optimization in Relational Database Environment},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown Heights, NY Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Cornell1990, Author ={Cornell,D.W. and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={An effective approach to vertical partitioning for physical design of relational databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), No 2, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9012-0980.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Volume ="16",
Annote ={ partitioning on the physical design level must caputre the effect of the query optimizer; optimal binary partitioning, recursively applied; the most significant performance improvement when the inner relation in an inner-outer loop join, once partitioned, fits into the main storage buffer Category ={DBDrel> } }

@inproceedings{Cornhill1984, Author ={Cornhill,D.},
Title ={Partitioning Ada Programs for Execution in Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Honeywell Corp. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Corre1989, Author ={Corre,J-L. and Hegron,G.},
Title ={Unified Data Structures for Mixed 3D Scene Management},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC-2.6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="319--337",
Annote ={at IRISA, France Operations for relative movement of objects. Category ={DBDimage> } }

@unpublished{Corson1982, Author ={Corson,Yves},
Title ={Aspects Psychologiques Lies A L'interrogation D'une Base De Donnees},
Note ={Inria, Rapports de Recherche.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Number ="126",
Annote ={at INRIA Psychological aspects of database retrieval are reviewed and two issues discussed: the artificial query languages and the influence of both data structure and representation on retrieval. experimental methods used in psychology allow the measurement of the 'ease of use' Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@article{Cosmadakis1984, Author ={Cosmadakis,S.S},
Title ={The Complexity of Evaluating Relational Queries},
Journal ={Inf.Control, ?, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8502-0132.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="101--112",
Volume ="58",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@article{Cosmadakis1984:1, Author ={Cosmadakis,S.S and Kanellakis,P.C.},
Title ={Functional and Inclusion Dependencies: A graph-theoretic Approach},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="29--37",
Annote ={Ownership. Category ={DBDmodel.3.4>} }

@article{Cosmadakis1984:2, Author ={Cosmadakis,S.S and Papadimitriou,C.H.},
Title ={Updates of Relational Views},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8506-532.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="742--760",
Volume ="31",
Number ="4",
Annote ={based on constant complement criterium. Category ={DBDmodel.3> } }

@article{Cosmadakis1985, Author ={Cosmadakis,S.S., Kanellakis,P.C., and Spyratos,N.},
Title ={Partition Semantics for Relations},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at MIT, Un.Paris Sud Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@unpublished{Cosmadakis1986, Author ={Cosmadakis,S.},
Title ={Deductive systems for database theory},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC This is the paper on sYryPS. This is the paper on sYryPS. Category ={DBDkb, Ullman at IBM, Yorktown Uses cylindrical algebra, algebraic equivalent to first-order logic. ---jdu Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Cosmadakis1989, Author ={Cosmadakis,Stavros S.},
Title ={On the First-Order Expressibility of Recursive Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center show that, for some classes of Datalog programs, expressibility in first-order query languages coincides with boundedness, but is often undecidable Category ={DBDlogic> DBDops> } }

@article{Cosmadakis1990, Author ={Cosmadakis,S., Kanellakis,P., and Vardi,M.},
Title ={Polynomial-Time Implication Problems for Unary Inclusion Dependencies},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, Vol. 37 .},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown subset dependency and constraints interacts with FDs Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Cosserat1972, Author ={Cosserat,D.C.},
Title ={A Capability Oriented Multiprocessor System for real-time applications},
Booktitle ={Computer Communication, Impact and Implications (Proc.of the First Intl. Conf. on Comp.Comm., (Washington DC), Winkler(ed), ACM, NY,},
Year =1972, Month =Oct,
Pages ="282--289",
Annote ={at Plessey Co. Ltd (UK) A description of the Plessey 250 computer. Category ={DBDprivacy.5, xB12.5> } }

@book{Cote1984, Author ={Cote, Protti, and Scherrer(eds)},
Title ={Role Of Informatics In Health Data Coding And Classification Systems},
Publisher ={IFIP-IMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersA.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFrepresent> MCS, RB115.I37} }

@article{Coulouris1972, Author ={Coulouris,G.F., Evans,J.M., and Mitchell,R.W.},
Title ={Toward Content-addressing in Data Bases},
Journal ={Computer J.,},
Year =1972, Month =May,
Pages ="95--98",
Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Hardware proposal for associative searching of keys. Category ={DBFstorage-3.2>%Coulouris72 } }

@article{Counte1987, Author ={Counte,M.A., Kjerulff,K.H., Salloway,J.C., and Campbell,B.C.},
Title ={Apdapting to the Implementation of a Medical Information System: A Comparison of Short- versus Long-Term Findings},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="11--20",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Category ={MIS>} }

@incollection{Courtney1981, Author ={Courtney,J.F.},
Title ={Evaluating Information Requirements in MIS Design},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Courtney1985, Author ={Courtney,J.F. and Paradice,D.},
Title ={On Integrating Causal Modeling, Knowledge Representation, and Data Management to Support Managerial Problem Diagnosis},
Booktitle ={ORSA-TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems National Conf..},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Inf.Sys.and Quant.Sciences; Texas Tech.Un., Coll.of Business Admin. Category ={DBDkb> DBappl, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Courtney1986, Author ={Courtney,J.F.Jr., Ata,N.H., and Paradice,D.B.},
Title ={A Knowledge-Based DSS for Managerial Problem Recognition and Diagnosis},
Note ={.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Texas Tech Un., Coll.of Business Admin. Category ={DBDkb> DBappl, DBfile } }

@article{Courtois1971, Author ={Courtois,P.J., Heymans,F., and Parnas,L.},
Title ={Concurrent Control with Readers and Writers},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1971, Month =Oct,
Pages ="667--668",
Volume ="14",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at MBLE Reasearch Lab (Brussels, Belgium) Algorithms for scheduler design for multi accessed database Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } }

@techreport{Couvert1989, Author ={Couvert,A., Maddi,A., and Pedrono,R.},
Title ={Partage d'Objets dans les Systemes Distribues Principes des Ramasse-Miettes},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-963, Programme 1.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ at IRISA, Campus Universitaire de Beaulieu, (Rennes, France) Distributed object management. Category ={DBFdist> DBDobject> } }

@book{Covvey1985, Author ={Covvey,H.D., Craven,N.H., and McAlister,N.H.(eds)},
Title ={Concepts and Issues in Health Care Computing, Volume 1},
Publisher ={Mosby.},
Year =1985, Category ={MCS>} }

@book{Cox1987, Author ={Cox,B.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Programming, An evolutionary Approach},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDlang> DBDobject>} }

@article{Cox1980, Author ={Cox, Lawrence H.},
Title ={Suppression Methodology and Statistical Disclosure Control},
Journal ={J. of the Amer. Statistical Assoc., (350).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="377--385",
Volume ="75",
Category ={DBDprivacy.2> DBDprivacy-10>} }

@article{Craft1983, Author ={Craft,D.H.},
Title ={Resource Management in a Decentralized System},
Journal ={ACM SOSOP-0, Bretton Woods NH.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Craig1967, Author ={Craig,J.A., Berezner,S.C., Carney,H.C., and Longyear,C.R.},
Title ={DEACON, Direct English Access and Control},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1967, Month =Nov,
Pages ="715--721",
Volume ="10",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at General Electric Query answering system. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Craig1967:1, Author ={Craig,J.A., Berezner,S.C. Carney,H.C., and Longyear,C.R.},
Title ={DEACON, Direct English Access and Control},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1967, Month =Nov,
Pages ="715--721",
Volume ="10",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at General Electric Query answering system. Category ={DBDnat> } }

@article{Crane1989, Author ={Crane,B.A., Dalby,J.C., Garg,K., Poepping,M.H., and Ward,C.E.W.,},
Title ={International OSPS Database Services},
Journal ={ATT Technical J., Nov.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Volume ="68",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at ATT phonecall booking Category ={DBDappl>} }

@article{Crawford1989, Author ={Crawford,S.L.},
Title ={Extensions to the CART Algorithm},
Journal ={International Journal of Man-Machine Studies. 31: 197-217.},
Year =1989, Annote ={cart algorithm Category ={DBFmethods>} }

@inproceedings{Creasy1989, Author ={Creasy, Peter},
Title ={ENIAM: A More Complete Conceptual Schema Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) Amsterdam. .},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Univ. Queensland Fact encoding construct and validation rules; use existantial graphs to extend NIAM; permits the subtype, derivation rules and constraints. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@incollection{Crehange1984, Author ={Crehange,M., AitHaddou,A., Boukaiou,M., David,J.M., Foucaut,O., and Maroldt,J.},
Title ={EXPRIM, an Expert System to Aid in Progressive Retrieval from a Pictorial and Descriptive Analysis},
Booktitle ={`New Applications of Databases' Gardarin and Gelenbe(eds), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1984, Annote ={plans only, but well thought out. Category ={DBDkb> Image> } }

@inproceedings{Crews1987, Author ={Crews,P.},
Title ={tbt EXPERT: A Case Study in Integrating Expert System Technology with Computer Assisted Instruction},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Crick1969, Author ={Crick,M.F.C. and Symonds,A.J.},
Title ={A Software Associative Memory for Complex Data Structures},
Institution ={Proc. ACM-SIAM-IEEE Conf. on Mathematical and Computer Aids to Design, 1969},
Year =1969, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at IBM, Cambridge Scientific Ctr Primary memory oriented, formal queries, basis for RSS, System R. Category ={DBFhybrid.7.5> EIS, DBfile } }

@techreport{Crick1970, Author ={Crick,M.F.C., Lorie,R.A., Mosher,E.J., and Symonds,A.J.},
Title ={A Data Base System for Interactive Applications},
Institution ={IBM, Cambridge Scientific Ctr, Report G320-2058.},
Year =1970, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at IBM, Cambridge Scientific Ctr Proposal for PL/1 based database system, RSS. Category ={DBFhybrid.7.5> DBDrel, x9> } }

@article{Croft1984, Author ={Croft,W.B.},
Title ={Task Management for an Intelligent Interface},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@unpublished{Croft1985, Author ={Croft,W.B. and Thompson,R.H.},
Title ={An Intelligent Interface for Large Textual Databases},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Croft1987, Author ={Croft,W.B. and Stemple,D.W.},
Title ={Supporting Office Document Architectures with Constrained Types},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Massachusetts, DCS Category ={DBDoffice>} }

@article{Croft1987:1, Author ={Croft,W.B. and Thompson,R.H.},
Title ={I3R: A New Approach to the Design of Document Retrieval Systems},
Journal ={JASIS, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8807-0538.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Pages ="389--404",
Volume ="38",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ Blackboard architecture. Several experts cooperate. Domain knowledge forms a thesaurus-like network of concepts. A prototype being implememted. ---Sauvain Category ={DBDkb> DBDbib, DBfile } }

@article{Croft1988, Author ={Croft,W.B. and Savino,P.},
Title ={Implementing Ranking Strategies Using Text Signatures},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 8905-0333.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="42--62",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Massachusetts, (Amherst MA) Storage and efficiency trade-offs. Indexing the term-based file would give significantly better performance at the cost of increased storage. ---Grimson Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@inproceedings{Croft1988:1, Author ={Croft,W.B. and Krovetz,R.},
Title ={Interactive Retrieval of Office Documents},
Booktitle ={ACM Conf.on Office Information Systems.(>1988?).},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="228--235",
Annote ={Trivial. Category ={DBDquery> DBDbiblio>} }

@article{Croft1990, Author ={Croft,W.B.},
Title ={Towards Intelligent Information Retrieval: an Overview of IR Research at U.Mass},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@inproceedings{Croker1986, Author ={Croker,A. and Maier,D.},
Title ={A Dynamic Tree-Locking Protocol},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Cromarty1984, Author ={Cromarty,A.S., Adams,T.L., Wilson,G.A., Cunningham,J.F., Tolander,C.J., and Grinberg.M.R.},
Title ={Distributed Database Considerations in an Expert System for Radar Analysis},
Booktitle ={rcvd.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at AIDS (Mountain View CA) ASTA infers design of a RADAR system from observed signals. It uses MRS to store rules and result hypotheses, or theories as 'database' tuples. A distinct 'database' is used for interface information, maintained synchronously. An expert module to access external databases is discussed. Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Cromarty1986, Author ={Cromarty,A.S.},
Title ={Control of Processes by Communication over Ports as a Paradigm for Distributed Knowledge-Based System Design},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Crosby1985, Author ={Crosby,P.A., Malachowski,G.C., Hall,B.R., Stevens,V., Gunn,B.J., Hudson,S., and Schlosser,D.},
Title ={The Workstation Approach to Laboratory Computing},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="25--29",
Annote ={at Nucleus Ltd., Australia Category ={MIS>} }

@article{Crowe1975, Author ={Crowe,Tom and Jones,J.H.},
Title ={Fundamental Nature of Errors in Data Capture; and the Use of a Data Dictionary},
Journal ={Management Datamatics,},
Year =1975, Pages ="69--73",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFuse-4, xSIGMODbox>} }

@article{Crus1984, Author ={Crus,R.A.},
Title ={Data recovery in IBM Database 2},
Journal ={IBM Sys.J.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="179-188",
Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Annote ={DB2 Category ={DBDtrans-3>} }

@inproceedings{Cruz1987, Author ={Cruz,I., Mendelzon,A.O., and Wood,P.T.},
Title ={A Graphical Query Language Supporting Recursion},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Category ={DBDlang>} }

@inproceedings{Cruz1989, Author ={Cruz,I.F. and Norvell,T.S.},
Title ={Aggregative Closure: An Extension of Transitive Closure},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Cruz1992, Author ={Cruz,Isabel},
Title ={Doodle: A Visual Language for Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDlang> DBDobject>} }

@book{Cuadra1966, Author ={Cuadra,C.R. and Lake,R?(ed) (Vols.8,9,10 are with Lake, 1973-1975)},
Title ={ARIST: Annual Review of Information Science and Technology},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) --1970, --4, Encyclopedia Brittanica 1971--1973, Vol.5--7. (Vols.7-11 published by ASIS itself)},
Year =1966, Volume ="1",
Annote ={at American Documentation Inst., later ASIS Compendium of various articles oriented towards library and other information systems, see also individual references. Later years see Williams(ed). Category ={DBFintro> DBDquery> %Cuadra66--73 } }

@manual{Cuadra1987, Author ={Cuadra Associates},
Title ={Directory of Online Databases, Vol.8 No.3},
Organization ={Cuadra Elsevier, New York NY .},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at (Santa Monica CA) updated quarterly Category ={DBFrepresent.2> app.A> } }

@manual{Cuadra1987:1, Author ={Cuadra Associates},
Title ={Online Databases in the Medical and Life Sciences},
Organization ={Cuadra Elsevier, New York NY, 170pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8805-0320.},
Year =1987, Annote ={Subset of 'Directory of Databases'. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@manual{Cuadra1987:2, Author ={Cuadra Associates},
Title ={Online Databases in the Securities and Financial Markets},
Organization ={Elsevier Sci. Publ., (New York NY), 322pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8811-0836.},
Year =1987, Annote ={Directory of 1300 databases. Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@book{Cuadra1981, Author ={Cuadra,C.R.},
Title ={Catalog of On-line Databases},
Publisher ={Cuadra Associates.},
Year =1981, Category ={App.C, x office} }

@inproceedings{Cubitt1986, Author ={Cubitt,R., Cooper,B., and Oszoyoglu,G.(eds)},
Title ={Proceedings of the Third International Workshop on Statistical and Scientific Database Management},
Booktitle ={Luxembourg, 22--24.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDstat, proc stat} }

@inproceedings{Cuff1984, Author ={Cuff,R.N.},
Title ={HERCULES: Database Query Using Natural Language Fragments},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the British National Conference on Databases 3, ; ACM CR 8603-0250.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at IBM, UK Lab. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Culik, Author ={Culik,K.,II, Ottmann,Th., and Wood,D.},
Title ={Dense Multiway Trees},
Institution ={Bericht 77 from the Inst.Angewandte Informatik and Formale Beschreibungsverfahren of the Universitaet Karlsruhe (FRG)},
Annote ={ at Un.Waterloo (Canada), Un.Karlsruhe (FRG); McMaster Un.(Canada) Compare their storage utilization with that of Btrees of order m. Weakly dense muliway trees have an O(log2N0 insertion. Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFtrees.4> DBDintegrity> } }

@techreport{Cullen1971, Author ={Cullen,J.C., Neal,D.J., and Prince,M.A.},
Title ={A Survey of Data Base Programming Systems},
Institution ={British Petroleum Computer Dep., Systems Dev. Div. report , Sept},
Year =1971, Number ="305",
Category ={DBDintro.9>} }

@techreport{Cullingford1984, Author ={Cullingford,R., Harman,G.H., and Miller,G.A.},
Title ={Using a Massive Memory Machine for Research in Cognitive Science},
Institution ={Princeton Un., Dep.EECS, TR.328,},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFhard.1.5, DBfile-GarciaMolina} }

@article{Cuozzo1973, Author ={Cuozzo,D.E. and Kurt,J.F.},
Title ={Building a Base for Data Base, A Management Perspective},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Pages ="71--75",
Annote ={at Booz, Allen, Hamilton Cost problems in data base implementation Category ={DBFuse-3> } }

@inproceedings{Cuppens1988, Author ={Cuppens,F. and Demolombe,R.},
Title ={A Prolog-relational DBMS Interface Using Delayed Evaluation},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at ONERA-CERT (France) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Curewitz1971, Author ={Curewitz,K. et al},
Title ={Data Language --- Data computer project},
Journal ={Working paper .},
Year =1971, Month =Oct,
Number ="3",
Annote ={at CCA A data manipulation language for a large data base processor Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Curewitz1993, Author ={Curewitz,K., Krishnan,P., and Vitter,J.},
Title ={Practical Prefectching via Data Compression},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Curtice1973, Author ={Curtice,R.M.},
Title ={Data Base Design Using IMS/360},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS VOl.43, AFIPS Press, Arlington VA.},
Year =1973, Pages ="473--480",
Annote ={at Corporate Tech. Planning (Waltham MA) Simple examples of IBM IMS file structures. Category ={DBDbound.5>%Curtice72 } }

@article{Curtice1973:1, Author ={Curtice,R.M.},
Title ={Data Base Design Using a CODASYL System},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , AFIPS Press, Arlington VA.},
Year =1973, Pages ="473--480",
Volume ="43",
Category ={DBDbound> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Curtice1977, Author ={Curtice,Robert M.},
Title ={Planning for Data Base Systems},
Institution ={ADL, The Data Base Monograph Series: 10, ?, 60pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ Basic techniques for storing and accessing data, including navigational access methods. Category ={DBFseq> DBFintro.5> } }

@techreport{Curtice, Author ={Curtice,R.M.(ed)},
Title ={The Data Base Monograph Series: 10 Reports},
Institution ={ADL,},
Annote ={ Purpose and content of data base planning and gives specific examples. Purpose and content of data base planning and gives specific examples. also `Access Mechanisms and Data Structure Support in DBMS' 60pp. Basic techniques for storing and accessing data, including navigational access methods. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDintro.5> } }

@inproceedings{Curtice1981, Author ={Curtice,R.M.},
Title ={Data Dictionaries: An Assessment of Current Practice and Problems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="564--570",
Annote ={at ADL (Cambridge MA) Assessment of the current usage reveals a large gulf between practice and promise. Problem is the lack of a unifying methodology which ties a data dictionary into the systems life cycle. Category ={DBDschema.1> } }

@book{Curtice1981:1, Author ={Curtice,R.M.},
Title ={Data Base Systems, A Practical Reference},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Curtice1981:2, Author ={Curtice,R.M. and Jones,P.E.},
Title ={Logical Data Base Design},
Publisher ={, 312pp.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDdesign> DBDbound.5>} }

@inproceedings{Curtice1984, Author ={Curtice,R.M.},
Title ={IRMA: An Automated Logical Database Design and Structured Analysis Tool},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="40--45",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Schema and transaction design. PROLOG is used. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist> DBDrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{Curtis1987, Author ={Curtis,R.},
Title ={Informix-Turbo: A High Performance UNIX DBMS},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Informix Software. Category ={DBDrel>} }

@techreport{Cuthill1987, Author ={Cuthill, Ian},
Title ={The Statistics Canada Business Register},
Institution ={Statistics Canada, TR..},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Statistics Canada (Canada) temporal facilities --- applications Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Cutts1985, Author ={Cutts,J.H. and Mitchell,J.A.},
Title ={Microcomputer-Based Genetics Office Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="487--491",
Annote ={at Information Science Group, Un.Missouri Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Czarnik1975, Author ={Czarnik,B., Schuster,S., and Tsichritzis,D.},
Title ={ZETA: A Relational Data Base Management System},
Booktitle ={Proc.ACM Pacific Regional Conf..},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="21--15",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@techreport{Czarnik1974, Author ={Czarnik,B.},
Title ={A Primitive Relational Data Base Management System},
Institution ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS Thesis, DCS, Un.Toronto (Canada).},
Year =1974, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Czarnik1975:1, Author ={Czarnik,B., Schuster,S., and Tsichritzis,D.},
Title ={ZETA: A Relational Data Base Management System},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., SF .},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="21--25",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Category ={DBDrel>%Czarnik75} }

@inproceedings{Czejdo1987, Author ={Czejdo,B., Rusinkiewicz,M., and Embley,D.W.},
Title ={An Approach to Schema Integration and Query Formulation in Federated Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Un.Houston, Res. Rep..},
Year =1987, Annote ={Fauve Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdist>} }

@article{Czejdo1990, Author ={Czejdo,B., Elmasri,R., Rusinkiewicz,M., and Embley,D.},
Title ={A Graphical Data Manipulation Language for an Extended Entity- Relationship Model},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="23",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Houston Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Czejdo1991, Author ={Czejdo,B. and Taylor,M.},
Title ={Integration of Database Systems Using an Object-Oriented Approach},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} } % ------- D ------biblio----1949-1991------

@techreport{DaCunha1986, Author ={DaCunha,Amauri M.},
Title ={Utilisation de la Connaissance Semantique dans le Controle de Concurrence des Systemes Repartis},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Paris VI, rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Paris VI, France Using semantic knowledge for concurrency control in distributed systems. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDkb> } }

@article{Dadam1980, Author ={Dadam,P. and Schlageter,G.},
Title ={Recovery in Distributed Databases Based on Non-Synchronized Local},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 80, Proc.IFIPS , N-H 1980.},
Year =1980, Pages ="457--461",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans-4>} }

@inproceedings{Dadam1984, Author ={Dadam,P., Lum,V., and Werner,D.},
Title ={Integration of Time Versions into a Relational Database System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 10, Singapore.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Pages ="509--522",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Dadam1987, Author ={Dadam,P. and Kuspert,K.},
Title ={Cooperative Object Buffer Management in the Advanced Information Management Prototype (AIM-P)},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Dadam1988, Author ={Dadam,Peter},
Title ={Advanced Information Management (AIM): Research in Extended Nested Relations},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin, (Special issue on Nested Relations).},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="4--14",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at IBM Heidelberg Scientific Ctr., Heidelberg FRG Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Dadam1989, Author ={Dadam,P. and Linnemann,V.},
Title ={Advanced Information Management: Advanced Databases technology for integrated applications},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1989, Volume ="28",
Number ="4",
Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Dagum1991, Author ={Dagum,P. and Chavez,R.},
Title ={Approximating Probabilistic Inference in Bayesian Belief Networks},
Institution ={Stanford KSL 91-46.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Category ={Uncertain>} }

@book7{DahlDH1972, Author ={Dahl,O-J., Dijkstra,E.W., and Hoare,C.A.R.},
Title ={Structured Programming},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1972, Category ={DBFintro> %Dahl72} }

@article{Dahl1982, Author ={Dahl,V.},
Title ={On Database Systems Development through Logic},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="102--123",
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Buenos Aires Un., Argentina The use of logic as a single tool for relational databases with deductive capabilities and very high-level querying and defining features. Inadequacies are discussed, and overcome by extensions into logic programming. An experimental database query system with a natural language front end, implemented in PROLOG, is presented. Category ={DBDquery.2.3> DBDquery.3.4, DBfile } }

@incollection{Dahl1984, Author ={Dahl,Veronica},
Title ={Logic Programming for Constructive Expert Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Daida1990, Author ={Daida,J., Samadani,R., and Vesecky,J.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Feature-Tracking Algorithms for SAR Images of the Marginal Ice Zone},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on GeoScience and Remote Sensing.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Volume ="28",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ unsupervised method uses object abstraction to follow sequential image pairs Category ={IMAGE } }

@inproceedings{Dalal1989, Author ={Dalal,M. and Gangopadhyay,D.},
Title ={OOLP: A Translation Approach to Object-Oriented Logic Programming},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Dale1977, Author ={Dale,A.G. and Dale,N.B.},
Title ={Main Schema --- internal schema interfaction in hierarchical data bases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 77, Smith(ed) (Toronto, Canada).},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Annote ={Mapping in hierarchies. Category ={DBDbound.4>} }

@inproceedings{Dale1977:1, Author ={Dale,A.G. and Yrkanan,C.V.},
Title ={A processing interface for multiple external schema access to a data base management system},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed), Tokyo.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDbound.5>} }

@inproceedings{Daley1965, Author ={Daley,R.C., and Neuman,P.G.},
Title ={A General Purpose File System for Secondary Storage},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1965, Pages ="213--229",
Volume ="27",
Annote ={at MIT, Project MAC, Multics Description of a major file oriented operating system Category ={DBFhybrid.8> DBFhard-3> %Daley65 } }

@inproceedings{Daly1977, Author ={Daly,E.B.},
Title ={Management of Software Development},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), May .},
Year =1977, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DEng>} }

@article{Dambro1988, Author ={Dambro,M.R. and Weiss,B.D.},
Title ={Assessing the Quality of Data Entry in a Computerized Medical Records System},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="181--187",
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Harris Methodist Health System, Fort Worth TX Feedback from clerks to physicians helped greatly. Category ={DBDintegrity } }

@article{Damerau1985, Author ={Damerau,Fred J},
Title ={Problems and Some Solutions in Customization of Natural Language Database Front Ends},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="165--184",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDnat, xissue} }

@inproceedings{Dan1988, Author ={Dan,A., Towsley,D.F. and Kohler,W.H.,},
Title ={Modeling the Effects of Data and Resource Contention on the Performance of Optimistic Concurrency Control Protocols},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Dan1990, Author ={Dan,A., Dias,D.M., and Yu,P.},
Title ={Database Buffer Model for the Data Sharing Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Massachusetts; IBM Watson Research Center Category ={DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Dan1990:1, Author ={Dan,A., Dias,D., and Yu,P.},
Title ={The Effect of Skewed Data Access on Buffer Hits and Data Contention in a Data Sharing Environment},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDhard>} }

@inproceedings{Dan1992, Author ={Dan,A. and Yu,P.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Coherency Control Problems through Lock Retention},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDperf> DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Dan1993, Author ={Dan,A., Yu.P., and Chung,J-Y.},
Title ={Database Access Characterization for Buffer Hit Prediction},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center} }

@article{Dana1972, Author ={Dana,C. and Presser,L.},
Title ={An Information Structure for Data Base and Device Independent Report Generation},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS ..},
Year =1972, Pages ="1111--1116",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={at UCSB (CA) Description of report generation from a data base. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Dandamudi1991, Author ={Dandamudi,S. },
Title ={Locking Granularity in Multiprocessor Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Daniell1983, Author ={Daniell,T.P., Harding,R.C.jr., and Nauckhoff,S.H.},
Title ={Dynamic Replication, an Overview},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1983, Volume ="52",
Annote ={ ADTs, inheritance, and virtual relations; type algebra with 'up' and 'down' to change abstraction levels Category ={DBDobject, DBfile at IBM, Marketing Support System Ctr (Palo Alto CA) Dynamic Replication is a new technique for managing data in a distributed processing environment. It is a simple yet powerful scheme that addresses the major problems of distributing databases. Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2, DBfile Nauckhoff } }

@techreport{Daniels1982, Author ={Daniels,D.},
Title ={Query Compilation in a Distributed Database System},
Institution ={PhD Th., IBM Res.R. RJ3423(406890).},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose; MIT early binding in R*, estimates of distributed processing cost Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2.3> } }

@inproceedings{Daniels1982:1, Author ={Daniels,D. et al},
Title ={An Introduction to Distributed Query Compilation in R-*},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res.R. RJ3497 (41354) .},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Annote ={R* Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2, DBfile under Lindsay R* } }

@techreport{Dannenberg1982, Author ={Dannenberg,Roger B.},
Title ={Resource Sharing in a Network of Personal Computers},
Institution ={PhD Th., CMU, TR-CS-82-152.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at CMU, DCS Category ={DBDdist, thesis file} }

@techreport{Daniels1983, Author ={Daniels,D. and Spector,A.Z.},
Title ={An Algorithm for Replicated Directories},
Institution ={CMU, TR.CMU-CS-83-123.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdist> DBFreliab, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Daniels1987, Author ={Daniels,D., Balakrishna,I., Robinson,J., and Yu,P.},
Title ={Design and Analysis of Integrated Concurrency-Coherence and Controls ,},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={Daniel or Daniels? Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Daniels1986, Author ={Daniels,D.S., Spector,A.Z., and Thompson,D.S.},
Title ={Distributed Logging for Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={CMU, TR-CS-86-106.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at CMU, DCS Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab> DBFtrans>} }

@article{Daniels1991, Author ={Daniels,S. et al.},
Title ={Query Optimization in Revelation, an Overview},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDquery> DBDobject>} }

@article{Dannenberg, Author ={Dannenberg,A.L, Shapiro,A.R., and Fries,J.F.},
Title ={Enhancement of Clinical Predictive Ability bu Computer Consulation},
Journal ={Methods of Information in Medicine, 79.},
Month =Jan,
Pages ="10--14",
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ use of a database to match a new case with a set of similare, earlier cases for prediction of outcome under alternate treatments Category ={DBDquery.3> MCS> } }

@inproceedings{Dao1991, Author ={Dao,S. et al.},
Title ={Smart Data Dictionary: A Knowledge Object-Oriented Approach for Interoperability of Heterogeneous Information Management Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Dar1991, Author ={Dar,Shaul },
Title ={Optimization of Generalized Transitive Closure Queries},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Dar1992, Author ={Dar,S. and Jagadish,H.},
Title ={A Spanning Tree Transitive Closure Algorithm},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBFtrees>} }

@inproceedings{Das1975, Author ={Das,K.Sundar, Teorey,T.J., and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Reorganization Points for File Designs with Nonlinear Processing Costs},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed), (abstract).},
Year =1975, Pages ="516--518",
Annote ={at Un.Michigan and Purdue Un. Category ={DBFseq.0> DBFhybrid.7> } }

@article{Dasgupta1990, Author ={Dasgupta,P. and Kedem,Z.},
Title ={The Five Color Concurrency Control Protocol: Non-two-phase locking in General Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 9104-0297.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Pages ="281--307",
Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Georgia Inst.Techn. allow varieties of serializable logs not possible with known locking schemes; the protocol anticipates the existence of possible conflicts and hence can allow non-two-phase locking. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Dasgupta1991, Author ={Dasgupta,R. and Bhattacharya,S.},
Title ={An Efficient Data Organization for Parallel Algorithmic Design of Cartographic Database},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDimage>} }

@article{Dash1984, Author ={Dash,J.R.},
Title ={IBM Database 2 in an Information Management System Environment},
Journal ={IBM Sys.J.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="165--178",
Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Annote ={DB2 and IMS Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@book{Dasse1972, Author ={Dasse,M.},
Title ={Analyse et Informatique, I e II (French)},
Publisher ={Masson et Cie, Paris .},
Year =1972, Annote ={ Detailed guidance to the establishment of a business MIS Category ={DBFintro> DBDadmin> } }

@manual{Database1975, Author ={Database Administration Working Group},
Organization ={Rep. British Computer Society, London UK.},
Year =1975, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDbound.5>} }

@manual{Data1979, Author ={Data Base Group},
Title ={DB1 Concepts and Facilities},
Organization ={Weizman Inst, TR..},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Weizman Inst (Rehovot, Israel) Application generator coupled to a database. Hierachical, on IBM 370, Transaction oriented. Category ={DBFintro> DBFintro-3> DBDtrans> App.B, DBfile with Raban,E. } }

@article{Database1989, Author ={Database Group at ISS},
Title ={Database group at ISS},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="44-49",
Volume ="18",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Singapore projects include: data model for object oriented databases; MDBMS - an object oriented multimedia database management system with a write once optical disk; database support for hypermedia systems; VILD - visual language interface to multimedia databases; semantic query optimization in OODB. Category ={unknown> } }

@manual{Data, Author ={Data Base Journal},
Title ={Data Base Journal},
Organization ={Software World Journal.},
Annote ={ Quarterly issues of the Software World Journal, beginning with Vol.6 No.2, 1975. Category ={DBDschema>%DAT75 } }

@inproceedings{Date1971, Author ={Date,C.J. and Hopewell,P.},
Title ={File Definition and Logical Data Independence},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed)..},
Year =1971, Pages ="117--138",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Date1971:1, Author ={Date,C.J. and Hopewell,P.},
Title ={Storage Structure and Physical Data Independence},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed)..},
Year =1971, Pages ="139--168",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@techreport{Date1972, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={An Introduction to the Apr.1971 Report of the CODASYL Data Base Task Group},
Institution ={IBM, UK Lab, TR.TR.12.104,},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM, UK Critical description with examples, relates to Engles and Codd Category ={DBDschema, x8 book> } }

@inproceedings{Date1974, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={Relational Data Base Systems: A Tutorial},
Booktitle ={COINS-IV, Tou(ed), Plenum .},
Year =1974, Pages ="37--54",
Category ={DBDschema>%Date74C} }

@inproceedings{Date1974:1, Author ={Date,C.J. and Codd,E.F.},
Title ={The Relational and Network Approaches: Comparison of the Application Programming Interface},
Booktitle ={IBM, Report RJ 1401,},
Year =1974, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDbound.5, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Date1976, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={An Architecture for High-Level Language Database Extensions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 76, Rothnie(ed).},
Year =1976, Pages ="101--122",
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDschema.5>} }

@inproceedings{Date1980, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={An Introduction to the Unified Database Language (UDL)},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="15--29",
Annote ={ UDL consists of a set of database extensions for programming languages such as COBOL and PL/I. Support each of the three well-known database structures. Both record-at-a-time and set-at-a-time operations are available. Category ={DBDintro.1> } }

@book{Date1990, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={An Introduction to Database Systems: Vol.I},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), (5th. ed.) 854pp; ACM CR 9102-0045.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ A good text-reference book dealing with the fundamental concepts of database systems. ---Fountain physical database aspects have been strengthened considerably, DB2, IDMS, DATACOM/DB, and INGRES, inclusion of design aspects and practical implementation considerations such as recovery, concurrency, security, distributed systems, and optimization round out the text in excellent fashion ---Honkanen. three appendices cover inverted list system: DATACOMB/DB It features DB2,SQL, data manipulation, INGRES, relational algebra and calculus, normalization, and semantic modeling; emphasis on insight. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Date1981, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={Referential Integrity},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="2--12",
Annote ={at IBM, General Products Division, San Jose The problem of referential integrity is discussed and a proposal for dealing with it in a relational framework is described. Defines statements and handling for reference connection. Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDtheory.7> DBDintro.1> } }

@book{Date1982, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={An Introduction to Data Base Systems, volume II},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 383 pp; ACM CR 8604-0295.},
Year =1982, Annote ={ a companion volume --- Security, distribution and Codd's RM/T model Category ={DBFsec-2> DBDdesign> DBDdist> } }

@book{Date1984, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={A Guide to DB2},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1984, Annote ={ a guide to IBM's DB2 relational database system for MVS, and its companion products QMF and DXT. An earlier internal publication was ' A Practical Guide to Database Design ', Dec.1982 . Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@techreport{Date1983, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={The Outer Join},
Institution ={IOCOD-2, John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-Heyden.},
Year =1983, Pages ="76--106",
Category ={DBDops>} }

@book{Date1983:1, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={Database: A Primer},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDintro> DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Date1984:1, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={Some Principles of Good Language Design},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data record.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1--7",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDquery.0> DBDintro.1>} }

@inproceedings{Date1984:2, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={A Critique of the SQL Database Language},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="8--54",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ problems with orthogonality (row vs. column, INSERT vs. DELETE), inconsistency (PL/1 vs. SQL use of words, arithmetic; no ON condition, also Null, range variables; use of UNION, DISTINCT ), omissions (key concept, domains, natural join, outer join, intersect, difference), embedding, independence (GET * as records change). Category ={DBDquery.0> DBDintro.1> DBDdist> } }

@book{Date1984:3, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={A Guide to the SQL Standard},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 205pp.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ It is a reference and provides condensed treatment of SQL and X/OPEN SQL dialect ---Artz. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Date1986, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={Relational Database: Selected Writings},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 497pp.; ACM CR 8705-0351.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ collection of 19 papers that Date has written since 1974 arguing in favor of primary keys and foreign keys. Performance aspects, exploding some 26 myths problems in adding a relational interface to IMS. Each chapter also has comments: on republication, relational philosophy, view updates, recursive queries. Keller's is much more complete. --- Sciore. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@book{Date1986:1, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={A Guide to INGRES},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 385pp.; ACM CR 8712-0974.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at The Relational Inst. Tutorial approach. --- Walter. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Date1987, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={A Guide to the SQL Standard: a User's Guide to the Standard Relational Language SQL},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 205pp.; ACM CR 8805-0319.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ SQL ANSI standard, extension of this standard. Appendix 'A Critique of the SQL Database Language'. Views illustrated using Pl/1 programs. ---G.Voldman. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Date1988, Author ={Date,C.J. and White,C.J.},
Title ={A Guide to DB2, 2nd edition},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 501pp; ACM CR 8908-0532.},
Year =1988, Annote ={Updated to release 3 level. Greatly improved. ---Artz. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Date1988:1, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={Defining Data types in a Database Language},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="53--76",
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ A proposal for adding date and time support to SQL. temporal representation uses intervals. Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Date1988:2, Author ={Date,C.J. and White,C.J.},
Title ={Dates and Times in IBM SQL: Some Technical Inconsistencies},
Booktitle ={InfoDB, Spr..},
Year =1988, Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Criticism. Category ={DBDops>} }

@book{Date1989, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={A guide to the SQL standard; 2nd ed.},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 228pp; ACM CR 9004-0272.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Date1989:1, Author ={Date,C.J.},
Title ={A note on the relational calculus},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="12--16",
Volume ="18",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ problem is Codd's mapping of calculus to algebra creates emply relation when union involves empty relations. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Date1990:1, Author ={Date,C.J. and Warden,A.},
Title ={Relational Database Writings 1985-1989},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 528pp; ACM CR 9102-0047.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ admits that domains and objects are probably the same, defining a date, data type, why not duplicate rows, nulls and three-valued logic, EXISTS is not 'Exists', 12 criteria for a distributed database system, a note on one-to-one relationships, technical subtleties of the relational model and some weaknesses in SQL, presented in an allegorical style Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Date1992, Author ={Date,C.J. and Fagin,R.},
Title ={Simple Conditions for Guaranteeting Higher Normal Forms in Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Sep,
Volume ="17",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@techreport{dAtri1982, Author ={dAtri,A. and Sacca,D.},
Title ={A Graph Theoretical Approach to Data Base Mapping},
Institution ={Italian Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. (Rome, Italy) project.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at CNR, IASI (Roma); CRAI (Rende) The problem of lossless join decomposition and reclustering in the context of mutirelational logical schema is studies (JFD-graphs) are proposed to solve this problem. Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile } }

@techreport{dAtri1982:1, Author ={dAtri,A. and Moscarini,M.},
Title ={Acyclic Hypergraphs: Their Recognition and Top-Down vs. Bottom-Up Generation},
Institution ={IASI, TR.29.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at U.Aquila, Inst.Electrotecnica; CNR, IASI Category ={DBFmethods.6> } }

@inproceedings{dAtri1983, Author ={dAtri,A., Moscarini,M., and Spyratos,N.},
Title ={Answering Queries in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1983, Pages ="173--177",
Annote ={ An umambiguous context is one in which a query receives the same answer independently of the subontext. Contexts provide a suitable basis for discussing the universal relation and related concepts. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDquery.2> } }

@inproceedings{dAtri1987, Author ={dAtri,A., DiFelice,P., and Moscarini,M.},
Title ={Dynamic Query Interpretation in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.La Sapienza (Roma);'Aquila; CNR Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@article{Dattola1980, Author ={Dattola,R.T.},
Title ={FIRT, Flexible Information Retrieval System for Text},
Journal ={Auerbach Annual , N-H 1981.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@inproceedings{Dausmann1987, Author ={Dausmann,Manfred},
Title ={Version Control and Separate Compilation in Ada},
Booktitle ={'Ada-Components: Libraries and Tools', Proc. Ada-Europe Intl.Conf., Stockholm Sweden, S.Tafvelin(ed), Cambridge Un.Press, 1987, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8901-0025},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="157--170",
Annote ={at II-Biomatic Inform.Inst., (Freiburg FRG) DADAISM program versions. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Davcev1992, Author ={Davcev,D., Cakmakov,D., and Arnautovski,V.},
Title ={A Query Based Mechanism for Multimedia Information Retrieval},
Booktitle ={ WORKSHOP ON MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION SYSTEManagement Science, Journal of TIMS, Tempe, Arizona, 1992.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Kiril and Metodij Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Davenport1978, Author ={Davenport,R.A.},
Title ={Distributed Database Technology--A Survey},
Booktitle ={Comput. Networks.},
Year =1978, Month =Jul,
Pages ="155--167",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Davenport1980, Author ={Davenport,R.A.},
Title ={Data Analysis for Data Base Design},
Journal ={Auerbach Annual , N-H 1981.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDschema.0>} }

@article{David1974, Author ={David,Heather M.},
Title ={Computers, Privacy and Security},
Journal ={Computer Decisions,},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Pages ="40--48",
Annote ={Review of NBS Conf., Mar.1974 Category ={DBDprivacy, xB1> } }

@article{David1990, Author ={David,Michael},
Title ={The outer join and online environments},
Journal ={Database Programming and Design.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="3",
Number ="12",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Davida1978, Author ={Davida,G.I., Linton,D.J., Szelag,C.R., and Wells,D.L.},
Title ={Database Security},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Short Notes, Vol.SE-4 .},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Pages ="531--533",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ at Un.Wisconsin, Milwaukee, Univac Corp, Minneapolis and BellLabs, Holmdel Category ={DBDprivacy.3> DBFrepresent-5> } }

@article{Davida1981, Author ={Davida,G.I., Wells,D.L., and Kam,J.B.},
Title ={A Database Encryption System with Subkeys},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR Oct.1981, pp.457--558.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="312--328",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Subkeys allow the encryption and decryption of fields within a record. The system is based on the Chinese Remainder Theorem. Category ={DBFrepresent-5> DBFrepresent-4> } }

@article{Davida1981:1, Author ={Davida,G.I},
Title ={The Case Against Restraints on Non-Governmental Research in Cryptography},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Pages ="445--450",
Volume ="24",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBFrepresent-5>} }

@article{Davidson1980, Author ={Davidson,J. and Kaplan,S.J.},
Title ={Parsing in the Absence of a Complete Lexicon},
Journal ={American Journal of Computational Linguistics meeting 18 (Philadelphia PA).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="105--106",
Annote ={ Natural language queries are understood by reference to the database itself. Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Davidson1982, Author ={Davidson,Jim},
Title ={Natural Language Access to Databases: User Modeling and Focus},
Institution ={Proc.CSCSISCEIO Conf. (Saskatoon SK, Canada) .},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="204--211",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDquery.2.3> DBDnat>} }

@article{Davidson1983, Author ={Davidson,J. and Kaplan,S.J.},
Title ={Natural Language Access to Databases: Interpretations of Update Requests},
Journal ={AJCL.},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDkb> DBDnat>} }

@techreport{Davidson1987, Author ={Davidson,Jim},
Title ={Interpreting Natural Language Database Updates},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford, CS, Report.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDkb> DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Davidson1984, Author ={Davidson,Jim},
Title ={A Natural Language Interface for Performing Database Updates},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb>} }

@article{Davidson1962, Author ={Davidson,Leon},
Title ={Retrieval of Mis-spelled Names in an Airline Passenger Record System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1962, Month Mar,
Pages ="169--171",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFrepresent.2>} }

@inproceedings{Davidson1981, Author ={Davidson,S. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Protocols for Partitioned Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 1, Bhargava(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Princeton Un. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Davidson1982:1, Author ={Davidson,Susan},
Title ={An Optimistic Protocol for Partitioned Distributed Database Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Princeton Un., EECS.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at Princeton Un. A graph model to detect conflicts between read and write operations of transactions executed in different partitions. ---Peter Apers Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDdist> DBDintegrity> DBFreliab, Dis.file } }

@article{DavidsonGS1984, Author ={Davidson,S., GarciaMolina,H., and Skeen,D.},
Title ={Consistency in a Partitioned Network, A Survey},
Journal ={Princeton Un., TR.EECS 320.},
Year =1984, Annote ={at Un.Penn; Princeton Un.; Cornell Un. Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDdist> DBDintegrity, DBfile Garcia } }

@article{Davidson1984, Author ={Davidson,Susan B.},
Title ={Optimism and Consistency in Partitioned Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="456--481",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Penn Transactions are processed without restrictions during failure; commitment is delayed; conflicts are detected at repair time and resolved by backing out. A backout strategy attempts to minimize total backout cost. Counter example to uniform is last hypothesis of Christodoulakis. ---Gio. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Davidson1988, Author ={Davidson,S.B. and Watters,A.},
Title ={Partial Computation in Real-Time Database Systems},
Note ={Un.Penn,},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDops, DBfile} }

@techreport{Davidson1988:1, Author ={Davidson,S.B., Lee,I. and Wolfe,V.},
Title ={Protocols for Timed Atomic Commitment},
Institution ={U.Penn, Management Science, Journal of TIMS-Conference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMIS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP-88-80, GRASP LAB 156.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Annote ={Real-time Category ={DBDconc, DBfile} }

@article{Davies1980, Author ={Davies,A.C.},
Title ={The Analogy between Electrical Networks and Flowcharts},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-6 .},
Year =1980, Month =Jul,
Number ="4",
Annote ={ at Dep.Electrical and Electronic Eng., The City Un. (London UK) Category ={DBFintro-3> } }

@article{Davies1972, Author ={Davies,C.T.},
Title ={Recovery Semantics for a DB/DC System},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1972, Pages ="136--141",
Volume ="28",
Annote ={ Discussion and organization of the problems of recovery after multi- programmed system failure. A fundamental model for integrity maintenance. Category ={DBFuse-4.5, DBfile } }

@incollection{Davies1981, Author ={Davies,D.W. and Watson,R.W.},
Title ={Hierarchy},
Booktitle ={Lampson et al(eds) `Distributed systems-Architecture and Implementation', Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science.},
Year =1981, Pages ="94-139",
Volume ="105",
Annote ={mainly in networks Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Davis1977, Author ={Davis,C.G. and Vick,C.R.},
Title ={The Software Development System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-3 .},
Year =1977, Pages ="70--84",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDadmin.1> DBDdesign>} }

@book{Davis1983, Author ={Davis,C.G., Jajodia,S., Ng,P.A-B., and Yeh,R.T.(eds)},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Approach to Software Engineering},
Publisher ={N-H, 867pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-0529 and 8606-0492.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ER 3, Anaheim CA, Oct.5-7 1983. 50 papers. 'Fact-based data analysis and design' by W.Kent uses facts as a more basic primitive than entities. Criticizes conventional methodologies, proposing both a methodology and a list of desiderata. Doing the design will be easier than describing, teaching, or learning it. Papers by Mark ('What is the binary relationship approach?') and Mark and Roussopoulos ('Integration of data, schema and meta-schema in the context of self-documenting data models'). Papers on the LIDAS project by Marti ('Integrating database and program descriptions using an ER-data dictionary') and Ursprung and Zehnder ('HIQUEL: an interactive query language to define and use hierarchies'). Veloso and Furtado ('View Constructs for the specification and design of external schemas') on user view specification and implementation using ADTs. By Blackwell, Jajodia and Ng ('A view of database managmeent systems as abstract data types') on considering DBMSs in general as ADTs. Lindgreen writes in 'Entity sets and their description': Natural language specifications of systems of any realistic size...nearly always are both ambiguous and incomplete. Knight on ER models: 'A mathematical basis for entity analysis'. Bhargava and Lilien: 'Cost analysis of selected database restoration techniques' on database recovery techniques, a paper about the most complex and least abstract level (physical) is perfectly well written. ---Kilov. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@article{Davis1965, Author ={Davis,D.R. and Lin,A.D.},
Title ={Secondary Key Retrieval Using an IBM 7090-1301 System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1965, Month Apr,
Pages ="243--246",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Evaluation of a multiply indexed access method for a limited number of attribute values. Category ={DBFindex.4> } }

@techreport{Davis1984, Author ={Davis,David R.},
Title ={DASD Usage by MVS Customers in 1984, Guide Survey Results},
Institution ={IBM, San Jose, TR 03-261.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Use of Disks in IBM systems using VSAM, ISAM and DAM statistics. Retrieval is 99 pct versus 1 pct update. Category ={DBFmethods, DBfile } }

@book{Davis1974, Author ={Davis,G.B.},
Title ={Management Information Systems, Conceptual Foundations, Structure, and Development},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 481pp.},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Un.Minnesota The use and value of information systems for management. Category ={DBDintro.8> DBFeval> DBDadmin, xbook> %Davis74 } }

@article{Davis1981, Author ={Davis,G.B.},
Title ={Strategies for Information Requirements Determination},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J..},
Year =1981, Volume ="21",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFsyseval.1>} }

@inproceedings{Davis1988, Author ={Davis,J.P. and Bonnell,R.D.},
Title ={EDICT --- An Enhanced Relational Data Dictionary: Architecture and Example},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Davis1989, Author ={Davis,J.P. and Bonnell,R.D.},
Title ={Modeling Semantic Constraints with Logic in the EARL Data Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Davis1970, Author ={Davis,Lou},
Title ={Prototype for Future Computer Medical Records},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1970, Month =Oct,
Pages ="539--554",
Volume ="3",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Medical Methods Research Description of hierarchial record layout for large data base Category ={DBFtrees.4, DBfile %Davis70 } }

@article{Davis1977:1, Author ={Davis,R., Buchanan,B., and Shortliffe,E.},
Title ={Production Rules as a Representation for a Knowledge-Base Consultation Program},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1977, Pages ="15--45",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Davis1979, Author ={Davis,R.},
Title ={Interactive Transfer of Expertise: Acquisition of New Inference Rules},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1979, Pages ="121--157",
Volume ="12",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Davis1976, Author ={Davis,R. and King,J.},
Title ={An Overview of Production Systems},
Journal ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers 8, Elcock and Michie(eds), Wiley .},
Year =1976, Pages ="300-334",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Davis1980, Author ={Davis,R.},
Title ={Meta-rules: Reasoning about Control},
Journal ={AI.},
Year =1980, Pages ="179--222",
Volume ="15",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Davis1973, Author ={Davis,Sidney},
Title ={Disc Storage for Minicomputer applications},
Journal ={Computer Design,},
Year =1973, Month =Jun,
Pages ="55--64",
Annote ={Good survey on disk technology Category ={DBFstorage-2> } }

@inproceedings{Day1983, Author ={Day,Kenneth R.},
Title ={Relational DBMS Development: An Incremental Approach},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, Database Week, San Jose, May 23-26.},
Year =1983, Pages ="8--14",
Annote ={at Convergent Technologies Database is a central node in initial designs. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBFindex.3> DBDdist> } }

@article{Day1965, Author ={Day,R.H.},
Title ={On Optimal Extracting from a Multiple File Data Storage System: An Application of Integer Programming},
Journal ={Operations Research, May-.},
Year =1965, Month =Jun,
Pages ="482--494",
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDtech.4>} }

@inproceedings{Dayal1978, Author ={Dayal,U. and Bernstein,P.A.},
Title ={On the Updatability of Relational Views},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds), IEEE CS, Berlin FRG.},
Year =1978, Month =Oct,
Pages ="368--378",
Category ={DBDschema> DBDschema.1> DBDkb , DBDquery!.3.3} }

@techreport{Dayal1979, Author ={Dayal,Umeshwar},
Title ={Schema-Mapping Problems in Database Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Harvard Un., TR-11--79.},
Year =1979, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Harvard Un., Aiken Computation Lab Category ={DBFhash> } }

@inproceedings{Dayal1982, Author ={Dayal,U., Goodman,N., and Katz,R.H.},
Title ={An Extended Relational Algebra with Control over Duplicate Elimination},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="117--123",
Number ="475820",
Annote ={at CCA Some real world languages such as DAPLEX give users control over duplicate elimination. This paper extends the relational model to include multiset relations, i.e., tables. Category ={DBDrel.3> } }

@article{Dayal1982:1, Author ={Dayal,U. and Bernstein,P},
Title ={On the Correct Translation of Update Operations on Relational Views},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDschema.4> DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Dayal1982:2, Author ={Dayal,U. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Query Optimization for CODASYL Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="138--150",
Category ={DBDbound.5> DBDquery.2>} }

@article{Dayal1982:3, Author ={Dayal,U. and Hwang,H.Y.},
Title ={View Definition and Generalization for Database Integration in Multibase: A System for Heterogeneous Databases},
Journal ={Berkeley 6.},
Year =1982, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDdist> DBDmodel.6>} }

@techreport{Dayal1984, Author ={Dayal,U., Hwang,H-Y., Manola,F., Rosenthal,A.S., and Smith,J.M.},
Title ={Knowledge-Oriented Database Management},
Institution ={CCA, TR-84-02, to NSF (DCR-8360576).},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at CCA Spatial data, logic rules and recursion. Requirements, and situation-action rules; all with logical and physical aspects. Future research. Requirements for transitive closure, recursion. Category ={DBDkb> Image, DBfile+home } }

@incollection{Dayal1985, Author ={Dayal,Umeshwar},
Title ={Query Processing in a Multidatabase System},
Booktitle ={Query Processing in Database Systems, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1985, Pages ="81--108",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Dayal1987, Author ={Dayal,Umeshwar},
Title ={Of Nests and Trees: A Unified Approach to Processing Queries That Contain Nested Subqueries, Aggregates, and Quantifiers},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ duplicates, nested subqueries, grouping, aggregates, and quantifiers. Optimizers are limited in processing. From algebraic properties of these operations new query processing tactics are derived. extend algebra to correctly reformulate SQL operations and enable optimization. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDquery> DBDops, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Dayal1990, Author ={Dayal,U., Manola,F., Buchmann,A., Chakravarthy,U., Goldhirsch,D., Heiler,S., Orenstein,J., and Rosenthal,A.},
Title ={Simplifying Complex Objects: The PROBE Approach to Modelling and Querying Them},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at CCA Category ={DBDobject> EIS> DBDnewDBMS> DBDimpl, DBfile CCA } }

@article{Dayal1988, Author ={Dayal,U., et al.},
Title ={The HiPAC Project: Combining Active Databases and Timing Constraints},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="51--70",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at CCA Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Dayal1990:1, Author ={Dayal,U., Hsu,M., and Ladin,R.},
Title ={Organizing Long-Running Activities with Triggers and Transactions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={ Using rules provides a modularity for abort processing Flexible ways for expressing control flows (including compensating steps) Rules to organize long-running activities. Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@article{Dayal1991, Author ={Dayal,U., Hsu,M. and Ladin,R.},
Title ={A Generalized Transaction Model for Long-Running Activities and Active Databases},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={nested deferred and decoupled transactions Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Dayal1991:1, Author ={Dayal,U., Hsu,M., and Ladin,R.},
Title ={A Transactional Model for Long-Running Activities},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ activities may consist recursively of steps that may be subactivities or transactions; defines also communication between steps and the failure semantics including compensation and exception handling Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Dayal1992, Author ={Dayal,U. and Wuu,G.T.J.},
Title ={A Uniform Approach to Processing Temporal Queries},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ algebra is based on first normal form tables; rules; closed intervals Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Dayal1993, Author ={Dayal,Umeshwar},
Title ={A Comparison of Activity Models for Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at HP Labs Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Dayhoff1980, Author ={Dayhoff,Ruth E.},
Title ={MUMPS Implementations on Microcomputers},
Journal ={MUG Quarterly.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Pages ="36--40",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{De1978, Author ={De,P., Haseman,W.D., and Kriebel,C.H.},
Title ={Toward an Optimal Design of a Network Database from Relational Descriptions},
Journal ={Operations Research, -Oct..},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="805--823",
Volume ="26",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at CMU Category ={DBDbound.5> DBFtechn.4, DBfile} }

@techreport{De1978:1, Author ={De,P., Haseman,W.D., and Kriebel,C.H.},
Title ={An Extended Model for Database Implementation},
Institution ={report,},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDschema, DBfile} }

@article{De1987, Author ={De,P., Park,J.S., and Pirkul,S.},
Title ={An Integrated Model of Record Segmentation and Access Path Selection},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , no.4.},
Year =1987, Volume ="12",
Annote ={ Rule based optimization by vertical record fragmentation for locality and TID manipulation. Category ={DBFindex> DBFarch> DBDdesign> } }

@article{De1985, Author ={De,S., Pan,S-S., and Whinston,A.B.},
Title ={Natural Language Query Processing in a Temporal Database},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="3--15",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Dean1970, Author ={Dean,A.L.},
Title ={An Architecture for File and Data Base Managers},
Booktitle ={Computer Technical Conf., U.S.Computer Conf. and Exhibition, Tokyo, Japan.},
Year =1970, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Dean1971, Author ={Dean,A.L.jr.},
Title ={Data Privacy and Integrity Requirements for Online Data Management Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="279--289",
Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@book{Dean1972, Author ={Dean,A.L.(ed)},
Title ={Data Description, Access, and Control},
Publisher ={ACM, 420pp.},
Year =1972, Annote ={ Proceedings of the 1972 ACM-SIGFIDET Conf., Denver CO, Dec.1972. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@inproceedings{Dean1987, Author ={Dean,T.},
Title ={Large Scale Temporal Databases for Planning in Complex Domains},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 10.},
Year =1987, Annote ={time tokens Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{DeAntonellis1981, Author ={DeAntonellis,V. and Zonta,B.},
Title ={A Causal Approach to Dynamics Modeling},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1981, Pages ="70--75",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Petri nets for temporal modeling. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDschema.5> } }

@inproceedings{DeAntonellis1981:1, Author ={DeAntonellis,V. and Zonta,B.},
Title ={Modelling Events in Data Base Applications Design},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="23--31",
Annote ={ at Universita degli Studi, Inst.Cibernetica (Milan, Italy) A formalism suitable for describing events is proposed. Category ={DBDschema.0> } }

@techreport{DeAntonellis1982, Author ={DeAntonellis,V., Lenzerini,M., Batini,C., Atzeni,P. and Demo,B.},
Title ={Toward an Integrated Tool for Requirements Analysis and Conceptual Data Base Design},
Institution ={Un.di Roma R.82-05, 12pp.},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Roma, Inst.Automatica Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{DeAntonellis1985, Author ={DeAntonellis,V. and DiLeva,A.},
Title ={A case study of database design using the DATAID approach},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8604-0352.},
Year =1985, Pages ="339--359",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Milan Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Dearden1966, Author ={Dearden,John and MacFarlan,F.Warren},
Title ={Management Information Systems: Text and Cases},
Publisher ={Richard Irwin Inc., Homewood IL.},
Year =1966, Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Dearden1972, Author ={Dearden,J.},
Title ={MIS is a Mirage},
Journal ={Harvard Business Review, to Feb..},
Year =1972, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Dearnley1974, Author ={Dearnley,P.A.},
Title ={A Model of a Self-Organizing Data Management System},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1974, Month =Feb,
Pages ="13--16",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at School of Computing Studies, Un.East Anglia Summary and experience of self organizing data management systems Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@article{Dearnley1974:1, Author ={Dearnley,P.A.},
Title ={The Operation of a Self Organising Data Management System},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1974, Month =Aug,
Pages ="205--210",
Volume ="17",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFeval.4>} }

@inproceedings{Dearnley1984, Author ={Dearnley,P.A. and Salih,A.H.M.},
Title ={Handling the Problems of the Incompleteness of Information in Databases},
Booktitle ={rcvd .},
Year =1984, Annote ={ survey and proposal to store relations, tuples, or domains with missing values in a distinct, parallel database. Tuples are best. Stocker's Internal Conceptual Schema is used for database modeling. An implementation on top of RAPPORT is proposed. Category ={DBDschema.2, DBfile } }

@techreport{DeBacker1988, Author ={DeBacker,W.(ed)},
Title ={Guidelines for an Informatics Architecture, (Third Edition)},
Institution ={Commission of the European Communities, 34pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ at Commission of the European Communities, (Luxembourg) The need for OSI type standards, but language differences for instance remain an application responsibility. Focus in PTT and computing centers. This level still needs 10 years for penetration for CEC Brussels. ---Gio. Category ={DBDarch> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Debanne1984, Author ={Debanne,Xavier},
Title ={A Knowledge Model for Expert Systems, Based on a Data Model},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Data Base Informatica (Rome, Italy) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{deBeaujardier1979, Author ={deBeaujardier,J-M, Boughter,E., Radcliffe-Corletti,S., and Jodeit,J.},
Title ={Explicit Sets},
Institution ={ANSI X3H2 proposal 17.},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDtheory.1>} }

@article{Debenham1983, Author ={Debenham,J.K. and McGrath,G.M.},
Title ={LOPE: A language for virtual relational databases},
Journal ={Austral.Comput.J..},
Year =1983, Pages ="2--8",
Volume ="15",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{DeBlasis1978, Author ={DeBlasis,J.P. and Johnson,T.H.},
Title ={Review of Data Base Administrators Functions from a Survey},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78, Lowenthal and Dale(eds).},
Year =1978, Pages ="101--109",
Category ={DBDadmin.3> DBDdesign>} }

@article{DeBlasis1977, Author ={DeBlasis,J.P. and Johnson,T.H.},
Title ={Data Base Administration--Classical Pattern, Some Experiences and Trends},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1977, Pages ="1--7",
Volume ="46",
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{DeBra1982, Author ={DeBra,P. and Paredaens,J.},
Title ={Horizontal Decompositions and Their Impact on Query Solving},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Records.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="46--50",
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Dep.Mathematics, Un.Antwerp Category ={DBDprivacy.3> } }

@inproceedings{DeBra1986, Author ={DeBra,Paul},
Title ={Horizontal Decompositions Based on Functional-Dependency-Set-Implications},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Antwerp, UIA (Belgium) Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{deBruijn1967, Author ={deBruijn,N.G.},
Title ={Additional Comments on a Problem in Concurrent Programming Control},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1967, Month Mar,
Pages ="137--138",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={Interlock design for multi-accessed data bases Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@techreport{deBy1986, Author ={deBy,Rolf A.},
Title ={Integrating Structure and Behaviour of Object Classes in a Basic Semantic Data Model},
Institution ={Un.Twente, Memo. INF-86-39.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at TU.Twente (Netherlands) Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel> } }

@article{Dechter1987, Author ={Dechter,R.},
Title ={Decomposing an N-ary Relation into a Tree of Binary Relations},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Hughes and UCLA Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Decitre1981, Author ={Decitre,P.},
Title ={A Concurrency Control Algorithm in a Distributed Environment},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFPIS , Chicago, 1981.},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Volume ="50",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.3>} }

@inproceedings{DeCorte1992, Author ={DeCorte,G., Eiger,A., Kroenke,D., and Kyte,T.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Model for Capturing Data Semantics},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at General Research Corp. Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Decker1986, Author ={Decker,H.},
Title ={Integrity Enforcement on Prolog-based Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at ECRC (FRG) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{deDoncker1979, Author ={deDoncker et al},
Title ={Interactive Database management for Integrated Circuit Design on the UNIX Operating System},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 19.},
Year =1979, Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Dee1973, Author ={Dee,E., Hilder,W., King,P.J.H., and Taylor,E.},
Title ={COBOL Extensions to handle a Relational Data Base},
Institution ={British Computer Society, Working Party .},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Number ="5",
Category ={DBDbound>} }

@book{Deen1977, Author ={Deen,S.M.},
Title ={Fundamentals of Database Systems},
Publisher ={Hayden, Rochelle Park NJ,},
Year =1977, Category ={DBFintro>} }

@book{Deen1980, Author ={Deen,S.M. and Hammersley,P.(eds)},
Title ={Data Bases: Proc. International Conference 1980},
Publisher ={Heyden, London.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ICOD 1, Edinburgh. Category ={DBDintro>} }

@book{Deen1981, Author ={Deen and Hammersley(ed)},
Title ={British National Conference on Databases},
Publisher ={Jesus Coll. Cambridge.},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Proc. BNCOD1, British Computer Society Workshop Series. Category ={DBDintro, QA76.9.D3B75 } }

@book{Deen1983, Author ={Deen,S.M. and Hammersley,P.(eds)},
Title ={Proc. Second International Conference on Databases},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-Heyden Ltd.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Un.Aberdeen file design, the A-set is a connection between a record (the owner) and other records (members). relational model normalization, including 4NF and DKNF languages includes DSL Alpha, SQL, and QBE; IMS and System 2000 ADABAS and TOTAL. New Approaches. Category ={DBDintro> ICOD 2, Cambridge, Aug.-Sep.1983. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Deen1983:1, Author ={Deen,S.M., Amin,R.R., Ofori-Dwumfuo,G.O., and Taylor,M.C.},
Title ={The Architecture of a Generalized Distributed Database System-PRECI},
Booktitle ={Computer Journal.},
Year =1983, Pages ="282--290",
Volume ="28",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Deen1983:2, Author ={Deen,S.M. and Hammersley,P.(eds)},
Title ={Operating System Support for Abstract Database Types},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Databases, British Computer Society 2, Cambridge, -Sep..},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Aberdeen Gutenberg compiles via formal query transformation. Category ={DBDlang> DBDoperations, DBfile } }

@article{Deen1985, Author ={Deen,S.M.},
Title ={A Relational Language with Deductions, Functions and Recursions},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1985, Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Deen1984, Author ={Deen,S.M., Amin,R.R., and Taylor,M.C.},
Title ={Query Decomposition in PRECI},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Seminar on Distributed Data Sharing Systems 3, Italy, N-H, 1985.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="92--103",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Deen1985:1, Author ={Deen,S.M., Carrick,R., and Kennedy,D.M.},
Title ={A Flexible DBMS for Research and Teaching (PRECI/C)},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the British National Conference on Databases 4, ; ACM CR 8607-?.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Aberdeen A lavered architectured, five levels modules of (DADAISU 7). Category ={DBDimpl> } }

@inproceedings{Deen1987, Author ={Deen,S.M., Amin,R.R., and Taylor,M.C.},
Title ={Implementation of a Prototype for PRECI},
Booktitle ={Computer Journal.},
Year =1987, Volume ="30",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Deen1987:1, Author ={Deen,S.M., Amin,R.R., and Taylor,M.C.},
Title ={Data Integration in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Pages ="860--864",
Volume ="13",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Deen1990, Author ={Deen,S.M., Kannangara,D.N.P., and Taylor,M.C.},
Title ={Multijoin on Parallel Processors},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Keele, UK Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Deen1991, Author ={Deen,S. and Takizawa,M.},
Title ={Interoperability in Distributed Information Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Deen1991:1, Author ={Deen,S.M.},
Title ={Inter-Object Operations in Cooperating Knowledge Based Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Deering1984, Author ={Deering,M. and Faletti,J.},
Title ={Database Support for Storage of AI Reasoning Knowledge},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina, VOL.2.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="85--95",
Annote ={at Fairchild, Lab.for AI; UCD Category ={DBDdesign> DBFhybrid-nil> } }

@article{DeFiore1973, Author ={DeFiore,C.R. and Berra,P.B.},
Title ={A Data Management System Utilizing an Associative Memory},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Volume ="42",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Defude1984, Author ={Defude,B.},
Title ={Knowledge-based System versus Thesaurus: an Architecture problem about Expert system Design},
Booktitle ={Research and Development in Information Retrieval, in BCS-WS, vanRijsbergen(ed), Cambridge Un.Press, ; ACM-CR 8508-0756.},
Year =1984, Pages ="2657-280",
Annote ={ thesaurus is central to IR systems. Should it be integrated? Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{DeGreene1973, Author ={DeGreene,Kengon B.},
Title ={Socio-technical Systems: Factors in Analysis, Design and Management},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 416pp.},
Year =1973, Annote ={ Data bases as components of systems applied to societal problems. Category ={DBFintro.3> } }

@book{DeGroot1985, Author ={DeGroot,Doug and Lindstrom,Gary(eds)},
Title ={Logic Programming: Relations, Functions, and Equations},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, Sum. .},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Announcement with table of contents is in LOGPRO.TOC[1,YM]. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Degoulet1990, Author ={Degoulet,P. et al.},
Title ={The HELIOS European project on software engineering},
Booktitle ={IMIA Working conference on Software Eng. and Medical Informatics, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Broussais Un.Hospital Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Deheneffe1974, Author ={Deheneffe,C., Hennebert,H., and Paulus,W.},
Title ={Relational Model for a Data Base},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf-74, Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H.},
Year =1974, Annote ={ at Institut d'Informatique des Facultes Universitaires (Namur, Belgium) Category ={DBDschema, x8> %Deheneffe74 } }

@book{Deitel1982, Author ={Deitel,H.M.},
Title ={An Introduction to Operating Systems},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1982, Annote ={at Boston Un. Category ={DBFtrans.7>} }

@techreport{DeJong1975, Author ={DeJong,S.P. and Zloof,M.M.},
Title ={Application Design within the System for Business Automation},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RC5366, Yorktown Heights NY, 14 .},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDrel, x10>} }

@techreport{DeJong1978, Author ={DeJong,W},
Title ={Experience with a New Database Approach},
Institution ={Land-Registration, Tr., rcvd (Apeldoorn, Holland).},
Year =1978, Annote ={ use of ENALIM for design and TAMALAN from Nijssen for land parcel reg. Category ={DBDintro.8>in DBfile } }

@article{DeJonge1985, Author ={DeJonge,Wiebren},
Title ={Compromising Statistical Databases Responding to Queries about Means},
Journal ={reprinted in thesis},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam) Category ={DBDprivacy.3> DBDstat>} }

@techreport{DeJonge1985:1, Author ={DeJonge,Wiebren},
Title ={Security and Privacy in Information Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., VU.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam) Category ={DBDtrans-4> DBDdesign, thesisfile } }

@article{DeJonge1987, Author ={DeJonge,W., Tanenbaum,A.S., and VanDeRiet,R.P.},
Title ={Two Access Methods Using Compact Binary Trees},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Pages ="799--810",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam) BDS-trees and S-trees preserve key-order and offer sequential access. The search is digital on a bit-by-bit basis. Category ={DBFtree, xissue } }

@inproceedings{DeJonge1990, Author ={DeJonge,W. and Schijf,A.},
Title ={Concurrent Access to B-Trees},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@techreport{DeKleer1978, Author ={DeKleer,J., Doyle,J., Rich,C., Steele,G.L.Jr., and Sussman,G.J.},
Title ={AMORD: A Deductive Procedure System},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, AI Lab, Memo. .},
Year =1978, Month =Jan,
Number ="435",
Annote ={at MIT, AI Lab. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{DeKleer1986, Author ={DeKleer,Johan},
Title ={An Assumption-based TMS},
Journal ={AI, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8702-??.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Pages ="127--162",
Volume ="28",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Xerox, Palo Alto A Truth Maintenance System (TMS) is part of a reasoning system that is allowed to remember the results of all inferences made by the other parts of the system; to derive simple conclusions and assign truth values to all the statements; and to find contradictions and overcome them automatically according to some rule. TMS can realize nonmonotomic reasoning. In the Assumption-based TMS every result is stored with the list of assumptions used for its derivation. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Dellar1982, Author ={Dellar,Carl N.R.},
Title ={A File Server for a Network of Low-Cost Personal Microcomputers},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1051--1068",
Volume ="12",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Texas Instruments Inc. (Austin TX) No atomic transactions and lightweight protocols. Category ={DBDdist> DBFintro.4.1, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Delcambre1984, Author ={Delcambre,S.N., Nanartowich,P.A., and Urban,J.E.},
Title ={Data Typing Issues for Data Base Management Systems in the Higher Order Software Methodology and Environment},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Southwestern Louisiana Category ={DBappl> DBDschema.2> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Delcambre1987, Author ={Delcambre,L.M.L. and Urban,S.D.},
Title ={Perspectives of a Semantic Schema},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Delcambre1988, Author ={Delcambre,Lois M.L.},
Title ={RPL: An Expert System Language with Query Power},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, Win..},
Year =1988, Pages ="51--61",
Volume ="3",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Compared with OPS 5. Rule base is a database. Rule is query: update similar to INRIA RDL/1. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Delcambre1988:1, Author ={Delcambre,L. and Etheridge,J.},
Title ={The Relational Production Language: A Production Language for Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 2, Benjamin Cummings, Menlo Park, CA.},
Year =1988, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Delcambre1989, Author ={Delcambre,L.M.L. and Davis,K.C.},
Title ={Automatic Validation of Object-Oriented Database Structures},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Delgrande1987, Author ={Delgrande,J.P.},
Title ={Formal Bounds on Automatic Generation and Maintenance of Integrity Constraints},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Delis1992, Author ={Delis,A. and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Performance and Scalability of Client-Server Architectures},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ caching is effective simulation up to hashing limit Category ={DBFfile> } }

@inproceedings{Delisle1986, Author ={Delisle,N. and Schwartz,M.},
Title ={Neptune: A Hypertext System for CAD Applications},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Delisle1987, Author ={Delisle,N.M. and Schwartz,M.D.},
Title ={Neptune: A Hypertext System for Software Development Environments},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="54--59",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at Tektronix Inc., Comp.Res.Lab, (Beaverton OR) Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Delobel1971, Author ={Delobel,C.},
Title ={Aspects Theoretiques sur le Structure de l'Information dans une Base de Donnees},
Journal ={Rev.Francaise d'Informatique et de Recherche Operationelle No.B-3.},
Year =1971, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDschema>%Delobel71} }

@techreport{Delobel1972, Author ={Delobel,C.},
Title ={A Theory about Data in an Information System},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R., RJ964, San Jose CA, 28,},
Year =1972, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Delobel1973, Author ={Delobel,C. and Casey,R.},
Title ={Decomposition of a Data Base and the Theory of Boolean Switching Functions},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1973, Month =Sep,
Pages ="374--386",
Volume ="17",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Equivalence of set operations on relations and Boolean algebra. Category ={DBDschema> %Delobel73 } }

@article{Delobel1978, Author ={Delobel,C.},
Title ={Normalization and Hierarchial Dependencies in the Relational Data Model},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="201--222",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Grenoble (France) One-to-one, one-to-many relationships between the attributes of database relations are modeled by means of functional dependencies and multivalued dependencies. A new type of dependency is first-order hierarchical. Category ={DBDtheory.3> } }

@book{Delobel1982, Author ={Delobel,C. and Litwin,W.(eds)},
Title ={Distributed Databases},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Delobel1982:1, Author ={Delobel,C. and Adiba,M.},
Title ={Bases de Donnees et Systemes Relationnels},
Publisher ={Dunod, phase specialite informatique.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at Grenoble Relational Databases: includes System R and QBE Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDquery.2> } }

@book{Delobel1985, Author ={Delobel,C. and Adiba,M.},
Title ={Relational Database Systems},
Publisher ={Elsevier N-H, 451pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Un.Grenoble (France) The French original was published in 1983. Ullman's book is followed closely. Some of the relational design algorithms are not in any other textbook. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@techreport{deMaindreville1987, Author ={deMaindreville,C. and Simon,E.},
Title ={A Predicate Transition Net for Evaluating Queries Against Rules in a DBMS},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-604.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at INRIA, Projet SABRE Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDquery, DBFile } }

@inproceedings{deMaindreville1988, Author ={deMaindreville,C. and Simon,E.},
Title ={A Production Rule Based Approach to Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at INRIA Category ={DBDkb, DBfile, also background report } }

@inproceedings{deMaindreville1988:1, Author ={deMaindreville,C. and Simon,E.},
Title ={Modelling Non Deterministic Queries and Updates in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="395--406",
Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{deMaindreville1989, Author ={deMaindreville,C. and Cheiney,J-P.},
Title ={Relational Storage And Efficient Retrieval Of Rules In A Deductive DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{DeMaine1971, Author ={DeMaine,P.A.D.},
Title ={The Integral Family of Reversible Compressors},
Journal ={IAG Journal, vol.4 no.3.},
Year =1971, Pages ="207--219",
Annote ={at Penn.State Un., CSD (University Park PA) Exhaustive set of programs for compression of file data on 360. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@inproceedings{DeMaine1971:1, Author ={DeMaine,P.A.D. and Rotwitt,T.,jr. },
Title ={Storage Optimization of Tree Structured Files},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="207--218",
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@techreport{DeMaine1968, Author ={DeMaine,P.A.D., Chaffee,N.F., and Springe,G.K.},
Title ={Automatic Organization of Files, Overview of the SOLID System},
Institution ={where???, ?},
Year =1968, Annote ={ Preprocessor uses of key file to obtain symbolic goal references, which are then processed. Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@inproceedings{DeMaraM1991, Author ={DeMara,R. and Moldovan,D.},
Title ={A Multiprocessing Testbed for Knowledge Processing},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{DeMarco1978, Author ={DeMarco,T.},
Title ={Structured Analysis and System Specification},
Publisher ={Yourdon, Inc., New York.},
Year =1978, Annote ={Data flow analysis for system analysts. Category ={DBDintro.8> DBFeval.1> DBDschema.0> } }

@inproceedings{DeMarco1984, Author ={DeMarco,T.},
Title ={Experiences with Automated Aids for Dataflow Diagrams},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Yourdon Inc. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@techreport{Demetrovics1985, Author ={Demetrovics,J., Hannak,L., and Knuth,E.},
Title ={Conceptual Knowledge Operations},
Institution ={HAS, CAI, TR-II-67.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={ at Hungarian Acad.of Sciences, Comp.and Automation Inst. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Knuth } }

@book{Demetrovics1989, Author ={Demetrovics,J. and Thalheim,B.(Eds)},
Title ={MFDBS 89},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 428pp.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Volume ="364",
Annote ={ at Hungarian Academy of Sciences, (Budapest, Hungary) 2nd Symp. on Mathematical Fundamentals of Database Systems, (Visegrad, Hungary), Jun.1989. Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Demetrovics1992, Author ={Demetrovics,J., Ronyai,L., and Son,H.},
Title ={On the Composition and Decomposition of Attributes and Tuples},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{DeMichiel1989, Author ={DeMichiel,Linda},
Title ={Performing Operations over Mismatched Domains},
Booktitle ={PhD Thesis.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Stanford Un. domains from autonomous databases are mapped to a common domain, creating partial values. Retrievals create maybe tuples. An algebra is defined and shown satisfactory which operates on these. I3 Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{DeMichiel1989:1, Author ={DeMichiel,L.G.},
Title ={Resolving Database Incompatibility: An Approach to Performing Relational Operations over Mismatched Domains},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="485--493",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at HP Labs mediation of domain differences in federated databases. FAUVE. Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb> } }

@incollection{DeMichiel1989:2, Author ={DeMichiel,L.G.},
Title ={Resolving problems of semantic heterogeneity in relational database systems},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={summary of thesis Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{DeMichiel1993, Author ={DeMichiel,L., Chamberlin,D., Lindsay,B., Agrawal,R., and Arya,M.},
Title ={Polyglot: Extensions to Relational Databases for Sharable Types and Functions in a Multi-Language Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{DeMillo1982, Author ={DeMillo,R., Lynch,N., and Merritt,M.},
Title ={Cryptographic Protocols},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing 14.},
Year =1982, Pages ="383--400",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5>} }

@inproceedings{Demo1987, Author ={Demo,B.},
Title ={Recursive Versus Iterative Schemes for Least Fix Point Computation in Logic Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@techreport{Demo1987:1, Author ={Demo,B., Porta,M., and Sapino,M.L.},
Title ={A Stack Machine Semantics for Rewriting Rule Methods in Logic Databases},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Torino Proports to generalize counting, sideways-information passing, Alexander method. ---jeff Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Demolombe1978, Author ={Demolombe,R., Lemaitre,M, and Nicolas,J-M.},
Title ={The Language of SYNTEX-2, an Implemented Relational-like DBMS},
Booktitle ={Information Technology, Moneta(ed), N-H .},
Year =1978, Annote ={ a protype of a relational DBMS. Also in french: 'SYNTEX-2 : un Prototype de SGDB Relationnel', with performance measurements. Category ={DBDrel.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Demolombe1979, Author ={Demolombe,R.},
Title ={Estimation of the Number of Tuples Satisfying a Query Expressed in Predicate Calculus Language},
Booktitle ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press . (with Toulouse,R.)},
Year =1979, Pages ="219--225",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Onera-Cert (Tolouse, France) A statistical model to estimate the cardinality of queries and sub-queries expressed in Predicate Calculus language. The parameters are: the cardinalities of the relations and of their projections on each argument; the probability for an element in the intersection of several projections of relations; the probability that several components of a tuple of a relation are equal; and the probability that the constants which appear in a query belong to the corresponding projections of the relations. Category ={DBDquery.3.3> DBFimpl.2.4> } }

@article{Demolombe1983, Author ={Demolombe,R.},
Title ={How to Improve Performance of Relational DBMS},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 83, IFIP, Mason(ed), N-H.},
Year =1983, Pages ="229--233",
Annote ={formal planning for optimal performance Category ={DBDperf, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Demolombe1985, Author ={Demolombe,Robert},
Title ={STEL : an Extended Relational Model to Represent and Manipulate Structured Objects},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={ External schema transforms objects to relational terms. Nulls. Category ={DBDobject> DBDrel.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Demolombe1985:1, Author ={Demolombe,Robert},
Title ={Strategies to compute answers to relational queries},
Booktitle ={AICA conf..},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={optimization of disjunctive expression Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Demolombe1988, Author ={Demolombe,R., Illarramendi,A., and Blanco,J.M.},
Title ={Semantic optimization in data bases using artificial intelligence techniques},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at ONERA-CERT, (Toulouse,France) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Demolombe1989, Author ={Demolombe,Robert},
Title ={An Efficient Strategy for Non-Horn Deductive Data Bases},
Booktitle ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89', Ritter(ed), IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, (San Francisco, -Sep.), N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="325--330",
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@techreport{Demonchaux1985, Author ={Demonchaux,E., Quinqueton,J., and Ralambondrainy,H.},
Title ={CLAVECIN, un Systeme Expert en Analyse de Donnees},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-431.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={classification of data types and inheritance. Category ={DBFrepresent, DBfile } }

@article{Dempsey1970, Author ={Dempsey,J.W. and J.K.Mullin,},
Title ={Problems of Building a Hybrid Data Definition Facility},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET .},
Year =1970, Pages ="174--187",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Dempster1967, Author ={Dempster,A.P.},
Title ={Upper and Lower Probalilities Induced by a Multi-Valued Mapping},
Journal ={Annals of Mathematical Statistics, vol.38.},
Year =1967, Pages ="325--339",
Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Demurjian1984, Author ={Demurjian,S.A., Hsiao,D.K., Kerr,D.S., and Strawser,P.R.},
Title ={Towards an Ideal Database Server for Office Automation Environments Backend Configurations},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-NPS52-84-018.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile Hsiao} }

@techreport{Demurjian1984:1, Author ={Demurjian,S.A., Hsiao,D.K., Kerr,D.S., Strawser,P.R., Tekampe,R.C., and Watson,R.J.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of a Database System in a Multiple Backend Configurations},
Institution ={NPGS (Monterey CA), TR.NPS52-84-019.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile Hsiao} }

@techreport{Demurjian1984:2, Author ={Demurjian,S.A., Hsiao,D.K., Kerr,D.S., Tekampe,R.C., and Watson,R.J.},
Title ={Performance Measurement Methodologies for Database},
Institution ={NPGS (Monterey CA), TR.NPS52-84-023.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={simple summary of techniques. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile Hsiao } }

@techreport{Demurjian1985, Author ={Demurjian,S.A. and Hsiao,D.K.},
Title ={New Directions in Database-Systems Research and Development},
Institution ={NPGS (Monterey CA), TR.NPS52-85-1.},
Year =1985, Month =Feb,
Annote ={multiple front and backends are expected Category ={DBDdist, DBfile Hsiao } }

@techreport{Demurjian1985:1, Author ={Demurjian,S.A., Hsiao,D.K., and Marshall,D.},
Title ={The Architectural Requirements and Integration Analysis of a Database Server for Office Automation},
Institution ={NPGS (Monterey CA), TR.NPS52-85-008.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile Hsiao} }

@techreport{Demurjian1985:2, Author ={Demurjian,S.A. and Hsiao,D.K.},
Title ={Design Analysis and Performance Evaluation Methodologies for Database Computers},
Institution ={NPGS (Monterey CA), TR.NPS52-85-009.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBmach, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Demurjian1986, Author ={Demurjian,S.A., Hsiao,D.K., and Menon,J.},
Title ={A Multi-Backend System For Performance Gains, Capacity Growth and Hardware Upgrade},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@book{Demurjian1987, Author ={Demurjian,S.A., Hsiao,D.K., and Marshall,R.G.},
Title ={Design Analysis and Performance Evaluation Methodologies for Database Computers},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 300pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8712-??.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ The methodologies are: Test-bed; Queuing Theory; Time Complexity; combined; Simulation; Benchmarking; Checkpointing activities. Performance Evaluation Methodology. Strong and weak points of methodologies are summarized. Authors applied these techniques to DBC and MDBS. Valuable to professional Authors applied these techniques to DBC and MDBS. Valuable to professional engineers working with database architectures and performance evaluation. ---Dawkins. Category ={DBFmach> DBDeval, x } }

@inproceedings{Demurjian1987:1, Author ={Demurjian,S.A. and Hsiao,D.K.},
Title ={The Multi-Lingual Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={Federated system. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@techreport{Demurjian1987:2, Author ={Demurjian,S.A., Fenton,G.P., Hsiao,D.K., and Vincent,J.R.},
Title ={A Computer-Aided Benchmarking System for Parallel and Expandable Database Computers},
Institution ={NPGS, TR..},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Annote ={at NPGS unreviewed on Gio's Desk Category ={DBDmodel> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@article{Demurjian1988, Author ={Demurjian,S.A. and Hsiao,D.K.},
Title ={Towards a Better Understanding of Data Models Through the Multilingual System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Pages ="946--958",
Volume ="14",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at U.Connecticut, Dep.CS and Eng. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Denning1977, Author ={Denning,D.E.},
Title ={A Lattice Model of Secure Information Flow},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1977, Month =Jul,
Pages ="504--513",
Volume ="20",
Category ={DBFsecurity>} }

@article{Denning1980, Author ={Denning,D.E. and Schlorer,J.},
Title ={A Fast Procedure for Finding a Tracker in a Statistical Database},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="88--102",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Purdue Un.; Un. Ulm (FRG) Category ={DBDprivacy.2.2> DBDprivacy-10> } }

@article{Denning1980:1, Author ={Denning,D.E.},
Title ={Corrigenda on Linear Queries in Statistical Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , pp.383.},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Annote ={refers to Schwartz 1979 TODS. Category ={DBDprivacy.2.3> DBDprivacy-10> } }

@article{Denning1980:2, Author ={Denning,D.E.},
Title ={Secure Statistical Databases with Random Sample Queries},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="291--315",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDprivacy.2.3> DBDprivacy-10>} }

@book{Denning1982, Author ={Denning,Dorothy E.},
Title ={Cryptography and Data Security},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 400pp.},
Year =1982, Annote ={ Encryption Algorithms, crytographic techniques, access controls, information flow controls, inference controls. Mathematical topics are generally treated at the right depth for an introductory textbook. The notions from classical cryptology are presented simply but adequately. It's pretty good (though unnecessarily formal at times). The last chapter covers the issues in security of statistical databases best of anything I've seen. but she agrees it's already out of date (N.Rowe;18May83). Category ={DBFsecurity> DBDprivacy.2.3> DBDprivacy.7> DBFmethods, QA76.9.A25D46 1982 } }

@techreport{Denning1983, Author ={Denning,Dorothy E.R.},
Title ={A Security Model for the Statistical Database Problem},
Institution ={Purdue Un, PhD Th..},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDprivacy.2.2> DBDprivacy-1>} }

@article{Denning1987, Author ={Denning,D.E., Akl,S.G., Heckman,M., Lunt,T.F., Morgenstern,M. Neumann,P.G., and Schell,R.R.},
Title ={Views for Multilevel Database Security},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 ,; ACM Computing Reviews 8802-0104.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="129--140",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at SRI (Menlo Park CA) Seaview is based on the relational model. The user cannot infer from a response that the data item requested exists. Proposes that the primary key incorporates the access class. Category ={DBFsecurity> DBDprivacy> } }

@article{Denning1967, Author ={Denning,Peter J.},
Title ={Effects of Scheduling on File Memory Operations},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1967, Pages ="9--21",
Volume ="30",
Annote ={at MIT Comparison of drums and also disks of shortest seek first and scanning algorthms. The model considers reads and writes with switching overheads. Category ={DBFtechn, x B6 } }

@article{Denning1971, Author ={Denning,Peter J.},
Title ={Third Generation Computer Systems},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1971, Pages ="145--216",
Volume ="3",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ An operating systems approach to storage management, good illustration of deadlock, extensive bibliography. Category ={DBFintro.9> DBDintegrity> %Denning71 } }

@article{Denning1972, Author ={Denning,P.J.},
Title ={A Note on Paging Drum Efficiency},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1972, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--3",
Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Do not assume uniform distribution over sector queues. Category ={DBFtechn.3> %Denning73 } }

@article{Denning1978, Author ={Denning,P.J. and Buzen,J.P.},
Title ={The Operational Analysis of Queueing Network Models},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="225--261",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at Purdue Un. (West Lafayette IN); BGS Systems, Inc.(Lincoln MA) Category ={DBFtechn.3> } }

@article{Denning1980:3, Author ={Denning,P.J.},
Title ={Working Sets Past and Present},
Journal ={IEEE SE, Vol.SE-6 .},
Year =1980, Month =Jan,
Pages ="64--84",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MIT Category ={DBDschema> DBDperform>} }

@inproceedings{Denninghoff1991, Author ={Denninghoff,K. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={The Power of Methods with Parallel Semantics},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={for sets of objects Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Dennis1966, Author ={Dennis,J.B. and vanHorn,E.C.},
Title ={Programming Semantics for Multiprogrammed Computations},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1966, Month Mar,
Pages ="143--155",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Multics Design Category ={DBDintro.8> DBDdesign> } }

@article{Dennis1968, Author ={Dennis,Jack B.},
Title ={A Position Paper on Computing and Communications},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1968, Month =May,
Pages ="370--377",
Volume ="2",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Includes a sketch for update synchronization in a distributed data base Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Dennis1970, Author ={Dennis,Jack B.},
Title ={On the Exchange of Information},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Houston TX, 1970.},
Year =1970, Pages ="41--86",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@incollection{Dennis1980, Author ={Dennis,Jack B.},
Title ={Data Flow Supercomputers},
Booktitle ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Pages ="48--56",
Volume ="13",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ Multiprocessors, parallel processing, data flow, the idea of activity templates, single assignment and so on. Recommended. ---Miya. Category ={DBDparallel> DBFarch> } }

@article{Deogun1984, Author ={Deogun,J.S., Raghavan,V.V., and Tsou,T.K.W.},
Title ={Organization of Clustered Files for Consecutive Retrieval},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="646--671",
Volume ="9",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Nebraska; Un.Regina Category ={DBFtrees.1>} }

@manual{Department1985, Author ={Department of Defense Standard},
Title ={Department of Defense Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria},
Organization ={DOD 5200.28-STD, supersedes CSC-STD-001-83.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Annote ={The Orange book Category ={DBFsecurity, x Ark} }

@article{Deppe1976, Author ={Deppe,M.E. and Fry,J.P.},
Title ={Distributed Data Bases: A Summary of Research},
Journal ={Comput. Networks.},
Year =1976, Pages ="130--135",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFintro>} }

@inproceedings{deRougemont1988, Author ={deRougemont,Michel},
Title ={Fixed-Point Semantics and the Representation of Algorithms on Large Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="264--272",
Annote ={ at Un.Paris Sud, Lab. de Recherche en Informatique, (Paris France) Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Derr1993, Author ={Derr,M., Morishita,S., and Phipps,G.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of the Glue-Nail Database System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Derrett1984, Author ={Derrett,N.},
Title ={Types and Constraints},
Booktitle ={Hewlett-Packard Labs TR, Palo Alto.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDlang>} }

@article{Derret1985, Author ={Derret,N., Kent,W., and Lyngback,P.},
Title ={Some Aspects of Stored Operations in an Object-oriented Database},
Journal ={H-P Lab draft report, rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={description of ORIS DBMS prototype. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign.7.5, DBfile Kent } }

@techreport{Desai1986, Author ={Desai,B.C., Groyal,P., and Sadri,F.},
Title ={Integrity Enforcement, Joung Encoding Techniques and Performance Considerations in Centralized and Distributed DBMS's Using a Composite Bc-Tree},
Institution ={rcvd. , Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12?.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDrel> DBFimpl> DBDdist, DBFile} }

@article{Desai1989, Author ={Desai,Bipin C.},
Title ={Performance of a Composite Attribute and Join Index},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="142--152",
Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Concordia Un., DCS, Montreal Canada The leaf node of the Btree incorporates a reference to all tuples in the database which share common data values of a shared domain. The composite index facilitates the enforcement of structural integrity constraints. Category ={DBFindex> DBDops> DBDquery> } }

@book{Desai1990, Author ={Desai,Bipin C.},
Title ={An Introduction to Database Systems},
Publisher ={West Publishing Co..},
Year =1990, Annote ={emphasizes the relational model Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Desai1991, Author ={Desai,B. and Zhang,L.},
Title ={Multilevel interface to a distributed database system},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Concordia Un. English, SQL, Global, Local Query Category ={DBDquery> DBDimpl> } }

@article{Deshko1985, Author ={Deshko,A.I., Ignatenko,B.V., and Pavlovskii,V.I.},
Title ={Nonprocedural Data Manipulation Languages, Classification and Future Development},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Aug..},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="223--232",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ YAKOD (theirs) is best by example, compared with old DMLS Category ={DBDquery, FASAC 333 } }

@inproceedings{Deshpande1988, Author ={Deshpande,A. and VanGucht,D.},
Title ={An Implementation for Nested Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="76--87",
Annote ={at Indiana Un., CSD, (Bloomington IN) Uses one value-driven indexing structure for the entire database; a main-memory for manipulation of hierarchical tuple-identifiers. Category ={DBDbound> } }

@techreport{Deshpande1989, Author ={Deshpande,Anand},
Title ={An Implementation for Nested Relational Databases},
Institution ={PhD thesis, Indiana Un.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Indiana Un., CSD, (Bloomington IN) ANDA is written in Scheme with a graphical Query language Category ={DBDrel> DBDlang, thesis file } }

@inproceedings{Deshpande1992, Author ={Deshpande,V. and Larson,P.},
Title ={The Design & Implementation of a Parallel Join Algorithm for Nested Relations on Shared-Memory Multiprocessors},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un. Waterloo Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{DeSmedt1993, Author ={DeSmedt,P. et al.},
Title ={Recursive Functions in Iris},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at HP Labs Category ={DBDobject>} }

@book{Desmonde1964, Author ={Desmonde,W.H.},
Title ={Real Time Data Processing Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1964, Annote ={Describes SABRE airlines reservation system. Category ={DBDintro.8> DBFintro-3> DBDtrans, xbook } }

@techreport{Despeyroux1984, Author ={Despeyroux,Thierry},
Title ={Executable Specification of Static Semantics},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-295.},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={TYPOL, a higher level version of FORMOL Category ={DBFimpl.2.2> DBfour.4, DBfile } }

@techreport{Deswarte1985, Author ={Deswarte,Y., Fabre,J.C., Laprie,J.C., and Powell,D.},
Title ={Le Projet Saturne},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-445,},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{DeTroyer1986, Author ={DeTroyer,O.},
Title ={On Rule-Based Generation of Conceptual Database Updates},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Limburgs Un.Centrum, Dep. WNIF, (Belgium) program transformation allows proving the correctness of the generated procedures. The results are promising. Solid treatment of update specifications. Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb> } }

@article{DeTroyer1989, Author ={DeTroyer,O.},
Title ={RIDL*: A Tool for the Computer-Assisted Engineering of Large Databases in the Presence of Integrity Constraints},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={ at Tilburg Un., INFOLAB, (Le Tilburg, The Netherlands) Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{DeTroyer1993, Author ={DeTroyer,O. and Janssen,R.},
Title ={On Modularity for Conceptual Data Models and the Consequences for Sub typing, Inheritance and Overriding},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Tilburg Un. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Deuel1966, Author ={Deuel,Philip},
Title ={On a Storage Mapping Function for Data Structures},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1966, Month =May,
Pages ="344--347",
Volume ="9",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Algorithm for address computation of structure elements in core storage. Category ={DBFseq.2> } }

@inproceedings{Deutsch1987, Author ={Deutsch,D.},
Title ={A Status Report on SQL Standardization},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at General Electric Category ={DBDrel>} }

@techreport{Deutsch1979, Author ={Deutsch,D.R.},
Title ={Modeling and Measurement Techniques for Evaluation of Design Alternatives in the Implementation of Database Management Software},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). . Special Publication 500-49.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@inproceedings{Deutsch1980, Author ={Deutsch,L.P.},
Title ={Constraints: A Uniform Model for and Control ,},
Booktitle ={ACM Pingree Park Workshop, Brodie(ed).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="118--120",
Annote ={at Xerox, PARC/MIT Artificial Intelligence Lab. New paradigm called constraints in which models both data and procedures, the description of procedures minimizes commitment to the order in which computational steps will be executed. Category ={DBDmodel.0> } }

@article{Deutsch1971, Author ={Deutsch,S.B. and Martin,J.J.},
Title ={An Ordering Algorithm for Analysis of Data Arrays},
Journal ={Operations Research,},
Year =1971, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1350--1362",
Volume ="19",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Deutscher1975, Author ={Deutscher,R.F., Tremblay,R.P, and P.G.,Sorenson},
Title ={A Comparative Study of Distribution-Dependent and Distribution-Independent Hashing Functions},
Journal ={Dep.Computational Science, Report 75.4,},
Year =1975, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdesign.> %Deutscher75} }

@article{Deux1990, Author ={Deux,O., Delobel,C. Dewitt,D., Ioannidis,Y., et al.},
Title ={The Story of O2},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Altair Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Devanbu1986, Author ={Devanbu,P. and Agrawal,R.},
Title ={Moving Selections into Fixpoint Queries},
Institution ={Draft, rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs., (Murray Hill NJ) They show that the Aho/Ullman technique is not as good as one can do. Category ={DBDlogic> DBDtheory, DBfile } }

@article{Devine1984, Author ={Devine,K. and Smith,J.F.},
Title ={Direct File Organization for Lemmatized Text Retrieval},
Journal ={Inf.Tech.Res.Dev.Appl., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8411-0955.},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Pages ="25--32",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={hashing is used. Equivalent words are lemmata. Category ={DBFhash.5> DBFhybrid> } }

@article{Devlin1988, Author ={Devlin,B.A. and Murphy,P.T.},
Title ={An Architecture for a Business and Information System},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1988, Pages ="60-80",
Volume ="27",
Number ="1",
Annote ={beyond transaction processing is EBIS Category ={DBDappl> } }

@article{Devor1980, Author ={Devor,C. and Weeldreyer,J.},
Title ={DDTS: A Testbed for Distributed Database Research},
Journal ={Proc.ACM Pacific '80 Conference, San Francisco CA.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Pages ="86--94",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1> DBDdist>} }

@article{Devor1982, Author ={Devor,C., et al.},
Title ={Five-Schema Architecture Extends DBMS to Distributed Applications},
Journal ={Electronic Design.},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="27--32",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Devor1982:1, Author ={Devor,C., Elmasri,R., and Rahimi,S.},
Title ={The Design of DDTS: A Testbed for Reliable Distributed Database Management},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="150--162",
Annote ={at Honeywell, Corporate CSs Ctr (Bloomington MN) The initial design of three modules of DDTS: integrity; distributed execution to support availability of the database; and finally concurrency control, which maintains the consistency of the database. Category ={DBDbound.6> } }

@inproceedings{Devor1981, Author ={Devor,C., ElMasri,R., and Rahimi,S.,},
Title ={Transaction Processing in a Multi-Schema Distributed Database Testbed System},
Booktitle ={TR. HR-81-253:17-38, Honeywell CCSC, Bloomington MN.},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFdist> DBFtrans>} }

@techreport{Dewan1985, Author ={Dewan,R. and Gavish,B.},
Title ={Improving Performance of Query Intensive Databases by Denormalization},
Institution ={Un.Rochester, Grad.School of Management, TR.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdesign, DBFile Gavish} }

@article{Dewan1985:1, Author ={Dewan,R.M. and Gavish,B.},
Title ={Models for the Combined Logical and Physical Design of Databases},
Journal ={Un.Rochester, Grad.School of Management, TR.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Given the set of intended transactions, choose the most efficient decomposition of the universal set of attributes. The integrated problem is NP-complete. It is formulated s a O-1 integrer program. Category ={DBDdesign, DBFile Gavish } }

@article{Dewan1989, Author ={Dewan,P., Vikram,A., and Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Engineering the Object-Relation Database Model in O-Raid},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="389--403",
Number ="367",
Annote ={at Purdue Un., DCS SQL++ embedded in C++. ---Gio. Category ={DBDadvDBMS> DBDobject> } }

@article{Dewey1986, Author ={Dewey,A. and Gadient,A.},
Title ={VHDL Motivation},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering sign and Test.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Pages ="12--16",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ describes documentation function in special issue on VHSIC hardware description. Category ={EIS, xissue } }

@article{DeWitt1978, Author ={DeWitt,David J.},
Title ={DIRECT --- A Multiprocessor Organization for Supporting Relational Data Base Management Systems},
Journal ={Un.Wisconsin, Madison, TR.325.},
Year =1978, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFmach> App.B} }

@techreport{DeWitt1935, Author ={DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Query Execution in DIRECT},
Institution ={Un.Wisconsin, Madison, TR.No., 1979.},
Year =1935, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFmach> DBDquery, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{DeWitt1981, Author ={DeWitt,D.J. and Hawthorn,P.B.},
Title ={A Performance Evaluation of Database Machine Architectures},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="199--215",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, CSD; LBL, Math Dep. (CA) Analytical model of the performance of a conventionl database management system and four generic database machine architectures. Also for several classes of queries certain database machine designs are actually slower than a conventional processor. Category ={DBFmach> DBFhard.2> } }

@book{DeWitt1983, Author ={DeWitt,D.J. and Gardarin,G.},
Title ={Proc.of Annual Meeting SIGMOD 83},
Publisher ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record , Database Week, (San Jose CA).},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDintro>} }

@inproceedings{DeWitt1984, Author ={DeWitt,D.J., Katz,R.H, Ohlken,F., Shapiro,L.D., Stonebraker,M.R., and Wood,D.},
Title ={Implementation Techniques for Main Memory Databases},
Booktitle ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo -5.},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Number ="84",
Category ={DBFsyseval.3, DBfile} }

@techreport{DeWitt1984:1, Author ={DeWitt,D.J., Finkel,R., and Solomon,M.},
Title ={The CRYSTAL Multicomputer: Design and Implementation Experience},
Institution ={Un.Wisconsin, (Madison), CS TR-553.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ A good current overview of the Crystal project. The first part reads like the C.mmp retrospective by Wulf [1980] et al. They suffered from the same problems as CMU: small address space, reliability, and they also pushed the software forward to the next stage of problems. Required. ---Miya. Category ={DBDparallel> DBFarch> } }

@inproceedings{DeWitt1985, Author ={DeWitt,D.J. and Gerber.R.},
Title ={Multiprocessor Hash-Based Join Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 11, Stockholm.},
Year =1985, Pages ="151--164",
Category ={DBFmach> DBFhash> DBDrel>} }

@article{DeWitt1985:1, Author ={DeWitt D., Chou,H-T., Katz,R., and Klug,T.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of the Wisconsin Storage System},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="943--962",
Volume ="15",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBFhash> DBFhard, DBfile DeWitt} }

@inproceedings{DeWitt1986, Author ={DeWitt,D.J., Gerber,R.H., Graefe,G., Heytens,M.L., Kumar,K.B., and Muralikrishna,M.},
Title ={GAMMA --- A High Performance Dataflow Database Machine},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison. Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{DeWitt1987, Author ={DeWitt,D. and Graefe,G.},
Title ={The EXODUS Optimizer Generator},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{DeWitt1990, Author ={DeWitt,D, Ghandeharizadeh,S., Scheider,D, Bricker,A, Hsiano,H-I., and Rasmussen,R.},
Title ={The Gamma Database Machine Project},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison relational database machine operating on an Intel iPSC/2 hypercube with 32 processors and 32 disk drives; relations are horizontally partitioned across multiple disk drives; hashing used to implement join and aggregates; dataflow scheduling coordinates multioperator queries. Category ={DBDmach> } }

@inproceedings{Dewitt1990, Author ={Dewitt,D.J., Futtersack,P., Maier,D., and Velez.F.},
Title ={A Study of Three Alternative Workstation-Server Architectures for Object Oriented Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) Conference, Brisbane, Australia, pgs. 107-121.},
Year =1990, Annote ={client / server architecture 3 different approaches to partitioning functionality: - object server: individual objects pass between client and server - page server: a disk page is the unit of transport, server buffers pages - file server: unit is whole page , but accessed directly by client via remote file service (like Sun NFS). object server architecture - advantages: - methods can run both on client/server - efficient. - concurrency control is centralized at server - object-level locking implementation is straight-forward. - disadvantages: - cache miss results in one RPC per object reference - design of server is complicated (must know about methods, objects etc.) page server architecture - advantages: simplifies server design, complexity is in clients, server is free to serve more clients. - disadvantages: methods evaluated only on clients (need to transfer pages to client), object-level locking is difficult to implement file server architecture - advantages: minimizes overhead on server, NFS provides improved rates of data retrieval. - disadvantages: slow NFS writes, need separate lock request messages to server etc. describes prototype architectures, benchmarks, clustering factors, sample query types, performance evaluation results conclusions: - There is no clear winner - page and file server architectures benefit most from clustering - performance of the page- and object-server architectures are very sensitive to degree of clustering and size of server buffer - file-server dominates page server on read-intensive applications, and reverse is true for writes. - object server approach is bad for scanning large data sets, but superior for poorly clustered databases or server buffer is small. - conjectures that a hybrid architecture (read thru NFS, write objects back) may be necessary to maximize overall performance. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{DeWitt1991, Author ={DeWitt,D., Naughton,J., and Schneider,D.},
Title ={An Evaluation of Non-Equijoin Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{DeWitt1992, Author ={DeWitt,D.J., Naughton,J.F., Schneider,D.A., and Seshadri,S.},
Title ={Practical Skew Handling in Parallel Joins},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={does not refer to Shaibal Roy Category ={DBDops> DBDmach> } }

@inproceedings{DeWitt1993, Author ={DeWitt,D., Lieuwen,D., and Mehta,M.},
Title ={Pointer-based Join Techniques for Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{DeWitt1993:1, Author ={DeWitt,D., Naughton,J., and Burger,J.},
Title ={Nested Loops Revisited},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{deZegherGeets1987, Author ={deZegherGeets,I.M., Freeman,A.G., Walker,M.G., Blum,R.L., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Computer-aided summarization of a time-oriented medical data base},
Booktitle ={KSL TR-KSL-87-18.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{deZegherGeets1988, Author ={deZegherGeets,I.M., Freeman,A.G., Walker,M.G., Blum,R.L., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Summarization and Display of On-Line Medical Records},
Booktitle ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="38--46",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Annote ={I3 Category ={MIS> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{deZegherGeets1989, Author ={deZegherGeets,I., Meirlaen,E., and Trinon,J-M.},
Title ={BIM_PROBE: BIM Prolog Object Extension -- System Description},
Institution ={BIM.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at BIM, (Everberg, Belgium) Probe frame system. Prolog. Category ={DBDlang, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{DiBattista1988, Author ={DiBattista,G., Kangassalo,H., and Tamassia,R.},
Title ={Definition Libraries for Conceptual Modelling},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. . 7, Rome.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{DiBattista1988:1, Author ={DiBattista,G. and Lenzerini,M.},
Title ={Object Modeling Based on Logic},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. . 7, Rome.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Roma, Italy Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{DiBattista1989, Author ={DiBattista,G. and Lenzerini,M.},
Title ={A Deductive Method for Entity-Relationship Modeling},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) Amsterdam August .},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Un.Roma, Italy Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@techreport{DiBenigno1986, Author ={DiBenigno,M.K., Cross,G.R., and DeBessonet,C.G.},
Title ={COREL --- A Conceptual Retrieval System},
Institution ={ACM Conf.on RD in Inf.Ret..},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Washington State Un. Some artificial intelligence techniques. Knowledge structures are used to index articles of the Civil Code of Louisiana. Each structure represents a legal concept. Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDkb, DBfile Cross } }

@incollection{Dickson1981, Author ={Dickson, Gary W.},
Title ={Management Information Systems: Evolution and Status},
Booktitle ={Advances in Computers.},
Year =1981, Volume ="20",
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Diday1974, Author ={Diday,E., Schroeder,A., and Ok,Y.},
Title ={The Dynamic Clusters Methods in Pattern Recognition},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H (Amsterdam).},
Year =1974, Category ={DBFtechn.1>%Diday74} }

@inproceedings{Diederich1982, Author ={Diederich,Jim R.},
Title ={Testing and Tuning the VAX-11 DBMS for Order Processing End-Of-Day},
Booktitle ={Proc.DEC Computer Users Society, (Anaheim CA).},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="33--41",
Annote ={ at Distribution Management Systems Inc., (Lexington MA) and UCD Category ={DBDappl> } }

@unpublished{Diederich1987, Author ={Diederich,J. and Milton,J.},
Title ={Rapid Prototyping and Software Development in Smalltalk},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCD, Math.Dep. Category ={DBDimpl, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Diederich1987:1, Author ={Diederich,J. and Milton,J.},
Title ={ODDESSY: An Object-Oriented Database Design System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Diederich1987:2, Author ={Diederich,J. and Milton,J.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Design System Shell},
Booktitle ={Proc. Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications 87.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@article{Diederich1987:3, Author ={Diederich,J. and Milton,J.},
Title ={Experimental Prototyping in SMALLTALK},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="50--64",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at UCD, Math experience while developing a database design tool. Category ={DBDlang, DBfile } }

@article{Diederich1987:4, Author ={Diederich,J. and Milton,J.},
Title ={New Methods and Fast Algorithms for Database Normalization},
Journal ={UCD, Math, revised .},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={Reductions in the number of closures computed. Modify existing algorithms to make the process faster. ---Modell Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Diederich1989, Author ={Diederich,J. and Milton,J.},
Title ={Creating Domain Specific Metadata for Scientific Data and Knowledge Bases},
Note ={rcvd. ?},
Year =1989, Annote ={ going beyond pre-defined data models or knowledge based representation paradigms Category ={DBDappl, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Diederich1989:1, Author ={Diederich,J., Fortuner,R., and Milton,J.},
Title ={Building a Knowledge Base for Plant Parasitic Nematodes: Description and Specification of Metadata},
Note ={rcvd. ?},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDappl, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Diel1988, Author ={Diel,H., Kreyssig,J., Schukat,H., Weber, and Zeidler,H.C.},
Title ={Special Hardware for the Support of File Management and Query Evaluation},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at IBM, Boeblingen, TU.Braunschweig (FRG) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Diener1985, Author ={Diener,A., Bragger,R., Dudler,A., and Zehnder,C.A.},
Title ={Replicating and Allocating Data in a Distributed Database System for Workstations},
Journal ={Proc. ACM SIGSMALL.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Pages ="5--9",
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Diener1985:1, Author ={Diener,A. and Dudler,A.},
Title ={The Integrity Subsystem of a Distributed Database System for Workstations},
Journal ={Proc.ACM C.S. Conf..},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="364--372",
Category ={DBFdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Diener1986, Author ={Diener,Andreas R.},
Title ={An Architecture for Distributed Databases on Workstations},
Booktitle ={PhD Th. , ETH Zurich, TR-2, 1987.},
Year =1986, Number ="8088",
Annote ={federated systems Knowledge-based tools for database design. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist> DBDintegrity> EIS, thesis shelf } }

@article{Diethelm1973, Author ={Diethelm,M.A.},
Title ={A Method for Evaluating Mass Storage Effects on System Performance},
Journal ={See also review by J.S.Pirn, Comp. Reviews,p.872.},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Number ="25",
Annote ={at Honeywell, Phoenix A technique to maximize file utilization and a queuing solution. Category ={DBFtechn> } }

@inproceedings{Dietrich1989, Author ={Dietrich,W.C.Jr., Nachman,L.R., and Gracer,F.},
Title ={Saving a Legacy with Objects},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA .},
Year =1989, Pages ="77--83",
Annote ={ Address the problem of having to interface to or build on old systems which cannot be modified or re-created due to their complexity and cost. The paper takes into account that such systems are likely to have been built in conventional languages with limited use of data abstraction or encapsulation. The paper describes how the authors used object-oriented programming to interface to such a system. The problem is relevant to database work because databases are notorious for being `legacies' that must be lived with. ---Paepcke. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@techreport{Dietterich1985, Author ={Dietterich,Thomas G.},
Title ={Constraint Propagation Techniques for Theory-Driven Data Interpretation},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford Un..},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Dietschmann1983, Author ={Dietschmann(ed)},
Title ={Representation and Exchange of Knowledge as a Basis of Information Processes},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDkb, Z672.5.I58} }

@techreport{Dignum1986, Author ={Dignum,F.P.M.},
Title ={Formalizing Events and Their Effects using Logic},
Institution ={VU (Amsterdam), TR.IR-111.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam) Update via two new logical operators, add,subtract (+,-), with open world assumption + may create discjunction, --- increases the number of models. With Closed world assumption it all changes. Category ={DBDlogic, DGfile } }

@techreport{Dignum1986:1, Author ={Dignum,F.P.M.},
Title ={Formalizing Events and their Effects Using Logic},
Institution ={VU (Amsterdam), TR-IR-111.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam) Update via two new logical operators, add,subtract (+,-), with open world assumption + may create discjunction, --- increases the number of models. With Closed world assumption it all changes. Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile Winslett } }

@techreport{Dignum1989, Author ={Dignum,F.P.M.},
Title ={A Language for Modelling Knowledge Bases},
Institution ={Thesis, Centrale Huisdrukkerij VU},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDkb, thesis file} }

@article{Dileva1988, Author ={Dileva,A. and Giolito,P.},
Title ={Information Systems Dynamics Representation in Production Environments},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1988, Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Petri nets at two levels: organization and conceptual. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDkb> } }

@techreport{DiMare1984, Author ={DiMare,Adolfo},
Title ={Secondary Storage Management in PROLOG},
Institution ={Rcvd Sum..},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@book{Dinerstein1987, Author ={Dinerstein,Nelson T.},
Title ={dBASE III PLUS for the Programmer},
Publisher ={Scott, Foresman & Co, (Glenview IL), 637pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8904-0194.},
Year =1987, Annote ={Fair advanced use. Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@inproceedings{Dinsmore1986, Author ={Dinsmore,John},
Title ={Spaceprobe: A System for Representing Complex Knowledge},
Booktitle ={International Symp.on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems; Un.Tennessee.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="399--407",
Annote ={at Southern Illinois Un., DCS, (Carbondale IL) Counterfactuals. Inference often fails in the counterfactual: Hoover, a communist; context climbing. Category ={DBDkb> KSYS> } }

@inproceedings{Dintelman1984, Author ={Dintelman,S.M. and Maness,A.T.},
Title ={An Implementation of a Query Language Supporting Path Expressions},
Booktitle ={rcvd ?},
Year =1984, Annote ={at LDS Hospital; Un.Utah The query language GENISYS. Link selectors. Category ={DBDquery.3.3> } }

@article{Director1981, Author ={Director,S.W., Parker,A.C., Siewiorek,D.P., and Thomas,D.E.},
Title ={A Design Methodology and Computer Aids for digital VLSI Design},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Circuits and System, Vol.CAS-28.},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Pages ="634--645",
Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Dittrich1985, Author ={Dittrich,K.R. and Lorie,R.A.},
Title ={Version Support for Engineering Database Systems},
Journal ={IBM, TR-RJ4769.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@book{Dittrich1986, Author ={Dittrich,K. and Dayal,U.(Eds)},
Title ={Proceedings 1986 International Workshop on Object-Oriented Database Systems},
Publisher ={IEEE CS Order .},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Number ="734",
Category ={DBDobject> EIS, x} }

@inproceedings{Dittrich1987, Author ={Dittrich,K.R.},
Title ={Controlled Cooperation in Engineering Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> EIS>} }

@article{Dittrich1987:1, Author ={Dittrich,K.R., Gotthard,W., and Lockemann,P.C.},
Title ={DAMOKLES -- The Database System for the UNIBASE Software Engineering Environment},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="37--47",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={ at Un.Karlsruhe, Forschungszentrum Informatik, (Karlsruhe FRG) Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Dias1986, Author ={Dias,D.M., Iyer,B.R., and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={On Coupling Many Small Systems for Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc. 13 Intl. Symp. on Comp. Architecture.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFtrans , DBfile Yu} }

@inproceedings{Dias1987, Author ={Dias,D., Iyer,B., Robinson,J., and Yu,P.},
Title ={Design and Analysis of Integrated Concurrency-Coherency Controls},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Dias1988, Author ={Dias,D.M., Iyer,B.R., and Yu,P.},
Title ={Tradeoffs Between Coupling Small and Large Processors for Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, no.3.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="310-320",
Volume ="27",
Annote ={ best processor sizes in terms of MIPS and mix for responsetime. Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@article{Dias1989, Author ={Dias,D.M., Iyer,B.R., Robinson,J.T., and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={Integrated Concurrency-Coherency Controls for Multisystem Data Sharing},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="437--448",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM Yorktown shared intermediate memory is used for buffering and for early commit processing; read-write synchronization and write serialization problems; more substantial gains are realized with the use of an integrated concurrency-coherency control protocol Category ={DBFconc> } }

@inproceedings{Diaz1990, Author ={Diaz,O. and Gray,P.},
Title ={Semantic-rich User-defined Relationship as a Main Constructor in Object Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Aberdeen Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Diaz1991, Author ={Diaz,O., Paton,N., and Gray,P.},
Title ={Rule Management in Object-Oriented Databases: A Uniform Approach},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ rules are described using attributes and methods; as a result rules can be related to other objects and arranged in hierarchies, can be defined to be triggered by methods attached to rules Category ={DBDobject> } }

@techreport{Diehl1986, Author ={Diehl,R.K., McGhee,R.B., and Zyda,M.J.},
Title ={Two-Dimensional Polygonal Representation of Maps for use with Autonomous Vehicle Route Planning},
Institution ={NPGS, TR.NPS52-86-016.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at NPGS, Category ={Image>} }

@book{Diehr1989, Author ={Diehr,George},
Title ={Database management},
Publisher ={Scott, Foresman & Co, 412pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9102-0045.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Un. Washington, Seattle aimed at future database administrators; illustrates ORACLE and RBASE, numerous charts and tables Category ={DBDintro> } }

@techreport{Dietrich1986, Author ={Dietrich,S.W. and Warren,D.S.},
Title ={Extension Tables: Memo Relations in Logic Programming},
Institution ={Tech.Rep, SUNY-SB, rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ The general idea is that one can save tuples that have been proved during the course of execution of a (side-effect-free) Prolog program. ---jeff Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Diffie1976, Author ={Diffie,W., and Hellman,M.E.},
Title ={New Directions in Cryptography},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Vol.IT-22 .},
Year =1976, Month =Nov,
Pages ="644--654",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDprivacy.4> DBFrepresent-5>} }

@article{Diffie1984, Author ={Diffie,W. and Hellman,M.E.},
Title ={An Introduction To Cryptography},
Journal ={Adv. in Data Communications Manag., Slonim, Ungar, and Fisher (Eds.) John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), ; ACM Computing Reviews 8602-0125.},
Year =1984, Pages ="55--134",
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at BNR. DES, Public-Key Distribution RSA Public-Key Cryptosystem; Block and Stream Ciphers, Key Management; No references to after 1979. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@incollection{Diggory1971, Author ={Diggory,T.J.},
Title ={Management Information Indigestion--A Cure},
Booktitle ={The Business Quarterly..},
Year =1971, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Dijkstra1965, Author ={Dijkstra,E.W.},
Title ={Solution of a Problem in Concurrent Programming Control},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , pp.569.},
Year =1965, Month =Sep,
Volume ="8",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Electrologica, THS Eindhoven Design of interlock for multi-accessed data bases Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Dijkstra1966, Author ={Dijkstra,E.W.},
Title ={The Structure of the THE Multi-programming System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1966, Month =May,
Pages ="143--346",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Design principles for correct programming systems Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Dijkstra1968, Author ={Dijkstra,E.W.},
Title ={Cooperating sequential processes},
Journal ={Programming Languages, Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1968, Pages ="43--112",
Annote ={ Very careful and thoughtful exposition of integrity problem Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Dijkstra1971, Author ={Dijkstra,E.W.},
Title ={Hierarchial Ordering of Sequential Processes},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1971, Month =Oct,
Pages ="115--138",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFintro.3>} }

@article{dImperio1969, Author ={dImperio,Mary E.},
Title ={Data Structures and Their Representation in Storage},
Journal ={The Annual Review in Automatic Programming, Pergamon Press, Halpern and Shaw(eds).},
Year =1969, Pages ="1--75",
Annote ={System Design Category ={DBFintro>} }

@article{Dimitrov1991, Author ={Dimitrov,B., Khalil,Z., Kolev,N., and Petrov,P.},
Title ={On the Optimal Total Processing Time Using Checkpoints},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Volume ="17",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Inst.Mathematics, Sofia, Bulgaria Category ={DBDreliab> } }

@inproceedings{Dimitrova1992, Author ={Dimitrova,N. and Golshani,F.},
Title ={EVA: A Query Language for Multimedia Information Systems},
Booktitle ={ WORKSHOP ON MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION SYSTEManagement Science, Journal of TIMS, Tempe, Arizona, 1992.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Arizona State Un; Bull Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Dimsdale1973, Author ={Dimsdale,J.J. and Heaps,R.S.},
Title ={File Structure for an On_Line Catalog of One Million Titles},
Journal ={Journal of Library Automation.},
Year =1973, Month Mar,
Pages ="37--55",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Alberta; Sir George William Un. (Montreal) Analytical Description of a file design with direct access to multiple indexes, much implementation detail. Category ={DBFhybrid.6> %Dimsdale73 } }

@article{Dixon1967, Author ={Dixon,P.J. and Sable,J.},
Title ={DM-1, A Generalized Data Management System},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1967, Pages ="185--198",
Volume ="30",
Annote ={at LDS Hospital; Un.Utah (Salt Lake City UT) The query language GENISYS link selectors. Category ={DBDquery.3.3> at Auerbach (Philadelphia PA). Detailed description of hierarchical data base system with schema. Category ={DBDschema.7>%Dixon67 } }

@article{Dixon1967:1, Author ={Dixon,W.J.},
Title ={Use of Displays with Packaged Statistical Programs},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS.},
Year =1967, Pages ="481--484",
Volume ="31",
Category ={DBDquery.2.2>} }

@book{Dixon1969, Author ={Dixon, Wilfrid J. and Massey, Frank J.jr.},
Title ={Introduction to Statistical Analysis, 3rd ed.},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 638pp.},
Year =1969, Category ={DBFtechn.0>} }

@manual{DKE1986, Author ={DKE special issue},
Title ={An evaluation of Commercial Expert System Building Tools},
Organization ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1986, Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ KEE, ART, and Knowledge Craft are compared based on knowledge representation scheme, hypothetical reasoning, reasoning control (data/goal directed), explanation, ease of engineering, etc. ---Xiaolei Category ={DBDkb> } } % ------- DM ------biblio----1949-1991------

@manual{DoD1983, Author ={DoD Computer Security Ctr},
Title ={Trusted Computer System Evaluation Criteria},
Organization ={Rech.Rep. Fort Meade MD.},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ The Orange report, follows DoD directive 5215.1. Trusted Computing Base. Defines Minimal, Discretionary, Mandatory, and Verified Protection. Category ={DBFsecurity, xADA shelf } }

@inproceedings{Dodd1966, Author ={Dodd,G.G.},
Title ={APL --- a Language for Associative Data --- Handling in PL/1},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1966, Pages ="677--684",
Volume ="29",
Category ={DBFhybrid.8> %Dodd66} }

@article{Dodd1969, Author ={Dodd,George G.},
Title ={Elements of Data Management Systems},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1969, Month =Jun,
Pages ="117--133",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ definitions and examples of various file org. methods. Category ={DBFseq> } }

@article{Dogac1980, Author ={Dogac,A. and Ozkarahan,E.A.},
Title ={A Generalized DBMS Implementation on a DaTa Base Machine},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data , Santa Monica CA, 1980.},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Annote ={ER model Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Dogac1989, Author ={Dogac,A., Yuruten,B., and Spaccapietra,S.},
Title ={A generalized expert system for database design},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="479-491",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Middle East TU, Ankara three steps: requirements analysis in terms of predefined concepts, translation to a conceptual scheme, production of a final logical scheme; it is menu driven and coded in Prolog ---B.Thalheim. two parts: 1) an expert system for generating methodologies. 2) an expert system for database design menu-driven and coded in Prolog Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Dohi1982, Author ={Dohi,Y., et al},
Title ={Hardware Sorter and Its Application to Data Base Machines},
Booktitle ={ACM CA-NNP 9.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Dolby1984, Author ={Dolby,J.L.},
Title ={A Theory of Data: Implications for Information Retrieval},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at San Jose State Un. Category ={DBDstat>} }

@techreport{Dolby1985, Author ={Dolby,J.L. and Clark,N.},
Title ={The Language of Data Project},
Institution ={San Jose State Un., Dep.math and CS.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Project supported by Charlie Smith, System Development Foundation. Category ={DBDstat> DBDquery, DBfile } }

@article{Dolev1982, Author ={Dolev,D.},
Title ={The Byzantine Generals Strike Again},
Journal ={J.of Algorithms.},
Year =1982, Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5>} }

@inproceedings{Dolev1982:1, Author ={Dolev,D. and Strong,H.R.},
Title ={Distributed Commit with Bounded Waiting},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="53--60",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5>} }

@inproceedings{Dolev1982:2, Author ={Dolev,D. and Strong,S.},
Title ={Polynomial Algorithms for Multiple Processor Agreement},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing 14.},
Year =1982, Pages ="401--407",
Annote ={Byzantine generals Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5>} }

@article{Dolev1982:3, Author ={Dolev,D. and Reischuk,R.},
Title ={Bounds on Information Exchange for Byzantine Agreement},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing 1, SIGACT-SIGOPS, Ottawa.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5>} }

@techreport{Dolev1984, Author ={Dolev,D., Maier,D., Mairson,H. and Ullman,J.},
Title ={Correcting Faults in Write-Once Memory},
Institution ={Stanford Un. CS report STAN-CS-84-999.},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ a storage device model similar to Optical disc. Pointer codes encoded as trees provide recovery at less cost than Hamming codes. Category ={DBFrepresent.2> DBFhard.1.3, DBfile } }

@techreport{Dolev1985, Author ={Dolev,D. and Strong,H.R.},
Title ={Athenticated Algorithms for Byzantine Agreement},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RJ3416.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5, DBfile } }

@incollection{Dolev1987, Author ={Dolev,D., Lamport,L., Pease,M., and Shostak,R.},
Title ={The Byzantine Generals},
Booktitle ={`Concurrency Control and Reliability in Distributed Systems', Bhargava(ed), Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY).},
Year =1987, Pages ="348--369",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5>} }

@article{Dolk1983, Author ={Dolk,D.R. and Konsynski,B.R.},
Title ={Knowledge Representation for Model Management Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-10 .},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Pages ="619--628",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ FORTRAN and CODASYL based frame system, LP solves the model. Status unclear. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Dolk1985, Author ={Dolk,D.R. and Konsynski,B.R.},
Title ={Model management in organizations},
Journal ={Inf. Manage...},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Pages ="35-47",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFmaint>} }

@article{Dolk1987, Author ={Dolk,D.R. and Kirsch,R.A.II},
Title ={A Relational Information Resource Dictionary System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8712-1007.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Pages ="48--61",
Volume ="30",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at USNPG Monterey IRDS is a centralized depository of data about all relevant information resources within an organization. Implements close to proposed standards, uses SQL ORACLE. Category ={DBDadmin > DBDschema> DBFmaint> } }

@inproceedings{Donaho1987, Author ={Donaho,J.E.D. and Davis,G.K.},
Title ={Ada-Embedded SQL: The Options},
Booktitle ={ACM Ada letters, Vol.vii .},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="60--72",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Sperry, St.Paul MN Problems of three alternatives. Recommends preprocessor. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@techreport{Donahue1985, Author ={Donahue,James and Demers,Alan},
Title ={Data Types are Values},
Institution ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="426--445",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Xerox; Cornell Un. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@techreport{Donahue1986, Author ={Donahue,J. and Orr,W-S.},
Title ={WALNUT, Storing Electronic Mail in a Database},
Institution ={Xerox, TR-CSL-85-9.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang, DBfile} }

@techreport{Donahue1986:1, Author ={Donahue,J., Hauser,C., and Kent,J.},
Title ={A Client Interface to an Entity-Relationship Database System},
Institution ={Xerox Corp.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Xerox Corp. ER frontend. Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@article{Dong1989, Author ={Dong,Guozhu},
Title ={On Distributed Processibility of Datalog Queries by Decomposing Databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at USC, Los Angeles, CSD Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Dong1992, Author ={Dong,G.},
Title ={Datalog Expressiveness of Chain Queries: Grammar Tools and Characterizations },
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Dong1992:1, Author ={Dong,G. and Topor,R.},
Title ={Incremental Evaluation of Datalog Queries},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Australia Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Dong1992:2, Author ={Dong,G. and Ramanohanarao,K.},
Title ={Representation and Translation of Queries in Heterogeneous Databases with Schematic Discreprancies},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Category ={DBDdist> } }

@book{Donio1971, Author ={Donio,Jean(ed)},
Title ={L'Informatique Documentaire},
Publisher ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique cahier no.7, (Rocquencourt, France)},
Year =1971, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Papers on bibliographic retrieval systems; incl. ECLAIR. Category ={DBDquery, xbook> } }

@inproceedings{Donovan1975, Author ={Donovan,J.J., Fessel,R., Greenberg,S.G., and Gutentag,L.M.},
Title ={An Experimental VM/370 Based Information System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="549--553",
Annote ={ at MIT, Sloan School of Management; IBM, Cambridge Scientific Ctr GMIS, an Implementation and extension of SEQUEL Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@article{Donovan1975:1, Author ={Donovan,J.J., Gutentag,L.M., Madnick,S.E., and Smith,G.N.},
Title ={An Application of a Generalized Management Information System to Energy Policy and Decision Making--The User's View},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="681--686",
Volume ="44",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Donovan1976, Author ={Donovan,J.J.},
Title ={Database System Approach to Management Decision Support},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1976, Month =Dec,
Pages ="344--369",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Donsez1990, Author ={Donsez,D. and Faudemay,P.},
Title ={A Parallel Execution Model for a Database Machine with High Performances},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Paris, France Category ={DBDmach>} }

@article{Dopping1965, Author ={Dopping,O.},
Title ={Suggestions for teaching of Administrative Data Processing at Swedish Universities},
Journal ={Bit ,},
Year =1965, Pages ="73--84",
Volume ="5",
Category ={DBDintro>.3} }

@inproceedings{Dosch1982, Author ={Dosch,W., Mascari,G., and Wirsing,M.},
Title ={On the Algebraic Specification of Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="370--385",
Annote ={ at TU, Munchen (FRG); Inst.Automatica (Rome, Italy) Category ={DBDmodel.0> } }

@techreport{Dosch1982:1, Author ={Dosch,W., Mascari,G., and Wirsing,M.},
Title ={On the Algebraic Specification of Databases},
Institution ={Report 82-11.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un. di Roma, Inst.Automatica Database abstractions, static and dynamic constraints, and a functional programming language for queries and updates. Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDlang> DBDnewDB, DBFile } }

@inproceedings{Dostert1971, Author ={Dostert,B.H. and Thompson,F.B.},
Title ={Syntactic Analysis in REL English},
Booktitle ={ International Meeting in Computational Linguistics, 1971},
Year =1971, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Dostert1971:1, Author ={Dostert,Bozena H. and Thompson,Frederick B.},
Title ={How Features Resolve Syntactic Ambiguity},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGIR .},
Year =1971, Pages ="19--32",
Annote ={ Description of parsing rules which allow free English queries on a data base kept in the REL system. Category ={DBDquery, xB10> } }

@article{Doszkocs1980, Author ={Doszkocs,T.E., Rapp,B.A., and Schoolman,H.M.},
Title ={Automated Information Retrieval in Science and Technology},
Journal ={Science.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Pages ="25--30",
Volume ="208",
Annote ={at NLM (Bethesda MD) Category ={MCS> DBDquery.1>} }

@article{Doszkocs1986, Author ={Doszkocs,Tamas E.},
Title ={Natural Language Processing in Information Retrieval},
Journal ={J.Am.Soc.Inf.Sci..},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="191--196",
Volume ="37",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at National Lib. of Medicine simple yet effective NLP capabilities of operational systems have been made. Extensive list of references. I3 Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Doty1980, Author ={Doty,K.L., Greenblatt,J.D., and Su,S.T.W.},
Title ={Magnetic Bubble Memory Architectures for Supporting Associative Searching of Relational Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers. Vol.C-29 .},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Pages ="957--970",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Un.Florida ; IBM (Boca Raton FL) Data access-time formulas reveal that positioning a marked page for access is a linear function of the minor loop length M, while outputting the marked pages via the bubbles serial output bus is a quadratic function of M. Category ={DBFhard.1.5> DBFstorage-3.3> } }

@inproceedings{Doucet1990, Author ={Doucet,A. and Pfeffer,P.},
Title ={Using a database system to implement a debugger},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at GIP Altair implementation in an object-oriented debugger for CO2 Category ={DBDobject> } }

@book{Doudnikoff1972, Author ={Doudnikoff,Basil},
Title ={Information Retrieval},
Publisher ={Auerbach (Philadelphia PA).},
Year =1972, Annote ={at Dataflow Systems Inc. Review of batch Inf. ReTR.and manual support functions Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Douglas1966, Author ={Douglas,C.W.},
Title ={File Organization and Search Techniques},
Booktitle ={Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, ASIS 1, John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) Interscience, Cuadra(ed).},
Year =1966, Category ={DBFeval>} }

@techreport{Douglas1984, Author ={Douglas,R.D., McCauley,E.V., Kuhn,A.D., Bell,J.L., and Wooldridge,K.W.},
Title ={DTIC 2000 -- A Corporate Plan for the Future},
Institution ={Defense Technical Information Ctr, TR-84-3, Alexandra VA.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBappl, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Douglis1989, Author ={Douglis,F. and Ousterhout,J.},
Title ={Log-Structured File Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar.,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="124--129",
Annote ={at UCB, EECS When log-structured file systems are combined with arrays of small disks and large main-memory file caches, it will be possible to achieve 1000-fold improvements in I/O performance over today's systems. Average file size is only 3-4 kbytes. Category ={DBFsyseval> } }

@book{Douque1976, Author ={Douque,B.C.M. and Nijssen,G.M.(eds)},
Title ={Data Base Description, A Technical In-Depth Evaluation of the DDL},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1976, Annote ={ Proc.IFIP TC-2 Working Conf.(No.2) on Data Definition Language, Jan.1975, at Wepion (Namur)Belgium. A Technical In-Depth Evaluation of the 73 CODASYL DDL Category ={DBDschema, x8book> %Douque75 } }

@article{Dowdy1982, Author ={Dowdy,L.W. and Foster,D.V.},
Title ={Comparative Models of the File Assignment Problem},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="287--313",
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@techreport{Dowkout1967, Author ={Dowkout et al},
Title ={A Methodology for the comparison of Generalized Data Management Systems: PEGS(Parameterized Evaluation of Generalized Systems},
Institution ={ESD-TR-67-2, AD811-682},
Year =1967, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFeval>} }

@inproceedings{Downing1990, Author ={Downing,A., Greenberg,I., and Peha,J.},
Title ={OSCAR: A System for Weak-Consistency Replication},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Annote ={at SRI Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Downs1988, Author ={Downs,E., Clare,P., and Coe,I.},
Title ={Structured systems analysis and design method},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 215 pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8908-0549.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ SSADM has been designated by the government of the UK as the standard method for the systems analysis and design stages of database or information technology project development; directed to the practitioner; logical data structuring technique, flow diagrams, entity life histories. ---Gladden. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Downs1986, Author ={Downs,S.M., Walker,M.G., and Blum,R.L.},
Title ={Automated summarization of on-line medical records},
Booktitle ={Stanford Un., Memo KSL-86-6.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Doyle1979, Author ={Doyle,John},
Title ={A Truth Maintenance System},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1979, Pages ="231--272",
Volume ="12",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Dozier1985, Author ={Dozier,J.A., Hammond,W.E., and Stead,W.W.},
Title ={Creating a Link Between Medical and Analytical Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="478--482",
Annote ={at Duke Un.Med. Ctr interface TMR data structures with SAS data structures Category ={DBDdesign> MIS> } }

@book{Draffan1980, Author ={Draffan,I.W. and Poole,I.(eds)},
Title ={Distributed Data Bases, An Advanced Course},
Publisher ={Cambridge Un. Press.},
Year =1980, Annote ={at Sheffield City Polytechnic Papers by Taylor,G.F.E.; King,P.J.H.; Draffan and Poole; Bradin, Baldissere, and Ceri; Stonebraker (2); Spaccapietra, LeLann, Selinger (2); Lindsay; Gross, Jackson, Joyce, and McGuire; Schreiber, Baldissere, and Ceri; Pelagatti and Schreiber. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Dreizen1989, Author ={Dreizen,H. and Chang,S-K.},
Title ={Imprecise Schema: a rationale for relations with embedded subrelations},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 9008-0699.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="447--479",
Volume ="14",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Illinois Inst. of Technology Nested relations permit dealing with exception and evolution. Many examples, implemented in RAIN. Exceptional Condition Nested Form is defined which allows the representation of exceptions while containing restrictions to prevent arbitrary and chaotic inclusion. Queries transform ECNF relations into 1NF relations containing two types of null values. If the data contain only a few 'exceptional' tuples, their effect might better be confined to a local schema change rather than changing the global schema; the effect of processing is only partly answered. ---Armstrong Category ={DBDkb> DBDnewDBMS> DBDschema> } }

@article{Drenick1993, Author ={Drenick,P.E. and Smith,E.J.},
Title ={Stochastic Query Optimization in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1993, Month =Jun,
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Drew1990, Author ={Drew,P., King,R., and Hudson,S.},
Title ={The Performance and Utility of the Cactis Implementation Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDnewDBMS>} }

@unpublished{Drew1990:1, Author ={Drew,P. and King,R.},
Title ={An Extensible Framework for Integrating Heterogeneous Database Management Systems},
Note ={COSI Workshop, Tulsa.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Design support for heterogenous databases, with abstract knowledge of the methods in remote databases Category ={DBDdist> } }

@book{Dreyfus1986, Author ={Dreyfus,H., Dreyfus,S., and Athanasiou,T.},
Title ={Mind over machine: the power of human intuition and expertise in the era of the computer},
Publisher ={Free Press, 231pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8709-0747.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ quote: different subworlds are not related like isolable physical systems to larger systems they compose, but are rather, local elaborations of a whole, which they presuppose ... and there is no way they can be combined and extended to arrive at the world of everyday life. Category ={unknown> } }

@article{Driscoll1987, Author ={Driscoll and Tarjan,B.},
Title ={Graph Traversal ?},
Journal ={?},
Year =1987, Annote ={Efficient DAG processing Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Droulette1971, Author ={Droulette,D. L.},
Title ={Recovery through Programming System-360-System-370},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1971, Pages ="467--476",
Volume ="38",
Annote ={at IBM (Kingston NY) Description of recovery options in IBM OS. Category ={DBFuse-4.5> } }

@article{Drud1989, Author ={Drud,A.},
Title ={Hercules - A Modeling System with Knowledge about Economics},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management (Computer Science in Economics and Management 21).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ A special issue devoted to papers presented at the conference on ICC Institute, Austin TX. D.A. Kendrick, L.S. Lasdon, T.W. Ruefli and A.B. Whinston (eds.). ---Gio Category ={DBDappl> } }

@manual{DTIC1984, Author ={DTIC},
Title ={First Conference on Computer Interfaces and Intermediaries for Information Retrieval: Selected Papers},
Organization ={DTIC, TR-86-10 (Williamsburg VA).},
Year =1984, Annote ={Includes NLMenu by Craig Thompson. Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@article{Du1982, Author ={Du,H.C. and Sobolewski,J.S.},
Title ={Disk Allocation for Cartesian Product Files on Multiple-Disk Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="82--101",
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota; Un.Washington For partial match queries. Allocate buckets among the m disks in such a way that, for all possible partial match queries, the concurrency of disk accesses is maximized. Category ={DBFimpl.2.7> } }

@article{Du1987, Author ={Du,D.H.C., Ghanta,S., and Maly,K.J.},
Title ={An Efficient File Structure for Document Retrieval in the Automated Office Environment},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ 'Fuzzy' queries use multikey extendible hashing and signature files. Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDoffice> DBFhybrid> } }

@article{Du1983, Author ={Du,M.W., Hsieh,T.M., Jea,K.F., and Shieh,D.W.},
Title ={Study of a New Perfect Hash Scheme},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE) Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="305--313",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at Nat. Chiao Tung Un., Inst.Comp.Eng., (Hsinchu, Taiwan) The algorithms applied to large key sets. Rehash and Segmentation. Analytic results, problems sizes are small, experiments for problems of larger size. Category ={DBFhash> } }

@inproceedings{Du1989, Author ={Du,W. and Elmagarmid,A.},
Title ={QSR: A Correctness Criterion For Global Concurrency Control in InterBase},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Purdue Un., CSD, (West Lafayette IN) Quasi serializability: A global history is quasi serializable if it is (conflict) equivalent to a quasi serial history in which global transactions are submitted serially; this is combined with local serializabilty at each node. An altruistic locking algorithm for federated DBs. Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc> FAUVE> } }

@inproceedings{Du1992, Author ={Du,W., Krishnamurthy,R., and Shan,M.C.},
Title ={Query Optimization in a Heterogeneous DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ model-free optimization without ESTIMATES; known and foreign vendor DBMSs conform to some standard providing the usual relational database statistics; deduce the necessary information by calibrating a given DBMS; proposed a calibrating database deducing the cost model coefficients devoid of the unpredictability problems; in 80% of the cases the estimate is quite accurate Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Du1988, Author ={Du,X-L. and Maryanski,F.J.},
Title ={Data Allocation in a Dynamically Reconfigurable Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Dublish1989, Author ={Dublish,P and Maheshwari,S.},
Title ={Expressibility of Bounded-Arity Fixed-Point Query Hierarchies},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IIT Delhi Category ={DBDquery>} }

@incollection{Dubois1985, Author ={Dubois,D. and Prade,H.},
Title ={The Generalized modus ponens under sub/min composition, a theoretical study},
Booktitle ={`Approximate Reasoning in Expert Systems' Gupta et al (eds), N-H, .},
Year =1985, Pages ="217--232",
Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Dubois1985:1, Author ={Dubois,D. and Prade,H.},
Title ={Theorie de Possibilites},
Booktitle ={Masson (publisher), Paris France.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Possibility theory, `soon to appear in English'. 5-valued representation. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Dubois1986, Author ={Dubois,E., Hagelstein,J., Lahou,E., Rifaut,A., and Williams,F.},
Title ={A Data Model for Requirements Engineering},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Dubois1988, Author ={Dubois,E.},
Title ={Logical support for reasoning about the specification and the elaboration of requirements},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at France Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Dubost1975, Author ={Dubost,P. and Trousse,J-M.},
Title ={Software Implementation of a new Method of Combinatorial Hashing},
Journal ={Stanford CS report STAN-CS--75-511.},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Stanford Un.CSD An Implementation of Burkhard's partial match retrieval scheme using binary trees instead of binary strings. Category ={DBFhybrid.6.4> } }

@incollection{Duchene1988, Author ={Duchene,H., Kaul,M., and Turau,V.},
Title ={Vodak Kernel Data Model},
Booktitle ={GMD-IPSI, TR.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={at GMD-IPSI, (Darmstadt, FRG) Category ={DBDobject, DBfile Neuhold } }

@article{Duda1983, Author ={Duda,R.O. and Shortliffe,E.H.},
Title ={Expert Systems Research},
Journal ={Science.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Pages ="261--268",
Volume ="220",
Number ="4594",
Annote ={at Fairchild Adv.R.D, Palo Alto and Stanford Un. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Duda1987, Author ={Duda,R.O., Hart,P.E., Reboh,R., Reiter,J., and Risch,T.},
Title ={SYNTEL: Language for Financial Risk Analysis},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, no.3, Fall .},
Year =1987, Pages ="18--30",
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Syntelligence a nonprocedural dataflow language. Output computed as needed. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Dudler1986, Author ={Dudler,Andreas},
Title ={Entwurf Verteilter Datenbanken in German},
Institution ={PhD Th., ETH Zurich,},
Year =1986, Annote ={design of distrubuted databases. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist, PhD shelf } }

@article{Duffy1969, Author ={Duffy,G.F. and Gartner,F.P.},
Title ={An On-Line Information System for Management},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1969, Pages ="339--350",
Volume ="34",
Category ={DBDquery.6>} }

@article{Dufree1987, Author ={Dufree,E.H., Lesser,V.R., and Corkill,D.D.},
Title ={Coherent Cooperation Among Communicating Problems Solvers},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, vol.36 no.11.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1275--1291",
Annote ={ Multi-level blackboard used for non-serializable processes. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist> } }

@article{Dugwette1987, Author ={Dugwette,Chuck},
Title ={System Integrators Need Practical Solutions to bring WORM Technology On-line},
Journal ={Hardcopy.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="28--36",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhard, Opt box} }

@inproceedings{Duhl1988, Author ={Duhl,J. and Damon,C.},
Title ={A Performance Comparison of Object and Relational Databases Using the Sun Benchmark},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA .},
Year =1988, Pages ="153--163",
Annote ={at Ontologic Inc, Billerica MA Category ={DBDobject>} }

@incollection{Duke1978, Author ={Duke,R.A.},
Title ={Six 'Easy' Steps to Information Resources Management...Or, How I Learned to Love My Source Base},
Booktitle ={INFOSYSTEManagement Science, Journal of TIMS Magazine.},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Volume ="20",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDintro.8> DBDadmin>} }

@book{Dunlop1991, Author ={Dunlop,Charles and Kling,Rob},
Title ={Computerization & Controversy, Value Conflicts and Social Choices},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY) Press , 758pp.},
Year =1991, Annote ={ an anthology of articles about social issues of computing. Scenarios, Productivity, How computerization transforms work, Groupware, Design with social principles, Electronic mail, Privacy and personal freedom, Risks in health care, ethical issues, organizational computer abuse. Authors include Attewell,P., Barus,C., Berry,W., Beninger,J., Bennett,J.*, Borning,A., BjornAnderson,N.*, Bullen,C.*, Clarke,R., Denning,P., Ehn,P., Feigenbaum,E.,Garcia,L., Iacono,S., Jacky,J.*, Kling,R., Kraemer,K.*, Ladd,J., Laudon,K., McCorduck,P., Parnas,D., Perrolle,J.*, Rule,J., Sculley,J., Shattuck,J., Smith,B., Stoll,C., VanGelder,L., Weingarten,F., Weizenbaum,J., and Winograd,T. . (* new essays) Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@article{Dunnigan1984, Author ={Dunnigan,Mike},
Title ={5.25-In. Fixed/Removable Disk Products Resolve Data Integrity Problems},
Journal ={Computer Technology Review, Spr..},
Year =1984, Pages ="19--22",
Annote ={at Cynthia Peripherals Corp, MN? review of Winchester cartridge standardization and technology. Category ={DBFhard.1.3> } }

@techreport{Dunstan1989, Author ={Dunstan,James E. (editor)},
Title ={Knobots in the Real World},
Institution ={Rep.of Workshop on the Protection of Intellectual Property Rights in a Digital Library System, Corp.for Nat.Res.Initiatives, Reston VA.},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={ Definitions and discussion of 'rightsholder' protection. To what extent can a knobot mediate access. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@techreport{Duppel1988, Author ={Duppel,N., Reuter,A., Schiele,G., and Zeller,H.},
Title ={Progress Report No.3 of PROSPECT},
Institution ={rcvd..},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart, DCS parallel access to CADdata Category ={EIS> DBFmach, DBfile } }

@techreport{Duppel1987, Author ={Duppel,N., Peinl,P., Reuter,A., Schiele,G., and Zeller,H.},
Title ={Progress Report No.2 of PROSPECT},
Institution ={Un.Stuttgart, FRG, rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={parallel processing using Tandem SQL. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile Reuter } }

@article{Duppel1989, Author ={Duppel,Norbert},
Title ={Parallel SQL on TANDEM's NonStop SQL},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar., IEEE CS,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="168--173",
Annote ={ Two heuristics: vertical partitioning performs better than horizontal partitioning of query trees, and selections should be pushed down to common subtrees. Multi-processor, concurrent execution of several SQL statements. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Duppel1991, Author ={Duppel,N.},
Title ={Modeling and Optimization of Complex Database Queries in a Shared-Nothing System},
Booktitle ={Third IEEE Symp. on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Dallas.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart Category ={DBDdist> DBDops>} }

@article{Durand1986, Author ={Durand,Charles},
Title ={},
Journal ={submitted to ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Durchholz1972, Author ={Durchholz,R.},
Title ={Das Datenmodell bei Codd},
Institution ={GMD (Bonn FRG), TR-60,},
Year =1972, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@incollection{Durchholz1974, Author ={Durchholz,R. and Richter,G.},
Title ={Concepts for Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Klimbie74 and Koffeman (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@book{Durell1987, Author ={Durell,William R.},
Title ={Data Administration: A Practical Guide to Successful Data Management},
Publisher ={unknown, ?},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Durham1983, Author ={Durham,I., Lamb,D.A., and Saxe,J.B.},
Title ={Spelling Correction in User Interfaces},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="764--773",
Volume ="26",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at CMU Category ={DBDquery.3> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Durr1988, Author ={Durr,M. and Kemper,A.},
Title ={Transaction Control Mechanism for the Object Cache Interface of R2D2},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Dutta1982, Author ={Dutta,A., Koehler,G., and Whinston,A.},
Title ={An Optimal Allocation in a Distributed Processing Environment},
Journal ={TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Pages ="839--852",
Volume ="28",
Number ="8",
Annote ={ at Un.Rochester, Micro Database Systems., Lafayette IN, and Purdue Un. A quadratic partitioning model is developed to represent this interaction of tasks in a distributed processing environment. Initially, no capacity constraints are considered at any processor. An optimal solution (in a probabilistic sense) is found for this uncapacitated problem using a probabilistic branch and bound technique. Capacity constraints for processors are then introduced. Three intuitively appealing heuristics are developed to obtain good, though not necessarily optimal, solutions to the capacitated problem. Category ={DBFsyseval.3> } }

@article{Dutta1985, Author ={Dutta,A. and Jain,H.K.},
Title ={A DSS for Distributed Computer System Design in the Presence of Multiple Conflicting Objectives},
Journal ={Decision Support Systems.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Rochester; Un.Wisconsin Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign> DBDdist @inproceedings{Dutta1989, Author ={Dutta,Soumitra},
Title ={Temporal Relational Operators for Generalized Events in Temporal Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Duzi1988, Author ={Duzi,M., Krejci,F., and Stanicek,Z.},
Title ={Database Project UNIS (a UNIfied database development support System)},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1988, Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={Four-schema architecture. Languages. Category ={DBDbound> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Duzi1992, Author ={Duzi,Marie},
Title ={Semantic Information Connected with Data},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Charles University, Prague, CSFR Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@article{Dwyer1987, Author ={Dwyer,P.A. and Larson,J.A.},
Title ={Some Experiences with a Distributed Database Testbed System},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="633--648",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Honeywell, Golden Valley (MN) Category ={DBDdist, xissue } }

@article{Dwyer1988, Author ={Dwyer,P.A., Hou,C.C., Kumar,A., and Larson,J.A.},
Title ={ANSWER: Army's Nonprogrammer System for Working Encyclopedia Requests},
Journal ={IEEE CS Dist.Processing TC Newsletter.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="5--13",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Database dictionary. Hundreds of databases and files for a unified reference catalog. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@book{Dyer1992, Author ={Dyer,Micheael},
Title ={The Cleanroom Approach to Software Development},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 198pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9211-0861.},
Year =1992, Annote ={at IBM introductory reference for professionals as well as students; addresses mathematical correctness verification of the software design Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Dyreson1993, Author ={Dyreson,C. and Snodgrass,R.},
Title ={Historical Indeterminacy},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Arizona Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Dyson1989, Author ={Dyson,Esther (Ed)},
Title ={Self-Organizing Systems},
Journal ={Release 1.0.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Edventure Holdings, NY FAUVE Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Dzuback1965, Author ={Dzuback,B.J. and Warburton,C.R.},
Title ={The Organization of Structured Files},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1965, Month =Jul,
Pages ="446--452",
Volume ="8",
Category ={DBFseq>} } % ------ E ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@article{Eager1983, Author ={Eager,D.L. and Sevcik,K.C.},
Title ={Achieving Robustness in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Pages ="354--381",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Three phases: 1. read and write to a private workspace, 2. indicate intention to commit, restart, or abort, 3. if verified complete actual transaction. Intention to update from phase 2 is withdrawn if abort or restart is the end result of phase 2. Two versions are presented, either the data are transmitted in phase 3, or, if handled as phase 2 of two-phase commit protocol, the data are held in secure storage from phase 2 to phase 3. In case of partitioning, voting (ref. Gifford) is used, but to prevent broad lockouts, those transactions which cannot update all copies must post this failure at a quorum of nodes, so that successor transactions can test that they do not conflict, and do not enter phase 3. Dangling precommits may be resolved by checking other nodes in the partition. On restablishing the net acyclicness is created by possibly restarting transactions which led to a cycle in the combined schedule. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.3> DBFrepresent-3.5.4> } }

@article{Earley1971, Author ={Earley,Jay},
Title ={Towards an Understanding of Data Structures},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1971, Month =Oct,
Pages ="617--627",
Volume ="14",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBFseq.1, xB8> %Earley71} }

@inproceedings{Earley1972, Author ={Earley,Jay},
Title ={On the Semantics of Data Structures},
Booktitle ={Data Base Systems, Rustin(ed), Prentice-Hall publishers .},
Year =1972, Pages ="13--32",
Annote ={at UCB, Discussion of languages for relational retrieval Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Earley1973, Author ={Earley, Jay},
Title ={Relational Level Data Structures for Programming Languages},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Pages ="293--309",
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at UCB, Definition of a system which handles set relations, clear mathematical exposition. Category ={DBDmodel.1> } }

@techreport{Earnest1974, Author ={Earnest,C.P.},
Title ={A Comparison of the Network and Relational Data Structure Models},
Institution ={Computer Sciences Corp, El Segundo (CA).},
Year =1974, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Eastman1981, Author ={Eastman,C.M. and McLean,D.S.},
Title ={On the Need of Parsing Ill-formed Inputs},
Journal ={AJCL, pp.247.},
Year =1981, Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ 693 natural language queries were analyzed: 12.3pct had errors and 14pct ellipsis Category ={DBDnat> } }

@techreport{Eastman1991, Author ={Eastman,C., Bond,A., and Chase,S.},
Title ={A Data Model for Design Databases},
Institution ={Report 12.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCLA Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@book{Easton1973, Author ={Easton,A.},
Title ={Complex Managerial Decisions Involving Multiple Objectives},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 421pp.},
Year =1973, Category ={DBFuse-3>} }

@article{Easton1969, Author ={Easton,M.C.},
Title ={A Streamlined Statistical System for a Medical Computer Center},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 24.},
Year =1969, Pages ="494--475",
Annote ={Use of transposed files. Category ={DBFimpl.2>} }

@techreport{Easton1977, Author ={Easton,M.C.},
Title ={Model for Database Reference Strings Based on Behavior of Reference Clusters},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RC6430.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBFeval>} }

@inproceedings{Easton1984, Author ={Easton,M.C.},
Title ={Write-Error Management on Write-Once Digital Optical Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE DBE Bull..},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="20--24",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ problems of dealing with block-rewrites if writing is not sequential. Category ={DBFhard.1.4> } }

@article{Easton1985, Author ={Easton,Malcolm},
Title ={Key-Sequence Data Sets on Indelible Storage ?},
Journal ={IBM, Res.R. RJ4778 (?4776).},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Btree based method for storing data on WORMs. The unit for a write is a sector which corresponds to a single data or index entry. The access time is proportional to the log of n(file). It is argued that the storage occupied by indices is negligible compared to that required by data. On the average data will occupy between 2 and 3 times the size, though the worst case is 4 times. A mechanism for accessing the database as of a particular time is also provided (history maintenance). Multiversion Btrees: leave old nodes with timestamps, propogate newly written nodes as inserts up the Btree index with timestamps. Category ={EIS> DBFindex.4> } }

@inproceedings{Ecklund1984, Author ={Ecklund,E.F. and Price,D.M.},
Title ={Multiple Version Management of Hypothetical Databases},
Booktitle ={Oregon State Un., TR-CR-84-16.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Oregon State Un., CSD The extension of each database object is managed as a tree of one branch. All other branches are considered hypothetical. A branch grows when updated. Updates to the primary version must be serializable, but hypothetical versions are not subject to such a constraint. Conflicting updates can be accepted by creating new hypothetical versions. Category ={DBDobject> EIS, DBfile Tonge } }

@techreport{Ecklund1985, Author ={Ecklund, Denise J.},
Title ={Robustness of Distributed Hypothetical Databases},
Institution ={Oregon State Un., TR-CR-85-35.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Oregon State Un., CSD Category ={DBDdist> EIS, DBfile Tonge } }

@inproceedings{Ecklund1987, Author ={Ecklund,D.J., Ecklund,E.F., Eifrig,B.O., and Tonge,F.M},
Title ={DVSS: A Distributed Version Storage Server for CAD Applications},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ partition failures resolution involves winners. Multi writer or resolve to parent version. Category ={EIS> DBDdist> DBDreliab> } }

@article{Ecklund1989, Author ={Ecklund,D.J. and Smith,R.A.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Performance for Electronic Design Automation Tools},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar., IEEE CS,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="421--424",
Annote ={ at Menthor Graphics Corp, Advanced Products Div, (Beaverton OR) Clustering criteria Category ={EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Eddy1972, Author ={Eddy,R.B.},
Title ={The Role of Data Base Administration},
Booktitle ={GUIDE.},
Year =1972, Month =May,
Volume ="34",
Category ={DBDadmin.8>} }

@inproceedings{Eddy1987, Author ={Eddy,W.F.},
Title ={Approximating Belief Functions in Rule-Based Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. First International Conference on Statistical Computing, ?},
Year =1987, Annote ={uncertainty functions}. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@article{Edelberg1974, Author ={Edelberg,Murray},
Title ={Data Base Contamination and Recovery},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed), page 419--430..},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDintegrity, x13>} }

@inproceedings{Eder1987, Author ={Eder,J. and Mittmeier,T.R.},
Title ={XPL*SQL -- A tool for Knowledge Representation},
Booktitle ={IEEE workshop `Languages for Automation', Vienna Austria.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDkb> EIS, DBfile} }

@article{Edge1978, Author ={Edge,S.W. and Hinchley,A.J.},
Title ={A survey of end-to-end retransmission techniques},
Journal ={SIG Computer Communication Review.},
Year =1978, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1--16",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFhard>} }

@manual{EDIF1987, Author ={EDIF User Group},
Title ={EDIF Version 2 0 0},
Organization ={Electronic Industry Assoc., (Washington DC).},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at (Mesa, AZ 85202) Cost: Non EIA member- dol.40, Student -20. Category ={EIS> } }

@techreport{Edighoffer1986, Author ={Edighoffer,Judy L.},
Title ={Distributed, Replicated Computer Bulletin Board Service},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford Un., TR.STAN-CS-86-1133.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDdist, thesis file} }

@article{Editors1976, Author ={Editors},
Title ={Database Management Systems: More than just a New Technique},
Journal ={???? magazine, Feb..},
Year =1976, Month =Jan,
Pages ="32--38",
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Annote ={No information available on reprint. A non-technical overview of Database Management Systems (DBMS). Directed towards the non-technical manager, it expounds upon DBMS advantages such as lower data redundancy, reduced maintenance costs, enhanced security, etc. --- Fountain Category ={DBDschema, Student file (Fountain) } }

@inproceedings{Edelberg1974:1, Author ={Edelberg,M.},
Title ={Data Base Contamination and Recovery},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Pages ="419--430",
Category ={DBDtrans.3>} }

@article{Eder1990, Author ={Eder,Johann},
Title ={Extending SQL with General Transitive Closure and Extreme Value Selections},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Vienna uses a view mechanism to specify transitive connection semantics, monotonicity, cycles, and computations Category ={DBDops> } }

@article{Edwards1977, Author ={Edwards,B.J.},
Title ={Choice of Block Sizes for Magnetic Tape Files},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1977, Pages ="10--14",
Volume ="20",
Category ={DBFhard.2> DBDseven.2.4>} }

@techreport{Edwards1967, Author ={Edwards,J.S.},
Title ={Classification, Relevance and Retrieval},
Institution ={PhD Th., U.Penn..},
Year =1967, Annote ={at Un.Penn, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Effelsberg1983, Author ={Effelsberg,Wolfgang},
Title ={Fixing Pages in a Database Buffer},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="52--59",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Arizona, Tucson Category ={DBFhard.3>} }

@techreport{Effelsberg1984, Author ={Effelsberg,W., Finkelstein,S., and Schkolnick,M.},
Title ={Single Database Image in a Cluster of Processors},
Institution ={IBM, report RJ 4175 (46103).},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab The Highly Available Systems (HAS) prototype ensures robustness of partitions. R* emphasizes autonomy for each partition. Users act as if they were working with a single logical database. Logical database sites are our units of autonomy. It must be possible to share access modules among users who have different home sites. Three solutions: either the user connects explicitly to the site where the access module is stored, or the user's home site locates a remote access module on behalf of the user and establishes a message path, or the remote access module is copied. Category ={DBFrepresent, DBfile } }

@article{Effelsberg1984:1, Author ={Effelsberg,W. and Loomis,M.E.S.},
Title ={Logical, Internal, and Physical Behavior in CODASYL Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8506 0534.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="187--213",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDbound.4>} }

@article{Effelsberg1984:2, Author ={Effelsberg,W. and Haerder,T.},
Title ={Principles of Database Buffer Management},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8512-1159.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="560--595",
Volume ="9",
Number ="4",
Annote ={many simulation results an interface between the buffer manager and the DBMS, choices of page replacement policies; does not cover sequential I/O (read-ahead and write-behind). ---M.Brown. Category ={DBFhard.3> } }

@inproceedings{Ege1987, Author ={Ege,A. and Ellis,C.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of GORDION, An Object Base Management System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Ege1988, Author ={Ege,R.K.},
Title ={Defining Constraint-Based User Interfaces},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering Eng.Bull..},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="54--63",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Egenhofer1988, Author ={Egenhofer,M.J. and Frank,A.U.},
Title ={Towards a Spatial Query Language: User Interface Considerations},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="124--133",
Annote ={at Un.Maine, Surveying Eng.Program Category ={DBDquery> IMAGE> } }

@inproceedings{Eggers1980, Author ={Eggers,S.J. and Shoshani,A.},
Title ={Efficient Access of Compressed Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds),},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="205--211",
Annote ={at UCB, LBL Category ={DBFrepresent-4.3>} }

@inproceedings{Eggers1981, Author ={Eggers,S.J., Olken,F., and Shoshani,A.},
Title ={A Compression Technique for Large Statistical Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="424--433",
Category ={DBFrepresent-4> DBDstat>} }

@article{Eggert1989, Author ={Eggert,A. and Emmerich,K.},
Title ={Long-Term Data Storage in a Clinical Laboratory Information System},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Volume ="13",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin a three level architecture Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Eggert1984, Author ={Eggert,P.R., Parker,D.S., and Parsaye,K.},
Title ={Prototyping in Prolog: Experiences and Lessons},
Booktitle ={IEEE Conf. on Logic Programming, Atlantic City.},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Annote ={Maxwell implementation. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Egyhazy1985, Author ={Egyhazy,Csaba},
Title ={Using Database Machines in Embedded Computer Systems},
Journal ={Information and Management, N-H , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8604-??.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Virginia Polytech. Inst. and State Un. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Ehrenreich1981, Author ={Ehrenreich,S.L.},
Title ={Query languages: design recommendations derived from the human factors literature},
Journal ={Hum. Factors, ; ACM Computing Reviews May.1982, p.265.},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="709--725",
Volume ="23",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ at U.S. Army Res. Inst. for Behavioral and Social Sciences, Alexandria VA Reviews literature dealing with query languages. Design recommendation Category ={DBDquery.2> } }

@article{Ehrich1974, Author ={Ehrich,E.D.},
Title ={Theory of Direct Access Storage Functions},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H.},
Year =1974, Pages ="647--651",
Annote ={at Un.Dortmund (FRG) Deterministic key-to-address transformations. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@inproceedings{Ehrich1982, Author ={Ehrich,H.D.},
Title ={On the theory of specification, implementation, and parameterization of Abstract Data Types},
Booktitle ={Journal of the ACM. .},
Year =1982, Month =Jan,
Pages ="206--227",
Volume ="29",
Number ="1",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Ehrich1984, Author ={Ehrich,H.D., Lipeck,U.W., and Gogolla,M.},
Title ={Specification, Semantics, and Enforcement of Dynamic Database Constraints},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 10, U.Dayal(ed), Singapore.},
Year =1984, Pages ="301--308",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Ehrich1986, Author ={Ehrich,H-D., Drosten,K., and Gogolla,M.},
Title ={Towards an Algebraic Semantics for Database Specification},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 Conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Institut fur Informatik (FRG) a universe of `possible objects' and their interrelationships constructed from a given key system including constraints. Proofs. Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Ehrig1978, Author ={Ehrig,H. and Weber,H.},
Title ={Algebraic Specification Schemes for Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds) (Berlin, FRG).},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="427--440",
Category ={DBDtheory> DBDrel.1>} }

@inproceedings{Eich1987, Author ={Eich,Margaret H.},
Title ={A Classification and Comparison of Main Memory Database Recovery Techniques},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@article{Eich1988, Author ={Eich,M.H. and Wells,D.L.},
Title ={Database Concurrency Control Using Data Flow Graphs},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="197--227",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Southern Methodist Un., (Dallas TX) Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Eich1989, Author ={Eich,Margaret H.},
Title ={Main Memory Database Research Directions},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Eichorn1970, Author ={Eichorn,M.M. and Reinecke,R.D.},
Title ={Vision Information Center: A User-Oriented Data Base},
Journal ={Science,},
Year =1970, Month =Jul,
Pages ="29--31",
Volume ="169",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Eichmann1991, Author ={Eichmann,David },
Title ={A Polymorphic Relational Algebra and Its Optimization},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Eick1984, Author ={Eick,C.F.},
Title ={From Natural Language Requirements to Good Data Definitions--A Data Base Design Methodology},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe, FRG Part of ANNAPURNA project. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@inproceedings{Eick1991, Author ={Eick,C.F.},
Title ={A Methodology for the Design and Transformation of Conceptual Schemas},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Houston a marginal contribution Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@incollection{Eiin1981, Author ={Eiin-Dor,P. and Segev,E.},
Title ={Organizational Context and The Success of Management Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Eisenberg1972, Author ={Eisenberg,M.A. and McGuire,M.R.},
Title ={Further Comments on Dijkstra's Concurrent Programming Control Problems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , pp.999.},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Volume ="15",
Number ="11",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@article{Eisinger1982, Author ={Eisinger,N., Kasif,S., and Minker,J.},
Title ={Logic Programming: A Parallel Approach},
Journal ={Proc.of n International Logic Programming Conference 1, Marseilles, France.},
Year =1982, Annote ={PRISM, see Kasif 1983. Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist>} }

@article{Eisner1976, Author ={Eisner,M.J. and Severance,D.G.},
Title ={Mathematical Techniques for Efficient Record Segmentation in Large Shared Databases},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, vol.24 no.4.},
Year =1976, Month =Oct,
Annote ={vertical fragmentation Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Eiter1992, Author ={Eiter,T. and Gottlob,G.},
Title ={On the Complexity of Propositional Knowledge Base Revision, Updates, and Counterfactuals},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{ElAbbadi1986, Author ={ElAbbadi,A. and Toueg,S.},
Title ={Maintaining Availability in Partitioned Replicated Databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCSB, DCS; Cornell Un. Category ={DBDreliab > DBFdist> } }

@article{ElAbbadi1989, Author ={ElAbbadi,A. and Toueg,S.},
Title ={The Group Paradigm for Concurrency Control Protocols},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="376--386",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ a local policy for each group ensures a total order of all transactions in that group; a global policy ensures a correct serialization of all groups. Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{ElAbbadi1991, Author ={ElAbbadi,Amr},
Title ={Adaptive Protocols for Managing Replicated Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Third IEEE Symp. on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Dallas.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at UCSB Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Elam1978, Author ={Elam,J.},
Title ={A Model for Distributing a Database},
Institution ={Un.Penn, Wharton School, Dep.Decision Sciences, TR.78-1.},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Eldeib1987, Author ={Eldeib,Hany K.},
Title ={A Methodology for Optimal Design Planning Integrating CAD, Expert Systems, and or Techniques},
Institution ={TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase SystemsORSA National Mtg., New Orleans.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at George Mason Un., EE Dep. unreviewed on Gio's Desk Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@book{Elder1984, Author ={Elder},
Title ={Construction of Data Processing Software},
Publisher ={?.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFintro.5, QA76.6E434} }

@techreport{Elhardt1982, Author ={Elhardt,K.},
Title ={Das Datenbank-Cache: Entwurfsprinzipien, Algorithmen, Eigenschaften},
Institution ={TUM-I 8208, TU Munchen.},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Annote ={at TU Munchen Category ={DBFstorage-3.3, DBfile} }

@article{Elhardt1984, Author ={Elhardt,K. and Bayer,R.},
Title ={A Database Cache for High Performnace and Fast Recovery in Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="503--525",
Volume ="9",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ The Elhardt-Bayer cache does indeed resemble Alpine in many important respects. The primary difference is that it requires all of a transaction's updates to be written to the log in contiguous log pages, which allows some compact encodings to be used in representing the log, but also means that more work must be done synchronously at commit time. Also, their scheme is not designed to support two-phase commit, and extending it to handle two-phase commit is sure to mess up the pretty log encoding, I think. ---Mark Brown. Category ={DBDtrans-4> } }

@article{Elhardt1987, Author ={Elhardt,K.},
Title ={Support for Query Optimization by Optimal Predicate Splitting},
Journal ={Accepted to ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Eliassen1987, Author ={Eliassen,F. and Veijalainen,J.},
Title ={Language Support of Multi-database Transactions in a Cooperative, Autonomous Environment},
Booktitle ={GMD Berlin TR.275.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ s-transaction are a tree of subtransactions for cooperative work among autonomous systems. Category ={DBDdist> FAUVE> } }

@article{Eliot1986, Author ={Eliot,J. and Moss,B.},
Title ={Getting the Operating System out of the Way},
Journal ={IEEE Data Engineering, Vol. 5.},
Year =1986, Pages ="161--176",
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@incollection{Eliot1989, Author ={Eliot,J. and Moss,B.},
Title ={Object orientation as catalyst for language-database integration},
Booktitle ={In: Object-oriented concepts, databases, and applications (Ed. by Won Kim and F.H. Lochovsky), Addison-Wesley (Reading MA)..},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang>} }

@techreport{Elkan1989, Author ={Elkan,Charles},
Title ={Adaptive Locking},
Institution ={submitted to ACM Transactions on Database Systems , not accepted as of .},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Cornell Un., DCS in a usable predicate locking schema uses tableaux and algorithms to evaluate minimal conflicts. Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Elkan1989:1, Author ={Elkan,Charles},
Title ={A Decision Procedure for Conjunctive Query Disjointness},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Elkan1990, Author ={Elkan,Charles},
Title ={Independence of Logic Database Queries and Updates},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Ellis1978, Author ={Ellis,Clara S.},
Title ={Concurrent Search and Insertion in 3-2 Trees},
Institution ={Un.Washington, DCS, TR.78-05-01, (Seattle).},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDmodel> DBFimpl> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Ellis1991, Author ={Ellis,Clarence A.},
Title ={Consistency within Concurrent Groupware Systems},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MCC requirements including visibility Category ={DBDtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Ellis1970, Author ={Ellis,M. and Nelson,K.},
Title ={A Data Description Language for Hierarchical Data Files},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET .},
Year =1970, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Ellis1972, Author ={Ellis,M.E. Katke,W., Olson,J., and Yang,S.C.},
Title ={SIMS --- An Integrated, User-Oriented Information System},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1972, Pages ="1117--1132",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={ at Un.Wisconsin, Social Science Data and Computation Ctr Detailed description of data base system with schemas for sequential and indexed access for analysis of large social science files. Category ={DBDschema> %Ellis72 } }

@inproceedings{Ellis1977, Author ={Ellis,C.},
Title ={A robust algorithm for updating duplicate databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 2, UCB.},
Year =1977, Month =May,
Pages ="146--158",
Annote ={at Xerox, PARC Category ={DBDdist> DBFseq> DBDquery> DBDintegrity.4> DBDtrans> } }

@book{Ellzey1982, Author ={Ellzey},
Title ={Data Structures for Computer Information Systems},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDmodel.0, CSDlibr.QA76.9D35E44} }

@techreport{Ellis1978:1, Author ={Ellis,C.S.},
Title ={Concurrent Search and Insertion in 3-2 Trees},
Institution ={Un.Washington, DCS, TR-78-05-01, Seattle.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Ellis1980, Author ={Ellis,C.A. and Nutt,G.J.},
Title ={Office Information Systems and Computer Science},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="37--60",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Office information systems are defined as entities within a distributed environment. Category ={DBDdist> DBappl> } }

@inproceedings{Ellis1983, Author ={Ellis,C.S. and Floyd,R.A.},
Title ={The ROE File System},
Booktitle ={Proc. IEEE COMPCON.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="175--181",
Annote ={at Un.Rochester distributed file system for heterogenous nodes, with migration and replication. Voting a la Gifford is to be used. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Ellis1985, Author ={Ellis,Carla S.},
Title ={Concurrency in Linear Hashing},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Rochester Searching can proceed in parallel with splits. Also discusses distributed access. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist> DBFhash> } }

@unpublished{Ellis1985:1, Author ={Ellis,Clarence A.},
Title ={Office Information Systems Design},
Note ={},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Xerox Corp draft of a book Category ={DBDoffice, DBfile } }

@article{Ellis1989, Author ={Ellis,C.A. and Gibbs,S.J.},
Title ={Concurrency Control in Groupware Systems},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at MCC FAUVE. Discusses concurrency control for shared editor work at MCC. Shows inadequacy with traditional locking. A notification scheme presented as alternative. ---Risch. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Ellis1984, Author ={Ellis,J.},
Title ={ADL/ADS: A Rapid Prototyping Testbed Tool for Experimentation with Distributed Data},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at TRW Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Ellison1983, Author ={Ellison,L. and Gould,K.},
Title ={DBMS is the tie that binds},
Journal ={Systems and Software.},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Pages ="93--96",
Annote ={at Oracle Corp Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{ElMagarmid1986, Author ={ElMagarmid,A.K., Sheth,A.P., and Liu,M.T.},
Title ={Deadlock Detection Algorithms in Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{ElMagarmid1987, Author ={ElMagarmid,A. and Leu,Y.},
Title ={An Optimistic Concurrency Control Algorithm for Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Data Eng..},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="26--32",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{ElMagarmid1988, Author ={ElMagarmid,A.K. and Helal,A.A.},
Title ={Supporting Updates in Heterogeneous Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Pages ="564--569",
Annote ={at Penn.State Optimistic global concurrency control protocol. A STUB process monitors the local databases. All read processes precede all write processes. One subTx per site. No replication since autonomous. They describe a transaction method for heterogenous database updates using local site transactions with optimistic concurrency control. Their STUB processes submits sub-transactions at a site and tests if the transactions completed successfully or not. They have two variants of STUB: One that re-submits failed transactions until they succeed and one that returns a flag to the global transaction handler indicating success or failure. They use the word 'monitor' to mean that STUB monitors the success or failure of local transactions. ---Risch. Fauve. Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc> } }

@article{ElMagarmid1988:1, Author ={ElMagarmid,A.K. and Datta,A.K.},
Title ={Two-Phase Deadlock Detection Algorithm},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1454--1458",
Volume ="37",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Purdue Un., DCS Fully distributed algorithm which allows multiple outstanding requests. Detection is divided into two phases. Phase 1 analyzes the conditions of the system of interacting transactions, involving phase 2 only if conditions are possible for deadlocks. Phase 2 performs the actual cycle detection. A set of fully disjoint graphs represents the WAIT-FOR relations among transactions. The proposed graph may involve information concerning interacting originating at different sites. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Elmagarmid1990, Author ={Elmagarmid,A., Leu,Y., Litwin,W., and Rusinkiewicz,M.},
Title ={A Multidatabase Transaction Model for Interbase},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Elmagarmid1990:1, Author ={Elmagarmid,A. and Du,W.},
Title ={A Paradigm for Concurrency Control in Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Purdue Un. Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Elmagarmid1990:2, Author ={Elmagarmid,A.K. and Leu,Y.},
Title ={A hierarchical approach to concurrency control for multidatabases},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Purdue Un. federated Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Elmagarmid1991, Author ={Elmagarmid,Ahmed },
Title ={Maintaining Quasi Serializability in HDDBSs},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Elmagarmid1992, Author ={Elmagarmid,Ahmed},
Title ={Object-Oriented Multidatabases: Systems and Research Overview(Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Purdue Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{ElMasri1979, Author ={ElMasri,R. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Data Model Integration Using the Stuctural Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 79, Bernstein(ed).},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="191--202",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBFhash.2>} }

@article{ElMasri1980, Author ={ElMasri,R., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Properties of Relationships and Their Representation},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , 1980.},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Pages ="319--326",
Volume ="49",
Category ={DBDmodel.0>} }

@techreport{ElMasri1980:1, Author ={ElMasri,R.},
Title ={On the Design, Use, and Integration of Data Models},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford Un., STAN-CS-80-801.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{ElMasri1980:2, Author ={ElMasri,R.},
Title ={Semantic Integrity in DDTS (Distributed Database Testbed System)},
Booktitle ={TR. HR-80-274:17-38, Honeywell CCSC, Bloomington MN.},
Year =1980, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{ElMasri1980:3, Author ={ElMasri,R., Devor,C., and Rahimi,S.},
Title ={Notes on DDTS: An Apparatus for Experimental Research in Distributed Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Honeywell, report,},
Year =1980, Annote ={at Honeywell, Corporate CSs Ctr (Bloomington MN) Category ={DBDdist> } }

@incollection{ElMasri1980:4, Author ={ElMasri,R. and Larson,J.,},
Title ={A User-Friendly Interface for Specifying Hierarchical Queries on an ER Graph Database},
Booktitle ={End User Facilities in the 's, J.Larson (ed.), IEEE CS Press, 1982.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{ElMasri1981, Author ={ElMasri,R. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={GORDAS: A Formal High-Level Query Language for the Entity-Relationship Model},
Booktitle ={TR. HR-81-250:17-38, Honeywell CCSC, Bloomington MN.},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDops.4> DBDquery.3> DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@techreport{ElMasri1984, Author ={ElMasri,Ramez},
Title ={A DBMS Based on an Extended ER Model},
Institution ={TR. DCS, Un.Houston, TR. UH-CS-84-5.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDmodel> DBDimpl>} }

@techreport{ElMasri1986, Author ={ElMasri,R., Larson,J., and Navathe,S},
Title ={Schema Integration Algorithms for Federated Databases and Logical Database Design},
Institution ={TR. Honeywell Corporate Systems Dev.Div., Report CSC-86-9: 8212.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{ElMasri1984:1, Author ={ElMasri,R. and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Object Integration in Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="426--433",
Annote ={at Un.Houston; Un.Florida Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign.7.5.3> } }

@article{ElMasri1984:2, Author ={ElMasri,R., Larson,J.A., Navathe,S., and Sashidar,T.},
Title ={Tools for View Integration},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="28--33",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{ElMasri1985, Author ={ElMasri,R., Weeldreyer,J., and Hevner,A.},
Title ={The Category Concept: An Extension to the Entity Relationship Model},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="75--116",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Structure includes Classes, aggregation, Grouping. Many references. Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@techreport{Elmasri1986, Author ={Elmasri,R., Larson,J., and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Schema Integration Algorithms for Federated Databases, and Logical Database Design},
Institution ={Honeywell CS Ctr, TR-CSC-86-9:8212, Bloomington MN.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@unpublished{ElMasri1986:1, Author ={ElMasri,Ramez},
Title ={Semantic Integrity of High-level DB Transactions},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDmodel> DBDoperation, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{ElMasri1987, Author ={ElMasri,R., Srinivas,P., and Thomas,G.},
Title ={Fragmentation and Query Decomposition in the ECR Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{ElMasri1990, Author ={ElMasri,R. and Wuu,G.},
Title ={A temporal model and query language for ER Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ uses finite events; motivated by the network planning and provisioning applications in Bellcore. Category ={DBDops> DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Elmasri1990, Author ={Elmasri,R., Kim,Y-J., and Wuu,G.},
Title ={The Time - An Access Structure for Temporal Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDops> DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Elmasri1991, Author ={Elmasri,Ramez},
Title ={Efficient Implementation Techniques for the Time Index},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDops> DBDimpl>} }

@inproceedings{Elmasri1992, Author ={Elmasri,R., Jaseemuddin,M., and Kouramajian,V.},
Title ={Partitioning of Time Index for Optimal Disks},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Texas Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Elmasri1992:1, Author ={Elmasri,R. and Kouramajian,V.},
Title ={A Temporal Query Language Based on Conceptual Entities and Roles},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDops> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{ElSharkawi1990, Author ={ElSharkawi,M. and Kambayashi,Y.},
Title ={Efficient Processing of Distributed Set Queries},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Annote ={ partitioning of SQL subexpression for related and unrelated data Category ={DBDquery> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{ElSharkawi1990:1, Author ={ElSharkawi,M. and Kambayashi,Y.},
Title ={Object Migration Mechanisms to Support Updates in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist>} } % ------ EM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@article{Embley1987, Author ={Embley,David W.},
Title ={NFQL, The Natural Forms Query Language},
Journal ={Brigham Young Un., TR-CS-87-6.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Brigham Young Un., CSD (Provo, UT) uses surragate keys in the ER model a way of organizing the human-database interface by means of filing ordinary forms; NFQL is at least as powerful as Codd's relational algebra ---Stolboushkin. Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Embley1989, Author ={Embley,D.W. and Nagy,G.},
Title ={On the Integration of Lexical and Spatial Data in a Unified High-Level Model},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="329--336",
Annote ={at Brigham Young Un., CSD, (Provo UT) Conceptual model deals with continuous space, similar to temporal models, mediator layer. I3 Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Emerson1982, Author ={Emerson,E.A. and Clarke,E.M.},
Title ={Using branching time temporal logic to synthesize synchronization skeletons},
Journal ={Scienc of Comp.Programming 2.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDconc, DBfile} }

@incollection{Emerson1974, Author ={Emerson,E.J.},
Title ={DMS1100 User Experience},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Burndy Corp (Norwalk CN) Operational description of a data base system based on the 1969 DBTG report Category ={DBDbound>%Emerson74 } }

@book{Emerson1989, Author ={Emerson,S., Darnovsky,M., and Bowman,J.},
Title ={The practical SQL handbook: using structured query language},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 393pp; ACM CR 9004-0272.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Sybase an advanced treatment of SQL; normalization through fifth normal form; a full chapter on security, transactions performance, and integrity ---Artz. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Emery1969, Author ={Emery,James C.},
Title ={Organizational Planning and Control Systems},
Publisher ={McMillan Co, New York,},
Year =1969, Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Emery1971, Author ={Emery,J.C.},
Title ={Cost-Benefit Analysis of Information Systems},
Journal ={The Society for Management Information Systems, Chicago,},
Year =1971, Category ={DBFeval>} }

@incollection{Emery1974, Author ={Emery,James C. and Morgan,Howard L.},
Title ={Management and Economics of Data Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Un.Penn, Wharton School Discussion of benefits and problems associated with corporate data bases. Category ={DBFeval> } }

@inproceedings{Emerson1990, Author ={Emerson,A. and Srinivasan,J.},
Title ={A Decidable Temporal Logic to Reason About Many Processes},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDops>} }

@techreport{Emrath1984, Author ={Emrath,Perry A.},
Title ={Page Indexing for Text Information Retrieval Systems},
Institution ={Un.Illinois, (Urbana), DCS, PhD Th. in progress.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFmaint>} }

@incollection{Enberg1974, Author ={Enberg,R.E. and Moore,R.L.},
Title ={A Corporate Planning Model for a Construction Materials Producer},
Booktitle ={Management Adviser, -Feb..},
Year =1974, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Enbody1988, Author ={Enbody,R.J. and Du,H.C.},
Title ={Dynamic Hashing Schemes},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="85--113",
Volume ="20",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Michigan State Un., DCS Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Engels1983, Author ={Engels,G., Pletat,U., and Ehrich,H.D.},
Title ={An Operational Semantics for Specifications of Abstract Data Types With Error Handling},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1983, Pages ="235--253",
Volume ="19",
Annote ={--- Kung. Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Englert1989, Author ={Englert,S., Gray,J., Kocher,T., and Shah,P.},
Title ={A Benchmark of NonStop SQL Release 2 Demonstrating Near-Linear Speedup and Scaleup on Large Databases},
Institution ={Tandem, TR-89-4.},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Tandem Computers Inc., (Cupertino CA) Category ={DBDrel, DBfile Gray } }

@inproceedings{Engles1970, Author ={Engles,R.W.},
Title ={A Tutorial on Data Base Organization},
Booktitle ={IBM, Poughkeepsie Lab. , TR. TR00.2004,},
Year =1970, Month Mar,
Annote ={ at Systems Development Division, IBM (Poughkeepsie NY) A primary paper on the concepts of data base, file organization, data independence and the entity set concept. Category ={DBDschema, x7>%Engles69 } }

@inproceedings{Engles1971, Author ={Engles,R.W.},
Title ={An Analysis of the Apr.1971 Data Base Task Group Report},
Booktitle ={CODASYL correspondence,},
Year =1971, Month =May,
Annote ={at European Computer Manufacturers Association A position paper presented to the CODASYL Programming Language Committee A minority position submitted by the IBM Corp outlining its specific objections to the CODASYL DBTG Report. Major points are language complexity and lack of data independence. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Engles1976, Author ={Engles,R.W.},
Title ={Currency and Concurrency in the COBOL Data Base Facility},
Booktitle ={Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, Nijssen(ed) (neuhold?), .},
Year =1976, Pages ="339--363",
Annote ={ Proposal to solve data base key, concurrency, and currency problems of DBTG by adding a cursor-type variable. Category ={DBDbound> DBDintegrity.2, x9> } }

@techreport{Eppinger1988, Author ={Eppinger,Jeffrey},
Title ={Virtual Memory Management for Transaction Processing Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., CMU.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at CMU Let the operating system manage the buffer pool so that recoverable virtual memory is provided: recoverable data can be mapped into virtual memory and thereby accessed more conveniently; the operating system's fast address translation and paging components provide increased performance; the amount of primary memory allocated to buffering recoverable data is adapted to system load; double paging is eliminated; multiple, separate servers can share the operating system's buffer management and use a common log. Algorithms for transactionally updating virtual memory, flushing hot pages, checkpointing, and recovery support. Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@book{Eppinger1991, Author ={Eppinger,J., Mummert,L., and Spector,A. (eds)},
Title ={Camelot and Avalon: a Distributed Transaction Facility},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufman, 513pp.},
Year =1991, Annote ={ design decisions, key algorithms used, implementation deatils, performance characteristics and material on Mach Category ={Deng> DBFtrans> } }

@techreport{Epstein1970, Author ={Epstein,H. et al},
Title ={System Scope for Library Automation and Generalized Information Storage and Retrieval at Stanford Un.},
Institution ={SCC Report,},
Year =1970, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at SPIRES-BALLOTS Project, Stanford Un. System Design with multi-indexed files Category ={DBFtrees.7> } }

@techreport{Epstein1977, Author ={Epstein,R.},
Title ={Creating and Maintaining a Database Using Ingres},
Institution ={UCB, Col.Eng, Elec.Res.Lab, No.M7771.},
Year =1977, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at UCB, Category ={DBDrel.2, DBfile} }

@techreport{Epstein1979, Author ={Epstein,R.},
Title ={Techniques for Processing of Aggregates in Relational Database Systems},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, M798.},
Year =1979, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Category ={DBrel>} }

@inproceedings{Epstein1978, Author ={Epstein,R., Stonebraker,M., and Wong,E.},
Title ={Distributed Query Processing in a Relational Data Base System},
Booktitle ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, TR.No.ERL-M7818.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBFstorage-3.4> DBDquery.3> DBDrel.3> DBDdist>} }

@article{Epstein1980, Author ={Epstein,R. and Hawthorne,P.},
Title ={Design Decisions for the Intelligent Database Machine},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1980, Pages ="237--241",
Volume ="49",
Annote ={ This paper outlines the rationale behind the various decisions made in the design of Britton Lee's Intelligent Database Machine (IDM 500). IDM is a back-end processor and storage system that contains a complete data management system. (Kitty Shih comment) Category ={DBFmach> } }

@techreport{Epstein1980:1, Author ={Epstein,R.},
Title ={Query Processing Techniques for Distributed Data Base Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., UCB, Memo No.UCB-ERL-M809.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Epstein1980:2, Author ={Epstein,R..},
Title ={Analysis of Distributed Data Base Processing Strategies},
Institution ={UCB, Memo No.UCB-ERL-M8025.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Annote ={ General overview and test based on degree of knowledge of expected join sizes Category ={DBDdist, MJH 438 DisTR.paper file } }

@article{Epstein1980:3, Author ={Epstein,R. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Analysis of Distributed Data Base Processing Strategies},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="92--101",
Annote ={at Britton-Lee, Inc. (Albany CA); UCB, EECS, Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDquery> DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Epstein1987, Author ={Epstein,R.},
Title ={A High-Performance Relational DBMS for On-Line Applications},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Sybase Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Era1992, Author ={Era,A. and Donini,F.},
Title ={Most Specific Concepts for Knowledge Bases with Incomplete Information},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Universita di Roma, Italy Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Erbe1988, Author ={Erbe,R., Sudkamp,N., and Walch,G.},
Title ={An Application Program Interface for a Complex Object Database},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at IBM, Heidelberg Category ={DBDkb> DBDobject>} }

@article{Eriksen1974, Author ={Eriksen,Sven},
Title ={The Data Base Concept},
Journal ={Honeywell Computer Journal.},
Year =1974, Pages ="17--32",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={IDS and DBTG compared Category ={DBDschema>} }

@techreport{Erkio1985, Author ={Erkio,Hannu},
Title ={On Data Description Facilities in some Application Development Systems},
Institution ={Rep. of 8th. Scandinavian Res.Sem. on Systemeering.},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Pages ="68-87",
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki, DCS domain specs for a FOCUS, QUEL, MAPPER, NOMAD Category ={DBDscheme, DBfile } }

@article{Erkio, Author ={Erkio,H. and Terkki,R.},
Title ={Binary Search with Variable-Length Keys within an Index Page},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Pages ="137-140",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki, DCS Category ={DBFindex>} }

@article{Erley1968, Author ={Erley,D.S.},
Title ={Fast Searching System for the ASTM Infrared Data File},
Journal ={Analytical Chemistry,},
Year =1968, Month =May,
Pages ="894--898",
Volume ="40",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Ernvall1984, Author ={Ernvall,J. and Nevalainen,O.},
Title ={Estimating the Length of Minimal Spanning Trees in Compression of Files},
Journal ={Bit ,},
Year =1984, Pages ="19-32",
Volume ="24",
Annote ={at Un.Turku, Finland Category ={DBFrepresent-4>} }

@techreport{Escarabajal1982, Author ={Escarabajal,Marie-Claude},
Title ={Manuel d'Utilisation et Critiques du Systeme EDIGRA},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR 22,},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at INRIA office graphics development Category ={DBapplic> } }

@techreport{Esculier1987, Author ={Esculier,Christian and Adiba,M.},
Title ={Semantic Tolerance: A Flexible Approach to Handle Exceptions in Databases},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at LGI, IMAG (Grenoble) A variety of alternatives is listed and time and count limits are suggested. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Esculier1988, Author ={Esculier,Christian},
Title ={Non-monotonicity and Uncertainty in Semantic Tolerant KBMS},
Note ={.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at LGI, IMAG (Grenoble) and Stanford Un. Formal review. Describes Borgida's exception logic, Reiter's default logic, Pletat's guarding operators, McCarthy's and Levesque abnormality exclusion, using circumscription. Hierarchy of KBMS System-rules, Constraining and Generative rules, Explicit data, Implicit data. Modal befief operator as Mcdermott and Doyle is needed for derived data. Numerical approaches are used by Prade, Kanal, etc. Omits his own work here. Uncertainty and non-mono tonicity. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Esculier1989, Author ={Esculier,Christian},
Title ={Introduction a la Tolerance Semantique},
Institution ={PhD thesis, Un. Joseph Fournier, Grenoble, France.},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Exception handling in the coupling of databases and knowledge bases. I3 Category ={DBDkb, Thesis file } }

@book{Estrin1979, Author ={Estrin,T. and Uzgalis,R.C.(eds)},
Title ={Information Systems for Patient Care},
Publisher ={IEEE Computer, special issue, vol.12 no.11.},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at UCLA Contributions by Beaman,P.D., Justice,N.S, Barnett,G.O. (MUMPS); Walton,P.L., Holland,R.R., Wolf,L.I. (PROMIS); Sneider,R.M., Boyce,R.E., Tapella,C.A. (Technicon MIS MATRIX); McShane,D.J., Harlow,A., Kraines,R.G., Fries,J.F. (TOD/ARAMIS); Blum,B.I., Lenhard,R.E.jr. (OCIS). Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Eswaran1973, Author ={Eswaran,Kapali P.},
Title ={Consecutive Retrieval Information System},
Institution ={PhD Th., UCB.},
Year =1973, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Eswaran1974, Author ={Eswaran,K.P.},
Title ={Placement of Records in a File and File Allocation in a Computer Network},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 74, Proc.IFIP Congress, N-H, ..},
Year =1974, Pages ="304--307",
Annote ={ proves that Casey's 1972 formulation is n-p complete; suggests that heuristic rather than deterministic approaches be investigated. Category ={DBFtechn.4.5> } }

@article{Eswaran1974:1, Author ={Eswaran,K.P., Gray,J.N., Lorie,R.A., and Traiger,I.L.},
Title ={On the Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks in a Data Base System},
Journal ={IBM, Res.R. RJ1487, San Jose, CA},
Year =1974, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ If transactions are well-formed (they obtain and release all locks required to avoid conflicts) and 2-phase (they dont obtain locks after having released one), they maintain consistency. Original 2phase protocol. Serializability? Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Eswaran1975, Author ={Eswaran,K.P. and Chamberlin,D.D.},
Title ={Functional Specification of a Subsystem for Data Base Integrity},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="48--68",
Annote ={Use of assertions in a data base. Category ={DBDintegrity.3> DBDrel.2> } }

@techreport{Eswaran1976, Author ={Eswaran,K.P.},
Title ={Specifications, Implementations and Interactions of a Trigger Subsystem in an Integrated Database System},
Institution ={Res.R.RJ1820, IBM Res., San Jose.},
Year =1976, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Eswaran1976:1, Author ={Eswaran,K.P., Gray,J.N., Lorie,R.A., and Traiger,I.L.},
Title ={The Notions of Consistency and Predicate Locks in a Data Base System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1976, Month =Nov,
Pages ="624--633",
Volume ="19",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at IBM, Res., San Jose Definitions of transactions, permissible locking sequence in transactions, the importance and complexity of predicate locks. Two-phase transactions. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDintegrity.4> DBDintegrity.1> DBDintegrity.2> } }

@article{Etherington1985, Author ={Etherington, Mercer, and Reiter.},
Title ={On the adequacy of predicate circumscription for closed-world reasoning},
Journal ={Computational IntelligenceIntelligence Informatique.},
Year =1985, Month =Feb,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@manual{EurOnet1987, Author ={EurOnet DIANE},
Title ={Overview of Medical Databases accessible through DATEX-P},
Organization ={ACM SIGBIO newsletter, no.2.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="21--23",
Volume ="9",
Annote ={at 177 Route d'Esch, Luxembourg listimg of informatiom bases. Category ={MIS> DBDbib> } }

@article{Evans1974, Author ={Evans, Arthur jr., Kantowitz, William, and Weiss, Edwin},
Title ={A User Authentication Scheme Not Requiring Secrecy in the Computer},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Aug,
Pages ="437--442",
Volume ="17",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at MIT and Boston Un. Password protection by irreversible transformation Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@inproceedings{Evans1987, Author ={Evans,R.S., Gardner,R.M, Burke,J.P., et al.},
Title ={A Computerized Approach to Monitor Prophylactic Antibiotics},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 11.},
Year =1987, Pages ="241--245",
Annote ={ongoing HELP research. Category ={MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Everest1971, Author ={Everest,G.C. and Sibley,E.H.},
Title ={A Critique of the Guide-SHARE DBMS Requirements},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="93--112",
Annote ={ A detailed examination of the G-S Report in terms of relative importance, feasibility, and desirability of some of the contentious sections. Category ={DBDschema>%Everest71 } }

@inproceedings{Everest1974, Author ={Everest,Gordon C.},
Title ={The Objectives of Data Base management},
Booktitle ={COINS-IV, Tou(ed), Plenum .},
Year =1974, Pages ="1--35",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Summary to link technology and management. Category ={DBDadmin> DBFrepresent-3, x11>%Everest74 } }

@inproceedings{Everest1974:1, Author ={Everest,G.C.},
Title ={The Futures of Database Management},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed)..},
Year =1974, Annote ={ Host versus self-contained systems, manufactured strategies. Category ={DBDintro.9>%Everest74 } }

@techreport{Everett1971, Author ={Everett,G.D.},
Title ={Data Structure and Algorithmic Determinacy: A Formal Model for the Comparison of Data Management Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., The Un.Texas, TR.No.TSN-19,},
Year =1971, Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDintro.9>.} }

@book{Everest1986, Author ={Everest,Gordon C.},
Title ={Database Management: Objectives, System Functions, and Administration},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 816pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Category ={DBDintro>} }

@manual{Expert1989, Author ={Expert Software Systems},
Title ={An Introduction to the Use of MIRA},
Organization ={rcvd. ?},
Year =1989, Category ={DEng, DBfile} }

@manual{EXXON1984, Author ={EXXON},
Title ={Middle East Oil and Gas},
Organization ={Exxon background series, NY.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={Shipping background info Category ={DBappl, KBMSfile} } % ------ F ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@book{Fabbri1990, Author ={Fabbri,T. and Schwab,A.},
Title ={Working with DB2, SQL/DS, SQL, and QMF},
Publisher ={TAB books, 218pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9104-0229.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Un.Louisville practical instruction theory, system catalogs, embedding in COBOL Category ={DBDrel> } }

@inproceedings{Faber1972, Author ={Faber,D.J. and Heinrich,F.R.},
Title ={The Structure of a Distributed Computer System--The Distributed File System},
Booktitle ={Proc.1st Internat.Conf.on Computer Communications.},
Year =1972, Month =Oct,
Pages ="364--370",
Annote ={at UCI Describes a reliable fail-soft distributed file system for the computer net work that exists at UC Irvine. A distributed file system is not really a distributed data base. Category ={DBFeval, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Fabret1992, Author ={Fabret,F., Regnier,M., and Simon,E.},
Title ={Optimizing Incremental Computation of Datalog Programs with Non-deterministic Semantics},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at INRIA Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Fabret1993, Author ={Fabret,F., Regnier,M., and Simon,E.},
Title ={An Adaptive Algorithm for Incremental Evaluation of Production Rules in Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDactive>} }

@techreport{Fabry1968, Author ={Fabry,R.S.},
Title ={Preliminary Description of a Supervisor for a Machine Oriented around Capabilities},
Institution ={ICR Report .},
Year =1968, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1--97",
Number ="18",
Annote ={at Un.Chicago, Inst. for Computer Research Category ={DBDprivacy.6, xB12.6> } }

@article{Fabry1974, Author ={Fabry,R.S.},
Title ={Capability Based Addressing},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Jul,
Pages ="403--412",
Volume ="17",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at UCB, Review of protection mechanisms, the case for capability-based computers; many references. Category ={DBDprivacy.6> } }

@book{Fadok1985, Author ={Fadok,George T.},
Title ={Effective Design of CODASYL Data Base},
Publisher ={Macmillan, London, 146pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8508-0692.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Honeywell (Phoenix AZ) Category ={DBDbound.4>} }

@techreport{Fadous1975, Author ={Fadous,R.Y.},
Title ={Mathematical Foundations for Relational Data Bases},
Institution ={PhD Th., Michigan State Un..},
Year =1975, Annote ={at Michigan State Un. (Lansing) Category ={DBDschema>} }

@techreport{Fagan1980, Author ={Fagan,L.M.},
Title ={Representing Time-dependent Relations in a Medical Setting},
Institution ={PhD.Th. Stanford Un.},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ temporal reasoning applied to an intensive care setting. Category ={MIS> DBDops> } }

@article{Fagin1977, Author ={Fagin,R.},
Title ={Multivalued Dependencies and a New Normal Form for Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Pages ="262--278",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Multivalued dependency is defined for relational databases, a new (fourth) normal form is strictly stronger than Codd's. Category ={DBDtheory.1> } }

@article{Fagin1978, Author ={Fagin,R.},
Title ={On an Authorization Mechanism},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="310--319",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ We prove correctness for our modified authorization mechanism Category ={DBDprivacy.1> } }

@article{Fagin1978:1, Author ={Fagin,R., Nievergelt,J., Pippenger,N., and Strong,H.R.},
Title ={Extendible Hashing --- A Fast Access Method for Dynamic Files},
Journal ={IBM, Res.R. RJ2305.},
Year =1978, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab; Institut Informatik; IBM TJWRC The user is guaranteed no more than two page faults to locate the data associated with a given unique identifier, or key. Extendible hashing has a dynamic structure that grows and shrinks as the database grows and shrinks. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBFtechn.5, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Fagin1980, Author ={Fagin,R.},
Title ={Horn Clauses and Database Dependencies},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res., Yorktown Heights NY, Report RJ2741.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile} }

@article{Fagin1981, Author ={Fagin,R.},
Title ={A Normal Form for Relational Databases That Is Based on Domains and Keys},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="387--415",
Volume ="6",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Domain-key normal form (DK/NF), is defined. Has no insertion or deletion anomalies. DK/NF is not defined in terms of traditional dependencies (functional, mulivalued, or join). Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@article{Fagin1982, Author ={Fagin,R., Mendelzon,A.O. and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={A Simplified Universal Relation Assumption and Its Properties},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , p.343--360.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Constraints are functional dependencies and a single join dependency. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@inproceedings{Fagin1983, Author ={Fagin,R., Ullman,J.D.., and Vardi,M.Y.},
Title ={On the Semantics of Updates in Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems -2.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="352--365",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Fagin1984, Author ={Fagin,R., Halpern,J.Y., and Vardi,M.Y.},
Title ={A Model-Theoretic Analysis of Knowledge: Preliminary Report},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science 14, West Palm Beach FL.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ a tool for modeling knowledge, extensions of Kripke structures. Also belief and time might be handled. Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Fagin1983:1, Author ={Fagin,R., Ullman,J., and Vardi,M.},
Title ={On the semantics of updates in databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Annote ={ordering theories within a flock Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Fahmy1981, Author ={Fahmy,Salwa and Proschan,Frank},
Title ={Bounds on Differences of Order Statistics},
Journal ={The American Statistician.},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Pages ="46--47",
Volume ="35",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFstorage-1>} }

@techreport{Faidt1990, Author ={Faidt,K. and Karagiannis,D.},
Title ={Knowledge-Based Applications in Office Information Systems: An Integration Approach},
Institution ={FAW-TR-90016.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at FAW, Ulm Category ={DBDoffice >DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Fairbarn1978, Author ={Fairbarn,D.G. and Rowson,J.A.},
Title ={ICARUS: An Interactive Integrated Circuit Layout Program},
Booktitle ={DA 15, IEEE.},
Year =1978, Month =Jun,
Pages ="188--192",
Annote ={ described also in Mead and Conway, `Introduction to VLSI Systems', runs on XEROX ALTO computers Category ={EIS> } }

@book{Faissol1981, Author ={Faissol,S.Z.},
Title ={Operations in Distributed Databases under Network Partition},
Publisher ={PhD Th., UCLA.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent.5.4>} }

@article{Fajman1973, Author ={Fajman,Roger and Borgelt,John},
Title ={WYLBUR, An Interactive Text Editing and Remote Job Entry System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1973, Month =May,
Pages ="314--322",
Volume ="16",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFhybrid.1, ORVYL notes DBfile %Fajman73} }

@book{Falkenberg1973, Author ={Falkenberg,E., Meyer,B., and Schneider,H.J.},
Title ={Resultspezifizierende Handhabung von Datensystemen},
Publisher ={LN Computer Science, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag.},
Year =1973, Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Falkenberg1976, Author ={Falkenberg,E.},
Title ={Concepts for Modelling Information},
Booktitle ={Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, Nijssen(ed).},
Year =1976, Category ={DBDschema.0> DBDmodel.7> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Falkenberg1988, Author ={Falkenberg,E.D., vanKempen,H., and Mimpen,N.},
Title ={Knowledge-based information analysis support},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at FRG Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Falkowski1992, Author ={Falkowski,BerndJuergen},
Title ={Comments on an Optimal Set of Indices for a Relational Database},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Annote ={shows that Ip 1983 does not always work Category ={DBFindex> } }

@article{Falor1973, Author ={Falor,K.},
Title ={Survey of Program Packages: Report Generators and File Management Systems},
Journal ={Modern Data.},
Year =1973, Month =Jan,
Pages ="48--59",
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@article{Falor1971, Author ={Falor,Ken},
Title ={How to Spell MIS},
Journal ={Modern Data.},
Year =1971, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Cullinane Corp, Boston Discussion of design and expectations of Data Base Systems Category ={DBFintro.6, x> } }

@article{Faloutsos1984, Author ={Faloutsos,C., and Christodoulakis,S.},
Title ={Signature files: An Access Method for Documents and Its Analytical Performance Evaluation.},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="267--288",
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Annote ={superimposed coding. Category ={DBFtrees>} }

@inproceedings{Faloutsos1986, Author ={Faloutsos,C.},
Title ={Multiattribute Hashing Using Gray Codes},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Annote ={signature files. Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDoffice> DBDquery.1.2> DBDbiblio> Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@inproceedings{Faloutsos1987, Author ={Faloutsos,C., Sellis,T.K., and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Analysis of Object-Oriented Spatial Access Methods},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBDobject> DBFtree, DBfile Roussopoulos } }

@article{Faloutsos1987:1, Author ={Faloutsos,C. and Christodoulakis,S.},
Title ={Description and Performance Analysis of Signature File Methods for Office Filing},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 8802-0108.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Pages ="237--257",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Creating a terse encoded index from an abstract of the text. Word Signature (WS), Superimposed Coding (SC), Bit-block Compression (BC), Run Length encoding (RL), and Variable Bit-block Compression (VBC). Category ={DBFhash> } }

@article{Faloutsos1987:2, Author ={Faloutsos,C. and Christodoulakis,S.},
Title ={Optimal Signature Extraction and Information Loss},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="395--428",
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Annote ={superimposed coding Category ={DBFtree> DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Faloutsos1988, Author ={Faloutsos,C. and Chan,R.},
Title ={Fast Text Access Methods for Optical and Large Magnetic Disks: Designs and Performance Comparison},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="280--293",
Annote ={Superimposed signatures. Category ={DBFhard> DBFperform> } }

@article{Faloutsos1988:1, Author ={Faloutsos,Christos},
Title ={Gray Codes for Partial Match and Range Queries},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1381--1393",
Volume ="14",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Gray codes can produce signatures to cluster and maintain bucket sequences due to one-bit differences versus multi-attribute hashing. Also applicable to grid-files. Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@inproceedings{Faloutsos1989, Author ={Faloutsos,C. and Roseman,S.},
Title ={Fractals for Secondary Key Retrieval},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Faloutsos1989:1, Author ={Faloutsos,C. and Metaxas,D.},
Title ={Declustering Using Error Correcting Codes},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Faloutsos1990, Author ={Faloutsos,C.},
Title ={Signature-based Text Retrieval Methods: A Survey},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@inproceedings{Faloutsos1991, Author ={Faloutsos,Christos},
Title ={DOT: A Spatial Access Method Using Fractals},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Faloutsos1991:1, Author ={Faloutsos,C., Ng,R., and Sellis,T.},
Title ={Predictive Load Control for Flexible Buffer Allocation},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ predictions are based on the availability of buffers, the characteristics of the particular query and on the dynamic workload: throughout effective disk utilization for various mixes of random, serial, sequential, and looping access patterns; gains are 10-45 pct. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Faloutsos1992, Author ={Faloutsos,C. and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={On B-Tree Indices for Skewed Distributions},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={requires 66% space Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Fan1987, Author ={Fan,C., Lincoln,M.J., Haug,P.J., et al},
Title ={Odyssey: A program to access medical knowledge},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 11.},
Year =1987, Pages ="488--491",
Category ={DBDdist> on Warner's HELP. Category ={MIS>} }

@article{Fan1962, Author ={Fan,C.T., Muller,M.E., and Rezucha,I.},
Title ={Development of Sampling Plans (Item by Item) Selection Techniques and Digital Computers},
Journal ={American Statistical Ass. Journal,},
Year =1962, Month =Jun,
Pages ="387--402",
Category ={DBDprivacy.8>} }

@inproceedings{Fang1993, Author ={Fang,D., Ghandeharizadeh,S., McLeod,D., and Si,A.},
Title ={The Design, Implementation, and Evaluation of an Object-Based Sharing Mechanism for Federated Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDobject> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Fang1992, Author ={Fang,J., Hammer,S., and McLeod,D.},
Title ={An Approach to Behavior Sharing in Federated Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Fang1986, Author ={Fang,M.T., Lee,R.C., and Chang,C.C.},
Title ={The Idea of De-clustering and its Applications},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Nat.Tsing Hua Un., Taiwan Category ={DBFmethods>} }

@incollection{Fankhauser1988, Author ={Fankhauser,P., Litwin,W., Neuhold,E., and Schrefl,M.},
Title ={Global View Definition and Multidatabase Languages : Two Approaches to Database Integration},
Booktitle ={'Research into Networks and Distributed Applications', R.Speth(ed), Elsevier Science Publ..},
Year =1988, Pages ="1069--1082",
Annote ={mediation Category ={DBDdist, DBfile IPSI-GMD} }

@inproceedings{Fankhauser1988:1, Author ={Fankhauser,P. and Neuhold,E.J.},
Title ={Knowledge Management in Interoperable Databases},
Booktitle ={2nd Int.Symp. on Interoperable Systems, Tokyo.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IPSI-GMD tuple differences Category ={DBDkb, DBfile box } }

@inproceedings{Fankhauser1992, Author ={Fankhauser,P. and Neuhold,E.},
Title ={Knowledge Based Integration of Heterogeneous Databases},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at GMD-IPSI Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Fargues1986, Author ={Fargues,J. et al},
Title ={Conceptual Graphs for Semantics and Knowledge Processing},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="70--79",
Volume ="30",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ the graph permits automatic logical resolution to support deduction. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Farley1975, Author ={Farley,J.H. Gilles and Schuster,S.A.},
Title ={Query Execution and Index Selection for Relational Data Bases},
Institution ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed), page 519 (abstract)},
Year =1975, Annote ={at Un.Toronto Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@article{Farmakides1973, Author ={Farmakides,John B. (chairman), et al},
Title ={Legal Aspects of Computerized Information Systems},
Journal ={Honeywell Computer Journal.},
Year =1973, Pages ="1--96",
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ at Comm.on Scientific and Tech.Inf.Sys., Fed.Council of Sc.and Tech,. A comprehensive review, discussing new directions, with many references. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@article{Farmer1985, Author ={Farmer,D.B., King,R., and Meyers,D.A.},
Title ={The Semantic Database Constructor},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 ,},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="583--591",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Farrag1985, Author ={Farrag,A.A. and Ozsu,M.T.},
Title ={Using Semantic Knowledge of Transactions to Increase Concurrency},
Journal ={Un.Alberta, DCS, TR-85-11.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ By setting breakpoints to interleave compatible transactions. But aborts can require rollbacks or offsetting transactions. Compatible transactions can interleave. Nested compatibility in interleaving transactions. ---Gio Category ={DBDtrans> DBDconc, DBfile } }

@techreport{Farrag1984, Author ={Farrag,Abdel A.},
Title ={Concurrency and Consistency in Database Systems},
Institution ={Un.Alberta, PhD Th., TR-86-4.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Category ={DBintegrity, DBfile} }

@article{Farrag1987, Author ={Farrag,A.A. and Ozsu,M.T.},
Title ={Towards a General Concurrency Control Algorithm for Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1073--1079",
Volume ="13",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Dalhousie Un., Dep.Math and CS, (N.S. Canada) Generalization of two-phase and time-stamp mechanism. ---Gio Category ={DBDconc, DBfile Ozsu } }

@article{Farrag1989, Author ={Farrag,A.A. and Ozsu,M.T.},
Title ={Using semantic knowledge of transactions to increase concurrency},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="503--525",
Volume ="14",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ allow controlled nonserializable interleavings; semantic information takes the form of transaction types, transaction steps, and transaction breakpoints. Category ={DBDkb> DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Farrell1976, Author ={Farrell,J.},
Title ={The Datacomputer--A Network Data Utility},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 1, Berkeley CA.},
Year =1976, Month =May,
Pages ="352--364",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Fattu1985, Author ={Fattu,J.M., Blomberg,D.J., Patrick,E.A., and Guth,J.L.},
Title ={An Expert System Developed from a Hard Data Knowledge Base: Example of a Laboratory Based Anemia Consultant},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="257--262",
Annote ={at Indiana Un., School of Medicine Category ={MIS>} }

@inproceedings{Fauser1979, Author ={Fauser,U. and Neuhold,E.J.},
Title ={Transaction Processing in the Distributed DBMS -- POREL},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 4.},
Year =1979, Month =Aug,
Pages ="353--375",
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart, Inst.Informatik (FRG) General description, development experience, modules, message flow. The system supports heterogeneous systems through a common PASCAL system. A two level catalog is maintained. Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.3> } }

@inproceedings{Faudemay1987, Author ={Faudemay,P., Etiemble,D., Bechennec,J-L., and He,H.},
Title ={The Database Processor RAPID},
Booktitle ={IWDM.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at MASI, Un.Paris 6 a coprocessor for complex associative search being built in VLSI tech. Category ={DBFmach, DBfile } }

@techreport{Faure1971, Author ={Faure,J.C., et al},
Title ={L'informatique documentaire},
Institution ={Institut de Recherche d'Informatique et d'Automatique Cahier No. 7, carte de documentation.},
Year =1971, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IRIA Review of French research in document indexing and retrieval. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Feder1992, Author ={Feder,T. and Saraiya,Y},
Title ={Decidability and Undecidability of Equivalence for Linear Datalog with Applications to Normal-Form Optimizations},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Fedorowicz1980, Author ={Fedorowicz,J. and Haseman,W.D.},
Title ={Data Base Design for Infectious Disease Control},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1980, Pages ="19--31",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Report on CODASYL implementation. Category ={DBDbound.5> MCS> } }

@article{Fedorowicz1987, Author ={Fedorowicz,Jane},
Title ={Database Performance Evaluation in an Indexed File Environment},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="85--110",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at @ Northwestern Un., Boston Un. a procedure for estimating response time; distribution of access key occurrences follow Zipf's law. Early version with Kellogg,J.L. Model provides a fairly high degree of accuracy but is simple. The effects of multiple users are assessed using simple regression estimation. Category ={DBFindex> DBDbiblio> DBFindex.4> DBFsyseval.6, DBfile } }

@article{Fedorowicz1982, Author ={Fedorowicz,Jane},
Title ={Database Evaluation Using Multiple Regression Techniques},
Journal ={Working paper,},
Year =1982, Annote ={ A model of the inverted file of an automated bibliographic systems is constructed using the Zipf distribution of word frequency. The estimation procedures are accomplished using logarithmic transformations and multiple regression techniques. Category ={DBFmethods.3, DBfile } }

@article{Feeney1984, Author ={Feeney,Mary J. and Miller,Ruth},
Title ={Downloading: Piracy or Panacea?},
Journal ={J.Inf.Sci.Princ.Pract..},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Pages ="7--11",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Leicester (UK) economic, technicsl and ethical problems. Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery.1.3> DBDprivacy.1> } }

@inproceedings{Fei1984, Author ={Fei,T., Baru,C.K., and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={A Dynamically Partitionable Multicomputer System with Switchable Main Memory Modules},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles,},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Florida Category ={DBFstorage-3.2>} }

@book{Feigenbaum1988, Author ={Feigenbaum,E., McCorduck,P. and Nii,H.P.},
Title ={The Rise of the Expert Company: How Visionary Companies are Using Artificial Intelligence to Achieve Higher Productivity and Profits},
Publisher ={Times Books, (201 East 50th Street, New York NY), 322pp.},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Fehder1972, Author ={Fehder,P.L.},
Title ={The Representation-Independent Language},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R.s RJ1121 and 1251, San Jose CA, and Jul.1973, respectively.},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Fehder1974, Author ={Fehder,P.L.},
Title ={HQL: A Set-Oriented Transaction Language for Hierarchically-Structured Data Bases},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDbound.4>} }

@article{Feinstein1970, Author ={Feinstein,A.R.},
Title ={Taxonorics},
Journal ={Archives of Internal Medicine, ; Dec.1970, pp.1053--1067.},
Year =1970, Month =Oct,
Pages ="679--693",
Volume ="126",
Annote ={at Yale Un., School of Medicine The development of methods for coding data; the best exposition of the problems in data representation. Category ={DBFrepresent.1, xB14> } }

@incollection{Feinstein1973, Author ={Feinstein,A.R.},
Title ={The role of randomization in sampling, texting, allocation, and credulous idolatry (conclusion)},
Booktitle ={in 'Clinical Biostatistics' ?},
Year =1973, Category ={DBFmethods, DBfile} }

@article{Feistel1973, Author ={Feistel,H.},
Title ={Cryptography and Computer Privacy},
Journal ={Scientific American.},
Year =1973, Month =May,
Pages ="15--23",
Volume ="228",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at IBM Survey of cryptography for data bases. Category ={DBFrepresent-5, xB12.7 } }

@inproceedings{Fekete1987, Author ={Fekete,A., Lynch,N., Merrit,M., and Weihl,W.},
Title ={Nested Transactions and Read-Write Locking},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Harvard Un.; MIT; ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Fekete1990, Author ={Fekete,A., Lynch,N., and Weihl,W.},
Title ={A Serialization Graph Construction for Nested Transactions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Sydney; MIT Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Fekete1992, Author ={Fekete,A., Lynch,N., and Weihl,W.},
Title ={Hybrid Atomicity for Nested Transactions},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@techreport{Feldman1969, Author ={Feldman,J.A., Gips,J., Horning,J.J., and Reder,S.},
Title ={Grammatical Complexity and Inference},
Institution ={Stanford Artificial Intelligence Project TR.CS 125.},
Year =1969, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Feldman1969:1, Author ={Feldman,J.A. and Rovner,P.D.},
Title ={An Algol-Based Associative Language},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1969, Month =Aug,
Pages ="439--449",
Volume ="12",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Description of LEAP language and data structure of binary relations. Category ={DBFhybrid.7.5, DBfile } }

@article{Felician1990, Author ={Felician,Leonardo},
Title ={Simulative and Analytical Studies on Performances in Large Multimedia Databases},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.},
Year =1990, Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Trieste multimedia databases on large magnetic and optical disk storage Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Felippa1979, Author ={Felippa,Carlos A.},
Title ={Database Management in Scientific Computing--II. Data Structures and Program Architecture},
Journal ={Computers and Structures, ?.},
Year =1979, Pages ="131--145",
Volume ="12",
Annote ={at Lockheed, Palo Alto Res.Lab Category ={DBDintro.8, DBfile } }

@article{Felippa1979:1, Author ={Felippa, Carlos A.},
Title ={Architecture of a Distributed Analysis Network for Computational Mechanics},
Journal ={rcvd ?},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Fellagi1972, Author ={Fellagi,I.},
Title ={On the Question of statistical Confidentiality},
Journal ={Journal of the American Statistical Association, .},
Year =1972, Month Mar,
Pages ="7--18",
Volume ="61",
Number ="337",
Category ={DBDprivacy.8.3>} }

@inproceedings{Fellenstein1985, Author ={Fellenstein,C., Green,C.O., Palmer,L.M., Walker,A., and Wyler,D.J.},
Title ={A Prototype Manufacturing Knowledge Base in SYLLOG},
Booktitle ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Volume ="29",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDkb> EIS, DBfile Walker} }

@book{Feller1968, Author ={Feller,William},
Title ={An Introduction to Probability Theory and Applications},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY): , 3rd ed., ; Vol.2, 2nd ed., 1971.},
Year =1968, Volume ="1",
Category ={DBFtechn.1> DBFtechn.4, xvol1book} }

@techreport{Fellows1986, Author ={Fellows,Michael R.},
Title ={Data Structures for Reluctant Media},
Institution ={Rep.No.CS-86-144.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Washington St.U. Data structures to record state information under the restriction that updates must be indefinitely achievable by changing per update at most a fixed number r of the bits of the record. Category ={DBFhard, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Fenves1985, Author ={Fenves,S.J. and Rasdorf,W.J.},
Title ={Treatment of Engineering Design Constraints in a Relational Data Base},
Booktitle ={Engineering with Computers, vol.1.},
Year =1985, Pages ="27--37",
Annote ={ application paper. Civil Engineering. Constraints are procedurally defined, attached to one relation. Category ={DBFintro, DBfile } }

@article{Ferg1986, Author ={Ferg,Stephen},
Title ={Data Independence and the Relational DBMS},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Pages ="103--106",
Volume ="32",
Number ="21",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Ferguson1993, Author ={Ferguson,D., Nikolaou,C., and Georgiadis,L.},
Title ={Goal Oriented, Adaptive Transaction Routing for High Performance Transaction Processing Systems},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at IBM TJ Watson Research Ctr. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Fernandez1975, Author ={Fernandez,E.B., Summers,R.C., and Coleman,C.D.},
Title ={An Authorization Model for a Shared Data Base},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="23--31",
Annote ={at IBM, Los Angeles Access control rules in a relational environment. Category ={DBDprivacy.5> } }

@inproceedings{Fernandez1975:1, Author ={Fernandez,Eduardo B., Summers,Rita C., and Lang,Tomas},
Title ={Definition andd Evaluation of Access Rules in Data Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="268--285",
Annote ={Algorithms to reduce access control matrices. Category ={DBDprivacy.6> } }

@article{Fernandez1976, Author ={Fernandez,E.B. and Summers,R.C.},
Title ={Integrity Aspects of a Shared Data Base},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , New York, 1976.},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Pages ="819--827",
Volume ="45",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@book{Fernandez1981, Author ={Fernandez,E.B, Summers,R., and Wood,C.},
Title ={Data Base Security and Integrity},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 320 pages.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDprivacy> DBDintegrity>} }

@techreport{Fernandez1990, Author ={Fernandez,M., Ewald,E., and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={Observer: A Storage System for Object-Oriented Applications},
Institution ={Brown Rep. CS-90-27.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ENCORE Category ={DBDobject>} } @misc{1990, Title ={The role of the methodologies and conceptual models in the standardization of medical information},
Howpublished ={IMIA Working conference on Software Eng. and Medical Informatics, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ The author presents the case for standards and case tools. With both topics the problem is that today there is an excess of potential standards and tools, and that they often do not match. It behooves the community to follow this work and influence it, so that they are not pushed into an ineffective, unsuitable or obsolete environment. An example of the issue is SQL, it is a well accepted standard, useful because of its acceptance, but at the same time syntactically awful and functionally schizophrenic - not quite user-friendly and not quite machine-hostile. Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Ferrari1971, Author ={Ferrari,Domenico},
Title ={On the Architecture of Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , San Diego CA, 1971.},
Year =1971, Month =Nov,
Pages ="113--115",
Annote ={at UCB, Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@book{Ferrari1983, Author ={Ferrari,D, Serazzi,G., and Zeigner,A.},
Title ={Measurement and Tuning of Computer Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ Only two small sections on IMS databases, more on disks and channels. Category ={DBFmethods.0> DBFhard.2, x } }

@inproceedings{Ferrari1984, Author ={Ferrari,D. and Lee,T.P.},
Title ={Modeling File System Organizations in a Local Area Network Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at UCB, Category ={DBDdist.5>} }

@article{Ferrari1986, Author ={Ferrari,Domenico},
Title ={Considerations on the Insularity of Performance Evaluation},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-12 , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8703-0166.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Pages ="678--683",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ Performance evaluation should be integral to software science. Category ={DBFpreface> } }

@inproceedings{Ferrier1984, Author ={Ferrier,A. and Stangret,C.},
Title ={Heterogeneity in the Distributed Database Management System SIRIUS-DELTA},
Booktitle ={republished in Mohan `Tutorial, Recent Advances in Distributed Database Management', IEEE.},
Year =1984, Pages ="68--86",
Annote ={ description of the classical capability architecture. Category ={DBFprotect, DBFile INRIA box at INRIA (Le Chesnay, France) A pilot system is a set of functions which have to exist on every system in the DDBMS. Implemented DDBMS SIRIUS-DELTA and two other systems: PHLOX, a navigational DBMS for micro-computers, MRDS, a relational DBMS. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Fertig1989, Author ={Fertig,S. and Gelernter,D.},
Title ={Musing in an Expert Database},
Booktitle ={Yale Un., rcvd. .},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Yale Un., DCS Browsing and learning. presented with a sample for analysis, a goal for the analysis and a database, musing attempts to wander thru the database in an intelligent fashion in quest of the goal; a machine-musing system is uniform, symmetric and interactive; uniformity limits Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Feustel1973, Author ={Feustel,E.A.},
Title ={On the Advantages of Tagged Architecture},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.on Computers, Vol.C-22 .},
Year =1973, Month =Jul,
Pages ="644--656",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Rice Un. (Houston) Hardware data type identification and resulting protection. Category ={DBDprivacy.6> } }

@article{Fiadeiro1984, Author ={Fiadeiro,J. and Sernadas,A.},
Title ={The INFOLOG Linear Tense Propositional Logic of Events and Transactions},
Journal ={Un.Lisbon, INFOLOG RR11.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at INESC/IST, Lisboa, Portugal temporal logic for transaction specification. Category ={DBDops> DBDtheory, DBfile Sernadas } }

@incollection{Fiadeiro1987, Author ={Fiadeiro,J., and Sernadas,A.},
Title ={Behavioural Aspects of Intelligent Knowledge-based Information Systems.},
Booktitle ={'Temporal Aspects in Information Systems', N-H, to be published .},
Year =1987, Annote ={at INESC/IST, Lisboa, Portugal Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Fiadeiro1988, Author ={Fiadeiro,J. and Sernadas,A.},
Title ={Specification and Verification of Database Dynamics},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag , ; ACM CR 8905-0331.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="625--661",
Volume ="25",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ Structured specification and verification is based on an extended many-sorted first-order linear tense logic. ---Thalheim. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Fiadeiro1990, Author ={Fiadeiro,J., Sernades,C., Maibaum.T., and Saake,G.},
Title ={Proof-theoretic semantics of object-oriented specification constructs},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={sequences of methods Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Fiala1987, Author ={Fiala,J.C. and Haralick,R.M.},
Title ={Comparison of a Regular and an Irregular Decomposition of Regions and Volumes},
Journal ={Pattern Recognition.},
Year =1987, Pages ="309-319",
Volume ="20",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Virg. Polytechnic Quadtree, octtree, and adaptations to non-rectilinear shapes, interference operators. Category ={DBFtree> } }

@unpublished{Fichten1970, Author ={Fichten,J.P. and Everitt,J., and Pilemain,G.},
Title ={WEYCOS- a development of GECOS II},
Note ={personal communication,},
Year =1970, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Weyerhauser (Tacoma WA) Fully operational large data base system with excellent recovery features. Category ={DBFuse-4, XB11 } }

@article{Fichten1972, Author ={Fichten,J.P.},
Title ={The Weyerhaeuser Information System, A Progress Report},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1972, Pages ="1017--1024",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={ Overview of a Large Operational Data Base System. Category ={DBFuse-4, xB11 } }

@manual{FID1968, Author ={FID-IFIP},
Title ={Proc.1967 FID-IFIP Congress on Mechanical Information Storage, Retrieval, and Dissemination},
Organization ={N-H,},
Year =1968, Category ={DBDquery>%FID68} }

@book{Fidel1987, Author ={Fidel,Raya},
Title ={Database Design for Information Retrieval: A Conceptual Approach},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 232pp.; ACM Cr 8807-0484.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at U.Washington Entity-relationship approach to library science. Too much detail. Well written and sensible. No physical implementation. No coverage of retrieval. ---D.Mitchell. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Fidge1988, Author ={Fidge,Colin},
Title ={Timestamps in Message-Passing Systems That Preserve the Partial Ordering},
Journal ={Australian Computer Science Communications.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Timestamping is a common method of totally ordering events in concurrent programs. However, for applications requiring access to the global state, a total ordering is inappropriate. This paper presents algorithms for timestamping events in both synchronous and asynchronous message-passing programs that allow for access to the partial ordering inherent in a parallel system. The algorithms do not change the communications graph or require a central timestamp issuing authority. Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Fife1965, Author ={Fife,D.W. and Smith,J.L.},
Title ={Transmission Capacity of Disk Storage Systems with Concurrent Arm Positioning},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.on Computers, Vol.EC-14 .},
Year =1965, Month =Aug,
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@techreport{Fife1974, Author ={Fife,Dennis},
Title ={Comparison of Management Information Systems},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). .},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDintro.9>} }

@article{Fikes1982, Author ={Fikes,Richard E.},
Title ={A Commitment-Based Framework for describing Informal Cooperative Work},
Journal ={Cognitive Sci..},
Year =1982, Pages ="331--347",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Fikes1985, Author ={Fikes,R. and Kehler,T.},
Title ={The Role of Frame-based Representation in Reasoning},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="904--920",
Volume ="28",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ Research on frame-based representations has concentrated on the structural issue, i.e., representing taxonomies of objects. This paper discussed how to integrate frame with production rules to provide reasoning capability with a frame-based system. ---Xiaolei Category ={DBDkb> EIS> } }

@article{Files1969, Author ={Files,John R. and Huskey,Harry D.},
Title ={An Information Retrieval System Based on Superimposed Coding},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1969, Pages ="423--432",
Volume ="35",
Annote ={at UCSanta Cruz Proposal for Word-in-text retrieval system with a hash code for access to pointer tables for each word class. Category ={DBFhybrid.6.3> } }

@techreport{Fillat1970, Author ={Fillat,Andrew I. and Kraning,Leslie A.},
Title ={Generalized Organization of Large Data Bases; A Set Theoretic Approach to Relations},
Institution ={MAC TR.70,},
Year =1970, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at MIT, project MAC Description of GOLD STAR, a relational data base management system, written in PL/1 for MULTICS, with listings. Category ={DBDschema, CSD4020070> } }

@article{Filman1988, Author ={Filman,Robert E.},
Title ={Reasoning with Worlds and Truth Maintenance in a Knowledge-Based Programming Environments},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Pages ="382--401",
Volume ="31",
Number ="4",
Annote ={KEE context system and truth maintenance. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Findler1979, Author ={Findler,N.V.(ed)},
Title ={Associative Networks: Representation and Use of Knowledge by Computers},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDkb>} }

@book{Findler1991, Author ={Findler,Nicholas V.},
Title ={An Artificial Intelligence Technique for Information and Fact Retrieval: an Application in Medical Knowledge Processing},
Publisher ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press, 155pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9211-0855.},
Year =1991, Annote ={at Arizona State Un. SHRIF approximates human proficiencies, demonstrates no more than a modest start Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@techreport{Finger1985, Author ={Finger,J.S. and Genesereth,M.R.},
Title ={Residue: A Deductive Approach to Design Synthesis},
Institution ={Stanford Un., TR-CS-85-1035.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile Genesereth} }

@inproceedings{Finger1992, Author ={Finger,M. and Gabbay,D.},
Title ={Updating Atomic Information in Labelled Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@incollection{Finin1984, Author ={Finin,T, and Silverman,D.},
Title ={Interactive Classification of Conceptual Knowledge},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at U.Penn; Intellicorp Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Finin1990, Author ={Finin,T., Fritzson, R., McKay,D., McEntire,R., and Ohare,T.},
Title ={The Intelligent System Server Delivering AI to Complex Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE Int. Workshop on Tools for AI.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Finin1990:1, Author ={Finin,T. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Draft Proposal for A Standard Knowledge Query and Manipulation Language},
Note ={Univac and Stanford, May .},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Finkel1981, Author ={Finkel,Leroy and Brown, Jerald R.},
Title ={Data File Programming in BASIC},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1981, Annote ={limited to available BASIC functions. Category ={DBDmodel.0> } }

@article{Finkel1974, Author ={Finkel,R.A. and Bentley,J.L.},
Title ={Quad Trees: A Data Structure for Retrieval on Composite Keys},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1974, Pages ="1--9",
Volume ="4",
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@techreport{Finkelstein1981, Author ={Finkelstein,S.J.},
Title ={Common Expression Analysis for Optimization of Database Applications},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR..},
Year =1981, Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBFsyseval.4> DBDrel.2.4> DBDperf, Shelf } }

@article{Finkelstein1986, Author ={Finkelstein,S.J., Schkolnick,M., and Tiberio,P.},
Title ={Physical Database Design for Relational Databases},
Journal ={IBM Res.R. No.RJ5034, preprint IBM Aug.1985.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden DBDSGN led to IBM RDT; input are relational tables and a set of queries expected to be run; produces specifications of indexes, clustered; it uses the actual DBMS (SQL/DS) optimizer. ---Attanasio. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Finlayson1987, Author ={Finlayson,R.S. and Cheriton,D.R.},
Title ={Log Files: An Extended File Service Exploiting Write-Once Storage},
Booktitle ={Stanford Un., TR-CS-87-1177.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Append-only log files as a general-purpose construct. Retrieval cost is logarithm of the log size. Category ={DBFseq> DBFhard, DBfile } }

@techreport{Finalyson1989, Author ={Finalyson,R.S.},
Title ={A log file service exploiting write-once storage},
Institution ={Report STAN-CS-89-1272, Stanford Un. CSD.},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Annote ={Ph.D. thesis. worms for legs Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Finance1991, Author ={Finance,Beatrice },
Title ={A Rule-Based Query Rewriter in an Extensible DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Fischbach1967, Author ={Fischbach,F. and Buttgen,Peter},
Title ={IDS: Integrierte Daten-Speicherung},
Publisher ={v.Hase and Kohler, Mainz .},
Year =1967, Annote ={Ringstructured Database description (in German) Category ={DBFhash.6, QA76.5.F397> } }

@incollection{Fischer1983, Author ={Fischer,G. and Boecker,H.D.},
Title ={The Nature of Design Processes and how a Computer System can Support Them},
Booktitle ={Degano and Sandewall(eds): 'Integrated Interactive Computing Systems', N-H .},
Year =1983, Category ={EIS>} }

@incollection{Fischer1984, Author ={Fischer,G., Lemke,A., and Schwab,Th.},
Title ={Active Help Systems},
Booktitle ={Green, Tauber, vanderVeer (eds): Proc.of the 2nd European Conference on Cognitive Ergonomics, Mind, and Computer; Gmunden, Austria, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) .},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDlang>} }

@book{Fischer1984:1, Author ={Fischer,G. and Gunzenh\"auser,R.},
Title ={Project INFORM},
Publisher ={summary rcvd .},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart, Inst.Informatik Evaluation, analysis, design and implementation, investigations on Integrated Information Manipulation Systems (IMS) to support human-computer communication. Runs under UNIX, using Franz-LISP on a VAX 780 using BISY window front-end for EMACS, INGRES, SCRIBE, DYPAR n.l.parser, OPS5, Mycin(!), Pixel based font editor, C. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDquery.3> } }

@incollection{Fischer1987, Author ={Fischer,G. and Lemke,A.C.},
Title ={Constrained Design Processes: Steps towards Convivial Computing },
Booktitle ={Cognitive Science and its Application for Human-Computer Interaction, Guindon(ed), Erlbaum .},
Year =1987, Annote ={at now at Un.Colorado Category ={DBDdesign> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Fischer1981, Author ={Fischer,M.J., Griffeth,N.D., and Lynch,N.A.},
Title ={Algorithms for Placing Identical Resources in a Distributed System},
Booktitle ={ISSDB 2, Litwin(ed), Paris.},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Fischer1982, Author ={Fischer,M.J. and Michael,A.},
Title ={Sacrificing Serializability to Attain High Availability},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="70--75",
Number ="475820",
Annote ={at Yale Un.; Un.Wisconsin A simple algorithm for maintaining a replicated distributed dictionary which achieves high availability and tolerance to node or network failures. FAUVE Category ={DBDintegrity.1> DBDconc> DBDdist> } }

@article{Fischer1982:1, Author ={Fischer,M.J., Griffeth,N.D., and Lynch,N.A.},
Title ={Global States of a Distributed System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="198--202",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Yale Un.; Georgia Inst.Technology A global checkpoint is a transaction which must view a globally consistent system state for correct operation. The algorithm is nonintrusive in the sense that checkpoint transactions do not interfere with ordinary transactions in progress. Category ={DBFrepresent.6.3> DBFrepresent-3.4.3> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Fischer1983:1, Author ={Fischer,P.C. and Thomas,S.},
Title ={Operators for Non-First-Normal-Form Relations},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPSAC 7, Chicago.},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Pages ="464--475",
Annote ={Nested relations NFNF. Extends the NEST and UNNEST operators proposed by Jaeschke and Schek to multiple attributes and multiple levels of nesting. Some of the desired properties of thses operators interacting with the basic relational algebra failed for the `extended' operators. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Fischer1979, Author ={Fischer,W.E.},
Title ={The Interface beetween CAD/CAM Software and CODASYL-Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.Eurographics 79, Bologna, ACM Italy, rcvd Sep.1985.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Fischer1985, Author ={Fischer,W.E.},
Title ={A Database Management system for CAD and CAM},
Booktitle ={English abstract in Informatik-Fachberichte 94, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Philips research (Hamburg, FRG) PHIDAS, uses CODASYL on CDC1700 and other machines. 3-dim. graphics. Category ={EIS, DBFile abstract, Philips papers } }

@book{FischerNilsson1976, Author ={FischerNilsson,Jorgen},
Title ={Relational Database Systems},
Publisher ={PhD Th., TU. Denmark.},
Year =1976, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ includes Meta iV Schema lang., ALPHA relational calculus. Category ={DBDrel, QA76.9D3F57 } }

@book{Fishburn1964, Author ={Fishburn,Peter},
Title ={Decision and Value Theory},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) , Publications in Operations Research},
Year =1964, Number ="10",
Annote ={at Case Inst. An exhaustive discussion of value assignment and probabalistic measures, many references. Category ={DBDprivacy.1> } }

@article{Fisher1980, Author ={Fisher,M.L., and Hochbaum,D.S.},
Title ={Database Location in Computer Networks},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="718--735",
Volume ="27",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFmethods.4.4> DBDdist> DBDdesign>} }

@book{Fisher1982, Author ={Fisher,P.},
Title ={Advances in Data Base Management},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1982, Volume ="2",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@book{Fisher1984, Author ={Fisher},
Title ={Information Systems Security},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDprivacy, HF5548.2F474} }

@article{Fishman1990, Author ={Fishman,D.H., et al.},
Title ={Iris: An Object-Oriented DBMS},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at HP Labs., (Palo Alto CA) These papers describe Hewlett-Packard's project in implementing an object-oriented database system. The query language is an extension of SQL, which they immediately translate into relational algebra, so it is unclear how object-oriented it can be. However, they do support classes and subclasses, and definition of methods. ---jdu Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@techreport{Fishman1989, Author ={Fishman,D.H., et al.},
Title ={Overview of the Iris DBMS},
Institution ={In 'Object-Oriented Concepts, Languages, and Applications, Edited by W.Kim, F.H.Lochovsky, AW.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDobject, HP box} }

@article{Fishman1967, Author ={Fishman,George S.},
Title ={Problems in the Statistical Analysis of Simulation Experiments},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1967, Month =Feb,
Pages ="94--99",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFtechn.2> %Fishman67} }

@book{Fishman1978, Author ={Fishman,G.S.},
Title ={Principles of Discrete Event Simulation},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) Interscience, NY.},
Year =1978, Pages ="392--429",
Category ={DBappl>} }

@inproceedings{Fitzgerald1975, Author ={Fitzgerald,Jerry},
Title ={Auditing EDP Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., SF .},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="190--197",
Annote ={at SRI Checklists for system protection. Category ={DBFuse-4> } }

@techreport{Flajolet1981, Author ={Flajolet,P.},
Title ={On the Performance Evaluation of Extendible Hashing and Trie Searching},
Institution ={IBM, Res.Rpt.RJ3258 (39654).},
Year =1981, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab ( CA) Category ={DBFimpl.2.2> DBFhash.5, DB Shelf } }

@techreport{Flajolet1983, Author ={Flajolet,P. and Puech,C.},
Title ={Partial Match Retrieval of Multidimensional Data},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-233.},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFimpl.2.2> DBFhash.5, DBfile} }

@article{Flajolet1985, Author ={Flajolet,P. and Martin,G.N.},
Title ={Probabilistic Counting Alogrithms for Data Base Applications},
Journal ={Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Academic. , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8610-0933.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="182--209",
Volume ="31",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at INRIA compute selectivity in O(n) Category ={DBDops> DBFhash> } }

@article{Flajolet1984, Author ={Flajolet,P., Regnier,M., and Sotteau,D.},
Title ={Algebraic Methods for Trie Statistics},
Journal ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Res.Rpt.298.},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={ evaluates both memory and storage algorithms: quadtrees, k-d trees, grid-file, and others. Category ={DBFindex> DBFindex.Ch8> DBFimpl.2.2> DBfour.4, DBfile } }

@article{Flaksman1987, Author ={Flaksman,B.F.},
Title ={Pascal-Based Virtual Hierarchical Database Management System},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Feb..},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Pages ="32--35",
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={extend PASCAl or ADA with file declarations Category ={DBDlang, FASAC 338 } }

@inproceedings{Flater1992, Author ={Flater,D. and Yesha,Y.},
Title ={Query Routing and Object Caching in a Large Distributed Information System},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at University of Maryland Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Flavin1981, Author ={Flavin,Matt},
Title ={Fundamental Concepts of Information Modeling},
Publisher ={Yourdon Press, New York, 136pp. ACM Computing Reviews 40 04l.},
Year =1981, Annote ={at Yourdon Inc. (New York NY) The book is based on the Entity-Relationship model. While this has proven to be a popular approach, it is not the most rigorous or complete to start with. --- Curtice, Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{Fleck1975, Author ={Fleck,M.},
Title ={On the Equivalence of Data Base Models},
Institution ={IBM, Vienna, Lab (Austria), TR 25.144.},
Year =1975, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Considers translations both ways, using restricted network and relational models, with emphasis on different consistency constraints of the two models and how they are handled when storage operations are executed. Category ={DBDschema.6> } }

@unpublished{Fleischanderl1987, Author ={Fleischanderl,G. and Nejdl,W.},
Title ={Efficient Retrieval and Management of Facts in a PROLOG-RDBMS Environment},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at TU.Vienna, Austria Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Nejdl} }

@article{Fleming1986, Author ={Fleming,P. and Wallace,J.},
Title ={How to lie with Statistics:the Correct Way to Summarize Benchmark Results},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Volume ="29",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ using the arithmetic mean leads to mistakes that can be avoided by using the geometric mean. Category ={DBDeval> DBFmethods> } }

@article{Fletcher1975, Author ={Fletcher,J.G., Fernbach,S., Dubois,P.J., and Boer,G.L.},
Title ={Computer Storage Structure and Utilization at a Large Scientific Laboratory},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1104--1113",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Annote ={Hierarchy, photo-digital storage, etc. Category ={DBFstorage-3.3> DBFhard.1.4> } }

@article{Florentin1974, Author ={Florentin,J.J.},
Title ={Consistency Auditing of Data Bases},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1974, Pages ="52--58",
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Logical data relations useable for verification. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDrel.2> } }

@article{Florentin1976, Author ={Florentin,J.J.},
Title ={Information Reference Coding},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1976, Month =Jan,
Pages ="29--33",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Codes to denote associative tuples. Category ={DBDschema> DBFrepresent.1 %Florentin76 } }

@book{Flores1969, Author ={Flores,I.},
Title ={Computer Sorting},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1969, Annote ={Various sorting techniques with programs. Category ={DBFseq.2> } }

@book{Flores1970, Author ={Flores,Ivan},
Title ={Data Structure and Management},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers,},
Year =1970, Annote ={at Stevens Inst.Technology (Hoboken NJ) Introduction to concepts and elements of file systems Category ={DBFintro> } }

@book{Flores1981, Author ={Flores,I.},
Title ={Data Base Architecture},
Publisher ={Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY), 480pp.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDintro>} }

@article{Floyd1989, Author ={Floyd,R.A. and SchlatterEllis,C.},
Title ={Directory Reference Patterns in Hierarchical File Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="238--247",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Claude Bernard (Lyon, France) Category ={DBDmodel.1, DBfile at BBN Labs, (Cambridge MA) Study of UNIX directory use. ---Gio. Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@incollection{Floyd1974, Author ={Floyd,R.W.},
Title ={Permuting Information in Idealized Two-Level Storage},
Booktitle ={'Complexity of Computer Computations', Miller et al(eds), Plenum, .},
Year =1974, Pages ="105--109",
Annote ={Transposition algorithm with analysis. Category ={DBFhybrid, DBfile %Floyd74 } }

@article{Flynn1985, Author ={Flynn,D.J. and Laender,A.H.F.},
Title ={Mapping from a Conceptual Schema to a Target Internal Schema},
Journal ={BCS Computer J., pp.508--af.},
Year =1985, Volume ="28",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ global schema uses ACS, internal NIAM, example is IFIP papers. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@book{Flynn1986, Author ={Flynn,George J.},
Title ={ Medicine in the Age of the Computer},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1986, Category ={MCS>} }

@techreport{Flynn1985:1, Author ={Flynn,Roger R.},
Title ={The Inconsistency of Relational Database Theory},
Institution ={Un.Pittsburgh.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at U.Pittsburgh Category ={DBDtheory.2, Ullman} }

@book{Flynn1987, Author ={Flynn,Roger R.},
Title ={An Introduction to Information Science},
Publisher ={Marcel Dekker, (New York NY), 793pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8804-0250.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Collection and analysis, organization and use, and coding of data. Manipulation (numerical and text) and desicion making. Examples of PIRETS. Textbook is intended for schools of library and information science. ---Borko Category ={DBintro> } } % ------ FM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@inproceedings{Folinus1974, Author ={Folinus,J.J., Madnick,S.E., and Schutzman,H.B.},
Title ={Virtual Information in Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={FDT, Bulletin of ACM SIGFIDET.},
Year =1974, Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at MIT, Sloan School of Management Use of potential data. Category ={DBDschema.9> } }

@inproceedings{Fong1979, Author ={Fong,A.C.},
Title ={Inductively Computable Constructs in Very High Level Languages},
Booktitle ={Conf.Record Annual ACM Symp. Principles of Programming Languages 6.},
Year =1979, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Oklahoma State Un. conversational style. TURBO PASCAL and C programs. Awkward Btree. Category ={DBFintro> Category ={DBDrel.3> } }

@techreport{Fong1973, Author ={Fong,E.},
Title ={A Survey of Selected Document Processing Systems},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). Technical note 781.},
Year =1973, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Fong1975, Author ={Fong,Elisabeth},
Title ={A Benchmark Test Approach for Generalized Data Base Software},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE Compcon.},
Year =1975, Annote ={at NBS Category ={DBFtechn, x6>%Fong75} }

@techreport{Fong1986, Author ={Fong,E.N., Goldfine,A.H., and Navathe,S. (eds)},
Title ={Data Base Directions: Information Resource Management -- Making It Work},
Institution ={US Dep.Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). , Spec.Pub.500-139.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ based on Oct.1985 workshop. IRM in the 1990s, system life cycle, Technology. Decentralized and distributed IRM. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@techreport{Fong1990, Author ={Fong,E.N. and Thompson,C.},
Title ={Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Database Task Group Workshop, Atlantic City},
Institution ={Rep. NISTIR 4503, May.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Nat.Inst. of Standards and Technology report on 5th Information Management Directions (formerly called Data Base Directions) workshop. Topics: integration of knowledge and data management; integration of technical and business data management; integration of systems planning, development, and maintenance tools and methods; integration of distributed, heterogeneous computing environments; architectures and standards. Category ={DBDkb> DBDadmin> Category ={DBDobject, x } }

@techreport{Fong1990:1, Author ={Fong,E.N.(ed)},
Title ={Proceedings of the Object-Oriented Database Task Group Workshop, Ottawa},
Institution ={Rep. NISTIR 4488, Oct.},
Year =1990, Annote ={standardization Category ={DBDobject, x} }

@article{Foo1990, Author ={Foo,S.Y. and Takefuji,Y.},
Title ={Databases and Cell-Selection Algorithms for VLSI Cell Libraries},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Florida State University Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Ford1991, Author ={Ford,D., and Christodoulakis,S.},
Title ={Optimizing Random Retrievals from CLV Format Optical Disks},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDhash>} }

@inproceedings{Ford1988, Author ={Ford,S., et al.},
Title ={ZEITGEIST: Database Support for Object-Oriented Programming},
Booktitle ={Proc. Int. Workshop on OODBS.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Texas Instrument Inc. Architecture and implementation of persistent object support for object- oriented programming. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Fordyce, Author ={Fordyce,K.J. and},
Title ={Artificial of an AI Technology +},
Journal ={working paper},
Annote ={ at IBM, Poughkeepsie,NY and Essex Junction, Vermont visicalc with reversability. Category ={DBDquery.3, Home File } }

@article{Forman1987, Author ={Forman,B.Y. and Fegreus,J.},
Title ={INGRES's Star rises on the DBMS Firmament},
Journal ={Digital Review.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Pages ="43--47",
Annote ={ Extensive Measurements of central and distributed Ingres, QBF, SQL, QUEL. Isam to Btree performance ratio of approx 1 to 2 for Numeric keys. Distributed access same speed, but joins 100*slower. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Formica1992, Author ={Formica,A., and Missikoff,M.},
Title ={Adding Integrity Constraints to Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Instituto di Analisi dei Sistemi ed Informatica, Italy) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Forrey1987, Author ={Forrey,A.W. and Murphy,G.F.},
Title ={Patient Records Standards Aid Automation},
Journal ={ASTM SN.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Pages ="42--45",
Annote ={ at Un.Washington, Harborview Med.Ctr., Trauma Data Systems Building the foundations of computers in patient care. E31.07 and E31.10 on Computerization of the Hospital Pharmacy suggested that a document on registration/admitting, discharge and transfer (R-ADT) systems be created. Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Forsdick1984, Author ={Forsdick,H.C., Thomas,R.H., Robertson,G.G., and Travers,V.M.},
Title ={Initial Experience with Multimedia Documents in DIAMOND},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="25--42",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at BBN Category ={DBFhard.1> Image>} }

@article{Forsyth1975, Author ={Forsyth,J. and Fadous,R.},
Title ={Finding Candidate Keys for Relational Data Bases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="203--210",
Annote ={at Michigan State Un. Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Fossum1974, Author ={Fossum,B.M.},
Title ={Data base integrity as provided by a particular data base management system},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management, Klimbie and Koffeman(eds).},
Year =1974, Pages ="271--288",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@article{Foster1965, Author ={Foster,C.C.},
Title ={Information Storage and Retrieval Using AVL Trees},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 20,},
Year =1965, Category ={DBFtree>} }

@article{Foster1972, Author ={Foster,C.C.},
Title ={Generalized AVL Trees},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , or 73},
Year =1972, Category ={DBFtree>} }

@inproceedings{Foster1986, Author ={Foster,I.T., and Kusalik,A.J.},
Title ={Paging Strategy for Prolog Based Dynamic Virtual Memory},
Booktitle ={IEEE-SLP 86, Salt Lake City UT.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ at London Un., Imperial Coll. (London UK); Un.Saskatchewan Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Foster1986:1, Author ={Foster,I.T. and Kusalik,A.J.},
Title ={A Logical Treatment of Secondary Storage},
Booktitle ={IEEE-SLP 86, Salt Lake City UT.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ at London Un., Imperial Coll. (London UK); Un.Saskatchewan Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Foster1981, Author ={Foster,J.D.},
Title ={Application of DBMS to Land Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="448--455",
Annote ={at Inst. for Geodesy and Photogrammetry, ETH Category ={DBappl> } }

@article{Fotouhi1989, Author ={Fotouhi,F. and Pramanik,S.},
Title ={Optimal Secondary Storage Access Sequence for Performing Relational Join},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="318--328",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Wayne St. Un. considers page locating Category ={DBDperf> } }

@article{Fox1988, Author ={Fox,Edward A.},
Title ={ACM Press Database and Electronic Products --- New Services for the Information Age},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="948--951",
Volume ="31",
Number ="8",
Annote ={ a tutorial manual of a DBMS on Mac. Although not fully relational(no views, ..), it has some interesting features, not only of its easy-to-create menu-oriented user interfaces, but also of its supporting DB model. Database access is soley by menu-interaction without introducing a linear query language like SQL. Its user model in general is based on a single record entry and single and multiple record view. Join operation can be done on the fly along predefined (at the database definition time) connections between files. Two types of connections are supported and they are the structural Model's reference and ownership connections in disguise: - Can declare one of two files as linking(referencing) file and another as linked(referenced) file. For instance, entering a new value of dept code in Employee relation pops up a window for entering a new tuple in Dept relation. - Can define a nested relation by creating a subfile to a parent file. It seems that a subfile is accessible through its parent file. ---S.Cha. Category ={DBDrel> ACM becoming up-to-date. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@incollection{Fox1984, Author ={Fox,M.S., Wright,J.M., and Adam,D.},
Title ={Experiences with SRL: An Analysis of Frame-Based Knowledge Representation},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Foy1985, Author ={Foy,J.L., Palestine,A.G., Nealon,R.C., Vincent,W.D. Nussenblatt,R.B., and Lewis,T.L.},
Title ={Adapting a Hospital Information System to Data Collection for Clinical Research},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="846--851",
Annote ={at Information Sys. Dep., Clinical Ctr, NIH Category ={MIS> } }

@article{Fraboul1980, Author ={Fraboul,C.},
Title ={Robust Mechanisms for Maintaining a Redundant Distributed Database},
Journal ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Databases, British Computer Society 1, Deen and Hammersley(eds), pp.238.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBFrepresent.5.4> DBDdist>} }

@article{Frailey1973, Author ={Frailey,Dennis J.},
Title ={A practical approach to Managing Resources and Avoiding Deadlock},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month Mar,
Pages ="323--329",
Volume ="16",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Southern Methodist Un. Description of a limited implementation and good overview. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@techreport{Fraley1987, Author ={Fraley,Chris},
Title ={Computational Behavior of Gauss-Newton Methods},
Institution ={Stanford Un. CLaSSiC Project, TR-CLaSSiC-87-21.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDperform, DBfile} }

@article{Franaszek1985, Author ={Franaszek,P. and Robinson,J.T.},
Title ={Limitations of Concurrency in Transaction Processing},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--28",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ 6 methods, incl. optimistic (best) but not version-ing. Category ={DBFtrans.7.5> DBDintegrity.1.6> } }

@inproceedings{Franaszek1990, Author ={Franaszek,P.A., Robinson,J.T., and Thomasian,A.},
Title ={Access Invariance and Its Use in High Contention Environments},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM Watson Research Center Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Franaszek1992, Author ={Franaszek,P.A., Robinson,J.T., and Thomasian,A.},
Title ={Concurrency Control for High Contention Environments},
Booktitle ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@article{Frank1976, Author ={Frank,A.},
Title ={The Development of a Concept for Distributed Processing},
Journal ={Digest of Papers, COMPCON Spr. .},
Year =1976, Pages ="28--30",
Annote ={ at Advanced Systems, Bank of America, San Francisco Describes the reasons why the Bank of America is going to a distributed data base. Also gives a brief description of what the system will look like. Category ={DBFstorage-3.4> DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Frank1984, Author ={Frank,Andrew},
Title ={Extending a Network Database with Prolog},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Maine (Orono) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Frank1969, Author ={Frank,H.},
Title ={Analysis and Optimization of Disk Storage Devices for Time-Sharing Systems},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1969, Month =Oct,
Pages ="602--620",
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Analysis of seek times and queuing. Category ={DBFhard.2> DBFtechn.3> } }

@techreport{Frank1973, Author ={Frank,R.L. and Sibley,E.H.},
Title ={The Data Base Task Group --- An Illustrative Example},
Institution ={Nat.Technical Information Service, US Dep.Commerce (Springfield VA), AD-759 267,},
Year =1973, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDbound.5, x8 book> %Frank73} }

@book{Frank1984:1, Author ={Frank,Robyn(ed)},
Title ={Directory of Food and Nutrition Information Services and Resources},
Publisher ={ORYX Press and Food and Nutrition Information Ctr, USDA, Beltsville MD.},
Year =1984, Annote ={info on software and databases. Category ={DBappl>} }

@techreport{Frank1987, Author ={Frank,W., Madnick,S., and Wang,R.},
Title ={A Conceptual Model for Integrated Autononous Processing},
Institution ={TR 6 of KBIISE project, Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, ?},
Year =1987, Annote ={at MIT COSI, applied to banking Category ={DBDdist, DBfile MIT box } }

@article{Franklin1974, Author ={Franklin,M.A. and Sen,A.},
Title ={An Analytic Response Model for Single- and Dual Density Disk Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.on Computers, Vol.C23 .},
Year =1974, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1269--1276",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at Washington Un. (St.Louis MO) Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@inproceedings{Franklin1992, Author ={Franklin,M.J., Zwilling,M., Tan,C., Carey,M., and DeWitt,D.},
Title ={Crash Recovery in Client-Server EXODUS},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Franklin1992:1, Author ={Franklin,M.J. Carey,M.J., and Livny,M.J.},
Title ={Global Memory Management in Client-Server Database Architectures},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ to be used is SHORE; hate page heuristic to remove replicated pages in the server; all clients can share page request processing Category ={DBFfile> } }

@inproceedings{Franklin1993, Author ={Franklin,M., Carey.,M., and Livny,M.},
Title ={Local Disk Caching for Client-Server Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Franks1966, Author ={Franks,E.W.},
Title ={A Data Management System for Time-Shared File Processing Using a Cross Index File and Self Defining Entries},
Booktitle ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1966, Pages ="76--86",
Volume ="28",
Annote ={at SDC TDMS description Category ={DBDschema> %Franks66 } }

@inproceedings{Franky1990, Author ={Franky,M.C.},
Title ={Joyce+: Model and Language for Multi-Site Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Universidad de los Andes, Colombia petri nets for JOYCE+ models Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Fraser1969, Author ={Fraser,A.G.},
Title ={Integrity of a Mass Storage Filing System},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1969, Month =Feb,
Pages ="1--5",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFuse-4.1>} }

@article{Frantzich1985, Author ={Frantzich,Stephen E.},
Title ={Congress Embraces the Information Age and discovers a Mixed Blessing},
Journal ={ORSATInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems meeting, Atlanta,},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at US Naval Academy Category ={DBappl @inproceedings{Frasson1986, Author ={Frasson,C. and Er-Radi,M.},
Title ={Principles of an Icons-based Language},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Fratarcangeli1991, Author ={Fratarcangeli,C.},
Title ={Technique for Universal Quantification in SQL},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Frediani1986, Author ={Frediani,S. and Saitta,L.},
Title ={Knowledge Base Organization in Expert Systems},
Booktitle ={International Symp.on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems; Un.Tennessee.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="19--27",
Annote ={ at CENS --- Automatica e Informatica, Politecnino di Torino Reorganization of logical rules, applied to samples or intermediate level descriptions Category ={DBDkb> KSYS> } }

@article{Fredkin1960, Author ={Fredkin,E.},
Title ={Trie Memory},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1960, Pages ="490--499",
Volume ="39",
Category ={DBFimpl.2.2>} }

@article{Fredman1982, Author ={Fredman,F.L., and Volpen,D.J.},
Title ={The Complexity of Partial Match Retrieval in a Dynamic Setting},
Journal ={J.of Algorithms.},
Year =1982, Pages ="68--78",
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@techreport{Freedman1989, Author ={Freedman,S.J. and Chase,R.A.},
Title ={ElectricCadaver: A Dynamic Book of Human Structure and Function},
Institution ={?},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Stanford Un. School of Medicine Category ={MIS, DBfile } }

@book{Freeman1977, Author ={Freeman,Donald E. and Perry,Olvey R.},
Title ={I/O Design : Data Management in Operating Systems},
Publisher ={Hayden,},
Year =1977, Annote ={Files in Operating Systems Context. Category ={DBFintro> DBFseq> } }

@techreport{Freeman1989, Author ={Freeman,James D.},
Title ={Results from integrating MIS and process Automation Systems},
Institution ={OISA pap #89-0507, ISA89 Philadelphio},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at 3M Greenville SC closing the gap from process automation to MIS by sharing the database. The bridge is plant operations. Category ={DBDdist> I3> } }

@inproceedings{Freeman1968, Author ={Freeman,Robert R. and Atherton,Pauline},
Title ={AUDACIOUS --- An Experiment with an On-Line, Interactive Reference Retrieval System Using the Universal Decimal Classification as the Index language in the Field of Nuclear Science},
Booktitle ={ASIS,},
Year =1968, Pages ="193--199",
Volume ="5",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Freeman1983, Author ={Freeman and Pieroni(ed)},
Title ={Computer Architecture For Spatially Distributed Data},
Publisher ={NATO ASI Series.},
Year =1983, Category ={Image?> DBDdist?@inproceedings{Freeston1987, Author ={Freeston,Mike W.},
Title ={The BANG File: A New Kind of Grid File},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={ at European Computer-Industry Res. Ctr (ECRC), (Munchen FRG) Category ={DBFtree> EIS> } }

@article{Freeston1989, Author ={Freeston,Mike W.},
Title ={Advances in the Design of the BANG File},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="322--338",
Number ="367",
Annote ={ at European Computer-Industry Res. Ctr (ECRC), (Munchen FRG) Grid file, applied o.a., scatter grams. ---Gio. Category ={DBFindex> DBFadvindex> } }

@incollection{Frege, Author ={Frege,Gottlob},
Title ={On Sense and Reference},
Booktitle ={Zeitschrift f\ur Philosphie und Philosphische Kritik, 1892, .},
Pages ="25--50",
Volume ="100",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Freiberger1972, Author ={Freiberger,W.(ed)},
Title ={Statistical Computer Performance Evaluation},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), 514pp.},
Year =1972, Category ={DBFtechn.1> %Freiberger72} }

@inproceedings{Freilich1980, Author ={Freilich,L. and Sadowski,P.J.},
Title ={Managing Systems that Manage Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), pp.155.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Ontario Hydro Category ={DBDadmin.1>} }

@inproceedings{Freitag1988, Author ={Freitag,B. and Birenath,O.},
Title ={An Air Travel Expert Database},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at TU.Munich Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{French1985, Author ={French,James C.},
Title ={IDAM File Organization},
Publisher ={Un.Michigan press, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ partial match queries in use hierarchically arranged record descriptors Category ={DBFindex, QA76.9.F5F74 } }

@book{Freund1962, Author ={Freund,J.E.},
Title ={Mathematical Statistics},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1962, Category ={DBFtechn.1> %Freund62} }

@article{Freundlich1990, Author ={Freundlich,Y.},
Title ={Knowledge Bases and Databases, Converging Technologies, Diverging Interests},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, No 11.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Volume ="3",
Annote ={at Data General a free wheeling discussion, with some inconsistencies Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Frey1971, Author ={Frey,R., Girardi,S., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={A Filing System for Medical Research},
Journal ={Bio-Medical Computing, (Elseviers Great Britain, publishers ).},
Year =1971, Month =Jan,
Pages ="1--26",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., ACME System Description and measurement, grouped records are used for text data. Category ={DBFhybrid.1> } }

@article{Friedman1992, Author ={Friedman,Carol and Sideli,Robert},
Title ={Tolerating Spelling Errors during Patient Validation},
Journal ={CBNBR, vol.25 no.5, pp. 486--509},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ a longest string matching algorithm outperforms SOUNDEX and SOUNDMEX. Category ={DBFrepresent } }

@article{Friedman1970, Author ={Friedman, T.D.},
Title ={The Authorization Problem in Shared Files},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal .},
Year =1970, Pages ="258--280",
Volume ="9",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, Research (San Jose CA) Technical description of linkage of individual identification to access privileges with the definition of cliques. Category ={DBDprivacy.6, xB12.6 } }

@article{Friedman1974, Author ={Friedman, Theodore D. and Hoffman, Lance J.},
Title ={Execution Time Requirements for Encipherment Programs},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Aug,
Pages ="445--449",
Volume ="17",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at UCB, Category ={DBFrepresent-5> %Friedman74} }

@inproceedings{Fritz1974, Author ={Fritz,H.},
Title ={Aids to Effective DB/DC Design},
Booktitle ={Proc.of SEAS (Eurpoean SHARE) Tech. Meeting.},
Year =1974, Annote ={Use of IMS tools. Category ={DBDbound.5>} }

@inproceedings{Freytag1986, Author ={Freytag,J.C. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Rule-based Transformation of Relational Queries into Interactive Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Freytag1986:1, Author ={Freytag,J.C. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Translating Aggregate Queries into Iterative Programs},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDlang>} }

@techreport{Freytag1986:2, Author ={Freytag,Johann Christian},
Title ={A Rule-based View of Query Optimization},
Institution ={IBM, TR-RJ5349 (54999).},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Freytag1987, Author ={Freytag,J.C., Cristian,F., and Kaehler,B.},
Title ={Masking System Crashes in Database Application Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res.Ctr translate transaction code with generation of recovery statements Category ={DBDreliab> DBDquery> } }

@book{Freytag1985, Author ={Freytag,Johann C.},
Title ={Translating Relational Queries into Iterative Programs},
Publisher ={PhD Th., Harvard Un..},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Source and target languages are LISP-like. Transformation steps: unfolding, folding and abstraction. Ph.D. thesis. ---Abhyankar. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Freytag1989, Author ={Freytag,J.C. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={On the Translation of Relational Queries into Iterative Programs},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 9003-0242.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--27",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at European Computer-Industry Res.Ctr. Transform into an ideal intermediate form for subsequent compilation phase. Functional programming is used for the formulation of simple algebraic rules ---B.Thalheim. Category ={DBDquery> DBDimplement> DBDrel> } }

@incollection{Freytag1989:1, Author ={Freytag,Johann C.},
Title ={The Basic Principles of Query Optimization in Relational Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89', Ritter(ed), IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, (San Francisco, -Sep.), N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="801--807",
Annote ={ Three principles: 1) QEP generation, 2) search strategy, 3) cost function. ---Gio. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Fribourg, Author ={Fribourg,L.},
Title ={Oriented Equational Clauses as a Programming Language},
Journal ={Logic Programming.},
Pages ="165--177",
Volume ="2",
Annote ={<<< Read >>> Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@article{Frieder1989, Author ={Frieder,O., Lee,K.C., and Mak,V.},
Title ={JAS: A Parallel VLSI Architecture for Text Processing},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="16--22",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Bell Communications Research, (Morriston NJ) Paradata. Category ={DBDarchitecture> } }

@techreport{Frieder1990, Author ={Frieder,O. and Shuey,R.},
Title ={Communication needs in a data engineering world},
Institution ={RPI report 90-19.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at RPI Category ={DEng, DBfile} }

@article{Frieder1990:1, Author ={Frieder,O.},
Title ={Multiprocessor Algorithms for Relational-Database Operators on Hypercube Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, No 11.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Volume ="3",
Annote ={at George Mason Un. simple tutorial simulation favor broadcast over backing for large joins; balancing to overcome skew Category ={DBDmach> } }

@inproceedings{Friedman1985, Author ={Friedman,Bruce A.},
Title ={Some Personal Observations on Differing Goals and Objectives in the Planning of Hospital Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="405--409",
Annote ={at Un.Michigan, Dep.Pathology Category ={MIS>} }

@inproceedings{Friedman1986, Author ={Friedman,F.J. and Brykczynski,B.R.},
Title ={Ada/SQL: A Standard, Portable Ada-DBMS Interface},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at RACOM (Anandale VA); IDA (Alexandria VA) Category ={DBDrel.2> DBFhybrid.3> } }

@techreport{Friedman1985:1, Author ={Friedman,F. and Brykczynski,B.},
Title ={Description of a Rough Draft ADA/SQL Standard},
Institution ={IDA Internal Document.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Friedman1986:1, Author ={Friedman,F., Keller,A.M., Wiederhold,G., Berkowitz,M.R., Salasin,J., and Spooner,D.L.},
Title ={Reference Model for ADA Interfaces to Database Management Systems;},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Friedman1985:2, Author ={Friedman,F. and Keller A.M.},
Title ={Discussion on Ada/SQL Specs},
Institution ={IDA Internal Document.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Friedrich1988, Author ={Friedrich,G. and Nejdl,W.},
Title ={Increasing the Information Content of Diagnostic Examples Using a Domain Model},
Booktitle ={9th Workshop on Expert Systems and their Applications -- Specialized Conference on Second Generation Expert Systems, Avignon, France.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Friedrich, Author ={Friedrich,G., Gottlob,G., and Nejdl,W.},
Title ={Generating Efficient Diagnostic Procedures from Model Based Knowledge Using Logic Programming Techniques},
Journal ={Computers and Mathematics with Applications, Special Issue on Logic Programming in Intelligent Decision and Control Systems, 198?.},
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Friedrich1990, Author ={Friedrich,G. and Nejdl,W.},
Title ={MOMO --- Model-Based Diagnosis for Everybody},
Booktitle ={IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (>1985) 6.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Techn.Un.Vienna a small hyperresolution-based procedure using Prolog using range-restricted clauses; certain kinds of knowledge lead to exponential complexity while others do not. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Nejdl } }

@article{Fries1984, Author ={Fries,J.F.},
Title ={The Chronic Disease Databank: First Principles for Further Directions},
Journal ={J.Med.Philos..},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Pages ="161--180",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ ARAMIS. Data collected are gradually modified based on anticipation of future needs. Category ={MCS> DBDstat.2> } }

@techreport{Fries1986, Author ={Fries,J.F. and McShane,D.J.},
Title ={ARAMIS: A Prototype National Chronic Disease Databank},
Institution ={Western Journal of Medicine.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Dep.Med., Stanford Un. Med. School Category ={DBappl, DBfile, x issue> } }

@article{Frisse1988, Author ={Frisse,Mark},
Title ={Searching for information in a hypertext medical handbook},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8908-0573.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Volume ="31",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ conversion salvages the hierarchical organization of the print work; the resulting acyclic graph propagates intrinsic card weights generated by a weighted word-matching method. ---Oren. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Frisse1989, Author ={Frisse,M. and Cousins,S.},
Title ={Information Retrieval from Hypertext: Update on the Dynamic Medical Handbook Project},
Booktitle ={Hypertext .},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Frolov1985, Author ={Frolov,G.D., Kurshev,E.P., Lyubushkina,L.A., Somin,N.V., and Freidlin,I.Y.},
Title ={SIRIUS --- A Database Management System for the General User},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Dec..},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="352--358",
Volume ="11",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ extension of PL/1 by extending declarations with ORDER, UNIQUE, SearchKEY, +DOMAIN TABLE. Set operation. Category ={DBDlang, FASAC 335 } }

@article{Frolov1984, Author ={Frolov,O.R.},
Title ={Modeling of Associative Memory for Relational Databases},
Journal ={Programmirovaniye, Moscow, -Dec..},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="45--51",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ proposal to use indexes. Applied to Bank, SEDAN, OKA network? DBMSs. Category ={DBDbound@book{Frost1986, Author ={Frost,R.A.},
Title ={Introduction to Knowledge Base Systems},
Publisher ={Collins,London, 617pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Databases 161 pp., logic and databases 152pp., nonclassical logic in KB 120 pp., rule frames functions 100 pp., prog.lang. and KB 73 pp., Exercises, References. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Fry1970, Author ={Fry,J.P.},
Title ={Introduction to Storage Structure Definition},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Houston TX, and 329--337.},
Year =1970, Pages ="315--328",
Category ={DBDschema>%Fry70} }

@inproceedings{Fry1972, Author ={Fry,J.P., Frank,R.L., and Hershey,E.A.III},
Title ={A Development Model for Data Translation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Annote ={at Un.Michigan Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Fry1972:1, Author ={Fry,J.P., Smith,D.C.P., and Taylor,R.W.},
Title ={An Approach to Stored Data Definition and Translation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@techreport{Fry1978, Author ={Fry,J.P., DeSmith,D.A., and Oberlander,L.B.},
Title ={Database Research and Systems Bibliography},
Institution ={DSRG TR.. 78DE14.2, Database Systems Res. Group, Graduate School of Business Administration, Un.Michigan, Ann Arbor.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBFintro>} }

@inproceedings{Fry1974, Author ={Fry,J.P.},
Title ={Stored Data Definition and Translation Approach to the Data Portability Problem},
Booktitle ={Klimbie74 and Koffeman, (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@article{Fry1974:1, Author ={Fry,James P. and Jeris,David W.},
Title ={Towards a Formulation and Definition of Data Reorganization},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="83--100",
Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@inproceedings{Fry1976, Author ={Fry,J.P. and Kahn,B.K.},
Title ={A Stepwise Approach to Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proc.ACM Southeast Regional Conf..},
Year =1976, Pages ="34--43",
Category ={DBFeval.1> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Fry1976:1, Author ={Fry,J.P. and Sibley,E.H.},
Title ={Evolution of Data-Base Management Systems},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys,},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="7--42",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDschema> DBDintro.9.1>} }

@inproceedings{Fry1978:1, Author ={Fry,J.P., et al.},
Title ={An Assessment of the Technology for Data-, and Program-related Conversion},
Booktitle ={ Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), Anaheim CA, 1978.},
Year =1978, Month =Jun,
Pages ="887--907",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Fry1978:2, Author ={Fry,J.P., Teorey,T.J., DeSmith,D.A., and Oberland,L.B.},
Title ={Survey of State-of-the-Art Database Administration Tools; Survey Results and Evaluation},
Institution ={Un.Michigan, TR-DSRG 78 DE14.2.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDadmin.2> DBDadmin.3, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Fry1978:3, Author ={Fry,J.P. and Teorey,T.J.},
Title ={Design and Performance Tools for Improving Database Usability and Responsiveness},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="151--213",
Category ={DBFeval.1>} }

@incollection{Fry1980, Author ={Fry,J.P., et al.},
Title ={Conversion Technology--An Assessment},
Booktitle ={in 'Data Base Direction - The Conversion Problem', National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). Special Publication 500-64, U.S. Dep. of Commerce.},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="105--160",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Fu1989, Author ={Fu,A. and Kameda,T.},
Title ={Concurrency Control for Nested Transactions Accessing B-trees},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. Category ={DBFtrans> DBDconc>} }

@article{Fuchel1979, Author ={Fuchel,K.,},
Title ={On the Selection of Access Path in Inverted Database Organization},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1979, Pages ="219--225",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFimpl.2.4>} }

@book{Fuchs1985, Author ={Fuchs,Victor and Perreault,Leslie},
Title ={Expenditures for reproduction-related health care},
Publisher ={Journal of the American Med. Ass.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Pages ="76--81",
Volume ="255",
Category ={MCS>} }

@article{Fuchs1987, Author ={Fuchs,W.K., Wu,K-L., and Abraham,J.A.},
Title ={Comparison and Diagnosis of Large Replicated Files},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IEEE Category ={DBFmaint> DBFdist>} }

@article{Fuhr1989, Author ={Fuhr,Norbert},
Title ={Optimum polynomial retrieval functions based on the probability ranking principle},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 9001-0056.},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Pages ="183--204",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at TH Darmstadt,FRG multivalued relevance scales indexing identifies phrases as well as single words ---K.Booth. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@inproceedings{Fujisawa1986, Author ={Fujisawa,H., Hatakeyama,A. and Higashino,J.},
Title ={A Personal Universal Filing System Based on the Concept-Relation Model},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Hitachi,Ldt., Japan Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Fujitani1984, Author ={Fujitani,Larry},
Title ={Laser Optical Disk: The Coming Revolution in On-Line Storage},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="546-554",
Volume ="27",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Optimem (Sunnyvale CA) includes description of new 5 1/4in disc by Shugart Corp Category ={DBFhard.1.5> } }

@article{Fujiwara1985, Author ={Fujiwara,T.},
Title ={Perpendicular Magnetic Recording Technology},
Journal ={Toshiba Review,},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Toshiba Category ={DBFhard>} }

@techreport{Fuller1972, Author ={Fuller,Samuel H.},
Title ={A Simulator for Computer Systems with Storage Units Having Rotational Delays},
Institution ={DSL Technical Note 16.},
Year =1972, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., Digital System Lab FORTRAN program Category ={DBFtechn.4, xB6.4> } }

@article{Fuller1974, Author ={Fuller,S.H.},
Title ={Minimal-Total-Processing Time Drum and Disk Scheduling Disciplines},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1974, Month =Jul,
Pages ="374--381",
Volume ="17",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBFtechn.3.2>%Fuller74} }

@article{Fuller, Author ={Fuller,Samuel H. and Baskett,Forest},
Title ={An Analysis of Drum Storage Units},
Journal ={Stanford, DSL, SEL TR.26.},
Annote ={at Stanford Un., Digital Systems Lab A complete review of drum performance and queuing. Category ={DBFtechn> } }

@book{Fuller1975, Author ={Fuller,S.H.},
Title ={Analysis of Drum and Disk Storage Units},
Publisher ={LNCS, Goos and Hartmanis(eds), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag, 283pp.},
Year =1975, Volume ="31",
Category ={DBFhard.2> DBFtechn.3>} }

@inproceedings{Fuller1990, Author ={Fuller, et al.},
Title ={Drug and Chemical Entries in Meta-1},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE .},
Year =1990, Annote ={Unified Medical Language System Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Fulton1980, Author ={Fulton,R.E.},
Title ={National Meeting to Review IPAD Status and Goals},
Journal ={Astronautics and Aeronautics, -Aug..},
Year =1980, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ IPAD is sponsoring RIM, a CODASYL 78 based system for CAD CAM work. Category ={DBappl> EIS> } }

@techreport{Furman1968, Author ={Furman,Richard M.},
Title ={IBM 1360 Photo Digital Storage},
Institution ={IBM, TR. 02.427,},
Year =1968, Month =May,
Category ={DBFhard.1.3>} }

@incollection{Furnas1984, Author ={Furnas,G.W., Landauer,T.K., Gomez,L.M., and Dumais,S.T.},
Title ={Statistical semantics: Analysis of the Potential Performance of Keyword},
Booktitle ={Human Factors in Informtion Systems, Thomas and Schneider(eds), Ablex Pub. Norwood NJ, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8502-0134.},
Year =1984, Pages ="187--242",
Annote ={ data from an experiment on user keyword selection. Category ={DBDquery.1> } }

@article{Fursin1986, Author ={Fursin,Gennadiy Ivanovich},
Title ={Estimating and Decision Making Techniques in Database Design},
Journal ={Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny, Kiev.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Number ="1",
Annote ={at UkSSR Acad.Sci., Inst.Cyb. (Kiev) Multi-objective design with human interaction to adjust preference weights. Parameters are design time, people, cost, benefits, maintenance, T(trans), T(report), size of storage, reorganization cost. Performance estimates using Teorey-Frey model, validated using simulation. I3 Category ={DBDimpl> DBDdesign, FASAC 209b@techreport{Furtado1976, Author ={Furtado,A.L. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={An Algebra of Quotient Relations},
Institution ={Pontificia Universidado Catolica do Rio de Janeriro, Series: Monographs in Computer Science and Computer Appl. /76,},
Year =1976, Month =Sep,
Number ="10",
Annote ={ at Un.Maryland, Dep.Information Systems Management Category ={DBDrel.2, DBfile } }

@article{Furtado1979, Author ={Furtado,A.L., Sevcik,K.C., and DosSantos,C.S.},
Title ={Permitting Updates through Views of Data Bases},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , Pergamon Press, Great Britain.},
Year =1979, Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDschema.5>} }

@book{Furtado1979:1, Author ={Furtado,A.L. and Morgan,H.L.(eds)},
Title ={Proc.5th Conf. on Very Large Data Bases},
Publisher ={SUCESU-RJ, available from IEEE as publication 79CH1406-8C, 450pp.},
Year =1979, Annote ={ VLDB 5 Conf. held in Rio de Janerio, Brazil, Oct.1979. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Furtado1984, Author ={Furtado,A.L.},
Title ={An Informal Approach to Formal Specifications},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="45--54",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@incollection{Furtado1984:1, Author ={Furtado,Antonio L. and Moura,C.M.O.},
Title ={Expert Helpers to Data-Based Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={ at PUC --- Rio de Janeiro ; IBM, Latin American SRC, Brazil Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Furtado1985, Author ={Furtado,A.L. and Neuhold,E.},
Title ={Formal Techniques for Database Design},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) .},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDschema.5>} }

@article{Furtado1985:1, Author ={Furtado,A.L. and Casanova,M.A.},
Title ={Updating Relational Views},
Journal ={Query Processing in Database Systems, Kim,Reiner,Batory(eds), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) .},
Year =1985, Pages ="297-317",
Category ={DBDschema.5>} }

@techreport{Furtado1986, Author ={Furtado,A.L., Casanova,M.A., and Tucherman,L.},
Title ={A Framework for Design/Redesign Experts},
Institution ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1, Charleston SC.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={Views drive schema organization Category ={DBDschema> DBDkb> } }

@book{Furtado, Author ={Furtado,A.L. and Neuhold,E.J.},
Title ={Formal techniques for data base design},
Publisher ={ACM Computing Reviews 8609-??.},
Annote ={at Pontificia Un., Rio de Janeiro semantic data models physical design omitted and no quantitative aspects design process in rigorous and highly mathematical terms. ---Honkanen. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Furtado1986:1, Author ={Furtado,A.L., Casanova,M.A., and Tucherman,L.},
Title ={Transforming Constraints into Logic Programs: A Case Study},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM, Sci. Ctr, Rio de Janeiro a software tool that supports a database design discipline based on modules Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Furukawa1983, Author ={Furukawa,Koichi and Fuchi,Kazuhiro},
Title ={Knowledge Engineering and Fifth Generation Computers},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="17--19",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Inst. for New Generation Computer Technology Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Furukawa1986, Author ={Furukawa,Tetsuya et al.},
Title ={Transformation of network structure for efficient processing},
Booktitle ={Meeting on integration of knowledge base and database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Kyushuu Un. Category ={DBDbound>} }

@inproceedings{Fushimi1986, Author ={Fushimi,S., Kitsuregawa,M. and Tanaka,H.},
Title ={An Overview of the Systems Software of a Parallel Relatational Database Machine: GRACE},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Tokyo} }

@inproceedings{Fussell1981, Author ={Fussell,D.S., Kedem,Z.M., and Silberschatz,A},
Title ={A Theory of Correct Locking Protocols for Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="112--124",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin; SUNY, Stony Brook Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } }

@inproceedings{Futo1977, Author ={Futo,I., Darvas,F., and Szeredi,P.},
Title ={The Applications of PROLOG to the Development of QA and DMB Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Symp. on Logic and Databases, Toulouse, France, Plenum Press, New York 1978, 458pp.},
Year =1977, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDintro.7>} } % ------- G ------biblio----1949-1991------

@techreport{Gabbay1983, Author ={Gabbay,D.M. and Reyle,U.},
Title ={Getting Intuitively Correct Answers from a Database Using Intuitionistic Logic Programming},
Institution ={Un.Stuttgart, Inst.Linguistik Romanistik, TR..},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Gabbay1991, Author ={Gabbay,D. and McBrien,P.},
Title ={Temporal Logic and Historical Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={uses, unfortunately, closed intervals based on Since and Until operators with product, select, join; problem with Union, Intersect; no update Category ={DBDops> } }

@incollection{Gabriel1989, Author ={Gabriel,J.R.},
Title ={Automated Generation of Databases from a Specification and Simulation Input Data},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Argonne National Lab. Mismatching in data subscripts of FORTRAN array data Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Gabrieli1987, Author ={Gabrieli,Elmer R.},
Title ={Automated Medical Office Records},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8811-0880.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="59--68",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Gabrieli Med.Infor.Sys, (Buffalo NY) Goals were ambitious in the 1970s. The project does not appear to have benefited from the publications since then. ---Elliman. Category ={MIS> } }

@techreport{Gacddis1986, Author ={Gacddis,M.E. and Zyda,M.J.},
Title ={The Fractal Geometry of Nature: Its Mathematical Basis and Application to Computer Graphics},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-NPS52-86-008.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={Image>} }

@inproceedings{Gadia1985, Author ={Gadia,S.K. and Vaishnav,J.H.},
Title ={A Query Language for a Homogenous Temporal Database},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="51--56",
Annote ={at Texas Tech Un. Homogeneity means that temporal bounds match for each attribute (even non time-varying) in a relation. Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Gadia1986, Author ={Gadia,Sashi K.},
Title ={Towards a Multi-Homogeneous Model for a Temporal Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Pages ="390--397",
Annote ={ Proposes a temporal database model within the framework of classical relational database theory. Temporally parameterizes a static database, introducing the notion of snapshots and weak equivalencies of time intervals. Describes a temporal relational algebra and calculus. Rigorous ---Downs. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Gadia1986:1, Author ={Gadia,Sashi K.},
Title ={Weak Temporal Relations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 5, Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Texas Tech Un. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDops, DBfile} }

@article{Gadia1988, Author ={Gadia,S.K. and Yeung, C-S.},
Title ={A Generalized Model for a Temporal Database},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1988, Pages ="251-259",
Annote ={at Iowa State Un., DCS, (Ames IO) Temporal databases. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDops, DBfile } }

@article{Gadia1988:1, Author ={Gadia,Sashi K.},
Title ={A Homogeneous Relational Model and Query Languages for Temporal Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8912-0896.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="418--448",
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Iowa State Un., CSD extends ACM PODS 4 work. Nested intervals are used to indicate ranges of validity of data. Keys remain tied to objects. Uses open intervals. temporal tuples and temporal relations; the temporal domain varies from tuple to tuple but it is constant with respect to attributes. ---Pokorny. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDops, DBfile } }

@article{Gadia1988:2, Author ={Gadia,Sashi K.},
Title ={The Role of Temporal Elements in Temporal Databases},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="19--25",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@unpublished{Gadia1989, Author ={Gadia,S.K. and Bhargava,G.},
Title ={Relational Database Systems with Zero Information-Loss},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Iowa State Un., DCS, (Ames IO) Temporal databases. Category ={DBDmodel } }

@article{Gadia1990, Author ={Gadia,S.K. and Yeung, C-S.},
Title ={Inadequacy of Interval Time-stamps in Temporal Databases},
Journal ={Information Sciences, to be published .},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Iowa State Un., DCS, (Ames IO) Temporal databases. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Gadia1992, Author ={Gadia,S.K., Nair,S., and Poon,Y-C.},
Title ={Incomplete Information in Relational Temporal Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ relations with missing intervals are completed for temporal joins; multiple completions are feasible; uses closed intervals Category ={DBDops> UNCERTAIN> } }

@inproceedings{Gadient1985, Author ={Gadient,A.J.},
Title ={Functional Requirements for an Electronic Design Automation Environment Integration Framework},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern. Conf. on Computer Aided Technologies, (Montreal Canada) .},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="348--354",
Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Gadient1986, Author ={Gadient,A.J. and Dewey,A.M.},
Title ={Candidate Standard Development Activities Within the VHSIC Program},
Booktitle ={Proc.Computer Standards Conference, San Francisco.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Pages ="109--110",
Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Gadient1986:1, Author ={Gadient,A.J. and Ebel,J.L.},
Title ={The VHSIC Engineering Information System Program},
Booktitle ={Proc.National Aerospace and Electronics Conference, Dayton OH, .},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Pages ="4--7",
Volume ="1",
Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Gafni1992, Author ={Gafni,A. and Rao,K.},
Title ={A Time-based Distributed Optimistic Recovery and Concurrency Control Mechanism},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Advanced Computing Support Center Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Gagliardi1990, Author ={Gagliardi,R., Caneve,M., and Oldano,G.},
Title ={An Operational Approach jto the Integration of Distributed Heterogeneous Environments},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@unpublished{Gaifman1986, Author ={Gaifman,H., Mairson,H., SAgiv,Y., and Vardi.,M.},
Title ={Undecidable Optimization Problems for Database Logic Programs},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Shows boundedness and strong boundedness are undecidable, even in very simple cases. ---jdu Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Gaines1979, Author ={Gaines,B.R..},
Title ={Logical Foundations for Database Systems},
Journal ={Int'l. Man-Machine Studies.},
Year =1979, Pages ="481--500",
Volume ="11",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Gaines1978, Author ={Gaines,P.R.},
Title ={Fuzzy and Probability Uncertainty Logics},
Journal ={Information and Control.},
Year =1978, Pages ="154--169",
Volume ="38",
Annote ={Here the concept is belief in propositions. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@article{Gait1988, Author ={Gait,Jason},
Title ={The Optical File Cabinet: A Random-access File System for Write-Once Optical Disks},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, no.6.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="11--22",
Volume ="21",
Annote ={at Tektronix OFC maintains versions. Fixed level trees, for three file sizes, are used to reach current blocks. Older blocks are reached from time-stamp blocks above the roots. Long term (1 hour?) caching improves performance. Recovery. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Gait1990, Author ={Gait, Jason},
Title ={Phoenix: a Safe In-Memory File System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Pages ="81--86",
Volume ="33",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at DEC, Colorado Springs Two time-stamped versions of in-memory allow for a reserve version that ensures safety for diskless computers. Category ={DBFhard> DBDreliab> } }

@article{Gait1990:1, Author ={Gait,Jason},
Title ={A Checkpointing Page Store for Write-Once Optical Disk},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Pages ="2--9",
Volume ="39",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Gait1991, Author ={Gait,Jason},
Title ={Stability, Availability, and Response in Network File Service},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1991, Month =Feb,
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Tektronix meets response, availability, and stability requirements; component parts compete to service file requests, maintains multiple copies and improves as the number of pages per request; operates on Ethernet with client-server model, does not deal well with writes Category ={DBFper> DBFreliab> } }

@incollection{Gajski1982, Author ={Gajski,D D., Padua,D.A., Kuck,D.J., and Kuhn,R.H.},
Title ={A Second Opinion on Data Flow Machines and Languages},
Booktitle ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1982, Month =Feb,
Pages ="15--25",
Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ (SKS) or why I'm afraid people won't use FORTRAN. This paper should only be read (by beginners) in conjunction with a pro-dataflow paper for balance: maybe McGraw's `Physics Today' May 1984. Due to their simplicity and strong appeal to intuition, data flow techniques attract a great deal of attention. Other alternatives, however, offer more hope for the future. Recommended. ---Miya. Category ={DBDparallel> DBFarch> } }

@inproceedings{Gal1985, Author ={Gal,A. and Minker,J.},
Title ={A Natural Language Database Interface that provides Cooperative Answers},
Booktitle ={2nd Conf. Artificial Intelligence Applications.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Investigates the usefulness of integrity constraints for generating informative response in the context of natural language query answering. Such response can be generated for both successful and failed queries. An English query is first translated to a logical query. Using integrity constraints the system can go beyond Kaplan's detection of null-producing conjuncts. The integrity constraints are evaluated before the original query predicates. When the user query passes all the relevant integrity constraint checking, then it starts evaluating the original predicates in the query. This may not be always a right choice. The paper does not clarify value of this type of integrity constraints in detecting more specific cause of query failure. ---ChaSK Category ={DBDquery> DBDnat> } }

@inproceedings{Gala1993, Author ={Gala,S., Navathe,S., and Bermudez,M.},
Title ={Voltaire: A Database Programming Language with a Single Execution Model for Evaluating Queries, Constraints and Functions},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at UNISQL; Georgia Inst.Technology; Un.Florida Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Galil1979, Author ={Galil,Z.},
Title ={On Improving the Worse Case Running Time of the Boyer-Moore String Matching Algorithm},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1979, Month =Sep,
Pages ="505--508",
Volume ="22",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Tel-Aviv Un. (Tel-Aviv, Israel) It compares the pattern with the text from the right end of the pattern. Whenever a mismatch occurs, it shifts the pattern according to a precomputed table. In the case that the text character positioned against the last character in the pattern does not appear in the pattern, we can immediately shift the pattern right a distance equal to the size of the pattern. Thus, we need to inspect only about n/m characters of the text (where n and m are the sizes of the text pattern). Category ={DBDquery.1> } }

@inproceedings{Galindo1992, Author ={Galindo-Legaria,C. and Rosenthal,A.},
Title ={How to Extend a Conventional Optimizer to Handle One- and Two-Sided Outerjoin },
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Gallager1978, Author ={Gallager,R.G.},
Title ={Variations on a Theme of Huffman},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Vol.IT-24 .},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Pages ="668--674",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ Description of Huffman compression algorithm available as compact [...], uncompact [....c] in UNIX. Expected compression text 38%, PASCAL 43%, Binary 19%. The tree is dynamically created, as granularity is one byte. Category ={DBFrepresent-4> } }

@inproceedings{Gallagher1992, Author ={Gallagher,Len},
Title ={Object SQL: Extensions for Object Data Management (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at NIST Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Gallagher1966, Author ={Gallagher,Rep. Cornelius E.},
Title ={The Computer and Invasion of Privacy},
Publisher ={(hearings ) Arno Press, NY, 1970.},
Year =1966, Annote ={Privacy issues Category ={DBDprivacy.0>} }

@book{Gallaire1978, Author ={Gallaire,H. and Minker,J.(eds)},
Title ={Logic and Data Bases},
Publisher ={Plenum Press, New York and London, 458pp.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ Proc.of the Symp. on Logic and Databases, Toulouse 1977. Category ={DBFintro> DBDkb> } }

@incollection{Gallaire1978:1, Author ={Gallaire,H, Minker,J. and Nicholas,J.M.},
Title ={An Overview and Introduction to Logic and Data Bases},
Booktitle ={'Logic and Data Base', Plenum Press.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@book{Gallaire1984, Author ={Gallaire,Herve, Minker,Jack, and Nicolas,Jean-Marie(eds)},
Title ={Advances in Database Theory},
Publisher ={Plenum Press.},
Year =1984, Volume ="2",
Category ={DBDkb, QA76.9.D3W56 1979 v.2} }

@inproceedings{Gallaire1981, Author ={Gallaire,H.},
Title ={Impacts of Logic on Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="248--259",
Annote ={at C.G.E., Lab.Marcoussis (Marcoussis, France) Logic can provide a formal support to study classical database problems and help in their solution. Good references. Category ={DBDquery.2> } }

@article{Gallaire1984:1, Author ={Gallaire,H., Minker,J., and Nicolas,J-M.},
Title ={Logic and Databases: A Deductive Approach},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="153--185",
Volume ="16",
Number ="2",
Annote ={[Ahad,Yao,Choi87] B.n Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Gallaire1986, Author ={Gallaire,Herve},
Title ={Bridging the Gap between AI and Databases: Logic Approach},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at European Computer-Industry Res.Ctr (ECIRC) (Munich FRG) Includes proposals with INGRES and PROLOG, many references Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Gallaire1987, Author ={Gallaire,H. and Nicolas,J-M.},
Title ={Logic Approach to Knowledge and Data Bases at ECRC},
Journal ={Data Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="185--192",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at ECRC, (Munich FRG) Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{GalOz1993, Author ={GalOz,N., Gudes,E., and Fernandez,E.},
Title ={A Model of Methods Authorization in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Galtieri1970, Author ={Galtieri,Cesare},
Title ={Architecture of the MASCOR 132},
Institution ={MASCOR, formerly Cupertino CA.},
Year =1970, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFhard> DBFstorage.12} }

@techreport{Galtieri1978, Author ={Galtieri,C.A.},
Title ={Framework for an Information System},
Institution ={IBM, Res. Division, Yorktown Heights NY, RJ2394(31806),},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab (CA) Sentences, assertions, time Category ={DBDschema, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{GamalEdin1988, Author ={GamalEdin,M.S., Thomas,G., and ElMasri,R. },
Title ={Integrating Relational Databases with Support for Updates},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Clarkson Univ. Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile ElMasri} }

@techreport{GamalEldin1988, Author ={GamalEldin,Samy},
Title ={Global Updates in Integration of Distributed Databases},
Institution ={Clarksom Un., (Potsdam NY), Math and CS, PhD Th..},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{GamalEldin1988:1, Author ={GamalEldin,S., Thomas,G., and ElMasri,R.},
Title ={Local and Global Constraints in Database Integration},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 22.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{GamalEldin1988:2, Author ={GamalEldin,M.S, Thomas,G., and Elmasri,R.},
Title ={Local and Global Constraints in Database Integration},
Booktitle ={HCSS.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{GamalEldin1988:3, Author ={GamalEldin,S., Thomas,G., and ElMasri,R.},
Title ={Integrating Relational Databases with Support for Updates},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="202--209",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Gambino1977, Author ={Gambino,T.J., and Gerritsen,R.},
Title ={A Database Design Decision Support System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed), Tokyo, Japan.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Pages ="534--544",
Category ={DBDbound.5> 20} }

@article{Gamerl1987, Author ={Gamerl,Michael},
Title ={Maturing Parallel Transfer Disks},
Journal ={Hardcopy.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="40--48",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ use of 5 independent access arms. Cost went from 75dol/MByte to 25 dol. Category ={DBFhard> DBFarch, Opt box } }

@inproceedings{Gandhi1992, Author ={Gandhi,M. and Robertson,E.L.},
Title ={A Specification-Based Data Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Gangopadhyay1982, Author ={Gangopadhyay,D., Dayal,U., and Browne,J.C.},
Title ={Semantics of Network Data Manipulation Languages: An Object-Oriented Approach},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="357--369",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin; CCA Category ={DBDobject> DBDbound.5> } }

@techreport{Gangopadhyay1987, Author ={Gangopadhyay,D.},
Title ={On Uniform Implementation of Optimizations for Recursive Queries},
Institution ={IBM, TR rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Uses counting to express recursions as one or more transitive closures, then eliminates some of these TC's when arguments are bound. With luck, you can then get rid ofthe counting and have an optimized program for a particular query. ---jeff. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Ganguly1990, Author ={Ganguly,S., Silberschatz,A., and Tsur,S.},
Title ={A Framework for the Parallel Processing of Datalog Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Fast rule access by hashing Datalog rules with precompiling. Partitioned relations. bottom-up evaluation, a discriminating predicate partitions the computation between the processors. Category ={DBDlogic> DBFperf> } }

@inproceedings{Ganguly1991, Author ={Ganguly,S., Greco,S., and Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={Minimum and Maximum Predicates in Logic Programming},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Ganguly1992, Author ={Ganguly,S. Hasan,W. and Krishnamurthy,R.},
Title ={Query Optimization for Parallel Execution},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Papyrus optimizes Select-Project-Join queries with pruning to reduce problems induced by dynamic programming solution; minimizing response time subject to constraints on throughput Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Ganguly1992:1, Author ={Ganguly,S., Greco,S., and Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={Greedy by Choice},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Gannon1975, Author ={Gannon,Thomas F. III (ed)},
Title ={Data Base Activity State of Affairs},
Institution ={Standing Paper 3 Version 0.0, ?.},
Year =1975, Annote ={at ANSI/X3/SPARC, Database Systems Study Group Listing of Standards Category ={DBFrepresent.2> DBDintro.0, DBfile } }

@techreport{Gannon1973, Author ={Gannon,J.D. (ed.)},
Title ={An annotated bibliography on computing program engineering},
Institution ={Report CSRG-24, Un.Toronto.},
Year =1973, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Category ={DEng, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Gannon1984, Author ={Gannon,T.S.},
Title ={State of Affairs of the Database Standardization Activites},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Auerbach Pubs. Category ={DBDintro.1>} }

@inproceedings{Ganski1987, Author ={Ganski,R.A. and Wong,H.K.T.},
Title ={Optimization of Nested SQL Queried Revisited},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at San Francisco State Un. In a paper by Won Kim, it was pointed out that the system R optimizer does not do well on nested SQL queries. He gave a classification scheme for such queries and their transformation into single-level queries. This paper shows some bugs in Kim's algorithms and extends them to handle a larger class of predicates (EXISTS, ALL and negations taken care of). ---W.Hasan. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@techreport{GAO1979, Author ={GAO},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems--Without Careful Planning There Can Be Problems},
Institution ={Report to Congress, FGManagement Science, Journal of TIMSD-79-35.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@manual{GAO1980, Author ={GAO (General Accounting Office)},
Title ={Continued Use of Costly, Outmoded Computers in Federal Agencies Can Be Avoided},
Organization ={Report to Congress, AFMD-81--9.},
Year =1980, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Modern computers with the same relative compute power can be more effective, efficient, and economical. This report discusses the costs and problems associated with the continued use of outmoded computers and recommends ways to resolve existing obsolescence problems and prevent their recurrence. Category ={DBFhard.1.6> } }

@manual{GAO1988, Author ={GAO (General Accounting Office)},
Title ={Information Technologies Issues},
Organization ={GAO, OCG-89-6TR.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at GAO, (Washington DC) Notes on the social security (SSA) and tax (IRS) systems, security. ---Gio. Category ={DBDprivacy> DBDapplic> } }

@techreport{GarciaMolinaW1977, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Application of the Contract Net Protocol to Distributed Data Bases},
Institution ={Stanford HPP report 77-21,},
Year =1977, Month Apr,
Annote ={at CSD,Stanford Un. The paper applies the contract net formalism of R.G.Smith to develop a model for interaction in a distributed data base. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDkb, Shel } }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1978, Author ={GarciaMolina, H.},
Title ={Distributed Database Coupling},
Institution ={Stanford Un., Heuristic Programming Project paper HPP-78-4.},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1979, Author ={GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Performance of Update Algorithms for Replicated Data in a Distributed Database},
Institution ={DCS Rep. No.STAN-CS--79--744.},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{GarciaMolina1978:1, Author ={GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Performance Comparison of Two Update Algorithms for Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 3, San Francisco CA.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="108--119",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{GarciaMolina1979:1, Author ={GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={A Concurrency Control Mechanism for Distributed Databases which uses Centralized Locking Controllers},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 4.},
Year =1979, Month =Aug,
Pages ="113-125",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist} }

@article{GarciaMolina1979:2, Author ={GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Centralized Control Update Algorithms for Distributed Databases},
Journal ={ICDS 1, Huntsville AL.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{GarciaMolina1980, Author ={GarciaMolina,Hector},
Title ={Reliability Issues for Fully Replicated Distributed Databases},
Journal ={Proc.CompCon Fall 80, (Washington DC).},
Year =1980, Pages ="442--449",
Category ={DBDintegrity.4> DBDdist>} }

@article{GarciaMolina1983, Author ={GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Using Semantic Knowledge For Transaction Processing in Distributed Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Pages ="186-213",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Move from exclusive to shared locking Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> } }

@book{GarciaMolina1981, Author ={GarciaMolina,Hector},
Title ={Performance of Update Algorithms for Replicated Data},
Publisher ={UN.Publishers Research Press, Ann Arbor MI, ISBN 0-8357-1219-2, 320pp.},
Year =1981, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ GarciaMolina's book is a revision of his 1979 thesis from Stanford Un. The objective of the work is to study and compare some of the fundamental management techniques for replicated data, and in particular, to investigate the performance of update algorithms for replicated data in a distributed data base. It is assumed that the decision has been made to replicate the data. The study consists of two main parts. First a simplifying set of assumptioons is made for the sake of analysis of the various update algorithms. Second the original assumptions are relaxed and the effect of doing so are studied. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } }

@techreport{GarciaMolinaK1981, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Kent,J.},
Title ={A Technique for Evaluating the Performance and Reliability of Distributed Computing Systems},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR.#291.},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Princeton Un. Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent, DBfile } }

@article{GarciaMolina1982, Author ={GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Elections in a Distributed Computing System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C31 .},
Year =1982, Month =Jan,
Number ="1",
Annote ={ with perfect communication use `bully' to elect new control node, else use a hierarchically coalescing invitation election algorithm. Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5> } }

@article{GarciaMolinaW1982, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Read-Only Transactions in a Distributed Database},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="209--234",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist>} }

@techreport{GarciaMolinaEa1982, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Allen,T., Bleustein,B., Chilenskas,M., and Ries,D.R.},
Title ={Data-Patch: Integrating Inconsistent Copies of a Database after a Partition},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR.EECS 304.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at Princeton Un.; CCA Principles for the design of the database schema and transactions. A tool that aids the database administrator in the development of an integration program for database copies that diverged. Category ={DBFrepresent.7> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{GarciaMolina1983:1, Author ={GarciaMolina,Hector},
Title ={'data patch '},
Booktitle ={to appear in IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 3, Tampa FL.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ how to distribute changes in a fully replicated database Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> DBFreliab, DBfile } }

@unpublished{GarciaMolinaLH1983, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Lipton,R., and Honeyman,P.},
Title ={A Massive Memory Database System},
Note ={Princeton Un., Dep.EECS, private Comm. .},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFhard.1.5, DBfile} }

@article{GarciaMolinaGK1984, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Germano,F.jr., and Kohler,W.H.},
Title ={Debugging a Distributed Computing System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-10 .},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="210--219",
Number ="2",
Annote ={monitoring and process tracing. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{GarciaMolinaPD1984, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. Pitelli,F. and Davidson,S.},
Title ={Applications of Byzantine Agreement in Database System},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR.EECS 316.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent, DBfile} }

@article{GarciaMolinaPD1985, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. Pitelli,F. and Davidson,S.},
Title ={Is Byzantine Agreement Useful in a Distributed Database System},
Journal ={to appear in ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent>} }

@techreport{GarciaMolina Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Kent,J.},
Title ={Evaluating Response Time in a Distributed Computing System},
Institution ={Princeton Un., EECS,TR.291.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Princeton U. Category ={DBDdist> DBFsyseval.3, DBfile } }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1984:3, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Cullingford,R., Honeyman,P., and Lipton,R.},
Title ={The Case for Massive Memory},
Institution ={Princeton Un., Dep.EECS, TR.326.},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Category ={DBFhard.1.5, DBfile} }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1984:4, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Cullingford,R., Honeyman,P., and Lipton,R.},
Title ={MMM Performance on Certain Database Benchmarks},
Institution ={Princeton Un., Dep.EECS, TR.327,},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={ Hawthorn and DeWitt queries evaluated for the Massive Memory Machine. Category ={DBFhard.1.5, DBfile } }

@article{GarciaMolina1984:5, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Lipton R., and Valdes,J.},
Title ={A Massive Memory System Machine},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-33 .},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Pages ="391--399",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ a VAX with many Mbytes to obviate secondary storage access. Category ={DBDarchitecture> } }

@article{GarciaMolina1985:1, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Kent,J.},
Title ={An Experimental Evaluation of Crash Recovery Mechanism},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Princeton Un. Category ={DBDtrans> DBDreliab> DBDdist> } }

@article{GarciaMolina1985:2, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Barbara,D.},
Title ={How to Assign Votes in a Distributed System},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, vol.32 no.4.},
Year =1985, Annote ={coteries to break ties. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist> DBFrepresent, DBfile } }

@article{GarciaMolina1986, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Barbara,D.},
Title ={The Vulnerability of Voting Assignments},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, vol.4 no.3.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{GarciaMolina1986:1, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Kogan,B.},
Title ={Achieving High Availability in Distributed Databases},
Journal ={Princeton Un., CS-TR-043-86.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Considers options in between rigid locking and free-for-all. Model supports update by authorized agent (token) at a node. Secondary nodes record if transaction was seen at the authorized node or not. Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab, DBfile } }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1987, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Park,A., and Rogers,L.R.},
Title ={Performance Through Memory},
Institution ={Princeton Un. DCS, CS-TR-075-87.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Princeton Un. Category ={DBDperform, DBfile} }

@incollection{GarciaMolina1987:1, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Kent,J.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Reliable Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={`Concurrency Control and Reliability in Distributed Systems', Bhargava(ed), Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY).},
Year =1987, Pages ="454--488",
Category ={DBDtrans> DBDreliab> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{GarciaMolina1987:2, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Salem,K.},
Title ={SAGAOBS},
Booktitle ={Princeton Un. DCS, CS-TR-070-87.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ nested transaction without concurrency constraints; compensatory transactions insure atomic aborts. Category ={DBFtrans> DBDratios, DBfile } }

@article{GarciaMolina1986:2, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Abbott,R.K.},
Title ={Reliable Distributed Database Management},
Journal ={Princeton Un., TR-CS-047-86.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Princeton Un., CSD replication and TMR . Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab, xissue, DBfile } }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1987:3, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Porter,D.},
Title ={Some Thoughts on Probabilistic Databases},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR-CS-090-87.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Princeton, CSD properties have confidence factors. Category ={DBDops> DBDlang, DBfile } }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1987:4, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Kogan,B., and Lynch,N.},
Title ={Reliable Broadcast in Networks with Nonprogrammable Servers},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR-CS-123-87.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Princeton Un., DCS Category ={DBFdist, DBfile} }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1988, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Porter,D.},
Title ={Supporting Probabilistic Data in a Relational System},
Institution ={Princeton, TR-CS-147-88.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={Uncertainty. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{GarciaMolina1988:1, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Salem,K.},
Title ={The Impact of Disk Striping on Reliability},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="26--39",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Princeton Un., DCS Category ={DBFhard> DBFreliab>} }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1988:2, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Clifton,C., and Hagmann,R.},
Title ={The Design of a Document Database},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR-CS-177-88.},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Princeton Un., DCS Done at Xerox Park. Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{GarciaMolina1988:3, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Kogan,B.},
Title ={Node Autonomy in Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="158--166",
Category ={FAUVE> DBDdist>} }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1988:4, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Salem,K.},
Title ={System M: A Transaction Processing System for Memory Resident Data},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR-CS-195-88.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFtrans, DBfile} }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1989, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Abbott,R.},
Title ={Scheduling Real-Time Transactions with Disk Resident Data},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR-CS-207-89.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFperformance, DBfile} }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1989:1, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Clifton,C.},
Title ={Indexing in a Hypertext Database},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR-CS-206-89.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject, DBfile} }

@techreport{GarciaMolina1990, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Gawlick,D., Klein,J., Kleissner,K., and Salem,K.},
Title ={Coordinating Multi-Transaction Activities},
Institution ={Princeton report CS-TR-247-90.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland proposal for structured and nested sagas communications between transactions, for compensating transactions after an activity has failed, for dynamic creation and binding of activities and for checkpointing the progress of an activity. Category ={DBFtrans, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{GarciaMolina1990:1, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Polyzois,C., and Hagmann,R.},
Title ={Two Epoch Algorithms for Disaster Recovery},
Booktitle ={Princeton report CS-TR-248-90.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Princeton remote hot spares driven by logo, as Tandem RDF; epochs are committable groups of interdependent Txs Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab, DBfile } }

@article{GarciaMolina1990:2, Author ={GarciaMolina,H. and Lindsay,B.},
Title ={Research Directions for Distributed Databases},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ architecure, scale, information management, transaction models Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{GarciaMolina1991, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., and Salem,K.},
Title ={Probabilistic Queue Operations},
Booktitle ={ACM-SIGMOD 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDhard>} }

@article{GarciaMolina1991:1, Author ={GarciaMolina,H., Gawlick,D., Klein,J., Kleissner,K., and Salem,K.},
Title ={Modeling Long-Running Activities as Nested Sagas},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng. Bull.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ model long running activities without the high cost of long-lived transactions; for a saga abort active transactions in the sage are aborted and rolled back; a compensating transaction is initiated for each committed transaction in the sage; a collection of sagas is a composite saga Category ={DBDtrans> } }

@inproceedings{GarciaMolina1991:2, Author ={GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Global Consistency Constraints Considered Harmful for Heterogeneous Database Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{GarciaSolaco1991, Author ={GarciaSolaco,M and Saltor,F.},
Title ={Discriminated Operations for Interoperable Databases},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{GarciaSolaco1993, Author ={GarciaSolaco,N., Castellanos,M. and Saltor,F.},
Title ={Discovering Interdatabase Resemblance of Classes for Interoperable Databases },
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Gardarin1977, Author ={Gardarin,G. and Lebeux,P.},
Title ={Scheduling Algorithms for Avoiding Inconsistency in Large Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed), Tokyo.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Pages ="501--506",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@inproceedings{Gardarin1979, Author ={Gardarin,G. and Melkanoff,M.},
Title ={Proving Consistency of Database Transactions},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Furtado and Morgan(eds), Rio de Janeiro.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="291--298",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBFtrans> DBDintegrity.1>} }

@incollection{Garderin1980, Author ={Garderin,G., Bernadat,P., Temmerman,N., Valduriez,P., and Viemont,Y.},
Title ={SABRE: A Relational Database System for a Multimicroprocessor Machine},
Booktitle ={Advanced Database Machine Architecture, Hsiao(ed.). ?},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDdist , DBfile Gardarin} }

@inproceedings{Gardarin1980, Author ={Gardarin,G., Goodman,N., Lindsay,B., Munz,R., and Rothnie,J.},
Title ={Panel: Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="201--202",
Annote ={at INRIA; Un.Paris, VI Issues and directions for R*. A new development in SIRIUS: SABRE. Synopses of two distributed database prototypes: SDD-1 and Multibase. Query Processing (SDD-1). Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Gardarin1980:1, Author ={Gardarin,G. and Chu,W.W.},
Title ={A Distributed Control Algorithm for Reliably and Consistently Updating Replicated Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-29 .},
Year =1980, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1060--1068",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ A deadlock-free distributed control algorithm for robustly and consistently updating replicated databases. This algorithm is based on local locking and time stamps on lock tables which permit detection of conflicts among transactions executed at different sites. Messages are exchanged in the network whenever a transaction commitment occurs. Conflicts among remote transactions are resolved by a roll-back procedure. Local restart is based on a journal of locks which provides backup facilities. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2> } }

@techreport{Gardarin1983, Author ={Gardarin,G., Valduriez,P., and Viemont,Y.},
Title ={Predicate Trees},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR., ?},
Year =1983, Annote ={at INRIA (France); MCC; DEC, Colorado Springs Category ={DBFtrees.4> } }

@techreport{Gardarin1983:1, Author ={Gardarin,G., Bernadat,P., Temmerman,N., Valduriez,P., and Viemont,Y.},
Title ={Conception d'un Systeme de Bases de Donnees Relationnel Multiprocesseur},
Institution ={presented at IFIP},
Year =1983, Annote ={at INRIA (France) SABRE project. Multi-layered architecture. In English and in French Category ={DBFmach>in DBfile } }

@techreport{Gardarin1984, Author ={Gardarin,G., Faudemay,P., Valduriez,P., and Viemont,Y.},
Title ={The Content-Adressable Page Manager of SABRE, A Multi-Micro Data Base Computer},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR..},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Number ="284",
Annote ={at INRIA (France) grid-file like access. Category ={DBFstorage-3> DBFmach, DBfile } }

@book{Gardarin1984:1, Author ={Gardarin,G. and Gelenbe,E.(eds)},
Title ={New Applications of Databases},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), 273pp.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ based on ICOD-2 workshop held Sep.1983 at Cambridge Un., UK. Non-formatted, image, knowledge based, 5th gen. Some papers listed indiv. papers on pictorial databases (McKeown,D.M.; Crehange,M. et al; Brouaye,P. et al), textual databases (Bancilhon,F. and Richard,P.; Merrett,T.H.; Lagana,M.R. et al), high level interfaces (Barbic,F. et al; Boguraev,B.K. and Sparck-Jones,K.), expert systems and databases (Jarke,M. and Vassilou,Y.; Bouzeghoub,M. and G.G.; Marque-Pucheu,G. et al: Interfacing PROLOG and Relational Data Base Management Systems), and engineeering databases (Gray,M., Katz,R.H.). The articles are quite introductory. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDkb> DBappl> MCS, QA76.9.D3N48 } }

@inproceedings{Gardarin1984:2, Author ={Gardarin,Georges},
Title ={Query by Forms},
Booktitle ={Future Generations Computer Systems, pub. North-Holland-84.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Query by universal forms as an alternative for PASCAL/R and FABRE-SQL-QUEL. Assertional machine handled views for authorization, integrity. Performance 2sel,1join, 5%selectivity with 200 tuples -x sec IO, 3 sec CPU. Category ={DBDkb> DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Gardarin1986, Author ={Gardarin,G. and deMaindreville,C.},
Title ={Evaluation of Database Recursive Logic Programs as Recurrent Function Series},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Gardarin1987, Author ={Gardarin,G.},
Title ={Magic Functions: A Technique to Optimize Extended Datalog Recursive Programs},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="21--30",
Annote ={ magic predicates push selection before recursion in transitive closure. Magic function assure a non-redundant and relevant set. Category ={DBDlogic, x } }

@unpublished{Gardarin1987:1, Author ={Gardarin,G. and Pucheral,P.},
Title ={Optimization of General Recursive Queries Using Graph Traversal},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at INRIA; MASI transitive closure with functions implemented using join indexes. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@unpublished{Gardarin1987:2, Author ={Gardarin,G., Guessarian,I., and deMaindreville,C.},
Title ={Translation of Datalog Rules into Functional Fixpoint Equations},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at INRIA Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Gardarin1989, Author ={Gardarin,G., Cheiney,J-P., Kiernan,G., Pastre,D., and Stora,H.},
Title ={Managing Complex Objects in an Extensible Relational DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at INRIA Complex objects are built using the list contructor. Object types relation domains encapsulated within methods written in LISP or C, with inheritance, relations can be clustered, commerciallly available for SUN and UNIX,SABRINA. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Gardarin1992, Author ={Gardarin,G. and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={EQL2: An Object-Oriented SQL with F-Logic Semantics},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Gardy1989, Author ={Gardy,D. and Puech,C.},
Title ={On the effect of join operations on relation sizes},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="574--603",
Volume ="14",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at L.R.I. Un.Sud, Orsay Polynomial generating function is given; derived relation sizes asymptotically follow normal distributions. Category ={DBDopt> } }

@article{Garey1979, Author ={Garey,M.R. and Johnson,D.S.},
Title ={Computers and Intractability --- A Guide to the Theory of NP-Completeness},
Journal ={Freeman; Bell Lab, Murray Hill NJ.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@article{Garey1976, Author ={Garey,M.R., Johnson,D.S., and Stockmeyer,L.},
Title ={Some simplified NP-complete graph problems},
Journal ={Theoretical Computer Science.},
Year =1976, Pages ="237--267",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@book{Garfield1987, Author ={Garfield,Jay L.(ed)},
Title ={Modularity in Knowledge Representation and Natural Language Understanding},
Publisher ={The Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press, 440pp.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ essays of philosophers, linguists, psycholinguists, psychologists and neuroscientists. KSYS. Category ={DBDkb, x } }

@techreport{Garfinkel1986, Author ={Garfinkel,S.L.},
Title ={A file System for Write-Once Media},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Media Lab..},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ CDFS file server for WORM for files and versions. File is rewritren when modified. An Extension is fragmented files, where only fragments would be rewritten, with a map. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Garg1986, Author ={Garg,A.K. and Gotlieb,C.C.},
Title ={Order Preserving Key Transformations},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Pages ="213--234",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Garg1988, Author ={Garg,P.K.},
Title ={Abstraction Mechanisms in Hypertext},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8908-0572.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Volume ="31",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at USC set-theoretical model of hypertext with information, domain structure, predicates and attributes; abstractions are aggregation, generalization, and revision. ---Irish. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@techreport{Garidis1987, Author ={Garidis,Christos},
Title ={Logisches Clustering von Connection-Graphen},
Institution ={Eureka Project PROTOS, in German.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ at IBM Deutschland, LILOG Project, and Un.Stuttgart Clustering of graphs representing knowledge. Category ={DBDkb, Box LILOG } }

@unpublished{Garidis1990, Author ={Garidis,C. and Boettcher,S.},
Title ={Efficient Access to Large Prolog Knowledge Bases},
Note ={submitted to ASPLOS 4.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDkb, Box LILOG} }

@book{Garland1986, Author ={Garland,John L.},
Title ={How to Develop Business Information Systems for End-Users},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 240pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={benefit analyses. Category ={DBDintro> DBDeval>} }

@techreport{Garner, Author ={Garner,H.L.},
Title ={Mathematical Models of Information Systems},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, Clearing House for Federal Scientific and Technical Information No.AD 694 090.},
Annote ={at Un.Michigan, Ann Arbor Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@techreport{Garvey1991, Author ={Garvey,T. and Lunt,T.},
Title ={Multilevel Security for Knowledge Based Systems},
Institution ={SRI CSL TR.},
Year =1991, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at SRI Category ={DBDsec, ARK} }

@inproceedings{Gary1993, Author ={Gary,J. and Mehrotra,R.},
Title ={},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Kentucky} }

@inproceedings{Gash1987, Author ={Gash,B., Kelter,U., Kopfer,H., and Weber,H.},
Title ={Reference Model for the Integration of Tools in the `EUREKA Software Factory'},
Booktitle ={ACM-IEEE Fall Joint Comp. Conf..},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Pages ="183--190",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Gaver1967, Author ={Gaver,Don P.},
Title ={Probability Models of Multiprogramming Computer Systems},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1967, Month =Jun,
Pages ="423--439",
Category ={DBFtechn.2> DBDintegrity-3>} }

@unpublished{Gavish1983, Author ={Gavish,B. and Segev,A.},
Title ={Set Query Optimization in Horizontally Partitioned Distributed Database Systems},
Note ={presented at TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems , Orlando FL.},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ NP-completeness is proved. A Greedy ADD and a Weighted Distance (WDH) optimum. A sensitivity analysis is included. Category ={DBFmethods.4> DBDdist>! in DBfile } }

@article{Gavish1986, Author ={Gavish,B. and Pirkul,H.},
Title ={Computer and Database Location in Distributed Computer Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-35 .},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="583--590",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Rochester, Ohio State Un. Category ={DBFdist, DBfile } }

@article{Gavish1986:1, Author ={Gavish,Bezalel},
Title ={Set Query Optimization in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Pages ="265--293",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Rochester The time complexity is NP-complete. Three approximations. Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery> DBDperform> } }

@techreport{Gavish1987, Author ={Gavish,Bezalel},
Title ={Dynamic File Migration in Distributed Computer Systems},
Institution ={Tech.Rep, Un.Arizona, rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Category ={DBFdist, DBfile} }

@techreport{Gavish1987:1, Author ={Gavish,Bezalel},
Title ={Optimization Models for Configuring Distributed Computer Systems},
Institution ={Un.Arizona, TR, rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Rochester Category ={DBFdist, DBfile} }

@article{Gavish1987:2, Author ={Gavish,B. and Sheng,O.R.L.},
Title ={Dynamic File Migration in Distributed Computer Systems},
Journal ={rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ file migration can improve the performance of distributed office, manufacturing and hospital information systems; the authors summarize accomplishments and identify areas of research; assume fragmented airlines databases. Category ={DBFdist> DBFperform, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Gawlick1985, Author ={Gawlick,Dieter},
Title ={Processing Hot Spots in High Performance systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE Compcon.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Amdahl Corp. Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Gawlick1985:1, Author ={Gawlick,D. and Kinkade,D.},
Title ={Varieties of Concurrency Control in IMS/VS Fast Path},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="3--10",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@article{Gawlick1986, Author ={Gawlick,Dieter},
Title ={Report on the International Workshop on High-Performance Transaction Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="375-377",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Amdahl Corp Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@book{Gawlick1987, Author ={Gawlick,D., Haynie,M., and Reuter,A.(eds)},
Title ={High Performance Transactions Systems},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science.},
Year =1987, Number ="359",
Annote ={ Proc. 2nd Intern. Workshop, Asilomar CA, Sep.1987. Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@article{Gaynor1974, Author ={Gaynor,Jerry},
Title ={Determining Access Time for Moving Head Disks},
Journal ={Digital Design.},
Year =1974, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at PERTEC Category ={DBFhard.2.1> %Gaynor74} }

@inproceedings{Ge1988, Author ={Ge,L., Johannsen,W., Lamersdorf,W., Reinhardt,K., and Schmidt,J.W.},
Title ={Performance Comparison of Two Architectures For Fast Transaction Processing Database Applications Support in Open Systems: Language Concepts and Implementation Architectures},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@techreport{Geelen1978, Author ={Geelen,Wino},
Title ={IMS Primer},
Institution ={IBM, DPD, ?.},
Year =1978, Annote ={System Documentation Category ={DBDbound>} }

@inproceedings{Geffen1969, Author ={Geffen,David},
Title ={Information Management System-360, Data Language-1, and COBOL Programming for Accessing Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of SHARE XXXII, part 2, page 459.},
Year =1969, Annote ={at IBM (3800 Lindell Blvd. ) St. Louis, Mo. System Design Category ={DBDbound> } }

@article{Gehani1982, Author ={Gehani,N.H.},
Title ={Databases and Units of Measure},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="605-610",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Bell Labs (Murray Hill NJ) Kilometers for distance, dollars or rupees for currency, and Btu or kWh for energy. Units of measure are not specified in the data definition language ut associated by convention with values in the database. Category ={DBDschema.2> } }

@inproceedings{Gehani1991, Author ={Gehani,N.H. and Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Ode as an Active Database: Constraints and Triggers},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={uses the database programming language O++ Category ={DBDactive> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Gehani1991:1, Author ={Gehani,Narain },
Title ={Object Versioning in Ode},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Gehani1992, Author ={Gehani,N., Jagadish,H., and Shumeli,O.},
Title ={Event Specification in an Active Object-Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ composite event specification in the context of O++ Category ={DBDactive> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Gehani1992:1, Author ={Gehani,N, Jagadish,H.V., and Shmueli,O.},
Title ={Composite Event Specification in Active Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ leads to automatic generation of complex event classification code; high-level language Category ={DEng> } }

@techreport{Gelenbe1974, Author ={Gelenbe,Erol},
Title ={On Approximate Computer System Models},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique .},
Year =1974, Annote ={at IRIA (Rocquencourt, France) Diffusion models with simulation results. Category ={DBFtechn.4, xQbox> } }

@techreport{Gelenbe1979, Author ={Gelenbe,E.},
Title ={A Model of Roll-Back Recovery with Multiple Checkpoints},
Institution ={ Paris, Sud Orsay, TR., rcvd .},
Year =1979, Number ="3",
Annote ={at IRIA, Le Chesnay Category ={DBDtrans.3, DBfile Category ={DBDtrans.3, DBfile } }

@techreport{Gelenbe1979:1, Author ={Gelenbe,E.},
Title ={On the Optimum Checkpoints Interval},
Institution ={ Paris, Sud Orsay, TR..},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDtrans.3, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Gelenbe1986, Author ={Gelenbe,E. and Hebrail,G.},
Title ={A Probability Model of Uncertainty in Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Gelernter1989, Author ={Gelernter,David},
Title ={The Metamorphosis of Information Management},
Journal ={Scientific American.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="66--73",
Annote ={at Yale Un., CSD Linda's tuple space as a communication medium among programs. Trellis' system focuses on parallel execution. Rcvd from Nilsson. Ref. AFIS. ---Gio. I3 Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Gelfond1986, Author ={Gelfond,M., Przymusinski,H. and Przymusinski,T.},
Title ={The Extended Closed World Assumption and Its Relationship to Parallel Circumscription},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, El Paso Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@unpublished{Gelfond1986:1, Author ={Gelfond,M., Przymusinski,H., and Przymusinski,T.},
Title ={On the Relationship between Circumscription and Negation as Failure},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, El Paso. The idea is that a suitably generalized closed-world assumption (roughly: assume K if for no B does K or B follow from the DB, yet B by itself does not follow) is equivalent to circumscription. ---jdu Category ={DBDkb> } }

@unpublished{Gelfond1987, Author ={Gelfond,M. and Lifschitz,V.},
Title ={The Stable MOdel Semantics for Logic Programming},
Note ={Submitted to PODS ?},
Year =1987, Category ={DBunknown, DBfile} }

@book{Geller1989, Author ={Geller,Joseph R.},
Title ={IMS Administration Programming and Data Base Design},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 304pp.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDbond>} }

@inproceedings{Geller1991, Author ={Geller,J., Perl,Y. and Neuhold,E.},
Title ={Structural Schema Integration in Heterogeneous Multi-Database Systems using the Dual Model},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} } @misc{1992:1, Title ={A Case Study of Structural Integration},
Howpublished ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at New Jersey Institute of Technology; Bellcore; GMD-IPSI Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Gemander1988, Author ={Gemander,Josef},
Title ={Verarbeitung von Vagheits- und Unsicherheitsbewertungen},
Institution ={IBM Deutschland, LILOG Memo .},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Number ="12",
Annote ={at IBM Deutschland GmbH, (Stuttgart FRG) UNCERTAINTY Category ={DBDkb, Box LILOG } }

@manual{General1986, Author ={General Electric Company},
Title ={Software engineering handbook},
Organization ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 224pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ not worth the price. index is nonexistent and the references are out of date. no data dictionaries and technical details of software engineering. ---Warden. Category ={DBDimpl> } }

@article{Genesereth1984, Author ={Genesereth,Michael R.},
Title ={The Use of Design Descriptions in Automated Diagnosis},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="411--436",
Volume ="24",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Genrich1973, Author ={Genrich,H.J. and Lautenbach,V.},
Title ={Synchronisationsgraphen},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1973, Month =Aug,
Pages ="143--161",
Volume ="2",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at Inst.Informationssystemforschung (St.Augustin, FRG) Directed graphs used to describe control flow and state changes, conditions of deadlock avoidance (in German). Category ={DBDintegrity, xB13> } }

@article{Gentile1971, Author ={Gentile,R.B. and Lucas,J.R.},
Title ={The TABLON Mass Storage System},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1971, Pages ="345--356",
Volume ="38",
Annote ={at Dep.Defense, (Washington DC) Description of very large data base hardware involving both photo-digital storage disks and Ampex mass storage tape systems. Category ={DBFhard.1> %Gentile71 } }

@unpublished{Geoffrion1986, Author ={Geoffrion,Arthur M.},
Title ={An Introduction to Structured Modeling},
Note ={to appear in Proc.Conf. on Integr.Model.Sys..},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at UCLA, Western Management Science Inst. Design style viewed from the OR/MS point of view. Many casual references Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Geoffrion1989, Author ={Geoffrion,A.M.},
Title ={Integrated Modeling Systems.},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management (Computer Science in Economics and Management 21).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ A special issue devoted to papers presented at the conference on ICC Institute, Austin TX. D.A. Kendrick, L.S. Lasdon, T.W. Ruefli and A.B. Whinston (eds.). ---Gio Category ={DBDappl> } }

@article{Georgakopoulos1991, Author ={Georgakopoulos, D., Rusinkiewicz,M., and Litwin,W.},
Title ={Chronological Scheduling of Transactions with Temporal Dependencies},
Journal ={TR University of Houston, UH-CS-91-03.},
Year =1991, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Georgakopoulos1991:1, Author ={Georgakopoulos, D., Rusinkiewicz,M., and Sheth,A.},
Title ={On Serializability of Multidatabase Transactions Through Forced Local Conflicts},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7, Kobe, Japan.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Georgakopulos1991, Author ={Georgakopulos,D.},
Title ={Multidatabase Recoverability and Recovery},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Georgakopoulos1992, Author ={Georgakopoulos,D.},
Title ={A Framework for Dynamic Specification of Extended Multidatabase Transactions and Interdatabase Dependencies},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of Third Workshop on Heterogeneous Databases and Semantic Interoperability, Boulder.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Georgakopoulos1993, Author ={Georgakopoulos,D., Hornick,M., and Krychniak,P.},
Title ={An Environment for Specification and Management of Extended Transactions in DOMS},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at GTE Laboratories Inc. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{George1981, Author ={George,F.D. and Young,R.E.},
Title ={SNA Flow Control: Architecture and Implementation},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J..},
Year =1981, Pages ="179--210",
Volume ="21",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at International Business Machines Corp This paper describes the flow control protocols in SNA and the implementation of these protocols in the Network Control Program (ACF/NCP/VS Release 3). Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Gerassimenko1975, Author ={Gerassimenko,Teresa T.},
Title ={The Realm Concept as Incorporated in the Family of Data Base Languages Developed by CODASYL (for COBOL)},
Booktitle ={Data Base Description, Douque and Nijssen(eds), N-H (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1975, Annote ={at Honeywell, Information Systems Category ={DBDbound.5> } }

@article{Geria1980, Author ={Geria,M., Grarov,S, and Parker,D.S. Jr.},
Title ={Distributed Travelling Salesman Algorithms for Distributed Database Operation},
Journal ={ACM Pacific '80, San Francisco.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Pages ="61--67",
Annote ={at UCLA CSD, Los Angeles Category ={DBDdist> DBDmodel.7> } }

@book{Germain1967, Author ={Germain,C.B.},
Title ={Programming the IBM 360},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1967, Annote ={Has description of IBM index sequential file. Category ={DBFindex.3> } }

@inproceedings{Germano1975, Author ={Germano,Frank jr. and Weyl,Stephen},
Title ={A Data Base Organization to Support a Time-Oriented Medical Record},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., SF ,},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="93--103",
Annote ={at Thomas Jefferson Hospital (Philadelphia PA) Category ={DBDschema> } }

@techreport{Germano1975:1, Author ={Germano,Frank},
Title ={The Design of a Mini-Based Time-Oriented Medical Record Databank System},
Institution ={Thomas Jefferson Hospital, Dep.Radiation Therapy and Nuclear Medicine, RTC Note TODM-1.},
Year =1975, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDschema> MCS, x7>} }

@techreport{Germano1980, Author ={Germano,F.Jr.},
Title ={Automatic Transaction Decomposition in a Distributed CODASYL Prototype System},
Institution ={PhD Th., U.Penn, Conference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP.},
Year =1980, Annote ={at Un.Penn, Category ={DBDdist> DBDbound.5, DBfile} }

@techreport{Germano1980:1, Author ={Germano,F.Jr.},
Title ={Automatic Transaction Decomposition in a Distributed CODASYL Prototype System},
Institution ={PhD Th., U.Penn, Conference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP.},
Year =1980, Annote ={at Un.Penn, Category ={DBDdist> DBDbound.5, DBfile} }

@book{Gero1985, Author ={Gero(ed)},
Title ={Knowledge Engineering in Computer-Aided Design},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDkb> DBappl>} }

@book{Gerrie1983, Author ={Gerrie,Brenda},
Title ={Online Information Systems: Use and Operating Characteristics, Limitations, and Design Alternatives},
Publisher ={Inf. Resources Press, Washington DC, 189pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ a book which seeks to clarify the overall structure, purpose, and properties of online information systems and to explain how design decisions affect performance. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Gerristen1975, Author ={Gerristen,R.},
Title ={A Preliminary System for the Design of DBTG Data Structures},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .; ACM CR 7604-??.},
Year =1975, Pages ="551--557",
Volume ="18",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Gerritsen1975, Author ={Gerritsen,R.},
Title ={Understanding Data Structures},
Journal ={Nat.Technical Information Service, US Dep.Commerce (Springfield VA) AD-A008--937.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@article{Gerritsen1975:1, Author ={Gerritsen,R.},
Title ={A Preliminary System for the Design of DBTG Data Structures},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1975, Month =Oct,
Pages ="557--567",
Volume ="18",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDbound.5> DBDbound.5> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Gerritsen1978, Author ={Gerritsen,R.},
Title ={SEED Reference Manual},
Institution ={International Data Base Systems, Inc. (Philadelphia PA).},
Year =1978, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at International Data Base Systems, Inc. Category ={DBDbound.5, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Gertner1982, Author ={Gertner,I. and Gordo, R.L.},
Title ={Experiences with Exception Handling in Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="144--149",
Annote ={at Prime Computer. (Framingham MA) Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Gertz1971, Author ={Gertz,J. L.},
Title ={Storage Reallocation in Hierarchical Memories},
Booktitle ={SOSP 3.},
Year =1971, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFstorage-3.1>} }

@inproceedings{Gertz1993, Author ={Gertz,M. and Lipeck,U.},
Title ={Deriving Integrity Maintaining Triggers from Transition Graphs},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Hannover Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Gesmann1992, Author ={Gesmann,M. et al.},
Title ={PRIMA - A Database System Supporting Dynamically Defined Composite Objects},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un. Kaiserslautern modules are built from atoms, interconnected by bydirectional links; molecule types form directed subgraphs; MQL follows SQL with a graph notation Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Gesmann1993, Author ={Gesmann,M., Grasnickel,A., and Schoening,H,},
Title ={A Remote Cooperation System Supporting Interoperability in Heterogeneous Environments},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Kaiserslautern Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery>} }

@article{Gessert1991, Author ={Gessert,G.},
Title ={Handling Missing Data by Using Stored Truth Values},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Getta1984, Author ={Getta,J. and Rybinski,H.},
Title ={HOLMES: A Deduction Augmented Database Management System},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8506 0533.},
Year =1984, Pages ="167--179",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at Inst.for Sc.,Tech., and Eco.Inf., Warsaw Poland. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Getta1992, Author ={Getta,J.R.},
Title ={Translation of Extended Entity-Relationship Database Model into Object- Oriented Database Model},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Wollongong, NSW, Australia Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Gey1975, Author ={Gey,F. and Mantei,M.},
Title ={Keyword Access to a Mass Storage Device at the Record Level},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="572--588",
Annote ={at UCB, LBL Category ={DBDquery.1>} }

@inproceedings{Ghandeharizadeh1990, Author ={Ghandeharizadeh,S. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={A Multiuser Performance Analysis of Alternative Declustering Strategies},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un. of Wisconsin Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Ghandeharizadeh1990:1, Author ={Ghandeharizadeh,S. and DeWitt,D.},
Title ={Hybrid-Range Partitioning Strategy: AQ New Decluster- Strategy for Multiprocessor Database Machines},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDperf> DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Ghandeharizadeh1991, Author ={Ghandeharizadeh,S., Ramos,L., Asad,Z., and Qureshi,W.},
Title ={Object Placement in Parallel Hypermedia Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={uniform distribution and prefetching Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Ghandeharizadeh1992, Author ={Ghandeharizadeh,S., DeWitt,D., and Qureshi,W.},
Title ={A Performace Analysis of Alternative Multi-Attibute Declustering Strategies},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={to improve parallel database performance Category ={DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Ghandeharizadeh1993, Author ={Ghandeharizadeh,S., Choi,V., Ker,C., and Lin,K.},
Title ={Omega: A Parallel Object-based System (Synopsis)},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Ghandeharizadeh1993:1, Author ={Ghandeharizadeh,S., et al.},
Title ={On Implementing a Language for Specifying Active Database Execution Models},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDactive>} }

@inproceedings{Ghanta1987, Author ={Ghanta,S. and Du,D.H.C.},
Title ={A Framework for Efficient IC-VLSI CAD Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Ghosal1982, Author ={Ghosal,Raja and Sethi,A.S.},
Title ={Techniques for Performance Evaluation of Computer Network Protocols},
Institution ={Washington State Un.CS Rpt. CS-83-106.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Washington State Un. Good summary and references. Category ={DBFmethods.4.1, DBfile } }

@article{Ghosh1968, Author ={Ghosh,Sakti P. and Abraham,C.T.},
Title ={Application of a Finite Geometry in File Organization for Records with Multiple-Valued Attributes},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development,},
Year =1968, Month Mar,
Volume ="12",
Category ={DBFseq>} }

@article{Ghosh1968:1, Author ={Ghosh,Sakti P.},
Title ={On the Problem of Query-Oriented Filing Schemes Using Discrete Mathematics},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, pp.F74--F79.},
Year =1968, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Ghosh1969, Author ={Ghosh,Satki P.},
Title ={Organization of Records with Unequal Multiply Valued Attributes and Combinatorial Queries of Order 2},
Journal ={Information Sciences,},
Year =1969, Month =Oct,
Pages ="363--380",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Ghosh1969:1, Author ={Ghosh,S.P. and Senko,M.E.},
Title ={File Organization: On the Selection of Random Access Index Points for Sequential Files},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1969, Month =Oct,
Pages ="569--579",
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Btrees with probing. Category ={DBFindex.4.4> DBDseven.4, DBfile } }

@article{Ghosh1972, Author ={Ghosh,Sakti P.},
Title ={File Organization --- The Consecutive Retrieval Property},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1972, Month =Sep,
Pages ="802--808",
Volume ="15",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBFseq.2>} }

@article{Ghosh1974, Author ={Ghosh,S.P. and Astrahan,M.M.},
Title ={A Translator Optimizer for Obtaining Answers to Entity Set Queries from and Arbitrary Access Path Network},
Journal ={ IFIP Congress preprints.},
Year =1974, Pages ="436--439",
Category ={DBDquery, x10> %Ghosh74} }

@article{Ghosh1974:1, Author ={Ghosh,S.P. and Senko,M.E.},
Title ={String Path Search Procedures for Data Base Systems},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1974, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDbound>} }

@article{Ghosh1976, Author ={Ghosh,S. and Tuel,W.},
Title ={A Design of an Experiment to Model Data Base System Performance},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-2 .},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFseq.1>} }

@book{Ghosh1982, Author ={Ghosh,S.},
Title ={Data Base Organization for Data Management},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), 2bd edition, ?.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Query types, search methods, algebraic filing, consecutive retrieval property and access path choice using A-, E- and L-expressions. Category ={DBFintro> DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Ghosh1979, Author ={Ghosh,S.P., Wiederhold,Gio, et al.},
Title ={Some Very Large Data Bases in Developing Countries},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Furtado and Morgan(eds), Rio de Janiero.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="173--182",
Category ={DBDintro.8, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Ghosh1988, Author ={Ghosh,S., Lin,C.C., and Sellis,T.},
Title ={Implementation of a PROLOG-INGRES Interface},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="77-88",
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Ghosh1983, Author ={Ghosh,S.P., Kambayashi,Y., and Lipski,W.jr.(eds)},
Title ={Database File Organization: Theory and Application of the Consecutive Retrieval Property},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), 352pp.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ papers by the eds; AlFedaghi,S.S; Diamond,J.S., Booth,K.S; Ikeda,S; a.o. includes a very complete bibliography by Lipski. Category ={DBFseq-2> } }

@inproceedings{Ghosh1985, Author ={Ghosh,S.P.},
Title ={An Application of Statistical Databases in Manufacturing Testing},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="591--598",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBDprivacy-10>} }

@techreport{Ghosh1984, Author ={Ghosh,S.P.},
Title ={Statistics Metadata, Linear Regression Analysis},
Institution ={IBM, TR-RJ4444.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDschema> DBDstat, DBfile} }

@book{Gosh1986, Author ={Gosh,Sakti P.},
Title ={Data Base Organization for Data Management},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), 487pp.; ACM CR 8705-0352.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res. Ctr new section in Chapters 1, 2, 3, and 8. New chapters on metadata and distributed databases. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Ghosh1986, Author ={Ghosh,S.P.},
Title ={Statistical Relational Tables for Statistical Database Management},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-12 .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Number ="12",
Annote ={query language extensions for QBE and SQL Category ={DBDschema> DBDquery.2> DBDstat, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ghosh1986:1, Author ={Ghosh,S.P.},
Title ={Statistical Data Reduction For Manufacturing Testing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDstat>} }

@techreport{Ghosh1987, Author ={Ghosh,Sakti P.},
Title ={Numerical Operations on Relational Database},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RJ 5605 (56915).},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res.Ctr, (San Jose CA) Category ={DBDops, DBfile } }

@article{Ghosh1991, Author ={Ghosh,Sakti},
Title ={Statistical Relational Databases: Normal Forms},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ concepts of derived identifier, class identifier, derived class-counts, count domains, compact and uniform domains introduced Category ={DBDstat> } }

@book{Giangrande1990, Author ={Giangrande,R.V.},
Title ={System Integration Technologies, Vol.1: Issues and Options},
Publisher ={Transportation Systems Center, Cambridge MA, February .},
Year =1990, Annote ={ lists issues to be adressed, and capabilities of current distributed databases. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Gibbs1983, Author ={Gibbs,Simon J.},
Title ={An Object Oriented Office Data Model},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Toronto, 276pp.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDobject> DBDoff, Skip ellis, thesis shelf} }

@article{Gibbs1987, Author ={Gibbs,S., Tsichritzis,D., Fitas,A., Konstantas,D., and Yeorgaroudakis,Y.},
Title ={MUSE, A Multimedia Filing System},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="4--15",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Research Ctr of Crete uses SUN for text, image windows, icons for color and sound. Category ={DBDoffice> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Gibbs1993, Author ={Gibbs,S., Breiteneder,C., and Tsichritzis,D.},
Title ={Audio/Video Databases: An Object-Oriented Approach},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Geneve Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Gibson1969, Author ={Gibson,G.},
Title ={DRAFT --- Data Description Language},
Booktitle ={FDT (Publ. of the ACM SIGFIDET).},
Year =1969, Month =Aug,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDschema.4>} }

@inproceedings{Gibson1975, Author ={Gibson,T.A. and Ting,P.D.},
Title ={A New Report Generator},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., SF ,},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="119--126",
Annote ={at Bell Telephone Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Giere1987, Author ={Giere,Wolfgang},
Title ={Comparison of the Datamodels of COSTAR, FILEMAN and BAIK - How Could BAIK Make Use of US Public Domain Packages?},
Journal ={MUG Quarterly, Vol.XVII .},
Year =1987, Pages ="21--25",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at J.W.Goethe Un. (Frankfurt, FRG) Category ={DBFtree> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Gifford1979, Author ={Gifford,D.K.},
Title ={Weighted Voting for Replicated Data},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 7, Pacific Grove CA.},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Pages ="150--162",
Annote ={ A generalization of the majority voting techniques, by permitting sites to have a specific number of votes, and deciding committment based on a read- or write quorum. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2.5> } }

@article{Gifford1981, Author ={Gifford,D.K.},
Title ={Violet, an experimental decentralized system},
Journal ={Computer Networks.},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="423--433",
Volume ="5",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ Users have access to files on a global basis, but not to computational power beyond their own personal computer. Architecture is a five-level hierarchy, sharing and locking of resources, multiple copy problem in performance data. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Gifford1982, Author ={Gifford,D.K.},
Title ={Cryptographic Sealing for Information Secrecy and Authentication},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Pages ="274--286",
Volume ="25",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Stanford ; Xerox, PARC Category ={DBDprivacy.3> DBDprivacy.7> } }

@article{Gifford1984, Author ={Gifford,D.K. and Spector,A.},
Title ={The TWA Reservation System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="649--665",
Volume ="27",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Stanford Un.; Xerox PARC interview transcript of airlines application of PARS under ACP, running at 200 transactions/second on an IBM 9083 (mod 3083) with 144 3350 disks. Category ={DBappl> } }

@article{Gifford1987, Author ={Gifford,D., Berken,S., Baldwin,R., and Lucassen,J.},
Title ={Function Distribution in a Multi-Database},
Journal ={Community Information System, ?.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Gifford1988, Author ={Gifford,D.K., Needham,R.M., and Schroeder,M.D.},
Title ={The CEDAR File System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , no.3.; ACM CR 8812-0932.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="288--298",
Volume ="31",
Annote ={at Lab.for CS, Cambridge MA Workstation server system for entire files. No remote update and local versioning avoids cache locks. Single name-space. Data objects are immutable: Whenever a user writes a data object, its name, the server ID, and a new version number are used to identify it. Binding between file names and data objects is variable, so that the user name for the file remains the same, but is rebound to the new data object. If no more user names refer to the object, the space is reused. Given sufficient local storage, we now believe it is unnecessary in this application to have shared file servers that provide mutable files, block-at-a-time access to files, long-term locks, or transactions. ---Feustel. I3 Category ={DBFdist> DBFdist> } }

@article{Gilb1973, Author ={Gilb,Tom},
Title ={Data Base Software --- A Skeptical Viewpoint and Some Alternatives},
Journal ={Management Informatics, Jour. of the IAG,},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Pages ="227--234",
Volume ="2",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Specialized and limited systems are better than general ones. Category ={DBDintro.0>%Gilb73 } }

@book{Gilb1976, Author ={Gilb,Tom},
Title ={Data Engineering},
Publisher ={Studentlitteratur.},
Year =1976, Annote ={ Much on input and program validation and verification. Category ={DBFeval> DBFmain, x } }

@book{Gilb1977, Author ={Gilb,T. and Weinberg,G.M.},
Title ={Humanized Input, Techniques for Reliable Keyed Input},
Publisher ={Winthrop.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBFeval.1>} }

@book{Gilb1977:1, Author ={Gilb,Tom},
Title ={Data Engineering},
Publisher ={Studentlitteratur (Lund, Sweden).},
Year =1977, Category ={DEng> DBFmaint>} }

@techreport{Gilb1984, Author ={Gilb,T.},
Title ={Advanced Practical Management Methods and Technologies for Controlling Software Maintenance Cost, Productivity, and Maintainability},
Institution ={tutorial 8, IEEE .},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDdesign> DBDstat> DBDadmin>} }

@book{Gilb1987, Author ={Gilb,Tom},
Title ={Principles of Software Engineering Management},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), to appear .},
Year =1987, Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Gilbert1972, Author ={Gilbert,P. and Chandler,W.J.},
Title ={Interference between Communicating Parallel Processes},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month =Jun,
Pages ="427--437",
Volume ="15",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@book{Gilchrist1977, Author ={Gilchrist,B.(ed)},
Title ={Information Processing 77},
Publisher ={N-H , 1004pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ Proc.of the IFIP 7 congress (Toronto Canada), 8-12 Aug.1977. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@book{Gildersleeve1971, Author ={Gildersleeve,T.R.},
Title ={Design of Sequential File System},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) .},
Year =1971, Annote ={at NGP Associates, Riverside CN Description and analysis of sequential files and blocking Category ={DBFseq.2> } }

@inproceedings{Gilgor1978, Author ={Gilgor,V. and Maier,D.},
Title ={Representing Data Bases in Segmented Name Spaces},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="295--317",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland; Princeton Un. Category ={DBFhybrid.8>} }

@inproceedings{Gilham, Author ={Gilham,L., Goldberg A., and Wang,T. C.},
Title ={Toward Reliable Reactive Systems},
Booktitle ={Kestrel Institute Technical Report, KES.U.91.6.},
Annote ={at Kestrel automatic programming Category ={DEng>} }

@book{Gill1981, Author ={Gill,P.E., Murray,W., and Wright,M.H.},
Title ={Practical Optimization},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFmethods.4>} }

@book{Gill1981:1, Author ={Gill,S.L.},
Title ={File Management and Information Retrieval Systems},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@techreport{Gillenson, Author ={Gillenson,M.L.},
Title ={Back to (Data) Bas(E)ics},
Institution ={Draft, IBM Systems Res.Inst., (New York NY), 28pp.},
Annote ={ The author presents the argument that an ever increasiing number of data processing personnel are coming into close contact with 'database management systems' yet at the same time these same people don't understand what the justification for using them is. He then goes on to discuss the 'whys' of DBMS dividing his discussion into five areas: 1) Database Environment Characteristics; 2) Redundant Data; 3) Multiple Relationships; 4) General Data Management Issues; 5) Data Independence. ---Fountain Category ={DBDschema, Student file Fountain } }

@article{Gillenson1982, Author ={Gillenson,Mark L.},
Title ={The State of Practice of Data Administration--1981},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Pages ="699--706",
Volume ="25",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at IBM Systems Res. Inst., New York Reports on a survey of IBM, IMS, and DOS DL/I account systems engineers in the U.S., and of personnel in internal IBM IMS user organizations in the U.S. and Canada. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@unpublished{Gillenson:1, Author ={Gillenson,Mark L.},
Title ={Back to (Data) Bas(E)ics},
Note ={Draft, IBM Systems Res.Inst., New York NY, 28pp.},
Annote ={at IBM Corp., Boca Raton FL The author presents the argument that an ever increasing number of data processing personnel are coming into close contact with 'database management systems' yet at the same time these same people don't understand what the justification for using them is. He then goes on to discuss the 'whys' of DBMS dividing his discussion into five areas: 1) Database Environment Characteristics; 2) Redundant Data; 3) Multiple Relationships; 4) General Data Management Issues; 5) Data Independence. ---G.Fountain Category ={DBDmodel, Student file Fountain } }

@article{Gillenson1987, Author ={Gillenson,Mark L.},
Title ={The Duality of Database Structures and Design Techniques},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8806-0442.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1056--1065",
Volume ="30",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ Third normal form, Date Wilson, and entity-relationship used to design relational, hierarchical/network and pseudorelational with physical link files. Hierarchical and network database treated as a single case. ---Ourusoff. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@book{Gillenson1990, Author ={Gillenson,Mark L.},
Title ={Database step-by-step (2nd ed.)},
Publisher ={John John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) & Sons, 383pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9102-0045.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Un.Miami aimed at first database course, SQL, QMF, QBE, dBase III and IV Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Gillenson1990:1, Author ={Gillenson,Mark L.},
Title ={Physical design equivalencies in database conversion},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9104-0295.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Volume ="33",
Number ="8",
Annote ={ convert network of hierarchical databases to relational database; a five-stage process recognizing new designs for performance, factors, undoing the modification to obtain the logical schema, and selecting appropriate indexes, denormalization, table splitting, and so on. ---Grimson. Category ={DBDbound> } }

@unpublished{Gillett1979, Author ={Gillett,W.D.},
Title ={On Binary Tree Encodements},
Note ={rcvd. ?},
Year =1979, Annote ={at Washington Un. (St.Louis MO) Mappings of binary trees onto a linear sequence for VLSI chip implementation Category ={DBFtrees.4, DBfile } }

@article{Gillis1975, Author ={Gillis,A.K., Nelson,R.H., and Hoffman,G.E.},
Title ={Holographic Memories --- Fantasy or Reality},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="535--540",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at Harris Corp (Melbourne FL) Category ={DBFhard.1>} }

@article{Gilman1986, Author ={Gilman,Alfred S.},
Title ={VHDL -- The Designer Environment},
Journal ={IEEE Design and Test Magazine.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Pages ="42--47",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Gilmore1987, Author ={Gilmore,Paul},
Title ={Some Applications of the Set Conceptual Model},
Institution ={rcvd. ?},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Un.British Columbia, DCS an attempt at a rigorous foundation for what might be called an `object-oriented' model. ---jdu Category ={DBDobject> } }

@techreport{Gilon1984, Author ={Gilon,Miriam and Gudes,Ehud},
Title ={Methods for the Protection against Trackers in Statistical Databases},
Institution ={Management Science, Journal of TIMSc Thesis,},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at BenGurion Un. Category ={DBDprivacy.3.3> DBDprivacy-10, DBfile:Gudes } }

@unpublished{Gilula1988, Author ={Gilula,M.M., Stolboushkin,A.P., and Shwarts,G.F.},
Title ={STARSET: an Instrumental Programming Language for Information Systems Design},
Note ={Rcvd. from Apple.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={ at USSR Acad.Sci., Program Systems Inst., (Box 11, Pereslavl-Zalessky, USSR) Defends set model in terms of adequacy of power. Category ={DBDmodel, FASAC 304 } }

@article{Ginsburg1986, Author ={Ginsburg,S. and Hull,R.},
Title ={Sort Sets in the Relational Model},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews8611-1027.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="465--488",
Volume ="33",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Graduate School of Bus. Mgmt. UCLA Category ={DBDadmin, x15 book> at Graduate School of Bus. Mgmt. UCLA Category ={DBDadmin, x15 book ordered relations and theorems about them. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Ginsburg, Author ={Ginsburg,S. and Tanaka,K.},
Title ={Computation-Tuple Sequences and Object Histories},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Pages ="186--212",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Sequential history tuples and objects with input, computation, and result. Some constraints applied per sequential entry cause satisfaction of global constraints. Temporal issues are very specific. Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Ginsburg1992, Author ={Ginsburg,S. and Wang,X.},
Title ={Pattern Matching by Rs-operations: Towards a Unified Approach to Querying Sequenced Data},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@incollection{Ginzberg1981, Author ={Ginzberg,M.J.},
Title ={Steps Toward More Effective Implementation of MS and MIS},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@unpublished{Ginsberg1991, Author ={Ginsberg,M.L.},
Title ={The KIF of Death},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Stanford, CSD the practicality of standardizing knowledge representation as an interlingua is discussed. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Giordano1976, Author ={Giordano,NJ and Schwartz,M.S.},
Title ={Data Base Recovery at CMIC},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 76, Rothnie(ed).},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Pages ="33--38",
Category ={DBFimpl.3, 11.3} }

@book{Gircys1988, Author ={Gircys,Gintaras},
Title ={Understanding and Using COFF},
Publisher ={Oreilly & Associates, 176pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8908-0523.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ for professional programmers who build utilities under UNIX Category ={DBFseq> } }

@manual{Girdansky1971, Author ={Girdansky,M.B.},
Title ={Data Privacy, Cryptology and the Computer at IBM Research},
Organization ={IBM Journal of Research and Development,},
Year =1971, Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC (Yorktown Heights) Description of methods and hardware implementation- Lucifer Category ={DBFrepresent-5, xB12.7> } }

@inproceedings{Gire1992, Author ={Gire,Francoise},
Title ={Well-Founded Semantics and Stable Semantics of Semi-Strict Programs},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Universite de Paris I, France Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@techreport{Giuse1989, Author ={Giuse,Dario},
Title ={KR: Constraint-Based Knowledge Representation},
Institution ={CMU, TR-CS-89-142.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Annote ={at CMU, Robotics Inst. KR is a simple frame-based knowledge representation in Common Lisp. Any value can be computed from a combination of other values with user-defined inheritance and relations, and an integrated object-oriented programming system. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Gladney1975, Author ={Gladney,H.M., Worley,E.L., and Meyers,J.J.},
Title ={An Access Control Mechanism for Computing Resources},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1975, Pages ="212--228",
Volume ="14",
Number ="3",
Annote ={JCL replaced by references to system tables. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@techreport{Gladney1982, Author ={Gladney,H.M.},
Title ={CONCISE Language Reference Mamual},
Institution ={IBM, TR.RJ3408 (40674).},
Year =1982, Month =Feb,
Annote ={stresses modularity, reusability Category ={DBDlang, Language shelf } }

@inproceedings{Gladney1987, Author ={Gladney,H.M.},
Title ={A Model for Distributed Information Networks},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDmodel>} }

@article{Gladney1989, Author ={Gladney,H.M.},
Title ={Data Replicas in Distributed Information Services},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="75--97",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM Almaden Res.Ctr, (San Jose CA) Server and workstations. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@techreport{Gladney1989:1, Author ={Gladney,H.M., Cubert,R.M., Hildebrand,D.B., Kleck,J. and Schmiedeskamp,R.},
Title ={Architecture and Design of a Document Storage Subsystem},
Institution ={IBM Almaden Res.Ctr. Res.R. RJ7223.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at IBM Almaden Res.Ctr, (San Jose CA) Category ={DBFbiblio> } }

@article{Glagowski1980, Author ={Glagowski,T.G. and White,J.R.},
Title ={Relational View of a Software Design Model},
Journal ={Auerbach Annual , N-H 1981.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel.1>} }

@article{Glantz1970, Author ={Glantz,R.S.},
Title ={SHOEBOX, A Personal File Handling System for Textual Data},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1970, Pages ="535--545",
Volume ="37",
Annote ={at The Mitre Corp system Description of an application of a Pile file. There is a directory to subsets of the files. Category ={DBFseq.1> %Glantz70 } }

@article{Glaser1967, Author ={Glaser,E.L.},
Title ={A Brief Description of Privacy Measures in the Multics Operating System},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1967, Pages ="303--304",
Volume ="30",
Category ={DBDprivacy.6>} }

@book{Glass1982, Author ={Glass, R.L.},
Title ={Modern Programming Practices: a Report from Industry},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 311 pp; ACM Computing Reviews 1982, p.284.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Six companies documented their experiences in the late '70s, initially in the form of reports to the Air Force. The reports are candid about good and bad practice. Technical Practices presented are Requirements, Design, and Implementation, each further divided into topics. Data management and database management systems topics are nearly absent. Category ={DBFintro.4> } }

@article{Glinka1967, Author ={Glinka,L.R., Brugh,R.M., and Ungur,H.J.},
Title ={Design through Simulation of a Multiple Access Information System},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS.},
Year =1967, Pages ="437--447",
Volume ="31",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmethods>} }

@article{Gligor1984, Author ={Gligor,V. and Luckenbaugh,G.L.},
Title ={Interconnecting Heterogenous Database Management Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="33--43",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ steps are: 1:global model analysis; 2:query decomposition; 3:query translation; 4:execution plan execution; 5: result integration. Require either local Db coordination or hierachical control. Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Gligor1985, Author ={Gligor,V. and PopescuZeletin,R.},
Title ={Concurrency Control Issues in Distributed Heterogenous Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={DDecision Support Systems, N-H , Elseviers.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ suggests attaching global control functions to local concurrency controllers. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Gligor1986, Author ={Gligor,V.},
Title ={Denial-of-Service Implications for Computer Networks},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFsecurity> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Glinz1986, Author ={Glinz,M. and Ludewig,J.},
Title ={SEED, A DBMS for Software Engineering Applications Based on the Entity Relationship Approach},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ at Brown-Boveri (Baden, Switzerland); ETH Zurich. ER-based, with extension for generalization, versions, and variants. Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } } % ------- GM ------biblio----1949-1991------

@inproceedings{Go1975, Author ={Go,A., Stonebraker,M., and Williams,C.},
Title ={An Approach to Implementing a Geo-Data System},
Booktitle ={Proc.ACM-SIGDA-SIGMOD-SIGGRAPH Workshop on Data Bases for Interactive Design, Waterloo, Ontario, 15-16,},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ Use of INGRES for urban management with graphics. Category ={DBDintro.8> DBDintro.9, xUC>%Go75 } }

@inproceedings{Goble1993, Author ={Goble,C., Crowther,P., Nowlan,W., and Rector,A.},
Title ={Avoiding Broken Eyebrows - A Descriptive Semantic Formalism for Unifying Medical Knowledge and Medical Records},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Manchester Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Goeers1993, Author ={Goeers,J. and Heuer,A.},
Title ={Definition and Application of Metaclasses in an Object-Oriented Database Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at TU Clausthal Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Goetz1963, Author ={Goetz,Martin A.},
Title ={Organization and Structureof Data on Disk File Memory Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1963, Month =May,
Pages ="245--248",
Volume ="6",
Number ="5",
Annote ={Techniques of block placing and linking. Category ={DBFstorage-2> } }

@inproceedings{Gogolla1982, Author ={Gogolla,M., Drosten,K., Lipeck,U. and Ehrich,H.D.},
Title ={Algebraic and Operational Semantics of Specifications Allowing Exceptions and Errors},
Booktitle ={Un.Dortmund, TR..},
Year =1982, Number ="140",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Gogolla1991, Author ={Gogolla,M. and Hohenstein,U.},
Title ={Towards a Semantic View of an Extended Entity-Relationship Model},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@techreport{Goguen1983, Author ={Goguen,J.A. and Linde,C.},
Title ={Linguistic Methodology for the Analysis of Aviation Accidents.},
Institution ={NASA AMES report,},
Year =1983, Annote ={at SRI (Menlo Park CA) The OBJ permits an ordering relation on the sorts (subsets) of data in a database. How to merge database views. How to merge the data types that occur in databases, by considering simple examples in some detail. The initial algebra semantics of OBJ embodies closed world assumption. Category ={DBDschema.0, DBfile at SRI (Menlo Park CA) The OBJ permits an ordering relation on the sorts (subsets) of data in a database. How to merge database views. How to merge the data types that occur in databases, by considering simple examples in some detail. The initial algebra semantics of OBJ embodies closed world assumption. Category ={DBDmodel.0, DBfile A linguistic methodology for the analysis of forms of small group discourse. They apply the concepts and results of recent speech act theory to obtain a formal characterization of cockpit discourse. A presentation is first made of the conventional taxonomy of standard speech act theory ---Searle. classifyies utterances as assertives (assertions, statements of belief), directives (orders, suggestions), commissives (promises, offers which commit the speaker to a course of action), expressives (expressing a psychological state), declarations (whose successful performance achieves a correspondence between the content of the utterance and reality -- e.g., declaring a mayday). --- Searle [see report in DeMichiel Student file] A closer model of the discourse forms occurring in cockpit conversations is: 1) requests (orders, requests, suggestions, questions); 2) reports (including the subtypes: support (presentation of supporting evidence, or explanation), challenge, psycho-ostentives (report of psychological states)); 3) declarations (as above); 4) acknowledgments (a subset of commissives). The authors extend this model to the level of 'command and control discourse', which they formalize in terms of a grammar of 'c.and c. speech act chains', which provide a theoretical framework by which the authors are able to make more precise notions of communication failure. This is seen to take several forms and be influenced by a number of variables. ---full report in DeMichiel Student file Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Goguen1990, Author ={Goguen,J. and Wolfram,D.},
Title ={On types and FOOPS},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Oxford Un. FOOPS semantics Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Goh1992, Author ={Goh,C. and Ling,T.},
Title ={Extending Entity Relationship Formalism for Conceptual Data Modeling to Capture more Semantics},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at National University of Singapore Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Gold1979, Author ={Gold,D.B. et al},
Title ={A Security Retrofit of VM/370},
Booktitle ={AFIPS , Ncc, AFIPS Press.},
Year =1979, Pages ="335--344",
Volume ="48",
Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@article{Gold1974, Author ={Gold,D.E. and Kuck,D.J.},
Title ={A Model for Masking Rotational Latency by Dynamic Disk Allocation},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Pages ="278--288",
Volume ="17",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Urbana-Champaign Optimal arrangement of data to minimize buffer needs. Category ={DBFstorage-3.1> } }

@article{Gold1987, Author ={Gold,E.M.},
Title ={Deadlock Prediction: Easy and Difficult Cases},
Journal ={rcvd.?},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={Deadlock prevention is in NP. Category ={DBDintegrity, x? } }

@unpublished{Goldberg1982, Author ={Goldberg,A., and Paige,R.},
Title ={Loop Fusion},
Note ={Rutgers Un., Stanford, UCSC, Kestrel Inst..},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at UCSC and Stanford Un. Category ={DBDops, DBfile} }

@techreport{Goldberg1983, Author ={Goldberg,A. and Paige,R.},
Title ={Stream Processing},
Institution ={Rutgers Un., TR.LCSR-TR-46.},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. A Database query optimization related to loop fusion. Stream processing seeks to avoid intermediate storage and to minimize sequential search. Category ={DBDquery.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Goldberg1984, Author ={Goldberg,M.},
Title ={Optical Disk Hardware Performance and Availability},
Booktitle ={Proc. IEEE Symposium on Mass Storage Systems 6.},
Year =1984, Pages ="99--102",
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@book{Goldberg1982:1, Author ={Goldberg,R. and Lorin H.(eds)},
Title ={The economics of Information Processing, Vol.1: Management perspectives},
Publisher ={John John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1982, Pages ="127--136",
Annote ={ The creation of two reports: an `objectives obtained' report comparing the number of systems planned and their target dates against the number actually built and their completion dates; and the `investment value evaluation' report that shows the value of systems built compared to their cost. It does not address the critical problems involved in getting the `correct' numbers into the reports in the first place. Category ={DBFsyseval.6> } }

@article{Goldberg1979, Author ={Goldberg,R.P., and Hassinger,R.},
Title ={The Double Paging Anomaly},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , 1979.},
Year =1979, Pages ="195--199",
Volume ="48",
Category ={DBFtechn.8>} }

@techreport{Goldberg1978, Author ={Goldberg,S.},
Title ={BRIGHT},
Institution ={Working paper, rcvd .},
Year =1978, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. Category ={DBfile} }

@article{Golden1986, Author ={Golden,D. and Pechura,M.},
Title ={The Structure of Microcomputer File Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Volume ="29",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ understanding microcomputer file systems, write software that will enable one system to read files written by another. Sector patterns, free space, directories. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Goldfarb1970, Author ={Goldfarb,C.F., Mosher,E.J., and Peterson,T.},
Title ={An Online System for Integrated Text Processing},
Booktitle ={ASIS.},
Year =1970, Pages ="147--150",
Volume ="7",
Annote ={GML become the base for SGML Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Goldfine1982, Author ={Goldfine,A.H.(Ed)},
Title ={Database Directions Information Resource Management -- Strategies and Tools},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). Special Publication 500-92.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ Proceedings of the Workshop of the NBS and the ACM held Oct.20-22 1981, Major Contributors: Roard,M.L., Lyon,J.K., Navathe,S.B., and Winkler.,A.J. Category ={DBDmodel.7> } }

@inproceedings{Goldfine1985, Author ={Goldfine,A.},
Title ={The Information Resource Dictionary System},
Booktitle ={ER 4, IEEE Press, NY.},
Year =1985, Pages ="114--122",
Category ={DBFmaint>} }

@article{Goldhirsch1987, Author ={Goldhirsch,D. and Orenstein,J.A.},
Title ={Extensibility in the PROBE Database System},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="84--91",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at CCA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Golding1992, Author ={Golding,R. and Long,D.},
Title ={Quorum-oriented Multicast Protocols for Data Replication},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCSC Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Goldman1990, Author ={Goldman,K., Goldman,S., Kanellakis,P., and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={ISIS: Interface for a Semantic Information System},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Goldman1982, Author ={Goldman,Neil M.},
Title ={AP3 Reference Manual},
Institution ={Information Sciences Inst., Marina del Rey CA.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3>} }

@book{Goldsack1985, Author ={Goldsack,S.J. (ed)},
Title ={Ada For Specification: Possibilities And Limitations},
Publisher ={Cambridge Un.Press.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDlang> DBDdesign, QA76.73.A35A284 } }

@inproceedings{Goldschmidt1978, Author ={Goldschmidt,D. and Reiter,A.},
Title ={An Implementation of FORAL Using IDMS},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="131--213",
Annote ={at Imperial College (London UK) DIADEM project. ---R.P.Leavitt. Category ={DBDlang> at Inst.Technology, Haifa, Israel Category ={DBDschema.0> DBDbound.5> } }

@article{Goldstein1982, Author ={Goldstein,A.J.},
Title ={A Directed Hypergraph Database: A Model for the Local Loop Telephone Plant},
Journal ={Bell System Tech. Jour..},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="2520--2554",
Volume ="61",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBDmodel.0>} }

@article{Goldstein1982:1, Author ={Goldstein,C.M.},
Title ={Optical disk technology and information},
Journal ={Science.},
Year =1982, Month =Feb,
Pages ="862-868",
Volume ="215",
Number ="4534",
Annote ={ at Lister Hill Natl. ctr for Biomedical Communications, NLM, Bethesda Category ={DBFhard.1> MCS> } }

@inproceedings{Goldstein1981, Author ={Goldstein,B.S.},
Title ={Constraints on Null Values in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="101--111",
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook, CS (Stony Brook NY) If nulls do exist the database designer may want to restrict where they occur. Special case of mvd. Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Goldstein1980, Author ={Goldstein,I.P. and Bobrow,D.G.},
Title ={Descriptions for a Programming Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int 1, Stanford.},
Year =1980, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3>} }

@inproceedings{Goldstein1970, Author ={Goldstein,R.C. and Strnad,A.L.},
Title ={The MacAIMS Data Management System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Houston TX, 1970.},
Year =1970, Pages ="201--209",
Annote ={ MIT Masters/BA Thesis on a database system called Goldstar that ran under Multics. It had join, project, union, difference, intersection (but not selection). The two guys who implemented it also figured out functional dependencies, and proved the basic decomposition theorem: XYZ decomposes losslessly onto XY and XZ if X determines Y. They also knew the difference between a relation vs. a table (sets/lists). --- Dave Maier Category ={DBDintro.1> DBDrel.3> %Goldstein70 } }

@article{Goldstein1975, Author ={Goldstein,R.C. and Nolan,R.L.},
Title ={Personal Privacy Versus the Corporate Computer},
Journal ={Harvard Business Review.},
Year =1975, Pages ="195--199",
Volume ="53",
Category ={DBFtechn.8>} }

@article{Goldsworthy1973, Author ={Goldsworthy,A.W.},
Title ={Computers and Privacy --- A Review of the Younger Comm. Report},
Journal ={The Australian Computer Journal,},
Year =1973, Pages ="3--7",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDprivacy.1>} }

@article{Golshani1982, Author ={Golshani,Forouzan},
Title ={Growing Certainty With Null Values},
Journal ={Un.London, Imperial Coll., TR-DoC 82-22.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at Arizona State Un. Databases are regarded as many-sorted algebra functional query language, VARQA null values, three; (1) type (2) domain (3) `value unknown', nulls. Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Golshani1983, Author ={Golshani,F.},
Title ={A Mathematically Designed Query Language},
Booktitle ={Un.London, Imperial Coll., TR.Doc.83.},
Year =1983, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Golshani1983:1, Author ={Golshani,F., Maibaum,T.S.E. M.R.,and Sadler},
Title ={A Modal System of Algebras for Database Specification and Query/Update Language Support},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 9, Florence, Italy.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="331--340",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Golshani1984, Author ={Golshani,Forouzan},
Title ={Tools for the Construction of Expert Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Un.London, Imperial Coll.of Science and Technology, Dep.Computing TR.},
Year =1984, Annote ={at Un.London, Imperial Coll. (London) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Gomaa1992, Author ={Gomaa,H., Kerschberg,L. and Sugumaran,V.},
Title ={A Knowledge-Based Approach to Generating Target Systems Specifications from a Domain Model},
Booktitle ={IFIP World Computer Congress, Madrid Spain, September .},
Year =1992, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Gomaa1992:1, Author ={Gomaa,H., Kerschberg,L. and Sugumaran,V.},
Title ={Knowledge-Based Approach to Domain Modeling: Application to NASA's Payload Operations Control Centers},
Journal ={Telematics and Informatics, Vol. 9,Nos. 34, pp. 281-296.},
Year =1992, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Gomaa1993, Author ={Gomaa,H.},
Title ={A Reuse-Oriented Approach to Structuring and Configuring Distributed Applications},
Journal ={The Software Engineering Journal, March .},
Year =1993, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Gomaa1993:1, Author ={Gomaa,H.},
Title ={Software Design Methods for Concurrent and Real-Time Systems},
Publisher ={Addison Wesley.},
Year =1993, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Gomaa1993:2, Author ={Gomaa,H.},
Title ={A Behavioral Analysis Method for Real-Time Control Systems},
Journal ={Control Engineering Practice, Vol. 1, No. 1, pp 115-120.},
Year =1993, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Gomaa1993:3, Author ={Gomaa,H.,},
Title ={Methods and Tools for Reusable Software Architectures},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Software Reuse, Lucca, Italy, March .},
Year =1993, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Gonnet1987, Author ={Gonnet,G. and Tompa,F.},
Title ={Mind Your Grammar: A New Approach to Modelling Text},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDmodel> DBDnewDBMS> DBDoffice>} }

@inproceedings{Gonino1974, Author ={Gonino,J.J.},
Title ={N.F.L. Football Data Base},
Booktitle ={User Experience With IDS ,VonGohren(ed), (viz.).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Honeywell, Information System Category ={DBFhash.6>} }

@inproceedings{Gonnet1982, Author ={Gonnet,G.H. and Larson,P-A.},
Title ={External Hashing with Limited Internal Storage},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="256--261",
Number ="475820",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo (Waterloo ON) A small amount of internal storage is used to help direct the search, thereby reducing the number of external accesses. Category ={DBFhash.5.1> } }

@book{Gonnet1988, Author ={Gonnet,G.H. and Larson,P-A},
Title ={External Hashing with Limited Internal Storage},
Publisher ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8902--0062},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="161--184",
Volume ="35",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo External hashing with signatures. Information-theoretic lower bound on the number of bits per bucket. ---Pokorny Category ={DBFhash> } }

@book{Gonzalez1984, Author ={Gonzalez,H.J. and Fein,L.},
Title ={DATATRAN: A Comprehensive and Practical System for Developing and Maintaining},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 385pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-0536.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Good1983, Author ={Good,Bob},
Title ={Experience with Bank of America's Distributive Operating System},
Booktitle ={IEEE Compcon.},
Year =1983, Pages ="2--8",
Annote ={uses IMS, logging. Many statistics. Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans-4, DBfile } }

@book{Good1987, Author ={Good,I.J.},
Title ={Good Thinking, The Foundations of Probability and Its Applications},
Publisher ={?.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBFmethodsods>} }

@techreport{Goodbody1986, Author ={Goodbody,Richard L.(ed.)},
Title ={Fleet Command Center Battle Management Program - Overall Functional Description},
Institution ={.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Space & Naval Warfare Systems Command part of Strategic Defence Initiative, much emphasis on Natural Language Interfaces, useful glossary, Chap 6.5 lists database requirements for several sources @article{Goodman1989, Author ={Goodman,A.M., Haralick,R.M., and Shapiro,L.G.},
Title ={Knowledge-Based Computer Vision: Integrated Programming Language and Data Management System Design},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="43--54",
Volume ="22",
Annote ={at Un.Washington CAD CZD applications, sharability of abstract information. The base system is a set of databases, an interpreter, and a compiler. The system databases contain the elementary types and functions. They also contain various objects used by the system. Programmers can add databases, put functions and types in the databases that they create, and create instances of these types and put them in the databases. } }

@book{Goodman1985, Author ={Goodman,I.R. and Nguyen,H.T.},
Title ={Uncertainty Models For Knowledge-Based Systems},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1985, Annote ={A monograph collecting much formal material. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb, Q375.G66 } }

@article{Goodman1986, Author ={Goodman,J.R. and Young,H.C.},
Title ={Comments on a `Massive Memory System'},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-35 no 10.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="907--910",
Annote ={ several problems and issues of the GarciaMolina, Lipton, and Valdez MMM. Category ={DBDarchitecture> } }

@techreport{Goodman1979, Author ={Goodman,N. and Bernstein,P.A.},
Title ={The Theory of Semi-Joins},
Institution ={CCA, TR. 79-27.},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at CCA (Cambridge MA) see also Bernstein 81 Category ={DBDperf> DBDtheory, DBfile } }

@techreport{Goodman1980, Author ={Goodman,Nathan},
Title ={Query Optimization in a Distributed Database System (SDD-1)},
Institution ={Harvard Un. and CCA.},
Year =1980, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Harvard Un. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@techreport{Goodman1980:1, Author ={Goodman,N. and Shmueli,O.},
Title ={Hierarchies of Database State Reductions},
Institution ={Harvard Un. TR-18-80.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDquery, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Goodman1982, Author ={Goodman,N. and Shmueli,O.},
Title ={The Tree Property Is Fundamental for Query Processing},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="40--48",
Number ="475820",
Annote ={ Partition the class of relational database schemas into tree schemas and cyclic schemas. Solving queries is tantamount to creating an embedded tree schema which we call a tree projection. Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDrel.3> DBDbound.4> } }

@inproceedings{Goodman1982:1, Author ={Goodman,N. and Shmueli,O.},
Title ={Tree-Queries: A simple Class of Relational Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="653--677",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Goodman1983, Author ={Goodman,N. and Shmueli,O.},
Title ={Syntactic Characterization of Tree Database Schemas},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM. (Abstract in Communications of the ACM , Oct.1983, p.813)},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Volume ="26",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDmodel> DBDrel.3>} }

@techreport{Goodman1984, Author ={Goodman,N. and Tay,Y.C.},
Title ={Synthesizing Fourth Normal Form Relations From Maultivalued Dependencies},
Institution ={Harvard Un., TR.TR-17-83.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Harvard Un., Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@inproceedings{Goodman1985:1, Author ={Goodman,N. and Shasha,D.},
Title ={Semantically-based Concurrency Control for Search Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="8--19",
Annote ={at Sequoia Systems; NYU, Courant Inst. semantics are based on abstract datatypes. Based on Shasha's PhD Th. Btree update and delete distinct from restructuring. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } }

@manual{Goodrich1972, Author ={Goodrich,B.F.},
Title ={IDMS Cobol Data Manipulation Language},
Organization ={Goodrich, Cleveland OH.},
Year =1972, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDbound.5>} }

@article{Gooley1988, Author ={Gooley,M.M. and Wah,B.W.},
Title ={Efficient Reordering Of Prolog Programs},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Gopalakrishna1980, Author ={Gopalakrishna,V. and VeniMadhavan,C.E.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Attribute-Based Tree Organization},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="69--87",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at National Informatics Ctr, India A version of the multiple attribute tree (MAT) database organization. Statistical procedures are developed to estimate the number of nodes searched and the number of data blocks retrieved. The performance of inverted file and modified MAT organizations are compared. Category ={DBFtrees.4> } }

@inproceedings{Gordin1991, Author ={Gordin,D. and Pasik,A.},
Title ={Set-Oriented Constructs: From Rete Rule Bases to Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDkb>} }

@article{Gordon1985, Author ={Gordon,D.B. and Sager,N.},
Title ={A method of measuring information in language, applied to medical texts},
Journal ={Inf.Process.Manag..},
Year =1985, Pages ="269--289",
Volume ="21",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at NY Un. measures: number of words per sentence; number of operators per sentence; ratio of words to operators; maximum nesting depth in each operator-argument tree. Using hospital discharge summaries theory of lipid metabolism performed by the LSP natural language processing system. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@book{Gordon1969, Author ={Gordon,G.},
Title ={System Simulation},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1969, Category ={DBFtechn.2>} }

@article{Gordon1985:1, Author ={Gordon,J. and Shortliffe,E.H.},
Title ={A Method for Managing Evidential Reasoning in a Hierarchical Hypothesis Space},
Journal ={AI Journal.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Volume ="26",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Gordon1988, Author ={Gordon,Michael},
Title ={Probabilistic and Genetic Algorithms for Document Retrieval},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1208--1218",
Volume ="31",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Michigan, GSBA Adaptive iteration by feedback from relevancy/non-relevancy-to-query results. Genetic algorithm repeats a two-step process: Measure the performance of competing documents descriptions; Replace the set of descriptions, until some criterion is attained. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@book{Gorman1984, Author ={Gorman,Michael M.},
Title ={Managing Database: four Critical Factors},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, 216pp.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@book{Gorney1985, Author ={Gorney,Leonard},
Title ={Invitation To Database Processing},
Publisher ={Petrocelli Books.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBFone, QA76.9D3G67} }

@incollection{Gosden1974, Author ={Gosden,John A.},
Title ={Large Scale Data Base Systems --- Current Deficencies and User Requirements},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Equitable Life Assurance, New York Pragmatic Critique of systems from a management view Category ={DBFintro.4> } }

@article{Gosden1969, Author ={Gosden,J.A.},
Title ={Report to X3 on Data Definition Languages},
Journal ={FDT (Publ. of the ACM SIGFIDET).},
Year =1969, Month =Dec,
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDschema.4>} } @misc{Gosh1986:1, Author ={Gosh,Sakti P.},
Title ={Data Base Organization for Data Management},
Howpublished ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDintro>} }

@book{Gotlieb1973, Author ={Gotlieb,Calvin C. and Borodin,A.},
Title ={Social Issues in Computing},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1973, Annote ={at Un.Toronto Includes many data base and privacy oriented considerations and further references. Category ={DBDprivacy.0> DBFintro.3> %Gotlieb73 } }

@inproceedings{Gotlieb1980, Author ={Gotlieb,C.C.},
Title ={Some Large Questions about Very Large Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="3--7",
Annote ={ The U.S. Census, UTLAS, PRESTEL, PLATO, MEDLARS, ORBIT and Sita. It is time for a shift of emphasis in the direction of research on very large data bases. Working with existing large data management systems, paying more attention to communication aspects, and developing tools and techniques for collecting and analysing experimental data. Category ={DBFpreface.1> } }

@book{Gotlieb1985, Author ={Gotlieb,C.C.},
Title ={The Economics of Computers: Costs, Benefits, Policies, and Strategies},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 339pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8601-0022.},
Year =1985, Annote ={includes many tables. Category ={DBFsyseval>} }

@inproceedings{Gotlieb1975, Author ={Gotlieb,Leo R.},
Title ={Computing Joins of Relations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="55--63",
Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Gottemukkala1992, Author ={Gottemukkala,V. and Lehman,T.J.},
Title ={Locking and Latching in a Memory-Resident Database System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Gottlieb1973, Author ={Gottlieb,C.C. and MacEwen,G.H.},
Title ={Performance of Movable-Head Disk Storage Devices},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM,},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Pages ="604--623",
Volume ="20",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFtechn.3.2>} }

@article{Gottlob1985, Author ={Gottlob,G. and Leitsch,A.},
Title ={On the Efficiency of Subsumbtion Algorithms},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="280--295",
Volume ="32",
Number ="2",
Annote ={unification, prolog Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb>} }

@article{Gottlob1985:1, Author ={Gottlob,G., Paolini,P., and Zicari,R.},
Title ={Properties and Update Semantics of Consistent Views},
Journal ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Annote ={ at TU.Wien, Inst.fur Angewandte Informatik, Austria prolog Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb, DBFile } }

@article{Gottlob1987, Author ={Gottlob,Georg},
Title ={Subsumption and Implication},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Volume ="24",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Genova, CNR, Italy; Stanford Un. prolog Category ={DBDtheory> DBDkb> DBDlogic, DBFile } }

@unpublished{Gottlob1986, Author ={Gottlob,Georg},
Title ={On the Size of Nonredundant FD-Covers},
Note ={Stanford Un., CSD,},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Gottlob, Author ={Gottlob,Georg},
Title ={Computing Covers for Embedded Functional Dependencies},
Booktitle ={Polit.Milano, Italy, TR.-006.},
Number ="86",
Annote ={at CNR, Italy Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Gottlob1988, Author ={Gottlob,G., and Zicari,R.},
Title ={Close World Databases Opened Through Null Values},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="50--61",
Annote ={ at TU Wien, Inst.fur Angewandte Informatik, Austria Category ={DBDmodel> DBDkb> } }

@book{Gottlob1990, Author ={Gottlob,G. and Nejdl,W. (Eds)},
Title ={Expert Systems in Engineering: Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence},
Publisher ={S-V.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Gough1987, Author ={Gough,Michael L.},
Title ={CDF Implementer's Guide: Version 1},
Institution ={NSSDC-SAR 87-01, Preliminary.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ at NSSDC, (Code 634, Goddard Space Flight ctr , Greenbelt, MD 20771) Common data format Library for Multi-dimensional data, now on VAX VMS. Standard for NSSDC Category ={DBFrepresent, DBfile } }

@book{Gould1971, Author ={Gould,I.H.},
Title ={IFIP Guide to Concepts and Terms in Data Processing},
Publisher ={N-H, 161pp.},
Year =1971, Annote ={at Sebright School (St.Albans, Hertz, UK) Category ={DBFintro, DB book shelf } }

@article{Goyal1984, Author ={Goyal,A. and Agerwala,T.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Future Shared Storage Systems},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Pages ="95--108",
Volume ="28",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFstorage-3.5>} } @misc{1993:1, Title ={Parallelism and Fault Tolerance in Commercial Systems},
Howpublished ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at IBM Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Goyal1988, Author ={Goyal,P., Li,H.F., Regener,E., and Sadri,F.},
Title ={Scheduling of Page Fetches in Join Operations Using Bc-trees},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{GozalezSustaeta1986, Author ={GozalezSustaeta,J. and Buchmann,A.P.},
Title ={A Database Design Tool Using the ELKA Model},
Booktitle ={23rd Conf. on Design Automation, Las Vegas.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Grabscheid1991, Author ={Grabscheid,Paul},
Title ={Database Integrity with M/SQL},
Journal ={MUG Quarterly.},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Intersystems, Cambridge MUMPS Category ={DBDint> } }

@article{Gradwell1975, Author ={Gradwell,D.J.L.},
Title ={Why Data Dictionaries},
Journal ={The Data Base Journal - Software World.},
Year =1975, Pages ="15--18",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDschema.1>} }

@article{Graefe1986, Author ={Graefe,Goetz},
Title ={Software Modularization with the EXODUS Optimizer Generator},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1986, Pages ="213--219",
Volume ="5",
Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@inproceedings{Graefe1989, Author ={Graefe,Goetz},
Title ={Relational Division: Four Algorithms and Their Performance},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Graefe1989:1, Author ={Graefe,G. and Ward,K.},
Title ={Dynamic Query Optimization Plans},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Oregon Graduate Ctr Category ={DBDquery> DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Graefe, Author ={Graefe,Goetz},
Title ={Research Problems in Database Query Optimization},
Booktitle ={CSE Tech Report 89-005, Oregon Graduate Center.},
Annote ={ Great source of references. Mentions extensible databases (meaning rule based optimization -- the author's PhD thesis), OODBMS, nested SQL, recursive and otherwise deductive queries as hot topics in optimization. Mentions plan generation, bushy join-trees, validation, and estimation of subquery sizes as hard problems. Various other problems are outlined. ---Roy. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Graefe1990, Author ={Graefe,G.},
Title ={Encapsulation of Parallelism in the Volcano Query Processing System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Colorado Conversion of relational executor to parallel execution DADAISM twodozen core modules with about 15,000 lines of C code include a file system, buffer management, sorting, top-town Btrees and two algorithms for natural join, semi-join, outer join, anti-join, aggregation, duplicate elimination, division, union, intersection, difference, anti-difference and Cartesian product. The exchange module parallelizes all eixting query processing algorithms without modifying their implementations; modules allow disk striping; Volcano follows the GENESIS design. Category ={Dbdimpl> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Graefe1993, Author ={Graefe,G. and McKenna,W.},
Title ={Extensibility and Search Efficiency in the Volcano Optimizer Generator},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Colorado Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Grafton1972, Author ={Grafton,P.G.},
Title ={Data Base Recovery with IMS/360},
Journal ={Data Base, ACM-SIGBDB.},
Year =1972, Pages ="9--12",
Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDbound.5>} }

@article{Grafton, Author ={Grafton,William P.},
Title ={IMS: Past, Present, Future},
Journal ={response letter by Roger Bennett, LA County Data Processing Dep., in Datamation 84.},
Month =Jan,
Pages ="23--24",
Annote ={History of IMS. Category ={DBDbound.6>} }

@inproceedings{Graham1988, Author ={Graham,A. and Gardiner,K.},
Title ={The Framework Initiative},
Booktitle ={Electrical Engineering Times, 20.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Motorola, ASIC Division (Chandler AZ) cover story on the CFI which was launched at the DAC this year Develop a proposal for a software infrastructure which provides a common operating environment for CAD tools : platform independent graphics and user interface support, information management services, inter-tool communication, and database services. The standard should be : a layered procedure interface, modular and easily extendable, supported on multiple platforms, an aid to porting cad tools, an aid to integration of tools from multiple sources, and NOT an obstacle to high performance implementations. Category ={EIS> } }

@article{Graham1972, Author ={Graham,G.S. and Denning,P.J.},
Title ={Protection --- Principles and Practice},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1972, Pages ="417--429",
Volume ="40",
Category ={DBDprivacy.1>} }

@article{Graham1978, Author ={Graham,G.S.(ed)},
Title ={Queuing Network Models of Computer System Performance},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1978, Pages ="219--224",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto, CSRG Special issue. Category ={DBFtechn.3> } }

@unpublished{Graham1979, Author ={Graham,M.H., Griffeth,N., and SmithThomas,B.},
Title ={Reliable Scheduling of Database Transactions for Unreliable Systems},
Note ={rcvd ? or later. },
Year =1979, Annote ={at Georgia Tech; UNC Greensboro Category ={DBDreliab.7.5, DBfile } }

@article{Graham1983, Author ={Graham,Marc H.},
Title ={Functions in Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 40,415.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="81--109",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto (Canada) A dependency in the definition of a database indicates that the states of the database are to encode a function. A functional dependency is capable of uncovering input errors made by the users. Results are founded on the notion of a weak instance for a database state which replaces the universal relation instance assumption. Method based on the chase of calculating the function is given; the dependency should constrain the states of the database; many algorithms. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@unpublished{Graham1984, Author ={Graham,M.H., Griffeth,N. ,and SmithThomas,B.},
Title ={Reliable Scheduling of Database Transactions for Unreliable Systems},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1984, Annote ={at Georgia Tech. (Atlanta GA); UNC (Greensboro) Category ={DBDreliab.7.5> DBFtrans.7.5, DBfile } }

@article{Graham1984:1, Author ={Graham,M.H., Mendelzon,A.O., and Vardi,M.Y.},
Title ={Notions of Dependency Satisfaction},
Journal ={Stanford Un..},
Year =1984, Annote ={at Stanford Un., later Georgia Tech. Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Graham1986, Author ={Graham,M. and Wang,K.},
Title ={Constant Time Maintenance or the Triumph of the fd},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 5, Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Georgia Inst of Technology Verifying constraints using the 'weak instance' approach. Category ={DBDtheory-fd> DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{Graham1988:1, Author ={Graham,Marc H.},
Title ={Guidelines for the Use of SAME},
Institution ={CMU, Milestone TR-SEI-MR-9.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at CMU, Software Eng.Inst. Ada Module Extensions. The SAME extends the Module Language defined in the ANSI SQL standard to fit the needs of Ada. The SQL statements appear together in an object called the Module. The Ada application accesses the module through procedure calls. Category ={DBDlang, box CMU } }

@article{Graham1990, Author ={Graham,M. and Wang,K-E.},
Title ={On the Equivalence of an Egd to a Set of Fd's},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Volume ="37",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Georgia Tech algorithm for a given equality-generating dependency equivalent to a set of functional dependencies. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Graham1968, Author ={Graham,Robert M.},
Title ={Protection in an Information Processing Utility},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , pp.365-= Multics design, rings and segments.},
Year =1968, Month =May,
Volume ="11",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBDprivacy.6>} }

@book{Graham1975, Author ={Graham,R.M.},
Title ={Principles of Systems Programming},
Publisher ={John John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 422pp.},
Year =1975, Annote ={at City Coll. of New York Category ={DBDintro.8, OS shelf } }

@article{Graham1968:1, Author ={Graham,R.M.},
Title ={Protection in an Information Processing Utility},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1968, Month =May,
Pages ="365--369",
Volume ="11",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFrepresent-3> DBDprivacy.2>} }

@inproceedings{Grahne1987, Author ={Grahne,G., Sippu,S., and Soisalon-Soininen,E.},
Title ={Efficient Evaluation for a Subset of Recursive Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki focuses on binary relations, also considers route problem on arrival, departure times and converts it to binary relations. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDquery, DBfile Soisalon } }

@inproceedings{Grahne1989, Author ={Grahne,Gosta},
Title ={Horn Tables - An Efficient Tool for Handling Incomplete Information in Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki nulls Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Grahne1992, Author ={Grahne,G., Mendelzon,A., and Revesz,P.},
Title ={Knowledgebase Transformations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Grams1986, Author ={Grams, Ralph R. and Peck, Georgina C.},
Title ={National Survey of Hospital Data Processing--1985},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Volume ="10",
Number ="5",
Category ={MIS> HIS>} }

@article{Grams1985, Author ={Grams,R.R., Massey,J.K., Hickey,S., and Jin,Z.M.},
Title ={Diagnostic library support system for medical practice},
Journal ={J.Med.Sys..},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="401--423",
Volume ="9",
Number ="56",
Annote ={at Dep.Pathology (Gainesville, FL) Category ={MIS>} } @misc{Grams1990, Author ={Grams,Ralph},
Title ={The Health Maintenance Facility},
Howpublished ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Pages ="59--70",
Volume ="14",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ preliminary requirements for space station medical services including literature search, problem identification, and micron gravity surgery Category ={MIS> } }

@techreport{Granieri1973, Author ={Granieri,Charles},
Title ={Data File Compression, Implementation Notes},
Institution ={ACME Note WCOMPRS.},
Year =1973, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., ACME Description of compression of numeric data. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Grant1980, Author ={Grant,J. and Minker, J.},
Title ={On Optimizing the Evaluation of a Set of Expressions},
Journal ={Un.Maryland, College Park, CSD, TR.TR--916.},
Year =1980, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3>} }

@article{Grant1981, Author ={Grant,J. and Minker,J.},
Title ={Optimization in Deductive and Relational Databases},
Journal ={'Advances in Database Theory', Gallaire,Minker,Nicolas(eds), Plenum Press.},
Year =1981, Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Grant1985, Author ={Grant,J. and Minker,J.},
Title ={Normalization and axiomatization for numerical dependencies},
Journal ={Inf.Control, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="1--17",
Volume ="65",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Towson State Un. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Grant1985:1, Author ={Grant,J. and Minker,J.},
Title ={Inferences for numerical dependencies},
Journal ={Theor. CS, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8707-596.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="271--287",
Volume ="41",
Number ="23",
Annote ={at Towson St. Un.,; Un.Maryland there does not exist a finite set of sound and complete inference rules for NDs. Nontrivial, nonfunctional NDs cannot be expressed by Horn formulas in first-order logic. Applications of NDs to database design constraint checking and query evaluation are provided. Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@book{Grant1987, Author ={Grant,John},
Title ={Logical Introduction to Databases},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), 466pp; Harcourt, 1987?; ACM CR 8808-0577.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Towson State Un., 1986? ANSI network db standard; 3 models; 1st order logic; 5GCS; database conversion; views; ER and its use; languages, syntax rules for SQL and NDL. Prolog and its use for defining and querying deductive databases; introduction to the problems of time and incomplete information. Category ={DBDintro, x } }

@inproceedings{Grant1991, Author ={Grant,J., Litwin,W., Roussopoulos,N. and Sellis,T.},
Title ={An Algebra and Calculus for Relational Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Grapa1976, Author ={Grapa,E.},
Title ={Characterization of a Distributed Data Base System},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Illinois, TR.No.UIUCDCS-R--76-831.},
Year =1976, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Urbana-Chapaign, DCS Describes some of the current work done in the area. Describes and compares several methods for sharing and updating distributed data. Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@article{Grapa1977, Author ={Grapa,E. and Belford,G.G.,},
Title ={Some Theorems to Aid in Solving the File Allocation Problem},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , 20, 11.},
Year =1977, Month =Nov,
Pages ="878--882",
Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDdist>} }

@book{Graubard1988, Author ={Graubard,S.(Ed.)},
Title ={The artificial intelligence debate: false starts, real foundations},
Publisher ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press, 311pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8908-0536.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ AFIS; Papers on the debate between formalists, who believe that AI is strictly rule-based symbol processing, and connectionists, who believe that the goal of AI research should be to model the human brain; the book advocates connectionism; the articles uniformly well written; this volume presents a clear and forceful discussion on the issues. Papers by S.Papert's attack on connectionism; Hubert and Stuart Dreyfus reject the' idea that systems can be constructed from primitive components by rules of composition; R.Sokolowski examines synthetic and artificial; P.McCorduck descibes Aaron; J.Cowan and D.Sharp review the evolution and status of connectionist research; J.Schwartz estimates the bandwidth of the brain at 10 to the 18th power; G.Reeke and G.Edelman both are inadequate; D.Hillis explores how emergent behavior system seems more organized than the behavior of the individual parts; he suggests that connectionism provides a substrate upon which the symbol processing paradigm may build; D.Waltz distinguishes between two paradigms: massively parallel computation and learned computational behavior; S.Turkle explores AI and psychoanalysis; J.McCarthy succinctly states the formalist position; the formalist and connectionist approaches appear to have a common basis; they are clearly complementary. ---Wegner. Category ={unknown> } }

@article{Graves1975, Author ={Graves,R.W.},
Title ={Integrity Control in a Relational Data Description Language},
Journal ={Proc.ACM Pacific Regional Conf..},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="108--113",
Annote ={at NCR Corp (San Diego CA) Schema statements to protect the data base. Category ={DBDschema> DBDintegrity> DBDrel.2> } }

@unpublished{Gray1989, Author ={Gray,C.G. and Cheriton,D.F.},
Title ={Leases: An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Mechanism for Distributed File Cache Consistency},
Note ={Submitted to the 12th Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Leases are intent-to-update with time-out of term. Terms of leases are modest, perhaps equal to server recovery time. A special case are temporary files: cache only; System files: don't request approval, just wait term. ---Gio. Category ={DBFdist> DBFsec> DBFperf> } }

@article{Gray1988, Author ={Gray,David},
Title ={The Formal Specification of a Small Bookshop Information System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Pages ="263--272",
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDintro>} }

@inproceedings{Gray1975, Author ={Gray,J.N., Lorie,R.A. and Putzolu,G.R.},
Title ={Granularity of Locks in a Shared Data Base},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="428--451",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1.3> DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Gray, Author ={Gray,J.N, Lorie,R.A., Putzolu,G.F., and Traiger,I.L.},
Title ={Granularity of Locks and Degrees of Consistency in a Shared Data Base},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res. Report RJ1606.},
Annote ={ Thorough definition of integrity maintenance issues. Category ={DBDintegrity.1.1> DBDintegrity.3> } }

@incollection{Gray1977, Author ={Gray,J.N.},
Title ={Notes on Data Base Operating Systems},
Booktitle ={TU., Munich FRG, Jul-.},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ thorough discussion of the technical issues. Includes problems distributed 3-phase protocol (get, intent --i.e. precommit, commit-- with dangling precommit). Category ={DBFhard-3> DBDtrans.5> DBDintegrity.1, DBfile } }

@techreport{Gray1979, Author ={Gray,J., McJones,P., Blasgen,M., Lorie,R., Price,T., Putzolu,F., and Traiger,I.},
Title ={The Recovery Manager of a Data Management System},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RJ2623(33801).},
Year =1979, Month =Aug,
Annote ={System R recovery subsystem. Shadow pages. Category ={DBDtrans.3, DBfile } }

@article{Gray1979:1, Author ={Gray,J.P. and McNeill,T.B.},
Title ={SNA Multiple-System Networking},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1979, Pages ="263--297",
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFuse-3>} }

@techreport{Gray1980, Author ={Gray,J.},
Title ={A Transaction Model},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RJ2895.},
Year =1980, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM, Res. Labs (San Jose CA) Category ={DBFtrans.7.5> } }

@article{Gray1981, Author ={Gray,J., et al.},
Title ={The Recovery Manager of the System R database Manager},
Journal ={ACM CS.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="223--242",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Gray1981:1, Author ={Gray,Jim},
Title ={The Transaction Concept: Virtues and Limitations},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Cannes, France.},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="144--154",
Category ={DBFintro-4> DBDdist, DBfile} }

@article{Gray1986, Author ={Gray,James N.},
Title ={An Approach to Decentralized Computer Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE12 .},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Pages ="684--692",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Tandem Computers Inc., (Cupertino CA) Transactions, autonomy best achieved by message passing schemes. FAUVE, client server? I3 Category ={DBFtrans> DBDconc> DBDdist> } }

@article{Gray1987, Author ={Gray,J.N. and Anderton,M.},
Title ={Distributed Computer Systems: Four Case Studies},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="719--726",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Tandem Computers Inc., (Cupertino CA) Category ={DBDdist, x issue } }

@inproceedings{Gray1987:1, Author ={Gray,J. and Putzolu,F.},
Title ={The Five-Minute Rule},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Category ={DBDperf>} }

@unpublished{Gray1987:2, Author ={Gray,J. and Reuter,A.},
Title ={Transaction Processing Systems},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ material for book, from course given in Berlin. Sep.1987. Category ={DBFtrans, x } }

@article{Gray1987:3, Author ={Gray,J., et al.},
Title ={NonStop SQL: A Distributed, High-Performance, High-Availability Implementation of SQL},
Journal ={in Gawlick,D. et al.(eds), 'High Performance Transactions Systems', Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) LNCS.},
Year =1987, Pages ="60--103",
Number ="359",
Category ={DBDrel> DBDtrans>} }

@incollection{Gray1988:1, Author ={Gray,Jim},
Title ={The Transaction Concept: Virtues and Limitations},
Booktitle ={'Readings in Database Systems', M.Stonebraker, Morgan-Kaufmann, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8905--332.},
Year =1988, Pages ="140--150",
Annote ={at Tandem Computers Inc., (Cupertino CA) first presented in 1981, see bibold. Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@article{Gray1989:1, Author ={Gray,Jim},
Title ={Transparency an its Place -- The Case Against Transparent Access to Geographically Distributed Data},
Journal ={Tandem Computers, TR-89-1.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Transparent access to data in a geographically distributed system is unmanageable and has technical drawbacks. Transparency can support clusters. FAUVE. ---Gio. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Gray1990, Author ={Gray,J. and Walker,M.},
Title ={Parity Striping for Disc Arrays: Low-Cost Reliable Storage with Acceptable Throughput},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDhard>} }

@book{Gray1991, Author ={Gray,Jim},
Title ={The Benchmark Hardbook: for Database and Transaction Processing Systems},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufman, 350pp.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Annote ={at DEC includes text and background for TPC-A and B, Wisconsin, AS3AP, Set Query, and business benchmark Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@incollection{Gray1984, Author ={Gray,Mike},
Title ={Databases for Computer-Aided Design},
Booktitle ={`New Applications of Databases' Gardarin and Gelenbe(eds), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1984, Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Gray1981:2, Author ={Gray,Peter M.D.},
Title ={Use of Automatic Programming and Simulation to Facilitate Operations on CODASYL Databases},
Institution ={Infotech State-of-the-Art Report on Databases, Atkinson(ed), .},
Year =1981, Pages ="347--369",
Annote ={at Un.Aberdeen ASTRID creates FORTRAN code for CODASYL IDMS and IDS-2 databases. High level relational interface to Codasyl database and automatic generation of efficient code from relational queries. Category ={DBDrel> DBDbound, DBfile } }

@book{Gray1984:1, Author ={Gray,Peter M.D.},
Title ={Logic, Algebra, and Databases},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 294pp.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ Prolog programming for memory databases. QUEL, SQL, QBE ASTRID, DAPLEX, CODASYL. Category ={DBDintro> DBDlogic> } }

@book{Gray1984:2, Author ={Gray,Peter M.D.},
Title ={Proceedings of the International Workshop of the Architectures of Large Knowledge Bases, (Manchester Un.)},
Publisher ={?.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ There seems to be several articles related to KBMS in Constraint Enforcement, Knowledge Views, Query Processing, and Natural Language Interface. I saw some reference to it in a paper. ---Xiaolei Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Gray1985, Author ={Gray,P.M.D. and Esslemont,P.},
Title ={The Performance of a Relational Interface to a CODASYL Database},
Journal ={Computer J., BCS.},
Year =1985, Pages ="501--507",
Volume ="28",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Aberdeen ASTRID creates FORTRAN code for CODASYL hierarchical FIND functions from multi-attribute keys. Joins employ link-sets, avoiding or Merge Sorts. Includes sample and performance analysis. Relational interface to a Codasyl Database is built and a generalized relational query processor is implemented. The query processor translates queries in relational algebra into Codasyl commands which choose optimal traversal paths. The performance of the query processor is analyzed. Category ={DBDrel> DBDbound, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Gray1985:1, Author ={Gray,P.M.D.},
Title ={Efficient PROLOG Access to CODASYL and FDM Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data , Navathe(ed), 1985.},
Year =1985, Pages ="437--443",
Annote ={at Un.Aberdeen CODASYL hierarchical FIND functions from multi-attribute keys. Joins employ link-sets, avoiding (n*M --- O(result)) failures. Category ={DBDkb> DBDnetwork, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Gray1985:2, Author ={Gray,P.M.D., Moffat,D.S., and duBoulay,J.B.H.},
Title ={Persistent PROLOG: A Secondary Storage Manager for PROLOG},
Booktitle ={Proc. Appia Workshop on `Data Types and Persistence', Atkinson(ed).},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Un.Aberdeen PROLOG to use PS-ALGOL maintained object heap for arbitrary clauses. Category ={DBDkb> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Gray1987:4, Author ={Gray,P.M.D., Moffat,D.S., and Paton,N.W.},
Title ={A PROLOG Interface to a Functional Data Model Database},
Note ={Un.Aberdeen, Scotland, rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={PERLOG Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@techreport{Gray1988:2, Author ={Gray,P.M.D., Moffat,D.S., and Paton,N.W.},
Title ={Persistent PROLOG Project Papers 1987/88},
Institution ={TR.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Aberdeen, DCS Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@book{Gray1988:3, Author ={Gray,P.M.D. and Lucas,R.J.},
Title ={Prolog and Databases: Implementations and New Directions},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) (Ellis Horwood, Chichester, ), 1989, 358pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ Collection of papers on query languages as QBE and SQL by Monta,F., Williams,H., Ne??,J.; Howells,D., Fiddian,N., Gray,W.; Treql,?., Lunn,K. Archibald,I.G. Database interfacing and implementation as Educe by Bocca,J., Pearson,P.J. with quantitative evaluation; Mimen by Lucas,R.J., Levine,G.A.; dBase III access by Irring,Tim; Unify and BIM-prolog by Venkin,R., Mulkers,A.; PRTV basu? NDB by Todd,Stephen a binary tuple. Deductive databases as Exegisis by Small,Carol with defaults and constraints; DedGin by Vielle,Laurent with optimization subquery strategies ?. Storage structures as Williams,M.H., Massey,P.A., Crammond,J.A. on benchmarks. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Grazzini1989, Author ={Grazzini,E. and Pippolini,F.},
Title ={Shared Vs. Separate Inverted Files},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="517--531",
Number ="367",
Annote ={at Un.Firenze, Dip.Sistemi e Informatica, Italy Category ={DBFhybrid> DBDadvindex> } }

@incollection{Green1963, Author ={Green,B.F.jr, Wolf,A.K., Chomsky,C., and Laughery,K.},
Title ={Baseball, An Automatic Question Answering System},
Booktitle ={Computers and Thought, Feigenbaum and Feldman(eds), MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1963, Pages ="207--216",
Category ={DBDquery>%Green63} }

@article{Green1968, Author ={Green,C. and Raphael,B.},
Title ={The Use of Theorem Proving Techniques in Question Answering Systems},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 23.},
Year =1968, Pages ="169--181",
Annote ={at SRI Describes QA1, relational statements using propositional calculus. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Green1969, Author ={Green,C.C.},
Title ={Theorem Proving by Resolution as a Basis for Question-Answering Systems},
Journal ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers 4, Meltzer and Michie(eds), American Elsevier.},
Year =1969, Pages ="183--205",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Green1969:1, Author ={Green,C.},
Title ={Application of Theorem Proving to Problem Solving},
Booktitle ={PhD Th., Stanford, EE.},
Year =1969, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Green1981, Author ={Green,D.H. and Knuth,D.E.},
Title ={The Mathematics for the Analysis of Algorithms},
Publisher ={Birkhauser, Boston.},
Year =1981, Annote ={chaining and open addressing Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Greenblatt1978, Author ={Greenblatt,D. and Waxman,J.},
Title ={A Study of Three Database Query Languages},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="77--97",
Annote ={at Queens Coll. (Flushing NY) Category ={DBDquery.3>} }

@inproceedings{Greene1989, Author ={Greene,Diane},
Title ={An Implementation and Performance Analysis of Spatial Data Access Methods},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@article{Greenes1969, Author ={Greenes, Robert A., Pappalardo,A.N., Marble,C.M., and Barnett,G.O.},
Title ={A System for Clinical Data Management},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1969, Pages ="297--305",
Volume ="35",
Annote ={at Massachusetts General Hospital, Boston Description of the MUMPS system, with references to preceding development. Category ={DBFtree> } }

@article{Greenfeld1974, Author ={Greenfeld,Norton R.},
Title ={Quantification in a Relational Data System},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1974, Pages ="71--75",
Volume ="43",
Annote ={at USC, Marina del Rey (CA) Indication of expected performance parameters. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@article{Greenfield1977, Author ={Greenfield,N.},
Title ={An Experiment to Measure the Performance of Phonetic Key Compression Retrieval Schemes},
Journal ={Methods of Information in Medicine (Methodik der Information in der Medizin).},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Pages ="230--233",
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Regina (Regina Canada) Soundex experiments Category ={DBFrepresent-4, DBfile } }

@techreport{Greenspan1984, Author ={Greenspan,Sol J.},
Title ={Reqirements Modeling, A Knowledge-based approach to Software Requirements Definition},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Toronto, TR-CSRG-155.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDdesign, Thesis file} }

@book{Greenstreet1988, Author ={Greenstreet,R. and Shields,J.W.},
Title ={Architectural Representation},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 166pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8807-0493.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Only about drawings. Category ={EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Grefen1989, Author ={Grefen,P., Wilschut,A., Apers,P., and Kersten,M.},
Title ={Implementing PRISMA/DB in an OOPL},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Twente, The Netherlands Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Grefen1990, Author ={Grefen,P and Apers,P.M.G.},
Title ={Parallel Handling of Integrity Constraints on Fragmented Relations},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Twente, The Netherlands Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Grefen1993, Author ={Grefen,Paul},
Title ={Combining Theory and Practice in Integrity Control: A Declarative Approach to the Specification of a Transaction Modification Subsystem},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Gregory1977, Author ={Gregory,L.A.},
Title ={A Study of Data Base Processor Technology},
Institution ={ADL, The Data Base Monograph Series: 10 Reports, ?, 76pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ Aspects of the special purpose processor which perform all or most of the DBM services for the host. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Gregory1981, Author ={Gregory,W., Bell,R., and Jackson,R.R.},
Title ={An Automated Clinical Research and Data Analysis System},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1981, Month =Oct,
Pages ="472--481",
Volume ="16",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Warwick (Coventry, UK) For clinicl trials, uses schema, in FORTRAN, all analysis in core. Category ={MCS> } }

@inproceedings{Greiner1992, Author ={Greiner,Russell},
Title ={Learning Efficient Query Processing Strategies},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Gremillion1988, Author ={Gremillion,L. and Pyburn,P.},
Title ={Computers and Information Systems in Business},
Publisher ={Mc-G.Hill, ?.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.South Florida Category ={DBDintro>} }

@article{Gremy1988, Author ={Gremy,F.},
Title ={Persons and Computers in Medicine and Health},
Journal ={Methods Inf.Med..},
Year =1988, Pages ="3--9",
Volume ="27",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Philosophy of Informatics. Should be human-oriented and human-centered. Category ={MIS> } }

@article{Greniewski1963, Author ={Greniewski,M. and Turski,W.},
Title ={The External Language KLIPA for the Ural-2 Digital Computer},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1963, Month =Jun,
Pages ="322--323",
Volume ="6",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ Construction of a determinstic key-to-address transformation. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@book{Grey1985, Author ={Grey,P.},
Title ={Logic, Algebra and Databases},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1985, Annote ={includes Atkinson and Kal Kauri on objects. Category ={DBDops> DBDobject> } }

@article{Griffith1986, Author ={Griffith,B.C., White,H.D., Drott,M.C., and Saye,J.D.},
Title ={Test of methods for evaluating bibliographic databases: an analysis of the National Library of Medicine's handling of literatures in the medical Behavioral Sciences},
Journal ={JASIS, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8705-0405.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="261--270",
Volume ="37",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ The authors recognize the dynamic nature of hospital systems by modularity. They use the traditional approach in terms of information hiding. For complex functions that may imply excessive trust. I prefer inspectability (mediator report). I3 Category ={DBDobject> at Drexel Un., Philadelphia NLM, DIALOG, Coverage, Monograph Coverage, Accuracy and Relavance, Performance Measures, User Feedback. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@inproceedings{Griffeth1985, Author ={Griffeth,N. and Miller,J.A.},
Title ={Performance Modeling of Database Recovery Protocols},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Griffeth1978, Author ={Griffeth,N.D.},
Title ={Nonprocedural Query Processing for Databases with Access Paths},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78, Austin TX.},
Year =1978, Pages ="160--168",
Annote ={at Northwestern Un. (Evanston IL) The use of 'rules of inference' in database systems with access paths--e.g., CODASYL and IMS databases--is proposed to allow nonprocedural querying of the database systems. The kinds of access paths for which these rules of inference are required are isolated. The rules of inference required for a CODASYL or an IMS database depend on the configurations of the edges in a diagram of the database. Category ={DBDbound.5> DBFeval.6> DBDquery.2> DBDquery.1> DBDkb> } }

@article{Griffeth1981, Author ={Griffeth,N.D., Fischer,M.J., and Lynch,N.A.},
Title ={Optimal Placement of Identical Resources in a Distributed Network},
Journal ={ISSDB 2, Litwin(ed), Paris, France.},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Griffeth1981:1, Author ={Griffeth,N.D., Fisher,M.J, and Lynch,N.A. (first author?)},
Title ={Global States of a Distributed System},
Journal ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Pages ="33--38",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Griffeth1983, Author ={Griffeth,N.D. and Morsi,M.},
Title ={SORCERER: A Distributed Database Testbed and Simulation Tool},
Journal ={School of Information and CS working paper.},
Year =1983, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Georgia Tech. Category ={DBDdist> DBFmethods.2> DBDintegrity.1, DBfile } }

@article{Griffeth1984, Author ={Griffeth,N. and Morsi,M.},
Title ={Simulation of Concurrency Control and Recovery Protocols for Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Infocom .},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFtrans.7.4> DBFmethods.4.3> DBDprivacy.5> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Griffeth1985:1, Author ={Griffeth,N.D.},
Title ={Reducing the Cost of Recovery from Transaction Failure},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="91--98",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDtrans-3>} }

@article{Griffith1982, Author ={Griffith,R.L.},
Title ={Three Principles of Representation for Semantic Networks},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , p.666.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Volume ="25",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Semantic networks are employed without much thought. They are becoming a tool of artificial intelligences and database technology, principles of semantic nets. Three rules of representation are presented. The common labeled-edge semantic net can be derived from a more primitive structure involving only nodes and membership relationships. Category ={DBDmodel.3> DBDquery.2.3> DBDkb> } }

@book{Griffiths1984, Author ={Griffiths and Tagg(eds)},
Title ={The Role of Programming In Teaching Informatics},
Publisher ={IFIP Proceedings Working Conference.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFintro, QA76.6.I184} }

@article{Griffiths1976, Author ={Griffiths,P.P. and Wade,B.W.},
Title ={An Authorization Mechanism for a Relational Database System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1976, Month =Sep,
Pages ="242--255",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Defines a dynamic authorization mechanism. A database user can grant or revoke privileges (such as to read, insert, or delete) on a file that he has created. Furthermore, he can authorize others to grant these same privileges. The database management system keeps track of a directed graph, emanating from the creator of granted privileges. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDmodel.1> DBFstorage.1> } }

@book{Grillo1983, Author ={Grillo,J. and Robertson,J.D.},
Title ={Data and File Management for the IBM Personal Computer},
Publisher ={Wm.C.Brown.},
Year =1983, Annote ={includes substantial fundamental material. Category ={DBDmodel.0> } }

@inproceedings{Grimshaw1991, Author ={Grimshaw,A. and Loyot,E.},
Title ={ELFS: Object-Oriented Extensible File Systems},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFhard> DBDobject>} }

@article{Grimson1974, Author ={Grimson,J.B.},
Title ={A Performance Study of Some Directory Structures for Large Data Files},
Journal ={Information Storage and Retrieval,},
Year =1974, Pages ="357--364",
Volume ="10",
Number ="11",
Annote ={Tests on hashing. Category ={DBFhash.5> DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Grindey1968, Author ={Grindey,C.B.B. and Stevens,W.G.R.},
Title ={Principes of the Identification of Information},
Booktitle ={IAG .},
Year =1968, Pages ="60--68",
Category ={DBFrepresent.1>} }

@techreport{Grindley1974, Author ={Grindley,Kit and Humble,John},
Title ={The Effective Computer},
Institution ={American Management Association, NY .},
Year =1974, Annote ={Management by Objectives Category ={DBFeval> DBDadmin>} }

@article{Grishman1978, Author ={Grishman,R, and Hirschman,L},
Title ={Question Answering from Natural Language Data Bases},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence, pp.11, 25--43.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Groette1988, Author ={Groette,I.PP. and Nilsson,G.},
Title ={SICON, an Icon Presentation Module For an E-R Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Ctr.for Industrial Res., Norway Category ={DBDquery> } }

@book{Groff1990, Author ={Groff,James},
Title ={Using SQL},
Publisher ={OsborneMacGraw-Hill (New York NY). , 686pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9008-0646.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ generous examples; results of queries; diagrams illustrate complex queries Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Groner1974, Author ={Groner,Leo H. and Goel,Amrit C.},
Title ={Generalized Data Management Systems for Structured Information Retrieval},
Journal ={not published?.},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Syracuse Un. Analysis of cost and benefits in a reliability record data base. Category ={DBFeval> } }

@article{Groner1974:1, Author ={Groner,L.H. and Goel,A.L.},
Title ={Concurrency in Hashed File Access},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H.},
Year =1974, Annote ={ Look-up direct access records simultaneously in primary and overflow files. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@inproceedings{Grosky1989, Author ={Grosky,W.I., Neo,P., and Mehrotra,R.},
Title ={An Iconic Index for Model-Based Matching},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@book{Grosshans1986, Author ={Grosshans,Daniel},
Title ={File Systems: Design and Implementation},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 482pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8703-0150.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ 1.Introduction: why study I/O? Functionality vs. Resources vs. Performances, File activity ratio, File volatility ratio; 2.Device I/O: channels, programming; 3.Tape; 4. Random Access Devices; 5.Basic File Systems with program commands; 6.Basic I/O supervisor, interrupts; 7.Logical I/O concepts, buffering, blocking; 8.Access method I/O: create, read, read-next, write, update,delete; 9.Sequential files; 10.Relative files(direct); 11.Direct (hashing); 12.Indexed Sequential; 13.Indexed(Btree); 14.VSAM; 15.Multikey indexed; 16.File System issues. Much on programming and IBM's control blocks. Little performance and conceptual material. Category ={DBFintro> DBFtrans> DBFseq> DBFindex> DBFhybrid> } }

@article{Grossman1985, Author ={Grossman,C.P.},
Title ={Cache-DASD Storage Design for Improving System Performance},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal, -4.},
Year =1985, Pages ="316--334",
Volume ="24",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFstorage>} }

@article{Grossman1989, Author ={Grossman,C.P.},
Title ={Evolution of the DASD storage control},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1989, Pages ="196--225",
Volume ="28",
Number ="2",
Annote ={from 701 to 3990 with cache and dual copy Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Grossman1973, Author ={Grossman,D.D. and Silverman,H.F.},
Title ={Placement of Records on a Secondary Storage Device to Minimize Access Time},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM,},
Year =1973, Month =Jul,
Pages ="429--438",
Volume ="20",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFstorage-2>%Grossman73} }

@inproceedings{Grossman1992, Author ={Grossman,D. and Driscoll,J.},
Title ={Using the Relational Model and Part-of-Speech Tagging to Implement Text Relevance},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Central Florida Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Grosz1977, Author ={Grosz,Barbara J.},
Title ={The Representation and Use of Focus in a System for Understanding Dialogs},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Cambridge MA.},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Pages ="67--76",
Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Grosz1987, Author ={Grosz,B.J., Appelt,D.E., Martin,P.A., and Pereira,F.C.N.},
Title ={TEAM: An Experiment in the Design of Transportable Natural-Language Interfaces},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8806-0451},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="173--243",
Volume ="32",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at SRI The database expert only provides information about the database structure and its subject domain. ---Sava-Segal. Category ={DBDnat> } }

@article{Grotenhuis1974, Author ={Grotenhuis,F.},
Title ={Standard Automation Fundaments},
Journal ={Klimbie74 (IFIP-TC-2)..},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Phillips, Eindhoven some tools to conceptualize data bases Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Grotenhuis1976, Author ={Grotenhuis,F. and vandenBroek,J.},
Title ={A Conceptual Model for Information Processing},
Journal ={'Modelling in DBManagement Science, Journal of TIMS', Neuhold(ed), N-H, IFIP-TC-2.},
Year =1976, Pages ="149--179",
Category ={DBDschema, x8>} }

@techreport{Gruber1991, Author ={Gruber,T., Baudin,C., Boose,J., and Weber,J.},
Title ={Design Rationale Capture as Knowledge Acquisition: Tradeoffs in the Design on Interactive Tools},
Institution ={Stanford KSL 91-47.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Gruenberger1967, Author ={Gruenberger,Fred(ed)},
Title ={The Transition to On-Line Computing},
Publisher ={Thompson Book Co..},
Year =1967, Annote ={at Informatics General observations on methodology, Proc.1966 symposium at UCLA. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@book{Gruenberger1969, Author ={Gruenberger,F.(ed)},
Title ={Critical Factors in Data Management},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1969, Annote ={at Informatics Proc.1968 Symposium at UCLA. Category ={DBDadmin.8> %Gruenberger69 } }

@inproceedings{Gruenwald1991, Author ={Gruenwald,L. and Eich,M.},
Title ={MMDB Reload Algorithms},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at Southern Methodist Un. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Grumbach1989, Author ={Grumbach,S.},
Title ={},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Grumbach1991, Author ={Grumbach.S. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Tractable Query Languages for Complex Object Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Grumbach1992, Author ={Grumbach,S. and Tollu,C.},
Title ={Query Languages with Counters},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Grumbach1992:1, Author ={Grumbach,S.},
Title ={A Paradox in Database Theory},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@book{Grundy1985, Author ={Grundy,A.F.(ed)},
Title ={Proceedings of the Fourth British National Conference on Databases},
Publisher ={Cambridge Un.Press, 229pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8608--??.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Proceedings BNCOD4, British Comp.Society Workshop Series, Un.Keele UK, Jul.1985. Category ={DBDintro, QA76.9.D3B75 } }

@manual{GSA1957, Author ={GSA},
Title ={Authorized Federal Supply Schedule Price List},
Organization ={FSC Class 7440, Electronic Data Processing Machines, and later.},
Year =1957, Annote ={ at General Services Administration, US Government Current prices of equipment charged to the US government by manufacturers. Category ={DBFuse-3> %GSA57 } }

@article{Guck1988, Author ={Guck,R.L., Fritchman,B.L., Thompson,J.P., and Tolbert,D.M.},
Title ={SIM: Implementation of a Database Management System Based on a Semantic Data Model},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="23--32",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Gudes1980, Author ={Gudes,E. and Taur,S.},
Title ={Experiments with Btree Reorganization},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1980, Pages ="200--206",
Annote ={reorganization to keep root-node full. Category ={DBFindex.4.3, DBfile:Gudes> } }

@article{Gudes1980:1, Author ={Gudes,Ehud},
Title ={The Design of a Cryptography Based Secure File System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-6,},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="411--420",
Annote ={ the management of user controlled cryptography keys in multi-file systems and hierarchical directories. Category ={DBFrepresent-5> } }

@inproceedings{Gudes1984, Author ={Gudes,E. and Dayan,T.},
Title ={GCI: A General Command interface for VLSI/CAD Programs},
Booktitle ={Proc. ICCCAD-84, Santa Clara CA,},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDprivacy.3.3, DBfile Gudes} }

@incollection{Gudylin1986, Author ={Gudylin,B.P., Sirota,V.I., and Soroka,N.G.},
Title ={Software for YeS Computer Information Computing Systems},
Booktitle ={Prikladnaya informatika (Applied Informatics), Moscow, Finansy i statistika, .},
Year =1986, Pages ="76--93",
Annote ={OKA and DISOD Category ={DBDbound, FASAC 59b} }

@article{Guenther1986, Author ={Guenther,F, Lehmann,H., and Schonfeld,W.},
Title ={A Theory for the Representation of Knowledge},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development, vol.30 no.1.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="39--56",
Annote ={LEX. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Guenther1990, Author ={Guenther,O. and Buchmann,A.},
Title ={Research Issues in Spatial Databases},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDimage>} }

@inproceedings{Guenther1993, Author ={Guenther,Oliver},
Title ={Efficient Computation of Spatial Joins},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at FAW Ulm Category ={DBDquery} }

@inproceedings{Guenthoer1993, Author ={Guenthoer,Roger},
Title ={Extended Transaction Processing Based on Dependency Rules},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Guentzer1991, Author ={Guentzer,U., Keissling,W., and Thoene,H.},
Title ={New Directions for Uncertainty Reasoning in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Tuebingen Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Guh1990, Author ={Guh,K-C. and Chavarria,J.},
Title ={A Parallel Processing Strategy for Computing Transitive Closure of a Database Relation},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Guha1990, Author ={Guha,R.V. and Lenat,D.B.},
Title ={Cyc: A Mid-Term Report},
Journal ={rcvd .},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at MCC shortened version as Lenat in Aug90 CACM. epistomological level is FOL with equality defaults (by argumentation like circumscription) and verification, some models and justifies; it uses the closed world and unique names assumption; it is partitioned into microtheories (MEM); the heuristic level provides an inferencing interface - KQML? - which is logically superfluous; the Cyc kb recognizes instances, but granules allow parts to be clients of distant substance types; nice handling of substances versus objects; also tangible, intangible, and their merger; the temporal model is awkward; two representations - intervals and set-of-points. Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@techreport{Guibas1976, Author ={Guibas,Leo J.},
Title ={The Analysis of Hashing Algorithms},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford, TR.STAN-CS-76-556.},
Year =1976, Month =Aug,
Annote ={early hashing paper, used open addressing. Category ={DBFhash> } }

@inproceedings{Guibas1978, Author ={Guibas,L., McCreight,E., Plass,M., and Roberts,J.},
Title ={A New Representation for Linear Lists},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing -78.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@article{Guibas1978:1, Author ={Guibas,L. and Sedgewick,R.},
Title ={A Dichromatic Framework for Balanced Trees},
Journal ={IEEE-FOCS, Proc. FOCS Conf.},
Year =1978, Annote ={Btree presplitting Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDintegrity> } }

@manual{Guide1974, Author ={Guide International},
Title ={The Data Base Guide},
Organization ={Guide International, Users Group of Commercial IBM systems.},
Year =1974, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Guindon1990, Author ={Guindon,Raymonde},
Title ={Knowledge exploiuted by experts during software system design},
Journal ={Int.J.Man-Machine Studies.},
Year =1990, Volume ="33",
Annote ={at MCC the top down design process is, in practice modified by random tasks triggered by discoveries Category ={DEng, DBfile } }

@incollection{Gulyaev1986, Author ={Gulyaev,A.V. and Poparov,A.V.},
Title ={A System of Information Servicing of a NML of the ES-5017 Type in A BESM-6 Computer},
Booktitle ={Koroleva and Krasoshchekova(eds) `Operations Research Software and Models', Moscow, Nauka.},
Year =1986, Annote ={a puzzle? Category ={DBDimpl, FASAC 209d} }

@techreport{Gunadhi1989, Author ={Gunadhi,H., Segev,A., and Shantikumar,J.G.},
Title ={Selectivity estimation in temporal databases},
Institution ={LBL-27435, ?},
Year =1989, Annote ={at UCB Category ={unknown, DBfile Segev} }

@article{Gunadhi1990, Author ={Gunadhi,H. and Segev,A.},
Title ={Temporal-query Optimization in Scientific Databases},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ 4 types of joins on closed intervals (thetz, equi, time-union, event) Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Gunther1987, Author ={Gunther,O., and Wong,E.},
Title ={A Dual Space Representation for Geometric Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ embed union, intersection; primitives are hyperplanes defining polyhedra. Category ={Image> } }

@inproceedings{Gunther1989, Author ={Gunther,Oliver},
Title ={The Cell Tree: An Index for Geometric Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtrees>} }

@inproceedings{Gunther1989:1, Author ={Gunther,O. and Wong,E.},
Title ={The Arc Tree: an approximation scheme to represent arbitrary curved shapes},
Booktitle ={Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, Paris.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Gunther1991, Author ={Gunther,Oliver },
Title ={Spatial Database Indices for Large Extended Objects},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DEng>} }

@article{Gunton1970, Author ={Gunton,A.},
Title ={Recovery Procedures for Direct Access Commercial Systems},
Journal ={Computer J.,},
Year =1970, Month =May,
Pages ="123--126",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFuse-4.5>} }

@inproceedings{Guntzer1991, Author ={Guntzer,U., Kissling,W. and Thone,H.},
Title ={New Directions for Uncertainty Reasoning in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM-SIGMOD 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Gupta1987, Author ={Gupta,A. and Madnick,S (eds)},
Title ={Knowledge-based Integrated Information Systems Engineering: Highlights and Bibliography},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, KBIISE report, 129pp.},
Year =1987, Volume ="1",
Annote ={bibliography with intro and abstracts. AFIS. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Gupta1989, Author ={Gupta,Amar},
Title ={Integration of Information Systems: Bridging Heterogenous Databases},
Publisher ={IEEE Press, 334pp.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ comprehensive collection: FAUVE federated papers by Appleton,D.S.; Shuey,R. and Wiederhold,G.; Notkin,D. at al; Glogor,V.D. and Luckenbaugh,G.L.; Heimbinger,D. and McLeod,D.; Batini,C., Lenzerini,M., and Navathe,S.; Wiederhold,G. et al; Manola,F.; Breitbart,Y., Silberschatz,A., and Thompson,G.; Litwin,W. and Tirri,H.; Pu,C.; Smith,J.M. et al; Krishnamurthy,V. et al; Deen,S.M. et al; Templeton,M. et al; Litwin,W. and Abdellatif,A.; Breitbart,Y., Olson,P.L., and Thompson,G.R.; Staniszkis,W.; Cardenas,A.F.; Reddy,M.P. et al; Thompson,P.; Dwyer,P.A. and Larson,J.A.; Hirschman,L.; Estrin,D.. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Gupta1989:1, Author ={Gupta,A., Madnick,S., Poulsen,C., and Wingield,T.},
Title ={An Architectural Comparison of Contemporary Approaches and Products for Integrating Heterogeneous Information Systems},
Institution ={Sloan School of Management, WP#3084-89, Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Gupta1991, Author ={Gupta,A., Weymouth,T. and Jain,R.},
Title ={Semantic Queries with Pictures: the VIMSYS Model},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDquery} }

@inproceedings{Gupta1992, Author ={Gupta,A. and Mumick,I.},
Title ={Magic-sets Transformation in Nonrecursive Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Gupta1992:1, Author ={Gupta,A. and Ullman,J.},
Title ={Generalizing Conjunctive Query Containment for View Maintenance and Integrity Constraint Verification },
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Gupta1992:2, Author ={Gupta,A., Katiyar,D., and Mumick,I.},
Title ={Counting Solutions to the View Maintenance Problem},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Gupta1993, Author ={Gupta,A., Mumick,I., and Subrahmanian,V.},
Title ={Maintaining Views Incrementally},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Gupta1993:1, Author ={Gupta,A. and Widom,J.},
Title ={Local Verification of Global Integrity Constraints in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Annote ={ Presents an optimization for integrity constraint verification in distributed databases that allows a global constraint, i.e. a constraint spanning multiple databases, to be verified by accessing data at a single database, eliminating the cost of accessing remote data. I3 Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Gupta1989:2, Author ={Gupta,R., Cheng,W.H., Gupta,R., Hardonag,I., and Breuer,M.A.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented VLSI CAD Framework},
Journal ={Computer.},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Pages ="28--37",
Annote ={at USC Object-oriented database mangement systems support rapid prototyping, programmers refine a subset of objects and operations. Category ={DEng> } }

@book{Gupta1990, Author ={Gupta,R. and Horowitz,E. (ed.)},
Title ={Object-Oriented Databases with Applications to Case, networks, and VLSI CAD},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at USC collection of readings, Dennis McLeod, H.Kim, T.Lougenia Anderson, George Konstantinow, VBase:Tim Andrews, Alan Purdy, Bruce Schuchardt, David Maier, VLSI, CAD: R.Gupta, CASE, Geographical Information System: Williamson and J.Stucky, C++ and COP: C.Damon Category ={DBDobject> EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Gupta1992:3, Author ={Gupta,R. and Hall,G.},
Title ={Modeling Generation},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Gupta1983, Author ={Gupta,U.I., Lee,D.T., and Wong,C.K.},
Title ={Ranking and Unranking of Btrees},
Journal ={To appear in Journal of Algorithms.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Northwestern Un. ; IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFindex.4, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Gurevich1982, Author ={Gurevich,Y. and Lewis,H.R.},
Title ={The Inference Problem for Template Dependencies},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="221--229",
Number ="475820",
Annote ={at Ben-Gurion Un. Template dependency is shown that there can be no algorithm for determining whether a given dependency is a logical consequence of a given finite set of dependencies. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@article{Gurk1970, Author ={Gurk,Herbert M. and Minker,Jack},
Title ={Storage Requirements for Information Handling Centers},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM,},
Year =1970, Month =Jan,
Pages ="65--77",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFuse-2>} }

@article{Gurski1973, Author ={Gurski,Aaron},
Title ={A Note on the Analysis of Keys for Use in Hashing},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark .},
Year =1973, Pages ="120--122",
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Regnesentret NIH (Trondheim, Norway) Digit selection by bit. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5.1> } }

@techreport{Gust1988, Author ={Gust,H., Ludewig,P. and Rickheit,M.},
Title ={Die Struktur des Lexikons fur LILOG},
Institution ={LILOG Res.R. , in german.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Number ="29",
Annote ={at Un. Osnabruck, Fachbereich SLM, FRG A structured natural language lexicon. Category ={DBDnat, LILOG } }

@techreport{Gust1988:1, Author ={Gust,H. and Grothaus,M.},
Title ={Wissensbasisverwaltung fur LILOG},
Institution ={LILOG Res.R. , in german.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Number ="30",
Annote ={at Un. Osnabruck, Fachbereich SLM, FRG Knowledge base management for natural language sentences and queries. Category ={DBDkb, LILOG } }

@incollection{Gustafson1982, Author ={Gustafson,M.R., Karlson,T., and Bubenko,J.A.},
Title ={A Declarative Approach to Conceptual Information Modeling},
Booktitle ={Information System Design Methodologies, Olle,Sol, and VerrijnStuart(eds), N-H.},
Year =1982, Pages ="93--142",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Gustafson, Author ={Gustafson,Richard A.},
Title ={Elements of Randomized Combinatorial File Structure},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGIR 71,},
Pages ="163--174",
Annote ={ Combinatorial direct access transformation for access to files according to multiple keys. Category ={DBFhybrid.6, Z699.A1.592, xDBfile %Gustafson71 } }

@article{Gustlin1968, Author ={Gustlin,D.P. and Prentice,D.D.},
Title ={Dynamic Recovery Techniques Guarantee System Reliability},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS.2.},
Year =1968, Pages ="1389--1397",
Volume ="32",
Annote ={ Error monitoring for IBM 1360 Photo-digital storage system. Category ={DBFhard.1.4> DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Gusyatinskiy1986, Author ={Gusyatinskiy,L.I. and Artemenko,O.A.},
Title ={Conditions for Organization of Databases in Multiaccess Computer Center Network of Planning Institutes},
Journal ={Control Systems and Machines; translation of Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny (Kiev, UkSSR) , Kiev.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Pages ="133--141",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ fragmentation in distribution based on cost = f(distance, bandwidth) and economic losses due to obsolete information. Current networks appear to be 1200,600,200 baud, future 150 000, 50 000 bps. Category ={DBDdist> DBDadmin, FASAC 203a@article{Guthrie1973, Author ={Guthrie,R.D.},
Title ={A Data Dictionary Approach to MIS},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1973, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDschema.4>} }

@article{Guting1987, Author ={Guting,R.A., Zicari,R., and Choy,D.M.},
Title ={An Algebra for Structured Office Documents},
Journal ={Res.R. IBM RJ5559 (56648) .},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={ Extended relational algebra for nested, ordered relations of tuples (NFNF). Arithmetic ops, aggregate functions, results can be embedded into tuples. Also nulls a la Zaniolo. a many-sorted algebra with atomic data values and nested structures as objects ---D.Buell. Category ={DBDrel> DBDoffice> DBDnewDBMS> DBDquery, DBfile Zicari } }

@unpublished{Guting1988, Author ={Guting,R.H.},
Title ={Geo-Relational Algebra: A Model and Query Language for Geometric Database Systems},
Note ={EDBT, Venice.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Dortmund spatial data Category ={DBDnewDBMS> IMAGE> } }

@unpublished{Guting1987:1, Author ={Guting,R.H.},
Title ={Geo-Relational Algebra: A Model and Query Language for Geometric Database Systems},
Note ={EDBT .},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Un.Dortmund Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Guting1989, Author ={Guting,R.H.},
Title ={Gral: An Extensible Relational Database System for Geomatric Applications},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Dortmund spatial data Category ={DBDimage>} }

@inproceedings{Guting1993, Author ={Guting,Ralf},
Title ={Second-Order Signature: A Tool for Specifying Data Models, Query Processing, and Optimization},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Guttman1983, Author ={Guttman,A.},
Title ={R-Trees: A Dynamic Index Structure for Spatial Searching},
Booktitle ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Res.R. No.M83-64, with Stonebraker,M.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at UCB Btrees extended for multiple dimensions. Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFstorage-2, Home file } }

@techreport{Guttman1981, Author ={Guttman,Antonin},
Title ={Using the INGRES Database Management System for VLSI Design Data},
Institution ={UCB, EECS, Elec.Res.Lab, TR.},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Guttman1984, Author ={Guttman,A.},
Title ={New Features for a Relational Database System to Support Computer Aided Design},
Institution ={UCB, TR.ERL-M84-52.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Annote ={[Ahad,Yao,Choi87] C.n Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Guyot1988, Author ={Guyot,Jacques},
Title ={A process Model for Data Bases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record,},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="22--30",
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ at Un.Geneve, Centre Universitaire d'Informatique Petri Net reduction Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Guzenza1990, Author ={Guzenza,L. and Wade,A.},
Title ={ANSI OODBTG Workshop Position Paper},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Objectivity Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Gwatkins1973, Author ={Gwatkins,J.C.},
Title ={Random Index File Design},
Journal ={Australian Computer Journal ,},
Year =1973, Month =Feb,
Pages ="29--34",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Description and analysis of a direct access method. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@article{Gwehenberger1968, Author ={Gwehenberger,G.},
Title ={Anwendung einer binaren Verweiskettenmethode beim Aufbau von Listen},
Journal ={Elektronische Rechenanlagen, vol.10.},
Year =1968, Pages ="223--226",
Annote ={Expansion on trie design Category ={DBFimpl.2.2>} }

@inproceedings{Gylys1976, Author ={Gylys,V.B. and Edwards,J.A.},
Title ={Optimal Partitioning of Workload for Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={Digest of Papers, COMPCON Fall 76.},
Year =1976, Month =Sep,
Pages ="353--357",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Gyssens1985, Author ={Gyssens,Marc},
Title ={Embedded Join Dependencies as a Tool for Decomposing Full Join Dependencies},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Antwerp, Dep.Math and CS, Belgium Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@techreport{Gyssens1987, Author ={Gyssens,M. and VanGucht,D.},
Title ={The Powerset Operator as an Algebraic Tool for Understanding Least Fixed Point Semantics in the Context of Nested Relations},
Institution ={Indiana Un., TR-233.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Gyssens1988, Author ={Gyssens,M. and VanGucht,D.},
Title ={The Powerset Algebra as a Result of Adding Programming Constructions to the Nested Relational Algebra},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Conf.on Management of Data.},
Year =1988, Pages ="225--232",
Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Gyssens1988:1, Author ={Gyssens,M. and vanGucht,D.},
Title ={The Expressiveness of Query Languages for Nested Relations},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin, (Special Issue on Nested Relations).},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="48--55",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Gyssens1989, Author ={Gyssens,M., Paredaens,J., and vanGucht,D.},
Title ={A Uniform Approach toward handling atomic and structured information in the nested relational database model},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Pages ="790--825",
Volume ="36",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ specification of operators, basic are: set, project, nest, unnest, copy; also: rename. Toggell unnesting, incomplete projection. Category ={DBDmodel } }

@inproceedings{Gyssens1990, Author ={Gyssens,M., Paredaens,J., and VanGucht,D.},
Title ={A Graph-Oriented Object Database Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Antwerp Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Gyssens1990:1, Author ={Gyssens,M., Paredaens,J. and VanGucht,D.},
Title ={A Graph-Oriented Object Model for Database End-User Interfaces},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={ Graphical interface to objects accessed through methods. Limited abstraction scaleability. Supports object restructuring. Category ={DBDobject> } } % ------ H ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@article{Haas1983, Author ={Haas,J.J.},
Title ={Data Compression in a Textual Medical Application},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="513--520",
Volume ="7",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ Specialized term dictionary gives about 60pct compression. Category ={DBFrepresent-4> } }

@techreport{Haas1988, Author ={Haas,L.M., Cody,W.F., Freytag,J.C., Lapis,G., Lindsay,B.G., Lohman,G.M., Ono,K., and Pirahesh,H.},
Title ={An Extensible Processor for an Extended Relational Query Language},
Institution ={RJ6182.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden, SanJose CA STARBURST. New DDL permits clustering, locking specifications, is extendable. Query graph optimizer is rule-driven operating over LG and LE (algebraic) Plan OPerators. Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@techreport{Haas1988:1, Author ={Haas,L.M., Cody,W.F., Freytag,J.C., Lapis,G., Lindsay,B.G., Lohman,G.M., Ono,K., and Pirahesh,H.},
Title ={An Extensible Processor for an Extended Relational Query Language},
Institution ={RJ6182.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Research Ctr, (San Jose CA) STARBURST. New DDL permits clustering, locking specifications, is extendable. Query graph optimizer is rule-driven operating over LG and LE (algebraic) Plan OPerators. Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@article{Haas1989, Author ={Haas,L.M., Freytag,J.C., Lohman,G.M., and Pirahesh,H.},
Title ={Extensible Query Processing in Starbust},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR) RECORD.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="377--388",
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Research Ctr, (San Jose CA) Gives an overview of the rule based query optimizer in Starburst. ---Risch. Category ={DBDrel> DBDimplement> DBDquery> } }

@article{Haas1990, Author ={Haas,L.M. et al.},
Title ={Starburst Mid-flight: As the Dust Clears},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM Almaden an extensible system to support engineering, geographic, office applications Category ={DBDrel> } }

@techreport{Haas1991, Author ={Haas,L. and Cody,W.},
Title ={Exploiting Extensible DBMS in Integrated Geographic Information},
Institution ={IBM Rep. RJ 8173.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDimage, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Haas1980, Author ={Haas,N. and Hendrix,G.G.},
Title ={An Approach to Acquiring and Applying Knowledge},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence 1, Stanford Un., Stanford CA.},
Year =1980, Pages ="235--239",
Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb>} }

@article{Haavind1972, Author ={Haavind,Robert},
Title ={Adding People to the MIS Loop},
Journal ={Computer Decisions.},
Year =1972, Month =Jul,
Pages ="12--15",
Category ={DBDquery> at Computer Decisions Information flow in Management Information systems. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@inproceedings{Habbash1990, Author ={Habbash,A.E., Grimson,J.B., and Horn,C.},
Title ={Towards an Efficient Management of Objects in a Distributed Environment},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Trinity College, Ireland Category ={DBDobject>} }

@book{Habel1986, Author ={Habel,Christopher},
Title ={Prinzipien der Referentialitat},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Hamburg (FRG) Thesis dealing with the meaning of concepts. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@incollection{Habel1987, Author ={Habel,Christopher},
Title ={Prozedurale Aspekte der Wegplanung und Wegbeschreibung},
Booktitle ={in 'Sprache in Mensch und Computer', Schnellel(ed.), Westdeutscher Verlag, (Wiesbaden), to appear .},
Year =1987, Annote ={Spatial descriptions with procedural attachment. Category ={Image, Box LILOG } }

@techreport{Habel1988, Author ={Habel,C. and Pribbenow,S.},
Title ={Gebietskonstituierende Prozesse},
Institution ={IBM Deutschland, LILOG Rep. .},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Number ="18",
Annote ={Concepts for spatial process. Category ={DBDimage, box LILOG } }

@techreport{Habel1988:1, Author ={Habel,C.},
Title ={Cognitive Linguistics: The Processing of Spatial Concepts},
Institution ={IBM Deutschland, LILOP Rep. .},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Number ="45",
Category ={DBDimage, box LILOG} }

@article{Habermann1969, Author ={Habermann,A.N.},
Title ={Prevention of System Deadlocks},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1969, Month =Jul,
Pages ="373--385",
Volume ="12",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at CMU Design Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Habermann1972, Author ={Habermann,A.N.},
Title ={Synchronization of Communicating Processes},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month Mar,
Pages ="171--176",
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Annote ={Design Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@book{Habermann1976, Author ={Habermann,A.N.},
Title ={Introduction to Operating Systems Design},
Publisher ={SRA , 372pp.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBFintro.6>} }

@article{Habermann1969:1, Author ={Habermann,A.N.},
Title ={Prevention of System Deadlocks},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1969, Month =Jul,
Pages ="373--377",
Volume ="12",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@inproceedings{Habrias1988, Author ={Habrias,H. and Legrand,P.},
Title ={A Description of Rules Through Occuring/Synthetic Cardinalities},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. . 7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Extended ER model expressed in French text by adding a considerable amount of information. The power and need is questionable. Category ={DBDkb, Cha at L.I.A.N.A., IUT, France Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Hac1987, Author ={Hac,A.},
Title ={A Performance Model of Concurrency Control in a Distributed File System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Hac1988, Author ={Hac,A. and Johnson,T.},
Title ={Dynamic Load Balancing through Process and Read-Site Placement in a Distributed System},
Journal ={ATT Technical J., -Oct.,},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="72--85",
Annote ={ at ATT Bell Labs, Advanced Software Technology Dep., (Naperville IL) Based on the LOCUS distributed file system, includes process migration , and the centralized synchronization policy. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Hachem1989, Author ={Hachem,N.I. and Berra,P.B.},
Title ={Key-Sequential Access Methods for Very Large Files Derived from Linear Hashing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Hachem1993, Author ={Hachem,N., Qiu,K., Gennert,M., and Ward,M.},
Title ={Managing Derived Data in the Gaea Scientific DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Haddad1988, Author ={Haddad,R.W. and Naughton,J.F.},
Title ={Counting methods for cyclic relations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Haderle1984, Author ={Haderle,D.J. and Jackson,R.D.},
Title ={IBM Database 2 Overview},
Journal ={IBM Sys.J.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="113--125",
Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Annote ={DB2 Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Haderle1987, Author ={Haderle,D.},
Title ={DB2 System Design},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM Category ={DBDrel>} }

@techreport{Hadzilacos1983, Author ={Hadzilacos,V.},
Title ={Byzantine Agreement under Restricted Types of Failures (Not Telling the Truth is Different from Telling Lies},
Institution ={Harvard Un.TR.CRCT TR-19-83.},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintro.8>} }

@techreport{Hadzilacos1983:1, Author ={Hadzilacos,V.},
Title ={A Lower Bound for Byzantine Agreement with Fail-stop Processors},
Institution ={Harvard Un.TR.CRCT TR-21-83.},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintro.8>} }

@inproceedings{Hadzilacos1986, Author ={Hadzilacos,T. and Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={Deleting Completed Transactions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at National TUn.Athens Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@techreport{Hadzilacos1983:2, Author ={Hadzilacos,V.},
Title ={Byzantine Agreement under Restricted Types of Failures (Not Telling the Truth is Different from Telling Lies},
Institution ={Harvard Un., TR.CRCT TR-19-83.},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDdist> DBappl>} }

@techreport{Hadzilacos1983:3, Author ={Hadzilacos,V.},
Title ={A Lower Bound for Byzantine Agreement with Fail-stop Processors},
Institution ={Harvard Un., TR.CRCT TR-21-83.},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDdist> DBappl>} }

@inproceedings{Hadzilacos1987, Author ={Hadzilacos,V.},
Title ={A Knowledge-Theoretic Analysis of Atomic Commitment Protocols},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Hadzilacos1988, Author ={Hadzilacos,Vassos},
Title ={A Theory of Reliability in Database Systems},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="121--145",
Volume ="35",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Concepts of commit serializability, recoverability, and resiliency. Principles of reliable transaction. Specification. Based on PhD Th., Issues of Fault Tolerance in Concurrent Computations, Harvard, Jun.1984. Category ={DBDreliab> DBFtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Hadzilacos1988:1, Author ={Hadzilacos,T. and Hadzilacos,V.},
Title ={Transaction Synchronisation in Object Bases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDobject> DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Hadzilacos1988:2, Author ={Hadzilacos,Thanasis},
Title ={Serialization Graph Algorithms for Multiversion Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDobject> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Hadzilacos1988:3, Author ={Hadzilacos,Vassos},
Title ={A Theory of Reliability in Database Systems},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="121--145",
Volume ="35",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Concepts of commit serializability, recoverability, and resiliency. Principles of reliable transaction. Specification. Based on PhD Th., `Issues of Fault Tolerance in Concurrent Computations' Harvard, Jun.1984. Category ={DBDreliab> DBFtrans> } }

@techreport{Haenelt1989, Author ={Haenelt,K. and KonyvesToth,M.},
Title ={A Creative Text Model Text-Understanding as Creative Operations on Knowledge Bases},
Institution ={GMD, TR-380.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Annote ={at GMD Category ={DBDkb> DBDnat, DBfile} }

@article{Haerder1978, Author ={Haerder,T.},
Title ={Implementing a Generalized Access Path Structure for a Relational Database System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems ,},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="285--298",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (FRG) Implementation technique for access paths connecting sets of tuples qualified by attribute values combines the advantages of pointer chains and multilevel indexes. Features of this structure support m-way joins. Category ={DBFhybrid.7> DBDrel.2.5> } }

@article{Haerder1982, Author ={Haerder,T. and Reuter,A.},
Title ={Principles of Transaction Oriented Database Recovery},
Journal ={Res.R -82.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Number ="50",
Category ={DBDtrans-3> DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@article{Haerder1984, Author ={Haerder,T.},
Title ={Observations on Optimistic Concurrency Control Schemes},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8506-0536.},
Year =1984, Pages ="111--120",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@inproceedings{Haerder1985, Author ={Haerder,T.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Synchronization and Recovery Schemes},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="42--49",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDtrans-3> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Haerder1986, Author ={Haerder,Theo},
Title ={New Approaches to Object Processing in Engineering Databases.},
Booktitle ={Abstract in Proc.Object Oriented Database Wksp., Asilomar CA, pp.217.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Kaiserlautern (FRG) Category ={DBDobject> EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Haerder1987, Author ={Haerder,T. and Rothermel,K.},
Title ={Concepts for Transaction Recovery in Nested Transactions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Category ={EIS> DBDinteg> at Un.Kaiserslautern Category ={DBDreliab> } }

@incollection{Haerder1987:1, Author ={Haerder,Theo},
Title ={Realisierung von Operationalen Schnittstellen},
Booktitle ={Datenbank-Handbuch, Lockeman and Schmidt (eds.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1987, Pages ="163--335",
Annote ={Interfaces in databases. Category ={DBDarchitecture>} }

@techreport{Haerder1987:2, Author ={Haerder,T., Hubel,C., Meyer-Wegener,K., and Mitschang,B.},
Title ={Coupling Engineering Workstations to a Database Server},
Institution ={Connecticut Workshop on CAD.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Kaiserlautern (FRG) Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Haerder1987:3, Author ={Haerder,Theo},
Title ={On Selected Performance Issues of Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. 4th GI-ITG Conf. on Measurement, Modelling and Evaluation of Computer Systems, Erlangen, IFB154, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="294--312",
Category ={DBDperf, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Haerder1987:4, Author ={Haerder,T., MeyerWegener,K., Mitschang,B., and Sikeler,A.},
Title ={PRIMA -- A DBMS Prototype Supporting Engineering Applications},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Harder1988, Author ={Harder,Theo(ed)},
Title ={The PRIMA Project --- Design and Implementation of a Non-Standard Database System},
Institution ={Un.Kaiserslautern, TR-26-88.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Kaiserslautern Category ={DBDmodel> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Haerder1988, Author ={Haerder,T., Schoning,H., and Sikeler,A.,},
Title ={Parallelism in Processing Queries on Complex Objects},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Kaiserslautern, FRG Category ={DBDobjects> DBDdist> } }

@article{Harder1989, Author ={Harder,T., Schoning,H., and Sikeler,A.},
Title ={Parallel Query Evaluation: A New Approach to Complex Object Processing},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="23--29",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Paradata. Category ={DBDarchitecture>} }

@techreport{Hafen1986, Author ={Hafen,Marguerite},
Title ={The Join Semigroup of a Relational Database},
Institution ={rcvd. , Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12?},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Hafez1988, Author ={Hafez,A. and Ozsoyoglu,G.},
Title ={The Partial Normalized Storage Model of Nested Relations},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="100--111",
Category ={DBDbound>} }

@article{Hafez1988:1, Author ={Hafez,A. and Ozsoyoglu,G.},
Title ={Storage Structures for Nested Relations},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin, (Special issue on Nested Relations).},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="31--38",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at Case Western Reserve Un., Dep.Comp.Eng. and Science Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@book{Hafner1981, Author ={Hafner,Carole D.},
Title ={An Information Retrieval System Based on a Computer Model of Legal Knowledge},
Publisher ={UMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers Press, (Ann Arbor MI), 179pp.},
Year =1981, Annote ={ The design of a `conceptually accurate representation of a large class of data items' tested by its implementation in LIRS (Legal Information Retrieval System deals with that area of law known as negotiable instruments. Query commands include DESCRIBE, FIND, CITIES, and Issues and its modes include EXACT, EXTEND, and INFER. Category ={DBappl> } }

@article{Hagaman1972, Author ={Hagaman,W.D., Linden,D.J., Long,H.S., and Weber,C.J.},
Title ={Encoding Verbal Information as Unique Numbers},
Journal ={IBM Sys.Journal.},
Year =1972, Pages ="278--315",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Cornell Un.Medical Ctr; IBM, Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Hagamen1986, Author ={Hagamen,W.D. and Gardy,M.},
Title ={The numeric representation of knowledge and logic -- Two artificial intelligence applications in medical education},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J..},
Year =1986, Volume ="25",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ MEDCAT makes diagnoses from empiric data stored in patient records and instruct medical students Category ={MIS> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Hagelstein1988, Author ={Hagelstein,J. and Rifaut,A.},
Title ={A Semantic Analysis of the Collection Concept},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Philips Res.Lab., Brussels, Belgium Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Hagerth1974, Author ={Hagerth,Steven A.},
Title ={A System Methodology Utilizing Relational Data Models},
Booktitle ={Klimbie74 and Koffeman (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Fireman's Fund, San Francisco Description of DBTG like schema to support Codd-type data bases. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Haghighi1990, Author ={Haghighi,D. and Son,S.H.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Multiversion Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Virginia Category ={DBDperf> EIS>} }

@article{Hagmann1986, Author ={Hagmann,Robert B.},
Title ={A Crash Recovery Scheme for a Memory-Resident Database System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers Vol.C-35 .},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Pages ="839--847",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Xerox, PARC Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Hagmann1986:1, Author ={Hagmann,R.B.},
Title ={An Observation on Database Buffering Performance Metrics},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Xerox, Palto Alto Res.Ctr Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Hagmann1986:2, Author ={Hagmann,R.B. and Ferrari,D.},
Title ={Performance analysis of several back-end database architectures},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8609-??.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at UCB an experimental methodology using INGRES. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Hagmann1987, Author ={Hagmann,Robert},
Title ={Reimplementing the Cedar file system using logging and group commit},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 11, Austin, Texas.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFreliab>} }

@article{Hahn1974, Author ={Hahn,Bruce},
Title ={A New Technique for Compression and Storage of Data},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Aug,
Pages ="434--436",
Volume ="17",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo Generation of a character dictionary and its use to minimize space. Category ={DBFrepresent-4> } }

@techreport{Hahn1987, Author ={Hahn,Udo},
Title ={Modeling Text Understanding -- The Methodological Aspects of Automatic Acquisition of Knowledge through Text Analysis},
Institution ={Un.Passau, TR-Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersP-8709.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Passau Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Hahne1985, Author ={Hahne,K., Pilgram,P., Schuett,D., Schweppe,H., and Wolf,G.},
Title ={Associative Processing in Standard and Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={IWDM 4, DeWitt and Boral(eds.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Bahamas,},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFmach> DBDkb>} }

@book{Hailpern1982, Author ={Hailpern, Brent T.},
Title ={Verifying Concurrent Processes Using Temporal Logic},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science.},
Year =1982, Volume ="129",
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Hainaut1974, Author ={Hainaut,Jean-Luc and Lecharlier,Baudouin},
Title ={An Extensible Semantic Model of Data Base and Its Data Language},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H.},
Year =1974, Annote ={ at Institut d'Informatique, Notre-Dame de la Paix (Namur, Belgium) Category ={DBDschema, x8>%Hainaut74 } }

@inproceedings{Hainaut1981, Author ={Hainaut,J.L.},
Title ={Theoretical and Practical Tools for Data Base Design},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="216--224",
Annote ={at Un.Namur, Inst. d'Informatique, (Belgium) Reversible transformations for a binary information model. Two applications are a conceptual model conversion and a valid TOTAL schema production. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBDintro.1> } }

@article{Haines1965, Author ={Haines,E.C. and Sammes,J.K.},
Title ={AESOP, a Prototype for On-Line Use Control of Organizational Data Storage, Retrieval and Processing},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS , Spartan.},
Year =1965, Volume ="27",
Category ={DBDmodel> at MITRE System Description Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@article{Hakola1980, Author ={Hakola,J. and Heiskanen,A.},
Title ={On the Distribution of Wasted Space at the End of File Blocks},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark.},
Year =1980, Pages ="145--156",
Volume ="20",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki, Finland Category ={DBFhard.2>} }

@article{Halasz1988, Author ={Halasz,Frank},
Title ={Reflections on NoteCards: seven issues for the next generation of hypermedia systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8908-0577.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Volume ="31",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at MCC, Austin first hand look at NoteCards; issues: search and query-based, composite node/link types, virtual structures for temporary views, computation within and/or across nodes, versioning, group-work support, and extensibility and personalization. ---Scacchi. Category ={DBDnewKBMS> } }

@article{Halici1989, Author ={Halici,U. and Dogac,A.},
Title ={Concurrency Control in Distributed Databases Through Time Intervals and Short-Term Locks},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE). .},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="994--1003",
Volume ="15",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Middle East TU, EE Dep., Ankara, Turkey Ordering by serialization numbers. Deadlocks are prevented. Write are copied into the database only when the transaction commits. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@techreport{Hall1985, Author ={Hall,G., Jaeger,R.M., Kearney,C.P., and Wiley,D.E.},
Title ={Alternatives for a National Data System on Elementary and Secondary Education},
Institution ={Prepared for U.S. Dep.Ed., Office of Educational Research and Improvement.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Northwestern Un., Sch. of Ed. Category ={DBappl>} }

@inproceedings{Hall1991, Author ={Hall,Gary },
Title ={Modeling Transition},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Hall1989, Author ={Hall,K., Knapp,D., Smith,K., Wiederhold,G., and Winslett,M.},
Title ={Explicit and Implicit Change Coordination in an Information-Rich Design Environment},
Booktitle ={NSF Eng.Design Res. Conf., U.Mass.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="425--434",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Hall1990, Author ={Hall,Keith},
Title ={A Framework for Change Propagation in a Design Database},
Booktitle ={Amer Soc of Mech Engr Winter Conference, Dallas.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Hall1974, Author ={Hall,P.A.V. and Todd,S.J.P.},
Title ={Factorizations of Algebraic Expressions},
Institution ={IBM, UK Scientific Ctr, TR.UKSC0055.},
Year =1974, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@techreport{Hall1974:1, Author ={Hall,P.A.V.},
Title ={Common Subexpression Identification in General Algebraic Systems},
Institution ={IBM, UK Scientific Ctr, TR.UKSC0060.},
Year =1974, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@inproceedings{Hall1975, Author ={Hall,P.A.V., Hitchcock,P., and Todd,.J.P.},
Title ={An Algebra of Relations for Machine Computation},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 2,},
Year =1975, Month =Jan,
Pages ="225--232",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Hall1976, Author ={Hall,P.A.V.},
Title ={Optimization of a Simple Expression in a Relational Data Base System},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1976, Month =May,
Pages ="244--257",
Volume ="20",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDperf> %Hall75} }

@inproceedings{Hall1976:1, Author ={Hall,P., Owlett,J., and Todd,S.},
Title ={Relations and Entities},
Booktitle ={Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, Nijssen(ed).},
Year =1976, Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@article{Hall1976:2, Author ={Hall,P.A.V., Owlett,J., and Todd,S.J.P.},
Title ={Relations and Entities},
Journal ={Modelling in Database Management Systems, Nijssen(ed), N-H.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@article{Hall1983, Author ={Hall,Patrick A.V.},
Title ={Adding Database Management to ADA R},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Pages ="13--17",
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Systems Designers Int. Ltd. (Hants, UK) Category ={DBDimpl> } }

@book{Hall1988, Author ={Hall,V.J. and Mosevich,J.W.},
Title ={Information systems analysis with an introduction to fourth-generation technologies},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 417pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8908-0550.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Waterloo a practical, business-oriented viewpoint; realistic examples and highlights. ---Studebaker. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@book{Halliwell1984, Author ={Halliwell,Leslie},
Title ={The Filmgoers Companion, 8th edition},
Publisher ={Charles Scribners' Sons.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDintro> DBDmovies, x} }

@inproceedings{Hallmark1989, Author ={Hallmark,G.},
Title ={Function Request Shipping in a Database Machine Environment},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at IBM Almaden, (San Jose CA) Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Halper1992, Author ={Halper,M., Geller,J., and Perl,Y.},
Title ={'Part' Relations for Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={penguin Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Halper1992:1, Author ={Halper,M., Geller,J., and Perl,Y.},
Title ={An OODB 'Part' Relationship Model},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at New Jersey Institute of Technology Category ={DBDkb> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Halpern1983, Author ={Halpern,J., Manna,Z., and Moszwkowski,B.},
Title ={A Hardware Semantics Based upon Temporal Intervals},
Booktitle ={Proc. 19th Coll. on Automata, Languages, and Programming. Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science.},
Year =1983, Pages ="278--292",
Volume ="154",
Annote ={ temporal logic, used for verification of asynchronous processes. Category ={DBDkb> DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Halpern1990, Author ={Halpern,J., Moses,Y., and Waarts,O.},
Title ={A characterization of eventual Byzantine agreement},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ to attain simultaneous byzantine agreement, use continual common knowledge Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile } }

@techreport{Halstead1974, Author ={Halstead,M.H.},
Title ={Software Physics Comparison of a Sample Program in DSL Alpha and COBOL},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RJ1460, San Jose CA, 24.},
Year =1974, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDbound>} }

@techreport{Hamilton1972, Author ={Hamilton,Peter},
Title ={Computer Security},
Institution ={Auerbach (Philadelphia PA).},
Year =1972, Annote ={at Chubb (British security organisation) Protection of computer systems through personnel and external security measures. Category ={DBDprivacy.0.1> } }

@article{Hammad1978, Author ={Hammad,P. and Raviart,T.},
Title ={Formulation of Choice Criterions for File Organizations},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1978, Pages ="123--130",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFeval.1> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Hammer1988, Author ={Hammer,C., Dale,A.G., Feldman,M.B., Goodman,S.E., McHenry,W.K., Schwartz,J., Walker,S.T., and Winograd,S.},
Title ={Soviet Computer Science Research},
Institution ={SAI, FASAC-TAR-2020, rcvd. .},
Year =1988, Annote ={at SAI, La Jolla CA chap VIII B,C deals with DBMS development and research Category ={DBDintro, FASAC IDS@inproceedings{Hammer1975, Author ={Hammer,M. and McLeod,D.},
Title ={Semantic Integrity in a Relational Data Base System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed), Framingham MA.},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="25--47",
Category ={DBDintegrity.3>} }

@inproceedings{Hammer1976, Author ={Hammer,M. and Chan,A.},
Title ={Index Selection in a Self-Adaptive Data Base Management System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 76, Rothnie(ed).},
Year =1976, Pages ="1--8",
Category ={ DBFeval.4> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Hammer1976:1, Author ={Hammer,M. and Chan,A.},
Title ={Acquisition and Utilization of Access Patterns in a Relational Data Base Implementation},
Journal ={Pattern Recognition and Artificial Intelligence, Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1976, Pages ="292-313",
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBFeval> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Hammer1977, Author ={Hammer,M.},
Title ={Self-Adaptive Data Base Design},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1977, Pages ="123--129",
Volume ="46",
Annote ={at MIT Lab. for CS Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDschema.5, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Hammer1978, Author ={Hammer,M. and McLeod,D.},
Title ={The Semantic Data Model: A Modelling Machanism for Data Base Applications},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78, Lowenthal and Dale(eds).},
Year =1978, Pages ="26--36",
Annote ={also derived data. I3 Category ={DBDschema> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Hammer1977:1, Author ={Hammer,M. and Sarin,S.K.},
Title ={Efficient Monitoring of Database Assertions},
Booktitle ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, LCS, TR. (Cambridge MA).},
Year =1977, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDintegrity.3>} }

@inproceedings{Hammer1979, Author ={Hammer,M. and Niamir,B.},
Title ={A Heuristic Approach to Attribute Partitioning},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 79, Bernstein(ed).},
Year =1979, Pages ="93--100",
Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDdesign>in DBfile} }

@techreport{Hammer1979:1, Author ={Hammer,M. and McLeod,D.},
Title ={On Database Management System Architecture},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Lab.for CS, TR-LCS-TM-141.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDintro.0> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Hammer1980, Author ={Hammer,M. and Zdonik,S.B.Jr.},
Title ={Knowledge-Based Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="137--147",
Category ={DBDquery.3.3> DBDkb>} }

@article{Hammer1990, Author ={Hammer,M. and McLeod,D.},
Title ={Database Description with SDM: A Semantic Database Model},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ SDM is a high-level semantics-based database model, to capture the meaning of an application environment. One of the papers usually referred to when discussing semantic data models. Describes a model which permits a lot of flexibility and ecpressiveness, and is consequently difficult to implement. Advantage is that it can be used as a specification and documentation tool. Good introduction, giving an overview of (some?, most?, all?) problems in semantic data models. The section describing SDM DDL is a bit too detailed (one needs to pick up the essential concepts like subclassing, and redundancy in model (which may be necessary to make the model easier to use). Some discussion of inheritance is also present. Nothing much is said in the final discussion. Reasonable paper. To benefit, one needs to be careful not to get lost in the details. A detailed description of the semantic data model.--- Arun Category ={DBDmodel.0> } }

@techreport{Hammer1982, Author ={Hammer,M. and Rose,M.E.(eds)},
Title ={Roles of Industry and the University in Computer Research and Development},
Institution ={National Academy Press, 100pp.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDintro> preface>} }

@article{Hampel1969, Author ={Hampel,V.E. and Wade,J.A.},
Title ={MASTER CONTROL --- A Unifying Free-Form Data Storage and Data Retrieval System for Dissimilar Data Bases},
Journal ={Proc.ASIS.},
Year =1969, Pages ="159--174",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@article{Hammond1984, Author ={Hammond,K.R. and Zomovski,M.R.},
Title ={TSO Attach: A Multipurpose Communication Channel to IBM Database 2},
Journal ={IBM Sys.J.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="151--164",
Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Annote ={DB2 Category ={DBappl> DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Han1984, Author ={Han,Jiawei},
Title ={Planning in Expert DB Systems by Using Rules},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Han1986, Author ={Han,J. and Lu,H.},
Title ={Some Performance Results on Recursive Query Processing in Relational Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Han1987, Author ={Han,J. and Henschen,L.},
Title ={Handling Redundancy in the Processing of Recursive Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Northwestern Un. Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Han1988, Author ={Han,Jiawei},
Title ={Choosing Processing Strategies for Different Recursive Queries},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. (Canada) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Han1989, Author ={Han,J. and Lu,W.},
Title ={Asynchronous Chain Recursions},
Journal ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="285--292",
Annote ={ at Simon Fraser Un., School of CS, (British Columbia, Canada) Complex function-free recursions, which may contain single or multiple linear recursive rules, nonlinear recursive rules, mutually recursive rules, and different-level recursions, can be compiled to asynchronous chain recursions. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Han1989:1, Author ={Han,J. and Henschen,L.},
Title ={The Level-Cycle Merging Method},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ counting method extended to databases with cycles Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Han1990, Author ={Han,Jiawei},
Title ={From Transitive Closure Recursions to Single-Chain Recursions},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.},
Year =1990, Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Han1991, Author ={Han,Jiawei },
Title ={Constraint-Based Reasoning in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Han1991:1, Author ={Han,J. and Wang,Q.},
Title ={Efficient evaluation of linear recursions with function symbols in deductive databases,},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser, Canada maps a functional logic rule to its function-free counterpart, compiles transformed linear recursion into regular formula; when a query is posed the finite evaluability is tested, its termination is justified and an efficient evaluation plan is generated; uses monotonicity constraint Category ={DBDops> DBDkb> } } @misc{1992:2, Title ={Chain-Split Evaluation in Deductive Databases},
Howpublished ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Han1992, Author ={Han,J., Cai,Y., and Cercone,N.},
Title ={Knowledge Discovery in Databases: An Attribute-Oriented Approach},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ simple hierarchies are used to generate attribute summaries Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Han1992:1, Author ={Han,J. and Lu,T.},
Title ={N-Queens Problem Revisited: A Deductive Database Approach},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Han1992:2, Author ={Han,J., Cai,Y., Cerone,N., and Huang,Y.},
Title ={DBLEARN: A Knowledge Discovery System for Large Databases},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser University Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Han1993, Author ={Han,J. and Zeng,K.},
Title ={Normalization of Linear Recursions in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@techreport{Hanatani1982, Author ={Hanatani,Yoshito},
Title ={Eliminating Cycles in DB Schemas},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR.178,},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at INRIA Category ={DBDtheory> DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@article{Hanan1963, Author ={Hanan,M. and Palermo,F.P.},
Title ={An Application of Coding Theory to a File Address Problem},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1963, Month Apr,
Pages ="127--129",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM Mathematical statement of direct access problem. Polynomial hashing. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, x3.5 } }

@article{Hannan1977, Author ={Hannan,J. and Fried,L.},
Title ={Should you decentralize},
Journal ={Computer Decisions.},
Year =1977, Month =Feb,
Pages ="40--42",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Hanold1972, Author ={Hanold,T.},
Title ={An Executive View of MIS},
Journal ={Datamation, page 65.},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Hansen1976, Author ={Hansen,B.P.},
Title ={Disk Scheduling at Compile Time},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience.},
Year =1976, Month Apr,
Pages ="201--205",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@article{Hansen1971, Author ={Hansen,M.H.},
Title ={Insuring Confidentiality of Individual Records in Data Retrieval and Storage for Statistical Purposes},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1971, Pages ="579--585",
Volume ="39",
Annote ={at IBM Category ={DBDprivacy.8>} }

@techreport{Hansen1985, Author ={Hansen,M.R., Hansen,B.S., Lucas,P. and van Emde Boas,P.},
Title ={Integrating Constraint Languages and Relational Databases},
Institution ={IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ Rules to extract business decisions out of the programs. Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Hansen1991, Author ={Hansen,S. and Unger,E.},
Title ={An Extended Memoryless Inference Control Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at Kansas State Un. Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Hansler1972, Author ={Hansler,E., McAuliffe,G.K., and Wilkov,R.S.},
Title ={Exact calculation of computer network reliability},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS vol.41, Pt. 1, AFIPS PRESS.},
Year =1972, Pages ="49--54",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Hanson1987, Author ={Hanson,Eric},
Title ={A Performance Analysis of View Materialization Strategies},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at UCB Comparing the cost of three view materialization strategies - query modification, immediate view maintenance, and deferred view maintenance. The result depends upon the database structure, view definition, the types of query, and update activity. Evaluated only for simple types of queries. ---BSLee. I3 Category ={DBDperf> } }

@article{Hanson1989, Author ={Hanson,Eric},
Title ={An Initial Report on the Design of Ariel: A DBMS with an Integrated Production Rule System},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="12--19",
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at WRDC/TXI, (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH) Rules with. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Hanson1990, Author ={Hanson,E.N., Chaabouni,M., Kim,C.-H., and Wang,Y.-W.},
Title ={A Predicate Matching Algorithm for Database Rule Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={Main memory tree search Algorithm for finding matching predicates on totally ordered domains. The interval binary search tree (IBS-tree) allows efficient retrieval of all intervals that overlap a point, while allowing dynamic insertion and deletion of intervals. Category ={DBFindex> DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Hanson1992, Author ={Hanson,Eric},
Title ={Rule Condition Testing and Action Execution in Ariel},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ POSTQUEL with a production rule language with transition events; efficient rule execution Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Hanson1990:1, Author ={Hanson,J. and Orooji,A.},
Title ={Predictive Performance Anaylysis of a Multi-Computer Database System},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.},
Year =1990, Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Pentagon workload model, base timings, validates model in Wiederhold File book Category ={DBFperf> } }

@book{Hanson1979, Author ={Hanson,Owen},
Title ={Design of Computer Data Files},
Publisher ={CRC, Rockville MA.},
Year =1979, Annote ={at The City Un., (London UK) Blocking, buffer usage. Direct file, indexed sequential files. VSAM access method. ---Bash. Category ={DBFintro> DBFseq.0> } }

@inproceedings{Haq1975, Author ={Haq,M.I.},
Title ={Insuring Individual's Privacy from Statistical Data Base Users},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA) , AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="941--946",
Volume ="44",
Category ={DBDprivacy.2.2>} }

@inproceedings{Hara1988, Author ={Hara,Y. and Kaneko,A.},
Title ={A New Multimedia Electronic Book and Its Functional Capabilities},
Booktitle ={Proc. IEEE Conf. on User-Oriented Content-Based Text and Image Handling, Cambridge.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Annote ={at ITRL, NEC Corp, Kawasaki, Kanagawa, Japan Multiple hierarchies, called facets. Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Hara1991, Author ={Hara,Y., Keller,A., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Relationship Abstractions for an Effective Hypertext Design: Augmentation and Globalization},
Booktitle ={DEXA 91.},
Year =1991, Month =Aug,
Pages ="270--274",
Annote ={at NEC Category ={DBDnewDBMS> Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDbib> } }

@inproceedings{Hara1991:1, Author ={Hara,Y., Keller,A., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Implementing Hypertext Database Relationships through Aggregations and Exceptions},
Booktitle ={Hypertext 91, San Antonio, Texas.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Pages ="75--90",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDbib>} }

@inproceedings{Harada1989, Author ={Harada,L., Kitsuregawa,M., and Takagi,M.},
Title ={Join Strategies on KD-Tree Indexed Relations},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@book{Harbron1988, Author ={Harbron,Thomas R.},
Title ={File Systems: Structures and Algorithms},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 254pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ Basic Concepts, Devices, sequential chronological (6 standard functions), relative(direct), ordered, direct(hash), extendible hash, indexed sequential, indexes, multi-indexed, database systems. no references! Category ={DBFintro> } }

@manual{Hardcopy1987, Author ={Hardcopy staff},
Title ={Fixed and Removable Hard Disk Subsystems},
Organization ={Hardcopy.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="51--63",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Seldin Publishers (Placentia CA) Cost data for DEC VAX compatibles. Category ={DBFhard> DBFarch, Opt box } }

@inproceedings{Hardgrave1974, Author ={Hardgrave,W.T.},
Title ={BOLTS, A Retrieval language for Tree-Structured Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={COINS-IV, Tou(ed), Plenum .},
Year =1974, Pages ="137--160",
Annote ={at Un.Tennessee, (Knoxville TN) Analysis and solution to problems in the use of boolean operations on hierarchical data bases. Category ={DBDrel.3, x9>%Hardgrave74 } }

@inproceedings{Hardgrave1976, Author ={Hardgrave,W.T.},
Title ={A Technique for Implementing a Set Processor},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data SIGPLAN Conf. Data Abstraction Definition and Structure, .},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="86--94",
Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@article{Hardgrave1978, Author ={Hardgrave,W.T.},
Title ={Distributed Database Technology: An Assessment},
Journal ={Information Management.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="157--167",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDbound.4> DBDdist.1>} }

@inproceedings{Hardwick1984, Author ={Hardwick,M.},
Title ={Extending the Relational Database Model for Design Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 21.},
Year =1984, Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@techreport{Hardwick1985, Author ={Hardwick,M.},
Title ={The Texas Tech Abstraction Management System},
Institution ={Texas Tech Un., TR., rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Texas Tech Un. (Lubbock TX) Heterogenous relations to support Design databases and their algebra. Category ={EIS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Hardwick1986, Author ={Hardwick,M. and Sinha,G.},
Title ={A Data Management System for Graphical Objects},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject> Image>} }

@inproceedings{Hardwick1987, Author ={Hardwick,M., Samaras,G., and Spooner,D.L.},
Title ={Evaluating Recursive Queries in CAD Using an Extended Projection Function},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={includes transitive closure functions Category ={EIS, DBfile } }

@article{Hardwick1987:1, Author ={Hardwick,M. and Spooner,D.L.},
Title ={Comparison of Some Date Models for Engineering Objects},
Journal ={IEEE Comp.Graphics and Applications.},
Year =1987, Annote ={focuses on views need for algebra, describes differences in models for CAD support Category ={EIS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Hardwick1987:2, Author ={Hardwick,Martin},
Title ={Why ROSE is fast: Five Optimizations in the Design of an Experimental Database System for CAD/CAM Applications},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at RPI IMS in UNIX ---L.Rowe Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Hardwick1988, Author ={Hardwick,M. and Spooner,D.L.},
Title ={ROSE: an Object-Oriented Database System for Interactive Computer Graphics Applications},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science 384.},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDobject, DBfile} }

@techreport{Hardwick1988:1, Author ={Hardwick,M. and Downie,B.},
Title ={Episodic version control and parallel editing using hierarchical objects and pugilistic concurrency control},
Institution ={RPI report.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Category ={EIS> DBDconc, DBfile} }

@article{Hardwick1987:3, Author ={Hardwick,M. and Spooner,D.L.},
Title ={The ROSE Data Manager: Using Object Technology to Support Interactive Engineering Applications},
Journal ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., DCS Category ={EIS> DBDobject, DBFile, also user manual } }

@unpublished{Hardwick1991, Author ={Hardwick,M., Spooner,D., and Hvannberg,E.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Change Processing for Concurrent Engineering},
Note ={submitted to IEEE Computer.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Category ={EIS, DBfile Spooner} }

@article{Harel1988, Author ={Harel,Arie},
Title ={Sharp Bounds and Simple Approximations for the Erlang Delay and Loss Formulas},
Journal ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="959-972",
Volume ="34",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Grad.Sch. of Management, Rutgers Un. Category ={DBFmethods> } }

@article{Harel1987, Author ={Harel,David},
Title ={Logic and Databases: A Critique},
Journal ={ACM Sigplan Notices.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Volume ="22",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at Dep.Appl. Math. and CS, Weizmann Inst.Science, Israel Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Harford1985, Author ={Harford,S.T., Trapilo,T.C., Smith,M.J., Friedman,R.H., and Hardy,W.L.},
Title ={Application of User-Defined Rules for Patient Follow-up in a Clinical Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="843--845",
Annote ={at MIS Unit, Boston Un.Med. Ctr Category ={MIS>} }

@techreport{Harhalakis1988, Author ={Harhalakis,G., Mark,L., Johri,A., and Cochrane,B.},
Title ={An Approach to Integrating Manufacturing Systems},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, TR SRC-88-5, rcvd},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland, Systems Res.Ctr Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@article{Harhalakis1988:1, Author ={Harhalakis,G., Mark,L., and Johri,A.},
Title ={A Working Prototype MRP II-CAD System},
Journal ={Un.Maryland, TR SRC-88-8, rcvd..},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Category ={EIS> DBDappl, DBfile} }

@article{Harhalakis1989, Author ={Harhalakis,G., Lin,C.P., and Mark,L.},
Title ={A Knowledge-Based Prototype of a Factory-Level CIM System},
Journal ={J.Comp.Integrated Man.Systems.},
Year =1989, Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={PDES level 4 Category ={DBDappl>} }

@article{Haring1968, Author ={Haring,Donald R.},
Title ={Computer-Driven Display Facilities for an Experimental Computer-Based Library},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS, part 1, 1968.},
Year =1968, Volume ="33",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Haritsa1990, Author ={Haritsa,J., Carey,M, and Livny,M.},
Title ={On Being Optimistic about Real-Time Constraints},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin Category ={DBFreal>} }

@article{Harker1972, Author ={Harker,J.M. and Chang,H.},
Title ={Magnetic Disks for Bulk Storage --- Past and Future},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS, pp.945 ....},
Year =1972, Volume ="40",
Category ={DBFhard.1.3>} }

@inproceedings{Harland1987, Author ={Harland,D.H. and Beloff,B.},
Title ={OBJECT, A Persistent Object Store With an Integrated Garbage Collector},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGPLAN Notices.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Pages ="70--79",
Volume ="22",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Linn Products, Glasgow Scotland Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang> } }

@techreport{Harper1972, Author ={Harper,L.H.},
Title ={A Comparison of GUIDE/SHARE (DBRS) Requirements with CODASYL (DBTG) Specifications},
Institution ={IBM Systems Dev.Div., San Jose CA, TR.02.522.},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDschema, x8 book>%Harper72} }

@article{Harrell1972, Author ={Harrell,C.jr.},
Title ={Maintaining a Healthy Data Base},
Journal ={Business Automation, page 16},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@book{Harrington1988, Author ={Harrington,Jan L.},
Title ={Relational Database Management for Microcomputers: Design and Implementation},
Publisher ={Holt,Rinehart, and Winston, (New York NY), 378pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ Might interest a reader with little or no background in user-requirement assessment or database design. ---Ahmad. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@techreport{Harris1988, Author ={Harris,F.E., Yurchak,J.M., and Zyda,M.J.},
Title ={Preliminary Work on the Command and Control Workstation of the Future},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-52-88-027.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at NPGS Representation of geographical data and terrain. ---Gio. Category ={DBDimage, NPGSbox } }

@article{Harris1975, Author ={Harris,John P., Rohde,R.s. and Arter,N.K.},
Title ={The IBM 3850 Mass Storage System: Design Aspects},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1171--1176",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Category ={DBFstorage-3.1>} }

@inproceedings{Harris1977, Author ={Harris,L.D.},
Title ={User Oriented Data Base Query with the ROBOT Natural Language System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed), IEEE, Tokyo Japan.},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Harris1991, Author ={Harris,P. and Reiner,D.},
Title ={The Lotus DataLens Approach to Heterogeneous Database Connectivity},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Harrison1967, Author ={Harrison,A.},
Title ={The Problem of Privacy in the Computer Age, an Annotated Bibliography},
Institution ={Document RM 5495 RRRL Rand Corp, Santa Monica .},
Year =1967, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Rand Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@article{Harrison1987, Author ={Harrison,Brad},
Title ={Mushrooming SCSI Interface Provides Variety of Implementations},
Journal ={Harcopy.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ a wide variety of SCSI host adaptors are available; SCSI is compatible with Mass Storage Control Protocol which allows the host operating software to view the connected drives as a class of devices rather than as separate units; each logical unit is made up of 512-byte logical blocks grouped into files Category ={DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Harrison1992, Author ={Harrison,J. and Dietrich,S.},
Title ={Maintenance of Materialized Views in Deductive Databases: An Update Propagation Approach},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@book{Harrison, Author ={Harrison,Malcom C.},
Title ={Data Structures and Programming},
Publisher ={Scott, Foreman, and Co., Glenview IL.},
Annote ={at NYU Mainly in core algorithms; Chapter 9 suggests comb. hashing. Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@article{Harrison1976, Author ={Harrison,M.S., Ruzzo,W.L., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Protection in Operating Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1976, Month =Aug,
Pages ="461--471",
Volume ="19",
Number ="8",
Category ={DBDprivacy.2>} }

@article{Harrison1971, Author ={Harrison,M.C.},
Title ={Implementation of the Substring Test by Hashing},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1971, Month =Dec,
Pages ="777--779",
Volume ="14",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at Courant Inst. Category ={DBDquery.1>} }

@inproceedings{Hart1988, Author ={Hart,B., Danforth,S., and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={Parallelizing FAD, a Database Programming Language},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDlang>} }

@article{Hart1989, Author ={Hart,B., Valduriez,P., and Danforth,S.},
Title ={Parallelizing FAD Using Compile-Time Analysis Techniques},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="9--15",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MCC, Advanced Comp. Architecture Program Paradata. Category ={DBDarchitecture> } }

@techreport{Hart1972, Author ={Hart,Peter E.},
Title ={Searching Probabilistic Ecsion Trees},
Institution ={SRI AI group, Tech.Note 2.},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtrres>} }

@article{Hart1982, Author ={Hart,Peter E.},
Title ={Directions for AI in the Eighties},
Journal ={ACM SIGART Newsletter.},
Year =1982, Month =Jan,
Pages ="11--16",
Volume ="79",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Harter1986, Author ={Harter,Stephen},
Title ={Online information retrieval: concepts, principles and techniques},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), 259pp; ACM CR 8709-0733.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Indiana Un. underlying ideas, benefits, and limits of information retrieval; it avoids any mathematical formulas. ---Gebhardt. Category ={DBDbib> } }

@inproceedings{Hartig1992, Author ={Hartig,M. and Dittrich,K.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Integration Framework for Building Heterogeneous Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at University of Zurich Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Hartson1978, Author ={Hartson,H.R.},
Title ={Secure Database Management Study},
Institution ={U.S. Army AIRMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishersntern. Conf. on Supercomputing, Atlanta GA.},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@inproceedings{Hartson1976, Author ={Hartson,H.R. and Hsiao,D.K.},
Title ={A Semantic Model for Data Base Protection Languages},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 2, Lockemann and Neuhold(eds) , N-H 1977.},
Year =1976, Pages ="27--42",
Annote ={at Virginia Polytechnic; Ohio State Un. Category ={DBDprivacy.1, DBfile } }

@article{Hartzband1985, Author ={Hartzband,D.J. and Maryanski,F.J.},
Title ={Enhancing Knowledge Representation in Engineering Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8604-0350.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="39--48",
Volume ="18",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at DEC Corp classification of models and extensions, need to move to knowledge bases, frames. surveys the state of conceptual modeling and information representation. well organized and a comprehensive Bibliography. ---Frenkel. Category ={DBDkb> EIS> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Hartzband1985:1, Author ={Hartzband,David J.},
Title ={The Measurement of Expressiveness in Enhanced Data Model Systems},
Booktitle ={DEC, Abstract for PODS, rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Hartzband1986, Author ={Hartzband,David},
Title ={The Provision of Induction as a Problem Solving Method in Data Model Systems},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS 86, Tennessee.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Digital Equipment Corp, Hudson Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Hartzband1987, Author ={Hartzband,David},
Title ={The Structure of the GNOsys Data Model},
Note ={draft.},
Year =1987, Annote ={inductive, based on model theory components are entities, attributes, relationships, sets and subsets, procedures Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Hartzman1989, Author ={Hartzman,Carl},
Title ={The delay due to dynamic two-phase locking},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 8908-0569.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Dalhousie Un., Canada An analytic formula incl. simulation experiments; some assumptions are suspect; interesting and easy to read. ---Eich. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@article{Hartzman1990, Author ={Hartzman,C. and Watters,C.},
Title ={A Relational Approach to Querying Data Streams},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ data streams are long, relatively unstructured sequences of characters that contain information such as electronic mail or documents and reports created in an office; the database schema evolves as the user's knowledge changes Category ={DBDoffice> } }

@article{Harvey1990, Author ={Harvey,J. and Dyatlovitsky,E.},
Title ={A Relational Database for Semiconductor Device Parametric Data},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Semiconductor Manufacturing.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Harvey1991, Author ={Harvey,T., Schnepf,C., and Roth,M.},
Title ={The Design of the Triton Nested Relational Database System},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@techreport{Hasan1985, Author ={Hasan,W. and York,B.W.},
Title ={DBDT, A Database Design Tool},
Institution ={DEC, (Hudson MA), AITG TR-003.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@techreport{Hasan1988, Author ={Hasan,W. and Pirahesh,H.},
Title ={Query Rewrite Optimization in Starburst},
Institution ={IBM Almaden, TR-6367.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., DCS Query optimization. Category ={DBDrel> DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Hasan1992, Author ={Hasan,Waqar},
Title ={Query Optimization for Parallel Execution},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1992, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Hasan1989, Author ={Hasan,W., Lyngbaek,P. and Wilkinson,K.},
Title ={Expression Processing in Iris},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Database Query Processing, Portland, Oregon.},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Haseman1977, Author ={Haseman,W.D.},
Title ={GPLAN: An Operational DSS},
Journal ={Database,ACM-SIGMOD, Win.},
Year =1977, Annote ={at Purdue Un. Database, model base and query processor to support planning decision makers. Applied in energy allocation, forestry mgmt, and water pollution. Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@inproceedings{Hasse1991, Author ={Hasse,C. and Weikum,G.},
Title ={A Performance Evaluation of Multi-Level Transaction Management},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Hatzopoulos1980, Author ={Hatzopoulos,M. and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={The File Allocation Problem Under Dynamic Usage},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1980, Pages ="197--201",
Volume ="5",
Category ={DBFstorage.3, DBfile Kollias} }

@article{Hatzopoulos1981, Author ={Hatzopoulos,M., Kollias,J.G., and Kollias,V.J.},
Title ={The Application of a Number of Differential Files to the Maintenance of Large Databases},
Journal ={Angewandte Info. .},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Pages ="12--16",
Annote ={at Nat.TU.Athens Category ={DBFmaint, DBfile Kollias} }

@article{Hatzopoulos1981:1, Author ={Hatzopoulos,M. and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={Optimal Policy for Database Backup and Recovery},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Pages ="55--58",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Athens; Un.Patras Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@article{Hatzopoulos1983, Author ={Hatzopoulos,M., Kollias,V.J., and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={On the Optimal Incorporation of Differential Files into a new Generation of the Database},
Journal ={Angewandte Informatik.},
Year =1983, Month =Feb,
Pages ="62--65",
Volume ="26",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDtrans-4, DBfile Kollias} }

@article{Hatzopoulos1983:1, Author ={Hatzopoulos,M. and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={On the Optimal Selection of Multilist Database Structures},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-10 .},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Pages ="681--687",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Mich.Tech.; TU Athens ring structures Category ={DBFhash.6, DBfile Kollias } }

@article{Hatzopoulos1985, Author ={Hatzopoulos,M. and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={On the Selectionof a Reduced Set of Indexes},
Journal ={The Computer Journal.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Mich.TU.; Nat.TU.Athens Category ={DBFindex, DBfile Kollias } }

@article{Hatzopoulos1985:1, Author ={Hatzopoulos,M. and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={Towards the Optimal Secondary Index Organisation and Secondary Index Selection},
Journal ={The Computer Journal , 6pp.},
Year =1985, Volume ="28",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Mich.TU.; Nat.TU.Athens Category ={DBFindex, DBfile Kollias } }

@techreport{Hatzopoulos1987, Author ={Hatzopoulos,M. (ed)},
Title ={Distributed Aspects of Information systems (DAISY)},
Institution ={COST 11er European action in teleinformatics, CEC, DG XIII.},
Year =1987, Annote ={Research topics including distributed knowledge. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Hauck1971, Author ={Hauck,E.J.},
Title ={Hierarchical Data Files Cut Storage Requirements},
Journal ={Data Processing Magazine. .},
Year =1971, Month =Jun,
Pages ="22-71",
Annote ={HAM file system at Harris Intertype. Category ={DBFtree, DBfile } }

@book{Haugeland1985, Author ={Haugeland,John},
Title ={Artificial Intelligence: the Very Idea},
Publisher ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, MA, 287pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ A philosopher explains the philosophical and scientific credentials behind AI, discusses what AI is about, and takes a look at what actually has and has not been accomplished. (blocks world, frame problem, feelings?) some dramatic metaphors, breezy, informal language, quite a bit of heavy thinking. --- Firschein. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Haugen1968, Author ={Haugen,Edward B.},
Title ={Probabilistic Approaches to Design},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), New York.},
Year =1968, Category ={DBFhash> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Haugh1987, Author ={Haugh,B.A.},
Title ={Simple Causal Minimization for Temporal Persistence and Projection},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int 1.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Haughton1975, Author ={Haughton,Kenneth E.},
Title ={An Overview of Disk Storage Systems},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1148--1152",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Category ={DBFhard.1.2>} }

@article{Hauk1971, Author ={Hauk,E.J.},
Title ={Hierarchial Data Files Cut Storage Requirements},
Journal ={Data Processing.},
Year =1971, Month =May,
Annote ={at Harris Intertype Description of a design to support an inventory application. Category ={DBFtrees.5>%Hauk71 } }

@article{Hause1971, Author ={Hause,M.H.},
Title ={Insuring Confidentiality of Individual Records --- Data Storage and Retrieval for Statistical Purposes},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS , pp.???.},
Year =1971, Volume ="39",
Category ={DBDprivacy.8>} }

@article{Havender1968, Author ={Havender,J.W.},
Title ={Avoiding Deadlock in Multitasking Systems},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1968, Month =Jun,
Pages ="74--84",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM, SDD Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Hawley1975, Author ={Hawley,D.A., Knowles,J.S., and Tozer,E.E.},
Title ={Database Consistency and the CODASYL DBTG Proposals},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1975, Pages ="206--212",
Volume ="18",
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@techreport{Hawryszkiewcz1973, Author ={Hawryszkiewcz,Igor Titus},
Title ={Semantics of Data Base Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, MAC report TR-112.},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at MIT, Project MAC Category ={DBDschema, x8 book>} }

@inproceedings{Hawryszkiewycz1972, Author ={Hawryszkiewycz,I.T. and Dennis,J.B.},
Title ={An Approach to Proving the Correctness of Data Base Operations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Pages ="323--348",
Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel} }

@book{Hawryszkiewycz1983, Author ={Hawryszkiewycz,Igor T.},
Title ={Database Analysis and Design},
Publisher ={SRA, Chicago IL, 1986, 416 pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8610-0888.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ at Canberra Coll. of Advanced Education, Australia Much on semantic models, but falls short as a general textbook. ie. BTree one paragraph, but much on other indexes. Instructors Guide. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@book{Hawryszkiewycz1988, Author ={Hawryszkiewycz,Igor T.},
Title ={Introduction to systems analysis and design},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 373pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8908-0547.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at NSW Inst. of Techn. Austrialia covers the major topics well; entity-relationship approach; transformation from model to program design. ---Modell. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@book{Hawryszkiewycz1990, Author ={Hawryszkiewycz,Igor Titus},
Title ={The Art of Database Design},
Publisher ={Macmillan.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Hawryszkiewcyz1991, Author ={Hawryszkiewcyz,Igor Titus},
Title ={Database Analysis and Design, 2nd ed},
Publisher ={Macmillan.},
Year =1991, Annote ={at Un.Sidney, Australia [bound upside down] Category ={DBDdesign, x } }

@article{Hawthorne1979, Author ={Hawthorne,P.B. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of a Relational Database Management System},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 79.},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="1--12",
Annote ={ contains some measurements on early INGRES. A statement implying data should be sequentially organized to take advantage of caching is wrong. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@incollection{Hawthorn1986, Author ={Hawthorn,P.B. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Alternative Database Machine Architectures},
Booktitle ={Wah and Li `Computers for AI Applications'; IEEE CS .},
Year =1986, Annote ={ at UCB, LBL, CS and Math, (CA); Un.Wisconsin, DCS We predict the performance of several of the proposed management machines with respect to several representative INGRES queries. The systems include associative disks, RAP, CASSM, DBC, DIRECT, and CAFS. No one database machine is best for executing all types of queries, for one class of queries does not warrant use of a database machine. Good bibliography. (Kitty Chih comment). Provides some good benchmarks. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@techreport{Hawthorn1982, Author ={Hawthorn,P.B.},
Title ={Microprocessor Assisted System for Statistical Database Management},
Institution ={Report submitted to the DOE.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDstat>} }

@book{Hayakawa1960, Author ={Hayakawa,S.I.},
Title ={Language in Thought and Action},
Publisher ={ ? 1960?},
Year =1960, Annote ={ best textbook on general semantics. Understand arguments and counterarguments --- SGSmith Category ={DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Hayes1985, Author ={Hayes,J.R., Galletta,G., Oshins,L., Walson,P.D., Koranyi,K., Nemzik,K., and Seeds,C.},
Title ={Retrieving Light from a Black Hole: Experiences of Gaining Access to Hospital Information},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="483--486",
Annote ={at Children's Hosp., Columbus Category ={MIS>} }

@incollection{Hayes1979, Author ={Hayes,P.J.},
Title ={The Logic of Frames},
Booktitle ={Frame Conceptions and Text Understanding, Metzing(ed), Walter de Gruyter and Co., Berlin .},
Year =1979, Pages ="46--61",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Hayes1981, Author ={Hayes,P.J. and Hendrix,G.G.},
Title ={A logical view of types},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record .},
Year =1981, Pages ="128--130",
Volume ="11",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Hayes1967, Author ={Hayes,Robert M.},
Title ={A Theory for File Organization},
Booktitle ={On-Line Computing --- Time-Shared Computer Systems, MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1967, Pages ="264--289",
Category ={DBFseq.0>} }

@book{Hayes1970, Author ={Hayes,R.M. and Becker,J.},
Title ={Handbook of Data Processing for Libraries},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-BeckerHayes.},
Year =1970, Annote ={at Becker and Hayes, Inc., Los Angeles Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{HayesRoth1984, Author ={HayesRoth,Barbara},
Title ={BB1: An Architecture for Blackboard Systems that Control, Explain, and Learn about their own Behaviour},
Journal ={Stanford Un., TR-CS-84-1034.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@techreport{HayesRoth1986, Author ={HayesRoth,B., Garvey,A., Johnson,M.V., and Hewett,M.},
Title ={A Layered Environment for Reasoning about Action},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, Knowledge Systems Lab, TR-KSL-86-38.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD PROTEAN. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{HayesRoth1984:1, Author ={HayesRoth,Frederick},
Title ={The Knowledge-based Expert System, A tutorial},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="11-28",
Annote ={ considers growth of these systems, and that they are to be partitioned. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{HayesRoth1989, Author ={HayesRoth,Frederick},
Title ={Towards Benchmarks for Knowledge Systems, and Their Applications for Data Engineering},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={tables of categories. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Hayne1990, Author ={Hayne,S. and Ram,S.},
Title ={Multi-User View Integration System: An Expert System for View Integration},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Arizona Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Haynes1987, Author ={Haynes,R.B. and McKibbon,K.A.},
Title ={Grateful Med},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag.},
Year =1987, Pages ="47--49",
Volume ="4",
Number ="5",
Annote ={NLM access, evoids MESH hassles Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@article{Haynie1981, Author ={Haynie,M.N.},
Title ={The Relational/network Hybrid Data Model for Design Automation Databases},
Journal ={ACM DA 18.},
Year =1981, Pages ="646--652",
Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Hays1987, Author ={Hays,Charles},
Title ={RDBMS: How One Company Saved Millions},
Journal ={Hardcopy.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Volume ="7",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ risk analysis for insurance management, relies on Ingres Category ={DBDrel> DBDappl, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Heacox1975, Author ={Heacox,H.C., Cosloy,E.S., and Cohen,J.B.},
Title ={An Experiment in Dedicated Data Management},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="511--513",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Head1964, Author ={Head,R.V.},
Title ={Real Time Business Systems},
Publisher ={Holt, Rhinehart, and Winston, NY.},
Year =1964, Category ={DBFintro>} }

@article{Head1970, Author ={Head,R.V.},
Title ={The Elusive MIS},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1970, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@book{Head1971, Author ={Head,R.V.},
Title ={A Guide to Packaged Systems},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1971, Category ={DBDintro.9>%Head71} }

@book{Heaney1968, Author ={Heaney,Donald F.},
Title ={Development of Information Systems},
Publisher ={Ronald Press Co., NY.},
Year =1968, Category ={DBFintro>} }

@article{Heaps1970, Author ={Heaps,H.S. and Thiel,L.H.},
Title ={Optimum Procedures for Economic Information Retrieval},
Journal ={Inform. Stor. and Retrieval.},
Year =1970, Pages ="137--153",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Heath1971, Author ={Heath,I.J.},
Title ={Unacceptable file operations in a relational data base},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed), 1971, San Diego CA.},
Year =1971, Pages ="19--68",
Category ={DBDtheory.8>} }

@techreport{Hecht1981, Author ={Hecht,M.S. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={Update Semantics for the Functional Data Model},
Institution ={Bell Labs, Holmdel, TR..},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDops.4, DBfile} }

@article{Hecht1983, Author ={Hecht,M.S. and Gabbe,J.D.},
Title ={Shadowed Management of Free Disk Pages with a Linked List},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="503--514",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Interactive Systems Corp Category ={DBFstorage-1>} }

@book{Hecht1985, Author ={Hecht,Myron},
Title ={File And Data-Base Management Programs for the IBM PC},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBFintro, QA76.8I2594H39} }

@incollection{Heckerman1986, Author ={Heckerman,David},
Title ={Probabalistic Interpretations for MYCIN's Certainty Factors},
Booktitle ={Kanal and Lemmer.},
Year =1986, Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@article{Heddaya1989, Author ={Heddaya,A., Hsu,M., and Weihl,W.},
Title ={Two Phase Gossip: Managing Distributed Event Histories},
Journal ={Information Sciences,2,3.},
Year =1989, Volume ="49",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Boston Un. Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc> FAUVE>} }

@inproceedings{Heep1989, Author ={Heep,S., Kriegel,H.P., Schneider,R., and Seeger,B.},
Title ={A system for retrieval of parts with geometric similarity},
Booktitle ={Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, Paris.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at FRG Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Hegner1987, Author ={Hegner,S.},
Title ={Specification and Implementation of Programs for Updating Incomplete Information Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Vermont Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Hegner1988, Author ={Hegner,S.J.},
Title ={Decomposition of Relational Schemata into Components Defined by Both Projection and Restriction},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Heidelberger, Author ={Heidelberger,P. and Lakshmi,M.S.},
Title ={A Performance Comparison of Multimicro and Mainframe Database Architectures},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Pages ="522--531",
Volume ="14",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Back-end mainframe. High Volume transaction processing. Category ={DBDperform> } }

@inproceedings{Heiler1984, Author ={Heiler,S. and Maness,A.T.},
Title ={Connecting Heterogeneous Systems and Data Sources},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Pages ="23--29",
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@unpublished{Heiler1988, Author ={Heiler,S. and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={Views, Data Abstraction, and Inheritance in the FUGUE Data Model},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at CCA Category ={EIS> DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Heiler1987, Author ={Heiler,S.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Databases ?},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 24.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at CCA Are necessary for design databases. Category ={DBDobject> EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Heiler1987:1, Author ={Heiler,S. and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={FUGUE: a Model for Engineering Information Systems and Other Baroque Applications},
Booktitle ={Contract no.F33615-87-C-1401.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at CCA Category ={EIS> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Heiler1989, Author ={Heiler,S. and Rosenthal,A.},
Title ={Engineering Databases, Tools, and Management: An Integration Framework},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar., IEEE CS.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="431--437",
Annote ={ at Xerox Advanced Information Technology, (Cambridge MA) FUGUE background. Category ={EIS> DBDobject> } }

@incollection{Heiler1989:1, Author ={Heiler,Sandra},
Title ={Control mechanisms in an object management system for supporting interoperability of heterogeneous components},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={sketch Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Heiler1990, Author ={Heiler,S. and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={Object Views: Extending the Vision},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Heiler1990:1, Author ={Heiler,S. and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={Object Views: Extending the Vision},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject> VOD>} }

@unpublished{Heiler1990:2, Author ={Heiler,S., Manola,F., and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Database Approach to Federated Systems},
Note ={(unpublished paper).},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Heiler1991, Author ={Heiler,S., Siegel,M., and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={Heterogeneous Information Systems: Understanding Integration},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Heiler1991:1, Author ={Heiler,S.},
Title ={Extended Data Type Support in Distributed DBMS Products: A Technology Assessment and Forecast},
Institution ={TR-170-12-91-165. GTE Laboratories Incorporated.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Heiler1992, Author ={Heiler,S., Haradhvala,S., Blaustein,B., Rosenthal,A., and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={A Flexible Framework for Transaction Management in Engineering Environments},
Booktitle ={in Database Transaction Models for Advanced Applications, A.K. Elmagarmid, (ed.), Morgan Kaufmann, San Mateo, CA, Spring .},
Year =1992, Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Heimbigner1980, Author ={Heimbigner,D. and McLeod,D.},
Title ={A Federated Architecture for Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), (Anaheim CA).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDintro, Z674.T69 1985. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Heimbigner1985, Author ={Heimbigner,D. and McLeod,D.},
Title ={A Federated Architecture for Information Management},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, Jul.1985.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="253--278",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={Fauve Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@article{Heimbigner1987, Author ={Heimbigner,D.},
Title ={A Federated System for Software Management},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="39--45",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Colorado, CSD Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Heimbigner1992, Author ={Heimbigner,D.},
Title ={Experiences With An Object Manager for a Process-Centered Environment},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={requirements include 1)efficient representation for software artifacts: abstract syntax graphs, requirements and design nodes, configuration management graphs, test cases, documentation and so on via behavioral OO model extended with relations 2)support for process coding languages especially APPL/A via relations and triggers 3)multi-language interoperability 4)different models of persistence by type and by instance 5)sharing via use of a common data model Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Heinanen1986, Author ={Heinanen,J.},
Title ={A Language for Specifying Functionality of Data Intensive Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Heindel1974, Author ={Heindel,L.E.},
Title ={ARPL --- Retrieval Process Language},
Journal ={Computer J...},
Year =1974, Month =Feb,
Pages ="113--116",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Bell Telephone Labs, HolmdelNJ Simple retrieval language oriented towards DBTG Category ={DBDquery>%Heindel74 } }

@article{Heindel1973, Author ={Heindel,L. and Roberts,J.},
Title ={The Off-The-Shelf-System: A Packaged Information Management System},
Journal ={Bell Systems Technical Journal.},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Volume ="52",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Heising1958, Author ={Heising,W.P.},
Title ={Methods of File Organization for Efficient Use of IBM RAMAC Files},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS.},
Year =1958, Pages ="194--195",
Annote ={ Description of early disk file direct access procedure. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, x3.5 } }

@article{Heising1963, Author ={Heising,W.P.},
Title ={Note on Random Addressing Techniques},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1963, Month =Jun,
Pages ="112--116",
Volume ="2",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM Calculation of expected access count in direct addressing, also 80/20 rule on expected access distribution. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, x3.5> } }

@inproceedings{Heiss1991, Author ={Heiss,H.U. and Wagner,R.},
Title ={Adaptive Load Control in Transaction Processing Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Helbalkar1978, Author ={Helbalkar,P.G.},
Title ={Application Specification for Distributed Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds), Berlin FRG.},
Year =1978, Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab ( CA) Category ={DBDdist> DBDintro.9, DBfile } }

@article{Held1975, Author ={Held,G., Stonebraker,M.R., and Wong,E.},
Title ={INGRES: A Relational Data Base System},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="409--416",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at UCB (Berkeley CA) Design, language, and operational summary. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDschema> %Held75I } }

@article{Held1975:1, Author ={Held,G. and Stonebraker,M},
Title ={Storage Structures and Access methods in the Relational Data Base Management System INGRES},
Journal ={Proc.ACM Pacific-75 Conf., San Francisco CA.},
Year =1975, Pages ="1--9",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Held1975:2, Author ={Held,G. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={BTrees Re-examined},
Journal ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, No.ERL-M528,},
Year =1975, Month =Jul,
Annote ={Static versus dynamic indexes. Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@article{Held1978, Author ={Held,G. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={BTrees Re-examined-Reply},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , p.594.},
Year =1978, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@techreport{Held1975:3, Author ={Held,Gerald David},
Title ={Storage Structures for Relational Data Base Management Systems},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, No.ERL-M533.},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDintro.1, xUC>} }

@inproceedings{Held1981, Author ={Held,G.},
Title ={ENCOMPASS: A Relational Data Manager},
Booktitle ={Data Base , WIntern. Conf. on Supercomputing, (Un.Santa Clara CA), 1981.},
Year =1981, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDintro.1>} }

@book{Held1984, Author ={Held,Gilbert},
Title ={Data Compression: Techniques and Applications},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1984, Annote ={ Explains a number of ad hoc techniques for compressing text. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@book{Held1989, Author ={Held,Gilbert},
Title ={Data Compression: Techniques and Applications, Hardware and Software Considerations},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 2nd ed., 206pp.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@unpublished{Held1986, Author ={Held,J.P. and Carlis,J.V.},
Title ={MATCH- an Operator for an expert DBMS},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Annote ={a generalization of DIVIDE used in GALEN. Category ={DBDoperations> DBDkb, DBfile Carlis } }

@article{Held1987, Author ={Held,J.P. and Carlis,J.V.},
Title ={MATCH- A New High-level Relational Operator for Pattern Matching},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8707-595.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Pages ="62--75",
Volume ="30",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ MATCH is used to do pattern matching for complex stored patterns. This is a high level language expansion of HAS, which is Carlis' extension of the DIVIDE operator. MATCH requires a change in the data on which it operates, in that it incorporates the operators of relational algebra into the relations. ---Gotterbarn. Category ={DBDrel> DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{Held1988, Author ={Held,James P.},
Title ={Extending the Capabilities of Database Management Systems to Support the Needs of Expert Systems},
Institution ={Un.Minnesota, CSD, PhD Th..},
Year =1988, Annote ={Includes inheritance, grouping operators. Category ={DBDrel> DBDops, thesis file } }

@article{Held1989:1, Author ={Held,J.P. and Carlis,J.V.},
Title ={Conceptual Data Modeling of Expert Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, Spr..},
Year =1989, Pages ="50--61",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Applied logical data strucutres data-modeling tool (LDS) to a rule-based expert system (Galen) and produced a comprehensible logical schema. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Held1990, Author ={ Held,J.P. and Carlis,J.V. Held,J.P. and Carlis,J.V.},
Title ={A Shared Conceptual Schema for Four Medical Expert Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Helland1985, Author ={Helland,P.},
Title ={The Transaction Monitoring Facility (TMF)},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="11--18",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Tandem Corp. Category ={DBDtrans-3> DBDdist>} }

@book{Hellerman1973, Author ={Hellerman,H.},
Title ={Digital Computer System Principles},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 245pp.},
Year =1973, Category ={DBFeval.4.4> DBDintegrity.0>} }

@book{Hellerman1975, Author ={Hellerman,H. and Conroy,T.F.},
Title ={Computer Systems Performance},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 380pp.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFtechn.4>} }

@inproceedings{Hellerstein1993, Author ={Hellerstein,J. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Predicate Migration: Optimizing Queries with Expensive Predicates},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Helm1989, Author ={Helm,A.},
Title ={Detecting and Eliminating Redundant Derivations in Logic Knowledge Bases},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Helman1986, Author ={Helman,D.H., Bennett,J.L., and Foster,A.W.},
Title ={Simulations and Symbolic Explanations},
Booktitle ={International Symp.on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems; Un.Tennessee.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="381--389",
Annote ={ at Case Western Reserve Un., Automation and Intelligent Sys. Research, (OH) Functional, causal, genetic, what-if explanations, how-possibly explanations Category ={DBDkb> KSYS> } }

@techreport{Hemphill1978, Author ={Hemphill,L.G. and Rhyne,J.R.},
Title ={A Model for Information Representation in Natural Language Query Systems},
Institution ={IBM, San Jose, TR.RJ2304.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDnat>} }

@techreport{Henderson1969, Author ={Henderson,D.A and Gold,D.E.},
Title ={Suggestions For Use of a Particulr Directory Scheme},
Institution ={Un.Illinois, Urbana, DCS, T.R.321.},
Year =1969, Month Apr,
Annote ={ binary search with pointers, a predecessor of tries? Category ={DBFtree, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Hendrix1975, Author ={Hendrix,G.G.},
Title ={Expanding the Utility of Semantic Networks through Partitioning},
Booktitle ={SRI TR. .},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Hendrix1977, Author ={Hendrix,G.G., Sacerdoti,E.D., Sagalowicz,D., and Slocum,J.},
Title ={Developing a Natural Language Interface to a Complex System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Tokyo Japan, 6-8.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Pages ="292--300",
Annote ={Ladder, also Inland sytems. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDquery.2.2> DBDnat> DBDkb> } }

@incollection{Hendrix1978, Author ={Hendrix,G.G.},
Title ={Encoding Knowledge in Partitioned Networks},
Booktitle ={Tech. Note 164, SRI.},
Year =1978, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at SRI (Menlo Park CA) Category ={DBDquery.2.3> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Hendrix1980, Author ={Hendrix,G.G.},
Title ={Mediating the Views of Databases and Database Users},
Booktitle ={ACM Pingree Park Workshop, Brodie(ed).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="131--132",
Annote ={at SRI The LADDER accessing data distributed over a computer network by using queries expressed in English. Work with LADDER has revealed 1) Users do not confine their questions to concepts and terminology covered by the database per se. 2) Users need to know the KIND of data available (i.e., they want to ask questions about the DB schema). 3) Users are not satisfied with access to an existing database. They want to tell the system new facts, and some involve counter factualls (e.g., Suppose the ship were 100 miles south of its current location...). Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Hendrix1981, Author ={Hendrix,G.G., and Lewis,W.H.},
Title ={Transportable Natural-Language Interfaces to Databases},
Booktitle ={American Journal of Computational Linguistics Meeting 19, Stanford CA.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ACL, TED system Category ={DBDnat>} }

@techreport{Henley, Author ={Henley,R.R., Wiederhold,G., Dervin,J., Jenkin,J., Kuhn,I., Mesel, E. Ramsey-Klee,D., and Rodnick,J.},
Title ={An Analysis of Automated Ambulatory Medical Record Systems},
Institution ={Nat.Technical Information Service, US Dep.Commerce (Springfield VA), PB 254 234, 2 vols. 397 and 742pp.},
Category ={DBDintro.8> MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Hennequin1968, Author ={Hennequin,J.P.},
Title ={Trials on Algebra of Management Information},
Booktitle ={Proc.File 68 Int'l Seminar on File Org..},
Year =1968, Pages ="261--268",
Category ={DBFindex.0>} }

@inproceedings{Henrich1989, Author ={Henrich,A., Six,H-W., and Widmayer,P.},
Title ={The LSD tree: spatial access to multidimensional point and non point objects},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at FernUniversitat Hagen Category ={DBDadvindex>} }

@article{Henry1969, Author ={Henry,W.R.},
Title ={Hierarchical Structure for Data Management},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1969, Month Apr,
Pages ="2--14",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, Palo Alto Category ={DBFintro>} }

@article{Henschen1984, Author ={Henschen,L.J. and Naqvi,S.A.},
Title ={On compiling queries in recursive first-order databases},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Pages ="47--85",
Volume ="31",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Attempts to improve the generality of Reiter 'Deductive question answering in relational databases' Gallaire and Minker 1978. -- his basic strategy: transform logic to algebra, apply the algebra to the database. ---Ullman. stable linear rules permit transitive closure to be compiled. Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery.2> } }

@article{Herb1980, Author ={Herb,D.A.},
Title ={How Does a DBA Cope},
Journal ={Computerworld, Vol.XIV , 24.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Pages ="43--44",
Number ="48",
Annote ={ Short article which deals with two basic questions which confront the DBA: 1) How does a database administrator cope with constantly changing information needs 2) Can the newly-appointed DBA accomplish long-term objectives while providing some immediate benefits to the Corp--- Fountain Category ={DBDmodel, Student file (Fountain) } }

@techreport{Herlihy1985, Author ={Herlihy,Maurice},
Title ={Using Type Information to Enhance the Availability of Partitioned Data},
Institution ={CMU, TR-CS-85-119.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Annote ={at CMU Category ={DBDdist, box CMU} }

@techreport{Herlihy1985:1, Author ={Herlihy,Maurice},
Title ={Comparing How Atomicity Mechanisms Support Replication},
Institution ={CMU, TR-CS-85-123.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Annote ={at CMU Pessimistic mechanisms. Quorums with each operation. Category ={DBDdist, box CMU } }

@inproceedings{Herlihy1990, Author ={Herlihy,Maurice},
Title ={Optimistic Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDconc>} }

@article{Herlihy1987, Author ={Herlihy,Maurice},
Title ={Dynamic Quorum Adjustment for Partitioned Data},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="170--194",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Each operation provided by a replicated object has a set of quorums, sites whose cooperation suffices to execute the operation. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Herlihy1987:1, Author ={Herlihy,Maurice},
Title ={Concurrency versus Availability: Atomicity Mechanisms for Replicated Data},
Booktitle ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ; ACM CR 8803-0186.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Pages ="249--274",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Annote ={Consensus locking and scheduling. FAUVE? Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Herlihy1988, Author ={Herlihy,M.P. and Weihl,W.E.},
Title ={Hybrid Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@techreport{Herlihy1988:1, Author ={Herlihy,Maurice},
Title ={Impossibility and Universality Results for Wait-Free Synchronization},
Institution ={CMU, TR-CS-88-140.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Category ={DBDconc, box CMU} }

@article{Herlihy1989, Author ={Herlihy,M.P.},
Title ={Timestamp-based orphan elimination},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 9007-0569.},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Volume ="15",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ eliminate activities executing for an aborted transaction; two variants: realtime (eager) or lazy elimination Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@article{Herlihy1990:1, Author ={Herlihy,Maurice},
Title ={Apologizing vs. Asking Permission: Optimistic Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Pages ="96--124",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at CMU, CSD FAUVE new optimistic techniques for objects; exploit type-specific properties of objects to validate interleavings. These techniques reduce the complexity of achieving high levels of concurrency and enhance the availability of replicated data. Deals with hot spots such as counters, account balances, or queues. Category ={DBDdis> DBDconc, box CMU } }

@article{Herlihy1990:2, Author ={Herlihy,M. and Wing,J.},
Title ={Linearizability: a correctness condition for concurrent objects},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at CMU more general than serializability, permits reasoning about concurrent activities. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Herlihy1990:3, Author ={Herlihy,Maurice},
Title ={Type-Specific Replication Algorithms for Multiprocessors},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at DEC Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Herman1987, Author ={Herman,G., Gopal,G., Lee,K.C., and Weinrib,A.},
Title ={The Datacycle Architecture for Very High Throughput Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Bell Communication Res. Category ={DBFtrans> DBFmach> } }

@article{Hernandez1991, Author ={Hernandez,H. and Chan,P.},
Title ={Constant-Time-Maintainable BCNF Database Schemes},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Herot1980, Author ={Herot,C.F.},
Title ={Spatial Management of Data},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month =Dec,
Pages ="493--514",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at CCA Organizing and retrieving information by positioning it in a graphical data space viewed through a color display. An overview of the SDMS concept and describes its implementation in a pototype system. Category ={DBDquery.2> } }

@article{Herr1974, Author ={Herr,Joseph P.},
Title ={Self Checking Number Systems},
Journal ={Computer Design.},
Year =1974, Month =Jun,
Pages ="85--91",
Annote ={at Singer (San Leandro, CA) Review of methods and their effectiveness. Category ={DBFrepresent, xB14> } }

@techreport{Herskovits1991, Author ={Herskovits,E. and Cooper,G.},
Title ={Algorithms for Bayesian Belief-Network Precomputation},
Institution ={Stanford KSL 89-35, Updated.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Annote ={Baysian Learning Category ={Uncertain>} }

@book{Hertz1969, Author ={Hertz,D.B.},
Title ={New Power for Management-Computer Systems and Management Science},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1969, Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@article{Hertzberger1984, Author ={Hertzberger,L.O. and VanDeRiet,R.P.},
Title ={Progress in the Fifth Generation Inference Architectures},
Journal ={Future Generations Computer Systems, pub. North-Holland.},
Year =1984, Pages ="93--102",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={includes sketch of Relational Algebra Machine. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile vandeRiet } }

@inproceedings{Herzig1992, Author ={Herzig,R. and Gogolla,M.},
Title ={Transforming Conceptual Data Models into an Object Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Herzog1989, Author ={Herzog,H., et al.},
Title ={The Braunschweig Relational Database Machine -- Project Results},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at TU Braunschweig, FRG Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Hess1976, Author ={Hess,E.V.},
Title ={A Uniform Database for Rheumatic Diseases},
Journal ={Arthritis and Rheumatism, vol.19 .},
Year =1976, Month =May,
Pages ="645--648",
Number ="2",
Annote ={the schema for ARAMIS. Category ={MIS>} }

@inproceedings{Heuer1989, Author ={Heuer,A. and Sander,P.},
Title ={Semantics and Evaluation of Rules over Complex Objects},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at UCI Move ahead k, a compromise analyzed. Category ={DBFindex> Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Heuer1991, Author ={Heuer,Andreas },
Title ={Preserving and Generating Objects in the LIVING IN A LATTICE Rule Language},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Hevner1978, Author ={Hevner,A.R. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Optimization of Data Access in Distributed Systems},
Institution ={Purdue Un., CSD, TR.281.},
Year =1978, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Purdue Un., CSD (W.Lafayette IN) Category ={DBDdist> DBFseq> } }

@article{Hevner1979, Author ={Hevner,A.G. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Query Processing in Distributed Data Bases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-5 .},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="177--187",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDrel.3> DBDbound.7> DBDrel.2.5> DBDdist> DBFmach> DBDquery.3> } }

@inproceedings{Hevner1982, Author ={Hevner,A.R.},
Title ={A Survey of Data Allocation and Retrieval Methods for Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="1--10",
Annote ={ at Un.Maryland, College Park, Coll.Busines and Management Category ={DBDbound.6> DBFmach.4.4> DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Hevner1982:1, Author ={Hevner,A.R. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Network Database Design Methods},
Institution ={Un.Maryland TR.Management Science, Journal of TIMSS 82-034.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Annote ={Simple LP model is used. Category ={DBDops.4> DBDbound.4> DBFmethods.3, DBfile Yao } }

@incollection{Hevner1983, Author ={Hevner,A.R.},
Title ={Data Allocation and Retrieval in Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={in 'Advances in Data Management ', Fisher(ed), John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1983, Volume ="2",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Hevner1987, Author ={Hevner,A.R. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Querying Distributed Databases on Local Area Networks},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="563--572",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBDdist, x issue} }

@article{Hevner1985, Author ={Hevner,A.R., Wu,O.Q., and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Query Optimization on Local Area Networks},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Pages ="34--64",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Semijoins over unidirectional Token-Ring and broadcast slow LANs Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Hewitt1973, Author ={Hewitt,C.,Bishop,P., and Steiger,R.},
Title ={A Universal Modular ACTOR Formalism for Artificial Intelligence},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3.},
Year =1973, Month =Aug,
Pages ="235--245",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Hewitt1977, Author ={Hewitt,C.},
Title ={Viewing Control Structures as Patterns of Passing Messages},
Journal ={Art.Intell...},
Year =1977, Pages ="323--364",
Volume ="8",
Annote ={later papers? Category ={DBDlang> DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Hewitt1985, Author ={Hewitt,C. and DeJong,P.},
Title ={Open Systems},
Booktitle ={'On Conceptual Modeling', Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1985, Pages ="147--164",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@unpublished{Hewitt1988, Author ={Hewitt,Carl},
Title ={Knowledge Processing Organizations Proposal},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at MIT, Artificial Intelligence Lab. DRG architecture. Category ={KSYS> } }

@book{Heydt1989, Author ={Heydt,R. and Heydt,D.},
Title ={DB2, Version 2, Database Design and Administration},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 256pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9005-0369.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ high technical content; also current limitations and potential improvements. ---Loucopoulos. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Heyman1982, Author ={Heyman,D.P.},
Title ={Mathematical Models of Database Degradation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="615--631",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDmodel.0.3> DBFmethods.4>} }

@article{Heyne1978, Author ={Heyne,G.F. and Daniel,C.J.},
Title ={Design techniques for a user controlled DB/DC system},
Journal ={IBM, G321-5057.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Heytens1989, Author ={Heytens,M.L. and Nikhil,R.S.},
Title ={GESTALT: An Expressive Database Programming System},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="54--67",
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MIT FAUVE a system and methodology for organizing multiple heterogeneous, existing database systems; application programs are written in C and LISP using high-level data and control abstractions native to the language; GESTALT has been in daily operational use at MIT for over a year, supporting an information system for CAF, a research facility for the automation of semiconductor fabrication. Category ={DBDlang> DBDdist> EIS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Heytens1991, Author ={Heytens,Michael L. },
Title ={Exploiting Parallelism in the Implementation of a Persistent Programming System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Hibbard1962, Author ={Hibbard,Thomas N.},
Title ={Some Combinatorial Properties of Certain Trees with Applications to Sorting and Searching},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1962, Pages ="13--28",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Description of a binary tree algorithm Category ={DBFtree> } }

@article{Hickam1985, Author ={Hickam,D.H., Shortliffe,E.H., Bischoff,M.B., Scott,A.C., and Jacobs,C.D.},
Title ={A Study of the Treatment Advice of a Computer-Based Cancer Chemotherapy Protocol Advisor},
Journal ={Annals of Internal Medicine.},
Year =1985, Pages ="928--936",
Volume ="103",
Annote ={ A chemotherapy protocol advisor, termed ONCOCIN, has been implemented for experimental use in a university oncology clinic. The program combines formal protocol guidelines with judgments of oncologists who have experience adjusting therapy in complex clinical situations. We compared the chemotherapy administered by clinic physicians with the treatment that would have been recommended by ONCOCIN in 415 visits for 39 lymphoma patients seen prior to the program's introduction. In 189 visits, the computer agreed with the therapy actually administered. In a blinded evaluation, 4 lymphoma experts failed to find a significant difference between the treatments selected by physicians and those proposed by ONCOCIN. Subanalyses showed that ONCOCIN tended to attenuate drug doses or delay treatment more than the experts recommended, whereas the physicians were less likely to attenuate doses to the extent the experts suggested. Our results show that ONCOCIN provides lymphoma treatment advice comparable to the treatment provided in a university oncology clinic. Category ={MIS, DB file Shortliffe } }

@article{Higgins1968, Author ={Higgins,A.},
Title ={Error Recovery through Programming},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS ..},
Year =1968, Pages ="39--43",
Volume ="33",
Category ={DBFuse-4.5>} }

@article{Higgins1971, Author ={Higgins,L.D. and Smith,Francis J.},
Title ={Disc Access Algorithms},
Journal ={Computer J...},
Year =1971, Month =Aug,
Pages ="249--253",
Volume ="14",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFhard.2>} }

@inproceedings{Hikita1985, Author ={Hikita,S., Kawakamai,S., and Haniuda,H.},
Title ={The Database Machine FREND},
Booktitle ={IWDM 4, DeWitt and Boral(eds.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Bahamas.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={ Backend server uses 4 buffers of 64K each for index and data pages to scan relations in index order and perform merge joins rapidly. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Hill1967, Author ={Hill,D.R.},
Title ={A Vector Clustering Technique},
Booktitle ={FID-IFIP , Samuelson(ed), N-H 1968.},
Year =1967, Pages ="225--246",
Annote ={Re: persistent objects on pp.249. by either an abstract semantic code or a concrete imagery code. The more deeply or elaborately one encodes the meaning, the better the memory will be. Memory for complex materials involves a constructive process. Construction may involve adding innferences to the material presented or fitting the material into stereotypes and schemats.'---Xiaolei Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Hill1978, Author ={Hill,E.},
Title ={Analysis of An Inverted Data Base Structure},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGIR.},
Year =1978, Pages ="37-64",
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@book{Hill1973, Author ={Hill,F.J. and Peterson,G.R. .},
Title ={Digital Systems: Hardware Organization and Design},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1973, Category ={DBFhard> %Hill73} }

@inproceedings{Hill1971, Author ={Hill,Peter},
Title ={Information Management System-360 Version II, An Overview},
Booktitle ={Proceeding of SHARE XXXV.},
Year =1971, Pages ="497--543",
Annote ={at IBM System description of IMS Category ={DBDbound.6> } }

@inproceedings{Hill1987, Author ={Hill,T.R. and Srinivasan,A.},
Title ={A Regression Approach to Performance Analysis for the Differential File Architecture},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmethods>} }

@inproceedings{Hillebrand1991, Author ={Hillebrand,G.G., Kanellakis,P.C., Mairson,H.G., and Vardi,M.Y.},
Title ={Tools for Datalog Boundedness},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@book{Hillier1967, Author ={Hillier,F.S. and Lieberman,G.J.},
Title ={Introduction to Operations Research},
Publisher ={Holden Day, Inc. .},
Year =1967, Category ={DBFstorage-1>} }

@article{Hillman1969, Author ={Hillman, Donald J. and Kasarda, Andrew J.},
Title ={The LEADER Retrieval System},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1969, Pages ="447--455",
Volume ="34",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Hillyer1986, Author ={Hillyer,B.K., Schaw,D.E., and Nigam,A.},
Title ={NON-VON's Performance on Certain Database Benchmarks},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-12 .},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Hillyer1991, Author ={Hillyer,B. and Robinson,B.},
Title ={Aspects of the BBFS Broadband Filesystem},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Himmel1968, Author ={Himmel,Nilson S.},
Title ={Airline Data Systems Seen Cutting Costs},
Journal ={Aviation Week and Space Technology, 23.},
Year =1968, Month =Dec,
Pages ="70--74",
Annote ={ Airline reservation system implementation with reliability data. Category ={DBFintro.6> DBFrepresent-3.0, xB11> } }

@article{Hine1974, Author ={Hine,J.H. and Fitzwater,D.R.},
Title ={Modelling a Drum in Queuing Network},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H.},
Year =1974, Pages ="226--229",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin in Madison Category ={DBFtechn.3, x6.3> } }

@inproceedings{Hinke1988, Author ={Hinke,T., Garvey,C., Jensen,N., Wilson,J., and Wu,A.},
Title ={A1 Security DBMS Design},
Booktitle ={Nat. Comp. Security Conf., Baltimore, ?},
Year =1988, Annote ={at TRW, Redondo Beach Category ={DBDsec, DBfile Wu} }

@article{Hinrichs1985, Author ={Hinrichs, Klaus},
Title ={Implementation of the grid file: design concepts and experience},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark.},
Year =1985, Pages ="569--592",
Volume ="25",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.N. Carolina a 2-level grid file Algorithms for range queries and join queries are roughly sketched. Grid file suffers from two shortcomings: the retrieval performance suffers from a superlinearly growing directory, for nonuniform record distributions, performance is worse. --- Kriegel. Category ={DBFtree> } }

@techreport{Hinterberger1987, Author ={Hinterberger,Hans},
Title ={Data-Density: A powerful Abstraction to Manage and Analyze Multivariate Data},
Institution ={PhD Th., ETH Zurich,},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb, PhD shelf} }

@unpublished{Hinterberger1987:1, Author ={Hinterberger,Hans},
Title ={Issues for a Statistical and Scientific Data Management Group},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at ETH, Zurich Category ={DBDstat, passed to Bob Blum} }

@inproceedings{Hirano1991, Author ={Hirano,Y., Satoh,T., Inoue,U., and Teranaka,K.},
Title ={Load Balancing Algorithms for Parallel Database Processing on Shared Memory Multiprocessors},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Hirschberg1984, Author ={Hirschberg,Julia},
Title ={Anticipating False Implicatures: Cooperative Responses in Question-Answering Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Penn, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Hirst1984, Author ={Hirst, Graeme John},
Title ={Semantic Interpretation Against Ambiguity},
Institution ={PhD Th., Brown Un., NLM No.AAD84-22435, 331pp.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ semantic interpretation in natural language understanding. Frames or procedural semantics, and mechanisms for both lexical and structural disambiguation. Montague semantics suggest ways of putting semantic interpretation onto a cleaner and firmer foundation. ABSITY is a Montague-inspired semantic interpreter. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3, Sumex arch. NLM.1q84 } }

@inproceedings{Hisgen1990, Author ={Hisgen,A, et al.},
Title ={Granularity and Semantic Level of Replication in the Echo Distributed File System},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at DEC, Palo Alto distributed caching between clients and servers Category ={DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Hitchcock1974, Author ={Hitchcock,P.},
Title ={Fundamental Operations on Relations in a Relational Data Base},
Institution ={IBM, Scientific Ctr, Report UKSC0051.},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM, Scientific Ctr (Peterlee, UK) Category ={DBDops.3> DBDrel.3 < } } % ------ HM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@article{Ho1982, Author ={Ho,G.S. and Ramamoorthy,C.V.},
Title ={Protocols for Deadlock Detection in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="554--557",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Bell Labs, Naperville IL and UCB, Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2> } }

@unpublished{Ho1986, Author ={Ho,L-A., Nygard,K., and Shapiro,L.},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems as Solvers in Model Management Systems},
Note ={Work. Pap..},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at CS/Op.Res. Dep., North Dakota State Un. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@article{Ho1980, Author ={Ho,Y.C.. Servi,L. and Suri,R.},
Title ={A Class of Center-Free Resource Allocation Algorithms},
Journal ={Large Scale Systems.},
Year =1980, Pages ="51--62",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFsyseval.6>} }

@inproceedings{Hoagland1972, Author ={Hoagland,A.S.},
Title ={Mass Storage, Past, Present, and Future},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS , pp.9851.},
Year =1972, Volume ="41",
Category ={DBFhard.1>} }

@article{Hoagland1975, Author ={Hoagland,A.S. and Rice,R.(eds)},
Title ={Large Capacity Digital Storage Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Proceedings.},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1092--1240",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Annote ={Special issue devoted to storage hardware. Category ={DBFhard.1, xF2> %Hoagland75 } }

@article{Hoagland1979, Author ={Hoagland,A.S.},
Title ={Storage Technology: Capabilities and Limitations},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="12--18",
Volume ="12",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Category ={DBFhard.0>} }

@book{Hoagland1984, Author ={Hoagland,A.S.(ed)},
Title ={Mass Storage Systems},
Publisher ={IEEE Computer Society.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFhard.1, TK7895.M4I33} }

@article{Hoagland1985, Author ={Hoagland,Albert S.},
Title ={Information Storage Technology: A Look at the Future},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="60--67",
Volume ="18",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Santa Clara Category ={DBFhard.1.4>} }

@article{Hoare1974, Author ={Hoare,C.A.R.},
Title ={Monitors, An Operating System Structuring Concept},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Oct,
Pages ="549--557",
Volume ="17",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Queens Un. (Belfast) Discussion of monitors with examples. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@book{Hoare1972, Author ={Hoare,C.A.R. and Periott,R.N.},
Title ={Operating Systems Techniques},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), London.},
Year =1972, Annote ={ Contains a description of monitors, a data type used for resource allocation. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Hoare1990, Author ={Hoare,C.A.R.},
Title ={A Theory of Conjunction and Concurrency},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFconc>} }

@book{Hobbs1985, Author ={Hobbs,J. and Moore,R.(eds)},
Title ={Formal Theories Of The Commonsense World},
Publisher ={Ablex Series In Artificial Intelligence. .},
Year =1985, Annote ={at SRI Category ={DBDkb, Q360.F66} }

@book{Hobbs1963, Author ={Hobbs,L.C.},
Title ={Review and Survey of Mass Memories},
Publisher ={AFIPS Books.},
Year =1963, Category ={DBFhard.1>} }

@techreport{Hodes1970, Author ={Hodes,B.(ed)},
Title ={A Different Beat},
Institution ={Data Processor (IBM).},
Year =1970, Pages ="18--21",
Volume ="1",
Annote ={ Description of FASTER monitor for data entry and retrieval using IBM-ISAM. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@book{Hodges1983, Author ={Hodges,Andrew},
Title ={Alan Turing: the Enigma},
Publisher ={Simon and Schuster,},
Year =1983, Annote ={ Life and work, source of quotation on intelligent machines. quote from pp.360--361, 20 Nov 1946, in response to an inquiry from W.Ross Ashby on mechanical models of cerebral function: ... I would say that fair play must be given to the machine. Instead of it sometimes giving no answer we could arrange that it gives occasional wrong answers. But the human mathematician would likewise make blunders when trying out new techniques. It is easy for us to regard these blunders as not counting and give him another chance, but the machine would probably allowed no mercy. In other words then, if a machine is expected to be infallible, it cannot also be intelligent. There are several theorems which say almost exactly that. But these theorems say nothing about how much intelligence may be displayed if a machine makes no pretence at infalliblity. } }

@article{Hodges1975, Author ={Hodges,David A.},
Title ={A Review and Projection of Semiconductor Components for Digital Storage},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed),},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1136--1147",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at UCB with bibliography Category ={DBFhard.1.4>} }

@inproceedings{Hodges1971, Author ={Hodges,J.D.jr.},
Title ={Law Enforcement Communication and Inquiry Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1971, Pages ="281--293",
Volume ="39",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Hodil1986, Author ={Hodil,E.D., Butler,C.W., and Richardson,G.L.},
Title ={Knowledge-based systems in the commercial environment},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J..},
Year =1986, Volume ="25",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ the feasiblity of knowledge-based systems using traditional hardware and software. Also, an architecture shell system compatible with large commercial information systems organizations. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Hoel1992, Author ={Hoel,E. and Samet,H.},
Title ={A Qualitative Comparison Study of Data Structures for Large Line Segment Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={IMAGE> DBFindex>} }

@book{Hoel1954, Author ={Hoel,Paul G.},
Title ={Intorduction to Mathematical Statistics},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 2nd edition.},
Year =1954, Category ={DBFtechn.1>} }

@article{Hoernes1974, Author ={Hoernes,Gerhard E. and Foster,Garth H.},
Title ={Declarations and Addressing of Varying Density Arrays and Structures},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed)..},
Year =1974, Pages ="15--34",
Annote ={Access to variable count repeating groups. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@incollection{Hofer1970, Author ={Hofer,C.W.},
Title ={Emerging EDP Pattern},
Booktitle ={Harvard Business Review, -Apr..},
Year =1970, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Hoffer1975, Author ={Hoffer,J.A. and Severance,D.G.},
Title ={The Use of Cluster Analysis in Physical Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="69--86",
Annote ={at Case Western Reserve Un.; Un.Minnesota (MI) Category ={DBFhybrid.1.4> DBFmethods> } }

@techreport{Hoffer1975:1, Author ={Hoffer,J.A.},
Title ={A Clustering Approach to the Generation of Subfiles for the Design of a Computer Database},
Institution ={PhD Th., Cornell Un..},
Year =1975, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Cornell Un. (Ithaca NY) Category ={DBFtechn.1.4>} }

@techreport{Hoffer1977, Author ={Hoffer,J.A.},
Title ={Methods for Primary and Secondary Key Selection},
Institution ={ADL, The Data Base Monograph Series: 10 Reports, ?, 98pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ Outlines trade-offs to consider when selecting keys for indexing, reviews available capabilities, and reports on a survey of inverted file DBMS users. Category ={DBFindex.4> } }

@article{Hoffer1976, Author ={Hoffer,J.A.},
Title ={An Integer Programming Formulation of Computer Database Design Problems},
Journal ={Information Science.},
Year =1976, Month =Jul,
Pages ="29--48",
Volume ="11",
Category ={DBFtechn.4.5>} }

@article{Hoffman1969, Author ={Hoffman,Lance J.},
Title ={Computation and Privacy, A Survey},
Journal ={ACM Comp.Surveys.},
Year =1969, Month =Jun,
Pages ="83--103",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at SLAC, Stanford Un. Survey, discussion, and large Bibliography. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@article{Hoffman1970, Author ={Hoffman,L.J.},
Title ={The Formulary Model for Access Control},
Journal ={Stanford Linear Accelerator Ctr (SLAC) Report .},
Year =1970, Month =May,
Number ="117",
Category ={DBDprivacy.3>} }

@techreport{Hoffman1971, Author ={Hoffman,L.J.},
Title ={The Formulary Model for Flexible Privacy and Access Controls},
Institution ={UCB, Dep.EE and CS, Paper .},
Year =1971, Month =Oct,
Number ="059",
Annote ={at UCB, Category ={DBFuse-4.1, DBfile} }

@book{Hoffman1973, Author ={Hoffman,Lance J.(ed)},
Title ={Security and Privacy in Computer Systems},
Publisher ={Melville Publishing, LA,},
Year =1973, Annote ={at UCB Collection of Significant Articles including description of IBM's Resource Security System and the Report of the Nat. Academy of Sciences Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@book{Hoffman1977, Author ={Hoffman,L.J.},
Title ={Modern Methods for Computer Security and Privacy},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@techreport{Hofmeister1992, Author ={Hofmeister,C., Atlee,J. and Purtilo,J.},
Title ={Polylith User Manual},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, CSD Tech Report 2575.},
Year =1992, Annote ={MIF work. Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Hofmeister1992:1, Author ={Hofmeister,C., White,E., and Purtilo,J.},
Title ={Surgeon: a packager for dynamically reconfigurable distributed applications },
Booktitle ={IEEE Conference on Configurable Distributed Systems.},
Year =1992, Month Mar,
Annote ={MIF work. Category ={DEng>} }

@techreport{Hofri1978, Author ={Hofri,M and Jenny,C.J.},
Title ={On the Allocation of Processes in Distributed Computing Systems},
Institution ={Res. Report RZ905, IBM Res.Ctr, Yorktown Heights NY.},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Hogan1987, Author ={Hogan,P.D. and Kotlarek,T. L.},
Title ={Satellite Data Management for Effective Data Access},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBappl>} }

@book{Hogan1986, Author ={Hogan,Rex},
Title ={Diagnostic Techniques for IMS Data Bases},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences., 252pp.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDadmin> DBDbound>} }

@book{Hogan1990, Author ={Hogan,Rex},
Title ={A Practical Guide to Database Design},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 208pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ usage path analysis, IMS, relational database, a case study-the job shop Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Hohenstein1988, Author ={Hohenstein,J. and Gogolla,M.},
Title ={A Calculus for an Extended Entity-Relationship Model Incorporating Arbitrary Data Operations and Aggregate Functions},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Tec.U.Braunschweing Informatik, Germany Category ={DBDops> } }

@techreport{Hohenstein1991, Author ={Hohenstein,U. and Engels,G.},
Title ={SQL/EER - Syntax and Semantics of an Entity-Relationship-Based Query Language},
Institution ={Informatik-Berichte 91-02.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Tec.U.Braunschweing Informatik, Germany Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Holbrook1987, Author ={Holbrook,R.},
Title ={A Distributed SQL DBMS for On-Line Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Tandem Computers Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Hollaar1990, Author ={Hollaar,L.A.},
Title ={Special-Purpose Hardware for Text Searching: Past Experience, Future Potential},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Utah Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@article{Holland1985, Author ={Holland,L., Korn,G., Matson,J., and Wolfe,P.},
Title ={Engineering Support System Software},
Journal ={IEEE Micro.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="17--21",
Volume ="5",
Number ="5",
Annote ={No to UNIX, yes to databases. Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Holland1980, Author ={Holland,R.H.},
Title ={A Corporate Road Map for Systems Development in the 80's},
Journal ={Interface, Sum. , pp.70.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ The two major thrusts in Systems Development in the 1980's will be: 1) communications and networking, and 2) Database technology. Points out that the key to successfully bringing this technology 'on line' is to move from a reactionary maintenance function to one of integrated planning and control. --- Fountain Category ={DBDmodel, Student file (Fountain) } }

@article{Holland1970, Author ={Holland,S.A.},
Title ={The Remote Inquiry of Data Bases},
Journal ={Datamation, 15, pp.54.},
Year =1970, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Applied Information Development Inc. (Oak Brook IL) Design considerations Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Hollar1984, Author ={Hollar,L., Nelson,B., Carter,T., and Lorie,R.A.},
Title ={The Structure and Operation of a RDBS in a Cell-oriented Integrated Circuit Design System},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 21.},
Year =1984, Category ={EIS>} }

@book{Holsapple, Author ={Holsapple,Clyde W. and Whinston,Andrew B. (eds)},
Title ={Data Base Management: Theory and Applications},
Publisher ={Kluwer Academic Press (New York NY) Pubs, Hingham MA.},
Annote ={at Un.Illinois; Purdue Un. Proc.NATO Advanced Study Inst., Estoril, Portugal, Jun.1981. Contributions by Falkenberg,E., Olle,T.W., Bracchi,G.; Gray,J., Bever,M., Gaube,W., Lockemann,P.C., Mayr,H.C., Konsynski,B.R., Loomis,M.E.S., Holsapple,C.W., Whinston,A.B., Welke,R., Nunamaker,J.F., Konsynski,B.R., and Beim,J.C. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDstat> App.C.> } }

@article{Holsapple1982, Author ={Holsapple,C., Shen,S. and Whinston,A.},
Title ={A Consulting System for Database Design},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8408-0658.},
Year =1982, Pages ="281--296",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois automated design based on managerial reports. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@article{Holsapple1989, Author ={Holsapple,C.W. and Whinston,A.B.},
Title ={Knowledge Representation and Processing in Economics and Management},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management (Computer Science in Economics and Management 898).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ at Purdue Un., Krannert Grad. School of Management A special issue devoted to papers presented at the conference on ICC Institute, Austin TX. D.A. Kendrick, L.S. Lasdon, T.W. Ruefli and A.B. Whinston (eds.). Knowledge processing must be understood so that it can be taught. General overview, reference to authors' work. ---Gio. Category ={DBDappl> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Holt1968, Author ={Holt,A.W., et al},
Title ={Informations Systems Theory Project (final report )},
Institution ={Applied Data Research Inc., AD676972.},
Year =1968, Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Holt1975, Author ={Holt,G.A. and Stern,H.C.},
Title ={Cost-Benefit Evaluation of Interactive Transaction Processing Systems},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS.},
Year =1975, Pages ="687--694",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at Technology Management, Inc. Category ={DBFeval.1>} }

@techreport{Holt1971, Author ={Holt,R.C.},
Title ={On Deadlock in Computer Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Cornell Un., DCS.},
Year =1971, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Cornell Un. (Ithaca NY) An exhaustive review of the causes and the methods to prevent deadlock. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } }

@article{Holt1972, Author ={Holt,Richard C.},
Title ={Some Deadlock Properties of Computer Systems},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1972, Month =Sep,
Pages ="179--196",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Toronto, DCS Abstract of thesis, survey and solutions. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Holt1987, Author ={Holt,R.C.},
Title ={Data Descriptors: A Compile-time Model of Data and Addressing},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Pages ="367--389",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at CSRG, Un.Toronto Data descriptors represent software objects such as records in a high-level language Category ={DEng> } }

@incollection{Holtkamp1989, Author ={Holtkamp,B., Hsiao,D.K., and Lum,V.Y.},
Title ={Heterogeneous database systems: muse-levels of integrations},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at NPGS s-transactions on local databases are to serve integrated access. Linkage to SWIFT system. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Hon1980, Author ={Hon,Robert W. and Sequin,Carlo H.},
Title ={A Guide to LSI Implementation, second edition},
Institution ={XEROX, PARC, SSl-79-7.},
Year =1980, Month =Jan,
Annote ={chapter `A CIF Primer'. Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Honeyman1980, Author ={Honeyman,P., Ladner,R.E., and Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={Testing the Universal Instance Assumption},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf Letters.},
Year =1980, Month =Feb,
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Category ={Unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Honeyman1980:1, Author ={Honeyman,P.},
Title ={Extension Joins},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="239--244",
Annote ={at EE and CS, Princeton Univerity When given a set of relations to be joined, it is likely to be the case the join is lossless. If losslessness can be demonstrated without equating nondistinguished variables, then the existence of a polynomial time join algorithm is guaranteed. This type of join occurs in structural model reference connections. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@manual{Honeywell1967, Author ={Honeywell, Inf. Systems},
Title ={Integrated Data Store, Reference Manual},
Organization ={Honeywell, Phoenix AZ, Man.No.CPB-1565B.},
Year =1967, Annote ={ Description of the complex ring file organization system originally developed by GE. Category ={DBFhash.6> } }

@manual{Honeywell1969, Author ={Honeywell, Computer Control Division},
Title ={Reliability Manual},
Organization ={Honeywell, Doc.B-M1010,},
Year =1969, Month =Oct,
Number ="130071716",
Annote ={ Description of engineering techniques and measurements used with the DDP516 computer. Category ={DBFuse-4.1, x> } }

@inproceedings{Hong1993, Author ={Hong,D., Johnson,T., and Chakravarthy,S.},
Title ={Real-Time Transaction Scheduling: A Cost Conscious Approach},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Hong1993:1, Author ={Hong,Eui-Kyeong},
Title ={Performance of Catalog Management Schemes for Running Access Modules in a Locally Distributed Database System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Hong1990, Author ={Hong,S., and Maryanski,F.},
Title ={Using a Meta Model to Represent Object-Oriented Data Models},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Connecticut Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Hong1990:1, Author ={Hong,W. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Parallel Query Processing in Xpres},
Institution ={UCBERL M9047.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Category ={DBFmach, DBfile UCB box} }

@inproceedings{Hong1991, Author ={Hong,W. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Optimization of Parallel Query Execution Plans in XPRS},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Hong1992, Author ={Hong,Wei},
Title ={Exploiting Inter-Operation Parallelism in XPRS},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ shared memory system with diskarray for multiple POSTGRES execution Category ={DBDdist> DBFhard> } }

@article{Hong1981, Author ={Hong,Y-C. and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={Associative Hardware and Software Techniques for Integrity Control},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="416--440",
Volume ="6",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Florida Category ={DBFstorage-3.2> DBDintegrity.3> } }

@inproceedings{Hong1984, Author ={Hong,Y-C.},
Title ={A Pipelining and Parallel Architecture for Supporting Relational Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Calif-Riverside Category ={DBFstorage-3.2>} }

@article{Hong1982, Author ={Hong,Y-C. and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={A Mechanism for Database Protection in Cellular-Logic Devices},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="583--596",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ at National Taiwan Un., Taipei, Taiwan; Un.Florida Category ={DBFmach> DBDintegrity.1> } }

@article{Hong1985, Author ={Hong,Y-C.},
Title ={Efficient Computing of Relational Algebraic Primtives in a Database Machine Architecture},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-34 .},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="588--595",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBFmach> DBDperf> DBDrel, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Honkanen1984, Author ={Honkanen,Pentti A.},
Title ={Concurrency Control and Integrity Preservation in the `RIM' DBMS},
Booktitle ={ACM Database, SIGDB, vol.15 no.3, Spr..},
Year =1984, Pages ="34--39",
Annote ={at Georgia State Category ={DBDconc>} }

@article{Hoos1971, Author ={Hoos,Ida R.},
Title ={Information Systems and Public Planning},
Journal ={Management Science.},
Year =1971, Month =Jun,
Pages ="658--671",
Volume ="17",
Annote ={ Critical review, questions economies and benefits, centralization of control. Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@article{Hopcroft1973, Author ={Hopcroft,J.E., and Karp,R.M.},
Title ={An $n\sp5/2$ algorithm for maximum matchings in bipartite graphs},
Journal ={SIAM Journal on Computing.},
Year =1973, Pages ="225--331",
Volume ="2",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@article{Hopgood1968, Author ={Hopgood,F.R.A.},
Title ={A Solution for the Table Overflow Problem for Hash Tables},
Journal ={The Computer Bulletin.},
Year =1968, Month Mar,
Pages ="297--300",
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@article{Hopgood1972, Author ={Hopgood,F.R.A. and Davenport,J.},
Title ={The Quadratic Hash Method When the Table Size is a Power of 2},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Pages ="314--315",
Volume ="15",
Annote ={Criteria for rehashing to a larger space. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, x3.5> } }

@inproceedings{Hoppe1990, Author ={Hoppe,H.U. et al.},
Title ={EXPRESS: an experimental interface for factual information retrieval},
Booktitle ={GMD rep.465.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDquery, GMDbox} }

@techreport{Hoppenstand1988, Author ={Hoppenstand,G.S. and Hsiao,D.K.},
Title ={A Technique to Improve the Precision of Full-Text Database Search},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-NPS52-88-029.},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at NPGS pile files Category ={DBDbiblio, DBfile} }

@techreport{Horak1988, Author ={Horak,W., Neuhold,E., and Stary,C.},
Title ={Implementing a Medical Knowledge Base : A Feasibility Study},
Institution ={IBM, Vienna Austria, TR-25-148.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDkb> MIS, DBfile} }

@article{Horn1970, Author ={Horn,Alfred},
Title ={On Sentences which are True of Direct Unions of Algebras},
Journal ={J.of Symbolic Logic, vol.16, ?.},
Year =1970, Annote ={Horn clauses. Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb>} }

@article{Hornick1990, Author ={Hornick,M.F. and Zdonik,S.B.},
Title ={A Shared, Segmented Memory System for an Object-Oriented Database},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Brown Un. Architecture for an object-oriented database. Clustering that poses virtually no restrictions on the overall data configuration. ---G.Gottlob. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Hornick1990:1, Author ={Hornick,S,W., et al.},
Title ={Searching on a tape},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Volume ="39",
Number ="10",
Annote ={ assumption is that key compare time is additional to tape reading time i.e. no buffering); then variants of Tibouacci search ir optimal Category ={DBDseq> } }

@techreport{Hornick1991, Author ={Hornick,M.F., Morrison,J.D., and Nayeri,F.},
Title ={Integrating Heterogeneous, Autonomous, Distributed Applications Using the DOM Prototype},
Institution ={TR-0174-12-91-165. GTE Laboratories Incorporated.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Horning1983, Author ={Horning,R.R. and Goode,W.E.},
Title ={Processing Time Using EASYTRIEVE-11, Clunks, and FORTRAN},
Booktitle ={Proc.DECUS, Las Vegas NE.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="95--98",
Annote ={at Los Alamos Nat.Lab.; DEC, Los Alamos NM Clunks are an 8-byte representation for date,time to 100ns. from Nov.17,1858. Category ={DBDschema.1.3, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Horowitz1992, Author ={Horowitz,B.},
Title ={A Run-Time Execution Model for Referential Integrity Maintenance},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Bell Comm. Research Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@book{Horowitz1976, Author ={Horowitz,E. and Sahni,S.},
Title ={Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms},
Publisher ={CRC, 1978.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBFtechn> DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Horowitz1985, Author ={Horowitz,E. and Kemper,A.},
Title ={High Level Input-Output Facilitoes in Database Programming Language},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 18, Honolulu .},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Pages ="68-81",
Annote ={report generator primitives. Category ={DBDlang>} }

@inproceedings{Horvitz1986, Author ={Horvitz,E.J., Heckerman,D.E., and Langlotz,C.},
Title ={A Framework for Comparing Alternate Formalisms for Plausible Reasoning},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int-86.},
Year =1986, Pages ="210--214",
Annote ={the paper has some confusing statements. I3 Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Horvitz, Author ={Horvitz,E.J. and Heckerman,D.E.},
Title ={Modular belief updates and the inconsistent use of measure of certainty in Artificial Intelligence Research},
Booktitle ={Stanford Un., Memo KSL-85-57.},
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Horvitz1987, Author ={Horvitz,Eric J.},
Title ={Reasoning About Beliefs and Actions Under Computational Resource Constraints},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int 3 on Uncertainty in AI, Seattle.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., MIS Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Hosking1993, Author ={Hosking,A., Brown,E., and Moss,E.},
Title ={Update Logging for Persistent Programming Languages: A Comparative Performance Evaluation},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDlang} }

@inproceedings{Hotoka1982, Author ={Hotoka,R.},
Title ={The Design of an Integrated Data Dictionary Directory System},
Booktitle ={Data Base Design Techniques, Yao et al(eds), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) .},
Year =1982, Pages ="56--71",
Annote ={at Un.Tsukuba, Ibaraki Japan. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Hou1993, Author ={Hou,R. and Patt,Y.},
Title ={Comparing Rebuild Algorithms for Mirrored and RAID5 Disk Arrays},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Hou1988, Author ={Hou,W-C., Ozsoyoglu,G., and Taneja,B.K.},
Title ={Statistical Estimators for Relational Algebra Expressions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Hou1989, Author ={Hou,W-C., Ozsoyoglu,G., and Taneja,B.K.},
Title ={Processing Aggregate Relational Queries with Hard Time Constraints},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={ at Case Western Reserve Un., Dep. Comp.Eng. and Science Estimates force stopping iteration. Category ={DBFrealtime> } }

@inproceedings{Hou1991, Author ={Hou,W-C., Ozsoyogly,G., and Dogdu,E.},
Title ={Error-Constrained COUNT Query Evaluation in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDperf>} }

@article{Hou1991:1, Author ={Hou,W-C. and Ozsoyoglu,G.},
Title ={Statistical Estimators for Aggregate Relational Algebra Queries},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Hou1993:1, Author ={Hou,W-C. and Ozsoyoglu,G.},
Title ={Processing Time-Constrained Aggregate Queries in CASE-DB},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1993, Month =Jun,
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Hou1993:2, Author ={Hou,W. and Kindred,J.},
Title ={Implementation and Evaluation of Relational Algebra Operations on the Connection Machine (Synopsis)},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Southern Illinois Un. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Houben1987, Author ={Houben,G-J., Paredaens,J., and Tahon,D.},
Title ={The Nested Relational Algebra: A Tool to Handle Structured Information},
Institution ={Un.Technology at Eindhoven, TR-CSN-88-04.},
Year =1987, Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@techreport{Houben1988, Author ={Houben,G.J. and Paredaens,J.},
Title ={The RR-Algebra: An Extension of an Algebra for Nested Relations},
Institution ={Un.Technology, Eindhoven, TR-87-20.},
Year =1988, Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Houben1988:1, Author ={Houben,G-J., Paredaens,J., and Tahon,D.},
Title ={Expressing Structured Information using the Nested Relational Algebra: An Overview},
Booktitle ={Proc.8th SCCC Intern.Conf. on CS, Santiago.},
Year =1988, Pages ="291--303",
Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@incollection{Houben1989, Author ={Houben,G-J. and Paredaens,J.},
Title ={A Graphical Interface Formalism: Specifying Nested Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC-2.6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="257--276",
Annote ={at Eindhoven Un.of Technology, The Netherlands Screen-oriented specification. Algebraic language on nested relation schemas. Can be composed into program sequences, supports recursion. Aggregation is generalized to refer to user function. Category ={DBDimage> DBDquery> } }

@book{Houghton1969, Author ={Houghton,Bernard(ed)},
Title ={Computer-Based Retrieval Systems},
Publisher ={Archon, Hamden CT.},
Year =1969, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{House1974, Author ={House,William C.(ed)},
Title ={Data Base Management},
Publisher ={Petrocelli Books},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Un.Arkansas A collection of 35 introductory articles from business management oriented literature, covering a broad range of subjects. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@inproceedings{Housel1975, Author ={Housel,B.C., Smith,D.P., Shu,N.C., and Lum,V.Y.},
Title ={DEFINE: A Non-Procedural Data Description Language for Defining Information Easily},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., SF .},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="62--70",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Housel1979, Author ={Housel,B., Waddle,V., and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Functional Dependency Model for Logical Data Base Design},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Furtado and Morgan(eds).},
Year =1979, Pages ="194--208",
Category ={DBDtheory> DBDschema> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Housel1974, Author ={Housel,B.C., Lum,V.Y., and Shu,N.},
Title ={Architecture to An Interactive Migration System (AIMS)},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed)..},
Year =1974, Pages ="157--170",
Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@article{Houstis1990, Author ={Houstis,Catherine},
Title ={Module Allocation of Real-Time Applications to Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Volume ="16",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Crete Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Houston1973, Author ={Houston,George B.},
Title ={Trillion Bit Memories},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Pages ="52--58",
Annote ={at Boeing, Computing Services (Seattle) Review of current large memories, with comparative graphs. Category ={DBFhard.1> } }

@inproceedings{Houtsma1987, Author ={Houtsma,M.A.W. and Apers,P.M.G.},
Title ={Data and Knowledge Model: A Proposal},
Booktitle ={Proc. of Roscoff Workshop on Database Programming Lang., France, , Bancilhon and Buneman(eds).},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Twente, The Netherlands Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Houtsma1988, Author ={Houtsma,M.A.W. and Apers,P.},
Title ={Processing regular recursive queries},
Booktitle ={Proc. Computing Science in the Netherlands.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="495--519",
Category ={DBDops> DBDquery, DBfile} }

@techreport{Houtsma1988:1, Author ={Houtsma,M.A.W., vanKuijk,H.J.A., Flokstra,J., Apers,P.M.G., and Kersten,M.L.},
Title ={A Logic Query Language and its Algebraic Optimization for a Multiprocessor Database Machine},
Institution ={Un.Twente, Memo INF-88-52.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={Includes computation. No schema. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Houtsma1988:2, Author ={Houtsma,M.A.W., Apers,P.M.G., and Ceri,S.},
Title ={Parallel Computation of Transitive Closure Queries on Fragmented Databases},
Institution ={Un.Twente, Memo INF-88-56.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Houtsma1990, Author ={Houtsma,M., Apers,P., and Ceri,S.},
Title ={Distributed Transitive Closure Computations: The Disconnection Set Approach},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Houtsma1991, Author ={Houtsma,M., Cacace,F., and Ceri,S.},
Title ={Parallel Hierarchical Evaluation of Transitive Closure Queries },
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Houtsma1993, Author ={Houtsma,M., Apers.P., and Schipper,G.},
Title ={Data Fragmentation for Parallel Transitive Closure Strategies},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Twente Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Houtsma1993:1, Author ={Houtsma,M., Wilschut,A., and Flokstra,J,},
Title ={Implementation and Performance Evaluation of a Parallel Transitive Closure Algorithm on PRISMA/DB},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Howard1976, Author ={Howard,J.E.},
Title ={An Implmentation of a CODASYL Based Data Base Management System under the UNIX Operating System},
Institution ={U.S. Dep.Commerce, National Technical Inf. Service AD-A028.},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at NPGS (Monterey CA) Category ={DBDbound.5, DBfile} }

@article{Howard1973, Author ={Howard,J.H.},
Title ={Mixed Solutions for the Deadlock Problem},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month =Jul,
Pages ="427--430",
Volume ="16",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@article{Howard1988, Author ={Howard,J.H., Kazar,M.L., Menees,S.G., Nichols,D.A., Satyanarayanan,M., Sidebotham,R.N., and West,M.J.},
Title ={Scale and Performance in a Distributed File System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ; ACM CR 8807-0520.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Pages ="51--81",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at CMU Andrew file system is location-transparent, implemented in BSD UNIX 4.2. The concept is to move entire files to a local cache as needed. ---C.Bash. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Howard1987, Author ={Howard,H.C. and Rehak,D.R.},
Title ={KADBASE -- A Prototype Expert System-Database Interface for Integrated CAE Environments},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ at Stanford Un., CE Dep.; Expert Technologies Inc. Expert systems incorporated into distributed engineering environment. Multiple expert systems and multiple database systems communicate as independent, self-contained modules. The interface (syntactic and semantic) between the modules must be a formidable task. It is roughly sketched, anyway. Implementation is going on.--- BSLee. Category ={unknown> } }

@article{Howard1989, Author ={Howard,H.C. and Rehak,D.R.},
Title ={KADBASE -- Interfacing Expert Systems with Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, Fal..},
Year =1989, Pages ="65--76",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDkb> EIS>} }

@article{Howard, Author ={Howard,Ron},
Title ={On Fates Comparable to Death},
Journal ={The Principles and Practice of Decision Analysis, Howard and Matheson (eds)},
Annote ={ includes risks of varying qualities of life (disabilities). A Normative Basis for Decision-making Regarding Hazards to Life and Limb Category ={DBFsyseval> } }

@article{Howe1985, Author ={Howe,C.L.},
Title ={Optical Storage Arrives},
Journal ={Datamation, 1.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="38-44",
Volume ="31",
Number ="17",
Category ={DBFhard.1.3>} }

@book{Howe1983, Author ={Howe,D.R.},
Title ={Data Analysis for Data Base Design},
Publisher ={Edward Arnold, London, second edition, 1989.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ Use of ER model and dependencies to create CODASYL (Unisys DMS II) schemas. Superficial SQL chapter. Category ={DBDbound> DBDintro> DBDschema.1, x } }

@inproceedings{Howells1987, Author ={Howells,D., Fiddian,N., and Gray,W.},
Title ={Source-to-Source Meta-Translation System for Relational Query Languages},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Hsiao1968, Author ={Hsiao,David K.},
Title ={A File System for a Problem Solving Facility},
Institution ={PhD Th., U.Penn.},
Year =1968, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Penn, Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Hsiao1968:1, Author ={Hsiao,D.K.},
Title ={Access Control in an On-Line File System},
Booktitle ={Proc. File 68 International Seminar on File Organization.},
Year =1968, Pages ="767--784",
Category ={DBDprivacy.3>} }

@article{Hsiao1971, Author ={Hsiao,David K.},
Title ={A Generalized Record Organization},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.on Computers.},
Year =1971, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1490--1495",
Annote ={at Moore School, Un.Penn, Description of hierarchical files Category ={DBDschema> DBDrel.3 <%Hsiao71 } }

@article{Hsiao1970, Author ={Hsiao,D.K. and Harary,F.D.},
Title ={A Formal System for Information Retrieval from Files},
Journal ={Corrigenda, Communications of the ACM , pp.266.},
Year =1970, Month Mar,
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFhybrid> DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Hsiao1971:1, Author ={Hsiao,D.K.},
Title ={A Generalized Record Organization},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1971, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1490--1495",
Annote ={at Moore School, Un.Penn, Description of hierarchical files Category ={DBDschema> DBDrel.3 < %Hsiao71 } }

@book{Hsiao1975, Author ={Hsiao,D.K.},
Title ={Concepts of Operating and Data Base Systems},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 328pp.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFintro> %entered, not referenced} }

@article{Hsiao1977, Author ={Hsiao,D.K., Kannan,K., and Kerr,D.},
Title ={Structure Memory Designs for a Database Computer},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1977, Pages ="343--350",
Category ={DBFmach> DBDrel.3>} }

@inproceedings{Hsiao1977:1, Author ={Hsiao,David and Madnick,Stuart E.},
Title ={Database Architecture in the Context of Information Technology Evolution},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3.},
Year =1977, Pages ="63--84",
Annote ={ General background paper on the needs of Database Machine in present-day society. Good abstract on the development of memory technologies at that time. Hsiao's categorization of Database Machine is similar to Lowenthal's, who in turn based his on Rosenthal's. Hsiao's three categories are: firmware enhancement, intelligent controllers (Rosenthal's smart peripherals with special-purpose hardware), and mini-computer backend processors (Rosenthal's host-DBP master-slave configuration. At the end this gives detailed description of DBC (Database Computer, his own architecture), and INFOPLEX (Madnick's) which exists only on paper and is far too complex to be implemented. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@book{Hsiao1979, Author ={Hsiao,D.K.(ed)},
Title ={Special Issue on Database Machines},
Publisher ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Annote ={see Langdon Category ={DBDdist> DBFmach>} }

@incollection{Hsiao1980, Author ={Hsiao, David K.},
Title ={Data Base Computers},
Booktitle ={`Advances in Computers', M.C.Yovits (ed).},
Year =1980, Volume ="19",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@unpublished{Hsiao1981, Author ={Hsiao,David K.},
Title ={On Database Machines},
Note ={Rcvd. .},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFmach, DBfile} }

@book{Hsiao1983, Author ={Hsiao,D.K.(ed)},
Title ={Advanced Database Machine Architecture},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 394pp.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ based on IWDM 1 in Florence, Italy, Sep.1981 and IWDM 2 San Diego, Sep.1982. describes VERSO(INRIA)[Bancilhon et al], SABRE(INRIA)[Gardarin et al], RDBM(Braunschweig, FRG) [Schweppe,H. et al], ACM CR 8405-0386; DBMAC(Rome) [Missikoff,M. and Teranova,M.], ACM CR 8405-0385; IQC(NEC) [Sekino,A. et al]; Data-stream DBM(Hokkaido) [Tanaka,Y.], ACM CR 8405-0384. Var.length records; DBC analysis(Ohio) [Menon,M.J.(IBM SJ) and Hsiao,D.K.(NPG)]; Text Information System(U.Utah) [Hollaar,L.A., Emrath,P.A., Haskin,R.L. et al], ACM CR 8405-0389; MDBS(Ohio) [Hsiao,D.K. et al] [He,X-G. et al]. Category ={DBDdist> DBFmach> } }

@techreport{Hsiao1986, Author ={Hsiao,David K.},
Title ={Super Database Computers: Hardware and Software Solutions for Efficient Processing of Very Large Databases},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-52-86-001.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBFmach, NPGS box} }

@techreport{Hsiao1987, Author ={Hsiao,D.K., Demurjian,S.A., Fenton,G.P., and Vincent,J.R.},
Title ={A Computer-Aided Benchmarking System for Parallel and Expendable Database Computers},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-52-87-016.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBFdist, DBfile} }

@techreport{Hsiao1987:1, Author ={Hsiao,D.K. and Demurjian,S.A.},
Title ={Towards a Better Understanding of Data Models Through the Multi-Lingual Database System},
Institution ={NPGS, TR.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBFmodel, DBfile} }

@techreport{Hsiao1987:2, Author ={Hsiao,David K.},
Title ={The Impact of the Interconnecting Network on Parallel Database Computers},
Institution ={NPGS, TR.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile} }

@techreport{Hsiao1987:3, Author ={Hsiao,D.K. and McGhee,R.B.},
Title ={Database Computers as Inference Engines},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-52-87-046.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBDkb> DBFmach, DBfile} }

@techreport{Hsiao1987:4, Author ={Hsiao,David K.},
Title ={Database Security},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-52-87-048.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at NPGS Intro. class notes, 24pp. Category ={DBFprotect, DBfile } }

@article{Hsiao1989, Author ={Hsiao,D.K. and Kamel,M.N.},
Title ={Heterogeneous Databases: Proliferations, Issues, and Solutions},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Hsiao1991, Author ={Hsiao,D. and Kamel,M.},
Title ={The Multimodel Multilingual Approach to Interoperability of Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Hsiao1992, Author ={Hsiao,D.},
Title ={Tutorial on Federated Databases and Systems (Part I)},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) J.},
Year =1992, Month =Jul,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={contrast and compare various approaches Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Hsiao1990, Author ={Hsiao,H-I. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Chained Declustering: A New Availability Strategy for Multiprocessor Database Machines,},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un. Wisconsin Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Hsiao1990:1, Author ={Hsiao,H-I. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Replicated Data Management in the Gamma Database Machine},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Hsiao1991:1, Author ={Hsiao,H. and DeWitt,D.},
Title ={A Performance Study of Three High Availability Data Replication Strategies},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Hsu1989, Author ={Hsu,A. and Imielinski,T.},
Title ={View Maintenance for Multiple Updates},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="233--239",
Annote ={at Siemens Corporate Res.Inc., (Princeton NJ) Not presented. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Hsu1974, Author ={Hsu,Chang},
Title ={Capabilities of the Bubble Technology},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1974, Pages ="847--855",
Volume ="43",
Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown Heights Review and forecast of bubble memories with comparisons. Category ={DBFhard.1> } }

@inproceedings{Hsu1992, Author ={Hsu,I-M., Singhal,M., and Liu,M.},
Title ={Distributed Rule Processing in Active Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at The Ohio State Un. Category ={DBDactive>} }

@inproceedings{Hsu1983, Author ={Hsu,M-C. and Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={Hierarchical Database Decomposition --- A Technique for Database Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="182--191",
Annote ={at MIT A timestamp ordering protocol within an update transaction's own root segment, but read accesses to other data segments proceed without having to wait or to leave any trace of these accesses. Category ={DBDintegrity.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Hsu1986, Author ={Hsu,M-C. and Yang,M-P.},
Title ={Concurrent Operations in Extendible Hashing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Harvard Un. Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Hsu1986:1, Author ={Hsu,M-C. and Chan,A.},
Title ={Partitioned Two-Phase Locking},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="431-446",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Harvard Un. revisions also for update Category ={DBDtrans> DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Hsu1988, Author ={Hsu,M-C. and Madnick,S.},
Title ={Shifting Timestamps for Concurrency Control in an Information Hierarchy},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Volume ="27",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ with multi-version databases, and hierarchies of derived data reduced interference is possible through transaction analysis of timestamps. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Hsu1988:1, Author ={Hsu,M-C., Ladin,R., and McCarthy,D.},
Title ={An Execution Model for Active DB Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at CCA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Hsu1989:1, Author ={Hsu,M-C. and Madnick,S.},
Title ={Shifting Timestamps for Concurrency Control in an Information Hierarchy},
Journal ={Information Systems.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ algorithm for reduced interference in multi-version databases with hierarchies of derived data. FAUVE. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@unpublished{Hsu1990, Author ={Hsu,M-C. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Persistent Transmission and Unilateral Commit},
Note ={COSI Workshop, Tulsa.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ persistent pipes are used to transmit orders to perform subtransaction; the invoking transaction can commit without waiting for confirmation; no time limits are given Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Hsu1991, Author ={Hsu,Meichun },
Title ={Unilateral Commit: A New Paradigm for Reliable Distributed Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Hsu1992:1, Author ={Hsu,M-C. and Zhang,B.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Cautious Waiting},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Sep,
Volume ="17",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Hu1971, Author ={Hu,T.C. and Tucker,A.C.},
Title ={Optimal Computer Search Trees and Variable-Length Alphabetic Codes},
Journal ={SIAM Jour. Appl. Math..},
Year =1971, Month =Dec,
Pages ="514--532",
Volume ="21",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@techreport{Hua1981, Author ={Hua,C. and Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Classes of Serializable Histories and Synchronization Algorithms in Distributed Database Systems},
Institution ={Un.Pittsburgh, TR..},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.1, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Hua1990, Author ={Hua,K. and Lee,C.},
Title ={An Adaptive Data Placement Scheme for Database Computer System Distributed Database Computer System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Hua1991, Author ={Hua,K., and Lee,C.},
Title ={Handling Data Skew in Multicomputer Database Systems Using Partition Tuning},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDops> DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Hua1991:1, Author ={Hua,K. and Hannenhalli,S.},
Title ={Parallel Transitive Closure Computations Using Topological Sort},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Hua1991:2, Author ={Hua,K., Lee,C., and Peir,J.},
Title ={A High Performance Hybrid Architecture for Concurrent Query Execution},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Hua1993, Author ={Hua,K., Lo,Y., and Young,H.},
Title ={Including the Load Balancing Issue in the Optimization of Multi-way Join Queries for Shared-Nothing Database Computers},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ at Un.Central Florida); IBM Almaden Research Ctr. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Hua1993:1, Author ={Hua,K. and Su,J.},
Title ={Efficient Evaluation of Traversal Recursive Queries Using Connectivity Index },
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Central Florida Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Huang1988, Author ={Huang,B-C. and Langston,M.A.},
Title ={Stable Set and Multiset Operations in Optimal Time and Space},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Huang1987, Author ={Huang,C-L. and Li,V.O.K.},
Title ={A Termination Protocol for Simple Network Partitioning in Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDreliab> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Huang1988:1, Author ={Huang,C-L. and Li,V.O.K.},
Title ={A Quorum-Based Termination Protocol For Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Huang1989, Author ={Huang,D., Harn,L., and Laih,C-S.},
Title ={Password Authentication Based on Public-Key Distribution Cryptosystem},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFsecurity>} }

@inproceedings{Huang1991, Author ={Huang,J., Stankovic,J.A., Ramamritham,K., and Towsley,D.},
Title ={Experimental Evaluation of Real-Time Optimistic Concurrency Control Schemes},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Huang1993, Author ={Huang,J.},
Title ={Extending Interoperability Into the Realtime Domain},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Honeywell Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Huang1974, Author ={Huang,S-C. and Goel,A.L.},
Title ={An Analytical Model for Information Processing Systems},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1974, Pages ="41--44",
Volume ="43",
Annote ={ at Sperry Gyroscope, Great Neck NY and Syracuse Un. (Syracuse NY) Analysis of system performance from parameters describing a data base. Category ={DBFeval.4> } }

@article{Huang1985, Author ={Huang,S-H.S.},
Title ={Height-Balanced Trees of Order (\beta, \gamma, \delta)},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="261--284",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFimpl.3>} }

@article{Huang1990, Author ={Huang,Y-F. and Chin,Y-H.},
Title ={A New Methodology to Evaluate Locking Protocols},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Huang1993:1, Author ={Huang,Y. and Wolfson,O.},
Title ={A Competitive Dynamic Data Replication Algorithm},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Hubbard1975, Author ={Hubbard,G. and Raver,N.},
Title ={Automating Logical File Design},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed), ACM.},
Year =1975, Pages ="227--253",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Hubbard1981, Author ={Hubbard,G.U.},
Title ={Computer Assisted Data Base Design},
Publisher ={Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY), DP series, 248pp.},
Year =1981, Annote ={ Notwithstanding its title, no automation is specified but attention is given to physical design including some load mapping to a model. Its quite IMS-oriented (an IBM author) although CODASYL is mentioned. Some comments in Chap. 8 show much experience. Yet another formula for estimating block accesses appears on page 175. He uses the technique of gathering data from views and integrating to find a database model. Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDdesign.7> DBFsyseval> DBFimpl.2.4> } }

@book{Hubbard1986, Author ={Hubbard,George U.},
Title ={IMS (Dl/1) Data Base Organization and Performance},
Publisher ={Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY), 198pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Texas Women's Un. (Denton) Performance guidelines, rules of thumb, and tools. Intro to the DL/1 data description or manipulation languages. Category ={DBDbound> } }

@article{Hubbard1989, Author ={Hubbard,W. and Santek,D.},
Title ={Visualizing large data sets in the earth sciences},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9102-0990.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Volume ="22",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison McIDAS supports typical data structures and transformation of one data structure to another Category ={DBDimage> } }

@article{Huber1982, Author ={Huber,G.},
Title ={Organizational Information Systems: Determinants of Their Performance and Behavior},
Journal ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS.},
Year =1982, Month =Feb,
Pages ="138--155",
Volume ="28",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison The paper draws on three different literatures: the psychological literature dealing with perception and cognition, the social- psychological literature dealing with the role of motivation in communications, and the organizational literature dealing with behavior information systems. Determinants of the performance and behavior are message routing, message summarizing, message delay, and message modification. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Huber1987, Author ={Huber,V.},
Title ={PACE: Application Generation through Database Definitions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Wang Labs. Category ={DBappl>} }

@inproceedings{Hudson1990, Author ={Hudson,S. and King,R.},
Title ={CACTIS: A Database System for Specifying Functionally Derived Data},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Hudson1987, Author ={Hudson,S.E. and King,R.},
Title ={Object Oriented Database Support for Software Environments},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Arizona, Tuscon, DCS Category ={DBDobject> DBappl> } }

@article{Hudson1988, Author ={Hudson,S.E. and King,R.},
Title ={The Cactis Project: Database Support for Software Environments},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="709--719",
Volume ="14",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ support data management needs of software environments, including program compilations, software configurations, load modules, project schedules, software versions, nested and long transactions, and program transformations. manage derived information. Automatic decisions re materialization and replication. Category ={EIS> DEng> DBDmodel> } }

@article{Hudson1989, Author ={Hudson,S.E. and King,R.},
Title ={Cactis: A Self-Adaptive, Concurrent Implementation of an Object-Oriented Database Management System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 9003-0241.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="291--321",
Volume ="14",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ An object can have both attributes and integrity constraints that are functionally defined. attributes of objects can be derived; dynamic definition of a scheme, depending on the user's requirements functionally defined data, intelligent update algorithms ---Kaujalgi. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@book{Huff1954, Author ={Huff,Darrel},
Title ={How to Lie with Statistics},
Publisher ={Norton.},
Year =1954, Category ={DBFtechn.1> %Huff54} }

@inproceedings{Huffman1993, Author ={Huffman,A.},
Title ={Transaction Processing with TUXEDO},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Unix Systems Labs Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Huffman1952, Author ={Huffman,D.A.},
Title ={A Method for the Construction of Minimim Redundancy Codes},
Journal ={Proc.of the IRE.},
Year =1952, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1098--1101",
Volume ="40",
Annote ={ A basic algorithm for variable length, minimum space encoding. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Huggins1970, Author ={Huggins,Phyllis},
Title ={Universities Failing to Provide Adequate Background for D.P.},
Journal ={Computerworld, 25, Report on ACM SIGCSE, FJCC 1970.},
Year =1970, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Computerworld, West Coast Lack of data base education Category ={DBDintro.0> } }

@article{Hughes1987, Author ={Hughes,J.G. and Connolly,M.},
Title ={A Portable Implementation of a Modular Multiprocessing Database Programming Language},
Journal ={Soft. Pract. Exper., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8811-0876.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Pages ="533--546",
Volume ="17",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Queen's Un.of Belfast, (Belfast UK) Pascal with data type relation. Selection, projection, natural join, Cartesian product, union and intersection and difference. ---Gheorghe. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@book{Hughes1988, Author ={Hughes,J.},
Title ={Database technology: a software engineering approach},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1988, Category ={DEng>} }

@article{Hughes1975, Author ={Hughes,William C., et al},
Title ={A Semiconductor Nonvolatile Electron Beam Accessed Mass Memory},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1230--1244",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at G.E. Corporate Research Ctr Category ={DBDprivacy.1.4> } }

@article{Huhn1974, Author ={Huhn,G.E.},
Title ={The Data Base in a Critical On-Line Business Environment},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1974, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at B.F. Goodrich Use of IDMS. Category ={DBDbound.5> } }

@article{Huhn1974:1, Author ={Huhn,Gerald E.},
Title ={Example of a Large, Operational Network Database},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1974, Month =Sep,
Pages ="52--56",
Annote ={at B.F. Goodrich Chemical Co., Cleveland Applications and operations of a DBTG system (IDMS) Category ={DBDbound> } }

@inproceedings{Hulin1989, Author ={Hulin,Guy},
Title ={Parallel Processing of Recursive Queries in Distributed Architectures},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Philips, Brussels Recursive rule processing and data retrieval are merged in a top-down computation; fine-grained parallelism. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Hull1982, Author ={Hull,R. and Yap,C.K.},
Title ={The Format Model: A Theory of Database Organization},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Pages ="205--211",
Annote ={ objects as formats, in recursive hierarchies. No tranforms or constants. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDobject> } }

@article{Hull1984, Author ={Hull,Richard},
Title ={Finitely Specifiable Implicational Dependency Families},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8501-0130.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="210--226",
Volume ="31",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ database approach, derivation of dependencies in views. Category ={DBDmodel.1> } }

@article{Hull1986, Author ={Hull,R. and King,R.},
Title ={Semantic Database Modeling: Survey, Applications, And Research Issues},
Journal ={USC, TR-CRI 86-21.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at USC, Los Angeles Hierarchic, network and relational. Semantic data models. IFO model. Paper difficult to read. The original developers' presenations are the basis of discussion. ---Modell. Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile King } }

@inproceedings{Hull1988, Author ={Hull,R. and Su,J.},
Title ={On the Expressive Power of Database Queries with Intermediate Types},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Hull1989, Author ={Hull,R. and Su,J.},
Title ={On Accessing Object-Oriented Databases: Expressive Power, Complexity and Restrictions},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at USC, Los Angeles, CSD Discusses the execution complexity for side-effect free (value based) access languages Object-Oriented databases. Compares with relational algebra. ---T.Risch. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@book{Hull1989:1, Author ={Hull,R., Stemple,D., and Morrison,R.(eds)},
Title ={Proceedings of the Second International Workshop on Database Programming Languages},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufmann, 500pp.},
Year =1989, Annote ={Collected papers from the 1989 workshop. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Hull1989:2, Author ={Hull,R. Su,J.},
Title ={Untyped Sets, Invention, and Computable Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Hull1989:3, Author ={Hull,R., Tanaka,K., and Yoshikawa,M.},
Title ={Behavior Analysis of Object-Oriented Databases: Method Structure, Execution Trees and Reachability (Extended Abstract)},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="372--388",
Number ="367",
Annote ={at USC, Los Angeles, CSD Includes a method execution tree. Methods are bound late. Update is undecidable. ---Gio. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Hull1990, Author ={Hull,R. and Yoshikawa,M.},
Title ={ILOG: Declarative Creation and Manipulation of Object-Identifiers},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Hull1991, Author ={Hull,R. and Yoshikawa,M.},
Title ={On the Equivalence of Database Restructurings Involving Object Identifiers},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Hull1991:1, Author ={Hull,R., Widjojo,S., Wile,D., and Yoshikawa,M.},
Title ={On Data Restructuring and Merging with Object Identity},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Hull1991:2, Author ={Hull,R. and Jacobs,D.},
Title ={Language Constructs for Programming Active Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDactive>} }

@manual{Human1958, Author ={Human Factors Society},
Title ={Human Factors},
Organization ={Human Factors Society, Inc., Santa Monica CA, since .},
Year =1958, Annote ={ Aug.1981, Vol.23 No.4, issue is on CRT Viewing (VDT). Category ={DBFsyseval.1> } }

@book{Hume1975, Author ={Hume,J.N.P. and Holt,R.C.},
Title ={Structured Programming Using PL/1 and SP/K},
Publisher ={Reston Publishing, 340pp.},
Year =1975, Annote ={Careful introduction to PL/1. Category ={DBFintro> DBDlang, x book> %Hume75 } }

@techreport{Humphrey1987, Author ={Humphrey,S.M., Kapoor,A., Mendez,D., and Dorsey,M.},
Title ={The Indexing Aid Project: Knowledge-based indexing of the medical Literature},
Institution ={NLM, LHNCBC 87-1, Nat.Technical Information Service, US Dep.Commerce (Springfield VA) No.PB87-175790AS.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={ The development of interactive knowledge-based systems for indexing of the periodical medical literature. The principal areas are knowledge representation and indexing for document retrieval. The prototype Indexing Aid System uses an experimental frame-based knowledge representation language, FrameKit, and is designed to interact with trained MEDLINE indexers who will be prompted to enter subject terms as slot values in filling in document-specific frame data structures that are derived from the knowledge base frames. In addition, the automatic application of rules associated with the knowledge base frames produces a set of MeSH keyword indices to the document. Procedural attachments are made available by inheritance hierarchies; and slot values made available by retrieval from other slots. I3 Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Humphrey1987:1, Author ={Humphrey,S.M. and Miller,N.E.},
Title ={Knowledge-based Indexing of the Medical Literature: The Indexing Aid Project},
Journal ={JASIS, May.},
Year =1987, Pages ="184--196",
Volume ="38",
Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@article{Humphrey1989, Author ={Humphrey,Susanne M.},
Title ={A Knowledge-Based Expert System for Computer-Assisted Indexing},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, Fal..},
Year =1989, Pages ="25--38",
Annote ={at National Library of Medicine Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@unpublished{Hung1986, Author ={Hung,D.V. and Knuthb,E.},
Title ={Concurrent Behaviours of Transaction Systems},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={ at Hungarian Academy of Sciences., Comp. and Automation Inst. Category ={DBDtrans , DBfile } }

@article{Hunt1971, Author ={Hunt,E. and Kiddal,G.},
Title ={A Heathkit Method for Building Data Management Programs},
Journal ={ACM SIGIR .},
Year =1971, Pages ="117--132",
Annote ={at NPGS APL based retrieval system. Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@techreport{Hunter1986, Author ={Hunter,D.A. and VonSaintAnge,U.},
Title ={Making a Database System Independent of a Database Management System},
Institution ={CSIR-TSEA-8617, 48pp.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ at Nat. Res. Inst. for Oceanology, Stellenbosch, South Africa DMS170 DBMS of Control Data. A procedure to allow future load programs to be written in standard COBOL. Category ={DBDbound> } }

@inproceedings{Hunter1990, Author ={Hunter,Lawrence},
Title ={Knowledge Acquisition Planning for Inference from Large Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 23.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at NLM without learning, correct diagnoses for lung tissue pathology 80 - 84 %; INVESTIGATOR plan to identify proteins involved in the divergence of eucaryotes from procaryotes; the code is intended to be used again in pursuit of other goals such as the advent of mammals. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Hurlbut1983, Author ={Hurlbut,M.R. and DeJean,J.D.},
Title ={Integrated Computer-Aided Manufacturing (ICAM); Integrated center (ICENT); Manufacturing Control-Materials Management (MCMM) System (Test Bed)},
Institution ={Air Force, Wright Aeron.Lab., Materials Lab, System Req.Doc.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Annote ={at General Electric (Schenectady NY) Category ={EIS> MAT, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Hurley1992, Author ={Hurley,W. David},
Title ={Managing Information and Knowledge in Interactive Systems Design},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Hursch1988, Author ={Hursch,C.J. and Hursch,J.L.},
Title ={SQL: The Structured Query Language},
Publisher ={Tab Books, 184pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8812-0907.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ History: table expressions, predicates, data definition, manipulation, control, connectives and aggregates, joins and views. Relational algebra and first-order logic. Embedded SQL. Practical, more a users' manual. ---Hofkin. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Hursch1987, Author ={Hursch,J.L. and Hursch,C.J.},
Title ={Working With ORACLE},
Publisher ={Tab Books, (Blue Ridge Summit PA), 228pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8810-0753.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Nearly all the statements are illustrated by examples. Includes report writer: SQL*FORMS. ---Voldman, USSR. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Hurson1989, Author ={Hurson,A.R., Miller,L.L., and Pakzad,S.H.},
Title ={Parallel Architectures for Database Systems},
Publisher ={CS Press Tutorial, 482pp.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Hutchison1978, Author ={Hutchison,J.S. and Roman,W.G.},
Title ={MADMAN Machine},
Booktitle ={ACM CA-NNP 1.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="85--90",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFhard.6>} }

@inproceedings{Hutflesz1988, Author ={Hutflesz,A., Six,H-W., and Widmayer,P.},
Title ={Globally Order Preserving Multidimensional Linear Hashing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Hutflesz1990, Author ={Hutflesz,A., Six,H-W., and Widmayer,P.},
Title ={The R-File: An Efficient Access Structure for Proximity Queries},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Freiburg, Category ={DBFindex>} }

@book{Hutt1979, Author ={Hutt,Andrew T.F.},
Title ={A Relational Data Base Management System},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1979, Annote ={at ICL (Southampton UK) describes product developed for the ICL 1900 and 2900 for use by the BBC. They use CSL, a calculus, but all relations are sequences with currency. Category ={DBDimpl> } }

@article{Hutton1968, Author ={Hutton,Fred C.},
Title ={PEEKABIT, Computer Offspring of Punched Card PEEKABOO for Natural Language Searching},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1968, Month =Sep,
Pages ="595--598",
Volume ="11",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBFhybrid.6> DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Hwang1987, Author ={Hwang,H-Y. and Yu,Y-T.},
Title ={An Analytical Method for Estimating and Interpreting Query Time},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDperf> DBDquery> DBFhybrid>} } % ------ I ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@book{IAG1969, Author ={IAG, IFIP Administrative Data Processing Group},
Title ={File Organization: Selected Papers},
Publisher ={Swets and Zeitlinger (Amsterdam),},
Year =1969, Annote ={ Proc.of IAG Conf. 'File 68' Helsingor, 1968, publ. No.3; File design methods. Category ={DBFhybrid, Z699 F5 1968> } }

@manual{IAG1971, Author ={IAG},
Title ={Management Datamatics},
Organization ={IFIP Administrative Data Processing Group, Noordhoff, Leyden.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBDschema>%IAG71} }

@article{Ibaraki1984, Author ={Ibaraki,T. and Kameda,T.},
Title ={On the Optimal Nesting Order for Computing N-Relational Joins},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8506 0535.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="483--502",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDrel.3.3>} }

@article{Ibaraki1987, Author ={Ibaraki,T., Kameda,T., and Minoura,T.},
Title ={Serializability With Constraints},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="429--452",
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ classification and properties of conflict graphs, with and without versions. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Ibaraki1988, Author ={Ibaraki,T., Kameda,T., and Katoh,N.},
Title ={Cautious Transaction Schedulers for Database Concurrency Control},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Pages ="997--1009",
Volume ="14",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ at Kyoto U., Dep.of Applied Math and Physics, (Kyoto 606, Japan) Never resort to rollbacks (?). Transactions predeclare their read and write sets. Category ={DBFtrans> DBDconc> } }

@article{Ibaraki1990, Author ={Ibaraki,T., Kameda,T., and Katoh,N.},
Title ={Multiversion cautious schedulers for database concurrency control},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 9012-0981.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@manual{IBM1965, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={A General Approach to Automatic Program Address Conversion},
Organization ={IBM, J20-0235, ?},
Year =1965, Annote ={Direct access, digit selection Category ={DBFhash.5>} }

@manual{IBM1971, Author ={IBM F20-7},
Title ={Analysis of Some Queuing Models in Real Time Systems},
Organization ={IBM, F20-0007, 2nd ed..},
Year =1971, Annote ={ at IBM, Data Processing Division, White (Plains NY) Category ={DBFtechn.4> %IBM F20-7 @manual{IBM1969, Author ={IBM GC20-1649},
Title ={Student Text: Introduction to IBM-360, Direct Access Storage Devices and Organization Methods},
Organization ={IBM, DPD White Plains, C20-1649-8.},
Year =1969, Annote ={ Basic Review of hardware and OS file support methods. Category ={DBFhard> DBFseq> DBFintro-3> } }

@manual{IBM1961, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={Index Organization for Information Retrieval},
Organization ={IBM, C20-8062.},
Year =1961, Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDquery, x14>} }

@manual{IBM1970, Author ={IBM},
Title ={Generalized Information system GIS/360: Application Description Manual},
Organization ={Form GH20-0892-0, IBM, Data Processing Division, White Plains NY,},
Year =1970, Category ={DBDintro>} }

@manual{IBM1973, Author ={IBM},
Title ={Dbprototype, General Information Manual},
Organization ={IBM, Mechanicsburg, GH20-1272-0.},
Year =1973, Category ={DBDbound.6> DBDadmin.1> DBDdesign>} }

@manual{IBM1974, Author ={IBM},
Title ={Data Security and Data Processing},
Organization ={IBM, Data Processing Division, 6 Vols., G320-1370 to 1376.},
Year =1974, Category ={DBFuse-4> DBDprivacy>} }

@manual{IBM1975, Author ={IBM},
Title ={IBM Data Base Design Aid --- A Designer's Guide},
Organization ={Program -XX4, GH20-1627-0, ?.},
Year =1975, Number ="5748",
Category ={DBDbound.6>} }

@manual{IBM1975:1, Author ={IBM},
Title ={OS/VS Data Management Services Guide},
Organization ={Order No.GC26-3783, IBM Armonk NY, ?},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFimpl.3>} }

@manual{IBM1975:2, Author ={IBM},
Title ={VSAM: Introduction to the Virtual Storage Access Method},
Organization ={C26-3799 , ?.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Description of an Indexed sequential file organization. Category ={DBFimpl.3> } }

@manual{IBM1975:3, Author ={IBM},
Title ={OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Planning Guide},
Organization ={Order No.GC26-3799, Armonk NY, ?},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDintegrity> DBFimpl.3>} }

@manual{IBM1978, Author ={IBM (Forum)},
Title ={On Virtual Machine Integrity},
Organization ={IBM, G321-5037, ?},
Year =1978, Category ={DBFsyseval.5> DBDintegrity>} }

@manual{IBM1978:1, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={Query-By-Example: Program Description/Operations Manual},
Organization ={Form No.SH20-2077-0, IBM Res., Yorktown Heights NY.},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDquery.2.1>} }

@manual{IBM1978:2, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={Query-By-Example Terminal User's Guide},
Organization ={Form No.SH20-2078-0, IBM Yorktown Heights NY.},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDquery.2.1>} }

@manual{IBM1971:1, Author ={IBM (Forum)},
Title ={On Virtual Machine Integrity},
Organization ={IBM, G321-5037.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBFuse-3> DBDintegrity>} }

@manual{IBM1971:2, Author ={IBM},
Title ={Database Systems},
Organization ={IBM, G321-5036, ?.},
Year =1971, Annote ={readings Category ={DBDbound>} }

@manual{IBM1975:4, Author ={IBM},
Title ={OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Planning Guide},
Organization ={Order No.GC26-3799, IBM Corp., ?.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFimpl.3, 13} }

@manual{IBM1975:5, Author ={IBM},
Title ={OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM) Logic},
Organization ={Order No.SY26-3841, IBM Corp, ?.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFimpl.3, 13>} }

@manual{IBM1968, Author ={IBM},
Title ={OS-ISAM Logic},
Organization ={IBM, Corp, Order No.GY28--6618, ?.},
Year =1968, Category ={DBFimpl.3, 13} }

@manual{IBM1968:1, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={Coding Methods},
Organization ={IBM, F20-8093, ?.},
Year =1968, Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@manual{IBM1974:1, Author ={IBM},
Title ={Data Security and Data Processing, Vol.1--6},
Organization ={IBM, DPD , G320-1370--1376.},
Year =1974, Annote ={ Results of study funded by IBM in Illinois, MIT, TRW and itself on secure systems. Privacy is also considered. Vol.4 has an annotated and indexed bibliography. Category ={DBFuse-4> DBDprivacy> } }

@manual{IBM1971:3, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={Information Management System/360},
Organization ={Application Description Manual (Vers.2) GH20-0765-1.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBDschema.5> DBDbound>} }

@manual{IBM1970:1, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={Generalized Information System GIS/360},
Organization ={Application Description Manual (Vers.2) GH20-0892-0.},
Year =1970, Category ={DBDschema.5>} }

@manual{IBM1968:2, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={Information Management System/360},
Organization ={Application Description Manual, IBM Corp H20-0524.},
Year =1968, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDschema.5>} }

@manual{IBM1968:3, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={A General Approach to Automatic Program Address Conversion},
Organization ={IBM, J20-0235, ?.},
Year =1968, Annote ={Direct access, digit selection Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@manual{IBM1971:4, Author ={IBM Corp, Data Processing Div. White (Plains NY)},
Title ={The Considerations of Data Security in a Computer Environment},
Organization ={IBM, S20-2169-0.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@manual{IBM1968:4, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={IMS II, System and Application Design Guide},
Organization ={IBM, DPD, SH20-0910, ?.},
Year =1968, Annote ={System Documentation Category ={DBDschema>} }

@manual{IBM1968:5, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={Introduction to Data Management},
Organization ={IBM, SC20-8096, ?.},
Year =1968, Annote ={ A well written student text of some 50 pages, explaining logical and physical data structures, data organization, data management systems, and data independence. The best single reference to overall technical concepts. Category ={DBFseq> } }

@manual{IBM1966, Author ={IBM},
Title ={The Weighted Record Analysis Program User's Guide},
Organization ={IBM, Communications Industry Marketing White Plains.},
Year =1966, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Method to design direct access layout for fast search. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@inproceedings{IBM1968:6, Author ={IBM},
Title ={Overview of IMS-360},
Booktitle ={Proc.of SHARE XXXII, part 2, page 763, ?.},
Year =1968, Annote ={System Description Category ={DBDschema>} }

@manual{IBM1980, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={STAIRS/VS General Information Manual},
Organization ={GH 12-5114.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDquery.1>} }

@manual{IBM1980:1, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={IMS II, System and Application Design Guide},
Organization ={IBM, DPD, SH20-0910, ?.},
Year =1980, Annote ={System Documentation Category ={DBDschema>} }

@manual{IBM1980:2, Author ={IBM Corp},
Title ={Introduction to Data Management},
Organization ={IBM, SC20-8096, ?.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ A well written student text of some 50 pages, explaining logical and physical data structures, data organization, data management systems, and data independence. The best single reference to overall technical concepts. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@manual<{IBM1980:3, Author ={IBM},
Title ={IBM System/38 Introduction},
Organization ={IBM, publications, Rochester MN.},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDquery.1, x} }

@manual{IBM1981, Author ={IBM DPD},
Title ={SQL/Data System Concepts and Facilities},
Organization ={IBM, GH24-5013-0, File No.S370-50, 1st edition.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@manual{IBM1981:1, Author ={IBM DPD},
Title ={SQL/Data System General Information},
Organization ={IBM, GH24-5012-0.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@manual{IBM1984, Author ={IBM},
Title ={The Query Management Facility},
Organization ={IBM Sys.J.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="126--150",
Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ It has classification of QBE and SQL query types, and one-to-one illustration of using QBE and SQL in IBM DB2. Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDrel.2> } }

@techreport{Ichikawa1983, Author ={Ichikawa,T. and Hirakawa,M.},
Title ={ARES: a Relational Database, Responsible for Data Semantics},
Institution ={Hiroshima Un., Fac.of Eng., CS group, TR.CSG 83-12.},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Hiroshima Un., Japan An algorithm and architecture which gives n times speedup, excluding O(N) communication cost. (N is the max relation size, n is the number of slave processors) There are two types of relations in the relational database system ARES, namely, conventional and semantic relations. The semantic relation is attached to a conventional relation in terms of a join operation every time a flexible interpretation of queries is required. The slave processors are configured in a ring and communication among neighbor processors is unidirectional. Communication between master processor and a number of slave processors is via a star-shaped network. The join algorithm uses hashing to segment relation into N buckets and each bucket is assigned to a slave processor. The segmented source relation is first transmitted to the slave processors. Then the segmented target relation is transmitted one tuple at a time. All N slave processors execute the equi-join operation in parallel upon receiving the target tuple till all tuple of the target relation are transmitted. The result relation is transmitted back to the master processor. For general join the target relation buckets are passed to the next neighbor in the ring. The assignment of buckets to the slave processors ensures the ordering based on the join. ---full review of this and related reports with Ichkawa in student file: Mien Shih Category ={DBFmach, DBfile } }

@article{Ichikawa1986, Author ={Ichikawa,T. and Hirakawa,M.},
Title ={ARES: A Relational Database with the Capability of Performing Flexible Interpretation of Queries},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE12 , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8610-0931.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Pages ="624--634",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Hiroshima Un. (Japan) Category ={DBDkb> DBDrel>} }

@manual{ICL1977, Author ={ICL},
Title ={Data Dictionary System, Technical Overview},
Organization ={International Computers Limited, London UK.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBDschema.1>} }

@manual{ICOT1983, Author ={ICOT},
Title ={Research Report on Fifth Generation Computer Systems Project},
Organization ={Inst. for New Generation Computer Technology, Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersTI, Japan, MITI, Japan.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Annote ={ Includes sketches of proposed relational algebra support including hierarchical memory, TID management Category ={DBDrel.3> DBFstorage-3.2, DBfile } }

@article{Ide1969, Author ={Ide,E. and Salton,G.},
Title ={User-Controlled File Organization and Search Strategies},
Journal ={ASIS .},
Year =1969, Pages ="183--191",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@manual{IEEE1988, Author ={IEEE},
Title ={IEEE Standard VHDL Language Reference Manual},
Organization ={rcvd..},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Category ={EIS, home file} }

@manual{IEEE1985, Author ={IEEE},
Title ={The Engineering Of Knowledge-Based Systems},
Organization ={IEEE Computer Society.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ The Second Conference On Artificial Intelligence Applications. Category ={DBDkb, Q334.C65 1985. } }

@manual{IEEE1986, Author ={IEEE},
Title ={IEEE Trial-Use Standard Portable Operating System for Computer Environments},
Organization ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), IEEE CS, 210pp.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={ Draft American National Standard. Specifications for UNIX OS: POSIX. Category ={DBFtrans, x } }

@manual{IFIP1975, Author ={IFIP TC-2 Commitee},
Title ={Proc.of Working Conf.s},
Organization ={N-H,1975,1976,1977,1979.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Cargese, Corsica, 1974, Klimbie74 and Koffeman (eds) Wepion, Belgium, 1975, Douque75 and Nijssen (eds) Freudenstadt, Jan.1976, Neuhold (ed) Nice, 1977 Venice, 1979, Bracchi (ed) Category ={DBFintro> } }

@manual{IFIP1983, Author ={IFIP},
Title ={Regional Computer Cooperation In Developing Countries},
Organization ={.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ proceedings of IFIP International Workshop on Reg.Comp.Coop.DCs. Category ={DBappl, QA75.5.I365 } }

@article{Iizuka1975, Author ={Iizuka,S. and Chiba,Y.},
Title ={GERM--General Error Recovery Model of a Shared Database},
Journal ={Soken Kiyo, Nippon Univac, Tokyo.},
Year =1975, Pages ="211--225",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFuse-4.5>} }

@inproceedings{Ijbema1986, Author ={Ijbema,A. and Blanken,H.},
Title ={Estimating Bucket Accesses: A Practical Approach},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Pages ="30--37",
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@incollection{Illarramendi1989, Author ={Illarramendi, A., Demolombe,R., and Blanco,J.},
Title ={Integration of artificial intelligence techniques into existing database management systems},
Booktitle ={In 'Perspectives in AI techniques into existing database management systems', Campbell and Cuena, Eds, Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Un.Donostai, Spain very general Category ={DBDkb> } } % ------ IM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@inproceedings{Imielinski1981, Author ={Imielinski,T. and Lipski,W.,jr.},
Title ={On Representing Incomplete Information in a Relational Database},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="388--397",
Annote ={ at Inst.CS, Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw Poland A semantically meaningful extension of the projection, selection, union and join, on relations, null values. Three systems are studied. Category ={DBDops.4> } }

@article{Imielinski1981:1, Author ={Imielinski,T. and Lipski,W.Jr.},
Title ={The Relational Model of Data and Cylindrical Algebras},
Journal ={Intern. Conf. on Supercomputing PAS Rep. 446.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDops.4, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Imielinski1982, Author ={Imielinski,T. and Lipski,W.Jr.},
Title ={A Systematic Approach to Relational Database Theory},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="8--14",
Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDtheory>} }

@article{Imielinski1983, Author ={Imielinski,T. and Lipski,W.Jr.},
Title ={Incomplete Information and Dependencies in Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data, San Jose.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="178--184",
Annote ={at McGill Un.; Polish Academy of Science nulls. Category ={DBDschema.2> DBDlogic> } }

@article{Imielinski1984, Author ={Imielinski,T. and Lipski,W.Jr.},
Title ={Incomplete Information in Relational Databases},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="761--791",
Volume ="31",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDschema.2> DBDmodel.3>} }

@techreport{Imielinski1986, Author ={Imielinski,T.},
Title ={Transforming Logical Rules by Relational Algebra},
Institution ={Rutgers Un., TR.DCS-TR-180.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={ Query processing that allows both atomic facts and general rules to appear in the answers to queries. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Imielinski1986:1, Author ={Imielinski,Tomasz},
Title ={Query Processing in Deductive Databases with Incomplete Information},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Category ={DBDschema.2> DBDlogic>} }

@article{Imielinski1986:2, Author ={Imielinski,Tomasz},
Title ={Intelligent Query Answering in Rule Based Systems},
Journal ={Rutgers.U., TR.DCS-TR-200.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ The rules are logic rules. Query transformations. Ideas include presenting abstracts in query. This paper attempts to formalize the AI-er's intuition that one ought to be able to answer queries in generalities, e.g., Gio Wiederhold's favorite example: `What ships are over 800 feet long?' Ans: The supertankers. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Imielinski1987, Author ={Imielinski,T.},
Title ={Relative Knowledge in a Distributed Database},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Imielinski1988, Author ={Imielinski,T. and Naqvi,S.},
Title ={Explicit Control of Logic Programs Through Rule Algebra},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 7},
Year =1988, [CPages = "103--116",
Category ={DBDlogic>, preprint was titled Translating specifications into stratified programs} }

@inproceedings{Imielinski1989, Author ={Imielinski,T. and Vadaparty,K.},
Title ={Complexity of Query Processing in Databases with OR-Objects},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Imielinski1991, Author ={Imielinski,T., Naqvi,S., and Vadaparty,K.},
Title ={Incomplete Objects -- A Data Model for Design and Planning Applications},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder CO},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Imielinski1992, Author =[A{Imielinski,T. and Badrinath,B.R.},
Title ={Querying in Highly Mobile Distributed Environments},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ deal with high user loads by recognizing mobility patterns by partitions; decide on broadcast vs tracking pointer Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Immerman1986, Author ={Immerman,N.},
Title ={Relational Queries Computable in Polynomial Time},
Journal ={Information and Control,},
Year =1986, Pages ="86--104",
Volume ="68",
Annote ={Fix point over databases with total ordering. Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Immerman1991, Author ={Immerman,N., Patnaik,S. and Stemple,D.},
Title ={The Expressiveness of a Family of Finite Set Languages},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@manual{Imperial, Author ={Imperial Software Technology Ltd and all},
Title ={Requirements for Software Engineering Databases},
Organization ={IST 83, Final Report, 83.},
Month =Jun,
Category ={EIS>} }

@manual{Information1975, Author ={Information Systems},
Title ={Information Systems},
Organization ={Pergamon Press, UK, since .},
Year =1975, Annote ={Journal with many database articles Category ={DBDschema> } }

@manual{Information1986, Author ={Information Technology Service},
Title ={Understanding and Selecting Data Base Software},
Organization ={AConference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDPIRIS,},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBFintro>} }

@techreport{INFOTECH1978, Author ={INFOTECH},
Title ={Database Technology},
Institution ={INFOTECH State of the Art Rep. (Maidenhead UK) .},
Year =1978, Category ={DBFintro>} }

@inproceedings{Ingalis1978, Author ={Ingalis,Daniel H.H.},
Title ={The Smalltalk-76 Programming System Design and Implementation},
Booktitle ={Conf.Record Annual ACM Symp. Principles of Programming Languages 5,},
Year =1978, Annote ={at Xerox Palo Alto Res. Ctr. Category ={DBDlang, DBfile } }

@article{Inglis1973, Author ={Inglis,J. and Dee,E.G.},
Title ={Flexibility of Block-length for Magnetic Files},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1973, Month =Nov,
Pages ="303--307",
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Reading of records smaller than block size to optimize buffer usage. Category ={DBFhard.2> %Inglis73 } }

@article{Inglis1974, Author ={Inglis,J.},
Title ={Inverted Indexes in Multi-list Structures},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1974, Month =Feb,
Pages ="54--63",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.London, Birkbeck Coll. (UK) Simplification of multi-list proposed by Vose and Richardson, example. Category ={DBFeval.0> } }

@techreport{Inmon1979, Author ={Inmon,W.H.},
Title ={On-Line Data Base Design: Standard Work Unit Concept},
Institution ={Amdahl, Systems Consulting, Pub. No.T1009.0, Sunnyvale CA.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBFeval>} }

@book{Inmon1980, Author ={Inmon,W.H.},
Title ={Effective Data Base Design},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 228pp.},
Year =1980, Annote ={IMS oriented Category ={DBDintro> DBDbound, DB bookshelf } }

@book{Inmon1982, Author ={Inmon,W.H. and Friedman,L.J.},
Title ={Design Review Methodology for a Data Base Environment},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 284pp.},
Year =1982, Annote ={ Questions to be asked in reviewing a design, with comments and explanations. IMS oriented, includes notes on how to apply DRM to other database systems. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Inmon1986, Author ={Inmon,William H.},
Title ={Stalking the Elusive Maximum Transaction Rate},
Journal ={Data Management,},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Annote ={includes data on various TPS. Category ={DBFtrans-3, DBfile } }

@book{Inmon1986:1, Author ={Inmon,W.H. and Bird,T.J.jr.},
Title ={The Dynamics of Data Base},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 394pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8712-0973.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Specific DBMSs: IMS, Model 204, SQL FOCUS, CICS/ISC, R*, and dBaseII. Superficial and incoherent but nuggets of sound practical advice. --- Chokani Operational and Decision Support Environment, Operations, Structuring, Program excecution, DB design (as earlier Inmon books), Database Machines, Distributed Databases. Much practical, operational DBMS information. Category ={DBDintro> DBDappendix, x } }

@book{Inmon1986:2, Author ={Inmon,W.H.},
Title ={Information systems architecture: a system developer's primer},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers. 235pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8605--??},
Year =1986, Annote ={ too many new terms and acronyms, material seems skimpy. ---Studebaker. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@book{Inmon1988, Author ={Inmon,William H.},
Title ={Optimizing Performance in DB2 Software},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 187pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8904--0192.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at American Management Systems Transaction, tuning, batch, arrays, stacks, and recursive structures, referential integrity, denormalization, bill of materials, availability, archival processing. Written more for the application designer. ---Artz. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Inmon1989, Author ={Inmon,W.H.},
Title ={DB2: maximizing performance of online production systems},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, Wellesley, MA, 369pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9003-0185.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ performance of online transactions; minimization of the number of I/O requests and denormalization ---Unger. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Inmon1989:1, Author ={Inmon,W.H.},
Title ={ORACLE: building high performance online systems},
Publisher ={QED, 253pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9008-0647.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ an elementary book to assist in the development applications using ORACLE Category ={DBDrel> } }

@inproceedings{Innes1985, Author ={Innes,F.T.Jr., Goldfarb,N.I., and Balaban,D.J.},
Title ={Development of a Family Medicine Clinical Encounter Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="123--129",
Annote ={ at Thomas Jefferson Un., Dep.Family Med., Div. of Res. Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Inoue1989, Author ={Inoue,U., Hayami,H., Fukuoka,H., and Suzuki,K.},
Title ={RINDA -- A Relational Database Processor for Non-Indexed Queries},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="382--386",
Annote ={ at NTT, Communications and Information Processing Labs (Kanagawa, Japan) RINDA includes CSPs (2 now) ROPs (1). The CSPs perform multi-track transfers, operations as LIKE, NOT, MIN, MAX, COUNT. ROP processors perform SORT, JOIN, GROUP BY, and return result to user processor. Optimization determines if RINDA or indexes should be used. Option for dirty (free-)read. --- Gio Category ={DBFmach> DBDconcurrency> DBFindex> } }

@manual{Intermetrics1985, Author ={Intermetrics},
Title ={VHDL Language reference Manual, version 7.0},
Organization ={Intermetrics, for USAF, Aeron.Sys.Div., Wright-Patterson AFB, OH.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ Proc. 1st International Symposium. INTAP, May 1987. Category ={DBDdist> at (Bethesda MD) ADA based design language for CAD. Category ={EIS, VLSIbox } }

@manual{INTREX1966, Author ={INTREX Staff},
Title ={INTREX Semiannual Activity Reports PR-1 to PR-10},
Organization ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, Project INTREX, TRs No.PR-1...PR-10...Sep.1970},
Year =1966, Month Mar,
Annote ={at MIT (Cambridge MA) Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Ioannidis, Author ={Ioannidis,Y.E. and Wong,E.},
Title ={An Algebraic Approach to Recursive Inference},
Booktitle ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.M85-93.},
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDtheory, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Ioannidis1986, Author ={Ioannidis,Yannis E.},
Title ={On the Computation of the Transitive Closure of Relational Operators},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ Seems to use the method of repeated squaring to compute TC (Ullman) Category ={DBDlogic> DBDtheory, Ullman } }

@techreport{Ioannidis1986:1, Author ={Ioannidis,Yannis E.},
Title ={Processing Recursion in Database Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, M86-69.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Ioannidis1987, Author ={Ioannidis,Y.E., Chen,J., Friedman,M.A., and Tsangaris,M.M.},
Title ={BERMUDA -- An Architectural Perspective on Interfacing Prolog to a Database Machine},
Booktitle ={Un.Wisconsin, TR-723.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison, CSD I3 Category ={DBFmach> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ioannidis1988, Author ={Ioannidis,Y.E. and Ramakrishnan,R.},
Title ={Efficient Transitive Closure Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="382--394",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin accepted at SIGMOD or VLDB 1987. The idea is to start with some large expression (e.g., SIGMA i=1 to k A^i) to represent a transitive closure that can be computed by taking a large, but finite number of powers of some relation A. Then apply transformations believed to reduce the cost of this expression to a local minimum. If you believe the `simulated annealing' business, you do this in a funny way where the cost is sometimes allowed to go up. I happen to believe that for most problems that is not the best way to search for local minima, but whether or not I am right, the idea of using SOME technique to search for local minima is interesting. ---jeff. Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery > at Un.Wisconsin, CSD, (Madison WI) Category ={DBDops> } }

@article{Ioannidis1989, Author ={Ioannidis,Y.E. and Sellis,T.K.},
Title ={Conflict Resolution of Rules Assigning Values to Virtual Attributes},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={ Modeling conflict resolution for inconsistent virtual attribute rules. A general framework captures all previously suggested solutions as well as some new ones. Solutions, such as hard-wired priorities, are not always useful, and often user-defined schemes must be specified for successful conflict resolution. Also rule indexing to speed up processing and resolution. On our framework, one could possibly define conflicting integrity constraints, allowing only one of them to be enforced. Discusses conflict resolution for inherited attribute values. Points out limitations with priorities and other existing strategies. Proposes more customized conflict resolution rules. ---Risch. Category ={DBDschema> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Ioannidis1989:1, Author ={Ioannidis,Yannis},
Title ={Commutativity and Its Role In the Processing of Linear Recursion},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at CSD, Un.Wisconsin (Madison WI) recursive query optimization Category ={DBDobject> DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Ioannidis1990, Author ={Ioannidis,Y.E. and Kang,Y.},
Title ={Randomized Algorithms for Optimizing Large Join Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={ metalanguage to describe heterogeneity in federated data from disntinct sources Category ={DBDdist> at Un.Wisconsin Example of simulated approach for join optimization under certain conditions Category ={DBDperf> } }

@article{Ioannidis1991, Author ={Ioannidis,Y. and Wong,E.},
Title ={Toward an Algebraic Theory of Recursion},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Volume ="38",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ for immediate linear recursion, a Horn clause is represented by a relational algebra operator; the set of all such operators forms a closed semiring; query answering corresponds to solving a linear equation; mutual linear recursion can also be studied within a closed semiring; regarding nonlinear recursion Horn clauses always can be reduced to bilinear recursion; shown to form a nonassociative closed semiring Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Ioannidis1991:1, Author ={Ioannidis,Y. and Christodoulakis,S.},
Title ={On the Propagation of Errors in the Size of Join Results},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Ioannidis1991:2, Author ={Ioannidis,Y.E. and Kang,Y.C.},
Title ={Left-Deep vs. Bushy Trees: An Analysis of Strategy Spaces and its Implications for Query Optimization},
Booktitle ={ACM-SIGMOD 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDindex>} }

@inproceedings{Ioannidis1991:3, Author ={Ioannidis,Y. and Kang,Y.},
Title ={Optimizing Linear Trees vs. Optimizing Linear and Bushy},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDtree>} }

@inproceedings{Ioannidis1992, Author ={Ioannidis,Y.E., Ng,R.T., Shim,K., and Sellis,T.K.},
Title ={Parametric Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ the values of many run-time parameters of the system, the data, or the query are unknown at query optimization time; attempts to identify several execution plans, each one of which is optimal for a subset of all possible values Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Ioannidis1993, Author ={Ioannidis,Yannis},
Title ={Universality of Serial Histograms},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Ip1983, Author ={Ip,M., Saxton,L., and Raghavan,V.},
Title ={On the selection of an optimal set of indexes},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Volume ="9",
Annote ={uses knapsack algorithms and an approximation Category ={DBFindex> } }

@manual{IPAD1980, Author ={IPAD},
Title ={Proc.of IPAD National Symposium},
Organization ={NASA Conference Publication 2143.},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS> Eis>} }

@article{Irani1979, Author ={Irani,K.B. and Khabbaz,N.G.},
Title ={A Model for a Combined Communication Network Design and File Allocation for Distributed Databases},
Journal ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 1.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBFtechn.4.5>} }

@inproceedings{Irani1979:1, Author ={Irani,K. and Lin,H.L.},
Title ={Queueing Network Models for Concurrent Transaction Processing in a Data Base System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data, Boston.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@inproceedings{Irani1979:2, Author ={Irani,K., Purkayastha,S., and Teorey,T.J.},
Title ={A Designer for DBMS-Processing Logical Database Structures},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Furtado and Morgan(eds), ACM, Rio de Janeiro.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="219--231",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist>} }

@article{Irving1986, Author ={Irving,J.M. and Crombie,I.K.},
Title ={The Use of Microcomputers for Data Management in a Large Epidemiological Survey},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="487--495",
Volume ="19",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Ninewells Hospital (Dundee, UK) system designed around commercial software. Tracking and listings of subjects, letters, worklists, a checklist.Controlled using a subject data base. A short development time, inexpensive and flexible. Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Ishak1992, Author ={Ishak,R.},
Title ={Semantically Consistent Schedules for Efficient and Concurrent B-Tree Restructuring},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Hewlett Packard Category ={DBDintegritry>} }

@article{Ishida1970, Author ={Ishida,Takaya},
Title ={A Logical Structuring of the Computer System},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf in Japan.},
Year =1970, Pages ="109--118",
Volume ="10",
Category ={DBFintro.4>} }

@techreport{Ishii1989, Author ={Ishii,Yoshioki},
Title ={Three-Dimensional DBMS},
Institution ={.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Software AG of Far East,Inc., (Tokyo, Japan) Event files and summary files. Provides access including time factors to the 3D master files. Based on ADABAS. Category ={DBDbound, DBfile } }

@article{Ishii1989:1, Author ={Ishii,Y. and Nishimoto,H.},
Title ={Overview of the Japanese Kanji and Korean Hangul Support on the ADABAS/NATURAL System},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="42--51",
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Annote ={double-byte character set Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Ishikawa1986, Author ={Ishikawa,H., Izumida,Y., Yoshino,T., Hoshiai,T., and Makinouchi,A.},
Title ={A Knowledge Based Approach to Design a Portable Natural Language Interface to Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery> DBDnatlang>} }

@inproceedings{Ishikawa1988, Author ={Ishikawa,H., Suzuki,F., and Makinouchi,A.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Multimedia Knowledge Base Management System: Design and Implementation},
Booktitle ={INTAP , (2nd Intern.Symp. on Interoperable Info.Systems).},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Fujitsu Ldt., (Kawasaki, Japan) Paper from AIST/MITI interoperable DBMS. Classes use a nested-relation database. ---Gio. Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@article{Ishikawa1993, Author ={Ishikawa,H. et al.},
Title ={The Model, Language, and Implementation of an Object-Oriented Multimedia Knowledge Base Management System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1993, Month Mar,
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Ishikawa1993:1, Author ={Ishikawa,H. and Kubota,K.},
Title ={An Active Object-Oriented Database: A Multi-Paradigm Approach to Constraint Management},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDactive>} }

@manual{ISO1986, Author ={ISO},
Title ={SGML: Standard Generalized Markup Language},
Organization ={ISO 8879: Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf, Text and Office Systems, Geneva.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@manual{ISO1926, Author ={ISO},
Title ={Remote Database Access Protocol},
Organization ={ISOTC 97SC 21WG 3, N (ANSI X3H2-87-210), 1987.},
Year =1926, Month =Jul,
Annote ={2-nd Working Draft. I3 Category ={DBDdist>} }

@manual{ISO1988, Author ={ISO/JTC 1/SC 21 Information Retrieval, Transfer and Management for OSI},
Title ={Information Processing Systems - Remote Database Access},
Organization ={ISO DP 9579 (rev), X3H2-RDA-88-56.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ at ISO (International Organization for Standardization) Generic RDA Editor, DP Editing Meeting Output. The goal of Remote Database Access is to allow, with a minimum of technical agreement outside the interconnection standards, the interconnection of applications and database systems. Category ={DBFdist> FAUVE> DADAISM, Home book file } }

@manual{ISO, Author ={ISO},
Title ={Database Language SQL},
Organization ={also referenced as ANSI X3H2-90-181.},
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Israeli1990, Author ={Israeli,A. and Jalfon,M.},
Title ={Token Management Schemes and Random Walks Yield Self-Stabilizing Mutual Exclusion},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at The Technion Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Ito1983, Author ={Ito,T. and Kizawa,M.},
Title ={Hierarchical File Organization and its Application to Similar-String Matching},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8408-0665.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Pages ="410--433",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Library and Information Science, Japan a spelling checker provide possible correct spellings for all possible words. results are quite sketchy ---Eastman. Category ={DBFtree> } }

@inproceedings{Itoh1987, Author ={Itoh,H., Abe,M., Sakama,C., and Mitimo,Y.},
Title ={Parallel Control Techniques for Dedicated Relational Database Engines},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Itoh1989, Author ={Itoh,H., Monoi,H., and Seki,H.},
Title ={Knowledge Base System in a Logic Programming Paradigm},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="109--116",
Annote ={ at Inst.for New Generation Computer Technology, (Tokyo Japan) status of knowledge base subsystems (FGCS); CHI consists of a 500k LISP processor and a large main memory (320 MB); special hardware for unification, backtracking, clause indexing; features dynamic and static predicates; no overhead for static predicates; incremental compiling makes dynamic predicates only three times slower than static predicates; a multiple- multiple name to avoid interprocess name conflict Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Iwaihara1991, Author ={Iwaihara, Mizuho },
Title ={Navigation and Schema Transformations for Producing Nested Relations from Networks},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Annote = {} }

@article{Iyer1982, Author ={Iyer,R.K., Butner,S.E., and McCluskey,E.J.},
Title ={A Statistical Failure/Load Relationship: Results of a Multicomputer Study},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, Vol.C-31 .},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="697--706",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. A statistical model which relates mean computer failure rates to level of system activity. Data covers three years of normal operation for two large Stanford Un. computer complexes. Category ={DBFrepresent.1> } }

@inproceedings{Iyer1986, Author ={Iyer,B.R., Yu,P.S., and Lee,Y-H.},
Title ={Analysis of Recovery Protocols in Distributed On-Line Transaction Processing Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. Real-Time Sys. Symp..},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFtrans> DBDreliab, DBfile Yu } }

@inproceedings{Iyer1989, Author ={Iyer,B.R., Ricard,G.R., and Varman,P.J.},
Title ={Percentile Finding Algorithm for Multiple Sorted Runs},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ at Database Technology Institute, IBM (San Jose CA) 3b Parallelism; load balance during the parallel merge; shared memory MIMD. Category ={DBDquery> DBFseq> } }

@inproceedings{Iyer1990, Author ={Iyer,B. and Dias,D.M.},
Title ={Systems Issues in Parallel Sorting for Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM Corporation Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Iyer1991, Author ={Iyer, Bala },
Title ={An Efficient Hybrid Join Algorithm: a DB2 Prototype},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Iyer1991:1, Author ={Iyer,Balakrishna},
Title ={Optimal Buffer Partitioning for the Nested Block Join Algorithm},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Izawa1984, Author ={Izawa,K.},
Title ={Document Image Filing System Utilizing Optical Disk Memories},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="3--9",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Toshiba Category ={DBFhard.1.4> Image>} }

@manual{Izdatel1984, Author ={Izdatel'stvo Naukova Dumka},
Title ={List of Abbreviations},
Organization ={Organizatsionnyye formy ispol'zovaniya EVM (Organizational Patterns of Computer Usage), Kiev, Naukova dumka.},
Year =1984, Pages ="236--239",
Annote ={ useful list of abbreviations. Regional centralization proposal. Category ={DBDadmin, FASAC 10 } } % ------ J ------biblio----1949-1991-------

@inproceedings{Jablonski1990, Author ={Jablonski,S., Ruf,T., and Wedekind,H.},
Title ={Concepts and Methods for the Optimisation of Distributed Data Processing},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Erlangen-Nuernberg, West Germany Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Jackson1957, Author ={Jackson,J.R.},
Title ={Networks of Waiting Lines},
Journal ={Operations Research.},
Year =1957, Month =Aug,
Pages ="518--521",
Volume ="5",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@techreport{Jackson1982, Author ={Jackson,K.},
Title ={System 1022 Data Base Management System Primer},
Institution ={Software House, Cambridge MA.},
Year =1982, Category ={App.A>} }

@book{Jackson1983, Author ={Jackson,M.},
Title ={System Development},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Jacobs1982, Author ={Jacobs,B.E., Aronson,A.R., and Klug,A.C.},
Title ={On Interpretations of Relational Languages and Solutions to the Implied Constraint Problem},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="291--315",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@article{Jacobs1982:1, Author ={Jacobs,B.E.},
Title ={On Database Logic},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Pages ="310--332",
Volume ="29",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Database logic is a proposed theory which can serve the relational, hierarchical, and network approaches as first-order logic serves the relational approach. The key definitions for database logic are established. Category ={DBDmodel.1> } }

@techreport{Jacobs1982:2, Author ={Jacobs,Barry E.},
Title ={Applications of Database Logic to the View Update Problem},
Institution ={Computer Science TR.Series, Un.Maryland.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDquery.2.4> DBDschema.4, DBfile} }

@article{Jacobs1983, Author ={Jacobs,B.E. and Walczak,C.A.},
Title ={A Generalized Query-by-Example Data Manipulation Language Based on Database Logic},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="40--57",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at ? Research, (Bethesda MD) Introduce a Generalized Query-by-Example (DML) for most existing databases: relational, hierarchical and network). Show advantages over Zloof's QBE. Category ={DBDquery.3> } }

@book{Jacobs1985, Author ={Jacobs,Barry},
Title ={Applied Database Logic, Vol.1: Fundamental Database Issues},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ it includes some material on View updates. Dempster-Shafer=schemas? database logic provides a uniform layer on top of heterogeneous databases. database view interpretation can relate two different databases. The book can be used as a graduate text for students with background, a bibliography is included with each chapter. The author introduces an evolving field in a lucid manner. ---Mondal. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic> VOD, QA76.9.D3A66 } }

@book{Jacobs1985:1, Author ={Jacobs,B.},
Title ={Applied Database Logic II: Heterogeneous Distributed Query Processing},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@unpublished{Jacobs1991, Author ={Jacobs,D. and Hull,R.},
Title ={Database Programming with Delayed Updates},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Annote ={ heralitus supports delayed updates and deltas which can be created, inspected, and combined without committing; it is intended to support knowledge-based versions Category ={DBDkb> DBDops, DBfile } }

@article{Jacobs1990, Author ={Jacobs,P. and Rau,L.},
Title ={SCISOR: extracting information from on-line news},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9104-0298.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Volume ="33",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at GE scans Dow Junes with a top-down 150 keyword topic lexicon; only a general lexicon of 10,000 word roots with 75 affixes, linked to a core concept hierarchy of 1,000 categories. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Jacobson1986, Author ={Jacobson,G., Lafond,C., Nyberg,E., and Piatetsky-Shapiro,G.},
Title ={An Intelligent Database Assistant},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, Sum. .},
Year =1986, Pages ="68--78",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ FRED, front end. Translates restricted case grammer to case frames, to be applied to a universal relation. Then map to SQL, FOCUS, or DATAQUERY. Category ={DBDquery> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Jacobson1988, Author ={Jacobson,G., PiatetskyShapiro,G., LaFond,C., Rajnikanth,M. and al.},
Title ={CALIDA: A knowledge-based system for integrating multiple heterogeneous databases},
Booktitle ={3rd International Conference on Data and Knowledge Bases.},
Year =1988, Pages ="3--18",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Jakobsson1991, Author ={Jakobsson,Hakan},
Title ={Mixed-Approach Algorithms for Transitive Closure},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Jakobsson1992, Author ={Jakobsson,Hakan},
Title ={On Materializing Views and On-Line Queries},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Stanford Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Jaeschke1982, Author ={Jaeschke,G. and Schek,H-J.},
Title ={Remarks on the Algebra of Non First Normal Form Relations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="124--138",
Number ="475820",
Annote ={ at IBM, Heidelberg Scientific Ctr (Heidelberg, FRG) Category ={DBDmodel.1.2> } }

@techreport{Jacquet1988, Author ={Jacquet,P. and Regnier,M.},
Title ={Normal Limiting Distribution for the Size and the External Path Length of Tries},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-827,},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={at INRIA optical disk algorithms. Category ={DBFtree, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Jagadish1986, Author ={Jagadish,H.V. and Agrawal,R.},
Title ={A study of transitive closure as a recursion mechanism},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Another discovery of Linda Ness's observation that if you don't care how large the set of nodes is, you can express any linear recursion as a transitive closure. ---jeff Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Jagadish1989, Author ={Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Incorporating Hierarchy in a Relational Model of Data},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs, (Murray Hill NJ) Includes multiple inheritance. ---Gio. Relational DB extension, inheritance. An extension to the RDB model with type inheritance. Handles overrides by tables of exceptions to higher level relations. ---T.Risch. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDobject> DBDrel> } }

@inproceedings{Jagadish1990, Author ={Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Spatial Search with Polyhedra},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Jagadish1990:1, Author ={Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={Linear Clustering of Objects with Multiple Attributes},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={mapping based on space-filling curves Category ={DBDobject> DBFperform> DBFhybrid> } }

@inproceedings{Jagadish1990:2, Author ={Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={On Indexing Line Segments},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDindex> IMAGE>} }

@article{Jagadish1990:3, Author ={Jagadish,H.V.},
Title ={A Compression Technique to Materialize Transitive Closure},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ an indexing scheme that permits the storage of the pre-computed transitive closure Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Jagadish1991, Author ={Jagadish,H.},
Title ={A Retrieval Technique for Similar Shapes},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={IMAGE>} }

@inproceedings{Jagadish1992, Author ={Jagadish,H,V. and Shmueli,O.},
Title ={A proclamation-Based Model for Cooperating Transactions},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Jagadish1992:1, Author ={Jagadish,H.V. and Qian,X.},
Title ={Integrity Maintenance in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ bind global constraints to objects to reduce validation costs applied to DDE Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Jagadish1993, Author ={Jagadish,H., Silberschatz,A., and Sudarshan,S.},
Title ={Recovering from Main-Memory Lapses},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@book{Jahoda1970, Author ={Jahoda,G.},
Title ={Information Storage and Retrieval Systems for Individual Researchers},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-BeckerHayes.},
Year =1970, Annote ={at Florida State Un. Indexing for libraries Category ={DBDquery> } }

@techreport{Jain1983, Author ={Jain,H. and Krobock,J.R.},
Title ={Computer-Aided System for the Database Storage Structure Design},
Institution ={Information and Management, N-H.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="337--349",
Volume ="6",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Syracuse Un. Category ={DBDbound.4, DBfile} }

@techreport{Jain1984, Author ={Jain,H.K.},
Title ={Goal Programming Approach for the Design of Distributed Computer Systems},
Institution ={presented at TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDbound.4, DBfile} }

@article{Jain1984:1, Author ={Jain,Hemant},
Title ={A Comprehensive Model for the Storage Structure Design of CODASYL Databases},
Journal ={Inf. Sys, -4, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8602-0146.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="217--230",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, School of Business Admin. model of query classifies access: keyed access, all memberv access, one member access, owner access, and access all the occurences. In update connect, disconnect, delete, delete all, modify, non-key, and key data. The model is implemented as an interactive FORTRAN program on a DEC System 1060. Sample problem consists of 11 record types and ten set types. Category ={DBDbound> DBFhash, DBfile } }

@article{Jajodia1983, Author ={Jajodia,S., Ng,P.A., and Springsteel,F.N.},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Diagrams Which are in BCNF},
Journal ={IJofConference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP,},
Year =1983, Pages ="269--283",
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@incollection{Jajodia1983:1, Author ={Jajodia,S., Ng,P.A., and Springsteel,F.N.},
Title ={On Universal and Representative Instances for Inconsistent Databases},
Booktitle ={'ER Approach to Software Engineering', Davis, Jajodia, Ng and Yeh (eds), N-H,},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@article{Jajodia1983:2, Author ={Jajodia,S., Ng,P.A., and Springsteel,R.N.},
Title ={The Problem of Equivalence for Entity-Relationship Diagrams},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-9 , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8408-0656.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Pages ="617--630",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Missouri (Columbia MO) results from relational database theory are translated to ER. Category ={DBDmodel.6> } }

@article{Jajodia1983:3, Author ={Jajodia,S., Liu,J., and Ng,P.A.},
Title ={A Scheme of Parallel Processing for MIMD Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Pages ="436--445",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@techreport{Jajodia1984, Author ={Jajodia,Sushil},
Title ={Transformation of Entity-Relationship Diagrams into Relational Schemes},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={ rules for creating an Association from an ER model relationship. Category ={DBDmodel.1, DBfile } }

@techreport{Jajodia1984:1, Author ={Jajodia,S.},
Title ={On Equivalence of Relational and Network Database Models},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Category ={DBDmodel.1, DBfile} }

@techreport{Jajodia1984:2, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Speckman,P.},
Title ={Conflicts in Partitioned Databases and Higher Level Operations},
Institution ={IEEE COMPSAC 8.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ Within the framework provided by Davidson,Susan an improvement is proposed and it is proven that this leads to less conflicts between transactions executed in different partitions. ---P.Apers Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Jajodia1984:3, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Ng,P.A.},
Title ={Representative Instances and Gamma-Acyclic Relational Schemes},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-10 .},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="614--618",
Number ="6",
Annote ={universal instance assumption analysis. Category ={DBDmodel.1> } }

@inproceedings{Jajodia1986, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Springsteel,F.},
Title ={On Outer Joins of Relations Containing Nulls},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 19.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Shows that Zaniolo-type nulls can appear in relations and the universal relation will still make sense under certain assymptions. I have trouble with his semantics. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Jajodia1987, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Meadows,C.A.},
Title ={Mutual Consistency in Decentralized Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={FAUVE new operation to permit record merging correctness proof; object-track sensor application; permits lost and out-of-order messages, node and communication failure Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Jajodia1987:1, Author ={Jajodia,S.},
Title ={Managing Replicated Files in Partitioned Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Jajodia1987:2, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Mutchler,D.},
Title ={Dynamic Voting},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Naval Res. Labs. Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Jajodia1987:3, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Mutchler,D.},
Title ={Enhancements to the Voting Algorithm},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Jajodia1987:4, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Springsteel,F.N.},
Title ={Construction of Universal Instances for Loop-Free Network Databases Using a Join-Like Operation},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Pages ="811--819",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at NRL, CSD (Washington DC) a polynomial=time method implementing universal relation view for databases which are not pairwise consistent. Uses Bachman diagrams and unmarked null values. Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Jajodia1987:5, Author ={Jajodia,Sushil},
Title ={An Extension of Representative Instances and Gamma-Acyclic Relational Schemes},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1047--1048",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ universal instance assumption analysis extended to relations with nulls Category ={DBDmodel.1> } }

@inproceedings{Jajodia1988, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Mutchler,D.},
Title ={Integrating Static and Dynamic Voting Protocols to Enhance File Availability},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@unpublished{Jajodia1988:1, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Rosenau,T.},
Title ={Implementation of Basic Relational Database Operations on Shared-Memory MIMD Computers},
Note ={Naval Res.Lab (Washington DC), rcvd. .},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ memory-based parallelism. Hot Spots, load distribution on MIMD: Butterfly and Connection machines. Detailed evaluation results. Category ={DBFmach, DBfile, x ARK } }

@article{Jajodia1989, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Mutchler,D.},
Title ={A Pessimistic Consistency Control Algorithm for Replicated Files which Achieve High Availability},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE),},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Pages ="39--46",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Files accessed only in a single partition, i.e. still low availability. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@incollection{Jajodia1989:1, Author ={Jajodia,S., Gadia,S., Bhargava,B., and Sibley,E.},
Title ={Audit Trail Organization in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={to appear in 'Database Security III: Status and Prospects', Spooner and Landwehr (eds), N-H.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ The two-time-dimension model for the transaction log file. Category ={DBDsec, DBfile } }

@article{Jajodia1989:2, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Mutchler,D.},
Title ={A Hybrid Replica Control Algorithm Combining Static and Dynamic Voting},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="459--469",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ network partitioning due to site or communication link failures; the availability of the hybrid algorithm is computed using a stochastic model is greater. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Jajodia1990, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Mukkamala,R.},
Title ={Measuring the Effect of Commutative Transactions On Distributed Database Performance},
Journal ={The Computer Journal.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ We often assume that commutative transactions reduce the number of conflicts. Our results show that commutativity is not beneficial unless the number of transactions that commute is quite large. Category ={DBDdist> DBFtrans, DBfile } }

@article{Jajodia1990:1, Author ={Jajodia,S. and Mutchler,D.},
Title ={Dynamic Voting Algorithms for Maintaining the Consistency of a Replicated Database},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 9102-0068.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Pages ="230--280",
Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ permits updates in a partition provided it contains more than half of the up-to-date copies of the replicated file mathematical analysis shows that dynamic-linear is better than static voting algorithms Category ={DBDconc> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Jakobson1988, Author ={Jakobson,G., Piatetsky-Shapiro,G., Lafond,C., Rajinikanth,M., and Hernandez,J.},
Title ={CALIDA: A Knowledge-Based System for Integrating Multiple Heterogeneous Databases},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="3--18",
Category ={DBDprotect> at GTE Labs. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Jakobsson1992:1, Author ={Jakobsson,Hakan},
Title ={On Tree-Based Techniques for Query Evaluation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Jakobsson1992:2, Author ={Jakobsson,Hakan},
Title ={On Join-Order Optimal Compositions and Optimizing Recursive Queries},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@article{Jakobsson1985, Author ={Jakobsson,Matti},
Title ={Compression of character strings by an adaptive dictionary},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark, ; ACM CR 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Pages ="593--603",
Volume ="25",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Vaasa, Finland a trie data structure and nodes stand for substrings, a prespecified maximum size to the trie. English text (4,000 characters) a compressed to around 42 percent. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@techreport{Jalote1985, Author ={Jalote,Pankaj},
Title ={Atomic Actions in Concurrent Systems},
Institution ={Un.Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, PhD Th..},
Year =1985, Annote ={Atomic Actions. Category ={EIS, KHall} }

@inproceedings{Jalote1992, Author ={Jalote,P. and Agrawal,G.},
Title ={Using Coding to Support Data Resiliency In Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Indian Institute of Technology Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{James1985, Author ={James,G.},
Title ={Document Databases},
Publisher ={Van Nostrand Reinhold Co..},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDbiblio>} } @misc{1992:3, Title ={ORLOG: A Logic for Semantic Object-Oriented Models},
Howpublished ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Concordia Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Janac1987, Author ={Janac,J., Garcia,C., and Davis,R.},
Title ={A Knowledge-Based GaAs Design System},
Journal ={VLSI Systems Design.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Pages ="68--75",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Harris Microwave Semiconductor (Milpitas CA) A unified database with a common human interface for all tools available through a language called SKILL. SKILL is an interpreted object-oriented LISP-like language. Coupling of estimated and annotated information between simulation, schematics, and layout. Cells in the library contain information on ERC program at an early stage. Traverses design power and area estimation. Overlay shell contains technology-specific knowledge. Category ={EIS> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Janas1979, Author ={Janas,J.M.},
Title ={Towards More Informative User Interfaces},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Rio de Janeiro ,},
Year =1979, Pages ="17--23",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@incollection{Janas1981, Author ={Janas,J.M.},
Title ={On the Feasibility of Informative Answers},
Booktitle ={`Advances in Data Base Theory --- ', Gallaire, Minker, and Nicolas(eds) Plenum Press, NY ,},
Year =1981, Pages ="397--414",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@incollection{Janas1986, Author ={Janas,J.M.},
Title ={Semantics-Based Natural Language Interface to Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={`Cooperative Interfaces to Information Systems', Bolc and Jarke(eds) Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag ,},
Year =1986, Pages ="143--188",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@article{Jantz1985, Author ={Jantz,D., Unger,E.A., McBride,B., and Slonis,J.},
Title ={Query Processing in a Distributed Data Base},
Journal ={rcvd ?},
Year =1985, Annote ={ at United Information Services; Kansas State Un.; GEAC Coporation describes Hevner, Wang approaches, adds vectors, no solution. Category ={DBDdist>in DBfile } }

@article{Jantz1983, Author ={Jantz,D., Unger,E.A., McBride,B., and Slonis,J.},
Title ={Query Processing in a Distributed Data Base},
Journal ={rcvd..},
Year =1983, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ at United Information Services, Kansas State Un., GEAC Coporation describes Hevner, Wang approaches, adds vectors, no solution. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@manual{Japan1981, Author ={Japan Information Processing Development Ctr},
Title ={Proc.of International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems},
Organization ={Japan IPDC.},
Year =1981, Month =Oct,
Category ={EIS, home bookshelf} }

@book{Jardine1974, Author ={Jardine,D.A.(ed)},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems},
Publisher ={N-H , 279pp.},
Year =1974, Annote ={ Proc.of an early SHARE sponsored Data Base Conf.. Category ={DBDschema> %Jardine74 } }

@incollection{Jardine1974:1, Author ={Jardine,Donald A.},
Title ={Data Independence},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE), 1974..},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Queens Un. (Kingston ON) Criteria for proper Data base management systems Category ={DBDschema.6> } }

@book{Jardine1977, Author ={Jardine,D.(ed)},
Title ={The ANSI/SPARC DBMS Model},
Publisher ={N-H, 226pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ Proc.of the 2nd SHARE Working Conf., 26 Apr.1976, discussions of Steel 75 report. Category ={DBDschema.4> } }

@article{Jardine1984, Author ={Jardine,D.A. and Reuber,A.R.},
Title ={Information semantics and the conceptual schema},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1984, Pages ="147--156",
Volume ="9",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Jardine1984:1, Author ={Jardine,D.A.},
Title ={Concepts and Terminology for the Conceptual Schema and the Information Base},
Journal ={Comp. and Standards.},
Year =1984, Pages ="3--17",
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Jardine1988, Author ={Jardine,D.A. and Matzov,A.},
Title ={Ontology and Properties of Time in Information Systems},
Booktitle ={to appear, N-H.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Queen's Un. (Kingston, Canada) an absolute metric continuous time is suggested as the most applications will use linear time, circular time has application in repetitive processes. Extensive temporal references. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Jarke1982, Author ={Jarke,M. and Schmidt,J.W.},
Title ={Query Processing Strategies in the PASCAL/R Relational Database Management System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="256--264",
Annote ={at NYU; Un.Hamburg Category ={DBDrel.2.3>} }

@article{Jarke1983, Author ={Jarke,M. and Koch,J.},
Title ={Range Nesting: A Fast Method to Evaluate Quantified Queries},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, San Jose.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="196--206",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Jarke1983:1, Author ={Jarke,M. and Vassiliou,Y.},
Title ={Coupling Expert Systems with Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Artificial Intelligence Appl.for Business, Proc.of NYU Symp..},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Jarke1984, Author ={Jarke,M. and Koch,J.},
Title ={Query Optimization in Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Comp.Surveys.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="111--152",
Volume ="16",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ representation, transformation, mapping to elementary operations, choice. Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@incollection{Jarke1984:1, Author ={Jarke,M. and Vassiliou,Y.},
Title ={Databases and Expert Systems: Opportunities and Architectures for Integration},
Booktitle ={`New Applications of Databases' Gardarin and Gelenbe(eds), Academic Press (New York NY) .},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Jarke1984:2, Author ={Jarke,M.},
Title ={External Semantic Query Simplification: A Graph-Theoretic Approach and its Implementation in PROLOG},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at New York Un., Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Jarke1985, Author ={Jarke,M., Krause,J., Vassiliou,Y., Stohr,E., Turner,J., and White,N.},
Title ={Evaluation and Assessment of a Domain-Independent Natural Language Query System},
Booktitle ={IEEE DBE Bull..},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="34--44",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDquery> DBDnat>} }

@techreport{Jarke1987, Author ={Jarke,M., Jeusfeld,M., and Rose,T.},
Title ={A Global KBMS for Database Software Evolution: Design and Development Strategy},
Institution ={Un.Passau, FRG, TR.Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersP 8722.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Esprit project DAIDA, knowledge to design knowledge and databases. On top of Taxis? Category ={DEng, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Jarke1989, Author ={Jarke,M., Jeusfeld,M., and Rose,T.},
Title ={Software Process Modeling as a Strategy for KBMS Implementation},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDkb> DEng>} }

@article{Jasper1969, Author ={Jasper,D.P.},
Title ={A Discussion of Checkpoint Restart},
Journal ={Software Age.},
Year =1969, Month =Oct,
Pages ="9--14",
Category ={DBFuse-4.4>} }

@inproceedings{Jauhari1990, Author ={Jauhari,R., Carey,M., and Livny,M.},
Title ={Priority-Hints: An Algorithm for Priority-Based Buffer Management},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDhard>} }

@book{Javitt1986, Author ={Javitt,Jonathan},
Title ={Computers in Medicine, Applications and Possibilities},
Publisher ={Saunders, 317pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Jefferson Med.Coll. Philadelphia articles on `Understanding Microcomputer Hardware and Software'; `The capabilities of Microcomputers versus Mainframes'; `Basic Tools'; `Use of the Electronic Network' by Stewart,Charles E; `The Computer as a Bibliographic Retrieval Tool' by Beutler,Ernest; `How to Computerize a Medical Office'; `The Integration of the Computer into Medical Education' by Veloski,J.J. and Blacklow,R.S; `Computerized History Taking' by Messina,Edward; `Software for Patient management' by Marino,Paul M; `Computer-aided Diagnosis and Decision-Making' by Fattu,J.M., Patrick,E.A; `Computerized Medical Records' by Jelovsek,F.R. and Stead,W.W,; `Data Management Systems in Clinical Research' by King,Chester (SAS, RS/1, CLINFO, CDM, VA File Manager, INGRES, ORACLE, MEDLOG, SIR, FOCUS, dBASE II, COSTAR). Category ={MCS, x } }

@article{Jefferson1980, Author ={Jefferson,D.K.},
Title ={The Development and Application of Data Base Design Tools and Methodology},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds),},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="153--154",
Annote ={ at David W. Taylor Naval Ship RandD Ctr (Bethesda, MD) Describes the Information Systems Design for Navy Logistics Systems (ISDNLS) Research Project at the David W. Taylor Ctr. For example, the Navy's Inventory Control Points (ICP's) are responsible for 800,000 types of items and more than 50,000 transactions per day. The system includes more than 130 major applications, and a data base of some 5,000 different data elements and 10 billion bytes of storage. Category ={DBappl> DBDadmin.1 } }

@article{Jefferson1985, Author ={Jefferson,David R.},
Title ={Virtual Time},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, ; ACM CR 8602-0123.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="404--425",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at USC virtual time and the Time Warp mechanism are a likely paradigm for disturbed Category ={DBFdist> DBDmodel> DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Jefferson1986, Author ={Jefferson,D. and Motro,A.},
Title ={The Time Warp Mechanism for Database Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@techreport{Jefferson1986:1, Author ={Jefferson,D. and Fong,E.},
Title ={Reference Model For DBMS Standardization},
Institution ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record,},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Pages ="19--58",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at DAFTG Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Jefferson1990, Author ={Jefferson,David},
Title ={Virtual Time II: Storage Management in Conservative and Optimistic Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at UCLA Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Jeffery1985, Author ={Jeffery,Keith G.},
Title ={Databases and office automation},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the British National Conference on Databases 4, ; ACM CR 8607-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at SERC, Rutherford Appleton Lab. (UK) Category ={DBDoffice> } }

@article{Jeffery1989, Author ={Jeffery,K.},
Title ={IDEAS: A system for International Data Exchange and Access for Science},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf and Management, no.6.},
Year =1989, Pages ="703--711",
Volume ="25",
Annote ={ the IDEAS project has become the EXIRPTS (Exchange of Information on Research Projects) sponsored by the presidents of Research Councils (eg Erich Bloch of NSF for USA). Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Jenkins1986, Author ={Jenkins,A.M., Glasgow,J.I., and McCrosky,C.D.},
Title ={Programming Styles in NIAL},
Journal ={IEEE Software, no.1.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="47--55",
Volume ="3",
Annote ={at Queens Un. set capability; claims that a relational style is supported. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@book{Jenkins1983, Author ={Jenkins,A.Milton},
Title ={MIS design Variables and Decision Making Performance},
Publisher ={UMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers Research Press,},
Year =1983, Annote ={Human factors, 1977 Un.Minnesota thesis. Category ={DBFuse-2> DBDadmin> } }

@article{Jenq1987, Author ={Jenq,B-C., Kohler,W.H., and Towsley,D.},
Title ={A Queueing Network Model for a Distributed Database Testbed System},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFdist> DBDperf>} }

@article{Jenq1989, Author ={Jenq,B.P., Twichell,B., and Keller,T.W.},
Title ={Locking Performance in a Shared Nothing Parallel Database Machine},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDconc> DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Jensen1989, Author ={Jensen,C.D., Kiel,R.M., and Verjinski,R.},
Title ={ADDM - A Prototype of a Distributed Architecture for Database Security},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFsecurity>} }

@article{Jensen1991, Author ={Jensen,C.., Mark,L., and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Incremental Implementation Model for Relational Databases with Transaction Time},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ updates to relations are entered as time stamped temporal change requests into backlogs; access paths are pointer structures; cost functions can be minimized. Category ={DBFtrans> DBDmodel> DBDops, DBfile Mark } }

@inproceedings{Jensen1992, Author ={Jensen,C. and Snodgrass,R.},
Title ={Specialized Temporal Relations},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ temporal listing of change history; sample applications are statistic and scientific databases, monitoring CAD and CASE Category ={DBDquery, DBfile Mark at Un.Arizona Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Jensen1993, Author ={Jensen,C., Soo,M., and Snodgrass,R.},
Title ={Unification of Temporal Data Models},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Aalborg Un; Un.Arizona Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Jensen1986, Author ={Jensen,E.D., Locke,C.D., and Tokuda,H.},
Title ={A Time-Driven Scheduler for Real-Time Operating Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. IEEE Real-Time Systems Symp., IEEE.},
Year =1986, Pages ="112--122",
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Jessop1982, Author ={Jessop,W.H., Noe,J.D., Jacobson,D.M., Baer,J-L, and Pu,C.},
Title ={The EDEN Transaction-Based File System},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="163--170",
Annote ={at Un.Washington, DCS (Seattle) Category ={DBFintro-4> DBFhard.5> App.B } }

@techreport{Jervis1974, Author ={Jervis,B.},
Title ={Query Languages for Relational Data Base Management Systems},
Institution ={Masters Thesis, Dep.Computer Science, Un.British Columbia, Vancouver, B.C..},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Annote ={ Clear exposition of formal approaches of query formulation. Category ={DBDrel> DBDquery, x book9> } }

@article{Jervis1972, Author ={Jervis,B.and Parker,J.L.},
Title ={An Approach for a Working Relational Data System},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Category ={DBDintro.1>} }

@article{Jewell1967, Author ={Jewell,W.S.},
Title ={A Simple Proof of $L=\lambda \times w$},
Journal ={Operations Research.},
Year =1967, Pages ="1109--1116",
Volume ="15",
Annote ={Little's result. Category ={DBFtechn.3> %Jewell67} }

@inproceedings{Jhingran1988, Author ={Jhingran,Anant},
Title ={A Performance-Study of Query Optimization Algorithms on a Database System Supporting Procedures},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="88--99",
Annote ={at UCB, EECS POSTGRES. Cost savings are achieved by modifying the procedural queries before executing them. Two caching strategies. Flattening. Category ={DBDperform> } }

@inproceedings{Jhingran1990, Author ={Jhingran,A. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Alternatives in Complex Object Representation: A Performance Perspective},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Jhingran1990:1, Author ={Jhingran,A. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={A Comparison of two Representations for Complex Objects},
Institution ={UCBERL M9032.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={ procedural, object-id, both versus stored materialized values Category ={DBDkb, DBfile UCB } }

@inproceedings{Jhingran1991, Author ={Jhingran,Anant },
Title ={Precomputation in a Complex Object Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Annote ={at IBM, Watson Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Jhingran1992, Author ={Jhingran,A. and Khedkar,P.},
Title ={Analysis of Recovery in a Database System Using a Write Ahead Log Protocol},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Jiang1988, Author ={Jiang,Bin},
Title ={Deadlock Detection is Really Cheap},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="2--13",
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Darmstadt, FRG algorithm O(wait for graph edges) for shared and exclusive access. Before any lock is granted use n*n matrix to breadth-first visit all reachable vertices for n active transactions. If a cycle is detected participants can be identified. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Jiang1990, Author ={Jiang,B.},
Title ={A Suitable Algorithm for Computing Partial Transitive Closures in Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at ETH Zurich, Switzerland Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Jiang1992, Author ={Jiang,B.},
Title ={I/O-Efficiency of Shortest Path Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at ETH Zurich Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Jiang1992:1, Author ={Jiang,J. and Jones,S.},
Title ={Word Based Dynamic Algorithm for Data Compression},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un,Nottingham, United Kingdom Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Jiang1989, Author ={Jiang,S-J., Kitagawa,H., Ohbo,N., Suzuki,I., and Fujiwara,Y.},
Title ={Abstract Data Types in Graphics Databases},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC-2.6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="239--255",
Annote ={ at Un.Tsukuba, Program in Eng.Sciences, (Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan) 2-D primitives are triangles, rectangles, circles. Category ={DBDimage, DBfile Kitagawa } }

@inproceedings{Jiang1988:1, Author ={Jiang,Y.J.},
Title ={A self-referential relational data model},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at UK Category ={DBDkb>} } % ------- JM ------biblio----1949-1991------

@techreport{Jodeit1972, Author ={Jodeit,Jane},
Title ={Equivalence of IFAM and TOTAL Storage Structures with the Relational Data Base Model},
Institution ={Un.Chicago, Library Data Management Project, Document .},
Year =1972, Month =Oct,
Number ="79",
Category ={DBDschema> DBDbound.5>} }

@inproceedings{Johannesson1993, Author ={Johannesson,P.},
Title ={A Logical Basis for Schema Integration},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Stockholm University Category ={DBDdist> DBDschema>} }

@incollection{Johannsen1989, Author ={Johannsen,W.},
Title ={Integration of different transaction models in federated distributed database systems},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at IBM (Heidelberg, FRG) Based on his thesis and OSI open system model for federated systems Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Johar1992, Author ={Johar,H. and Dhar,V.},
Title ={Dependency Based Coordination for Consistent Solutions in Distributed Work},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at New York Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Johnson1975, Author ={Johnson,Clayton T.},
Title ={IBM 3850/Mass Storage System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1166--1170",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at IBM, Boulder CO Description of tape system to back-up disks. Category ={DBFstorage-3.1> %Johnson75 } }

@inproceedings{Johnson1991, Author ={Johnson,D.B. and Raab,L.},
Title ={A Tight Upper Bound on the Benefits of Replication and Consistency Control Protocols},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Johnson1985, Author ={Johnson,D.G. and Snapper,J.W.},
Title ={Ethical Issues in The Use of computers},
Publisher ={Wadsworths, 363pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8508-0702.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at RPI contains many classical papers on privacy. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@article{Johnson1974, Author ={Johnson,D.S., Demers,A., Ullman,J.D., Garey,M.R., and Graham,R.L.},
Title ={Worst-case Performance Bounds for Simple One-dimensional Packing Algorithms},
Journal ={SIAM Journal on Computing.},
Year =1974, Pages ="299--325",
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@article{Johnson1974:1, Author ={Johnson,D.S.},
Title ={Approximation Algorithms for Combinatorial Problems},
Journal ={Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Academic. .},
Year =1974, Pages ="256--278",
Volume ="9",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@inproceedings{Johnson1975:1, Author ={Johnson,H.R.},
Title ={A Schema Report Facility for a CODASYL-Based Data Definition Language},
Booktitle ={Data Base Description, Douque and Nijssen(eds), N-H (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1975, Annote ={at Sperry Univac, Roseville MN Schema language verification tool. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@techreport{Johnson1976, Author ={Johnson,H.R.},
Title ={Subschema Declared Data Names/ VIRTUAL Source Items / QLP Subschemas},
Institution ={Sperry-UNIVAC, TR.TMA00728, (Roseville MN),},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Summarizes relationships between the GN, MKN, VBN, and SCN data models Category ={DBDschema.3.4> DBDschema.3.5> DBDbound.5, DBfile } }

@techreport{Johnson1978, Author ={Johnson,H.R. and Bernhardt,D.L.},
Title ={Engineering Data Management Activities within the IPAD Project},
Institution ={IPAD Program Management Report, Boeing.},
Year =1978, Annote ={at Boeing, Computer Services (Seattle WA) Describes a RIM database system on CDC, UNIVAC, VAX, VMS, and PRIME used for CAD CAM work. Category ={EIS> DBDbound.5> } }

@techreport{Johnson1978:1, Author ={Johnson,H.R., Larson,J.A., and Lawrence J.D.},
Title ={Data Description Language for Network and Relational Modelling},
Institution ={Sperry Univac, internal technical note.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDschema.3, DBfile} }

@techreport{Johnson1978:2, Author ={Johnson,H.R., Larson,J.A., and Lawrence,J.D.},
Title ={Transformations Between Network and Relational Data Models},
Institution ={Sperry Univac internal technical note, re-issued as Sperry Univac Res. Report TMA00729.},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDintro.1> DBDbound.5>} }

@article{Johnson1978:3, Author ={Johnson,H.R., Larson,J.A., and Lawrence,J.D.},
Title ={A Common Data Base Architecture},
Journal ={Sperry Univac Res.R.TMA00730.},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDintro.1> DBDbound.5>} }

@techreport{Johnson1979, Author ={Johnson,H.R., Larson,J.A., and Lawrence, J.D.},
Title ={Network and Relational Modelling in a Common Data Base Architecture Environment},
Institution ={Sperry Univac Res. Report TMA00270.},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDintro.1> DBDbound.5>} }

@techreport{Johnson1983, Author ={Johnson,H.R. and Bernhardt,D.L.},
Title ={Engineering Data Management Activities within the IPAD Project},
Institution ={IPAD Program Management Report, Boeing Co., ?.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Boeing, Computer Services (Seattle WA) Describes a RIM database system on CDC, UNIVAC, VAX, VMS, and PRIME used for CAD CAM work. Category ={EIS> DBDbound.5> } }

@techreport{Johnson1983:1, Author ={Johnson,H.R., Larson,J.A., and Lawrence J.D.},
Title ={Data Description Language for Network and Relational Modelling},
Institution ={Boeing, TR. },
Year =1983, Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBFhybrid.3, DBfile} }

@article{Johnson1984, Author ={Johnson,J.R.},
Title ={Enterprise Analysis},
Journal ={Datamation, 15.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="96--103",
Volume ="30",
Number ="21",
Annote ={experience at Hallmark cards. Category ={DBDkb> DBDschema.1> } }

@inproceedings{Johnson1993, Author ={Johnson,J. and Krishna,P.},
Title ={Lazy Updates for Distributed Search Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Johnson1961, Author ={Johnson,L.R.},
Title ={An Indirect Chaining Method for Addressing on Secondary Keys},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1961, Month =May,
Pages ="218--222",
Annote ={ Direct file with rings to access records by other attributes, with analysis. Category ={DBFhybrid.6> DBFtechn.1.5> %Johnson61 } }

@inproceedings{Johnson1981, Author ={Johnson,M.E.},
Title ={Overview of the File Manager},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 5.},
Year =1981, Month =Nov,
Pages ="56--59",
Annote ={ the FILEMANAGER is a MUMPS program on which the Veterans Adminstation HIS is being based. Category ={MCS> DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Johnson1975:2, Author ={Johnson,P.R. and Thomas,R.H.},
Title ={The Maintenance of Duplicate Databases},
Institution ={Network Working Group RFC 677.},
Year =1975, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at BBN Duplicate data base problems are avoided by using timestamps for updating and creating data. Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@article{Johnson1985:1, Author ={Johnson,Robert H.},
Title ={Assignment: Orchestrating the CIM data base},
Journal ={CIM review, Auerbach, Sum..},
Year =1985, Pages ="8--12",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Integrating CAD CAM data. Category ={DBappl, x} }

@inproceedings{Johnson1992, Author ={Johnson,R.R., et al.},
Title ={USD - a Databas Management System for Scientific Research},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at LLL user data model; semantic network, objects and relationships between objects; retrieval is illustrated by specifying a semantic network pattern, links but no objects; result is a sequence of semantic networks Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Johnson1977, Author ={Johnson,S.L. and Walters,R.F.},
Title ={MUMPS Implementations of Microprocessors},
Journal ={Medical Informatics, ?.},
Year =1977, Pages ="257--269",
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFtrees.5.2>} }

@techreport{Johnson1967, Author ={Johnson,T.E.},
Title ={Mass Storage Relational Data Structure for Computer Graphics and Other Arbitrary Data Stores},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Dep.Architecture Report, Cambridge MA.},
Year =1967, Annote ={LEAP implementation for 360. Category ={DBFhybrid.7>} }

@inproceedings{Johnson1989, Author ={Johnson,T. and Shasha,D.},
Title ={Utilization of B-trees with Inserts, Deletes and Modifies},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at NYU Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Johnson1990, Author ={Johnson,T. and Shasha,D.},
Title ={A Framework for the Performance Analysis of Concurrent B-Tree Algorithms},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at NYU Category ={DBFindex> DBDconc>} } @misc{Johnson1993:1, Author ={Johnson,T. and Shasha,D.},
Title ={The Performance of Current B-Tree Algorithms},
Howpublished ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1993, Month Mar,
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@techreport{Johnston1975, Author ={Johnston,Ted Y.},
Title ={A Short Study of Compressed Records in a User Environment},
Institution ={SLAC staff Note 38..},
Year =1975, Annote ={at SLAC Computation Ctr, Stanford Un. Tests giving density and cost of input-output with compression on 360/91 and 370/145. Category ={DBFrepresent, xB14> } }

@manual{Joint1970, Author ={Joint GUIDE-SHARE Data Base Requirements Group},
Title ={Data Base Management System Requirements},
Organization ={GUIDE or SHARE Headquarters, SHARE SSD 208,},
Year =1970, Month =Nov,
Pages ="43--110",
Category ={DBDschema, xB7>} }

@unpublished{Jonassen1976, Author ={Jonassen,A.T. and Knuth,D.E.},
Title ={A Trivial Algorithm Whose Analysis Isn't},
Note ={Stanford Un., CSD.},
Year =1976, Annote ={ The problem of random deletion in Hibbard Trees. Knott's paradox. The trees actually become better when insertion and deletions are mixed. Category ={DBFtree, DBfile Knuth } }

@article{Jones1990, Author ={Jones,Bob},
Title ={Repository comes of age},
Journal ={Database Programming and Design.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Volume ="3",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Pacific Bell logical units of work function as mediator I3 Category ={DBDarch> } }

@article{Jones1988, Author ={Jones,Douglas W.},
Title ={Application of Splay Trees to Data Compression},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="996-1007",
Volume ="31",
Number ="8",
Annote ={ one of the simplest and fastest adaptive data compression algorithms based Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@book{Jones1981, Author ={Jones,K. and Taylog,H.(eds)},
Title ={The Design Of Information Systems For Human Beings},
Publisher ={Informatics 5 ASLIB.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin, Z699.A1D45} }

@article{Jones1967, Author ={Jones,K.S. and Jackson,D.},
Title ={Some Experiments in the Use of Automatically Obtained Terms Clusters for Retrieval},
Journal ={FID-IFIP , Samuelson(ed), N-H 1968.},
Year =1967, Pages ="203--212",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Jones1976, Author ={Jones,P.E.jr.},
Title ={Data Base Design Methodology--Logical Framework},
Journal ={ADL, The Data Base Monograph Series: 10 Reports, 90pp.},
Year =1976, Annote ={ Defines a practical notational system for describing logical data base design to managers and users. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDschema.6> } }

@book{Jones1990:1, Author ={Jones,P.C and Jones,P.E.},
Title ={Data Theory},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 320pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ representation of opinion, data logic, extended associative notation, character constraints, embracings of correspondences, composition cones, associations of high degree Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Jones1968, Author ={Jones,Ruben S.},
Title ={DATA FILE TWO- A Data Storage and Retrieval System},
Booktitle ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1968, Pages ="171--181",
Volume ="32",
Annote ={at General Electric (Phoenix AZ) Design and evaluation of a data system based on IDS. Category ={DBFhash.6> } }

@inproceedings{Jones1978, Author ={Jones,S.E. and Ries,D.R.},
Title ={A Relational Data Base Management System for Scientific Data},
Booktitle ={LLL, Preprint UCRL-80769.},
Year =1978, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Introduction to FRAMIS, Relational Algebra system Category ={DBDrel.3> } }

@article{Jones1979, Author ={Jones,S., Mason,P. and Stamper,R.},
Title ={LEGOL 2.0: A relational specification language for complex rules},
Journal ={Info. Syst..},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Pages ="293--305",
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Temporal queries reduced to relational queries. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDtheory> } }

@article{Jong1971, Author ={Jong,M.H.},
Title ={Management Farm Information System --- MAFIS},
Journal ={IAG Journ..},
Year =1971, Pages ="174--195",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at MACOM Systems, Nymegen, the Netherlands Example of agricultural management support system Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@inproceedings{Jonsson1986, Author ={Jonsson,B., Manna,Z., and Waldinger,R.},
Title ={Towards Deductive Synthesis of Dataflow Networks},
Booktitle ={IEEE CLSC.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Jordan1975, Author ={Jordan,D.E.},
Title ={Implementing Production Systems with Relational Data Bases},
Journal ={Proc.ACM Pacific Conf., San Francisco CA.},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="39--43",
Annote ={at Tymshare (Cupertino CA) MAGNUM Category ={DBDrel.3> } }

@article{Jordan1981, Author ={Jordan,J., Banerjee,J., and Batman,R.},
Title ={Precision Locks},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1981, Pages ="143-147",
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Joseph1990, Author ={Joseph,J., Shadowens,M., Chen,J., and Thompson,C.},
Title ={Strawman Reference Model for Change Management of Objects},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at TI Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Joseph1984, Author ={Joseph,M. (ed)},
Title ={Abstraction Concepts for Modeling Screen Oriented Dialogue Interfaces},
Journal ={Foundations of Software Tech. and Theor. CS, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science 181,},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Joseph1986, Author ={Joseph,T.A. and Birman,K.P.},
Title ={Low Cost Management of Replicated Data in Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ; ACM CR 8702-??.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Pages ="54--70",
Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Cornell Un. piggybacking and atomic broadcast. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@article{Joseph1988, Author ={Joseph,T. and Cardenas,A.F.},
Title ={PICQUERY: A High Level Query Language for Pictorial Database Management},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="630--638",
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Category ={Image>} }

@inproceedings{Joshi1981, Author ={Joshi,A.K., Mays,E., Lanka,S., and Webber,B.L.},
Title ={Natural Language Interaction with Dynamic Knowledge Bases: Monitors as Responses},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) , Vancouver, 1981.},
Year =1981, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Joshi1991, Author ={Joshi,A.M.},
Title ={Adaptive Locking Strategies in a Multi-Node Shared Data Model Environment},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ concurrency control algorithms used in Rdb/VMS, includes NOWAIT transaction which aborts and reports on conflict Category ={DBDconc> DBDindex> } }

@manual{Journee1975, Author ={Journee Internationales de l'Informatique et de l'Automatique},
Title ={Trois Systemes de gestion de bases de donees aux JITA},
Organization ={Zero, un Informatique ,},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Number ="9",
Annote ={ Comparison with examples of SYSTEM-2000, Adabas, AppelIV, and a file-based approach. Category ={DBDrel.3> } }

@incollection{Joyce1974, Author ={Joyce,John D., Murray,John T., and Ward,Mitchel H.},
Title ={Data Management Systems Requirements},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at General Motors Res.Lab, Warren Mich. Demands of engineering applications, including graphics Category ={DBFintro.6> } }

@article{Joyce1976, Author ={Joyce,J.D. and Oliver,N.N.},
Title ={REGIS--A Relational Information System with Graphics and Statistics},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , AFIPS Press.},
Year =1976, Pages ="839--844",
Volume ="45",
Category ={DBDrel.2> App.B} }

@article{Joyce1976:1, Author ={Joyce,J.D. and Oliver,N.N.},
Title ={Performance Monitor for a Relational Information System},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1976, Month =Oct,
Pages ="329--333",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Joyce1977, Author ={Joyce,J.D. and Oliver,N.N.},
Title ={Impacts of a Relational Information System on Industrial Decisions},
Journal ={Proc.Conf. Decision Support Systems.},
Year =1977, Month =Jan,
Pages ="15--21",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@book{Judd1973, Author ={Judd,D.R.},
Title ={Use of Files},
Publisher ={American Elseviers, 164pp.},
Year =1973, Annote ={at Trent Polytechnic (UK) Introduction to some commercial file methods Category ={DBFseq> } }

@inproceedings{Julien1985, Author ={Julien,Christian},
Title ={La Gestion des Donnees dans un Systeme de CAO de VLSI},
Booktitle ={ Liason de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="11--16",
Number ="102",
Annote ={at CNET (Grenoble) Category ={EIS, VLSI box} }

@inproceedings{Jullien1986, Author ={Jullien,C. and LeBlond,A.},
Title ={A Database Interface For An Integrated CAD System},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 23.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at CNE Telecom. (France) Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Junet1986, Author ={Junet,M., Falquet,G., and Leonard,M.},
Title ={ECRINS/86: An Extended Entity-Relationship Data Base Management System and its Semantic Query Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Geneva Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Jungclaus1990, Author ={Jungclaus,R., Saake,G., and Sernades,C.},
Title ={Using Active Objects for Query Processing},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ each node in a query graph is an active object with lazy evaluation Category ={DBDobject> } }

@techreport{Jungert1983, Author ={Jungert,Erland},
Title ={Objectives of Information Structuring in a Map oriented Information System},
Institution ={rcvd Sum..},
Year =1983, Annote ={at National Defence Research Inst (Sweden) Category ={DBDmodel> Image, DBfile } }

@incollection{Jungert1989, Author ={Jungert,E. and Chang,S.K.},
Title ={An Algebra for Symbolic Image Manipulation and Transformation},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC-2.6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="301--317",
Annote ={ at FOA (Swedish Defence Res.Establishment), Linkoping Sewden Path planning. Symbolic. 2D transforms in a quad tree representation. Operators are similar to temporal operators. Stripping to deal with empty space objects. Category ={DBDimage> DBFadvindex> } }

@inproceedings{Jurkevics1990, Author ={Jurkevics,Andrew},
Title ={Workstation-based NOARL DB},
Booktitle ={Database 90, San Diego.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Martin Marietta multimedia meteorological databases; large files are stored externally by reference Category ={DBappl> Image> } }

@unpublished{Juss1987, Author ={Juss,J.K., Jackson,M., and Robinson,A.E.},
Title ={A Knowledge Base Management System for Database Design},
Note ={rcvd. ?},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Polytech Wolverhampton (UK) Category ={DBDdesign>} } % ------- K ------biblio----1949-1991------

@inproceedings{Kabanza1990, Author ={ Kabanza,F., Stevenne,J-M., and Wolper,P. Kabanza,F., Stevenne,J-M., and Wolper,P.},
Title ={Handling Infinite Temporal Data},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Universite de Liege Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Kaefer1990, Author ={Kaefer,W., Ritter,N., and Schoening,H.},
Title ={Support for Temporal Data by Complex Objects},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Annote ={history transforms entity to an object Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Kaefer1992, Author ={Kaefer,W. and Schoening,H.},
Title ={Mapping a Version Model to a Complex-Object Data Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Kaiserslautern Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kaefer1992:1, Author ={Kaefer,W. and Schoning,H.},
Title ={Realizing a Temporal Complex-Object Data Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={all reduced to time points and open intervals Category ={DBDobject> } }

@book{Kael1985, Author ={Kael,Pauline},
Title ={5001 Nights at the Movies},
Publisher ={Holt Rinehart Winston.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDintro> DBDmovies>} }

@incollection{Kaehler1990, Author ={Kaehler,T. and Krasner,G.},
Title ={LOOM: Large Object-Oriented Memory for Smalltalk-80 Systems},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Kafalas1986, Author ={Kafalas,John},
Title ={Record Time},
Journal ={Digital Review.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Pages ="123--140",
Volume ="3",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ Survey of 54 DBMSs for DEC equipment --- VAX and TOPS-20. Category ={DBappl> } }

@inproceedings{Kahane1985, Author ={Kahane,S.N. and Johannes,R.S.},
Title ={A Comparison of three LISP Interpreters for MS-DOS-based Microcomputers},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="186--192",
Annote ={ at John Hopkins Un., Depts. of Medicine and Biomedical Eng. Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Kahle1981, Author ={Kahle,A.B., Goetz,A.F.H., Paley,H.N., Alley,R.E., and Abbot,E.A.},
Title ={A Data Base of Geologic Field Spectra},
Booktitle ={15th International Symp. on Remote Sensing of Environment, Ann Harbor Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers, .},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Pages ="329--333",
Annote ={at California Inst.Technology (Pasadena CA) Category ={DBappl> Image , CODMAC } }

@unpublished{Kahle1991, Author ={Kahle,B. and Medlar,A.},
Title ={An Information System for Corporate Users: Wide Area Information Servers},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Thinking Machines; Scolex Information Systems an experimental venture to determine whether current technologies can make profitable and user full text information systems; Macintosh User Interface, Connection machine for rapid matching of large term sets for similarity queries Category ={DBDquery> DBDbiblio> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kahler1987, Author ={Kahler,B. and Risnes,O.},
Title ={Extending Logging for Database Snapshot Refresh},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Kahn1976, Author ={Kahn,Beverly K.},
Title ={A Method for Describing Information Required by the Database Process},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 76, Rothnie(ed).},
Year =1976, Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@article{Kahn1983, Author ={Kahn,B.K.},
Title ={Some Realities of Data Administration},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="794--799",
Volume ="26",
Number ="20",
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@book{Kahn1967, Author ={Kahn, David},
Title ={The Codebreakers},
Publisher ={Macmillan, NY.},
Year =1967, Annote ={General history and practice of cryptography Category ={DBFrepresent-5> } }

@book{Kahn1984, Author ={Kahn,G., MacQueen,D.B., and Plotkin.,G.(eds)},
Title ={Semantics of Data Types},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), 391pp, Internat.Symp.Proc., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8504-0266.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ Proc. of symposium held in Sophia-Antipolis, France, Jun.1984, held to bring together two somewhat disparate groups: language designers and workers on the underlying semantic problems, whose orientation is `programming languages with a wide variety of typing mechanisms to simultaneously achieve security, flexibility and other goals'; and `workers in the algebraic school of data types and pure and applied logicians' , whose interest is in `the specification of data types and, more widely, in relating work done on automating and formalizing mathematics (especially constructive mathematics).' Contents: Burstall,R. and B. Lampson, A Kernel Language for Abstract Data Types and Modules; Cardelli,L.: A Semantics of Multiple Inheritance; Hook,M.: Understanding Russell--A First Attempt; Mosses,P.: A Basic Abstract Semantic Algebra; Winsel,G. and Larsen,K.G.: Using Information Systems to Solve Recursive Domain Equations Effectively; Bruce,K.B. and Meyer,A.R: The Semantics of Second Order Polymorphic Lambda Calculus; Reynolds,J.C.: Polymorphism is not Set-Theoretic; Haynes,C.T.: A Theory of Data Type Representation Independence; Bertoni,A., Mauri,B., Miglioli,P., Ornaghi,M.: Abstract Data Types and Their Extensions within a Constructive Logic; Paulson;L.: Deriving Structural Induction in LCF; Despeyroux,Th.: Executable Specification of Static Semantics; Longo,G. and Moggi,E.: Cartesian Closed Categories of Enumerations for Effective Type Structures; Mitchell,J.: Type Inference and Type Containment; Dezani-Ciancaglini,M. and Margaria,I.: F-Semantics for Intersection Type Discipline; McCracken,N.: The Typechecking of Programs with Implicit Type Structure; Kamin,S. and Archer,M.: Partial Implementations of Abstract Data Types: A Dissenting View on Errors; Sannella,D. and Tarlecki,A.: Building Specifications in an Arbitrary Institution; Orejas,F.: A Proof System for Verifying Composability of Abstract Implementations; Padawitz,P.: Towards a Proof Theory of Parameterized Specifications. Category ={DBDmodel.1, CSDlibr.QA76.7.S44 } }

@techreport{Kahn1975, Author ={Kahn,Kenneth},
Title ={Mechanization of Temporal Knowledge},
Institution ={PhD Th., Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT.},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at CMU A 1600 rule-based system for drilling mud maintenance advise. Access DEC Codasyl database. Good discussion of combination of uncertainties. Category ={DBDkb> Category ={DBDkb> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Kahn1985, Author ={Kahn,M.G. et al.},
Title ={The Representation and Use of Temporal Information in Oncocin},
Booktitle ={Ninth Annual Symp. Comp.Applications in Medical Care.},
Year =1985, Annote ={temporal precedence is a network Category ={MIS> DBDops> } }

@article{Kahn1984:1, Author ={Kahn,S.},
Title ={An Overview of Three Relational Data Base Products},
Journal ={IBM Sys.J.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="100--112",
Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Annote ={DB2, QMF, IMS relationships Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Kahneman1982, Author ={Kahneman,Daniel and Tversky,Amos},
Title ={On the Study of Statistical Intuitions},
Journal ={Cognition.},
Year =1982, Pages ="123--141",
Volume ="11",
Category ={DBFmethods.0> DBDstat>} }

@book{Kaiman1973, Author ={Kaiman,Richard A.},
Title ={Structured Information Files},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-Becker-Hayes, 161pp.},
Year =1973, Annote ={at Marquette Un. Introduction to ring structures with direct access. Category ={DBFhash.6> } }

@techreport{Kaiser1981, Author ={Kaiser,Claude},
Title ={De l'utilisation de la priorite en presence d'exclusion mutuelle},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique rep 84.},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Annote ={priority in mutual exclusion Category ={DBDconc, DBfile INRIA box } }

@article{Kaiser1988, Author ={Kaiser,G.E., Barghouti,N.S., Feiler,P.H., Schwanke,R.W.},
Title ={Database Support for Knowledge-Based Engineering Environments},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, Sum...},
Year =1988, Pages ="18--32",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Columbia Un.; CMU; Siemens, Res.Lab Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Kaiser1990, Author ={Kaiser,G.E.},
Title ={A Flexible Transaction Model for Software Engineering},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Columbia Un. Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Kaiser1991, Author ={Kaiser,G. and Perry,D.},
Title ={Making Progress in Cooperative Transaction Models},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng. Bull.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ cooperative transactions isolate groups from other groups to allow cooperation among the members of a group; further provide the managers with an abstract view of the process as opposed to the products; preliminary ideas in the INFUSE software development environment; in INFUSE the split-transaction and join-transaction operations would be implemented by dividing and merging experimental databases Category ={DBDtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Kakuta1985, Author ={Kakuta,T., Miyazaki,N., Shibayama,S., Yokota,H., and Murakami,K.},
Title ={The Design and Implementation of the Relational Database Machine DELTA},
Booktitle ={IWDM 4, DeWitt and Boral(eds.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Bahamas,},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFmach> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Kalinichenko1974, Author ={Kalinichenko,L.A. and Ryvkin,V.M.},
Title ={Problems of High Level Data Base Access Language Implementation in inverted storage Structure Environment},
Booktitle ={Klimbie74 (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Complex Computer Control Inst., Moscow Access formulation based on predicate calculus Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Kalinichenko1975, Author ={Kalinichenko,L.A.},
Title ={Toward Data Description Language for Data Base with Partially Determined Schema},
Booktitle ={Data Base Description, Douque and Nijssen(eds), N-H (IFIP TC- 2).},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Expansion of DBTG schema language to serve needs of semantic nets. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Kalinichenko1976, Author ={Kalinichenko,L.A.},
Title ={Relational-Network Data Structure Mapping},
Booktitle ={Modelling in Data Base Management Systems, Nijssen(ed)..},
Year =1976, Pages ="303--309",
Category ={DBDops.3> DBDrel.2> DBDbound.5>} }

@unpublished{Kalinichenko1987, Author ={Kalinichenko,L.A.},
Title ={Extending Heterogeneous Database Integrating Systems Technology},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ at USSR Acad.Scien., Inst.of Problems of Informatics, (Moscow). System for integration, formal concepts. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Kalinichenko1990, Author ={Kalinichenko,L.A.},
Title ={Methods and Tools for Equivalent Data Model Mapping Construction},
Booktitle ={EDBT 90.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={FAUVE Category ={DBDdist> DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Kalinichenko1990:1, Author ={Kalinichenko,L.A.},
Title ={Features of the Generalized Heterogeneous Information Resource Representation Language},
Booktitle ={Siemens Seminar, Moscow.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={FAUVE, KQML Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Kalinichenko1993, Author ={Kalinichenko,L.},
Title ={Generalized Interoperation Framework Applied for Apecification and Execution of Multitransactions, Declarative Interresource Constraints and Multi-resource Applications},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Academy of Sciences of Russia Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Kalita1984, Author ={Kalita,J, Colbourn,M., and McCalla,G.},
Title ={A Response to the Need for Summary Responses},
Booktitle ={COLING.},
Year =1984, Annote ={at Un.Saskatchewan heuristics employed the equality, inequality with exceptions, range, maximum, and minimum Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Kalita1986, Author ={Kalita,Jugal K. et al},
Title ={Summarizing natural language database response},
Journal ={Computational Linguistics, Apr-.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={Makes hierarchies explicit Student(2) domain. --- ChaSK Category ={DBDnat> >DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kamath1993, Author ={Kamath,M. and Ramamritham,K.},
Title ={Performance Characteristics of Epsilon Serializability with Hierarchical Inconsistency Bounds},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Massachusetts Category ={DBDperf>} }

@article{Kambayashi1979, Author ={Kambayashi,Y., et al},
Title ={New Indices for Bibliographic Data and Their Applications},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , 1979.},
Year =1979, Volume ="48",
Annote ={at Kyoto Un. (Kyoto, Japan) Category ={DBDquery.1, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kambayashi1979:1, Author ={Kambayashi,Y., Tanaka,K., and Yajima,S.},
Title ={Relational Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proc. of 13th. IBM CS Symp. .},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Kyoto Un., Dep.Inf.Sci. (Japan) Category ={DBDdesign> DBDrel> } }

@techreport{Kambayashi1979:2, Author ={Kambayashi,Y., Tanaka,K., and Yajima,S.},
Title ={Semantic Aspects of Data Dependencies and Their Application to Relational Database Design},
Institution ={Kyoto Un., Dep.Information Systems, Pergamon Press , and Kobe Un., Coll.of Lib.Arts, rcvd. .},
Year =1979, Annote ={at Kyoto Un.; Kobe Un. Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Kambayashi1981, Author ={Kambayashi,Yahiko},
Title ={Equivalent Key Problem of the Relational Database Model},
Booktitle ={Proc. Int. Conf. on Mathematical Studies of Inf. Processing, ?},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Kambayashi1982, Author ={Kambayashi,Y., Tanaka,K., and Yajima,S.},
Title ={Problems of Relational Database Design},
Booktitle ={Data Base Design Techniques, Yao et al(eds), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) .},
Year =1982, Pages ="172--218",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Kambayashi1983, Author ={Kambayashi,Y., Won,K., and Sakai,H.},
Title ={Current Status of Databases and Applications},
Booktitle ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark, Kyortso Publ., (in Japanse with English Abstracts)},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ based on IEEE DBE Bull., Vol.6 No.1, Mar.1983, with additional papers on Japanese applications. Category ={DBappl> } }

@inproceedings{Kambayashi1986, Author ={Kambayashi,Yahiko et al},
Title ={Transformation of natural language representation by relational algebra},
Booktitle ={Meeting on integration of knowledge base and database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Kyushuu Un. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Kambayashi1986:1, Author ={Kambayashi,Yahiko},
Title ={An Overview of a Natural Language-Assisted DB User Interface: ENLI},
Institution ={Kyoto Un., TR.CS SCE-86-C01.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery @inproceedings{Kambayashi1978, Author ={Kambayashi,Yahiko},
Title ={Equivalent Key Problem of the Relational Database Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.Intl Conf. on Mathematical Studies of Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf, ?.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="155--181",
Annote ={at Kyoto Un. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Kamel1992, Author ={Kamel,I. and Faloutsos,C.},
Title ={Parallel R-Trees},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@unpublished{Kamel1987, Author ={Kamel,M.N. and Davidson,S.B.},
Title ={Semi-Materialization: A Performance Analysis},
Note ={rcvd,?},
Year =1987, Annote ={at U.Penn. Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Kamel1990, Author ={Kamel,M.},
Title ={Interoperability and Integration in Heterogeneous Databases},
Booktitle ={Database 90, San Diego.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at NPGS federated queries Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Kamel1990:1, Author ={Kamel,M.N. and Davidson,S.B.},
Title ={Semi-Materialization: A Technique for Optimizing Frequently Executed Queries},
Journal ={IEEE Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1990, Pages ="93--103",
Volume ="5",
Category ={DBDperf> DBDquery, DBfile} }

@article{Kamel1992:1, Author ={Kamel,N. and King,R.},
Title ={Intelligent Database Caching through the Use of Page-Answers and Page-Traces},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Dec,
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Kamens, Author ={Kamens,S. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={An Implementation of Temporal Queries for SQL},
Institution ={submitted to DE 91.},
Category ={DBDkb> DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Kameny1978, Author ={Kameny,I. et al.},
Title ={An End User Friendly Interface for Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Yao(ed) , Berlin.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ACl, EUFID system Category ={DBDnat>} }

@book{Kanal1986, Author ={Kanal,L.N. and Lemmer,G.F.(eds)},
Title ={Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
Publisher ={Elseviers N-H.},
Year =1986, Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Kanasaki1989, Author ={Kanasaki,K. and Kunii,T.L.},
Title ={Case-Based Evolutionary World Model for Electronic Secretaries},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="35--42",
Annote ={ at Ricoh Co, Ltd, Software Res.Ctr, (Tokyo, Japan) Schema evolution derived from data. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Kaneko1979, Author ={Kaneko,A., Nishihara,Y., Tsuruoka,K., and Hattori,M.},
Title ={Logical Clock Synchronization Method for Duplicated Database Control},
Journal ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 1.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="601--611",
Annote ={replication Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Kanellakis1985, Author ={Kanellakis,P. and Papadimitriou,C.},
Title ={The complexity of distributed concurrency control},
Journal ={SIAM J.Comput, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8512-1162.},
Year =1985, Month =Feb,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ complexity and communication both rise when effective parallelism rises Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Kanellakis1986, Author ={Kanellakis,Paris},
Title ={Logic Programming and Parallel Complexity},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Brown Un., DCS This is a survey of the topic mentioned in the title. It also contains the result that boundedness is NP-hard even for single, linear rules. --- jeff Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@book{Kanellakis1986:1, Author ={Kanellakis,Paris(ed)},
Title ={The Theory of Databases},
Publisher ={Advances in Computing Research.},
Year =1986, Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Kanellakis, Author ={Kanellakis,P.C. and Papadimitriou,C.H.},
Title ={Is Distributed Locking Harder?},
Journal ={Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Academic. . ??? date},
Pages ="103-120",
Volume ="28",
Annote ={ safety can be tested efficiently for two tx and two sites, but not 4 sites Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Kanellakis1990, Author ={Kanellakis,P., Kuper,G., and Revesz,P.},
Title ={Constraint Query Languages},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Brown Un. Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@book{Kanerva1988, Author ={Kanerva,Pentti},
Title ={Sparse Distributed Memory},
Publisher ={The Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press, 176pp.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ at NASA Ames Research Center and Visiting Scholar at Stanford Un. CSLI theory of human long-term memory. Describes an autonomous system that builds from experience an internal model of the world. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Kang1987, Author ={Kang,H. and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Using 2-way Semijoins in Distributed Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery> DBDdist> DBDops, DBfile Roussopoulos} }

@techreport{Kang1987:1, Author ={Kang,H. and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={On Cost-effectiveness of a Semijoin in Distributed Query Processing},
Institution ={Compsac, Tokyo.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Kang1992, Author ={Kang,M. and Dietz,H.},
Title ={Data Dependence Analysis for an Untrusted Transaction Manager in a Multilevel Database System},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Naval Research Laboratory; Purdue Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Kangassalo1985, Author ={Kangassalo,Hannu},
Title ={On the Evolution of the Data Base},
Institution ={from Ralph Cherubini.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@article{Kannan1978, Author ={Kannan,K.},
Title ={The Design of a Mass Memory for a Database Computer},
Journal ={Proc. Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture 5.},
Year =1978, Pages ="44--51",
Category ={DBFhard.1.4> DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Kanth1988, Author ={Kanth,M.R. and Bose,P.K.,},
Title ={Extending an Assumption-based Truth Maintenance System to Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Kantorowitz1986, Author ={Kantorowitz,E., Maryanski,F., and Shasta,D.},
Title ={Distributed Office by Example (D OBE)},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Kao1987, Author ={Kao,M., Cercone,N., and Luk,W-S.},
Title ={What do you mean `Null'?: Turning Null Responses into Quality Responses},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ at Simon Fraser U., Lab.for Comp.and Commun.Res., (Burnaby, B.C. Canada) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Kao1988, Author ={Kao,M, Cercone,N., and Luk,W-S.},
Title ={Providing Quality Responses with Natural Language Interfaces: The Null Value Problem},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Pages ="959--986",
Volume ="14",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@unpublished{Kao1990, Author ={Kao,R. and Sim,T.},
Title ={An Enhanced Architecture for Composite Information Systems},
Note ={WP Conference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP-90-06, May .},
Year =1990, Annote ={at MIT, Sloan School B.S. thesis, study on integration of heterogenous databases focussing on mapping and logical connections; a global schema processor mediates Category ={DBDdist> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kao1986, Author ={Kao,S.},
Title ={DECIDES: An Expert System Tool for Physical Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Kaplan1979, Author ={Kaplan,S.J, Mays,E., and Joshi,A.K.},
Title ={A Technique for Managing the Lexicon in a Natural Language Interface to a Changing Data Base},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Tokyo Japan.},
Year =1979, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@incollection{Kaplan1980, Author ={Kaplan,S.J.},
Title ={Appropriate Responses to Inappropriate Questions},
Booktitle ={Formal Aspects of Language and Discourse, Joshi, Sag and Webber(eds), Cambridge Un. Press.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@article{Kaplan1981, Author ={Kaplan,S.J. and Ferris,D.},
Title ={Hello, This is Your System Speaking},
Journal ={Computing, 22.},
Year =1981, Month =Oct,
Volume ="9",
Number ="43",
Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@article{Kaplan1981:1, Author ={Kaplan,S.J. and Davidson,J.},
Title ={Interpreting Natural Language Database Updates},
Journal ={American Journal of Computational Linguistics 19.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="139--141",
Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb> DBDmodel.0>} }

@incollection{Kaplan1982, Author ={Kaplan,S.Jerrold},
Title ={Cooperative Responses from a Portable Natural Language Database Query System},
Booktitle ={Computational Models of Discourse, Brady(ed), Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT press.},
Year =1982, Pages ="167--200",
Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb>} }

@article{Kaplan1982:1, Author ={Kaplan,S.Jerrold},
Title ={Cooperative Responses from a Portable Natural Language Query System},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Pages ="165--187",
Volume ="19",
Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb>} }

@article{Kaplan1984, Author ={Kaplan,S.Jerrold},
Title ={Designing a Portable Natural Language Database Query System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--19",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@inproceedings{Kaplan1987, Author ={Kaplan J.},
Title ={Personal Database for Personal Computers: Intelligent and Flexible Databases for Individuals},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Lotus, Consultant Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Kaplan1990, Author ={Kaplan,S.J., Kapor,M., Belove,E., Landsman,R., and Drake,T.},
Title ={Agenda: a Personal Information Manager},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9101-0021.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Volume ="33",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ handle free-textual data; allow for structure to evolve gracefully as the database grows; represent unnormalized data; support data entry through database views; called an item/category database Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDbib> DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Kappel1988, Author ={Kappel,G. and Schrefl,M.},
Title ={A Behavior Integrated Entity Relationship Approach for the Design of Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Wien, Austria Category ={DBDdesign> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kappel1991, Author ={Kappel,Gerti },
Title ={Object/Behaviour Diagrams},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Kappel1992, Author ={Kappel,G. and Schrefl,M.},
Title ={Local Referential Integrity},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Karabeg1987, Author ={Karabeg,A., Karabeg,D., Papakonstantinu,K., and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Axiomatization and Simplification Rules for Relational Transactions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCSD, IBM Almaden Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Karabeg1991, Author ={Karabeg,D., and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Simplification Rules and Complete Axiomatization for Relational Update Transactions},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Karadimce1993, Author ={Karadimce,A. and Urban,S.},
Title ={A Framework for Declarative Updates and Constraint Maintenance in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Arizona State Un. Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Karagiannis1986, Author ={Karagiannis,D. and Schneider,H.J.},
Title ={Data- and Knowledge- Base Management Systems for Decision Support},
Journal ={Decision Support System; Theory and Application, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Karagiannis1986:1, Author ={Karagiannis,D. and Schneider,H.J.},
Title ={Knowledge-based Systems for Information Systems Development Methods: A Case Study with ISAC Prototypes},
Booktitle ={Proc. 2nd Conf. on Comp.Techno and Application, Baghdad.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Berlin Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@book{Karagiannis1990, Author ={Karagiannis,D.(ed.)},
Title ={Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence: Integration Aspects},
Publisher ={LNCS, Workshop ISAI.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Karagiannis1991, Author ={Karagiannis,Dimitris},
Title ={Architecture and Functionality of a Document Preparation System in a Distributed Environment},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at UCB, on leave from FAW,Ulm protopypic application, is the FAW annual report Category ={DBDbib> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Kardanovskiy1986, Author ={Kardanovskiy,Boris V.},
Title ={On One Method of Debugging Software for Plant Technical Management Automation Systems Using 'Programma-1 Microprocessor System of LIUS-2 Local Data Management System Equipment Complex},
Journal ={Control Systems and Machines; translation of Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny (Kiev, UkSSR) , Kiev.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="123--130",
Number ="1",
Annote ={no databases Category ={DBDimpl, FASAC 210a@inproceedings{Karimi1990, Author ={Karimi,S., Orooji,A., and Bassiouni,M.},
Title ={Supporting Temporal Capabilities in a Multi-Computer Database System},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Karlsson1992, Author ={Karlsson,E., Sindre,G., Sorumgard,S., and Tryggeseth,E.},
Title ={Weighted Term Spaces for Relaxed Search},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Norwegian Institute of Technology Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Karlsson1982, Author ={Karlsson,T.},
Title ={CONTRA: A Tool for Conceptual Model Transformation},
Booktitle ={SYSLAB WP .},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Number ="40",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Karlsson1984, Author ={Karlsson,Terttu},
Title ={TMOL --- a Temporal Modeling Language},
Journal ={Syslab, WP , rcvd .},
Year =1984, Number ="79",
Annote ={at Un.Stockholm, SYSLAB All modeling is in terms of time intervals. Category ={DBDnewDBMS, SYSLAB } }

@article{Karlsson1988, Author ={Karlsson,Terttu},
Title ={A Theory for Time and Action},
Journal ={Syslab.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Stockholm, SYSLAB Instead of choosing between the point-based and interval-based formalism, it defines ``time-segment'' and the ``meet'' relationship among them as the primitives. The time-segment is an interval if it has at least two subsegments (intuitively similar to end-points). Otherwise, it is a time-point. The rest of the development is very much like interval algebra of Allen. The paper also introduces the following relationships: ``wholistic'', ``homogeneous''and ``occassional''. An action is wholistic if it holds over the time-segment (similar to relationship between an object and a set). It is homogeneous if it holds over all sub-segments and occassional if some sub-segments are left out. The presentation is nice and clear, but its overall contribtion is not really significant. ---surajit Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Karlton1976, Author ={Karlton,P.C., Fuller,S.H., Scroggs,R.E., and Kaehler,E.B.},
Title ={Performance of Height-Balanced Trees},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1976, Month =Jan,
Pages ="23--28",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at CMU Binary tree balancing when inserting and deleting. Category ={DBFtree> %Karlton76 } }

@article{Karp1984, Author ={Karp,R.A.},
Title ={Proving Failure-Free Properties of Concurrent Systems Using Temporal Logic},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1984, Pages ="237--253",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ proving correctness of semaphore-based mechanisms, UNIX, MESA, Modula applications. Category ={DBFstorage-3.4.4> DBDdist> DBDintegrity.1.1> } }

@incollection{Karp1974, Author ={Karp,R.M.},
Title ={Reducibility Among Combinatorial Problems},
Booktitle ={Complexity of Computer Computations, Miller,Tatcher, Plenum.},
Year =1974, Pages ="85--103",
Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@article{Karpinski1971, Author ={Karpinski,Richard H.S. and Bleich,Howard C.},
Title ={MISAR: A Miniature Information Storage and Retrieval System},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1971, Month =Dec,
Pages ="655--660",
Volume ="4",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFmethods> at Harvard Medical School Protection through separate registry numbers, Data base system using tables, simple schema and MUMPS files. Category ={DBDschema> %Karpinski71 } }

@article{Karsner1975, Author ={Karsner,G.R.},
Title ={Database Experience in the Netherlands PTT (ITCIS)},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="376--404",
Annote ={at Pandata B.V., Rijswijk, Netherlands Experience and tradeoffs with a large DBTG-based (DMS1100) application. Category ={DBDbound.5> DBDintegrity>%Karsner75 } }

@article{Karszt1982, Author ={Karszt,J.},
Title ={Optimistic Concurrency Control and Recovery in a Multipersonal Computer System},
Journal ={ACM SIGSMALL Newsl..},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="12--21",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity> DBFrepresent-3>} }

@article{Kasarda1972, Author ={Kasarda, Andrew J. and Hillman,Donald J.},
Title ={The LEADERMART System and Service},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1972, Pages ="469--477",
Annote ={at Lehigh Un. (Bethlehem PA) Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Kasatkina1982, Author ={Kasatkina,I.V. and Petrushin,V.A.},
Title ={Deductive Semantics of File Processing Operators and Its Application to Verification of COBOL Programs},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Dec..},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Volume ="8",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFseq, FASAC 321} }

@inproceedings{Kasif1983, Author ={Kasif,S., Kohli,M., and Minker,J.},
Title ={PRISM --- A Parallel Inference System for Problem Solving},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-83, Karlsruhe, FRG.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Un.Maryland, AIDBRL PRISM consists of: a user host interface on the host; Z80A machines as problem solvers (PSMs); amachines designated as Extensional Database Machines (EDB) that store ground atomic formulae (relational tables); and machines designated as Intensional Database Machines (IDB) that store procedures (the general rules in the system). The system can also include Constraint Machines (CM) that use user-supplied constraints to prune unsatisfiable paths in the proof tree. The system supports both AND and OR parallelism. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@incollection{Kast1972, Author ={Kast,F.E. and Rosenzweig,J.E.},
Title ={General Systems Theory: Applications for Organization and Management},
Booktitle ={Reprinted from the issues of the Academy of Management Journal.},
Year =1972, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Kasturi1988, Author ={Kasturi,R. and Alemany,J.},
Title ={Information Extraction from Images of Paper-Based Maps},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="671--675",
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Annote ={Extract information from paper-based maps. Category ={Image> } }

@inproceedings{Katcher, Author ={Katcher,A.M.},
Title ={Efficient Utilization of Limited Access Archival Storage in a Time-Shared Environment},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGIR 71.},
Pages ="197--205",
Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown Heights Migration and data compression on TSS 67 (Huffman Coding) Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@inproceedings{Kato1991, Author ={Kato,T. et al.},
Title ={Cognitive View Mechanism for Multimedia Database System},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Katoh1985, Author ={Katoh, N., Iberaki,T., and Kameda,T.},
Title ={Cautious Transaction Schedulers with Admission Control},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="205--229",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ serializability control for predefined transaction sequences. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } }

@inproceedings{Katona1992, Author ={Katona,Gyula},
Title ={Combinatorial and Algebraic Results for Database Relations},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ at Hungarian Academy of Sciences, Budapest, Hungary Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@article{Katsuno1984, Author ={Katsuno,Hirofumi},
Title ={An Extension of Conflict-free Multi-valued Dependency Sets},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8502-0131.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="309--326",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@unpublished{Katsuno1987, Author ={Katsuno,Hirofumi},
Title ={Two Classes of Easily Tested Integrity Constraints: Complacent and FD-complacent Integrity Constraints},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at NTT Japan Category ={DBDkb, Winslett} }

@unpublished{Katsuno1989, Author ={Katsuno,H. and Mendelzon,A.O.},
Title ={A Unified View of Propositional Knowledge Base Update},
Note ={rcvd.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Annote ={Compares Dalal, Borgida, Fagin. reviews prior work, distinguishes facts and constraints. Defines kb revision (knowledge conflicy resolution), contraction (less knowledge), elimination (delete knowledge), and retraction (undo). Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Katsuyama1991, Author ={Katsuyama,K., Nakakawaji,T., Miyauchi,N., and Mizuno,T.},
Title ={An Implementation of Management Information Base},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Katter1975, Author ={Katter,R.V. and Pearson,R.M.},
Title ={MEDLARS II: A Third Generation Bibliographic Production System},
Journal ={Journal of Library Automation.},
Year =1975, Month =Jun,
Pages ="87--97",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintro.8> DBDquery.1>} }

@article{Katz1979, Author ={Katz,R.H. and Wong,E.},
Title ={Performance Enhancement for Relational Systems through Query Compilation},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , 1979.},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="741--747",
Volume ="48",
Annote ={ model considers 1. interpretation, 2. parse tree, 3. name resolution, 4. internal processing plan, 5. coded representation with calls. Proposes improvements for INGRES. Category ={DBDschema.4.1> } }

@inproceedings{Katz1980, Author ={Katz,R.H. and Wong,E.},
Title ={An Access Path Model for Physical Database Design},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data, Chen(ed).},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Pages ="22--28",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Katz1982, Author ={Katz,R.H. and Wong,E.},
Title ={Decompiling CODASYL DML into Relational Queries},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--23",
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at UCB, Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Katz1982:1, Author ={Katz,R.H.},
Title ={A Database Approach for Managing VLSI Design Data},
Journal ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 19, Las Vegas NE.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="274--282",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Category ={DBappl> EIS>} }

@article{Katz1983, Author ={Katz,R.H. and Wong,E.},
Title ={Resolving Conflicts in Global Storage Design through Replication},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="110--135",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Constrained assignment of abstract characteristics (evaluated, indexed, clustered, well-placed) to logical access paths. An algorithm to select storage structures for a CODASYL 78 DBTG schema. Access path data model deduced from the Entity-Relationship Model. Each function is augmented with access characteristics, evaluated, indexed, clustered, and well-placed. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBDbound.5> } }

@article{Katz1983:1, Author ={Katz,Randy H.},
Title ={Managing the Chip Design Database},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="16--36",
Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@article{Katz1984, Author ={Katz,R.H. and Lehman,T.J.},
Title ={Database Support for Versions and Alternatives for Large Files},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE10 .},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="191--200",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ support for design data files, WiSS. Optical Disc, signatures. Category ={EIS> DBFhard.1.4> } }

@inproceedings{Katz1985, Author ={Katz,R.H., Chang,E., and Bhateja,R.},
Title ={Version Modeling Concepts for Computer-Aided Design Databases},
Booktitle ={UCB, TR-CSD-86-270.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Category ={EIS, KHall} }

@inproceedings{Katz1985:1, Author ={Katz,R.H., Anwarrudin,M., and Chang,.E},
Title ={A Version Service for Computer-Aided Design Data},
Booktitle ={UCB, draft, rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Katz1987, Author ={Katz,R.H., Anwarrudin,M. and Chang,E.},
Title ={A Version Server for Computer-Aided Design Data},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 24, FL.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at UCB, EECS Category ={DBDobject> EIS, DBfile} }

@article{Katz1988, Author ={Katz,R.H., Ousterhout,J.K., Patterson,D.A., and Stonebraker,M.R.},
Title ={A Project on High Performance I/O Subsystems},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="40-47",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at UCB, EECS use of multiple disks arranged in arrays Category ={DBFhard> DBFperform> } }

@article{Katz1990, Author ={Katz,Randy},
Title ={Toward a Unified Framework for Version Modeling in Engineering Databases},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="22",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ component hierarchies (PART-OF), version histories (IS-DERIVED FROM), configurations, equivalencies of multifaceted data, a variety of representations are needed to describe a design artifact fully Category ={EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Katz1990:1, Author ={Katz,R. and Chang,E.},
Title ={Managing Change in a Computer-Aided Design Database},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={EIS>} }

@book{Katzan1973, Author ={Katzan,Harry jr.},
Title ={Computer Data Security},
Publisher ={Hayden (Rochelle Park NJ).},
Year =1973, Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@book{Katzan1975, Author ={Katzan,Harry jr.},
Title ={Computer Data Management and Data Base Technology},
Publisher ={vanN-R, 356pp.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ includes short descriptions of Guide/Share requirements, DBTG, Category ={DBFintro> DBDintro.9, x> } }

@book{Katzan1983, Author ={Katzan,Harry,Jr.},
Title ={Management Support Systems: A Pragmatic Approach},
Publisher ={Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY), 115pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-0530.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Katzan Int'l Comp. Consulting. four different models of the architecture of a decision support system, taken from Sprague and Carlson Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Katzman1978, Author ={Katzman,J.A.},
Title ={A Fault-Tolerant Computing System},
Journal ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 11.},
Year =1978, Pages ="85--102",
Volume ="3",
Annote ={TANDEM Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent-3>} }

@inproceedings{Kaufmann1986, Author ={Kaufmann,H. and Grumbach,A.},
Title ={Representing and Manipulating Knowledge Within Worlds},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at CGE and Ecole Sup. d'Electricite (France) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Kaufman1972, Author ={Kaufman,Marc T.},
Title ={Anomalies in Scheduling Unit-Time Tasks},
Institution ={Stanford Un., DSL, TR.34.},
Year =1972, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., Digital System Lab. Problems with scheduling algorithm Category ={DBFtechn.4, xB6.4> } }

@inproceedings{Kaul1990, Author ={Kaul,M., Drosten,K., and Neuhold,E.J.},
Title ={ViewSystem: Integrating Heterogeneous Information Bases by Object-Oriented Views},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at GMD-IPSI, FRG mediator for uniform access to heterogeneous information basis such as databases, information retrieval and file systems; information can be integrated incrementally using object-oriented query language and a method language I3 Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject> VOD, DBfile box IPSI-GMD } }

@article{Kaula1990, Author ={Kaula,R. and Ngwenyama,O.},
Title ={An Approach to Open Intelligent Information Systems},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.},
Year =1990, Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ modularity is stored; includes experiment with modules that interact through generic messages AFIS model with interfaces Category ={DBDarchitecture> } }

@article{Kaunitz1984, Author ={Kaunitz,J. and vanEkert,L.},
Title ={Audit Trail Compaction for Database Recovery},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , p.678--683; ACM CR 8502-0133.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Volume ="27",
Number ="7",
Annote ={Delete redundant afterimages. Category ={DBFrepresent.5.3> } }

@article{Kautz1988, Author ={Kautz,H.A. and Pednault,P.D.},
Title ={Planning and Plan Recognition},
Journal ={ATT Technical J., Jan.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Volume ="67",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at ATT, Murray Hill; ATT Homedale Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Kawakami1989, Author ={Kawakami,S., Nakayama,T., Kashiwabara,K., and Hikita,S.},
Title ={REAM: An SQL Based and Extensible Relational Database Management System},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="166--170",
Annote ={at OKI Electric Industry Co., (Saitama, Japan) Category ={DBDrel> } }

@inproceedings{Kawamura1986, Author ={Kawamura,K., Beale,G., Rodriguez-Moscoso,J., Hsieh,B-J., Padalkar,S., Johnson,M., Vinz,F., and Fernandez,K.R.},
Title ={NESS: A Coupled Simulation Expert System},
Booktitle ={International Symp.on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems; Un.Tennessee.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="28--39",
Annote ={ at Vanderbilt Un., Ctr for Intelligent Systems (Nashville) loose coupling of expert system to FORTRAN simulator Category ={DBDkb> KS> } }

@inproceedings{Kawanobe1984, Author ={Kawanobe,Kazukiyo},
Title ={Current Status and Future Plans of the Fifth Generation Computer Systems Project},
Booktitle ={Fifth Generations Computer Systems, ICOT, pub. North-Holland-84.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="3--17",
Annote ={at ICOT, Tokyo Category ={DBDkb, DBfile FGCS} }

@inproceedings{Kay1976, Author ={Kay,M.H.},
Title ={An Assessment of the CODASYL DDL for Use with a Relational Subschema},
Booktitle ={Data Base Description, Douque and Nijssen(eds), N-H.},
Year =1976, Pages ="199--214",
Annote ={ Implements a system with a network schema and a relational subschema, but no automatic translation aids are provided. Transformation rules and problems between relations and networks. Category ={DBDschema.6> } }

@techreport{Kay1976:1, Author ={Kay,M.H.},
Title ={Data Independence in Database Management Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Cambridge.},
Year =1976, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDintro.9>} }

@article{Kaye1987, Author ={Kaye,A.R. and Karam,G.M.},
Title ={Cooperating Knowledge-Based Assistants for the Office},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 8901--0030.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Pages ="297--326",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Carleton Un., (Ottawa Ontario, Canada) Mediators, I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Kearns1983, Author ={Kearns,John P. and DeFazio,Samuel},
Title ={Locality of Reference in Hierarchical Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="128--124",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh Several groups at IBM have investigated database reference activity under IMS and have concluded that database reference strings are substantially unlike reference strings generated by ordinary programs. They are interested in the DBMS workload generated by a particular program; not by multiple programs whose executions are interleaved in time. Virtual memory. Category ={DBFhard.3.2> DBFsyseval> DBDrel.3> DBDbound.6> } }

@article{Kedem1980, Author ={Kedem,Z. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Non-Two-Phase Locking Protocols with Shared and Exclusive Locks},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="309--317",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Dallas They are applicable to database systems which are hierarchically organized as well as database systems which are modeled by directed acyclic graphs. Category ={DBDintegrity.1> DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Kedem1983, Author ={Kedem,Z.M. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Locking Protocols: From Exclusive to Shared Locks},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, pp.l787--804.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Volume ="30",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook, DCS (NY) Category ={DBDintegrity.1> DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Kedem1989, Author ={Kedem,Z. Tuzhilin,A.},
Title ={Relational Database Behavior: Utilizing Relational Discrete Event Systems and Models},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at New York Un. production system model to transform database states; parallelizable Category ={DBDops> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kee1993, Author ={Kee,J. and Dally,W.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Ephemeral Logging},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDperf>} }

@article{Keefe1989, Author ={Keefe,T.F., Thuraisingham,M.B., and Tsai,W.T.},
Title ={Secure Query-Processing Strategies},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9005-0417.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="63--70",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota multilevel secure, relational model. Category ={DBFsecurity> } }

@inproceedings{Keefe1990, Author ={ Keefe,T.F., Tsai,W.T., and Srivastava,J. Keefe,T.F., Tsai,W.T., and Srivastava,J.},
Title ={Multilevel Secure Database Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Category ={DBDsec>} }

@inproceedings{Keen1992, Author ={Keen,D. and Rajasekar,A.},
Title ={Inductive Dependencies and Approximate Databases},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Description and detailed analytical method for optimal layout Category ={DBFimpl.3, 13 at Un.Kentucky Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Keen1992:1, Author ={Keen,J. and Dally,W.},
Title ={Management of Precommitted Transactions in a Concurrent DBMS},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at MIT Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Kehrer1992, Author ={Kehrer,N. and Neumann,G.},
Title ={An EER Prototyping Environment and its Implemetation in a Datalog Language},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Austria Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Keim1993, Author ={Keim,D., Kriegel,H., and Miethsam.A.},
Title ={Integration of Relational Databases in a Multidatabase System based on Schema Enrichment},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Munich Category ={DBDdist> DBDschema> DBDrel>} }

@article{Keith1970, Author ={Keith,N.R.},
Title ={A General Evaluation Model for an Information Storage and Retrieval System},
Journal ={ASIS.},
Year =1970, Month =Jul,
Pages ="237--239",
Category ={DBFeval>} }

@inproceedings{Keller1981, Author ={Keller,A.M. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Validation of Updates Against the Structural Database Model},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 1, Bhargava(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD, Category ={DBDmodel.3> DBDrel.2>} }

@incollection{Keller1981:1, Author ={Keller,A.M.},
Title ={Updates to Relational Databases through Views Involving Joins},
Booktitle ={Res. Report RJ3282, IBM.},
Year =1981, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBFhybrid.3.4> DBDschema> DBDrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{Keller1984, Author ={Keller,A. and Winslett-Wilkins,M.},
Title ={Approaches for Handling Incomplete Information and Nulls in Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDschema.1.3>} }

@article{Keller1984:1, Author ={Keller,A.M. and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={On Complementary and Independent Mappings on Databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 84, Boston .},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDschema.1.3>} }

@article{Keller1985, Author ={Keller,A. and Wilkins,M. Winslett},
Title ={On the Use of an Extended Relational Model to Handle Changing Incomplete Information},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="620--633",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ alternative world models are used to define the semantics of nulls. Representations for nulls other than inapplicable (best modeled structurally) are set nulls, predicates, alternative databases (formalized here), and conditional-relations with possible-tuples, with alternative sets, or predicated. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@techreport{Keller1985:1, Author ={Keller Arthur M.},
Title ={Updating Relational Databases Through Views},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford Un., CSD.},
Year =1985, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDtheory.2>} }

@article{Keller1985:2, Author ={Keller,A.M.},
Title ={Algorithms for Translating View Updates to Database Updates for Views Involving Selections, Projections, and Joins},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Portland OR, ACM SIGACT and SIGMOD.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDschema.5>} }

@techreport{Keller1985:3, Author ={Keller,A.M.},
Title ={Layered Concurrency Control for Abstract Data Types},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Texas Category ={DBDintegrity.2, DBfile} }

@techreport{Keller1985:4, Author ={Keller, Arthur M.},
Title ={Indexed File Access for Ada},
Institution ={IDA Internal Document.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="138-153",
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@article{Keller1986, Author ={Keller,Arthur},
Title ={The Role of Semantics in Translating Views Updates},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="63--73",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Choosing a view update translator by dialog at view definition time. Category ={DBDschema.5> DBDadmin> DBDrel> VOD> } }

@inproceedings{Keller1986:1, Author ={Keller,Arthur M.},
Title ={Updating Relational Databases Through Union Views},
Booktitle ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. , rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDtheory, DBFile} }

@article{Keller1986:2, Author ={Keller, Arthur},
Title ={Set-Theoretic Problems of Null Completion in Relational Databases},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Volume ="22",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@unpublished{Keller1986:3, Author ={Keller,A.M.},
Title ={Indexed File Access for Ada},
Note ={rcvd.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Texas-Austin Category ={DBFindex, DBFile} }

@techreport{Keller1986:4, Author ={Keller,Arthur M.},
Title ={A Reliable and Deadlock-Free Multi-Indexed B+-Tree},
Institution ={Un.Texas, Austin, TR-86-19,},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBFindex, DBFile} }

@inproceedings{Keller1986:5, Author ={Keller,A.M.},
Title ={Choosing a View Update Translator by Dialog at View Definition Time},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDrel, DBFile} }

@article{Keller1987, Author ={Keller,Arthur M.},
Title ={Comments on Bancilhon and Spyratos `Upodate Semantics and Relational Views'},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="521-523",
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ a small relaxation of constraints increases the feasibility of view update Category ={DBDmodel>, DBDrel> } }

@unpublished{Keller1988, Author ={Keller,A.M. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Modularization of the DADAISM Ada Database System Architecture},
Note ={Draft.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@unpublished{Keller1988:1, Author ={Keller,A.M. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Concurrent Use of Btrees with Variable-Length Entries},
Note ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="89-90",
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Keller1991, Author ={Keller,A. and Roy,S.},
Title ={Adaptive Parallel Hash Join in Main-Memory Databases},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Keller1991:1, Author ={Keller,T., Graefe,G., and Maier,D.},
Title ={Efficient Assembly of Complex Objects},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kelley1993, Author ={Kelley,G.},
Title ={Parallel Data Query in Informix DBMS},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Informix Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Kelley1986, Author ={Kelley,K.L. and Rusinkiewicz,M.},
Title ={Implementation of Multi-Key Extendible Hashing as an Access Method for a Relational DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Kelley1988, Author ={Kelley,K.L. and Rusinkiewicz,M.},
Title ={Multikey, Extensible Hashing for Relational Dabases},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Pages ="77--85",
Annote ={at IBM Systems Integration Division Support sequential, full-key, and partial-key retrieval, concurrent access and primary key (optional uniqueness); uses multi-level bucket splitting. Category ={DBDhash> DBFhybrid> } }

@article{Kellogg1968, Author ={Kellogg,Charles H.},
Title ={On Line Translation of Natural Language Questions into Artificial Language Queries},
Journal ={Information Storage and Retrieval.},
Year =1968, Month =Aug,
Pages ="287--308",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at SDS Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Kellogg1968:1, Author ={Kellogg,Charles H.},
Title ={A Natural Language Compiler for On-Line Data Management},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1968, Pages ="473--492",
Volume ="33",
Annote ={at SDS Translation of English language queries into LISP form and their processing. Category ={DBDnat, xB10> %Kellogg68 } }

@inproceedings{Kellogg1971, Author ={Kellogg,C.H., Burger,J., Diller,T., Fogt,K.},
Title ={The CONVERSE Natural Language Data Management System: Current Status and Plans},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGIR, Proc.of Conf. on Information, Storage, and Retrieval, ,},
Year =1971, Pages ="33--46",
Annote ={ CONVERSE32, Description of development of parsing capability. Category ={DBDnat, xB10, Z699.A1.592> } }

@incollection{Kellogg1978, Author ={Kellogg,C., Klahr,P., and Travis,L.},
Title ={Deductive Planning and Pathfinding for Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={'Logic and Databases', Gallaire and Minker(eds), Plenum.},
Year =1978, Pages ="179--200",
Annote ={at SDC (Santa Monica CA); Un.Wisconsin, Madison One of the few implemented deductive database systems separates the External DB from the Internal DB. Category ={DBDnat> } }

@inproceedings{Kellogg1981, Author ={Kellogg,C. and Travis,L.},
Title ={Reasoning with Data in a Deductively Augmented Data Management System},
Booktitle ={Advances in Database Theory, Gallaire,Minker,and Nicolas(eds), Plenum .},
Year =1981, Volume ="1",
Annote ={XM-1 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Kellogg1982, Author ={Kellogg,C.},
Title ={Knowledge Management: A Practical Amalgam of Knowledge and Data Base Technology},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int-82, Pittsburgh .},
Year =1982, Annote ={XM-1 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Kellogg1986, Author ={Kellogg,C.},
Title ={Intelligent Assistants for Knowledge and Information Resources Management},
Booktitle ={Wah and Li `Computers for AI Applications', IEEE CS.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Kellogg1984, Author ={Kellogg,C.},
Title ={Transitioning from Data Management to Knowledge Management},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at SDC Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Kellogg1986:1, Author ={Kellogg,Charles},
Title ={The Transition from Data Management to Knowledge Management},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Kellogg1986:2, Author ={Kellogg,C., O'Hare,A., and Travis,L.},
Title ={Optimizing the Rule-data Interface in a KMS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="42--51",
Annote ={at MCC; Un.Wisconsin subsume cycles and subtree. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Kellogg1992, Author ={Kellogg,C. and Livezey,B.},
Title ={Intelligent Data Exploration and Analysis},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Lockheed Artificial Intelligence Center Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Kelly1970, Author ={Kelly,J.F.},
Title ={Computerized Management Information Systems},
Publisher ={McMillan .},
Year =1970, Category ={DBDquery, T58. 6-K44>} }

@inproceedings{Kelter1988, Author ={Kelter,Udo},
Title ={The Queue Protocol: A Deadlock-free, Homogeneous, Non-two-phase Locking Protocol},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Annote ={ at U.Dortmund, DCS, P.O.Box 500500, D-4600 Dortmund 50, FRG. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Kelton1985, Author ={Kelton,W.D.},
Title ={Transient Exponential-Erlang Queues and Steady-State Simulation},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="741--749",
Volume ="28",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBFmethods>} }

@inproceedings{Kemper1987, Author ={Kemper,A., Lockemann,P.C., and Wallrath,M.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Database System for Engineering Applications},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe, Inst. for Informatik II (FRG) uses IBM Heidelberg DBMS Category ={DBDobject> EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Kemper1987:1, Author ={Kemper,Alfons},
Title ={Abstract Datatypes in Geometrical Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 20, Kona.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Pages ="453--463",
Annote ={ defines a nested representation for cuboid modeling of CSG (constructive solid) objects; representation is not canonical; no transforms to BR (boundary representation) and no algebra. Category ={EIS> IMAGE> } }

@article{Kemper1987:2, Author ={Kemper,A. and Wallrath,M.},
Title ={An Analysis of Geometric Modeling in Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="47--91",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) requirements for CAM. Functional, nested relations (NFNF), RRDD models. Category ={EIS> DBDdesign> IMAGE> } }

@inproceedings{Kemper1990, Author ={Kemper,A. and Moerkotte,G. },
Title ={Access Support in Object Bases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={Access paths are kept in relations Access support relations relate objects with each other and can span over reference chains, which may contain collection-valued components, to support queries involving path expressions. Category ={DBDperf> DBFhybrid> } }

@inproceedings{Kemper1991, Author ={Kemper,A., Kilger,C., and Moerkotte,G.},
Title ={Function Materialization in Object Bases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kemper1992, Author ={Kemper,A., Moerkotte,G., and Steinbrunn,M.},
Title ={Optimizing Boolean Expressions in Object-Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Kemper1993, Author ={Kemper,A. Kossmann,D.},
Title ={Adaptable Pointer Swizzling Strategies in Object Bases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at RWTH Aachen Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kemper1993:1, Author ={Kemper,A., Moerkotte,G., and Peithner,K.},
Title ={A Blackboard Architecture for Query Optimization in Object Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Kendrick1989, Author ={Kendrick,D.A. and Krishnan,R.},
Title ={A Comparison of Structured Modeling and GAMS},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management, vol.2 no.1.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ A special issue devoted to papers presented at the conference on ICC Institute, Austin TX. Kendrick,D.A, Lasdon,L.S., Ruefli,T.W. and Whinston,A.B. (eds.). ---Gio Category ={DBDappl> } }

@article{Kendrik1980, Author ={Kendrik,J.R.},
Title ={Management Information for Agriculture},
Journal ={Perspectives in Computing.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="35--42",
Annote ={at Un.Nebraska Category ={DBDappl>} }

@techreport{Kennedy1973, Author ={Kennedy,S.R.},
Title ={The Use of Access Frequencies in Database Organizations},
Institution ={PhD Th., Cornell Un..},
Year =1973, Month =May,
Annote ={at Cornell Un. (Ithaca NY) Category ={DBFuse-2>} }

@book{Kent1971, Author ={Kent,A.},
Title ={Information Analysis and Retrieval},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-BeckerHayes.},
Year =1971, Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh Library system design. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Kent1988, Author ={Kent,A., Sacks-Davis,R., and Ramamohanarao,K.},
Title ={A Superimposed Coding Scheme Based on Multiple Block Descriptor Files for Indexing Very Large Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="351--359",
Annote ={ at Royal Melbourne Inst.of Technology, (Melbourne, Victoria, Australia) Transposition in access structures. Category ={DBFindex> } }

@article{Kent1985, Author ={Kent,D.L., Shortliffe,E.H., Carlson,R.W., Bischoff,M.B., and Jacobs,C.D.},
Title ={Improvements in Data Collection Through Physician Use of a Computer-Based Chemotherapy Treatment Consultant},
Journal ={Journal of Clinical Oncology.},
Year =1985, Pages ="1409--1417",
Volume ="3",
Annote ={ The impact of a computer-based data management system on the completeness of clinical trial data was studied before and after the system's introduction in an oncology clinic. Physicians use the system, termed ONCOCIN, to record data during patient visits and receive advice about treatment and tests required by experimental cancer protocols. Although ONCOCIN does not force the user to enter all data expected by the protocol, after its introduction there was improvement in the recording frequency of such data. The percentage of expected physical findings recorded increased from 74 to 91pct (p<.05), toxicity history from <1 to 45pct (p<.01), general chemistry results from 36 to 82pct (p<.01), x-ray results from 44 to 73pct (p<.01) and physicians' assessments of overall disease activity and Karnofsky performance status from 73 to 91pct (p<.05). Analysis of the steps in data collection and their contribution to loss of data suggests that observations or test ordering which are dependent on the physician are most improved by the system. Furthermore, analysis of post-ONCOCIN visits when the system was unavailable suggests that recording of physician-dependent data (physical findings and assessments of disease activity and performance status) is likely to revert to pre-ONCOCIN levels if the system is not used routinely. The results show that ONCOCIN can greatly enhance recovery of those data expected for chemotherapy protocol patients. The program's interaction with the physician is central to its effectiveness in data collection, especially for data that arise directly from the patient-physician encounter. Category ={DBDquery> MCS> } }

@techreport{Kent1984, Author ={Kent,J. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Crash Recovery Mechanisms},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR-EECS-329.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Annote ={PREDATOR testbed, logging versus shadow paging. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBFmethods.4, DBfile Garcia } }

@techreport{Kent1985:1, Author ={Kent,J. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Optimizing Shadow Recovery Algorithms},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR-CS-012.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile Garcia} }

@inproceedings{Kent1988:1, Author ={Kent,J., Terry,D., and Orr,W-S.},
Title ={Browsing Electronic Mail: Experiences Interfacing a Mail System to a DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="112--123",
Annote ={at Xerox, Palo Alto Res.Ctr, CS Lab Walnut vs. Cedar. Category ={DBappl> DBFdist> } }

@techreport{Kent1973, Author ={Kent,W.},
Title ={A Primer of Normal Forms in a Relational Data Base},
Institution ={IBM, San Jose, TR-02-600.},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Examples and simple definitions of terms used in Codd's papers. Category ={DBDschema, xC>%Kent73, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kent1976, Author ={Kent,W.},
Title ={New Criteria for the Conceptual Model},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 2, Lockemann and Neuhold(eds) , N-H 1977.},
Year =1976, Pages ="1--12",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@book{Kent1978, Author ={Kent,W.},
Title ={Data and Reality, Basic Assumptions in Data Processing Reconsidered},
Publisher ={N-H (Amsterdam).},
Year =1978, Category ={l, 7, 7.4} }

@article{Kent1979, Author ={Kent,W.},
Title ={Limitations of Record-Based Information Models},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Pages ="107--131",
Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Kent1979:1, Author ={Kent,W.},
Title ={The Entity Join},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Rio de Janeiro Brazil.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at IBM (Santa Teresa, CA) doing Joins by object ids. Category ={DBDobject> DBFindex> DBDops, DBfile } }

@article{Kent1983, Author ={Kent,William},
Title ={Fact-Based Data Analysis and Design},
Journal ={H-P, FACDAD.},
Year =1983, Month =Feb,
Annote ={draft Category ={DBFdesign, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Kent1980, Author ={Kent,W.},
Title ={Splitting the Conceptual Schema},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="10--14",
Annote ={at IBM, General Products Division, Santa Teresa A four-schema framework separates the content-oriented functions into two distinct schemas, called the enterprise schema and the collective schema. Category ={DBDschema.3> } }

@inproceedings{Kent1981, Author ={Kent,W.},
Title ={Data Model Theory Meets a Practical Application},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="13--22",
Annote ={ Report on some insights gained while using an experimental data description tool based on entity/relationship concepts. A binary-relation form of ERA model is very useful, but troublesome. A conceptual model of the enterprise is insufficient input to drive a top-down data design process. Testing of CHARADE, an Entity-Relationship modeling tool. Category ={DBDops.4> DBDmodel.6> } }

@article{Kent1983:1, Author ={Kent,W.},
Title ={Consequences of Assuming a Universal Relation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , correspondence by Ullman.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="637--648",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ The assumption of a universal relation is incompatible with some aspects of relational database theory and practice. Under the universal relation assumption, the decomposition approach to database design becomes virtually indistinguishable from the synthetic approach. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Kent1983:2, Author ={Kent,W.},
Title ={A Simple Guide to Five Normal Forms in Relational Database Theory},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,; ACM CR 40,414.},
Year =1983, Month =Feb,
Pages ="120--125",
Volume ="26",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ fourth and fifth normal form, examples are quite realistic. ---Grimson. Category ={DBDmodel.3> } }

@incollection{Kent1982, Author ={Kent,W.},
Title ={Choices in Practical Data Design},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="165--180",
Category ={DBDintro.6> DBDmodel.3> DBDdesign.7> DBFhash.5, DBfile } }

@article{Kent1983:3, Author ={Kent,William},
Title ={Fact-Based Data Analysis and Design},
Journal ={ER 3, N-H.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile (draft)} }

@techreport{Kent1983:4, Author ={Kent,William},
Title ={A Catalog of Logical Data Design Options},
Institution ={IBM, TR-03-224.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDmodel.6>} }

@inproceedings{Kent1984:1, Author ={Kent,William},
Title ={A Realistic Look at Data},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="22--27",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at HP Labs, Palo Alto Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Kent1985:2, Author ={Kent,William},
Title ={The Realities of Data: Basic Properties of Data Reconsidered},
Booktitle ={DS-1, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Database Semantics.},
Year =1985, Annote ={subset relationships Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Kent1988:2, Author ={Kent,William},
Title ={The Many Forms of a Single Fact},
Journal ={HP Labs,},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={Examples of modeling alternatives. Data model incompatibility for base elements. Integration problem. Category ={EIS> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kent1990, Author ={Kent,William},
Title ={The Object Standardization Challenge},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kent1990:1, Author ={Kent,William},
Title ={Important Features of Iris OSQL},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Kent1991, Author ={Kent,William},
Title ={User Object Models},
Institution ={HPL-91-26.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Annote ={ differentiates between user and developer views of objects, focusing on the user view; the object request interface needs composed operations; relevant operations are types as operands, types as results, side effects, explanations; introduces signature as a labeled part of the operand and result structure Category ={DBDobject> VOD, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kent1991:1, Author ={Kent,William},
Title ={Solving Domain Mismatch and Schema Mismatch Problems with an Object-Oriented Database Programming Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ distinguishes the two, one is the integration problem, and the other is dealt with by type matching; consider matrix of semantic type by database - which is assumed to be internally consistent among domains; excellent survey of problems Category ={DBDobject> DBDschema> DBDops> VOD> } }

@inproceedings{Kent1992, Author ={Kent,William},
Title ={Object Identification in Multi-Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Kenville1982, Author ={Kenville,R.F.},
Title ={Optical Disk Data Storage},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="21--25",
Volume ="15",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at RCA RCA has two systems that establish the feasibility of optical disks. The systems can record 5**10 bits of data on one side of an optical disk at rates exceeding 100M bits per second. They have provided a bit error rate of one in 10**8 and can access any block of data in less than 0.5 seconds. Category ={DBFhard.1.4> } }

@article{Kerbel1985, Author ={Kerbel,V.G.},
Title ={Parallel Access in a Distributed Data Base},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Feb..},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Pages ="48--57",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Considers probablity of finding data on modes for circuit directed and broadcast query processing. Category ={DBDdist> DBFmach, FASAC 327 } }

@article{Kerlin1986, Author ={Kerlin,Barbara D.},
Title ={Dissemination of COSTAR: Promises and Realities},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Category ={MIS>} }

@book{Kernighan1974, Author ={Kernighan,B.W. and Plauer,P.J.},
Title ={The Elements of Programming Style},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Bell Telephone Labs, (Murray Hill NJ) An excellent text for programming, disusses also the detection of input errors. Category ={DBFuse-2.3> } }

@unpublished{Kenyon1978, Author ={Kenyon,Larry},
Title ={IBM System/370 Multiprocessing},
Note ={30 , CS249, 15pp.},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBFhard>} }

@book{Kerr1975, Author ={Kerr, Douglas S.(ed)},
Title ={Proc.of the International Conf. on Large Databases},
Publisher ={ACM, 592pp.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Proc.of VLDB 1, held in Framingham MA, Sep.1975, sponsored by ACM and Rand Corp Category ={DBFintro> %Kerr75 } }

@article{Kerr1979, Author ={Kerr,D.S.},
Title ={Data Base Machine with Large Content Addressable Blocks and Structural Information Processors},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Kerridge1985, Author ={Kerridge,J.M., et al.},
Title ={An Access Control System for Database Languages},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the British National Conference on Databases 4, ; ACM CR 8607-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Hooks are DATE, TIME, USER, LOCATIOND, PROGRAM, and PASSWORD. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@article{Kerschberg1976, Author ={Kerschberg,L., Ozkarahan,E.A., and Pacheco,J.E.S.},
Title ={A Synthetic English Query Language for a Relational Associative Processor},
Journal ={Proc.of the 2nd International Conf. Software Eng. San Francisco CA.},
Year =1976, Month =Oct,
Pages ="505--519",
Annote ={ at Un.Toronto and Cia Real de Processamento de Dados, Sao Paulo, Brazil Queries written in synthetic English are parsed into primitive templates which are in one-to-one correspondence with the high-level machine language of the Relational Associative Processor (RAP). Category ={DBDquery.2> DBFmach, DBfile } }

@article{Kerschberg1982, Author ={Kerschberg,L., Ting,P.D., and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Query Optimization in Star Computer Networks},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="678--711",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Bell Labs Category ={DBDdist> DBDperf, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Kerschberg1983, Author ={Kerschberg,L., Marchand,D., and Sen,A.},
Title ={Information System Integration: A Metadata Management Approach},
Booktitle ={Conference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP-4, Houston TX.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="223--239",
Annote ={at Un.South Carolina IRM needs also to specify the processes that distribute information. Dictionary is seen as a corporate knowledge base, and argues in favor of a larger role for dictionary systems. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@book{Kerschberg1984, Author ={Kerschberg,Larry(ed)},
Title ={Expert Database Systems},
Publisher ={Un.South Carolina, Inst.Information Manag. Technology and Policy, 2 vols.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ Proc.of the First Workshop.on Expert Database Systems (EDBSW). Material mainly from Vol.1 is republished by Benjamin Cummins. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Kerschberg1986, Author ={Kerschberg,Larry(ed)},
Title ={Expert Database Systems},
Institution ={Un.South Carolina, Inst Information Manag., Technology and Policy.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={ Proc.of the First Int. Conf.on Expert Database Systems (EDBS 1). to be republished by Benjamin Cummins. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Kerschberg, Author ={Kerschberg,L. and Waisanen,A.},
Title ={A Multiparadigm Approach to Query Optimization using Structural, Behavioral and Historical Sources of Information},
Booktitle ={to appear in Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA)-Verlag Lecture Notes Series},
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Kerschberg1993, Author ={Kerschberg,L. and Yoon,J.P.},
Title ={Semantic Query Reformulation in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Combining Declarative and Object-Oriented Databases Washington, DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Kershaw1962, Author ={Kershaw,D. and Vajda,S.},
Title ={The Economics of Dumping from Electronic Computers},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1962, Month =Jan,
Pages ="346--348",
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFtechn.4.3>} }

@inproceedings{Kersten1981, Author ={Kersten,M.L. and Wasserman,A.I.},
Title ={The Architecture of the PLAIN Data Base Handler},
Booktitle ={Software --- Practice and Experience.},
Year =1981, Volume ="11",
Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@techreport{Kersten1984, Author ={Kersten,M.L.},
Title ={Proceedings of the Workshop on Coupling Prolog with DB Management Systems},
Institution ={VU (Amsterdam).},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam) Troll, UNIX Category ={DBDintegrity.2, DBfile Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Kersten1985, Author ={Kersten,M.L.},
Title ={A Model for a Secure Programming Environment},
Institution ={PhD Th., VU (Amsterdam).},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDtrans-4> DBDdesign, thesisfile} }

@inproceedings{Kersten1986, Author ={Kersten,M.L. and Schippers,F.H.},
Title ={Using the Guardian Programming Paradigm to Support Database Evolution},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Ctr for Math. and Comp. Science, Kruislaan 413 (Amsterdam) A guardian reacts to an observed state or state change of a database without constraining the evolutionary paths of the database definition by relaxation of class membership rules. In Godel class membership is a dynamic property. Category ={DBDkb> DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Kersten1989, Author ={Kersten,M.L.},
Title ={Using logarithmic code-expansion to speedup index access and maitenance},
Booktitle ={Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, Paris.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFadvindex>} }

@unpublished{Kersten1987, Author ={Kersten,M.L. and Apers,P.M.G.},
Title ={A Distributed, Main Memory Database Machine},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at CMCS, Un.Twente processing queries in PRISMA, joint project with Philips Category ={DBFmach, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ketabchi1986, Author ={Ketabchi,M. and Berzins,V.},
Title ={Component Aggregation: A Mechanism for Organizing Efficient Engineering Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ use of object definitions to control locality. Does not say how. Simplistic formulas. Category ={DBDobject> DBDbound.6> EIS, DBfile } }

@article{Ketabchi1987, Author ={Ketabchi,M.A. and Berzins,V.},
Title ={Modeling and Managing CAD Databases},
Journal ={Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8805-0364.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="93--102",
Number ="20",
Annote ={the next step is to build a DBMS to support CAD. Category ={EIS> } }

@article{Ketabchi1988, Author ={Ketabchi,M.A. and Berzins,V.},
Title ={Mathematical Model of Composite Objects and Its Application for Organizing Engineering Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="71--83",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Santa Clara Un. Assemblies having the same types of parts, i.e., equivalent objects form a Boolean algebra whose minterms represent atomic objects. Materalization of explosion views partitions the database into application-oriented clusters. Category ={EIS > DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Ketabchi1989, Author ={Ketabchi,M., Lewis,D., Dasananda,S., Lim,T., Roudsari,R., Shih,K., and Tan,J.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Database Management Support for Software Maintenance and Reverse Engineering},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar., IEEE CS,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="257--260",
Annote ={Prototype system and tools. Category ={DEng>} }

@incollection{Khaav1986, Author ={Khaav,Kh-M.Kh.},
Title ={Unified Data Model Description Language},
Booktitle ={Prikladnaya informatika (Applied Informatics), Moscow, Finansy i statistika, .},
Year =1986, Pages ="130--142",
Annote ={UTOPIST conceptual model language. Category ={DBDmodel, FASAC 59e } }

@inproceedings{Khandaker1992, Author ={Khandaker,Z., Fernandez,J.A., and Minker,J.},
Title ={A Tractable Class of Disjunctive Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@techreport{Khenkhar1988, Author ={Khenkhar,M.N.},
Title ={Voruberlegungen zur Depiktionalen Reprasentation Raumlichen Wissens},
Institution ={IBM Deutschland GmbH, LILOG Rep. ,},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Number ="19",
Annote ={at Un.Hamburg, Inst.fur Informatik, FRG Depiction of spatial knowledge Category ={DBDimage, Box LILOG } }

@techreport{Khoshafian1984, Author ={Khoshafian,Setrag N.},
Title ={A Building Blocks Approach to Statistical Databases},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Wisconsin, CS TR-543.},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={ considers relational and transposed implementations, operations as matrix X'X inversions, QR decomposition, and singular value factorization. Database machine implementations are suggested. Category ={DBappl> DBDstat> DBFmach> } }

@article{Khoshafian1984:1, Author ={Khoshafian,S.N., Bates,D.M., and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Efficient Support of Statistical Operations},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Year =1984, Pages ="1058--1070",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDstat>} }

@inproceedings{Khoshafian1986, Author ={Khoshafian,S. and Copeland,G.},
Title ={Object Identity},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA , ACM SIGPLAN , 1986.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Pages ="406--416",
Volume ="21",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Clear articulation of the distinction between `object-oriented' and `value-oriented'. But the semantic modelers have written about essentially the same distinction. That work usually contrasts `object-oriented' vs. `record-oriented'; and emphasizes the point that determining data relationships in record-oriented systems often involves equality between pairs of record entries (see the Hammer-McLeod SDM paper, Kent's work, the Hull-King survey). The object-oriented approach is the cornerstone of several semantic models, including Semantic Binary Data Model, FDM, SDM, and IFO. However, several other semantic data models do come dangerously close to a value-oriented philosophy, including Wiederhold's structural data model, Codd's RM/T, Su's SAM*. Although the ER model is object-oriented, in Chen's seminal paper, he dwells heavily on its translation into the relational model and thus gives it a very value-oriented tone. ---Hull. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Khoshafian1987, Author ={Khoshafian,S., Copeland,G., Jagodits,T., Boral,H., and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={A Query Processing Strategy For the Decomposed Storage Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Khoshafian1988, Author ={Khoshafian,S., Valduriez,P., and Copeland,G.},
Title ={Parallel Query Processing for Complex Objects},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, (Los Angeles).},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject> DBFmach>} }

@article{Khoshafian1989, Author ={Khoshafian,Setrag},
Title ={A Persistent Complex Object Database},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H , forthcoming in .},
Year =1989, Volume ="4",
Annote ={ Value based. Built through set and tuple object constructors. Schema types, include disjuncts. Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Khoshafian1989:1, Author ={Khoshafian,S. and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={A Parallel Container Model for Data Intensive Applications},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Khoshafian1990, Author ={Khoshafian,Setrag},
Title ={Intelligent SQL},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Category ={DBDrel> DBDobject>} }

@article{Khoshafian1990:1, Author ={Khoshafian,S., Parsaye,K., and Wong,H.},
Title ={Intelligent Database Engines},
Journal ={Database Programming and Design.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Volume ="3",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Ashton-Tate Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Khosla1985, Author ={Khosla,S., Maibaum,T.S.E., and Sadler,M.},
Title ={Database Specification},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP Working Conf. on DB Semantics (Amsterdam).},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb>} }

@article{Kibitkin1986, Author ={Kibitkin,V.V.},
Title ={Ada-Like Programming Technology and Realization of It for SM Computers},
Journal ={Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny, Kiev.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Pages ="71--77",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Ada, a.o. databases to hold program modules. References to STARS. Modula 2 is adequate for SM (PC clones) projects. Category ={DBDlang> DEng, FASAC 203c@article{Kidd1969, Author ={Kidd, Stephen W.},
Title ={Incorporating Complex Data Structures into a Language for Social Science Research},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1969, Pages ="453--462",
Volume ="35",
Annote ={Discussion about augmentation to BEAST Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Kieburtz1983, Author ={Kieburtz,R.B. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Access-Right Expressions},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="78--96",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook; Un.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDprivacy.2> } }

@article{Kiernan1989, Author ={Kiernan,G., deMaindreville,C., and Simon,E.},
Title ={The Design and Implementation of an Extendible Deductive Database System},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="68--77",
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at INRIA Extensions of DATALOG with non monotonic logic reasoning. Negations in the heads of rules are interpreted as deletions. The RDL1 system and comparisons with LDL, STARBURST and POSTGRES. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Kiernan1990, Author ={Kiernan,G., deMaindreville,C., and Simon,E.},
Title ={Making Deductive Databases a Practical Technology: A Step Forward},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={RDCI implementation Category ={DBDimpl> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Kiernan1991, Author ={Kiernan,Jerry },
Title ={Compiling a Rule Database Language into a C-SQL application},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Kiessling1984, Author ={Kiessling,W.},
Title ={SQL-Like and Quel-like Correlation Queries with Aggregates Revisited},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, TR-84-75,},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ SQL and QUEL nested queries with aggregates create errors over empty sets, but QUEL can be fixed. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDquery.3, DBFile } }

@article{Kiessling1985, Author ={Kiessling,W. and Pfeiffer,H.},
Title ={A Comprehensive Analysis of Concurrency Control Performance for Centralized Databases},
Journal ={IWDM 4, DeWitt and Boral(eds.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Bahamas.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBFmach} }

@techreport{Kiessling1985:1, Author ={Kiessling,W.},
Title ={Dynamic Filters: A Uniform Concept for Query Optimization in Set-Oriented Database Architectures},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Annote ={at TUMunchen Hash and Index filters to restrict relations in software and hardware (CAFS) Bloom (Severance 1976) are anlyzed. Category ={DBFmach> DBDperf.3.3> } }

@techreport{Kifer1986, Author ={Kifer,M. and Lozinskii,E.L.},
Title ={A Framework for an Efficient Implementation of Deductive Databases},
Institution ={Rcvd. by Ullman.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook. This is one of a number of `lazy evaluators' for Datalog. It has a number of new and interesting ideas. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Kifer1986:1, Author ={Kifer,M. and Lozinskii,E.L.},
Title ={Filtering Data Flow in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook; Hebrew Un. (Israel) Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@article{Kifer1988, Author ={Kifer,M. and Lozinskii,E.L.},
Title ={SYGRAF: Implementing Logic Programs in a Database Style},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Pages ="922--935",
Volume ="14",
Number ="7",
Annote ={Discusses bottom-up evaluation of logic. ---jdu. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Kifer1988:1, Author ={Kifer,Michael},
Title ={On Safety, Domain Independence, and Capturability of Database Queries},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Kifer1988:2, Author ={Kifer,M., Ramakrishnan,R., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={An axiomatic approach to deciding query safety in deductive databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Kifer1989, Author ={Kifer,M. and Wu,J.},
Title ={A Logic for Object-Oriented Logic Programming (Maier's O-Logic: Revisited)},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Kifer1989:1, Author ={Kifer,M. and Lausen,G.},
Title ={F-Logic: A Higher-Order Language for Reasoning about Objects, Inheritance and Scheme},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook, CSD Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Kifer1987, Author ={Kifer,M. and Lozinskii,E.},
Title ={On Compile-Time Query Optimization In Deductive Databases By Means of Static Filtering},
Journal ={rcvd.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook. Discusses algebraic optimizations for logic programs. --- jdu Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery> } }

@article{Kifer1991, Author ={Kifer,Michael},
Title ={A First-Order Formalization of Object-Oriented Languages},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kifer1992, Author ={Kifer,M. and Kim,W.},
Title ={Querying Object Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Kilov1983, Author ={Kilov,Haim},
Title ={An Approach to the User Interface and Semantic Integrity for a Relational DBMS},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="64--71",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at (K.Marx Str.75-13, Riga, USSR) Category ={DBDmodel.1.3> } }

@inproceedings{Kilov1984, Author ={Kilov,H.I.},
Title ={An Approach to Conceptual Schema Support in a Relational DBMS Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc. IV Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem. on Inform. Techn., IEEE Computer Society Press (Washington DC, Los Alomitos CA) ,},
Year =1984, Pages ="347--349",
Annote ={at LatNIIP (Riga, Latvian SSR) VERA Category ={DBDimpl, FASAC 102 } }

@techreport{Kilov1988, Author ={Kilov,Haim},
Title ={Design and Implementation of a Successful Commercial Relational Database Management System},
Institution ={recd. , written Aug.1987},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Annote ={at LatNIIP (Riga, Latvian SSR) implementation, not reverse engineered, of INES and VERA. VERA is relational. Three layers: 1. Multiple Btrees are merged into one OS file. Text is handled in distinct files. 2. meta-data management with semantic integrity constraints. User defined domains, interpreted into base types. 3. Schema and data input, RPG via PL/1, programmable interfaces. Query by forms, not SQL. Input is also free format documents, described via definition form. Many references. Category ={DBDrel> DBDimpl, FASAC 101 } }

@article{Kilov1981, Author ={Kilov,Kh.I. and Popova,I.A.},
Title ={Data Metabase Architecture for Relational DBMS},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Feb..},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Pages ="62--66",
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ text is stored in a Btree space, accessed by long hashcodes which are to be kept in the database records. Category ={DBDquery, FASAC 313 } }

@inproceedings{Kim1989, Author ={Kim,B.I., Ahn,Y.K., Ahn,Y.W., and Chun,J.O.},
Title ={GIONS: Games Information Online Network System},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="143--149",
Annote ={at Korea Advanced Inst.of Science and Technology Olympic games. Category ={DBDappl> } }

@techreport{Kim1984, Author ={Kim,JaiHie},
Title ={Architecture and Paradigms for AI Symbolic Processing Using Content Addressable Memories},
Institution ={PhD Th., Case Western Reserve Un., NLM No.AAD84-26289, 129pp.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ use of a CAM(Content Addressable Memory)-based processor is described in carrying out symbolic processing with some knowledge representation formalisms: the first order logic, semantic nets, and production rules. Data structures and processing algorithms based on certain CAM-cell assignments are devised. Category ={DBFmach, Sumex arch. NLM.1q84 } }

@techreport{Kim1985, Author ={Kim,H.J., Korth,H.F., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={PICASSO: A Graphical Query Language for Naive End Users},
Institution ={Un.Texas, Austin, CS Report TR-85-30.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDquery, DBfile Korth} }

@inproceedings{Kim1986, Author ={Kim,Jin and McDermott,John},
Title ={Computer Aids for IC Design},
Booktitle ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Kim1988, Author ={Kim,K-C. and Dale,A.},
Title ={Acylic Query Processing in Object-Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at U.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDquery> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kim1989:1, Author ={Kim,K-C. and Dale,A.},
Title ={Cyclic Query Processing in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kim1990, Author ={Kim,K-C.},
Title ={Parallelism in Object-Oriented Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Texas Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Kim1982, Author ={Kim,K.H.},
Title ={Approaches to Mechanization of the Conversation Scheme Based on Monitors},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="189--197",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.South Florida (Tampa FL) Error detection and backward recovery capabilities into concurrent programs is to coordinate the detection and recovery activities of cooperating processes. As an aid to such design Randell proposed a language construct called conversation in an abstract form. Four different mechanizations based on the monitor approach to interprocess communication are presented. Category ={DBFrepresent.5.1> } }

@inproceedings{Kim1982:1, Author ={Kim,K.H.},
Title ={Issues in Design of Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="123--125",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Kim1984:1, Author ={Kim,K.H.},
Title ={Evolution of a Virtual Machine Supporting Fault-Tolerant Distributed Processes at a Res.Laboratory},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.South Florida Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Kim1985:1, Author ={Kim,M.Y.},
Title ={Parallel Operation of Magnetic Disk Devices},
Booktitle ={IWDM 4, DeWitt and Boral(eds.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Bahamas.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Kim1986:1, Author ={Kim,Michelle Y.},
Title ={Synchronized Disk Interleaving},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-35 ,},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Number ="11",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC disk striping has improved performance on manipulation of very large data arrays and suggested improving bandwidth by a factor of 1/n. Distribution of requests to disks may become les skewed. Disk skew example is a system where 25 percent of the disks receive 63 percent of the total requests. Category ={DBFhard> DBFarch> } }

@article{Kim1979, Author ={Kim,W.},
Title ={Relational Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1979, Month =Sep,
Pages ="185--212",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDschema.2> DBDrel.1>} }

@techreport{Kim1980, Author ={Kim,W.},
Title ={A New Way to Compute the Product and Join of Relations},
Institution ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1980, Pages ="179--187",
Annote ={ for unsorted relations bring as much as possible of one relation R1 into memory, process R2, and repeat size(R1)/buffersize times. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@techreport{Kim1980:1, Author ={Kim,W.},
Title ={Query Optimization for Relational Database Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Illinois, Urbana, CSD, TR.UTUDCDS-R-1034.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Urbana Notes on block method for join and product, sorting and hashing, block structured queries, multiple query processing, and relational database machines. [ DBFmach> DBDrel.2> } }

@techreport{Kim1981, Author ={Kim,W.},
Title ={On Optimizing an SQL-Like Nested Query},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R.RJ3063(37958).},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab ( CA) Category ={DBDintro.1>} }

@techreport{Kim1982:2, Author ={Kim,W.},
Title ={Auditor: A Framework for High Availability of DB/DC Systems},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. .},
Year =1982, Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab (CA) An auditor resides in each of the processors in the network and performs an internal surveillance and recovery function under multiple concurrent failures. Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDintegrity.3> } }

@techreport{Kim1983, Author ={Kim,Won},
Title ={Some Thoughts on the Future Direction of Query Processing},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. -IBM-07.},
Year =1983, Number ="965",
Category ={DBDquery.2, DBfile} }

@article{Kim1984:2, Author ={Kim,Won},
Title ={Highly Available Systems for Database Applications},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="71--98",
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFrepresent.1>} }

@book{Kim1984:3, Author ={Kim,W., Ries,D, and Lochovsky,D.(eds)},
Title ={Database Engineering, Vol.2},
Publisher ={IEEE order No.BG553.},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Collection of the DB Eng.Bull., Vol.6, 1983, topics: Japan, Comm.Transaction Processing Systems, Office Systems, Expert Systems. Category ={DBDtrans> DBDoff> DBDkb> } }

@article{Kim1984:4, Author ={Kim,Won},
Title ={A Pipelined Relational Query Processor},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8412-1027.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="214--235",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@book{Kim1984:5, Author ={Kim,W., Reiner,D.S., and Batory,D.S.(eds)},
Title ={Query Processing in Database Systems},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1984, Annote ={ articles by Jarke,Koch,Schmidt; Lohman,Mohan,Haas,Daniels,Lindsay,Selinger; Yu;, Kambayashi; Dayal; Rosenthal,Reiner; Furtado,Casanova; Ubell; Batory; Shaw; March,Carlis; Lorie,Kim,McNabb,Plouffe,Meier; Vassilou,Clifford,Jarke; Ozsoyoglu*2; Jarke; Kim; Kambayashi,Ghosh; Whang,Wiederhold,Sagalowicz. Category ={DBDquery, QA76.9.D3Q47 } }

@inproceedings{Kim1987, Author ={Kim,W., et al.},
Title ={Composite Object Support in an Object-Oriented Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc. Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications , Orlando FL, 1987.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={primitive and composite objects Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel> } }

@article{Kim1987:1, Author ={Kim,W, Chou,H-T., and Banerjee,J.},
Title ={Operations and Implementation of Complex Objects},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={EIS> DBDobject> DBDops>} }

@article{Kim1987:2, Author ={Kim,W., et al.},
Title ={Data Model Issues in Engineering Applications},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={EIS> DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Kim1988:1, Author ={Kim,W. and Chou,H-T.},
Title ={Versions of Schema for Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="148--159",
Annote ={Database evolution. Category ={DBDobject> DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Kim1988:2, Author ={Kim,W., Ballou,N., Chou,H-T., Garza,G., and Woelk,D.},
Title ={Integrating an Object-Oriented Programming System with a Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc. Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications , (San Diego, 1988).},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="142--151",
Annote ={at MCC A prototype object-oriented database system, ORION, is being used in supporting PROTEUS, an expert system shell. ORION has been implemented in Common LISP. Integrates the object-oriented concepts with a programming language and semantic data modeling concepts, transactions in core object buffer management. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Kim1989:2, Author ={Kim,W., Bertino,E., and Garza,J.F.},
Title ={Composite Objects Revisited},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Kim, Author ={Kim,Won},
Title ={Architectural Issues in Object-Oriented Databases},
Institution ={To appear in the MarchApril issue of the Journal of Object-Oriented Programming.},
Annote ={ Updated wrap-up of previous works in the ORION project. A good depository of references to ORION papers. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDobject, DBFile } }

@book{Kim1989:3, Author ={Kim,W. and Lochovsky(eds)},
Title ={Object-Oriented Concepts, Databases, and Applications},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 602pp.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kim1989:4, Author ={Kim,Won},
Title ={A Model of Queries for Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at MCC (Austin TX) Languages for OODB; a comprehensive query model takes into account the semantics of the class hierarchy and nested objects; a significant subset is supported in ORION. Target of query must be single class; query specified using directed graph model of target class; cycles in gr Category ={DBDobject, DBfile MCC box } }

@incollection{Kim1989:5, Author ={Kim,Won},
Title ={Research directions for integrating heterogeneous databases},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ plans for new project for federated heterogenous database integrator, to hide heterogenity in transaction, language, DBMS facilities and database semantics as well as OS, all at low cost. Also tools for use, HDBT. Category ={DBDdist } }

@article{Kim1990:1, Author ={Kim,W., Garza,J., Ballou,N., and Woelk,D.},
Title ={Architecture of the ORION Next-Generation Database System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MCC includes an object-oriented data model, transaction management, queries and automatic query optimization, version control, change notification, composite objects, and multimedia data management Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Kim1990:2, Author ={Kim,Won},
Title ={Research Directions in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam), now CMCSC TR ACT-OODS-013-90.},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ standard, but careful object definition (hierarchical, class, ...); directions are limited to tools migration, extended types Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@article{Kim1990:3, Author ={Kim,Won},
Title ={Object-Oriented Databases: Definition and Research Directions},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering . .},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ core model includes object and object identifier, attributes and methods, (the value of an attribute is also an object), class, class hierarchy and inheritance, single and multiple inheritance; research needed in formalization, database design tools, optimization, language-independent kernel, semantic modeling of versions, composite objects and inverse relationships, transactions and locking Category ={DBDobject> } }

@book{Kim1990:4, Author ={Kim,Won},
Title ={Introduction to Object-Oriented Databases},
Publisher ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject, x} }

@article{Kim1991, Author ={Kim,W., Lee,Y-J., and Seo,J.},
Title ={An Overview of Integrity Management in Object-Oriented Databases},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDobject> VOD>} }

@article{Kim1991:1, Author ={Kim,W. and Seo,J.},
Title ={Classifying Schematic and Data Heterogeneity in Multidatabase Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="24",
Number ="12",
Annote ={federated a framework for schema and data conflicts between component databases Library example; used for UniSQL MDBS language design Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Kim1993, Author ={Kim,Won},
Title ={Object-Oriented Database Systems: Promise, Reality, and Future},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at UniSQL invited talk Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Kimbleton1981, Author ={Kimbleton,S.R., Wang,P., and Lampson,B.},
Title ={Applications and Protocols},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Lampson, Paul, and Siegert(eds).},
Year =1981, Pages ="308--370",
Volume ="105",
Annote ={at NBS ; Xerox, PARC Distributed databases from a network point-of-view. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Kimura1982, Author ={Kimura,T.C., Gillett,W.D., and Cox,J.R.},
Title ={Abstract Database System (ADS): A Data Model Based on Abstraction of Symbols},
Institution ={Washington Un., DCS, TR-WUCS-82-12.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Washington Un. (St. Louis MO) Category ={DBDmodel.6, DBfile } }

@article{Kinderhaufen1971, Author ={Kinderhaufen,Fritz},
Title ={Only Mamas Give Gold Stars: Reputation Banks},
Journal ={Modern Data.},
Year =1971, Month =Jan,
Pages ="38--39",
Annote ={at Lajitas Mgt.Ass. (Alpine TX) Critique of usage of data banks. Category ={DBDprivacy.0, xB12> } }

@book{King1988, Author ={King,David},
Title ={Creating Effective Software: Computer program Design Using the Jackson Methodology},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 246pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ The Jackson methodology is one of the data-driven approaches to program design in that the structure of the data provides the starting point for the program design. The hierarchical data-structure diagrams are equivalent to the bracket diagrams in the Warnier-Orr technique. Excellent examples. Program-inversion technique to address the problem of structural clash when conflicting input and output data do not allow straightforward application of the methodology. Recasts the problem into two consecutive problems separated by a temporary intermediate file. Final step eliminates the overhead of using an actual intermediate file by making one routine a subroutine of the other. Category ={DBDdesign> DEng> } }

@book{King1971, Author ={King,Donald W. and Bryant,Edward C.},
Title ={The Evaluation of Information Services and Products},
Publisher ={Information Resources Press, Washington DC.},
Year =1971, Annote ={at Westat Research, Inc. Methodology for selection of bibliographic systems. Category ={DBFeval> } }

@techreport{King1979, Author ={King,J.J},
Title ={Exploring the Use of Domain Knowledge for Query Processing Efficiency},
Institution ={Heuristic Programming Project TR HPP--799-30,Stanford, CSD.},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Stanford Un.,CSD, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{King1980, Author ={King,J.J.},
Title ={Modelling Concepts for Reasoning about Access to Knowledge},
Booktitle ={ACM Pingree Park Workshop, Brodie(ed).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Programs that perform the task of a good database analyst: pose the most effective and easily processed queries to help solve a problem. Semantic query optimization is a technique to exploit semantic constraints for one aspect of intelligent database mediation: increasing retrieval efficiency. Category ={DBDquery.2.3> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{King1980:1, Author ={King,J.},
Title ={Intelligent Retrieval Planning},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int 1, Stanford CA.},
Year =1980, Month =Aug,
Pages ="243--245",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.2>} }

@book{King1981, Author ={King,J.J.},
Title ={Query Optimization by Semantic Reasoning},
Publisher ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR.STAN-CS-81-857.},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{King1981:1, Author ={King,J.J.},
Title ={QUIST: A System for Semantic Query Optimization in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="510--517",
Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDkb>} }

@book{King1984, Author ={King,Jonathan J.},
Title ={Query Optimization by Semantic Reasoning},
Publisher ={Un.Michigan press, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8609-??.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ a very important book. The goal is to produce a semantically equivalent query that is less expensive to process than the original query. The possible savings are very large. ---Carlson. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{King1978, Author ={King,J.L. and Schrems,E.L.},
Title ={Cost-Benefit Analysis in Information Systems Development and Operation},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Pages ="19--24",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFuse-3>} }

@book{King1981:2, Author ={King,J.M.},
Title ={Evaluating Data Base Management Systems},
Publisher ={Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY), 275 pages.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDtrans.7> DBFsyseval.5>} }

@article{King1983, Author ={King,K.J. and Maryanski,F.j.},
Title ={Information Management Trends in Office Automation},
Journal ={Proc.of the IEEE,},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Pages ="519--528",
Volume ="71",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBappl>} }

@article{King1973, Author ={King,P.F. and Collmeyer,A.J.},
Title ={Database Sharing --- An Efficient Mechanism for Supporting Concurrent Processes},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Pages ="271--275",
Volume ="42",
Annote ={at Xerox, Corp, El Segundo A model based on graphs for a shared set of files is presented. A deadlock detection and recovery mechanism is introuced. Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@inproceedings{King1974, Author ={King,P.F. and Shemer,J.E.},
Title ={ARS --- An Interactive Reporting System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGPLAN-SIGIR , Nance(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="161--175",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@incollection{King1980:2, Author ={King,P.J.H.},
Title ={A Critical Review of Aspects of Database Theory},
Booktitle ={`Distributed Data Bases', Draffan and Poole(eds).},
Year =1980, Pages ="33--56",
Annote ={ Tradeoff of using 4NF versus relaxation of first normal form to permit repeating groups. Also BCNF vs. 3NF. Category ={DBDmodel.3> } }

@article{King1991, Author ={King,P. and Small,C.},
Title ={Default Databases and Incomplete Information},
Journal ={Computing J., ; ACM Computing Reviews 9211-0885.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="34",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un. London safeness is equivalent to the default database having only one extension Category ={DBDlogic> uncertain> } }

@inproceedings{King1983:1, Author ={King,Richard P., Korth,Henry F., and Willner,Barry E.},
Title ={Design of a Document Filing and Retrieval Service},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, San Jose CA.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="96--101",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFindex.6>} }

@techreport{King1988:1, Author ={King,Richard, GarciaMolina,H., Halim,N, and Polyzois,C.A.},
Title ={Management of a Remote Backup Copy for Disaster Recovery},
Institution ={Princeton CS-TR-198-88.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at IBM; Princeton Un. A remote backup database system tracks the state of a primary system, taking over transaction processing when disaster hits the primary site. primary copy method (1-safe) versus atomic methods (2-safe). Tandem RDF provides safe and use tickets to assure correct ordering at the remote site. Fuzzy dumps are used to initialize the remote sites. Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile Garcia } }

@article{King1991:1, Author ={King,Richard and Halim,N.},
Title ={Management of a Remote Backup Copy for Disaster Recovery},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="16",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@incollection{King1984:1, Author ={King,Roger},
Title ={SEMBASE: A Semantic DBMS},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="151--171",
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Colorado Uses graphic representations for objects on a SUN-workstation under UNIX. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{King1984:2, Author ={King,R.},
Title ={Maintaining Consistency in a Semantic Database},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Colorado Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{King1985, Author ={King,R. and McLeod,D.},
Title ={Query A Database Design Methodology and Tool for Information Systems},
Journal ={ACM TOOIS, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8512-1166.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Pages ="2--21",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={INSYDE prototype models objects and their flow. oriented toward applications where the processes are partially known in advance. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{King1986, Author ={King,R. and Hull,R.},
Title ={Semantic Database Modeling: Survey, Applications and Research Issues},
Institution ={USC, TR.86-201,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={examples of aggregation and generalization. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{King1987, Author ={King,R. and Novak,M.},
Title ={Freeform: A User-Adaptable Form Management System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ manager of System R projects discusses applicability, good performance, Rejects need for database machines. Distribution and replication. report generator Category ={DBDintro.0> DBDrel.2> DBFmach> DBDquery> DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{King1989, Author ={King,Roger and Novak,M.},
Title ={FaceKit: A Database Interface Design Toolkit},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at DCS, Un.Colorado (Boulder CO) Category ={DBDquery>} }

@incollection{King1989:1, Author ={King,Roger},
Title ={My Cat is Object-Oriented},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record, ; ACM CR 8912-0897.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="12--19",
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Tutorial on the similarities and differences between semantic and object oriented data models. Defs are behavioral abstractions aggregation. The trend is to have both. Extensive bibliography. ---Haim Kilov. Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{King1974:1, Author ={King,W.F.},
Title ={On the Selection of Indices for a File},
Institution ={IBM, TR.RJ 1341, San Jose CA,},
Year =1974, Category ={DBFhash.6>} }

@book{King1975, Author ={King,W.F.(ed)},
Title ={International Conf. on Management of Data},
Publisher ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, ACM .},
Year =1975, Annote ={Proc.1975 SIGMOD, San Jose CA, May.1975, 245pp. Category ={DBFintro, x> %King75 } }

@article{King1980:3, Author ={King,W.F.,III},
Title ={Relational Database Systems, Where Do We Stand Today?},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 80, Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H 1980.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@incollection{King1981:3, Author ={King,W.R.},
Title ={Strategic Planning for Management Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed) .},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@incollection{King1981:4, Author ={King,W.R. and Cleland,D.I.},
Title ={The Design of Management Information Systems: An Information Analysis Approach},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDschema.1>} }

@manual{Kings1984, Author ={Kings College},
Title ={Research and Development In Information Retrieval},
Organization ={Kings Coll., Cambridge .},
Year =1984, Annote ={ Proceedings of the 3rd joint BCS and ACM Symposium. Category ={DBDquery.1, QA76.9.D3R46 } }

@inproceedings{Kirn1993, Author ={Kirn,S. and Schlageter,G.},
Title ={FRESCO: Integrating Cooperative Problem Solvers into a Federated Coordination Architecture},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at FernUniversitaet Hagen Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Kirkland1970, Author ={Kirkland,Darrel O.},
Title ={Marketing by the Matrix},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1970, Month =Nov,
Pages ="29--33",
Category ={DBDintro.8, x1.8>%Kirkland70} }

@techreport{Kipps1987, Author ={Kipps,J.R., Florman,B., and Sowizral,H.A.},
Title ={The New ROSIE Reference Manual and User's Guide},
Institution ={RAND, DARPA, R-3448-DARPARC.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Nat. Defense Res. Inst. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Kipps1989, Author ={Kipps,J.R., Kameny,I., and Rothenberg,J.},
Title ={Supporting the Transfer of Simulation Technology},
Institution ={RAND for DARPA, R-3740-DARPA.},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at RAND Superficial survey, includes notes on uncertainty, object-oriented approaches. References to RAND work. ---Gio. Category ={DBDappl> Uncertainty 3.3> } }

@inproceedings{Kitagawa1982, Author ={Kitagawa,H. and Kunii,T.L.},
Title ={Form Transformer: Formal Aspects of Table Nests Manipulation},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 15th, ().},
Year =1982, Pages ="132--141",
Volume ="2",
Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Kitagawa1989, Author ={Kitagawa,F. and Ikeda,H.},
Title ={Multi-Media Database Language SL/B5 Based on Screen Flow},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="173--181",
Annote ={ at Hiroshima Un., Information Processing Ctr, (Japan) Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Kitagawa1984, Author ={Kitagawa,H., Kunii,T.L., Azuma,M., and Misaki,S.},
Title ={Formgraphics: A Form-based Graphics Architecture Providing a Database Workbench},
Journal ={IEEE Computer Graphics.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="38--56",
Category ={Image, DBfile Kunii} }

@book{Kitagawa1989:1, Author ={Kitagawa,H. and Kunii,T.L.},
Title ={The Unnormalized Relational Data Model},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Tokyo.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ Operations on nested tables include NEST, FLAT, PROJECT, SELECT, PRODUCT, UNION, DIFFERENCE; a number os composite operations are defined with these, as INNER-PROJECTION, EMBED, JOIN, etc. FLAT operations may be irreversible. Category ={DBDoffice> DBDmodel, x } }

@inproceedings{Kitagawa1989:2, Author ={Kitagawa,H. and Ohbo,N.},
Title ={Design Data Modeling with Versioned Conceptual Configuration},
Booktitle ={Compsac 13, Orlando.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Tsukuba time-varying configurations of design data Category ={EIS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kitagawa1993, Author ={Kitagawa,H., Ishikawa,Y., and Ohbo,N.},
Title ={Evaluation of Signature Files as Set Access Facilities in OODBs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kitagawa1993:1, Author ={Kitagawa,T. and Kiyoki,Y.},
Title ={A Mathematical Model of Meaning and its Applications to MDBSs},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Tsukuba Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Kitov1981, Author ={Kitov,A.I., Litvinova,V.A., Dubinina,E.I., and Taralova,V.N.},
Title ={Software Implementation of Information Retrieval Systems on SM Minicomputers},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Jun..},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Pages ="164--172",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ structural model based design formalized. Also mapping to a hierarchical file system to minimize storage. MUMPS implementation of document retrieval system with natural language input. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDquery, FASAC 315 } }

@article{Kitov1982, Author ={Kitov,A.I. and Orlova,Y.D.},
Title ={Implementation of the Man-Machine Conversational Mode using a Normalized Natural Language},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Oct..},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="280--286",
Volume ="8",
Number ="5",
Annote ={similar to FASAC 315 Category ={DBDnat, FASAC 320} }

@inproceedings{Kitsuregawa1983, Author ={Kitsuregawa,M., Tanaka,H., and MotoOka,T.},
Title ={Relational Algebra Machine: GRACE},
Booktitle ={Proc.RInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems Symp. on Software Science and Eng.. Goto et al(eds), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) , .},
Year =1983, Pages ="191--214",
Annote ={hash-based backend processor. 5th gen.? Category ={DBFmach> DBDkb> } }

@article{Kitsuregawa1983:1, Author ={Kitsuregawa,M., Tanaka,H., and MotoOka,T.},
Title ={Application of Hash to Database Machine and its Architecture},
Journal ={New Generation Computing.},
Year =1983, Pages ="62--74",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Relational Algebra Machine: GRACE backend processor. 5th gen. Category ={DBDarchitecture> DBFmach> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Kitsuregawa1987, Author ={Kitsuregawa,M. and Mikio,T.},
Title ={Functional Disk System for Relational Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFarch>} }

@inproceedings{Kitsuregawa1989, Author ={Kitsuregawa,M., Nakano,M., and Takagi,M.},
Title ={Functional Disk System as a High Performance Relational Storage},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="243--250",
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Kitsuregawa1989:1, Author ={Kitsuregawa,M., Nakayama,M., and Takagi,M.},
Title ={The Effect of Bucket Size Tuning in the Dynamic Hybrid GRACE Hash Join Method},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ at Un.Tokyo, Inst.Industrial Science, (Tokyo, Japan) Allocation and optimization. Category ={DBFmach> DBFops> DBPperform> } }

@inproceedings{Kitsuregawa1990, Author ={Kitsuregawa,M., Nakano,M., Harada,L., and Takagi,M.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Functional Disk System with Nonuniform Data Distribution},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Japan Category ={DBFperf>} }

@inproceedings{Kitsuregawa1991, Author ={Kitsuregawa,Masaru },
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Functional Disk System (FDS-R2)},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDperf>} }

@book{Kiviat1969, Author ={Kiviat,P.J., Villanueva,R., and Markowitz,H.M.},
Title ={The Simscript II Programming Language},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1969, Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@inproceedings{Kivinen1992, Author ={Kivinen,J. and Mannila,H.},
Title ={Approximate Dependency Inference from Relations},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Kiyoki1991, Author ={Kiyoki,Yasushi },
Title ={The Software Architecture of a Parallel Processing System for Advanced Database Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Annote = {} }

@inproceedings{Klahold1986, Author ={Klahold,P., Schlageter,G., and Wilkes,W.},
Title ={A General Model for Version Management in Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Fern Un.Hagen (FRG) Category ={EIS> DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Klas1989, Author ={Klas,W., Neuhold,E.J., and Schrefl,M.},
Title ={Tailoring Object-Oriented Data Models through Metaclasses},
Booktitle ={GMD, TR.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Annote ={at GMD, (Darmstadt, FRG) Category ={DBDobject, DBfile Neuhold @incollection{Klas1989:1, Author ={Klas,W., Neuhold,E., and Schrefl,M.},
Title ={Visual Databases need Data Models for Multimedia Data},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC 2-6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="433--462",
Annote ={Requirement for documents. Category ={DBDoffice, DBfile box } }

@techreport{Klas1989:2, Author ={Klas,W., Neuhold,E., and Schrefl,M.},
Title ={Using an Object-Oriented Approach to Model Multimedia Data},
Institution ={GMD-IPSI Techn.Report.},
Year =1989, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDobject, DBfile box GMD-IPSI} }

@unpublished{Klas, Author ={Klas,W., et al.},
Title ={Vodak Design Specification Document},
Note ={rcvd. 90.},
Month =Nov,
Annote ={at GMD-IPSI Category ={DBDobject, DBfile GMD-IPSI box} }

@article{Kleeman1987, Author ={Kleeman,L. and Cantoni,A.},
Title ={Metastable Behavior in Digital Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Design and Test Magazineest.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Volume ="4",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ the authors claim that voting schemes do not improve metastable behaviour over that of a single synchronizer. ---Freeman. Category ={EIS> } }

@article{Kleeman1986, Author ={Kleeman,L. and Cantoni,A.},
Title ={Can Redundancy and Masking Improve the Performance of Synchronizers?},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="643--646",
Annote ={voting and metastable behavior. Category ={EIS} }

@techreport{Kleer1978, Author ={Kleer,J., Doyle,J., Rich,C., Steele,G.L.Jr., and Sussman,G.J.},
Title ={AMORD: A Deductive Procedure System},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Memo , TR..},
Year =1978, Month =Jan,
Number ="435",
Annote ={at MIT AI Lab. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Klein1988, Author ={Klein,J. and Reuter,A.},
Title ={An Application Oriented Approach to View Updates},
Booktitle ={ACM Conf.on Office Information Systems.(>1988?).},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="243--249",
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart, CSD (FRG) object semantics exploited in a workstation environment. Category ={DBDquery> DBDobject> VOD> } }

@unpublished{Klein1990, Author ={Klein,Johannes},
Title ={Advanced Rule Driven Transaction Management},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at DEC, Mountain View a higher level specification of transaction operations permits determination of conflicts under various protocols Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Klein1989, Author ={Klein,S., Bookstein,A., and Deerwester,S.},
Title ={Storing text retrieval systems on CD-ROM: compression and encryption considerations},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 9004-0329.},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Chicago a collection of observations and thoughts; data are 700 Mb (Tresor de la Francaise); data compression is a basis for security. ---Lowe. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{KleineBuning1989, Author ={KleineBuning,H., Lowen,U., and Schmitgen,S.},
Title ={Inconsistency of Production Systems},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H , forthcoming in .},
Year =1989, Volume ="4",
Annote ={ Algorithms deciding inconsistency of production systems and their complexity. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Kleinman1990, Author ={Kleinman,A., Moses,Y., Shapiro,E.},
Title ={Distributed Variable Server for Atomic Unification},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at The Weizman Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Kleinrock1975, Author ={Kleinrock, Leonard},
Title ={Queuing Systems, Vol.1: Theory},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) , 417pp.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFtechn.4> %Kleinrock75} }

@book{Kleinrock1976, Author ={Kleinrock, Leonard},
Title ={Queuing Systems, Vol.2: Computer Applications},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 549pp.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBFtechn.4>} }

@book{Klimbie1975, Author ={Klimbie,J.W. and Koffeman,K.L.(eds)},
Title ={Data Base Management},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Proceedings of 1974 IFIP TC-2 workshop (No.1) Conf. in Cargese Corsica. Includes papers by Abrial, Codd (Rendevouz) Category ={DBDschema> %Klimbie74 } }

@incollection{Kling1981, Author ={Kling,R.},
Title ={Organizational Context of User-Centered Software Designs},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFintro.4>} }

@article{Kling1984, Author ={Kling,R. and Iacono,S.},
Title ={The Control of Information Systems Developments after Implementation},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1218--1226",
Volume ="27",
Number ="12",
Category ={DBDadmin 1.4>} }

@incollection{Klinger1989, Author ={Klinger,A. and Pizano,A.},
Title ={Visual Structure and Data Bases},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC 2-6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="3--25",
Annote ={at UCLA, CSD E-R structure extended to pictorial information. Quad trees. Boolean, distance, entity attribute functions. Category ={DBDimage> } }

@article{Klingman1990, Author ={Klingman,D., Padman,R., and Phillips,N.},
Title ={An intelligent decision support system for supply, distribution and marketing planning.},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management, no.1.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDappl>} }

@article{Klonk1983, Author ={Klonk,Juergen},
Title ={Comments on Optimality of BTrees},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="36--38",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Hannover (FRG) Space-optimality is extremely volatile. The cost of maintaining it is very high. The problem itself is only of academic relevance. Category ={DBFindex.4> } }

@inproceedings{Klopprogge1983, Author ={Klopprogge,M.R. and Lockemann,P.C.},
Title ={Modeling Information-Preserving Databases: Consquence of the Concept of Time},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 9, Florence.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ extension of ER for temporal inference to past. Uncertainty for specific cases. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@techreport{Klose1991, Author ={Klose,G., Lang,E., and Pirlein,T.},
Title ={Die Ontologie and Axiomatik der Wissensbasis von LEU/2},
Institution ={IWBS Rep. 171, May .},
Year =1991, Annote ={at IBM, LILOG focused on LILOG natural language system with details in knowledge representation [Wachsmuth,I] and inferencing [Bollinger,T, Rohrig,R] Category ={DBDkb, Lilogbox } }

@techreport{Klug1980, Author ={Klug,Anthony},
Title ={On Inequality Tableaux},
Institution ={Un.Wisconsin, Madison, CSD, TR.403.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDmodel.3>} }

@article{Klug1980:1, Author ={Klug,A.},
Title ={Calculating Constraints on Relational Expressions},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="260--290",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDmodel.3> DBDrel.2.2> DBDrel.3>} }

@inproceedings{Klug1982, Author ={Klug,Anthony},
Title ={Access Paths in the `ABE' Statistical Query Facility},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="161--173",
Annote ={ Access by example, with cost formulas for aggregations, comparison with System R and INGRES. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDstat> } }

@article{Klug1982:1, Author ={Klug,A.},
Title ={Equivalence of Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus Query Languages Having Aggregate Functions},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="699--717",
Volume ="29",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Aggregate functions are precisely defined. Relational algebra and relational calculus are extended in a general and natural fashion to include aggregate functions. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDrel.3> } }

@article{Klug1982:2, Author ={Klug,A. and Price,R.},
Title ={Determining View Dependencies Using Tableaux},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , pp.666.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Volume ="25",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@article{Klug1983, Author ={Klug,Anthony},
Title ={Locking Expressions for Increased Database Concurrency},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@article{Klug1988, Author ={Klug,Anthony},
Title ={On Conjunctive Queries Containing Inequalities},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="146--160",
Volume ="35",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Constants in a query can be divided into essential and nonessential. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Kluge1978, Author ={Kluge,W.E.},
Title ={Data File Management in Shift-Register Memories},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems . ,},
Year =1978, Month =Jun,
Pages ="159--177",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at GMD (Bonn, FRG) Shift-register memory, structured as a two-dimensional array tailored to perform with great efficiency data management operations on sequentially organized files Category ={DBDtheory> DBFstorage.4.2> } } % ------ KM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@article{Knapp1987, Author ={Knapp,Edgar},
Title ={Deadlock Detection in Distributed Databases},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys, ; ACM CR 8902-0066.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Pages ="303--328",
Volume ="19",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin, DCS Hierarchy of deadlock models characterized by the restrictions on resource requests. A number of algorithms are ain yzed in terms of complexity by number of messages. Correctness proofs using operational arguments are cumbersome and error prone. Four main types: 1.path-pushing algorithms, 2.edge-chasing algorithms, 3.diffusing computations and state detection algorithms. Point about many path-pushing were found to be incorrect. In edge-chasing, a probe message is forwarded to all processes that the receiving process waits for. A deadlock exists if a probe message makes its way back to the originating process. ---Holzmann Category ={DBDconc> } }

@book{Knecht1988, Author ={Knecht,Ken},
Title ={Advanced dBASE III PLUS},
Publisher ={Scott, Foresman & Co, (Glenview IL), 440pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8904-0194.},
Year =1988, Annote ={Minimal advanced use. Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@inproceedings{Knight1983, Author ={Knight,Brian},
Title ={A Mathematical Basis for Entity Analysis},
Booktitle ={ER 3, C.G.Davis et al.(eds), N-H, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-0571.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="81--90",
Annote ={at Thames Polytechnic (UK) Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Knight1987, Author ={Knight,J.C. and Urquhart,J.I.A},
Title ={On the Implementation and Use of Ada on Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="553--563",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ additional semantics to recover state on closely-coupled processor failure. Category ={DBDreliab> DBDimpl> DBDdist> } }

@article{Knight1968, Author ={Knight,Kenneth E.},
Title ={Evolving Computer Performance},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1968, Month =Jan,
Pages ="31--35",
Category ={DBFuse-3>} }

@article{Knight1989, Author ={Knight,Kevin},
Title ={Unification: a Multidisciplinary Survey},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys, ; ACM CR 9005-0423.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Volume ="21",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at CMU Extensive bibliography Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Knott1971, Author ={Knott,G.D.},
Title ={A Balanced Tree Storage and Retrieval Algorithm},
Journal ={Proc.ACM Symp. on Inf. Storage and Retrieval.},
Year =1971, Pages ="175--195",
Annote ={Algorithm for dynamic balancing of binary trees. Category ={DBFtree> } }

@inproceedings{Knott1971:1, Author ={Knott,G.D.},
Title ={Expandable Open Addressing Hash Table Storage and Retrieval},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed), 1971 .},
Year =1971, Pages ="187--206",
Category ={DBFindex.4>} } @misc{Knott1975, Author ={Knott,Gary D.},
Title ={Procedures for Managing Extendible Array Files},
Howpublished ={rcvd .},
Year =1975, Annote ={at LSM, DCRT, NIH Category ={DBFimpl.9> DBFtechn.5, DBfile } }

@article{Knott1975:1, Author ={Knott,Gary D.},
Title ={Hashing Functions and Hash Table --- Storage and Retrieval},
Journal ={Stanford },
Year =1975, Annote ={at Stanford Un.; NIH DCRT All you wanted to know about hashing. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, x3.5 } }

@article{Knott1984, Author ={Knott,G.D.},
Title ={Direct chaining with coalesced lists},
Journal ={J.Algorithms.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="7-21",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at NIH, DCRT chaining and open addressing Category ={DBFhash> } }

@article{Knottek1976, Author ={Knottek,N.},
Title ={Selecting a distributed processing system},
Journal ={Computer Decisions, 42--44.},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Volume ="8",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Knowlton1965, Author ={Knowlton,K.C.},
Title ={A Fast Storage Allocator},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1965, Month =Oct,
Pages ="623--625",
Volume ="8",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Bell Telephone An algorithm for managing blocks which are of power of two size Category ={DBFtechn.6> } }

@article{Knuth1966, Author ={Knuth,D.E.},
Title ={Additional Comments on a Problem in Concurrent Programming Control},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1966, Month =May,
Pages ="321--322",
Volume ="9",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Interlock design for multi-accessed data bases. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@book{Knuth1969, Author ={Knuth,Donald E.},
Title ={The Art of Computer Programming, Vol.2: Seminumerical Algorithms},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 634pp.},
Year =1969, Category ={DBFtechn.1>%Knuth69} }

@article{Knuth1971, Author ={Knuth,D.E.},
Title ={Optimum Binary Search Trees},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1971, Pages ="14--25",
Volume ="1",
Annote ={Trees optimized by access frequency. Category ={DBFtree> } }

@book{Knuth1973, Author ={Knuth,D.E.},
Title ={The Art of Computer Programming, Vol.3 --- Sorting and Searching},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 722pp.},
Year =1973, Annote ={ A basic source for computational algorithms such as hashing (pp.506--568), search tree construction(pp.406--505), and some notes on disk performance evaluation (pp.361--371). Category ={DBFhard.2> DBFhash.5.1> DBFimpl.2> DBFtree> %Knuth73S } }

@book{Knuth1969:1, Author ={Knuth,D.E.},
Title ={The Art of Computer Programming, Vol.1 --- Fundamental Algorithms},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 2nd ed. 1973, 634pp.},
Year =1969, Category ={DBFintro> %Knuth73F or 74} }

@book{Knuth1979, Author ={Knuth,D.E.},
Title ={TEX and METAFONT, New Directions in Typesetting},
Publisher ={Digital Press, 201+105pp.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBFpreface> DBDpreface>} }

@techreport{Knuth1982, Author ={Knuth,E. and Lojos,R.},
Title ={Closed Convex Reference Schemes},
Institution ={HAS, CA Inst, TR.II-2.},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Annote ={ at Hungarian Acad.of Sciences, Comp.and Automation Inst Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Knuth1986, Author ={Knuth,E., Hannak,L., and Rado,P.},
Title ={A Taxonomy of Conceptual Foundation},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Comp. and Automation Inst., Hungarian Academy of Sciences Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Kobayashi1970, Author ={Kobayashi,Isamu},
Title ={On the Representations of Data Structure and Data Retrieval Mechanisms},
Journal ={Soken Kiyo (Univac, Tokio).},
Year =1970, Month =Oct,
Pages ="21--40",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDschema>%Kobayashi70} }

@article{Kobagashi1971, Author ={Kobagashi,Isamu},
Title ={Introduction to the Information Systems},
Journal ={Soken Kiyo (Univac, Tokio).},
Year =1971, Month =May,
Pages ="1--24",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Kobayashi1975, Author ={Kobayashi,Isamu},
Title ={A Formalism of Information and Information Processing Structure, Revised Report},
Journal ={Soken Kiyo (Univac, Tokio).},
Year =1975, Pages ="57--122",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ at Nippon Univac Sogo Ken Kyusho, Inc., Univac, Tokio Data base model with comparison to other concepts. Category ={DBDschema, x9book> } }

@article{Kobayashi1975:1, Author ={Kobayashi,Isamu},
Title ={Physical Representation of Information Structure},
Journal ={Soken Kiyo (Univac, Tokio).},
Year =1975, Pages ="123--158",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDbound, x9book>%Kobayashi75P} }

@article{Kobayashi1975:2, Author ={Kobayashi,I.},
Title ={Information and Information Processing Structure},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1975, Pages ="39--49",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDschema, x9> %Kobayashi75I} }

@article{Kobayashi1981, Author ={Kobayashi,Isamu},
Title ={Evaluation of Queries Based on the Extended Relational Calculi},
Journal ={IJC and IS.},
Year =1981, Pages ="63--103",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Sanno Un. Category ={DBDrel, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Kobayashi1975:3, Author ={Kobayashi,Isamu},
Title ={DBTG Model, Relational Model, and Information Space Model of the Information Structure},
Booktitle ={Proc.Second USA-Japan Computer Conf..},
Year =1975, Pages ="329--334",
Category ={DBDschema>%Kobayashi75D} }

@techreport{Kobayashi1976, Author ={Kobayashi,H. and Konheim,A.G.},
Title ={Queueing Models for Computer Communications System Analysis},
Institution ={IBM, Research RC 5922, no.25619.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC. Category ={DBFmethods, DBfile} }

@book{Kobayashi1978, Author ={Kobayashi,H.},
Title ={Modeling and Analysis: An Introduction to Performance Evaluation Methodology},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 446pp.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ the theoretical basis of system performance evaluation methodology Category ={DBFtechn.1> } }

@inproceedings{Kobayashi1986, Author ={Kobayashi,Isamu},
Title ={Classification of 2-ary relation schemas},
Booktitle ={Meeting on integration of knowledge base and database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Sanno Un. Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Kobayashi1986:1, Author ={Kobayashi,Kaname},
Title ={On role notion of information system},
Booktitle ={Meeting on integration of knowledge base and database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Fijitu Ltd. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Kobler1984, Author ={Kobler,V.P.},
Title ={Overview of Knowledge Base Tools},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at BMDATC Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Koch1972, Author ={Koch,H.S. and Gotterer,M.H.},
Title ={An Independent Data Definition Facility for COBOL and FORTRAN},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Annote ={at Pennsylvania State Un. Category ={DBDschema>} }

@book{Koch1986, Author ={Koch,Jurgen},
Title ={Relationale Anfragen; Zerlegung und Optimierung},
Publisher ={Informatik-Fachberichte 101.},
Year =1986, Annote ={Analysis and optimization of relational queries. Category ={DBDquery, (8601554) } }

@article{Koch1987, Author ={Koch,Philip D.L.},
Title ={Disk File Allocation Based on the Buddy System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ; ACM CR 8806-0428.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Pages ="352--370",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Dartmouth Coll., Hanover NH File allocation used in the Dartmouth time-sharing system. Buddy method to allocate the strorage needed by growing files with a periodic reorganization process, called the 'shuffle process'. ---Bassiouni. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Kocharekar1989, Author ={Kocharekar,Raju},
Title ={Nulls in Relational Databases: Revisited},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="68--73",
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ at Intern.Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Washington, DC problems with MAYBE operations (better addressed a la Kaplan) Category ={DBDops> } }

@book{Kochen1967, Author ={Kochen,M.(ed)},
Title ={The Growth of Knowledge},
Publisher ={John John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1967, Annote ={reprints include Bush,Vannevar's MEMEX paper Category ={DBFintro> , 17 %Kochen67 } }

@book{Kochen1974, Author ={Kochen,M.},
Title ={Principles of Information Retrieval},
Publisher ={John John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 203pp.},
Year =1974, Annote ={ How information retrieval helps people cope with problems. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Kochen1974:1, Author ={Kochen,Manfred},
Title ={Information Systems for Urban Problem-Solving},
Journal ={COINS-IV, Tou(ed), Plenum .},
Year =1974, Pages ="239--261",
Annote ={at Un.Michigan Category ={DBDquery> DBDintro.8>} }

@inproceedings{Koenig1981, Author ={Koenig,S. and Paige,R.},
Title ={A Transformational Framework for the Automatic Control of Derived Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="306--319",
Annote ={at Rutgers Un., DCS. (New Brunswick NJ) Derived data in the context of a functional/binary association data model. the technique used is an adaptation of numerical finite differencing. Category ={DBDschema.3.3> DBFhybrid.5> } }

@techreport{Koenig1981:1, Author ={Koenig,S.},
Title ={A Transformational Framework for Automatic Derive Data Control and Its Applications in an Entity-Relationship Data Model},
Institution ={Rutgers Un., DCS, TR.LCSR-TR-23 (New Brunswick NJ).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDschema.5> EIS, DBfile} }

@techreport{Koenig1982, Author ={Koenig,S.},
Title ={A Transformational Framework for Automatic Derived Data Control and Its Application in An Entity-Relationship Data Model},
Institution ={To appear NYU TR.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at NYU for each data operator there are corresponding differrentiation operators Category ={DBDmodel.6, ShelF. } }

@techreport{Kogan1987, Author ={Kogan,B. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Update Propagation in Bakunin Data Networks},
Institution ={CSD, Princeton, CS-TR-091-87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM Res.Lab., San Jose, 1983 Category ={DBappl> EIS> at Princeton, CSD management of fully replicated data with network partitioning and autonomous nodes. Virtual serializability is guaranteed by imposing restrictions on TXs, as acyclicity and defining a source fragment. Category ={DBDdist> Fauve, DBfile Garcia } }

@inproceedings{Kogan1990, Author ={Kogan,B. and Jajodia,S.},
Title ={Concurrency Control in Multilevel-Secure Databases Using Replicated Architecture},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={ Prime copy replication simplifies security and serializability Category ={DBDreliab> DBDsec> } }

@inproceedings{Kogan1984, Author ={Kogan,D.},
Title ={The Manager's Assistant, An Application of Knowledge Management},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at SDC uses Kellogg's XM-1 on XEROX Dolphin or VAX11/780 and an IDM database machine Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Kogan1986, Author ={Kogan,Dan et al},
Title ={Artificial Intelligence at SDC},
Institution ={Syst. Dev. Corp, ?.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at UNISYS, PA FDES Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Kohler1981, Author ={Kohler,W.H.},
Title ={A Survey of Techniques for Synchronization and Recovery in Decentralized Computer Systems},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="149--184",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at DEC, Corporate Res.Group; Un.MA, Amherst The concurrency problem is described, as is its statement, in terms of the notion of a serial linearized schedule of atomic actions (transactions). The role of atomic actions in recovery. A survey is given of the techniques used for providing concurrency control and recovery. The concurrency controls discussed are locking, time-stamps, conflict analysis, and a notion called 'reservations'. 'Ticketing' and its use in distributed systems is also described briefly. Category ={DBDdist> DBDtwelFe> DBDintegrity.1> DBDintegrity.2, DBfile Bernstein } }

@techreport{Kohler1982, Author ={Kohler,W.H., Wilner,K.C., and Stankovic,J.A.},
Title ={An Experimental Evaluation of Locking Policies in a Centralized Database System},
Institution ={U.Mass, TR..},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at DEC; U.Mass. Category ={DBDintegrity.2, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Kohler1986, Author ={Kohler,W. and Jenq,B-C.},
Title ={CARAT: A Testbed for the Performance Evaluation of Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={FJCC.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Massachusetts, Dep.Elect.and Comp.Eng. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kohler1986:1, Author ={Kohler,W.H. and Jenq,B-C.},
Title ={Performance evaluation of Integrated Concurrency Control and Recovery Algorithms using a Distributed Transaction Processing Testbed},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 6.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFtrans> DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Kohler1983, Author ={Kohler,W.H. and Jenq,B-C.},
Title ={CARAT, a Distributed Software Testbed},
Institution ={Un.Mass, TR., rcvd 1985.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Description. Developed at DEC with GarciaMolina and GermaNo. Good survey of techniques. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Kojima1991, Author ={Kojima,I., Tanuma,H., Sato,Y., Ebihara,I., and Mano,Y.},
Title ={Implementation of an Object-Oriented Query Language System with Remote Procedure Call Interface},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Kokoreva, Author ={Kokoreva,L.V. and Malashinin,I.I.},
Title ={Proyektirovaniye bankov dannykh (Design of Data Banks)},
Publisher ={Nauka, Glav. red. fiz-mat. lit-ry, 256pp.},
Annote ={ Good textbook, covers old US systems: MACAIMS, REGIS (YAZKAPL) SQUARE, SEQUEL, QUEL, QBE, RAP. Category ={DBDdesign, FASAC 33 } }

@unpublished{Kolaitis1987, Author ={Kolaitis,P.},
Title ={The Expressive Power of Stratified Logic Programs},
Note ={rcvd.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Stanford CSD. Shows that (for finite structures) the fixed point operator is more powerful than stratified logic. --- jdu Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Kolaitis1988, Author ={Kolaitis,P.G. and Papadimitriou,C.H.},
Title ={Why Not Negation by Fixpoint?},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Stanford Un. The answer is: because it sometimes gives unintuitive result. The intent of the paper is to produce a fixed point of all facts that are inferred on ANY round of naive evaluation, starting with empty IDB relations. ---jdu Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Kolata1981, Author ={Kolata,G.},
Title ={Students Discover Computer Threat},
Journal ={Science, 5.},
Year =1981, Month Mar,
Pages ="1216--1217",
Volume ="215",
Annote ={ The discovery of a simple but powerful way to break into computer systems poses a problem: who should be told of the threat and how. A way for a person who is legitimately logged onto one terminal in a time-sharing computer system to trick the computer into thinking he is another user logged in at a different terminal. He would thereby gain access to all the privileges of the user he impersonates, such as access to the second user's files, the ability to modify or delete information from those files, and the ability to execute the other user's programs. An otherwise innocuous feature of many computer systems, the ability to determine who is logged in at a particular time, is necessary for this method to succeed. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@article{Kollias1977, Author ={Kollias,J.G., Stocker,P.M., and Dearnley,P.A.},
Title ={Improving the Performance of an Intelligent Data Management System},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1977, Pages ="302--307",
Volume ="20",
Annote ={at Un.East Anglia, School of Computing Studies Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDquery.1, DBfile } }

@article{Kollias1981, Author ={Kollias,J.G. and Hatzopoulos,M.},
Title ={Criteria to Aid in Solving the Problem of Allocating Copies of Files in a Computer Network},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Pages ="29--30",
Volume ="24",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Replication of files Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist>} }

@article{Kollias1981:1, Author ={Kollias,J.G. and Hatzopoulos,M.},
Title ={Optimal policy for Database Backup and Recovery},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Pages ="55--58",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDtrans-4> DBFstorage-1>} }

@article{Kollias1981:2, Author ={Kollias,J.G. and Hatzopoulos,M.},
Title ={Allocation of Copies of S distinct Files in an Information Network},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .4.},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="197--201",
Volume ="6",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Patras; Un.Athens Replication of files Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Kollias1983, Author ={Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={The Effect of Missing, Retroactive, Erroneous and/or Late Data in Designing Accounting Applications},
Journal ={The Computer Journal .},
Year =1983, Pages ="117--124",
Volume ="26",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at Nat.Investment Bank for Indus.Devel.SA (14 Amalias Ave.,POB 643, Athens 118) Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@article{Kollias1983:1, Author ={Kollias,J.G. and Hatzopoulos,M.},
Title ={Some Additional Models and Studies of the File Assignment Problem },
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="81--82",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Replication of files. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist>} }

@article{Kollias1980, Author ={Kollias,V.J., Hatzopoulos,M., and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={Database Maintenance Efficiency Using Differential Files},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1980, Month =Dec,
Pages ="319--321",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDtrans-4>} }

@article{Kollias1980:1, Author ={Kollias,V.J., Hatzopoulos,M., and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={Database Maintenance Efficiency Using Differential Files},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1980, Pages ="319--321",
Volume ="5",
Annote ={ at Athhens Un., Faculty of Agriculture, Lab. of Soils and Agr. Chemistry (Athens) Category ={DBFmaint, DBfile } }

@article{Kollias1981:3, Author ={Kollias,V.J., Yassoglou,N.J., and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={A Query Language for Retrieving Information from a Soil Databank},
Journal ={Computer and Geosciences.},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="393--400",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Annote ={agriculture Category ={DBappl>} }

@article{Kolodner1989, Author ={Kolodner,E., Liskov,B., and Weihl,W.},
Title ={Atomic Garbage Collection: Managing a Stable Heap},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at MIT, Lab for CS Category ={DBFreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Kolodner1993, Author ={Kolodner,E., and Weihl,W.},
Title ={Atomic Increment Garbage Collection and Recovery for a Large Stable Heap},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Kolovson1989, Author ={Kolovson,C. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Indexing Techniques For Historical Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@techreport{Kolovson1990, Author ={Kolovson,C. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={S-Trees: Database Indexing Techniques for Multi-Dimensional Interval Data},
Institution ={UCBERL M9035.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={spatial data Category ={DBFadvindex, DBfile UCB} }

@inproceedings{Kolovson1991, Author ={Kolovson,C. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Segment Indexes: Dynamic Indexing Techniques for Multi-Dimensional Interval Data},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at HP Category ={DBDadv.index> DBDindex>} }

@article{Kong1986, Author ={Kong,A., Barnett,G.O., Mosteller,F., and Youtz,C.},
Title ={How Medical Professionals Evaluate Expressions of Probability},
Journal ={New England Journal of Medicine.},
Year =1986, Pages ="740--744",
Volume ="315",
Category ={MCS> DBDkb>} }

@article{Konheim1972, Author ={Konheim,A.G. and Meister,B.},
Title ={Service in a Loop system},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1972, Month =Jan,
Pages ="92--108",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Cyclic service queues. Category ={DBFtechn.4>} }

@article{Konheim1979, Author ={Konheim,A.G., Mack,M.H., McNeill,R.K., Tuckerman,B., and Waldbaum,G.},
Title ={The IPS Cryptographic Programs},
Journal ={IBM, G321-5125.},
Year =1979, Annote ={ the implementation of the Information Protection System within IBM. The DES is used to protect data, users keep the keys. Category ={DBFrepresent-5> } }

@techreport{Konig1983, Author ={Konig,P.A., Goldfine,A., and Newton,J.J.},
Title ={Functional Specification for a Federal Information Processing Standard Data Dictionary System},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). , NBSIR 82-2619.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDschema.1, Ref.file} }

@article{Konikowska1985, Author ={Konikowska,Beata},
Title ={A Query Language Allowing Conditions of Relational Type in Queries},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1985, Pages ="113--125",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Polish Acad. of Sciences Boolean operations from k-ary descriptors. Category ={DBDquery, xissue } }

@techreport{Konolige1981, Author ={Konolige,Kurt},
Title ={The Database as Model: A Metatheoretic Approach},
Institution ={Technical Note 255, Artificial Intelligence Ctr, SRI.},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at SRI (Menlo Park CA) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Konolige1984, Author ={Konolige,Kurt},
Title ={A Deduction Model of Belief and Its Logics},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford Un., TR.STAN-CS-84-1022.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Konomi1991, Author ={Konomi,S., Furakawa,T., and Kambayashi,Y.},
Title ={Updating Duplicate Values in Distributed Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@unpublished{Koo1987, Author ={Koo,Charles C.},
Title ={Synchronizing Plans Among Intelligent Agents via Communication},
Note ={.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDkb> DBappl>} }

@techreport{Koo1987:1, Author ={Koo,Char-Lin},
Title ={A Distributed Model for Performance systems: Synchronizing Plans Among Intelligent agents via Communication},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford Un., Civil Engineering.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ A planning model developed uses a four-valued logic. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Koo1988, Author ={Koo,C.C. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={A Commitment-based Communication Model for Distributed Office Environments},
Booktitle ={ACM Conf.on Office Information Systems.(>1988?).},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="291-298",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. I3 Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Koo1987:2, Author ={Koo,R. and Toueg,S.},
Title ={Checkpointing and Rollback-Recovery for Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDreliab> DBDdist>} }

@article{Kooi1982, Author ={Kooi,R. and Frankforth,D.},
Title ={Query Optimization in Ingres},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering Eng.Bull..},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="2--5",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Koon1986, Author ={Koon,T.M. and Ozsu,M.T.},
Title ={Performance Comparison of Resilient Concurrency Control Algorithms for Distributed Databases},
Institution ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist> DBDprivacy, DBfile Ozsu} }

@incollection{Kopetz1986, Author ={Kopetz,H.},
Title ={Resilient Real-time Systems},
Booktitle ={Resilient Computing Systems, Anderson(ed), John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1986, Pages ="91--101",
Annote ={at TU.Vienna Category ={DBFeval> DBFrealtime>} }

@incollection{Kopeykin1984, Author ={Kopeykin,M.V., Osmolovskiy,L.G., and Petukhov,O.A.},
Title ={Incompatibility of Normalization Theory and the Relational Data Base Model},
Booktitle ={Problemno-oriyentirovannyye informatsionnyye sistemy, Leningrad, .},
Year =1984, Pages ="72--80",
Annote ={at USSR Acad. Sci., Leningrad Sci.Res.Comp.ctr. Category ={DBDmodel@inproceedings{Korczak1989, Author ={Korczak,J.J., Maciaszek,L.A., and Stafford,G.J.},
Title ={Knowledge Base for Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="61--68",
Annote ={ at Wollongong Un., DCS, (Wollongong, N.S.W., Australia) Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Korenthal1978, Author ={Korenthal,J.E.},
Title ={Data Base Concepts, Part 2},
Journal ={Stanford Campus Bulletin.},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Pages ="9--14",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBFintro, DBfile} }

@book{Korn1968, Author ={Korn,G.A. and Korn,T.M.},
Title ={Mathematical Handbook for Scientists and Engineers},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), Chap.11.},
Year =1968, Pages ="332--345",
Annote ={File device design Category ={DBFhard.1>} }

@book{Koroleva1986, Author ={Koroleva,L.N. and Krasoshchekova,P.S (eds)},
Title ={Operations Research Software and Models},
Publisher ={Moscow Un..},
Year =1986, Category ={DBFmethods, FASAC 209b} }

@article{Korth1982, Author ={Korth,Henry F.},
Title ={Deadlock Freedom using Edge Locks},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="632--652",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@article{Korth1983, Author ={Korth,H.F.},
Title ={Locking Primitives in a Database System},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC An arbitrary number of lock modes, operational modes and derived modes, combination mode, generalized update mode, and the intention mode. Category ={DBDintegrity.1> } }

@article{Korth1984, Author ={Korth,H.F., Kuper,G.M., Feigenbaum,J., vanGelder,A., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={System/U: A Database System Based on the Universal Relation Assumption},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="331--347",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@techreport{Korth1985, Author ={Korth,H.F. and Kim,W.},
Title ={A Concurrency Control Scheme for CAD Transactions},
Institution ={Un.Texas, Austin, CS, TR-85-34.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Category ={EIS> DBDintegrity, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Korth1986, Author ={Korth,Henry F.},
Title ={Extending the Scope of Relational Languages},
Booktitle ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDmodel> DBDnewDBMS>} }

@book{Korth1991, Author ={Korth,H. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Database System Concepts},
Publisher ={McGrawHill, (second edition), 720pp.},
Year =1991, Annote ={ I think it's a good, well-written book, especially for someone who is going to take only one database course and needs an overview of the field. The book is very similar in spirit to the OS book by Peterson and Silberschatz. The emphasis is on concepts rather than details. Because of this it would be tough to do a performance analysis of some system or do research on relational database theory given only their book. But that's not the purpose of this book anyway --- Jeff Naughton. 2nd edition has integrity references Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Korth1986:1, Author ={Korth,Hank},
Title ={Extending the Scope of Relational Languages},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="19--29",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin include serving object-oriented and functional languages. Much intro. Operator relations specify processing steps. Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Korth1988, Author ={Korth,H. and Speegle,S.},
Title ={Formal Model of Correctness without Serializability},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 88.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin a weak serializability is predicate-wise serializability. Category ={FAUVE> DBDconc> } }

@article{Korth1990, Author ={Korth,H., Kim,W., and Bancilhon,F.},
Title ={On Long-Duration CAD Transactions},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Korth1990:1, Author ={Korth,H.F. and Speegle,G.D.},
Title ={Long Duration Transactions in Software Design Projects},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Texas Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Korth1990:2, Author ={ Korth,H., Levy,E., and Silberschatz,A. Korth,H., Levy,E., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Compensating Transactions: A New Recovery Paradigm},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Korth1990:3, Author ={Korth,H., Soparkar,N., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Triggered Real-Time Databases with Consistency Constraints},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@unpublished{Korth1990:4, Author ={Korth,H.F., Levy,E., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Optimistic Commit in Multidatabase Systems},
Note ={COSI workshop, Tulsa.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ early release of locks and hope for unanimous commit; on failure ruu compensating Tsx Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Korth1991:1, Author ={Korth,H.F., Levy,E., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={An Optimistic Commit Protocol for Distributed Transaction Management},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Koster1986, Author ={Koster,A., Sondak,N., and Sullivan,P.},
Title ={The Application of a Geometric Arithmetic Parallel Systolic Array Processor to Database Machine Design},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Koster1987, Author ={Koster,A.},
Title ={Parallel Processing of Relational Databases on a Cellular Tree Machine},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach, DBfile} }

@article{Koster1990, Author ={Koster,A. and Parker,D.S.},
Title ={Regulation Management and Logic Programming},
Journal ={Software-Practice and Experience.},
Year =1990, Volume ="20",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at San Diego State the workers' compensation insurance premium auditing; rules for the State of California were encoded as a large Prolog program; it illustrates specific strengths and weaknesses of logic programming in dealing with large-scale real-world regulations. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@book{Kostrewski1984, Author ={Kostrewski,Barbara(ed)},
Title ={Current Perspectives In Health Computing},
Publisher ={Birmingham Un., British Computer Society.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Category ={MCS, R858.A2C87} }

@inproceedings{Kotz1991, Author ={Kotz,D. and SchlatterEllis,C.},
Title ={Caching and Writeback Policies in Parallel File Systems},
Booktitle ={Third IEEE Symp. on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Dallas.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Duke Un. Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Kotz1991:1, Author ={Kotz,D Jr. and Ellis,C.},
Title ={Practical Prefetching Techniques for Parallel File Systems},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Kotz1993, Author ={Kotz ,D.},
Title ={Multiprocessor File System Interfaces},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Dartmouth College Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Koubarakis1993, Author ={Koubarakis,M.},
Title ={Representation and Querying in Temporal Databases: the Power of Temporal Constraints},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Kouvatsos1982, Author ={Kouvatsos,D.D.},
Title ={Multiple Run Optimization of Block sizes for Magnetic Files, Part 1: Fixed Partition Size},
Institution ={Un.Bradford, Postgrad.School of Computing, TR-DDK-26.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBFimpl.2.4>} }

@techreport{Kouvatsos1984, Author ={Kouvatsos,D.D. and Wong,S.K.},
Title ={Multiple Run Optimization of Block sizes for Magnetic Files, Part 2: Variable Partition Size},
Institution ={CCR TR.15 .},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFimpl.2.4> DBFhard, DBfile (part 2)} }

@techreport{Kovach1972, Author ={Kovach,R.P., et al},
Title ={A Flam Manual},
Institution ={Information Systems Division, UCB.},
Year =1972, Annote ={at UC Extensions to IBM's DL-1 to provide field control in addition to the existing segment schema capabilities. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@book{Kowal1988, Author ={Kowal,James A.},
Title ={Analyzing Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 441pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at North Central Coll. (Napierville IL) dataflow and decomposition, data dictionaries, tables, databases; processing specs; logical, object, event analyses; real-time; example: auto rental. Broad coverage, many diagrams. Category ={DEng> DBDmodel, x } }

@book{Kowalski1979, Author ={Kowalski,Robert},
Title ={Logic for Problem Solving},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1979, Annote ={PROLOG text Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang>} }

@incollection{Kowalski1987, Author ={Kowalski,Robert},
Title ={Integrity Checking in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.London, Imperial Coll. (London, UK) Binary versus n-ary relations. Some general rules cannot be expressed as Horn clauses in the n-ary notation. Asserts that there is no difference between Integrity Constraints (ICs) and properties of programs. It would be much better if the updates were checked and the database never allowed to get into an illegal state . Category ={DBDmodel> DBDkb> DBDschema.7>\pr ! Kowalski,R., Sadri,F., and Soper,P. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Kowalski1985, Author ={Kowalski,Thaddeus},
Title ={An Artificial Intelligence Approach To VLSI Design},
Publisher ={Kluwer Academic Press (New York NY) Pub..},
Year =1985, Category ={EIS, TK7874.K675} }

@techreport{Kracker1990, Author ={Kracker,M.},
Title ={Approximate Concept Matching Using a Fuzzy Network of Concepts},
Institution ={GMD report.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at GMD Category ={DBDschema, DBfile GMD box} }

@book{Kraemer1989, Author ={Kraemer,K., Leslie,J., Dunkle,D., and Lane,J.},
Title ={Managing Information Systems},
Publisher ={Jossey-Bass, San Francisco, 320pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9006-0470.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at UCIrvine local government organizations' experience; a theoretical model, some case studies. Category ={DBDappl> } }

@article{Kral1971, Author ={Kral, J.},
Title ={Some Properties of the Scatter Storage Technique with Linear Probing},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1971, Month =May,
Pages ="145--149",
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Kramarenko1986, Author ={Kramarenko,R.P. and Kozlov,D.N.},
Title ={Performance Control in Relational Database Management System},
Journal ={Upravlyayushchiye sistemy in mashiny, Kiev.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="80--84",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ PALMA permits clustering of nests. Access discrimination considerations. realistic discussion of performance tradeoffs in relational DB access Category ={DBDbound> DBDrel, FASAC 210d@inproceedings{Kramer1992, Author ={Kramer,M., Lausen,G., and Saake,G.},
Title ={Updates in a Rule-Based Language for Objects},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={modeled by versioning Category ={DBDlogic> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Kramlich1984, Author ={Kramlich, D.},
Title ={Spatial Data Management on the USS Carl Vinson},
Booktitle ={IEEE DBE Bull..},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="10--19",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at CCA Category ={Image>} }

@techreport{Kraning1970, Author ={Kraning,L.A. and Fillat,A.I.},
Title ={Generalized Organization of Large Data Bases: A Set-Theoretic Approach to Relations},
Institution ={BSManagement Science, Journal of TIMS Thesis, MIT, EE (Cambridge MA).},
Year =1970, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Krasilov1986, Author ={Krasilov,A.A., Leytes,V.L., Fadeyeva,Ye.P., Khitrov,V.A., and Chepkasov,V.P.},
Title ={Implementation of the ADA Language on the bESM-6 Computer},
Journal ={Programmirovaniye, Moscow, -Jun..},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Pages ="60--70",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDlang, FASAC 60} }

@article{Krass1981, Author ={Krass,P. and Wiener,H.},
Title ={The DBMS Market Is Booming},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="153--170",
Volume ="27",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDintro.0> App.B>} }

@article{Kratzer1990, Author ={Kratzer,K., Wedekind,H., and Zoerntlein,G.},
Title ={Prefetching - a Performance Analysis},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.},
Year =1990, Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={includes superset queries Category ={DBFperf>} }

@book{Krauss1979, Author ={Krauss,L.I. and MacGahan,A.},
Title ={Computer Fraud and Countermeasures},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDsecurity>} }

@article{Kriebel1972, Author ={Kriebel,C.H.},
Title ={The Future MIS},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1972, Volume ="40",
Category ={DBFintro.6>} }

@article{Kriebel1971, Author ={Kriebel,Charles H.},
Title ={The Evaluation of Management Information Systems},
Journal ={IAG Journal,},
Year =1971, Pages ="1--14",
Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at CMU Summary of objectives and methods of evaluation, references Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@article{Kriegel1978, Author ={Kriegel,H.P., Vaishnavi,V.K., and Wood,D.},
Title ={2-3 Brother Trees},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark.},
Year =1978, Volume ="18",
Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFtree,} }

@inproceedings{Kriegel1984, Author ={Kriegel,Hans-Peter},
Title ={Performance Comparison of Index Structures for Multi-Key Retrieval},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data proc.},
Year =1984, Pages ="186--196",
Annote ={at Un.Wurzburg (FRG) Category ={DBFtrees.4>} }

@inproceedings{Kriegel1986, Author ={Kriegel,H-P. and Seeger,Bernhard},
Title ={Efficient Multidimensional Dynamic Hashing for Uniform and Non-Uniform Record Distributions},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Wuerzburg (FRG) Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Kriegel1987, Author ={Kriegel,H-P. and Seeger,B.},
Title ={Multidimensional Dynamic Quantile Hashing is Very Efficient for Non-Uniform Record Distributions},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFhash> DBFmethods>} }

@inproceedings{Kriegel1988, Author ={Kriegel,H-P. and Seeger,B.},
Title ={PLOP-Hashing: A Grid File Without Directory},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@inproceedings{Kriegel1993, Author ={Kriegel,H-P., Brinkhoff,T., and Seeger,B.},
Title ={Efficient Processing of Spatial Joins Using R-trees},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@techreport{Krieger1971, Author ={Krieger,Susan},
Title ={Privacy is NOT the Issue},
Institution ={Class (EES 280) Report},
Year =1971, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., I.E. Dep Provocative arguments against secrecy in files. Category ={DBDprivacy.0, xB12> } }

@article{Krinitskii1981, Author ={Krinitskii,N.A.},
Title ={Functional Classification of Informational Systems},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Apr..},
Year =1981, Month Mar,
Pages ="115--121",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ a transaction model of information system transitions. Category ={DBFtrans, FASAC 314 } }

@article{Krinos1973, Author ={Krinos,J.D.},
Title ={Interaction Statistics from a Data Base Management System},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , 1973.},
Year =1973, Pages ="283--290",
Volume ="42",
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Krishnakumar1991, Author ={Krishnakumar,N. and Bernstein,A.J.},
Title ={Bounded Ignorance in Replicated Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Krishnakumar1992, Author ={Krishnakumar,N. and Bernstein,A.J.},
Title ={High Throughput Escrow Algorithms for Replicated Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ application involves resource allocation; uses loose synchronization quorum locking and background gossip messages Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Krishnamurthy1984, Author ={Krishnamurthy,R. and Morgan,S.P.},
Title ={Distributed Query Optimization: An Engineering Approach},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Krishnamurthy1984:1, Author ={Krishnamurthy,R. and Morgan,S.},
Title ={Query Processing on Personal Computers: A Pragmatic Approach},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 10, Singapore.},
Year =1984, Pages ="26--29",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Krishnamurthy1985, Author ={Krishnamurthy,R. and Whang,K-Y.},
Title ={Multilevel Grid Files},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RC-11516.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM, Research Division Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Krishnamurthy1986, Author ={Krishnamurthy,R., Boral,H., and Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={Optimization of Nonrecursive Queries},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.(128--137?)},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="189--196",
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Krishnamurthy1988, Author ={Krishnamurthy,R. and Naqvi,S.},
Title ={Non-Deterministic Choice in Datalog},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Krishnamurthy1988:1, Author ={Krishnamurthy,R. and Naqvi,S.},
Title ={Towards a Real Horn Clause Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="252--263",
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Krishnamurthy1991, Author ={Krishnamurthy,Ravi },
Title ={An Analysis Technique for Transitive Closure Algorithms: A Statistical Approach},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Krishnamurthy1991:1, Author ={Krishnamurthy,R. and Litwin,W.},
Title ={Interoperability of Heterogeneous Databases with Schematic Discrepancies},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Krishnamurthy1991:2, Author ={Krishnamurthy,R., Litwin,W., and Kent,W.},
Title ={Language Features for Interoperatility of Databases with Schematic Discrepancies},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Krishnan1990, Author ={Krishnan,R.M. and Lee,R.},
Title ={Logic as an integrated modeling framework},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management, no.1.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDappl>} }

@article{Kroenke1978, Author ={Kroenke,D.},
Title ={DATABASE: A Professional's Primer},
Journal ={Science Res. Associates, 323pp.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ This book is similar in many respects to James Martin's. Computer Data Base Organization text. Typical topics which are addressed include: linked lists, various database models, security, recovery, the role of data administration and the management of the database system. The book is relatively easy to read and would be a good introductory test for anyone who is familiar with conventional DP activities -- but not 'up on' database technology. Probably of more value to business and industrial engineering types than students of computer science. --- Fountain Category ={DBDschema, Student file (Fountain) } }

@book{Kroenkhe1983, Author ={Kroenkhe,David M.},
Title ={Business Computer Systems: An Introduction},
Publisher ={Mitchell Pub., Santa Cruz CA, 2nd ed., 576pp.},
Year =1983, Annote ={Good data processing introductory textbook. Category ={DBFintro> DBappl> } }

@book{Kroenke1988, Author ={Kroenke,D. and Dolan,K (Eds)},
Title ={Database processing: fundamentals, design, implementation},
Publisher ={Macmillan, 679pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9102-0045.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ SQL, hierarchical transaction processing and networking with CODASYL Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Krohn1973, Author ={Krohn,M.},
Title ={Use of the Computer as a Systems, Documentation and Design Aid},
Journal ={Approaches to System Design, Boot(ed).},
Year =1973, Pages ="105--111",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Kronwal1965, Author ={Kronwal,R.A. and Tarter,M.E.},
Title ={Cumulative Polygon Address Calculation Sorting},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 20.},
Year =1965, Pages ="376--34",
Annote ={Key-to-address mapping preserving sequentiality. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@techreport{Kruatrachue1987, Author ={Kruatrachue,Boontee},
Title ={Static Task Scheduling and Grain Packing in Parallel Processing Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Oregon State Un..},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Oregon State Category ={DBDdist> DBDparallel, request } }

@article{Kruatrachue1988, Author ={Kruatrachue,B. and Lewis,T.},
Title ={Grain Size Determination for Parallel Processing},
Journal ={IEEE Software, no.1.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="23--32",
Volume ="5",
Annote ={at Oregon State deals with scheduling in cases where communication delay GT or GG processing task delay. Acyclic computation network. Then replication helps greatly. Extreme examples are where communication late in network is long, but in databases we expect result cardinalities, and hence comm.cost, to decrase. Category ={DBDdist> DBDparallel> } }

@techreport{Krueger1989, Author ={Krueger,C.W.},
Title ={Models of Reuse in Software Engineering},
Institution ={CMU Tech.Rep. CMU-CS-89-188, 48pp.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at CMU good overview and references, focus on VHLL Category ={DBEng, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Krueger1990, Author ={Krueger,J.W.},
Title ={Application Object Model},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Honeywell the contents of instance variables are usually easier to work with than an OID since an instance variable contains more mnemonic information; furthermore the OID of an object may change as it moves from EIS to EIS Category ={EIS> DBDobject> } }

@book{Kruglinski1983, Author ={Kruglinski,David},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems: A Guide to Microcomputer Software},
Publisher ={OsborneMacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Tennon Software Services Inc. (Seattle WA) Description of FMS80, dBaseII, Condor, MDBS III, also notes on Sequitar, Access 80, FMS 81, FMS 82, Pearl, Profile II, Datastar. Category ={DBDintro.0> App.C < Home library } }

@inproceedings{Krulee1969, Author ={Krulee,G. and Mittman,B.},
Title ={Computer-Based Information Systems for Un.Research and Teaching},
Booktitle ={NCIR 6, Phila.PA.},
Year =1969, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Kruse1987, Author ={Kruse,R.,Meyer,K.D.},
Title ={Statistics with Vague Data},
Publisher ={Riedel, Dordrecht.},
Year =1987, Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> DBDstat> DBFmethods>} }

@article{Ku1968, Author ={Ku,H.H. and Kullback,S.},
Title ={Interaction in Multidimensional Contingency Tables: An Information Theoretic Approach},
Journal ={J.of Res.of the National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). , B, -Sep..},
Year =1968, Month =Jul,
Pages ="159--199",
Volume ="72",
Category ={DBFtechn.1>} }

@article{Kuck1982, Author ={Kuck,S.M. and Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={A Universal Relation Database System Implemented Via the Network Model},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Aho(ed).},
Year =1982, Pages ="147--157",
Annote ={ A Subset of a CODASYL implementation is used to provide for universal relations. Lossless joins are related to automatic, mandatory sets. Both schema design and access path optimization is presented. Category ={DBDintro.0> DBDnewDBMS>. } }

@inproceedings{Kuehn1991, Author ={Kuehn,E. and Elmagarmid,A.},
Title ={Transaction Specification in Multidatabase Systems Based on Parallel Logic Programming},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Kuehn1983, Author ={Kuehn,J.T., Siegel,H.J., and Grosz,M.},
Title ={A Distributed Memory Management System for PASM},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE-CS Workshop on Comp.Arch. and Image database Management (CAPAIDM), .},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Purdue Architecture of File System for Parallel Access to High-resolution images Category ={DBDdist> DBmach> Image @article{Kuehler1966, Author ={Kuehler,J.D. and Kerby,H.R.},
Title ={A Photo-Digital Mass Storage System},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS.},
Year =1966, Pages ="753--742",
Volume ="28",
Annote ={an early, rewritable optical storage system. Category ={DBFhard.1.4> %Kuehler66 } }

@inproceedings{Kuhn1988, Author ={Kuhn,E., and Ludwig,T.},
Title ={MDBS: A Logic Multidatabase System},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at TUn Wien (Austria) Category ={FAUVE> DBDdist> DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Kuhn1985, Author ={Kuhn,E. and Fruhwirth,T.},
Title ={VIP-DBS an Integrated Logic Database System Based on Prolog},
Institution ={Vienna Integrated Prolog, TR-1802-85-4.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at TU.Vienna VIP is the implementation of an integrated Prolog programming environment. VIP is a superset of DEC-10 Prolog and supports a module-concept and global variables. The VIP-kernel consists of an intermediatecode interpreter, an incremental compiler, a window-manager and a memory manager. Category ={DBDlogic> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kuhn1988:1, Author ={Kuhn,E. and Ludwig,T.},
Title ={VIP-MDBS : A Logic Multidatabase System},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE.},
Year =1988, Pages ="190--207",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Kuehn1993, Author ={Kuehn,E.},
Title ={Multidatabase Language Requirements},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Technology Vienna Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Kuhn1981, Author ={Kuhn,I.M. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={The Evolution of Ambulatory Medical Record Systems in the U.S.},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 5, IEEE.},
Year =1981, Pages ="80-85",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={MCS>} }

@article{Kuhn1984, Author ={Kuhn,I.M., Wiederhold,G., Rodnick,J.E., Ramsey-Klee,D.M., Benett,S., and Beck,D.D.},
Title ={Automated Ambulatory Medical Record System in the U.S.},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press for Patient Care, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Blum(ed).},
Year =1984, Pages ="199--217",
Category ={MIS>} }

@book{Kuhn1981:1, Author ={Kuhn,R.H. and Padua,D.A.(eds)},
Title ={Tutorial on Parallel Processing},
Publisher ={IEEE.},
Year =1981, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ Collection of noted papers on the subject, for the tutorial given at the 10th conference (1981) on Parallel Processing. It eases the search problem for many of the obscure papers. Some of these papers might not be considered academic, others are applications oriented. Data flow is given short coverage. A quick source for someone getting into the field. Individual paper in Miya's bibliography. Required. ---Miya. Category ={DBDparallel> DBFdist> DBFarch> } }

@incollection{Kuhns1967, Author ={Kuhns,J.L.},
Title ={Logical Aspects of Question Answering by Computer},
Booktitle ={Rand, RM-5428-Pr.},
Year =1967, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Rand His query language was the relational calculus (i.e., first-order logic). The result that safety of queries is undecidable (by Di Paola) was published in JACM in 1969. --- Moshe Category ={DBDrel> DBDquery> } }

@article{Kuhns1971, Author ={Kuhns,J.L.},
Title ={Quantification in Query Systems},
Journal ={ACM SIGIR .},
Year =1971, Pages ="81--93",
Annote ={at Operating Systems Inc. (Encino, CA) Background, transformation, and proofs on qualifying predicates used in RDF at Rand. Category ={DBDquery, xB10> } }

@article{Kukharenko1985, Author ={Kukharenko,B.G. and Chironov,V.V.},
Title ={Unification of Relational Database Models},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Jun..},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Pages ="164--170",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={integration in the universal relation model. Category ={DBDdesign, FASAC 330 } }

@incollection{Kukharenko1986, Author ={Kukharenko,B.G. and Chironov,V.V.},
Title ={Construction of a Test Relation for a Relational Data Base Model},
Booktitle ={Prikladnaya informatika (Applied Informatics), Moscow, Finansy i statistika, .},
Year =1986, Pages ="38--49",
Annote ={ to detect contradictions. Models, based on Tableaux, require polynomial time. Category ={DBDlogic, FASAC 59c } }

@article{Kulkarni1987, Author ={Kulkarni,K.G. and Atkinson,M.P.},
Title ={Implementing an Extebded Functional Data Model Using PS-Algol},
Journal ={Software Pract. Exper., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8806-0441.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="171--185",
Volume ="17",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Digital Equipment Corp., Colorado Springs CO EFDM has an interactive user interface based on DAPLEX. Implementation of EFDM, no analysis. ---Pokorny. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Kumar1987, Author ={Kumar,A. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={The Effect of Join Selectivities on Optimal Nesting Order},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="28--41",
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Only an approximate estimate is adequate Category ={DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Kumar1987:1, Author ={Kumar,A. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of an Operating System Transaction Manager},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Kumar1987:2, Author ={Kumar,A. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={The Effect of Join Selectivities on Optimal Nesting Order},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Rec..},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="28--41",
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at UCB, EECS The optimal plan for most queries is very insensitive to selectivity inaccuracies. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Kumar1990, Author ={Kumar,A.},
Title ={An Analysis of Borrowing Policies for Escrow Transactions in a Replicated Data Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Cornell University Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Kumar1993, Author ={Kumar,A. and Segev,A.},
Title ={Cost and Availability Tradeoffs in Replicated Data Concurrency Control},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1993, Month Mar,
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDconc> DBDdist>} }

@article{Kumar1990:1, Author ={Kumar,K. and Bjorn-Anderson,N.},
Title ={A Cross-Cultural Comparison of IS Designer Values},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Volume ="33",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ questionaire administered to 132 Canadian and 72 Danish system designers from a total of 21 organizations; Canadian designers put greater emphasis on efficiency, the Danish of effectiveness; value concepts are reliability, maintainability, compatibility, currency of information, decision making, level of sophistication, security, operating costs, manpower, control of resources, monitoring of clerical activities and relation socio-political values Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Kumar1990:2, Author ={Kumar,Puneet},
Title ={Coping with Conflicts in an Optimistically Replicated File System},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at CMU Coda allows users to manually resolve inconsistent objects Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Kumar1993:1, Author ={Kumar,P. and Satyanarayanan,M.},
Title ={Log-Based Directory Resolution in the Coda File System},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Carnegie-Mellon Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Kumar1990:3, Author ={Kumar,Vijay},
Title ={Concurrent Operations on Extendible Hashing and its Performance},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9012-0959.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="33",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Un.Missouri includes simulation results and code for algorithms Category ={DBFhash> } }

@inproceedings{Kumar1991, Author ={Kumar,Vijay },
Title ={Performance Measurement of some Main Memory Database Recovery Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDperf>} }

@incollection{Kung1983, Author ={Kung,C.H},
Title ={An Analysis of Three Conceptual Models With Time Perspective},
Booktitle ={Information Systems Design Methodologies, IFIP, N-H : A Feature Analysis, Olle et al (eds), N-H.},
Year =1983, Pages ="141--168",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Kung1983:1, Author ={Kung,C.H},
Title ={On Consistency Checking of Information System Specifications},
Booktitle ={The Norwegian Inst.of Technology (Trondheim), CSD, TR.DAISEE .},
Year =1983, Number ="20",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Kung1984, Author ={Kung,C.H.},
Title ={A Temporal Framework for Information Systems Specification and Verification},
Booktitle ={PhD Th., The Norwegian Inst.of Tech., CSD.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at The Norwegian Inst.of Tech. (Trondheim) --- Kung Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Kung1985, Author ={Kung,C.H.},
Title ={On Verification of Databases' Temporal Constraints},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Proc., Austin. .},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Pages ="169--179",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Kung1985:1, Author ={Kung,C.H.},
Title ={A Tableaux Approach for Consistency Checking},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP WG8.1 Work. Conf. on Theoretical and Formal Aspect of Information Systems, Sernadas et al (eds), N-H.},
Year =1985, Pages ="191--207",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Kung1986, Author ={Kung,C.H. and Solvberg,A.},
Title ={Activity Modeling and Behavior Modeling of Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP WG8.1 Working Conf. on CRIS-3, (Noordwijkerhout, The Netherlands), , N-H, 1986.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Kung1989, Author ={Kung,C.H.},
Title ={Conceptual Modeling in the Context of Software Development},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1176--1187",
Volume ="15",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Iowa, DCS A graphical appraoch models static and dynamic aspects in one model. Can incrementally impose more constraints. Has a mathematical basis. Produces an executable specification. Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Kung1990, Author ={Kung,Chenho},
Title ={Object Subclass Hierarchy in SQL: A Simple Approach},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9102-0098.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Volume ="33",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ can be implemented on a relational DBMS using views principles, guidelines, and examples of how to model and implement subsets using SQL views; four types of subclass relationship; since the views are joins over primary keys, updates are not difficult ---Sivitanides Category ={DBDobject> VOD> } }

@article{Kung1983:2, Author ={Kung,H. and Papadimitriou,C.},
Title ={An Optimal Theory of Concurrency control for databases},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1983, Pages ="1--11",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Annote ={information vs concurrency. Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Kung1979, Author ={Kung,H.T. and Papadimitriou,C.H.},
Title ={An Optimality Theory of Concurrency Control for Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 79, Bernstein(ed).},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="116-126",
Annote ={ if the graph of transactions over objects is acyclic, an acceptable ordering can be established. Category ={DBDintegrity.3> } }

@article{Kung1979:1, Author ={Kung,H.T. and Robinson,J.T.},
Title ={On Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Kung1978, Author ={Kung,H.T. and Leiserson,C.E.},
Title ={Systolic Arrays (for VLSI)},
Journal ={Sparse Matrix Proc., 1979.},
Year =1978, Pages ="256--282",
Category ={DBFhard.6>} }

@article{Kung1979:2, Author ={Kung,H.T. and Papadimitrou,C.H.},
Title ={An Optimality Theory of Concurrency Control for Databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 79, Bernstein(ed).},
Year =1979, Pages ="116--126",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@article{Kung1980, Author ={Kung,H.T. and Lehman,P.L.},
Title ={Concurrent Manipulation of Binary Search Trees},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="354--382",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at CMU Operations on tries are defined so that concurrency of access is possible while the number of locked nodes is minimal. Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFimpl.4> } }

@article{Kung1981, Author ={Kung,H.T. and Robinson,J.T.},
Title ={On Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="213--226",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@incollection{Kung1984:1, Author ={Kung,R., Hanson,E., Ioannidis,Y., Sellis,T., Shapiro,L., and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Heuristic Search in Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, TR-84-58.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at ESL and UCB Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Stonebraker} }

@inproceedings{Kundu1985, Author ={Kundu,Sukhamay},
Title ={An Improved Algorithm for Finding a Key of a Relation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Louisiana State Un. Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Kunifuji1982, Author ={Kunifuji,S. and Yokota,H.},
Title ={Prolog and Relational Databases for Fifth Generation Computer Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.of Workshop on Logical Bases for Databases, Toulouse.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Kunii1983, Author ={Kunii,H.S.},
Title ={Graph Data Language: A High Level Access-Path Oriented Language},
Institution ={Un.Texas, Austin, PhD Th..},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Annote ={at Ricoh Ltd, (Tokyo Japan) Includes reference and association link connections. Uses links among record types, queries are restrained to links, than can be dynamically created. Links have inverse links. Links within a record type can define ordering and transitive closure. Record lists are primitive units (tid attributes) to avoid materializing the sets of records. The DML includes query and update operators. Division is simulated through a numerical link predicate. Indexes. Uses a near-structure model. ---Gio. Category ={DBDimage> DBDmodel> DBDimplement> DBDnewDBMS, Thesis file } }

@book{Kunii1990, Author ={Kunii,H.S.},
Title ={Graph Data Model and Its Data Language},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), 106pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Ricoh Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Kunii1975, Author ={Kunii,T.L., Amano,T. Arisawa,H., and Okada,S.},
Title ={An Interactive Fashion Design System INFADS},
Booktitle ={Computer and Graphics, Pergamon Press.},
Year =1975, Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDintro.8, xSRI> %Kunii75} }

@inproceedings{Kunii, Author ={Kunii,T.L., Weyl,S., and Tenenbaum,J.M.},
Title ={A Relational Data Base Schema for Describing Complex Pictures with Color and Texture},
Booktitle ={IEEE Catv. CH0885-4C},
Number ="74",
Annote ={ at Un.Tokyo, Dep.Information Science; SRI, (Menlo Park CA) Category ={DBDimage> DBDintro.1, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kunii1977, Author ={Kunii,T.L. and Kunii,H.S.},
Title ={Design Criteria for Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed), Tokyo, Japan.},
Year =1977, Pages ="93--104",
Annote ={ at Un.Texas, Austin and the Un.Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo Category ={DBDintegrity.5.1> DBDdist> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Kunii1977:1, Author ={Kunii,Tosiyasu L.},
Title ={On Providing Casual User's Generation, Access and Control of Databases by Hierarchical Dialog Planning},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed), Tokyo, Japan.},
Year =1977, Pages ="93--104",
Annote ={at Un.Tokyo (Hongo Tokyo, Japan) A model for shared database by casual users planning dialog. The plan is executed on the domains of hierarchical semantics, and controlled by pattern matching fuzzy interfaces. They are composed of multiplex associations of the attributes and values of the shared database with those of casual user classes... Category ={DBDquery.2, DBfile } }

@book{Kunii1984, Author ={Kunii,T.(ed)},
Title ={Frontiers In Computer Graphics. Proceedings of Computer Graphics Tokyo '84.},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1984, Category ={Image, T385.C593} }

@article{Kunin1982, Author ={Kunin,Jay S.},
Title ={Analysis and Specification of Office Procedures},
Journal ={PhD Th., Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, LCS, TR-275, pp.39.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3>} }

@inproceedings{Kuntz1989, Author ={Kuntz,M. and Melchert,R.},
Title ={Pasta-3's Graphical Query Language: Direct Manipulation, Cooperative Queries, Full Expressive Power},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at ECRC, Munich Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Kuo1992, Author ={Kuo,Dean},
Title ={Model and Verification of a Data Manager Based on ARIES},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Sydney, Australia Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@techreport{Kuper1985, Author ={Kuper,Gabriel M.},
Title ={The Logical Data Model: A New Approach to Database Logic},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford Un..},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDtheory, DBfile} }

@article{Kuper1987, Author ={Kuper,G.M.},
Title ={Logic Programming with Sets},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC An update of the PODS 87 paper. ---jeff Category ={DBDtheory> DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Kuper1988, Author ={Kuper,G.M.},
Title ={On the expressive power of logic programming languages with sets},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Kuprin1982, Author ={Kuprin,A.I. and Feigin,L.I.},
Title ={Application of Cluster Analysis to Classification of Data Base Logical Structures},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Apr..},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="98--101",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDmodel, FASAC 317} }

@inproceedings{Kuranaga1984, Author ={Kuranaga,Yasuhiko},
Title ={CADETT: Computer Aided Design and Engineering Tool for Toyota},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Toyota Motor Corp, Japan Category ={EIS> DBFhard.2, DBfile } }

@techreport{Kurose1985, Author ={Kurose,J.F. and Simha,R.},
Title ={A Microeconomic Approach to Optimal File Allocation},
Institution ={rcvd},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFdis> DBFmeth>} }

@article{Kurtz1983, Author ={Kurtz,D. and Morris,K.A.},
Title ={A Microcomputer Approach to Storage of Qualitative Patient Data Using Key Words},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="209--217",
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at NIH, Clinical Ctr Heathkit Basic, use up to 6*6 out of 26*82 keywords, search for up to 3*3, up to 5000 cases on a 500K floppy. Category ={MCS> } }

@article{Kurylev1986, Author ={Kurylev,V.A.},
Title ={One Approach to designing the Physical Organization of a Relational Data Base},
Journal ={Avtomatika i telemekhanika, Moscow.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="120--132",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at Smolensk choose file organization in RECRAZ DBMS to minimize query time Category ={DBFeval, FASAC 63 } }

@article{Kurz1973, Author ={Kurz,R.C.},
Title ={Long Live the Data Administrator},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1973, Month Mar,
Pages ="72--74",
Annote ={at Southern Railway Systems Warning to management. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@inproceedings{Kusalik1986, Author ={Kusalik,A.J. and Foster.I.T.},
Title ={A Logical Treatment of Secondary Storage},
Booktitle ={IEEE-SLP 86, Salt Lake City UT.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Saskatchewan, Imperial Coll., London Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@book{Kuspert1985, Author ={Kuspert,Klaus},
Title ={Fehlererkennung und Fehlerbehandlung in Speicherungsstrukturen von Datenbanksystemen},
Publisher ={Informatik-Fachberichte.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Error recognition and correction in storage devices for databases. Category ={DBFreliab> } }

@article{Kuspert1986, Author ={Kuspert,Klaus},
Title ={Principles of Error Detection in Storage Structures of Database Systems.},
Journal ={Reliability Engineering : An International J..},
Year =1986, Volume ="14",
Category ={DBFreliab>} }

@article{Kuspert1989, Author ={Kuspert,K., Saake,G., and Wegner,L.},
Title ={Duplicate Detection and Deletion in the Extended NF2 Data Model},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="83--100",
Number ="367",
Annote ={at IBM Heidelberg Scientific Ctr., FRG Nested relations. Category ={DBDquery> DBDnewDBMS> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Kuss1982, Author ={Kuss,Herbert},
Title ={On Totally Ordering Checkpoints in Distributed Data Bases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="293--302",
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) Category ={DBDtrans-4.3> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Kuszmaul1990, Author ={Kuszmaul,Christopher L.},
Title ={Rapid Transpose Methods on Massively Parallel SIMD Computers},
Booktitle ={SIAM meeting.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Maspar Category ={DBFhybrid> DBFmach, DBfile} }

@article{Kuzmak1988, Author ={Kuzmak,P.M., Walters,R.F., and Penrod,G.},
Title ={Technical Aspects of Interfacing MUMPS to an external SQL Relational Database Management System},
Journal ={MUG Quaterly.},
Year =1988, Pages ="9--16",
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ at The Johns Hopkins Hospital, Information Systems, Baltimore MD With SQL Sybase grammar Category ={DBDrel> } }

@inproceedings{Kwasny1981, Author ={Kwasny,S.C., and Sondheimer,N.K.},
Title ={Ungramaticality and Extragramaticality in Natural Language Understanding Systems},
Booktitle ={American Journal of Computational Linguistics meeting 17, La Jolla CA.},
Year =1981, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDnat>} }

@techreport{Kwok1971, Author ={Kwok,Gee-Yin},
Title ={Simulation of a Single-Server Model for a Paging Drum Channel System},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, Computer Science Ctr, Report TR-160.},
Year =1971, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland, College Park (MD) Category ={DBFtechn.2, xB6.2> } }

@techreport{Kwong1978, Author ={Kwong,Y.S. and Wood,D.},
Title ={T-Trees: A Variant of BTrees},
Institution ={CS T.R. 788-CS-18, McMaster Un., ?.},
Year =1978, Annote ={at McMaster Un. (Hamilton ON) Category ={DBFtree> DBFindex.4> DBFimpl> DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Kwong1978:1, Author ={Kwong,Y.S. and Wood,D.},
Title ={Concurrency in B and Ttrees},
Booktitle ={Preparation, likely first to appear as McMaster Un.CS T.R..},
Year =1978, Category ={ DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Kwong1982, Author ={Kwong,Y.S. and Wood,D.},
Title ={A New Method for Concurrency in BTrees},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="211--222",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at MICOM Co., Montreal (PQ); McMaster Un. (Hamilton ON, Canada) A survey of previous work is given and two basic types of solutions to this problem are identified. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } } % ------ L ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@inproceedings{Laasch1993, Author ={Laasch,C. and Scholl,M.},
Title ={Deterministic Semantics of Set-Oriented Update Sequences},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at University of Ulm Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@techreport{Laasri1988, Author ={Laasri,H., Maitre,B., Mondot,T., Charpillet,F., and Haton,J-P.},
Title ={Atome: A Blackboard Architecture with Temporal and Hypothetical Reasoning},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Res.R. ,},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Number ="855",
Annote ={at INRIA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{LaCroix1976, Author ={LaCroix,M. and Pirotte,A.},
Title ={Generalized Joins},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1976, Month =Sep,
Pages ="14--15",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDops.3.3>} }

@inproceedings{LaCroix1977, Author ={LaCroix,M. and Pirotte,A.},
Title ={Domain Oriented Relational Languages},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed), Tokyo.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@article{Lacroix, Author ={Lacroix,M. and Pirotte,A.},
Title ={ILL: an English structured query language for relational data bases},
Journal ={Architecture and Models in Data Base Management Systems, G.M. Nijssen},
Annote ={ ILL [1], for example has a structure entirely governed by expression nesting. Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{Lacroix1987, Author ={Lacroix,M. and Lavency,P.},
Title ={Preferences: Putting More Knowledge into Queries},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={permit user to state alternative results. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@book{Lacy1990, Author ={Lacy-Thompson,T.},
Title ={Informix/SQL: Tuturial and Reference},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 200pp.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Ladin1990, Author ={Ladin,R., Liskov,B., and Shrira,L.},
Title ={Lazy Replication: Exploiting the Semantics of Distributed Services},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Dec; MIT Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Ladkin1986, Author ={Ladkin,Peter},
Title ={Time Representation: A Taxonomy of Interval Relations},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Kestrel Inst a calculus of convex temporal intervals and unions of temporal intervals. `We investigate the primitive relations and operations needed for such calculi in a system which includes some set theory, and which allows the assertional definition of operators in Horn clause fashion. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Ladkin1987, Author ={Ladkin,Peter},
Title ={The Logic of Time Representation},
Institution ={Report No. Kes.U.87.13, November , PhD Thesis.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ a completeness theorem for Allen's calculus, extension to union-of-convex intervals; granularity is recognized, and dealt wih explicitly, leading to a representation of time as a sequence of integers for year, ..., sec; a periodify operation converts among mismatched grains. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Ladkin1988, Author ={Ladkin,P. and Maddux,R.},
Title ={The Algebra of Binary Constraint Networks},
Institution ={Report No. Kes.U.88.9.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ uses interval algebra, including Allen's temporal algebra to to manipulate partial relationships. Category ={DBDops, DBfile } }

@incollection{Laender1984, Author ={Laender,A.H.F. and Stocker,P.M.},
Title ={An Interactive Database End User Facility for the Definition and Manipulation of Forms},
Booktitle ={Research and Development in Information Retrieval, in BCS-WS, vanRijsbergen(ed), Cambridge Un.Press, ; ACM-CR 8511-1056.},
Year =1984, Pages ="41-54",
Annote ={ DAVID resolves ambiguous queries by interaction, intialized by DBA. Category ={DBDquery.3> } }

@inproceedings{Laenens1990, Author ={Laenens,E., Sacca,D., and Vermeir,D.},
Title ={Extending Logic Programming },
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Philips, Eindhoven Datalog rules partitioned into an isa hierarchy, with negation 'ordered logic programming' consists of a number of modules where each module is composed of a number of rules; a hierarchy among the modules allows rule inheritance as global rules. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDlogic> } }

@article{Laffey1986, Author ={Laffey,T.J., Perkins, W.O., and Nguye,T.A.},
Title ={Reasoning About Fault Diagnosis with LES},
Journal ={IEEE Expert.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Pages ="13-20",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Lockheed, Palo Alto Res.Lab diagnosis system values (backward goal directed) and meta-rules Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Lafortune1984, Author ={Lafortune,S. and Wong,E.},
Title ={A New Locking Protocol that Achieves All Serializable Exections},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab memo M8477.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDintegrity.2, DBfile} }

@techreport{Lafortune1985, Author ={Lafortune,S. and Wong,E.},
Title ={A State Transition Model for Distributed Query Processing},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab. memo M8575.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ A generalization of algorithms for optimizing query processing Category ={DBDdist, DBfile Berkeley box } }

@inproceedings{LaFue1982, Author ={LaFue,Gilles M.E.},
Title ={Semantic Integrity Dependencies and Delayed Integrity Checking},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds) .},
Year =1982, Pages ="292--299",
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. (NJ) economies of delayed checking Category ={DBDintegrity.3> } }

@article{LaFue1984, Author ={LaFue,G.M.E.},
Title ={Basic Decisions about Linking an Expert System with a DBMS: A Case Study},
Journal ={IEEE Database Engineering, Kim,Ries,Lochovsky(eds).},
Year =1984, Pages ="238-246",
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Schlumberger-Doll Research STROBE supports knowledge bases, containing related objects. Objects are of two types: classes and individuals. Individuals are the database extension and lowest level of the ISA hierarchy. Objects have slots, containing facets of the attributes: value(data/code),type(incl.reference),max,min,units,... . The unsuitability of interfacing STROBE with a relational DBMS as INGRES is discussed. Strobe operates on dipmeter data. Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> } }

@incollection{LaFue1984:1, Author ={LaFue,G.M.E. and Smith,R.G.},
Title ={Implementation of A Semantic Integrity Manager With a Knowledge Representation System},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="172--185",
Volume ="1",
Annote ={STROBE constraints are still LISP expressions. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Lagasse1975, Author ={Lagasse,J.P., Artaud,G., and Cabanel,J.P.},
Title ={ARAMIS, A Processing Network with User Data Bases Interactive Systems .},
Booktitle ={Proc.of IEEE Compcon ,},
Year =1975, Pages ="213--216",
Annote ={at Universite Paul Sabatier (Toulouse, France) Category ={DBDschema> DBDdesign, x20> } }

@article{Lai1988, Author ={Lai,K-Y., Malone,T.W., and Yu,K-C.},
Title ={Object Lens: A Spreadsheet for Cooperative Work},
Journal ={ACM TOOIS.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Pages ="332--353",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at MIT integrates hypertext, object-oriented databases, messaging, and rule-based agents in one interface. objects are defined by template forms. They can be nested, be grouped into folders, and be placed into inheritance hierarchies. Relationships are explicit. Agent conditions also use templates with example conditions and literals. I3 Category ={DBDkb> AFIS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Lai1987, Author ={Lai,M-Y. and Lee,T.T.},
Title ={Protocol Verification Using Relational Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@article{Lakhal1989, Author ={Lakhal,L., Cicchetti,R., and Miranda,S.},
Title ={Complex-Statistical-Table Structure and Operators for Macro Statistical Databases},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="422--438",
Number ="367",
Annote ={ at Un.Tunis, ENSI, (Ariana Tunisie) and Un.Nice-CNRS, (Sophia-Antipolis, France) Includes review of Ghosh and Ozsoyoglu. ---Gio. Category ={DBDstat> } }

@inproceedings{Lakshmanan1992, Author ={Lakshmanan,L. and Missaoui,R.},
Title ={On Semantic Query Optimization in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UQAM, Canada Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Lakshmanan1986, Author ={Lakshmanan,V.S. },
Title ={Split-Freedom and MVD-Intersection: A New Characterization of Multivalued Dependencies Having Conflict-Free Covers},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Indian Inst of Science, India Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Lakshmanan1991, Author ={Lakshmanan,L.V. and Hernandez,H.J.},
Title ={Structural Query Optimization -- A Uniform Framework for Semantic Query Optimization in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Lakshmi1989, Author ={Lakshmi,M.S., and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={Limiting Factors of Join Performance on Parallel Processors},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={PARADATA Category ={DBDperform>} }

@inproceedings{Lakshmi1988, Author ={Lakshmi,S.M., and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={Effect of Skew on Join Performance in Parallel Architectures},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at IBM TJWRL Category ={DBDops> DBDdist>} }

@article{Lakshmi1990, Author ={Lakshmi,S.M. and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={Effectiveness of Parallel Joins},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ the skew of join attribute values and the stochastic nature of the task processing times are major factors that affect exploitation of parallelism Category ={DBDmach> } }

@article{Lam1979, Author ={Lam,C-Y. and Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={Properties of Storage Hierarchy Systems with Multiple Page Sizes and Redundant Data},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Sep,
Pages ="345--367",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at MIT The data storage hierarchy makes use of multiple page sizes in different storage levels and maintains multiple copies of the same information across the storage levels and is currently being designed as part of the INFOPLEX database computer project. } }

@article{Lam1979:1, Author ={Lam,Chat-Yu and Madnick,Stuart E.},
Title ={Properties of Storage Hierarchy Systems with Multiple Page Sizes and Redundant Data},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Sep,
Pages ="346--367",
Category ={DBFstorage-1> Category ={DBFstorage-3.1, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Lam1975, Author ={Lam,Herman and Su,Stanley Y.W.},
Title ={A Semi-Automatic Data Base Translation System},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., SF .},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="71--79",
Annote ={at Un.Florida Schemas to allow data base transfer. Category ={DBDschema.6>%Lam75 } }

@inproceedings{Lam1987, Author ={Lam,H., Su,S.Y.W., Seeger,P.L.C, Lee,C., and Eisenstadt,W.R.},
Title ={A Special Function Unit for Database Operations Within a Data-Control Flow System},
Booktitle ={Proc. Internat.Conf. Parallel Processing.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Un.Florida, DBRC horizontal and vertical concurrent operations, sharing of partial results. Category ={DBmach, DBfile Su } }

@article{Lam1988, Author ={Lam,H., Su,S.Y.W., and Koganti,N.R.},
Title ={A Physical Database Design Evaluation for CODASYL Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 8909-0675.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Pages ="1010--1022",
Volume ="14",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Florida, DBRC A package in UCSD Pascal on a PC. The designer inputs a data model ?? logical transactions. They are converted into physical transactions and their costs. With a small example. ---Kaujalgi. Category ={DBDbound> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Lam1989, Author ={Lam,H., Lee,C., and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={An Object Flow Computer for database Operations},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDmach>} }

@inproceedings{Lam1989:1, Author ={Lam,H., Su,S.Y.W., and Alashqur,A.M.},
Title ={Integrating the Concepts and Techniques of Semantic Modeling and the Object-oriented Paradigm},
Booktitle ={COMPSAC .},
Year =1989, Annote ={ Multiple inheritance conflicts resolved at query time. OSAM has classes, links, object instances, can be instantiated in several classes. A contex statement defines views having object classes. Category ={DBDobject> VOD, DBfile Su } }

@article{Lam1991, Author ={Lam.H., Lee,C., and Su,S.},
Title ={A Special Function Unit for Database Operations (SFU-DB): Design and Performance Evaluation},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="40",
Number ="3",
Annote ={implements a true distribution-based algorithm Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Lamb1987, Author ={Lamb,David A.},
Title ={IDL: Sharing Intermediate Representations},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Pages ="297--318",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Queen's Un. (Kingston ON) IDL is a notation for describing collections of programs and the data structures. Category ={DEng> DBDlang> } }

@book{Lamb1988, Author ={Lamb,David Alex},
Title ={Software Engineering --- Planning for Change ---},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 298pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Queen's Un. (Kingston ON) modules, lifetime, PASCAL examples with Ada cross references. Category ={DEng, x } }

@article{Lamersdorf1983, Author ={Lamersdorf,Winfried},
Title ={Comparison of Four Relational Data Model Specifications},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Pages ="18--30",
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Hamburg (FRG) 1. ANSI/X3/SPARC/DBSSG. 2. 'Relational Database Model Specifications' submitted to NBS by CCA in Oct.1981. 3. By C. Date of IBM. 4. In terms of 'Positional Set Notation' in the 'Abstract Database Model' project of NBS. Category ={DBDmodel.6> } }

@inproceedings{Lamersdorf1984, Author ={Lamersdorf,W.},
Title ={Recursive Data Models for Non-Conventional Database Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Hamburg (FRG) Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@book{Lamersdorf1986, Author ={Lamersdorf,Winfried},
Title ={Semantische Reprasentation Komplexer Objektstrukturen: Modelle fur nichtkonventionelle Datenbankanwendungen},
Publisher ={Informatik-Fachberichte 100.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ representation of the semantics of complex objects. Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb, (8601553) } }

@article{Lamport1970, Author ={Lamport,L.},
Title ={Comments on Bell's Quadratic Quitient Method for Hash Code Searching},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1970, Month =Sep,
Pages ="573--574",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Lamport1974, Author ={Lamport,L.},
Title ={A New Solution of Dijkstra's Concurrent Programming Program},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Aug,
Pages ="453--455",
Volume ="17",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Massachusetts Computer Associates, Inc. A solution which is more failure proof Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Lamport1978, Author ={Lamport, L.},
Title ={The Implementation of Reliable Distributed Multiprocess Systems},
Journal ={Computer Networks.},
Year =1978, Pages ="95--114",
Volume ="2",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent-3>} }

@article{Lamport1978:1, Author ={Lamport,L.},
Title ={Time, Clocks and the Ordering of Events in a Distributed System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1978, Month =Jul,
Pages ="558--565",
Volume ="21",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage-3.4.4> DBDintegrity.2.5>} }

@article{Lamport1980, Author ={Lamport,L.},
Title ={'Sometime' is sometimes 'Not Never' --- On the Temporal Logic of Programs},
Journal ={Conf.Record Annual ACM Symp. Principles of Programming Languages 7, Las Vegas .},
Year =1980, Month =Jan,
Pages ="174--185",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage-3.4.4>} }

@techreport{Lamport1982, Author ={Lamport,L. and Fischer,M.},
Title ={Byzantine Generals and Transaction Commit Protocols},
Institution ={SRI, TR.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist> DBappl>} }

@article{Lamport1982:1, Author ={Lamport,L., Shostak,R., and Pease,M.},
Title ={The Byzantine Generals Problem},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems, ; ACM CR 40,382.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ if components can give incorrect results without appearing to be faulty, at least 3m+1 replicated components are necessary to guarantee correct operation in the presence of m faulty components; highly recommended ---Ivanovic. Category ={DBDreliab> } }

@article{Lamport1984, Author ={Lamport,L.},
Title ={Using Time Instead of Timeout for Fault-Tolerant Distributed Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="254--280",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ processes are synchronized by clocks, and the clocks are synchronized using the Byzantine Generals solution. Time intervals are used. Category ={DBDparallel> DBDdist> DBFstorage-3.4.4> DBFintro-3> } }

@article{Lamport1987, Author ={Lamport,Leslie},
Title ={A Fast Mutual Exclusion Algorithm},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ; ACM CR 8707-572.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="1--11",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ at Digital Equipment Corp, Systems Res.Ctr, (Palo Alto CA) Fast shared-memory algorithms. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Lamport1989, Author ={Lamport,Leslie},
Title ={A Simple Approach to Specifying Concurrent Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Pages ="32--45",
Volume ="32",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ at Digital Equipment Corp, Systems Res.Ctr, (Palo Alto CA) Toy specification of a database concurrency control mechan Category ={DBDconc> } }

@article{Lampson1969, Author ={Lampson, Butler W.},
Title ={Dynamic Protection Structures},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1969, Pages ="27--38",
Volume ="35",
Category ={DBDprivacy.5>} }

@article{Lampson1973, Author ={Lampson, Butler W.},
Title ={A Note on the Confinement Problem},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Pages ="613--615",
Volume ="16",
Number ="10",
Annote ={Prevention of privacy leaks between programs. Category ={DBDprivacy.5> } }

@article{Lampson1971, Author ={Lampson,Butler W.},
Title ={Protection},
Journal ={Proc.of the 5th Annual Princeton Conf. on Inf. Sciences and Systems, ,},
Year =1971, Pages ="437--443",
Category ={DBDprivacy.5>} }

@techreport{Lampson1979, Author ={Lampson,B.W. and Sturgis,H.E.},
Title ={Crash recovery in a distributed data storage system},
Institution ={Xerox PARC.},
Year =1979, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFuse-4.4> DBDtrans.5.2> DBDdist> DBFstorage-4> DBDquery> } }

@article{Lampson1981, Author ={Lampson,B.W., Paul,M., and Siegert,H.J.},
Title ={Distributed Systems -- Architecture and Implementation},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Goos and Hartmanis(eds), 510pp.},
Year =1981, Volume ="105",
Annote ={ Contains chapters by Davies,D.W., Holler,E., Jensen,E.D, Kimbleton,S.R., Lampson,B.W., LeLann,G., Thurber, K.J., and Watson.,R.W. Good bibliography. Material from Advanced Course given in Munich 4-13 Mar.1980. Category ={DBDdist> DBDmodel> } }

@incollection{Lampson1981:1, Author ={Lampson,B.W. and Sturgis,H.E.},
Title ={Ethernet, Pup, and Violet },
Booktitle ={Distributed Systems-Architecture and Implementation, Paul,Siegel (eds), LNCS , Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1981, Volume ="105",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDmodel>} }

@incollection{Lampson1981:2, Author ={Lampson,B.W. and Sturgis,H.E.},
Title ={Atomic transactions},
Booktitle ={Distributed Systems, Architecture and Implementation, Lampson,Paul,Siegel (eds), LNCS , Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).= Recommended, ---miya},
Year =1981, Pages ="246-265",
Volume ="105",
Category ={DBFconc> DBDdis> DBDconc>} }

@incollection{Lampson1981:3, Author ={Lampson,Butler W.},
Title ={Atomic transactions},
Booktitle ={`Distributed Systems, Architecture and Implementation' Lampson,Paul,Siegel (eds), Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science .},
Year =1981, Pages ="246--265",
Volume ="105",
Annote ={Recommended. ---Miya. Category ={DBDparallel> DBDdis>} }

@inproceedings{Lampson1993, Author ={Lampson,B. and Lomet,D.},
Title ={A New Presumed Commit Optimization for Two Phase Commit},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Lamsweerde1988, Author ={Lamsweerde,A.V., Delcourt,B., Delor,E., Schayes,M-C., and Champagne,R.},
Title ={Generic Lifecycle Support in the ALMA Environment},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="720-741",
Volume ="14",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ER model to support software Category ={EIS> DEng>} }

@article{Lancaster1969, Author ={Lancaster,F.W.},
Title ={Evaluation of the MEDLARS Demand Search Service},
Journal ={American Documentation .},
Year =1969, Month Apr,
Pages ="119--142",
Volume ="20",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDquery.5> %Lancaster69} }

@book{Lancaster1979, Author ={Lancaster,F.W.},
Title ={Information Retrieval Systems},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-Becker-Hayes, 2nd Ed., 378 pages},
Year =1979, Annote ={Bibliographic indexing and retrieval. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@book{Lancaster1973, Author ={Lancaster,F.W. and Fayen,E.G.},
Title ={Information Retrieval On-Line},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-Becker-Hayes, 597 pages.},
Year =1973, Annote ={Bibliographic indexing and retrieval. Category ={DBDquery>%Lancaster73 } }

@inproceedings{Landau1993, Author ={Landau,G., Schmidt,J., and Tsotras,V.},
Title ={Efficient Support of Historical Queries for Multiple Lines of Evolution},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Polytechnic University of Brooklyn Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Landau1968, Author ={Landau,Robert M.},
Title ={Convergence to High Relevance Retrieval by the Use of On-Line Query Techniques},
Journal ={ASIS.},
Year =1968, Pages ="189--192",
Volume ="5",
Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@article{Landau1969, Author ={Landau,R.},
Title ={The Federal Information Research Science and Technology Network},
Journal ={ASIS.},
Year =1969, Pages ="439--440",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Landau1970, Author ={Landau,R.M.},
Title ={Computer Terminals: The Gateway to Intellectual Infinity thru Networks, the Intellectual Superhighways of the 70's},
Journal ={ASIS.},
Year =1970, Pages ="237--239",
Volume ="7",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Landau1979, Author ={Landau,R. N., Wanger,J., and Berger,M.C.},
Title ={Directory of Online Databases, Vol.1 No.1},
Publisher ={Cuadra Associates, Santa Monica CA, Fall .},
Year =1979, Annote ={at Cuadra Associates Category ={DBFrepresent.2> app.C} }

@article{Landauer1982, Author ={Landauer,T.K., Dumais,S.T., Gomes,L.M., and Furnas,G.W.},
Title ={Human Factors in Data Access},
Journal ={Bell System Technical Journal.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="2487--2510",
Volume ="61",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBFuse-2>} }

@article{Landauer1963, Author ={Landauer,W.I.},
Title ={The Balanced Tree and its Utilization in Information Retrieval},
Journal ={IEEE Electronic Computers, Vol.EC12 .},
Year =1963, Month =Dec,
Pages ="863--871",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFindex.4> %Laudauer63} }

@inproceedings{Landauer1969, Author ={Landauer,W.I.},
Title ={A Growing Tree for Descriptor Language Translation},
Booktitle ={Proc.of Symposium on Symbolic Languages in Data Processing.},
Year =1969, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@manual{Landsat1978, Author ={Landsat Data Users Notes},
Title ={Landsat Data Users Handbook (Revised)},
Organization ={Earth Resources Observation Systems Data Ctr, Issue},
Year =1978, Month =Jan,
Number ="1",
Annote ={ at United States Geological Survey, Sioux Falls SD Category ={DBDintro.8, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Lander1992, Author ={Lander,S. and Lesser,V.},
Title ={Customizing Distributed Search Among Agents with Heterogeneous Knowledge},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Massachusetts Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Landers1982, Author ={Landers,T. and Rosenberg,R.L.},
Title ={An Overview of MULTIBASE},
Booktitle ={ISDD 2, Schneider(ed), N-H .},
Year =1982, Pages ="153--184",
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile Neuhold} }

@article{Landsbergen1978, Author ={Landsbergen,S.P.J. and Scha,R.J.H.},
Title ={Formal Languages for Semantic Representation},
Journal ={Aspects of Automated Text Processing, Petofi(ed), Buske, Hamburg.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Landwehr1984, Author ={Landwehr,C.E., Heitmeyer,C.L, and McLean,J.},
Title ={A Security Model for Military Message System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, vol.2 no.3.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Pages ="198--222",
Category ={DBFprotect>} }

@book{Lane1986, Author ={Lane,V.P.},
Title ={Security of computer based information systems},
Publisher ={Macmillan, ?; ACM Computing Reviews 8609-??.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at North East London Polytechnic Technically oriented readers should look elsewhere. ---Fernandez. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@inproceedings{Lang1988, Author ={Lang,B.},
Title ={Datalog Automata},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at INRIA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Lang1968, Author ={Lang,C.A. and Gray,J.C.},
Title ={ASP --- A Ring Implemented Associative Structure Package},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1968, Month =Aug,
Pages ="550--555",
Volume ="2",
Number ="8",
Category ={DBFhash.6> %Lang68} }

@inproceedings{Lang1986, Author ={Lang,S.D., Driscoll,J.R., and Jou,J.H.},
Title ={Improving the Differential File Technique via Batch Insertion for Tree Structured File Organizations},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@article{Lang1989, Author ={Lang,S.D. and Driscoll,J.R.},
Title ={A unified analysis of batched searching of sequential and tree- structured files},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 9008-0705.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="574--603",
Volume ="14",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Central Florida closed-form expressions for the number of accesses needed given arbitrary search distributions. ---Swanson. Category ={DBFseq> DBFtrees> } }

@article{Lang1977, Author ={Lang,T., Wood,C., and Fernandez,I.B.},
Title ={Database Buffer Paging in Virtual Storage Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Month =Dec,
Pages ="339--351",
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at UCLA, ; IBM, Corp The variation of I/O cost with respect to buffer size is determined for three models: the IMS/360 database buffer, with LRU memory replacement, and a prefix table in main memory indicating which database pages are in the VSAM buffer. Category ={DBFstorage-2.4> } }

@techreport{Lang1976, Author ={Lang,T., Fernandez,I.B., and Summers,R.C.},
Title ={A System Architecture for Compile-Time Actions in Database},
Institution ={IBM, Los Angeles Sci. Cen. Rep G320-2682.},
Year =1976, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDschema.4.1>} }

@article{Langdon1981, Author ={Langdon,G.G. and Rissanen,J.},
Title ={Compression of Black-White Images with Arithmetic Coding},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Commun., Vol.COM-26 .},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="858--867",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDrepresent>} }

@article{Langdon1978, Author ={Langdon,G.G.,Jr.},
Title ={A Note on Associative Processors for Data Management},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Jun,
Pages ="148--158",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Associative logic-per-track processors for data management are examined from a technological and engineering point of view (RAP). Category ={DBFmach> DBDrel.2, ASSM } }

@article{Langdon1979, Author ={Langdon,G.G.,jr.(ed)},
Title ={Data Base Machine, An Introduction},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.Comput., Vol.C-28 .},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Number ="6",
Annote ={Special Issue on Database Machines This paper serves as the introduction piece to this particular issue of IEEE Trans.on Computers, which is devoted to Database Machine. Gives a brief general overview of some of the existing architecture. Emphasis is on the logic-per-track concept. (Kitty Shih comment) Category ={DBDdist> DBFmach> } }

@article{Langdon1985, Author ={Langdon,G.G.},
Title ={A Note on the Ziv-Lempel Model for Compressing Individual Sequences},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="284--287",
Volume ="29",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Langefors1961, Author ={Langefors,Borje},
Title ={Information Retrieval in File Processing -- I and II},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark, and 103--112.},
Year =1961, Pages ="54--63",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDquery> %Langefors61} }

@article{Langefors1963, Author ={Langefors,Borje},
Title ={Some Approaches to the Theory of Information Systems},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark.},
Year =1963, Pages ="229--254",
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBFintro.3> DBDschema> %Langefors63} }

@book{Langefors1973, Author ={Langefors,Borje},
Title ={A Theoretical Analysis of Information Systems},
Publisher ={Auerbach (Philadelphia PA).},
Year =1973, Annote ={at Un.Stockholm and SAAB Review of Systems Theory and application to models of applied processes. Category ={DBFeval> DBFtechn> DBDintro> %Langefors73 } }

@article{Langefors1974, Author ={Langefors,Borje},
Title ={Information Systems},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H.},
Year =1974, Pages ="937--945",
Annote ={Binary relations. Category ={DBFintro> DBDschema>} }

@article{Langer1982, Author ={Langer,A.M. and Shum,A.W.},
Title ={The Distribution of Granule Accesses Made by Database Transactions},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="831--832",
Volume ="25",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Harvard Un. Category ={DBappl> DBFimpl.2.4> DBDintegrity.1> } }

@article{Langerak1990, Author ={Langerak,Rom},
Title ={View Updates in Relational Databases with an Independent Scheme},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Pages ="40--66",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Twente, The Netherlands Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@book{Langley1987, Author ={Langley,P., Simon,H.A., Bradshaw,G.L., and Zytkow,J.M.},
Title ={Scientific Discovery: Computational Explorations of the Creative Process},
Publisher ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press, 357pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8807-0489.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at UCI Scientific discovery is apart of the normal human process of problem solving. They minimize the role of the creative spark. The difficulty with the approach is that once the computer is stopped, the machine knows nothing. Based on a theory of absolute causality rather than on probability. ---Bentrup. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Langlotz1986, Author ={Langlotz,C., Shortliffe,E., and Fagan,L.},
Title ={Using Decision Theory to Justify Heuristics},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int-86.},
Year =1986, Pages ="215--219",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., MIS Program certainty factors, Bayes rule, and probability. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@article{Langlotz1987, Author ={Langlotz,C.P., Fagan,M.F., Tu,S.W., Sikic,B.I., and Shortliffe,E.H.},
Title ={A Therapy Planning Architecture That Combines Decision Theory and Artificial Intelligence Techniques},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic ,},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="279--303",
Volume ="20",
Number ="3",
Category ={MIS>} }

@techreport{Langner, Author ={Langner,J.w.},
Title ={The Design and Implementation of a Multi-Level File System},
Institution ={Jennings Computer Ctr, Report},
Number ="1140",
Category ={DBFhybrid.8>} }

@article{Langworthy1986, Author ={Langworthy,George},
Title ={Mass Storage},
Journal ={Digital Review.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Pages ="84--91",
Volume ="3",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ description of DEC WORMs and CDROM drive (RRD50). Category ={DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Lanin1988, Author ={Lanin,V. and Shasha,D.},
Title ={Concurrent set manipulation without locking},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Laning1980, Author ={Laning,L.J. and Leonard,M.S.},
Title ={File Allocation in a Distributed Computer Communication Network},
Journal ={rcvd. ?},
Year =1980, Annote ={ at Procter and Gamble (Cincinnati OH); Un.Missouri, Columbia Category ={DBDdist> DBFeval.4.4> } }

@inproceedings{Lanka1990, Author ={Lanka,S. and Mays,E.},
Title ={Fully Persistent B+-trees},
Booktitle ={IWBS report 135.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at IBM,Lilog fat fields to handle versions; pretty complex for the benefit Category ={DBFindex> EIS, Lilogbox } }

@techreport{Lansky1983, Author ={Lansky,Amy L.},
Title ={Specification and Analysis of Concurrency},
Institution ={Stanford Un., TR.STAN-CS-83-993.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDintegrity, thesis shelf} }

@inproceedings{Lantz1980, Author ={Lantz,Keith A.},
Title ={Uniform Interfaces for Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={PhD Th., Un.Rochester, TR63.},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Rochester (Rochester NY) part of RIG projecct Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Lanzelotte1991, Author ={Lanzelotte,R. and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={Extending the Search Strategy in a Query Optimizer},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ the search space and the search strategy are independently specified Category ={DBDquery> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Lanzelotte1992, Author ={Lanzelotte,R., Valduriez,P., and Zait,M.},
Title ={Optimizing of Object-Oriented Recursive Queries Using Cost-Controlled Strategies},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Lanzelotte1993, Author ={Lanzelotte,R., Valduriez,P., and Zat,M.},
Title ={On the Effectiveness of Optimization Search Strategies for Parallel Execution Spaces},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Larsen1986, Author ={Larsen,R.P.},
Title ={Rules-Based Object Clustering: A Data Structure for Symbolic VLSI Synthesis And Analysis},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 23.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Rockwell Int'l Category ={DBDobject> EIS>} }

@techreport{Larson1976, Author ={Larson,J. and Walden,W.},
Title ={Comparing Insertion Schemes Used to Update 3-2 Trees},
Institution ={Un.New Mexico, ?.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDdesign> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Larson, Author ={Larson,J.A., Johnson,H.R., and Lawrence J.D.},
Title ={Multimodel Data Base Management},
Journal ={Sperry Univac Res. Report TMA00731},
Annote ={ Summarizes relationships between the GN, MKN, VBN, and SCN data models. Category ={DBDintro.1> DBDbound.5> } }

@book{Larson1981, Author ={Larson,J.A. and Freeman,H.A.},
Title ={Tutorial: Data Base Management in the 80's},
Publisher ={IEEE CS order No.BG369.},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDintro, QA76.9.D3T867} }

@book{Larson1982, Author ={Larson,J.A.},
Title ={Database Management System Anatomy},
Publisher ={Lexington Books, MA, 183pp; ACM Computing Reviews 1982, 39198.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Systems and Informatics, AG, Switzerland Design of databases using BARE (Basic Attributes, Relationships and Entities) which is essentially the ER Model. The book is short and understandable. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Larson1986, Author ={Larson,James A.},
Title ={A Visual Approach to Browsing in a Database Environment},
Journal ={Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8702-??.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Pages ="62--71",
Volume ="19",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Honeywell, CS Ctr SQL is totally unsuited for this task. extensive use of templates and windows four operations structuring, filtering, panning, and zooming. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Larson1983, Author ={Larson,J.A. and Dwyer,P.A.},
Title ={Defining External Schemas for an Entity-Relationship Database},
Booktitle ={ER 3, Davis et al (eds), N-H, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-0580.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="347--364",
Annote ={at Honeywell, Corporate Tech. Ctr (MN) Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Larson1984, Author ={Larson,James A.},
Title ={The Forms Pattern Language},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDprivacy.6>} }

@book{Larson1985, Author ={Larson,J.A. and Rahimi,S.},
Title ={Tutorial: Distributed Database Management},
Publisher ={IEEE CS order No.BG575.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Larson1985:1, Author ={Larson,J.A., Navathe,S.B., and Elmasri,R.},
Title ={Schema Integration for Federated Databases},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Larson1989, Author ={Larson,J.A., Navathe,S.B., and ElMasri,R.},
Title ={A Theory of Attribute Equivalence in Databases with Application to Schema Integration},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 9004-0327.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="449--463",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ the formal and conceptual treatment of defined notions is not exact --- Pokorny. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdesign, DBfile Elmasri } }

@techreport{Larson1990, Author ={Larson,J. and Sheth,A.},
Title ={Updating Relational Views using Knowledge at View Definition and View Update Time},
Institution ={Bellcore, TM-STS-017036.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Intel Corp A systematic presentation of an aproach for updating relational views. The aproach uses an extended set of knowledge (called semantic and syntactic), which is richer than the sets of knowledge other aproaches used so far. Most of this knowledge is included in the Structural Data Model knowledge (the part that is not included, like disjoit dependency, is probably not very important). The system can handle a big set of views including set difference, union and intersection. Nested views and a way to handle the knowledge related to all the ``subviews'' is an interesting part of this paper. A pragmatic rule-based approach that converts an update on a view into updates on underlying relations. Uses semantic knowledge about database and application domains, as well as syntactic knowledge. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDmodel> VOD> } }

@inproceedings{Larson1980, Author ={Larson,Per-{/o}Ake},
Title ={Linear Hashing with Partial Expansions},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="224-232",
Annote ={at Swedish Un.Abo, Finland Category ={DBFhash.5>} }

@article{Larson1981:1, Author ={Larson,P-A.},
Title ={Analysis of Index-Sequential Files with Overflow Chaining},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="671--680",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@article{Larson1982:1, Author ={Larson,Per-Ake},
Title ={Expected worst-case performance of hash files},
Journal ={Comput.J. , ; ACM Computing Reviews 40,399.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Volume ="25",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ given a suitable hash function, performance is never disastrous. ---Lomet. Category ={DBFhash> } }

@article{Larson1982:2, Author ={Larson,P-A.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Linear Hashing with Partial Expansions},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="566-587",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFhash.5>} }

@inproceedings{Larson1983:1, Author ={Larson,Per-Ake},
Title ={A Method for Speeding Up Text Retrieval},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, Database Week, San Jose CA.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="117--123",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo, Ontario Canada Create a much smaller surrogate database consisting of word signatures. The size of the surrogate and the false-drop probability are analyzed. Category ={DBFindex.6.4> } }

@article{Larson1983:2, Author ={Larson,Per-Ake},
Title ={Analysis of Uniform Hashing},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFhash.5>} }

@article{Larson1984:1, Author ={Larson,P-A. and Kajla,A.},
Title ={File Organization: Implementation of a Method Guaranteeing Retrieval in One Access},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8504-0298},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="670--677",
Volume ="27",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ uses in memory table with signatures of le 1 bit per record. Category ={DBFimpl> DBFtrees.5> DBFhash> } }

@article{Larson1985:2, Author ={Larson,Per-Ake},
Title ={Linear Hashing with Overflow-Handling by Linear Probing},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8512-1134.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="75--89",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ new algorithm for files that grow and shrink dynamically; the overflow records of a full page are directed to the next page of a group; the introduction of five groups and the backwards split order makes this algorithm better than previous ones. ---Regnier. Category ={DBFhash.5.1> } }

@article{Larson1988, Author ={Larson,Per-Ake},
Title ={Linear Hashing with Separators -- A Dynamic Hashing Scheme Achieving One-access Retrieval},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8811-0850.},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="366--388",
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo, Ontario Canada The non-linear nature of the business world not well represented by simulation data. ---C.Bash. A small amount of supplemental internal storage stores enough information to uniquely determine the current location of any record. Category ={DBFhash> } }

@article{Larson1988:1, Author ={Larson,Per-Ake},
Title ={The Data Model and Query Language of LauRel},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin, (Special issue on Nested Relations).},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="23--30",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Larson1989:1, Author ={Larson,P-A. and Deshpande,V.},
Title ={A File Structure Supporting Traversal Recursion},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo, Ontario, Canada, DCS Category ={DB} }

@article{Lashmanov1986, Author ={Lashmanov,A.V. and Pechkarev,A.B.},
Title ={Hierarchical Tree-structure Data Base Management System},
Journal ={Avtomatika i telemekhanika, Moscow.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Number ="5",
Annote ={ hierarchical compressed index to match database structure. Category ={DBFtree, FASAC 42 } }

@inproceedings{Laskey1987, Author ={Laskey,Kathryn B.},
Title ={Belief in Belief Theory, an Examination of Shafer's Canonical Examples},
Booktitle ={Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int Workshop.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Lau1988, Author ={Lau,Christina},
Title ={Object Management, Protection and Scheduling in Flex},
Institution ={Un.Alberta, DCS, Management Science, Journal of TIMS Th.,TR-88-1.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ structure of OS interface. separate policies for mechanism. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Laudon1986, Author ={Laudon,Kenneth},
Title ={Data Quality and Due Process in Large Interorganizational Record Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="4--18",
Volume ="29",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Quality of Data in the criminal-record system. Problems found in 50-83 pct of the records. Some errors rates exceed 50pct. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Laurent1992, Author ={Laurent,D., Luong,V., and Spyratos,N.},
Title ={Deleted Tuples are Useful when Updating Through Universal Scheme Interfaces},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Universite de Paris-Sud Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Laurent1993, Author ={Laurent,D., Loung,V. and Spyratos,N.},
Title ={Updating Intensional Predicates in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.d'Orleans; Paris-Sud Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@book{Laurie, Author ={Laurie,Peter},
Title ={Databases: how to manage information on your micro},
Publisher ={Chapman and Hall, Ltd. UK, 139pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8604-0295.},
Annote ={at Southdata Ltd. rudimentary and not well organized. I cannot recommend it. ---Flores. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Lausen1982, Author ={Lausen,Georg},
Title ={Concurrency Control in Database Systems: a Step towards the Integration of Optimistic Methods and Locking},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 82, Dallas TX, ACM, New York, 1982.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Pages ="64--68",
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@techreport{Lausen1986, Author ={Lausen,G., Soisalon-Soininen,E., and Widmayer,P.},
Title ={On the Power of Safe Locking},
Institution ={Un.Karlsruhe, TR..},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile Soisalon } }

@inproceedings{Lausen1986:1, Author ={Lausen,G., Soisalon-Soininen,E., and Widmayer,P.},
Title ={Towards Online Schedulers Based on Pre-Analysis Locking},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ at TH Darmstadt (FRG); Un.Helsinki (Finland), Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) Category ={DBDintegrity, x, also predecessor reports with Nurmi } }

@inproceedings{Lausen1984, Author ={Lausen,G., Soisalon-Soininen,E., and Widmayer,P.},
Title ={Maximal Concurrency by Locking},
Booktitle ={ACM PODS 3.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) maximal serialiability efficient for 2 TXS, NP for many; algorithm uses preanalysis Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile Soisalon-Soininen } }

@unpublished{Lausen1987, Author ={Lausen,G. and Soisalon-Soininen,E.},
Title ={Locking Policies and Predeclared Transactions},
Note ={.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Mannheim (FRG); Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) their analysis ignores the much finer granularity which is possible with dynamic protocols. Category ={DBDintegrity, x } }

@inproceedings{Lausen1985, Author ={Lausen,G., Soisalon-Soininen,E., and Widmayer,P.},
Title ={Pre-Analysis Locking: A Safe and Deadlock Free Locking Policy},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 11, Stockholm.},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Pages ="270-281",
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) preclaiming formalized Category ={@incollection{Lavallee1974, Author ={Lavallee,F.A. and Ohayon,S.},
Title ={DMS Applications and Experience},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at TU Munchen (FRG) In the ISO Pascal standard, the file type is specified in a semi-formal axiomatic way. Here an algebraic specification lays a solid basis for the formal reasoning about programs using files. Category ={DBFintro.6> at Xerox, Data Systems General overview of the XEROX EDMS DBTG based system Category ={DBDbound.5> } }

@techreport{Lavenberg1972, Author ={Lavenberg,Stephen S.},
Title ={Queueing Analysis of a Multiprogrammed Computer System Having a Multilevel Storage Hierarachy},
Institution ={IBM, RJ 1133.},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab (, CA) Category ={DBFmethods, DBfile } }

@article{Lavenberg1972:1, Author ={Lavenberg,Stephen S.},
Title ={Queuing Analysis of a Multiprogrammed Computer System Having a Multi-level Storage Hierarchy},
Journal ={IBM Res.R. RJ1133.},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM Category ={DBFtechn.3, XB6.3>} }

@techreport{Laver1985, Author ={Laver,Kent},
Title ={Semantic and Syntactic Properties of Universal Relation Scheme Databases},
Institution ={Un.Toronto, CSRI, TR.CSRI-163.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@book{Lavington1980, Author ={Lavington,S.(ed)},
Title ={Information Processing 80},
Publisher ={N-H, 1070pp.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ Proc.of the eighth IFIP congress, Tokyo (6--9 Oct.1980) and Melbourne (14--17 Oct.1980). Category ={DBFintro> } }

@book{Lavington1986, Author ={Lavington,S.H. (ed)},
Title ={LKBS Architecture Proceedings},
Publisher ={IEE, UK, ?},
Year =1986, Annote ={Two Workshops for Alvey Program. Send six pounds Category ={DBFarch> } }

@article{Law1987, Author ={Law,K.H., Jouaneh,M.K., and Spooner,D.L.},
Title ={Abstraction Database Concept for Engineering Models},
Journal ={Engineering with Computers, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag.},
Year =1987, Pages ="79--94",
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at RPI (Troy NY) constraints in engineering objects are manipulated during transformation. Focus is on generalization and abstraction hierarchies in solid CSG models. Category ={EIS> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Law1990, Author ={Law,K.H, Barsalou,T., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Management of Complex Structural Engineering Objects in a Relational Framework},
Journal ={Engineering with Computers.},
Year =1990, Volume ="6",
Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Law1990:1, Author ={Law,K.H, Wiederhold,G., Barsalou,T., Siambela,N., Sujansky,W., and Zingmond,D.},
Title ={Managing Design Objects in a Sharable Relational Framwork},
Booktitle ={ASME Conf.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Law1991, Author ={Law,K.H, Wiederhold,G., Barsalou,T., Siambela,N., Sujansky,W., Zingmond,D., and Singh,H.},
Title ={An Architecture for Managing Design Objects in a Sharable Relational Framework},
Journal ={International J. of Systems Automation: Research and Applications (SARA),},
Year =1991, Annote ={I3 Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Lawler1962, Author ={Lawler,E.L.},
Title ={The Quadratic Assignment Problem},
Journal ={Management Science, vol.9.},
Year =1962, Pages ="586-599",
Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@article{Lawler1964, Author ={Lawler,Eugene L.},
Title ={An Approach to Multilevel Boolean Minimization},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1964, Month =Jul,
Pages ="283--295",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@article{Lawler1966, Author ={Lawler,E.L. and Wood,D.E.},
Title ={Branch-and-Bound Methods: A Survey},
Journal ={Operations Research, no.4.},
Year =1966, Month =Jul,
Pages ="699--719",
Volume ="14",
Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@book{Lawler1976, Author ={Lawler,E.L.},
Title ={Combinatorial Optimization, Networks and Matroids},
Publisher ={Holt,Rinehart,Winston.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@article{Lawrie1982, Author ={Lawrie,D.H., Randal,J.M., and Barton,R.R.},
Title ={Experiments with Automatic File Migration},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="45--55",
Volume ="15",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois We have determined to what extent locality principles exist in file access patterns. Our sample includes all data sets cataloged under the CDC NOS operating system. This includes small procedure files, and very large (5M-byte) tape files that happened to be temporarily on disk. Category ={DBDadmin.2.2 } }

@article{Layne1988, Author ={Layne,S.P., Marr,T.G., Colgate,S.A., Hyman,J.M., and Stanley,E.A.},
Title ={The Need for National HIV Databases},
Journal ={Nature.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="511-512",
Volume ="333",
Category ={DBapplic, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Layne1988:1, Author ={Layne,S.P., Colgate,S.A., Stanley,E.A., Hyman,J.M. and Qualls,C.},
Title ={A Behavior Based Model of the Initial Growth of AIDS in the United States},
Note ={Los Alamos, UR-88-2396, rcvd. , submitted to Nature.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ at Los Alamos National Lab., Theoretical Div., (Los Alamos NM) Category ={MIS, AIDS file } }

@techreport{Layne1988:2, Author ={Layne,S.P., Spouge,J.L., and Dembo,M.},
Title ={A Method for Quantifying HIV infectivity},
Institution ={LA-UR-88-1883.},
Year =1988, Category ={MIS, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Lazarevic1990, Author ={Lazarevic,B. and Misic,V.},
Title ={Extending the Entity-Relationship Model to Capture Dynamic Behaviour},
Note ={rcvd. 15 .},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ ER extended similarity to the structural model; permissible subsets of connection constraints in terms of SQL-like operations. Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Lazarus1991, Author ={Lazarus,Carl},
Title ={Standard MUMPS Transaction Processing},
Journal ={MUG Quarterly.},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@techreport{Lazowska1984, Author ={Lazowska,E.D., Zahorjan,J., Cheriton,D., and Zwaenepool,W.},
Title ={Performance of Disk-less Workstations},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR.CS-84-1010.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ a shared file server can provide service to 5 --- 20 workstations equal to lightly loaded local disks, if large units (8-16K) are transferred. Category ={DBDperform , DBFile } }

@article{Lazowska1986, Author ={Lazowska,E.D., Zahorjan,J., Cheriton,D.R., and Zwaenepoel,W.},
Title ={File Access Performance of Diskless Workstation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems., ; ACM CR 8702-??.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="238--268",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Washington Parameters are service demands at the client, server, disk, and network. Utilization saturates at 30 workstations when server utilization is 95 percent, disk utilization is 40 percent, and network utilization is 10 percent. client buffering is superior to server buffering. Category ={DBFarch> DBFperform> DBFdist> } }

@techreport{Learmont1987, Author ={Learmont,T. and Cattell,R.G.G.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Interface to a Relational Database},
Institution ={Sun Microsystems, rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Sun Microsystems, (Mountain View CA) Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Leavenworth1974, Author ={Leavenworth,Burt M. and Sammet,Jean E.},
Title ={An Overview of Non-Procedural Languages},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGPLAN Symp. on Very High Level Languages, SIGPLAN Notices No. 4.},
Year =1974, Month Apr,
Pages ="1--12",
Volume ="9",
Annote ={at IBM Remarks on relational language choices, and calculus processing. Category ={DBDintro.1>%Leavenworth74 } }

@article{Leavitt1970, Author ={Leavitt,Don},
Title ={Cipher II designed for assurance of total File Privacy},
Journal ={Computerworld, 10, page 19.},
Year =1970, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Computerworld Description of Cryptographic protection software by Xanthos Xoftware. Category ={DBFrepresent-5, xB12.7> } }

@article{Leber1990, Author ={Leber,John},
Title ={A Fuzzy Approach to Data Repair},
Journal ={Database Programming and Design.},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Leber Enterprises, Peoria, IL Matching classes and strings Category ={Uncertainty> } }

@inproceedings{LeBihan1980, Author ={LeBihan,J., Esculier,C., Lann,G., and Treille,L.},
Title ={SIRIUS-DELTA: Un prototype de syst\`eme de gestion de bases de donn\'ees r\'eparties},
Booktitle ={ISSDB 1, Delobel and Litwin(eds), Paris, France.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="137--159",
Annote ={ SIRIUS-DELTA: A Prototype Distributed Database Management System Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2> } }

@article{LeBihan1980:1, Author ={LeBihan,J., Esculier,C., LeLann,G., Litwin,W., Gardarin,G., Sedillot,S., and Treille,T.},
Title ={SIRIUS: A French Nationwide Project on Distributed Data Bases},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="75--85",
Annote ={at INRIA, SIRIUS (Le Chesnay, France) SIRIUS is aimed at the development of, and the experimentation with techniques and methodologies which permit the definition, realization and exploitation of Distributed Data Base Management Systems. The paper includes a listing of the principal technical documents. Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{LeBlanc1984, Author ={LeBlanc,T.},
Title ={Programming Language Support for Distributed Real-Time Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Rochester Category ={DBFrealtime> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Lecluse1988, Author ={Lecluse,C. and Spyratos,N.},
Title ={Implementing Queries and Updates on Universal Scheme Interfaces},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="62--75",
Annote ={at Un.Paris Sud, (Orsay, France) Uses the canonical scheme. Partition semantics for queries and updates. Category ={DBDquery> DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Lecluse1990, Author ={Lecluse,C., Richard,P., and Velez,F.},
Title ={O2, an Object-Oriented Data Model},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Lecluse1989, Author ={Lecluse,C. and Richard,P.},
Title ={Modeling Complex Structures in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at GIP Altair Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Lecluse1989:1, Author ={Lecluse,C. and Richard,P.},
Title ={The O2 Database Programming Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="411--422",
Annote ={at GIP Altair (Roquencourt, France) Objects and complex values with persaistence management. Comparison of O2 and other object-oriented DBMS. Category ={DBDlang> DBDobject> } }

@article{Lecluse1991, Author ={Lecluse,C. and Richard,P.},
Title ={Foundations of the O2 Database System},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ definitions for values and objects, types and classes, class hierarchy and subtyping, database schema, instances of a database schema Category ={DBDobject> } }

@techreport{LeCoz1982, Author ={LeCoz,A., LeGoff,H., and Ollivier,M.},
Title ={Algorithme assurant l'Insertion Dynamique d'un Processeur autour d'un Reseau a Diffusion et Garantissant la Coherence d'un Systeme de Numerotation des Paquets Global et Reparti},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR 173.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at INRIA adding nodes to a partioned network. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Lederberg1978, Author ={Lederberg, J.},
Title ={Digital Communications and the Conduct of Science: the New Literacy},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1978, Pages ="1314--1319",
Volume ="66",
Number ="11",
Category ={DBDappl>} }

@incollection{Lederberg1968, Author ={Lederberg,J. and Feigenbaum,E.},
Title ={Mechanization of inductive inference in organic chemistry},
Booktitle ={in 'Formal Representation of Human Judgment, John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1968, Annote ={at Stanford DENDRAL Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Lederberg1978:1, Author ={Lederberg,J.},
Title ={Digital Communications and the Conduct of Science: the New Literacy},
Booktitle ={Proc. IEEE, 66(11):1314-1319.},
Year =1978, Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Lederberg1987, Author ={Lederberg,J. and Uncapher,K.},
Title ={Cooperating Knowledge-Based Assistants for the Office},
Institution ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 8901--0030.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Pages ="297--326",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ NSF recommendations for research leading to a resource that would use networking and computer technology to support remote interaction. focuses on scientific discussions gives examples, motivation, references Cerf and Kohn's knowbots; update partitioning as mediators is not brought out. Category ={Fauve> DBDkb, DBfile and Cosifile\pp ! Kaye,A.R. and Karam,G.M. at Carleton Un., (Ottawa Ontario, Canada) Mediators Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{LeDoux1982, Author ={LeDoux,C.H. and Parker,D.S.Jr.},
Title ={Reflections on Boyce-Codd Normal Form},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="131--141",
Annote ={at Aerospace Corp (El Segundo CA); UCLA, Under common assumptions, BCNF no longer guarantees freedom from various anomalies. A BCNF covering is sometimes unattainable, i.e., some sets of FDs have no corresponding BCNF schema. It is difficult to determine whether a given schema in BCNF is NP-complete. In practice, however, the theoretical objections are minor, and BCNF remains the most practical basis for database design. Category ={DBDmodel.3.5> } }

@article{Ledwith1988, Author ={Ledwith,M. and Myers,A.R.},
Title ={A Database Management System for Residency Applicant Files},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Pages ="186--191",
Volume ="21",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Temple Un. Hosp. Category ={MIS>} }

@inproceedings{Lee1991, Author ={Lee,B., Litwin,L., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Implicit Joins in the Structural Data Model},
Booktitle ={COMPSAC 15, Tokyo, 11-13.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Lee1993, Author ={Lee,C. and Chang,Z-A.},
Title ={Workload Balance and Page Access Scheduling For Parallel Joins in a Shared-Nothing Architecture Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at National Chen Kung Un. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Lee1986, Author ={Lee,D.L.},
Title ={A Word Parallel, Bit Serial Signature Processor for Superimposed Coding},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach, DBfile} }

@article{Lee1989, Author ={Lee,D.L. and Leng,C-W.},
Title ={Partitioned signature files: design issues and performance evaluation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 9008-0700.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Ohio State three partitioning schemes - fixed, prefix, extended prefix, and floating key; recent studies have established that the signature methodology does not yield high quality information retrieval. Category ={DBFhash> } }

@article{Lee1990, Author ={Lee,D.L. and Lochovsky,F.H.},
Title ={HYTREM - A Hybrid Text-Retrieval Machine for Large Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Pages ="111--123",
Volume ="39",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Ohio State A signature file is used to reduce the amount of data that need to be searched directly. HYTREM consists of two majore subsystems: a signature processor based on a word-parallel, bit-serial (WPBS). The text processor is a linear array of logic cells capable of matching regular expressions. A high-speed multiple-response resolver facilitates data transfer over a single common bus. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Lee1990:1, Author ={Lee,D.L. and Leng,C-W.},
Title ={A Partitioned Signature File Structure for Multiattribute and Text Retrieval},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Ohio State Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Lee1990:2, Author ={Lee,D.L. and Lu,W.},
Title ={Graph Analysis of Linear Recursive Queries},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Lee1980, Author ={Lee,D.T. and Wong,C.K.},
Title ={Quintary Trees: A File Structure for Multidimensional Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="339--353",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Northwestern Un. and TJWRC Four types of retrieval (queries) are allowed: exact match, partial match, range, and partial range queries. Faster response time at the cost of extra storage. Category ={DBFtrees.4> DBFimpl.2.5> } }

@article{Lee1987, Author ={Lee,I. and Davidson,S.B.},
Title ={Adding Time to Synchronous Process Communications},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-36 .},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Pages ="941--948",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at U.Penn, DCIS Temporal, FAUVE, deadline implementation. Sending and receiving processes specify deadlines according to local clocks, else communication has failed. Two variations: first, many candidate senders and one receiver; second, each process sends a message to all others. Assumptions about local clocks: Clock Drift, Clock Rate, Last Call. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Lee1987:1, Author ={Lee,I. and Davidson,S.B.},
Title ={Generalized I/O With Timing Constraints},
Journal ={Dist. Comp. Sys., Berlin.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at U.Penn, DCS Deadlines added to the generalized input-output construct of Hoare's CSP. Correctness. Clock rates and drifts. Category ={DBFhard, DBfile } }

@techreport{Lee1987:2, Author ={Lee,I., Davidson,S. and Wolfe,V.},
Title ={Motivating Time as a First Class Entity},
Institution ={U.Penn, Management Science, Journal of TIMS-Conference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMIS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP-87-54,},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Penn, DCS Temporal Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Lee1990:3, Author ={Lee,J. and Malone,T.},
Title ={Partially shared views: a scheme for communicating among groups that use different type hierarchies},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 9104-0264.},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MIT data conversion with object type inheritance; application is an object oriented electronic mail system; the paper enumerates conversion schemes; the hybrid solution combines object inheritance with translation rules; the receiver of the object can 1. import the type definition; 2. translate the object into a local object type using locally defined translation rules; or 3. coerce the object into a type that is shared. ---Partridge. Penguin approach is better Category ={DBDdesign> DBDobject> VOD> } }

@inproceedings{Lee1992, Author ={Lee,J-T. and Belford,G.},
Title ={An Efficient Object-Based Algorithm for Spatial Searching, Insertion and Deletion},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Urbana Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Lee1988, Author ={Lee,K.C., Frieder,O., and Mak,V.},
Title ={JAS: A Parallel VLSI Architecture for Unformatted Data Processing},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Bell Communications Research Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Lee1991:1, Author ={Lee,K.C., Mansfield,W., and Sheth,A.},
Title ={An Interactive Transaction Model for Distributed Cooperative Tasks},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng. Bull.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ by enforcing a new correctness criterion, fixed point, possible to achieve the effects of triggers, constraints, and active views; when two consecutive observations of all the TXs are equivalent, then, the system is at a fixed point; observations can be obtained by repeated execution of TXs or by system mechanism such as trigger Category ={DBDtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Lee1988:1, Author ={Lee,M.K., Freytag,J.C., and Lohman,G.M.},
Title ={Implementing an Interpreter for Functional Rules in a Query Optimizer},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="218--229",
Annote ={ at IBM, Almaden Res.Ctr (SanJose CA); current: MIT Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Lee1989:1, Author ={Lee,M.W. and Kunii,T.L.},
Title ={Design Methodology for Computer Animation Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="73--79",
Annote ={at Un.Tokyo, Dep.Information Science (Japan) Motion requires reuse of static data. Constraints on movement. Category ={Image> DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Lee1985, Author ={Lee,R.M., Coelho,H., and Cotta,J.C.},
Title ={Temporal Infencing on Administrative Databases},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1985, Pages ="197--206",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Lee1986:1, Author ={Lee,Ronald M.},
Title ={A Denotational Semantics for Administrative Databases},
Booktitle ={Database Semantics (DS-1), T.B.Steel,jr. and R.Meersman (eds), N-H.},
Year =1986, Pages ="83--120",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Lee1986:2, Author ={Lee,Ronald M.},
Title ={Logic, Semantics and Data Modelling: An Ontology},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin denotational prediate logic definition of relations. migration of attributes to relations, transformation of subsets give multiple hierarchies. Not being able to subset further makes irreducible relations. Employee relation: (jones clerk 12000; smith driver 15000). Examples could be better. Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Lee1985:1, Author ={Lee,R.M. and Stamper,R.},
Title ={Ontological aspects of logical databases},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8604-0351.},
Year =1985, Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Texas-Austin Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Lee1988:2, Author ={Lee,S. and Han,J-W.},
Title ={Semantic Query Optimization in Recursive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Lee1991:2, Author ={Lee,Sanggoo },
Title ={Semantic Query Reformulation in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Lee1992:1, Author ={Lee,S.},
Title ={Imprecise and Uncertain Information in Databases: An Evidential Approach},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at The Un.of Iowa Category ={UNCERTAIN>} }

@inproceedings{Lee1992:2, Author ={Lee,S.K.},
Title ={An Extended Relational Database Model for Uncertain and Imprecise Information},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ imprecise is defined as an X-or set; defines relational algebra based on Dempster-Shafer theory with its independence assumption Category ={DBDrel> DBDmodel> UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Lee1989:2, Author ={Lee,S-Y., Shan,M-K., and yang,W-P.},
Title ={Similarity Retrieval of Iconic Images Based on 2D String Longest Common Subsequence},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="337--341",
Annote ={ at Nat.Chiao Tung Un., Inst.of Computer Eng., (Hsinchu, Taiwan) 2D language for relative placement of icons. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Lee1983, Author ={Lee,T.T.},
Title ={An Algebraic Theory of Relational Databases},
Journal ={Bell System Technical Journal.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="3159--3204",
Volume ="62",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at ATT A partition lattice can be defined for any given relation. The partial ordering in the lattice is proved to be equivalent to the concept of functional dependency. We give algorithms for synthesizing an information-lossless BCNF. Conditions for multivalued dependency (MVD) are given. Acyclic join dependence is equivalent to a set of MVDs. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@inproceedings{Lee1989:3, Author ={Lee,W.S. and Sheu,P.C.},
Title ={An Object-based Query Evaluation Schema for Deductive Databases in Massively Parallel Computing Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDperform>>} }

@article{Lee1990:4, Author ={Lee,W. and Woelk,D.},
Title ={Integration of Text Search with Orion},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MCC, Austin Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDobject>} }

@article{Lee1987:3, Author ={Lee,Y-H., Yu,P.S., and Iyer,B.R.},
Title ={Progressive Transaction Recovery in Distributed DB/DC Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-36 .},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Pages ="976--987",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@article{Lee1988:3, Author ={Lee,Y-H., Yu,P.S., and Leff,A.},
Title ={Robust Transaction Routing in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Paradata. Category ={DBFtrans> DBFdist> DBDarchitecture> } }

@inproceedings{Lefebvre1989, Author ={Lefebvre,A. and Vieille,L.},
Title ={On Deductive Query Evaluation in the DedGin* System},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Lefebvre1992, Author ={Lefebvre,A., Bernus,P., and Topor, R.},
Title ={Query Transformation for Accessing Heterogenous Databases},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@article{Leff1991, Author ={Leff,A. and Pu,C.},
Title ={A Classification of Transaction Processing Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Columbia dimensions are autonomy, schema sets, multimachine, heterogeneity Category ={DBFtrans> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Leff1991:1, Author ={Leff,A., Yu,P., and Wolf,J.},
Title ={Policies for Efficient Resource Utilization in a Remote Caching Architecture},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@book{Leffler1991, Author ={Leffler,Jonathan},
Title ={Using Informix SQL, Second Edition},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 360pp.},
Year =1991, Annote ={at Informix Category ={DBDrel>} }

@book{Lefkovits1977, Author ={Lefkovits,H.C.},
Title ={Data Dictionary Systems},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, Wellesley MA.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBDschema.1>} }

@article{Lefkovits1983, Author ={Lefkovits,H.C., Sibley,E.H., and Lefkovits,S.L.},
Title ={Information Resource/Data Dictionary Systems},
Journal ={Q.E.D. Inf. Sciences, Wellesley MA.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ Provides a low-level introduction to dictionary concepts, and surveys eight commercially available systems. Category ={DBFmaint> } }

@book{Lefkovitz1969, Author ={Lefkovitz,D.},
Title ={File Structures for On-Line Systems},
Publisher ={Spartan Books NY, 215pp.},
Year =1969, Annote ={at Computer Control and Command Corp Evaluation of File systems, and complex index structures Category ={DBFimpl.2, xbook } }

@book{Lefkovitz1974, Author ={Lefkovitz, David},
Title ={Data Management for On-line Systems},
Publisher ={Hayden Book Co., 289pp.},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Un.Penn, Category ={DBDintro.9, xbook> %Lefkovitx74 } }

@article{Lehman1984, Author ={Lehman,D.},
Title ={Knowledge, Common Knowledge, and Related Puzzles},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 3.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Lehmann1985, Author ={Lehmann,H., Ott,N., and Zoeppritz,M.},
Title ={A Multilingual Interface to Databases},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="23--33",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDquery> DBDnat>} }

@article{Lehman1987, Author ={Lehman,M.M.},
Title ={Model Based Approach to IPSE Architecture and Design},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="2--13",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={ at Imperial Coll.of Science and Technology, Dep.Computing, London UK Information processing systems evolution. Contractual model. Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Lehman1981, Author ={Lehman,P.L. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Efficient Locking for Concurrent Operations on BTrees},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="650--670",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at CMU; Purdue Un. A single additional 'link' pointer in each node allows a process to easily recover from tree modifications performed by other concurrent processes. No read-locks are used only a (small) constant number of nodes are locked by any update process at any given time. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } }

@inproceedings{Lehman1987:1, Author ={Lehman,T.J. and Carey,M.J.},
Title ={A Recovery Algorithm for a High Performance Memory-Resident Database System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res.Ctr; Un.Wisconsin, CSD Partitional checkpoint and recovery. Category ={DBDreliab> } }

@inproceedings{Lehman1986, Author ={Lehman,T.J. and Carey,M.J.},
Title ={Query Processing in Main Memory Database Management System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Pages ="239--250",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Lehman1986:1, Author ={Lehman,T.J. and Carey,M.J.},
Title ={A Study of Index Structures for Main Memory Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="294--303",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Ttrees combine AVLtrees and Btrees with experiments versus linear hashing. Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDdesign.7.5> DBDnewDBMS> DBFtree> } }

@techreport{Lehman1986:2, Author ={Lehman,Tobin J.},
Title ={Design and Performance Evaluation of a Main Memory Relational Database System},
Institution ={Un.Wisconsin, PhD Th..},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Category ={DBDnewDBMS, thesis file } }

@article{Lehman1989, Author ={Lehman,T.J. and Carey,M.J.},
Title ={A Concurrency Control Algorithm for Memory-Resident Database Systems},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="490--504",
Number ="367",
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Lehman1989:1, Author ={Lehman,T.J. and Lindsay,B.G.},
Title ={The Starburst Long Field Manager},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM Almaden RC (San Jose CA) Object management; available is OS/Z; for objects such as voice, image, sound and video, uses the buddy system; shadow-based recovery for long field data and write ahead log recovery for long field descriptor and allocation data; sparse locking by bitmap; fast UNIX, view, vs starbust. Category ={DBDobject> DBDrel> DBDschema> DBDrecov> VOD> } }

@techreport{Lehot1985, Author ={Lehot,P.G. and Kaisler,S.H.},
Title ={Network Database Systems, 2nd ed},
Institution ={Architecture Techn.Corp, TR-(612)935-2035, Dol.215, 245pp..},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Database Technology Inc, (Minneapolis MN) includes survey Category ={DBDops.4> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Lei1988, Author ={Lei,L., Moll,G-H., and Kouloumdjian,J.},
Title ={Title??},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Claude-Bernard (Lyon, France) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Leichter1989, Author ={Leichter,J.S. and Whiteside,R.A.},
Title ={Implementing Linda for Distributed and Parallel Processing},
Booktitle ={Intern. Conf. on Supercomputing, Crete, Greece.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Yale Un. Category ={DBDmach>} }

@inproceedings{Leilich1978, Author ={Leilich,H.O., Stiege,C., and Zeidler,H.Ch. (Schweppe,H.)},
Title ={A Search Processor for Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds),},
Year =1978, Annote ={at TU.Braunschweig Category ={DBFmach>} }

@book{Leilich1983, Author ={Leilich,H.O. and Missikoff,M.},
Title ={Database Machines},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1983, Annote ={IWDM 3, Munchen FRG, Sep.1983, 3rd workshop. Papers by Bogdanowicz, Crocker, Hsiao, Ryder, Stone, and Strawser; ... (Earlier workshops were in Florence, Sep.81 and San Diego, Sep.82, see Hsiao 83.) Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Leiss1982, Author ={Leiss,E.},
Title ={Randomizing, A Practical Method for Protecting Statistical Databases Against Compromise},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="189--196",
Annote ={at Un.Houston (Houston TX) Query produces answer based on requested set plus a random selection of additional records. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDprivacy-10> } }

@article{Leiss1984, Author ={Leiss,E.},
Title ={Data Integrity in Digital Optical Disks},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C33 .},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="818--827",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ Immutable codes to prevent subversion when only 0-bits can be changed. Category ={DBFhard.1.4> DBFrepresent.1> } }

@inproceedings{Leland1985, Author ={Leland,M.D.P and Roome,W.D.},
Title ={The Silicon Database Machine},
Booktitle ={IWDM 4, DeWitt and Boral(eds.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Bahamas.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{LeLann1978, Author ={LeLann,G.},
Title ={Algorithm for Distributed Data Sharing which Use Tickets},
Journal ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 3, Berkeley.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="259--272",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> DBDintegrity.3.1@incollection{LeLann1981, Author ={LeLann,G.},
Title ={Error Recovery},
Booktitle ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, pp.371.},
Year =1981, Volume ="105",
Category ={DBDtrans-4, xissue} }

@techreport{LeLann1985, Author ={LeLann,G., Meyer,J.F., Movaghar,A., and Sedillot,S.},
Title ={Real-Time Local Area Networks: Some Design and Modeling Issues},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Res.R. .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Number ="448",
Annote ={Messages, promptness, control. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Lelewer1987, Author ={Lelewer,D.A. and Hirschberg,D.S.},
Title ={Data Compression},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys, ; ACM CR 8902-0069.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="261--296",
Volume ="19",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at UCI, Dep.Inf. and CS Reviews techniques that are reversible. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{LeMoigne1975, Author ={LeMoigne,Jean-Louis},
Title ={L'Utilisateur est Intelligent},
Journal ={Zero-Un Informatique, -No.87, -Apr..},
Year =1975, Month Mar,
Number ="86",
Annote ={Data Base needs for decision making. Category ={DBDintro.0> DBDadmin, x 15> } }

@article{Lempel1986, Author ={Lempel,A. and Ziv,J.},
Title ={Compression of Two-Dimensional Data},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.Inform.Theory.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="2--8",
Volume ="32",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Lenat1975, Author ={Lenat,D.B.},
Title ={Beings: Knowledge as Interacting Experts},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Tbilisi, USSR.},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="126--133",
Annote ={at AI Lab, Stanford Un. Describes some of the ideas behind the contract net model. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDkb, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Lenat1977, Author ={Lenat,D.B. and McDermott,J.},
Title ={Less than General Production System Architectures},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5.},
Year =1977, Pages ="928--932",
Category ={DBDarchitecture>} }

@techreport{Lenat1979, Author ={Lenat,D.B., Hayes-Roth,F., and Klahr,P.},
Title ={Cognitive Economy},
Institution ={A Rand Note for the National Science Foundation, N-1185-NSF,},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Rand (Santa Monica CA) Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Lenat1982, Author ={Lenat,Douglas B.},
Title ={The Nature of Heuristics},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1982, Pages ="189--249",
Volume ="19",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Lenat1987, Author ={Lenat,D. and Feigenbaum,E.},
Title ={On the Thresholds of Knowledge},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 87, Milan.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Lenat1989, Author ={Lenat,Douglas B.},
Title ={Ontological versus Knowledge Engineering},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ recognizes the expert and class mismatch problem; architecture solution is to decompose into a few million primitives Category ={DBDkb } }

@book{Lenat1990, Author ={Lenat,D. and Guha,R.V.},
Title ={Building Large Knowledge-Based Systems},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 372pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ Cyc project; goal is a common sense knowledge base of 100 million facts, problem-solving methods and heuristics Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Lenat1990:1, Author ={Lenat,D. et al.},
Title ={CYC: towards programs with common sense},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Volume ="33",
Number ="8",
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Leng1992, Author ={Leng,C-W. and Lee,D.K.},
Title ={Optimal Weight Assignment for Signature Generation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@techreport{Lennon1978, Author ={Lennon,R.E.},
Title ={Cryptography architecture for information study},
Institution ={IBM, G321-5068.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBFrepresent-5>} }

@techreport{LeongHong1977, Author ={LeongHong,B. and Marron,B.},
Title ={Technical Profile of Seven Data Element Dictionary Directory Systems},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). Spec. Pub. 500-3, U.S. Dep.Commerce.},
Year =1977, Month =Feb,

@techreport{LeongHong1978, Author ={LeongHong,B. and Marron,B.},
Title ={Database Administration: Concepts, Tools, Experiences, and Problems},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). Spec. Pub. 500-28, U.S. Dep.Commerce.},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDadmin.3>} }

@book{LeongHong1982, Author ={LeongHong,B.W. and Plagman,B.K.},
Title ={Data Dictionary/Directory Systems: Administration, Implementation and Usage},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-Interscience,},
Year =1982, Annote ={ The most thorough treatment of dictrionaries currently available. Discusses the concepts, applications, selections, implementation, and management of dictionary systems. Category ={DBFmaint> } }

@incollection{Leong1989, Author ={Leong,M-K., Sam,S., and Narasimhalu,D.},
Title ={Towards a Visual Language for an Object-Oriented Multi-Media Database System},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC 2-6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="465--495",
Annote ={ at National Un.Singapore, Inst.of Systems Sciences Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Lenzerini1987, Author ={Lenzerini,M.},
Title ={Covering and Disjointness Constraints in Type Networks},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Lenzerini1987:1, Author ={Lenzerini,M. and Nobili,P.},
Title ={On the Satisfiability of Dependency Constraints in Entity-Relationship Schemata},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Lerat1986, Author ={Lerat,Nadine},
Title ={Query Processing in Incomplete Logical Databases},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Paris-Sud (France) Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@techreport{Lerman1985, Author ={Lerman,I-C. and Peter,P.},
Title ={Elaboration et Logiciel d'un Indice de Similarite entre Objects d'un Type Quelconque: Application au Probleme de Consensus en Classification},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-434.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ rules about data types drive selection of statistical procedure. Category ={DBDkb> DBDstat, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Lerner1988, Author ={Lerner,Allen R.},
Title ={Writing Reliable Servers: Design and Implementation in Avalon/C++},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at CMU Category ={DBFdist>} }

@techreport{Leroudier1974, Author ={Leroudier,J. and Schroeder,A.},
Title ={Estimation of Service Times Distribution for Operating Systems Modelling},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique TR.93.},
Year =1974, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at IRIA Category ={DBFmethod, DBfile Schroeder} }

@article{Lesk1969, Author ={Lesk,M.E. and Salton,G.},
Title ={Interactive Search and Retrieval Methods Using Automatic Information Displays},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1969, Pages ="435--446",
Volume ="34",
Category ={DBDquery>%Lesk69} }

@techreport{Leska1980, Author ={Leska,Michael},
Title ={Compressed Text Storage},
Institution ={Bell Labs, TR-CS 3, ?},
Year =1980, Annote ={at Bell Labs, (Murray Hill NJ) Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@inproceedings{Lesmo1983, Author ={Lesmo,L., Siklossy,L., and Torasso,P.},
Title ={A Two-level Net for Integrating Selectional Restrictions and Semantic Knowledge},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE Int.Conf.on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, India.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Torino; Un.Chicago Semantic net to accept natural language commands for a relational database. Category ={DBDnat, DBfile Siklossy } }

@article{Lesmo1985, Author ={Lesmo,L., Torasso,P., and Siklossy,L.},
Title ={Semantic and Pragmatic Processing in FIDO: A Flexible Intervace for Database Systems},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1985, Pages ="219--260",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@techreport{Lesperance1980, Author ={Lesperance,Y., Kramer,B.M., and Schneider,P.F.},
Title ={Topics in PSN --- II: Exceptional Condition Handling in PSN; Representing Programs in PSN; Contents in PSN},
Institution ={Un.Toronto, CSRG, TR.CSRG-112.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto, CSRG procedural semantic net. Category ={DBDlang> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Lesperance1980:1, Author ={Lesperance,Y., Kramer,B.M., Schneider,P.F.},
Title ={Exceptional Condition Handling in PSN; Representing Programs in PSN; Contents in PSN},
Institution ={Un.Toronto, TR.CSRG-112.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Procedural semantic formalism. Category ={DBDlang> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Lesser1988, Author ={Lesser,V., Pavlin,J. and Durfee,E.},
Title ={Approximate Processing in Real-Time Problem Solving},
Journal ={AI Magazine, Spr..},
Year =1988, Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ use an alternate simpler computation, when time available is insufficient. Category ={DBDrealtime> } }

@techreport{Lester1973, Author ={Lester,Eleanor A.},
Title ={The Investigation of Service Time Distributions},
Institution ={CSRG , TR. 25,},
Year =1973, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto, Comp.Sc.Res.Grp. Matching of empirical and theoretical distributions. Analysis of experiments in scheduling. Category ={DBFtechn.1, x6.1 book> } }

@inproceedings{Letovsky1986, Author ={Letovsky,S.},
Title ={How Abstraction Can Reduce Ambiguity in Explanation Problem},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Yale Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Leu1985, Author ={Leu,P. and Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Multidimensional Timestamp Protocols for Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={Purdue Un., TR-CSD-521.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDintegrity , DBfile Bhargava} }

@article{Leu1988, Author ={Leu,P-J. and Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Clarification of Two Phase Locking in Concurrent Transaction Processing},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="122-124",
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Purdue Un. A formal definition of the two phase locking class derived from semantic description of the protocol, this definition is equivalent to that given by Papadimitriou. A new class called restricted-non-two-phase locking is a superset of the class two-phase locking but a subset of the class D-serializable Category ={DBDintegrity , DBfile Bhargava } }

@inproceedings{Leu1988:1, Author ={Leu,P-J. and Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Concurrent Robust Checkpointing and Recovery in Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Leu1991, Author ={Leu,Y.},
Title ={Composing Multidatabase Applications using Flexible Transactions},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng. Bull.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@article{Leung1982, Author ={Leung,C.H.C. and Choo,Q.H.},
Title ={The Effect of Fixed-Length Record Implementation on File System Response},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1982, Pages ="399-409",
Volume ="17",
Annote ={at Un.Reading Category ={DBFhard.3>in DBfile} }

@article{Leung, Author ={Leung,Clement H.C.},
Title ={Analysis of Secondary Storage Fragmentation},
Journal ={Computer Journal, 84 has similar paper by him.},
Month Mar,
Annote ={at London Un. (London UK) Category ={DBFstorage-1>} }

@article{Leung1986, Author ={Leung,C.H.C.},
Title ={Dynamic Storage Fragmentation and File Deterioration},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE12 .},
Year =1986, Pages ="436--441",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ quantification of effects of keeping tombstones for deletion. Category ={DBFseq> } }

@inproceedings{Leung1990, Author ={Leung,T.Y.Cliff and Muntz,R.R.},
Title ={Query Processing for Temporal Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCLA Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Leung1992, Author ={Leung,T.Y.C. and Muntz,R.R.},
Title ={Temporal Query Processing and Optimization in Multiprocessor Database Machines},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ focus on temporal interaction join operation without stored memory; data partitioning on start time; will perform poorly is mixed temporal and current queries; intervals expressed by time points Category ={DBDmach> DBDops> } }

@article{Leung1988, Author ={Leung,Y.Y. and Lee,D.L.},
Title ={Logic Approaches for Deductive Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, Win..},
Year =1988, Pages ="64--75",
Volume ="3",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Ohio State Un. taxonomy Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Leutenegger1993, Author ={Leutenegger,S. and Dias,D.},
Title ={A Modeling Study of the TPC-C Benchmark},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Leven1990, Author ={Leven,F.J.},
Title ={Conceptual Database Design - Impacts on Software Quality by Semantic Modeling},
Booktitle ={IMIA Working conference on Software Eng. and Medical Informatics, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ good overview of SQL-2, ORACLE and ADABAS, dBASE IV, integrity constraints Presents the traditional waterfall model and examples of SQL integrity constraint representation. Unfortunately, in a dynamic world such a waterfall model does not provide the required flexibility. Schemas do have to be changed regularly to accomodate new applications and new data resources. Medical practice will continue to change. The problem is evidenced in the SQL examples. When models change, constraints change as well. The lack of a formal model to manage constraints makes it impossible to transform constraint statements in correspondence with model changes. Especially when the program has optimized constraint statements (which is likely because of their high execution cost) then subsumed constraints are unlikely to be recovered. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDrel> } }

@article{Levene1989, Author ={Levene,M. and Loizou,G.},
Title ={A Domain Theoretic Approach to Incomplete Information in Nested Relational Databases},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="439--456",
Number ="367",
Annote ={at Un.London, Birkbeck Coll., DCS Null semantics in nest inheritance. ---Gio. Uncertainty. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Leveson1983, Author ={Leveson,N.G., Wasserman,A.I., and Berry,D.M.},
Title ={BASIS: A Behavioral Approach to the Specification of Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1983, Pages ="15--23",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Levesque1980, Author ={Levesque,H.J.},
Title ={Incompleteness in Knowledge Bases},
Booktitle ={ACM Pingree Park Workshop, Brodie(ed).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="150--153",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto (Ontario, Canada) Category ={DBDschema.3> DBDkb> } }

@article{Levesque1986, Author ={Levesque,Hector},
Title ={Making believers out of computers},
Journal ={AI journal.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Levesque1990, Author ={Levesque,Hector},
Title ={All I know: a study in autoepistemic logic},
Journal ={AI, -3, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9102-0987.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="42",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ a new logic of beliefs to formalize non-monotonic reasoning 'only knowing' corresponds to stable expansions; the new logic handles quantifiers and equalities. ---J.Chen. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Levi1980, Author ={Levi,I.},
Title ={The Enterprise of Knowledge},
Publisher ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT press.},
Year =1980, Annote ={uncertainty. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb} }

@techreport{Levien1967, Author ={Levien,R.E. and Maron,M.E.},
Title ={A Computer System for Inference Execution and Data Retrieval},
Institution ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1967, Month =Nov,
Pages ="715--721",
Volume ="10",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ Deductive inference in natural language data base, with bibliography. Category ={DBDquery.2.3> DBDnat> %Levien67 } }

@techreport{Levien1969, Author ={Levien,R.E.},
Title ={Relational Data File, Experience with a System for Propositional Data Storage and Inference Execution},
Institution ={Rand, TR.RM-5947-PR.},
Year =1969, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Rand (Santa Monica) Development of RDF Category ={DBDnat> } }

@article{LeViet1980, Author ={LeViet,C., Kambayashi,Y., Tanaka,K., and Yajima,S.},
Title ={Use of Abstracted Characteristics of Data in Relational Databases},
Journal ={rcvd. .},
Year =1980, Annote ={at Dep.Inf. Science, Kyoto Un., Japan global and views: time-dependent global characteristics are: dependencies, ranges and other constraints. Inclusion constraint declares that the range of A in R1 is included in the one in R2. Time dependencies bound numbers ranges and value numbers. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile LeViet } }

@inproceedings{LeViet1986, Author ={LeViet,C., Yanike,M.D., Johnson,E.J., and Byrne,E.J},
Title ={Design and Implementation of a Relational Database Server in a Heterogenous Network Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach> DBDnewDBMS>} }

@techreport{Levin1974, Author ={Levin,K.Daniel},
Title ={Organizing Distributed Data Bases in Computer Networks},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Penn, Wharton School.},
Year =1974, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Penn, Wharton School (Philadelphia PA) Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Levin1975, Author ={Levin,K.D, and Morgan,H.L.},
Title ={Optimizing Distributed Data Bases --- A Framework for Research},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="473--478",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at Un.Penn, Wharton School Discusses the file location problem at the program and data sharing level, i.e., dependencies between programs and files are taken into account. Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@article{Levin1978, Author ={Levin,K.D. and Morgan,H.L.},
Title ={A Dynamic Optimization Model for Distributed Databases},
Journal ={Operations Research, -Oct..},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="824--835",
Volume ="26",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Penn. (Philadelphia PA) Branch and bound solution for fixed network optimal file distribution for access by programs which can excute on some, but not all nodes. Category ={DBFtechn.4> DBDdist> DBFtechn.4.5> } }

@inproceedings{Levine1987, Author ={Levine,Paul},
Title ={The Apollo DOMAIN distributed file system},
Booktitle ={presentation .},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Apollo Computer The Apollo DOMAIN system is a fully operational distributed computing environment for a network of personal workstations and network servers. When it was first developed in 1980, its distributed system focus was on a file system that provided users of autonomous workstations with the same ease of file sharing they enjoyed with central time-sharing systems. This examination of the Apollo DOMAIN system deals primarily with the design and implementation of the DOMAIN distributed file system, and the architecture it implements to support heterogeneous environments. Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage.4.4> } }

@article{Levitt1974, Author ={Levitt,Gerald, Stewart,David H., and Yormark,Beatrice},
Title ={A Prototype System for Interactive Data Analysis},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1974, Pages ="63--69",
Volume ="43",
Annote ={at The Rand Corp (Santa Monica, CA) Interactive statistics supported by data base facilities. Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@techreport{Levitt1987, Author ={Levitt,T.S. and Cheeseman,P.C.(eds)},
Title ={Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence},
Institution ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int, Martin Marietta, ADS.},
Year =1987, Annote ={Proceedings of Jul.1987 AAAI workshop, Seattle. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Levy1992, Author ={Levy,A. and Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={Constraints and Redundancy in Datalog},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Levy1992:1, Author ={Levy,A., Mumick,I., Sagiv,Y,. and Shmueli,O.},
Title ={Equivalence, Query-Reachability and Satisfiability in Datalog Extensions},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Levy1993, Author ={Levy,A. and Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={Queries Independent of Updates},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDkb> DBtheory>} }

@article{Levy1990, Author ={Levy,E. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Distributed File Systems: concepts and examples},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="22",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ UNIX United, Locus, Sprite, SNFS, ITC's Andrew, a departure is necessary to accomplish sound distributed file system design; topics: location transparency and independence, naming, caching, stateful vs stateless service, availability, replication, scalability, lightweight processes Category ={DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Levy1991, Author ={Levy,Eliezer },
Title ={Incremental Restart},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Levy1989, Author ={Levy,G.},
Title ={A language for the P-any trees - Applications to the dynamic virtual hashing methods},
Booktitle ={Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, Paris.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Levy1982, Author ={Levy,M.R.},
Title ={Modularity and the Sequential File Update Problem},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="362--369",
Volume ="25",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Un.Victoria Category ={DBFseq-2.3>} }

@article{Lewin1969, Author ={Lewin,M.H.},
Title ={A Proposed 'Background Move ' Instruction},
Journal ={Computer Group News of the IEEE.},
Year =1969, Month =Nov,
Pages ="20--21",
Volume ="2",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at RCA Labs (Princeton NJ) Category ={DBDprivacy.3.7>} }

@book{Lewkowicz1989, Author ={Lewkowicz,John M.},
Title ={The complete MUMPS: an introduction and reference manual for the MUMPS programming language},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers., 404pp.; ACM-CR 9001-0013.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Cornell Un. Category ={DBFtree} }

@techreport{Ley1988, Author ={Ley,Michael},
Title ={Ein Fact Manager zur Persistenten Speicherung zvariabel Strukturierter Komplexer Objekte},
Institution ={IBM Deutschland GmbH, LILOG Rep. ,},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Number ="60",
Annote ={at RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl fur Informatik 3, FRG Category ={DBDobject> DBFrepresent, Box LILOG } }

@inproceedings{Ley1992, Author ={Ley,Michael},
Title ={The Term Retrieval Abstract Machine},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@inproceedings{Li1987, Author ={Li,J-Z., Rotem,D., and Wong,H.K.T.},
Title ={A New Compression Method with Fast Searching on Large Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Li1992, Author ={Li,J., Srivastava,J., and Rotem,D.},
Title ={CMD: A Multidimensional Declustering Method for Parallel Data Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDconc> DBDmach>} }

@inproceedings{Li1988, Author ={Li,K., and Naughton,J.F.},
Title ={Multiprocessor Main Memory Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Princeton Univ. Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Li1988:1, Author ={Li,Q. and McLeod,D.},
Title ={Object Flavor Evolution in an Object-Oriented Database System},
Booktitle ={ACM Conf.on Office Information Systems.(>1988?).},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="265--275",
Annote ={at USC, CSD changing semantics include evolution Category ={DBDdesign. DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Li1990, Author ={Li,Qing},
Title ={Object Data Model = Object=oriented + Semantic Models},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Australian National Un. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Li1991, Author ={Li,Qing},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Approach to Federated Databases},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Li1992:1, Author ={Li,Q. and Smith,J.L.},
Title ={A Conceptual Model for Dynamic Clustering in Object Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={classify 12 cluster types and check with ONTOS Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Li1992:2, Author ={Li,Q. and McLeod,D.},
Title ={Managing Interdependencies among Objects in Federated Databases},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Li1987:1, Author ={Li,Victor O.K.},
Title ={Performance Model of Timestamp-Ordering Concurrency Control Algorithms in Distributed Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-36 no.9.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1041--1051",
Annote ={ conflict model of transactions versus data. Partial replication. Three-phase and SDD-1 models. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdis> DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Li1993, Author ={Li,X. and Eich,M.},
Title ={Post-crash Log Processing for Fuzzy Checkpointing Main Memory Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Southern Methodist Un.} }

@inproceedings{Li1993:1, Author ={Li,W-S. and Clifton,C.},
Title ={Using Field Specifications to Determine Attribute Equivalence in Heterogeneous Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Northwestern Un. Category ={DBDdist> DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Li1987:2, Author ={Li,Z.J. and Wong,H.K.T.},
Title ={Batched Interpolation Searching on Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFseq>} }

@article{Liang1985, Author ={Liang,T-P.},
Title ={Integrating Model Management with Data Management in Decision Support Systems},
Journal ={Decision Support Systems.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="221-232",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Penn, Wharton school recommendation to include Model and Tool spec. in query to avoid procedural access. integration of the decision role base with database. A form of mediation - the model builder is between the user and the database. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Liao1989, Author ={Liao,I-E. and Liu,M.T.},
Title ={Incremental Protocol Verification Using Deductive Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>>} }

@article{Lide1981, Author ={Lide,D.R.Jr.},
Title ={Critical Data for Critical Needs},
Journal ={Science.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="1343--1349",
Volume ="212",
Number ="4501",
Annote ={at NBS (Washington DC). Various types of scientific and technical data are required for the solution of key societal problems such as energy supply, environmental quality, and industrial productivity. Ensuring the quality of these data bases is essential. Modern computer and telecommunications technology offers opportunities for major improvements in the dissemination of data, but data management must be given a higher priority by the scientific community, industry and government. Category ={DBDadmin.2, 1.8> } }

@article{Lide1981:1, Author ={Lide,D.R.},
Title ={Critical Data for Critical Needs},
Journal ={Science.},
Year =1981, Pages ="1343--1349",
Volume ="212",
Number ="4501",
Annote = {} }

@article{Lieblein1986, Author ={Lieblein,Edward},
Title ={The Department of Defense software intitiative -- a status report},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8707-616.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="734--744",
Volume ="29",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Tartan Labs, Pittsburgh Ada STARS and the Software Engineering Inst. Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Lieberman1986, Author ={Lieberman,Henry},
Title ={Using Prototypical Objects to Implement Shared Behavior in Object-Oriented},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA86, ACM SIGPLAN .},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Pages ="214--244",
Volume ="21",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MIT relationships in objects Category ={DBDobject> KSYS> } }

@inproceedings{Lien1975, Author ={Lien,Y.E., Taylor,C.E., Driscoll,J.R., and Reynolds,M.L.},
Title ={Binary Search Tree Complex --- A Realization of a Relational Database Management System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed), (abstract).},
Year =1975, Pages ="540--542",
Annote ={at Un.Kansas, (Lawrence KS) Category ={DBDintro.1>} }

@article{Lien1977, Author ={Lien,Y.E.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of a Relational Database on a Mini-Computer},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf .},
Year =1977, Pages ="16--22",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Lien1978, Author ={Lien,Y.E. and Weinberger,P.J.},
Title ={Consistency, Concurrency, and Crash Recovery},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78, Lowenthal and Dale(eds), Austin TX.},
Year =1978, Pages ="9--14",
Annote ={at Bell Labs (Murray Hill NJ) A method for increasing concurrency in shared data bases. Several readers and a single writer may access a set of entities. Serializability or a slightly weaker form of consistency can be seen by all transactions. Each transaction is assumed to obtain all its resources when it starts. Category ={DBFuse-4.5> DBDintegrity.1> } }

@inproceedings{Lien1979, Author ={Lien,Y.E.},
Title ={Multivalued Dependencies with Null Values in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, RiodeJaneiro.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="61--66",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Lien1981, Author ={Lien,Y.E.},
Title ={Hierarchical Schemata for Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month Mar,
Pages ="48--69",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{Lien1981:1, Author ={Lien,Y.E., Shopiro,J.E., and Tsur,S.},
Title ={DSIS --- A Database System with Interrelational Semantics},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="465--477",
Annote ={ Experimental multi-user database system that supports an entity oriented data model. User workspace. Transactions are executed by a simulated network of stream processors. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Lien1982, Author ={Lien,Y.E.},
Title ={On the Equivalence of Database Models},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Pages ="333--362",
Volume ="29",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ An equivalence is established between network databases and a subclass of relational databases. Lien's Network-To-Relational Translation Algorithm 1. Traverse the Bachman diagram to produce a universal relation R(u). 2. A set of MMVDs is produced by partitioning the Bachman diagram. Relational-to-Network Translation 1. The universal relation is decomposed based on given MMVDs. 2. The decomposition tree is rearranged into a Bachman diagram. 3. The contents of the network database are found by projecting the universal relation onto the relational schemes in the decomposition tree. (BallL) Network databases with loop-free Bachman diagrams are equivalent to relational databases which are free of conflicts and contentions. Category ={DBDmodel.0> DBDintro.0> DBDrel> DBDbound, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Lien1988, Author ={Lien,Y-N., Chang,Y-L., and Wah,B.},
Title ={File Allocation Problems on Homogeneous Two-Level Local Broadcast Networks},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@unpublished{Liepins1985, Author ={Liepins,G.E.},
Title ={Recent Advances in Data Compression},
Note ={rcvd.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Oak Ridge summary, compresses technical drawings to 5pct Category ={DBFrepresent, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Liepins1986, Author ={Liepins,G.E.},
Title ={Developmental Issues and Organizational Impacts of Expert Systems for Personnel Assignment},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Liestman1986, Author ={Liestman,A.L. and Campbell,R.H.},
Title ={A fault-tolerant scheduling problem},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), No 10.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Volume ="12",
Annote ={ alternate solution to deal with real-time constructs. Category ={DBDrealtime> } }

@inproceedings{Lieuwen1992, Author ={Lieuwen,D. and DeWitt,D.},
Title ={A Transformation-based Approach to Optimizing Loops in Database Programming Languages},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDlang>} }

@article{Liew1985, Author ={Liew,C.K., Choi,U.J., and Liew,C.L.},
Title ={A Data Distortion by Probability Distribution},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="395--411",
Volume ="10",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Oklahoma analysis of pollution technique. Category ={DBDprivacy.8.3> } }

@incollection{Lifschitz1989, Author ={Lifschitz,Vladimir},
Title ={Logical Foundations of Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89', Ritter(ed), IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, (San Francisco, -Sep.), N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="315--321",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Stratified versus non-stratified, negation. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Lilien, Author ={Lilien,Leszek and Bhargava,Bharat},
Title ={A Scheme for Verification of Integrity Assertions in a Transaction Processing System},
Booktitle ={Proc.of COMPSAC-82 (without appendices).},
Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh Silbershats NP problm. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDtrans> } }

@article{Lilien1982, Author ={Lilien,L. and Bhargava,B.},
Title ={A Scheme for Verification of Integrity Assertions in a Transaction Processing System},
Journal ={Proc.of COMPSAC-82, (without appendices).},
Year =1982, Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh, now Purdue For evaluation of an integrity assertion, databases pages need be transferred to memory. The order of the evaluation of the integrity assertions determines the total number of pages fetched. Approximation algorithms that find schedules are proposed. The worst behaviors are simulated. has NP problem --- Silberschatz Category ={DBFrepresent-4>> DBDintegrity, DBfile Lilien } }

@article{Lilien1984, Author ={Lilien,L. and Bhargava,B.},
Title ={A Scheme for Batch Verification of Integrity Assertions in a Database System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-10.},
Year =1984, Pages ="664--680",
Annote ={ algorithms to minimize page fetches. Uses rollback. For evaluation of an integrity assertion, databases pages need be transferred to memory. The order of the evaluation of the integrity assertions determines the total number of pages fetched. Approximation algorithms that find schedules are proposed. The worst behaviors are simulation. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDreliab, DBfile } }

@article{Lilien1985, Author ={Lilien,L. and Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Database Integrity Block Construct: Concepts and Design Issues},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8604-0357.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="865--885",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Chicago post crash database integrity verification and restoration of transaction history. Costs of audit trail and differential file techniques. Recovery using a differential file, part of project RAID. Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Lilien1988, Author ={Lilien,L. and Chung,T.M.},
Title ={Pessimistic Protocols for Quasi-Partitioned Distributed Database Systems},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Purdue Un. If a severed high-speed link between the partitions can be replaced by a much slower backup line, we have a quasi-partitioning. The protocols permit update transactions in exactly one partition. Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile } }

@article{Lilien1988:1, Author ={Lilien,Leszek},
Title ={Partitioning and Quasi-Partitioning in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE CS Dist.Processing TC Newsletter.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="63--74",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Creeping retrieval and creeping merge by crossing partition boundaries, using a very slow or weak link. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Lilien1989, Author ={Lilien,Leszek},
Title ={Quasi-Partitioning: A New Paradigm For Transaction Execution},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Chicago, Dep.EECS Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Lim1991, Author ={Lim,Billy},
Title ={A Syntactic Characterization of Constraints/Triggers Suitable for Efficient Enforcement},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Lim1993, Author ={Lim,E-P. and Srivastava,J.},
Title ={Entity Identification in Database Integration},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Lim1986, Author ={Lim,Pacifico A.},
Title ={CICS/VS Command Level with ANS Cobol Examples, 2nd ed.},
Publisher ={Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY).},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@book{Lim1990, Author ={Lim,P.A.},
Title ={DB2 for Applications Programmers},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 224pp.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Lin1991, Author ={Lin,A.},
Title ={CAT: An Execution Model for Concurrent Full Text Search},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDbib>} }

@article{Lin1975, Author ={Lin,C.S., Smith,D.C.P., and Smith,J.M.},
Title ={The Design of a Rotating Associative Array Memory for a Relational Database Management Application},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="453--455",
Annote ={at Un.Utah, CSD Data analysis in the file control unit. Category ={DBFmach> %Lin76 } }

@inproceedings{Lin1989, Author ={Lin,Dekang},
Title ={Automatic Logical Navigation Among Relations Using Trees},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@inproceedings{Lin1981, Author ={Lin,J.J. and Liu,M.T.},
Title ={DDLLDN: A Distributed Double-Loop Data Network for Very Large On-Line Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={1Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS, Bhargava(ed).},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Pages ="83--88",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage-3.4>} }

@inproceedings{Lin1982, Author ={Lin,J.J. and Liu,M.T.},
Title ={System Design and Performance Evaluation of a Local Data Network for Very Large Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="134--143",
Annote ={at Ohio State, CIS, (Columbus OH) Design and performance evaluation of a local data network for very large distributed databases. Optimal disk allocation is selected. Category ={DBDdist> DBFsyseval.5> } }

@article{Lin1988, Author ={Lin,K-J, and Lin,M-J.},
Title ={Enhancing Availability in Distributed Real-Time Databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="34-43",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, DCS, actually consistency focus quorum Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Lin1991:1, Author ={Lin,KweiJay },
Title ={Interval Assignment for Periodic Transactions in Real-Time Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Lind1990, Author ={Lind,David},
Title ={Optical Storage Technology},
Booktitle ={Database 90, San Diego.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at USNavy Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Lindberg1990, Author ={Lindberg,D. and Humphreys,x},
Title ={The UMLS Knowledge Sources: Tools for Building User Interfaces},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE .},
Year =1990, Annote ={Unified Medical Language System Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Linde1973, Author ={Linde,R.R., Gates,R., and Peng,T-F.},
Title ={Associative Processor Applications to Real-Time Data Management},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Volume ="42",
Category ={DBFhard.5.5>} }

@inproceedings{Linder1993, Author ={Linder,B.},
Title ={Parallel Database Processing in ORACLE},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Oracle Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Linderman1982, Author ={Linderman,J.P.},
Title ={Issues in the Design of a Distributed Record Management System},
Institution ={Bell System Technical Journal.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="2555-2566",
Volume ="61",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBFstorage.4.4> DBFintro> DBDdist> DBFseq>} }

@inproceedings{Lindgreen1974, Author ={Lindgreen,P.},
Title ={Basic Operations on Information as a Basis for Data Base Design},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H.},
Year =1974, Pages ="993--997",
Category ={DBFintro.3>} }

@inproceedings{Lindgreen1983, Author ={Lindgreen,Paul},
Title ={Entity Sets and Their Description},
Booktitle ={ER 3, Davis et al (eds), N-H, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-0583.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="91--110",
Annote ={at Copenhagen Un. declarative systems specification language (SSL) used to formally describe entity sets created by the functions performed against the information base. Inspired by the natural language of semantic information modeling, SSL is more straitforward than calculus. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{Lindsay1979, Author ={Lindsay,B.G., et al},
Title ={Notes on Distributed Databases},
Institution ={IBM, Res. Division, Yorktown Heights NY, RJ2571(33471).},
Year =1979, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab ( CA) Category ={DBFstorage-3.4> DBDintro.9> DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@article{Lindsay1979:1, Author ={Lindsay,B. and Gligor,V.},
Title ={Migration and Authentication of Protected Objects},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-5.},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Pages ="607--611",
Category ={DBDobject> DBDprivacy.4>} }

@techreport{Lindsay1980, Author ={Lindsay,B.},
Title ={Object Naming and Catalog Management for a Distributed Database Manager},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RJ2914 (36689).},
Year =1980, Month =Aug,
Annote ={Directory for System R* Lindsay's argument is to keep naming information with the named objects, and avoid replicating the information or gathering it in a central location. Multicasting seems to be out of the question in the R* environment. Thus an ad hoc technique is used to locate an object's manager: the `birth site' name is a part of each object's full name. That site must keep a pointer to the object's new location if it moves. R* uses caching with on-use consistency checking. The purpose of the cache is to reduce the need for remote access when compiling a query. (in my work it is to reducie the need for multicast when accessing a named object). ---Tim Mann. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdist> DBFintro.9, DBfile } }

@techreport{Lindsay1980:1, Author ={Lindsay,B. and Selinger,P.G.},
Title ={Site Autonomy Issues in R-*, A Distributed Database Management System},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RJ2927 (36822).},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Annote ={R* Category ={DBDdist> DBFintro.9>in DBfile} }

@techreport{Lindsay1984, Author ={Lindsay,B., Haas,L.M., Mohan,C., Wilms,P.F., and Yost,R.A.},
Title ={Computation and Communication in R-*, A Distributed Database Manager},
Institution ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ; ACM CR 8411-0953.},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Pages ="24-38",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ An R* computation consists of a tree of processes. Category ={DBDdist> DBFintro.9> DBDops>in DBfile } }

@article{Lindsay1983, Author ={Lindsay,B.G., Haas,L.M., Mohan,C., Wilms,P.F., and Yost,R.A.},
Title ={Computation and Communication in R: A Distributed Database Manager},
Journal ={SOSP 9, Bretton Woods.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Lindsay1987, Author ={Lindsay,Bruce G.},
Title ={A Retrospective of R*: A Distributed Database Management System},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="668--673",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden, San Jose Category ={DBDdist, xissue} }

@inproceedings{Lindsay1986, Author ={Lindsay,B., Haas,L.M., Mohan,C., Pirahesh,P., Wilms,P.},
Title ={A Snapshot Differential Refresh Algorithm},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Annote ={update of materialized views. I3 Category ={MAT> DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Lindsay1987:1, Author ={Lindsay,B., McPherson,J., and Piradesh,H.},
Title ={A Data Management Extension Architecture},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res.Ctr Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@techreport{Linebarger1972, Author ={Linebarger,R.N.},
Title ={Computer Communications},
Institution ={NASA Sum. study .},
Year =1972, Annote ={teaching material for basic communications. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@techreport{Ling1973, Author ={Ling,H. and Palermo,F.P.},
Title ={Block Oriented Information Compression},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RJ 1172},
Year =1973, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Compression of blocks by search for linear combinations. Paper has typos. Category ={DBFrepresent, xB14> } }

@article{Ling1981, Author ={Ling,T., Tompa,F.W., and Kameda,T.},
Title ={An Improved Third Normal Form for Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="329--246",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo (Canada) An improved third normal form is defined and an algorithm is given to construct a set of relations from a given set of functional dependencies in such a way that the superfluous attributes are guaranteed to be removed. Category ={DBDmodel.1> } }

@article{Ling1985, Author ={Ling,T-W.},
Title ={An Analysis of Multivalued and Join Dependencies Based on the Entity-Relationship Approach},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1985, Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at National Un. Singapore, Singapore ER. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Ling1988, Author ={Ling,T-W.},
Title ={External Schemas of Entity-Relationship Based Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Ling1992, Author ={Ling,T-W. and Goh,C.},
Title ={Logical Database Design with Inclusion Dependencies},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at National Un.Singapore Category ={DBDlogic> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Ling1992:1, Author ={Ling,T-W. and Lee,M-L.},
Title ={A Theory for Entity-Relationship View Updates},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={penguin Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Lingat1987, Author ={Lingat,J-Y., Nobecourt,P., and Rolland,C.},
Title ={Behavioural Management in Database Applications},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at France Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Lingat1988, Author ={Lingat,J-Y., Colignon,P., and Rolland,C.},
Title ={Rapid Application Prototyping the Proquel Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="206--217",
Annote ={at THOM'6, (Paris France) Category ={DBDquery> DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Linn1987, Author ={Linn,B.},
Title ={INGRES/STAR: A Heterogeneous Distributed Relational DBMS},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Relational Tech.. Category ={DBDdis} }

@techreport{Linn1953, Author ={Linn,J.L. and Winner,R.I.(eds)},
Title ={The Department of Defense Requirements for Engineering Information Systems},
Institution ={IDA Paper P-, 2 vols, Inst.for Defense Analysis, Alexandria VA, 1986.},
Year =1953, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ This goal will require the development of an integrated design environment that supports the design, documentation, and life-cycle maintenance of complex electronic systems from the initial system specification through fabrication and test to maintenance. VHSIC. Category ={EIS, DBfile } }

@techreport{Linn1983, Author ={Linn,C.J., Linn,J.J., Kappel,M.R. and Salasin,J.},
Title ={Strategic Defense Initiative Ada Process Description Language, version 1.00},
Institution ={Inst.for Defense Analyses, paper P-, 1987.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Annote ={ SA/PDL dor description of SDI system architectures. Adds behavirol assertions, resource assignments, abstract processes to Ada. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Linnemann1986, Author ={Linnemann,V.},
Title ={Constructorset's Database Support for Knowledge Based Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Linnermann1987, Author ={Linnermann,V.},
Title ={Non First Normal Form Relations and Recursive Queries: An SQL-Based Approach},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={nested relations NFNF Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Linnemann1988, Author ={Linnemann,V., Kuspert,K., Dadam,P., Pistor,P., Erbe,R., Kemper,A., Sudkamp,N., Walch,G., and Wallrath,M.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of an extensible Database Management System Supporting User Defined Data Types and Functions},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="294--305",
Annote ={at IBM, Scientific Ctr, (Heidelberg FRG) AIM handles PASCAL lists as nested relations. Category ={DBDimpl> } }

@article{Linnemann1990, Author ={Linnemann,Volker},
Title ={Recursive functions in a data base language for complex objects},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1990, Pages ="627--645",
Volume ="15",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDmodel> DBDops>} }

@techreport{Linton1985, Author ={Linton,Mark A.},
Title ={Queries and Views of Programs Using a Relational Database System},
Institution ={UCB.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDlang>} }

@article{Linton1987, Author ={Linton,Mark A.},
Title ={Distributed Management of a Software Database},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Pages ="70--76",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. CASE support, uses C++ text files. Allegro objects reside in multiple virtual memories, perhaps distributed on several machines. Objects that represent a more complex object are usually stored in the same object space. Object spaces are organized hierarchically. Category ={DEng> EIS> } }

@article{Liou1977, Author ={Liou,J.H. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Multidimensional Clustering for Data Base Organizations},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1977, Pages ="187--198",
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Lipeck1985, Author ={Lipeck,U.W., Ehrich,H.D., and Gogolla,M.},
Title ={Specifying Admissibility of Dynamic Database Behaviour Using Temporal Logic},
Booktitle ={`Theoretical and Formal Aspects of Information Systems, Pergamon Press ', IFIP, Sernadas(ed), N-H, ,},
Year =1985, Pages ="145--157",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Lipeck1986, Author ={Lipeck,U.W.},
Title ={Stepwise Specification of Dynamic Database Behavior},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data, Zaniolo (ed) (Washington DC).},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Lipeck1986:1, Author ={Lipeck,U.W. and Neumann,K.},
Title ={Modeling and Manipulating Objects in Geoscientific Databases},
Booktitle ={E-R 5, Dijon ,},
Year =1986, Pages ="105--124",
Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Lipeck, Author ={Lipeck,U.W.},
Title ={Stepwise Specification of Dynamic Database Behaviour},
Booktitle ={86 ACM-SIGMOD Int.Conf. on Mgmt. of Data, Washington},
Pages ="387--397",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Lipner1982, Author ={Lipner,Steven B.},
Title ={Non-discretionary Controls for Commercial Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland , --1-9.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Pages ="1-1",
Annote ={at DEC, Hudson recommended by Peter Neumann, 1988, for Mandatory Security issue. Category ={DBDprivacy> DADAISM> } }

@article{Lipovski1971, Author ={Lipovski,G.J.},
Title ={On Data Structures in Associative Memories},
Journal ={ACM SIGPLAN , Tou(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="346--365",
Category ={DBFmach.4.3>} }

@inproceedings{Lipovski1974, Author ={Lipovski,G.J., Su, S.Y.W., and Watson,J.K.},
Title ={Associative Programming in Context Addressed Segment Sequential Memories},
Booktitle ={ACM CA-NNP, Dallas.},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Un.Florida, Gainesville CASSM Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Lipovski1977, Author ={Lipovski,G.J.},
Title ={Architectural Features of CASSM: A Context Addressed Segment Sequential Memory},
Booktitle ={ACM SIG Architecture 5.},
Year =1977, Pages ="31--38",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Lipski1979, Author ={Lipski,W.},
Title ={On Semantic Issues Connected with Incomplete Information},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Sep,
Pages ="262--297",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Attributes can take values in specified attribute domains. Instead a single value of an attribute, we have a subset of the attribute domain, which represents our knowledge that the actual value, though unknown, is one of the values in this subset. This extends the idea of Codd's null value, corresponding to the case when this subset is the whole attribute domain. Category ={DBDtheory.7> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Lipski1981, Author ={Lipski,W.},
Title ={On Databases with Incomplete Information},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM,},
Year =1981, Pages ="41--70",
Volume ="28",
Category ={DBDops.4> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Lipski1983, Author ={Lipski,W.},
Title ={Logical Problems Related to Incomplete Information in Databases},
Institution ={ Paris, sud, TR..},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Number ="138",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Lipski1985, Author ={Lipski,W. and Tanaka,K.(eds)},
Title ={Proceedings: Foundations of Data Organization},
Publisher ={Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms'85, Computer Science Inst., Kyoto Sangyo Un..},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Proc. of meeting held May.1985, Many papers on Consecutive Retrieval Property File allocation and Mathematical File Org., but also on hashing, Hash join and all other topics. Authors from Stanford include Whang and Woodfill. Category ={DBDintro, x } }

@techreport{Lipton1978, Author ={Lipton,R.J., Rosenberg,A., and Yao,A.C.},
Title ={External Hashing Schemes for Collections of Data Structures},
Institution ={Stanford CS, Dep.Report STAN-CS--78--686.},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Lipton1989, Author ={Lipton,R.J. and Naughton,J.F.},
Title ={Estimating the Size of Generalized Transitive Closures},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Princeton Un., DCS recursive query optimization; essential to optimize queries and avoid infeasible computations. Method to estimate the size of a transitive closure query, important for statistical optimizations; esimates are harder for recursive queries than for conventional non-recursive queries; fast method. Category ={DBDkb> DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Lipton1990, Author ={Lipton,R.J., Naughton,J.F., and Schneider,D.A.},
Title ={Practical Selectivity Estimation through Adaptive Sampling},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={Sampling with 'sanity bounds' requires no assumption on distribution or independence how do results match with Christodoulakis? note that sampling is based on complete complex queues, does not give info for join optimization does not evaluate payoff in optimization provide estimate with relative end or, on sanity bound, with absolute ends Category ={DBDquery> DBFtech> } }

@book{Lipton1986, Author ={Lipton,Russell C.},
Title ={User Guide to FOCUS},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 249pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8705-0354.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at James Frame Enterprises. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Lipton1990:1, Author ={Lipton,R. and Naughton,J.},
Title ={Query Size Estimation by Adaptive Sampling},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFperf>} }

@article{Liskov1975, Author ={Liskov,B.H. and Zilles, S.N.},
Title ={Specification Techniques for Data Abstractions},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE) 1.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDlang>} }

@article{Liskov1990, Author ={Liskov,B., Snyder,A., Atkinson,R., and Schaffert,C.},
Title ={Abstraction Mechanisms in CLU},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDlang>} }

@article{Liskov1982, Author ={Liskov,Barbara},
Title ={On Linguistic Support for Distributed Programs},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="203--210",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at MIT There is little support for the construction and execution of software to run on such a system. Our research concerns the development of an integrated language/system whose goal is to provide the needed support. Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage-3.4> } }

@incollection{Liskov1987, Author ={Liskov,B. and Scheifler,R.},
Title ={Guardians and Actions: Linguistic Support for Robust Distributed Programs},
Booktitle ={`Concurrency Control and Reliability in Distributed Systems', Bhargava(ed), Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY).},
Year =1987, Pages ="124--153",
Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Liskov1990:1, Author ={Liskov,B., Gruber,R., Johnson,P., and Shrira,L.},
Title ={A Replicated Unix File System},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={NFS support, primary copy Category ={DBFhash> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Little1990, Author ={Little,T.D.C. and Ghafoor,A.},
Title ={Multimedia Object Models for Database and Synchronization},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Syracuse Un. Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Little1992, Author ={Little,T., Ghafoor,A., and Chen,C.},
Title ={Conceptual Data Models for Time-Dependent Multimedia Data},
Booktitle ={ WORKSHOP ON MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION SYSTEManagement Science, Journal of TIMS, Tempe, Arizona, 1992.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Syracuse Un. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@book{Litton1987, Author ={Litton,Gerry},
Title ={Introduction to Database Management: A Practical Approach},
Publisher ={WCB Publishers.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Un.San Francisco Category ={DBDintro>} }

@techreport{Litwin1977, Author ={Litwin,Witold},
Title ={Methodes d'Acces par Hash-Coding Virtuel (VHAM): Modelisation, Application a la Gestion de Memoires},
Institution ={Inst.Programmation (Paris) Rpt. No.P7716.},
Year =1977, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Pierre et Marie Curie (Paris, France) Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Litwin1980, Author ={Litwin,W.},
Title ={A Model for a Distributed Database},
Booktitle ={ACM 2nd Annual Louisiana Computer Exposition.},
Year =1980, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Litwin1980:1, Author ={Litwin,W.},
Title ={Linear Hashing: A New Tool for File and Table Addressing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="212--223",
Annote ={ On excess collisions create new bucket and modify hash. Leads to constant performance. Category ={DBFhash.5.1> } }

@article{Litwin1981, Author ={Litwin,W..},
Title ={Trie Hashing},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1981, Pages ="19--29",
Annote ={at INRIA (Le Chesnay, France) A new algorithm for hashing. Stores the records in order. The file may be highly dynamic, even may be constituted entirely with insertions. The load factor is typically about 70pct. Category ={DBFimpl.2.2> } }

@inproceedings{Litwin1981:1, Author ={Litwin,W.},
Title ={Logical Model of a Distributed Data Base},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Seminar on Distributed Data Sharing Systems 1, vandeRiet and Litwin(eds) (Amsterdam), N-H.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ We consider that to be distributed means for a data base (DB) to be a set of DBs. The model brings to light new types of DDBs which should render design of a DDB easier. In particular, a DDB may be designed without the global schema. First indication of `federated database' without shared schema. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5.1, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Litwin1982, Author ={Litwin,W., Boudenant,J., Esculier,C., Ferrier,A., Glorieux,A.M., LaChimia,J., Kabbaj,K., Moulinoux,C., Rolin,P., and Stangret,C.},
Title ={SIRIUS Systems for Distributed Data Management},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Symposium on Distributed Data Bases 2, Schneider(ed), N-H.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="311--366",
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile also Neuhold} }

@inproceedings{Litwin1982:1, Author ={Litwin,W.},
Title ={Future of Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Presented at European Teleinformatic Con., Varese Italy, 3-7.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Litwin1983, Author ={Litwin,Witold},
Title ={MALPHA: A Multidatabase Manipulation Language},
Booktitle ={European Teleinformatics Conf., Varese Italy, N-H.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at INRIA Generalizes ALPHA, allowing users to formulate queries to more than one relational database. Category ={DBDdist> DBDnewDBMS.2> DBDrel.3, DBfile } }

@article{Litwin1984, Author ={Litwin,Witold},
Title ={Data Access Methods and Structures to Enhance Performance},
Journal ={InfoTech State-of-the-Art Report, Database Performance.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ Btrees versus dynamic, extended, virtual, trie hashing. Bibliography. Category ={DBFhash.5> DBfour.4, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Litwin1984:1, Author ={Litwin,W.},
Title ={Implicit Joins in the Multidatabase System MRDSM},
Booktitle ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Annote ={ also 'Jointures Implicites dans le Systeme MRDSM' implicit joins are achieved by considering connections in a semantic database graph. Category ={DBDmodel.3, DBfile } }

@techreport{Litwin1985, Author ={Litwin,W.},
Title ={An Overwiew of the Multidatabase System MRDSM},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-374.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={prototype relational multidatabase system Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Litwin1986, Author ={Litwin,W. and Vigier,P.},
Title ={Dynamic Attributes in the Multidatabase System MRDSM},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Litwin1986:1, Author ={Litwin,W. and Abdellatif,A.},
Title ={Multidatabase Interoperability},
Journal ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-1543.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at INRIA MRDSM and MDSL based on the tuple calculus, simpified by implicit joins. ---J.Pokorny . Federated system compatibility. I3 Category ={DBFdist, DBfile } }

@article{Litwin1986:2, Author ={Litwin,W. and Lomet,D.B.},
Title ={The Bounded Disorder Access Method},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Litwin1987, Author ={Litwin,W. and Abdellatif,A.},
Title ={An Overview of the Multi-Database Manipulation Language MDSL},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="621--632",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBDdist, xissue} }

@techreport{Litwin1989, Author ={Litwin,W., Abdellatif,A., Nicolas,B., Vigier,P., and Zeroual,A.},
Title ={MSQL: A Multidatabase Language},
Institution ={To appear in Inf. Science- An International Journal, Special Issue on Databases.},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Volume ="48",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDlang, DBfile} }

@techreport{Litwin1987:1, Author ={Litwin,W., Zegour,D., and Levy,G.},
Title ={Multilevel Trie Hashing},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-723.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Litwin1987:2, Author ={Litwin,W. and Vigier,P.},
Title ={New Functions for Dynamic Attributes in the Multidatabase System MRDSM},
Booktitle ={HLSUA Forum XLV, New Orleans.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Pages ="467--475",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@unpublished{Litwin1988, Author ={Litwin,W. and Zeroual,A.},
Title ={Advances in Multidatabase Systems},
Note ={Res. into Networks and Distr. Applications, Speth (ed.).},
Year =1988, Annote ={at INRIA federated. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Litwin1988:1, Author ={Litwin,Witold},
Title ={From Database Systems to Multidatabase Systems: Why and How},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the British National Conference on Databases, Cambridge Press.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ federated research issues: TX mgmt; access control; data definition; Update dependencies; updates of transformed values; query efficiency. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Litwin1988:2, Author ={Litwin,W. and Tirri,H.},
Title ={Flexible Concurrency Control Using Value Dates},
Journal ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique TR-845.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Annote ={FAUVE A data entity value is officially valid after its value date and uncertain otherwise. An optimistic method which guarantees that transaction executions are serializable, as well as deadlock and livelock free; Locking, timestamp based methods and the time warp mechanism can all be derived from this same concept. Category ={DBDconc> DBDdist> DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@article{Litwin1989:1, Author ={Litwin,W., Mark,L., and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Interoperability of Multiple Autonomous Databases},
Journal ={Un.Maryland, Systems Res.Ctr, TR-89-12 and CS TR-2188.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={FAUVE survey of existing federated databases, and example of update transformation using MACSYMA Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@techreport{Litwin1989:2, Author ={Litwin,W. and Roussopolous,N.},
Title ={A Model for Computer Life},
Institution ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ architectural sketch for systems composed of autonomous agents. anthropomorphic model for autonomous servers. I3 Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Litwin1989:3, Author ={Litwin,W., Sagiv,Y., and Vidyasankar,K.},
Title ={Concurrency and Trie Hashing},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1989, Volume ="26",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBFhash, DBfile} }

@article{Litwin1989:4, Author ={Litwin,W., Abdellatif,A., Zeroual,A., Nicolas,B., and Vigier,P.},
Title ={MSQL: A Multidatabase Language},
Journal ={Information Sciences,2,3.},
Year =1989, Volume ="49",
Number ="1",
Category ={FAUVE> DBDdist>} }

@article{Litwin1990, Author ={Litwin,W., Mark,L., and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Interoperability of Multiple Autonomous Databases},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="22",
Number ="3",
Annote ={FAUVE Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Litwin, Author ={Litwin,W. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={A Model for Computer Life},
Booktitle ={Submitted to Info Japan, 90.},
Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Litwin1991, Author ={Litwin,W. and Shan,M-C.},
Title ={Value Dates for Concurrency Control and Transaction Management in Interoperable Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Litwin1991:1, Author ={Litwin,W., Ketabchi,M., and Risch,T.},
Title ={Relations with Inherited Attributes},
Institution ={HPL-DTD-91-25.},
Year =1991, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Litwin1993, Author ={Litwin,W., Neimat,M., and Schneider,D.},
Title ={LH -Linear Hashing for Distributed Files},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Litwin1992, Author ={Litwin,W.},
Title ={O*SQL: A Language for Object-Oriented Multidatabase Interoperability},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Litwin1993:1, Author ={Litwin,W. and Neimat,M.},
Title ={LH* : A tool for Interoperability at File Access Level},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Liu1986, Author ={Liu,C.C. and Minoura,T.},
Title ={Effect of Update Merging on Reliable Storage Performance},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Lo Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Liu1973, Author ={Liu,C.L. and Wayland,J.W.},
Title ={Scheduling Algorithms for Multiprogramming in Hard Real-Time Environment},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1973, Month =Jan,
Pages ="46--61",
Volume ="20",
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Liu1968, Author ={Liu,Ho Nien},
Title ={A File Management System for a Large Corporate Information System Data Bank},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1968, Pages ="145--156",
Volume ="33",
Annote ={at PGE (San Francisco) System Design Category ={DBFhybrid, DBfile } }

@article{Liu1971, Author ={Liu,Ho Nien},
Title ={A Data Base System Defined to Support a Large Information System},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="349--372",
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Liu1976, Author ={Liu,J.W.S.},
Title ={Algorithms for Parsing Search Queries in Systems with Inverted File Organization},
Booktitle ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems ,Vol.No no.4.},
Year =1976, Month =Dec,
Pages ="299--316",
Category ={DBDquery.2> DBFimpl.2.5>} }

@inproceedings{Liu1988, Author ={Liu,K-C. and Sunderraman,R.},
Title ={On Representing Indefinite and Maybe Information in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb> UNCERTAINTY>} }

@incollection{Liu1989, Author ={Liu,K-C. and Sunderraman,R.},
Title ={General Indefinite and Maybe Information in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89', Ritter(ed), IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, (San Francisco, -Sep.), N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="809--814",
Annote ={ at ATT Bell Labs, (Naperville IL) and Illinois Inst.of Technology, (Chicago IL) Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Liu1990, Author ={Liu,K-C. and Sunderraman,R.},
Title ={Indefinite and Maybe Information in Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--39",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ an I-table is capable of representing indefinite and maybe facts, is introduced; an operator to remove redundant facts is presented. The relational algebra is then extended; user may now expect indefinite as well as maybe answers Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Liu1990:1, Author ={Liu,K-C. and Sunderraman,R.},
Title ={On Representing Indefinite and Maybe Information in Relational Databases: A Generalization},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs; Wichita State Un. Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Liu1991, Author ={Liu,KenChih },
Title ={Natural Joins in Relational Databases with Indefinite and Maybe Information},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Liu1991:1, Author ={Liu,K-C. and Sunderraman,R.},
Title ={A Generalized Relational Model for Indefinite and Maybe Information},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Liu1989:1, Author ={Liu,L. and Meersman,R.},
Title ={Hyper Object-Relationship Model: Toward a Univied View in Modelling the Real World},
Institution ={.},
Year =1989, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Infolab (Tilburg, The Netherlands) Emphasizes the user's perspective i.e. what are the primary objectives of interest; to serve as a directly usable application interface but diagrams get soon filled with details. Cardinality and connections generalization (subset) aggregation (ownership) association (reference) and tranforms and model operations. Category ={DBDmodel> VOD, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Liu1992, Author ={Liu,L. },
Title ={Exploring Semantics in Aggregation Hierarchies for Object-Oriented Databases },
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Liu1992:1, Author ={Liu,L. and Meersman,R.},
Title ={Activity Model: A Declarative Approach for Capturing Communication Behavior in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ comprehensive hierarchical control flow abstractions Category ={DBDobject> DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Liu1992:2, Author ={Liu,L. and Han,J},
Title ={Counting Compressed Method},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Liu1984, Author ={Liu,M.T., Sheth,A.P., and Singhal,A.},
Title ={An Adaptive Concurrency Control Strategy for Distributed Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Ohio State Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.1>} }

@article{Liu, Author ={Liu,S. and Heller,J.},
Title ={A Record Oriented, Grammar Driven Data Translation Model},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed).},
Pages ="171--190",
Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@book{Livadas1990, Author ={Livadas,Panos E.},
Title ={File structures: theory and practice},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 464pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Un.Florida file structures are presented using PL/1 and OS/MVS Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Livchak1985, Author ={Livchak,A.B.},
Title ={Polynomial Queries to Relational Data Bases},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Apr..},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="107--112",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ a language which can express all polynomial compatible queries Category ={DBDquery, FASAC 329 } }

@article{Livny1986, Author ={Livny,M., Khoshafian,S., and Boral,H.},
Title ={Multi-disk Management Algorithms},
Journal ={IEEE Data Engineering, Vol. 5.},
Year =1986, Pages ="24--36",
Annote ={ clustered, declustered; scheduling FIFO, SSF, own algorithm, FFBF, fastest fitting block first Category ={DBFhard> DBFperf> } }

@article{Livshits1986, Author ={Livshits,I.S.},
Title ={Patent Information Retrieval},
Journal ={Materialno-technicheskoye snabzheniye. Seriya 3: Primeneniye matematicheskikh metodov vychislitelnoy tekhniki i orgtekhniki v materialno-tekhnicheskom snabzhenii, 15.},
Year =1986, Pages ="1--2",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ at Gossnab--Central Sci.Res.Inst.Material, Technical Supply Info., and Technical Econ.Res.of the USSR use of POISK for patent information retrieval. Category ={DBDbiblio, FASAC 57 } }

@article{Lloyd1987, Author ={Lloyd,J.W. and Ramamohanarao,K.},
Title ={Partial-Match Retrieval for Dynamic Files},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark, to appear, ?},
Year =1987, Category ={DBFimpl.2.5>} }

@article{Lloyd1980, Author ={Lloyd,J.W.},
Title ={Optimal Partial-Match Retrieval},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark 20.},
Year =1980, Pages ="406--413",
Category ={DBFindex.6>} }

@article{Lloyd1983, Author ={Lloyd,J.W. and Ramamohanarao,K.},
Title ={Partial-Match Retrieval for Dynamic Files},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark, to appear, ?},
Year =1983, Category ={DBFimpl.2.5>} }

@article{Lloyd1983:1, Author ={Lloyd,J.W.},
Title ={An Introduction to Deductive Database Systems},
Journal ={The Australian Comp. Jour..},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.2>} }

@book{Lloyd1986, Author ={Lloyd,John},
Title ={Theoretical Foundations of Deductive Database Systems},
Publisher ={Cambridge Press, in preparation.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ at Un.Melbourne, DCS (Parkville Victoria, Australia) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Lloyd1986:1, Author ={Lloyd,J.W., Sonenberg, and Topor},
Title ={Integrity Constraint Checking in Stratified DB's},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Melbourne A stratified DB is one whose rules do not have recursive uses of negation. Category ={DBDkb, Ullman } }

@incollection{Lloyd1989, Author ={Lloyd,J.W.},
Title ={Logic as a Foundation for Deductive Database Systems},
Booktitle ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89', Ritter(ed), IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, (San Francisco, -Sep.), N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="323--324",
Annote ={at Un.Bristol, DCS, UK Category ={DBDlogic>} } % ------ LM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@article{Lo1988, Author ={Lo,Virginia M.},
Title ={Heuristic Algorithms for Task Assignments in Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1384--1397",
Volume ="37",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Un.Oregon, CSD Graph theoretic. Greedy works well. Ignores data dependencies. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@article{Lobelle1985, Author ={Lobelle,Marc C.},
Title ={Integration of Diskless Workstation in UNIX United},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="997--1010",
Volume ="15",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Catholique de Louvain (Belgium) tradeoff between a file (object) server or a disk server. Category ={DBDobject> DBFdist> } }

@techreport{Lochovsky1974, Author ={Lochovsky,F.H. and Tsichritzis,D.C.},
Title ={An Educational Data Base Management System},
Institution ={Un.of Toronto, TR.CSRG-33.},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto proposal for APL coded system that simulates both IMS or VANDL and early relational models. Category ={DBDbound> DBDrel, CSRGbox } }

@book{Lochovsky1980, Author ={Lochovsky,F.H. and Taylor,R.D.(eds)},
Title ={Proc.of the 6th VLDB},
Publisher ={IEEE publication 80 CH-1534--7C, 435pp.},
Year =1980, Annote ={Proc.of the VLDB 6, Montreal, 1-3 Oct.1980. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Lochovsky1982, Author ={Lochovsky,F.H. and Tsichritzis,D.C.},
Title ={An Interactive Query Language for External Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="11--21",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Videotex access. Category ={DBDquery.2> } }

@techreport{Lochovsky1986, Author ={Lochovsky,F.H.(ed.)},
Title ={Office and Database Systems Research '86},
Institution ={CSRI-183, Un.Toronto.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ collection includes `Query evaluation in logical query languages' Wood,Peter A survey, with some open problems; `A graphical query language supporting recursion' Mendelzon,A. and Wood,P; `Functional dependencies in Horn-clause queries' Mendelzon and Wood; The idea is that FD's can be used to infer that some backtracking is unnecessary. ---jeff Category ={DBDtheory, DBFILE } }

@techreport{Lochovsky1987, Author ={Lochovsky,F.H. (ed.)},
Title ={Office and Data Base Systems Research '87},
Institution ={Un.Toronto, TR.CSRI-195,},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDintro> DBDoffice>} }

@inproceedings{Lochovsky1990, Author ={Lochovsky,F., Hogg,J., Weiser,S., and Mendelzon,A.},
Title ={OTM: Specifying Office Tasks},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDoffice>} }

@techreport{Lochovsky1989, Author ={Lochovsky,F. (ed.)},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Approach to Database Design and Querying},
Institution ={Proc. of the 8th Intern.Conf., Toronto.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Locke1979, Author ={Locke,P.W.},
Title ={Conditional Membership},
Journal ={CODASYL DDLC Proposal OTH--7910.2.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDbound.5>} }

@article{Locke1979:1, Author ={Locke,P.W.},
Title ={SOURCE and ACHIEVED By Condition: Value based sets},
Journal ={CODASYL DDLC Proposal OTH--7926.},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDschema.3.4> DBDbound.5>} }

@article{Lockman1982, Author ={Lockman,A. and Minsky,N.},
Title ={Unidirectional Transport of Rights and Take-Grant Control},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="597-604",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. (New Brunswick NJ) Control over the movement of rights between the subjects of a system. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@article{Lockemann1968, Author ={Lockemann,P.C. and Knutsen,W.D.},
Title ={Recovery of Disk Contents after System Failure},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , page 542},
Year =1968, Month =Aug,
Volume ="18",
Number ="8",
Category ={DBFuse-4.5>} }

@book{Lockemann1977, Author ={Lockemann,P.C. and Neuhold,E.J.(eds)},
Title ={Systems for Large Data Bases},
Publisher ={Proc. Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 2, N-H.},
Year =1977, Annote ={Papers from VLDB 2, the 2nd Int. Conf. on VLDB. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Lockemann1968:1, Author ={Lockemann,P.C. and Knutsen,W.D.},
Title ={Recovery of Disk Contents after System Failure},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , pp.542.},
Year =1968, Month =Aug,
Volume ="11",
Number ="8",
Category ={DBFuse-4.5>} }

@book{Lockeman1987, Author ={Lockeman,P.C. and Schmidt,H-J.(eds.)},
Title ={Datenbank-Handbuch},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1987, Annote ={collection of commissioned DBdesign articles. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@incollection{Lockeman1987:1, Author ={Lockeman,P.C. and Dittrich,K.R.},
Title ={Architektur von Datenbanksystemen},
Booktitle ={Datenbank-Handbuch, Lockeman and Schmidt (eds.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1987, Pages ="85--161",
Annote ={role of data dictionary, ANSI-SPARC interfaces. Category ={DBDarchitecture> } }

@inproceedings{Loeb1984, Author ={Loeb,D. and Yun,D.},
Title ={The CMS-HELP Expert System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois; SMU Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Lohman1977, Author ={Lohman,G.M. and Muckstadt,J.A.},
Title ={Optimal Policy for Batch Operations: Backup, Checkpointing, Reorganization, and Updating},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Pages ="209--222",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Jet Propulsion Lab.; Cornell Un. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBFtechn.5, Shel } }

@techreport{Lohman1984, Author ={Lohman,G.M., Haas,L.M., Kistler,R., Selinger,P.G., and Daniels,D.},
Title ={Optimization of Nested Queries in a Distributed Relational Database},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RJ4260.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2> DBDrel.3.4>} }

@techreport{Lohman1984:1, Author ={Lohman,G.M., Mohan,C., Haas,L.M., Lindsay,B.G., Selinger,P.G., Wilms,P.F., and Daniels,D.},
Title ={Query Processing in R*},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RJ4272.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={includes good annotated bibliography Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2> DBDrel.3.4, DBfile } }

@techreport{Lohman1987, Author ={Lohman,Guy M.},
Title ={Grammar-like Functional Rules for Representing Query Optimization Alternatives},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RJ-5992.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res. Structuring the query optimizer using transformation rules has been proposed as a means to achieve extensibility. Lohman seeks to establish an alternative method which is based on the use of grammar-like rules which would generate the different plans. The terminals of the grammar are the query interpreter operators. These have associated procedures to manipulate `property vectors' which are associated with the plans. The applicability of rules can be restricted by conditions (which are C procedures). The claim that the generation of alternatives is controlled and hence faster than the transformation rule based approach is a reasonable one. However, the number of valid alternatives is still very large. Controlling the generation process to heuristically prune the valid space is an important open problem. It is not clear that the architecture proposed above would permit such control in a simple and elegant fashion. ---arun Category ={DBDimpl> DBDquery, DBfile } }

@techreport{Lohman1988, Author ={Lohman,G.M., Haas,L.M., Freytag,J.C., and Pirahesh,H.},
Title ={Extensible Query Processing in Starburst},
Institution ={IBM Almaden, Res.R. No.RJ-6610.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdis> DBDquery, DBfile} }

@techreport{Lohman1988:1, Author ={Lohman,G.M. and Ono,K.},
Title ={Extensible Enumeration of Feasible Joins for Relational Query Optimization},
Institution ={IBM Almaden, Res.R. No.RJ-6625.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDquery> DBDimplement, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Lohman1989, Author ={Lohman,Guy},
Title ={Is query optimization a 'solved' problem?},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Database Query Optimization, Portland OR.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ No. Mentions cardinality estimation, rule-based optimization, and search strategies as open areas. Thinks optimizer learning (from experience) has real sex appeal. Very opinionated. Considers work on yet another hash-join algorithm, semijoin ordering, and partition-oblivious parallel join worthless. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Lohman1991, Author ={Lohman,G.M., Lapis,G., Lehman,T., Agrawal,R., Cochrane,R., McPherson,J., Mohan,C., Pirahesh,H., and Widom,J.},
Title ={Starburst II: The Extender Strikes Back!!},
Booktitle ={ACM-SIGMOD 91, Boulder, video?.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM Almaden Research Center Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Loizou1986, Author ={Loizou,G. and Thanisch, P.},
Title ={A Polynomial-time Join Dependency Implication Algorithm for Unary Multi-valued Dependencies},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.London, Birkbeck Coll. (UK) Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Loizou1984, Author ={Loizou,G. and Thanisch,P.},
Title ={Do embedded dependencies always lead to a wild goose chase?},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the British National Conference on Databases 3, Longstaff(ed), ; ACM CR 8609-??.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="41--56",
Annote ={at Un.London Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Lombardi1960, Author ={Lombardi,L.},
Title ={Theory of Files},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS, IRE (now IEEE) pub. New York.},
Year =1960, Pages ="137--141",
Annote ={Design Category ={DBFseq.0>} }

@article{Lomet1975, Author ={Lomet,D.B.},
Title ={Scheme for Invalidating Free References},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1975, Month =Jan,
Pages ="26--35",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC (Yorktown Heights NY) Tombstones for storage references. Category ={DBFindex.4> %Lomet75 } }

@inproceedings{Lomet1981, Author ={Lomet,D.B.},
Title ={Digital BTrees},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="333--344",
Annote ={ The bits of the key to compute which page of the node is desired. Digital search? Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFimpl> } }

@article{Lomet1987, Author ={Lomet,David B.},
Title ={Partial Expansions for File Organizations with an Index},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="65--84",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Wang (Tyngboro, MA) a way to increase file space with substantial improvement in file utilization elastic buckets come in a number of sizes. Category ={DBFindex> } }

@article{Lomet1987:1, Author ={Lomet,D.B. and Salzberg,B.},
Title ={The hBTree: A Robust Multi-Attribute Indexing Method},
Journal ={Northeastern Un., TR-NU-CCS-87-24.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Wang; Northeastern Un. Category ={DBFindex, DBfile} }

@article{Lomet1988, Author ={Lomet,David B.},
Title ={A Simple Bounded Disorder File Organization with Good Performance},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8904-0253.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="525--551",
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Digital Equipment Corp., (Nashua NH) Index entries refer to large data nodes which are treated as separate hashed files. ---Can. Category ={DBFadvindex> DBFhash> } }

@inproceedings{Lomet1989, Author ={Lomet,D.B. and Salzberg,B.},
Title ={A Robust Multi-Attribute Search Structure},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@article{Lomet1988:1, Author ={Lomet,D. and Salzberg,B.},
Title ={Access Methods for Multiversion Data},
Journal ={Northeastern Un., TR-CCS-88-7.},
Year =1988, Annote ={Temporal database. WriteOnceReadMany disk drives; DBMS must plan carefully to write the index correctly the first time ---Bash. Category ={DBFtree> DBDindex> DBFadvindex, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Lomet1990, Author ={Lomet,D. and Salzberg,B.},
Title ={Performance of Multiversion Databases},
Booktitle ={Northeastern Un., NU-CCS-90-1.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at DEC; Northeastern Un. Time-split Btree is an integrated index structure for a versioned timestamped database. It gradually migrates data from a current database to a historical database, records migrating when nodes split. Records valid at the split time are placed in both an historical node and a current node. Category ={DBDindex> DBFperf, DBfile } }

@article{Lomet1990:1, Author ={Lomet,D. and Salzberg,B.},
Title ={The hB-TRee: A Multiattributable Indexing Method with Good Guaranteed Performance},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ multiattributable index ; node splitting produces nodes that can be characterized as holey bricks Category ={DBFindex> } }

@techreport{Lomet1991, Author ={Lomet,D. and Salzberg,B.},
Title ={Media Recovery with Time-split B-trees},
Institution ={Northeastern TR NU-CCS-91-16.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDreliab> DBFtree> DBFrecovery, DBfile} }

@techreport{Lomet1992, Author ={Lomet,D. and Salzberg,B.},
Title ={Rollback Databases},
Institution ={Northeastern TR NU-CCS-92-3.},
Year =1992, Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Lomet1992:1, Author ={Lomet,David},
Title ={MLR: A Recovery Method for Multi-Level Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDreliab> } }

@inproceedings{Lomet1992:2, Author ={Lomet,D. and Betty Salzberg,B.},
Title ={Access Method Concurrency with Recovery},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Lomet1993, Author ={Lomet,David},
Title ={Using Timestamping to Optimize Two Phase Commit},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Lomet1993:1, Author ={Lomet,D. and Salzberg,B.},
Title ={Exploiting History for Database Backup},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Lomet1993:2, Author ={Lomet,David},
Title ={Key Range Locking Strategies for Improved Concurrency},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Lomuto1983, Author ={Lomuto,N., Rajeev,S., and Grover,V.},
Title ={The Ada Runtime Kit (ARK)},
Booktitle ={IEEE Comp. Soc. Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Softech (Waltham MA) Category ={DBFrealtime> DBDlang> } }

@book{London1972, Author ={London,Keith},
Title ={Techniques for direct access},
Publisher ={Auerbach (Philadelphia PA).},
Year =1972, Annote ={at consultant Description and evaluation of indexed sequential, indexed and direct access techniques. Description of standard disk-units and drums. Category ={DBFseq> } }

@inproceedings{Long1988, Author ={Long,D.D.E. and Paris,J-F.},
Title ={A Realistic Evaluation of Optimistic Dynamic Voting},
Booktitle ={Proc.7th Symp. on Reliable Distributed Systems, (Ohio State, ), IEEE 1988.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Pages ="129--137",
Annote ={at UC Santa Cruz, CIS Board of Studies Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDconc, DBfile Paris } }

@inproceedings{Long1987, Author ={Long,D.D.E. and Paris,J-F.},
Title ={On Improving the Availability of Replicated Files},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Symp. on Reliability 6, Williamsburg.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at CSRG, UCSD Replication. Category ={DBDdist> DBFreliab, DBfile Paris } }

@inproceedings{Long1989, Author ={Long,Darrell D.E.},
Title ={Regeneration Protocols for Replicated Objects},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBFsecurity>} }

@inproceedings{Long1989:1, Author ={Long,D.D.E., Paris,J-F., and Caroll,J.L.},
Title ={Reliability of Replicated Data Objects},
Booktitle ={to appear in Proc. Phoenix Conf. on ?? and Communication.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBFdist, DBfile Paris} }

@article{Long1986, Author ={Long,J.M. and the POSCH group},
Title ={The POSCH Data Processing Experience: the Problem of Metadata},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Pages ="173--183",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota A shared medical database needs good and manageable schema information. Category ={DBDschema> MIS> } }

@article{Long1971, Author ={Long,P.L., Rashogi,K.B.L., Rush,J.E., and Wycoff,J.A.},
Title ={Large On-Line Files of Bibliographic Data. An Efficient and a MaThematical Prediction of Retrieval Behavior},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf-71, N-H, pp.473.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBDquery.1>} }

@article{Long1969, Author ={Long,Robert H.},
Title ={Building a Loan Information System},
Journal ={The Magazine of Bank Administration, and Dec..},
Year =1969, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@book{Long1970, Author ={Long,Senator},
Title ={Government Dossier},
Publisher ={Arno Press, NY .},
Year =1970, Annote ={Privacy issues (Survey 1967) Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@inproceedings{Longstaff1982, Author ={Longstaff,J.},
Title ={ERQ: Controlled Inference and Instruction Techniques for DBMS Query Languages},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="111--117",
Annote ={at Leeds Polytechnic (UK) Category ={DBDquery.3>} }

@book{Longstaff1984, Author ={Longstaff,J.},
Title ={Proceedings of the Third British National Conference on Databases (BNCOD 3)},
Publisher ={Cambridge Un.Press.},
Year =1984, Annote ={Meeting held at Leeds, UK, Jul.1984 Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Loo1971, Author ={Loo,John, O'Donald,B.T., and Whiteman,I.R.},
Title ={Real Time Considerations for an Airline},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1971, Pages ="83--92",
Volume ="38",
Annote ={at Eastern Inc. (Miami FL) Discussion of requirements for various airline applications. Category ={DBFeval.1> } }

@book{Loomis1983, Author ={Loomis,Mary E.S.},
Title ={Data Management and File-Processing},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ emphasizes data structures in the first half. Uses COBOL and pseudocode. Category ={DBDmodel.0> } }

@book{Loomis1987, Author ={Loomis,Mary E.S.},
Title ={The Database Book},
Publisher ={MacMillan, 465pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8707-537 and 8903-0116.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ includes semantic modeling, IDEF. First Applications to logical modeling, keys, connections. Mapping to relations, normalization 1,2,3 BCNF, 4NF, 5NF. Mapping to Codasyl; hierarchies. Views and Integration. Physical design. DBA. Data Dictionary, Data protection with REDO and UNDO. Directions. Fairly informal. The user's point of view. Aims at a business school audience. Good job of presenting the main ideas of data modeling, database design -- at the physical and logical level --, and data administration. ---Mendelzon. Category ={DBDmodel.0> } }

@book{Loomis1989, Author ={Loomis,Mary E.S.},
Title ={Data Management and File Structures},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 2nd ed., 488pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8908-0524.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at U.Arizona? in memory structures, sorting (half of book), then OS files, sequential files, direct and hashing, index, multiple key. the second section covers file systems, sequential files, sorting and merging files, relative files, index structures, indexed sequential files and multi-key files. ---Figueres. Category ={DBFintro, x } }

@techreport{Lopez1984, Author ={Lopez,Mauricio},
Title ={Modeling and Handling Generalized Data in the TIGRE project},
Institution ={Res.R., CII-Honeywell-Bull Res.Ctr , rcvd .},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Grenoble, IMAG, (France) Category ={DBDmodel> DBDbound.6, DBfile } }

@techreport{LopezDeMantaras1984, Author ={LopezDeMantaras,R.},
Title ={Fuzzy Logics for Approximate Reasoning},
Institution ={tutorial given at FGSC, (Rotterdam, The Netherlands).},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Polytechnica de Barcelona, (Spain) Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Lorentzos1988, Author ={Lorentzos,N.A. and Johnson,R.G.},
Title ={Requirements Specification for a Temporal Extension to the Relational Model},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="26--33",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at London Un., DCS, UK Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Lorenz1991, Author ={Lorenz,Sven},
Title ={Nonmonotonic temporal reasoning: persistence, justified causation and event minimization},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at IBM, Stuttgart depend on events Category ={DBDkb> DBDops> } }

@article{Lorie1972, Author ={Lorie,R.A. and Symonds,A.J.},
Title ={A Relational Access Method for Interactive Applications},
Journal ={Data Base Systems, Rustin(ed), Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1972, Pages ="99--124",
Annote ={at IBM, Cambridge Scientific Ctr Application of relational data base developed from LEAP interfaced to APL for communication network design. Category ={DBFhybrid.7.5> } }

@techreport{Lorie1974, Author ={Lorie,R.A.},
Title ={XRM--An Extended (n-ary) Relational Memory},
Institution ={Rep. No.G320-2096, IBM Cambridge Scientific Ctr, Cambridge MA.},
Year =1974, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ Support file structure for relations in virtual file environment with measurements. Category ={DBFhybrid.7.5> DBDrel.2, x4book> } }

@article{Lorie1977, Author ={Lorie,R.A.},
Title ={Physical Integrity in a Large Segmented Database},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Month Mar,
Pages ="91--104",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ SYSTEM R mechanism for committ and recovery. Shadow pages. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDintegrity-3> } }

@techreport{Lorie1977:1, Author ={Lorie,R.A. and Wade,B.W.},
Title ={The Compilation of a Very High-Level Language},
Institution ={Res.R. RJ2008, IBM Corp, San Jose CA.},
Year =1977, Month =May,
Annote = {} }

@article{Lorie1978, Author ={Lorie,R.A. and Nilsson,J.F.},
Title ={An Access Secification Language for a Relational Data Base System},
Journal ={Res.R.RJ2218, IBM Res., San Jose.},
Year =1978, Month Apr,
Annote ={ defines an intermediate language related to RSS for System R. Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDrel.2> DBDrel.3, DBfile } }

@book{Lorie1983, Author ={Lorie,R.(ed)},
Title ={Engineering Design Applications},
Publisher ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, Proc., Database Week, San Jose CA.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={Special meeting, sponsored by ACM and IEEE. Category ={DBappl> EIS> } }

@techreport{Lorie1982, Author ={Lorie,Raymond and Plouffe,Wilfred},
Title ={Complex Objects and Their Use in Design Transactions},
Institution ={IBM, RJ 3706 (42922).},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Category ={DBDobject> EIS> DBDdesign.7.5, DBfile } }

@article{Lorie1989, Author ={Lorie,R., Daudenarde,J-J., Hallmark,G., Stamos,J., and Young,H.},
Title ={Adding Intra-Transaction Parallelism to an Existing DBMS: Early Experience},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="2--8",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Paradata. Category ={DBDarchitecture>} }

@inproceedings{Lorie1989:1, Author ={Lorie,R.A. and Young,H.C.},
Title ={A Low Communication Sort Algorithm for a Parallel Database Machine},
Booktitle ={IBM TR RJ 6669.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM Almaden RC (San Jose CA) Parallelism; the file is distributed on many sites and the result is needed. Category ={DBDobject> DBFseq> DBFdist> DBFmach, DBfile } }

@book{Lorie1990, Author ={Lorie,R. and Daudenarde,J-J.},
Title ={SQL and its Applications},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at IBM,San Jose Category ={DBDrel>} }

@book{Lorin1972, Author ={Lorin,H.},
Title ={Parallelism in Hardware and Software},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers,},
Year =1972, Annote ={at IBM, SRI (NY) Has description and history of file operations and buffering. Category ={DBFstorage-2> } }

@article{Lorin1979, Author ={Lorin,H.},
Title ={Distributed processing: An assessment},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J.,},
Year =1979, Pages ="582--603",
Volume ="18",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Lou1991, Author ={Lou,Y. and Ozsoyoglu,Z.},
Title ={LLO: An Object-Oriented Deductive Language with Methods and Method Inheritance},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlang> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Louis1982, Author ={Louis,G. and Pirotte,A.},
Title ={A Denotational Definition of the Semantics of DRC, A Domain Relational Calculus},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="348--356",
Annote ={at Philips Res.Lab, Bruxelles (Belgium); CCA Category ={DBDmodel.1> } }

@article{Louizou1979, Author ={Louizou,G.},
Title ={Mathematical Solution for a Data Processing System},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Volume ="8",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ at (77 The Chase, Eastcote, Pinner, Middlesex UK) Category ={DBFtechn, DBfile } }

@techreport{Loveland1987, Author ={Loveland,D.W.},
Title ={Near-Horn PROLOG},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Duke Un. Proposes an efficient extension to Prolog: allowing a few rule heads to be disjunctions. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Loveman1971, Author ={Loveman,D.B., Moyne,J.A., and Toby,R.R.},
Title ={CUE, a Preprocessor System for Restricted, Natural English},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGIR .},
Year =1971, Pages ="47--59",
Annote ={at IBM (Cambridge MA) Backup system for IR user to formulate queries (Customize the use of English for limited fields of discourse applied to a small computer science library). Category ={DBDquery, xB10 } }

@inproceedings{Low1992, Author ={Low,C., Ooi,B., and Lu,H.},
Title ={H-trees: A Dynamic Associative Search Index for OODB},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFindex> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Lowden1986, Author ={Lowden,B.G.T. and DeRoeck,A.N.},
Title ={The REMIT System for Paraphrasing Relational Query Expressions into Natural Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Essex, UK Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Lowe1968, Author ={Lowe,Thomas C.},
Title ={The Influence of Data Base Characteristics and Usage on Direct Access File Organization},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1968, Month =Oct,
Pages ="535--548",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Informatics Analysis of text data files using an index or linkage to index terms. Category ={DBFhybrid> DBFeval> DBFrepresent> DBDperf> } }

@techreport{Lowe1970, Author ={Lowe,T.C. and Roberts,D.C.},
Title ={On-Line Retrieval},
Institution ={Informatics, Inc., Bethesda MD, AD 706 866.},
Year =1970, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Lowenthal1971, Author ={Lowenthal,E.I.},
Title ={A Functional Approach to the Design of Storage Structures for Generalized Data Management Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Texas.},
Year =1971, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@techreport{Lowenthal1973, Author ={Lowenthal,Eugene I., et al},
Title ={System 2000},
Institution ={Reference Manual, MRI,},
Year =1973, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at MRI Systems Corp (Austin TX) Description of a data base management system available for IBM, Univac, and CDC computers. Category ={DBDbound> } }

@article{Lowenthal1976, Author ={Lowenthal,E.I.},
Title ={The Backend Computer},
Journal ={Current Directions in DPM Development, Auerbach, Pennsauken NJ.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBDdist> DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Lowenthal1977, Author ={Lowenthal,E.I.},
Title ={A Survey--The Application of Data Base Management Computers in Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed).},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Pages ="85--92",
Annote ={ This paper classifies Database Computer into three groups depending on their operations as well as their relationship to other computers: An intelligent controller, backend, and datacomputer. (Kitty Shih comment) Category ={DBDdist> DBFmach> } }

@book{Lowenthal1978, Author ={Lowenthal,E. and Dale,N.B.(eds)},
Title ={Proc.of the ACM-SIGMOD International Conf. on Management of Data},
Publisher ={ACM, New York , 180pp.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ Papers from a Conf. held in Austin TX, May 31-June2, 1978. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Lowenthal1982, Author ={Lowenthal,E.},
Title ={Database Management Systems for Local Area Networks},
Journal ={IEEE Computer Magazine.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFstorage-3.4>} }

@techreport{Lowry1940, Author ={Lowry,E.S.},
Title ={Proposed Language Extensions to Aid Coding and Analysis of Large Programs},
Institution ={IBM, Poughkeepsie Lab. , TR. TR00.-1, 1969},
Year =1940, Month =Nov,
Annote ={Domain definition through range statements. Category ={DBDschema, x7>%Lowry69 } }

@inproceedings{Lozinskii1978, Author ={Lozinskii,E.L.},
Title ={Performance Consideration in Relational Data Base Design},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="273--317",
Annote ={at Hebrew Un. (Jerusalem, Israel) Category ={DBDperf>} }

@article{Lozinskii1986, Author ={Lozinskii,Eliezer L.},
Title ={A problem-oriented inferential database system},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Pages ="323--356",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at The Hebrew Un., Inst.of Math and CS, (Jerusalem, Israel) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Lozinskii1984, Author ={Lozinskii,Eliezer L.},
Title ={Inference by Generating and Structuring Deductive Databases},
Institution ={Hebrew Un., TR-84-11.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Lozinskii1984:1, Author ={Lozinskii,E.L.},
Title ={Deduction in Relational Databases Directed by Problem-Specific Data},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={ at The Hebrew Un., Inst.of Math and CS, (Jerusalem, Israel) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Lozinskii1988, Author ={Lozinskii,Eliezer L.},
Title ={Computing Facts in Non-Horn Deductive Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="273--279",
Annote ={ at The Hebrew Un., Inst.of Math and CS, (Jerusalem, Israel) 'Use of multiple ?? is due to generation of multiple hypotheses in for instance symptoms of diseases'. --Gio? By converting general rules to Horn clauses for multi-head rules, new symbols for negated terms. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Lu1987, Author ={Lu,H., Mikkilineni,K., and Richardson,J.P.},
Title ={Design and Evaluation of Algorithms to Compute the Transitive Closure of a Database Relation},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Lu1987:1, Author ={Lu,Hongjun},
Title ={New Strategies for Computing the Transitive Closure of a Database Relation},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={not presented. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDquery> DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Lu1990, Author ={Lu,H. and Tan,K.L.},
Title ={Buffer and Load Balancing in Locally Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at National University of Singapore, Singapore Category ={DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Lu1991, Author ={Lu,H. and Ooi,B-C.},
Title ={Multilevel Security Control in Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Lu1991:1, Author ={Lu,H., Shan,M-C., and Tan,K-L.},
Title ={Optimization of Multi-Way Join Queries for Parallel Execution},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ the optimizer also determines joins to be executed in parallel, and the number of processors to be allocated to each join Category ={DBDops> DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Lu1993, Author ={Lu,H., Ooi,N., and and Goh.C.},
Title ={Multidatabase Query Optimization: Issues and Solutions},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at National University of Singapore Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Lu1992, Author ={Lu,W. and Han,J.},
Title ={Distance Associated Join Indices for Spatial Range Search},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. Category ={DBFstorage} }

@inproceedings{Luan1989, Author ={Luan,Y.Q., Ohbo,N., Kitagawa,H., and Fujiwara,Y.},
Title ={Functional Approach to Chemical Structure Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="80--89",
Annote ={at Un.Tsukuba, Program in Eng.Sciences Category ={DBDappl, DBfile Kitagawa } }

@article{Lubars1991, Author ={Lubars,Mitchell},
Title ={Representing Design Dependencies in an Issue-Based Style},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1991, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at MCC IBIS method of structured recording of information justifications and its algebra supported by browsing tool Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Lucas1971, Author ={Lucas,Henry C.jr.},
Title ={A User-Oriented Approach to Systems Design},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf,},
Year =1971, Pages ="325--338",
Annote ={at Space Telescope Science Inst. Initial document for SYBASE and IBM-based DBMS for the NASA Space Telescope Operations planning. ---Gio. Category ={DBDappl, NASA box with other reports at NYU, Category ={DBFeval> } }

@article{Lucas1971:1, Author ={Lucas,Henry C.jr.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation and Monitoring},
Journal ={ACM Comp.Surveys,},
Year =1971, Month =Sep,
Pages ="79--91",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFtechn.2>%Lucas71} }

@book{Lucas1973, Author ={Lucas,Henry C.jr.},
Title ={Computer Based Information Systems in Organizations},
Publisher ={SRA.},
Year =1973, Annote ={Broad overview of management applications. Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@article{Lucas1975, Author ={Lucas,H.C.Jr.},
Title ={Performance and the Use of an Information System},
Journal ={Management Science.},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="908--919",
Volume ="21",
Annote ={ Identifies performance feedback to information system usage. evaluation and analysis of use of data by salesmen Category ={DBFeval.1> DBDadmin> %Lucas75P } }

@book{Lucas1975:1, Author ={Lucas,Henry C.jr.},
Title ={Why Information-Systems Fail},
Publisher ={Columbia Un.Press, Irvington NY,},
Year =1975, Annote ={ technological aspects versus organizational aspects Category ={DBDadmin>%Lucas75W } }

@incollection{Lucas1981, Author ={Lucas,H.C.},
Title ={The Evolution of An Information System: From Key-Man to Every Person},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@book{Lucas1981:1, Author ={Lucas,H.C.,jr.},
Title ={Systems, Objectives, Solutions},
Publisher ={N-H Computer Publications Survey, Lucas(ed).},
Year =1981, Annote ={ at NYU, Graduate School of Business Administration Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@book{Lucas1981:2, Author ={Lucas,H.C.},
Title ={The Analysis, Design, and Implementation of Information Systems},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 419pp.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBappl> DBDadmin, x} }

@book{Lucas1986, Author ={Lucas,Henry C.Jr.},
Title ={Information Systems Concepts for Management},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 3rd ed., 571pp.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDintro>} }

@book{Lucas1985, Author ={Lucas,Henry C.Jr.},
Title ={The analysis, design, and implementation of information systems},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 495pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8607-??.},
Year =1985, Annote ={life cycle, the text is dated. ---Bellin Category ={DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Lucas1986:1, Author ={Lucas,R.J.},
Title ={An Expert System to Detect Burglars Using a Logic Language and a Relational Database},
Booktitle ={BNCoD 5.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Lucas1989, Author ={Lucas,Robert},
Title ={Database Applications Using Prolog},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 159pp; Halsted Press, 1988, 159pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9008-0648.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at King's Coll., (Aberdeen UK) tight coupling; Prolog with Mimer; the book contains 3 prototype systems implemented. Category ={DBDappl> DBDkb> } }

@article{Luccio1972, Author ={Luccio,Fabrizio},
Title ={Weighted Increment Linear Search for Scatter Tables},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1045--1047",
Volume ="15",
Number ="12",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@book{Luckham1984, Author ={Luckham,D.C., vonHenke,F.W., KriegBruekner,B., and Owe,O.},
Title ={ANNA: a Language for Annotating ADA Programs},
Publisher ={Stanford Un., CSL, TR-84-261,265, -Sep..},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. DADAISM. Work in progress. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang, lang.shelf } }

@techreport{Luckham1986, Author ={Luckham,D.C., Neff,R., and Rosenblum,D.},
Title ={An Environment for Ada Software Development Based on Formal Specification},
Institution ={Stanford Un., TR-CSL-86-305.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDlang, DBFile} }

@inproceedings{Luckham1983, Author ={Luckham,David C.},
Title ={On the design of ANNA, a specification language for ADA},
Booktitle ={Proc. Software validation: Inspection -- Testing -- Verification -- Alternatives, FRG, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. assertions are ADA comments... highly recommend. ---Berry. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@unpublished{Luckham, Author ={Luckham,D. and Gennart,B.},
Title ={Event Patterns: a language construct for Hierarchical Design of Concurrent Systems},
Note ={?},
Annote ={ Event patterns are a language construct for expressing relationships between specifications at different levels of a hierarchical design of a concurrent system. They provide a facility missing from current hardware design languages such as VHDL, or programming languages with parallel constructs such as Ada. This paper explains the use of event patterns in (1) defining mappings between different levels of a design hierarchy, and (2) automating the comparison of the behavior of different design levels during simulation. It describes the language constructs for defining event patterns and mappings, and shows their use in a design example, a 16-bit CPU. Category ={DENG> } }

@techreport{Lucking1972, Author ={Lucking,J.},
Title ={The Data Administrator --- His Role and His Needs},
Institution ={Infotech.},
Year =1972, Category ={DBDadmin.8>} }

@article{Lucking1974, Author ={Lucking,J.R.},
Title ={Data Base Languages, in Particular DDL Development at CODASYL},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="35--50",
Annote ={Review of DBTG work. Category ={DBDschema.6, x7.6>%Lucking74 } }

@techreport{Ludwig1986, Author ={Ludwig,George H.},
Title ={Space Research Data Management in the National Aeronautics and Space Administration},
Institution ={NASA Tech.Memo .},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Number ="89403",
Annote ={at NASA Category ={DBappl> EIS, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Ludwig1987, Author ={Ludwig,George H.},
Title ={The Planetary Data System: A Distributed Approach to Space Data Management},
Note ={},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Un.Colorado, Lab.for Atm. and Space Physics, Boulder NASA recommendation Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@techreport{Ludwig1988, Author ={Ludwig,T., Walter,B., Ley,M., Maier,A., and Gehlen,E.},
Title ={LILOG-DB: Database Support for Knowledge-Based Systems},
Institution ={IBM Deutschland GmbH, LILOG Rep. ,},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Number ="56",
Annote ={at RWTH Aachen, Lehrstuhl fur Informatik, FRG Category ={DBDkb, Box LILOG } }

@inproceedings{Ludwig1990, Author ={Ludwig,T.},
Title ={A Brief Survey of LILOG-DB},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at RWTH, FRG Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Ludwig1991, Author ={Ludwig,Thomas},
Title ={Modeling Structured Open Worlds in a Database System: The FLL Approach},
Institution ={IWBS report 149.},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDmodel, DBFile LILOGbox} }

@techreport{Ludwig1991:1, Author ={Ludwig,Thomas},
Title ={Query Processing in LILOG-DB: What it is and Where it goes},
Institution ={IWBS report 155.},
Year =1991, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ reviews the data model and query language and design rationales and compares it with Datalog; also evaluates their experiences Category ={DBDkb, DBfile LILOGbox } }

@techreport{Ludwig1991:2, Author ={Ludwig,Thomas},
Title ={XFTA: A Case Study on Extensibility for Deductive Database Algebras},
Institution ={IWBS report 197.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ make C-routines available within Prolog framework; supports objects with methods Category ={DBDlogic, Box LILOG } }

@article{Luk1983, Author ={Luk,W.S.},
Title ={On Estimating Block Accesses in Database Organizations},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Pages ="945--947",
Volume ="26",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. (Canada) Category ={DBDrel.2.3>} }

@article{Luk1986, Author ={Luk,W.S. and Kloster,S.},
Title ={ELFS: English Language From SQL},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="447--472",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. display meaning in natural language is independent of the application domain. Category ={DBDnat> DBDrel> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Luk1989, Author ={Luk,W.S. and Mok,S.},
Title ={A Comparison of I/O Performance of Some Linear Recursive Query Processing Methods},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="293--300",
Annote ={ at Simon Fraser Un., School of CS, (B.C., Canada) Counting is best for shallow search, as in sg problem, the magic sets, then Henschen-Naqvi. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Lum1970, Author ={Lum,V.Y.},
Title ={Multi-Attribute Retrieval with Combined Indexes},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1970, Month =Nov,
Pages ="660--665",
Volume ="1",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ Construction of combined indexes with formulas for number needed. Category ={DBFimpl.2.5> %Lum70 } }

@article{Lum1970:1, Author ={Lum,V.Y., Ling,H., and Senko,M.E.},
Title ={Analysis of a Complex Data Management Access Method by Simulation Modeling},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS , AFIPS Press.},
Year =1970, Pages ="211--222",
Volume ="37",
Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDseven.2>} }

@inproceedings{Lum1971, Author ={Lum,V.Y. and Ling,H.},
Title ={An Optimization Problem on the Selection of Secondary Keys},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 26.},
Year =1971, Pages ="349--456",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Evaluation of tradeoff of retrieval vs. maintenance in the establishment of indexes. Category ={DBFindex.4, xB3.4> %Lum71L } }

@article{Lum1979, Author ={Lum,V.Y., Yuen,P.S.T., and Dodd,M.},
Title ={Key-to-Address Transformation Techniques: A Fundamental Performance Study on Large Existing Formatted Files},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1979, Month Apr,
Pages ="238--239",
Volume ="14",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Measurement of direct access methods Category ={DBDdesign.7.5.1> %Lum71 } }

@article{Lum1973, Author ={Lum,Vincent Y.},
Title ={General Performance Analysis of Key-to-Address Transformation Methods Using an Abstract File Concept},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Pages ="603--612",
Volume ="16",
Number ="10",
Annote ={ analysis and results using distributions from the entire key domain. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@article{Lum1975, Author ={Lum,V.Y., Senko,M.E., Wang,C.P., and Ling,H.},
Title ={A Cost Oriented Algorithm for Data Set Allocation in Storage Hierarchies},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1975, Month =Jun,
Pages ="318--322",
Volume ="18",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFuse-3>} }

@inproceedings{Lum1979:1, Author ={Lum,V.Y., Jefferson,D., Su,S., Fry,S., and Yao,B.},
Title ={1978 New Orleans Data Base Design Workshop Report},
Booktitle ={IBM San Jose, Res.R. No.RJ2554,},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDschema.6> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Lum1984, Author ={Lum,V., Dadam,P., Erbe,R., Guenauer,J., Pistor,P., Walsh,G., Werner,H., and Woodfill,J.},
Title ={Designing DBMS support for the Temporal Dimension},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record, vol.14 no.2.},
Year =1984, Annote ={tuple time-stamping and fast access. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Lum1988, Author ={Lum,V., Wu,T., and Hsiao,D.},
Title ={Integrating advanced techniques into multimedia DBMS},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at USA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Lunbeck1986, Author ={Lunbeck,R.J.},
Title ={File Updating Revisited},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8702-?.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Pages ="235--341",
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at TU Eindhoven (The Netherlands) Category ={DBFseq>} }

@inproceedings{Lundberg1982, Author ={Lundberg B.},
Title ={IMT--An Information Modelling Tool ,},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP WG8.1 WC on Automated Tools for IS Design and Development New Orleans, USA.},
Year =1982, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Lundberg1982:1, Author ={Lundberg,B.},
Title ={On Information Modelling in First Order Predicate Logic},
Institution ={SYSLAB TR.10.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Lundberg1982:2, Author ={Lundberg,Bengt},
Title ={On Correctness of Information Models},
Journal ={PhD Th., SYSLAB Report .},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Un.Stockholm, SYSLAB three criteria consistency, satisfiability and completeness can be formally checked. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Lundberg1984, Author ={Lundberg,Bengt},
Title ={Information Modeling and the Axiomatic Method},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Stockholm, SYSLAB, (Sweden) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Lunn1984, Author ={Lunn,K. and Bennett,K.H.},
Title ={Technique for redundancy control in a distributed hierarchical filestore},
Journal ={Inf.Tech.Res.Dev.Appl, ; ACM-CR 8512-1130.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Bradford overlay technique for replication of access paths and files a file can be located if and only if there exists a volume online which contains a copy of that file. ---Kriegel. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@techreport{Lunt1988, Author ={Lunt,T.F., Neumann,P.G., Denning,D., Schell,R.R., Heckman,M., and Shockley,W.R.},
Title ={Secure Distributed Data Views -- Vol.1: Security Policy and Policy Interpretation for a Class A1 Multilevel Secure},
Institution ={SRI, TR-CSL-88-8.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at SRI, CS Lab; Gemini Computers (Monterey CA) Category ={DBDprotection, Keller } }

@techreport{Lunt1989, Author ={Lunt,T.F., Denning,D.E., Schell,R.R., Heckman,M., and Shockley,W.R.},
Title ={Secure Distributed Data Views -- Vol.2: The SeaView Formal Security Policy Model},
Institution ={SRI, TR-CSL-88-15.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDprotection, Keller} }

@techreport{Lunt1989:1, Author ={Lunt,T. and Whitehurst,R.A.},
Title ={The Seaview Formal Top Level Specifications},
Institution ={SRI, Project 1143, A007 Final Rep., A.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Volume ="3",
Annote ={at SRI, CS Lab Category ={DBDprotection>} }

@techreport{Lunt1989:2, Author ={Lunt,T. and Whitehurst,R.A.},
Title ={Secure Distributed Data Views: Proofs},
Institution ={SRI, Project 1143, A007 Final Rep., B.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDprotection>} }

@techreport{Lunt1989:3, Author ={Lunt,Teresa F.},
Title ={Secure Distributed Data Views: Identification of Deficiencies and Directions for Future Research},
Institution ={SRI, Project 1143, A007 Final Rep..},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Volume ="4",
Category ={DBDprotect>} }

@article{Lunt1990, Author ={Lunt,T., Denning,D., Schell,R., Heckman,M., and Shockley,W.},
Title ={The SeaView Security Model},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="16",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDsec>} }

@article{Lunt1990:1, Author ={Lunt,T. and Fernandez,E.},
Title ={Database Security},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDsec>} }

@inproceedings{Lunt1991, Author ={Lunt,Teresa F.},
Title ={Security in Database Systems: A Researcher's View},
Booktitle ={Second German Conf. on Computer Security.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDsec, ARK} }

@techreport{Lunt1992, Author ={Lunt,Teresa, et al.},
Title ={A Real-Time Intrusion-Detection Expert System (IDES)},
Institution ={Final TR, SPAWAR, SRI project 6784.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ a stand-alone system that observes user behavior on one or more monitored computer systems, and flags suspicious events Category ={DBDsec, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Luo1993, Author ={Luo,P., Szekely,P, and Neches,R.},
Title ={Management of Interface Design in HUMANOID},
Booktitle ={INTERCHI'93, Amsterdam.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={I3 Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Luqi1988, Author ={Luqi and Ketabchi,M.},
Title ={A Computer-Aided Prototyping System},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="66--72",
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DEng>} }

@book{Lusardi1988, Author ={Lusardi,Frank},
Title ={The Database Experts' Guide to SQL},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 224pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9004-0272.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ intermediate level with SQL trivia; utility of date with BETWEEN operator --- Artz. many examples. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@inproceedings{Lusk1980, Author ={Lusk,E.L., Overbeek,R.A., and Parrello,B.A.},
Title ={Practical Design Methodology for the Implementation of IMS Databases, Using the Entity-Relationship Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 80, Chen and Sprowls(eds).},
Year =1980, Pages ="9--21",
Category ={DBDbound.6>} }

@techreport{Lustig1986, Author ={Lustig and Shmueli},
Title ={Acyclic hypergraph projections and relationships to circular-arc graphs and circular representable hypergraphs},
Institution ={rcvd by Ullman.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Technion the hypergraph structure of a rule (nodes=variables; hyperedges=terms) is important for algorithms that implement logic in a demand-driven, or `lazy' way. That is, `acyclic hypergraphs' allow sideways information passing in a way that avoids some potential redundancy or useless work. ---- Ullman Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@article{Lutz1982, Author ={Lutz,L. and Green,L.},
Title ={Use of Computer Systems in Family Practice Residencies},
Journal ={J. of Family Practice.},
Year =1982, Pages ="369--370",
Volume ="2",
Category ={MCS>} }

@book{Lutz1971, Author ={Lutz, Theo and Klimesch, Herbert},
Title ={Die Datenbank im Informationssystem},
Publisher ={Oldenburg Verlag, Muenchen .},
Year =1971, Annote ={at IBM, Germany and Datum e.V. General data base reference using mainly concepts and structures from IMS. Many application oriented examples. Category ={DBDbound> %Lutz71 } }

@article{Luzi1982, Author ={Luzi,A.D. and Mackenzie,K.D.},
Title ={An Experimental Study of Performance Information Systems},
Journal ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS.},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="243--259",
Volume ="28",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Pennsylvania State Un.; Un.Kansas criteria in systems that measure employee performance are evaluated. Category ={DBappl> } }

@inproceedings{Lyman1985, Author ={Lyman,M., Sager,N., Friedman,C., and Chi,E.},
Title ={Computer-structured Narrative in Ambulatory Care: Its use in Longitudinal Review of Clinical Data},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="82--86",
Annote ={at NYU, Med.Ctr, Dep.Pediatrics Category ={MIS>} }

@inproceedings{Lyman1989, Author ={Lyman,M., Sager,N., Chi,E.C., Tick,L.J., Nhan,N.T., Su,Y., Borst,F., and Scherrer,J-R.},
Title ={Medical Language Processing for Knowledge Representation and Retrievals},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 13, pp. 548--553.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Lynch1981, Author ={Lynch,C. and Brownrigg,E.B.},
Title ={Application of Data Compression Techniques to a Large Bibliographic Database},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="435--447",
Annote ={ at Un.CA Systemwide Administration, Division of Library Automation Applicability and benefits of various data compression techniques to a large bibliographic database, feasibility of implementing Huffman coding algorithms in microcode. Category ={DBFrepresent-4> } }

@book{Lynch1985, Author ={Lynch,C.},
Title ={Data Compression; Techniques and Applications},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBFrepresent-4, QA76.9.D33L96} }

@inproceedings{Lynch1988, Author ={Lynch,Clifford A.},
Title ={Selectivity Estimation and Query Optimization in Large Databases with Highly Skewed Distributions of Column Values},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="240--251",
Annote ={ at UCB, Office of the President, Div.of Library Automation Zipf distributions. Category ={DBDquery> DBFmethod> } }

@inproceedings{Lynch1988:1, Author ={Lynch,C. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Extended User-Defined Indexing with Application to Textual Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="306--317",
Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@inproceedings{Lynch1982, Author ={Lynch,Nancy A.},
Title ={Mutlilevel Atomicity},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="63--69",
Number ="475820",
Annote ={at MIT (Cambridge MA) First a transaction is used as a unit of recovery. Second, a transaction is used to define atomicity: all of the steps of a transaction form a logical atomic unit. To be atomic is called `serializability'. The requirement of serializability is so strong that it seems to exclude efficient implementation of many application databases. Category ={DBDintegrity.1> } }

@inproceedings{Lynch1982:1, Author ={Lynch,N.A., Fischer,M., and Fowler,R.J.},
Title ={A Simple and Efficient Byzantine Generals Algorithm},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="46--52",
Annote ={at MIT, Yale Un.,; Un.Washington The problem of assuring interactive consistency involves a system of N processes, t of which may be unreliable. The problem is for the reliable processes to agree on a binary value sent by a 'general', which may itself be one of the N processes. If the general sends the same value to each process, then all reliable processes must agree on that value, but in any case, they must agree on the same value. Faulty processes can provide conflicting information to different parts of the system. Simple solutions based on majority voting fail, since a faulty process could cause two nonfaulty processes to decide that the majority voted in opposite ways. Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5> } }

@article{Lynch1982:2, Author ={Lynch,N.A., Griffeth,N., Fisher,M.J., and Guibas,L.J.},
Title ={Probabilistic Analysis of a Network Resource Allocation Algorithm},
Journal ={Draft from Georgia Inst.of Technology.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@article{Lynch1983, Author ={Lynch,N.A.},
Title ={Multilevel Atomicity: A New Correctness Criterion for Database Concurrency Control},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="485--503",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at MIT A weaker level of concurrency control than transaction serializability, a generalization of GarciaMolina[1981]. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Lynch1986, Author ={Lynch,N.A. and Merritt,M.},
Title ={Introduction to the Theory of Nested Transactions},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at MIT; ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Lynch1990, Author ={Lynch,N. and Attiya,H.},
Title ={Using Mappings to Prove Timing Properties},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at MIT Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Lyngbaek1984, Author ={Lyngbaek,P. and McLeod,D.},
Title ={Object Management in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="96--122",
Volume ="2",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ This paper really doesn't say much. Two important points to note: (1) It doesn't require that all the workstations in the network implement the same database model as long as they all provide the same network interface. (2) It recognizes that the given model lacks semantic expressiveness among other things. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Lyngbaek1987, Author ={Lyngbaek,P. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Mapping a Semantic Database Model to the Relational Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={ the formal mapping defines properties of equivalence and uniqueness Category ={DBDmodel> DBDnewDBMS> } }

@techreport{Lyngbaek1986, Author ={Lyngbaek,P., Derret,N.P., Fishman,D.H., Kent,W., and Ryan,T.A.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of the Iris Object Manager},
Institution ={HP Labs, TR-STL-86-17.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at HP Labs., (Palo Alto CA) Category ={DBDobject, DBfile Fishman } }

@article{Lyngbaek1988, Author ={Lyngbaek,P. and Vianu,V.},
Title ={Relational Translations of Semantic Models: A Case Study Based on IRIS},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="13--22",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Lyngbaek1990, Author ={Lyngbaek,P., Wilkinson,K., and Hasan,W.},
Title ={The Iris Kernel Architecture},
Booktitle ={EDBT, Venice, Italy.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@book{Lyon1976, Author ={Lyon,J.K.},
Title ={Introduction to Database Design},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) Interscience, New York.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBFintro>} }

@book{Lyon1990, Author ={Lyon,Lockwood},
Title ={The IMS/VS Expert's Guide},
Publisher ={Van Nostrand Reinhold Co..},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Compuware Category ={DBDbound>} }

@inproceedings{Lyons1983, Author ={Lyons,Norma R.},
Title ={Format Based Data Compression},
Booktitle ={ACM Database, SIGDB, Win..},
Year =1983, Pages ="15--18",
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@book{Lyons1986, Author ={Lyons,T.G. and Nissen,J.C.},
Title ={Selecting an Ada environment},
Publisher ={Cambridge Un.Press, NY, 239pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8705-0337.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Software Sciences Ltd. (UK) Category ={DBDlang>} }

@article{Lyytinen1987, Author ={Lyytinen,Kalle},
Title ={Different Perspectives on Information Systems: Problems and Solutions},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="5--46",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Jyvaskyla, Finland model types for system specification. Category ={DBDadmin> DBDdesign> } } % ------- M ------biblio----1949-1991------

@inproceedings{MacDonald1975, Author ={MacDonald,I.G.},
Title ={DMS-1100, Univac's Interpretation of the CODASYL DBTG Proposals},
Booktitle ={Data Base Journal.},
Year =1975, Pages ="3--5",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDbound.5, xSIGMODbox>%MacDonald75} }

@incollection{MacDonald1982, Author ={MacDonald,I.G. and Palmer,I.R.},
Title ={System Development In A Shared Data Environment: A CACI Methodology},
Booktitle ={Information Systems Design Methodologies, IFIP, N-H : A Comparative Review, Olle et al(eds), N-H.},
Year =1982, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{MacDougall1982, Author ={MacDougall,M.H.},
Title ={Computer System Simulation: An Introduction},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, Mcleod and Villansenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ comprehensive and didactic example of simple system simulation, bibliography. Category ={DBFmethods.2> % MacDougall70 } }

@inproceedings{MacGregor1987, Author ={MacGregor,R. and Bates,R.},
Title ={The Loom Knowledge Representation Language},
Booktitle ={Inf.Sci.Inst., ISIRS-87-188.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at USC Explicit notation for closed-world assumptions. Default box, universal box for constraints. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@book{Machlup1962, Author ={Machlup,Fritz},
Title ={The Production and Distribution of Knowledge in the United States},
Publisher ={Princeton Un. Press,},
Year =1962, Annote ={at Princeton Un. Based on economic laws, not hardware. ---Gio. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@book{Maciaszek1990, Author ={Maciaszek,L.A,},
Title ={Database Design and Implementation},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 289pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Un.Wollongong Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Mackellar1988, Author ={Mackellar,B. and Maryanski,F.},
Title ={Reasoning by Analogy in Knowledge Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Mackenzie1979, Author ={Mackenzie,H.G. and Smith,J.L.},
Title ={The Implementation of a Data Base Management System},
Journal ={Auerbach Annual , N-H 1979.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDintro.0> DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Mackenzie1987, Author ={Mackenzie,E. and Snodgrass,R.},
Title ={Extending the Relational Algebra to Support Transaction Time},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.North Carolina Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Mackert1985, Author ={Mackert,L.F. and Lohman,G.M.},
Title ={Index Scans Using a Finite LRU Buffer: A Validated I/O Model},
Journal ={IBM, TR-RC-4836.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res.Ctr, (San Jose CA) consider limited buffer and now unique records for each key value. Category ={DBFindex> } }

@inproceedings{Mackert1986, Author ={Mackert,L.F. and Lohman,G.M.},
Title ={R* Optimizer Validation and Performance Evaluation for Local Queries},
Booktitle ={IBM, TR-RJ-4989.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Mackert1986:1, Author ={Mackert,L.F. and Lohman,G.},
Title ={R* Optimizer Validation and Performance for Distributed Queries},
Booktitle ={IBM, TR-RJ-4989.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDrel> DBDdist>} }

@techreport{MacKinlay1983, Author ={MacKinlay,Jock},
Title ={Intelligent Presentation: The Generation Problem for User Interfaces},
Institution ={Stanford Un., Heuristic Programming Project, TR.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Mackinlay1985, Author ={Mackinlay,J. and Genesereth,M.},
Title ={Expressiveness and Language Choice},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="17--29",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Presentation semantics. Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{MacKinlay1986, Author ={MacKinlay,Jock},
Title ={Using Composition to Design Presentations Automatically},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD TR.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{MacKinlay1986:1, Author ={MacKinlay,Jock},
Title ={Automating the Design of Graphical Presentations of Relational Information},
Booktitle ={To appear in the TOG special issue on user interfaces, rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDquery>in DBfile} }

@techreport{MacKinlay1986:2, Author ={MacKinlay,Jock D.},
Title ={Automatic Design of Graphical Presentations},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, PhD Th., TR-CS-86-1138.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={Image, Thesis shelf} }

@article{Macleod1980, Author ={Macleod,I.A.},
Title ={Sequel as a Language for Document Retrieval},
Journal ={Auerbach Annual , N-H 1981.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Macleod1987, Author ={Macleod,I.A. and Reuber,A.R.},
Title ={The Array Model: a Conceptual Modeling Approach to Document Retrieval},
Journal ={JASIS, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8801-0035.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="162-170",
Volume ="38",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Queen's Un. (Kingston ON) not implemented hierarchic model, query language AQL supports WITH that restricts the succeeding conditions to part of the instance hierarchy. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@inproceedings{Madduri1987, Author ={Madduri,H. and Kumar,A.},
Title ={An Efficient Algorithm for Implementing Semantic Locking},
Booktitle ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Honeywell, Golden Valley (MN) Trick to merge shared versions of pages. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@techreport{Madera1984, Author ={Madera,E.J.},
Title ={New Jersey Self-Help Clearinghouse},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ Clearinghouse uses IBM 34 at St.Clare's hospital to provide access to groups. Category ={MCS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Madison1987, Author ={Madison,D.E. and Wu,C. T.},
Title ={An Expert System and Data Requirements for the Integrated Product Design and Manufacturing Process},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Madison1986, Author ={Madison,D.E. and Wu,C.T.},
Title ={Data Modeling Abstractions and Graphical Interface for Supporting},
Institution ={NPGS, TR.NPS52-86-012..},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBDmodel> EIS, DBfile} }

@article{Madnick1968, Author ={Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={Design Strategies for File Systems: A Working Model},
Journal ={FILE-68 International Seminar on File Organization, Helsingor, Denmark, },
Year =1968, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBFeval>} }

@article{Madnick1970, Author ={Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={A Modular Approach to File System Design},
Journal ={IAG Quarterly Journal.},
Year =1970, Pages ="7--34",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFeval>} }

@techreport{Madnick1970:1, Author ={Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={Design Strategies for File Systems},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Project MAC M.S. Thesis Report TR-78 .},
Year =1970, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFeval>} }

@article{Madnick1975, Author ={Madnick,Stuart E.},
Title ={INFOPLEX: Hierarchical Decomposition of a Large Information Management System Using a Microprocessor Complex},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="581--586",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at MIT Analysis of multilevel storage. Category ={DBFstorage-3.1> } }

@inproceedings{Madnick1979, Author ={Madnick,Stuart E.},
Title ={The INFOPLEX Database Computer: Concepts and Directions},
Booktitle ={IEEE Computer Conf., 26.},
Year =1979, Month =Feb,
Pages ="168--176",
Annote ={ Can be implemented by complexes of multiple-microprocessors, utilizes a storage hierarchy. The information management functions are decomposed into a functional hierarchy implemented by a hierarchy of microprocessors. Decentralized control mechanisms are used. Category ={DBFmach> DBDadmin> DBFstorage-4, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Madnick1983, Author ={Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={Composite information systems: a strategy for system design},
Note ={submitted to Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS quarterly.},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ uses term mediators for a controlling system via virtual terminals I3 Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Madnick1986, Author ={Madnick,S.E. and Hsu,M.},
Title ={INFOPLEX: Research in High-Performance Database Computer},
Booktitle ={IEEE Data Engineering, Vol. 5.},
Year =1986, Pages ="37--46",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@unpublished{Madnick1986:1, Author ={Madnick,S. and Wang,Y.},
Title ={Evolution towards strategic applications through composite information systems},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Annote ={architectural development, examples, AFIS Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@incollection{Madnick1989, Author ={Madnick,S.E., Wang,Y.R. et al.},
Title ={BCISL: composing answers from disparate information systems},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at MIT Temporal granularity ex. key matching for financial databases. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Madnick1990, Author ={Madnick,S. and Gupta,A.},
Title ={A taxonomy for classifying commercial approaches to information integration in heterogeneous environments},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering Eng Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={federated Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Maeda1988, Author ={Maeda,A. et al.},
Title ={A Multimedia Database System Featuring Similarity Retrieval},
Booktitle ={INTAP.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Mitsubishi Category ={IMAGE, Ramin} }

@inproceedings{Maegawa1991, Author ={Maegawa,Hirotoshi},
Title ={Memory Organization and Management for Linked Data Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM CSC.},
Year =1991, Annote ={at Sony improve locality to reduce paging Category ={DBFnet, JTEC } }

@techreport{Magalhaes1981, Author ={Magalhaes,G.C.},
Title ={Improving the Performance of Data Base Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., in preparation, Un.Toronto, DCS.},
Year =1981, Annote ={ oriented towards system 2000.completed 1984? Kelly Gottlieb, adv. Category ={DBFsyseval.4> } }

@unpublished{Magel1987, Author ={Magel,K. and Shapiro,L.},
Title ={JADE: An Object Oriented, Heterogeneous Model Management System},
Note ={CSD, North Dakota St. Un..},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at North Dakota St. Un. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdist> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@book{Mahler1990, Author ={Mahler,Paul},
Title ={An Informix 4GL Tutorial},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 320pp.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Mahmoud1976, Author ={Mahmoud,S. and Riordon,J.S.},
Title ={Optimal Allocation of Resources in Distributed Information Networks},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="66--78",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Carleton Un. (Canada) Category ={DBFstorage-3.4> DBDdesign, DBDdist> } }

@article{Mahr1984, Author ={Mahr,B. and Makowsky,J.A.},
Title ={Characterizing Specification Languages which Admit Initial Semantics},
Journal ={Theoretical Computer Science.},
Year =1984, Pages ="49--60",
Volume ="31",
Annote ={ PROLOG. Results about largest logics having initial models. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Mahr1983, Author ={Mahr,B. and Makowsky,J.A.},
Title ={An Axiomatic Approach to Semantics of Specification Languages},
Journal ={Proceedings, 6th GI Conference on Theoretical Computer Science, Dortmund, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science.},
Year =1983, Volume ="145",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Maier1991, Author ={Maier,A., Ley,M., and Gehlen,E.},
Title ={Sort Processing in a Deductive Database System},
Institution ={IWBS report 154.},
Year =1991, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ allows complex objects, taxonomies and variant and incomplete knowledge; the Feature Term Data Model is strongly typed supporting isa-hierarchies with multiple inheritance Category ={DBDkb, LILOGbox } }

@inproceedings{Maier1978, Author ={Maier,D. and Gligor,V.},
Title ={Representing databases in segmented name spaces},
Booktitle ={Databases: Improving Usability and Responsiveness, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook Category ={DBFhash, NSF Review (Salveter and Maier) } }

@inproceedings{Maier1979, Author ={Maier,D. and Mendelzon,A.O.},
Title ={Generalized mutual dependencies and the decomposition of database relations},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Furtado and Morgan(eds).},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory, NSF Review (Salveter and Maier)} }

@article{Maier1979:1, Author ={Maier,D.},
Title ={An Efficient Method for Storing Ancestor Information in Trees},
Journal ={SIAM Journal on Computing, p.4.},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Volume ="8",
Category ={DBFindex.4, NSF Review (Salveter and Maier)} }

@article{Maier1979:2, Author ={Maier,D., Mendelzon,A.O., and Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={Testing implication of data dependencies},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDtheory, NSF Review (Salveter and Maier) } }

@article{Maier1980, Author ={Maier,D.},
Title ={Minimum Covers in the Relational Database Model},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1980, Pages ="664--674",
Volume ="27",
Category ={DBDtheory.2, NSF Review (Salveter and Maier)} }

@article{Maier1981, Author ={Maier,D., Mendelzon,A.O., Sadri,F., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Adequacy of Decomposition of Relational Databases},
Journal ={Advances in Data Base Theory, Gallaire, Minker, Nicolas(eds), Plenum.},
Year =1981, Volume ="1",
Annote ={ at IBM, TJWRC (Yorktown Heights NY); Princeton Un. (NJ); Stanford Un. (CA) An elegant and readable contribution to the area of normal forms for relational databases. Database design is considered to be finding the best set of projections of a universal relations. Given the FDs and MVDs, joining the projections must losslessly recreate the universal relation. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@article{Maier1981:1, Author ={Maier,D. and Warren,D.S.},
Title ={Incorporating Computer Relations in Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 81.},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDkb, NSF Review (Salveter and Maier)} }

@techreport{Maier1981:2, Author ={Maier,D., Fagin,R., Ullman,J.D., and Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={Tools for Template Dependencies},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R.RJ3033.},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Category ={DBDtheory.2, NSF Review (Salveter and Maier)} }

@inproceedings{Maier1981:3, Author ={Maier,D., Beeri,C., Fagin,R., Mendelzon,A.O., Ullman,J.D., and Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={Properties of Acyclic Database Schemes},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing 13.},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Category ={DBDtheory.2, NSF Review (Salveter and Maier)} }

@techreport{Maier1981:4, Author ={Maier,D., Beeri,C., Fagin,R., and Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={On the Desirability of Acyclic Database Schemas},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R.RJ3131.},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Category ={DBDtheory.2, NSF Review (Salveter and Maier)} }

@techreport{Maier1981:5, Author ={Maier,D. and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Fragments of Relations},
Institution ={Presented at XP2 Workshop on Relational Database Theory.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDdist, NSF Review (Salveter and Maier) } }

@inproceedings{Maier1982, Author ={Maier,D.},
Title ={Using Write-Once Memory for Database Storage},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="239--247",
Number ="475820",
Category ={DBFhard.1.4>} }

@inproceedings{Maier1982:1, Author ={Maier,D. and Warren,D.S.},
Title ={Specifying Connections for a Universal Relation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="1--7",
Category ={DBDmodel.3>} }

@article{Maier1982:2, Author ={Maier,D., Sagiv,Y., and Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={On the Complexity of Testing Implications of Functional ...},
Journal ={lost ?.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@book{Maier1983, Author ={Maier,David},
Title ={The Theory of Relational Databases},
Publisher ={CS Press, 637pp.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@article{Maier1980:1, Author ={Maier,D. and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Maximal Objects and the Semantics of Universal Relation Databases},
Journal ={SUNY, Stony Brook, CS, TR 80016.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ Modifies the universal relation concept when the underlying relational structure has `cycles`. Maximal object is defined at schema definition time. The query processor takes the schema, object, and maximal object at input. A universal relation is represented by a hypergraph. If the hypergraph is cyclic, some queries can be evaluated in different ways; restricting navigation to few acyclic components (maximal objects) gives intuitively correct answers. ---Radensky. Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel.9, NSF Review (Salveter and Maier) } }

@inproceedings{Maier1984, Author ={Maier,D.},
Title ={Universal Scheme Interfaces and the Theory of Window Functions},
Booktitle ={Proc.Theoretical Issues in Databases, Benodet, France, Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Maier1984:1, Author ={Maier,D.},
Title ={Databases in the Fifth Generation Project: Is Prolog a Database Language?},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1984, Annote ={ very readable discussion, includes links to universal relation research. Category ={DBDops.4> DBDrel.3> } }

@article{Maier1984:2, Author ={Maier,D.},
Title ={Databases in the Fifth Generation Project: Is Prolog a Database Language?},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDdist> very readable discussion, includes links to universal relation research. Category ={DBFindex > DBDrel.3> } }

@incollection{Maier1984:3, Author ={Maier,D., Rozenshtein,D., and Warren,D.H.},
Title ={Window Functions},
Booktitle ={Oregon Grad.Ctr., TR-CSE-84-002.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ Discusses the philosophy, history, and theory of window function, which is a means to treat a relational database as a semantic whole(UR). This paper was cited in Jeff Ullman's 1987 PODS paper 'Database Theory: Past and Future' while he was mentioning the mature state of UR Model research. Assumptions on window functions underlying various UR models are surveyed and compared as well as their properties. Unique Role Assumption(URA) states that any attribute in a database should play only one role, defines the intension of a universal scheme, while Universal Instance Assumption(UIA) requires the universal extension of a universal instance. To recover the broken connection between the attributes generated as consequence of URA, the authors suggest the generalization hierarchy of attributes. For instance, by URA, an attribute PROFESSOR is broken into two attributes INSTRUCTOR and ADVISOR in relationship to STUDENT, and the new attributes are tied via generalization hierarchy. ---chaSK. Subset connection! Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Maier1985, Author ={Maier,D., Rozenshtein,D., and Stein,J.},
Title ={Representing Roles in Universal Scheme Interfaces},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="644--652",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at OGC Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Maier1985:1, Author ={Maier,D., Otis,A., and Purdy,A.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Database Development at Servio Logic},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Maier1985:2, Author ={Maier,D.},
Title ={DMDM (Dave Maiers Data Model)},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Annote ={ object-based, with nesting and a frame-like structure, with binary relation storage Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Maier1986, Author ={Maier,D., Stein,J., Otis,A., and Purdy,A.},
Title ={The Design of an Object-Oriented DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proc. Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications, Portland.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Maier1986:1, Author ={Maier,D., Stein,J., Otis,A., and Purdy,A.},
Title ={Development of an Object-Oriented DBMS},
Institution ={Oregon Grad.Ctr, TR.CSE-86-005.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Oregon Grad.Ctr. Category ={DBDobject, DBfile} }

@techreport{Maier1986:2, Author ={Maier,David},
Title ={A Logic for Objects},
Institution ={Oregon Grad. Ctr, TR-CSE-86-012.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Oregon Grad. Ctr Category ={DBDobject> DBDlogic, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Maier1990, Author ={Maier,D., Nordquist,P., and Grossman,M.},
Title ={Displaying Database Objects},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@incollection{Maier1990:1, Author ={Maier,D. and Stein,J.},
Title ={Development and Implementation of an Object-Oriented DBMS},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@incollection{Maier1987, Author ={Maier,David},
Title ={Making Database Systems Fast Enough for CAD Applications},
Booktitle ={Oregon Grad.Ctr, TR-CSE-87-016.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Oregon Graduate Ctr Category ={EIS> DBDperf, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Maier1988, Author ={Maier,D.},
Title ={Position Paper: Why Database Languages Are a Bad Idea},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Annote ={ Use objects, also for commands, and manipulate them. Does not go in any detailed discussion on this matter. However, he attempts to answer the question what made relational optimizations possible. He points out that relational algebra really encapsulates 7 or 8 common forms of iteration. Since the number of operations in the language is small, their interaction can be studied carefully and optimization is possible. Thus, simply because relational algebra is more procedural than calculus, does not mean that relational calculus is better amenable to optimization. The features that make optimization possible seems to be : (1) Smaller number of features whose interaction can be studied in detail. (2) Iteration or encapsulation of operations which have degrees of freedom (can be done in several ways). The second paragraph is my own conclusion (I may be wrong!!). ---Surajit. Explores some desiderata for database programming models, indicates problems with current approaches to database programming (persistent programming languages, embedded DML, extended application language). Points out the conflict between encapsulation and efficient access in database programming. Assumes a datamodel with complex objects and object identity. Proposes abstract objects as a building block for database programming models. ---Waqar. Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@book{Maier1988:1, Author ={Maier,D. and Warren,D.},
Title ={Computing with Logic: Logic Programming with Prolog},
Publisher ={Benjamin/Cummings Publishers, 535pp.; ACM CR 8810-0759.},
Year =1988, Annote ={Part II is on Datalog. Category ={DBDlang> DBDkb>} }

@article{Maier1989, Author ={Maier,David},
Title ={Why isn't there an Object-Oriented Data Model},
Journal ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89', Ritter(ed), IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, (San Francisco, -Sep.), N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="793--798",
Annote ={ A standard for object-oriented data model will be hard to come by. Differences; predictions. I3 Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Maier1989:1, Author ={Maier,D., Zhu,J., and Ohkawa,H,},
Title ={Features of the TEDM Object Model},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Maio1984, Author ={Maio,D., Scalas,M.R., and Tiberio,P.},
Title ={Dynamic Non-dense Indexes in Relational Databases},
Institution ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFindex.4, DBfile-Tiberio} }

@techreport{Maio1985, Author ={Maio,D., Scalas,M.R., and Tiberio,P.},
Title ={A Note on Estimating Access Costs in Relational Databases},
Institution ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. , ?.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDperf>} }

@techreport{Maio1984:1, Author ={Maio,D., Scalas,M.R., and Tiberio,P.},
Title ={Dynamic Non-Dense Indexes in Relational Databases},
Institution ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8508-0745.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="207--216",
Volume ="9",
Number ="34",
Annote ={analysis of page versus record pointers. Category ={DBFhash.5> } }

@techreport{Maio1986, Author ={Maio,D., Costa,C., and Gallerani,R.},
Title ={TOAM: A Transportable Office Analysis Methodology for the Design of Synthetic Data base Systems},
Institution ={Information and Management.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="109--121",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Bologna DATAID applied to a clothing firm. Synthetic = Requirements. Category ={DBDmodel, x } }

@article{Maiocchi1992, Author ={Maiocchi,R., Pernici,B., and Barbic,F.},
Title ={Automatic Deduction of Temporal Information},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Dec,
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Maitree1986, Author ={Maitree,K., Tanaka,M., and Ichikawa,T.},
Title ={A Knowledge-based System Organization for Image Data Retrieval},
Booktitle ={Mem.Fac.Eng.Hiroshima Un., ser.28.},
Year =1986, Pages ="11--22",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Category ={Image, DBfile Ichikawa with other related papers } }

@article{Major, Author ={Major,J.B.},
Title ={Processor, I/O Path, and DASD Configuration Capacity},
Journal ={IBM, G321-5141.},
Annote ={Is shown to be NP-complete. Category ={DBFsyseval.4.3>} }

@article{MajsterCederbaum1985, Author ={MajsterCederbaum,Mila E.},
Title ={Elimination of redundant operations in relational queries with general selection operators},
Journal ={Computing, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Pages ="303--323",
Volume ="34",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Mannheim (FRG) results for query optimization of tableau queries. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Makinen1989, Author ={Makinen,E.},
Title ={On implementing two adaptive data-compression schemes},
Journal ={Comput.J. , ; ACM Computing Reviews 9005-0400.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Volume ="32",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Tampere,Finland Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Makinouchi1981, Author ={Makinouchi,A., Tezuka,M. Kitakami,H., and Adachi,S.},
Title ={The Optimization Strategy for Query Evaluation in RDB/V1},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="518--531",
Annote ={ at Information Processing Lab., Fujitsu, Kawasaki, Japan Category ={DBDintro.1> } }

@incollection{Makkuni1989, Author ={Makkuni,Ranjit},
Title ={A Diagrammatic Interface to a Database of Thangka Imagery},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC-2.6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="339--369",
Annote ={at Xerox Palo Alto Res.Ctr, System Sciences Lab. Sketchbook of Tibetan paintings. Category ={DBDimage> DBDrepresent> } }

@techreport{Makowsky1985, Author ={Makowsky,J.A.},
Title ={Why Horn Formulas Matter in Computer Science: Initial Structures and Generic Examples},
Institution ={Technion, DCS (Haifa, Israel) TR..},
Year =1985, Annote ={ PROLOG, correct some errors in the Mahr and Makowsky reports. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Makowsky1986, Author ={Makowsky,J.A., Markowitz,V.M., and Rotics,N.},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Consistency for Relational Schemas},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Technion (Israel) Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Malachi1986, Author ={Malachi,Y., Manna,Z., and Waldinger,R.},
Title ={TABLOG: Functional and Relational Programming in One Framework},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="75--76",
Category ={DBDlogic, DBFile earlier report} }

@book{Malamud1989, Author ={Malamud,Carl},
Title ={INGRES: Tools for Building an Information Architecture},
Publisher ={Van Nostrand Reinhold, 348pp.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Malhotra1982, Author ={Malhotra,V.M. and Rajaraman,V.},
Title ={Specification for Information Processing Systems},
Journal ={Proc. ACM Conf. on Dataflow Machines, MA, Dennis and Arvind(eds).},
Year =1982, Annote ={ at IIT Kanpur and Ind.Inst.of Science Bangalore, India Specifications of dataflow type are translated into executable COBOL programs and a CODASYL database specification. Category ={DBDops.4> } }

@article{Malhotra1983, Author ={Malhotra,A., Markowitz,H.M., and Pazel,D.P.},
Title ={EAS-E: An Integrated Approach to Application Development},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="515--542",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC ER model based tool Category ={DBDadmin> DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{Malhotra1986, Author ={Malhotra,A., Markowitz,H.M., Tsalalikhin,Y., Markowitz,H.M., Pazel,D.P., and Burns,L.M.},
Title ={An Entity-Relationship Programming Language},
Institution ={IBM, TR.RC11816.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={ ERLANG is a ER language extension to be built into COBOL, PL/1, Pascal, or C. Definition of reference variables. Looping. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDquery> DBappl, DBfile } }

@techreport{Malhotra1991, Author ={Malhotra,A., Burns,L., Sockut,G., and Whang,K-Y.},
Title ={IRIS: Interactive Repository Interface Services},
Institution ={IBM, TR.RC16943.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ schema specification, modification, database browsing, query; centered around a graphical display of the database schema Category ={DBDschema, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Malink1978, Author ={Malink,J.G. and Anderson,B.F.},
Title ={A Case Management System: Three Views of an Application},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78, Austin TX.},
Year =1978, Pages ="89--100",
Annote ={ at Ontario Hydro; Distributed Data Base Systems Ltd. (Toronto, Canada) Transforming a conceptual model into a hierarchy for SYSTEM 2000. Category ={DBDintro.8> DBDbound.4> } }

@inproceedings{Malley1986, Author ={Malley,C.V. and Zdonik,S.B.},
Title ={A Knowledge-Based Approach to Query Optimization},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFmach> at Brown Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Mallison1976, Author ={Mallison,J.C.},
Title ={Tutorial Review of Magnetic Recording},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE.},
Year =1976, Month =Feb,
Pages ="196--208",
Volume ="64",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFhard.1.2>} }

@inproceedings{Mallmann1980, Author ={Mallmann,F.P.},
Title ={The Management of Engineering Changes Using the Primus System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGDA 17.},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="348--366",
Annote ={CODASYL system used Category ={DBappl>} }

@inproceedings{Malmquist1978, Author ={Malmquist,J.P., Gudes,E., and Robertson,E.L.},
Title ={Storage Allocation for Access Path Minimization in Network Structured Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="319--340",
Annote ={at Pennsylvania State Un. Category ={DBFeval.3>} }

@techreport{Malone1983, Author ={Malone,T.W, Fikes,R.E., and Howard,M.T.},
Title ={ENTERPRISE: A Market-like Task-Scheduler for Distributed Computing Environments},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, Sloan School of Management, WP -84.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Number ="1537",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@techreport{Malone1984, Author ={Malone,T.W and Smith,S.A.},
Title ={Tradeoffs in Designing Organizations: Implications for Human Organizations and Computer Systems},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers, Sloan School of Management, WP -84.},
Year =1984, Number ="1541",
Annote ={ cf. Reid Smith, contract net use of distributed workstations. Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Malone1985, Author ={Malone,Thomas W.},
Title ={Designing Organizational Interfaces},
Booktitle ={Proc. CHI '85 Conf. on Human Factors in Computing Systs..},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Annote ={at MIT, Sloan School of Management Category ={DBDquery} }

@article{Malone1987, Author ={Malone,T.W., Grant,K.R., Lai, K.Y., Rao,R., and Rosenblitt,D.},
Title ={Semistructured Messages are Surprisingly Useful for Computer-Supported Coordination},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 8802-0111.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Volume ="5",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at MIT Information Lens, a development of SDI. ---Damerau Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Malone1987:1, Author ={Malone,T.W., Grant,K.R., Turbak,F.A., Brobst,S.A., and Cohen,M.D.},
Title ={Intelligent Information-Sharing Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="390--402",
Volume ="30",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ The Information Lens system is a prototype intelligent information-sharing system that is designed to include not only good user interfaces for supporting the problem-solving activity of individuals, but also good organizational interfaces for supporting the problem-solving activities of groups. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Maloney1987, Author ={Maloney,J. and Black,A.},
Title ={File Sessions: A Technique and Analysis of Dynamic File Usage Patterns in UNIX},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFeval>} }

@inproceedings{Malta1993, Author ={Malta,C. and Martinez,J.},
Title ={Automating Fine Concurrency Control in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={ at Universite des Sciences et Techniques du Languedoc Category ={DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Malvestuto1986, Author ={Malvestuto,F.M.},
Title ={Modelling Large Bases of Categorized Data with Acyclic Schemes},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at ENEA (Italy) Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Malvestuto1987, Author ={Malvestuto,F.M.},
Title ={Answering Queries in Categorical Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Italian Energy Commision Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Malvestuto1989, Author ={Malvestuto,F.M. and Moscarini,M.},
Title ={Aggregate Evaluability in Statistical Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Italian Energy Commission Combining information contained in multiple tables. Assumption of data additivity. Category ={DBDstat> } }

@article{Malvestuto1990, Author ={Malvestuto,F.M. and Moscarini,M.},
Title ={Query Evaluability in Statistical Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDstat>} }

@inproceedings{Malvestuto1991, Author ={Malvestuto,F.M., Moscarini,M. and Rafanelli,M.},
Title ={Suppressing Marginal Cells to Protect Sensitive Information in a Two-Dimensional Statistical Table},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDprotect>} }

@book{Mamikonov1986, Author ={Mamikonov,A.G. and Kulba,V.V.},
Title ={Sintez Optimalnykh Modulnykh Sistem Obrabotki Dannykh},
Publisher ={USSR Academy of Science, Izdatelstvo Naula, 277pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at USSR Acad.Sci., Inst.Control Problems (USSR) Design of Optimal Modular Data Processing System: To increase quality and and reduce deadlines and expenditures new automated information management systems will be introduced. Improvement of efficiency is realted to the use of models and methods for design of optimal modular DP systems. This work is to provide the theoretical basis. Support a.o. determination of the intermodular interfaces and optimal composition of the program modules, ... management of the reliability in DP in automated IMS of different classes and designations ... on a basis of a unified methodology and formalized principles of mudularity. Algorithms in Fortran, Pl/1, Cobol, and Algol as available on YeS equipment. Methods for separation into modules. Formalization directed towards a canonical relational structure. Branch-and-bound optimization. Criteria are a.o. minimum access path length, exchange volume, minimal unutilized data flow to peripherals. Break points for resource sharing. Also hierarchical and network structures. Problems of real-time DP are considered. Standardization. Example: watch factory. Modularity can provide maximum information productivity. Also satisfy real-time constraints. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDimpl, FASAC 43 } }

@inproceedings{Mamou1991, Author ={Mamou,JeanClaude},
Title ={Interactive Manipulation of Object-oriented Views},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDimpl> VOD>} }

@inproceedings{Manacher1975, Author ={Manacher,G.K.},
Title ={On the Feasibility of Implementing a Large Relational Data Base with Optimal Performance on a Minicomputer},
Booktitle ={Un.Illinois, Deps.Inform. Engineering and Ophthalmology, TR .},
Year =1975, Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Chicago Circle Deals actually with Database Semantics Category ={DBDtheory, DBfile } }

@article{Manocha1971, Author ={Manocha,W.L., Trilok,M., and Stevens,K.W.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Direct Access Storage Devices with a Fixed Head per Track},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS,},
Year =1971, Pages ="309--317",
Volume ="38",
Annote ={at IBM (Kingston NY) Analysis of queuing on a chain with sector access optimization. Category ={DBFtechn.4> } }

@article{Manber1982, Author ={Manber,U. and Ladner,G.D.},
Title ={Concurrency Control in Dynamic Search Structures},
Journal ={ACM Proc.on Database Systems, Boston.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Pages ="268--282",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@techreport{Manchanda1986, Author ={Manchanda,S. and Warren,D.},
Title ={Towards a Logical Theory of Database Updates},
Institution ={SUNY, Stony Brook, CSD, TR. 8619.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Manchanda1989, Author ={Manchanda,Sanjay},
Title ={Declarative Expression of Deductive Database Updates},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Arizona updates in Datalog, replaces asset for stratified, positive, and safe databases Category ={DBDops> DBDlogic> } }

@article{Mandrioli1985, Author ={Mandrioli,D., Zicari,R., Ghezzi,C., and Tisato,F.},
Title ={Modeling the Ada task system by Petri Nets},
Journal ={Comp.Lang., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8511-1032.},
Year =1985, Pages ="43--61",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Polit.Milano good definition for Ada Rendezvous. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@book{Manis1988, Author ={Manis,R., Schaffer,E., and Jorgensen,R.},
Title ={UNIX Relational Database Management: Application Development in the UNIX Environment},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 476pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ Shell functions, uitilities, includes /rdb user manual. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@techreport{Mann1987, Author ={Mann,Timothy P.},
Title ={Decentralized Naming in Distributed Computer Systems},
Institution ={STAN-CS-87-1179.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBFdist>} }

@techreport{Mann1989, Author ={Mann,T., Hisgen,A., and Swart,G.},
Title ={An algorithm for data replication},
Institution ={Report 46, Digital Equipment Corporation Systems Research Center.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Manna1985, Author ={Manna,Z. and Waldinger,R.},
Title ={The Logical Basis for Computer Programming, Volume 1: Deductive Reasoning},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1985, Annote ={ This exceptionally clear text, laced with many examples, provides a most readable introduction to the logical concepts and techniques underlying computer programming. Computational notions are explored in a logical realm independent of any programming language or any machine. The text is accessible to readers with no background in mathematics or computer programming, yet it supplies axiomatization for a rich collection of abstract data types. This book provides the intellectual tools for studying artificial intelligence, software engineering, automatic programming, database theory, logic programming, and the theory of computation. A forthcoming second volume, DEDUCTIVE SYSTEMS, describes logical techniques for automated theorem proving and its applications. Part I. Mathematical Logic Chapter 1: Propositional Logic Introduction. The Language. The Meaning of a Sentence. Properties of Sentences. Truth Tables. Semantic Trees. Proof by Falsification. Valid Sentence Schemata. Substitution. Extended Interpretation. Equivalence. Chapter 2: Predicate Logic: Basic Introduction. The Language. The Meaning of a Sentence. Semantic Rules. Validity. Universal and Existential Closure. Chapter 3: Predicate Logic: Advanced Valid Sentence Schemata. Equivalence. Safe Substitution. The Value Property. Valid Schemata with Substitution. Function Introduction and Elimination. Chapter 4: Special Theories Definition of a Theory. Augmenting Theories. Relationship between Theories. Theory of Strict Partial Orderings. Theory of Equivalence Relations. Chapter 5: Theories with Equality Theory of Equality. Theory of Weak Partial Orderings. Theory of Associated Relations. Theory of Groups. Theory of Pairs. Relativized Quantifiers. The Lexicographic Relation. Part II. Theories with Induction Chapter 6: Nonnegative Integers Basic Properties. The Addition Function. Multiplication and Exponentiation. Predecessor and Subtraction. Decomposition Induction. The Weak and Strict Less-than Relation. Complete Induction. Quotient. Complete Induction. The Divides Relation. The Least-Number Principle. Chapter 7: Strings Head and Tail, Concatenation, Reverse Functions. The Decomposition Induction Principle. The Substring Relation. The Complete Induction Principle. Nonnegative Integers and Strings. String Representation of Integers. Chapter 8: Trees The Left and Right Functions. The Subtree Relation. Strings and Trees. Chapter 9: Lists The Head and Tail. Append and Member. Tree Representation of Lists. Chapter 10: Sets The Equality Proposition. The Choice and Rest, Union and Intersection, Deletion and Difference Functions. The Subset Relation. The Set Constructor. Cardinality. Singleton Sets. Chapter 11: Bags The Equal-Multiplicity Relation. Multiplicity and Equality. The Count Function. Additional Functions and Relations. Sum, Union, and Intersection. Chapter 12: Tuples Nonnegative Integers and Tuples. Mapping Tuples into Sets and Bags. The Permutation, Ordered Relations. The Sort Function. Recursive Definition. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Manna1985:1, Author ={Manna,Z. and Waldinger,R.},
Title ={Unsolved Problems in the Blocks World (Extended Abstract)},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int Workshop on Distributed Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDkb, DBfile.} }

@article{Manna1986, Author ={Manna,Z. and Waldinger,R.},
Title ={Special Relations in Automated Deduction},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8610-0926.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="1--59",
Volume ="33",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDtheory} }

@inproceedings{Manna1986:1, Author ={Manna,Z. and Waldinger,R.},
Title ={How to Clear a Block: Plan Formation in Situational Logic},
Booktitle ={Conf. on Automated Deduction (Oxford, UK).},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile} }

@techreport{Manna1987, Author ={Manna,Z. and Pnueli,A.},
Title ={A Hierarchy of Temporal Properties},
Institution ={STAN-CS-87-1186.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD The paper studies a few important class of temporal properties of the system. These are safety (invariance properties), liveness (properties that eventually hold), fairness etc. The paper formally defines the semantics of these notions; provides a syntactic characterization (in temporal logic) of these properties. A parallel specification using automata (instead of temporal logic) is explored and the correspondence of two formalisms were established. We can look at the class of properties and isolate subsets that can be implemented easily; in other words, we can impose a computational classification. Rather than temporal logic or automata, our formalism should(?) be FOL, because, the latter is the well-accepted formalism in databases. ---surajit Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@techreport{Mannila1987, Author ={Mannila,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={Using Feedback in Logical Design of Relational Databases},
Institution ={Report C--43, 1987.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki, DCS Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Mannila1988, Author ={Mannila,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={Incremental Two-Level Database Design},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1988, Annote ={ concept and logic are mapped automatically to the other (ER-model and Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@article{Mannila1985, Author ={Mannila,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={Small Armstrong Relations for Database Design},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki; Cornell Un. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Mannila1986, Author ={Mannila,H.},
Title ={Inclusion Dependencies in Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDtheory, DBfile} }

@article{Mannila1986:1, Author ={Mannila,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={Design by Example: An Application of Armstrong Relations},
Journal ={Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Academic. .},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="126-141",
Volume ="33",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki, DCS Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Mannila1984, Author ={Mannila,H.},
Title ={On the Complexity of the Inference Problem for Subclasses of Inclusion Dependencies},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Winter Sch. on Theoret. CS.},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Pages ="182-193",
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki, DCS Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Mannila1986:2, Author ={Mannila,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={Test Data for Relational Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki Category ={DBDquery> DBDdesign, DBfile fall report } }

@inproceedings{Mannila1986:3, Author ={Mannila,H. and Ukkonen,E.},
Title ={Timestamped Term Representation in Implementing Prolog},
Booktitle ={IEEE-SLP 86, Salt Lake City.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Mannila1987:1, Author ={Mannila,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={Dependency Inference},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={Database evolution by learning from FD's Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdesign, DBfile full report } }

@manual{Mannila1987:2, Author ={Mannila,H., Raiha,K-J., and Kantola,M.},
Title ={Design-By-Example},
Organization ={.},
Year =1987, Annote ={A Tool for Database Design Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@article{Mannila, Author ={Mannila,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={On the Relationship of Minimum and Optimum Covers for a Set of Functional Dependencies},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Pages ="143-158",
Volume ="20",
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki, DCS Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Mannila1987:3, Author ={Mannila,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={On Query Languages for the p-string Data Model},
Note ={Discussion Notes.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={text string searches after parsing Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@techreport{Mannila1987:4, Author ={Mannila,Heikki},
Title ={Generating Example Databases from ER-Schemes},
Institution ={Report C--48, 1987.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki, DCS Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Mannila1989, Author ={Mannila,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={Practical Algorithms for Finding Prime Attributes and Testing Normal Forms},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@unpublished{Mannino1988, Author ={Mannino,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={Generating Armstrong Databases for Sets of Functional and Inclusion Dependencies},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Mannino1986, Author ={Mannino,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={Smooth Updates for Sets of Integrity Constraints},
Booktitle ={STeP-86 Symp. Papers: Methodology, Finnish AI Symp..},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki, DCS database evolution Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Mannino1983, Author ={Mannino,M.V., Konsynski,B.R., and Effelsberg,W.},
Title ={Requirements Specification in Global Schema Design},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, Database Week, San Jose CA.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="150--157",
Annote ={at Un.Arizona (Tucson AZ) Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Mannino1984, Author ={Mannino,M.V. and Effelsberg,W.},
Title ={Matching Techniques in Global Schema Design},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Florida Schema generates an integrated view of heterogeneous databases, Identifying common types from local schemas. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5.2, DBfile } }

@techreport{Mannino1984:1, Author ={Mannino,M.V., and Effelsberg,W.},
Title ={A methodology for global schema design},
Institution ={Rep. No. TR-84-1 CSD Un.Florida.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Mannino1984:2, Author ={Mannino,M.V. and Choobineh,J.},
Title ={Research in Form Driven Database Design and Global View Design},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Pages ="58--63",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDschema.5>} }

@techreport{Mannino1985, Author ={Mannino,M.V., Choobineh,J., and Hwang,J.J.},
Title ={Acquisition and Use of Contextual Knowledge in a Form-Driven Database Design Methodology},
Institution ={rcvd},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={No KB concepts, but an OK design methodology Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBDkb> } }

@article{Mannino1987, Author ={Mannino,M.V. and Karle,C.R.},
Title ={An Extension of the General Entity Manipulator Language for Global View Definition},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Extend the General Entity Manipulator (GEM) Language with defining multi-database views. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Mannino1988:1, Author ={Mannino,M.V., Chu,P., and Sager,T.},
Title ={Statistical Profile Estimation in Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="191--221",
Volume ="20",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at Un.Texas, Austin TX, Dep.Management Science and Info.Systems A statistical profile summarizes the number of tuples and values, the distribution of values, the correlation between value sets, and the distribution of tuples among storage units.. This paper surveys methods of estimating profiles (parametric, nonparametric and ad-hoc methods). Category ={DBDperform> DBFmethods> } }

@article{Mannino1988:2, Author ={Mannino,M.V., S.B., and Effelsberg,W.},
Title ={A Rule-based Approach for Merging Generalization Hierarchies},
Journal ={to appear in Information Systems.},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Mannino1989, Author ={Mannino,M.V., Choi,I.J., and Batory,D.S.},
Title ={An Overview of the Object-Oriented Functional Data Language},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery>} }

@book{Mano1982, Author ={Mano,Morris M},
Title ={Computer System Architecture},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 2nd ed. .},
Year =1982, Annote ={ includes some material on Storage and Input Output processors. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Manola1982, Author ={Manola,Frank and Pirotte,Alain},
Title ={CQLF--A Query Language for CODASYL-type Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="94--103",
Annote ={at CCA (Cambridge MA) permits plexes: 'relation' values may be records. Manual under CCA. Category ={DBDquery.3.3> } }

@techreport{Manola1984, Author ={Manola,F. and Pirotte,A.},
Title ={An Approach to Multi-Model Database Systems},
Institution ={rcvd},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at CCA (Cambridge MA) Addresses issues of standards at the Flat, CODASYL, and vendor-specific level Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Manola1986, Author ={Manola,F. and Orenstein,J.A.},
Title ={Toward a General Spatial Data Model for an Object-Oriented DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at CCA Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Manola1990, Author ={Manola,F. and Dayal,U.},
Title ={PDM: An Object-Oriented Data Model},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={PROBE data model extends DAPLEX Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Manola1988, Author ={Manola,F.},
Title ={Distributed Object Management Technology},
Institution ={TM-0014-06-88-165.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at GTE Labs Object systems as mediators sharing a common protocol. Reviews of CMU Alpha, VU Amoeba, MIT Argus, Newcastle Arjane, INRIA Chopus, Imperial College Conic, Bellcore DUNIX, CMU Mach, Apollo NCS, Un.Arizona Sagauro, UCB Sprite I3 Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@incollection{Manola1988:1, Author ={Manola,F.},
Title ={A Personal View of DBMS Security},
Booktitle ={in Database Security: Status and Prospects, C.E. Landwehr (ed.), Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., North Holland, 23-34; TN CS1.1, GTE Labs 1987.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDsec>} }

@techreport{Manola1989, Author ={Manola,F.},
Title ={Object Model Capabilities For Distributed Object Management},
Institution ={TM-0149-06-89-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject> Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Manola1989:1, Author ={Manola,F.},
Title ={An Evaluation of Object-Oriented DBMS Developments},
Institution ={TR-0066-10-89-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated.},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@unpublished{Manola1989:2, Author ={Manola,Frank},
Title ={Applications of Object-Oriented Database Technology in Knowledge-Based Integrated Information Systems},
Note ={CRAI School on Recent Techniques for Integrating Heterogeneous Databases, Venezia Un..},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Annote ={ at GTE Labs Inc., Intelligent Database Systems Dep., (Waltham, MA) Heterogeneous DBMSs encapsulated into objects. Distributed Object Managers (DOMs) translate to a common object protocol (AFIS). ---Gio. Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@article{Manola1990:1, Author ={Manola,F.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Knowledge Bases},
Journal ={AI Expert, 5(3), 5(4), March and April .},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Manola1990:2, Author ={Manola, F. Hornick,M., and Buchmann,A.},
Title ={Object Data Model Facilities for Multimedia Data Types},
Institution ={TM-0332-11-90-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Manola1990:3, Author ={Manola, F. and A. Buchmann},
Title ={A Functional/Relational Object-Oriented Model for Distributed Object Management: Preliminary Description},
Institution ={TM-0331-11-90-165. GTE Laboratories Incorporated.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@incollection{Manola1991, Author ={Manola,F. and Dayal,U.},
Title ={An Overview of PDM: An Object-Oriented Data Model},
Booktitle ={in K.R. Dittrich, U. Dayal, and A.P.Buchmann (eds.), On Object-Oriented Database Systems, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA)-Verlag,},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Manola1991:1, Author ={Manola,F.},
Title ={The Third-Generation/OOSBMS Manifesto, Commercial Version},
Journal ={SIGMOD Record, Vol. 20, No. 4.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Manola1991:2, Author ={Manola,F.},
Title ={Object Data Language Facilities for Multimedia Data Types},
Institution ={TR-0169-12-91-165. GTE Laboratories Incorporated.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Manola1992, Author ={Manola,F., Heiler,S., Georgakopoulos,D., Hornick,M., and Brodie,M.},
Title ={Distributed Object Management},
Booktitle ={Int. J.of Intelligent and Cooperative Information Systems 1, 1 .},
Year =1992, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Manola1992:1, Author ={Manola,F. and Heiler,S.},
Title ={An Approach To Interoperable Object Models},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the International Workshop on Distributed Object Management, Edmonton, Canada.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@unpublished{Manolopoulos1985, Author ={Manolopoulos,Y., Kollias,J.G., and Hatzopoulos,M.},
Title ={Sequential vs. Binary Batched Searching},
Note ={Un.Athens, Div.CS, Dep.EE, rcvd. .},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ at Un.Thessaloniki, Un.Athens, and Nat. Tech. Un.Athens Category ={DBFseq, DBfile Kollias } }

@article{Manolopoulos1989, Author ={Manolopoulos,Y. and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={Expressions for completely and partly unsuccessful batched search of sequential and tree-structured files},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 9008-0704.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Volume ="15",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFseq> DBFtree>} }

@article{Manolopoulos1989:1, Author ={Manolopoulos,Y. and Kollias,J.G.},
Title ={Performance of a Two-Headed Disk System when Serving Database Queries Under the Scan Policy},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 9007-0582.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="425--442",
Volume ="14",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Aristotelian Un. of Thessaloniki, Greece Category ={DBFhard> } }

@techreport{Manter1974, Author ={Manter,M. and Sarni,J.},
Title ={An Introductory Manual to STOFI, Data Management System},
Institution ={LBL, TR.2649,},
Year =1974, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at UCB, LBL FORTRAN based system to make use of multi levels of index sequential files. Variable length keys. Category ={DBFimpl.2> } }

@article{Mantey1975, Author ={Mantey, Patrick E. and Carlson, Eric D.},
Title ={Integrated Data Bases for Municipal Decision-Making},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="487--494",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Applications in local government. Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@inproceedings{March1978, Author ={March,S.T. and Severance,D.G.},
Title ={A Mathematical Modeling Approach to the Automatic Selection of Database Designs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78.},
Year =1978, Pages ="52--65",
Category ={DBFeval.0> DBDdesign>} }

@article{March1977, Author ={March,S. and Severance,D.},
Title ={The Determination of Efficient Record Segmentations and Blocking Factors for Shared Files},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Pages ="279--296",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFimpl.2.6> DBDdesign>} }

@article{March1981, Author ={March,S.T., Severance,D.G., and Wilens,M.},
Title ={Frame Memory: A Storage Architecture to Support Rapid Design and Implementation of Efficient Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="441--463",
Volume ="6",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota; Un.Michigan Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{March1983, Author ={March,S.T.},
Title ={Techniques for Structuring Database Records},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="45--79",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ first segmentation, then clustering (dedicated vs. paged, Seq. vs. sec. indexes (partial and all)), hierarchical aggregation. Category ={DBFhard.2> DBFindex.3> } }

@article{March1984, Author ={March,S.T. and Scudder,G.D.},
Title ={On the Selection of Efficient Record Segmentations and Backup Strategies for Large Shared Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="409--438",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDprivacy.2>} }

@inproceedings{March, Author ={March,S.T. et al},
Title ={Current Research in Database Design at the Un.Minnesota},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin, 52--57.},
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{March1988, Author ={March,S.T. (ed)},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Approach},
Publisher ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. . 6, N-H, 522pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at U.Minnesota, C.C. School of Management Proc. ER Conf. 6, New York NY, Nov.1987 Foundations (Gilmore,P.C., Rosenthal,A., Reiner,D., Lazimy,R.) Modeling Tools (Dampney,C., Lindquist,T., Lawlis,P., Levine,D., Ling,T., Hsu,C., Furtado,A., Casanova,M., Tucherman,L., Kozaczynski,W., Lilien,L.) Mapping from existing Data Structure Models to Logical Models (Davis,K., Arora,A., Briand,H., Navathe,S., Awong,A., Czejdo,B., Embley,D., Rogers,T., Cattell,R., Steinberg,D., Raz,Y., Kantorowitz,E., Subieta,K., Missala,M.); Applications of the ER Model Studer,(R., Tasker,D., Flory,A., V.Giard); Data Planning and Information Architecture (Gessford,J., Eftimie,R-A., Nikles,J-C., Newton,J.); Application Development using the ER Approach (Bochenski,B., Dechow,E., Jarvenpaa,S., Machesky,J.) Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{MarchettiSpaccamella1987, Author ={MarchettiSpaccamella,A., Pelaggi,A., and Sacca,D.},
Title ={Worst-Case Complexity Analysis of Methods for Logic Query Implementation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.LaSapienza, Roma, CRAI Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Marchionini1988, Author ={Marchionini,G. and Shneiderman,B.},
Title ={Finding Facts vs. Browsing in Hypertext Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, no.1.},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Pages ="70--80",
Volume ="21",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Marciniak1985, Author ={Marciniak,Thomas A.},
Title ={Integrating Mainframe Data Bases on a Microcomputer},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="474--477",
Annote ={at National Cancer Inst information from existing mainframe databases added to data of particular interest to the personal computer user Category ={DBDdist> MIS> } }

@book{Marco1987, Author ={Marco,A. and Buxton,J.},
Title ={The Craft of Software Engineering},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 380pp; ACM CR 8806-0378.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Kings Coll., London UK The 'lifecycle model of the software engineering process' is too complex to be considered an improvement over the 'waterfall model'. Tools as DataFlow and data dictionaries. Some of the material is rapidly becoming dated. ---L.Shafer. Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Marek1986, Author ={Marek,W.},
Title ={Completeness and Consistency in Knowledge Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Kentucky Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Margrave1983, Author ={Margrave,G., Lusk,E.L., and Overbeek,R.A.},
Title ={Tools for the Creation of IMS Database Design from Entity-Relationship Diagrams},
Booktitle ={ER 3, Davis et al, N-H, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-0578.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="501-515",
Annote ={at Northern Illinois Un. Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Mariategui1990, Author ={Mariategui,F. and Eich,M.},
Title ={A Transaction Definition Based on Message Passing},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Parallel and Distributed Processing.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Marill1975, Author ={Marill,T. and Stern,D.},
Title ={The Data-Computer --- A Network Data Utility},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , AFIPS Press.},
Year =1975, Pages ="389--395",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={ General description of a data management computer connected to a computer communication network. Category ={DBFhard.1.3> DBDdist> DBFmach, xB2> } }

@inproceedings{Mark1985, Author ={Mark,L., Roussopoulos,N., and Chu,B.},
Title ={Update Dependencies},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC2 WG 2.6 Working Conf.on Database Semantics, Belgium.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Mark1986, Author ={Mark,L. and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Metadata management},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Volume ="19",
Number ="12",
Category ={DBDschema, DBfile Roussopoulos + Mark} }

@techreport{Mark1987, Author ={Mark,L. and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Operational Specifications of Update Dependencies},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, SRC Res.R..},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Mark1987:1, Author ={Mark,Leo},
Title ={Defining Views in the Binary Relationship Model},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.},
Year =1987, Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@article{Mark1990, Author ={Mark,L. and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Information Interchange between Self-Describing Databases},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.},
Year =1990, Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ SFDU at Nasa provides a standard dictionary format Category ={DBDdist> DBDschema, DBfile Roussopoulos } }

@unpublished{Mark1991, Author ={Mark,L. and Cochrane,R.},
Title ={Grammars and Relations},
Note ={submitted to IEEE.},
Year =1991, Annote ={ context-free grammars are used to define complex objects for tools as front ends to relational database systems Category ={DBDschema> DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Mark1984, Author ={Mark,William},
Title ={Shared Domain Models as the Basis for Database Design and Use},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at USC, ISI Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Markland1975, Author ={Markland,R.E.},
Title ={The Ralston Purina Company},
Booktitle ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS in Action, Murdick(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="38--53",
Annote ={at Lockheed PA Res.Lab. Modules in the Comet project explicitly define their committment, but this committment does not encompass performance. It focuses on constraints of structure and behavior, as well as on protocols. Composition is by flow diagramming. Implemented in LOOM. A system architecture must integrate and meet all committments. Category ={DEng> at Un.Missouri, St. Louis Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@article{Markowitz1983, Author ={Markowitz,H.M., Malhotra,A., and Pazel,D.P.},
Title ={The EAS-E Application Development System: Principles and Language Summary},
Journal ={IBM, Res.R. No.RC9910.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Annote ={ Report generator, using entity-attribute-set model (equiv. to ER) implementation for VM370. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDquery> DBappl, DBfile Malhotra } }

@inproceedings{Markowitz1988, Author ={Markowitz,V.M. and Makowsky,J.A.},
Title ={Incremental Restructuring of Relational Schemas},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Markowitz1989, Author ={Markowitz,V.M. and Shoshani,A.},
Title ={On the Correctness of Representing Extended Entity-Relationship Structures in the Relational Model},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at LBL, CS Res.Dep. Based on the Teory model. First generate canonical representation; converts it into a fully normalized relational schema; correctness being used as a synonym for the mappability of states. ---McGee. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Markowitz1990, Author ={Markowitz,V.M.},
Title ={Representing Processes in the Extended Entity-Relationship Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory relationship boxes are extended to name directed functions and branch points are introduced. Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Markowitz1990:1, Author ={Markowitz,Victor M.},
Title ={Referential Integrity in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Markowitz1991, Author ={Markowitz,Victor M.},
Title ={An Architecture for Identifying Objects in Multidatabases},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Markowitz1991:1, Author ={Markowitz,V.M.},
Title ={Safe Referential Integrity Structures in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ generalization to identify problems with DB2, Sybase 4.0, and INGRES 6.3 Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Markowitz1992, Author ={Markowitz,V.},
Title ={A Relation Merging Technique for Relational Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Markowitz1992:1, Author ={Markowitz,V. and Shoshani,A.},
Title ={Representing Extended Entity-Relationship Structures in Relational Databases: a Modular Approach},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Sep,
Volume ="17",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Markowitz1993, Author ={Markowitz,V. and Shoshani,A.},
Title ={Object Queries over Relational Databases: Language, Implementation, and Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Markus1983, Author ={Markus,M. Lynne},
Title ={Power, Politics, and MIS Implementation},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Pages ="430--444",
Volume ="26",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at MIT, Sloan School of Management People resist MIS becaus of their own internal factors, because of poor system design, and because of the interaction of specific system design features with aspects of the organizational context of system use. Data from a case study demonstrate the interaction theory. Category ={DBDadmin.2 } }

@article{Markuson1970, Author ={Markuson,E.B.},
Title ={An Overview of Library Systems and Automation},
Journal ={Datamation..},
Year =1970, Month =Feb,
Pages ="60--68",
Volume ="14",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@techreport{Marmann1992, Author ={Marmann,M. and Schlageter,G.},
Title ={Data Modeling for Hypermedia},
Institution ={TR 121 FernUniversitat Hagen.},
Year =1992, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDbiblio, DBfile Schlageter} }

@incollection{MarquePucheu1984, Author ={MarquePucheu,G., MartinGallausiaux,J., and Jomier,G.},
Title ={Interfacing PROLOG and Relational Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={`New Applications of Databases', Gardarin and Gelenbe(eds), Academic Press (New York NY), ; ACM CR 8607-??.},
Year =1984, Pages ="226--244",
Annote ={ addresses recursion and its optimization. Saturation is used to avoid excessive generation of tuples. Being implemented on a micro DBMS: PEPIN. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb> } }

@article{Marron1969, Author ={Marron,B.A. and deMaine,P.A.D.},
Title ={Automatic Data Compression},
Journal ={File Organization, Siwerts and Zeitlinge (Amsterdam).},
Year =1969, Annote ={at NBS; Pennsylvania State Un. Category ={DBFuse-3> DBFrepresent-4> } }

@techreport{Marron1973, Author ={Marron,Beatrice, et al},
Title ={A Study of Six University-Based Information Systems},
Institution ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). , Tech.Note 781,},
Year =1973, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Marschak1971, Author ={Marschak,J.},
Title ={Economics of Information Systems},
Journal ={Journ. of Am. Stat. Ass..},
Year =1971, Month Mar,
Pages ="192--219",
Volume ="66",
Number ="333",
Category ={DBFuse-3>} }

@incollection{Marshall1989, Author ={Marshall,A.D. and Bauer,M.A.},
Title ={Using OSI as a Basis for Decentralized File Servers in a Heterogeneous Environment},
Booktitle ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89', Ritter(ed), IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, (San Francisco, -Sep.), N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="833--838",
Annote ={at Un.Western Ontario, CSD, (London, Ontario) Category ={DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Marshall1969, Author ={Marshall,B.S.},
Title ={Dynamic Calculation of Dispatching Priorities under CS-360 MVT},
Booktitle ={Proc.SHARE XXXII, part 2 pp.895.},
Year =1969, Annote ={at Lear Siegler, Inc. Design Category ={DBFeval>} }

@inproceedings{Marshall1991, Author ={Marshall,R.},
Title ={A Hardware and Software Architectural Model for the Representation and Manipulation of Integrated Genetic Databases},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={MIS???>} }

@inproceedings{Marrs1990, Author ={Marrs,K. and Robinson,L.},
Title ={Object-Oriented DBMS Requirements},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at McDonnell Douglas include data sharing, standards and open architectures, physical databases to be revised without impacting application code, encourage reuse; data semantics are integrated; semantics managed by intelligent data management systems so that they can be enforced consistently Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Martella1981, Author ={Martella,G., Ronchetti,B. and Schreiber,F.A.},
Title ={On Evaluating Availability in Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Berkely Workshop 5.},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Pages ="154--171",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Martella1982, Author ={Martella,G., Pernici,B., and Schreiber,F.A.},
Title ={Distributed Data Base Reliability Analysis and Evaluation},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="94--102",
Annote ={at Polit.Milano; Un.Parma. Category ={DBFrepresent.1>} }

@inproceedings{Marti1985, Author ={Marti,Robert},
Title ={Applying Data Base Techniques to the Management of Program Module Descriptions},
Booktitle ={Proc. Softfair II, Second Int'l Conf. Software Dev. Tools Techniques and Alternatives, San Francisco.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBappl> EIS>} }

@book{Martin1986, Author ={Martin,Daniel},
Title ={Advanced Database Techniques},
Publisher ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press, 377pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8709-0731.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Performance-related concepts for DBMS administrator. dedicated to the MSD methodology; after preliminary functional specifications to describe all user-interactions; information on integrity constraints and access rates should be included; the method assumes that all programs work with a virtually relational DBMS; soft selections in decision support; the author critizises restrictions in mapping of user views, poor semantics of standard updates; some deviating usage of terms; too self-contained for researchers. ---Lipeck. Category ={DBDintro> DBDadmin> DBDdesign, x } }

@inproceedings{Martin1992, Author ={Martin,H., Adiba,M., and Defude,B.},
Title ={Consistency Checking in Object-Oriented Databases: A Behavioral Approach},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Laboratoire de Genie Informatique,France Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Martin1967, Author ={Martin,J.},
Title ={Design of Real-Time Computer Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 640pp.},
Year =1967, Annote ={at IBM, SRI (NY) pp.54--75 Category ={DBDintro.8> DBFeval> %Martin67 } }

@book{Martin1970, Author ={Martin,J.},
Title ={Teleprocessing Network Organization},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1970, Category ={DBDdist> DBFhard>} }

@book{Martin1972, Author ={Martin,J.},
Title ={Systems Analysis for Data Transmission},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 896pp.},
Year =1972, Annote ={Includes queuing approximations. Category ={DBFtechn.4> %Martin72 } }

@book{Martin1973, Author ={Martin,James},
Title ={Security, Accuracy and Privacy in Computer Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1973, Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@book{Martin1973:1, Author ={Martin,J.},
Title ={Design of Man-Computer Dialogues},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 496pp.},
Year =1973, Category ={DBFeval.1>} }

@book{Martin1976, Author ={Martin,J.},
Title ={Principles of Data-Base Management},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 352pp.},
Year =1976, Annote ={Simplified version of Martin 75 (now 77) Category ={DBFtechn.4> %Martin76 } }

@book{Martin1977, Author ={Martin,James},
Title ={Computer Data-Base Organization, 2nd ed.},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 576pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ Data bases approaches described in a top-down method. Good description of DL/1 (Chap. 12). much quantitative material, great graphics, no clear line. Category ={DBFintro> DBDbound.5> DBDrel.2> %Martin75, 77 } }

@book{Martin1981, Author ={Martin,J.},
Title ={An End User's Guide to Data Base},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 144pp.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDintro.5>} }

@book{Martin1982, Author ={Martin,J.},
Title ={Strategic Data-Planning Methodologies},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 236pp.},
Year =1982, Annote ={ A clearly written, well structured work providing technical guidance on a area where many need assistance. Category ={DBappl> } }

@book{Martin1982:1, Author ={Martin,J.},
Title ={Application Development Without Programmers},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 350pp.},
Year =1982, Annote ={Application Generators, APL, NOMAD. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@book{Martin1983, Author ={Martin,James},
Title ={Managing the Database Environment},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 766pp.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDintro, QA76.9.D3M368} }

@book{Martin1985, Author ={Martin,James},
Title ={Fourth Generation Languages},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDlang>} }

@book{Martin1985:1, Author ={Martin,James},
Title ={System Design from Provably Correct Constructs},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBFintro, QA76.9.S88M37} }

@book{Martin1988, Author ={Martin,J. and Oxman,S.},
Title ={Building Expert Systems: A Tutorial},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 457pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8905-0289.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at James Martin Associates, (Reston VA) Topics: 'Why ES work', 'The construction of ES', 'Tools for building ES', and 'Construction strategies'. ES development, deployment and maintenance from a software engineering point of view. Two real-life cases. ---Apte. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Martin1989, Author ={Martin,J., Chapman,K.K., and Leben,J.},
Title ={DB2: Concepts, Design and Programming},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 325pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8909-0627.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ Covers Query Management Facility (QMF), Application Programming and DB2 System Administration. Ignores physical database design and performance. Comprehensive illustrations of the various commands. Novices level. ---Grimson. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Martin1990, Author ={Martin,J. and Leben,J.},
Title ={Database Analysis and Design},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Martin1990:1, Author ={Martin,J., Leben,J., and Derer,R.},
Title ={IDMS/R: concepts, design and programming},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 320pp.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDbound>} }

@book{Martin1990:2, Author ={Martin,James},
Title ={Information Engineering: book 1, 2, and 3},
Publisher ={PH, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9104-0255.},
Year =1990, Annote ={Book 2: planning and analysis Book 3: design and construction intended to be the definitieve work on information engineering (IF); messages are: traditional systems development life cycles, methodologies don't work; information engineering will deliver only if you use case tools; requires information engineers who can be rented Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Martin1970:1, Author ={Martin,Johannes J.},
Title ={Information Compressing Procedures for Storing Binary Relations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Houston TX.},
Year =1970, Pages ="142--173",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Martin1968, Author ={Martin,L.D.},
Title ={A Model for File Structure Determination for Large On-Line Data Files},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the File68 International Seminar on File Organization, Copenhagen, ,},
Year =1968, Pages ="793--834",
Category ={DBFeval>} }

@inproceedings{Martin1987, Author ={Martin,N., Navathe,S., and Ahmed,R.},
Title ={Dealing with Temporal Schema Anomalies in History Databases},
Booktitle ={Un.Florida, DBS RD Ctr..},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ past schema information is used to interpret past data queries. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile Navathe } }

@article{Martin1985:2, Author ={Martin,P., Appelt,D.E., Grosz,B.J., and Pereira,F.},
Title ={TEAM: An Experimental Transportable Natural Language Interface},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="10--22",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDquery> DBDnat>} }

@article{Martin1971, Author ={Martin,T.H. and Parker,E.B.},
Title ={Designing for User Acceptance of an Interactive Bibliographic Search Facility},
Journal ={Interactive Bibliographic Search: The UserComputer Interface. Montvale NJ: IFIPS Press.},
Year =1971, Pages ="42--52",
Annote ={work on SPIRES I. Category ={DBDquery> app.C} }

@article{Martin1973:2, Author ={Martin,T.H. and Guertin,R.L.},
Title ={Language Decisions Made While Designing an Interactive Information Retrieval System},
Journal ={Proc.of ACM SIGPLAN-SIGIR Interface Meeting.},
Year =1973, Month =Nov,
Pages ="86--93",
Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@inproceedings{Martin1975, Author ={Martin,T.H. and Parker,E.B.},
Title ={Comparative Analysis of Interactive Retrieval Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGPLAN-SIGIR, Nance(ed), (SIGPLAN-SIGIR meeting 1973).},
Year =1975, Pages ="75--85",
Annote ={ survey of \sc STAIRS, \sc DIALOG, \sc DATA CENTRAL, \sc ORBIT, \sc BASIS, \sc SPIRES, \sc LEADER, \sc RECON, \sc RIQS, \sc INTREX, and \sc NASIS. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@techreport{Martin1984, Author ={Martin,T.P.},
Title ={A Communication Model for Message Management Systems},
Institution ={Un.Toronto, TR-CSRG-157.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFtrans.7> DBDdist, thesis file} }

@article{Martin1988:1, Author ={Martin,T.Z.},
Title ={A Review of Standards for Preparation and Interchange of Data Sets},
Journal ={NASA Information Sys.Newsletter.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Planetary Data System Jet Propulsion Lab NASA planetary data sets PDS. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Martin1972:1, Author ={Martin,W.A. and Ness,D.N.},
Title ={Optimizing Binary Trees Grown with a Storing Algorithm},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Pages ="88--93",
Volume ="15",
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@book{Martyn1989, Author ={Martyn,T, and Hartley,T.},
Title ={DB2 SQL: A Professional Programmer's Guide},
Publisher ={Intertext, NY, 433pp.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ focuses on the Select statement often executed interactively through SPUFI, OMF, ISQL, and SQLDBSU for on-line data extraction, analysis and report writing; covers common errors and misconceptions and system responses Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Maruyama1976, Author ={Maruyama,K. and Smith, S.E.},
Title ={Optimal Reorganization of Distributed Space Disk Files},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1976, Month =Nov,
Pages ="634--642",
Volume ="19",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFimpl.3.1} }

@article{Maruyama1977, Author ={Maruyama,K. and Smith,S.},
Title ={Analysis of Design Alternatives for Virtual Memory Indexes},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1977, Month Apr,
Pages ="245--254",
Volume ="20",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFseq> DBDseven.2> DBFhybrid.8> DBDintegrity> DBDdesign> } }

@article{Maryanski1979, Author ={Maryanski,F.J., Fisher,P.S., Housh,R.D. and Schmidt,D.A.},
Title ={A Prototype Distributed DBMS},
Journal ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 12.},
Year =1979, Month =Jan,
Pages ="205--214",
Volume ="2",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDbound>} }

@article{Maryanski1978, Author ={Maryanski,F.J.},
Title ={A Survey of Developments in Distributed Data Base Management Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer .},
Year =1978, Month =Feb,
Pages ="28--38",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFhard> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Maryanski1977, Author ={Maryanski,F.J.},
Title ={Performance of Multi-Processor Backend Data Base Systems},
Journal ={Conf. Information Science and Systems.},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Pages ="437--441",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFmach>} }

@article{Maryanski1976, Author ={Maryanski,F.J., Fisher,P.S. and Wallentine,V.E.},
Title ={An Evaluation of a Conversion to a Backend Database Management System},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1976, Month =Oct,
Pages ="293--297",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFmach>} }

@article{Maryanski1976:1, Author ={Maryanski,F.J. and Wallentine,V.E.},
Title ={Simulation Model of a Backend Data Base Management System},
Journal ={Pittsburgh Modeling and Simulation Conf..},
Year =1976, Month Apr,
Pages ="243--248",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFmach>} }

@article{Maryanski1980, Author ={Maryanski,F.J.},
Title ={Backend Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="3--25",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at DEC, Maynard (MA) Tutorial examines basic structure, their potential benefits and drawbacks and the problems facing developers of such systems. Several prototype systems are described: XDMS, IDMS backend, GE MADMAN, Kansas State Un. systems. Category ={DBDdist> DBFhard> DBFmach> DBFsyseval> } }

@article{Maryanski1980:1, Author ={Maryanski,F.J. and Roush,C.S.},
Title ={Definition of Database Transactions by The Casual User},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1980, Pages ="389--398",
Volume ="49",
Category ={DBFtrans.7.5> DBDtrans.4>} }

@inproceedings{Maryanski1982, Author ={Maryanski,F.J.},
Title ={Data Server Design Issues},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1982, Volume ="51",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Maryanski1983, Author ={Maryanski,Fred J.},
Title ={Digital Computer Simulation},
Journal ={Hayden Book Co..},
Year =1983, Category ={DBFtech>} }

@inproceedings{Marzullo1985, Author ={Marzullo,Keith},
Title ={Maintaining the Time in a Distributed System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGOPS quarterly Operating Systems Review.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="44--54",
Volume ="19",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDtrans-3> DBDdist, x issue} }

@techreport{Marzullo1989, Author ={Marzullo,Keith},
Title ={Concurrency Control for Transactions with Priorities},
Institution ={Cornell TR 89-996.},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Cornell Category ={DBDconc, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Masai1989, Author ={Masai,K., et al.},
Title ={Advanced Features of Integrated DB/DC System 'XDM'},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="367--373",
Annote ={at Hitachi, Software Works Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Masunaga1989, Author ={Masunaga,Yoshifumi},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Approach to Multimedia Database Organization and Management},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="190--200",
Annote ={ at Un.Library and Information Science, (Tsukuba, Japan) Plans for OMEGA include temporal and spatial representation. Category ={DBDobject> DBFrepresent> } }

@inproceedings{Masunaga1989:1, Author ={Masunaga,T},
Title ={Object Identity, Equality and Relational Concept},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Masuyama1987, Author ={Masuyama,S., Iberaki,T, Nishio,S., and Hasegawa,T.},
Title ={Shortest Semijoin Schedule for a Local Area Distributed System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="602--606",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Kyoto Un. tree query, no replication, fixed semijoin time, broadcast, no aggregate bandwidth limit. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Mathews1966, Author ={Mathews,W.D.},
Title ={The TIP Retrieval system at MIT},
Booktitle ={NCIR 3, Schecter(ed) Thompson 1967.},
Year =1966, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Matic1972, Author ={Matic,R.W.},
Title ={Review of Current Proposed Technologies with Mass Storage Problems},
Journal ={Proc.of the IEEE.},
Year =1972, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFhard.2>} }

@article{Matick1986, Author ={Matick,R.E.},
Title ={Impact of memory systems on computer architecture and system organizations},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal, Nos.34.},
Year =1986, Pages ="274--305",
Volume ="25",
Annote ={ includes review of current and futu5re disk hardware structure Category ={DBFhard> } }

@book{Matloff1988, Author ={Matloff,Norman S.},
Title ={Probability Modeling and Computer Simulation},
Publisher ={PWS-Kent Pub.Co., Boston MA, 358pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at UCD Category ={DBDmethods, x} }

@inproceedings{Matloff1990, Author ={Matloff,N. and Lo,R.W.},
Title ={A 'Greedy' Approach to the Write Problem in Shadowed Disk Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCD Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Matsliach1991, Author ={Matsliach,G. and Shmueli,O.},
Title ={Analyzing an Efficient Method for Distributing Search Structures},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Matsliach1993, Author ={Matsliach,Gabriel},
Title ={Performance Analysis of File Organizations that Use Multibucket Data Leaves with Partial Expansions},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1993, Month Mar,
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Matsuda1986, Author ={Matsuda,Takako et al},
Title ={Construction of knowledge base and database for integration of various software},
Booktitle ={Meeting on integration of knowledge base and database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Tohoku Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Matsumoto1984, Author ={Matsumoto,Y., Shibata,T., and Tani,M.},
Title ={Flow Sketch Methodology: A Practical Requirements Definition Technique Based on Data Flow Concept},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Hitachi, Japan Category ={DBDkb.5>} }

@inproceedings{Matsuo1986, Author ={Matsuo,F., Futamura,S., and Shinohara,T.},
Title ={Efficient Storage and Retrieval of Very Large Document Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Matthews1984, Author ={Matthews,Manton},
Title ={On the Use of Intelligent Functional Interfaces to Distributed Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Category ={DBDkb> at Un.South Carolina Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Matthews1990, Author ={Matthews,R.W.},
Title ={Data modeling for software development},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1990, Volume ="29",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ the repository manager centralizes the information needed for the development of software Category ={DEng> } }

@techreport{Mattos1988, Author ={Mattos, Nelson M.},
Title ={KRISYS: A Multi-layered Prototype KBMS Supporting Knowledge Independence},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Kaiserslautern, FRG KRISYS is hierarchially structured in three levels: application, engineering and implementation. The user of the system deals with only the aplication level. The two operations at this layer are query and update using a reified predicate language. This language has specially interpreted predicates that enables querying meta-data as well as selection on objects. Variables may be used for set orientation. (**My concern with such a language is that the cost of such a language where sets occur as first class objects may be too high. No optimizations are suggested. **) There are two kinds of assertions: ground assertion and integrity constraints. At the engineering level, the data structure issues are addressed. The representation that is chosen is frame-based. Certain concepts such as multiple inheritance, defaults are visible only at this layer. Typical features of a frame system, e.g., procedural slots, demons, subclass hierarchy and rules are supported. The idea of `knowledge independence' means that the application layer doesn't need to be changed if a different representation is chosen at this layer. The implementation layer consists of the database and interface to the database. The idea of binding relevant data to reduce io cost is used. The underlying DBMS is PRIMA, which is an object-based store. No new ideas are present! ----- surajit Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Mattos1988:1, Author ={Mattos,Nelson M.},
Title ={Abstraction Concepts: the Basis for Data and Knowledge Modeling},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Kaiserslautern, FRG Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Maurer1968, Author ={Maurer,Ward Douglas},
Title ={An Improved Hashcode for Scatter Storage},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1968, Month =Jan,
Pages ="35--38",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Maurer1975, Author ={Maurer, W.D. and Lewis, T.G.},
Title ={Hash Table Methods},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1975, Month Mar,
Pages ="5--20",
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Short review of key-to-address transformation, collision handling, Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> %Maurer75 } }

@inproceedings{Mauri1992, Author ={Mauri,P.},
Title ={Database Structure and Discovery Tools for Integrated Circuit Reliability Evaluation},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at SGS-Thomson Microelectronics} }

@inproceedings{Maxwell1973, Author ={Maxwell,W.L. and Severance,D.G.},
Title ={Comparison of Alternatives for the Representation of Data Item Values in an Information System},
Booktitle ={Proc.Wharton Conf. on Research on Computers in Organization,},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Mayes1980, Author ={Mayes,E.},
Title ={Failures in Natural Language Systems: Applications to Database Query Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int 1, Stanford CA.},
Year =1980, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ Intensional failures are distinguished from the extensional failures of Kaplan's CO-OP system: (1) Nonexistent relationships between entity sets and nonexistent attributes of entity sets; (2) Inapplicable functions over entities; (3) High order failures between conjunctive clauses representing two mutually exclusive entitiy sets; (4) Data currency with respect to data update frequency knowledge. E-R model is extended by incorporating generalization hierarchy and aggregation. Mutual exclusiveness of some entities are encoded between the super and subentity sets. Temporal data change knowledge seems to be left out for the later coming work of the author. ACL Category ={DBDquery> DBDnat> } }

@inproceedings{Mayfield1992, Author ={Mayfield,J. and Nicholas,C.},
Title ={SNITCH: Augmenting Hypertext Documents with a Semantic Net},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at University of Maryland Baltimore County Category ={DBDkb> } }

@incollection{Maynard1974, Author ={Maynard,Howard S.},
Title ={User Requirements for Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at EXXON International Informational demands of a world-wide operation with a proposal. Category ={DBFintro.6> } }

@techreport{Mayne1981, Author ={Mayne,Alan},
Title ={Database Management Systems: A Technical Review},
Institution ={National Computing Ctr, Great Britain.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDintro.0, QA76.9D3M39} }

@techreport{Mayne1983, Author ={Mayne,A. and Wood},
Title ={Introducing Relational Database.},
Institution ={National Computing Ctr.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDrel.2, QA76.M3911} }

@article{Mayo1989, Author ={Mayo,J.S. and Marx,W.B.,jr.},
Title ={Introduction: `Technology of Future Networks'},
Journal ={AT\&T Technical Journal.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Volume ="68",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ the major part of the issue addresses modern networking. Intelligent networks is defined in terms of smart routing and gateway use. I3 Category ={DBFdist> } }

@article{Mayr1985, Author ={Mayr,H.C., Lockemann,P.C., and Bever,M.},
Title ={A Framework for Application Systems Engineering},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1985, Pages ="97--111",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at HP Co., Fort Collins, CO revisions Category ={EIS> at Un.Karlsruhe Category ={EIS, xissue } }

@incollection{Mays1984, Author ={Mays,Eric},
Title ={A Temporal Logic for Reasoning about Changing Data Bases in the Context of Natural Language Question-Answering},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Mays1990, Author ={Mays,E., Lanka,S., Dionne,B., and Weida,R.},
Title ={A Persistent Store for Large Shared Knowledge Bases},
Booktitle ={IEEE Conference on Artificial Intelligence Applications (>1985)90.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at IBM T.J. Watson KBMS (knowledge base management system) that provides a persistent storage with version support for KL-ONE-like frames. The paper includes retrieval and update algorithms and their analysis. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Mays1990:1, Author ={Mays,E., Lanka,S., Dionne,B., and Weida,R.},
Title ={A Persistent Store for Large Shared Knowledge Bases},
Institution ={IWBS report 133.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at IBM,Lilog Category ={DBDkb> DBFhard, Lilogbox} }

@article{Mazelkin1984, Author ={Mazelkin,V.V.},
Title ={Using Union-wide Classifiers in Computer Generation of Glossary Bank for Sector Subsystems in Automated Plan Calculation System},
Journal ={Klassifikatory i Dokumenty (in Russian), Moscow.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1--7",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at USSR Gosplan GVTs, Main Computer Ctr Computer code files for all products covered by central planning. Category ={DBFrepresent, FASAC 3 } }

@inproceedings{Mazlack1984, Author ={Mazlack,Lawrence J.},
Title ={Providing a Sufficiency Threshold Rule Structure for a Knowledge-Based System},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Cincinnati Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Mazlack1985, Author ={Mazlack,L.},
Title ={Integrating Data and Knowledge Based Systems},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{McArthur1987, Author ={McArthur,David},
Title ={Building Learning and Tutoring Tools for Object-Oriented Systems},
Institution ={RAND TR..},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ at RAND (1700 Main St., PO Box 2138, Santa Monica CA, 90406) Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@book{McCalla1983, Author ={McCalla,Gordon and Cercone,Nick},
Title ={Knowledge Representation},
Publisher ={IEEE Computer, special issue.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Volume ="16",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Saskatchewan and Simon Fraser Un. based on the 4th Nat'l Conf. of the Canadian Society for Computational Studies of Intelligence, May.1982, available from CIPS, Toronto Ontario. contributions by Woods,W.A; Brachman,R.J; Israel,D.J; Webber,B.L; Langley,P; Schubert,L.K., Papalaskaris,M.A., Taugher,J; Zadeh,L; Brachman,R.A., Fikes,R.E., Levesque,H.J; Davis,R., Shrobe,H; Mylopolous,J., Shibahara,T., Tsotsos,J.K; Havens,W., Mackworth,A; Funt,B.K; Dahl,V; Elcock,E.W; Doyle,J,; Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{McCarn1978, Author ={McCarn,D.B.},
Title ={On-line Systems --- Techniques and Services},
Journal ={Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, ASIS, Williams(ed).},
Year =1978, Pages ="85--126",
Volume ="13",
Category ={DBDquery.1>} }

@inproceedings{McCarthy1989, Author ={McCarthy,D.R. and Dayal,U.},
Title ={The Architecture of an Active Data Base Management System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), SIGMOD RECORD, .},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="215--224",
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at Xerox Advanced Information Technology, (Cambridge MA) HiPAC project is investigating active, time-constrained database management. Gives an overview of Xerox' HiPac system. Event driven trigger procedures, nested transactions, delayed firing of some triggers. ---Risch. I3 Category ={DBDschema> DBDkb> DBFrealtime> } }

@article{McCarthy1966, Author ={McCarthy,John},
Title ={Information},
Journal ={Scientific American, vol.215 no.3.},
Year =1966, Month =Sep,
Pages ="66--73",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBFintro>} }

@incollection{McCarthy1968, Author ={McCarthy,J.},
Title ={Situations, Actions, and Causal Laws},
Booktitle ={Semantic Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf, Minsky (ed), Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press.},
Year =1968, Pages ="410--417",
Annote ={at Stanford Category ={DBDtheory> DBDdesign>} }

@article{McCarthy1975, Author ={McCarthy,John},
Title ={Proposed Criterion for a Cipher to be Probable-Word Proof},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1975, Month =Feb,
Pages ="131--132",
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Comment on Reiedman74 Category ={DBFrepresent-5>} }

@inproceedings{McCarthy1982, Author ={McCarthy,John L.},
Title ={Metadata Management for Large Statistical Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="234--243",
Annote ={at UCB, LBL PICKLE-CSA on DEC VAX VMS for statistics, census data. Transposed files. Category ={DBDstat> } }

@inproceedings{McCarthy1988, Author ={McCarthy,John L.},
Title ={Knowledge Engineering or Engineering Information: Do We Need New Tools?},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCB, LBL Materials databases. I3 Category ={EIS> } }

@article{McCarthy1979, Author ={McCarthy,W.E.},
Title ={An Entity-Relationship View of Accounting Model},
Journal ={Accouting Review. },
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Volume ="54",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@techreport{McCauley1975, Author ={McCauley,E.J., et al},
Title ={File Partitioning and Record Placement in Attribute-Based File Organizations},
Institution ={Nat.Technical Information Service, US Dep.Commerce (Springfield VA) Report AD-A012 937.},
Year =1975, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Naval Res.Lab (Washington DC). Category ={DBDdist> DBFeval.4> } }

@article{McConnel1979, Author ={McConnel, Ashworth, et al.},
Title ={Algorithm Derived, Computer-Generated Interpretive Comments in Reporting of Laboratory Tests},
Journal ={American Journal of Clinical Pathology.},
Year =1979, Pages ="32--41",
Category ={MCS>} }

@article{McCormick1972, Author ={McCormick,W.T.jr., Schweitzer,P.J., and White,T.W.},
Title ={Problem Decomposition and Data Reorganization by a Clustering Technique},
Journal ={Oper.Res..},
Year =1972, Month =Sep,
Pages ="993--1009",
Volume ="20",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Bond Energy Algorithm for diagonalization used for vertical fragmentation. Category ={DBDdist> DBFeval> DBFtechn> } }

@article{McCracken1978, Author ={McCracken,D.D.},
Title ={The Changing Face of Applications Programming},
Journal ={Datamation, 15.},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Pages ="25--30",
Annote ={at President of Assoc. for Computing Machinery Category ={DBFintro.4> } }

@article{McCreight1977, Author ={McCreight,E.M.},
Title ={Pagination of B*-trees with Variable-Length Records},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Pages ="670--674",
Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{McCulloch1985, Author ={McCulloch,C.M.},
Title ={Why Merge? -- An examination of Disk Sorting Strategies},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-34 .},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="387--391",
Number ="4",
Annote ={issue is devoted to sorting. Category ={DBFseq-2.3>} }

@article{McCune1985, Author ={McCune,B., Tong,R., Dean,J., and Shapiro,D.},
Title ={RUBRIC: A System for Rule-Based Information Retrieval},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Volume ="11",
Number ="9",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@inproceedings{McCoy1982, Author ={McCoy,Kathleen F.},
Title ={Augmenting a database knowledge representation for natural language generation},
Booktitle ={American Journal of Computational Linguistics.},
Year =1982, Annote ={SHIPs(1) domains are taken as examples Category ={DBDkb> BDnat> } }

@inproceedings{McCoy1986, Author ={McCoy,Kathleen F.},
Title ={The ROMPER System: Responding to Object-Related Misconceptions Using Perspectives},
Booktitle ={American Journal of Computational Linguistics Proc..},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Delaware Two types of misconception: misclassification and misattribution of objects. The system responds to such misconceptions domain-independently and context-independently by a notion of object perspective, which acts to filter the user model, highlighting those aspects which are made important by previous dialogue, while supressing others. Output from ROMPER consists of rejection of detected user misconception followed by supportive information, in the form of formal specification. The information from response generator is not fed back to misconception detector. Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{McCoy1987, Author ={McCoy,L.S.},
Title ={Interfacing Ada and Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM Ada Letters.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="50--59",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Harris, Melbourne Awkwardness of three alternatives. No type checking. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@article{McCune1985:1, Author ={McCune,B.P., Tong,R.M., Dean,J.S., and Shapiro,D.G.},
Title ={RUBRIC: A System for Rule-based Information Retrieval},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8602-0150.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="939--945",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at AIDS RUBRIC is thesaurus-based system with term weights. Category ={EIS> DBDquery.3> } }

@article{McCune1989, Author ={McCune,W.W. and Henschen,L.J.},
Title ={Maintaining State Constraints in Relational Databases: A Proof Theoretic Basis},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8908--0568.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Pages ="46--68",
Volume ="36",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Argonne National Lab, Argonne IL Useful definitions. ---Gio Efficiently maintaining the integrity when updating state constraints and transition constraints. The method requires only that the constraint be domain independent, it attempts to prove a theorem, that requires limited search and computation. The method produces necessary and sufficient tests. Concurrency under consistency constraints; examples of implementation; updates from 0.5 seconds to almost 10 minutes; strong theoretical basis for future work; automatic theorem proving. ---Korth. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDconc> } }

@article{McCusker1986, Author ={McCusker,T.},
Title ={IBM bounces Back},
Journal ={Datamation, 1.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="32--42",
Volume ="31",
Number ="13",
Annote ={ review of DB2 status and market shares of IMS,DL/1, SQL DB2, IDMS, IDMS/R Datacom(ADR), Total(Cincom), Other on IBM 360 type machines. Category ={DBDrel> DBDbound> } }

@inproceedings{McDaniel1984, Author ={McDaniel,B.C.},
Title ={Issues in Distributed Artificial Intelligence},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at SDC Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist>} }

@article{McDermott1982, Author ={McDermott, Drew},
Title ={A Temporal Logic for Reasoning about Processes and Plans},
Journal ={Cognitive Science, vol.6.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="101--155",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel>} }

@article{McDermott1978, Author ={McDermott,J., Newell,A., and Moore,J.},
Title ={The Efficiency of Certain Production System Implementation},
Journal ={Pattern-Directed Inference Systems, Waterman and Hayes-Roth(Eds), Academic Press (New York NY) Press.},
Year =1978, Pages ="155--176",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{McDonald1988, Author ={McDonald,C.J., Blevins,L., Tierney,W.M., and Martin,D.K.},
Title ={The Regenstrief Medical Records},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Pages ="34--47",
Volume ="5",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ at Un.Indiana, Wishard Mem.Hospital, Regenstrief Inst. Category ={MIS> } }

@article{McDonald1989, Author ={McDonald,Clement J.},
Title ={Medical Information Systems of the Future},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag.},
Year =1989, Pages ="82--87",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at Indiana Un., School of Medicine and Regenstrief Inst. Category ={MIS> } }

@article{McDonald1975, Author ={McDonald,N. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={CUPID--The Friendly Query Language},
Journal ={Proc.ACM Pacific Regional Conf..},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="127--131",
Category ={DBDrel.2, xUC>%McDonald75} }

@techreport{McDonald1974, Author ={McDonald,Nancy, Stonebraker,M., and Wong,E.},
Title ={Preliminary Design of INGRES: Parts I and II},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, No.ERL-M435, and May.1974},
Year =1974, Month Apr,
Annote ={ Description of design of a relational calculus data base wystem. Category ={DBDrel, xUC>in DBfile } }

@techreport{McDonald1975:1, Author ={McDonald,Nancy},
Title ={Getting Started in INGRES with CUPID, a Tutorial},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, No.ERL-M546.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Graphical query definition for a relational data base. Category ={DBDquery, xUC> } }

@article{McDonald1988:1, Author ={McDonald,Nancy (ed)},
Title ={Reference model for DBMS user Facilty},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="23--52",
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ report of ASC X3/SPARC Database System Study group. proposed model for four types of user interfaces. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{McDonald1984, Author ={McDonald,W.},
Title ={A Multicomputer Test Bed for Research in Real-Time Distributed Data Management},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at SDC Category ={DBFrealtime> DBDdist>} }

@manual{McDonnell1988, Author ={McDonnell,M.M.},
Title ={Simple Computer Database System for UNIX},
Organization ={Army Engineer Topographic Labs, 22pp.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Annote ={ at Army Engineer Topographic Labs., (Fort Belvoir VA) To maintain and access a file containing addresses, inventory items or other units of text separated by blanks. Uses Boyer-Moore string matching. Flat file database. Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@book{McDonough1965, Author ={McDonough,Adrian M. and Garrett,Leonard J.},
Title ={Management Systems Working concepts and Practices},
Publisher ={Richard Irwin inc, Homeward IL.},
Year =1965, Category ={DBFintro>} }

@book{McDonough1963, Author ={McDonough,M.},
Title ={Information Economics and Management Systems},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY)..},
Year =1963, Annote ={The use of data and information Category ={DBFintro.2>} }

@book{McElreath1979, Author ={McElreath,T. Jack},
Title ={IMS Design and Implmentation Techniques},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, Inc., 256pp.},
Year =1979, Annote ={at Computer Partners, Inc. Category ={DBDbound.5>} }

@techreport{McElroy1962, Author ={McElroy,F.S., Ed.},
Title ={Method of Recording Basic Facts Relating to the Nature and Occurrence of Work Injuries},
Institution ={ANSI Z16.2-, R1960, New York NY, 1969, Sec. 3.},
Year =1962, Category ={DBFrepresent.2>} }

@book{McEwen1974, Author ={McEwen,H.E.(ed)},
Title ={Management of Data Elements in Information Processing},
Publisher ={Nat.Technical Information Service, US Dep.Commerce (Springfield VA), COM 74-10700.},
Year =1974, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDschema.0>} }

@article{McFadden1978, Author ={McFadden,F.R. and Suver,J.D.},
Title ={Costs and Benefits of Database Systems},
Journal ={Harvard Business Review, no.1.},
Year =1978, Month =Jan,
Pages ="131-138",
Volume ="56",
Category ={DBFeval} }

@book{McFadden1985, Author ={McFadden,F.R. and Hoffer,J.A.},
Title ={Data Base Management},
Publisher ={B-J (Menlo Park), 600pp.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Concepts, phys.Org., DB Design and Admin., DB impl.: DBMS, Data Dict., IMS, Focus, DBTG, INTELLECT, rel.alg(SQL!) Calc.(INGRES), NATURAL, Distr, Micro. Category ={DBFintro> DBDintro> } }

@article{McFarlan1971, Author ={McFarlan,F.Warren},
Title ={Problems in Planning the Information System},
Journal ={Harvard Business Review,},
Year =1971, Month Mar,
Pages ="75--89",
Category ={DBDadmin>%McFarlan71} }

@book{McFarlan1975, Author ={McFarlan,F. Warren and Nolan, Richard(eds)},
Title ={Information Systems Handbook},
Publisher ={Dow-Jones Irwin, Homewood IL.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDadmin>%McFarlan75} }

@article{McFarland1968, Author ={McFarland,K., and Hashiguchi,M.},
Title ={Laser Recording Unit for High Density Permanent Digital Storage},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS.2.},
Year =1968, Pages ="1369--1380",
Volume ="33",
Annote ={Description of UNICON mass storage device Category ={DBFhard.1.4> %McFarland68 } }

@book{McFayden, Author ={McFayden,Ron},
Title ={An Introduction to Structured Query Language},
Publisher ={William Brown, 214pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9211-0851.},
Annote ={at Un.Manitoba Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{McGee1959, Author ={McGee,W.C.},
Title ={Generalization --- Key to Successful Electronic Data Processing},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1959, Month =Jan,
Pages ="1--23",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Description of early system with Data Dictionaries for tape files. Category ={DBDschema> %McGee59 } }

@article{McGee1962, Author ={McGee,W.C.},
Title ={The Property Classification Method of File Design and Processing},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1962, Month =Aug,
Pages ="450--458",
Volume ="5",
Number ="8",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{McGee1968, Author ={McGee,William C.},
Title ={File Structures for Generalized Data Management},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, pp.F68 to F73, N-H,},
Year =1968, Pages ="1233--1239",
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@article{McGee1969, Author ={McGee,W.C.},
Title ={Data Description for Data Independence},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET.},
Year =1969, Month =Dec,
Pages ="3--10",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@article{McGee1969:1, Author ={McGee,William C.},
Title ={Generalized File Processing},
Journal ={The Annual Review in Automatic Programming, Pergamon Press.},
Year =1969, Pages ="77--149",
Volume ="5",
Number ="13",
Annote ={at IBM, Palo Alto Review, many references Category ={DBDschema>%McGee69 } }

@article{McGee1970, Author ={McGee,W.C.},
Title ={Informal Definitions for the Development of a Storage Structure},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET , Houston TX.},
Year =1970, Pages ="338--353",
Category ={DBDschema.4>} }

@article{McGee1972, Author ={McGee,William C.},
Title ={Some Current Issues in Data Description},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{McGee1975, Author ={McGee,William C.},
Title ={A Contribution to the Study of Data Equivalence},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management (IFIP TC-2), Klimbie and Koffeman(eds), pp.269-- 282.},
Year =1975, Annote ={Means to compare various data base structures Category ={DBDschema.5>%McGee74 } }

@inproceedings{McGee1975:1, Author ={McGee,W.C.},
Title ={File-Level Operations on Network Data Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="32--47",
Annote ={Data manipulation language. Category ={DBFintro-2> DBDbound> DBDlang> } }

@article{McGee1978, Author ={McGee,W.C.},
Title ={The Information Management System IMS/VS Part 1: General Structure and Operation},
Journal ={IBM, G321-5046, G3321-5047, G321-5048, G321-5049, G321-5050.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ A five-part series of papers on IMS/VS. 1) architecture, goals, and objectives; 2) data base facilities; 3) batch processing; 4) data communication, and 5) transaction processing in greater depth. Category ={DBDbound.6> } }

@inproceedings{McGeeChiaroni1986, Author ={McGeeChiaroni,N. and Salmona,J.(eds)},
Title ={Increase of Productivity in Public Administration: the Role of Information Technologies},
Booktitle ={Proc. Data for Development Internat. Ass., (Dakar Senegal).},
Year =1986, Annote ={ at Ctr d'Etudes des Systemes d'Information des Administrations (France) Category ={DBappl, DBfile } }

@article{McGill1990, Author ={McGill,M. and Dillon,M.},
Title ={Library Research Activities at OCLC Online Computer Library Center},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at OCLC Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@inproceedings{McGowan1971, Author ={McGowan,C. and Wegner,P.},
Title ={The Equivalence of Sequential and Associative Information Structure Models},
Booktitle ={Proc.of Symp. on Data Structures in Programming Languages ACM-SIGPLAN.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBFhybrid.6>} }

@article{McGrath1987, Author ={McGrath,G.M.},
Title ={The Transition to Fifth Generation Technology: Conceptual Schema Implementation},
Journal ={Aust. Comput.J., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8811-0878.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="16--24",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Telecom Australia, North Sydney Australia Transform binary relationship model into a logical schema in Prolog. Also captures constraints (identifier, subset, disjoint, uniqueness and equality). Modeling tool is Nijssen's information analysis method. ---Springsteel. Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{McCray1990, Author ={McCray and Hole,},
Title ={The Scope and Structure of the First Version of the UMLS Semantic Network},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE .},
Year =1990, Annote ={Unified Medical Language System Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@inproceedings{McGregor1976, Author ={McGregor,D.R., Thomson,R.G., and Dawson,W.N.},
Title ={High Performance for Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 2, Lockeman and Neuhold(eds).},
Year =1976, Pages ="103--116",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{McGregor1989, Author ={McGregor,Robert},
Title ={The Evolving Technology of the KL-ONE Family of Knowledge Representation Systems},
Booktitle ={submitted to Workshop on Formal Aspects of Semantic Networks.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at USC, ISI Major principles adopted by these systems and unifying architectural themes. KL-ONE, NIKL, KRYPTON, KL-TWO, KANDOR, BACK, MESON, LOOM and CLASSIC. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{McHenry1986, Author ={McHenry,W.K. and Goodman,S.E.},
Title ={MIS in Soviet Industrial Enterprises: The Limits of Reform from Above},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1034--1043",
Volume ="29",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ Acceptance requires corresponding organizational changes. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@article{McIlroy1963, Author ={McIlroy,M.D.},
Title ={A Variant Method of File Searching},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , page 101.},
Year =1963, Volume ="6",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{McIlvaine1972, Author ={McIlvaine,Henry},
Title ={Man-Machine Experiments},
Publisher ={Johns Hopkins Press},
Year =1972, Annote ={at Parsons System Category ={DBFeval.1>} }

@inproceedings{McIntosh1990, Author ={McIntosh,Edward},
Title ={A Model for Interfacing MUMPS and SQL},
Booktitle ={MUMPS Users Group Meeting.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Mississippi State Category ={DBDdist> MIS>} }

@inproceedings{McIntosh1968, Author ={McIntosh,S. and Griffel,D.},
Title ={ADMINS from Mark III to Mark V},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H.},
Year =1968, Pages ="1260--1266",
Category ={DBDbound>} }

@inproceedings{McIntyre1987, Author ={McIntyre,S.C. and Higgins,L.F.},
Title ={Knowledge Base Partitioning For Local Expertise: Experience In A Knowledge Based Marketing DSS},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences Conf. on Inf, Systems 20.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{McKay1990, Author ={McKay,D., Finin,T., and Ohare,A.},
Title ={The Intelligent Database Interface: Integrating AI and Database Systems},
Note ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int-90, Boston, MA.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Unisys KQML, mediation IDI is a key component of the Intelligent System Server which is based on Protem and provides a combined logic-based and frame-based knowledge representation system and supports forward chaining, backward chaining and truth maintenance. Experiments access the OAG I3 Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{McKearney1992, Author ={McKearney,S., Bell,D., and Hickey,R.},
Title ={Inferring Abstract Objects in a Database},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Ulster, Northern Ireland Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{McKenney1971, Author ={McKenney,J.L. and Tonge,F.M.},
Title ={The State of Computer-Oriented Curricula in Business Schools},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1971, Month =Jul,
Pages ="443--448",
Volume ="14",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBDintro.9>} }

@inproceedings{McKenzie1986, Author ={McKenzie,Edwin},
Title ={Bibliography: Temporal Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="40--52",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at UNC, CSD Category ={DBDmodel> DBDnewDBMS, home} }

@article{McKenzie1990, Author ={McKenzie,E. and Snodgrass,R.},
Title ={Schema evolution and the relational algebra},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.},
Year =1990, Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ a historical temporal database provides rollback in terms of transaction time to provide model and data snapshots; distinct snapshots may not be comparable. Category ={DBDschema, DBfile Snodgrass } }

@techreport{McKeown1983, Author ={McKeown,D.M.jr.},
Title ={MAPS, The Organization of a Spatial Database System Using Imagery, Terrain, and Map Data},
Institution ={CMU, DCS, TR.CMU-CS-83-136.},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Category ={Image>in DBfile} }

@techreport{McKeown1984, Author ={McKeown,D.M.jr.},
Title ={Digital Cartography and Photo Interpretation from a Database Viewpoint},
Institution ={`New Applications of Databases' Gardarin and Gelenbe(eds), Academic Press (New York NY) ; ACM CR 8511-1057.},
Year =1984, Annote ={overview, classification, MAPS. Category ={Image, DBfile } }

@article{Mckeown1984, Author ={Mckeown,D.M.jr.},
Title ={Knowledge-based Aerial Photo Interpretation},
Journal ={Photogrammetria, (Elsevier) .},
Year =1984, Pages ="91--123",
Volume ="39",
Category ={Image, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{McKeown1980, Author ={McKeown,K.R.},
Title ={Generating Relevant Explanations: Natural Language Responses to Questions About Database Structure},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int 1, Stanford CA.},
Year =1980, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{McKibbon1990, Author ={McKibbon,K, et al.},
Title ={How good are clinical MEDLINE searches},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="23",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at McMaster Un, Ontario novices vs experienced, library, recall: 35, 5, 55, precision: .3, .4, .6 medians Category ={DBDbib> DBDperf> } }

@article{McLaughlin1988, Author ={McLaughlin,M.E., Hill,K.B., Brown,D.D., Rogers,M.A., Howell,A.M., and Hatch,P.P.},
Title ={An Integrated Methodology and Toolset for Database Design},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="37--55",
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Boeing Co, Seattle WA SUDDS Semantic Physical Model. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{McLaughlin1972, Author ={McLaughlin,Richard A.},
Title ={Building a Data Base},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1972, Month =Jul,
Pages ="51--55",
Annote ={at Datamation Description of data preparation operation Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@book{McLean1977, Author ={McLean,E. and Soden,J.},
Title ={Strategic Planning for MIS},
Publisher ={John John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) and Sons, 489 pages.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ This book attempts to deal with the topic of long-range planning for computer-based information services. The editors decided to bring together leading practitioners in the MIS field to discuss the state-of-the-art. These executives met at a Conf. at UCLA to exchange ideas and insight. Out of these discussions came this book. Therefore, the book is basically a collection of presentations made by companies such as IBM, Mobil, TRW, as well as utilities and government agencies. In general, the topic of MIS is viewed from a top management viewpoint rather than a technical perspective. --- Fountain Category ={DBDadmin.1, Student file (Fountain) } }

@article{McLeish1989, Author ={McLeish,Mary},
Title ={Further Results on the Security of Partitioned Dynamic Statistical Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="98--113",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Guelph Category ={DBDprotect>} }

@article{McLeod1975, Author ={McLeod,D. and Meldman,M.},
Title ={RISS: A Generalized Minicomputer Relational Data Base Management System},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , AFIPS Press.},
Year =1975, Pages ="397--402",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={ actually quite limited capabilities, does run on a mini-DEC-11. Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@book{McLeod1975:1, Author ={McLeod,D.J.},
Title ={RISS},
Publisher ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS.},
Year =1975, Pages ="397--402",
Volume ="44",
Category ={app.B>} }

@techreport{McLeod1976, Author ={McLeod,D.J.},
Title ={High Level Expression of Semantic Integrity Assertions in a Relational Data Base System},
Institution ={S.M. Thesis, Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, LCS, TR.MITLCSTR-165.},
Year =1976, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDintegrity.3>} }

@techreport{McLeod1978, Author ={McLeod,D.J.},
Title ={A Semantic Database Model and Its Associated Structured User Interface},
Institution ={PhD Th., Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, LCS, TR.MITLCSTR-213.},
Year =1978, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{McLeod1980, Author ={McLeod,D. and Smith,J.M.},
Title ={Abstraction in Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM Pingree Park Workshop, Brodie(ed).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="19--15",
Annote ={at USC; CCA Surveys current research and practice concerning abstraction in database systems. Category ={DBDmodel.3> } }

@inproceedings{McLeod1980:1, Author ={McLeod,D., and Heimbigner,D. "},
Title ={A federated architecture for data base systems},
Booktitle ={AFIPS National Computer Conference, AFIPS Press, Arlington, Va..},
Year =1980, Volume ="39",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{McLeod1982, Author ={McLeod,D. and Villasenor,Y.F.(eds)},
Title ={Proc.of the International Conference on Very Large Data Bases},
Publisher ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) Endowment (Saratoga CA) , 387pp.},
Year =1982, Annote ={ proceedings of VLDB 8, held in Mexico City Mexico, Sep.1982. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{McLeod1985, Author ={McLeod,D. and Widjojo,S.},
Title ={Object Management and Sharing in Autonomous, Distributed Data-Knowledge Bases},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={mentions problems of domain matching. Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> } }

@article{McLeod1989, Author ={McLeod,Dennis},
Title ={1988 VLDB panel on 'Future Directions in DBMS Research': A Brief Informal Summary},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="27--30",
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDintro>} }

@inproceedings{McLeod1991, Author ={McLeod,Dennis},
Title ={The Identification and Resolution of Semantic Heterogeneity in Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{McNickle1987, Author ={McNickle,M. and Reedy,A.},
Title ={Experiences in Using Ada with DBMS Applications},
Booktitle ={ACM Ada letters.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="40--49",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at PRC, McLean VA Interfaces to sequential files and CODASYL DBMS/11. Hardcoded interfaces. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{McPartland1975, Author ={McPartland,Richard L.},
Title ={A Corporate Data Bank in Action},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., SF .},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="174--184",
Annote ={at PGE Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{McPherson1987, Author ={McPherson,J. and Pirahesh,H.},
Title ={An Overview of Extensibility in Starburst},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="92--99",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res.Ctr, (San Jose CA) Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{McQuillan1977, Author ={McQuillan and Walden},
Title ={The ARPA Network Design Decisions},
Journal ={Computer Networks, vol.1.},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Pages ="243-289",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{McSkimin1979, Author ={McSkimin,J. and Minker,J.},
Title ={A Predicate Calculus Based Semantic Network for Deductive Searching},
Booktitle ={Associative Networks, Findler(ed).},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{McShane1979, Author ={McShane,D.J., Harlow,A., Kraines,R.G., and Fries,J.F.},
Title ={TOD: A Software System for the ARAMIS Data Bank},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Pages ="34--40",
Volume ="12",
Number ="11",
Category ={MCS>} }

@article{Meade1987, Author ={Meade,Jim},
Title ={The Future of Optical Disks in Archival Storage},
Journal ={Hardcopy.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="64--72",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhard, Opt box} }

@inproceedings{Meador1989, Author ={Meador,Wes E.},
Title ={Disk Array Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar.,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="143--146",
Annote ={at Maximum Strategy Inc., San Jose CA Category ={DBFhard> } }

@book{Meadow1967, Author ={Meadow,Charles T.},
Title ={The Analysis of Information Systems},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-Melville, 1973.},
Year =1967, Annote ={ at U.S. Atomic Energy Commission (Washington DC). review of aspects of design of retrieval systems Category ={DBDquery> %Meadow73 } }

@article{Mealy1967, Author ={Mealy,George H.},
Title ={Another Look at Data},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1967, Pages ="525--534",
Volume ="31",
Annote ={ A Primary paper on data maps and data relationships, defines many concepts as attributes, data types and representation. Engles' paper provides some introduction. Category ={DBDschema> %Mealy67 } }

@article{Meaney1987, Author ={Meaney,F.J.},
Title ={Database for Genetic Services: Current Usages and Future Directions},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub, -3, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8809-0704.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="227--232",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Indiana Un., School of Medicine Council of Regional Networks for Genetic Services (CORN) has suggested a data set. Redundancy in the presentation. Anyone can read the paper without in-depth knowledge. ---Rao. Category ={MIS> } }

@techreport{Meechan1988, Author ={Meechan,David J.},
Title ={A Heuristic Approach to Query Optimization},
Institution ={Un.Alberta, TR 99-7.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Alberta, DCS simpler than cost models while taking more factors into account Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Meersman1986, Author ={Meersman,R. and Horndasch,A.(eds)},
Title ={Modeling Static and Dynamic Aspects of Information Systems},
Booktitle ={IFIP, TC-2 WG2.6 Work.Conf. on Database Semantics (DS-1), (Albufeira Portugal), N-H,},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Meersman1986:1, Author ={Meersman,Robert},
Title ={Reasoning about Conceptual Database Design -- A Semi-Tutorial},
Booktitle ={IFIP, TC-2 Conf.on Knowledge and Data (DS-2), Portugal, N-H},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Tilburg Un. (The Netherlands) a rich conceptual model Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@book{Meersman1986:2, Author ={Meersman,R. and Sernadas,A.C.(eds)},
Title ={Knowledge and Data (DS-2)},
Publisher ={IFIP, TC-2 WG2.6 Work.Conf.on Database Semantics, Portugal, N-H, 430pp.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Meghini1991, Author ={Meghini,C. and Thanos,C.},
Title ={The Complexity of Operations on a Fragmented Relation },
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Pages ="58-97",
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IEICNR Proposes a two-step process to reconstruct first minimal horizontal, then vertical covers. When fragments overlap, optimization becomes intractible. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Mehl1975, Author ={Mehl,Christian},
Title ={Panorama Comparatif des Logicals de Gestion de Transactions},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, Service Technique Informatique.},
Year =1975, Month =Jul,
Annote ={Survey of Transaction Processing Systems. Category ={DBDintro.8, xbook> } }

@article{Mehl1974, Author ={Mehl,J.W. and Wang,C.P.},
Title ={A Study of Order Transformations of Hierarchical Structures in IMS Data Base},
Journal ={IBM, report RJ1359,},
Year =1974, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDbound, x9>} }

@inproceedings{Mehrotra1991, Author ={Mehrotra,S., Rastogi,R., Korth,H., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Non-Serializable Executions in Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Mehrotra1992, Author ={Mehrotra,S., Rastogi,R., Korth,H., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={The Concurrency Control Problem in Multidatabases: Characteristics and Solutions },
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDconc> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Mehrotra1992:1, Author ={Mehrotra,S., Rastogi,R., Breitbart,Y., Korth,H,. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Ensuring Transaction Atomicity in Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Mehta1993, Author ={Mehta,A., Geller,J., Perl,Y., and Fankhauser,P.},
Title ={Computing Access Relevance to Support Path-Method Generation in},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at New Jersey Insitute of Technology Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Mehta1993:1, Author ={Mehta,M., Soloviev,V., and DeWitt,D.},
Title ={Batch Scheduling in Parallel Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin-Madison Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Meier1982, Author ={Meier,Andreas},
Title ={A Graph Grammar Approach to Geographical Databases},
Journal ={Presented at Stanford.},
Year =1982, Category ={unknown> at Inst.Informatick (Switzerland); IBM Category ={Image> DBappl> Image>in DBfile@techreport{Meier1983, Author ={Meier,A. and Lorie,R.A.},
Title ={Implicit Hierarchical Joins for Complex Objects},
Institution ={Rcvd Sum. .},
Year =1983, Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Ownership connections, inclusion dependency. Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel.3, DBfile } }

@techreport{Meier1983:1, Author ={Meier,A. and Lorie,R.A.},
Title ={A Surrogate Concept for Engineering Databases},
Institution ={Rcvd Sum. .},
Year =1983, Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Meijler1991, Author ={Meijler,T.D., Kuil,H.W., Gelsema,E.S., and Kersten,M.L.},
Title ={Bridging the Boundaries between Applications: Providing Interactive Interoperability for the End-User},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Meiners1973, Author ={Meiners,E.E.},
Title ={A Machine-Independent Data Management System},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1973, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDschema.5>} }

@article{Melbye1962, Author ={Melbye,Aage and Sveistrup,Poul},
Title ={The Need for Education and Research in Administrative Data Processing},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark ,},
Year =1962, Pages ="35--44",
Volume ="2",
Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@book{Melish1985, Author ={Melish,C.S.},
Title ={Computer Interpretation of Natural Language Descriptions},
Publisher ={Halstead-John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDquery.4.4> DBDnat, x ChaSK} }

@inproceedings{Melkanoff1984, Author ={Melkanoff,S.J. and Cammarata M.A.},
Title ={An Interactive Data Dictionary Facility for CAD/CAM Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at The Rand Corp and UCLA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Mekouar1983, Author ={Mekouar,Faical},
Title ={Etude des Performances du Hachage Digital},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR..},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at INRIA Detailed evaluation of linear hashing. Confirms Litwin '81. Category ={DBFindex.4, DBfile } }

@article{Mellen1973, Author ={Mellen,G.E.},
Title ={Cryptology, Computers, and Common Sense},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Pages ="569--579",
Volume ="42",
Annote ={at Sperry Univac Many examples and relevant summary remarks Category ={DBFrepresent-5> } }

@article{Melski1978, Author ={Melski,J.W., Geer,D.E., and Bleich,H.L.},
Title ={Medical Information Storage and Retrieval Using Prepocessed Variables},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1978, Pages ="613--621",
Volume ="11",
Annote ={ at Dep.Medicine, Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Hospital, Boston MA. MISAR II transposed file copy Category ={DBFhybrid.1.5> MCS> } }

@techreport{Meltzer1969, Author ={Meltzer,H.S.},
Title ={Data Base Concepts and an Architecture for a Data Base System},
Institution ={IBM, report to the SHARE Information Systema Project,},
Year =1969, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM Arguments relating to DBTG Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Menasce1979, Author ={Menasce,D.A., Muntz,R.R. and Popek,G.J.},
Title ={A formal model of crash recovery in computer systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 12.},
Year =1979, Pages ="28--35",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@article{Menasce1979:1, Author ={Menasce,D. and Muntz,R.},
Title ={Locking and Deadlock Detection in Distributed Data Bases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-5 .},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="195--222",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist} }

@article{Menasce1980, Author ={Menasce,D.A., Popek,G.J., and Muntz,R.R.},
Title ={A locking protocol for resource coordination in distributed databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="103--138",
Volume ="5",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> DBDintegrity.1>} }

@inproceedings{Menasce1982, Author ={Menasce,D.A. and Nakanishi,T.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of a Two-Phase Commit Based Protocol for DDBs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="247--255",
Number ="475820",
Annote ={ at Ponti.Un.Catholica (Rio de Janeiro); Escola Federal (Minas Gerais, Brazil) Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2> } }

@techreport{Mendel1986, Author ={Mendel,George},
Title ={Designing for Ada Reuse, A Case Study},
Institution ={Stanford Un., TR-CSL-86-299.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={sorting specifications reused. Category ={DBDlang, DBFile Luckham } }

@article{Mendelson1988, Author ={Mendelson,H. and Saharia,A.N.},
Title ={Incomplete Information costs and Database Design},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="159--185",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ information value, missing data, decision theory framework, applied to ships in the Mediterranean. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb> } }

@article{Mendelsohn1971, Author ={Mendelsohn,Rudolph C.},
Title ={Data Banks and Information Systems for National Statistics},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress.},
Year =1971, Pages ="1483--1484",
Annote ={at Bureau of Labor Statistics Description of a national data bank application. Category ={DBFintro.6> } }

@techreport{Mendelzon1982, Author ={Mendelzon,A.O., Sadri,F., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Adequacy of Decompositions of Relational Databses},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1982, Annote ={at Princeton Un. We consider conditions with the purpose of defining a `good' decomposition of a relation scheme. These notions are equivalent in the case that all constraints in the database are functional dependencies. Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile } }

@article{Mendelzon1984, Author ={Mendelzon,A.O.},
Title ={Database States and their Tableaux},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="264--282",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Mendelzon1989, Author ={Mendelzon,A.O. and Wood,P.T.},
Title ={Finding Regular Simple Paths in Graph Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto, CSRI Recursive query optimization. Evaluation of class of queries in the graph-oriented query language G++. Many complicated graph searches are much more natural to describe graphically as in G++, rather than as complicated recursive predicates. Paper discusses some cases when efficient implementations can be made.(Risch) Example: airlines trip; graph G, G+ Category ={DBDtheory> DBDquery> } }

@article{Mendelzon1991, Author ={Mendelzon,A. and Wood,P.},
Title ={Functional Dependencies in Horn Clause Queries},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ some uses of the cut can be automated by inferring them; this requires knowledge of which variables are bound at execution time Category ={DBDquery> DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Meng1989, Author ={Meng,L.},
Title ={Analysis of Some Experiment Results for the TDM},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Alberta, Canada Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Meng1992, Author ={Meng,W., Yu,C., and Kim,W.},
Title ={Processing Hierarchical Queries in Heterogeneous Environments},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UniSQL, Inc. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Meng1993, Author ={Meng,W., Yu,C., Kim,W., Wang,G., and Pham,T.},
Title ={Construction of a Relational Front-end for Object-Oriented Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois; UNISQL; Omron Category ={DBDobject> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Menon1986, Author ={Menon,J.},
Title ={A Study of Sort Algorithms for Multiprocessor DB Machines},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res.Ctr (San Jose CA) Category ={DBFmach> DBFseq> } }

@inproceedings{Menon1989, Author ={Menon,S. and Smith,T.R.},
Title ={Search for multi-component objects in large spatial databases},
Booktitle ={Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, Paris.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@incollection{Mercer1974, Author ={Mercer,Wesley E.},
Title ={User experience with TOTAL},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Eli Lilly and Co. A Corporate view of their data base system Category ={DBDintro.9> DBDadmin> } }

@inproceedings{Merchant1993, Author ={Merchant,A. and Yu,P.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of a Dual Striping Strategy for Replicated Disk Arrays},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at NEC; IBM TJ Watson Research Ctr. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Mermet1985, Author ={Mermet,J.},
Title ={CASCADE: vers un systeme integre de CAO de VLSI},
Booktitle ={ Liason de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="16--29",
Number ="102",
Annote ={at IMAG Proposal for an integrated design system. Considers object orientation or PROLOG, VAX. Notes that 200-1000 man-years are needed for a design. Category ={DBDobject> EIS, VLSI box } }

@article{Merrett1977, Author ={Merrett,Tim H.},
Title ={Relations As Programming Language Elements},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. ,},
Year =1977, Month =Feb,
Pages ="29--33",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDintro.1>} }

@inproceedings{Merrett1978, Author ={Merrett,T.H.},
Title ={The Extended Relational Algebra, A Basis for Query Languages},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="99--128",
Annote ={at McGill Un. (Montreal QU) Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@inproceedings{Merrett1979, Author ={Merrett,T. and Otoo,E.},
Title ={Distribution Models of Relations},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Furtado and Morgan(eds), Rio de Janeiro, IEEE .},
Year =1979, Pages ="418--426",
Annote ={ Model files in memory to obtain information for optimal secondary storage access Category ={DBFimpl.2.3> DBDschema.3.3> DBDrel.3, .3 } }

@techreport{Merrett1981, Author ={Merrett,T.H.},
Title ={Why Sort-Merge Gives the Best Implementation of the Natural Join},
Institution ={McGill Un.?, TR.SOCS-81-37.},
Year =1981, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ To join two relations efficiently, they must not only be clustered but mutually clustered. Sorting is the only known way to achieve mutual clustering. Category ={DBDops.4> } }

@inproceedings{Merrett1981:1, Author ={Merrett,T.H., Kambayashi,Y., and Yasura,H.},
Title ={Scheduling of Page-Fetches in Join Operations},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="488--498",
Annote ={ Schedules which require the least page-swapping counts. Assumptions: 1) only join operations on two relations, 2) buffer can contain two pages. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Merrett1981:2, Author ={Merrett,T.H.},
Title ={Practical Hardware for Linear Execution of Relational Database Operations},
Booktitle ={McGill Un.?, TR.SOCS-81-30.},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ Usy systolic processor to calculate first a bit array showing which tuples from each relation participate in the result, use partitioning to block-diagonalize the bit array, to the number of processors. Use bits to find desired tuples. Note apparent conflict with not referenced Jan.83 pap. Category ={DBFmach> DBFstorage-3.3> } }

@article{Merrett1983, Author ={Merrett,T.H.},
Title ={Why Sort-Merge Gives the Best Implementation of the Natural Join},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="40--51",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDperf>} }

@book{Merrett1983:1, Author ={Merrett,T.H.},
Title ={Relational Information Systems},
Publisher ={Reston.},
Year =1983, Annote ={Chap.5 includes Bill-of-Materials example. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Merrett1984, Author ={Merrett,T.H.},
Title ={Extending the Relational ALPHA to capture less Meaning},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="55--68",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ a generalization permits dealing with, a.o. finance, text, geometry, but not transitive closure. Category ={DBDmodel.3> } }

@inproceedings{Merrett1984:1, Author ={Merrett,Tim H.},
Title ={The Relational Algebra as a Typed Language for Logic Programming},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at McGill Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Merrett1988, Author ={Merrett,T.H. and Hamel,L.},
Title ={Dynamic Multipaging in Even Less Space},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record,},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="56--61",
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at McGill Un., School of CS Multiattribute access to a database file using directories of negligible size. Category ={DBFindex> } }

@article{Merrett1990, Author ={Merrett,T.H. and Laliberte,N.},
Title ={Including Scalars in a programming language based on the Relational Algebra},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Volume ="15",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at McGill Un. (Montreal, Que) extensions permit operations with tuples Category ={DBDops> } }

@article{Merrett1990:1, Author ={Merrett,T.H.},
Title ={Relixpert --- An Expert System shell written in a programming language},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Merritt1985, Author ={Merritt,M.J., Cavett,B., Fields,L.G., Kaplan,D., Lazaer,T., and Miller,D.S.},
Title ={Desires and Aspirations of the Engineering Support System User},
Journal ={IEEE Micro.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="6--17",
Volume ="5",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Relation of workstation to central facility, networks, standards, etc. Category ={EIS> } }

@techreport{Merten1970, Author ={Merten,Alan G.},
Title ={Some Quantitative Techniques for File Organization},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Wisconsin, TR.15,},
Year =1970, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Computing Ctr Category ={DBFtechn.1>} }

@article{Merten1974, Author ={Merten,Alan G. and Fry,James P.},
Title ={A Data Description Language Approach to File Translation},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed)..},
Year =1974, Pages ="191--206",
Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@book{Merten1977, Author ={Merten,A.G.(ed)},
Title ={Proc.of the 3rd VLDB Conf.},
Publisher ={IEEE Pub. CH1268-2C, 570pp.},
Year =1977, Number ="77",
Annote ={ Proc.1977 VLDB 3, Merten(ed) Conf., 6-8 Oct.1977, Tokyo Category ={DBFintro> } }

@inproceedings{Merten1974:1, Author ={Merten,H.},
Title ={Communication with Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the 3rd International Conf. on Computer Communications, .},
Year =1974, Pages ="61--66",
Annote ={at Siemens AG (Munchen FRG) A very limited paper. Analyzes requirements for data communication between computers. Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Merz1992, Author ={Merz,U. and King,R.},
Title ={DIRECT: A Query Facility for Multiple Databases (Abstract)},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={a federated browser, graphical query editor; representing a multi-database query as a data definition diagram; example uses IMS and DB2 Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Merzbacher1992, Author ={Merzbacher,M. and Chu,W.W.},
Title ={Instance-based Clustering for Databases},
Booktitle ={3rd ASIS Workshop on Classification Approach, Pittsburg PA.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Merzbacher1992:1, Author ={Merzbacher,M. and Chu,W.W.},
Title ={Query-based Semantic Nearness for Cooperative Query Answering},
Booktitle ={ISMM 1st International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Merzbacher1992:2, Author ={Merzbacher,M. and Chu,W.},
Title ={Dynamic Nearness: An Efficient Semantic Distance Metric},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at UCLA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Metcalfe1976, Author ={Metcalfe,R.M. and Boggs,D.R.},
Title ={Ethernet: Distributed Packet Switching for Local Computer Networks},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1976, Month =Jul,
Pages ="395--404",
Volume ="19",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Methlie1978, Author ={Methlie,L.B.},
Title ={Schema Design Using a Data Structure Matrix},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1978, Pages ="81--91",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Methlie1985, Author ={Methlie,L.B. and Sprague,R.H.},
Title ={Knowledge Representation for Decision Support Systems},
Institution ={Rcvd. TR..},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Metzger1988, Author ={Metzger,J.B., Stevens,J.M., Morphy,M.S., and Silva,J.S.},
Title ={A Model for Capacity Planning of a Comprehensive Integrated Information System for Hospitals and Clinics},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Category ={MIS>} }

@article{Metzner1991, Author ={Metzner,J.J.},
Title ={Efficient Replicated Remote File Comparison},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Volume ="40",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ uses a parity tree structure; dopes not seem to work well for insert-delete differences Category ={DBFdist> } }

@book{Metzing1979, Author ={Metzing,D.(ed)},
Title ={Frame Conceptions and Text Understanding},
Publisher ={W.deGruyter, Berlin.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Meurer1980, Author ={Meurer,T.F.},
Title ={Solving the Mystery of Data Base Design},
Journal ={Computerworld, Vol.XIV , 17,},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="48--52",
Number ="28",
Annote ={ Author advocates the use of structured top-down techniques to plan and design a company-wide database system. Briefly addresses the topics of logical design, entity-relationship models, normalization, and the role of data administration. --- Fountain Category ={DBDmodel, Student file (Fountain) } }

@book{Meyer1988, Author ={Meyer,Bertrand},
Title ={Object-Oriented Software Construction},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 534pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Interactive Software Eng (Santa Barbara CA) EIFFEL is the language Category ={DBDlang> DBDobject> DEng, x } }

@article{Meyer1989, Author ={Meyer,B.},
Title ={From structured programming to object-oriented design: the road to Eiffel},
Journal ={Structured Programming .},
Year =1989, Pages ="19--39",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ high-level mechanisms for describing system architectures are more important then in-the-small issues. Eiffel supports client and inheritance relations between classes as well as genericity. Design and implementation should be viewed as instances of the same general activity. Eiffel makes a heavy use of assertions. Class invariants are used to specify 'programming by contract'--- Haim Kilov. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Meyer1973, Author ={Meyer,C.H.},
Title ={Design Considerations for Cryptography},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Pages ="603--606",
Volume ="43",
Annote ={at IBM, Kingston the use of random number generators and shiftregisters Category ={DBFrepresent-5> } }

@article{Meyer1971, Author ={Meyer,J.F.},
Title ={Fault Tolerant Sequential Machines},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-20 ,},
Year =1971, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1167--1177",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBFuse-4.1>} }

@inproceedings{Meyer1984, Author ={Meyer,K. and Doughty,J.},
Title ={Automatic Normalization and Entity-Relationship Generation Through Attributes and Roles},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="69--103",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at British Gas Board Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@unpublished{Meyer1983, Author ={Meyer,Steven J.},
Title ={Pragmatic Versus Structured Computer Programming},
Note ={draft report.},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at LSI Logic Corp (Milpitas CA) Arguments on failures of top-down refinement, with comments of reviewers. Category ={DBDlang> EIS, DBfile } }

@article{Meyers1984, Author ={Meyers,E.},
Title ={RDBMS, is now the time?},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="84--93",
Volume ="30",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Discussion of place of relational database management, includes RTI INGRES, and Britton-Lee IDM, many others, with observations on inability to use for on-line large databases. Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@book{Meyers1981, Author ={Meyers,Glenford J.},
Title ={Advances in Computer Architecture},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1981, Annote ={at Intel (Santa Clara CA) Category ={DBFhard.1> DDFarchitecture, x } }

@incollection{MeyerWegener1989, Author ={MeyerWegener,K., Lum,V.Y., and Wu,C.T.},
Title ={Image Management in a Multimedia Database System},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC 2-6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="497--523",
Annote ={ at Un.Kaiserslautern, Fachbereich Informatik, FRG Only external and explicit descriptive text parameters are considered. Category ={DBDimage> } }

@article{Myers1986, Author ={Myers,Ware(ed)},
Title ={The Competitiveness of The United States Disk-Drive Industry},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="85--91",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Michael1980, Author ={Michael,G.A.},
Title ={An Archival Memory System (AMS) Specification},
Booktitle ={Fourth IEEE Symp. Mass Storage Systems.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Pages ="62--66",
Category ={DBFhard.1> DBFarchitecture> DBDadmin.2.2} }

@article{Michaels1976, Author ={Michaels,A.S., Mittman,B., and Carlson,C.R.},
Title ={A Comparison of the Relational and CODASYL Approaches to Data-Base Management},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="125--150",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDbound.5>} }

@article{Michaels1975, Author ={Michaels, P.C. and Richards, W.J.},
Title ={Magnetic Bubble Mass Memory},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Magnetics.},
Year =1975, Month =Jan,
Pages ="21--25",
Volume ="11",
Category ={DBFhard.1.4, x2> %Michaels75} }

@article{Michaelski1980, Author ={Michaelski,R.S.},
Title ={Pattern Recognition as Rule-Guided Inductive Inference},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Pattern Recognition and Inference, Vol.PAMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers-2 .},
Year =1980, Month =Jul,
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDquery.2.3, DBfile} }

@book{Michaelson1974, Author ={Michaelson,H.B.(editor)},
Title ={Magnetic Recording},
Publisher ={IBM Journal of Research and Development,},
Year =1974, Month =Nov,
Volume ="18",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ Special issue with 11 papers on stae of the art problems in tape and disk recording. Category ={DBFhard.1> } }

@article{Michalewicz1990, Author ={Michalewicz,Z., Li,J-J., and Chen,K-W.},
Title ={A genetic algorithm for statistical database security},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.N.Carolina select ranges that are permissible to be divulged without impacting security by a dynamic algorithm Category ={DBDsec> } }

@unpublished{Michard1982, Author ={Michard,Alain},
Title ={A New Database Query Language for Non-Professional Users: Design Principles and Ergonomic Evaluation},
Note ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR..},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Number ="127",
Annote ={at Inria Category ={DBDquery, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Michel1989, Author ={Michel,Ruben},
Title ={A Categorical Approach to Distributed Systems, Expressibility and Knowledge},
Booktitle ={PODC 8.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Yale Byzantine models Category ={DBFdist> DBDrel, DBfile } }

@article{Michie1976, Author ={Michie,Donald},
Title ={A Theory of Advice},
Journal ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers 8, Elcock and Michie(eds), Wiley.},
Year =1976, Pages ="151--168",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Michie1980, Author ={Michie,D.},
Title ={Expert Systems in the Micro-Electronic Age},
Publisher ={Edinburgh Un.Press.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Michie1985, Author ={Michie,D. and Johnston,R.},
Title ={The Knowledge Machine: Artificial Intelligence And The Future Of Man},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDkb, Q335.M468} }

@inproceedings{Mickunas1984, Author ={Mickunas,M.D., Jalote,P., and Campbell,R.H.},
Title ={The Delay/Re-Read Protocol for Concurrency Control in Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="307--314",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois improves concurrency over 2-phase locking. It is proven to be consistent and deadlock free. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } }

@article{Mikkilineni1988, Author ={Mikkilineni,K.P. and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={An Evaluation of Relational Join Algorithms in a Pipelined Query Processing Environment},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="838-848",
Volume ="14",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ 1) nested block, 2) hash, 3) sort-merge, and 4) pipelined sort-merge. 4 is best. Category ={DBFmach, DBfile } }

@article{Mikkilineni1988:1, Author ={Mikkilineni,K.P., Chow,Y-C. and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={Petri-Net-Baed Modeling and Evaluation of Pipelined Processing of Concurrent Database Queries},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1656--1667",
Volume ="14",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ at Honeywell Corporate Systems Development Div., Golden Valley MN Validates the advantages of pipelining and intermediate data sharing. Category ={DBDconc> DBDquery, DBfile Su } }

@book{Miller1971, Author ={Miller,Arthur R.},
Title ={The Assault on Privacy},
Publisher ={Un.Michigan Press, Ann Arbor .},
Year =1971, Annote ={ Social and governmental aspects of privacy, from a lawyer's point of view. Bibliography. Many examples and summaries. Category ={DBDprivacy.0> } }

@article{Miller1956, Author ={Miller,G.A.},
Title ={The Magical Number Seven, Plus or Minus Two: Some Limits on Our Capacity for Processing Information},
Journal ={The Psychological Review.},
Year =1956, Month Mar,
Pages ="81--97",
Volume ="63",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDops.3> DBDquery.0>} }

@techreport{Miller1969, Author ={Miller,G.F.},
Title ={The ACME File System},
Institution ={Stanford , ACME Note FY-1},
Year =1969, Annote ={at ACME, Stanford Un. Design of an Indexed File System with Reliability Considerations Category ={DBFuse-4> } }

@inproceedings{Miller1964, Author ={Miller,J.C.},
Title ={Conceptual Methods for Determining Information Requirements},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS},
Year =1964, Volume ="25",
Category ={DBFintro.4>} }

@book{Miller1970, Author ={Miller,J.R.},
Title ={Professional Decision Making: A Procedure for Evaluating Complex Alternatives},
Publisher ={Praeger Publisher, NY .},
Year =1970, Annote ={ Methodology for large computer system selection and valuation of subjective worth measures. Category ={DBFeval> } }

@article{Miller1981, Author ={Miller,L.A.},
Title ={Natural Language Programming: Styles, Strategies, and Contrasts},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8203-39149.},
Year =1981, Pages ="184--215",
Volume ="20",
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Miller, Author ={Miller,Les, Gadia,S.K., and Vaishnav,J.H.},
Title ={Completeness Issues for Join Dependencies Derived from the Universal Relation Join Dependency},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Pages ="269--274",
Volume ="28",
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Miller1978, Author ={Miller,M.W.},
Title ={A Survey of Distributed Data Base Management},
Journal ={Inf. Manage..},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Pages ="243--264",
Volume ="1",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFhard>} }

@book{Miller1987, Author ={Miller,Nancy E.},
Title ={File Structures Using Pascal},
Publisher ={Benjamin/Cummings Publishers, 487pp.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Suitable for an undergraduate computer science course on file organization, not file systems. Records and files in Pascal. Wiederhold's book presents a thorough analysis of key factors, along with formulas and a review of theoretical research. ---Etlinger Category ={DBFintro> } }

@book{Miller1990, Author ={Miller,N. and Petersen,C.},
Title ={File structures with Ada},
Publisher ={Benjamin/Cummings Publishers, 444pp; ACM CR 9102-0039.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Mississippi State Un. blocking and buffering, algorithms for updating sequential files and external sort and merge algorithms; random access, relative files, search trees, indexed sequential files, multikey files; gives grounding in how to implement file structures; and Ada-like pseudocode is used in the body of the text; Ada is in the appendix Category ={DBFseq> DBDlang> } }

@article{Miller1988, Author ={Miller,P.L., Barwick,K.W., Morrow,J.S., Powsner,S.M., and Riely,C.A.},
Title ={Semantic Relationships and Medical Bibliographic Retrieval: A Preliminary Assessment},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Pages ="64--77",
Volume ="21",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Dep.Anesth., Yale Un.School of Med. processing bibliographic data Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDkb> } }

@article{Miller1977, Author ={Miller,R., Rosenberg,A., and Pippenger,N.},
Title ={Optimal 2,3-trees},
Journal ={IBM, TJWRC, Res.R. RC 6505.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFhybrid> DBDintegrity>} }

@techreport{Miller1979, Author ={Miller,R. and Snyder,L.},
Title ={Multiple Access to Btrees},
Institution ={Yale Un., preliminary version, ?},
Year =1979, Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFimpl.2> DBDintegrity>} }

@techreport{Miller:1, Author ={Miller,R. and Snyder,L.},
Title ={Multiple Access to Btrees},
Institution ={Preliminary version available from Snyder at Yale.},
Category ={DBDmodel> DBFimpl> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Miller1982, Author ={Miller,R.A., Pople,H.E., and Myers,J.D.},
Title ={Internist-I, and Experimental Computer-Based Diagnostic Consultant for General Internal Medicine},
Journal ={New England J.of Medicine.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Miller1985, Author ={Miller,R.A., Schaffner,K.F., and Meisel.A.},
Title ={Ethical and Legal Issues Related to the use of Computer Programs in Clinical Medicine},
Journal ={Annals of Internal Medicine.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="529-536",
Volume ="102",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh legal citations, liability and privacy. Category ={MIS> DBDprivacy.1, MCS file@inproceedings{Miller1993, Author ={Miller,R., Ioannnidis,Y.,and Ramakrishnan,R.},
Title ={Understanding Schemas},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin-Madison Category ={DBDdist> DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Miller1993:1, Author ={Miller,R.J., Ioannidis,Y, and Ramakrishnan,R.},
Title ={The Use of Information Capacity in Schema Integration and Translation},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Miller1975, Author ={Miller,Stephen W.},
Title ={Storage Technology: Overview and Projection},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., SF .},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="10--14",
Annote ={at Stanford Research Inst. Short summary of past and future storage. Category ={DBFhard.1> } }

@techreport{Miller1980, Author ={Miller,Stephen W.},
Title ={Overview of Mass Storage Systems},
Institution ={SRI, Systems Development Dep., survey paper,},
Year =1980, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at SRI (Menlo Park CA) Category ={DBFhard.1.5, CODMAC>} }

@techreport{Miller1980:1, Author ={Miller,S.W.},
Title ={Digital Optical Discs},
Institution ={SRI, Systems Development Dep., survey paper.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Annote ={at SRI (Menlo Park CA) Category ={DBFhard.1.5, CODMAC>} }

@article{Miller1985:1, Author ={Miller,S.W. and Collins,W.W.},
Title ={Towards a Reference Model of Mass Storage Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="9--22",
Volume ="18",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBFhard.1>} }

@techreport{Miller1969:1, Author ={Miller,W.F. and Hoffman,Lance J.},
Title ={A Method of Extracting Record-Specific Information from 'Statistical' Data Banks},
Institution ={CGTM-67, Stanford Linear Accelerator Ctr, ?.},
Year =1969, Annote ={ An example of a possible violation of protection. Category ={DBFrepresent-5> } }

@article{Miller1971:1, Author ={Miller,William L.},
Title ={A Probabilistic Search Strategy for MEDLARS},
Journal ={Journal of Documentation,},
Year =1971, Month =Dec,
Pages ="254--260",
Volume ="27",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Weighted retrieval terms can be better than boolean retrieval. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@book{Mills1986, Author ={Mills,H.D., Linger,R.C., and Hevner,A.R.},
Title ={Principles of Information Systems and Analysis and Design},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDquery} }

@article{Mills1987, Author ={Mills,H.D., Linger,R.C., and Hevner.A.R.},
Title ={Box structured information systems},
Journal ={IBM Systems J..},
Year =1987, Volume ="26",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM hierarchy of data abstractions, each abstraction is defined in three forms: its black box, its state machine, and its clear box; each of these boxes increases internal visibility Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{Mills1975, Author ={Mills,D.L.},
Title ={Dynamic File Access in a Distributed Computer Network},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, College Park, TR.TR-415.},
Year =1975, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland, College Park (MD) Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Milo1987, Author ={Milo,A.,Wolfson,O.},
Title ={Placement of Replicated Items in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Communication cost and processor and storage costs are not considered. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Milton1983, Author ={Milton,J. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Network and Relational Systems in VLSI Design: Contradicting Performance?},
Journal ={DB Engineering.},
Year =1983, Pages ="167--170",
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={EIS, DB Shelf} }

@inproceedings{Mineau1990, Author ={Mineau,G., Gecsei,J., and Godin,R.},
Title ={Structuring Knowledge Bases using Automatic Learning},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at University of Montreal Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Mineau1992, Author ={Mineau,G. and Godin,R.},
Title ={Automatic Knowledge Structuring for Browsing Retrieval},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Universite Laval, Canada; Universite du Quebec a Montreal, Canada Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Ming1986, Author ={Ming,T.M.Koon T.},
Title ={Performance of Resilient Synchronization Mechanisms for Distributed Databases},
Institution ={Un.Alberta, PhD Th., TR-86-6.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist, DBfile} }

@article{Minker1967, Author ={Minker,J. and Sable,J.},
Title ={File Organization and Data Management},
Journal ={Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, ASIS.},
Year =1967, Pages ="123--160",
Volume ="2",
Category ={DBFuse-3>} }

@techreport{Minker1969, Author ={Minker,Jack},
Title ={General Data Management Systems,- Some Perspectives},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, TR-69-100,},
Year =1969, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland CS Ctr and NBS Category ={DBFuse-3>} }

@article{Minker1970, Author ={Minker,Jack and Gurk,Herbert},
Title ={Storage Requirements for Information Centers},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1970, Pages ="65--77",
Volume ="17",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@book{Minker1971, Author ={Minker,J.},
Title ={A Bibliography of Associative or Content Addressable Memory Systems 1956- 1971},
Publisher ={Auerbach Corp (Philadelphia PA).},
Year =1971, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFhard.5.5>} }

@article{Minker1975, Author ={Minker,J.},
Title ={Performing Inferences Over Relational Data Bases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="79--91",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Minker1974, Author ={Minker,J., Fishman,D., and McSkimin,J.},
Title ={The Q* Algorithm: Search Strategy for a Deductive Question-Answering System},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1974, Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Minker1978, Author ={Minker,J.},
Title ={Search Strategy and Selection Function for an Inferential Relational System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--31",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Data in the system consists of both explicit facts and general axioms. The top-down approach starts with the query, a conjunction of relations, to be answered. Either a relational fact solves a given relation in a conjunct, or the relation is replaced by a conjunct of relations which must be solved to solve the given relation. Experimental results are presented which illustrate the techniques. Category ={DBDquery.2.3> } }

@incollection{Minker1977, Author ={Minker,Jack},
Title ={An Experimental Relational Database System Based on Logic},
Booktitle ={'Logic and Databases', Proc.of the Symp. on Logic and Databases, (Toulouse France, ), H.Gallaire and J.Minker(eds), Plenum Press NY, 1978.},
Year =1977, Month =Nov,
Pages ="107--147",
Annote ={ Database retrievals are intermingled with deduction. This approach has the advantage that it handles functions. A working experimental deductive database. With each relation is associated a sentence skeleton. Category ={DBDquery.2> } }

@techreport{Minker1979, Author ={Minker,J. and Powell,P.B},
Title ={Answer and reson extraction, Natural Language and Voice Output for Deductive Relational Databases},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, CS, TR-735.},
Year =1979, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery.1> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Minker1983, Author ={Minker,J. and Nicolas,J.M.},
Title ={On Recursive Axioms in Deductive Databases},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1983, Pages ="1--13",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Minker1987, Author ={Minker,Jack},
Title ={Perspectives in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland The text of his invited talk does not appear in the proceedings. It discusses the history of `deductive databases' which apparently means logic, in one or another form, applied to a (relational?) database system. He traces relational calculus back to Levien and Maron in 1962. Moreover, Meral Ozsoyoglu claims that Levien told her his thesis (Harvard, 1960) is really a description of relational calculus! Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@book{Minker1987:1, Author ={Minker,Jack(ed.)},
Title ={Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming},
Publisher ={Morgan-Kaufmanm, 746pp.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland theory, control, negation, query, stratification. papers from (Washington DC), 1986 conference by Apt, Blair, and Walker; VanGelder; Lifschitz; Przymusinski; Maher; Chakravarthy,Grant and Minker; Henschen and Park; Sheperdson; Lassez, Maher, and Marriott; Bancilhon and Ramakrishnan; Sagiz; Sonenberg; and Topper; Kowalski and Sadri; Paris and Kannelakis; Tomosz and Imielinski. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic> } }

@book{Minker1988, Author ={Minker,Jack(ed.)},
Title ={Foundations of Deductive Databases and Logic Programming},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufmann, 746pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Maryland Negation and Stratified Databases; Implementation; Unification and Logic Programs. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Minker1992, Author ={Minker,Jack},
Title ={Semantics of Disjunctive Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Minot, Author ={Minot,R. and Gallo,F.},
Title ={Bases de Donnees pour Atelier de Genie Logiciel: le Choix d'Emeraude},
Booktitle ={ Liason de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, 86,},
Month Apr,
Pages ="25--28",
Number ="107",
Annote ={at Bull software enginneering workbench influenced by ER model and ADA. Category ={EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Minoura1978, Author ={Minoura,T.},
Title ={Maximally Concurrent Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 3.},
Year =1978, Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.1.1, DBfile } }

@incollection{Minoura1983, Author ={Minoura,T., Owicki,S.S., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={True-Copy Token Scheme for a Distributed Database System},
Booktitle ={Oregon State Un., CS Report 83-60-1.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans.5.4>} }

@techreport{Minoura1981, Author ={Minoura,T. and Owicki,S.},
Title ={Extended true-copy token algorithm for distributed database systems},
Institution ={Microfilms International, 300 N. Zeeb Road, Ann Arbor, Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers 48106.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Minoura1981:1, Author ={Minoura,T. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Resilient Extended True-Copy Token Scheme for a Distributed Database},
Journal ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 1, Bhargava(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at USC Los Angeles and Stanford Un. A scheme to permit dynamic allocation of primary copies and recovery if the database becomes partitioned or the primary copy is lost. Category ={DBDtrans-3.3> } }

@article{Minoura1982, Author ={Minoura,Toshimi},
Title ={Deadlock Avoidance Revisited},
Journal ={ACM Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1023--108",
Volume ="29",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ The algorithms mentioned are Havender (fixed ordering of resources, Modified Havender (dynamical ordering of resources), Habermann (do not let a process in execution unless all the resources are available, and Modfied Habermann (based on more localized resource claim). An extended model with multiple resources is introuced as well. Category ={DBFrepresent.5.4> DBDintegrity.2, DBfile } }

@techreport{Minoura1983:1, Author ={Minoura,T., Owicki,S. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Consistent Distributed Database State Maintenance},
Institution ={Oregon State Un., CS TR-83-60-2.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Oregon State Un.; Stanford Un. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2> } }

@incollection{Minoura1983:2, Author ={Minoura,T., Owicki,S.S., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={True-Copy Token Scheme for a Distributed Database System},
Booktitle ={Oregon State Un. CS TR-83-60-1.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent.5.4>} }

@inproceedings{Minoura1984, Author ={Minoura,T. and Parsaye,K.},
Title ={Version-Based Access Capabilities for Concurrency Control of a Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="300--306",
Category ={DBDtrans-3.3> DBFrepresent-3.5.4> DBDintegrity.2.6> } }

@inproceedings{Minoura1984:1, Author ={Minoura,T.},
Title ={Multi-Level Concurrency Control of a Database System},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 4.},
Year =1984, Pages ="156--168",
Category ={DBDtrans-3.3> DBFrepresent-3.5.4> DBDintegrity.2.6, DBfile } }

@article{Minoura1989, Author ={Minoura,T. and Sitharama,I.},
Title ={Data and Time Abstraction Techniques for Analyzing Multilevel Concurrent Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE),},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Pages ="47--59",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Oregon State Un., CSD Logical data and access path data. To handle the phantom problem, we introduce groups that store such information. A group can be defined as possessing a common attribute value; two different groups may contain the same members. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@incollection{Minsky1975, Author ={Minsky,Marvin},
Title ={A Framework for Representing Knowledge},
Booktitle ={The Psychology of Computer Vision, Winston(ed), MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1975, Pages ="211--277",
Annote ={the original frame system paper Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDkb> } }

@book{Minsky1986, Author ={Minsky,Marvin},
Title ={The Society of Mind},
Publisher ={Simon and Schuster, NY, 339pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8803-0161.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ A sequence of essays on how intelligence may be assembled from unintelligent primitives. Frames. ---Gio Includes a theory of memories. ---A.Mullin. Category ={DBDkb, x } }

@article{Minsky1972, Author ={Minsky,Naftaly},
Title ={Rotating Storage Devices as Partially Associative Memories},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1972, Volume ="41",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Hardware proposal for parallel associative search for keys. Category ={DBFstorage-3.3> DBFmach> } }

@article{Minsky1974, Author ={Minsky,N.},
Title ={On Interaction with Data Bases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed)..},
Year =1974, Pages ="51--62",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Minski1976, Author ={Minski,N.},
Title ={Intentional Resolution of Privacy Protection in Database Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="148--159",
Volume ="19",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDprivacy.3>} }

@inproceedings{Minsky1981, Author ={Minsky,N.},
Title ={Synergistic Authorization in Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="543--552",
Annote ={at Rutgers Un., DCS (New Brunswick NJ) The union of two privileges is larger than the union of the powers of the individual privileges. Category ={DBDprivacy.3> DBDadmin> } }

@incollection{Minsky1986:1, Author ={Minsky,N., Rozenshtein,D., and Chomicki,J.},
Title ={A Controllable Prolog Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDprivacy> DBDkb>} }

@book{Miranda1980, Author ={Miranda,S.},
Title ={Architecture formelle d'un systeme d'integrite pour une base de donnees repartie},
Publisher ={Languages et Systemes Informatiques, M.Galinier.},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Universite Paul Sabatier (Toulouse France) Category ={DBDdist> DBDprivacy> } }

@techreport{Miranda1986, Author ={Miranda,S.M. and LeThanh,N.},
Title ={The B-Relational Model of Data: an extension of the relational model to control more semantics},
Institution ={BAOU research rep. 86-38.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Paris Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@techreport{Miranda1984, Author ={Miranda,S. et al},
Title ={REBU: a casual user oriented relational DBMS on micro computers},
Institution ={Proc. IEEE Int.Conf.on Comp.and Applications.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDrel.2.5>in DBfile} }

@techreport{Miranda1984:1, Author ={Miranda,S. et al},
Title ={Project BAOU: Base de Connaissance avec une Organisation Uniforme de l'Interface dans un Contexte Micro-Ordinateur.},
Institution ={Laboratoire d'Informatique, Nice.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={ summarizes REBU: a casual user oriented relational DBMS, MINIDOC using videodisks, and the graphical interface LAGRIF and the development GIRL. Bibliography. Category ={DBDrel.2.5>in DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Miranker1984, Author ={Miranker,Daniel P.},
Title ={Performance estimates for the DADO Machine: A Comparison of TREAT and RETE},
Booktitle ={Fifth Generations Computer Systems, ICOT, pub. North-Holland-84, ICOT.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="449--457",
Annote ={at Columbia Un. Category ={DBFmach, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Miranker1990, Author ={Miranker,D.P. and Brant,D.},
Title ={An Algorithmic Basis for Integrating Production Systems and Large Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Texas Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Miser1985, Author ={Miser,Hugh and Quade,Edward},
Title ={Handbook Of Systems Analysis: Overview Of Uses, Procedures, Applications and Practice},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDadmin> DBDdesign, T57.6.H365} }

@techreport{Mishelevich1983, Author ={Mishelevich,D.J. and Van Slyke,D.},
Title ={Application development system: The software architecture of the IBM Health Care Support/DL/I-Patient Care System},
Institution ={IBM, G321-5134. ?},
Year =1983, Annote ={PCS Category ={MCS> DBDbound.6>} }

@unpublished{Missaoui1989, Author ={Missaoui,R. and Godin,R.},
Title ={Semantic Query Optimization Using Generalized Functional Dependencies and Inclusion Dependencies},
Note ={submitted to ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Quebec, Montreal, Dep.Math and CS, Canada Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@article{Missikoff1978, Author ={Missikoff,M.},
Title ={RELOB: A Relational Storage Storage System},
Journal ={Intl. Conf. on Management of Data, Milano, Sep.1978, Sibley(ed), Milano, Sibley(ed).},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ Vertical partitioning by successive integration, accessed by full inversion. Category ={DBFeval.3> } }

@techreport{Missikoff1980, Author ={Missikoff,M. and Terranova,M.},
Title ={The Architecture of DBMAC, A Relational Database Computer},
Institution ={rcvd ??},
Year =1980, Annote ={at CNR, IASI (via Buonarroti 12, Roma) Parallelism achieved by attribute partitioning leading to a domain based internal schema. DBMAC is based mostly on standard filters for a simple class function to be processed on the disk data stream. Category ={DBFmach> DBDseven.1.4, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Missikoff1982, Author ={Missikoff,M.},
Title ={A Domain Based Internal Schema for Relational Database Machines},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="215--224",
Annote ={DBMAC Category ={DBFmach> DBDmodel.1>} }

@article{Missikoff1983, Author ={Missikoff,M. and Scholl,M.},
Title ={Relational Queries in a Domain Based DBMS},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, San Jose CA.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="219--227",
Category ={DBFmach> DBDmodel.1>} }

@incollection{Missikoff1984, Author ={Missikoff,M. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Towards a Unified Approach for Expert and Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina, Kiawah Island, South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="186-206",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBFmach> DBDmodel.1>} }

@inproceedings{Missikoff1986, Author ={Missikoff,M. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={The Design of MOSAICO: An Expert System for User and Application Requirement Analysis},
Booktitle ={Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. (Rome, Italy), IASI, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at CNR, IASI (Italy) Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Missikoff1986:1, Author ={Missikoff,M.},
Title ={MKM: A Knowledge Model for Knowledge Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at CNR, IASI (Rome) model for Mosaico. The concept shows structure organized subsets: Properties, Rules, Hierarchies, Exceptions, and Instances Category ={DBDkb> KSYS, DBfile } }

@manual{MIT1970, Author ={MIT Project MAC},
Title ={Record of the Project MAC Conf. on Concurrent Systems and Parallel Computation},
Organization ={ACM NY.},
Year =1970, Annote ={Papers on problems of synchronization Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Mitchell1993, Author ={Mitchell,G., Dayal,U., and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={Control of an Extensible Query Optimizer: A Planning-Based Approach},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Mitchell1983, Author ={Mitchell,John Clifford},
Title ={Inference Rules for Functional and Inclusion Dependencies},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 2.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="58--69",
Annote ={at MIT Ownership as an ISA function. Implication is undecidable. Category ={DBDmodel.3.4> at MIT Axioms defining FDs and IDs. Category ={DBDmodel.3.4> } }

@inproceedings{Mitchell1976, Author ={Mitchell,R.W.},
Title ={Content Addressable File Store},
Booktitle ={Proc.Online Database Technology Conf..},
Year =1976, Month Apr,
Annote ={ICL CAFS. Category ={DBFmach> DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Mitchell1985, Author ={Mitchell,T.M., Steinberg,L.I., and Shulman,J.S.},
Title ={A Knowledge-Based Approach to Design},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.on Pattern Analysis and Mach.Intelligence, Vol.PAMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers-7 , .},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="502--510",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. VEXED, VLSI design experiment. Category ={EIS> DBDkb> } }

@article{Mitchell1986, Author ={Mitchell,T.M., Keller,R.M., and KedarCabelli,S.T.},
Title ={Explanation-Based Generalization: A Unifying View},
Journal ={Machine Learning.},
Year =1986, Pages ="47--80",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Mitoma1975, Author ={Mitoma,M.F. and Irani,K.B.},
Title ={Automatic Data Base Schema Design and Optimization},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed), ACM.},
Year =1975, Pages ="286--321",
Annote ={Implementation of relations by hierarchy. Category ={DBDrel.3> DBDbound.4> DBDschema> DBFtechn> } }

@techreport{Mitoma1975:1, Author ={Mitoma,M.F.},
Title ={Optimal Data Base Schema Design},
Institution ={Un.Michigan, PhD Th..},
Year =1975, Annote ={at Un.Michigan (Ann Arbor) Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDdesign> } }

@book{Mitrinovic1964, Author ={Mitrinovic,D.S.},
Title ={Elementrary Inequalities},
Publisher ={P. Noordhoff, Groningen, The Netherlands.},
Year =1964, Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@unpublished{Mitschang1987, Author ={Mitschang,Bernhard},
Title ={Towards a Unified View of Design Data and Knowledge Representation},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Kaiserslautern (FRG) Category ={DBDdesign> EIS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Mitschang1989, Author ={Mitschang,Bernhard},
Title ={Extending the Relational Algebra to capture Complex Objects},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Kaiserslautern (FRG) Molecule Atom Data Model (MAD model) converts object. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Mitschang1993, Author ={Mitschang,B., Pirahesh,H., Lindsay,B., Pistor,P., and Suedkamp,N.},
Title ={SQL/XNF - Processing Composite Objects as Abstractions over Relational Data},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={ at Un.Kaiserslautern; IBM Almaden; IBM Heidelberg Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Mittal1982, Author ={Mittal,Sanjay},
Title ={Event-Based Organization of Temporal Databases},
Booktitle ={CSCSISCEIO 4 ((Saskatoon, Canada)) .},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Annote ={at Ohio State, CSD Category ={DBappl, DBfile} }

@article{Mittal1987, Author ={Mittal,S., Chandrasekaran,B., and Sticklen,J.},
Title ={PATREC: A Knowledge-Directed Data Base for a Diagnostic Expert System},
Journal ={IEEE CM, rcvd.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Ohio State, CSD Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Mittal1986, Author ={Mittal,S.,Bobrow,D.G.,and Kahn,K.M.},
Title ={Virtual Copies: On the Boundary Between Classes and Instances},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA , ACM SIGPLAN , 1986.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Volume ="21",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Xerox, PARC Category ={DBDkb > KSYS>} }

@article{Mitter1970, Author ={Mitter,L.G.},
Title ={Branch and Bounce Methods, General Formulation and Properties},
Journal ={Operations Research, Vol.19, 1970, pp.550.},
Year =1970, Pages ="24--34",
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFtechn.4>} }

@techreport{Mittman1968, Author ={Mittman,B., Vallee,J., and Chalice,R.},
Title ={INFOL for the CDC 6400 Information Storage and Retrieval System},
Institution ={Northwestern Un., Vogelback CompCtr, AD 684 6277},
Year =1968, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Northwestern Un., Vogelback CompCtr (Evanston IL) Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Mittman1969, Author ={Mittman,Benjamin and Krulee,Gilbert},
Title ={Development of a Remote Information management System --- RIMS},
Journal ={ASIS.},
Year =1969, Pages ="199--206",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Mittra1991, Author ={Mittra,Sitansu},
Title ={Principles of Relational Database Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 336pp.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Miya1985, Author ={Miya,E.N.},
Title ={Multiprocessor -- Distributed Processing Bibliography},
Booktitle ={Computer Architecture News, ACM SIG Architecture.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="27--29",
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDquery> Comprehensive, annotated bibliography, computer system architecture, multicomputers, multiprocessor software, networks, operating systems, parallel processing, parallel algorithms, programming languages, supercomputers, vector processing, cellular automata, fault-tolerant computers. For 1st year graduate level class. Ten marked `required, up to 100 `recommended'. Complete bibliography is FTP`able upon receipt of letter acknowledging copyrights. Files about 4 MBs now. ---E.Miya. Category ={DBDdis> } }

@article{Miyamoto1975, Author ={Miyamoto,Isao},
Title ={Hierarchical Performance Analysis Models for Data Base Systems},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="332--356",
Annote ={at NIPPON Electric Co., Tokyo, Japan Category ={DBFeval> } }

@inproceedings{Miyazaki1989, Author ={Miyazaki,N.},
Title ={Distribution of Selections: The Missing Link between Strategies for Relational Databases and Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic> DBDrel>} }

@article{Mizoguchi1979, Author ={Mizoguchi,T.},
Title ={On Required Space for Random Split Files},
Journal ={Proc.17th Allerton Conf., Un.Illinois.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFseq> DBDintegrity>} } % ------- MM ------biblio----1949-1991------

@article{Moders1969, Author ={Moders,C.N.},
Title ={Data Description Languages},
Journal ={FDT (Publ. of the ACM SIGFIDET).},
Year =1969, Month =Dec,
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDschema.2>} }

@article{Modden1980, Author ={Modden,J.},
Title ={Videotex in Canada},
Journal ={Comp.Communications.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Pages ="58--64",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Moehrke1971, Author ={Moehrke,D.P.},
Title ={Evolution of Data Base Management at A.O. Smith},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="299--323",
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Moenkeberg1992, Author ={Moenkeberg,A. and Weikum,G.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of an Adaptive and Robust Load Control Method for the Avoidance of Data Contention Thrashing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ limit the degree of multiprogramming, based on a conflict ratio; suspend admission of new transactions by cancelling blocked transactions Category ={DBDperf> } }

@article{Moerkotte1991, Author ={Moerkotte,G. and Lockemann,P.},
Title ={Reactive Consistency Control in Deductive Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Moerkotte1993, Author ={Moerkotte,G. and Zachmann,A.},
Title ={Towards More Flexible Schema Management in Object Bases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe Category ={DBDschema} }

@unpublished{Moffat, Author ={Moffat,A.},
Title ={Word Based Text Compression},
Note ={Un.Melbourne, date ??},
Annote ={at Un.Melbourne, DCS, (Victoria, Australia) Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@techreport{Moffat1988, Author ={Moffat,A.},
Title ={A Note on the PPM Data Compression Scheme},
Institution ={Un.Melbourne, DCS TR-88-7, ?},
Year =1988, Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Moffat1986, Author ={Moffat,D.S. and Gray,P.M.D.},
Title ={Interfacing Prolog to a Persistent Data Store},
Booktitle ={International Conference on Logic Programming, BCS 3, Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology London, UK},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Aberdeen Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Moffett1988, Author ={Moffett,J.D. and Sloman,M.S.},
Title ={The Source of Authority for Commerial Access Control},
Journal ={Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8902-0068},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Pages ="59--69",
Volume ="21",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Imperial Coll. of Science and Tech., London First part is rambling, second part is a model with separation of duties. ---Lipner Category ={DBDadmin> DBFprivacy> DBDprotect> } }

@techreport{Mogul1986, Author ={Mogul,Jeffrey C.},
Title ={Representing Information about Files},
Institution ={Stanford Un., STAN-CS-86-1103.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={limited schemas, file dictionary directory PhD thesis Category ={DBF16> DBFhard> } }

@techreport{Mogul1986:1, Author ={Mogul,Jeffrey},
Title ={The LEAF File Access Protocol},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR-CS-86-1137.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD remote file access, successor to XEROX WOODSTOCK Category ={DBFdist, DBfile } }

@article{Mohan1978, Author ={Mohan,Chandrasekaran},
Title ={An Overview of Recent Data Base Research},
Journal ={Data Base, Fall .},
Year =1978, Annote ={at Unv. of Texas, Austin Category ={DBFintro, DBfile} }

@article{Mohan1978:1, Author ={Mohan,Chandrasekaran},
Title ={An Overview of Recent Database Research},
Journal ={ACM SIGDB Data Base, Fall .},
Year =1978, Pages ="3--24",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Bibliography Category ={DBFintro, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Mohan1983, Author ={Mohan,C. and Lindsay,B.},
Title ={Efficient Commit Protocols for the Tree of Processes Model of Distributed Transactions},
Booktitle ={IBM, TR-RJ3881.},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at IBM, Res. (San Jose CA) The Coodinator is the root, there are slaves down to the leaves. A Presumed Abort (PA) protocol and a Presumed Commit (PC) protocol work better than 2-phase. For Read-only PA is best, otherwise PC is better, since it normally unblocks earlier. PC and PA can coexist. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2> } }

@article{Mohan1986, Author ={Mohan,C., Lindsay,B., and Obermarck,R.},
Title ={Transaction Management in the R* Distributed Database Management System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="378--396",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res.Ctr Category ={DBFtrans> DBDdis>} }

@techreport{Mohan1984, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={Recent and Future Trends in Distributed Data Base Management},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. RJ4240, and associated documents.},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM,(San Jose CA) includes list of systems, table of query proceesing strategies, also a separate annotated bibliography. Category ={DBDdist> app.B>in DBfile } }

@book{Mohan1984:1, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={Tutorial: Recent Advances in Distributed Data Base Management},
Publisher ={IEEE Computer Society Press (Washington DC, Los Alomitos CA) EHO218-8, order BG575.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Number ="571",
Annote ={ papers by Lindsey,B.G. et al, Walter,B. and Neuhold,E., Rothnie,J. et al, Ferrier,A. and Stangret,C., Chan,A. et al, Daniels,D. et al, Bernstein,P.A et al, ... and Goodman,N., Apers,P.M.G. et al, Yu,C.T. and Chang,C.C., Dayal,U., Obermarck,R., Mohan.C. and Lindsey,B., Moss,J.E.B., Borr,A., Hammer,M. and Shipman,D., Cooper,E., Sevcik,K.C., Epstein,R. and Stonebraker,M., and a bibliography. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Mohan1985, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={Concurrency and Recovery in Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="42--49",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDtrans-3> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1985:1, Author ={Mohan,C., Strong,R., and Finkelstein,S.},
Title ={Method for Distributed Transaction Commit and Recovery using Byzantine Agreement within Clusters of Processors},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGOPS quarterly Operating Systems Review.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="29--43",
Volume ="19",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDtrans-3> DBDdist, x issue} }

@article{Mohan1989, Author ={Mohan,C., Haderle,D., Lindsay,B., Pirahesh,H., and Schwarz,P.},
Title ={ARIES: A Transaction Recovery Method Supporting Fine-Granularity Locking and Partial Rollbacks Using Write-Ahead Logging},
Journal ={IBM Almaden Res.Ctr, Res.R. No.RJ-6649, 45pp.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1989:1, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={ARIES/NT: A Recovery Method Based on Write-Ahead Logging for Nested},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM Almaden RC (San Jose CA) Recovery and concurrency control. Category ={DBDreliab> } }

@techreport{Mohan1989:2, Author ={Mohan,C. and Levine,F.},
Title ={ARIES/IM: An Efficient and High Concurrency Index Management Method Using Write-Ahead Logging},
Institution ={IBM Almaden Res.Ctr, Res.R. No.RJ-6846, 59pp.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ very carefully worked out handling of complex cases, basis for OS/2 Category ={DBDconc, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Mohan1990, Author ={Mohan,C. and Pirahesh,H.},
Title ={ARIES-RRH: Restricted Repeating of History in the ARIES Transaction Recovery Method},
Booktitle ={IBM Almaden Res.Ctr, Res.R. No.RJ7342, 18pp.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1990:1, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={Commit_LSN: A Novel and Simple Method for Reducing Locking and Latching in Transaction Processing Systems},
Booktitle ={IBM Almaden Res.Ctr, Res.R. No.RJ7344, 24pp.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDconc> DBDreliab> DBFtrans, DBfile IBMbox} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1990:2, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={Single Table Access Using Multiple Indexes: Optimization, Execution and Concurrency Control Techniques},
Booktitle ={IBM Almaden Res.Ctr, Res.R. No.RJ7341, 15pp.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDperf> DBDrel> DBFindex, DBfile IBMbox} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1990:3, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={ARIES/KVL: A Key-Value Locking Method for Concurrencty Control of Multiaction Transactions Operating on BTree Indexes},
Booktitle ={IBM Almaden Res.Ctr, Res.R. No.RJ7008, 27pp.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDconc> DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@techreport{Mohan1990:4, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={A Case Study of Problems in Migrating to Distributed Computing: Data Base Recovery Using Multiple Logs in the Shared Disks Environment},
Institution ={IBM Almaden Res.Ctr, Res.R. No.RJ7343, 15pp.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1991, Author ={Mohan,C. and Narang,I.},
Title ={Recovery and Coherency-Control Protocols for Fast Intersystem Page Transfer and Fine-Granularity Locking in a Shared Disks Transaction Environment},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ four methods, fastest use steal and no-force buffer management policies and fine-granularity (record locking) Category ={DBFreliab> DBFtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Mohan1991:1, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={A Cost-Effective Method for Providing Improved Data Availability During DBMS Restart Recovery After A Failure},
Booktitle ={IBM Rep. RJ 8114.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDreliab, IBM box} }

@techreport{Mohan1991:2, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={Solutions to Hot Spot Problems in a Shared Disks Transaction Environment},
Institution ={IBM Rep. RJ 8281.},
Year =1991, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ two level access, on local cache failure go to server, updates are logged, and processed by server; hot tables are identified Category ={DBFhard, DBfile IBM box } }

@inproceedings{Mohan1992, Author ={Mohan,C., Pirahesh,H., and Lorte,R.},
Title ={Efficient and Flexible methods for Transient Versioning of Records to Avoid Locking by Read-Only Transactions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1992:1, Author ={Mohan,C. and Narang,I.},
Title ={Algorithms for Creating Indexes for Very Large Tables w/out Quiescing Updates },
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1992:2, Author ={Mohan,C. and Levine,F.},
Title ={ARIES/IM An Efficient & High Concurrency Index Management Method Using Write- Ahead Logging},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1993, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={ARIES/LHS: A Concurrency Control and Recovery Method Using Write-Ahead Logging for Linear Hashing with Separators},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1993:1, Author ={Mohan,C., Treiber,K., and Obermarck,R.},
Title ={Algorithms for the Management of Remote Backup Data Bases for Disaster Recovery},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1993:2, Author ={Mohan,C. and Narang,I.},
Title ={An Efficient and Flexible Method for Archiving a Data Base},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Mohan1993:3, Author ={Mohan,C.},
Title ={A Cost-Effective Method for Providing Improved Data Availability During DBMS Restart Recovery after a Failure},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown> } }

@article{Mohan1988, Author ={Mohan,L. and Kashyap,R.L.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Knowledge Representation for Spatial Information},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="675--681",
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Purdue Un., School of EE Object-oriented formalism for representation of spatial knowledge. Category ={Image> } }

@article{Molho1970, Author ={Molho,L.},
Title ={Hardware Aspects of Secure Computing},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1970, Pages ="135--141",
Volume ="36",
Category ={DBDprivacy.1>} }

@article{Molinoux1983, Author ={Molinoux,C., Faure,J-C., and Litwin,W.},
Title ={Messidor System},
Journal ={rcvd from Litwin .},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ MESSIDOR is an interactive information retrieval system, part of the POLYPHEME --- SIRIUS project. It differs from current systems in that it allows the simultaneous search of several bibliographic databases. The databases may be on different sites and may use different query languages (MISTRAL, QUEST, ....). These local languages are invisible to the users of MESSIDOR. They are all translated to a single language. We describe MESSIDOR's goals, system architecture, user language and some details of the implementation. The system is implemented on a MICRAL 80-30 microcomputer. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5.2> DBDdesign> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Mommens1975, Author ={Mommens,J. and Smith,S.},
Title ={Automatic Generation of Physical Data Base Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="157--165",
Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown Heights Category ={DBFeval.6> DBDbound.1> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Monarchi1986, Author ={Monarchi,David E.},
Title ={The Representation of Rules in the ER Model},
Booktitle ={Rocky Mountain Conf. on AI.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Colorado LISP examples Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Monoi1988, Author ={Monoi,H., Morita,Y., Itoh,H., Sakai,H. and Shibayama,S.},
Title ={Parallel Control Technique and Performance of an MPPM Knowledge Base},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Montgomery1983, Author ={Montgomery,A.Y., DSouza,D.J., and Lee,S.B.},
Title ={The Cost of Relational Algebraic Operations on Skewed Data: Estimates and Experiments},
Booktitle ={Inf. Proc., Elsevier N-H.},
Year =1983, Pages ="235--241",
Category ={DBDrel> DBDquery>} }

@article{Montgomery1972, Author ={Montgomery,Christine A.},
Title ={Is Natural Language an Unnatural Query Language},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1972, Pages ="1075--1078",
Annote ={at Operating Systems, Inc. General statement of problems in using English and references to current work. Category ={DBDnat> %Montgomery72 } }

@inproceedings{Montgomery1981, Author ={Montgomery,Christine A. and Ruspini,E.H.},
Title ={The Active Information System: A Data-Driven System for the Analysis of Imprecise Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, France.},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="276--384",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3>} }

@book{Montgomery1990, Author ={Montgomery,Stephen},
Title ={Relational database design and implementation using DB2},
Publisher ={Van Nostrand Reinhold , 264pp; ACM 9102-0046.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at IBM, Milwaukee DB2 theoretical foundations Category ={DBDdesign> DBDrel> } }

@techreport{Montgomery1978, Author ={Montgomery,W.A.},
Title ={Robust Concurrency Contol for a Distributed Information System},
Institution ={PhD Th., Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, TR.MIT-LCS-TR-207.},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ preanalysis of transaction to assure a local safe completion. Defines partial operatability. Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans.5.4> } }

@article{Moore1990, Author ={Moore,J., Richmond, W., and Whinston,A.},
Title ={A Decision-Theoretic Approach to Information Retrieval},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Purdue; Lexington; Un.Texas,Austin searching a file for a best record rather than a specific one; the assumption is that the preferences of the ith individual can be represented as a composite where preferences are based on the same index for all users Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@techreport{Moore1970, Author ={Moore,R.},
Title ={Retrieve, a Management Information Retrieval System},
Institution ={Tymeshare (Palo Alto) .},
Year =1970, Annote ={at Tymeshare (Cupertino CA) Manual for a minimal schema oriented data base system Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Moore1985, Author ={Moore,R.B.},
Title ={Distributed data management in a real-time environment},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the British National Conference on Databases 4, ; ACM CR 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Software Sciences Ltd., UK A sensor array forms a worldview. database must be resilient to the failure of some storage elements. The performance protocol tolerates inconsistent updates because the data represents a rapidly changing worldview. response to update is integrated sufficiently for stable effector responses. Category ={DBDreal> } }

@techreport{Moore1979, Author ={Moore,Robert C.},
Title ={Handling Complex Queries in a Distributed Data Base},
Institution ={SRI, AI Ctr, Technical Note 170.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at SRI LADDER acces to remote databases SODA (SOphisticated Data Access) goes beyond IDA. Category ={DBDbound.6> DBDquery> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@incollection{Moore1973, Author ={Moore,R.M. and Scott,G.M.},
Title ={Information Systems in Multinational Enterprises},
Booktitle ={An Introduction to Financial Control and Reporting in Multinational Enterprises, Studies in International Business . Un.Texas, Austin: Bureau of Business Res..},
Year =1973, Pages ="73--80",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@techreport{Moorhead1976, Author ={Moorhead,W.G.},
Title ={GXRAM, Relational Data Base Interface for Graphics},
Institution ={Res.R. RJ1735, IBM Res., San Jose.},
Year =1976, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Moran1983, Author ={Moran,Shlamo},
Title ={On the Complexity of Designing Optimal Partial Match Retrieval Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8411-0954.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="543--551",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Israel Inst.Tech., Haifa optimal variable bit lengths of hashstrings, it is NP-hard. Category ={DBFindex.6.5> } }

@article{Moravec1965, Author ={Moravec,A.J.},
Title ={Basic Concepts for Designing a Fundamental Information System},
Journal ={Management Services, July-.},
Year =1965, Month =Aug,
Pages ="37--45",
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Discussion of use of essential information Category ={DBDschema.3> } }

@inproceedings{Moreau1985, Author ={Moreau, J-P. and Vuilllemin,J.},
Title ={Le Projet SYCOMORE},
Booktitle ={ Liason de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="2--10",
Number ="102",
Annote ={at Thomson and INRIA uses LISP Category ={EIS, VLSI box } }

@article{Moreira1974, Author ={Moreira,A.C.De Souza, Pinheiro,C, and D'Elia,L,F},
Title ={Integrating Data Base Management into Operating Systems --- An Access Method Approach},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1974, Pages ="57--62",
Volume ="43",
Annote ={ at The Light and Power Co., Sao Paulo, Brazil and UNIVAC, Sao Paulo, Brazil Hierarchical data base with a schema. Category ={DBDschema.1> } }

@article{Morenoff1967, Author ={Morenoff,E. and McLean,J.B.},
Title ={Application of Level Changing to a Multi-Level Storage Organization},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1967, Month Mar,
Pages ="149--154",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Optimizing access to data using allocation to the best of many devices. Category ={DBFstorage-3.1> } }

@article{Morey1982, Author ={Morey,R.C.},
Title ={Estimating and Improving the Quality of Information in a MIS},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="337--342",
Volume ="15",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Duke Un. MIS's gets errors occuring because of input delays and overly or insufficiently stringent data edits. In the meantime, the record is out of date and in error. Shows how to forecast the level of improvement in the accuracy of the MIS record if these options are implemented. Considers type 1 and type 2 errors, does not deal well with inadequate input screening. Category ={DBFsyseval.6> DBDintegrity.3> } }

@article{Morfeq1989, Author ={Morfeq,A. and King,R.},
Title ={Bayan: A Text Database Management System which supports Full Representation of the Arabic Language},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="12--21",
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Colorado, Boulder, CO Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@inproceedings{Morfeq1990, Author ={Morfeq,A. and King,R. },
Title ={Bayan: An Arabic Text Database Management System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Category ={DBDbiblio> DBFrepresent>} }

@techreport{Morfvuni1984, Author ={Morfvuni,N.M.},
Title ={Equivalence transformations in Conceptual Design},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Un.Rome, Dep.Inf.and Syst. catalog of ER transformation, overlap, objective not clear. Category ={DBDtheory.2>in DBfile } }

@article{Morgan1974, Author ={Morgan,Howard Lee},
Title ={Optimal Space Allocation on Disk Storage},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month Mar,
Pages ="139--142",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Optimization of file allocation to mountable diskpacks. Category ={DBFstorage-3.1> DBFtechn> } }

@article{Morgan1977, Author ={Morgan,H.L. and Levin,K.D.},
Title ={Optimal Program and Data Locations in Computer Networks},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1977, Month =May,
Pages ="315--322",
Volume ="20",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFstorage-3.4> DBFeval.4> DBFtechn.4.5> DBDbound.7> DBDdist> DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{Morgenstein1980, Author ={Morgenstein,Jacob P.},
Title ={Computer Based Management Information Systems Embodying Answer Accuracy as a User Parameter},
Institution ={PhD Th., UCB.},
Year =1980, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBFsyseval.5> DBDquery>DBDintegrity>} }

@incollection{Morgenstern1984, Author ={Morgenstern,Matthew},
Title ={The Role of Constraints in Databases, Expert Systems, and Knowledge Representation},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at USC, ISI Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Morgenstern1987, Author ={Morgenstern, Matthew},
Title ={Security and Inference in Multi-Level Database and Knowledge-Base Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at SRI Category ={DBDkb} }

@inproceedings{Morgenstern1989, Author ={Morgenstern,M., Borgida,A., Lassez,C., Maier,D. and Wiederhold,G},
Title ={Constraints-based Systems: Knowledge about Data},
Booktitle ={`Expert Database Systems', Kerschberg(ed), Benjamin/Cummings Publishers.},
Year =1989, Pages ="23--43",
Annote ={at USC, ISI Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Morgenstern1990, Author ={Morgenstern,Matthew},
Title ={A Security Model for Multilevel Objects with Bidirectional Relationships},
Booktitle ={IFIP workshop on Database Security.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at SRI Up has to be handled differently from down in schemas and instances; within an object properties can be in multiple levels as well. Category ={DBDsec, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Mori1984, Author ={Mori},
Title ={??? get title},
Booktitle ={Future Generations Computer Systems, pub. North-Holland-84.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={Knowledge-based VLSI routing system Category ={DBDkb> EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Morishita1992, Author ={Morishita,S.},
Title ={Avoiding Cartesian Products in Programs for Multiple Joins },
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Morishita1992:1, Author ={Morishita,Shinichi},
Title ={An alternating fixpoint tailored to magic programs},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Morita1986, Author ={Morita,Y., Yokota,H., Nishida,K., and Itoh,H.},
Title ={Retrieval-by-Unification Operation on a Relational Knowledge Base},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at ICOT, Japan item values are generated to terms Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery> } }

@unpublished{Morita1986:1, Author ={Morita,Y., Yokota,H., Nishida,K., and Itoh,H.},
Title ={RBU Operation on a Relational Knowledge Base},
Note ={Rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Inst. for New Generation Computer Technology Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Moriya1986, Author ={Moriya,Kunihiko},
Title ={On databases based on unnormalized relations},
Booktitle ={Meeting on Integration of Knowledge Base and Database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at JIPDEC Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@book{Moroney1956, Author ={Moroney,M.J.},
Title ={Facts from Figures, 3rd ed.},
Publisher ={Pelican Books, 472pp.},
Year =1956, Annote ={Enjoyable Introduction to Statistics. Category ={DBFtechn.1> } }

@book{Morris1989, Author ={Morris,D.C. and Brandon,J.S.},
Title ={Relational Systems Development},
Publisher ={Mg-H, 196pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8909-0646.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ at The Information Technology Consulting Group, (Chicago IL) Nothing to do with relational database design. No references, no problems, and no worked examples. ---Warburton. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Morris1973, Author ={Morris,J.H.jr.},
Title ={Protection in Programming Languages},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month =Jan,
Pages ="15--21",
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDprivacy.1>} }

@article{Morris1986, Author ={Morris,J.H., Satyanarayanan,M., Conner,M.H., Howard,J.H., Rosenthal,D.S., Smith,H, and Donelson,F.},
Title ={Andrew: A Distributed Personal Computing Environment},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Volume ="29",
Number ="3",
Annote ={Andrew File System Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Morris, Author ={Morris,K., Ullman,J.D., and VanGelder,A.},
Title ={Design Overview of the NAIL\exclaim System},
Journal ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR-CS-86-1108.},
Annote ={ The NAIL\exclaim System seems to be a much more powerful query language the ones commercially available today. It adds the power and dexterity of Prolog-like logic to standard query techniques. The NAIL! System exhibits a tendency to swing the database community from object-oriented query languages back to value-oriented query languages. There seemed to be ambiguity as to how to handle recursive rules. The paper gave some techniques but didn't prefer one over the other. Overall, the NAIL\exclaim System appears to be a superior attempt at strengthening conventional database query operations. ---Avery Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic> DBDquery, DBfile Ullman } }

@article{Morris1987, Author ={Morris,K.A., Naughton,J.F., Saraiya,Y., Ullman,J.D., and VanGelder,A.},
Title ={YAWN! (Yet Another Window on NAIL!)},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="211--226",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Morris1988, Author ={Morris,K.A.},
Title ={An Algorithm for Ordering Subgoals in NAIL!},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Morris1968, Author ={Morris,R.},
Title ={Scatter Storage Techniques},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1968, Month =Jan,
Pages ="38--44",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Morrison1968, Author ={Morrison,D.R.},
Title ={PATRICIA: Practical Algorithm to Retrieve Information Coded in Alphanumeric},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1968, Month =Oct,
Pages ="514--534",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Trie structure based on character keys for branching. Keys are abbreviated. Structure is primary memory oriented. Category ={DBFimpl.2.2> } }

@article{Morrissey1990, Author ={Morrissey,J.M.},
Title ={Imprecise information and uncertainty in information systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 9104-0296.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Windsor, Canada for values when imprecise with respect to domain and range or unknown or inapplicable; measure of uncertainty for ordering retrieved data that do not precisely satisfy the query; the treatment has not been tested. --- Sparck-Jones. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Morse1969, Author ={Morse,H.R.},
Title ={Efficiency and the Use of Data Definition Techniques},
Journal ={ACM FDT (Publ.SIGFIDET).},
Year =1969, Month =Aug,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDschema.7>} }

@inproceedings{Morsi1992, Author ={Morsi,M., Navathe,S., and Kim,H-J.},
Title ={An Extensible Object-Oriented Database Testbed },
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Georgia Inst of Tech Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Morzy1993, Author ={Morzy,Tadeusz},
Title ={The Correctness of Concurrency Control for Multiversion Database Systems with Limited Number of Versions},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Technical Un.Poznan Category ={DBDconc>} } @misc{1985, Title ={Cheating Husbands and Other Stories: A Case Study of Knowlede, Action, and Communication},
Howpublished ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing 4.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Moses1989, Author ={Moses,Y. and Roth,G.},
Title ={On Reliable Message Diffusion},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing 9.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Weizmann Inst. asynchronous systems with transient communication failures used two levels of knowledge as long as communication is not required to subside. Category ={DBFdist> DBDrel, DBfile } }

@book{Moshowitz1985, Author ={Moshowitz,Abbe},
Title ={The Conquest of Will: Information Processing in Human Affairs},
Publisher ={Greenwood Press, Westport CN, ?},
Year =1985, Category ={DBFuse-3> DBDadmin>} }

@techreport{Moss1981, Author ={Moss,J.E.B.},
Title ={Nested Transactions: An approach to reliable distributed computing},
Institution ={ PhD thesis 260, Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT. PhD thesis 260, MIT, Apr.1981.},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Moss1982, Author ={Moss,J.Eliot B.},
Title ={Nested Transactions and Reliable Distributed Computing},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), (Pittsburgh PA).},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="33--39",
Annote ={at U.S. Army War Coll., (Carlisle Barracks PA) Category ={DBDtrans-4> DBFdist, DBfile } }

@article{Moss1983, Author ={Moss,J.Eliot B.},
Title ={Checkpoint and Restart in Distributed Transaction Systems},
Journal ={IEEE.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at US Army War Coll., (Carlisle Barracks PA) Logging, check-pointing and restart for distributed systems. Nested transactions are used to enhance the perfromance and flexibility. Sites can be decoupled. FAUVE. Category ={DBDtrans, DBfile } }

@book{Moss1985, Author ={Moss,J.Eliot B.},
Title ={Nested Transactions, an Approach to Reliable Distributed Computing},
Publisher ={The Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDtrans-4, x, QA76.9.D5M67} }

@inproceedings{Moss1986, Author ={Moss,J.E.B., Griffeth,N.D., and Graham,M.H.},
Title ={Abstraction in Recovery Management},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDreliab} }

@techreport{Moss1986:1, Author ={Moss,J.E.B., Griffeth,N.D., and Graham,M.H.},
Title ={Abstraction in Concurrency Control and Recovery Management (Revised)},
Institution ={U.Mass, COINS, TR-86-20.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={at U.Mass, Amherst, CIS Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDreliab, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Moss1987, Author ={Moss,J.E.B., Leban,B., and Chrysonthis,P.K.},
Title ={Finer Grained Concurrency for the Database Cache},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFarchitecture> DBFhard, DBfile} }

@incollection{Moss1987:1, Author ={Moss,J.E.B.},
Title ={Nested Transactions: an Introduction},
Booktitle ={`Concurrency Control and Reliability in Distributed Systems', Bhargava(ed), Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY).},
Year =1987, Pages ="395--425",
Category ={DBDtrans-4>} }

@inproceedings{Moss1987:2, Author ={Moss,J.E.B.},
Title ={Log-Based Recovery for Nested Transactions},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={logging as powerful as versions for undo Category ={DBDreliab> DBDtrans> } }

@techreport{Moss1987:3, Author ={Moss,J.E.B. and Kohler,W.H.},
Title ={Concurrency Features of the Trellis/Owl Language},
Institution ={DEC TR-538.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.of Mass, Amherst aspects of an object-oriented programming environment. Category ={DBDobject, DBFFile DEC with many other reports } }

@techreport{Moss1990, Author ={Moss,J.E.B.},
Title ={Working with Persistent Objects: To Swizzle or not to Swizzle},
Institution ={COINS TR 90-38.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDperf>} }

@article{Moss1990:1, Author ={Moss,J.E.B.},
Title ={Design of the Mneme persistent object store},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 9107-0565.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ object semantics are implemented in the user address space Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Mostardi1993, Author ={Mostardi,T., Pelaggi,A., and Siciliano,C.},
Title ={Achieving Consistency of Replicated Copies with the Relay Race Method},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at CRAI Category ={DBDdist>} }

@unpublished{Mostow, Author ={Mostow,J. and Roy,S.},
Title ={Machine Learning for Knowledge Acquisition in Design System},
Note ={Rutgers Un. AIVLSI Project Work. Paper .},
Number ="65",
Annote ={at AI/Design Group, Rutgers Un. CSD, Category ={DBDkb> EIS, with other papers } }

@techreport{Moto1981, Author ={Moto-oka,T. et al.},
Title ={Proceedings of International Conference on Fifth Generation Computer Systems},
Institution ={ .},
Year =1981, Month =Oct,
Category ={unknown, Proc.shelf} }

@inproceedings{Motro1981, Author ={Motro,A. and Buneman,P.},
Title ={Construction Superviews},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1981, Pages ="55--64",
Annote ={A type of Integration. Category ={DBDmodel.3> DBDdesign> } }

@incollection{Motro1984, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={Query Generalization: A Technique for Handling Query Failure},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Motro1984:1, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={Browsing in a loosely structured database},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1984, Pages ="197--207",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Motro1986, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={Assuring Retrievability From Unstructured Databases by Contexts},
Institution ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at USC, Los Angeles proposed is a binary model for data and knowledge. A semantic net approach, as you describe, has been implemented by Hendrixs et al, at Symantics. I am not sure what their current state is, and if there are any publications. I am not at all convinced that the structural simplicity of the binary model serves the intended semantics well. Earlier work in that direction [Feldman, Abrial] has not taken off. You may also want to look at Dave Maiers (Oregon Grad. Center) model. It has not yet been published. Facts have to be associated with some real world entity instance, and such an instance may not be identifiable without having more than one pair of attributes. In simple examples where attribute values as `John' and `Mary' are used such an inadequate Keg-attribute partitioning will not be obvious. Concepts are a higher level notion and will be represented at by many of the binary tuples. In general, more than instance examples will be necessary to demonstrate generality, completeness, and power of an approach. Examples are, of course, neccessary to engender discussion and clarify your objectives. Category ={DBDkb> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Motro1986:1, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={Supporting Goal Queries in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDquery, DBfile} }

@article{Motro1986:2, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={BAROQUE: A Browser for Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 8705-0404.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Pages ="164--181",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at USC, DCS Similar to LEAP Structures. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Motro1986:3, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={Constructing Queries from Tokens},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 86.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDquery, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Motro1986:4, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={Completeness Information and its Application to Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ marks to indicate structural nulls to support close world Category ={DBDrepresent, DBfile } }

@article{Motro1986:5, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={SEAVE: A Mechanism for Verifying User Presuppositions in Query Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="312--330",
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Cooperative approach in QUEL. Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@article{Motro1987, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={Superviews: Virtual Integration of Multiple Databases},
Journal ={IEE TSE, Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Pages ="785--798",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at USC, CSD custom views to applications that access multiple federated databases. A mapping is stored together with the superview as a virtual database and used to decompose each query into queries against the individual databases and recompose the answers to form an answer to the original query. Category ={DBDschema> DBDdist> DBDdesign> DBDdist, xissue,DBfile } }

@unpublished{Motro1987:1, Author ={Motro,A., DAtri,A., and Tarantino,L.},
Title ={KIVIEW: An Object-oriented Browser},
Note ={.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery> VOD>} }

@article{Motro1988, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={VAGUE: A User Interface to Relational Databases that Permits Vague Queries},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 9004-0328.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Pages ="187--214",
Volume ="6",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ query modification to obtain answers from incomplete databases. Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb@inproceedings{Motro1988:1, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={An Access Authorization Model for Relational Databases Based on Algebraic Manipulation of View Definitions},
Booktitle ={USC, rcvd..},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at USC, CSD with other papers Category ={DBDprivacy, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Motro1989, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={Using Integrity Constraints to Provide Intensional Answers to Relational Queries},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at CoSD, USC (Los Angeles CA) Derived data and constraints. Assumes RDBMS for which a set of integrety constraints are maintained in 'Metarelations'. The system can provide a conventional 'extensional' answer and an 'intensional' answer which is a constraint of the extensional answer (Risch). Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Motro1990, Author ={Motro,A. and Yuan,Q.},
Title ={Querying Database Knowledge},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Category ={DBDintegrity> at USC Limited to function-free, non-recursive rules The describe statement inquires about the meaning of a concept under specified circumstances Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Motro1990:1, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={FLEX: A Tolerant and Cooperative User Interface to Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="2",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Motro1990:2, Author ={Motro,Amihai},
Title ={Accomodating Imprecision in Database Systyems},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Motro1992, Author ={Motro,A.},
Title ={Sources of Uncertainty in Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Uncertainty Management in Information Systems, Puerto de Andraitx (Mallorca), Spain, pp. 1--18.},
Year =1992, Month =Sep,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Motro1993, Author ={Motro,A.},
Title ={Responding with Knowledge},
Booktitle ={Advances in Databases and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1: The Landscape of Intelligence in Database and Information Systems (L. Delcambre and F. Petry, eds). JAI Press.},
Year =1993, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Motro1990:3, Author ={Motro,A.,},
Title ={Management of Uncertainty in Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Database Challenges of the s (W. Kim, Editor), Addison-Wesley (Reading MA)/ACM Press, to appear in 1994.},
Year =1990, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Mott1972, Author ={Mott,T.H.jr., Artandi,S.A., and Struminger,L.},
Title ={Introduction to PL/I Programming for Library and Information Science},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), 239pp.},
Year =1972, Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@article{Motzkin1990, Author ={Motzkin,Dalia},
Title ={Distributed Database Design - Optimization vs Feasibility},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1990, Pages ="615--625",
Volume ="15",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ several heuristic algorithms as well as a model fort the best out of several, near optimal assignments; the model requires polynomial time Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Moulin1983, Author ={Moulin,Bernard},
Title ={The Use of EPAS/IPSO Approach for Integrating Entity-Relationship},
Booktitle ={ER 3, Davis et al (Eds), N-H, 1983, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-0574.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="671-690",
Annote ={at Un.Laval (Canada) Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Mourad1992, Author ={Mourad,A., Fuchs,W., and Saab,D.},
Title ={Database Recovery Using Redundant Disk Arrays},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un. Illinois Category ={DBDintegritry>} }

@book{Mowshowitz1984, Author ={Mowshowitz,Abbe},
Title ={The Conquest of Will: Information Processing in Human Affairs},
Publisher ={Greenwood Press, Westport CT.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFsyseval.5> DBDadmin, x} }

@inproceedings{Moyne1989, Author ={Moyne,J., McAfee,L., and Teorey,T.},
Title ={An Application of Entity-Relationship Data Modelling Techniques to the Automated Manufacturing Process},
Booktitle ={IEEE Int.Conf. on Data and Knowledge Eng. 2.},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Michigan model for recipe files Category ={EIS, DBfile } }

@article{Mozes1989, Author ={Mozes,Eyal},
Title ={A deductive database based on Aristotelian logic},
Journal ={J.Symbolic Comput., May, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9002-0148.},
Year =1989, Pages ="487-507",
Volume ="7",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Stanford the database consists of a set of constants representing objects and a set of relations focusing on the human interaction ---P.A.Honkanen. Category ={unknown> } }

@article{Mueckstein1985, Author ={Mueckstein,E.M. and Moerdler,G.D.},
Title ={Semantic Interpretation of a Database Query Language},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1985, Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Mueller1983, Author ={Mueller,E.T., Moore,J.D., and Popek,G.},
Title ={A Nested Transaction Mechanism for LOCUST},
Journal ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles-9, Bretton Woods NH.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFtrans.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{Mueller1988, Author ={Mueller,H., Klashinksy,K.},
Title ={Rigi - A System for Programming-in-the-large},
Booktitle ={Intern. Conf. on SupercomputingE 10, Singapore.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={graph support of module partitioning Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Mueller1990, Author ={Mueller,H., Moehr,J., and McDaniel,J.},
Title ={Applying Software Re-engineering Techniques to Health Information Systems},
Booktitle ={IMI[AA Working conference on Software Eng. and Medical Informatics, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Victoria Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Mukhopadhyay1986, Author ={Mukhopadhyay,Uttam},
Title ={An Uncertainty Management Calculus for Ordering Searches in Distributed Dynamic Databases},
Booktitle ={Uncertainty in Artificial Intelligence, Workshop at Un.Penn, Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int, .},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="189--192",
Annote ={at Un.South Carolina; GM, Res. (Warren MI) MINDS maintains certainty factors on keywords for document retrieval from collegial libraries. Factors: Precedence(aging), Confirmation, Contradiction. More in JASIS, Vol.37 No.3, May.1986. Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Mukhopadhyay1993, Author ={Mukhopadhyay,D. and Thomas,C.G.},
Title ={Practical Approaches to Maintaining Referential Integrity in MDBSs},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Bellcore Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Mukkamala1988, Author ={Mukkamala,R., Bruell,S.C. and Shultz,R.K.},
Title ={A Heuristic Algorithm for Determining a Near-optimal Set of Nodes to Access in a Partially Replicated Distributed Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={replication Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Mukkamala1989, Author ={Mukkamala,Ravi},
Title ={Measuring the Effect of Data Distribution and Replication Models on Performance Evaluation of Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Mukkamala1991, Author ={Mukkamala,r., and Jajodia,S.},
Title ={Technical Note: A Note on Estimating the Cardinality of the Projection of a Database Relation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Mulford1971, Author ={Mulford,James R. and Ridall,Richard K.},
Title ={Data Compression Techniques for Economic Processing of Large Commercial Files},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGIR .},
Year =1971, Pages ="207--215",
Annote ={at Ridall Associates (Paoli PA0 Compression by differencing and symbol reduction Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@inproceedings{Mullender1985, Author ={Mullender,S. and Tanenbaum,A.},
Title ={A Distributed File Service Based on an Optimistic Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="51--62",
Category ={DBFdist> DBDdist> DBDrel>} }

@article{Muller1986, Author ={Muller,Carlo},
Title ={Modula--Prolog: A Software Development Tool},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Brown Boveri Research Ctr Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang> } }

@article{Mullin1971, Author ={Mullin,James K.},
Title ={Retrieval-Update Speed Trade-offs Using Combined Indexes},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1971, Month =Dec,
Pages ="775--776",
Volume ="14",
Number ="12",
Category ={DBFimpl.2> %Mullin71} }

@article{Mullin1972, Author ={Mullin,James K.},
Title ={An Improved Indexed-Sequential Access Method Using Hashed Overflow},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month =May,
Pages ="301--307",
Volume ="15",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFimpl.2> %Mullin72} }

@article{Mullin1983, Author ={Mullin,J.K.},
Title ={A Second Look at Bloom Filters},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Pages ="570--571",
Volume ="26",
Number ="8",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Mullin1990, Author ={Mullin,J.K.},
Title ={Optimal Semijoins for Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), May .},
Year =1990, Volume ="16",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ A Bloom filter developed in pieces. An ineffective semijoin will be quickly recognized. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Mulvany1974, Author ={Mulvany,R.B.},
Title ={Engineering Design of a Disk Storage Facility with Data Modules},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1974, Month =Nov,
Pages ="489--505",
Volume ="18",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at IBM, GPD Lab (San Jose CA) Very readable description of designing process for the IBM 3348 disk module, with some historical background. Category ={DBFhard.1> %Mulvany74 } }

@inproceedings{Mumick1990, Author ={Mumick,I., Finkelstein,S., Pirahesh,H., and Ramakrishnan,R.},
Title ={Magic Conditions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFquery>} } @misc{1990:1, Title ={Magic is Relevant},
Howpublished ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Category ={DBDperf> DBDquery> DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Mumick1990:1, Author ={Mumick,I., Pirahesh,H., and Ramakrishnan,R.},
Title ={Duplicates and Aggregates in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDlogic> DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Mumick1991, Author ={Mumick,I.S. and Pirahesh,H.},
Title ={Right-Linear and Overbound Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Mumick1992, Author ={Mumick,I. and Ross, K.},
Title ={An Architecture for Declarative Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@article{Munneke1977, Author ={Munneke,T. Walters,R.F., Bowie,J., Lazarus,C.B., and Bridger,D.A.},
Title ={MUMPS: Characteristics and Comparisons with Other Programming Systems},
Journal ={Med.Inform., vol.2 no.3.},
Year =1977, Pages ="173-196",
Annote ={at UCD Category ={DBFtrees.5.2, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Munneke1986, Author ={Munneke,T.H. and Kuhn,I.M.},
Title ={Large Scale Portability of Hospital Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 10, Orthner(ed.).},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="133--140",
Annote ={at VA, San Francisco MUMPS based collection of modules, using FILEMANager. Category ={HIS> } }

@techreport{Muntz1988, Author ={Muntz,R.R., Parker,D.S., and Chau,L.},
Title ={The Tangram Stream Query Processing System},
Institution ={TR-CSD-880025.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCLA, CSD Simulation support. Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@techreport{Muntz1988:1, Author ={Muntz,R.R. and Parker,D.S.},
Title ={Tangram: Project Overview},
Institution ={TR-CSD-880032.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Muntz1990, Author ={Muntz,R. and Lui,J.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Disk Arrays Under Failure},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDhard>} }

@article{Murakami1984, Author ={Murakami,K., Kakuta,T., and Onai,R.},
Title ={Architecture and Hardware Systems: Parallel Inference Machine and Knowledge Base Machine},
Journal ={Fifth Generations Computer Systems, ICOT, pub. North-Holland-84.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="18--36",
Annote ={DELTA Category ={DBDkb, DBfile FGCS} }

@inproceedings{Murakami1989, Author ={Murakami,K. and Aibara,T.},
Title ={Some Properties of Knowledge Information Inferred by Two Interactive Default Reasoning Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="125--132",
Annote ={ at Ehime Un., Fac.of Engineering, (Matsuyama, Japan) Non-monotonic update by forming defaults-lists from the other system. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Muralikrishna1988, Author ={Muralikrishna,M. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={Optimization of Multiple-Relation Multiple-Disjunct Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Muralikrishna1989, Author ={Muralikrishna,M.},
Title ={Optimization and Dataflow Algorithms for Nested Tree Queries in a Multi- Processor Environment},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at DEC, Colorado Springs (CO) Parallelism; unnesting techniques in Kim82 do not always yield the correct results for nested queries that have non equi-join correlation predicates or for queries that have the COUNT function between nexted blocks. Focus on unnesting Join-Aggregate; EXISTS, NOT EXISTS, ALL, ANY can be reduced to JA type queries. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Muralikrishna1992, Author ={Muralikrishna,M.},
Title ={Improved Unnesting Algorithms for Join Aggregate SQL Queries},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ nested queries can be evaluated efficiently using relational algebra operators and unnesting; unnesting is not always correct for non equi-join correlation predicates or COUNT aggregates between nested blocks; this algorithm avoids the COUNT bug Category ={DBDquery> } }

@book{Murdick1975, Author ={Murdick,R.G. and Ross,J.E.},
Title ={MIS in Action},
Publisher ={West , St. Paul MN and San Francisco, 724pp.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Reprints of Articles in Databases for management applications Category ={DBFintro> DBDadmin> } }

@book{Murdick1986, Author ={Murdick,R.G. and Munson,J.C.},
Title ={MIS, concept and design (2nd)},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8702-?.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Florida Atlantic Un. an excellent textbook for the first undergraduate/graduate course on MIS. ---Kaujalgi. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Muro1984, Author ={Muro,S., Kameda,T., and Minoura,T.},
Title ={Multi-version Concurrency Control scheme for a Database System},
Journal ={Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Academic. .},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="207--224",
Volume ="29",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2, DBfile Minoura} }

@article{Muro1985, Author ={Muro,S., Ibaraki,T., et al},
Title ={Evaluation of the File Redundancy in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Year =1985, Month =Feb,
Number ="2",
Annote ={Replication. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Murphy1972, Author ={Murphy,Daniel L.},
Title ={Storage Organzation and Management in TENEX},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS ,1972.},
Year =1972, Pages ="23--32",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={at BBN description of file system and protection. Category ={DBFintro.4> DBFintro.7> DBFstorage.12.6 } }

@techreport{Murphy1971, Author ={Murphy,Evelyn R. and Brevik,Dan},
Title ={MUMPS File Structure},
Institution ={DEC interoffice memorandum, 5},
Year =1971, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at DEC, PDP-15 Marketing Simple example of a MUMPS file layout. Category ={DBFtrees.5.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Murphy1968, Author ={Murphy,J.E.},
Title ={Resource Allocation with Interlock Detection in a Multi-Task System},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1968, Pages ="1169--1176",
Volume ="33",
Annote ={Design Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@techreport{Murphy1984, Author ={Murphy,Marguerite},
Title ={Performance Estimates for Distributed Query Processing},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab Memo No.M8430.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={effect of indexes. Category ={DBDdist>in DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Murphy1989, Author ={Murphy,M.C. and Rotem,D.},
Title ={Processor Scheduling For Multiprocessor Joins},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDperform> PARADATA>} }

@inproceedings{Murphy1989:1, Author ={Murphy,M.C. and Rotem,D.},
Title ={Effective Resource Utilization for Multiprocessor Join Execution},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at UCB, CSRL, LBL Parallelism. Category ={DBDperform> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Murphy1991, Author ={Murphy,Marguerite},
Title ={Execution Plan Balancing: A Practical Technique for Multiprocessor Query Optimization},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Murray1984, Author ={Murray,W.H.},
Title ={Security Considerations for Personal Computers},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1984, Volume ="23",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFprotect>} }

@article{Murthy1986, Author ={Murthy,T.S., Shyy,Y-K, and Arora,J.S.},
Title ={MIDAS: Management of Information for Design and Analysis of Systems},
Journal ={Adv. Eng. Softw..},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="149--158",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Iowa The claim that MIDAS/R is a relational DBMS is not substantiated. MIDAS is essentially an extension to RIM to support multiple databases and large matrices. Written in Fortran. Category ={DBappl> EIS> } }

@article{Murty1981, Author ={Murty,M.N. and Krishna,G.},
Title ={A hybrid clustering procedure for concentric and chain-like clusters},
Journal ={Int.J.Comput.Inf.Sci., ; ACM Computing Reviews 40,418.},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Volume ="10",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Indian Inst. of Science, Bangalore, India initial values for the cluster means are arbitrarily chosen, each object is assigned to its nearest mean, the averages of each cluster are recomputed when all objects are assigned, and iteratively used as new cluster means; the algorithm for choosing initial values can not work in all cases. ---F.Gebhardt. Category ={DBFsyseval> } }

@book{Musa1987, Author ={Musa,J.D., Iannino,A., and Okumoto,K.},
Title ={Software Reliability: Measurement, Prediction, Application},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 621pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8712-0965.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs. (Whippany, NJ) Relation between failure rate and mean time to failure (MTBF). Measures are a given. --- Remus Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Musen1992, Author ={Musen,Mark},
Title ={Overcoming the Limitations of Role-Limiting Models},
Journal ={to appear in Knowledge Acquisition, ?},
Year =1992, Annote ={at MIS, Stanford growth limits of applications; hierarchy coded applications (Mycin), domain-specific models (opal of ONCONCIN protocols), role limiting models (PROTEGE, general role method for multiple protocol types) PROTEGE II with colorary of models Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Musen1992:1, Author ={Musen,Mark},
Title ={},
Journal ={In Computers and Biomedical research (Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche. (Rome, Italy)) ,},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Pages ="435-467",
Volume ="25",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ discusses ontologies and othertopics relevant to mega-programming. Category ={DEng> } }

@book{Musteata1987, Author ={Musteata, Boris},
Title ={How to Use CICS to Create On-Line Applications: Methods and Solutions},
Publisher ={QED Inf. Sciences., 480pp.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@book{Musteata1987:1, Author ={Musteata,B. and Lesser,R.},
Title ={VSAM Techniques: System Concepts and Programming Procedures},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences., 415pp.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBFimpl ,> DBFadv} }

@unpublished{Muth1990, Author ={Muth,P., Klas,W., and Neuhold,E.},
Title ={How to Handle Global Transactions in Heterogeneous Database Systems},
Note ={COSI workshop, Tulsa.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ a manager for each remote database provides consistent behavior which is used by the top manager; the local manager can undo local updates if needed; the local databases can not be used autonomously Category ={DBDconc> DBDdist> } }

@article{Muth1991, Author ={Muth,P., Rakow,T., Klas,W., and Neuhold,E.},
Title ={A Transaction Model for an Open Publication Environment},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng. Bull.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Muth1993, Author ={Muth,P., Rakow,T., Weikum,G., Hasse,C., and Broessler,P.},
Title ={Semantic Concurrency Control in Object-Oriented Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at GMD-IPSI; ETH Zuerich Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Muthuraj1993, Author ={Muthuraj,J., Chakravarthy,S., and Varadarajan,R.},
Title ={A Formal Approach to the Vertical Partitioning Problem in Distributed Database Design},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Un.Florida Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Muthuswamy1985, Author ={Muthuswamy,B. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={A DDSM for Relational Query Optimization},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf (Denver CO).},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDperf, DBfile Kerschberg} }

@inproceedings{Myaeng1992, Author ={Myaeng,S. and Li,M.},
Title ={Building-Specific Concept Hierarchy for Information Retrieval by Acquiring Lexical Semantics From a Corpus},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Syracuse Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Myers1967, Author ={Myers,C.A.},
Title ={The Impact of Computers on Management},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT press, Cambridge},
Year =1967, Annote ={Information conversion and use in management Category ={DBFintro.2> } }

@article{Mylopoulos1975, Author ={Mylopoulos,J., Schuster,S., and Tsichritzis,D.},
Title ={A Multi-Level Relational System},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , AFIPS Press.},
Year =1975, Pages ="403--408",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={System architecture description. Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Mylopoulos1975:1, Author ={Mylopoulos,J., Borgida,A., Cohen,P., Roussopoulos,N., Tsotsos,J., and Wong,H.},
Title ={TORUS--A Natural Language Understanding System for Data Management},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Tbilisi USSR.},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDnat, DBfile} }

@incollection{Mylopoulos1986, Author ={Mylopoulos,J. and Brodie,M.L.},
Title ={AI and Databases: Semantic vs Computational Theories of Information},
Booktitle ={New Directions for Database Systems, Ariav and Clifford(eds), Ablex.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Excellent overview of the state of the art. Distinctions and similarities of knowledge and databases. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel, DBFile } }

@inproceedings{Mylopoulos1984, Author ={Mylopoulos,J., Borgida,A., Greenspan,S. and Wong,H.K.T.},
Title ={Information System Design at the Conceptual Level --- the TAXIS project},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="4--9",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Mylopoulos1990, Author ={Mylopoulos,J., Bernstein,A., and Wong,H.},
Title ={A Language Facility for Designing Database-Intensive Applications},
Institution ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ Describes TAXIS, a language for the design of interactive information systems (IIS). Important concepts are (1) the structures of both data and transactions in a two-level hierarchy of class and metaclass; (2) the IS-A relationship (similar to but not quite the same as generalization) between classes; (3) tying semantic integrity constraints and exception handling to actions in transactions (technically as prerequisites and postrequisites); and (4) organizing the actions into the IS-A partial order.---gio Not very in-depth. Claims to borrow most ideas from PSN (described in `Associative Networks' N.Findler(ed)). Could do with a second reading, as details tend to obscure important ideas the first time around. 2. TAXIS language and RML Comment: (1) It is awkward to model actions and assertions as objects. Although they are represented uniformly as frames, they are different concepts, and therefore use different frame types. (2) The action hierarchy should not be defined according to the hierarchies of their input/output parameter objects. An action can be a subaction of another action, or a sequence of actions can be a refinement of a meta-action. Actions have their own hierarchical semantics. (3) The equivalence of a data model and a theory in typed (temporal) first order logic should guide the design of any data model and act as the criteria to prove its consistency and provide comparison of one to the other. For example, we can have a theory of the Critias data model and compare it formally with other models. ---Arun. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Mylopoulos1988, Author ={Mylopoulos,J. and Brodie,M.(eds)},
Title ={Readings in Artificial Intelligence and Databases},
Publisher ={Morgan-Kaufmanm, 650pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Toronto Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Mylopoulos1990:1, Author ={Mylopoulos,J. and Brodie,M.},
Title ={Knowledge Bases and Databases: Current Trends and Future Directions},
Publisher ={LNCS Vol. 474: Information Systems and Artificial Intelligence: Integration Aspects, D. Karagiannia, (ed.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA)-Verlag, New York.},
Year =1990, Annote = {} }

@inproceedings{Mylopoulos1990:2, Author ={Mylopoulos,John},
Title ={Object Orientation and Knowledge Base Management},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ semantics of knowledge systems, different modeling goals lead to different designs; ease of programming objective differs from description objective Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Mylopoulos1992, Author ={Mylopoulos,J. et al.},
Title ={A Performance Oriented Approach to Knowledge Base Management :},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDkb>} } % ------- N ------biblio----1949-1991------

@techreport{Nackman1992, Author ={Nackman,L.R., Lavin,M.A., Taylor,R.H., Dietrich,W.C.jr., and Grossman,D.D.},
Title ={AML/X: A Programming Language for Design and Manufacturing},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RC1, 1986.},
Year =1992, Month =Jul,
Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@article{Naintre1978, Author ={Naintre,Paul},
Title ={The Criteria for Planning Effective Disk Drive System Usage},
Journal ={NordDATA 78.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBFhard, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Naintre1975, Author ={Naintre,P., and Oy,T.},
Title ={Roscoe in a Service Bureau Environment},
Booktitle ={ROSCOE User Meeting Proc., Hyvinkaa, Finland, 20pp.},
Year =1975, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ at Finnsystems Oy (Aleksi 15A, 00 100 Helsinki 10, Finland) Category ={DBFtrans, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Nair1992, Author ={Nair,S. and Gadia,S.},
Title ={Algebraic Optimization in a Model for Temporal Databases},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Iowa State Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Naish1985, Author ={Naish,L.},
Title ={MU-Prolog 3.2db Reference Manual},
Institution ={Un.Melbourne, DCS, TR.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Nakamura1975, Author ={Nakamura,F., Yoshida,I., and Kondo,H.},
Title ={A Simulation Model for Data Base System Performance Evaluation},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="459--466",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at Hitachi Ltd., Yokohama (Japan) Category ={DBFtechn.3> } }

@inproceedings{Nakamura1986, Author ={Nakamura,Junnichi},
Title ={Longman dictionary database and extraction of information},
Booktitle ={Meeting on integration of knowledge base and database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Kyoto Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Nakayama1976, Author ={Nakayama,Kazuhiko},
Title ={University of Tsukuba Integrated Campus Information Processing and Sharing System},
Institution ={Un.Tsukuba.},
Year =1976, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Tsukuba, Computer Ctr, (Ibaraki Japan) Category ={DBDbib> } }

@inproceedings{Nakamura1988, Author ={Nakamura,O. and Yukishita,M.},
Title ={A High-Speed Morpheme-Extraction System Using Dictionary Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at NTT Speech input, tree structured index, parallel search Category ={DBFmach> DBDnat> } }

@techreport{Nakane1986, Author ={Nakane,Y., Morimoto,T., and Otsuki,T.},
Title ={Optical Write-once Disk Subsystem with Higher Data Integrity},
Institution ={SONY Corp, Disk Dvlpt. Div, Tokyo.},
Year =1986, Pages ="508--513",
Volume ="40",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at SONY Corp, Tokyo Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Nakano1989, Author ={Nakano,M., Kitsuregawa,M., and Takagi,M.},
Title ={Query Execution for Large Relation on Functional Disk System.},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDperform> PARADATA>>} }

@article{Nakano1990, Author ={Nakano,R.},
Title ={Translation with Optimization from Relational Calculus to Relational Algebra having Aggregate Functions},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at NTT a rule-based translation method from expressions having aggregate functions being a two-phase rewriting strategy; experiment with many queries shows that heuristic rules are essential in optimization; the translation will from the front end of a database machine, MACH, developed by the author. Category ={DBDops> DBDquery> } }

@book{Nance1974, Author ={Nance,Richard E.(ed)},
Title ={Proc.of ACM-SIGPLAN-SIGIR Interface Meeting: Programming Languages --- Information Retrieval},
Publisher ={SIGIR FORUM, Vol.IX , Win. .},
Year =1974, Number ="3",
Annote ={Proc.of meeting, Nov.1973 in Gaithersburg MD. Category ={DBDquery> %Nance74 } }

@techreport{Nakayama1977, Author ={Nakayama,K. and Oikawa,A.},
Title ={Educational Researches Information in Japan -- ERIC Information Retrieval Service and On-going Research Files},
Institution ={Un.Tsukuba, Comp.Ctr.},
Year =1977, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDbib>} }

@techreport{Nakayama1983, Author ={Nakayama,T., Hirakawa,M., and Ichikawa,T.},
Title ={Architecture and Algorithm for Parallel Execution of a Join Operations},
Institution ={Hiroshima Un., Fac.Eng, CS group, TR-CSG-83-19.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Hiroshima Un., review with Ichikawa 83 Category ={DBDrel.3> DBFmach, DBfile Ichikawa } }

@inproceedings{Nakazawa1984, Author ={Nakazawa,M., Isoda,M., Miyazaki,J. and Aiso,H.},
Title ={MILK: Multi-Level Interactive Logic Simulator at Keio (University)},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={ at Nihon Digital Equipment Corp and Keio Un., Yokahama, Japan Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Narayanaswamy1985, Author ={Narayanaswamy,K., Sacchi,W, and McLeod,D.},
Title ={Information Management Support for Evolving Software Systems},
Institution ={USC, rcvd. ,},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={ extends EIS concepts to software. NuMIL language for modules, versions, and their composition. Many references. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDdesign> EIS, DBfile McLeod } }

@inproceedings{Narayanaswamy1988, Author ={Narayanaswamy,K. and BapaRao,K.V.},
Title ={An Incremental Mechanism for Schema Evolution in Engineering Domains},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign> EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Narfelt1985, Author ={Narfelt,K-H. and Schefstrom,D.},
Title ={Extending the Scope of a Program Library},
Booktitle ={Ada in Use, Barnes and Fisher(eds), Ada Letters, Vol.V , Sep-, .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="25--40",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Lulea (Sweden) looks at databases, but rejects them for software management. Category ={DBDlang> EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Naqvi1984, Author ={Naqvi,Shamin A.},
Title ={Prolog and Relational Databases: A Road to Data-Intensive Expert Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at ATT Bell Lab Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Naqvi1986, Author ={Naqvi,S.A.},
Title ={Negation by Failure in First-Order Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Naqvi1986:1, Author ={Naqvi,S.A.},
Title ={Negative Queries in Horn Databases},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Naqvi1986:2, Author ={Naqvi,Shamim A.},
Title ={Some Extensions to the Closed World Assumption in Databases},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at MCC, USA Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Naqvi1988, Author ={Naqvi,S. and Krishnamurthy,R.},
Title ={Database updates in logic programming},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@book{Nagvi1989, Author ={Nagvi,S. and Tsur,S.},
Title ={A logical language for data and knowledge bases},
Publisher ={Computer Science Press, 288pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9004-0267.},
Year =1989, Annote ={syntax and semantics of LDL. ---Stolboushkin. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@techreport{NAS1977, Author ={NAS},
Title ={Telecommunications for Metropolitan Areas: Near-Term Needs and Opportunities},
Institution ={NAS, Washington DC.},
Year =1977, Annote ={at National Academy of Sciences Trade-off: system hardware costs, system complexity cost in terms of software and maintenance (complexity increases geometrically), total cost then follows a saddle-shaped curve. Category ={DBFsystem, SSN study,Mar.1989 } }

@manual{NASA1985, Author ={NASA},
Title ={Pilot Climate Data Base Management System},
Organization ={NASA, Goddard Space Flight Ctr, Information Management Branch, ?.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ at NASA, Goddard Space Flight Ctr, Information Management Branch (Greenbelt MD) PCDBMS is being developed to serve as a focal point for managing a large collection of climate data. The PCDBMS already provides uniform data catalogs, inventories, and access methods for selected NASA and non-NASA data sets. Category ={DBappl> } }

@book{Nash1990, Author ={Nash,Stephen(Ed)},
Title ={A History of Scientific Computing},
Publisher ={ACM Press, History Series.},
Year =1990, Annote ={It contains the proceedings of a conference with the same title held in Princeton, NJ, in 1987. The book has interesting articles by many pioneers in our field, authors: Goldstine, Parlett, Varah, Cohen, Buneman, Birkhoff, Gear and Skeel, Peaceman, Cooley, Dantzig, Oden, Hestenes, Young, Block, Varga, Isaacson, Rice, Froberg, Metropolis, Todd, Wheeler, Fox, Gutknecht, Babuska and Kublanovskaya. Category ={DBDunknown> } }

@inproceedings{Nassif1990, Author ={Nassif,R., Qiu,Y., and Zhu,J.},
Title ={Extending the object-oriented paradigm to support relationships and constraints},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at US West code to be generated Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Nassif1993, Author ={Nassif,R., Zhu,J., and Goyal,P.},
Title ={Basic Issues for Developing Distributed Applications Interacting with Legacy Systems and Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at US West Advanced Technologies Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Natarajan1990, Author ={Natarajan,N. and Kant,K.},
Title ={Maintaining Availability of Replicated Data in Partition-Prone Networks},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Penn.State Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@manual{National1987, Author ={National Ctr for Health Services Research},
Title ={Annotated Bibliography of the National Health Care Expenditures Study},
Organization ={Rcvd., USD of Health and Human Services, NHC Expenditure Study.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at NCHSR, DIR, Rockville, MD Category ={MIS, homefile} }

@manual{National1987:1, Author ={National Ctr for Health Services Research},
Title ={Annotated Bibliography of the Hospital Studies Program},
Organization ={Rcvd., USD of Health and Hum. Serv., Public Health Service.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Public Health Service unreviewed on Gio's Desk Category ={MIS, homefile } }

@manual{National1987:2, Author ={National Ctr for Health Services Research},
Title ={A Summary of Expenditures and Sources of Payment for Personal Health Services from the National Medical Care Expenditure Survey},
Organization ={Rcvd., USD Health and Hum. Services, Public Health Service.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Public Health Service unreviewed on Gio's Desk Category ={MIS, homefile } }

@manual{National1987:3, Author ={National Computer Security Ctr},
Title ={A Guide to Understanding Discretionary Access Control in Trusted Systems},
Organization ={NCSC-TG-003, Version-1.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Fort George Meade, MD 20755-6000 The orange book guide. Category ={DBFsecurity> } }

@manual{National1988, Author ={National Computer Security Ctr},
Title ={A Guide to Understanding Audit in Trusted Systems},
Organization ={NCSC-TG-001, Version-2.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFsecurity, DBfile} }

@manual{National1988:1, Author ={National Computer Security Ctr},
Title ={Glossary of Computer Security Terms},
Organization ={NCSC-TG-004, Version 1.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFsecurity, DBfile} }

@manual{National1988:2, Author ={National Computer Security Ctr},
Title ={A Guide to Understanding Trusted Distribution in Trusted Systems},
Organization ={NCSC-TG-008, Version 1.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={Focuses on surface mail. ---Gio. Category ={DBFprotect> } }

@manual{National1989, Author ={National Computer Security Ctr},
Title ={Rating Maintenance Phase, Program Document},
Organization ={NCSC-TG-013, Version 1.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ acceptance for OS style software to C1,C2,B1 ratings Category ={DEng> DBDsecurity, DBfile } }

@manual{National1991, Author ={National Computer Security Ctr},
Title ={Trusted Database Management System Interpretation},
Organization ={Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam), now CMCSSC-TG-021, Version 1.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDsec, DARPAfile} }

@manual{National1991:1, Author ={National Computer Security Ctr},
Title ={Integrity in Automated Information Systems},
Organization ={C TR 79-91.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDsec, DBfile} }

@manual{National1988:3, Author ={National Information Standards Organization},
Title ={Information Retrieval Service Definition and Protocol Specification for Library Applications},
Organization ={Z39.50-},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@inproceedings{Nations1978, Author ={Nations,J. and Su,S.Y.U.},
Title ={Some DML Instruction Sequences for Application},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78, Austin TX.},
Year =1978, Pages ="120--131",
Annote ={at Un.Florida Language templates --- a set of data-model and schema independent access patterns. Category ={DBDschema.5> } }

@inproceedings{Nau1984, Author ={Nau,D.S. and Reggia,J.A.},
Title ={Relationships Between Deductive and Abductive Inference in Knowledge- Based Diagnostic Problem Solving},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Naughton, Author ={Naughton,Jeffrey F.},
Title ={Data Independent Recursion in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Stanford CSD report 86-1102},
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDops> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Naughton1986, Author ={Naughton,Jeffrey F.},
Title ={Optimizing Function-Free Recursive Inference Rules},
Institution ={Stanford Un., TR-CS-86-1114.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD attribute value graphs Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Naughton1987, Author ={Naughton,J.F. and Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={A Decidable Class of Bounded Recursions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Stanford Un.; Hebrew Un. Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Naughton1987:1, Author ={Naughton,J.F.},
Title ={One-Sided Recursions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Naughton1989, Author ={Naughton,Jeffrey F.},
Title ={Minimizing Function-Free Recursive Inference Rules},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Pages ="69--91",
Volume ="36",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Naughton1989:1, Author ={Naughton,J.F., Ramakrishnan,R., Sagiv,Y., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Efficient Evaluation of Right-, Left-, and Multi-Linear Rules},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Naughton1989:2, Author ={Naughton,J.F., Ramakrishnan,R., Sagiv,Y., and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Factoring Can Reduce Arguments},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison, CSD Recursive query optimization; many programs obtained by Magic Sets trans- formation are factorable with respect to recursive predicate; often more efficient. Category ={DBDquery> DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Naughton1990, Author ={Naughton,J. and Ramakrishnan,R.},
Title ={How to Forget the Past Without Repeating It},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Navathe1978, Author ={Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Schema Analysis for Database Restructuring},
Booktitle ={IBM Res.R. No.RJ2225, San Jose CA.},
Year =1978, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Navathe1978:1, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Schkolnick,M.},
Title ={View Representation in Logical Database Design},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78, Austin TX, -Jun..},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Pages ="144--156",
Category ={DBFhash.2> DBDschema.5> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Navathe1979, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Lemke,J.},
Title ={On the Implementation of a Conceptual Schema Model within a Three-level DBMS Architecture},
Booktitle ={ Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), New York NY, AFIPS Press, 1979.},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Pages ="697--708",
Annote ={at Siemens (FRG) Objects and associations. Category ={DBDobject> DBDschema.5> DBDdesign> } }

@unpublished{Navathe1979:1, Author ={Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={A Multi-level Approach to Database Design},
Note ={NYU.},
Year =1979, Annote ={ Database design process comprising the following phases: View Modeling, View Integration, Schema analysis and mapping, Physical design and optimization. Category ={DBFhash.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Navathe1975, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Merten,A.G.},
Title ={Investigations into the Application of the Relational Model to Data Translation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed), San Jose CA,},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="123--138",
Category ={DBDschema.6> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Navathe1975:1, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Fry,J.P.},
Title ={Restructuring for Large Data Bases: Three Levels of Abstraction},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed), pp.174 (abstract).},
Year =1975, Annote ={at Un.Michigan, Ann Arbor Category ={DBDschema.6, xB7> %Navathe76 } }

@article{Navathe1977, Author ={Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Schema Analysis for Data Base Restructuring},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3.},
Year =1977, Annote ={at NYU Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Navathe1980, Author ={Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={An Intuitive Approach to Normalize Network Structured Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Montreal, Canada, ACM, IEEE.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="350--358",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Navathe1982, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Gadgil,S.G.},
Title ={A Methodology for View Integration in Logical Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="142--164",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@incollection{Navathe1982:1, Author ={Navathe,S.B., et al.},
Title ={Logical Database Design},
Booktitle ={in 'Database Directions: Information Resource Management -Strategies, and Tools', National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). Special Publication 500-92 (Goldfine, ed.), U.S. Dep. of Commerce.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="73--140",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Navathe1983, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Cheng,A.},
Title ={Database Schema Mapping from an Extended Entity Relationship Model into the Hierarchical Model},
Booktitle ={ER 3, Anaheim CA, N-H.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="223--248",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Navathe1983:1, Author ={Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Database Management of Computer Aided Design Data},
Booktitle ={Symposium Series of American Institute of Chemical Engineers: Database Issues and Applications, A.I.Ch.E., New York.},
Year =1983, Pages ="43--50",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Navathe1983:2, Author ={Navathe,S., Ceri,S., Wiederhold,G., and Dou,J-L.},
Title ={Vertical Partitioning for Physical and Distribution Design of Databases},
Journal ={Stanford Un., TR-CS-82-957, revised Aug.1983.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Annote ={based on affinity considerations. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Navathe1984, Author ={Navathe,S.B., Sashidhar,T., and ElMasri,R.},
Title ={Relationship Merging in Schema Integration},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 10, Singapore.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Pages ="78--90",
Annote ={ relationship integration, applicable to a structural model. Category ={DBDops.4> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@book{Navathe1985, Author ={Navathe,S.B. (ed.)},
Title ={Proceedings of the 1985 ACM-SIGMOD International Conference on Management of Data},
Publisher ={ACM, New York NY, 457pp.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@incollection{Navathe1985:1, Author ={Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Schema Implementation, and Restructuring for Database Design},
Booktitle ={Chapter 10 in Principles of Database Design, (Yao, ed.), Prentice-Hall publishers, .},
Year =1985, Pages ="361--396",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@incollection{Navathe1985:2, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Ceri,S.},
Title ={A Comprehensive Approach to Fragmentation, and Allocation of Data},
Booktitle ={IEEE Tutorial on Distributed Database Management (Larson, Rahimi,eds.).},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@incollection{Navathe1985:3, Author ={Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Important Issues in Database Design Methodologies, and Tools},
Booktitle ={in Computer-Aided Database Design, (DeAntonellis, and Albano, eds), N-H, .},
Year =1985, Pages ="199--212",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Navathe1986, Author ={Navathe,S.B., Elmasri,R., and Larson,J.A.},
Title ={Integrating User Views in Database Design},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="50--62",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@incollection{Navathe1986:1, Author ={Navathe,S.B., and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={Role of Data Dictionaries in Database Design},
Booktitle ={Information, and Management, N-H.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="21--48",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ from Database Directions 1980; bibliography, federated Category ={DBDdesign> DBDschema> } }

@unpublished{Navathe1986:2, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Amhed,R.},
Title ={TRM : A Temporal Relational Data Model},
Note ={DSRDC, Un.Florida, rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Navathe1987, Author ={Navathe,S.B., and Ahmed,R.},
Title ={TSQL: A Language Interface for History Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. of Temporal Aspects of Information Systems, Pergamon Press , (Sofia France), N-H.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Florida, CSD Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Navathe1987:1, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Awong,A.M.},
Title ={Abstracting Relational, and Hierarchical Data with a Semantic Data Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .6, New York, N-H.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Navathe1988, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Pillalamarri,M.K.},
Title ={Toward Making the E-R Approach Object-Oriented},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Navathe1988:1, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Ahmed,R.},
Title ={Temporal Aspects of Version Management},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="34--37",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Florida, (Gainesville FL), DBRC Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Navathe1989, Author ={Navathe,S.B., and Ahmed,R.},
Title ={A Temporal Relational Model, and a Query Language},
Journal ={Information Sciences,2,3.},
Year =1989, Volume ="49",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDops>} }

@book{Navathe1989:1, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and ElMasri,R.},
Title ={Fundamentals of Database Systems},
Publisher ={Benjamin/Cummings Publishers.},
Year =1989, Annote ={all basic models are well explained. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Navathe1989:2, Author ={Navathe,S.B. and Ra,M.},
Title ={Vertical Partitioning for Database Design: A Graphical Algorithm},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Florida, DSRDC, CIS Dep. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Navathe1989:3, Author ={Navathe,Sham},
Title ={A Temporal Relational Model and a Query Language},
Journal ={Information Sciences,2,3,},
Year =1989, Volume ="49",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ I signal this paper to your attention, at least for references, if we have further plans for our paper (an extension & a submission to a journal). The paper has the goal similar to ours. There are several differences nevertheless, one being the usage of close intervals. The model assumes also the systematic use of two timestamps per relation, called time-start & time end. Time-end may be Null or Now, if unknown, it cannot be oo (infinity). Strangely, Te = Null by definition iff Ts > Now. There are also temporal normal forms, temporal joins, etc. ---Litwin. Category ={DBDops> } }

@incollection{Navathe1989:4, Author ={Navathe,S.B., Gala,S.K., et al.},
Title ={A Federated Architecture for Heterogeneous Information Systems},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ A universal schema for federated systems is kept on a blackboard and interfaces with standardized local translation and output filter modules. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@manual{NBS1974, Author ={NBS},
Title ={Guidelines for Automatic Data Processing Physical Security and Risk Management},
Organization ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). -FIPS pub.31, 92pp.},
Year =1974, Month =Jun,
Annote ={Standards for US gov. installations. Category ={DBFuse-4> DBDprivacy, xstandards> } }

@manual{NBS1980, Author ={NBS},
Title ={Prospectus for Data Dictionary System Standard},
Organization ={Application Systems Division, National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). IR 80-2115.},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ at NBS, Inst.for Comp.Sc.and Tech. (Washington DC) Category ={DBDschema.1> at NBS (Washington DC) Category ={DBDschema.1, home Ref. file } }

@article{Nebel1985, Author ={Nebel,B.},
Title ={How Well does a Vanilla Loop Fit into a Frame},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1985, Pages ="181--194",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Presents the basic concepts in object-centered languages. Makes a comparison between FRL and the newer object-oriented languages Flavors, PMFS, and LOOPS. Shows that simulation of the features of FRL in Flavors presents some difficulties. The major differences between FRL and the later object-oriented languages are: (1) FRL is data-oriented, procedure execution is only a side-effect whereas in object-oriented languages message passing is central. (2) FRL does not make a very strict distinction between individual and generic objects, object-oriented languages do, so that dynamic changes are more problematic in object-oriented languages. --- Waqar Category ={DBDkb> DBDobject> } }

@book{Nebendahl1988, Author ={Nebendahl,Dieter(Ed)},
Title ={Expert Systems -- Introduction to the Technology and Applications},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 209pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8912-0867.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Siemens, FRG Includes example of SIUX, a 190 rule base for diagnosing problem with UDS DBMS performance. ---Gio. Category ={DBFperf> DBDkb, x } }

@article{Neches1983, Author ={Neches,Philip M.},
Title ={Hardware Support for Advanced Data Management Systems},
Journal ={PhD Th., CalTech.},
Year =1983, Annote ={Queuing model analysis leading to Teradata. Category ={DBFhard.1> } }

@inproceedings{Neches1985, Author ={Neches,P.M., et al},
Title ={Parallel database computer speeds past conventional DBMS},
Booktitle ={Computer Design, pp.6.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Volume ="24",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Teradata, (Los Angeles) A relational database computer, the DBC/1012 from Teradata (Los Angeles, CA) incorporates an architecture that allows from 6 to 1024 8086/8087-based processor subsystems to operate in parallel on terabyte-size databases that the company says will be needed for corporate data in the 1990s. Recent benchmarks were run by Teradata on a 60-processor configuration that brings 24 mips to bear on a 19-Gbyte database. A full file scan against a 5.5 million-row table was completed in just 11 minutes. An IBM 3081K running IBM's DB2 database package required about one hour for the same task. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Neches1987, Author ={Neches,P.},
Title ={The Adventures of a Real-World Database Machine Company},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Teradata Corp Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Neches1993, Author ={Neches,R., et al.},
Title ={The Integrated User-Support Environments Group at USC/ISI},
Booktitle ={INTERCHI'93, Amsterdam.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={I3 Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Neches1993:1, Author ={Neches,R., et al.},
Title ={Knowledgeable Development Environments Using Shared Design Models},
Booktitle ={ACMProc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int Int. Workshop on Intelligent User Interfaces, Orlando.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={I3 Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Neches1993:2, Author ={Neches,R., and Arango,G.},
Title ={Design Capture},
Journal ={To appear in G. Zack & J. Hopcroft (Eds.), Information Technology Issues in Concurrent Design and Engineering, Academic Press (New York NY) Press.},
Year =1993, Annote ={I3 Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Needham1972, Author ={Needham,R.M.},
Title ={Protection Systems and Protection Implementation},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1972, Pages ="571--578",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={at Un.Cambridge (UK) Discussion of capability based protection including a scheme which avoids hardware registers. Category ={DBDprivacy.6> } }

@article{Needham1974, Author ={Needham,R.M. and Wilkes,M.V.},
Title ={Domains of Problems and the Management of Processes},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1974, Month =Feb,
Pages ="113--116",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Design of capability oriented systems. Category ={DBDprivacy.6> } }

@article{Needham1978, Author ={Needham,R.M. and Schroeder,M.D.},
Title ={Using Encryption for Authentication in Large Networks of Computers},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Pages ="993--999",
Volume ="21",
Number ="12",
Category ={DBDprivacy.1> DBFrepresent-5>} }

@incollection{Negoita1984, Author ={Negoita,C.V.},
Title ={Semantic Manipulation in Expert Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at City Un.New York --- Hunter Coll. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Negri1984, Author ={Negri,M. and Zicari,R.},
Title ={A Storage Structure Definition Language for CODASYL Databases},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8508-0744.},
Year =1984, Pages ="59--68",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Polit.Milano Virtual Paged Memory (VPM) is proposed. Category ={DBDbound.4> } }

@article{Negri1991, Author ={Negri,M., Pelagatti,S., and Sbattella,L.},
Title ={Formal Semantics of SQL queries},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Negri1991:1, Author ={Negri,M. and Pelagatti,G.},
Title ={Distributive Join: A New Algorithm for Joining Relations},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Neimat1979, Author ={Neimat, Marie-Anne Kamal},
Title ={Search Mechanisms for Large Files},
Institution ={PhD Th., UCB, CS.},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ analysis of searching in sequential files with uniform keys, with interpolation and with indexes. Simulations. Category ={DBFseq.2> DBFindex.3, thesis file } }

@inproceedings{Nejdl1986, Author ={Nejdl,W. and Neuhold,E.},
Title ={Extension of a prolog environment using a relational database and semantic data model concepts},
Booktitle ={Workshop for Databases and Expert Systems, Dortmund.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Nejdl1986:1, Author ={Nejdl,W. and Neuhold,E.},
Title ={The PROLOG-DB system: Integrating prolog and relational databases.},
Journal ={J. of the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Nejdl1987, Author ={Nejdl,W.},
Title ={Recursive Strategies for Answering Recursive Queries -- The RQA/FQI Strategy},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@techreport{Nejdl1988, Author ={Nejdl,W.},
Title ={Query Processing in a Deductive Prolog/RDBMS System},
Institution ={PhD thesis, Technical University of Vienna.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Nejdl1990, Author ={Nejdl,W., Ceri,S., Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Evaluating Recursive Queries in Distributed Databases},
Note ={submitted for publication.},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Nejdl1990:1, Author ={Nejdl,W.},
Title ={Expert systems in engineering - characteristics and applications},
Booktitle ={In Allen Kent and James G. Williams (eds) 'Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology' Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York, Basel.},
Year =1990, Category ={EIS>} }

@book{Neimat1981, Author ={Neimat,Marie-Anne K.},
Title ={Search Mechanisms for Large Files},
Publisher ={, 151pp.},
Year =1981, Annote ={Pub. Thesis, was on INGRES project. Category ={DBFindex> DBFhash> } }

@techreport{Nelson1978, Author ={Nelson,C.G.},
Title ={An n log n Algorithm for the Two-Variable-per-Constraint Linear Program Satisfiability Problem},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, Technical Note STAN-CS--78--689.},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBFtechn.4>} }

@techreport{Nelson1979, Author ={Nelson,C.G.},
Title ={Techniques for Program Verification},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford Un., CSD.},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlang>} }

@inproceedings{Nelson1985, Author ={Nelson,D.A.},
Title ={An Information Systems Facility for Modeling Enterprise Behavior},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int'l Symp. New Directions in Computing, IEEE Computer Society Press (Washington DC, Los Alomitos CA) .},
Year =1985, Annote ={ ISF notion is the extended database application. Rich set of constructs. Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Nelson1967, Author ={Nelson,D.B., Pick,R.A., and Andrews,K.B.},
Title ={GIM-1: A Generalized Information Management Language and Computer System},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1967, Pages ="169--173",
Volume ="30",
Annote ={at TRW Sketch of an information retrieval system I3 Category ={DBDquery.4> } }

@article{Nelson1988, Author ={Nelson,M.N., Welch,B.B., and Ousterhout,J.K.},
Title ={Caching In The SPRITE Network File System},
Journal ={PhD Th. in progress, UCB, rcvd .},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCB Non-write-through file caching on both client and server machines. The cache consistency mechanism permits files to be shared by multiple clients without danger of stale data. The file system of each machine negotiates with the virtual memory system over physical memory usage and changes the size of the file cache dynamically. Benchmarks indicate that client caches allow diskless workstations to perform within 0-12% of workstations with disks. Client caching reduces server loading by 50pct and network traffic by 90pct. Policies that require dirty data to be written through the client's cache to the server's disk result in serious performance degradation. Conclusions: 1) A client can access data in its own cache 6-8 times faster than in a server's cache. 2) Clients can access a server's cache at about the same speed as a local disk. ---Huber. Category ={DBFarchitecture> DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Nelson1987, Author ={Nelson,R. and Samet,H.},
Title ={A Population Analysis for Hierarchical Data Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBFtree>} }

@article{Nelson1985:1, Author ={Nelson,S.J., Blois,M.S., Tuttle,M.S., Erlbaum,M., Harrison,P., Kim,H., Winkelmann,B., and Yamashita,D.},
Title ={Evaluating RECONSIDER: a Computer Program for diagnostic promoting},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub, -6, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8609-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Volume ="9",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ candidly discuss both the benefits and shortcomings. Category ={MIS> } }

@book{Nelson1974, Author ={Nelson,Ted},
Title ={Computer Lib -- Dream Machines},
Publisher ={The Distributors (South Bend IN) .},
Year =1974, Annote ={where I first encountered the term Hypertext. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Nelson1965, Author ={Nelson,T.H.},
Title ={A File Structure for the Complex, the Changing and the Indeterminate},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 20, P20.},
Year =1965, Month =Aug,
Pages ="84--100",
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Nelson1990, Author ={Nelson, et al.},
Title ={Using MetaCard: A HyperCard Browswer for Biomedical Knowledge Sources},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE .},
Year =1990, Annote ={Unified Language System Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Nerad1973, Author ={Nerad,R.A.},
Title ={Data Administration as the Nerve Center of a Company's Computer Activity},
Journal ={Data Management,},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Pages ="26--31",
Annote ={ This paper attempts to identify the logical starting point for data administration and briefly covers current computer processing problems. In greater detail, it covers the philosophy of the data administrator and the way he/she function with other personnel within the company. --- Fountain Category ={DBDschema, Student file (Fountain) } }

@techreport{Nerlove1973, Author ={Nerlove,Marc and Press,S. James},
Title ={Univariate and Multivariate Log-Linear and Logistic Models},
Institution ={Rand, TR.R-1306-EDANIH.},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Chicago Analysis procedures for qualitative variables, with programs and applications in agriculture. Category ={DBFtechn> } }

@unpublished{Ness1986, Author ={Ness,Linda},
Title ={Reducing Linear Recursive Relations to Transitive Closure},
Note ={Un.Texas at Austin, DCS, rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ This paper is in draft form, but looks very interesting. I *think* the intuitive idea is as follows: If you have a single linear recursive rule and a basis rule, you can apply the recursion repeatedly and watch what happens to the arguments of the recursive predicate. Initially, funny things can happen, for example, because the same variable appears in two or more argument positions in the recursive `call' e.g. p(X,Y,Z) :- r(W,X) and p(Y,Z,Y). But as you continue, the funniness settles down, and a cyclic behavior establishes itself. That behavior can, apparently, always be expressed as a TC, and the desired answer computed from it by finite means. ---jeff Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Nesterenko1985, Author ={Nesterenko,A.I.},
Title ={Architecture and Formal Model of Shared Database},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Aug..},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="217--223",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ integration with replication, formally defined Bibliographic context. Category ={DBDmodel, FASAC 332 } }

@techreport{Nestor1982, Author ={Nestor,J.R., Wulf,W.A., and Lamb,D.A.},
Title ={IDL --- Interface Description Language; Formal Description},
Institution ={CMU, CSD, Draft rev.2.0.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Tartan Labs; CMU Data structure language for CAD, used for DIANA, USAF. An object has a type, a location, and a value. Types are basic, node, private. Objects of type node are comprised of a set of attributes. Attributes are typed objects. Attributes may reference other objects. Category ={DBDobject> EIS, VLSIbox } }

@inproceedings{Neugebauer1991, Author ={Neugebauer,L.},
Title ={Optimization and Evaluation of Database Queries Including Embedded Interpolation Procedures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDquery, DBfile} }

@article{Neuhold1974, Author ={Neuhold,E.J.},
Title ={Data Mapping --- A Formal Hierarchical and Relational View},
Journal ={Data Base Systems, Rustin(ed), Prentice-Hall publishers 1972..},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@book{Neuhold1976, Author ={Neuhold,E.J.(ed)},
Title ={Modelling in Data Base Management Systems},
Publisher ={N-H .},
Year =1976, Annote ={Proc.of IFIP TC-2 Conf., Freudenstadt, Jan.1976. Category ={DBDschema> %Neuhold76 } }

@inproceedings{Neuhold1977, Author ={Neuhold,E.J. and Biller,H.},
Title ={POREL: A Distributed Data Base on an Inhomogeneous Computer Network},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Tokyo.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Pages ="380--389",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Neuhold1979, Author ={Neuhold,E.J. and Studer,R.},
Title ={Application Development and Application Support in the Distributed Database System POREL},
Booktitle ={Proc.9th Annual Conf.of the Gesellschaft for Informatik, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) .},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Neuhold1979:1, Author ={Neuhold,E.J., Furtado,A., and dosSantos,C.S.},
Title ={A Data Type Approach to the Entity-Relationship Model},
Booktitle ={The Entity-Relationship Approach to Systems Analysis and Design, Chen(ed), N-H.},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Neuhold1980, Author ={Neuhold,E.J. and Olnhoff,Th.},
Title ={The Vienna Development Method (VDM) and its Use for the Specification of a Relational Database System},
Booktitle ={IFIP, Tokyo and Melbourne, N-H .},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDlang>} }

@inproceedings{Neuhold1982, Author ={Neuhold,E.J. and Walter,B.},
Title ={The DDBS POREL: Current Research Issues and Activities},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart (FRG) Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Neuhold1982:1, Author ={Neuhold,E.J. and Walter,B.},
Title ={An Overview of the Architecture of the Distributed Database System POREL},
Booktitle ={ISDD 2, Schneider(ed), N-H ..},
Year =1982, Pages ="247-289",
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@incollection{Neuhold1983, Author ={Neuhold,E.J.},
Title ={Development Methodologies for Event and Message-based Application Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.7th Conference on Operating Systems, Visegrad Hungary, Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science .},
Year =1983, Volume ="152",
Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Neuhold1985, Author ={Neuhold,E. and Nejdl,W.},
Title ={Expert and database systems},
Journal ={J. of the Austrian Society for Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Neuhold1986, Author ={Neuhold,E.J. and Schrefl,M.},
Title ={Dynamic Integration of Heterogeneous Databases},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at TU Wien, Austria Subset connection, rules, message passing information for incremental development of the global schema. Definitional attributes equivalent to domain definitions. Category ={DBDdist> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Neuhold1988, Author ={Neuhold,E.J. and Schrefl,M.},
Title ={A Knowledge-based Approach to Overcome Structural Differences in Object-oriented Database Integration},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Neuhold1988:1, Author ={Neuhold,E.J. and Schrefl,M.},
Title ={Dynamic Derivations of Personalized Views},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="183--194",
Annote ={at GMD, (Darmstadt FRG) mediation Category ={DBDquery> DBDobject> DBDkb, DBfile IPSI-GMD } }

@article{Neuhold1988:2, Author ={Neuhold,E., Stonebraker,M., et al},
Title ={Future Directions in DBMS Research},
Journal ={ICCS, Berkeley, TR-88-1.},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ minutes of Feb.1988 Int.CS Inst.workshop, the Laguna Beach report Category ={DBDintro, DBfile } }

@techreport{Neuhold1989, Author ={Neuhold,E.J. and Kracker,M.},
Title ={Schema Independent Query Formulation},
Institution ={GMD, TR-382.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDquery, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Neuhold1989:1, Author ={Neuhold,E.J, Perl,Y., Geller,J., and Turau,V.},
Title ={Separating Structural and Semantic Elements in Object Oriented Knowledge},
Booktitle ={Advanced Database System Symposium, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at GMD-IPSI structure and s type versus class lattice Category ={DBDobject, DBfile ISPI-GMD } }

@unpublished{Neuhold1990, Author ={Neuhold,E.J, Perl,Y., Geller,J., and Turau,V.},
Title ={The Dual Model for Object-Oriented Knowledge Bases},
Note ={submitted to IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering , ?},
Year =1990, Annote ={ structural hierarchy of types and a network of classes with distinct inheritance Category ={DBDobject, DBfile ISPI-GMD } }

@inproceedings{Neuhold1991, Author ={Neuhold,W., Kent,W., and Shan,M.},
Title ={Object Identification in Interoperable Database Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Neuman1982, Author ={Neuman,T. and Hornung,C.},
Title ={Consistency and Transactions in CAD Database},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="181--188",
Annote ={ at Technische Hochschule Darmstadt (Darmstadt FRG) Category ={EIS> DBDintegrity.3> } }

@article{Nevaleinen1977, Author ={Nevaleinen,O. and Vesterinen,M.},
Title ={Determining Blocking Factors for Sequential Files by Heuristic Methods},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1977, Pages ="245--247",
Volume ="20",
Category ={DBFimpl.2.4>} }

@techreport{Neves1986, Author ={Neves,J.C.F.M. and Luger,G.F.},
Title ={An Automated Reasoning System for Presupposition Analysis},
Institution ={rcvd. for IFIP TC-2.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Presuppositions are more like constraints than generalizations. Much logic. Category ={DBDkb, Qian } }

@techreport{Neves1985, Author ={Neves,J.C.F.M., Luger,G.F., and Amaral,L.M.},
Title ={Integrating a User's Knowledge Into a Knowledge Base Using a Logic Based Representation},
Institution ={Minho Un..},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Annote ={ at Minho Un. (Largo do Paco, 4719 Braga Codex, Portugal); Un.New Mexico, CSD Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Neves1985:1, Author ={Neves,J.C.F.M., Luger,G.F., and Carvalho,J.A.},
Title ={A Formalism for Views in a Logic Data Base},
Institution ={CSD, Minho Un..},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Minho Un.; CSD, Un.New Mexico, CSD Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@book{Newcombe1988, Author ={Newcombe,H.B.},
Title ={Handbook of record linkage: methods for health and statistical studies, administration, and business},
Publisher ={Oxford Un.Press, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8912-0865.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Chalk River Nuclear Labs Category ={DBFrepresent> MIS> } }

@book{Newell1971, Author ={Newell,G.F.},
Title ={Applications of Queuing Theory},
Publisher ={Chapman and Hall.},
Year =1971, Annote ={at UCB, Stanford (?) Practical Review of Queuing Theory Category ={DBFtechn> %Newell71 } }

@article{Ng1986, Author ={Ng,C.S. and SacksDavis,R.},
Title ={A query interface for IMAGE databases based on relational algebra},
Journal ={Aust. Comp. J., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8609-??},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Royal Melbourne Inst.Tech. IMAGE databases, relational interfaces. Category ={DBDbound> } }

@techreport{Ng1982, Author ={Ng,P.},
Title ={Distributed Compilation and Recompilation of Database Queries},
Institution ={PhD Th., IBM Res.R. RJ3375(40411) .},
Year =1982, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab the R* approach to access in a distributed database. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDdist> } }

@article{Ng1981, Author ={Ng,P.A.},
Title ={Further analysis of the entity-relationship approach to database design},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-7 .},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Pages ="85--99",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Missouri, Columbia Most of the paper consists of theorems, proofs, definitions, and corollaries, expressed in the usual mathematical notation. Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDintro.1> } }

@inproceedings{Ng1989, Author ={Ng,Spencer},
Title ={Some Design Issues of Disk Arrays},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar.,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="137--142",
Annote ={at IBM Almaden, San Jose CA To stripe or not to stripe. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Ng1991, Author ={Ng,S.W.},
Title ={Improving Disk Performance Via Latency Reduction},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Volume ="40",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ M/M/1 analytic queyeing model includes RPS miss time, dual copy approach, synchronized dual copy, dual copy on a single disk, dual actuator, recommendations: the dual actuator approach but aligning over the same track is difficult; next, for magnetic storage, the dual copy on a single disk Category ={DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Ng1990, Author ={Ng,T.P.},
Title ={Propagating Updates in a Highly Replicated Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Ng1991:1, Author ={Ng,R., Faloutsos,C, and Sellis,T.},
Title ={Flexible Buffer Allocation Based on Marginal Gains},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Ngu1989, Author ={Ngu,A.H.H.},
Title ={Transaction Modelling},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Ngu1989:1, Author ={Ngu,A.H.H.},
Title ={Conceptual Transaction Modelling},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="508--518",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Nguyen1980, Author ={Nguyen,G.T.},
Title ={Decentralized Dynamic Query Decomposition for Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.ACM Pacific Conf., San Francisco.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Pages ="55--60",
Annote ={ Dynamic Distributed Query Optimization algorithm for POLYPHEME Category ={DBDbound.6> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Nguyen1986, Author ={Nguyen,G.T.},
Title ={Semantic Data Engineering for Generalized Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Nguyen1986:1, Author ={Nguyen,G.T.},
Title ={Object Prototypes and Database Samples for Expert Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={ objects derived from database, includes pessimistic validation of view updates Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Nguyen1986:2, Author ={Nguyen,G.T. and Rieu,D.},
Title ={Semantics of CAD Objects for Generalized Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 23.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Grenoble Category ={DBDobject> EIS >} }

@inproceedings{Nguyen1987, Author ={Nguyen,G. and Rieu,D.},
Title ={Expert Database Support for Consistent Dynamic Objects},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ pessimistic control, object quivalence established via heuristic rules, consistency should increase with updates. Category ={DBDobject> EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Nguyen1988, Author ={Nguyen,G.T. and Rieu,D.},
Title ={Heuristic Control on Dynamic Database Objects},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at France Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Nguyen1989, Author ={Nguyen,G.T. and Rieu,D.},
Title ={Schema Change Propagation in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89', Ritter(ed), IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, (San Francisco, -Sep.), N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="815--820",
Annote ={at INRIA and IMAG, Un.Grenoble, (France) Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Nguyen1989:1, Author ={Nguyen,G.T. and Rieu,D.},
Title ={Schema evolution in object-oriented database systems},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1989, Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ overview of current research efforts towards evolving data definitions; two complementary aspects: evolving schemas and propagating changes; projects analyzed: Cadb, Encore, GemStone, Orion, and Sherpa; seldom support propagation; proposal to enable Sherpa to support propagation. includes comparison of current facilities; awful examples Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Nguyen1979, Author ={Nguyen,Toan Gia},
Title ={A unified method for query decomposition and shared information updating in distributed systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 1, Huntsville AL.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="679--685",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Nguyen1981, Author ={Nguyen,Toan},
Title ={Distributed Query Management for A Local Network},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 2, Paris .},
Year =1981, Pages ="188-196",
Annote ={dynamic optimization in parallel with execution. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Nguyen1986:3, Author ={Nguyen,V., Demers,A., Gries,D., and Owicki,S.},
Title ={A Model and Temporal Proof System for Networks of Processes},
Journal ={Dist. Comp..},
Year =1986, Pages ="7--25",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Nguyen1986:4, Author ={Nguyen,V. and Perry,K.J.},
Title ={Knowledge, Communication, and Time},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 Conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBDdist> DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Nhan1989, Author ={Nhan,N.T., Sager,N., Lyman,M., Tick,L.J., Borst,F. and Su,Y.},
Title ={A Medical Language Processor for Two Indo-European Languages},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 13.},
Year =1989, Pages ="554--558",
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@techreport{Niamir1982, Author ={Niamir,B.},
Title ={Attribute Partitioning in a Self-Adaptive Relational Database System},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, LCS, TR..},
Year =1982, Annote ={at MIT, LCS Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel} }

@incollection{Nichols1974, Author ={Nichols,Pat},
Title ={Data Base Facilities for the End User, Present and Future},
Booktitle ={'Data Base Management Systems', Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Ontario Hydro (Toronto) Advanced and Imaginative User requirements Category ={DBDquery> } }

@incollection{Nickel1969, Author ={Nickel,Karl},
Title ={Triplex-Algol and Its Applications},
Booktitle ={'Topics in Interval Analysis', Hansen(ed), Clarendon Press, Oxford, .},
Year =1969, Pages ="10-24",
Category ={DBDlang>} }

@incollection{Nicolas1978, Author ={Nicolas,J-M. and Yazadanian,K.},
Title ={Integrity Checking in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={'Logic and Databases', Gallaire and Minker (eds), Plenum Press NY, .},
Year =1978, Pages ="325--344",
Category ={DBDtheory> DBDquery> DBDmodel> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Nicolas1979, Author ={Nicolas,J-M.},
Title ={Logic for Improving Integrity Checking in Relational Data Bases},
Institution ={Onera-CERT, Toulouse, France.},
Year =1979, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@inproceedings{Nicolas1978:1, Author ={Nicolas,J.M. and Gallaire,H.},
Title ={Database: Theory vs. Interpretation},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Symp. on Logic and Databases, Plenum Press, 458pp.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDschema.0>} }

@article{Nicolas1982, Author ={Nicolas,J.M.},
Title ={Logic for Improving Integrity Checking in Relational Databases},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1982, Pages ="227--253",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Nicolas1983, Author ={Nicolas,J.M. and Yazdanian,K.},
Title ={An outline of BDGEN: A Deductive DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 83, Mason(ed), N-H.},
Year =1983, Pages ="711--717",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Nicolas1983:1, Author ={Nicolas,J.M. and Demolombe,R.},
Title ={On the Stability of Relational Queries},
Institution ={ONERA-CERT, Toulouse, TR..},
Year =1983, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Nie1975, Author ={Nie,N., Hull,C.H., Jenkins,J.G., Steinbrenner,K., and Bent,D.H.},
Title ={Statistical Package for Social Sciences},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1975, Annote ={SPSS Category ={MCS>} }

@book{Nielsen1990, Author ={Nielsen,Jakob},
Title ={Hypertext and hypermedia},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), 263pp; ACM CR 9102-0048.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at TU Denmark good general overviews, emphasizes user interfaces: little attention to technical problems Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Nielsen1967, Author ={Nielsen,Norman R.},
Title ={The Simulation of Time Sharing Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1967, Month =Jul,
Pages ="397--412",
Volume ="10",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Simulation and results of a paging system. Category ={DBFtechn.2> %Nielsen67 } }

@article{Nielsen1975, Author ={Nielsen,Norman R.},
Title ={Computers, Security, and the Audit Function},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS ,},
Year =1975, Pages ="947--954",
Volume ="44",
Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@inproceedings{Niemi1983, Author ={Niemi,T.},
Title ={Formal Restructuring Functions for Hierarchical Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Un.Tampere, Dep.Math.Sciences, TR.A99 (Finland).},
Year =1983, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Niemi1983:1, Author ={Niemi,T. and Jarvelin,K.},
Title ={A Straightforward Formalization of the Relational Model},
Journal ={Un.Tampere, Dep.Math.Sciences, TR.A110.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Un.Tampere (Finland) tool for specification and proofs concerning query languages, query optimization, relational data base restructuring. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDmodel, xissue } }

@article{Nierstrasz1985, Author ={Nierstrasz,O.M.},
Title ={Hybrid: A Unified Object-Oriented System},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Nievergelt1972, Author ={Nievergelt,J.},
Title ={Binary Search Trees and File Organization},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Annote ={at Un.Illinois Category ={DBFtree> DBFimpl.6, DBfile} }

@article{Nievergelt1973, Author ={Nievergelt,J. and Reingold,E.M.},
Title ={Binary Search Trees of Bounded Balance},
Journal ={SIAM Journal Comput.,},
Year =1973, Month Mar,
Pages ="33--43",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFtree, DBfile %Nievergelt73} }

@article{Nievergelt1984, Author ={Nievergelt,J., Hinterberger,H., and Sevcik,K.C.},
Title ={The Grid File: An Adaptable Symmetric Multikey File Structure},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8411-0931.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="38--71",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Grid files use a vector of hash-keys, partion the result into clusters, and store sthe custers into blocks. Two accesses are used for retrieval. Update may be more costly. Access structures fit in core? Category ={DBFimpl.2> DBFhybrid.4> } }

@inproceedings{Nievergelt1985, Author ={Nievergelt,J. and Hinrichs,K.},
Title ={Storage and Access Structures for Geometric Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int.Conf. on Foundations of Data Organization, Kyoto.},
Year =1985, Pages ="335--345",
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@unpublished{Nigam1987, Author ={Nigam,A., Addanki,S., and Studer,R.},
Title ={Query Language and Mapping Issues in the Kl-DB Knowledge Representation Scheme},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC A KL-ONE based modeling tool. To permit queries and updates to model and extension. Temporal ER. Category ={DBDops> DBDkb> } }

@article{Nii1982, Author ={Nii,H.P. et al},
Title ={Signal-to-Symbol Transformation: HASP/SIAP Case Study},
Journal ={AI Magazine.},
Year =1982, Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ uses blackboard to integrate sensor data from Sonar. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Nii1986, Author ={Nii,H. Penny},
Title ={Blackboard Model of Problem Solving and the Evolution of Blackboard Architectures},
Journal ={AI Magazine, Sum..},
Year =1986, Pages ="38--53",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD An overview of the principles of the blackboard technology. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Nii1986:1, Author ={Nii,H. Penny},
Title ={Blackboard Systems Part Two: Blackboard Application Systems},
Journal ={AI Magazine, Vol 7 , Sum..},
Year =1986, Pages ="82--106",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ The article describes a number of implementations of blackboard based systems. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Nii1986:2, Author ={Nii,H. Penny},
Title ={Blackboard Application Systems and a Knowledge Engineering Perspective},
Journal ={AI Magazine, Nos.3-4.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="82--107",
Volume ="7",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@techreport{Nii1989, Author ={Nii,H. Penny},
Title ={Signal Understanding and Problem Solving: A Concurrent Approach to Soft Real-Time System},
Institution ={Stanford Rep. KSL-89-73.},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBFrealtime, DBfile} } @misc{1991, Title ={Knowledge Assisted Software Engineering (KASE): An Introduction and Status},
Howpublished ={Stanford KSL 91-28.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Category ={DEng>} }

@techreport{Nijmeijer1978, Author ={Nijmeijer,E.},
Title ={Higher Programming Concepts Through Better Data Base Concepts},
Institution ={CDC, TR..},
Year =1978, Annote ={at Control Data Corp (Holland) works with Nijssen Category ={DBDschema>in DBfile } }

@article{Nijssen1971, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.},
Title ={Efficient Batch Updating of a Random File},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="173--186",
Annote ={Efficient batch writing of a direct file. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>%Nijssen71C } }

@article{Nijssen1971:1, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.},
Title ={Indexed Sequential versus Random},
Journal ={IFIP IAG Journal.},
Year =1971, Pages ="29--37",
Volume ="4",
Annote ={at Control Data Corp Europe, Brussels Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBFindex.3>%Nijssen71I } }

@inproceedings{Nijssen1974, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.},
Title ={Data Structuring in DDL and Relational Data Model},
Booktitle ={Klimbie74 and Koffeman (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Nijssen1975, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.},
Title ={DDL Illustrated with Data Structure Diagrams},
Booktitle ={Data Base Description, Douque and Nijssen(eds) (IFIP TC-2 ), N-H 1976.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Tutorial on the DBTG schema language structure specifications. Category ={DBDschema.4> DBDbound.5> } }

@article{Nijssen1975:1, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.},
Title ={Two Major Flaws in the CODASYL DDL 1973 and Proposed Corrections},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1975, Pages ="115--132",
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at Control Data Europe The possibility to represent an attribute in more than one way. To declare a record identifier. All data-base-identifiers must refer to declared data items of the owner record of the set(s) referenced Category ={DBDschema.3.5, DBfile } }

@article{Nijssen1977, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.},
Title ={On the Gross Architecture for the Next Generation Database Management System},
Journal ={IFIP Congress 77, N-H ,},
Year =1977, Pages ="327--335",
Category ={DBDintro.0, DBfile} }

@book{Nijssen1977:1, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.(ed)},
Title ={Modelling in Data Base Management Systems},
Publisher ={IFIP TC-2, N-H (Amsterdam).},
Year =1977, Annote ={ papers from the IFIP TC-2 meeting no.3 (Freudenstadt, FRG), Jan.1976. no.2 was (Wepion, Belgium). Category ={DBDschema> } }

@book{Nijssen1977:2, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.(ed)},
Title ={Architecture and Models in Data Base Management Systems},
Publisher ={N-H, 326pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ Proceedings of an IFIP TC-2 Conf. (No.4) on Database Architecture Category ={DBDschema.0> } }

@techreport{Nijssen1977:3, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.},
Title ={The Next Five years in Data Base Technology},
Institution ={INFOTECH Conf., London.},
Year =1977, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDschema, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Nijssen1981, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.},
Title ={An Architecture for Knowledge Base Systems},
Booktitle ={SPOT conferences in Sweden,-2, Stockholm.},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Nijssen1984, Author ={Nijssen,G.M. and E.D.Falkenberg},
Title ={An Introduction to IBM SQL Release 2},
Institution ={Un.Queensland.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDrel.2, Proc.shelf} }

@inproceedings{Nijssen1985, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.},
Title ={On Experience with Large-Scale Teaching and Use of Fact-based Conceptual Schemas in Industry and University},
Booktitle ={Database Semantics, Meersman and Steel (eds), Proc. IFIP Conf., N-H 1985.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Nijssen1990, Author ={Nijssen,G.M.},
Title ={An Axiomatic Framework for Software Engineering in Medical Informatics},
Booktitle ={IMIA Working conference on Software Eng. and Medical Informatics, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Limburg all facts are represented in formalized natural language sentences Category ={DEng> } }

@book{Nijssen1990:1, Author ={Nijssen,S. and Halpin,T. (Eds)},
Title ={Conceptual Schema and Relational Database Design: a fact-based approach},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 400pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Un.Queensland NIAM forms the focus, appears cumbersome, chapters get into nitty-gritty details Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@book{Nilsson1971, Author ={Nilsson,N.J.},
Title ={Problem-Solving Methods in Artificial Intelligence},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY),},
Year =1971, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Nilsson1980, Author ={Nilsson,Nils},
Title ={Principles of Artificial Intelligence},
Publisher ={Tioga, Palo Alto.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Nilsson1984, Author ={Nilsson,N.J.},
Title ={Probabilistic Logic},
Journal ={SRI, AI Ctr, Technical Note 321.},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Annote ={uncertainity Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Nilson1968, Author ={Nilson,N.W.},
Title ={The Logical Data Base, Its Concepts, Development and Use},
Booktitle ={Proc. Am. Mgmt. Ass..},
Year =1968, Annote ={Use of SC-1. Category ={DBDbound>} }

@inproceedings{Nirenburg1984, Author ={Nirenburg,S. and Attiya,C.},
Title ={Towards a Data Model for Artificial Intelligence},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="446--453",
Annote ={at Hebrew Un.Israel a proposal without justification or evaluation. A record becomes a `line', of sort: type(named), token link(names type or token lines) or context(working data). Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@techreport{Nirenburg1986, Author ={Nirenburg,S. and Attiya,C.},
Title ={Data Models and Artificial Intelligence Systems},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Colgate and Hebrew Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Nirenburg1987, Author ={Nirenburg,S. and Raskin,V.},
Title ={The Subworld Concept Lexicon and the Lexicon Management System},
Booktitle ={CL, -4, -Dec..},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Pages ="276--289",
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at CMU; Purdue Un. includes samples of non-monotonic updates. Category ={DBDkb> DBDnat> } }

@inproceedings{Nishio1989, Author ={Nishio,S., Nakahata,M., and Manning,E.G.},
Title ={A New Recursive Query Evaluation Strategy Using Search History Information},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="310--319",
Annote ={at Osaka Un., DICS, (Osaka, Japan) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Nixon1984, Author ={Nixon,Brian(ed)},
Title ={Taxis'84: Selected Papers},
Institution ={U.Toronto, TR.CSRG-160.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ 16 papers on Taxis, from 1982 to 1984, by Greenspan,J., Mylopoulos,J; Borgida,A; Albano,A; Bucan,I., Covey,H.D., et al; Chung,K.L; O'Brien,P.D; Pilote,M,; in various combinations. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Mylopoulos } }

@inproceedings{Nixon1987, Author ={Nixon,B., Chung,L., Lauzon,D., Borgida,A., Mylopoulos,J., and Stanley,M.},
Title ={Implementation of a Compiler for a Semantic Data Model: Experiences with TAXIS},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Category ={DBDnewDBMS} } % ------- NM ------biblio----1949-1991------

@inproceedings{Nodine1990, Author ={Nodine,M. and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={Cooperative Transaction Hierarchies: A Transaction Model to Support Design Applications},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDtrans> EIS>} }

@article{Nodine1992, Author ={Nodine,M. and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={Cooperative Transaction Hierarchies: Transaction Support for Design Applications},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) J.},
Year =1992, Month =Jul,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ correctness specification for groups of designers is tailored to the needs of the application; patterns and conflicts specify the constraints; mechanisms for deadlock detections and resolution, issues of failure and recovery Category ={DBDtrans> EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Nodine1993, Author ={Nodine,M.},
Title ={Supporting Long-Running Tasks on an Evolving Multidatabase Using InterActions and Events},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Brown Un. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Noe1985, Author ={Noe,J.D., Proudfoot,A.B., and Pu,C.},
Title ={Replication in Distributed Systems: The Eden Experience},
Institution ={Un.Washington, TR.No.TR-85-08-06.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Washington, DCS Category ={DBFdist, DBfile} }

@techreport{Noe1986, Author ={Noe,J.D. and Andreassian,Agnes},
Title ={Effectiveness of Replication in Distributed Computer Networks},
Institution ={Un.Washington, TR.86-06-05.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Washington, CSD Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@article{Noerr1985, Author ={Noerr,P.L. and BivinsNoerr,K.T.},
Title ={Browse and navigate: an advance in database access methods},
Journal ={Inf.Process.Manag., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8602-0151.},
Year =1985, Pages ="205--213",
Volume ="21",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Inf. Manage. and Eng. Ltd. overview of a commercial product. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Nolan1974, Author ={Nolan,R.L.},
Title ={Computer Data Base: the Future is Now},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1974, Pages ="897--901",
Volume ="43",
Annote ={at Harvard Un. (Cambridge MA) Management view oriented view with state of the art survey of typical companies' use of data and data bases. Category ={DBDintro.8> %Nolan73 } }

@article{Nolan1977, Author ={Nolan,R.L.},
Title ={Restructuring the Data Processing Organization for Data Resource Management},
Journal ={Inf. Process.},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Pages ="261--265",
Volume ="77",
Category ={DBDadmin.1>} }

@incollection{Nolan1981, Author ={Nolan,R.L.},
Title ={Business Needs A New Breed of EDP Manager},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Noll1985, Author ={Noll,A.M.},
Title ={Videotex: anatomy of a failure},
Journal ={Information and Management, N-H ..},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="99--109",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Noll1991, Author ={Noll,J. and Scacchi,W.},
Title ={Integrating Diverse Information Repositories: A Distributed Hypertext Approach},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="24",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ heterogeneous information repositories, a simple integration mechanism Category ={DBDdist> DBDbib> } }

@inproceedings{Nolte1982, Author ={Nolte,J. and Lin,W-T.K.},
Title ={Read Only Transactions and Two Phase Locking},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="85--93",
Annote ={at Computer Cop. of America (Cambridge MA) Read-only transactions only request share locks, and should cause fewer conflicts. This paper reports the results of a study contradicting this intuition. Category ={DBDtrans-4> } }

@book{Nordbotten1985, Author ={Nordbotten, Jean},
Title ={The Analysis and Design of Computer-Based Information Systems},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Un.Bergen. Category ={DBFintro, QA76.9.S88N67} }

@techreport{Notley1972, Author ={Notley,M.G.},
Title ={The Peterlee IS/1 System},
Institution ={IBM, UK Scientific Ctr, Rep. UKSC-18 (Peterlee UK).},
Year =1972, Month Mar,
Annote ={Description of relational data base system. Category ={DBDrel.2, xB9 } }

@inproceedings{Novak1976, Author ={Novak,D. and Fry,J.},
Title ={The State of the Art of Logical Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proc.5th IEEE Texas Conf. Computing Systems (Long Beach CA), .},
Year =1976, Pages ="30--39",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Novak1981, Author ={Novak,M.,Gordon S.,jr.},
Title ={Physics Problem Solving: ISAAC-II},
Journal ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Un.British Columbia, Vancouver BC.},
Year =1981, Month =Aug,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at NASA, Goddard Space Flight Ctr (Greenbelt MD) from Peter Bracken --- uses ORACLE. To be given Fall 1983. Category ={DBappl, CODMAC ACL Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb> } }

@article{Nosek1988, Author ={Nosek,J.T. and Schwartz,R.B.},
Title ={User Validation of Information System Requirements: Some Empirical Results},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE),},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1372--1375",
Volume ="14",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ at Temple Un., Dep. Computer and Inform.Science, (Philadelphia PA) Four experiments: HIPO vs. system flowcharts, DFD vs. narrative, DFD vs. Warnier-Orr diagrams, and DFD vs. HIPO. The choice of design methodology had no effect. Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Novell1967, Author ={Novell,Monroe},
Title ={An Information Retrieval system for the Inexperienced, Experienced User; How a User Would View the System},
Booktitle ={NCIR 4 (Philadelphia PA), Tonik(ed).},
Year =1967, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Noyes1957, Author ={Noyes,T and Dickinson,W.E.},
Title ={The Random-Access Memory Accounting Machine -- II. The Magnetic-Disk Random-Access Memory},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development, no.1.},
Year =1957, Month =Jan,
Pages ="72--75",
Volume ="1",
Annote ={description of first disk system, IBM-305 RAMAC. Category ={DBFhard> DBDintro, DBfile } }

@book{Nsonde1984, Author ={Nsonde,Jean},
Title ={Definition et Implantation d'une Langue Graphique pour la Manipulation d'une Base de Donnees Relationelle sur Micro-Ordinateur},
Publisher ={PhD Th., Un.Paul Sabatier, Toulouse.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Nice (France) LAGRIF, a graphic language, built on top of a PASCALish database REBU on a microcomputer KAYAK. Comparison with QBE and CUPID. Category ={DBDrel.3> DBDquery.3, Thesis file } }

@article{Nunamaker1973, Author ={Nunamaker,J.F., Swenson,D.E.jr., and Whinston,A.B.},
Title ={Specifications for the Development of a Generalized Data Base Planning System},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS.},
Year =1973, Pages ="259--270",
Volume ="42",
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Nunamaker1982, Author ={Nunamaker,J.F., Couger,J.D., and Davis,G.B.(Eds)},
Title ={Information Systems Curriculum Recommendations for the 80s: Undergraduate and Graduate Programs},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="781--805",
Volume ="25",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Un.Arizona; Un.Colorado,; Un.Minnesota A report of the ACM Curriculum Committee on Information Systems --- H4 is databases. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Nurmi1987, Author ={Nurmi,O., SoisalonSoininen,E., and Wood,D.},
Title ={Concurrency Control in Database Structures with Relaxed Balance},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe temporary layer block is inserted in Btree so split does not propagate up. Cleanup as in Sagiv,Y. 86. Can solve variable-length entry problem. Category ={DBDtheory, x } }

@inproceedings{Nurmi1991, Author ={Nurmi,O. and SoisalonSoininen,E.},
Title ={Uncoupling, Updating, and Rebalancing in Chromatic Binary Trees},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDtree>} }

@article{Nussbaum1991, Author ={Nussbaum,D. and Agarwal,A.},
Title ={Scalability of Parallel Machines},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="34",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at LCS, MIT For a given algorithm and problem size, we derive the inherent parallelism as the ratio of the serial execution time and the runtime on an ideal realization of a parallel random access machine; hardward scalability is based on this ratio. Category ={unknown> } }

@techreport{Nussbaum1987, Author ={Nussbaum,M. and Appelrath,H-J.},
Title ={Delayed Evaluation of Function Free Linear Horn Clauses},
Institution ={ETH, Inst for Integrated Systems, TR-87-5.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at ETH, Zurich This one is a puzzle. They seem to be talking about lazy evaluation, without ever using the term. Yet they also envision expansion of a rule-goal tree completely, to ground atoms, followed by evaluation up the tree (I guess pruning branches where appropriate). ---jdu Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile } }

@techreport{Nussbaum1988, Author ={Nussbaum,Miguel},
Title ={Delayed Evaluation in Logic Programming: An Inference Mechanism for Large Knowledge Bases},
Institution ={ETH, Inst. Integrated Systems, PhD Th., TR-88-8, 182pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at ETH, Zurich includes application to bus and tram routes= 1000 ground tuples, 4 rules. Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb, thesis file } }

@techreport{Nye1970, Author ={Nye,William},
Title ={Subroutine CODE},
Institution ={ACME Note EEY-1, Stanford Un..},
Year =1970, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Description of a PL/1 Vignere Ciphering Program. Category ={DBFrepresent-5> } } % ------ O ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@techreport{Obermarck1978, Author ={Obermarck,R.L.},
Title ={Distributed Data Base},
Institution ={IBM, Tech. Bul., G320-8019.},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at IBM, Palo Alto Systems Center Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Obermarck1981, Author ={Obermarck,R.},
Title ={Global Deadlock Detection Algorithm},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="187--208",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> DBDintegrity> DBDdesign } }

@techreport{Obermeier1985, Author ={Obermeier,K.K.},
Title ={GROK --- A Knowledge-Based Text Processing System},
Institution ={rcvd},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Oberndorf1988, Author ={Oberndorf,Patricia A.},
Title ={The Common Ada Programming Support Environment (APSE) Interface Set (CAIS)},
Institution ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="743--748",
Volume ="14",
Number ="6",
Category ={DEng> DADAISM>} }

@article{Obretenov1988, Author ={Obretenov,D., Angelov,Z., Mihaylov,J., Dishlieva,P., and Kirova,N.},
Title ={A Knowledge-based Approach to Relational Database Design},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1988, Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ PROEX for the conceptual and logical design. Attempts to produce some relational schema. Category ={DBDkb> DBDdesign> } }

@book{OBrien1973, Author ={OBrien,James J.},
Title ={Management Information Systems, Concepts, Techniques and Applications},
Publisher ={Hayden.},
Year =1973, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{OConnell1971, Author ={OConnell,M.L.},
Title ={A File Organization Method Using Multiple Keys},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1971, Pages ="539--544",
Volume ="38",
Annote ={at Sanders Associates Indexed file description Category ={DBFhybrid> %O'Connell71 } }

@inproceedings{OConnell1990, Author ={OConnell,Mike},
Title ={Expert Systems for Database Performance Optimization},
Booktitle ={Database 90, San Diego.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at DEC RDB tools Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Odlyzko1986, Author ={Odlyzko,A.},
Title ={Enumeration of Btrees (or something like that)},
Institution ={Contact Andy at Bell Labs for details. The paper may not even be finished yet, --- jeff},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDmodel> DBFimpl> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Oertly1989, Author ={Oertly,F. and Schiller,G.},
Title ={Evolutionary Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Ofek1989, Author ={Ofek,Yoram},
Title ={Generating a Fault-Tolerant Global Clock in a High Speed Distributed System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE Conf.on Distributed Computing Systems , (Newport Beach CA).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Oftedal1981, Author ={Oftedal,H. and Solvberg,A.},
Title ={Database design constrained by traffic load estimates},
Journal ={Inf.Sys, ; ACM Computing Reviews 40,413.},
Year =1981, Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ traffic load estimates made in the early design phases from the expected processing; a mathematical model of usage is based on a large number of parameters. ---Sheppard. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Oh1992, Author ={Oh,S., Lee,Y., and Kim,M.},
Title ={Design of Information Processing Components in the Data Management Domain},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at KAIST, South Korea Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{OHare1988, Author ={OHare,A. and Sheth,A.P.},
Title ={The Interpreted-Compiled Range of AI-DB Systems},
Journal ={Unisys.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Unisys Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{OHare1988:1, Author ={OHare,T. and Sheth,A.},
Title ={The Interpreted--Compiled Range of AI-DB Systems},
Institution ={Unisys, TR draft.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Unisys Corp, Paoli Res.Ctr An overview of a range of approaches to the coupling of a rule-based AI system and a DBMS in terms of the degree of compilation that is performed by the AI system. Several characteristics are compared for three categories of approaches: purely interpreted, purely compiled and mixed (partially compiled). ---BS.Lee Category ={DBDkb> DBDperformance> DBFhard> DBFarchitecture> } }

@techreport{Ohlbach1988, Author ={Ohlbach,H.J. and Siekmann,J.},
Title ={Using Automated Reasoning Techniques for Deductive Databasis},
Institution ={SEKI TR, SR-88-06.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ at Un.Kaiserslautern, Fachbereich Informatik, FRG Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ohmori1990, Author ={Ohmori,T., Kitsuregawa,M. and Tanaka,H.},
Title ={Concurrency Control of Bulk Access Transactions on Shared Nothing Parallel Database Machines},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Tokyo, Japan Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Ohori1989, Author ={Ohori,A., Buneman,P., and BreazuTannen,V.},
Title ={Database Programming in Machiavelli -- a Polymorphic Language with Static Type Difference},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Pennsylvania, DCIS In the spirit of ML, but supports a type inferencing that makes its polymorphism more general and appropriate for database applications. ---Gio. Functional database language with strong typing, ML derivative. Supports higher order functions (e.g. map functions, homomorphic functions). An object join operator creates new object types by concatenating attributes of object types. Inheritance is defined by the object join operator. Object are modified 'applicatively' by returning reference to new modified object (value-based, no side effect, requires garbage collector). ---T.Risch. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Ohsawa1990, Author ={Ohsawa,Y. and Sakauchi,M.},
Title ={A New Tree Type Data Structure with Homogeneous Nodes Suitable for a Very Large Spatial Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at University of Tokyo, Japan Category ={DBFtree>} }

@article{Ohsuga1982, Author ={Ohsuga,Setsuo},
Title ={Knowledge Based Systems as a New Interactive Computer System of the Next Generation},
Journal ={Computer Science and Technologies, Elsevier N-H.},
Year =1982, Pages ="227--249",
Annote ={at Un.Tokyo KAUS is a Knowledge Acquisition and Utilization System framework of the knowledge representation. Category ={DBDquery.3> } }

@techreport{Ohsuga1985, Author ={Ohsuga,S.},
Title ={Separation and Integration of Knowledge Base and Database in Model Based Problem Solving System},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Ohsuga1986, Author ={Ohsuga,Setsuo},
Title ={Problems and Perspectives about Knowledge Processing},
Booktitle ={Meeting on Integration of Knowledge Base and Database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Ohtomo1989, Author ={Ohtomo,M. and Ikeda,H.},
Title ={Map-Oriented Visual Language: MOL},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="10--17",
Annote ={ at Hiroshima Un., Information Processing Ctr, Japan Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Ojala1986, Author ={Ojala,Marydee},
Title ={Views on End-User Searching},
Journal ={J.ASIS.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="197--203",
Volume ="37",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at BofA, SF end users and expert searchers Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDquery> } }

@article{Okada1984, Author ={Okada,M. and Okada,M.},
Title ={The Pursuit of a Total Data Processing System Free of Language and Programming},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic, pp. 193--207.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Volume ="17",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Menu-oriented data management, including statistics, FLXFL. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBStat> } }

@article{Okorie1985, Author ={Okorie,A.S.O.},
Title ={Using the Decision-Tree Model in Database Design},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="94--102",
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Federal Govmnt Nigeria Design Process for Oregon health center. Category ={DBDops.4> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Ola1989, Author ={Ola,A. and Ozsoyoglu,G.},
Title ={A Family of Incomplete Relational Database Models},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Case Western Reserve Un., DCES (Cleveland OH) Data models for uncertainty; a geometric approach for classifying tasks and partial values. Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Ola1992, Author ={Ola,A.},
Title ={Relational Databases with Exclusive Disjunctions},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at North Carolina State Un. Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{OLear1982, Author ={OLear,B.T. and Choy,J.H.},
Title ={Software Considerations in Mass Storage Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="36--44",
Volume ="15",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at National Ctr for Atmospheric Res. General MSS software requirements with respect to definition, interaction, and location of the software functions. Category ={DBFhard.1.4> } }

@article{OLear1985, Author ={OLear,B.T. and Kitss,D.L.},
Title ={Optical Device Interfacing for a Mass Storage System},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="24--32",
Volume ="18",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBFhard.1.4>} }

@techreport{Oliger1989, Author ={Oliger,J., Pichumani,R., and Ponceleon,D.},
Title ={A Visual Object-Oriented Unification System},
Institution ={CLaSSiC-report-89-23, March .},
Year =1989, Annote ={NPP Category ={DEng, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Olive1982, Author ={Olive,A.},
Title ={DADES: A Methodology for Specification and Design of Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Information Systems Design Methodologies, IFIP, N-H Comparative Review, IFIP TC8, Noordwijkerhout.},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="285--334",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Olive1982:1, Author ={Olive,A.},
Title ={Formal Verification of Information Derivability in Databases Using Precedence Analysis},
Booktitle ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1982, Pages ="209--215",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Olive1982:2, Author ={Olive,A.},
Title ={Input Output Timing in Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Un.Politecnica de Barcelona, Facultat d'InformaticaR.8209.},
Year =1982, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Olive1985, Author ={Olive,Antonio},
Title ={A Comparison of the Operational and Deductive Approaches to Conceptual Information Systems Modelling},
Institution ={rcvd., IFIP 10, 1986?.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ at Un.Politecnica de Catalunya (Barcelona, Spain) Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{OliveIRamon1983, Author ={OliveIRamon,Antoni},
Title ={Information Derivability Analysis in Logical Information Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8407-0587.},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Pages ="933--938",
Volume ="26",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Un.Politecnica de Barcelona a database schema and `precedence relationships' Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Olive1989, Author ={Olive,Antonio},
Title ={On the Design and Implementation of Information Systems from Deductive Conceptual Models},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Politecnica de Barcelona internal temporal events model Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Olive1991, Author ={Olive,A.},
Title ={Integrity Constraints Checking in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={use Prolog rules for checking Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Olken1986, Author ={Olken,Frank},
Title ={Rearranging Data to Maximize the Efficiency of Compression},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCB, LBL Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Olken1986:1, Author ={Olken,F. and Rotem,D.},
Title ={Simple Random Sampling from Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBFmethods>} }

@inproceedings{Olken1989, Author ={Olken,F. and Rotem,D.},
Title ={Random Sampling from B+ trees},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at UCB, CSRD, LBL Statistics and statistical databases. Category ={DBDquery> DBDstat> } }

@inproceedings{Olken1990, Author ={Olken,F., Rotem,D., and Xu,P.},
Title ={Random Sampling from Hash Files},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={Fair sampling Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Olken1992, Author ={Olken,F. and Rotem,D.},
Title ={Maintenance of Materialized Views of Sampling Queries },
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ at Information and Computer Science Division, Berkeley Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Olken1993, Author ={Olken,F. and Rotem,D},
Title ={Sampling from Spatial Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Lawrence Berkeley Laboratory Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Olle1968, Author ={Olle,T.W.},
Title ={Data Structures and Storage Structures for Generalized File Processing},
Booktitle ={IAG68 (File-68),},
Year =1968, Pages ="285--294",
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Olle1968:1, Author ={Olle,T.W.},
Title ={UL-1: A Non-Procedural Language for Retrieving Information from Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP Congress,},
Year =1968, Pages ="572--578",
Annote ={System Design Category ={DBDbound> DBDlang> %Olle68} }

@inproceedings{Olle1969, Author ={Olle,T.W.},
Title ={A Taxonomy of Data Definition Languages},
Booktitle ={FDT, publ. of ACM SIGFIDET.},
Year =1969, Month =Aug,
Pages ="123--130",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Olle1970, Author ={Olle,T.W.},
Title ={MIS --- Data Bases},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1970, Month =Nov,
Pages ="47--50",
Annote ={at RCA Category ={DBDbound> %Olle70} }

@article{Olle1971, Author ={Olle,T.William (Chairman), et al},
Title ={Introduction to 'Feature Analysis of Generalized Data Base Management Systems'},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1971, Month =May,
Pages ="308--318",
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at CODASYL Systems Committee Category ={DBDbound>%Olle71 } }

@article{Olle1972, Author ={Olle,T.W.},
Title ={Recent Codasyl Reports on Data Base Management},
Journal ={Data Base Systems, Rustin(ed), Prentice-Hall publishers .},
Year =1972, Pages ="175--184",
Annote ={at Consultant (Dorset, UK) Overview of DBTG Category ={DBDbound> DBDschema.3> } }

@inproceedings{Olle1974, Author ={Olle,T.William},
Title ={Current and Future Trends in Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H.},
Year =1974, Pages ="998--1006",
Annote ={ Critical review of developments with recommendations. Category ={DBDbound, x9> %Olle74 } }

@article{Olle1971:1, Author ={Olle,T.William (Chairman), et al},
Title ={Introduction to 'Feature Analysis of Generalized Data Base Management Systems'},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1971, Month =May,
Pages ="308--318",
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at CODASYL Systems Committee Category ={DBDbound> %Olle71 } }

@inproceedings{Olle1976, Author ={Olle, T.W.},
Title ={An Analysis of Short Comings in the Schema DDL with an Outline of Proposed Improvements},
Booktitle ={Data Base Description, Douque and Nijssen(eds), IFIP TC-2, N-H.},
Year =1976, Annote ={at Consultant (West Byfleet, Surrey, UK) Constructive critique of CODASYL DBTG proposal to improve storage data and structure independence. Category ={DBDschema> %Olle75 } }

@book{Olle1978, Author ={Olle,T.W.},
Title ={The Codasyl Approach to Data Base Management},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) and Sons, Ltd..},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDschema.3> DBDbound.5>} }

@inproceedings{Olle1978:1, Author ={Olle,T.W.},
Title ={Multi-Stage Data Definition in a Multi-Component DBMS Architecture},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="343--370",
Annote ={at T. William Olle Assoc., Ltd. (Surrey, UK) Category ={DBDbound.5> } }

@book{Olle1982, Author ={Olle,T.W., Sol,H.G., and VerrijnStuart,A.A.(eds)},
Title ={Information System Design Methodologies: A Comparative Review},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1982, Annote ={ ISDM 1, Proc. IFIP WG8.1 WC on Comparative Review of Information Systems Design Methodologies, Noordwijkerhout, the Netherland, May.1982. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@book{Olle1983, Author ={Olle, et al(eds)},
Title ={Information Systems Design Methodologies: A Feature Analysis},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Olle1985, Author ={Olle,T.W., Sol,H.G., and Tulle,C.J.(eds)},
Title ={Information System Design Methodologies},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Olle1986, Author ={Olle,T.W., Sol,H.G., and VerrijnStuart,A.A.(eds)},
Title ={Information System Design Methodologies: Improving the Practice},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Olle1991, Author ={Olle,T.W., Hagelstein,J., MacDonald,I.G., Rolland,C., Sol.H.G., VanAssche,F.J.M., and VerrijnStuart,A.A.},
Title ={Information Systems Methodologies: A Framework for Understanding},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 416pp (second edition).},
Year =1991, Annote ={at T.William Olle Associates Ltd, UK Tutorial; integration of several design approaches, incl. transaction definition. Many one-sentence definitions. A simple worked-out example of a reservation system and then such exercises. distinctions between data-, process-, and behavior-oriented approaches Category ={DBDdesign, x } }

@article{Olson1969, Author ={Olson,C.A.},
Title ={Random Access File Organization for Indirectly Addressed Records},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 24.},
Year =1969, Pages ="539--549",
Annote ={ Carefull worked out direct file design example considering dynamic behavior with tables and graphs. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBFhybrid.6>%Olson69 } }

@book{Olson1979, Author ={Olson,M., Navathe,S.B., Turner,J., and Weldon,J.L. (eds)},
Title ={Proceedings of the NYU Symposium on Automated Office Systems},
Publisher ={NYU Graduate School of Business Administration, New York NY, 69pp.},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdesign>} } % ----- --- OM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@inproceedings{Olumi1983, Author ={Olumi,M., Wiederhold,G., Hauser,C., Lucas,P., and Mehl,J.},
Title ={Software Project Database},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, Database Week, San Jose CA.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="124--134",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Res.Lab and Stanford Un. The report discusses the use of scaffolding in the coding and testing processes, identifies activities that scaffolding supports and presents scenarios to identify queries that a project database would have to support. A data model called Project Database (PDB) Entity Model is presented using the notation of the Structural Model. Category ={DBappl> } }

@inproceedings{Omahen1975, Author ={Omahen,Kenneth},
Title ={Estimating Response Time for Auxiliary Memory Configurations with Multiple Movable-Head Disk Modules},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed),},
Year =1975, Pages ="473--495",
Annote ={at Purdue Un. (W.Lafayett IN) Category ={DBFeval.4>} }

@inproceedings{Omiecinski1988, Author ={Omiecinski,Edward},
Title ={Concurrent Storage Structure Conversion: From B+ Tree to Linear Hash File},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={reorganization Category ={DBFindex> DBFhash>} }

@article{Omiecinski1989, Author ={Omiecinski,Edward R.},
Title ={Heuristics for Join processing Using Nonclustered Indexes},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 8912-0899.},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Pages ="18--25",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ at Georgia Inst. of Technology, School of Inform. and CS Seems trivial since buffers may lie as large as file size. Reduces fetches 50% vs. random. ---Gio. heuristic for highly local hash join accesses; realistically an index strategy may be superior; the author does not state that his approach is the best possible. ---Kilov. Category ={DBDquery> DBFindex> } }

@article{Omiecinski1989:1, Author ={Omiecinski,E.R., Liu,W., and Akyildiz,I.},
Title ={An Analytical Model of a deferred and Incremental Update Strategy for Secondary Indexes},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="219--222",
Number ="367",
Annote ={Use differential files. ---Gio. Category ={DBFindex> DBFadvindex> } }

@article{Omiecinsky1989, Author ={Omiecinsky,E.R. and Lin,E.T.},
Title ={Hash-based and Index-based Join Algorithms for Cube and Ring connected Multicomputers},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="329--343",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={PARADATA Category ={DBDperf>} }

@article{Omiecinsky1990, Author ={Omiecinsky,E.R. and Scheuermann,P.},
Title ={A Parallel Algorithm for Record Clustering},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 9211-0890.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ a P-tree is a binary tree whose nodes at level i represent the clusters formed after the first i queries for SIMD machine Category ={DBFperf> DBDmach> } }

@inproceedings{Omiecinski1991, Author ={Omiecinski,E.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of a Load Balancing Relational Hash-Join Algorithm for a Shared Memory Multiprocssor},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{E1992, Author ={E. Omiecinski,E., Lee,L., and Scheuermann, P.},
Title ={Concurrent File Reorganization for Record Clustering: A Performance Study},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDperf>} }

@book{Omlor1981, Author ={Omlor,J.D.},
Title ={Efficiency Analysis of File Organization and Information Retrieval},
Publisher ={, 50pp.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@incollection{Omlor1970, Author ={Omlor,J.J.},
Title ={Management Information System for Planning, Forecasting and Budgeting},
Booktitle ={Reprinted from the issue of Management Accounting.},
Year =1970, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDadmin> DBDintro.8>} }

@book{ONeill1976, Author ={ONeill,J.T.(ed)},
Title ={MUMPS Language Standard},
Publisher ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). Handbook 118, Government Printing Office (Washington DC).},
Year =1976, Category ={DBFtrees.5>} }

@article{ONeil1986, Author ={ONeil,Patrick E.},
Title ={The Escrow Transactional Method},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="405--430",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at CCA Fast Path and Reuter's extension. An optimistic strategy. Postpones change until COMMITS, at which point verifies that the predicate is still true. Reuter's extension guarantees that the predicate remains true by maintaining the list of update requests and verifying that subsequent predicates are true for all possible sequences. Recoverable transactions are difficult to write. ---Attanasio,C.R. For aggregate values (counts, sum) concurrency control can use soft tolerances and keep them in escrow Category ={DBDtrans> DBDintegrity> } }

@unpublished{ONeill1987, Author ={ONeill,P.E.},
Title ={Model 204 Architecture and Performance},
Note ={2nd International Workshop on High Performance Transaction Systems, .},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDrel >DBDlang, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Ong1984, Author ={Ong,J., Fogg,D., and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Implementation of Data Abstraction in the Relational Database System INGRES},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data record.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--14",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ an abstract data type consists of a collection of columns and operators from the C language. Examples are complex numbers. Time penalty is 50pct. Category ={DBDlang> DBDschema.2> } }

@techreport{Ong1990, Author ={Ong,L-P. and Goh,J.},
Title ={A Unified Framework for Version Modeling using Production Rules in a Database System},
Institution ={UCBERL M9023.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDkb> EIS, DBfile UCB} }

@inproceedings{Ono1990, Author ={Ono,K. and Lohman,G.},
Title ={Measuring the Complexity of Join Enumeration in Relational Query Optimization},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Onuegbe1986, Author ={Onuegbe,E.O. and Du,H.C.},
Title ={A Locking Scheme for Associative Retrieval},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Onuegbe1987, Author ={Onuegbe,E.O.},
Title ={Database Management System Support for Software Engineering Environments},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDimple>} }

@inproceedings{Ooi1989, Author ={Ooi,B.C.},
Title ={Extending a DBMS for Geographic Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Ooi1989:1, Author ={Ooi,B.C. and SacksDavis,R.},
Title ={Query Optimization in an Extended DBMS},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3 (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="48--63",
Number ="367",
Annote ={at Monash Un., CSD, (Victoria, Australia) Category ={DBDquery> DBDimpl> } }

@inproceedings{Ooi1991, Author ={Ooi,BengChin },
Title ={An Efficient Semantic Query Optimization Algorithm},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Oommen1986, Author ={Oommen,B.J. and Hansen,E.R.},
Title ={List Organizing Strategies Using Stochastic Move-to-Front and Stochastic Move-to-Rear Operations},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ at Carleton Un. (Canada); Lockheed, Missiles and Space Co., Category ={DBFindex.Ch8> } }

@article{Opferman1973, Author ={Opferman,D.C., Foley,G.B., Cicon,J.P., and Fong,K.T.},
Title ={On the Design of a Communications System Language},
Journal ={MOL Bull.3, MOLB 3.2.3.},
Year =1973, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist @article{Oppen1983, Author ={Oppen,D.C. and Dalal,Y.K.},
Title ={The Clearinghouse: A Decentralized Agent for Locating Named Objects in a Distributed Environment},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Pages ="230--253",
Annote ={ hierarchical naming, with aliases to shorten people names, gives unique names to objects in Grapevine. Goals are properties, as Type, User, Password, Mailbox, ... . Facilities include Wildcard*. Early, static binding is used, can be overridden, but servers (in a hierarchy) may provide invalid name or goal from their cache. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdist>in DBfile } }

@article{Oppenheimer1968, Author ={Oppenheimer,G. and Clancy,K.P.},
Title ={Considerations for Software Protection and Recovery from Hardware Failures in Multi-Access, Multi-Programming, Single Processor Systems},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1968, Pages ="29--37",
Volume ="33",
Category ={DBFuse-4.5>} }

@inproceedings{Oppenheimer1968:1, Author ={Oppenheimer,G. and Clancy,K.P.},
Title ={Considerations for Software Protection and Recovery from Hardware Failures in Multi-Access, Multi-Programming, Single Processor System},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1968, Pages ="29--37",
Volume ="33",
Category ={DBFuse-4.5>} }

@manual{Oracle, Author ={Oracle Corp},
Title ={Tree-Structured Information in Tables},
Organization ={ORAmerican Journal of Computational LinguisticsE SQL* Users Guide, Ch.13, Relational Software, Inc. (Menlo Park CA)},
Annote ={[Ahad,Yao,Choi87] A.2 Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@techreport{Orci1983, Author ={Orci,Istva'n P.},
Title ={Contributions to Automatic Programming Theory},
Institution ={PhD Th., Tech.H.S..},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Annote ={at Royal Inst.Techn. (Stockholm) Broad, includes uncertainty, knowledg-based approaches, induction. Extensive references, including foundations as Polya, etc. Deals with possibilistic logic to encode fuzzy knowledge. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDlang> UNCERTAIN> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Orci1985, Author ={Orci,I.P.},
Title ={Two-mode evaluation for dealing with implicit interactions between logic programs and relational data bases},
Institution ={Syslab R. No. 37.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Syslab Category ={DBDkb, DBfile box Syslab} }

@techreport{Orci1986, Author ={Orci,I.P. and Karlson,M.},
Title ={Prolog/s: A Programming Language Based on Possibilistic Logic},
Institution ={Syslab TR.44.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Syslab uncertainty Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb> DBDlang, DBfile Syslab } }

@techreport{Orci1987, Author ={Orci,I.P. and Knudsen,E.},
Title ={A Prolog-Based Toolkit for Expert System Design},
Institution ={Syslab Rep. 46.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Syslab Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Syslab} }

@techreport{Orci1990, Author ={Orci,Istvan},
Title ={Universal Algebra},
Institution ={UMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersNF-180.90, Jun.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Un.Umea a collection of clear formal definitions Category ={DBDops> DBDtheory, home } }

@article{Orcutt1972, Author ={Orcutt,G.H., Guthrie,M.W., Caldwell,S.B., Peabody,G.G., and Sadowski,G.},
Title ={Microanalytic Simulation of Household Behavior},
Journal ={Annals of Economic and Social Measurement,},
Year =1972, Pages ="141--169",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Urban Inst. (Washington DC) Use and implementation of schema-based system. Category ={DBDschema, x1> } }

@article{OReagan1972, Author ={OReagan, Robert T.},
Title ={Computer Assigned Codes from Verbal Responses},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month =Jun,
Pages ="455--459",
Volume ="15",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at US Bureau of the Census Category ={DBFrepresent.2>} }

@inproceedings{Oren1979, Author ={Oren,O.A. and Aschim,F.},
Title ={Statistics for the Usage of a Conceptual Data Model as a Basis for Logical Data Base Design},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Furtado and Morgan(eds), Rio de Janeiro, 3-5.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="140--145",
Category ={DBFeval.1>} }

@inproceedings{Oren1984, Author ={Oren,O.},
Title ={A Method for Optimization of a Conceptual Model},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Norway Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{Orelup1987, Author ={Orelup,M., Dixon,J., and Simmons,M.},
Title ={Dominic II: More Progress Towards Domain Independent Design by Iterative Redesign},
Booktitle ={Proc. ASME Winter Ann.Meeting, Boston.},
Year =1987, Category ={EIS> DBDkb>} }

@article{Orenstein1988, Author ={Orenstein,J.A. and Manola,F.A.},
Title ={PROBE Spatial Data Modeling and Query Processing in an Image Database Application},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="611--629",
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at CCA Object-oriented database system. Category ={Image> } }

@article{Orenstein1989, Author ={Orenstein,Jack A.},
Title ={Redundancy in Spatial Databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Object Design Inc., (Burlington MA) Storing some objects in the index redundantly improves accuracy of the query response. Search time has an optimum. Th spatial index is used to rapidly eliminate objects that could not possibly satisfy the query. Then each candidate is examined. False hits are detected and eliminated. Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@inproceedings{Orenstein1990, Author ={Orenstein,J.},
Title ={A Comparison of Spatial Query Processing Techniques for Native and Parameter Spaces},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Object Design, Inc., Burlington, MA Category ={DBDquery> Image> DBFadvindex> } }

@article{Organik1972, Author ={Organik,E.I.},
Title ={The Multics System--An Examination of Structure},
Journal ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press.},
Year =1972, Category ={DBDobject> Category ={DBFintro.7>} }

@inproceedings{Orji1988, Author ={Orji,C.U. and Leszek,L.},
Title ={A Performance Analysis of an Optimistic and a Basic Timestamp-Ordering Concurrency Control Methods},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Orji1991, Author ={Orji,Cyril },
Title ={A Methodology for Benchmarking Distributed Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Orji1993, Author ={Orji,C. and Solworth,J.},
Title ={Doubly Distorted Mirrors},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Orlandic1988, Author ={Orlandic,R. and Pfaltz,J.},
Title ={Compact 0-Complete Trees},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="372--381",
Annote ={at Un.Virginia, (Charlottesville VA), DCS Category ={DBFtree> } }

@inproceedings{Orlandic1992, Author ={Orlandic,Ratko},
Title ={A High-Precision Spatial Access Method Based on a New Linear Representation of Quadtrees},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at University of Virginia Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Orlando1984, Author ={Orlando,S., Rullo,P., and Staniszkis,W.},
Title ={Transaction Workoad Evaluation in the Codasyl Database Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Italy Category ={DBDbound.4>} }

@inproceedings{Orlando1989, Author ={Orlando,S., Perri,V., Scrivano,S., and Staniszkis,W.},
Title ={Database Analyzer and Predictor -- An Overview},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDperform>} }

@inproceedings{Orlitsky1990, Author ={Orlitsky,Alon},
Title ={Two Messages are Almost Optimal for Conveying Information},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at ATT Bell Laboratories Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Orlowska1982, Author ={Orlowska,Ewa},
Title ={Representation of Temporal Information},
Journal ={Int.J.Comput.Inf.Sci., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8404-294.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="397--408",
Volume ="11",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ model operators: always-sometimes in the future-past. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDquery.1> } }

@article{Orlowska1984, Author ={Orlowska,E. and Pawlak,Z.},
Title ={Expressive power of knowledge representation systems},
Journal ={Int.J.Man-Machine Studies.},
Year =1984, Volume ="20",
Annote ={at Polish Ac.of Sc. relevant to KSYS. ---Hartzband. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Orman1984, Author ={Orman,Levent},
Title ={Nested Set Languages for Functional Databases},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , -4, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8604-0353.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="241--249",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Cornell Un. three set languages --- a predicate calculus oriented, an algebraic oriented, and a functionally oriented are presented informally. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Orman1988, Author ={Orman,Levent},
Title ={Functional Development of Database Applications},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE),},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1280--1292",
Volume ="14",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Cornell Un., Graduate School of Management Since observed events are recorded as opposed to the derived state of the environment, the need for triggers is avoided. I3 Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@book{Orr1981, Author ={Orr,Ken},
Title ={Structured Requirements Definition},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, 235pp.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Osborn1986, Author ={Osborn,S.L., and Heaven,T.E.},
Title ={The Design of a Relational Database System with Abstract Data Types for Domains},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Pages ="357--373",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Western Ontario Operations on simple objects, operations on aggregates and 'transformations' can be defined on relations. It is possible to implement a transitive closure RAD uses the data dictionary. ---Ong, Fogg and Stonebraker. Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel> } }

@article{Osborn1987, Author ={Osborn,Sylvia},
Title ={Extensible Databases and RAD},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="70--75",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at Un.Western Ontario, DCS Relations with abstract datatypes. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Osborn1989, Author ={Osborn,Sylvia},
Title ={The Role of Polymorphism in Schema Evolution in an Object-Oriented Database},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="310--317",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ queries to sets of subsets return the same answers as queries to the whole set Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Oshika1988, Author ={Oshika,B.T., Evans,B., Tom,J., and Machi,F.},
Title ={Improved Retrieval of Foreign Names from Large Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at SDC (now Unisys), Santa Monica Category ={DBFrepresent, DBfile } }

@article{Osman1980, Author ={Osman,I.M.},
Title ={Updating Relational Views: An Informal Approach},
Journal ={R.A.I.R.O. InformatiqueCS.},
Year =1980, Volume ="14",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDschema.5>} }

@inproceedings{Osman1991, Author ={Osman,I.},
Title ={A Storage Architecture for Partial In-Memory Databases},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Ostapenko1985, Author ={Ostapenko,G.P. and Fridman,A.L.},
Title ={Instrumental System for Design of Small Computer Database Management System and Methods of Improving its Efficiency},
Journal ={Vychislitelnaya tekhnika sotsialisticheskikh stran, Moscow, .},
Year =1985, Pages ="90--95",
Number ="17",
Annote ={DIAMS-MUMPS improved with log, Btrees. Category ={DBFtree, FASAC 67 } }

@article{Ostlund1964, Author ={Ostlund,Lars},
Title ={Information Retrieval},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark ,},
Year =1964, Pages ="46--53",
Volume ="4",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Otoo1986, Author ={Otoo,J.E.},
Title ={Balanced Multidimensional Extendible Hash Tree},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA. },
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Carleton Un. Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Otoo1988, Author ={Otoo,Ekow J.,},
Title ={Linearizing the Directory Growth in Order Preserving Extendible Hashing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Otoo1988:1, Author ={Otoo,E.J.},
Title ={Locally Balanced Compact Trie Hashing},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Carleton Un. (Canada) Category ={DBDkb> DBFtree>} }

@article{Ott1985, Author ={Ott,N. and Horlander,K.},
Title ={Removing redundant join operations in queries involving views},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8602-0148.},
Year =1985, Pages ="279--288",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at IBM, Germany heuristics for common special cases. In one case, a join at the view level can often be translated to a simple selection. -- Sciore. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@techreport{Ouderkirk1984, Author ={Ouderkirk,Wayne Edward},
Title ={Cause and Action: A Critical Examination of Three Types of Theories of Human Action},
Institution ={PhD Th., SUNY, Albany, NLM No.AAD84-26571, 200pp.},
Year =1984, Annote ={at SUNY, Albany the causal status of action is a yet undecided empirical question. However, we are justified in using the ordinary notion of action, which includes the idea that agents control their own actions. Category ={DBDkb, Sumex arch. NLM.1q84 } }

@techreport{Ouelette1979, Author ={Ouelette,Richard},
Title ={MAGNUM, An Integrated Relational Data Base Management System},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1979, Annote ={at Tymshare Inc (Cupertino CA) Category ={app.B @book{Ouellette1975, Author ={Ouellette,Robert P., Greeley,R.S., and Overby,J.W. II},
Title ={Computer Techniques in Environmental Science},
Publisher ={Petrocelli Books, 248pp.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Ouelette1971, Author ={Ouelette,R.B., Rosenbaum,D.M., and Gaele,R.F.},
Title ={Is There a System for Pollution Madness},
Journal ={Datamation, 15,},
Year =1971, Month Apr,
Pages ="30--33",
Annote ={at MITRE Requirements for a pollution-monitoring data base Category ={DBFintro.6> } }

@inproceedings{Ousterhout1985, Author ={Ousterhout,J.K., et al.},
Title ={A Trace-driven Analysis of the UNIX 4.2 BSD File System},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="15--24",
Category ={DBFmethods>} }

@article{Ousterhout1988, Author ={Ousterhout,J.K., Cherenson,A.R., Douglis,F., Nelson,M.N., and Welch,B.B.},
Title ={The Sprite Network Operating System},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8905-0314.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Pages ="23--36",
Volume ="21",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at UCB An unusual variant of remote procedure call is used to implement a network file sytem. A unified file system name space is simplified by the use of prefix tables. File caches on both the client machine and the server machine for high performance. The use of files as backing storage. ---Feustel. Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@article{Ouksel1981, Author ={Ouksel,M. and Scheuermann,P.},
Title ={Multi-dimensional Btrees: Analysis of Dynamic Behavior},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark.},
Year =1981, Pages ="401-418",
Volume ="21",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFindex.Ch8, DBfile:Scheuermann} }

@inproceedings{Ouksel1985, Author ={Ouksel,Mohamed},
Title ={The Interpolation-Based Grid File},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Arizona State Un. Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@article{Ouksel1989, Author ={Ouksel,M. and AbdulGhaffar,J.},
Title ={Concurrency in Multidimensional Linear Hashing},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="233--240",
Number ="367",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Dallas, CLEAR Ctr, (Richardson TX) Category ={DBFhash> DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Ouksel1993, Author ={Ouksel,M. and Naiman,C.},
Title ={Towards the Design of a Semantic Cooperation Protocol in Heterogeneous Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at University of Illinois Category ={DBDdist> DBDschema> } }

@book{Overhage1965, Author ={Overhage,C.F.J. and Harman,R.J.(eds)},
Title ={Planning Conf. on Information Transfer Experiments (INTREX)},
Publisher ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press, Cambridge MA,},
Year =1965, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Overholt1973, Author ={Overholt,K.J.},
Title ={Optimal Binary Search Methods},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark.},
Year =1973, Pages ="84--91",
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Bergen, Matematisk Inst. (Norway) Analysis of the searches in binary trees. Category ={DBFimpl.2.7> %Overhold73 } }

@article{Owens1972, Author ={Owens,P.J.},
Title ={Phase II --- A Data Base Management Modelling System},
Journal ={Proc.IFIPS 71, N-H.},
Year =1972, Pages ="872--832",
Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@inproceedings{Owens1971, Author ={Owens,R.C.Jr.},
Title ={Evaluation of Access Authorization Characteristics of Derived Data Sets},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed), 1971.},
Year =1971, Pages ="263--278",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@techreport{Owens1971:1, Author ={Owens,R.C.jr.},
Title ={Primary Access Control in Large-Scale Time-Shared Decision System},
Institution ={Report MAC TR-89, Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Project MAC,},
Year =1971, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDprivacy.6>} }

@article{Owicki1982, Author ={Owicki,S. and Lamport,L.},
Title ={Proving Liveness Properties of Concurrent Programs},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="455--495",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Owlett1977, Author ={Owlett,J.},
Title ={Deferring and Defining in Databases},
Booktitle ={Architecture and Models in Data Base Management Systems, Nijssen(ed), (IFIP TC-2) Nice France .},
Year =1977, Category ={DBDschema.3.4>} }

@techreport{Owoso1984, Author ={Owoso,G.O.},
Title ={Types and Data Management for Persistent Data},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Edinburgh.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@unpublished{Owsnicki1985, Author ={Owsnicki,B.},
Title ={Knowledge Representation in the S-Meson DBMS/KBMS},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={Quite preliminary. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Oxman1985, Author ={Oxman, Steve W.},
Title ={Data Management Standardization for ACE ACCIS},
Institution ={Tech.Memo. STC TM-776, The Hague, rcvd. .},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ NATO report on Design Methodologies for interoperability. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{OYang1992, Author ={OYang,K., Srinivasan,B., and Goldschlager,L.},
Title ={Browsing Hypertext in Vector Space},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Monash University, Australia Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Ozbolt1985, Author ={Ozbolt,J., Schultz,S.II, Swain,M.A., and Abraham,I.L.},
Title ={A proposed Expert system for Nursing Practice: A Springboard to Nursing Science},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub, -2.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="57--68",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Category ={MCS> DBDkb>} }

@article{Ozkarahan1975, Author ={Ozkarahan,E.A., Schuster,S.A., and Smith,K.C.},
Title ={RAP--An Associative Processor for Data Base Management},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , 1975.},
Year =1975, Pages ="379--387",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto (Toronto ON, Canada) This paper describes a very different type of distributed database. A small processor is assigned to each disk track. Proposal for database support hardware module. [Shel] Category ={DBFmach> %Ozkarahan75 } }

@article{Ozkarahan1977, Author ={Ozkarahan,E.A. and Sevcik,K.C.},
Title ={Analysis of Architectural Features for Enhancing the Performance of a Database Machine},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , no.4.},
Year =1977, Month =Dec,
Pages ="297--316",
Volume ="2",
Annote ={ RAP (Relational Associative Processor) is a back-end database processor; its design includes mechanisms for multiprogramming and virtual memory. Category ={DBFmach> DBDrel.2> } }

@incollection{Ozkarahan1982, Author ={Ozkarahan,E.A.},
Title ={Database Machine/Computer Based Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Distributed Data Bases, Schneider(ed), N-H.},
Year =1982, Annote ={ This paper describes RAP.3, which is developed from RAP 1. The RAP machine is now restructured and enhanced to function in a distributed database environment. Though currently implemented as Ethernet-based distributed database system, it can be used with any type of communication subnetwork -- local and/or remote. (Kitty Shih comment) Category ={DBFmach> } }

@book{Ozkarahan1986, Author ={Ozkarahan,Esen},
Title ={Database Machines and Database Management},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 636pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Arizona State Un., Tempe First true textbook. Chap 1: rationale. Chap 4: parallelism and pipelining. Chaps 5 and 6: associative memories and processors. Chap 7: extensive survey. Chap 8: classification scheme: 1) degree of parallelism; 2) associativity; 3) processor organization; 4) coupling, SISD, MIMD; 5) processor-memory coupling; 6) memory level; 7) memory search; and 8) host coupling. Chap 9: software needed. Chap 10: database machines in distributed database systems. Chap 11: performance evaluation. Chaps 12 and 13: document and text retrieval. references through 1984. Highly recommended. ---A.Hevner Category ={DBFmach> } }

@book{Ozkarahan1990, Author ={Ozkarahan,Esen},
Title ={Database management: concepts, design and practice},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 560pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ SQL queues, computer security, includes multi-level database object-oriented database, multi-media databases, knowledge bases, GDBMS, solutions, exercises Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Ozsoyoglu1982, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,G. and Chin,F.Y.},
Title ={Enhancing the Security of Statistical Databases with a Question Answering System and a Kernel Design},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="223--234",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Cleveland State Un.; Un.Alberta (Canada) Question-Answering System and a security kernel using theorem proving on possible inference to enhance the security constraints at the conceptual model level. Category ={DBDsec> DBDprivacy.2.2> DBDprivacy-10, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ozsoyoglu1984, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,G. and Ozsoyoglu,Z.M.},
Title ={SSDB-An Architecture for Statistical Databases},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.4.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDstatistics, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Ozsoyoglu1985, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,G. and Matos,V.},
Title ={On Optimizing Summary-Table-By-Example Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Case Western Reserve Un. Category ={DBDstat> DBDperf> } }

@article{Ozsoyoglu1985:1, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,G. and Ozsoyoglu,Z.M.},
Title ={Statistical Database Query Languages},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1071--1081",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Case Western Reserve Un. A taxonomy but not useful. ---Carlson. Category ={DBDstat> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Ozsoyoglu1985:2, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,G. and Su,T-A.},
Title ={Rounding and Inference Control in Conceptual Models for Statistical Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE Security Symposium Proc..},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDsec, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Ozsoyoglu1986, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,G. and Chung,J.},
Title ={Information Loss in the Lattice Model of Summary Tables Due to Cell Suppression},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={Statistics> MAT, DBfile} }

@techreport{Ozsoyoglu1987, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,G.,and Wang,H.},
Title ={A Relational Calculus with Set Operators, Its Safety, and Equivalent Graphical Languages},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Case-Western Reserve Un. RC/S uses set comparisons and manipulaton operators to replace universal quantifiers and most negations. RC/S is equivalent to Codd's calculus. A safe RC/S query is finite in time and space. The idea is to introduce set comparison into relational calculus, intending to make the language more readable. Since `subset of' is essentially `implies', what I think is going on is that this paper goes a long way toward replacing relational calculus by sets of nonrecursive Horn clauses, a direction that I fully support. ---jeff. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Ozsoyoglu1987:1, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,G., Ozsoyoglu,Z.M., and Matos,V.},
Title ={Extending Relational Algebra and Relational Calculus with Set-Valued Attributes and Aggregate Functions},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Pages ="566--592",
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDrel, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Ozsoyoglu1989, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,Gultekin},
Title ={Real-Time Databases: Are They Real?},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Conference panel. M.Singhal's approach (in 3) is to redesign the conventional database systems of their components to obtain high performance, (e.g. main-memory-only databases). G.Bultzingsloewen's approach (in 3) is to rely on parallel query processing, filtering and data flow control to achieve the real-time performance. In K-J.Lin et al' in 3, data consistency is ignored temporarily, so that more transactions execute within their time quotas. In R.Abbott et al in VLDB 88, the number of transactions that miss their deadlines is minimized. A.Buchmann et al, in IEEE DE 89, attempts to deal with timing constraints, also contingency plans and active databases. } }

@article{Ozsoyoglu1989:1, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,G., Matos,V., and Ozsoyoglu,Z.M.},
Title ={Query processing techniques in the summary-table-by-example database query language},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="526--572",
Volume ="14",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDquery> Statistics>} }

@article{Ozsoyoglu1990, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,G., Hou,W-C., and Ola,A.},
Title ={A Scientific DBMS for Programmable Logic Controllers},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ single-user, real-time, scalable main-memory-only relational database system with a two-level architecture having historical data modeling and manipulation capabilities Category ={EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Ozsoyoglu1992, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,G., Du,K., Guruswamy,S., and Hou,W.},
Title ={Processing Real-Time, Non-Aggregate Queries with Time-Constraints in CASE-DB },
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Case Western University, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Ozsoyoglu1980, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,Z.M.},
Title ={Query Processing in Distributed Relational Databases},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Alberta.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Ozsoyoglu1984:1, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,Z.M., and Ozsoyoglu,G.},
Title ={Summary-Table-By-Example: A Database Query Language for Manipulating Summary Data},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Case Western Reserve Un. I3 Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{Ozsoyoglu1985:3, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,Z.Meral and Yuan,L-Y.},
Title ={A Normal Form for Nested Relations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4, extended abstract.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Case Western Reserve Un. non-1NF relations are based on MVDs and from a forest of trees. If the MVDs are conflict-free dependency is preserved. Category ={DBDops, full paper DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ozsoyoglu1986:1, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,Z.M. and Yuan,L-Y.},
Title ={Unifying Functional and Multivalued Dependencies for Relational Database Design},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA. },
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Case Western Reserve Un., Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Ozsoyoglu1987:2, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,Z.M. and Yuan,L-Y.},
Title ={A Design Method for Nested Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Ozsoyoglu1987:3, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,Z.M. and Yuan,L-Y.},
Title ={A New Normal Form for Nested Relations},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8708-0692.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="111-136",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Case Western Reserve Un. A normal scheme tree to preserve the multivalued dependencies of the database and also to reduce redundancy and avoid anomalies. --- Grimson non-first normal form. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDmodel> DBDnewDBMS> } }

@article{Ozsoyoglu1987:4, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,Z.M. and Yuan,L-Y.},
Title ={Reduced MVDs and Minimal Covers},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="377--394",
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Case Western Reserve Un. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Ozsoyoglu1992:1, Author ={Ozsoyoglu,Z. and Wang,J.},
Title ={A Keying Method for a Nested Relational Database Management System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Ozsu1984, Author ={Ozsu,M.Tamer},
Title ={Modeling and Analysis of Distributed Database Concurrency Control Algorithms Using an Extended Petri Net Formalism},
Journal ={Un.Alberta, DCS, TR-84-10-5-4.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Alberta,DCS, Canada uses EPTN . Simulation validates GarciaMolina '79, formalizes processes. ---Gio Category ={DBDconc> DBDdist, DBfile also ref manual } }

@techreport{Ozsu1986, Author ={Ozsu,M.T., Miklos,G., Munro,S., and Koon,T.},
Title ={EPTN/SimLang Reference Manual Version 1},
Institution ={Un.Alberta (Canada), DCS, TR.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBFmethods@techreport{Ozsu1986:1, Author ={Ozsu,M.T. and Koon,T-M.},
Title ={Simulating Computer Systems Using Petri Nets},
Institution ={Un.Alberta, TR.TR 86-7.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Alberta, DCS Category ={DBFmethods, DBfile} }

@techreport{Ozsu1988, Author ={Ozsu,M.T., Lau,C., Li,Y., and Teo,M-F.},
Title ={The Architecture of Flex: A Distributed Database Operating System Testbed},
Institution ={Un.Alberta, TR 88-4.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={ minimal modular OS with built-in DBMS support, LAN and file server environment. support objects. several reports Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Ozsu1988:1, Author ={Ozsu,M.T., Wong,K-L., and Koon,T-M.},
Title ={System Modeling and Analysis Using Petri-Nets},
Journal ={Sys. Anal. Model. Simul..},
Year =1988, Pages ="3--25",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ SIMLANG implements Petri-Net simulation with data-carrying tokens and transition timings. Category ={DBFmethods, DBfile } }

@article{Ozsu1990, Author ={Ozsu,M.T. and Meechan,D.},
Title ={Join Processing Heuristics in Relational Database Systems},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.},
Year =1990, Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ heuristics to complement and replace cost functions in System R using indexes and mergescan Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Ozsu1991, Author ={Ozsu,M.T. and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={Principles of Distributed Database Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 552pp.},
Year =1991, Annote ={ query processing using algorithms from INGRES and System R; transactions, reliability Category ={DBDdist> } } % ------- P ------biblio----1949-1991------

@inproceedings{Pacak1971, Author ={Pacak,M. and Pratt,A.W.},
Title ={The Function of Semantics in Automated Language Processing},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGIR .},
Year =1971, Pages ="5--18",
Annote ={at NIH (Bethesda MD) Review of methods which use semantics to parse English statements, with bibliography Category ={DBDquery, xB10> } }

@inproceedings{Padgham1992, Author ={Padgham,L. and Lowgren,J.},
Title ={User Interface Management for an Object-Oriented Database System},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Linkoping University, Sweden Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Padmanabhan1989, Author ={Padmanabhan,S. and Baru,C.},
Title ={Single Query Optimization in Multicomputer Database Systems},
Institution ={CSE-TR-38-89.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Michigan, Ann Arbor Category ={DBDmach, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Padmanabhan1992, Author ={Padmanabhan,S. and Baru,C.},
Title ={Data Placement in Shared-Nothing Parallel Database Systems},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at The University of Michigan Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Paepcke1988, Author ={Paepcke,Andreas},
Title ={PCLOS: A Flexible Implementation of CLOS Persistence},
Booktitle ={Proc. the European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming, Oslo, Norway, .},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at HP Labs, Palo Alto CA Tightly integrated interface between Iris and an object language. Interfaces object-oriented programs to Iris by transparently mapping CLOS objects onto the database. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDobject , BSLee file } }

@inproceedings{Paepcke1989, Author ={Paepcke,Andreas},
Title ={PCLOS: A Critical Review},
Booktitle ={TR-STL-89-3.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at HP Labs, Palo Alto Highlighting essential problems of integrating CLOS and database in the context of object persistence. ---BSLee. This report uses a CLOS-based persistent object system over multiple databases to illustrate problems that arise in the design and implementation of language-level object persistence. ---Paepcke. Category ={DBDobject , BSLee file } }

@inproceedings{Paepcke1993, Author ={Paepcke,Andreas},
Title ={An Object-Oriented View Onto Public, Heterogeneous Text Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDobject> DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Paepcke, Author ={Paepcke,Andreas},
Title ={Viewing Heterogeneous Text Databases: Object Technology Works for the View and its Implementation},
Institution ={Submitted to REID-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems workshop at Data Eng Conf 93},
Annote ={Dialog, schema integration, multidatabases Implementation of the Dialog interface I3 Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Page1985, Author ={Page,T.W.Jr. and Popek,G.J.},
Title ={Distributed Data Management in Local Area Networks},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCLA Category ={DBFintro>} }

@inproceedings{Pai1992, Author ={Pai,V. and Varman,P.},
Title ={Prefetching with Multiple Disks for External Mergesort: Simulation and Analysis},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Rice Un. Category ={DBDperf>} }

@techreport{Paige1982, Author ={Paige,Robert},
Title ={Transformational Programming--Applications to Algorithms and Systems},
Institution ={Rutgers Un., TR.DCS-TR-118.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Rutgers Un. Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Paige1982:1, Author ={Paige,R.},
Title ={Applications of Finite Differencing to Database Integrity Control and Query/Transaction Optimization},
Booktitle ={Bases Logiques pour Bases de Donnees, Nicolas(Ed), Onera-Cert, Toulouse, .},
Year =1982, Annote ={at Rutgers Un. (New Brunswick NJ) Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDrel.2.3, DBfile } }

@techreport{Paige1985, Author ={Paige,R. and Koenig,S.},
Title ={Finite Differencing of Computable Expressioons},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1985, Annote ={Basis for an index compression technique. Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFimpl.2, DBfile } }

@techreport{Paige1986, Author ={Paige,R. and Henglein,F.},
Title ={Mechanical Translation of Set-theoretic Problem Specifications into Efficient RAM Code---a Case Study},
Institution ={RC 12169.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Rutgers. Another discovery of the derivative method for computing fixed points? Well they also claim they can convert the definition of the emptiness problem for CFG's (which they call the attribute closure problem for FD's) to an O(n) algorithm, which is more than semi-naive evaluation (derivative method) can do. ---jeff Category ={DBDtheory, DBfile } }

@article{Paige1986:1, Author ={Paige,Robert},
Title ={Programming with Invariants},
Journal ={IEEE Software, no.1.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="56--69",
Volume ="3",
Annote ={at Rutgers SETL set capability. Bibliography example. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Paik1979, Author ={Paik, In-Sup and Delobel,C.},
Title ={A strategy for optimizing the distributed query processing},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 1, Huntsville AL.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="686-698",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Palermo1972, Author ={Palermo,F.},
Title ={A Data Base Search Problem},
Institution ={IBM, RJ1072.},
Year =1972, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Algorithms for answering relational queries; each tuple retrieved at most once. [Shel] Discussion of definition and implementation of ALPHA (see Codd), Parsing of queries to BETA, graph, tabular, and GAMMA representations. The appendix contains a compact formal definition of the relational calculus. Category ={DBDrel.2.4> } }

@techreport{Palermo1970, Author ={Palermo,F.P.},
Title ={A Quantitative Approach to the Selection of Secondary Indexes},
Institution ={IBM, Research, RJ730, San Jose.},
Year =1970, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@inproceedings{Palermo1975, Author ={Palermo,F.P.},
Title ={An APL Environment for Testing Relational Operators and Data Base Search Algorithms},
Booktitle ={IBM, RJ1600.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Sketch of APL implementation of relational algebra. Category ={DBDrel.2, x9> %Palermo75 } }

@article{Pallayev1985, Author ={Pallayev,B.G.},
Title ={The 'Kompas' Database Management System Higher-level Query Language},
Journal ={Doklady Akademii nauk Tadzhikskoy SSR, Dushanbe.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="205--207",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Tadzhik SSR Acad.Sci., Math.Inst., Comp.Ctr Relational front-end for network, first a tree is defined over the network. Also update capability. Category ={DBDquery> DBDbound, FASAC 26 } }

@inproceedings{Palley1986, Author ={Palley,Michael A.},
Title ={Security of Statistical Databases -- Compromise through Attribute Correlational Modeling},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@inproceedings{Palley1987, Author ={Palley,M.A. and Simonoff,J.S.},
Title ={The Use of Regression Methodology for the Compromise of Confidential Information in Statistical Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , no.4, ; ACM CR 8810-0800.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Pages ="593--608",
Volume ="12",
Annote ={ Evaluates specific technological fixes for the problem of the legitimate user who compromises system integrity. Administrative defenses are not treated. Ethical standards will also be needed. ---J.A.Sonquist. Category ={DBDprivacy> DBDstat> DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Palme1974, Author ={Palme,Jacob},
Title ={Software Security},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1974, Month =Jan,
Pages ="51--55",
Annote ={Methods to protect data and programs. Category ={DBDprivacy.6> } }

@article{Palmer1974, Author ={Palmer,I.R.},
Title ={Levels of Data Base Description},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H,},
Year =1974, Pages ="1031--1036",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@book{Palmer1975, Author ={Palmer,I.},
Title ={Data Base Systems, A Practical Reference},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, Wellesly MA, 341pp.},
Year =1975, Annote ={at SCICON Ltd. Descriptions of many data base systems. Category ={DBDbound, xbook } }

@inproceedings{Palmer1991, Author ={Palmer,M. and Zdonik,S.B.},
Title ={Fido: A Cache that Learns to Fetch},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ simulation of predictive cache: recognizes access patterns over time, and prefetches using an associative memory. two salient features: - replacement policy for managing prefetched objects - component to recognize patterns and predict access need to add component with associative memory + pattern recognition routines (this is called the 'Estimating Prophet'). This monitors client/server communication, and generates access predictions, which are used to prefetch data. predictive caching is useful for CAD applications on OODBs with client/server architecture + caching. Access patterns of these are predictable. assumption: object identity is an immutable handle for an object requires no knowledge of data model or schema, based purely on monitoring of access sequence. No semantics, access sequence is simply strings of symbols. 'access context' can be used to help predictions - access pattern information for a single access context is stored in pattern memory. two modes of operation: training mode: to learn access patterns - Retains only the most commonly occurring patterns. prediction mode: - recognize similarities between current access sequence and stored pattern prefixes, and get associated suffixes replacement policy: uses likelihood of access info unused prefetches have lower priority than new prefetches/referenced objects follows evict minimum likelihood prefetch policy simulation identified design issues like overheads incurred, ideal/worst case operations, interaction between prefetch and object replacement in cache etc. on top of ENCORE Category ={DBFhard> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Palomaeki1993, Author ={Palomaeki,A., Wolski,A., Veijalainen,J., and Jokiniemi,J.},
Title ={Retrospection on the HERMES PROJECT: Implementation of a Heterogeneous Transaction Management System},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Technical Research Centre of Finland Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Palvia1984, Author ={Palvia,P. and March,S.T.},
Title ={Approximating Block Accesses in Database Organizations},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Pages ="75--79",
Volume ="19",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFeval>} }

@article{Palvia1985, Author ={Palvia,P.},
Title ={Expressions for Batched Searching of Sequential and Hierachical Files},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="97-106",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Temple Un., Dep.Comp. Infor. Sciences Category ={DBFseq-2.3> DBFindex.4.3> DBFhash.5.3 } }

@techreport{Pan1965, Author ={Pan,G.S.},
Title ={Linear Programming Method for Optimum File Design},
Institution ={Syracuse Un., Master Thesis},
Year =1965, Annote ={at Syracuse Un. Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@article{Pan1986, Author ={Pan,J.Y-C., and Tenenbaum,J.M.},
Title ={PIES: An Engineer's Do-It-Yourself Knowledge System for Interpretation of Parametric Test Data},
Journal ={AI Mag., Fall..},
Year =1986, Pages ="62--69",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Schlumberger, Palo Alto Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Pan1983, Author ={Pan,N-Q., Song,HT., and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={A Relational Database Schema Database Design Tool},
Institution ={Un.Maryland TR.Management Science, Journal of TIMSS 83-3.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ Simple LP model is used. Includes denormalization. the database designer specifies his requirements as a set of data items, a set of relationships between these data items and a set of operations. Functional dependencies are specified with each relationship. Operations are specified as SQL statements (queries and updates) together with their frequencies. A 3NF decomposition is produced. Then a set of indices is suggested considering the gain in performance versus the cost of the indices (using some local optimization). Finally some denormalizations which reduce total processing costs are suggested. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDops.4> DBDrel.3> DBFsyseval.3, DBfile Yao } }

@inproceedings{Pang1993, Author ={Pang,H., Carey,M., and Livny,M.},
Title ={Partially Preemptible Hash Joins},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Pang1993:1, Author ={Pang,H., Carey,M., and Livny,M.},
Title ={Memory-Adaptive External Sorts},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Panzierii1982, Author ={Panzierii,F. and Shrivastava,S.K.},
Title ={Reliable Remote Calls for Distributed UNIX: An Implementation Study},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="127--133",
Annote ={at Un.Newcastle upon Tyne (UK) Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Papadimitriou1977, Author ={Papadimitriou,C.H., Bernstein,P.A., and Rothnie,J.R.},
Title ={Some Computational Problems Related to Database Concurrency Control},
Journal ={Proc.Conf.Theoretical Comp.Sc., Un.Waterloo.},
Year =1977, Pages ="275--282",
Annote ={at MIT (Cambridge MA) Category ={DBDintegrity.1> DBDintegrity.2> } }

@article{Papadimitriou1979, Author ={Papadimitriou,Christos H.},
Title ={The Serializability of Concurrent Database Updates},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="631--653",
Volume ="26",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at MIT (Cambridge MA) A sequence of interleaved user transactions in a database system may not be serializable. Eswaran provided a simple criterion. here several recognizable subclasses are introduced; most of these correspond to serializability principles in the literature and used in practice. Two principles that subsume all known ones are proposed. These permit more schedules, but their determination is NP-hard. The results can be extended to more general transaction models, transactions with partly interpreted functions, and to distributed database systems. Category ={DBFuse-4.4> DBDintegrity.1> DBDintegrity.2, DBfile } }

@article{Papadimitriou1982, Author ={Papadimitriou,C.H.},
Title ={A Theorem in Database Concurrency Control},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 40,417.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Pages ="998--1006",
Volume ="29",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at MIT (Cambridge MA) consider two straight-line programs A and B, and let H be a set of sequences of steps A and B, possibly interleaved, but each containing all steps of A and B in the right order; a necessary and sufficient condition is given for H to be realizable as the set of all sequences of steps that are legal under some insertion of lock-unlock steps between the steps of A and B. Category ={DBDintegrity.1> DBDintegrity.2, DBfile } }

@article{Papadimitriou1984, Author ={Papadimitriou,C.H. and Kanallakis,Paris C.},
Title ={On Concurrency Control by Multiple Versions},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="89--99",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@book{Papadimitriou1986, Author ={Papadimitriou,Christos},
Title ={The Theory of Database Concurrency Control},
Publisher ={Computer Science Press, 239pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8807-0486.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Stanford U., CSD contents: the model; correctness: serializability; multiple versions, reliability; deadlocks, performance of schedulers, the theory of locking, uninterpreted locking, entity locks, locking protocols, distributed concurrency control. Includes definitions of computationally costly weak serializability as view and final state serializability ---Gio Serial schedule, transactions that are equivalent. Types of performance of schedulers, theory of locking, and (brief) distributed concurrency control. References. ---G.Mayforth. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDconc> Fauve, x } }

@inproceedings{Papadimitriou1992, Author ={Papadimitriou,C. and Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={Tie-Breaking Semantics and Structural Totality},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Papadimitriou1992:1, Author ={Papadimitriou,C. and Sideri,M.},
Title ={On Finding Extensions of Default Theories},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@book{Papazoglou1989, Author ={Papazoglou,M. and Valder,W.},
Title ={Relational Database Management: a Systems Programming Approach},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 555pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9102-0045.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at GMD construction of a relational database management system, the architecture of REQUIEM, Lexical Analysis, Parser, Basic I/O, Expression Evaluation, Physical Database Implementation, View Processing REQUIEM provides sets of modules in the form of database functions for a customized query language Category ={DBDimpl> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Papazoglou1990, Author ={Papazoglou,M., Marinos,L., and Bourbakis,N.},
Title ={A Schema Transformation Methodology for Distributed Heterogeneous Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@manual{PAPERBASE1984, Author ={PAPERBASE},
Title ={Paperbase, A Computerized Personal Data-Base for Scientists},
Organization ={rcvd .},
Year =1984, Annote ={ The Physics Library has rcvd a booklet containing code and instructions to program a basic filing system for publications one might have lying around. It is written in M-BASIC for a CP/M-80 system, but could easily be converted for the Macintosh with MSBASIC. The library will take requests for it by electronic mail. If anybody does decide to use it, please provide a copy of the finished program to the Physics Library, CP/M or MAC both OK. The copyright agreement allows such copies, according to the booklet. Category ={DBDquery.1, Pub shelf in the Physics Library under 84-14779. } }

@unpublished{Paradice1986, Author ={Paradice,D.B. and Courtney,J.F. Jr.},
Title ={Controlling Bias in User Assertions in Expert Decision Support Systems for Problem Formulation},
Note ={, Forthcoming in JMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Texas Tech Un., Coll. of Business Admin. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Paredaens1978, Author ={Paredaens,J.},
Title ={On the Expressive Power of Relational Algebra},
Journal ={Inf. Process. Lett..},
Year =1978, Pages ="107--111",
Volume ="7",
Category ={DBDrel>..2} }

@book{Paredaens1988, Author ={Paredaens, DeBra,P., Gyssens,M., and VanGucht,D.},
Title ={Structures in the Relational Database Model},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Heidelberg.},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Paredaens1988:1, Author ={Paredaens,J. and VanGucht,D.},
Title ={Possibilities and Limitations of Using Flat Operators in Nested Algebra Expressions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Pages ="29--38",
Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDrel>} }

@article{Paredaens1992, Author ={Paredaens,J. and VanGucht,D.},
Title ={Converting Nested Algebra Expressions into Flat Algebra Expressions},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month Mar,
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Parent1977, Author ={Parent,Christine},
Title ={Integrity in Distributed Data Bases},
Booktitle ={AICA , Pisa, 1977, Vol.II.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Pages ="199--212",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@article{Parent1984, Author ={Parent,C. and Spaccapietra,S.},
Title ={An Algebra for a General Entity-Relationship Model},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Paris (France) a.o. introduces a relationship-join for the ER model relationships. Category ={DBDmodel.6, DBfile Spaccapietra } }

@techreport{Parent1989, Author ={Parent,C., Rolin,H., Yetongnon,K., and Spaccapietra,S.},
Title ={An ER Calculus for the Entity-Relationship Complete Model},
Institution ={Ecole Polytechnique Fed., Res.R. .},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Number ="890401",
Annote ={ at Ecole Polytechnique Federale de Lausanne, Dep. d'Informatique, Switzerland Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } } @misc{Parimala1989, Author ={Parimala,N., Prakash,N., Rao,B., and Bolloju,N.},
Title ={A query facility to a network DBMS},
Howpublished ={Computer J., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8912-0900.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Volume ="32",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at CMC, India Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Paris1987, Author ={Paris,Jehan-Francois},
Title ={Operational Analysis of Redundant Systems},
Booktitle ={Int'l Workshop on Model. Techn. and Perf. Eval., Paris, AFCET.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at CSRG, UCSD coverage of n units for availability of K units, also function of repair rate. Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile } }

@article{Parhami1972, Author ={Parhami,Behrooz},
Title ={A Highly Parallel Computing System for Information Retrieval},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1972, Pages ="681--690",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={at UCLA Hardware design for an associative memory Category ={DBFhard.5.3> } }

@inproceedings{Paris1988, Author ={Paris,J-F. and Long,D.D.E.},
Title ={Efficient Dynamic Voting Algorithms},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at CSRG, UCSD Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Paris1988:1, Author ={Paris,J-F., Long,D.D.E., and Glockner,A.},
Title ={A Realistic Evaluation of Consistency Algorithms for Replicated Files},
Booktitle ={ACM Proc. 21st Ann. Simulation Symp..},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="121--130",
Annote ={at CSRG, UCSD Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab> DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Paris1988:2, Author ={Paris,Jehan-Francois},
Title ={Efficient Management of Replicated Data},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 88, (Bruges Belgium, -Sep.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) LCNS , 1988, .},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="396--409",
Number ="326",
Annote ={at UCSD, CSRG Category ={DBFdist, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Paris1988:3, Author ={Paris,J-F. and Long,D.D.E.},
Title ={The Performance of Available Copy Protocols for the Management of Replicated Data},
Note ={Un.Houston, rcvd. .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBFdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Paris1988:4, Author ={Paris,J-F. and Berman,F.D.},
Title ={How to Make your Votes Count},
Booktitle ={Un.Houston, DCS, TR-UH-CS-88-16.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Houston, DCS Category ={DBFconc, DBfile} }

@techreport{Paris1988:5, Author ={Paris,Jehan-Francois},
Title ={Voting with Bystanders},
Institution ={Un.Houston, DCS, TR-UH-CS-88-18.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDconc, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Park1989, Author ={Park,I.S. and An,S.S.},
Title ={Transaction Supporting Realtime File System in a Distributed Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="374--381",
Annote ={at Korea Un., EECS, (Seoul Korea) Category ={DBFhard> DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Park1988, Author ={Park,J. and Segev,A.},
Title ={Using Common Subexpressions to Optimize Multiple Queries},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Park1989:1, Author ={Park,J.T. and Teorey,T.J.},
Title ={A Knowledge-Based Approach to Multiple Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="133--140",
Annote ={ at Kyungbuk National Un., Dep.Elec.Engineering, (Taegu Korea) Semantic query optimization over query batches. Knowledge obtained from views, FDs, distribution, etc. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@techreport{Park1979, Author ={Park,Soong H. and Boland,R.J.jr.},
Title ={A Dilemma in Information System Design},
Institution ={Draft .},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Urbana, Dep.Accountancy experiment on the role of information in problem formulation. The value of data changes Category ={DBDadmin> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Park1992, Author ={Park,Y., Scheuermann,P., and Lee,S.},
Title ={A Periodic Deadlock Detection and Resolution Algorithm with a New Graph Model for Sequential Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@techreport{Parke1972, Author ={Parke,Benjamin G.,et al},
Title ={Guide Report on Long Range Security Requirements},
Institution ={Guide (IBM Commercial Users Group)Inc, Security Requirement Subcommittee, May 22,},
Year =1972, Annote ={at Burlington Industries Needs expected for the years beyond 1977. Category ={DBDprivacy.2> } }

@techreport{Parker1973, Author ={Parker,D.B., Nycum,S., and Oura,S.S.},
Title ={Computer Abuse},
Institution ={SRI Project ISU 2501, Stanford Res.Inst., 131pp.},
Year =1973, Annote ={ This report is the result of an SRI study of the 148 cases of reported computer abuse. For the most part it is easy and enjoyable reading. I found the survey of programmer ethics and honesty particularly interesting. Who says crime doesn't pay (G. Fountain comment) Category ={DBDschema, Student file (Fountain) } }

@book{Parker1981, Author ={Parker,D.B.},
Title ={Ethical Conflicts in Computer Science and Technology},
Publisher ={AFIPS Press, Arlington VA.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDprivacy.1> DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Parker1983, Author ={Parker,D.Stott},
Title ={Detection of Mutual Inconsistency in Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Annote ={ includes version concepts and questions on resolution. comments by Ramarao,K.V.S., IEEE TSE Jun.1987. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdis> EIS> DBDintegrity> DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Parker1989, Author ={Parker,D.S., Muntz,R.R., and Chau,H.L.},
Title ={The Tangram Stream Query Processing System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Prolog with relational DBMS via a stream model. Claimed to be more general than previous approaches. Implemented in log(F), a `functional language that facilitates development of stream processing programs'. ---BSLee. Prolog stream processing avoids backtracking through a database, using efficient iterative (tail recursive) processing instead. Standard relational algebra operators can we used as transducers as well as operations on time values. Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Parker1992, Author ={Parker,D.S., Simon,E., and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={SVP: A Model Capturing Sets, Lists, Streams, and Parallelism},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ collections, includes sets and streams, represented as ordered tree structures Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{Parker1967, Author ={Parker,Edwin B.},
Title ={SPIRES, Stanford Physics Information Retrieval System},
Institution ={Stanford Un., Inst. for Communication Research.},
Year =1967, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDquery.2, DBfile summary, also reports} }

@article{Parker1971, Author ={Parker,J.L.},
Title ={A Logic per Track Retrieval System},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBFhard.5>} }

@article{Parker1971:1, Author ={Parker,J.L.},
Title ={Information Retrieval with Large-Scale Geographic Data Bases},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="325--347",
Category ={DBDquery> Image>} }

@inproceedings{Parker1972, Author ={Parker,J.L.},
Title ={File Structures and Access Methods for a Geographic Information Retrieval System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed),},
Year =1972, Pages ="383--393",
Annote ={Data requirements in geography Category ={DBDintro.8> Image> } }

@article{Parker1972:1, Author ={Parker,J.L. and Jervis,B.},
Title ={An Approach for a Working Relational Data System},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Parker1982, Author ={Parker,M.M.},
Title ={Enterprise Information Analysis: Cost-benefit Analysis and the Data-managed System},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J..},
Year =1982, Pages ="108--124",
Volume ="21",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFsyseval.5>} }

@techreport{Parker1987, Author ={Parker,M.M. and Benson,R.J.},
Title ={Information Economics: an Introduction},
Institution ={Washington Un., Working Paper Series.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at IBM, Los Angeles; Wash. Un. (St.Louis) includes cost of uncertainty Category ={DBFeval> DBDadmin, DBfile } }

@article{Parker1972:2, Author ={Parker,Robert M.},
Title ={Sharing Peripherals in Dual Computer Systems},
Journal ={Computer Design,},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Pages ="107--114",
Annote ={at Harris Intertype, Melbourne, Fla. Switching and design of systems with redundant devices. Category ={DBDtrans.3, xB11> } }

@inproceedings{Parkes1992, Author ={Parkes,Alan P.},
Title ={A Manipulable Inter-Medium Encoding for Image Retrieval},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Lancaster University, United Kingdom Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Parkin1974, Author ={Parkin,A.},
Title ={Bringing Cost into File Design Decisions},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1974, Pages ="198--199",
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Leicaster Polytechnic Consider difference of tape versus disk cost. Category ={DBFeval, x5 } }

@article{Parnas1972, Author ={Parnas,D.L.},
Title ={On the Criteria to be Used in Decomposing Systems into Modules},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1053--1058",
Volume ="15",
Number ="12",
Category ={DBFintro.3> %Parnas72} }

@article{Parnas1976, Author ={Parnas,David L.},
Title ={On the Design and Development of Program Families},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Softw. Eng., Vol.SE-2 .},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Number ="1",
Annote ={version-ing Category ={DBDprivacy.5> EIS>} }

@article{Parrello1985, Author ={Parrello,B., Overbeek,R., and Lusk,E.},
Title ={The Design of Entity-Relationship Models for General Ledger Systems},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1985, Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDappl>} }

@techreport{Parsaye1983, Author ={Parsaye,K. and Minoura,T.},
Title ={A General Capability Based Concurrency Control Scheme for Data Base Systems},
Institution ={HP TR, rcvd. .},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Hewlett Packard Labs, (Palo Alto CA); USC Category ={DBDintegrity.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Parsaye1983:1, Author ={Parsaye,Kamran},
Title ={Database Management Knowledge Base Management and Expert System Development in PROLOG},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, Database Week, (San Jose CA).},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="159--178",
Annote ={at Computer Science Research International In a database oriented language, such as PROLOG, the user can be unaware of the underlying implmentation methods used for storing much of his data, and simply ask for data items to be stored and retrieved. A very brief and informal description of PROLOG. PROLOG sentences are Horn Clauses. Execution of programs in PROLOG attempts to establish the validity of goals, by chains of pattern matching on asserted clauses. Category ={DBDkb, DBFile } }

@article{Parsaye1983:2, Author ={Parsaye,Kamran},
Title ={Logic Programming and Relational Databases},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="20--29",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Silogic Inc., (Los Angeles) very readable introduction. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Parsaye1987, Author ={Parsaye,K. and Hansson,O.},
Title ={Discovering Knowledge from Large Databases},
Institution ={Intelligenceware TR..},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at IntelligenceWare Inc, (9800 S.Sepulveda, Los Angeles CA 90045) tool for industrial application of RX. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@book{Parsaye1989, Author ={Parsaye,K., Chignell,M., Khoshafian,S., and Wong,H.},
Title ={Intelligent Databases: Object-Oriented Deductive Hypermedia Technologies},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 510pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9005-0368.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at IntelligenceWare Inc. addressed to people who want a conceptual introduction to the subject. ---Marek. Category ={DBDkb> DBDobject> } }

@article{Parshentsev, Author ={Parshentsev,V.V.},
Title ={Prevention of Deadlocks in Parallel Programs Run on Multiprocessor Computers},
Journal ={Avtomatika i telemekhanika, Moscow, 85.},
Month =Oct,
Pages ="160--168",
Number ="10",
Annote ={deadlock prevention in parallel computers. Category ={unknown , FASAC 37 } }

@article{Parsons1974, Author ={Parsons,R.G., Dale,A.G., and Yurkanan,C.V.},
Title ={Data Manipulation Language Requirements for Data Base Management Systems},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Pages ="99--103",
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin,TX Example and discussion of DBTG, difficulty with Boolean expression Category ={DBDintro.0> DBDbound.5> DBFintro-2> %Parsons74 } }

@inproceedings{Pastor1992, Author ={Pastor,J., McKay,D., and Finin,T.},
Title ={View-Concepts: Knowledge-Based Access to Databases},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Paramax Systems Corp, Valley Forge Labs Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{PatelSchneider1984, Author ={PatelSchneider,P.F., Levesque,H.J., and Brachman,R.J.},
Title ={ARGON, Knowledge Management meets Information Retrieval},
Institution ={Fairchild, AI Res.Lab., (Palo Alto CA), rcvd .},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={ frames for data, nice graphical interface, navigational querying, uses KANDOR, inferencing by frame classification. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Pathak1989, Author ={Pathak,G., Joseph,J., and Ford,S.},
Title ={Object Exchange Service for an Object Oriented Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Pathak1990, Author ={Pathak,G., Stackhouse,B., and Heiler,S.},
Title ={EIS/XAIT Project: An Object-based Interoperability Framework for Heterogeneous Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Xerox, Cambridge very sketchy Category ={EIS> DBDobject> } }

@article{Patlach1972, Author ={Patlach,A.M.},
Title ={Design Considerations for a Magneto-Optic Film Memory},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development,},
Year =1972, Month =May,
Pages ="313--319",
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at IBM, Research, San Jose Description of IBM optical disk memory Category ={DBFhard.1.8> } }

@inproceedings{Patnaik1986, Author ={Patnaik,L.M. and Hansdah,R.C.},
Title ={Update Serializability in Locking},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Indian Inst of Science, India Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Paton1990, Author ={Paton,N. and Diaz,O.},
Title ={Metaclasses in object-oriented databases},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ examples of use of metaclasses; explicit relations - protected slots for inheritance Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Patrick1966, Author ={Patrick,Robert L.},
Title ={Not So Random Discs},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1966, Month =Jun,
Pages ="77--78",
Annote ={ Shows the need for applications to understand actual hardware by giving a number of examples. Category ={DBFhard.2> } }

@book{Patrick1974, Author ={Patrick,Robert L.},
Title ={Security System Review Manual},
Publisher ={AFIPS Press, Montvale NJ,},
Year =1974, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at AFIPS System Improvement Committee Security check lists, largely external to database systems. Has been updated, see Browne 1979. Category ={DBDprivacy, x12 book> } }

@article{Patt1972, Author ={Patt,Yale N.},
Title ={Miniumum Search Tree Structures for Data Partitioned Into Pages},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C21 .},
Year =1972, Month =Sep,
Pages ="961--967",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at North Carolina State Un. Category ={DBFtree, DBfile} }

@article{Patterson1971, Author ={Patterson,Albert C.},
Title ={Requirements for a Generalized Data Base Management System},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS,},
Year =1971, Pages ="515--522",
Volume ="39",
Category ={DBDschema.1>} }

@article{Patterson1972, Author ={Patterson,Albert C.},
Title ={Data Base Hazards},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1972, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Bankers Trust (NY) Look before you leap Category ={DBDadmin, xB15> } }

@inproceedings{Patterson1988, Author ={Patterson,D. et al},
Title ={RAID: Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 88, Chicago.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={many small disks are best. Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Patterson1989, Author ={Patterson,D.A., Chen,P., Gibson,G., and Katz,R.H.},
Title ={Introduction to Redundant Arrays of Inexpensive Disks (RAID)},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar.,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="112--117",
Annote ={at UCB, EECS Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Patterson1993, Author ={Patterson,David},
Title ={Massive Parallelism and Massive Storage: Trends and Predictions for 1995 - 2000},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Patton1970, Author ={Patton,P.C.},
Title ={Trends in Data Organisation and Access Methods},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, -Dec.,},
Year =1970, Month =Nov,
Pages ="19--24",
Annote ={at Analysts International Corp, Minneapolis General overview of data and file structures. Category ={DBFseq> } }

@article{Pau1990, Author ={Pau,L.F.,},
Title ={A survey of reasoning procedures in knowledge based systems for economics and management},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management, no.1.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDappl>} }

@book{Paul1985, Author ={Paul and Siegert(eds)},
Title ={Distributed Systems: Methods and Tools for Specification An Advanced Course},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ contrib. Alford, Ansart, Hommel, Lamport, Liskov, Mullery, Schneider. Category ={DBDdist, QA76.9.D5D63 } }

@inproceedings{Paul1987, Author ={Paul,H-B., Schek,H-J., Scholl,M.H., Weikum,G., and Deppisch,U.},
Title ={Architecture and Implementation of the Darmstadt Database Kernal System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at TU Darmstadt, FRG complex stored records Category ={DBDnewDBMS } } @misc{1989, Title ={Bugs in the Program: Problems in Federal Government Software Development and Regulation},
Howpublished ={Subcommittee on Investigation and Oversight of the House Committee on Science, Space, and Technology, Government Printing Office, Washington, DC, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9104-0253.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ the current acquisition process thwarts the development of high-quality software by forcing requirements to be frozen too soon and by not allowing use of other than the 'waterfall' model; recommendations include the establishment of a working group; that NASA be charged with developing a new procurement policy; that NSF increase funding; that the Software Engineering Institute obtain a broader base of support Category ={DBEng> } }

@unpublished{Pavlovic1983, Author ={Pavlovic-Lazetic,Gordana},
Title ={Storing Lexical Data in RDBMs},
Note ={recd. .},
Year =1983, Annote ={ texts stored as lexical data, includes also lexical syntactic and semantic information } }

@inproceedings{Pavlovic1986, Author ={Pavlovic-Lazetic,G. and Wong,E.},
Title ={Managing Text as Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at UCB, operators to process text, reduce information to relative ?? Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@inproceedings{Paxton1979, Author ={Paxton,W.H.},
Title ={A Client-Based Transaction System to Maintain Data Integrity},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 7.},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDintegrity.3> MCS>} }

@techreport{Pazel1983, Author ={Pazel,D.P., Malhotra,A., and Markowitz,H.M.},
Title ={The System Architecture of EAS-E: An Integrated Programming/Database Language},
Institution ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1983, Volume ="22",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Based on an entity-attribute-set view of system description. It Consists of a procedural language for manipulating data base and main storage entities, and direct (nonprocedural) facilities for interrogating and updating database entities. Category ={DBDintro.1> DBDnewDBMS, DBshelf } }

@inproceedings{Pazienza1988, Author ={Pazienza,M.T. and Velardi,P.},
Title ={Using a Semantic Knowledge Base to Support a Natural Language Interface to a Text Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Roma, Italy Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Pearl1984, Author ={Pearl,J.},
Title ={Heuristics: Intelligent Search Strategies for Computer Problem Solving},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.1>} }

@article{Pearl1985, Author ={Pearl,J.},
Title ={Fusion, Propagation, and Structuring in Bayesian Networks},
Journal ={UCLA CSD, TR-R-42.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Annote ={Uncertainty; semantic nets, AFIS Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Pearl1987, Author ={Pearl,J. and Verma,T.},
Title ={The Logic of Representing Dependencies by Directed Graphs},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int-87.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at UCLA The theme is that certain kinds of dependencies, including EMVD's, probabilistic independence, and cut-set-ed-ness (sort of Z ->-> X | Y if every path between nodes in sets of nodes X and Y has to go thru a node in Z.) can be unified in a theory called `semi-graphiods'. I don't know what to make of this, but there seem to be several interesting open problems about equivalence of models and axiomatizability. ---jdu Category ={DBDlogic> DBDtheory> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@book{Pearl1988, Author ={Pearl,J.},
Title ={Probabilistic Reasoning in Intelligent Systems},
Publisher ={Morgan-Kaufman.},
Year =1988, Annote ={schools: logic (non-monotonic, etc) neo-calculist: certainty factor, Dempster Shafer, fuzzy neo-probabilistic: probability in AI procedural: Chandreskan 83, Clancey 85 Also intensional (syntactic) extensional (semantic) In this work causality is seen as a mental only concept - not due to nature. Time does not play a role, only probabilistics are manipulated. Category ={Uncertainty> } }

@inproceedings{Pearl1992, Author ={Pearl,Judea},
Title ={From Numerical Probabilities to Causal Knowledge and Practical Beliefs (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at UCLA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Pearson1990, Author ={Pearson,Peter K.},
Title ={Fast Hashing of Variable Length Text Strings},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9012-0958.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="33",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at LLL based on exclusive OR (XOR) Category ={DBFhash> } }

@article{Pease1980, Author ={Pease,M., Shostak,R., and Lamport,L.},
Title ={Reaching Agreement in the Presence of Faults},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Pages ="228--234",
Volume ="27",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Byzantine generals. Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5> DBFrepresent-3.4> } }

@article{Pecherer1975, Author ={Pecherer,R.M.},
Title ={Efficient Evaluation of Expressions in a Relational Algebra},
Journal ={Proc.ACM Pacific Conf.. },
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="44--49",
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDrel.3 <} }

@techreport{Pecherer1975:1, Author ={Pecherer,R.M.},
Title ={Efficient Retrieval in Relational Database Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, ERL M547.},
Year =1975, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDrel.3 <} }

@inproceedings{Pecherer1976, Author ={Pecherer,R.W.},
Title ={Efficient Exploration of Product Spaces},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 76, Rothnie(ed).},
Year =1976, Pages ="169--177",
Annote ={at Washington State Un. (Pullman WA) Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@article{Pechnikov1983, Author ={Pechnikov,A.A.},
Title ={Finited Automation as a Functional Model of an Information System},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Apr..},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="95--101",
Volume ="9",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ A high-level (6 operation) language used to define valid and functionally Category ={DBDmodel> DBDops, FASAC 323 } }

@article{Pechura1983, Author ={Pechura,M.},
Title ={File Archival Techniques Using Data Compression},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , pp.148.},
Year =1983, Month =Feb,
Volume ="26",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Comments Category ={DBFrepresent-4>} }

@article{Pechura1983:1, Author ={Pechura,M.A. and Schoeffler,J.D.},
Title ={Estimating File Access Time of Floppy Disks},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="754--763",
Volume ="26",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Cleveland State Un. Category ={DBFhard.2> DBFhard.1> } }

@techreport{Peck1976, Author ={Peck,Paul L.},
Title ={Data Base Design and Implementation},
Institution ={On-Line Co., Brunel Un. (Uxbridge, Middlesex), ?, 184 pages.},
Year =1976, Annote ={at George Washington Un. (Washington DC) Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@article{Peckam1988, Author ={Peckam,J. and Maryanski,F.},
Title ={Semantic Data Models},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="153--189",
Volume ="20",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Connecticut, Dep.CS and Eng. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Pedersen1991, Author ={Pedersen,C.H. et al.},
Title ={Data and Knowledge Bases as Integral Parts of a Distributed Object Infrastructure},
Booktitle ={HPL-91-15.},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at HP, Bristol Atlas is an object infrastrucutre designed to support large-scale information systems in distributed heterogeneous networks; Atlas objects can be in Iris and KBMS1 as well as C and C++ Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Peebles1975, Author ={Peebles,R. and Manning,E.},
Title ={A Computer Architecture for Large (Distributed) Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="405--427",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo, DCS The operation (software) of a distributed transaction system is described. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDdist, Shel } }

@article{Peebles1978, Author ={Peebles,R. and Manning,E.},
Title ={System Architecture for Distributed Data Management},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1978, Month =Jan,
Pages ="40--47",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Pelagatti1978, Author ={Pelagatti,G. and Schreiber,F.A.},
Title ={Comparison of Different Access Strategies in a Distributed Database},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="399--410",
Annote ={at Polit.Milano, Inst.Elettronica (Italy) Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.3> DBFeval.4> } }

@inproceedings{Pelagatti1979, Author ={Pelagatti,G. and Schreiber,F.A.},
Title ={Evaluation of Transmission Requirements in Distributed Database Access},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 79, Bernstein(ed).},
Year =1979, Annote ={ optimization of queries, including communication costs. Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.3> } }

@inproceedings{Pelagatti1979:1, Author ={Pelagatti,G. and Schreiber,F.A.},
Title ={A Model of an Access Strategy in a Distributed Database},
Booktitle ={IFIP-TC2, Data Base Architecture, Venice.},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Penaloza1992, Author ={Penaloza,M. and Ozkarahan,E.},
Title ={Parallel Algorithms for Executing Join on Cube-Connected Multicomputers},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDparallel>} }

@inproceedings{Penazola1989, Author ={Penazola,M. and Ozkarahan,E.},
Title ={Integrating Integrity Constraints with Database Filters Implemented in Hardware},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Arizona State Un. Category ={DBFmach>} }

@book{Penrose1989, Author ={Penrose,Roger},
Title ={The emperor's new mind: concerning computers, minds, and the law of physics},
Publisher ={Oxford Un.Press, 466pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9008-0655.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Un.Oxford an attack on 'strong AI'; Penrose argues that there are gaps in quantum theory that may be crucial to the explanation of human intelligence. ---McGregor. Category ={DBDkb, x } }

@incollection{Perez1990, Author ={Perez,Edward},
Title ={A Strawman Reference Model for an Application Program Interface to an Object-Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={OO Database Taskgroup Workshop, Ottawa.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at TI for existing languages, specifically Zeitgeist; includes system startup and shutdown; beginning and ending transactions, allocating and deallocating objects; assigning and comparing references to persisting objects; indicating persistence of objects (should be orthogonal to type); indicating modifications to persistent objects; retrieving persistent objects Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang> } }

@unpublished{Perkins1985, Author ={Perkins,W.A., Laffey,T.J., Nguyen,T.A., and Pecora,D.},
Title ={Case Grammar for Expert System Rules},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Perkins1990, Author ={Perkins,W.A. and Austin,A.},
Title ={Adding temporal reasoning to expert-system-building environments},
Journal ={IEEE Expert.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Lockheed Overview and application to fault diagnosis for space-telescope stabilization. Considers 4 types of interval semantics. Category ={DBDops> DBDkb> } }

@article{Perkins1989, Author ={Perkins,W.A.},
Title ={Generation of natural language from information in a frame structure},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1989, Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ 300 attributes from several knowledge bases are grouped into 16 classes; for each class there is one question template, one 'declaration' template, and one 'uncertain declaration' template; use improved the English surface structure. Category ={DBDnat> } }

@book{Perkinson1986, Author ={Perkinson,Richard C.},
Title ={Data Analysis -- The Key to Data Base Design},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, 300pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={nontheoretical method for file structures Category ={DBDdesign ,> DBFintro } }

@inproceedings{Pernici1988, Author ={Pernici,B},
Title ={Supporting OIS Design through Semantic Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM Conf.on Office Information Systems.(>1988?).},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="276-283",
Annote ={at Polit.Milano suggests loop design state change --- trigger --- action --- statechange Category ={DBDoffice > } }

@inproceedings{Pernul1992, Author ={Pernul,G.},
Title ={Canonical Security Modeling for Federated Databases},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Vienna, Austria Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Perrizo1988, Author ={Perrizo,W., Luo,M., and Varvel,D.A.,},
Title ={Ordering Accesses to Improve Transaction Processing Performance},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@article{Perrizo1989, Author ={Perrizo,W., Lin,J.Y.Y., and Hoffman,W.},
Title ={Algorithms for Distributed Query Processing in Broadcast Local Area Networks},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="215--225",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at North Dakota State Un., DCS, (Fargo ND) Most beneficial for queries involving multiple joining attributes, is the composite semijoining technique, when multiple joining attributes are treated as one. In bit-matrix transmission, single attributes and a bit-matrix of the value pairings are sent. Negative transmission is effective when joining attribute values are dense in their domain. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Perrizo1991, Author ={Perrizo,W.},
Title ={Request Order Linked List (Roll): A Concurrency Control Object for Centralized and Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Perrizo1991:1, Author ={Perrizo,W.},
Title ={Domain Vector Accelerator (DVA): A Query Accelerator for Relational Operations},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Perrizo1991:2, Author ={Perrizo,W., Rajkumar,J., and Ram,P.},
Title ={Hydro: A Heterogeneous Distributed Database System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at North Dakota State Un Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Perrizo1991:3, Author ={Perrizo,W.},
Title ={Transaction Management in HYDRO: A Multidatabase System},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Perron1980, Author ={Perron,Robert},
Title ={CODASYL Data Base Management Systems: Design Fundamentals},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, Inc., 140pp.},
Year =1980, Annote ={A guide to forming the basic CODASYL structures. Category ={DBDbound.5, QA76.9.D3P48. } }

@book{Perry1984, Author ={Perry,Ian},
Title ={Real-Time Clinical Computing},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFrealtime> MCS, R853.D37P46} }

@techreport{Perry1977, Author ={Perry,W.E.},
Title ={Control in a Data Base Environment},
Institution ={ADL, The Data Base Monograph Series: 10 Reports, ?, 91pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ Describes control methods for building and developing a data base, designing an audit trail, and providing security and privacy. Category ={DBFintro.2> } }

@techreport{Perry1977:1, Author ={Perry,W.E.},
Title ={Evaluating the Costs/Benefits of Data Bases},
Institution ={ADL, The Data Base Monograph Series: 10 Reports, ?, 125pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ Provides a concise methodology for determining if data base is appropriate for your situation and, if so, how to calculate the real cost and benefits of implementation. Category ={DBFeval.6> } }

@inproceedings{Peters1967, Author ={Peters,Bernard},
Title ={Security considerations in a multi-programmed computer system},
Booktitle ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1967, Pages ="283--286",
Volume ="30",
Annote ={at National Security Agency, Fort Meade, Md. Requirements for secrecy Category ={DBDprivacy.1> } }

@inproceedings{Petersen1967, Author ={Petersen,H.E. and Turn,R.},
Title ={System Implications of Information Privacy},
Booktitle ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS , 1967.},
Year =1967, Pages ="291--300",
Volume ="30",
Annote ={at Rand Summary of threats to privacy Category ={DBDprivacy.1, DBfile } }

@article{Peterson1983, Author ={Peterson,Gary L.},
Title ={Concurrent Reading While Writing},
Journal ={TOPLAS.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="46--55",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Rochester Reading while writing is allowed. Multiple copies of the shared data are allowed. Solutions which are more time efficient require more copies. Any system of processes which uses large distributed variables can be simulated by a system which uses only binary distributed variables. Solution 3 is that the writer, during a single pass, makes copies for the readers. Results is that mutual exclusion is not always necessary in order to have concurrent control. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBFsyseval.3> DBDintegrity.1> } }

@article{Peterson1983:1, Author ={Peterson,Gary L.},
Title ={A New Solution to Lamport's Concurrent Programming Problem Using Small Shared Variables},
Journal ={TOPLAS.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="56--65",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Rochester Immune to process failures and restarts. Category ={DBDintegrity.1> } }

@article{Peterson1977, Author ={Peterson,J.L.},
Title ={Petri-Nets},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Pages ="223--252",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDops> DBDintegrity.1>} }

@book{Peterson1985, Author ={Peterson,J.L. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Operating System Concepts, 2nd ed},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@article{Peterson1957, Author ={Peterson,W.W.},
Title ={Addressing for Random Access Storage},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1957, Month Apr,
Pages ="130--146",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM Various methods for key to address transformation design Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@book{Peterson1961, Author ={Peterson,W.W. and Weldon,E.J.},
Title ={Error Correcting Codes},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), ; MIT Press 1972, 285pp.},
Year =1961, Category ={DBDtrans.3>} }

@book{Peterson1986, Author ={Peterson,W.W. and Lew,A.},
Title ={File Design and Programming},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1986, Category ={DBFintro>} }

@article{Petri1962, Author ={Petri,C.A.},
Title ={Fundamentals of a Theory of Asynchronous Information Flow},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H},
Year =1962, Annote ={ Definition of a formal method to describe parallel interacting processes. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Petri1962:1, Author ={Petri,C.A.},
Title ={Kommunikation mit Automation},
Journal ={Schriften des ReinschWestfalischen Inst.fur Instrumentelle Mathematik an der Un.Bonn, Bonn FRG,},
Year =1962, Category ={DBDops>} }

@techreport{Petrick1973, Author ={Petrick,S.R.},
Title ={Semantic Interpretation in the REQUEST System},
Institution ={IBM TJWRC, Res.R. No.RC4457,},
Year =1973, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Petrick1975, Author ={Petrick,Stanley R.},
Title ={Design of the Underlying Structure for a Data Base Retrieval System},
Booktitle ={Directions in Artificial Intelligence: Natural Language Processing, Grishman(ed), Courant CS Res.R. .},
Year =1975, Pages ="60--93",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at NYU, Courant Inst.Mathematical Sciences ACL Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb> } }

@book{Pfaffenberger1990, Author ={Pfaffenberger,Bryan},
Title ={Democratizing information: online databases and the rise of end-user searching},
Publisher ={G.K.Hall, 193pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9104-0252.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Un.Virginia no technical substance; naive philosophy and argumentative sophistry; technology does not support universal database access; end-user searching is not destined to become a new mass communicatio medium. ---Oseas. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Pfaltz1980, Author ={Pfaltz,J.L., Berman,W.J. and Cagley,E.M.},
Title ={Partial-Match Retrieval Using Indexed Descriptor Files},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="522--528",
Volume ="23",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBFimpl.2.5>} }

@article{Pfleeger1992, Author ={Pfleeger,Shari Lawrence},
Title ={Measuring Software Reliability},
Journal ={IEEE Spectrum,},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Pages ="56--60",
Annote ={at MITRE corp, McLean VA good overview, but shows clearly the dismal state of the art. Measures are vague and irrelevant Category ={DEng >DBreliab> } }

@inproceedings{Phipps1991, Author ={Phipps,G., Derr,M., and Ross,K.},
Title ={Glue-Nail: A Deductive Database System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Piatetsky1983, Author ={Piatetsky-Shapiro,Gregory},
Title ={The Optimal Selection of Secondary Indices},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="72--75",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Strategic Information (Burlington MA) Category ={DBFindex-5-2> } }

@inproceedings{Piatetsky1984, Author ={Piatetsky-Shapiro,G. and Cornell,C.},
Title ={Accurate Estimation of the Number of Tuples Satisfying a Condition},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data , Yormark(ed).},
Year =1984, Pages ="256--276",
Annote ={at Strategic Information (Burlington MA) Category ={DBFindex-5-2> } }

@techreport{Piatetsky1984:1, Author ={Piatetsky-Shapiro,G.},
Title ={A Self-Organizing Database System -- A Different Approach to Query Optimization},
Institution ={NYU, Courant Inst.Mathematical Sci., CSD, TR-147.},
Year =1984, Annote ={at NYU, Courant Inst.Mathematical Sciences Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Piatetsky1989, Author ={Piatetsky-Shapiro,G},
Title ={Discovery and Analysis of Strong Rules in Databases},
Booktitle ={Advanced Database System Symposium, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at GTE, Waltham, MA knowledge acquisition Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Piepmeyer1975, Author ={Piepmeyer,William F.},
Title ={Optimal Balancing of I/O Requests to Disk},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="524--527",
Volume ="18",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@book{Pierce1961, Author ={Pierce,J.},
Title ={Symbols, Signals, and Noise},
Publisher ={Harper and Row.},
Year =1961, Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Pikner1971, Author ={Pikner,H., et al},
Title ={Programmed Restarts},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBFuse-4.5>} }

@inproceedings{Pilarski1990, Author ={Pilarski,S. and Kameda,T.},
Title ={A Novel Checkpointing Scheme for Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. Category ={DBFreliab>} }

@techreport{Pillalamarri1988, Author ={Pillalamarri,M., Navathe,S.B., and Papachristidis,A.C.},
Title ={Understanding the Power of Semantic Data Models},
Institution ={Un.Florida, Database Systems RD Ctr, TR.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Pilote1986, Author ={Pilote,Michel},
Title ={Modeling Linguistic User Interfaces},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Toronto Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Pilote1989, Author ={Pilote,Michel},
Title ={Experience in Applying Conceptual Modeling for Implementing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Piloty1989, Author ={Piloty,R.},
Title ={Complex object data bases: key to CAD/Tool integration for VLSI},
Booktitle ={Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, Paris.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Technische Hochschule, Darmstadt Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Pinchuk1992, Author ={Pinchuk,A. and Shvachko,K.},
Title ={Maintaining Dictionaries: Space-Saving Modifications of B-Trees},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ at Russian Academy of Sciences, Pereslavl-Zalessky, Russia Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Pirahesh1990, Author ={Pirahesh,H., Mohan,C., Cheng,J., Liu,T.S., and Selinger,P.},
Title ={Parallelism in Relational Data Base Systems: Architectural Issues and Design Approaches},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at IBM Almaden Research Center survey and simple evaluation of a query on a large database with range clauses. Category ={DBDmach> } }

@inproceedings{Pirahesh1992, Author ={Pirahesh,H. and Hellerstein,J.},
Title ={Extensible/Rule Based Query Rewrite Optimization in Starburst},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Pirkola1975, Author ={Pirkola,Gary C.},
Title ={A File System for a General Purpose Time-Sharing Environment},
Journal ={Proc.of the IEEE,},
Year =1975, Month =Jun,
Pages ="918--924",
Volume ="63",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDintegrity, x13>} }

@techreport{Pirotte1974, Author ={Pirotte,A. and Wodon,P.},
Title ={A Comprehensive Formal Query Language for a Relational Data Base: FQL},
Institution ={MBLE, Lab.Recherches, TR.R283 (Brussels, Belgium)},
Year =1974, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDquery, x10 book} }

@inproceedings{Pirotte1978, Author ={Pirotte,A.},
Title ={High Level Data Base Query Languages},
Booktitle ={Gallaire and Minker(eds), Logic and Data Bases.},
Year =1978, Pages ="149--177",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Pirotte1977, Author ={Pirotte,A.},
Title ={The Entity-Property-Association Model: An Information-Oriented Database Model},
Booktitle ={MBLM, (Brussels Belgium), Res.R. No.R343.},
Year =1977, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Pirotte1982, Author ={Pirotte,A.},
Title ={A Precise Definition of Basic Relational Notions and of the Relational Algebra},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="30--45",
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at CCA (Cambridge MA) Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@inproceedings{Pirotte1989, Author ={Pirotte,A. and Roelants,D.},
Title ={Constraints for Improving the Generation of Intensional Answers in},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Pirow1988, Author ={Pirow,Peter C.},
Title ={Excellence in Information Systems},
Publisher ={Woodacres Publishers, (Oakley, Bedfordshire, England), 270pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ History of social aspects. Effects of computers. Empirical approach towards a theoretical base. A multiple regression model. Databases in mining. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@inproceedings{Pirri1992, Author ={Pirri,F. and Pizzuti,C.},
Title ={Data Dictionary Design: A Logic Programming Approach},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@unpublished{Pirtkien1984, Author ={Pirtkien,R., Giere,W., and Bogdanski,K.},
Title ={Uber 20 Jahre Entwicklung von Faktenbanken},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={History of a toxicology data bank. Category ={MCS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Pissinou1992, Author ={Pissinou,N. and Makki,K.},
Title ={T-3DIS: An Approach to Temporal Object Databases},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Nevada Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Pistor1986, Author ={Pistor,P. and Andersen,F.},
Title ={Designing a Generalized NFNF Data Model with an SQL-Type Language Interface},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="278--288",
Annote ={at IBM, Heidelberg Sci. Ctr (FRG) non-first normal form. Nested relations. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{Pittelli1985, Author ={Pittelli,F.M. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Database Processing with Triple Modular Redundancy},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR-347.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile Garcia} }

@techreport{Pittelli1986, Author ={Pittelli,F.M. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Reliable Scheduling in a TMR Database System},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR-028-86.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={Data are triple replicated. Triple modular redundant schedule guarantees that nonfaulty nodes execute the same transactions in the same order. ---Gait. Category ={DBFreliability, DBfile } }

@techreport{Pitteli1987, Author ={Pitteli,F. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Recovery in a Triple Modular Redundant Database System},
Institution ={Princeton Un. DCS, CS-TR-076--87.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBFtrans> DBDdist> DBDreliab, DBfile Garcia} }

@article{Pizano1989, Author ={Pizano,A., Klinger,A., and Cardenas,A.},
Title ={Specification of Spatial Integrity Constraints in Pictorial Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="59--71",
Volume ="22",
Annote ={at University of Hamburg Category ={DBDkb> at Ricoh(Pizano); UCLA Examples from traffic and geographic databases and QBE example. Category ={Image> } }

@inproceedings{Pizano1992, Author ={Pizano,A., Iizawa,A., and Shirota,Y.},
Title ={An Automatic Screen Layout Generator for Database Applications},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at RICOH Corporation Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Place1987, Author ={Place,J. and Kumar,V.},
Title ={An Analysis of the Behavior of a New Two-Phase Locking Mechanism},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un. Missouri, Kansas City Cautious version of wound-wait and wait-die protocols. Category ={DBDconc, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Plagman1972, Author ={Plagman,B.K. and Altshuler,G.},
Title ={A Data Dictionary/Directory within the Context of an ICDB},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1972, Pages ="1133--1140",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={Discussion of Schema concept. Category ={DBDschema.2>%Plagman72 } }

@inproceedings{Plagman1972:1, Author ={Plagman,Bernard K. and Altshuler,Gene},
Title ={An Integrated Corporate Data Base Concept and Its Application},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed),},
Year =1972, Pages ="395--419",
Annote ={ at NY Federal Reserve Bank and Diebold Europe S.A. Abstract of Proposals for the New York Federal Reserve Bank Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@inproceedings{Plambeck1990, Author ={Plambeck,Thane},
Title ={Semigroup Techniques in Recursive Query Optimization},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Stanford Category ={DBDops>} }

@techreport{Plath1973, Author ={Plath,W.J.},
Title ={Transformational Grammar and Transformational Parsing in the REQUEST System},
Institution ={RC4396, IBM Research, Yorktown Heights, New York},
Year =1973, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Plath1976, Author ={Plath,W.J.},
Title ={REQUEST: A Natural Language Question-Answering System},
Journal ={IBM, SRD.},
Year =1976, Month =Jul,
Pages ="326--335",
Volume ="20",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Pletat1984, Author ={Pletat,Udo},
Title ={Theory and Concepts for a Software Engineering Environment},
Journal ={Proc. Software Process Workshop, (Egham UK), IEEE Computer Society Press (Washington DC, Los Alomitos CA) 1984, .},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Pages ="111--123",
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart, Inst.fur Informatik, FRG Category ={DEng, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Pletat1987, Author ={Pletat,Udo},
Title ={Connection Graphs in NF2 Databases},
Note ={IBM, Deutschland, LILOG project, rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ A proposal for bound storage for of Prolog clauses with links as references. mapping of PROLOG clause graphs into a non-normal DBMS (AIM). Searching for those clauses. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Pletat1987:1, Author ={Pletat,U. and Beierle,C.},
Title ={The Semantics of Asserting and Retracting Clauses to Logic Programs},
Institution ={IBM, Deutschland, LILOG Rep..},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Number ="7",
Annote ={at IBM, Stuttgart, LILOG Project Category ={DBDlogic, Box LILOG } }

@unpublished{Pletat1988, Author ={Pletat,Udo},
Title ={Integrating Model Theoretic and Proof Theoretic Truth Checking},
Note ={rcvd},
Year =1988, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at IBM, Deutschland, Stuttgart, LILOG Project Finite excerpts of models called views. Solve a goal by first consulting the database for a possible solution and to initiate a deduction process in case no such immediate solutions can be found. We prove that this evaluation strategy is correct but -- in general -- not complete. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Plexousakis1993, Author ={Plexousakis,Dimitris},
Title ={Integrity Constraint and Rule Maintenance in Temporal Deductive Knowledge Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Plotkin1970, Author ={Plotkin,Morris, Epstein,Samuel D., and Noetzel,Andrew},
Title ={Quantification of Information Storage and Retrieval Methodologies},
Institution ={Analytics, Inc., Jenkintown, PA, AD 712 134.},
Year =1970, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Plow1974, Author ={Plow,Eric P. and Ehrman,John R.},
Title ={The Value of Data Compression},
Institution ={SLAC Staff Note 60,},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Annote ={at SLAC Computing Service, Stanford Un. Comparison test of a 4-4 Prest and Huffman encoding. Category ={DBFrepresent, xB14> } } % ------- PM ------biblio----1949-1991------

@techreport{Pocock1983, Author ={Pocock,J.N.},
Title ={Knowledge-based Support for the Development and Maintenance of Embedded Computer Systems},
Institution ={Rcvd Sum. .},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Plessey (UK) sketchy Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@incollection{Podskrobko1984, Author ={Podskrobko,N.I. and Ponomarenko,A.E.},
Title ={Formulation and Execution of Recursive Queries to a Network Structure Data Base},
Booktitle ={Problemno-oriyentirovannyye informatsionnyye sistemy, Leningrad, .},
Year =1984, Pages ="94--103",
Annote ={at USSR Acad.Sci., Leningrad Sci.Res.Comp.ctr. Category ={DBDquery> DBDbound, FASAC 32e } }

@incollection{Poesio1987, Author ={Poesio,Massimo},
Title ={Knowledge Base Modelling by Conceptual Graphs},
Booktitle ={rcvd , to appear in `Conceptual Graphs for Knowledge Systems', Sowa,Too,Rao (eds).},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Hamburg, FRG. Category ={DBDkb, x} }

@inproceedings{Pohl1986, Author ={Pohl,B. and Trendelenburg,C.},
Title ={PRO-MD - Towards an Optimal Inference Engine Including Temporal Reasoning in Medical Diagnostics},
Booktitle ={AI and ACT Conf., UK.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={for ECG analysis Category ={MIS> DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Pohl1972, Author ={Pohl,Ira},
Title ={Is Heuristic Search Really Branch-and-Bound?},
Booktitle ={Proc.6th Princeton IEEE Symposium on Information Sciences and Systems.},
Year =1972, Month Mar,
Pages ="370--373",
Category ={DBFtechn>} }

@incollection{PoKempner1973, Author ={PoKempner,S.J..},
Title ={Management Information Systems--A Pragmatic Survey},
Booktitle ={Reprinted from the issue of The Conf. Board RECORD.},
Year =1973, Month =May,
Category ={app.C} }

@incollection{Pokorny1989, Author ={Pokorny,J.},
Title ={A function-unifying mechanism for entity-oriented database models},
Booktitle ={In 'Entity-Relationship Approach' (C.Batini, Ed.), Elsevier.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Pollack1977, Author ={Pollack,J.E., Buncher,C.R., and Donovan,E.R.},
Title ={On-line Computerized Data Handling System for Treating Patients with Renal Disease},
Journal ={Arch.Int.Med., --456.},
Year =1977, Volume ="137",
Number ="446",
Category ={MCS>} }

@incollection{Pollitt1986, Author ={Pollitt,A.S.},
Title ={A rule-based system as an intermediary for searching cancer therapy literature on Medicine},
Booktitle ={In 'Intelligent Information Systems', Edited by R.Davies, John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) .},
Year =1986, Annote ={CANSEARCH shows that some automation is possible Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Polyzois1992, Author ={Polyzois,C. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Evaluation of Remote Backup Algorithm for Transaction Processing Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ compares experimental database system, evaluated performance of the epoch algorithm, a 1-safe algorithm and compared it with the 2-safe approach which requires atomic two-site commit Category ={DBFreliab> DBFtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Polyzois1993, Author ={Polyzois,C., Bhide,A., and Dias,D.},
Title ={Disk Mirroring with Alternating Deferred Updates},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Annote ={prize paper Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Poncelet1993, Author ={Poncelet,P., Teisseire,M., Cicchetti,R., and Lakhal,L.},
Title ={Towards a Formal Approach for Object Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Pons1988, Author ={Pons,J.F. and Vilarem,J.F.},
Title ={A Dynamic and Integrated Concurrency Control for Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Montpellier II, UA-CNRS (France) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Pons1988:1, Author ={Pons,J.F. and Vilarem,J.F.},
Title ={Mixed Concurrency Control: Dealing with Heterogeneity in Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="445--456",
Annote ={Ref.FAUVE Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Poonen1978, Author ={Poonen,George},
Title ={CLEAR: A conceptual Language for Entities and Relationships},
Booktitle ={Intl. Conf. on Management of Data, Milano, Sep.1978, Sibley(ed), Milano, Sibley(ed).},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@article{Popek1974, Author ={Popek,Gerald J.},
Title ={Protection Structures},
Journal ={IEEE Computer,},
Year =1974, Month =Jun,
Pages ="22--31",
Volume ="7",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at UCLA Category ={DBDprivacy.1>} }

@article{Popek1974:1, Author ={Popek,Gerald J. and Goldberg,R.P.},
Title ={Formal Requirements for Virtualizable Third Generation Architectures},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1974, Volume ="17",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBDprivacy.6>} }

@article{Popek1982, Author ={Popek,G., et al.},
Title ={The LOCUS Distributed File System},
Journal ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles-9, Bretton Woods NH.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage-3.4>} }

@incollection{Popek1982:1, Author ={Popek,G., Walker,B., Butterfield,D., English,R., Kline,C., Thiel,G., and Page,T.},
Title ={Functionality and Architecture of the LOCUS Distributed File System},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles-9, Bretton Woods NH.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage-3.4>} }

@inproceedings{Popek1990, Author ={Popek,G., Guy,R., Page,T., and Heidemann,J.},
Title ={Replication in Ficus Distributed File System},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at UCLA not primary, layered stacks, optimist in update Category ={DBFdist> } }

@incollection{Pople1984, Author ={Pople,Harry},
Title ={Knowledge Base Management in Large-Scale Expert Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Popova1986, Author ={Popova,Yu.},
Title ={All About Materials},
Journal ={NTR: Problemy i resheniya, Moscow, -Nov..},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1--2",
Number ="20",
Annote ={ Materials database, 1500 substances, to grow to 25-30,000. Category ={MAT, FASAC 65 } }

@techreport{Popplestone1987, Author ={Popplestone,R., et al},
Title ={Engineering Design Support Systems},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Dep.AI, Un.Edinburgh discusses issues as inheritance, suggests Encyclopedia for Eng.branch knowledge. Includes materials data. Category ={EIS> DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Porcar1982, Author ={Porcar,J.M.},
Title ={File migration in distributed computer systems},
Institution ={PROGRES Report 82.6, UCB Electronics Research Laboratory.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Annote ={Ph.D. thesis. Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Porter1988, Author ={Porter,D., Wigton,R.S., Reidelbach,M.A., Bleich,H.L. and Slack,W.V.},
Title ={Self-Service Computerized Bibliographic Retrieval: A Comparison of Colleague and PaperChase, Programs that Search the MEDLINE Database},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Pages ="488--501",
Volume ="21",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ at Harvard Medical School and Beth Israel Hospital, Dep.of Medicine Formal evaluation of usability. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@inproceedings{Portinale1991, Author ={Portinale,Luigi},
Title ={Generalization handling in a dynamic case memory},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Torino integrating case-based reasoning and prototyping knowledge, under- generalizations and overgeneralizations, dealt with by monitoring each norm and deleting bad generalized information Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Postley1969, Author ={Postley,J.A.},
Title ={The Mark IV System},
Journal ={Gruenberger},
Year =1969, Annote ={at Informatics Description of a File System, with Dictionaries and Inquiry Capability Category ={DBFhybrid> DBDschema> DBDquery>%Postley68 } }

@article{Potier1980, Author ={Potier,D. and LeBlanc,P.},
Title ={Analysis of Locking Policies in Database Management Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="584--593",
Volume ="23",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDintegrity.3>} }

@inproceedings{Potter1984, Author ={Potter,Walter D.},
Title ={DESIGN-PRO: A Multi-Model Schema Design Tool in PROLOG},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un.South Carolina, (U.of Georgia, 1988) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Potter1986, Author ={Potter,W.D. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={A Unified Approach to Modeling Knowledge And Data},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at U.S. Carolina Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Potter1986:1, Author ={Potter,W.D., Trueblood,R.P., Eastman,C.M. and Mathews,M.M.},
Title ={The Knowledge/Data Language: A Hyper-Semantic Data Model Specification Language},
Booktitle ={Un.South Carolina, DCS, TR.86003.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ also a query language. Based somewhat on DAPLEX and IRIS. Include heuristics, uncertianty, constraints. Objects are eqiv to entities and functions to attributes (also computed or inferred). Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Potter1988, Author ={Potter,W.D. and Trueblood,R.P.},
Title ={Traditional, Semantic, and Hyper-Semantic Approaches to Data Modeling},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="53--63",
Volume ="21",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ An entity can be an object or an event, relationships, overviews and inferential relationships. University example. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Potter1988:1, Author ={Potter,W.D. and Nute,D.},
Title ={d-KDL: an EDS environment incorporating defeasible reasoning},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Potter1989, Author ={Potter,W.D., Trueblood,R.P., and Eastman,C.M.},
Title ={Hyper-semantic Data Modeling},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1989, Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Knowledge/Data Model captures knowledge semantics and data semantics; facilitate incorporation of heuristics, uncertainty, constraints and other AI concepts. Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Poulin1989, Author ={Poulin,J.F. and Hardwick,M.},
Title ={Adapting Object-Oriented CAD Database Concepts for Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE)},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="201--208",
Annote ={at MEDIS-GSF (FRG) survey result Category ={MIS, DBfile Engelbrecht at Rensselaer Polytechnic Inst., (Troy NY) Category ={EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Poulovassilis1991, Author ={Poulovassilis,A. and Small,C.},
Title ={A Functional Programming Approach to Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ PFL adapts functional programming to deductive databases Category ={DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Poulovassilis1993, Author ={Poulovassilis,A. and Small,C.},
Title ={A Domain-theoretic Approach to Integrating Functional and Logic Database Languages},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDlang>} }

@inproceedings{Poutanen1985, Author ={Poutanen,O., Varanaki,K-M., and Valimaki, T.},
Title ={Notes on Building a Relational Database Management System in Ada},
Booktitle ={'Ada in Use', Barnes and Fisher(eds), Ada Letters, -Oct., .},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="14--24",
Volume ="5",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at OY Softplan, Tempere, Finland. Category ={DBDlang>} }

@inproceedings{Powell1977, Author ={Powell,M.L.},
Title ={The DEMOS File System},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 6, Operating Systems Review.},
Year =1977, Month =Nov,
Pages ="33--42",
Volume ="11",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFstorage-2>} }

@unpublished{Powell1988, Author ={Powell,Michael},
Title ={The Structure of the DEMOS File System},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Los Alamos Category ={DBFhard, DBfile} }

@book{Powers1984, Author ={Powers,M.J., Adams,D.R., and Mills,H.D.},
Title ={Computer Information Systems Development: Analysis and Design},
Publisher ={South-Western Pub.Co, Cincinnati OH, 686pp.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ High-level, non-quantitative. Includes Life-cycle, Information Gathering, Feasibility, cost-benefit analysis. Oriented towards DPMA curriculum CIS-4. Category ={DBFintro> DBFsyseval.5> DBDdesign.5> DBDadmin, x } }

@inproceedings{Prabhakar1993, Author ={Prabhakar,S. et al.},
Title ={Ongoing Project Overview of Federated Autonomous Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Honeywell Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Prabhakar1987, Author ={Prabhakar,V.N.S., Navathe,S.B., Kumar,P., and Gala,S.},
Title ={Integrated Software Design Assistant (INSODES): A Frame-oriented Expert Knowledge Base System},
Booktitle ={SCIMA, Journal of the Society of Cybernetics in India, -2.},
Year =1987, Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Prabhakaran1983, Author ={Prabhakaran,N. and Vermeir,D.},
Title ={On the Generation of Database Schemata},
Journal ={Australian Computer Journal.},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Pages ="91--101",
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Queensland, now, Florida Int.U. transformation of semantic Nijssen (NIAM) model to relational representation. Category ={DBDops.4, DBfile } }

@article{Prabhakaran1985, Author ={Prabhakaran,N. and Palaniswami,M.},
Title ={A semantical database for analysis and control of power systems},
Journal ={Comp. Elect. Eng., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8609-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Florida Int. Un. NIAM applied for power system information. Category ={DBappl> } }

@book{Pracht1986, Author ={Pracht,William Everett},
Title ={An Experimental Investigation of a Graphical Interactive Problem Structuring Aid For Decision Support Systems},
Publisher ={PhD Th., Texas Tech Un., NLM AAD84-9, 1984, 185pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Decision support systems (DSS) have adequate information retrieval and analysis. Little support is offered for: problem structuring, model formulation,and information-need identification. Structural Modeling (SM) tools use graphics and words to represent the structure of a complex issue or system. This knowledge about the problem domain is organized as a set of elements with each variable being related to other facts in a knowledge base. A business management simulation game (BML) and its companion DSS (SLIM) were adapted for use in this experiment. The experiment revealed significant interactive effects between cognitive style and understanding of the decision making environment. SM-use resulted in a larger increase in decision environment understanding for high analytics than for low analytics. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb, SUMEX arch:NLM.theses-1q84 } }

@article{Prade1984, Author ={Prade,Henri},
Title ={Lipski's Approach to Incomplete Information Data Bases Restated and Generalized in the Setting of Zadeh's Possibility Theory},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8511-1054.},
Year =1984, Pages ="27--42",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ A credible relationship of null values and fuzzy sets, theory and examples. Category ={DBDschema.3> } }

@book{Prague1987, Author ={Prague,C.N., Hammit,J.E., and Nowacki,M.R.},
Title ={Programming with Paradox},
Publisher ={TAB Books, (Blue Ridge Summit PA), 386pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8805-0318.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Paradox for personal computers. This book is of little value. Category ={DBDlang> } }

@book{Prague1987:1, Author ={Prague,C.N. and Hammit,J.E.},
Title ={dBASE III Programmer's Reference: A Sourcebook of Programming Techniques},
Publisher ={TAB Books, 232pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8904-0194.},
Year =1987, Annote ={Fair advanced use. Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@book{Prague1987:2, Author ={Prague,C.N. and Hammit,J.E.},
Title ={Advanced Programming with dBASE III PLUS},
Publisher ={TAB Books, 356pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8904-0194.},
Year =1987, Annote ={Fair advanced use. Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@article{Prakash1983, Author ={Prakash,N., Bolloju,N., and Parimala,N.},
Title ={Data Definition Facilities in ADMIN},
Journal ={Comp.J., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-05676.},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Pages ="329--335",
Volume ="26",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@techreport{Pramanik1984, Author ={Pramanik,Sakti},
Title ={Logarithmic Indexes},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ looks like prefix trees, arranged in forest to permit parallel processing. Category ={DBFmach> DBFtrees.4, DBfile } }

@article{Pramanik1985, Author ={Pramanik,S. and Ittner,D.},
Title ={Use of Graph Theoretic Models for Optimal Relational Database accesses to Perform Join},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8511-1058.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="57--74",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={buffer management for indexes. Category ={DBFhard.3> DBFseq.5> DBDrel.3> } }

@unpublished{Pramanik1985:1, Author ={Pramanik,S. and Fotouhi,F.},
Title ={Distributed Hashing},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={ First you do something very poorly (creating long access chains) and then you fix it with parallelism. Category ={DBDdist> DBFhash> } }

@inproceedings{Pramanik1987, Author ={Pramanik,S. and Kim,M.H.},
Title ={HCB_Tree: A B_Tree Structure for Parallel Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.Intern.Conf.on Parallel Processing.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Pages ="140--146",
Category ={DBFtree, DBfile} }

@article{Pramanik1988, Author ={Pramanik,S. and Vineyard,D.},
Title ={Optimizing Join Queries in Distributed Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1319--1326",
Volume ="14",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Michigan State Un. A low-cost algorithm which converts a semijoin program into a partial order graph, and allows us to maximize the concurrent processing of the semijoins. The minimum response time is given by the largest cost path of the partial order graph. Category ={DBDquery> DBDops> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Pramanik1989, Author ={Pramanik,S. and Kim,M.H.},
Title ={Database Processing Models in Parallel Processing Systems},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Michigan State Un. Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Pramanik1990, Author ={Pramanik,S., Severance,C., and Rosenau,T.},
Title ={A High Speed KDL-RAM File System For Parallel Computers},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Annote ={ linear hashing and parallelizing splits of overflow blocks for unique entries Category ={DBFhash> DBFmach> DBDdist> } }

@article{Prasad1987, Author ={Prasad,B.E., Gupta,A., Toong,H-M.D., and Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={A Microcomputer-Based Image Database Management System},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.Indus.Electr., Vol.IE34 .},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="83--88",
Number ="1",
Category ={Image, DBfile Gupta} }

@article{Pratt1985, Author ={Pratt,G.E.C.},
Title ={Using the Micro-computer to Simplify Database Access: Designing Interfaces to Complex Files},
Journal ={J.Inf.Sci.Princ.Pract., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8610-0938.},
Year =1985, Pages ="131--138",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Mirach Consultants, Surrey, UK Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@book{Pratt1987, Author ={Pratt,P.J. and Adamski,J.J.},
Title ={Database Systems: Management and Design},
Publisher ={B-F, 748pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8807-0482.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Grand Valley State College, (Allendale MI) intended for users, but contains also systems information. 3 chaps on relational, and then database design (information based and ER). Hierarchical (IMS, S2000), Codasyl, and Inverted File models. 4GL, DBA, One chapter on distribution, DB machines, and Micros. Extensive Glossary. ---Gio Emphasis on the relational model. Alternative database models are presented in terms of strengths and weaknesses. Two sample databases are carried throughout. Emphasis on mainframe. ---A.R.Farber. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@techreport{Pratt1985:1, Author ={Pratt,Vaughan},
Title ={Modelling Concurrency with Partial Orders},
Institution ={Int.J. of Parallel Programming.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD oriented towards communication protocols Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Pregibon1984, Author ={Pregibon,D. and Gale,N.A.},
Title ={REX, An Expert System for Regression Analysis},
Booktitle ={Proceedings COMPSTAT 84, Prague .},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDkb> DBDstat>} }

@article{Premchand1974, Author ={Premchand,V.K.},
Title ={Some Aspects of Buffering},
Journal ={Journal of the Computer Society of India.},
Year =1974, Month =Jan,
Pages ="8--14",
Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFstorage-2, xF2box> %Premchand74} }

@techreport{Prenner1977, Author ={Prenner,C.J.},
Title ={A Uniform Notation for Expressing Queries},
Institution ={UCB, EECS, Elec.Res.Lab Memo. No.UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, M7760.},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at UCB, Elec.Res.Lab Category ={DBDquery.3.3, DBfile} }

@book{Press1986, Author ={Press,W.H., Flannery,B.P., Teukolsky,S.A., and Vetterling,W.T.},
Title ={Numerical Recipes, The Art of Scientific Computing},
Publisher ={Cambridge Un.Press, 818pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ includes the Data Encryption Standard (DES), many statistical procedures. Programs in Pascal and FORTRAN are available with it. Category ={DBFmethods> } }

@article{Presser1975, Author ={Presser,Leon},
Title ={Multiprogramming Coordination},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1975, Month Mar,
Pages ="21--44",
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at UCSB (CA) Category ={DBDintegrity> %Presser75} }

@techreport{Pribbenow1990, Author ={Pribbenow,Simone},
Title ={Interaktion von Propositionalen und bildhaften repraesentationen},
Institution ={IWBS report 122.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM,Lilog interaction of products and spatial representation Category ={DBDimage, LILOGbox } }

@inproceedings{Price1984, Author ={Price,Darryn and Maier,David},
Title ={Data Model Requirements for Engineering Applications},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Tektronix. and Oregon Graduate Ctr Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Price1972, Author ={Price,G.F.},
Title ={The Ten Commandments of Data Base},
Journal ={Data Management,},
Year =1972, Month =May,
Pages ="14--23",
Category ={DBDbound> DBDadmin>} }

@techreport{Prietula1986, Author ={Prietula,M. and Dickson,G.},
Title ={Flexible Interfaces and the Support of Physical Database Design Reasoning},
Institution ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={ Not very surprising, but nicely executed; following standard work-study paradigms; result is not tight; looks like a wishlist. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@book{Prine1970, Author ={Prine,T.R.},
Title ={Information Systems for Management Planning and Control},
Publisher ={Richard D. Irwin, Homewood IL},
Year =1970, Annote ={Design and implementation planning Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@inproceedings{Proix1986, Author ={Proix,C. and Rolland,C.},
Title ={A Knowledge Base for Information System Design},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Paris application description given within a subset of the natural language, DICSI expert system progressively generates the corresponding Remora's conceptual schema including static and dynamic behavior. a semantic network corresponding to an intermediate conceptual schema is normalized in the last step. The system is in Prolog. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb> } }

@book{Prothro1976, Author ={Prothro,V.C.},
Title ={Information Management Systems Data Base Primer},
Publisher ={PetrocelliCharter, New York, 129pp.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBFintro, DB book shelf} }

@article{Prowse1980, Author ={Prowse,P.H. and Johnson,R.G.},
Title ={A Natural Language Data Base Interface to the User},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1980, Pages ="22--25",
Volume ="23",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ at Esso Europe Inc, London and Thames Polytechnic, London Category ={DBDnat, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Prusker1990, Author ={Prusker,F. and Wobber,E.},
Title ={The Siphon: Managing Distant Replicated Repositories},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at DEC the image of a single shared softwared repository to researchers at both sites Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Pryor1980, Author ={Pryor,A., Warner,H.R., and Gardner,R.M.},
Title ={HELP--A Total Hospital Information System},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 4.},
Year =1980, Pages ="3--7",
Annote ={at Un.Utah Category ={MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Pryor1981, Author ={Pryor,A., Clayton,P.D., Gardner,R.M., Waki,R., and Warner,H.R.},
Title ={A Hospital Information System for Computer-based Support of Decision Making},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 14.},
Year =1981, Annote ={at Un.Utah Category ={MCS>} }

@article{Pryor1983, Author ={Pryor,T.A., Gardner,R.M., Clayton,P.D., and Warner,H.R.},
Title ={The HELP System},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1983, Pages ="87--102",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Category ={MCS> DBDkb, MCSfile, with other papers by Homer Warner } }

@article{Pryor1988, Author ={Pryor,T.Allan},
Title ={The HELP Medical Record System},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Pages ="22--33",
Volume ="5",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at LDS Hospital (Salt Lake City UT) Category ={MIS>} }

@article{Prywes1959, Author ={Prywes,Noah S. and Gray,H.J.},
Title ={Outline for a Multilist Organized System},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf, paper .},
Year =1959, Number ="41",
Annote ={Ring structures with indexes. Category ={DBFhash.6> DBFhybrid.7> } }

@article{Prywes1962, Author ={Prywes,N.S. and Gray,H.J.},
Title ={The Multi-List System for Realtime Storage and Retrieval},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress.},
Year =1962, Pages ="112--116",
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@article{Prywes1963, Author ={Prywes,N.S. and Gray,H.J.},
Title ={The Organization of a Multi-List Type Associative Memory},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Comp. and Elec..},
Year =1963, Month =Sep,
Pages ="488--492",
Category ={DBFhash.6> DBFhybrid.7>} }

@article{Prywes1966, Author ={Prywes,N.S.},
Title ={Man-Computer Problem Solving with Multi-List},
Journal ={Proc.of the IEEE,},
Year =1966, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1788--1801",
Volume ="54",
Number ="12",
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@inproceedings{Prywes1967, Author ={Prywes,N.S. and Hsiao,D.},
Title ={A System to Manage an Information System},
Booktitle ={FID-IFIP Proc., N-H 1968.},
Year =1967, Pages ="637--660",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Przymusinski1986, Author ={Przymusinski,T.},
Title ={On the semantics of stratified deductive databases},
Institution ={Un.Texas, El Paso, TR..},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDlogic, Ullman 3QQ86} }

@unpublished{Przymusinski1987, Author ={Przymusinski,T.C.},
Title ={Non-monotonic Reasoning vs. Logic Programming: A New Perspective},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at UT El Paso. This paper, almost a survey, unifies the key notions of nonmonotonic reasoning: circumscription, perfect models, `autoepistemic logic', and `default theories', at least for the case of stratified logic programs. I reccommend the paper to everyone, especially those who, like me, didn't understand exactly what all those terms mean. Only problem: the paper promises to say something about computation, but I didn't see any algorithms that run efficiently enough to be included in a database system. [Everything is in P, but that's not enough] ---jdu Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@techreport{Pu1985, Author ={Pu,C. and Noe,J.D.},
Title ={Nested Transactions for General Objects: The Eden Implementation},
Institution ={Un.Washington, TR-85-12-03.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Washington, DCS Category ={DBDobject> DBFdist, DBfile Noe } }

@article{Pu1986, Author ={Pu,Calton},
Title ={On-the-Fly, Incremental, Consistent Reading of Entire Databases},
Journal ={Algorithmica.},
Year =1986, Annote ={uses a flag bit Category ={DBDseq> DBFreliab, DBfile} }

@article{Pu1986:1, Author ={Pu,C., Noe,J.D., and Proudfoot,A.},
Title ={Regeneration of Replicated Objects: A Technique and its Eden Implementation},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Pu1987, Author ={Pu,Calton},
Title ={Superdatabases: Transactions Across Database Boundaries},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="19--25",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Columbia Un., DCS FAUVE federated. Category ={DBDdist> DBFtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Pu1988, Author ={Pu,Calton},
Title ={Superdatabases for Composition of Heterogeneous Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={Federated. FAUVE. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Pu1988:1, Author ={Pu,C. and Kaiser,G.E.},
Title ={Split-Transactions for Open-Ended Activities},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (Eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="26--37",
Annote ={at Columbia Un., DCS Partial ??, no formal approach. Also join transactions. ---Gio Category ={DBFtrans> EIS> } }

@article{Pu1988:2, Author ={Pu,Calton},
Title ={The Superdatabase Architecture: Transactions Across Database Boundaries},
Journal ={IEEE CS Dist.Processing TC Newsletter.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="14--19",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={FAUVE. A set of primitives that each heterogeneous component database must support to allow their composition into a superdatabase. Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Pu1988:3, Author ={Pu,C., Hong,C.H., and Wha,J.M.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Global Reading of Entire Databases},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Columbia Un. Category ={DBDperform>} }

@article{Pu1988:4, Author ={Pu,C., Marsalin,H., and Ioannides,John},
Title ={The Synthesis Kernel},
Journal ={Computing Systems, Win..},
Year =1988, Pages ="11--38",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Columbia Un. code generation for efficient system call execution. Category ={DBFtrans, DBfile } }

@techreport{Pu, Author ={Pu,Calton},
Title ={The Superdatabase Architecture: Cooperative Heterogeneous Transactions},
Institution ={TR CUCS-243-86, 90.},
Month =Sep,
Annote ={FAUVE Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Pu1990, Author ={Pu,Calton},
Title ={Semantics-Based Integration Library: A Proposal for Cooperative Research in Semantic Interoperability},
Note ={COSI Workshop, Tulsa.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ have a library to share solutions to semantic mismatch of domain type Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Pu1990:1, Author ={Pu,C., Leff,A., Korz,F., and Chen,S-W.},
Title ={Valued Redundancy},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Columbia Un. value increases with its usefulness in the system and decreases with its maintenance cost] Category ={DBDdist> } }

@unpublished{Pu1991, Author ={Pu,C. and Leff,A.},
Title ={Epsilon-Serializability},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Annote ={FAUVE Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Pu1991:1, Author ={Pu,Calton},
Title ={Key Equivalence in Heterogenous Databases},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Annote ={key equivalence problem in federated DBS Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Pu1991:2, Author ={Pu,C. and Leff,A.},
Title ={Replica Control in Distributed Systems: An Asynchronous Approach},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={FAUVE Degree of inconsistency is the overlap of operations seen as by query operations according to the history log. Four methods are presented: ordered, commutative, read-independent timestamped, compensating updates. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Pu1991:3, Author ={Pu,C., Leff,A., and Chen,S-W.},
Title ={Heterogeneous and Autonomous Transaction Processing},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="24",
Number ="12",
Annote ={federated Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Pucheral1989, Author ={Pucheral,P. and Thevenin,J.M.},
Title ={A Graph Based Data Structure for Efficient Implementation of Main Memory DBMS's},
Booktitle ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique Report 978.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at MASI UPMC, France Category ={DBFmach> DBFbound, DBfile } }

@article{Pugh1971, Author ={Pugh,E.W.},
Title ={Storage Hierarchies: Gaps, Cliffs, and Trends},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Magnetics, Vol.Mag-7.},
Year =1971, Month =Dec,
Pages ="810--814",
Annote ={ Gaps in the hardware spectrum and techniques used to cope with the cliff. Category ={DBFhard.1> DBFstorage.3, x2> %Pugh71 } }

@inproceedings{Pun1986, Author ={Pun,K.H. and Belford,G.G.},
Title ={Optimal Granularity and Degree of Multiprogramming in a Distributed Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Pun1987, Author ={Pun,K.H. and Belford,G.G.},
Title ={Performance Study of Two Phase Locking in Single-Site Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1311--1328",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ Questions: 1) size of a granule 2) degree of multiprogramming. Three factors: 1) Transaction Size. 2) Locking policy. 3) Lock acquisition policy, release, accessing behavior. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Puncello1988, Author ={Puncello,P.P., Torrigiani,P., Pietri,F., Burlon,R., Cardile,B., and Conti,P.},
Title ={ASPIS: A Knowledge-Based CASE Environment},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="58--65",
Annote ={at Tecsiel Lab., Pisa, Italy Entity-relationship schemas to represent data. Two knowledge-based assistants: method of analysis and design phases and about the application area. Methodical knowledge, domain knowledge. With scenario. Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Puppe1988, Author ={Puppe,B. and Puppe,F.},
Title ={A Knowledge Representation Concept Facilitating Construction and Maintenance of Large Knowledge Bases},
Journal ={Methods Inf.Med..},
Year =1988, Pages ="10--16",
Volume ="27",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ To resolve the problem that large expert systems are difficult to create and maintain. Set that comprise collected findings that are locally interpreted by database reasoning. Two strategies: symptom analysis and stepwise formation of abstractions. Category ={DBDkb> MIS> } }

@article{Purdy1986, Author ={Purdy,A., Maier,D., and Schuchardt,B.},
Title ={Integrating an Object Server with Other Worlds},
Journal ={OGC, TR.CSE-86-013.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Xerox Parc (Northwest), Portland OR GemStone is an object-oriented DBMS with complex information needs, such as computer-aided design and knowledge-based systems. Data representation exploits host computer capabilities for database management (concurrent access, recovery, authorization) and workstation capabilities for processing. Goals include transparency, automatic database object creation, ability to control caching and location of processing. Smalltalk and GemStone differences described under 'Open research Issues'. ---McGee. Category ={DBDobject, DBfile Maier } }

@article{Purdy1974, Author ={Purdy, George B.},
Title ={A High Security Log-in Procedure},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Aug,
Pages ="442--445",
Volume ="17",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois Password protection by irreversible cryptographic transformation Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@techreport{Purdy1971, Author ={Purdy,Gerry},
Title ={Access, a Program for the Catalog and Access of Information},
Institution ={Stanford CSD TR. 71-210.},
Year =1971, Month Mar,
Annote ={ describes CS library bibliographic report file format. Category ={DBDinfo, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Purtilo1989, Author ={Purtilo,J.},
Title ={Machine support for problem solving in the large},
Booktitle ={ACM Symposium on Symbolic and Algebraic Computing.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Un.Maryland MIF work. Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Purtilo1991, Author ={Purtilo,J., Snodgrass,R., and Wolf,A.},
Title ={Software bus organization: reference model and comparison of existing systems },
Booktitle ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersFWG Technical Report 8, Un.Arizona CSD.},
Year =1991, Annote ={MIF work. Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Purtilo1991:1, Author ={Purtilo,J., Larson,A., and Clark,J.},
Title ={A methodology for prototyping in the large},
Booktitle ={IEEE Int'l Conf on Software Engineering.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Pages ="2--12",
Annote ={MIF work. Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Purtilo1991:2, Author ={Purtilo,J. and Hofmeister,C.},
Title ={Dynamic reconfiguration of distributed programs},
Booktitle ={IEEE Int'l Conf on Distributed Computing Systems.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Pages ="560--571",
Annote ={MIF work. Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Purtilo1991:3, Author ={Purtilo,J.},
Title ={Dynamic software reconfiguration supports scientific problem solving activities},
Booktitle ={IFIP Conference on Programming Environments and High-Level Scientific Problem Solving, Karlsruhe, Germany .},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={MIF work. Category ={DEng>} }

@article{Purtilo, Author ={Purtilo,J.},
Title ={The Polylith Software Bus},
Journal ={Un.Maryland CSD Tech Report 2469.},
Annote ={MIF work. Category ={DEng>} }

@article{Purtilo:1, Author ={Purtilo,J. and White,E.},
Title ={A flexible program adaptation system: case studies in Ada},
Journal ={Un.Maryland CSD Tech Report 2522.},
Annote ={MIF work. Category ={DEng>} }

@unpublished{Purtilo1992, Author ={Purtilo,J.},
Title ={MASTER: A module interconnection formalism for DARPA},
Note ={Draft under construction.},
Year =1992, Annote ={MIF work. Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Put1988, Author ={Put,F.},
Title ={The ER Approach Extended with the Action Concept as a Conceptual Modelling Tool},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at K.U.Leuven, Belgium, Dep.of Applied Economic Sciences Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Pylyshyn1985, Author ={Pylyshyn,Z.},
Title ={Alternatives to the Use of Natural Language in Interfacing to Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="56--63",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDquery> DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Pylyshyn1985:1, Author ={Pylyshyn,Z.W. and Kittredge,R.I.},
Title ={Databases and Natural Language Processing},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="2--9",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDquery> DBDnat>} } % ------ Q ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@article{Qadah1985, Author ={Qadah,G.Z. and Irani,K.B.},
Title ={A Database Machine for very Large Relational Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.Computers, Vol.TC34 .},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1015--1025",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ MIRDM architecture, backend with page-based indexes to moving-head disks. Data is manipulated in multiple processors with large, interconnected buffers. No quantitative evaluation. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Qadah1985:1, Author ={Qadah,G.Z.},
Title ={The Equi-Join Operation on a Multiprocessor Database Machine: Algorithms and the Evaluation of their Properties},
Booktitle ={IWDM 4.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Pages ="35--67",
Annote ={ classification of system types and evaluation. Emphasizes closely coupled, small memory machine system. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Qadah1988, Author ={Qadah,G.Z. and Irani,K.B.},
Title ={The Join Algorithms on a Shared-Memory Multiprocessor Database Machine},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE),},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1668--1683",
Volume ="14",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Northwestern Un., Dep. EECS PARADATA Alternative jpoin algorithms are constructed by concatenating steps. Different algorithms score best, depending on the characteristics of the data Differences are surprisingly small (0 (0.5)). ---Gio Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Qi1989, Author ={Qi,R. and Bibel,W.},
Title ={A Framework for the Parallel Evaluation of Recursive Queries in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="301--309",
Annote ={ at Un.British Columbia, DCS, (Vancouver, B.C., Canada) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Qian1988, Author ={Qian,W. and Zhao,Z.},
Title ={Temporal Reasoning in DB},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at P.R.China Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Qian1989, Author ={Qian,W. and Zhao,Z.},
Title ={Temporal Reasoning Management with Nonmonotonicity},
Booktitle ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89', Ritter(ed), IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, (San Francisco, -Sep.), N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="667--672",
Annote ={at Fudan Un., DCS, (Shanghai, PR China) Category ={DBDnewops> } }

@techreport{Qian1985, Author ={Qian,XiaoLei},
Title ={FLASH Users Guide, Second version},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, KBManagement Science, Journal of TIMS project.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Qian1985:1, Author ={Qian,X-L. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Data Definition Facility of Critias},
Booktitle ={ER 4, Chicago.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="46--55",
Annote ={ Describes a schema definition language CRITIAS. The language is intended to provide syntactic embodiment of a semantic data model. The basic modeling concepts of CRITIAS are entity types, attributes, and three types of relationships (subtype, association, and reference), to model the conceptual objects, their properties, and relationships among them. Language constructs provide for specifying semantic integrity constraints for these concepts. We also show that there is a direct mapping from CRITIAS constructs to relational schema so that the implementation of CRITIAS is straightforward. Category ={DBDobject> DBDschema.2> DBDnewDBMS, CSlib.8513601 } }

@article{Qian1986, Author ={Qian,X-L. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Knowledge-based Integrity Constraint Validation},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="3--12",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDkb> KBMS, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Qian1987, Author ={Qian,X-L. and Smith,D.R.},
Title ={Reformulation : An Approach to EFficient Constraint Validation},
Booktitle ={Stanford, CSD.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. a step towards automatic transaction code generation Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Qian1988:1, Author ={Qian,Xiao-Lei},
Title ={An Effective Method for Integrity Constraint Simplification},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Pages ="338--345",
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Qian1988:2, Author ={Qian,X.},
Title ={Distribution Design of Integrity Constraints},
Booktitle ={to appear in `Expert Database Systems' Kerschberg(ed), Benjamin/Cummings Publishers .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDdis> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Qian1988:3, Author ={Qian,X. and Waldinger,R.},
Title ={A Transaction Logic for Database Specification},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data, Chicago, June .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Qian1989:1, Author ={Qian,XiaoLei},
Title ={The Deductive Synthesis of Iterative Transaction},
Journal ={PhD thesis, Stanford University, June .},
Year =1989, Annote ={ updates are processed with database constraints to generate transaction code. Bounded iteration and test are added to the algebra. Proof techniques are used to generate code. Optimization. I3 Category ={DBDkb> DBDtrans> } }

@article{Qian1990, Author ={Qian,X-L. and. Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Incremental Recomputation of Active Relational Expressions},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb} }

@inproceedings{Qian1990:1, Author ={Qian,XiaoLei},
Title ={Synthesizing Database Transactions},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDkb> >DBDtrans> DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Qian, Author ={Qian,X-L and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Incremental Recomputation of Active Relational Expressions},
Institution ={Submitted to TKDE91.},
Category ={DBDkb>} } @misc{Qian1993, Author ={Qian,X.},
Title ={Semantic Interoperation Via Intelligent Mediation},
Howpublished ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Pages ="228--231",
Annote ={at SRI I3 Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb>} } @misc{1993:2, Title ={A Logical Semantics for Object-Oriented Databases},
Howpublished ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Quaak1986, Author ={Quaak,M.J., Westerman,R.F., Schouten,J.A., Hasman,A., and vanBemmel,J.H.},
Title ={Appraisal of Computerized Medical Histories: Comparisons between Computerized and Conventional Records},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="551-564",
Volume ="19",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ self-adminstered questionaire (PR) versus MD record (MR) versus MD record put on questionaire by another MD (TR), all generated for same patients; used as input by 3 internists, who then filled in questionaires describing usefulness and Hx generation. The MR was valued higher than the computer presentations: 54pct vs 28pct (PR) and 22pct (TR). The PR generated more Hx with much variability. Category ={MIS.DE> } }

@article{Quarterman1986, Author ={Quarterman,J.S. and Hoskins,J.C.},
Title ={Notable Computer Networks},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="932--970",
Volume ="29",
Number ="10",
Annote ={ comprehensive survey of network services and their history. Little on performance. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@article{Quinn1980, Author ={Quinn,K.T.},
Title ={STAIRS Search Strategy: Ideas and Opinions},
Journal ={OnLine Rev..},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="163--168",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM (San Jose CA) Category ={DBDquery.3>} } % ------ R ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@techreport{Raban1978, Author ={Raban, Eli},
Title ={DBPL1 --- The Design and Implementation of A Data Base Sublanguage},
Institution ={Weizman Inst, TR..},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Weizman Inst (Rehovot, Israel) uses DB1 hierarchical system. Category ={DBDrel.3> } }

@inproceedings{Rabinovich1992, Author ={Rabinovich,M. and Lazowska,E.},
Title ={Improving Fault Tolerance & Supporting Partial Writes in Structural Coterie Protocols for Replicated Objects},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ high availability while allowing partial write operations; size of read quorums is Vn and write quorums is 2VN -1; dynamic quorum readjustment Category ={DBDreliab> DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Rabinovich1993, Author ={Rabinovich,M. and Lazowska,E.},
Title ={An Efficient and Highly Available Read-One Write-All Protocol for Replicated Data Management},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDreliab> at Un.Washington) Category ={DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Rabitti1989, Author ={Rabitti,F. and Stanchev,P.},
Title ={GRIM_DBMS: A GRaphical IMage DataBase Management System},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC-2.6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="415--430",
Annote ={at National Res.Council, (Pisa Italy) Lists many other systems. Category ={DBDimage> } }

@article{Rabitti1991, Author ={Rabitti,F., Bertino,E., Kim,W., and Woelk,D.},
Title ={A Model of Authorization for Next-Generation Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ implicit authorizations, through IS-PART-OF relationships further refined with the notions of positive and negative authorization and strong and weak authorization Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@inproceedings{Rabitti1992, Author ={Rabitti,F. and Savino,P.},
Title ={An Information-Retrieval Approach for Image Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ uncertainty introduced during the image analysis process: superimposed codes used for retrieval; multiple decomposition based on recognition of context and its objects Category ={DBDkb> IMAGE> } }

@article{Rada1987, Author ={Rada,R., Blum,B., Calhoun,E., Mili,H., Orthner,H., and Singer,S.},
Title ={A Vocabulary for Medical Informatics},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic,},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="244--263",
Volume ="20",
Number ="3",
Category ={MIS>} }

@article{Rada1987:1, Author ={Rada,R. and Martin,B.K.},
Title ={Augmenting Thesauri for Information Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 8810-0801.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Pages ="378--392",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Nat.Lib.of Medicine (Bethesda MD) Mentions many systems, but very uneven treatment. Category ={DBDschema> MIS> } }

@book{Rada1990, Author ={Rada,Roy},
Title ={HYPERTEXT: from Text to Expertext},
Publisher ={?},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Un.Liverpool Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@article{RadKo1987, Author ={RadKo,Yu.N.},
Title ={A Hierarchical Structure for Modeling of Relational Tables},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Feb..},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Pages ="36--41",
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={mapping with help of RELATIONSHIP declarations Category ={DBDmodel, FASAC 339 } }

@article{Rafanelli1990, Author ={Rafanelli,M. and Shoshani,A.},
Title ={STORM: a Statistical Object Representation Model},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={hierarchical summarization Category ={DBDstatistics> DBDobject> } }

@techreport{Rafii1991, Author ={Rafii,A., Ahmed,R., Ketabchi,M., DeSmedt,P., Du,W., Shan,M.C.},
Title ={Integration Strategies in Pegasus Object Oriented Multidatabase System},
Institution ={HP Labs TR HPL-91-101.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Rafii1991:1, Author ={Rafii,A. et al.},
Title ={Multidatabase Management in Pegasus},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Ragan1986, Author ={Ragan,Richard R.},
Title ={CONTEXT: An On-line Documentation System},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8609-??.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Control Data Corp, Sunnyvale CA Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Raghavan1979, Author ={Raghavan,V.V. and Yu,C.T.},
Title ={Experiments on the Determination of the Relationships between Terms},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Pages ="240--260",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Regina (Canada); Un.Alberta (Canada) Category ={DBDquery.2> } }

@article{Rahimi1979, Author ={Rahimi,S. and Franta,W.},
Title ={A Posted Update Approach to Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={Proc.1st Int. Conf. on Distributed Systems, Huntsville, Alabama, .},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="632--641",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist} }

@inproceedings{Rahm1992, Author ={Rahm,Erhard},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Extended Storage Architectures for Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDconc> DBDtrans>} }

@article{Rahm1993, Author ={Rahm,Erhard},
Title ={Empirical Performance Evaluation of Concurrency and Coherency Control Protocols for Database Sharing Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1993, Month =Jun,
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Rahm1993:1, Author ={Rahm,E. and Marek,R.},
Title ={Analysis Of Dynamic Load Balancing Strategies for Parallel Shared Nothing Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Raichelson1972, Author ={Raichelson,E.},
Title ={A Concept Paper on Host vs Own Data Manipulation Languages in Military Information Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed)},
Year =1972, Category ={DBDintro.0>%Raichelson72} }

@inproceedings{Rajinikanth1986, Author ={Rajinikanth,M. and Bose,P.K.},
Title ={A Logical and Semantic Front-End to a Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.Intern.Symp. Methodologies Intelligent Systems, (Knoxville TN), .},
Year =1986, Pages ="103--111",
Annote ={text of talk, rcvd. 1979. use of ADABAS for the Strategic Petroleum Reserve. Category ={DBDintro.8> DBDbound.5, DBfile Category ={DBDkb> } }

@incollection{Rajinikanth1989, Author ={Rajinikanth,M., Jakobson,G., and Piatetsky-Shapiro,G.},
Title ={On heterogeneous Dababase Integration: One Year Experience in Evaluating CALDIDA},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at GTE, Waltham, MA common relational language for federated access to SQL, Dataquery Focus, Dyl-280, etc. Optimizer based on partial result estimates. Friendly interface. Category ={DBDdist> DBDlang> } }

@article{Raju1988, Author ={Raju,K.V.S.V.N. and Majumdar,A.K.},
Title ={Fuzzy Functional Dependencies and Lossless Join Decomposition of Fuzzy Relational Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8811-0874.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="129--166",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Extend Armstrong's axioms to fuzzy domains. The concept works out theoretically, but may not necessarily agree with the intuition of the database user. This paper is highly theoretical and notationally intimidating. Yet worth to peruse. ---J.Artz. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDmodel> UNCERTAIN, PhilB } }

@inproceedings{Raju1986, Author ={Raju,K.V.S.V.N. and Majumdar,A.K.},
Title ={Fuzzy Functional Dependencies In Fuzzy Relations},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Rakov1989, Author ={Rakov,T.C., Gu,J., and Neuhold,E.J.},
Title ={Serializability in Object-Oriented Database Systems},
Institution ={GMD report 396, Nov.1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at GMD-IPSI, FRG Category ={DBDobject> DBDdist> DBDintegrity> DBDconc, DBfile box IPSI-GMD } }

@inproceedings{Rakow1991, Author ={Rakow,Thomas},
Title ={Atomic Commitment for Integrated Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Rall1981, Author ={Rall,L.B.},
Title ={Interval Analysis: A Tool for Applied Mathematics},
Institution ={Un.Wisconsin, TR.2268.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFmethods>} }

@article{Ralston1980, Author ={Ralston,A. and Shaw,M.},
Title ={Curriculum '78--Is Computer Science Really that Unmathematical},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1980, Month =Feb,
Pages ="67--70",
Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at SUNY (Buffalo); CMU This decade has seen major advances in the theory of computation and in the utility of theoretical results in practical settings. The rapid growth of the field of computational complexity has greatly increased our ability to analyze algorithms. And perhaps most significantly, we have finally started to make real progress in developing principles and theories for the design and verification of algorithms and programs. Are these changes evident in Curriculum '78? Sadly No. That curriculum only lends support to the equation Computer Science equals Programing that is mistakenly believed by so many outside the discipline. Category ={DBDrel.3> } }

@unpublished{Ram1989, Author ={Ram,Sudha},
Title ={Automated Tools for database Design: State of the Art},
Note ={Draft rcvd. .},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ at Un.Arizona, Eller School of Management, Dep.Management Info.Sys. Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ram1991, Author ={Ram,S. and Barkmeyer,E.},
Title ={A Unifying Semantic Model for Accessing Multiple Heterogeneous Databases in a Manufacturing Environment },
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Ram1991:1, Author ={Ram,Sudha},
Title ={Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="24",
Number ="12",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Ramakrishna1988, Author ={Ramakrishna,M.V.},
Title ={An Exact Probability Model for Finite Hash Tables},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Ramakrishna1988:1, Author ={Ramakrishna,M.V. and Mukhopadhyay,P.},
Title ={Analysis of Bounded Disorder File Organization},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Ramakrishna1989, Author ={Ramakrishna,M.V. and Larson,P-A.},
Title ={File Organization Using Composite Perfect Hashing},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="231--263",
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Michigan State Un. Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Ramakrishna1989:1, Author ={Ramakrishna,M.V. and Tout,W.R.},
Title ={Dynamic external hashing with guaranteed single access retrieval},
Booktitle ={Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, Paris.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Ramakrishna1991, Author ={Ramakrishna,M.V. },
Title ={Perfect Hashing Functions for Hardware Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Ramakrishnan1989, Author ={Ramakrishnan,K.K. and Emer,J.S.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Mass Storage Service Alternatives for Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="120--133",
Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at DEC, Distr.Systems Architecture and Performance, (Littleton MA) Category ={DBDhard> DBFdist> } }

@techreport{Ramakrishnan1987, Author ={Ramakrishnan,R. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Annotations for Distributed Programming in Logic},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Texas This proposes commmunicating processes as a data model for `concurrent Prolog' type languages. Category ={DBDlogic> DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Ramakrishnan1987:1, Author ={Ramakrishnan,R. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={The Molecular-Relations Data Model},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Looks like `molecules' are what Kuper and Vardi called `r-values' in their `logical data model.' The idea is that a molecule has scalar components and components that are pointers to (sets of) objects of a given type. ---jeff Category ={DBDobject> DBDlogic> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Ramakrishnan1987:2, Author ={Ramakrishnan,R., Bancilhon,F., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Safety of Recursive Horn Clauses with Infinite Relations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin; INRIA Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Ramakrishnan1988, Author ={Ramakrishnan,R., Beeri,C., and Krishnamurthy,R.},
Title ={Optimizing Existential Datalog Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@techreport{Ramakrishnan1989:1, Author ={Ramakrishnan,Raghu},
Title ={Conlog: Logic + Control},
Institution ={Un. Wisconsin-Madison, CSD.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ Conlog is a database logic programming language with tentative ideas for control, modules, and workspaces in Conlog. It gives the Conlog paradigm of computation. An interface to external routines in C @inproceedings{Ramakrishnan1990, Author ={Ramakrishnan,R., Srivastava,D., and Sudarshan,S.},
Title ={Rule Ordering in Bottom-Up Fixpoint Evaluation of Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Ramakrishnan1992, Author ={Ramakrishnan,R., Srivastava,D. and Sudarshan.S.},
Title ={CORAL: A Deductive Database Programming Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ CORAL is a modular declarative query language/programming language that supports Horn clauses with complex terms, set-grouping, aggregation, negation, and relations with tuples that contain (universally quantified) variables; uses the EXODUS storage manager and has an interface to C++ Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Ramakrishnan1993, Author ={Ramakrishnan,R., Srivastava,D., Seshadri,P., and Sudarshan,S.},
Title ={Implementation of the CORAL Deductive Database System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Ramamohanarao1975, Author ={Ramamohanarao,K. and Lloyd,J.W.},
Title ={Dynamic Hashing Schemes},
Journal ={Computer J., to appear. ?},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Ramamohanarao1983, Author ={Ramamohanarao,K., Lloyd,J.W., and Thom,J.A.},
Title ={Partial Match Retrieval Using Hashing and Descriptors},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="552--576",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Melbourne Category ={DBFhybrid.6.5>} }

@article{Ramamohanarao1984, Author ={Ramamohanarao,K. and SacksDavis,R.},
Title ={Recursive Linear Hashing},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems ,},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="369--391",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFhash.5.2>} }

@inproceedings{Ramamohanarao1986, Author ={Ramamohanarao,K. and Shepherd,J.},
Title ={A Superimposed Codeword Indexing Scheme for Very Large Prolog Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of n International Logic Programming Conference 3, Imperial Coll. of Science and Technology (London UK)},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Melbourne Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Ramamohanarao1986:1, Author ={Ramamohanarao,K. and Ross,M.},
Title ={Paging Strategy for Prolog Based Dynamic Virtual Memory},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp.on Logic Programming 86, Salt Lake City UT.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Melbourne, and Royal Melbourne Inst.Tech. Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@article{Ramamohanarao1987, Author ={Ramamohanarao,K., et al.},
Title ={The NU-Prolog Deductive Database System},
Journal ={Data Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="193--202",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Ramamohanarao1989, Author ={Ramamohanarao,K., Shepherd,J., and SacksDavis,R.},
Title ={Partial-match Retrieval using Multiple-Key Hashing with Multiple File Copies},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="225--232",
Annote ={ Bucket addresses are catenated field hashes. Size of field hashes is a function of query probability. To avoid independence assumption, use greedy method. Replicated files, with differing field length, greatly increase performance. Category ={DBDhash, also full report } }

@article{Ramamohanarao1989:1, Author ={Ramamohanarao,K., Shepherd,J., and SacksDavis,R.},
Title ={Partial-match Retrieval for Dynamic Files using Linear Hashing with Partial Expansions},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="203--216",
Number ="367",
Category ={DBFhash> DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Ramamohanarao1991, Author ={Ramamohanarao,K. },
Title ={Design overview of the Aditi deductive database system},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Ramamoorthy1970, Author ={Ramamoorthy,C.V. and Chandy,C.V.},
Title ={Optimization of Memory Hierarchies in Multi-programmed Systems},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1970, Month =Jul,
Pages ="426--445",
Volume ="17",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Allocate frequently used records to faster devices. Category ={DBFeval> } }

@article{Ramamoorthy1971, Author ={Ramamoorthy,C.V. (ed)},
Title ={Fault Tolerant Computing},
Journal ={IEEE Trans.on Computers, Vol.C20 .},
Year =1971, Month =Nov,
Number ="11",
Annote ={Special issue on reliability. Category ={DBFuse-4.0>} }

@inproceedings{Ramamoorthy1977, Author ={Ramamoorthy,C.V., Ho,G.S., Krishnarao,T., and Wah,B.W.},
Title ={Architecural Issues in Distributed Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Tokyo Japan, 6-8.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Pages ="121--126",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Ramamoorthy1978, Author ={Ramamoorthy,C.V., Turner,J.L., and Wah,B.W.},
Title ={A Design of a Cellular Associative Memory for Ordered Retrieval},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers Vol.C-27 .},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Number ="9",
Category ={DBFmach> DBFmach.4.3>} }

@article{Ramamoorthy1979, Author ={Ramamoorthy,C.V. and Wah,B.W.},
Title ={The Placement of Relations on a Distributed Relational Database},
Journal ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 1, Huntsville AL.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="642--650",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFtechn.4.5>} }

@article{Ramamoorthy1983, Author ={Ramamoorthy,C.V. and Wah,B.W.},
Title ={The Isomorphism of Simple File Allocation},
Journal ={IEEE TOCS, Vol.C-32 .},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="221--231",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ references to operations research techniques, the isomorphism is that we all worry about optimization. The ADD vs DROP heuristic. Category ={DBFsyseval.4.4> DBFmethods.4> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Ramamoorthy1987, Author ={Ramamoorthy,C.V. and Sheu,P.C.},
Title ={Logic-Oriented Object Bases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ framework of databases that are constructed based on object model and augmented by mathematical logic. Category ={DBDobject> DBDlogic> DBDkb> } }

@article{Ramamoorthy1988, Author ={Ramamoorthy,C.V., Garg,V., and Prakash,A.},
Title ={Support for Reusability in Genesis},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1145--1154",
Volume ="14",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at UCB, CSD language concepts for storing software modules (INGRES?) Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Ramamoorthy1990, Author ={Ramamoorthy,C.V. and Shekhar,S.},
Title ={A Cooperative Approach to Large Knowledge Based Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Ramanathan1989, Author ={Ramanathan,J. and Hartung,R.L.},
Title ={A Generic Iconic Tool for Viewing Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="50--57",
Annote ={at Universal Energy Systems, (Columbus OH) 1) Adapts maps information from any database to an augmented-graph abstraction, an internal representation that can be manipulated with 2) augmented-graph operations. The graph is mapped to 3) a view, a physical representation of the graph on a display. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Ramarao1985, Author ={Ramarao,K.V.S.},
Title ={On the Complexity of Commit Protocols},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Pittsburgh Category ={DBDtrans-3>} }

@article{Ramarao1987, Author ={Ramarao,K.V.S.},
Title ={Comments on `Detection of Mutual Inconsistency in Distributed Systems'},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="759--760",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ References Parker,D.S., IEEE TSE Mar.1983. Version vectors are not realizable; furthermore, if they were the problem goes away. Category ={DBDconc> DBDintegrity> DBDdis> } }

@inproceedings{Ramarao1987:1, Author ={Ramarao,K.V.S.},
Title ={Detection of Mutual Inconsistency in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Ramarao1988, Author ={Ramarao,K.V.S.},
Title ={Transaction Atomicity in the Presence of Network Partitions},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Ramaprasad1987, Author ={Ramaprasad,Arkalgud},
Title ={Cognitive process as a Basis for MIS and DSS Design},
Journal ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS, no.2.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="139--148",
Volume ="33",
Annote ={at South.Illinois Un. many references, research agenda. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Ramesh1989, Author ={Ramesh,R., Babu,A.J.G., and Kincaid,J.P.},
Title ={Variable-Depth Trie Index Optimization: Theory and Experimental Results},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="41--74",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at State Un.New York, Buffalo Category ={DBFadvindex>} }

@unpublished{Ramey1987, Author ={Ramey,T.L and Brown,R.R.},
Title ={Entity Link Key Attribute Semantic Information Modeling, the ELKA Method},
Note ={Rand, rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={observer based. distinguishes reference and ownership as differences in existence dependencies; subsets are awkward Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile Brown } }

@incollection{Ramfos1989, Author ={Ramfos,A., Fiddian,N.J., and Gray,W.A.},
Title ={Object-oriented to relational inter-schema meta-translation},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un. of Wales College of Cardiff,U.K. desiderata Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Ramirez1974, Author ={Ramirez,J.A., Rin,N.A., and Prywes,N.S.},
Title ={Automatic Generation of Data Conversion Programs Using a Data Description Language},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="207--226",
Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@article{Ramnarayan1987, Author ={Ramnarayan,R. and Lu,H.},
Title ={A Data/Knowledge Base Management Testbed},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="227--234",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={ at Honeywell, Corporate Systems Develop.Div., (Golden Valley MN) Adopted the logic programming paradigm. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Ranade1987, Author ={Ranade,Jay},
Title ={VSAM: Performance, Design, and Fine-Tuning},
Publisher ={Macmillan.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBFimpl.5>} }

@book{Ranade1986, Author ={Ranade,J. and Ranade,H.},
Title ={VSAM: Concepts, Programming, and Design},
Publisher ={MacMillan, 384pp.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBFimpl> DBFimpl.1} }

@article{Randell1973, Author ={Randell,B., Lee,P.A., and Treleaven,P.C.},
Title ={Reliability Issues in Computing System Design},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1973, Month =Jun,
Pages ="123--166",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@article{Randell1975, Author ={Randell,B.},
Title ={System Structure for Software Fault Tolerance},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-1 .},
Year =1975, Month =Jun,
Pages ="220--232",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@inproceedings{Ranft1990, Author ={Ranft,M.A., Rehm,S., and Dittrich,K.R.},
Title ={How to Share Work on Shared Objects in Design Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe, FRG Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Rangarajan1992, Author ={Rangarajan,S, Setia,S. and Tripathi,S.},
Title ={Fault Tolerant Algorithms for Replicated Data Management},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UMIACS; Un.Maryland Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Rao1985, Author ={Rao,S.V.N., Iyengar,S.S., and Madhavan,C.E.V.},
Title ={A Comparative Study of Multiple Attribute Tree and Inverted File Structures for Large Bibliographic Files},
Journal ={Inf.Process.Manag.,},
Year =1985, Pages ="433--442",
Volume ="21",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Louisiana State U., DCS MAT: Multiple Attribute Tree Category ={DBDbiblio, DBfile } }

@techreport{Raphael1964, Author ={Raphael,Bertram},
Title ={SIR, a Computer Program for Semantic Information Retrieval},
Institution ={MAC TR-2, Project MAC, Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT.},
Year =1964, Annote ={at SRI, Menlo Park A formal approach to the information retrieval problem. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Rappaport1975, Author ={Rappaport,R.L.},
Title ={File Structure Design to Facilitate On-Line Instantaneous Updating},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="1--14",
Annote ={ at Systems Analysis and Software Design, Santurce PR. Description of a data base application with back-up consideration. Category ={DBDtrans.3.3> } }

@inproceedings{Ras1991, Author ={Ras,Z. and Xiao,J.},
Title ={A model of information sharing for fault-tolerant flexible manufacturing systems},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at UNC, Charlotte problems of part transport, recognition among factory workstations on a network; knowledge sharing by dictionaries, reconstructs lost information Category ={DBDreliab> } }

@techreport{Raschid1985, Author ={Raschid,L. and Su,S.},
Title ={Capturing Semantic Knowledge in an Integrated Knowledge Base},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={Very preliminary work. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Raschid1986, Author ={Raschid,L. and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={A Parallel Processing Strategy for Evaluating Recursive Queries},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Florida Category ={DBDlogic> DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Raschid1988, Author ={Raschid,L. and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={A Transaction Oriented Mechanism to Control Processing in a},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Maryland, Un.Florida rules are associated with object classes. Triggered rules lead to operations within the transaction. OPS5 protype. Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Raschid1988:1, Author ={Raschid,L., Sellis,T., and Lin,C-C.},
Title ={Exploiting Concurrency in a DBMS Implementation for Production Systems},
Journal ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland, DIS Paradata. Category ={DBDdist> DBDperform> DBDarchitecture> } }

@inproceedings{Raschid1993, Author ={Raschid,L. Chang,Y. and Dorr,B.},
Title ={Interoperable Query Processing with Multiple Heterogeneous Knowledge Servers },
Booktitle ={Second Int.Conference on Information and Knowledge Management.},
Year =1993, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland heterogeneous knowledge bases, cooperation in mediation, canonical representations, F-logic rules. describes a technique for information mediation when multiple heterogeneous knowledge and data servers are to be accessed during query processing. We outline query mapping and transformation techniques that are applicable. The techniques for solving the interoperability problems involve representations in some canonical form. This includes a canonical representation (CR) for each knowledge server and a merged CR (MCR) to represent the mapping among the CRs. The MCR and CRs include relevant information obtained from a source query, and heterogeneous mapping (het-map) information, for all possible mappings among the multiple servers. The knowledge in the canonical form must be represented so that it can be easily accessed during query transformation. We use an example of translating queries from an object schema to a relational schema to illustrate typical knowledge that must be represented in some canonical form. We use a high level logical language, F-logic, to represent the heterogeneous mapping (het-map) and query transformation information as a set of declarative rules, in the canonical form. I3 Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Rathmann1984, Author ={Rathmann,Peter K.},
Title ={Dynamic Data Structures on Optical Disks},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles,},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Pages ="175--180",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Index structures for write-once media are discussed. N-way trees and tries data structures are proposed for database systems on write-once media with append only scheme. Time and space requirement and thier tradeoff are shown. Multi-index structures and variable length keys are not considered. ---Shima. Category ={DBFhard.1.4> DBDtrans.3> } }

@techreport{Rathmann1984:1, Author ={Rathmann,Peter K.},
Title ={A Tool for Optical Disk Data Structure Investigation},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, KBManagement Science, Journal of TIMS project, Spr..},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Rathmann1986, Author ={Rathmann,Peter K.},
Title ={The Cost of Locking},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@techreport{Rathmann1990, Author ={Rathmann,P., Winslett,M., and Manasse,M.},
Title ={Equality and Circumscription},
Institution ={Un.Illinois CSD report UIUCDCS-R-90-1615.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Category ={unknown>} }

@book{Rattenbury1973, Author ={Rattenbury, Judith and vanEck, Neal},
Title ={OSIRIS: Architecture and Design},
Publisher ={Inst. for Social Research, Ann Arbor, Mich. .},
Year =1973, Annote ={at Un.Michigan Survey Research Ctr Category ={DBDschema> %Rattenbury71 } }

@book{Rattenbury1974, Author ={Rattenbury,J. and Pelletier,P.},
Title ={Data Processing in the Social Sciences with OSIRIS},
Publisher ={Survey Research Ctr, Inst. for Social Research, Un.Michigan, 243pp.},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDquery.1>} }

@incollection{Raub1984, Author ={Raub,William F.},
Title ={Uses of the Prophet System to Model the kinetics of Biologically Active Substances},
Booktitle ={Nicolini(ed) `Modeling and Analysis in Biomedicine', World Scientific Pub.Co., Singapore.},
Year =1984, Pages ="219--289",
Annote ={at NIH Category ={MCS.CR} }

@book{RauchHindin1986, Author ={RauchHindin, Wendy},
Title ={Artificial Intelligence in Business, Science, and Industry},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 2 vols..},
Year =1986, Category ={DBappl, x} }

@inproceedings{Rauh1992, Author ={Rauh,O. and Stickel,E.},
Title ={Entity Tree Clustering - A Method for Simplifying ER Designs},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Rauzino1983, Author ={Rauzino,Vincent C.},
Title ={The Present and Possible Future: Data Base Machines},
Journal ={Computer World, June 6, In Depth.},
Year =1983, Pages ="1--20",
Annote ={ Includes comments on Coreh's Synfobase, Britton Lee IDM, SO, Dac Mega/Net, Intel IDBP and IDIS, Amperif RDM 1100, HDR Noah. Category ={DBFmach, DBfile } }

@article{Raver1985, Author ={Raver,N. and Hubbard,G.U.},
Title ={Reasoning about Protein Topology using the Logic Progamming Language PROLOG},
Journal ={Imperial Cancer Research fund Labs., London, rcvd.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ design for an integrated data base and techniques for a data base design tool (Data Base Design Aid) <***> Category ={DBFeval>\rp ! Rawlings,C.J., et al. Category ={Image> MCS> DBDlang, MCS file } }

@techreport{Ray1981, Author ={Ray,Wayne A.},
Title ={Concurrency Control Architectures in Distributed data Base Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Vanderbilt Un., DCS.},
Year =1981, Annote ={at Vanderbilt Un. (Nashville TN) Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{RayChaudhuri1968, Author ={RayChaudhuri,D.K.},
Title ={Combinatorial Information Retrieval Systems for Files},
Journal ={SIAM J. Appl. Math. .},
Year =1968, Pages ="973--992",
Volume ="16",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Formal evaluation of combinatorial indexes versus serially searched pointer lists. Category ={DBFimpl.2.7, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Raz1992, Author ={Raz,Y.},
Title ={The Principle of Atomic Commitment Ordering, or Guaranteeing Serializability in a Heterogeneous Environment of Multiple Autonomous Resource Mangers Using Atomic Commitment},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Raz1993, Author ={Raz,Y.},
Title ={Commitment Ordering Based Distributed Concurrency Control for Bridging Single and Multi Version Resources},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at DEC Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Read1992, Author ={Read,R.L., Fussell,D.S., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={A Multi-Resolution Relational Data Model},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ use of data at different levels of abstraction as in multimedia, scientific databases; introduces a new partial set construct, the sandbag; with relational algebra Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{Reboh1981, Author ={Reboh,Rene},
Title ={Knowledge Engineering Techniques and Tools for Expert Systems},
Institution ={SRI, Tech. Note 243.},
Year =1981, Annote ={PROSPECTOR system and environment reference. Category ={DBDkb, QA76.9E94R42> } }

@article{Reches1989, Author ={Reches,E., Gudes,E., and Shapiro,E.},
Title ={A Distributed Locking Algorithm for A Transaction System in Flat Concurrent Prolog},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="304--319",
Number ="367",
Annote ={ at Weizmann Inst. of Science, DCS, (Rehovot, Israel) Category ={DBFtrans> DBDkb> DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Reddy1987, Author ={Reddy,A.L.N. and Banerjee,P.},
Title ={A Fault Secure Dictionary Machine},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach> DBFreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Reddy1989, Author ={Reddy,A.L.N. and Banerjee,P.},
Title ={I/O Issues for Hypercubes},
Booktitle ={Intern. Conf. on Supercomputing, Crete, Greece.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Reddy1989:1, Author ={Reddy,A.L.N. and Banerjee,P},
Title ={An Evaluation of Multiple-Disk I/O Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1680--1690",
Volume ="38",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ Disk synchronization, data declustering/Disk striping, and a combination of two workloads 1. file transaction system; 2. scientific applications. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Reddy1990, Author ={Reddy,D.R.},
Title ={Data Engineering in Multi-Media Environments},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6, ? (not in proceedings)},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ at Robotics Institute, Carnegie-Mellon University Category ={EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Reddy1993, Author ={Reddy,M. Siegel,M., and Gupta,A.},
Title ={Towards Active Schema Integration Architecture for Heterogeneous Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at MIT Category ={DBDdist> DBDschema>} }

@article{Reddy1982, Author ={Reddy,P.G. and Bhalla,S.},
Title ={A Model of Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. , N-H.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at IIT, Delhi Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Reddy1976, Author ={Reddy,Raj, Erman,L., Fennel,R., and Neely,R.},
Title ={The HEARSAY Speech Understanding System: An Example of the Recognition Process},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-25.},
Year =1976, Pages ="427--431",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb>} }

@article{Reed1979, Author ={Reed,D. and Kanodia,R.},
Title ={Synchronization with Event Counts and Sequences},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1979, Month =Feb,
Pages ="115--123",
Volume ="22",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@inproceedings{Reed1979:1, Author ={Reed,D.P.},
Title ={Implementing Atomic Actions on Decentralized Data},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 7.},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Pages ="66--74",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans.7.5> DBDquery> DBDintegrity.1.2> DBDintegrity.2.5 } }

@inproceedings{Reed1980, Author ={Reed,D.P. and Svobodova,L.},
Title ={SWALLOW: A Distributed Data Storage System for a Local Network},
Booktitle ={Proc.of Int. Workshop on Local Networks, IFIP WG 6.4, Zurich, Switzerland, June.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage-3.4>} }

@article{Reed1973, Author ={Reed,I.S.},
Title ={Information Theory and Privacy in Databanks},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Pages ="581--587",
Volume ="42",
Annote ={at Rand (Santa Monica) Formal evaluation of pollution and distortion to protect privacy. Category ={DBDprivacy.8> } }

@article{Reed1986, Author ={Reed,Warren P.},
Title ={SSA Should Limit ADP Procurement Until further Testing is Performed},
Journal ={Information and Management, N-H ..},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="139--144",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at GAO Report on problems at the Social security administration with new 479M -- 990M dol. system. Category ={DDBadmin, x } }

@article{Reese1983, Author ={Reese,P.A., Bundy,B.N., Colombano,S.P., and Blessing,J.A.},
Title ={GOG Meets RPMIS},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1983, Pages ="235--242",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Roswell Park Memorial Inst. (Buffalo NY) Experience with computerized data management in a cooperative group setting. Category ={MCS> } }

@techreport{Reeves1978, Author ={Reeves,W.T.},
Title ={A Device-Independent General-Purpose Graphics System in a Minicomputer Time-Sharing Environment},
Institution ={Un.Toronto TR.CSRG--93.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto, CSRG Category ={DBFintro.7> DBDim, DBfile } }

@article{Rege1976, Author ={Rege,S.L.},
Title ={Cost, Performance, and Size Tradeoffs for Different Levels in a Memory Hierarchy},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1976, Month Apr,
Pages ="43--51",
Volume ="9",
Category ={DBFhard.2>} }

@book{Reggia1985, Author ={Reggia,J.A. and Tuhrim,S.(eds)},
Title ={Computer-Assisted Medical Decision Making, Volume 1.},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1985, Category ={MCS>} }

@techreport{Regnier1985, Author ={Regnier,Mireille},
Title ={Analysis of Grid File Algorithms},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR..},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Number ="369",
Category ={DBFhybrid.3, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Regnier1988, Author ={Regnier,Mireille},
Title ={Trie Hashing Analysis},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@incollection{Rehak1985, Author ={Rehak,D.R., Howard,C.E., and Sriram,D.},
Title ={Architecture of a Knowledge Based Environment for Structural Engineering Applications},
Booktitle ={Knowledge Engineering in Computer-Aided Design, Gero(ed), N-H, .},
Year =1985, Pages ="89--117",
Category ={DBDkb> DBappl>} }

@inproceedings{Rehfuss1984, Author ={Rehfuss,S., Freiling,M., and Alexander,J.},
Title ={Particularity in Engineering Data},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Oregon State Un. and Tektronix. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Reid1983, Author ={Reid,L.G. and Karlton,P.L.},
Title ={A File System Supporting Cooperation between Programs},
Journal ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles-9, Bretton Woods NH.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFtrans.7> DBDintegrity.1> DBDdist>} }

@article{Reimer1983, Author ={Reimer,U.and Hahn,U.},
Title ={A formal Approach to the Semantics of a Frame Data Model},
Journal ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) .},
Year =1983, Pages ="337--339",
Annote ={ Presents a formal definition of a frame data model in terms of denotational semantics. Also formulates a set of operations in the frame data model Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Reimer1984, Author ={Reimer,U.},
Title ={A System-Controlled Multi-Type Specialization Hierarchy},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un. Konstanz (FRG) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Reimer1986, Author ={Reimer,U.},
Title ={Enhancing Knowledge Base Reliability: A Claim for Specifying the Empirical Semantics of Knowledge representation Models},
Note ={rcvd. for IFIP TC-2.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Examples of integrity constraints. The paper does not convince that the claims made on integrity maintenance are generally true. --- Qian Category ={DBDkb, (Qian) } }

@inproceedings{Reimer1987, Author ={Reimer,U. and Hahn,U.},
Title ={Text Condensation as Knowledge Base Abstraction},
Booktitle ={Un.Passau, FRG, TR.Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersP 8723.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={TOPIC generates text graphs. KB in frames. Category ={DBDkb> DBDbiblio, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Reimer1988, Author ={Reimer,U.},
Title ={On enriching the semantics of knowledge representation models: a claim and an approach},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at FRG Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Reiner1984, Author ={Reiner,D., Brodie,M., Brown,G., Chilenskas,M., Friedell,M., Kramlich,D., Lehman,J., and Rosenthal,A.},
Title ={A Database Design and Evaluation Workbench},
Booktitle ={SPOT conferences in Sweden, Goteborg Sweden.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Annote ={Preliminary report. Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Reiner1984:1, Author ={Reiner,D., Brodie,M., Brown,G., Friedell,M., Kramlich,D., Lehman,J., and Rosenthal,A.},
Title ={The Database Design and Evaluation Workbench (DDEW) Project at CCA},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="10--15",
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Reiner1993, Author ={Reiner,D.},
Title ={The Kendall Square Query Decomposer},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Kendall Square Research Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Reinfrank1986, Author ={Reinfrank,M.T., Beetz,M., Freitag,H., and Klug,J.},
Title ={Kapri: A Rule Based Non-Monotonic Inference Engine with an Integrated Reason Maintenance System},
Institution ={SEKI-REPORT SR-86-03.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at AI Lab., Un.Kaiserslautern (FRG) Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Reinsch1988, Author ={Reinsch,Roger A.},
Title ={Distributed Database for SAA},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1988, Pages ="362--369",
Volume ="27",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at IBM, Programming Sys.Div., San Jose CA Discussion of general Systems Application Architecture for SQL. Five levels of distribution. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Reisner1975, Author ={Reisner,P., Boyce,R.F., and Chamberlin,D.D.},
Title ={Human Factors Evaluation of Two Data Base Query Languages --- SQUARE and SEQUEL},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="447--452",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDquery.1>} }

@article{Reisner1977, Author ={Reisner,P.},
Title ={The Use of Psychological Experimentation as an Aid to Development of a Query Language},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-3 .},
Year =1977, Month =May,
Number ="3",
Annote ={Evaluation of Query-by-Example Category ={DBDschema>} }

@techreport{Reiss1982, Author ={Reiss,Steven P.},
Title ={ERIS Reference Manual},
Institution ={DCS, Brown Un., Providence RI.},
Year =1982, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Brown Un. Vehicle for experiment, relational algebra expressions are optimized, strategies may be modified. Runs on UNIX. Category ={DBDrel.3> App.C @article{Reiss1984, Author ={Reiss,Steven P.},
Title ={Practical Data-Swapping: The First Steps},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="20--37",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDprivacy.3.2>} }

@inproceedings{Reischuk1985, Author ={Reischuk,Rudiger},
Title ={A New Solution for the Byzantine Generals Problem},
Booktitle ={Inf. Control, -3, Jan-, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8807-0526.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="23--42",
Volume ="64",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at U.Bielefeld, West Germany Protocol terminates fast in some executions. In each step, one processor plays a dominat role. Protocol tolerates processor and communication failures. Formally reintegration of repaired processors. ---Coan. Definition and motivation of Byzantine generals problem. ---Gio. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@article{Reiter1972, Author ={Reiter,A.},
Title ={A Resource Oriented Time-Sharing Monitor},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience, p.55.},
Year =1972, Month =Jan,
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Reiter1975, Author ={Reiter,Allen},
Title ={Data Models for Secondary Storage Representations},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="87--119",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison, Math Research Ctr Category ={DBFtechn> } }

@article{Reiter1976, Author ={Reiter,A.},
Title ={Some Experiments in Director Organization --- A Simulation Study},
Journal ={Proc.of the International Symp.on Computer Performance Modeling, Measurement and Evaluation, Harvard Un., Cambridge MA, ACM.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--9",
Category ={DBFhard-3> DBFseq> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Reiter1978, Author ={Reiter,R.},
Title ={On Closed World Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Logic and Data Bases, Gallaire and Minker(eds) Plenum Press NY.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ the 'closed world' assumption: you can deduce ~P if P does not follow from the database Category ={DBFrepresent.0> } }

@inproceedings{Reiter1978:1, Author ={Reiter,R.},
Title ={Deductive Question-Answering on Relational Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Logic and Data Bases, Gallaire and Minker(eds), Plenum Press.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ A collection of ideas developed by Reiter. -- his basic strategy: transform logic to algebra, apply the algebra to the database. Category ={DBDquery.2> } }

@article{Reiter1980, Author ={Reiter,R.},
Title ={A Logic for Default Reasoning},
Journal ={AI.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Volume ="13",
Annote ={nulls Category ={DBDlogic} }

@incollection{Reiter1984, Author ={Reiter,Ray},
Title ={Towards a logical reconstruction of DB theory},
Booktitle ={Brodie, Mylopoulos, and Schmidt(eds) `On Conceptual Modelling:..', Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) ?.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Reiter1986, Author ={Reiter,Raymond},
Title ={A Sound and Sometimes Complete Query Evaluation Algorithm for Relational Databases with Null Values},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8611-1069.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Pages ="349--370",
Volume ="33",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at UBC nulls are unique Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Reiter1988, Author ={Reiter,Raymond},
Title ={On Integrity Constraints},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Second Conference on Theoretical Aspects of Reasoning About Knowledge, Vardi(ed).},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="97--111",
Annote ={ It is argued that integrity constraints in knowledge bases are epistemic in nature. They are statements about the content of the knowledge base, rather than statements about the world. Under closed world assumption, the two definitions of constraint satisfaction, namely consistency and entailment, are equivalent. Constraint satisfaction coincides with the model-theoretic view in the case of relational databases. ---X.Qian. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Reiter1988:1, Author ={Reiter,Raymond},
Title ={Integrity constraints in databases and knowledge bases},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, presentation, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Reitman1969, Author ={Reitman,W.R., Roberts,R.B., Sauvain,R.W., Wheeler,D.D., and Linn,W.},
Title ={AUTONOTE, a Personal Information and Storage System},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf , P69.},
Year =1969, Pages ="67--76",
Annote ={at Un.Michigan Support for research memos and references text files, with direct access to keywords. Category ={DBFhybrid.1>%Reitman69 } }

@incollection{Rennels1987, Author ={Rennels,G. and Shortliffe,E.H.},
Title ={Medical Advice Systems},
Booktitle ={Encyclopedia of Artificial Intelligence, 2 vols..},
Year =1987, Category ={MIS>} }

@book{Renniger1974, Author ={Renniger,Clark R.(ed)},
Title ={Approaches to Privacy and Security},
Publisher ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). (Washington DC), Spec. Pub. 404.},
Year =1974, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ at Inst. for Computer Sciences and Technology NBS Description of industry methods a.o. Category ={DBDprivacy, x12 book } }

@article{Reside1974, Author ={Reside,K.D. and Seiter,T.J.},
Title ={The Evolution of an Integrated Data Base},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1974, Month =Sep,
Pages ="57--60",
Annote ={at GE, Aircraft Equipment Div. (Utica, NY) Application of an IDS system. Category ={DBFhash.6> } }

@article{Reuter1980, Author ={Reuter,A.},
Title ={A Fast Transaction-Oriented Logging Scheme for UNDO Recovery},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-6 .},
Year =1980, Month =Jul,
Pages ="348--356",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at TU.Darmstadt (FRG) An UNDO log algorithm combining the advantages of update in place strategies with the shadow page concept is introduced. By doubling the disk space for the database, UNDO logging can be performed with a minimum of additional I/O operations. We gain a performance comparable to systems without any UNDO logging. This TWIST algorithm uses one logical slot of two physical blocks. rapid logging to disk of after-images into alternate blocks, preserving the before-image. On reading both adjoining blocks are read and the latest copy is used. Undo resets transaction numbers of blocks written by transactions being undone. Category ={DBDtrans-4> } }

@inproceedings{Reuter1982, Author ={Reuter,Andreas},
Title ={Concurrency on High-Traffic Data Elements},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="83--92",
Annote ={hot spots Category ={DBDconc> DBFtrans>} }

@article{Reuter1984, Author ={Reuter,A.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Recovery Techniques},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="526--559",
Volume ="9",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, Res. Ctr, (San Jose CA) Category ={DBDtrans-4> DBDreliab> } }

@article{Reuter1984:1, Author ={Reuter,A. and Kitzinger,H.},
Title ={Automatic Design of the Internal Schema for a CODASYL Database System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-10 .},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="358--375",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ DAIS, a database design tool applied to Siemens UDS. Category ={DBDops.4> DBDbound.5> } }

@inproceedings{Reuter1986, Author ={Reuter,A.},
Title ={Load Control and Load Balancing in a Shared Database Management System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Reuter1987, Author ={Reuter,A., Peinl,P., and Sammer,H.},
Title ={High Contention in a Stock Trading Database: A Case Study},
Booktitle ={Rcvd., submitted to SIGMOD.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart Zipfian use, proposes SQL extension for hot spots with CHECK-REVALIDATE or FORGET. Queue as ADT for hot spots, held by owner. ---Gio. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBFtrans, DBfile Reuter } } @misc{1991:1, Title ={The ConTract Model},
Howpublished ={IEEE DB Eng. Bull.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@article{Reynolds1990, Author ={Reynolds,C.F.},
Title ={CODIL: the architecture of an information language},
Journal ={Computing J, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9211-0886.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Volume ="33",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Brunel Un. designed to deal with poorly structured information Category ={DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Reynolds1992, Author ={Reynolds,R., Maletic,J., and Zannoni,E.},
Title ={Operationalizing Software Reuse as a Problem in Machine Learning},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Wayne State Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Rhee1989, Author ={Rhee,J.H. and Park,S.},
Title ={An Extension of Counting Method for Efficient Processing of the Cyclic Data},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="320--326",
Annote ={at Sogang Un., DCS For recursive queries. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Ricardo1990, Author ={Ricardo,Catherine},
Title ={Database Systems: Principles, Design and Implementation},
Publisher ={Macmillan, 600pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Iona College database planning, physical data organization, database architecture, E-R model, null values, relational model, mapping the ER model, normalization fifth normal form, DB2, DETG model, hierarchical model: IMS, DL/1, SAM, transaction, recovery, timestamping, locking, security and integrity, query optimization, distributed databases, database machines, knowledge- based management systems Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Ricart1981, Author ={Ricart,G. and Agrawala,A.K.},
Title ={An Optimal Algorithm for Mutual Exclusion in Computer Networks},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Pages ="9--17",
Volume ="24",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDoff>} }

@article{Rich1984, Author ={Rich,E.},
Title ={The Gradual Expansion of Artificial Intelligence},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Richard1981, Author ={Richard,P.},
Title ={Evaluation of the Size of a Query Expressed in Relational Algebra},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDops.3.3>} }

@inproceedings{Richards1991, Author ={Richards,B., Jiang,Y., and Choi,H.},
Title ={On interval-based temporal planning - an IQ strategy},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Imperial College, London Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Richardson1975, Author ={Richardson,G.L. and Berkin,S.J.},
Title ={Problem-Solving Using PL-C},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Introductory text with some samples of structures and file operations. Category ={DBDintro> %Richardson75 } }

@inproceedings{Richardson1987, Author ={Richardson,J.E., and Carey,M.J.},
Title ={Programming Constructs for Database System Implementation in EXODUS},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, CSD generators in E-language for persistant typed complex objects Category ={DBDobject> } }

@unpublished{Richardson1989, Author ={Richardson,J.E. and Carey,M.},
Title ={Persistence in the E Language: Issues and Implementation},
Note ={Software - Practice and Experience.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin. Category ={DBDunknown>} }

@techreport{Richardson1990, Author ={Richardson,J.E.},
Title ={Compiled Item Faulting: a new technique for Managing I/O in a Persistent Language},
Institution ={IBM RJ 7441.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden compiler places potential writes into code for persistence with test to omit writes that are unnecessary Category ={DBFhard> DBDobject, DBfile IBMbox } }

@inproceedings{Richardson1990:1, Author ={Richardson,J. and Schwarz,P.},
Title ={Aspects: Extending Objects to Support Multiple, Independent Roles},
Booktitle ={IBM RJ 7657.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDobject, DBfile (given to ARK)} }

@inproceedings{Richardson1992, Author ={Richardson,J.},
Title ={Supporting Lists in a Data Model (A Timely Approach)},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ a new construct, list, to provide temporal arranged objects Category ={DBDmodel> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Richardson1987:1, Author ={Richardson,J.P., Lu,H., and Mikkilineni,K.},
Title ={Design and Evaluation of Parallel Pipelined Join Algorithms},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Honeywell Category ={DBDperf>} }

@article{Richardson1983, Author ={Richardson,M.F. and Needham,R.M.},
Title ={The TRIPOS Filing Machine, a Front End to a File Server},
Journal ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles-9, Bretton Woods NH.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFstorage-3.1> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Richeldi1993, Author ={Richeldi,M. and Tan,J.},
Title ={JazzMatch: Fine-Grained Parallel Matching for Large Rule Sets},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Houston Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Richter1982, Author ={Richter,G. and Durchholz,R.},
Title ={IML-inscribed nets},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase SystemsL, A Comparative Review, Olle et al (eds, N-H.},
Year =1982, Pages ="335--368",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Ridjanovic1984, Author ={Ridjanovic,D. and Brodie,M.L.},
Title ={A Unified Framework for a Database Transaction Life Cycle},
Institution ={Res.R..},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ SHM+ methodology, see also other papers by these authors. Category ={DBDmodel.0> DBDtrans.4, DBfile Brodie } }

@book{Rienhoff1980, Author ={Rienhoff,O. and Abrams,M.E.(eds)},
Title ={The Computer in The Doctor's Office},
Publisher ={N-H. , 352pp.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ Proc.IFIP-IMIA (TC-4) Working Conf., Hanover FRG, 25 Apr.1980 Category ={DBappl> } }

@article{Ries1977, Author ={Ries,D.D. and Stonebraker,M.R.},
Title ={Effects of Locking Granularity in a Database Management System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Pages ="233--246",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@techreport{Ries1978, Author ={Ries,D.R. and Epstein,R.S.},
Title ={Evaluation of Distribution Criteria for Distributed Data Base Systems},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.M78-22.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Ries1978:1, Author ={Ries,D.R. and Stonebraker,M.R.},
Title ={Locking Granularity Revisited},
Booktitle ={UCB, EECS, Elec.Res.Lab Memo No.UCB-ERL-M7871.},
Year =1978, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Electronics Res.Lab, Un.CA-Berkeley Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDreliab, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ries1979, Author ={Ries,D.R.},
Title ={The Effects of Concurrency Control on Database Management System Performance},
Booktitle ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memorandum No.UCB-ERL-M7920.},
Year =1979, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDquery.1> DBDdist>} }

@article{Ries1982, Author ={Ries,D.R. and Smith,G.C.},
Title ={Nested Transactions in Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="167--172",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at CCA; MIT, Sloan School of Management We describe nested transactions, transactions from another system, and crashes. Category ={DBDdist> DBFreliab> } }

@book{Riley1981, Author ={Riley,M.J.(ed)},
Title ={Management Information Systems},
Publisher ={Holden-Day, second ed..},
Year =1981, Annote ={ Collection of Classic Articles on Management Information Systems Category ={DBappl, x } }

@incollection{Riley1981:1, Author ={Riley,M.J.},
Title ={An Introduction to Systems Management},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Rips1975, Author ={Rips,Lance J.},
Title ={Inductive Judgements about Natural Categories},
Journal ={J. of Verbal Learning and Verbal Behavior.},
Year =1975, Pages ="665--681",
Volume ="14",
Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Risch1978, Author ={Risch,Tore},
Title ={Compilation of Multiple File Queries in a Meta-Database System},
Institution ={Thesis, Linkoping Studies in Science and Technology.},
Year =1978, Number ="33",
Annote ={at Linkoping Un., Dep.Math. (Sweden) the metadatabase translates an SQL like LISP database access language (LIDAM) queries into COBOL programs which access the underlying databases (IMS, MIMER). Optimization of retrieval volume and internal processing volume. A database dictionary provides file and connection information (one per pair) as well as type, location and cardinality information. Views can be defined. Category ={DBDquery, Thesis file } }

@article{Risch1988, Author ={Risch,T., Reboh,R., Hart,P., and Duda,R.},
Title ={A Functional Approach to Integrating Database and Expert Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8905-0307.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1424--1437",
Volume ="31",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at Syntelligence (Sunnyvale CA) SYNTEL. Functional knowledge-base linkage to data. Lazy evaluation, window driven. Defaults driven from tables which represent most functions. Uncertainty represented by either AVG and SD, or discretely for Enumerated types. Representation includes compact notations for such distributions. SYNTEL stores knowledge in functions. These coincide with mismatched and incomplete domains, including autonomous ref. data. Nulls and value distributions are managed. A 'default join' propogates derivations, identifying connections. Information in the user interface view is dynamically maintained. Comparison with other approaches, spreadsheets. Supports large applications. Expert decision support for credit risk analysis. Deals with rules and tables, missing and null values and user control. ---Meyer. Syntel actually uses bottom-up evaluation constrained by what data is visible on the user's present screen. (Not lazy evaluation). A compiler generates these pruning predicates by analyzing what data is supported by the definition of each screen. (C.f. magic sets). Syntel also supports linear recursion. --- Risch. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Risch1989, Author ={Risch,Tore},
Title ={Monitoring Database Objects},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at HP Labs (Palo Alto CA) Active databases. Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> ksys> } }

@inproceedings{Risch1991, Author ={Risch,T. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Building Adaptive Applications using Active Mediators},
Booktitle ={DEXA 91, Berlin, Germany.},
Year =1991, Month =Aug,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Rishe1985, Author ={Rishe,Naphtali},
Title ={Semantics of Universal Languages and Information Structures in Data Bases},
Institution ={UCSB, DCS, TR-CS85-10.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Annote ={ the language is defined top-down to be fully general, requires inferencing. Needs subsetting for implementation. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDquery.2, DBfile } }

@techreport{Rishe1985:1, Author ={Rishe,Naphtali},
Title ={A Universal Model for Non-Procedural Database Languages},
Institution ={UCSB, DCS.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDquery.2, DBfile} }

@book{Rishe1988, Author ={Rishe,Naphtali},
Title ={Database Design Fundamentals},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 421pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8807-0483.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Florida Intl. Un. semantic modeling, calculus language, reational model, design methodology, network, kierarchical model, review 4 models, simple case studies, graphs. ---Gio Not a textbook. Definitions, explanations of concepts, and examples. Major theme is a methodology for logical design. Circumvents normalization by going from a semantic binary model, representing an enterprise. ---C.J.Egyhazy. mainly the semantics of a database programming language based on Pascal and a declarative language based on predicate calculus. ---Maciaszek. Category ={DBDintro> DBDdesign> } }

@article{Rishe1989, Author ={Rishe,Naphtali},
Title ={Efficient Organization of Semantic Databases},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="114--127",
Number ="367",
Annote ={at State Un.Florida, Miami, School of CS Single file, lexical ordering with inversion by BTrees. Long strings are distinct. ---Gio. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBFprivacy> } }

@article{Rishe1990, Author ={Rishe,Naphtali},
Title ={A File Structure for Semantic Databases},
Journal ={Information Systems, to appear .},
Year =1990, Annote ={storage for a binary relation datamodel Category ={DBFindex, DBfile } }

@article{Rishe1990:1, Author ={Rishe,Naphtali},
Title ={Interval-based approach to compression of numeric data},
Journal ={IEEE TData and Knowledge Engineering, N-H , to appear .},
Year =1990, Category ={DBFcompr, DBfile} }

@article{Rishe1990:2, Author ={Rishe,Naphtali},
Title ={An Optimistic Concurrency Control Algorithm for Distributed-Storage Semantic Database Machines},
Journal ={submitted to IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Annote ={ Parallel architecture for a binary relation model Category ={DBFconc> DBFmach, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Rishe1990:3, Author ={Rishe,N. and Sun,W.},
Title ={A Predicate-Calculus Based Language for Semantic Databases},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDlang>} }

@article{Rissanen1977, Author ={Rissanen,J.},
Title ={Independent Components of Relations},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Month =Dec,
Pages ="317--325",
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab In a multi-attribute relation a certain collection of projections can be shown to be independent. The operator which reconstructs the original relation is the natural join. Independent components split the full family of functional dependencies into corresponding component families. Category ={DBDtheory.1> } }

@techreport{Rissanen1973, Author ={Rissanen,J. and Delobel,C.},
Title ={Decomposition of Files, A Basis for Data Storage and Retrieval},
Institution ={IBM, San Jose Res.R. RJ1220, May 10,},
Year =1973, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@techreport{Rissanen1973:1, Author ={Rissanen,J.},
Title ={Bounds for Weight Balanced Trees},
Institution ={IBM, San Jose Res.R. RJ1225, May 29,},
Year =1973, Category ={DBFtree>} }

@article{Rissanen1978, Author ={Rissanen,J.},
Title ={Theory of Relations for Databases--A Tutorial Survey},
Journal ={Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science, Poland, Springer Verlag 7, Winkowski(ed), Zakopane Poland, Springer 1978.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Ritchie1974, Author ={Ritchie,D.M. and Thompson,K.},
Title ={The UNIX Time-Sharing System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Jul,
Pages ="365--375",
Volume ="17",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Bell Labs Interactive operating system for PDP-11, VAX with a hierarchical file system incorporating demountable volumes. Category ={DBFhard.5> } }

@article{Ritman1980, Author ={Ritman,E.L., Kinsey,J.H., Robb,R.A., et al.},
Title ={Three-Dimensional Imaging of Hearts, Lungs, and Circulation},
Journal ={Science.},
Year =1980, Pages ="272--280",
Volume ="210",
Category ={MCS> Image>} }

@inproceedings{Rivera1990, Author ={Rivera-Vega,P.I., Varadarajan,R., and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Scheduling Data Redistribution in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Florida Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Rivest1972, Author ={Rivest,Ronald L.},
Title ={On Self-Organizing Sequential Search Heuristics},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Pages ="63--67",
Volume ="19",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IRIA (France) Category ={DBFhybrid> DBFtechn.4>} }

@techreport{Rivest1976, Author ={Rivest,Ronald L.},
Title ={Analysis of Associative Retrieval Algorithms},
Institution ={SIAM Journal for Computing, with mod. title.},
Year =1976, Annote ={Combinatorial hashing for retrieval. Category ={DBFhybrid> DBFtechn.4> } }

@article{Rivest1976:1, Author ={Rivest,R.L.},
Title ={Partial Match Retrieval Algorithms},
Journal ={SIAM J. on Computing.},
Year =1976, Pages ="19--50",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFindex.5>} }

@article{Rivest1978, Author ={Rivest,R.L.},
Title ={Optimal Arrangement of Keys in a Hash Table},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1978, Pages ="200--209",
Volume ="25",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhybrid.5>} }

@techreport{Roberts1977, Author ={Roberts,C.S.},
Title ={Partial Models Retrieval via the Method of Superimposed Codes},
Institution ={Report, 1.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Bell Labs, Holmdel Thorough review, algorithms, and application for multiple attribute retrieval. Category ={DBFhybrid.6.4, x4 Book } }

@inproceedings{Roberts1979, Author ={Roberts,C.S.},
Title ={Partial-Match Retrieval via the Method of Superimposed Codes},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE.},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1624--1642",
Volume ="67",
Number ="12",
Category ={DBFimpl.2.5>} }

@inproceedings{Roberts, Author ={Roberts,L.G.},
Title ={Graphical Communication and Control Languages},
Booktitle ={Proc.Second Congress on Inf. Syst. Sciences, Spartan 64},
Annote ={ Coral rings, a ring structure with alternate master and prior pointers. Category ={DBFhybrid.6.1>%Roberts64 } }

@article{Roberts1970, Author ={Roberts,Roger},
Title ={HELP: A Question Answering System},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS , page 547},
Year =1970, Volume ="37",
Annote ={at UCB, EECS Inquiry system description Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Roberts1983, Author ={Roberts,T.L. and Moran,T.P.},
Title ={The Evaluation of Text Editors, Methodology and Empirical Results},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , no.4.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Pages ="265--283",
Volume ="26",
Annote ={at Xerox comparison of learning time, performance time, error time, and functionality for TECO, WYLBUR, EMACS, NLS, BRAVOX, BRAVO, WANG, STAR, and GYPSY. They stress the methodology, but the results are well documented. The mouse-based editors (BRAVOX, BRAVO, STAR, and GYPSY) generally come out best. The WANG editor also does quite well, with NLS (also mouse-based) and EMACS following closely. WYLBUR was distinctly more difficult to use (for both experts and novices) and TECO was by far the worst. Of course, the rankings were not that clear cut in all dimensions and might have been quite different for different tasks or hardware support. EMACS was rated as having only 49% of a list of potential functions; the list stressed text editing and page layout, completely neglecting program editing and other customized tasks. --- Ken Laws. --- Brian Reid objected to the EMACS test, done via a 1200 baud line. based on PhDthesis. Part is a keystroke model. Category ={DBFuse-2> } }

@article{Robertson1981, Author ={Robertson,G.D., McCracken, and Newell,A.},
Title ={The ZOG Approach to Man-Machine Communication},
Journal ={Int.J. Man-Machine Studies.},
Year =1981, Pages ="461--488",
Volume ="14",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3>} }

@article{Robey1982, Author ={Robey,D. and Farrow,D.},
Title ={User Involvement in Information Systems Development: A Conflict Model and Empirical Test},
Journal ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS.},
Year =1982, Month =Jan,
Pages ="73--85",
Volume ="28",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Florida International Un. User participation, influence, conflict, and conflict resolution in the development of management information systems. Three stages are initiation, design, and implementation that influence results from user participation and ifluence leads to both conflict and resolution. Category ={DBFsyseval.5.3> } }

@inproceedings{Robbins1992, Author ={Robbins,Robert},
Title ={The Challenge of Biological Data Management: The Human Genome Project as a Case Study (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Johns Hopkins University) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Robinson1981, Author ={Robinson,H.},
Title ={Database Analysis and Design},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Robinson1965, Author ={Robinson,J.A.},
Title ={A Machine-Oriented Logic Based on the Resolution Principle},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 7506-7700.},
Year =1965, Pages ="23--41",
Volume ="12",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Robinson1990, Author ={Robinson,J. and Lavington,S.},
Title ={A Transitive Closure and Magic Functions Machine},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Essex, UK Category ={DBDmach>} }

@article{Robinson1975, Author ={Robinson,K.A.},
Title ={DMS-1100, An In-Depth Evaluation},
Journal ={Data Base Journal-Software World.},
Year =1975, Pages ="8--14",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDbound.5> DBDintegrity>%Robinson75U} }

@article{Robinson1975:1, Author ={Robinson,K.A.},
Title ={Database --- the Ideas behind the Ideas},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1975, Month =Jan,
Pages ="7--11",
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ at Surrey County Council (Kinston-upon-Thames, Surrey, UK) Alternate approaches to data base structures judged. Category ={DBDbound.5, xB8>%Robinson75D } }

@article{Robinson1975:2, Author ={Robinson,K.A.},
Title ={An Analysis of the Uses of the DBTG Set Concept},
Journal ={Data Base Description, Douque and Nijssen(eds), N-H (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1975, Annote ={Critical examples of link-set use. Category ={DBDbound.5> } }

@inproceedings{Robinson1986, Author ={Robinson,T.J.},
Title ={Order Preserving Linear Hashing Using Dynamic Key Statistics},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems (Cambridge MA), ; ACM CR 8705-0403.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Pages ="91--99",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC 28K of memory do a credible job of distributing 100,000 records chosen randomly from telephone book. At this file size, there are already signs of the algorithm breaking down. -----Bash. Category ={DBFhash> } }

@article{Rochkind1975, Author ={Rochkind,Marc J.},
Title ={The Source Code Control System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-1 .},
Year =1975, Month =Dec,
Number ="4",
Annote ={version-ing Category ={DBDprivacy.5> EIS>} }

@article{Rochkind1982, Author ={Rochkind,M.J.},
Title ={Structure of a Database File System for the UNIX Operating System},
Journal ={Bell System Technical Journal.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="2387--2405",
Volume ="16",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ Handles data storage, indexing, concurrency control, transaction control, and recovery. A database file system can be generated for a particular application by choosing the appropriate implementation for each module from a catalog. An experimental system, XFS, was built to test this structure. Category ={DBDmodel.0> } }

@techreport{Rockart1980, Author ={Rockart,J.F., Bullen,C.V., and Leventer,J.S.},
Title ={Centralization vs. Decentralization of Information Systems: A Preliminary Model for Decision Making},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, Sloan School, Ctr for Information Systems Res., pre .},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDadmin> DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Rockart1981, Author ={Rockart,J.F.},
Title ={Chief Executives Define Their Own Data Needs},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@book{Rockart1986, Author ={Rockart,J.F. and Bullen,C.V. (eds)},
Title ={The rise of managerial computing: the best of the Center for Information Systems Research},
Publisher ={Dow Jones-Irwin, 443pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8608-??.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Ctr for Inf. Syst. Res., Cambridge End User Computing (EUC) bypasses the traditional technical boundries of programmers and database administrators, a large percentage of the programs were prepared by end users. Many of the papers appeared in The Harvard Business Review or the Sloan Management Review, 18 papers in five sections: Decision Support Systems, Executive Support Systems, Defining Management Information Needs, The End User Explosion, and The Future. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@article{Rocke1973, Author ={Rocke,Merk G.},
Title ={The Need for Data Code Control},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1973, Month =Sep,
Pages ="105--108",
Volume ="19",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBDschema> DBFrepresent>} }

@book{Rock1989, Author ={Rock-Evans,R.},
Title ={An introduction to data and activity analysis},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, 254pp: ACM Computing Reviews 9008-0629.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at DEC Information Management Consulting the logical data environment Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@book{Rodgers1990, Author ={Rodgers,Ulka},
Title ={UNIX Database Management Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 352pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={Ingres, ORACLE, ACCEL Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Rodionov1980, Author ={Rodionov,S.T.},
Title ={Basic Modularity Concepts and Analysis of some Directions in the Development},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Apr..},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="79--84",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ very traditional methods quantified. algorithmic modularity includes understandablity (size), function, data, and (structure delivered as structure, i.e., not transactions) Category ={DEng, FASAC 309 } }

@inproceedings{Rodriquez1975, Author ={Rodriquez,Juan A.},
Title ={An Analysis of Tape Drive Technology},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed),},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1153--1159",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Storage Technology Corp Category ={DBFhard.1.2>} }

@article{RodriguezRosell1976, Author ={RodriguezRosell,J.},
Title ={Empirical Data Reference Behavior in Data Base Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1976, Month =Nov,
Pages ="9--13",
Volume ="9",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ shows that multiprocessing does not defeat locality of sequential access. Category ={DBFhard.1> DBFseq.2> DBDperf> } }

@book{Roetzheim1991, Author ={Roetzheim,William},
Title ={Developing software to government standards},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 478pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9107-0516.},
Year =1991, Annote ={ acronyms given in six page appendix; covers all current government regulations and standards concerning software development Category ={DBDimpl> } }

@inproceedings{Rogers1975, Author ={Rogers,C.M., Rogers,M.S., Meeker,R.J., Greenstein,S., and Miner,R.L.},
Title ={TERS -- Text Encoding and Retrieval System},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific Conf., SF , 1975.},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="50-55",
Annote ={at UCLA Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Rogers1987, Author ={Rogers,T.R., and Cattell,R.G.G.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Database User Interfaces},
Institution ={Sun Microsystems, Rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Sun Microsystems Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Rogers1988, Author ={Rogers,T.R. and Catell,R.G.G.},
Title ={Entity-Relationship User Interfaces},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="44-53",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDquery> DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Rogerson1974, Author ={Rogerson,Charles L.},
Title ={Use and Structure of a Shared, Hierarchical Database},
Note ={UCSF.},
Year =1974, Month =Dec,
Annote ={MUMPS review. Category ={DBFtree, DBfile} }

@book{Rohm1988, Author ={Rohm,C.E.T. and Stewart,W.T.},
Title ={Essentials of Information Systems},
Publisher ={Mitchell Publ., (Santa Cruz CA), 339pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8902-0047},
Year =1988, Annote ={ Text for non-computer science majors. Wealth of examples. Category ={DBDappl> } }

@book{Rohmer1979, Author ={Rohmer,Eric and Chabol,Claude},
Title ={Hitchcock, The First Forty-four Films},
Publisher ={Ungar.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDintro> DBDmovies, x} }

@techreport{Rohmer1986, Author ={Rohmer,J., GonzalezRubio,R., and Bradier,A.},
Title ={Delta Driven Computer: A Parallel Machine for Symbolic Processing},
Institution ={BULL SA, Louveciennes, France, rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Yes folks, it's another paper about taking derivatives of relational expressions. However, they also wrestle with a problem that's been worrying me lately: how do you represent arbitrary terms as relations and still process them in a relatively efficient manner. ---jeff Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@techreport{Rohmer1986:1, Author ={Rohmer,J., Lescoeur,F., and Kerisit,J.M.},
Title ={The Alexander method, a technique for the processing of recursive},
Institution ={New Generation Computing..},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Ctr de Recherche Bull (France) generalization of magic sets; transforms to linear rule trees. Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile } }

@book{Rohrer1980, Author ={Rohrer,Christian(ed.)},
Title ={Time, Tense, and Quantifiers},
Publisher ={Niemeyer, Tubingen FRG.},
Year =1980, Annote ={Temporal issues derivable from language. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Roland1983, Author ={Roland,Jon},
Title ={UNIX Database Management Systems},
Journal ={Unix Review, Jan., pp.38; Feb.1984.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Category ={App.B} }

@techreport{Rolin1982, Author ={Rolin,Pierre},
Title ={Rapport sur la Campagne de Mesure de performance du Prototype SIRIUS-DELTA},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR175.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at INRIA performance measurements on a distributed database system. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@incollection{Rolin1987, Author ={Rolin,Pierre},
Title ={Modeling of the Data Allocation Algorithm in SIRIUS-DELTA},
Booktitle ={`Concurrency Control and Reliability in Distributed Systems', Bhargava(ed), Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY).},
Year =1987, Pages ="187--213",
Category ={DBFstorage> DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Rolland1982, Author ={Rolland,C. and Christian,R.},
Title ={The REMORA Methodology for Information Systems Design and Management},
Booktitle ={Information Systems Design Methodologies, IFIP, N-H , Olle et al(eds), N-H.},
Year =1982, Pages ="369--426",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Rolland1982:1, Author ={Rolland,C. and Richard,C.},
Title ={Transactions Modelling},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data , Schkolnick(ed.), Orlando, Florida, 1982.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="265--275",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Rolland1990, Author ={Rolland,Fred},
Title ={Relational Database Management with Oracle},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 226pp.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@techreport{Rollinger1986, Author ={Rollinger,Claus-Rainer},
Title ={Die Reprasentation Naturlichsprachlich Formulierten Wissens-Behandlung der Aspeckte Unsicherheit und Satzverknupfung},
Institution ={TU.Berlin, Fachbereich Informatik, KIT-Report 26.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at TU Berlin (FRG) Uncertainty in language. Issues as `likely' versus `possibly not'. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> DBDnat> } }

@techreport{Rollinger1987, Author ={Rollinger,C-R., Studer,R., Uszkoreit,H., and Wachsmuth,I.},
Title ={Textunderstanding in LILOG -- Sorts and Reference Objects},
Institution ={Systems-87 AI Kongress, Munchen FRG.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at IBM, Stuttgart (FRG) Type network Category ={DBDnatlang> DBDschema, DBfile LILOG with otheres } }

@article{Roman1986, Author ={Roman,G.},
Title ={Formal Specification of Geographic Data Processing Requirements},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ a subset of logic compatible with rules of reasoning about time space and accuracy stated in a subset of second-order predicate calculus; multiple views may coexist; prototype implementation in Prolog; also provides the means for graphical rendering of logical information Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb> DBDimage> } }

@article{Romaniuk1987, Author ={Romaniuk,J.G. and Blanks,E.E.},
Title ={Issues in the Development of a Clinical database on Alzheimers's Disease},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub, no.1.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="1--9",
Volume ="11",
Category ={MIS>} }

@inproceedings{Romanski1988, Author ={Romanski,S.},
Title ={Operations on Families of Sets for Exhaustive Search, Given a Monotonic Function},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ at Inst. for Sci., Tech. and Eco. Information, Poland Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Romdhane1981, Author ={Romdhane,M.B. and Courtois,B.},
Title ={Error Confinement/Data Recovery in Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Pages ="11--18",
Annote ={at IMAG (Grenoble, France) Take advantage of distributed systems for fault-tolerance, some advantages, decay due to latency detection of failures and/or to the transmission delay. The method used is to bufferize some information. Category ={DBDtrans-4> } }

@article{Roome1982, Author ={Roome,W.D.},
Title ={The Intelligent Store: A Content-Addressable Page Manager},
Journal ={Bell System Technical Journal.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="2567--2599",
Volume ="61",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBFmach> DBDtrans-4>} }

@article{Rosch1976, Author ={Rosch,E., Mervis,C.B., Gray,W.D., Johnson,D.M., and Boyes-Braem,P.},
Title ={Basic Objects in Natural Categories},
Journal ={Cognitive Psychology.},
Year =1976, Pages ="382--439",
Volume ="8",
Category ={DBDobject> DBFrepresent.1>} }

@article{Rosch1975, Author ={Rosch,E. and Mervis,C.B.},
Title ={Family Resemblances: Studies in the Internal Structure of Categories},
Journal ={Cognitive Psychology.},
Year =1975, Pages ="573--605",
Volume ="7",
Category ={DBFrepresent.1>} }

@article{Rose1983, Author ={Rose,Robert F.},
Title ={A 'Data Engine' Using SAS and INQUIRE},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub.},
Year =1983, Pages ="257--266",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at Applied Information Technology. Gainesville FLA Category ={MCS> DBDstat> } }

@inproceedings{Rosen1976, Author ={Rosen,L.},
Title ={The Present and Future of SPIRES},
Booktitle ={Paper read at Assoc. of Information and Dissemination Ctrs convention, , Atlanta GA.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDquery.1> DBDintro.8>} }

@techreport{Rosenau1988, Author ={Rosenau,T.J. and Jajodia,S.},
Title ={Basic Database Operations on the Butterfly Parallel Processor: Experiment Results},
Institution ={NRL Memorandum Rep. ,},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Number ="6173",
Annote ={at NRL, Washington DC even with memory databases (RAM files), parallel processing must consider hot spots. PARADATA. Select, project, join, and aggregates on a shared memory MIMD computer. Hot spots occur due to locking on the Butterfly Parallel Processor. Category ={PARALLEL> DBFmach> DBFhard, DBfile } }

@article{Rosenberg1972, Author ={Rosenberg,Arnold L.},
Title ={Addressable Data Graphs},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM,},
Year =1972, Pages ="309--340",
Volume ="19",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Rosenberg1976, Author ={Rosenberg,A.L.},
Title ={On Storing Concatenable Arrays},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R.RC5928(25661),},
Year =1976, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFimpl.2, DBfile} }

@article{Rosenberg1981, Author ={Rosenberg,A.L. and Snyder,L.},
Title ={Time- and Space-Optimality in BTrees},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month Mar,
Pages ="174--183",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC and Yale Un. A Btree is compact if it is minimal in number of nodes. Btree compact (initialization can be done in time linear in the number of keys if the keys are presorted. Study indicates that space-optimal trees are nearly time optimal, but time-optimal trees are nearly space pessimal. Category ={DBFindex.4> } }

@inproceedings{Rosenberg1983, Author ={Rosenberg,S.},
Title ={HPRL: A Language For Building Expert Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8.},
Year =1983, Pages ="215--217",
Category ={DBDlang> DBDnewDBMS>} }

@unpublished{Rosenblum1991, Author ={Rosenblum,M. and Oosterhout,J.},
Title ={The Design and Implementation of a Log-Structured File System},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UC Berkeley writes all modifications to disk sequentially in a log-like structure, thereby speeding up both file writing and crash recovery; the log contains indexing information so that files can be read back from the log efficiently; to maintain free areas on disk for fast writing, a segment cleaner compresses; prototype Sprite LFS outperforms current Unix file systems by an order of magnitude for small file writes, while matching performance for reads and large writes; factor is 10 for current UNIX, likely to be 4 for advanced UNIX implementation with caching and piggy backing Category ={DBFseg> DBFindex, DBfile } }

@article{Rosenkrantz1978, Author ={Rosenkrantz,D.J., Stearns,R., and Lewis,P.},
Title ={System Level Concurrency Control for Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Jun,
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Later arriving transactions may be aborted if not yet in the commit stage. Category ={DBDconc> DBFtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Rosenkrantz1978:1, Author ={Rosenkrantz,D.J.},
Title ={Dynamic Database Dumping},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78, Lowenthal and Dale(eds), Austin TX.},
Year =1978, Pages ="3--9",
Annote ={at State Un.New York, Albany Methods creating a dump copy of a database while the database is on-line and being updated at the beginning of the dump creation, at the end, or sometime in the middle. A key parameter is the ratio of the rate copied to the rate updated. For certain methods the ratio must exceed one. Category ={DBFuse-4.5> } }

@article{Rosenkrantz1978:2, Author ={Rosenkrantz,D.J., Stearns,R.E., and Lewis,P.M.,II},
Title ={System Level Concurrency Control for Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Jun,
Pages ="178--198",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity> 13.1, 13.2, 16} }

@inproceedings{Rosenkrantz1980, Author ={Rosenkrantz,D.J. and Hunt,H.B.III},
Title ={Processing Conjunctive Predicates and Queries},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="64--72",
Annote ={We consider predicates that are conjunctions of =, =<> and => comparisons. } }

@techreport{Rosenschein1985, Author ={Rosenschein,J.S. and Genesereth,M.R.},
Title ={Deals Among Rational Agents},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR.Stan-CS-85-1042.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Genesereth} }

@techreport{Rosenschein1985:1, Author ={Rosenschein,Jeffrey S.},
Title ={Rational Interaction: Cooperation Among Intelligent Agents},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb, 3781 1986 R c.2.} }

@inproceedings{Rosenthal1981, Author ={Rosenthal,A.S.},
Title ={Note on the Expected Size of a Join},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of DataReco, d.},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Pages ="19--25",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDops.4.4> DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Rosenthal1982, Author ={Rosenthal,A. and Reiner,D.},
Title ={Querying Relational Views of Networks},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE COMPSAC 82, Chicago.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Sperry Res.Ctr (Sudbury, MA) Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDbound.5> } }

@article{Rosenthal1986, Author ={Rosenthal,A. and Helman,P.},
Title ={Understanding and Extending Transformation-Based Optimizers},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1986, Pages ="220--227",
Volume ="5",
Annote ={ considers inner and outer assignment in loop joins Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Rosenthal1986:1, Author ={Rosenthal,A., Heiler,S., Dayal,U., and Manola,F.},
Title ={Traversal Recursion: A Practical Approach to Supportive Recursive Applications},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Pages ="166--176",
Annote ={at CCA [Ahad,Yao,Choi87] D.1 Category ={DBDlogic> DBDnewDBMS> DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Rosenthal1987, Author ={Rosenthal,Arnon},
Title ={Querying Part Hierarchies ?},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 24.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at CCA Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Rosenthal1988, Author ={Rosenthal,A. and Chakravarthy,U.S.},
Title ={Anatomy of a Modular Multiple Query Optimizer},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="230--239",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Rosenthal1989, Author ={Rosenthal,A., Chakravarthy,U.S., Blaustein,B., and Blakely,J.},
Title ={Situation Monitoring for Active Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at XAIT, Xerox (Cambridge MA) Active databases; common framework in database changes and non database situations; delta-relations to represent net changes to a stored or derived relation; a chain rule extends incremental computation to data derived by arbitrary expressions. Category ={DBDkb> DBDrealtime> } }

@inproceedings{Rosenthal1990, Author ={Rosenthal,A. and Galindo-Legaria,C.},
Title ={Query Graphs Implementing Trees and Freely-Reorderable Outerjoins},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={ Outerjoin optimization; outerjoins arise in Daplex loops, in a hierarchy where some parent instances have no children, and in queries with Count operations. Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Rosenthal1977, Author ={Rosenthal,R.S.},
Title ={The Data Management Machine, A Classification},
Booktitle ={ACM CA-NNP.},
Year =1977, Month =May,
Pages ="35--39",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFhard>} }

@article{Rosko1988, Author ={Rosko,Michael},
Title ={DRGs and Severity of Illness Measures: an Analysis of Patient Classification Systems},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub .},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Widerner Un. Category ={MIS>} }

@book{Rosove1967, Author ={Rosove,P.E.},
Title ={Developing a Computer Based Information System},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-BeckerHayes.},
Year =1967, Annote ={at Private consultant Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@book{Ross1981, Author ={Ross,C.A.(ed)},
Title ={CIS II},
Publisher ={Society for Management Information Systems, (Chicago IL)},
Year =1981, Annote ={ Papers from a meeting held in Cambridge MA, Dec.1981, sponsored by SMIS, TIMS, ACM-SIGDB, ASM. Category ={DBDquery.3> } }

@article{Ross1977, Author ={Ross,D.T.},
Title ={Structured Analysis (SA): A Language for Communicating Ideas},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-3 .},
Year =1977, Pages ="16--34",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Softech Category ={DBFeval.1> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Ross1989, Author ={Ross,Kenneth A.},
Title ={A Procedural Semantics for Well Founded Negation in Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Ross1989:1, Author ={Ross,K.A.},
Title ={The Well Founded Semantics for Disjunctive Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Ross1990, Author ={Ross,Kenneth A.},
Title ={Modular Stratification and Magic Sets for DATALOG Programs with Negation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Stanford CSD Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Ross1991, Author ={Ross,K.A.},
Title ={Modular Acyclicity and Tail Recursion in Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Ross1991:1, Author ={Ross,K.A.},
Title ={On Negation in HiLog},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Ross1992, Author ={Ross,K. and Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={Monotonic Aggregation in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Ross1992:1, Author ={Ross,Kenneth},
Title ={Relations with Relation Names as Arguments: Algebra and Calculus},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@incollection{Ross1972, Author ={Ross,J.E. and Schuster,F.},
Title ={Selling System},
Booktitle ={Reprinted from the issue of the J. of Systs. Management.},
Year =1972, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@inproceedings{Ross1986, Author ={Ross,M. and Ramamohanarao,K.},
Title ={Paging Strategy for Prolog Based Dynamic Virtual Memory},
Booktitle ={IEEE-SLP 86, Salt Lake City UT .},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ at Royal Melbourne Inst.of Technology, Un.Melbourne Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@book{Ross1978, Author ={Ross,Ronald G.},
Title ={Data Base Systems: Design, Implementation, and Management},
Publisher ={AMA COM, New York NY.},
Year =1978, Annote ={Decision support. Category ={DBFintro>} }

@book{Ross1979, Author ={Ross,Ronald G.},
Title ={IBM's IMS},
Publisher ={AMA COM, New York NY, ?.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDbound.6>} }

@book{Ross1980, Author ={Ross,Ronald G.},
Title ={Logical Database Design},
Publisher ={AMA COM, New York NY, ?.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDbound> DBDschema>} }

@book{Ross1981:1, Author ={Ross,Ronald G.},
Title ={Data Dictionaries and Data Administration},
Publisher ={AMACOM, New York NY, 454 pages},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDadmin>} }

@book{Ross, Author ={Ross,Ronald G.},
Title ={Logical Database Design},
Publisher ={AMACOM, New York NY.},
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Rotem1982, Author ={Rotem,D., Tompa,F.Wm., and Kirkpatrick,D.},
Title ={Foundations for Multifile Design by Application Partitioning},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="262--268",
Number ="475820",
Annote ={ at Un.Waterloo (Waterloo); UBC (Vancouver, Canada) Find an assignment of attributes to tapes such that each report requires access to one tape only. Hence the applications must be partitioned, and each file maintained must contain the union of attributes needed by applications assigned to that file. Category ={DBFsyseval.4> } }

@inproceedings{Rotem1987, Author ={Rotem,D. and Segev,A.},
Title ={Physical Design of Temporal Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Rotem1988, Author ={Rotem,D. and Segev,A.},
Title ={Algorithms for Multidimensional Partitioning of Static Files},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1700--1710",
Volume ="14",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at LBL, on leave from Un.Waterloo, Canada Search attribute space is partitioned into cells, which are mapped to physical disk locations. Category ={DBFalloc> } }

@inproceedings{Rotem1989, Author ={Rotem,Doron},
Title ={Clustered Multiattribute Hash Files},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UC, Berkeley Category ={DBDhash>} }

@techreport{Rotem1989:1, Author ={Rotem,D, Schloss,G.A., and Segev,A.},
Title ={Vertical Data Allocation on Multi-Disk Systems},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at LBL striping Category ={DBDhard, DBfile Segev} }

@inproceedings{Rotem1991, Author ={Rotem,Doron },
Title ={Spatial Join Indices},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Rotem1992, Author ={Rotem,Doron},
Title ={Analysis of Disk Arm Movement for Large Sequential Reads},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Rotem1993, Author ={Rotem,D., Li,J., and Srivastava,J.},
Title ={Algorithms for Loading Parallel Grid Files},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Roth1984, Author ={Roth,M.A., Korth,H.F., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Theory of Non-First-Normal-Form Relational Databases},
Institution ={Un.Texas, Austin, CS TR-84-36, revised Jan.1986.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={For view objects. Basically, an extension of 'Operators for Non-First-Normal-Form Relations' written by Fischer and Thomas. Extend the relational algebra operators and introduce new equivalence properties holding for these extended operators. Extend the sufficient condition for having nest operations as an inverse of unnest operations; from 1NF to PNF(partitioned normal form). Formal manipulation of set-valued domain is interesting. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDobject> EIS> VOD, DBfile Korth } }

@techreport{Roth1985, Author ={Roth,M.A., Korth,H.F., and Batory,D.S.},
Title ={SQL/NF: A Query Language for non-1NF Relational Databases},
Institution ={Un.Texas, Austin, CS TR-85-19.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDquery, DBfile Korth} }

@techreport{Roth1985:1, Author ={Roth,M.A., Korth,H.F., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Null Values in Non-1NF Relational Databases},
Institution ={Un.Texas, Austin, CS TR-85-32.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDschema, DBfile Korth} }

@inproceedings{Roth1987, Author ={Roth,M.A. and Korth,H.F.},
Title ={The Design of -1NF Relational Databases into Nested Normal Form},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Roth1988, Author ={Roth,M.A. and Kirkpatrick,J.E.},
Title ={Algebras for Nested Relations},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin, (Special Issue on Nested Relations).},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="39--47",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at Air Force Inst.of Technology, EECS, (Wright-Patterson AFB, OH) Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Roth1988:1, Author ={Roth,M.A., Korth,H.F., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Extended Algebra and Calculus for Nested Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="389--417",
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Only two new operators, nest and unnest. Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Rothermel1984, Author ={Rothermel,K. and Walter,B.},
Title ={A Kernel for Transaction Oriented Communication in a Distributed Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 4, IEEE, SanFrancisco.},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart (FRG) Category ={DBappl> DBDdist, DBfile Walter } }

@inproceedings{Rothermel1988, Author ={Rothermel,Kurt},
Title ={An Effective Method for Storing and Retrieving PROLOG Clauses from a Relational Database},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={tree notation is used to drive indexes Category ={DBFimpl.1> DBDkb> } }

@article{Rothermel1988:1, Author ={Rothermel,Kurt},
Title ={An Effective Representation of Complex Clauses in a Relational Database},
Journal ={LILOG Res.R. .},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Number ="44",
Annote ={at IBM European Networking Ctr, (Heidelberg FRG) Storing PROLOG-like clauses. Category ={DBDkb, LILOG } }

@techreport{Rothermel1989, Author ={Rothermel,K. and Mohan,C.},
Title ={ARIES/NT: A recovery method Based on Write-Ahead Logging for Nested Transactions},
Institution ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@article{Rothermel1993, Author ={Rothermel,K. and Pappe,S.},
Title ={Open Commit Protocols Tolerating Commission Failures},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1993, Month =Jun,
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Rothnie1972, Author ={Rothnie,James B.jr.},
Title ={The Design of Generalized Data Management Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, Dep.Civil Eng.,},
Year =1972, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDbound>} }

@inproceedings{Rothnie1974, Author ={Rothnie,J.B.},
Title ={An Approach to Implementing a Relational Data Management System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1974, Pages ="177--294",
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Rothnie1974:1, Author ={Rothnie,J.B.jr. and Lozano,T.},
Title ={Attribute Based File Organization in a Paged Memory Environment},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Feb,
Pages ="63--79",
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at MIT Category ={DBFhybrid.1.4> DBDseven.8> %Rothnie74 } }

@article{Rothnie1975, Author ={Rothnie,J.B.},
Title ={Evaluating Inter-Entry Retrieval Expressions in a Relational Data Base Management System},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="417--423",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at Dep.Defense Computer Inst. Decomposition of DSL/ALPHA queries into primitive Boolean conditions using tuple substitution, with feedback to help decide other tuples. Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@book{Rothnie1976, Author ={Rothnie,J.B.jr.(ed)},
Title ={Proc.1976 ACM-SIGMOD International Conf. on Management of Data},
Publisher ={ACM NY .},
Year =1976, Annote ={ Papers from the ACM-SIGMOD 76 Conf. held in (Washington DC), Jun.1976. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Rothnie1977, Author ={Rothnie,J.B. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={An Overview of the Preliminary Design of SDD-1: A System for Distributed Data Bases},
Journal ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 2.},
Year =1977, Month =May,
Pages ="38--57",
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDdist.9>} }

@inproceedings{Rothnie1977:1, Author ={Rothnie,J.B. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={A Survey of Research and Development in Distributed Database Management},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Tokyo Japan, Merten(ed).},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Pages ="48--62",
Category ={DBFintro.9> DBDdist.1>} }

@article{Rothnie1980, Author ={Rothnie,J.B. et al},
Title ={Introduction to a System for Distributed Databases (SDD-1)},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Rothnie1982, Author ={Rothnie,J.B. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={A Survey of Research and Development in Distributed Database Management},
Booktitle ={Bernstein, et al (eds), IEEE .},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Roussopoulos1975, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Mylopoulos,J.},
Title ={Using Semantic Networks for Data Base Management},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="144--172",
Category ={DBFindex.2> , 17 %Roussopoulos75} }

@article{Roussopoulos1979, Author ={Roussopoulos,Nicholas},
Title ={CSDL: A Conceptual Schema Definition Language for the Design of Data Base Applications},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-5 .},
Year =1979, Month =Sep,
Pages ="481--496",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDschema.2, DBfile} }

@techreport{Roussopoulos1982, Author ={Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={View Indexing in Relational Databases},
Institution ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="258--290",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland optimization of pointer-arrays which retrieve entire views when needed. The effects to the indexes of updates are also considered. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBfour.4> DBFhybrid.3, DBfile } }

@article{Roussopoulos1982:1, Author ={Roussopoulos,Nicholas},
Title ={The Logical Access Path Schema of a Database},
Journal ={Un.Maryland, CS Ctr, TR-1138.},
Year =1982, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ The schema models all database activities (i.e., retrievals and updates), and integrates their logical access parts by recognizing common subpaths and increasing the `weight` of the shared subpaths. Category ={DBDops.4> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@techreport{Roussopoulos1982:2, Author ={Roussopoulos,N.(ed)},
Title ={Proceedings of the Workshop on Self-Describing Data Structures},
Institution ={Sponsored by NASA; Un.Maryland.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDschema.1, home} }

@inproceedings{Roussopoulos1982:3, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Wallace,S.},
Title ={Self-Description vs. Self-Documentation},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Self-Describing Data Structures, Un.Maryland.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Roussopoulos1983, Author ={Roussopoulos,Nick},
Title ={Intensional Semantics of a Self-Documenting Relational Model},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, CS, TR-1263.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland, DCS Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBFhybrid.2, DBfile } }

@techreport{Roussopoulos1983:1, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Mark,L.},
Title ={Integration of Data, Schema and Meta-Schema in the Context of Self-Documenting Data Models},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, CS, TR-1265.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDschema.2, DBfile} }

@article{Roussopoulos1983:2, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Yeh,R.T.},
Title ={An Adaptable Methodology for Database Design},
Journal ={Un.Maryland, CS, TR-1289.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Category ={DBDops.4, DBfile} }

@techreport{Roussopoulos1984, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Lefker,D.},
Title ={An Introduction to PSQL, A pictorial Structured Query Language},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, DCS.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ SQL is extended with ON AT,Area-spec>. Guttman's R- trees are used and modified for implementation. Category ={DBFindex.4> Image> } }

@inproceedings{Roussopoulos1984:1, Author ={Roussopoulos,N., Mark,L. and Chu,B-T.},
Title ={Update Dependencies in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Roussopoulos1985, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Bader,C.},
Title ={Dynamic Access Control for Relational Views},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-?.},
Year =1985, Pages ="361--369",
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland (1) provision for groups; (2) tailored access types; (3) derivation of rights to a dynamically created view. Model for granting and revoking privileges including the privilege to grant Category ={DBDprivacy> DBDsec, DBfile } }

@article{Roussopoulos1985:1, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Mark,L.},
Title ={Schema Manipulation in Self-Describing and Self-Documenting Data Models},
Journal ={IJofConference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP.},
Year =1985, Pages ="1--28",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Language for changing schemas with connections Category ={DBDdist> DBDschema> DBDlang, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Roussopoulos1985:2, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Leifer,D.},
Title ={Direct Spatial Search on Pictorial Databases Using Packed R-Trees},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@article{Roussopoulos1985:3, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Yeh,M.},
Title ={SEES - A Software Testing Environment Support System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1985, Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={managing ltext data with their test suites Category ={DEng, DBfile } }

@incollection{Roussopoulos1985:4, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Mark,L.},
Title ={Self-describing and self-documenting database systems},
Booktitle ={In 'Languages for Automation, Chang (Ed), Plenum.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDschema, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Roussopoulos1986, Author ={Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Engineering Information Systems: Builders and Designers Perspective},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data (Washington DC).},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Pages ="1--3",
Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Roussopoulos1986:1, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Kang,H.},
Title ={Preliminary Design of ADMS $\pm$: A Workstation-Mainframe Integrated Architecture for Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto .},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="355-362",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland uses View concepts without update. Lazy update. Derived object locks. Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject> EIS> VOD, DBfile } }

@article{Roussopoulos1986:2, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Kang,H.},
Title ={Principles and Techniques in the Design of ADMS},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8708-0690.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="19--25",
Volume ="19",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland download a subset of the database to workstations, claimed response time is decreased, concurrency and consistency problems are avoided. A prototype is near completion. --- Honkanen. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Roussopoulos1988, Author ={Roussopoulos,N., Faloutsos,C., and Sellis,T.},
Title ={An Efficient Pictorial Database System for PSQL},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="639--650",
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Allows pictorial domains to be presented to the user in their analog form and allows storage in the form of cells. Category ={Image> } }

@article{Roussopoulos1989, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Kim,H.S.},
Title ={ROOST: A Relational Object-Oriented System},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="404--420",
Number ="367",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland, DCS On top of relational databases view objects. Category ={DBDobject> VOD, DBfile } }

@article{Rousopoulos1990, Author ={Rousopoulos,N. and Kang,H.},
Title ={A Pipeline N-way Join Algorithm based on the 2-way semijoin program},
Journal ={to appear IEEE TKE, ?},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@article{Roussopoulos1991, Author ={Roussopoulos,N., Mark,L., Sellis,T., and Faloutsos,C.},
Title ={An Architecture for High Performance Engineering Information Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ mainframe workstation architecture with explicit control of meta- knowledge, large rule bases are needed to make the system's knowledge active, incremental computation is needed for performance each relation has a backlog that contains the computer history active and integrated datadictionary at each node; it includes application data: specific engineering process executions and product instances; dictionary data: processes descriptions and designs; dictionary schema: policies, rules and laws; meta-schema: hard-wired into the DBMS software different files for versions, data dictionaries Category ={EIS> DBDschema> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@article{Roussopoulos1991:1, Author ={Roussopoulos,Nick},
Title ={An incremental access method for viewcache: Concept, Algorithm, and Cost Analysis},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Annote ={replicated data management Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Roussopoulos1991:2, Author ={Roussopoulos,Nick},
Title ={A Workstation-Server Architecture for Heterogeneous DBMSs},
Booktitle ={ACM-SIGMOD 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at University of Maryland Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Roussopoulos1991:3, Author ={Roussopoulos,N. and Delis,A.},
Title ={Modern Client-Server DBMS Architecture},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={standard, diskless ADMS Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@article{Rovner1968, Author ={Rovner,P.D. and Feldman,J.A.},
Title ={The LEAP Language and Data Structure},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, C73--C77.},
Year =1968, Category ={DBFhybrid.7.5> %Rovner68} }

@inproceedings{Rowe1979, Author ={Rowe,L. and Birman,K.},
Title ={Network Support for a Distributed Data Base System},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 4.},
Year =1979, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Rowe1985, Author ={Rowe,L.A. and Shoens,K.A.},
Title ={Programming Language Constructs for Screen Definition},
Journal ={rcvd. ?},
Year =1985, Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@techreport{Rowe1987, Author ={Rowe,Lawrence A.},
Title ={A Shared Object Hierarchy},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, TR-M8685, in `The Postgres Papers'.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at UCB, EECS Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb, DBfile Stonebraker } }

@inproceedings{Rowe1990, Author ={Rowe,L.A. and Stonebraker,M.R.},
Title ={The POSTGRES Data Model},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at UCB, EECS Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile Stonebraker} }

@inproceedings{Rowe1987:1, Author ={Rowe,L. and Williams,C.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Database Design for Integrated Circuit Fabrication},
Booktitle ={IEEE Int.Conf. on Data and Knowledge Eng..},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at UCB work-in-progress system that will be implemented; POSTGRES using OBJFADS; POSTGRES storage system does not overwrite data so that a complete history is available using temporal range queries. Category ={EIS, Berkeley box } }

@article{Rowe1981, Author ={Rowe,Neil},
Title ={Some Rules for Good Simulations},
Journal ={Educational Computer, Nov-.},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="37--40",
Category ={DBFmethods.3>} }

@inproceedings{Rowe1983, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Rule-Based Statistical Calculations on a Database Abstract},
Booktitle ={PhD Th., Stanford, STAN-CS-83-975.},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3> DBDstat>} }

@inproceedings{Rowe1982, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Inheritance of Statistical Properties},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int 2, Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Pages ="221--224",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDstat> DBFmethods> DBDquery.3>} }

@article{Rowe1982:1, Author ={Rowe,N.C.},
Title ={On Some Arguable Claims in B. Shneiderman's Evaluation of Natural Language Interaction with Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Rowe1982:2, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Modelling Degrees of Item Interest for a General Database Query System},
Journal ={Stanford Report STAN-CS-82-947, 37pp.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb>} }

@article{Rowe1982:3, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Three Papers on Rule-Based Estimation of Statistics on Databases},
Journal ={Stanford Report STAN-CS-82-948, 38pp.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDstat>} }

@article{Rowe1984, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Diophantine Compromise of a Statistical Database},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="25--31",
Volume ="18",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDprivacy.2.2> DBDstat>} }

@inproceedings{Rowe1982:4, Author ={Rowe,Neil},
Title ={Inheritance of Statistical Properties},
Booktitle ={part 2 of Stanford CS Rpt 948.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDstat>} }

@article{Rowe1982:5, Author ={Rowe,Neil},
Title ={Degrees of Interest in a General Database Query System},
Journal ={Stanford CS Rpt 947.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Rowe1983:1, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Top-Down Statistical Estimation on a Database},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="135--145",
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBDkb> DBDstat>} }

@article{Rowe1983:2, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={An Expert System for Statistical Estimates on Databases},
Journal ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int, Stanford.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBFmethods> DBDkb> DBDstat>} }

@techreport{Rowe1983:3, Author ={Rowe,Neil},
Title ={Rule-Based Statistical Calculations on a Database Abstract},
Institution ={Stanford Un., PhD Th., TR-CS-83-975.},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFmethods> DBDkb> DBDstat>} }

@article{Rowe1983:4, Author ={Rowe,Neil},
Title ={Some Experiments in Evaluation of an Expert System for Statistical Estimation on Databases},
Journal ={Workshops in Statistical Database Management, LBL (Berkeley CA) 2, Los Altos.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDstat>} }

@article{Rowe1984:1, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Diophantine Inference on a Statistical Database},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. 18.},
Year =1984, Pages ="25--31",
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBFprotect, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Rowe1984:2, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Book Review of 'The Fifth Generation' by Feigenbaum and McCorduck},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="64--65",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ argues that the Japanese 5th gen.project is more databases than AI, and better because of it. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Rowe1984:3, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Diophantine Inferences from Statistical Aggregates on Few-Valued Attributes},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDstat>} }

@inproceedings{Rowe1984:4, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Steps Toward Parsing of Query Sequences to a Database},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Rowe1985:1, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Antisampling for Estimation: an Overview},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1081--1091",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDstat> DBFmethods, DBfile} }

@techreport{Rowe1985:2, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Inheritance of Regression Models},
Institution ={NPS52-85-013.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBDstat, DBfile} }

@techreport{Rowe1985:3, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Absolute Bounds on Set Intersection and Union Sizes from Distribution Information},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-NPS-52-85-014.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFmethods, DBfile} }

@techreport{Rowe1987:2, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Subclasses Equal Instances, Thanks to Statistical Databases},
Institution ={NPGS, TR-52-87-015.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@article{Rowe1988, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Absolute Bounds on the Mean and Standard Deviation of Transformed Data for Constant-Sign-Derivative Transformations},
Journal ={SIAM J.Sci.Stat.Comput..},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Volume ="9",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDplatform, DBfile} }

@article{Rowe1988:1, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Absolute Bonds on Set Intersection and Union Sizes from Distribution Information},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Pages ="1033--1048",
Volume ="14",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at NPGS Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist, DBfile} }

@book{Rowe1988:2, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Artificial Intelligence through Prolog},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 451pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8903-0118.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at NPGS An informal hands-on approach to learning AI. No rigorous definition for many of the concepts. Many in-depth examples of implementations for many AI programming idioms. ---Giuliano and Minker. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Rowe1989, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Inference-security Analysis Using Resolution Theorem Proving},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Rowe1989:1, Author ={Rowe,Neil C.},
Title ={Management of Regression-Model Data},
Note ={NPGS, rcvd. .},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Category ={DBDstatistics, DBfile} }

@techreport{Roy, Author ={Roy,S. and Keller,A.},
Title ={Load Balancing in Hash-Based Parallel Join Computation in Presence of Data Skew},
Institution ={Submitted to DE91.},
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Roy1991, Author ={Roy,Shaibal},
Title ={Semantic Complexity of Classes of Relational Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={includes result on estimating selectivities Category ={DBDquery> } }

@unpublished{Royer1991, Author ={Royer,D., Miller,L., and Leszcybowski,J.},
Title ={Dynamic Restructuring of Relational Databases},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1991, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Iowa State transforms include partitioning for project and select and renaming and corresponding query modification; the loss-less join property is critical Category ={DBDrel, DBfile } }

@incollection{Royer1989, Author ={Royer,Veronique},
Title ={Modeling Preference Choices in Incomplete Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89', Ritter(ed), IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, (San Francisco, -Sep.), N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="673--678",
Annote ={at ONERA-CERT, (Toulouse, France) Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Rozen1989, Author ={Rozen,S. and Shasha,D.},
Title ={Using a Relational System on Wall Street: the Good, the Bad, the Ugly and the Ideal},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9002-0147.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Volume ="32",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at NYU Courant financial application, good for some data management tasks, bad, or ugly. missing date sequences, triggers, links to external databases, derived values, ADTs over multiple relations, hierarchical looks Oracle in a bond investment application; new requirements on structured data types, triggered updates, constructively defines views should be materialized, abstract data types, implementation options to meet performance objectives as fixing of critical tables in memory ---McGee. Category ={DBDappl> VOD> } }

@inproceedings{Rozen1991, Author ={Rozen,S. and Shasha,D.},
Title ={Using Feature Set Compromise to Automate Physical Database Design},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Rozenblit1989, Author ={Rozenblit,J.W., Hu,J., and Huang,Y-M.},
Title ={An Integrated, Entity-Based Knowledge Representation Scheme for System Design },
Booktitle ={NSF Eng.Design Res. Conf., U.Mass.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="393--408",
Annote ={at Un.Arizona, Tucson, EECS With FRASES, complex engineering design knowledge is organized into a hierarchical, entity-oriented tree structure that facilitates control and processing of knowledge. Example PC system design. Focuses on a single hierarchy. ---Gio. Category ={EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Rozwat1987, Author ={Rozwat,C.},
Title ={Database Solutions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at DEC Corp. Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@techreport{Rozz1985, Author ={Rozz,Ahmad},
Title ={La gestion des fichiers dans le systeme reparti chorus},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Paul Sabatier Toulouse III.},
Year =1985, Number ="924",
Annote ={at Un.Paul Sabatier, (Toulouse France) completely in french; CHORUS Database Management System. Category ={DBDdist> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Rubenstein1987, Author ={Rubenstein,W.B.},
Title ={A Database Design for Musical Information},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={ Analysis of various forms of replication using a stochastic model; includes caching as 'demand replication'. ---Gray. Check on write versus reliable notification, that's better for R/W>1. ---Gio. Category ={DBFconc> at UCB Category ={DBappl> } }

@inproceedings{Rubenstein1987:1, Author ={Rubenstein,W.B., Kubicar,M.S., and Cattell,R.G.G.},
Title ={Benchmarking Simple Database Operations},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Sun Microsystems Category ={DBDperf> DBDops, DBfile} }

@article{Rubinoff1968, Author ={Rubinoff,Morris, et al},
Title ={Experimental Evaluation of Information Retrieval through a Teletypewriter},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1968, Month =Sep,
Pages ="598--604",
Volume ="11",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Rubinoff1968:1, Author ={Rubinoff,M., Cautin,S., Bergman,H., and Rapp,F.},
Title ={Easy English, a Language for Information Retrieval through a Remote Typewriter Console},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1968, Month =Oct,
Pages ="693--696",
Volume ="11",
Number ="10",
Annote ={ at Un.Penn, Moore School of Electrical Engineering (Philadelphia PA) Category ={DBDnat> } }

@article{Rubsam1989, Author ={Rubsam,K.G.},
Title ={MVS Data Services},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1989, Pages ="151--164",
Volume ="28",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, Data Sys.Div., (Poughkeepsie NY) Large virtual addressability used to simplify application programs. Category ={DBFadvindex> } }

@inproceedings{Ruchte1987, Author ={Ruchte,W.D. and Tharp,A.L.},
Title ={Linear Hashing with Priority Splitting},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Ruchtli1976, Author ={Ruchtli,Jurg},
Title ={Data Descriptions Embedded in Context},
Journal ={Modelling in DBManagement Science, Journal of TIMS, Neuhold(ed), N-H .},
Year =1976, Annote ={at ETH, Zurich Context as part of schema semantics. Category ={DBDschema, x8> } }

@article{Rucker1988, Author ={Rucker,D.W., Maron,D.J. and Shortliffe,E.H.},
Title ={Temporal Representation of Clinical Algorithms Using Expert-System and Database Tools},
Journal ={Knowledge Systems Lab., KSL Memo -67.},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Number ="88",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., School of Medicine, MCS Program Uses NEXPERT, flat text file database mapped to have slots. point events and interval events, combined phases which correspond to higher level clinical concepts, C-routines provide custom-tailored operator query language Category ={DBDkb> MIS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Rudensteiner1992, Author ={Rudensteiner,E.},
Title ={Multiview: A Methodology for Supporting Multiple Views in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@incollection{Rudolph1972, Author ={Rudolph,J.A. and Batcher,K.E.},
Title ={A Productive Implementation of an Associative Array Processor: STARAN},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1972, Pages ="229--242",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={at Goodyear, Aerospace Corp (Akron OH) Description of STARAN computer Recommended ---miya. Category ={DBFmach> DBDparallel> } }

@inproceedings{Rullo1986, Author ={Rullo,P., Sacca,D., and Zhong,Q.},
Title ={An Approximation Algorithm for the Physical Access Path Selection in the CODASYL Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery> DBDimpl.5>} }

@article{Rullo1988, Author ={Rullo,P. and Sacca,D.},
Title ={An Automatic Physical Designer for Network Model Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE),},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1293--1306",
Volume ="14",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at CRAI, (Rende-Santo Stefano, Italy) EROS, a physical design tool for CODASYL database, covers location mode, set implementation, set order, and search keys. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDbound> } }

@inproceedings{Ruland1986, Author ={Ruland,D. and Seipel,D.},
Title ={Alpha-acyclic Decompositions of Relational Database Schemes},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA, ; ACM CR 8705-0402.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Wurzburg Given a universal relation scheme, does there exists a decompostion that is Boyce-Codd, lossless, and alpha-acyclic. Alpha-acyclicity of a Boyce-Codd lossless decomposition imposes too strong a condition. They exhibit a universal relation that cannot be so decomposed. ---Goelman. Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@book{Rumbaugh1991, Author ={Rumbaugh,M., Blake,M., Premerlani,W., Eddy,F., and Lorensen,W.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Modeling and Design},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1991, Annote ={at GE, Schenectady Object CASE tool available from GE Category ={DBDobject> DEng> } }

@book{Rumble1984, Author ={Rumble and Hampel},
Title ={Database Management in Science and Technology},
Publisher ={A CODATA Sourcebook.},
Year =1984, Annote ={on the Use of Computers in Data Activities Category ={DBappl, QA76.9D3D3586 } }

@inproceedings{Rundensteiner1986, Author ={Rundensteiner,E.A. and Hawkes,L.W.},
Title ={Design of a `Student Record'},
Booktitle ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS 86, Tennessee.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Florida State Un. Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Rundensteiner1988, Author ={Rundensteiner,Elke A.},
Title ={The role of AI in DB's versus the role of DB theory in AI: an opinion},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at USA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Rundensteiner1989, Author ={Rundensteiner,E.A. and Bic,L.},
Title ={Aggregates in Possibilistic Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at UCI, DICS Uncertainty. Category ={DBDquery> DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Rundensteiner1992, Author ={Rundensteiner,Elke A.},
Title ={Multiview: A Methodology for Supporting Multiple Views in Object- Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
OA Annote ={ database is wrapped with view servers, defines object algebra including hide, refine; virtual object IDs are not preserved; virtual classes handle type and set hierarchy conflicts Category ={DBDobject> EIS> } }

@article{Ruschitzka1989, Author ={Ruschitzka,M. and Clevenger,J.},
Title ={Heterogeneous Data Translations Based on Environment Grammars},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1236--1251",
Volume ="15",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at UCD applied to INGRES access Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Rush1971, Author ={Rush,James E.},
Title ={Large On-Line Files of Bibliographic Data. An Efficient Design and a Mathematical Prediction of Retrieval Behavior},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress.},
Year =1971, Annote ={at Ohio State System Design Category ={DBFeval>} }

@article{Rush1982, Author ={Rush,James E.},
Title ={Library Automation Systems and Networks},
Journal ={Advances in Computers, Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1982, Pages ="333--422",
Volume ="21",
Annote ={at Rush Associates, (Powell OH) Category ={DBappl> DBFrepresent.2> } }

@incollection{Rush1981, Author ={Rush,R.L.},
Title ={MIS Planning in Distributed Data Processing Systems},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDdist> DBDlang>} }

@techreport{Rusinkiewicz1986, Author ={Rusinkiewicz,M.},
Title ={Request II --- A Distributed Database System for Local Area Networks},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Rusinkiewicz1987, Author ={Rusinkiewicz,M.},
Title ={Heterogeneous databases: Towards a federation of autonomous systems},
Booktitle ={Fall Joint Computer Conference, pp. 751-752.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Rusinkiewicz1988, Author ={Rusinkiewicz,M., Czejdo,B., ElMasri,R., Georgakopoulos,D., Karabatis,G., Jamoussi,A., Loa,K., and Li,Y.},
Title ={Query Processing in OMNIBASE : A Loosely Coupled Multi-Database System},
Institution ={Un.Houston, TR-CS-88-05.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Rusinkiewicz1988:1, Author ={Rusinkiewicz,M., Elmasri,R., Czejdo,B., Georgakopoulos,D., Karabatis,G., Jamoussi,A., Loa,K., and Li,Y.},
Title ={OMNIBASE: Design and Implementation of a Multidatabase System},
Journal ={IEEE CS Dist.Processing TC Newsletter.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="20--28",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Houston, DCS FAUVE Knowledge base to resolve relation name ambiguity, DBMS incompatibilities and inconsistencies. Implemented on VAX-VMS using mailboxes for synchronous and asynchronous interprocess communication. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@techreport{Rusinkiewicz1989, Author ={Rusinkiewicz,M. and Czejdo,B.},
Title ={Data Manipulation Language for an Extended Relational Data Model},
Institution ={Un.Houston TR. #UH-CS-89-06.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Includes Agrawal's 87 alpha operator for recursion and distance operator, rename, cardinality constraints to denote key, reference, and subset. View extension definition is conventional, but its schema can be manipulated. Category ={DBDops, DBfile } }

@incollection{Rusinkiewicz1989:1, Author ={Rusinkiewicz,M. and Elmagarmid,A.},
Title ={The distributed operation language for multisystem applications},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Purdue sketch of interoperability protocols for federated databases Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Rusinkiewicz1990, Author ={Rusinkiewicz,M., Georgakopoulos,D., and Thomas,R.},
Title ={RDS: A Primitive for the Maintenance of Replicated Data Objects },
Booktitle ={Second IEEE Symp. on Parallel and Dist. Processing, Dallas.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Rusinkiewicz1991, Author ={Rusinkiewicz,M. and Georgakopoulos,D.},
Title ={Multidatabase Transactions: Impediments and Opportunities},
Booktitle ={Compcon Spring '91 Digest of Papers, San Francisco.},
Year =1991, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Rusinkiewicz1991:1, Author ={Rusinkiewicz, Marek },
Title ={On Serializability of Multidatabased Transactions through Forced Local Conflicts},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Rusinkiewicz1991:2, Author ={Rusinkiewicz,M. and Sheth,A.},
Title ={Polytransactions for Managing Interdependent Data},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng. Bull.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Houston Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@article{Rusinkiewicz1991:3, Author ={Rusinkiewicz,M., Sheth,A., and Karabatis,G.},
Title ={Specifying Interdatabase Dependencies in a Multidatabase Environment},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="24",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ constraints; considers dependence specifications, mutual consistency requirements, and consistency restoration techniques together; global constraint management Discusses our specification framework involving data depdencency descriptors (D**3). Each D**3 has three components- dependency predicate (an invariant among related objects), consistency (requirement) predicate, and consistency restoration specification. Proposes one set of extensible languages to specify each predicate. I3 Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Ruspini1982, Author ={Ruspini,Enrique H.},
Title ={Possibility Theory Approaches for Advanced Information Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE Computer, pp.83.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Volume ="19",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Ruspini1983, Author ={Ruspini,E.H. and Fraley,R.},
Title ={ID: An Intelligent Information Dictionary System},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .3, Davis et al(eds), N-H.},
Year =1983, Pages ="367--376",
Annote ={at Hewlett Packard Labs (Palo Alto CA) Category ={DBDschema.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Ruspini1987, Author ={Ruspini,E.H.},
Title ={Epistemic Logics, Probability, and the Calculus of Evidence},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA).},
Year =1987, Annote ={at SRI, AI Ctr, (Menlo Park CA, USA) Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile with others } }

@techreport{Russell1970, Author ={Russell,D.},
Title ={Bibliography on Privacy in Computer Systems},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1970, Category ={DBDprivacy.0, DBfile} }

@article{Russell1980, Author ={Russell,D.L.},
Title ={State restoration in systems of communicating processes},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-6 .},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="183--194",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Russell1972, Author ={Russell,J.D.},
Title ={Data-Transmission in the Terminal-Oriented Environment},
Journal ={Data Communications System Design, -Sep..},
Year =1972, Month =Aug,
Pages ="11--40",
Annote ={at IBM, SDD (Kingston NY) Category ={DBFtechn.3, xB6.3> } }

@inproceedings{Russell1991, Author ={Russell,Lucian},
Title ={Improving Interoperability Using a Three Data-Model Approach},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Russell1986, Author ={Russell,Stuart Jonathan},
Title ={Analogical and Inductive Reasoning},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford, CSD, TR.STAN-CS-87-1150.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Russinoff1987, Author ={Russinoff,David M.},
Title ={PROTEUS: A Framed-based Non-monotonic Inference System},
Booktitle ={Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam), now CMCSC , TR-ACA-AI-302-87.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Russo, Author ={Russo,V.F. and Campbell,R.H.},
Title ={Virtual Memory and Backing Storage Management in Multiprocessor Operating Systems Using Object-Oriented Design Techniques},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA 89.},
Pages ="267--278",
Annote ={ This paper might be interesting in the context of database research because it unifies volatile memory and secondary storage into one model. The system is called `Choices' and describes the motivation and architecture of an object-oriented, class-hierarchical approach to virtual memory system design. ---Paepcke. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@book{Rustin1972, Author ={Rustin,Randall (ed)},
Title ={Data Base Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1972, Annote ={at NYU, Courant Inst. (NY) Papers from Courant Computer Science Symposium 6, May.1971. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@book{Rustin1974, Author ={Rustin,Randall (ed)},
Title ={Data Description, Access, and Control},
Publisher ={ACM.},
Year =1974, Annote ={Proc.1974 ACM-SIGMOD Workshop, May.1974 Category ={DBFintro> %Rustin74 } }

@article{Ruth1972, Author ={Ruth,S.S. and Krenter,P.J.},
Title ={Data Compression for Large Business Files},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1972, Month =Sep,
Pages ="62--66",
Volume ="18",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Ryabko1980, Author ={Ryabko,B.Y.},
Title ={Data Compression by Means of a 'Book Stack'},
Journal ={Prob.Inf.Transm..},
Year =1980, Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Annote ={English tr. by Consultants Bureau (NY) Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Rybinski1987, Author ={Rybinski,Henryk},
Title ={On First-Order-Logic Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , no.3, ; ACM CR 8901-0029},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="325--349",
Volume ="12",
Annote ={ at Inst. for Scientific, Technical and Economic Inform., Warsaw Poland views, completeness, and compacteness. Successor of Jacobs's work. Language Ld can specify constraints for any database type, which can then be 'translated' to a particular database domain. ---Springsteel Category ={DBDlogic> VOD> } }

@article{Ryu1990, Author ={Ryu,I. and Thomasian,A.},
Title ={Analysis of Database Performance with Dynamic Locking},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Volume ="37",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at DEC the analysis estimates the probability of lock conflicts based on the mean number of locks held by transactions of various classes; main conclusions: system performance is affected more by transaction blocking than by transaction restarts; high transaction arrival rates result in thrashing; for moderate lock contention levels degradation is proportional to transaction size; lock contention with variable-size transactions is higher than with fixed-size transactions; read-only shared locks reduce conflicts and improve performance. Category ={DBDconc> } }

@article{Ryvkin1986, Author ={Ryvkin,V.M., Komarov,P.I., and Nazarov,A.S.},
Title ={Formalization of Algorithms for Relational Database Machines},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Feb..},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="36--43",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={parallel execution of relational algebra Category ={DBFmach, FASAC 337 } } % --------------------------------- end R ---------- % -------- S ------biblio----1949-1991-------

@inproceedings{Saake1989, Author ={Saake,G., Linnemann,V., Pistor,P., and Wegner,L.},
Title ={Sorting, Grouping and Duplicate Elimination in the Advanced Information Management Prototype},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ at Universitat Braunschweig(Saake) and IBM Heidelberg(Linnemann and Pistor) Category ={DBFoperations } }

@article{Sable1962, Author ={Sable,J.D.},
Title ={Use of Semantic Structure in Information Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1962, Month =Jan,
Pages ="40--43",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Sacca1981, Author ={Sacca,D. and Staniszkis,W.},
Title ={Physical Data Base Design in CODASYL Environment},
Journal ={AICA '81.},
Year =1981, Pages ="835--845",
Annote ={ at CRAI (Rende, Italy); Cent.Projektowania i Zastosowan Info. (Warsaw, Poland) Well written overview of the design issues. The problems of physical data base design in a CODASYL DBMS environment are discussed in this paper. The input to the physical design process is described as well as the design criteria applied to verify tentative solutions; the typical decisions facing the designer are presented in the form of a decision tree. Finally the influence of the Device-Media control decisions and the DBMS operational chacteristics on the performance of the data base system are discussed. A table on functions invoked by the various DML commands is included. Category ={DBDmodel.3> DBDbound.4, DBfile } }

@article{Sacca1983, Author ={Sacca,D. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Database Partitioning in a Cluster of Processors},
Journal ={IBM, Res.R. No.RJ-4076.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBDdist>} }

@article{Sacca1985, Author ={Sacca,Domenico},
Title ={Closures of Database Hypergraphs},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="774--803",
Volume ="32",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@techreport{Sacca1984, Author ={Sacca,D., Manfredi,F., and Mecchia,A.},
Title ={Properties of Database Schemata with Functional Dependencies},
Institution ={CRAI (Rende, Italy).},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Sacca1986, Author ={Sacca,D. and Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={On the Implementation of a Simple Class of Logic Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 5, Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at MCC Implementation of Recursive Queries for a Data Language Based on Pure Horn Logic one recursive predicate permits specifying binding-passing property of the query. Description of four methods: counting, eager, magic set, and magic counting. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic, Ullman } }

@techreport{Sacca1986:1, Author ={Sacca,D. and Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={Implementing Recursive Logic Queries with Function Symbols},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={at MCC. Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Sacca1985:1, Author ={Sacca,D., Vermeir,D., dAtri,A., Liso,A., Pedersen,S.G., Snijders,J.J., and Spyratos,N.},
Title ={Description of the Overall Architecture of the KIWI System},
Booktitle ={Rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ A knowledgebase to provide users a friendly interface to many databases. Intermediate language is like Datalog. Uses a single knowledge-based module, object-oriented representation with rules. Monitors. Sketchy. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Sacca1987, Author ={Sacca,D., Dispinzeri,M., Mecchia,A., Pizzuti,C., DelGracco,C., and Naggar,P.},
Title ={The Advanced Database Environment of the KIWI System},
Journal ={Data Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="203--210",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at Un.Calabria (Rende, Italy) Mediators: allows the user to develop knowledge-based applications that make use of data from a number of external databases. Applications are written in OOPS, object-oriented language but enriched with logic programming. The knowledge base can be updated whereas external databases are not. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@incollection{Sacco1981, Author ={Sacco,G.M. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Query Optimization in Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Un.Maryland, Coll.Bus.and Management, TR.81-29.},
Year =1981, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery.3, DBfile Yao} }

@techreport{Sacco1982, Author ={Sacco,Giovanni Maria},
Title ={A Mechanism for Managing the Buffer Pool in a Relational Database System Using the Hot Set Model},
Institution ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="257--262",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab (CA) The best strategy to access the data is generated by the system so that the pattern of data pages that are referenced can be predicted at the time the access plan is generated. A set of pages over which there is a looping behavior is called a hot set. Category ={DBFhard.3> DBDperf.3.3, DBShelf } }

@incollection{Sacco1982:1, Author ={Sacco,G.M. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Query Optimization in Distributed Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Advances in Computers, M.C.Yovitis (ed.).},
Year =1982, Volume ="21",
Category ={DBDdis>} }

@inproceedings{Sacco1982:2, Author ={Sacco,G.M., and Schkolnick,M.},
Title ={A Mechanism for Managing the Buffer Pool in a Relational Database System Using the Hot Set Model},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="257--262",
Category ={DBDrel> DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Sacco1984, Author ={Sacco,G.M.},
Title ={Distributed Query Evaluation in Local Area Networks},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Torino (Italy) Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Sacco1986, Author ={Sacco,G.M.},
Title ={Fragmentation: A Technique for Efficient Query Processing},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Pages ="113--133",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Sacco1986:1, Author ={Sacco,G.M. and Schkolnick,M.},
Title ={Buffer Management in Relational Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8708-0695.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="473-498",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC The hot-set model provides a more meaningful measure of cost than simple I/O counts. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Sacco1983, Author ={Sacco,G.M.},
Title ={Fragmentation: A technique for Efficient Query Processing},
Journal ={Un.Torino, TR..},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Torino (Italy) join by hashing: Create fragments by hashing, as many fragments as buffers can be allocated in memory. Then repeat that for the other relation. Then do a nested unsorted join, as Kim,W.1980, on the fragment pairs. Category ={DBDops.4.4> } }

@article{Sacco1986:2, Author ={Sacco,G.M. and Schkolnick,M.},
Title ={Buffer Management in Relational Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , vol.11 no.4.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="473--498",
Category ={DBDrel> DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Sacco1987, Author ={Sacco,G.},
Title ={Index Access with a Finite Buffer},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFimpl.1>} }

@article{SacksDavis1983, Author ={SacksDavis,R. and RamamohanaRao,K.},
Title ={A Two Level Superimposed Coding Scheme for Partial Match Retrieval},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1983, Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ at Un.Melbourne, DCS (Parkville Victoria 3052, AUSTRALIA) Subject: New Deductive Database System: A System for Very Large Deductive Databases using a Superimposed Codeword Indexing Scheme. This note is to announce the (near) availability of a deductive database system suitable for dealing with very large databases of Prolog rules. The indexing scheme used by the system is based on the method of two-level superimposed codewords as described here, which allows partial match retrieval. Superimposed codeword schemes provide a very efficient method of retrieving records from large databases in only a small number of disk accesses. Further, the access method can be tuned so that the ratio of `false matches' can be reduced by an arbitrary amount (with a corresponding increase in storage costs). Unlike many earlier systems, this system supports the storage and retrieval of completely general Prolog terms, including functors and variables, and it is even possible to store Prolog rules in the database. The system is in the final stages of development under Berkeley Unix (4.2BSD) and has already been interfaced to the MU-Prolog system, soon for Unix and VMS on a Pyramid 90x. Test using a UNET path database of one million facts, which have an average length of 60 bytes, required just over 80Mb, which means a storage overhead of about 30pct. Indexed on three attributes, the rate of insertion is six records per CPU second with locking controls. Specifying just two of the fields (each record contains four fields), retrieved on average just 3 records for a query which had only one correct answer. The system can achieve a record retrieval rate of around 1000 records per second for a query on highly clustered records, to about 50 records per second for a query on unclustered records. A query with complete information, required on average 1.1 retrievals, and required 4 disk accesses (excluding overheads from the Unix file system). This system overcomes some of the limitations of the Unix file system. For example, it overcomes the limit of twenty open files per process by caching on Unix file descriptors, thus allowing several database relations to be accessed simultaneously. The system also provides data buffering to reduce the number of file opens and data reads. The processing time of logic programs such as the 'ancestor' relation can be minimised by this feature. This system eliminates a number of restrictions which were associated with the deductive database system provided with release 3.1 of MU-Prolog. That system implemented the database manager as a separate process from the Prolog interpreter, communicating via Unix pipes. The present system is designed as a library package which is compiled into the host system; it could be incorporated fairly easily into most Prolog interpreters, or, in fact, into any systems that wished to perform partial match retrieval. The use of pipes in the old MU-Prolog system placed severe limitations (because of Unix file descriptor limitations) on the number of transactions (queries) which could be active concurrently; the new system has eliminated this restriction. Finally, this system lifts the restriction that only ground facts could be stored in the database, by allowing the storage of arbitrary Prolog terms (including rules). From: John Shepherd Category ={DBFtrees.5> DBDkb> } }

@article{SacksDavis1987, Author ={SacksDavis,R., Kent,A., and Ramamohanarao,K.},
Title ={Multikey Access Methods Based on Superimposed Coding Techniques},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8806-0443.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Pages ="655--696",
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ at Royal Melbourne Inst.of Technology, Melbourne, Victoria, Australia Expressions for the cost of a two-level and one-level scheme. ---Kaujalgi. Category ={DBFindex > } }

@techreport{Sadowsky1972, Author ={Sadowsky,George},
Title ={MASH, an On-Line System for Socio-economic Microsimulation of the U.S. Household Sector},
Institution ={Report of the Urban Inst.},
Year =1972, Annote ={at Urban Inst. (Washington DC) Description of data base language for census data processing written in FORTRAN using virtual memory concepts for files. Category ={DBDschema, x1> } }

@article{Sadri1982, Author ={Sadri,F. and Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Template Dependencies: A Large Class of Dependencies in Relational Databases and Its Complete Axiomatization},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Pages ="363--772",
Volume ="29",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at Un.Engineering, Shahim Shahr (Iran); Stanford Un., CSD Relational database theory has discovered complete axiomatizations for functional and multivalued dependencies. A database design system based on dependencies must deal with some more general kinds of dependencies; at least with embedded multivalued dependencies. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@inproceedings{Sadri1991, Author ={Sadri,Fereidoon },
Title ={Modeling Uncertainty in Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={Uncertain>} }

@inproceedings{Safran1986, Author ={Safran,C., Sobel,E., Lightfoot,J., and Porter,D.},
Title ={A Computer Program for Interactive Searches of a Medical Data Base},
Booktitle ={Medinfo 86, N-H .},
Year =1986, Pages ="545-549",
Annote ={ MUMPS application shows how index levels are selected for efficient use. Category ={DBFtree> MIS> } }

@article{Safran1990, Author ={Safran,C., Porter,D., Rury,C., Herrmann,F., Lightfoot,J., Underhill,L., Bleich,H., and Slack,W.},
Title ={Clinquery: Searching a Large Clinical Database},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Beth Israel Hospital Beth Israel Hospital clinical computing system uses transposed hierarchical copy Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Sagalowicz1977, Author ={Sagalowicz,D.},
Title ={IDA: An Intelligent Data Access Program},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed), IEEE.},
Year =1977, Pages ="293--300",
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Sagawa1990, Author ={Sagawa,J.M.},
Title ={Repository Manager technology},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1990, Volume ="29",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ specification and run-time services to enable execution of the specifications and to enforce global standards Category ={DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Sager1978, Author ={Sager,N. },
Title ={Natural Language Information Formatting: The Automatic Conversion of Texts to a Structure Data Base},
Booktitle ={Advances in Computers, Yovits and Rubinoff(eds), Academic Press (New York NY), .},
Year =1978, Pages ="89-162",
Volume ="17",
Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDnat> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Sager1985, Author ={Sager,N., Chi,E.C., Friedman,C., and Lyman,M.S.},
Title ={Modelling Natural Language Data for Automatic Creation of a Database from Free-Text Input},
Booktitle ={IEEE DBE Bull..},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="45-55",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDquery> DBDnat>} }

@book{Sager1987, Author ={Sager,N., Friedman,C., Lyman,M.S., et al.},
Title ={Medical Language Processing: Computer Management of Narrative Data},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Linguistic String Project Category ={DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Sager1989, Author ={Sager,N., Lyman,M., Tick,L.J., Borst,F., Nhan,N.T., Reveillard,C., Su,Y., and Scherrer,J-R.},
Title ={Adapting a Medical Language Processor from English to French},
Booktitle ={MEDINFO.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Sager1985:1, Author ={Sager,Thomas,J.},
Title ={A Polynomial Time Generator for Minimal Perfect Hash Functions},
Booktitle ={Communications of the ACM ,No5.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Pages ="523--532",
Volume ="28",
Annote ={at Un.Missouri-Rolla. Expected cost n**b if n=m. Tested up to n=256. Includes algorithms and measurements. Category ={DBFhash> } }

@techreport{Sagiv1979, Author ={Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={An Algorithm for Inferring Multivalued Dependencies That works also},
Institution ={Un.Illinois, Urbana-Champaign, TR.No.UIUCDCS-R-79-954.},
Year =1979, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDtheory, DBfile} }

@techreport{Sagiv1979:1, Author ={Sagiv,Y. and Fagin,R.},
Title ={An Algorithm for Inferring Multivalued Dependencies That works also},
Institution ={IBM, San Jose, IBM, TR. RJ2500.},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDtheory, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Sagiv1981, Author ={Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={Can We Assume the Universal Relation Assumption Without Nulls},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data , Ann Abor Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers.},
Year =1981, Pages ="108--120",
Category ={DBDops.4>} }

@article{Sagiv1982, Author ={Sagiv,Y. and Walecka,S.},
Title ={Subset Dependencies and a Completeness Result for a Subclass of Embedded Multivalued Dependencies},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month =Jan,
Pages ="103--117",
Volume ="29",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@techreport{Sagiv1982:1, Author ={Sagiv,Y.C.},
Title ={Optimization of Queries in Relational Databases},
Institution ={, 109pp.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Sagiv1983, Author ={Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={A Characterization of Globally Consistent Databases and their Correct Access Paths},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Pages ="266-286",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Inter-relational consistency based on FD's Category ={DBDmodel.3> } }

@techreport{Sagiv1984, Author ={Sagiv,Y. and Ullman,J.D. },
Title ={Complexity of a Top-Down Capture Rule},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR-CS-84-1009.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Sagiv1985, Author ={Sagiv,Yehoshua},
Title ={Concurrent Operations on B*-Trees with Overtaking},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Hebrew Un. Category ={DBDintegrity.1> DBFindex.4>} }

@article{Sagiv1985:1, Author ={Sagiv,Yehoshua},
Title ={On Computing Restricted Projections of Representative Instances},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Hebrew Un. Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Sagiv1986, Author ={Sagiv,Y. and Shmueli,O.},
Title ={The Equivalence of Tree Projections and Solving Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA. },
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Sagiv1986:1, Author ={Sagiv,Y. and Shmueli,O.},
Title ={On Finite FD-Acyclicity},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Sagiv1987, Author ={Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={Optimizing Datalog Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Hebrew Un. Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Sagiv1986:2, Author ={Sagiv,Y.},
Title ={Concurrent Operations on Btrees with Overtaking},
Journal ={Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Academic. .},
Year =1986, Volume ="33",
Annote ={ Process delete underflows by a distinct phase, permit mixed depths. Category ={DBFindex> } }

@article{Sagiv1988, Author ={Sagiv,Yehoshua},
Title ={On Bounded Database Schemes and Bounded Horn-Clause Programs},
Journal ={SIAM J.Comput., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8904-0251.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Pages ="1--12",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Hebrew Un., Jerusalem Israel A restricted projection is a projection in which all the tuples with null values are removed. If the set of dependencies is equivalent to a single join dependency amd some equality-generating dependencies, then the restricted projection can be expressed by the union of tableaux. ---Taghva. Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Sagiv1989, Author ={Sagiv,Y. and Vardi,M.},
Title ={Safety of Datalog Queries over Infinite Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Sagiv1991, Author ={Sagiv,Yehoshua},
Title ={Evaluation of Queries in Independent Database Schemes},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Volume ="38",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ tableau T is posed as a query on a representative instance as a union of equivalent tableaux Category ={DBDtheory> DBDquery> } }

@manual{SAIC1984, Author ={SAIC, Comsystems Div.},
Title ={UNITREP Software Model, Program Design Specification},
Organization ={SAIC, San Diego, Rep. No.SAI11702:029-0403.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ ADA PDL specification for a WWMCCS function, prepared for NOSC, San Diego. Sec.3.2.3 builds a database of messages. Category ={DBDintro.0> DBDlang @article{Sakai1978, Author ={Sakai,H.},
Title ={On the Optimization of the Entity-Relationship Model},
Journal ={Proc.3rd USA-JAPAN Computer Conf., AFIPS .},
Year =1978, Pages ="145--149",
Category ={DBDintro.1>} }

@article{Sakai1980, Author ={Sakai,H.A.},
Title ={A Unified Approach to the Logical Design of a Hierarchical Data Model},
Journal ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .1, Chen(ed).},
Year =1980, Pages ="61--74",
Category ={DBDintro.1>} }

@inproceedings{Sakai1982, Author ={Sakai,H.},
Title ={A Method for Defining Information Structures and Transactions in Conceptual Schema Design},
Booktitle ={JIP.},
Year =1982, Pages ="87--93",
Volume ="5",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at Hitachi Inst.Technology, Hitachi, Ltd. Tokyo, Japan Category ={DBDrel.2> DBFsyseval.1> } }

@article{Sakai1983, Author ={Sakai,H.A.},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Aproach to Logical Database Design},
Journal ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .3, Davis et al(eds), ; ACM Computing Reviews 8502-0126.},
Year =1983, Pages ="155--187",
Annote ={survey. Category ={DBDintro.1>} }

@inproceedings{Sakai1984, Author ={Sakai,H. and Horiuchi,H.},
Title ={A Method for Behavior Modeling in Data Oriented Approach to Systems Design},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Hitachi Category ={DBDmodel.6>} }

@article{Sakai1984:1, Author ={Sakai,H., Kamiya,S., Iwata,K., Abe,M., Tanaka,A., Shibayama,S., and Murakami,K.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of the Relational Database Engine},
Journal ={Fifth Generations Computer Systems, ICOT, pub. North-Holland-84, ICOT.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="419--426",
Annote ={at Toshiba, Kawasaki, Japan DELTA ? Category ={DBDkb, DBfile FGCS } }

@inproceedings{Sakai1983:1, Author ={Sakai,Hirotaka},
Title ={A Method for Entity-Relationship Behavior Modeling},
Booktitle ={ER 3, N-H, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8407-0579.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="111--129",
Annote ={at Hitachi Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Sakama1989, Author ={Sakama,C.},
Title ={Possible Model Semantics for Disjunctive Databases},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@techreport{Sakamoto1980, Author ={Sakamoto,G.J.},
Title ={Use of DB/DC Data Dictionary to Support Business Systems Planning Studies: An Approach},
Institution ={IBM, Los Angeles Sc. ctr , Report No.G370-2705, 24pp.},
Year =1980, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ This paper discusses an approach in which Release 3 of the IBM Data Dictionary is used as a tool to support Business Systems Planning (BSP) studies. The Data Dictionary subject categories, attributes and relationships for the BSP study data are defined. Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDdesign.7> } }

@techreport{Sakamoto1979, Author ={Sakamoto,J.G. and Ball,F.W.},
Title ={Supporting Business Systems Planning Studies with the DB/DC Data Dictionary},
Institution ={IBM, 321-5161, ?.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDschema.1>. 7.5} }

@article{Salasin1973, Author ={Salasin,John},
Title ={Hierarchial Storage in Information Retrieval},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month =May,
Pages ="291--295",
Volume ="16",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Simple evaluation of record fetch costs using various accessing sequences. Category ={DBFhard> %Salasin73 } }

@manual{Salasin1988, Author ={Salasin,J., Kappel,M.R., Ardoin,C.D., Linn,C.J., and Linn,J.L.},
Title ={Sagen User's Guide},
Organization ={Inst. for Defense Analyses, IDA paper P-2028; prepared for SDIO; .},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={ Template generator for Ada programs following SDI software architecture. Category ={DADAISM> DEng, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Salem1984, Author ={Salem,K. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Disk Striping},
Booktitle ={Princeton Un., TR-EECS-332.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ data organization for parallel disk transfer using multiple devices. A very extensive investigation into disk striping, i.e. multiplexing data across disks to increase concurrent transfer of data in and out of memory. The authors find mixed results on the use of striping. The performance speedups for typical tasks ranged from 10-70pct. Striping appears to pay off most for larger file systems with fast processors where the transfer rate is most limiting. They find that striping needs to implemented with care in all cases, since its performance is sensitive to system parameters. ---wct Category ={DBFhard> DBFarchitecture.3, DBfile Garcia } }

@techreport{Salem1986, Author ={Salem,K. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Crash Recovery Mechanisms for Main Storage Database Systems},
Institution ={Princeton, CS-TR-034-86.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Princeton Un. Category ={DBFreliability, DBfile} }

@techreport{Salem1987, Author ={Salem,K., GarciaMolina,H., and Alonso,R.},
Title ={Altruistic Locking: A Strategy for Coping with Long Lived Transactions},
Institution ={Princeton, CS-TR-087-87.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Princeton, CSD some transactions can release their locks early, but use of their results is constrained. Predeclaration of the access set is an option. Category ={DBDtrans, DBfile Garcia } }

@techreport{Salem1987:1, Author ={Salem,K. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Crash Recovery for Memory-Resident Databases},
Institution ={Princeton Un., TR.CS-TR-119-87.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDreliab, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Salem1987:2, Author ={Salem,K. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Checkpointing Memory-Resident Databases},
Booktitle ={Princeton Un., TR. CS-TR-126-87.},
Year =1987, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Princeton Un., DCS Category ={DBFsecurity> DBDnewDBMS> DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Salem1990, Author ={Salem,K. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={System M: A Transaction Processing Testbed for Memory Resident Data},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@techreport{Salem1990:1, Author ={Salem,Kenneth},
Title ={Altruistic Locking},
Institution ={UMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersACS report TR-90-104.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Salem1992, Author ={Salem,K., Barbara,D., and Lipton,R.},
Title ={Probabilistic Diagnosis of Hot Spots},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Salgado1989, Author ={Salgado,C., LeThan,N., Vittori,E., Dong,J.T., Mopolo,G., and Miranda,S.},
Title ={The Physical Machine of NICEBD, and Object-Oriented DBMS},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="359--366",
Annote ={ at Un.Nice-CNRS, Baou Project, (Sophia-Antipolis, France) Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Salmona1980, Author ={Salmona,Jean},
Title ={Information Systems, Development, and Structural Changes},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 80, N-H, Proc.IFIP Congress .},
Year =1980, Pages ="767--789",
Volume ="8",
Annote ={at Data for Development International Assoc. (Marseille France) } }

@inproceedings{Salter1986, Author ={Salter,F.},
Title ={On the Power to Derive External Schemata from the Database Schema},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Barcelona general conceptual views by a member of IFIP WG2.6. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@manual{Saltman1986, Author ={Saltman,R.G.},
Title ={Representations of Local Time of Day for Information Interchange},
Organization ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). , 19pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at NBS Uniform time representations. Adopts American National Standard ANSI X3.43-1986. Supersedes FIPS PUB 58. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Salton1962, Author ={Salton,Gerard},
Title ={The Manipulation of Trees in Information Retrieval},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1962, Month =Feb,
Pages ="103--114",
Volume ="5",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Salton1968, Author ={Salton,Gerard},
Title ={Automatic Information Organization and Retrieval},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), Book Co., New York.},
Year =1968, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Salton1968:1, Author ={Salton,G.},
Title ={Search and Retrieval Experiments in Real-Time Information Retrieval},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H,},
Year =1968, Pages ="1082--1093",
Volume ="2",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Salton1968:2, Author ={Salton,G.},
Title ={Search Strategy and the Optimization of Retrieval Effectiveness},
Booktitle ={FID68.},
Year =1968, Pages ="73--107",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Salton1975, Author ={Salton,G.},
Title ={Dynamic Information and Library Processing},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Salton1975:1, Author ={Salton,G., Wong,A., and Yao,C.S.},
Title ={A Vector Space Model for Automatic Indexing},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM},
Year =1975, Month =Nov,
Pages ="613--620",
Volume ="18",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Cornell Un. Optimizing of relationship strength based data access. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Salton1978, Author ={Salton,G. and Wang,A.},
Title ={Generation and Search of Clustered Files},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Pages ="321--346",
Volume ="3",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Automatic classification for information retrieval Category ={DBDquery.0> } }

@inproceedings{Salton1983, Author ={Salton,Gerard and Schneider,Hans-Jochen (eds)},
Title ={Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
Booktitle ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 311pp.},
Year =1983, Volume ="146",
Annote ={at TU Berlin (FRG) Proc.Intl. ACM-SIGIR 5 conference, Berlin, May.1982. Category ={DBDquery.2, ISBN 0-387-11978-7 } }

@article{Salton1986, Author ={Salton,Gerard},
Title ={Another Look at Automatic Text-retrieval Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8702-??.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="648--656",
Volume ="29",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Cornell Un. excellent overview and a good synopsis of the state of the art. ---Crawford. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@book{Salton1983:1, Author ={Salton,G. and McGill,M.J.},
Title ={Introduction to Modern Information Retrieval},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 448pp.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@article{Salton1983:2, Author ={Salton,G., Fox,E.A., and Wu,H.},
Title ={Extended Boolean Information Retrieval},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8407-0586.},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1022--1036",
Volume ="26",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Cornell Un. p-norms between documents and simple queries as propagates for compound queries. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Salton1990, Author ={Salton,G.},
Title ={Full Text Information Processing Using the Smart System},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Ithaca Un. Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@article{Salton1988, Author ={Salton,G. and Buckley,C.},
Title ={Parallel text search methods},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Volume ="31",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ a comparison of recently proposed parallel text search methods to alternative available search strategies that use serial processing machines suggests parallel methods do not provide large-scale gains in either effectiveness or efficiency Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@book{Salton1989, Author ={Salton,Gerard},
Title ={Automatic text processing: the transformation, analysis, and retrieval of information by computer},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 530pp; ACM CR 9104-0247.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Cornell Un. comprehensive and up-to-date; textual data organization and scanning, indexing, classification, automatic abstraction and text generation system; light on the details but heavy on principles Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@inproceedings{Saltor1992, Author ={Saltor,F. Castellanos,M., and M. GarciaSolaco,M.},
Title ={Overcoming Schematic Discreprancies in Interoperable Databases},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Saltzer1974, Author ={Saltzer, J.H.},
Title ={Protection and the Control of Information Sharing in Multics},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Jul,
Pages ="388-402",
Volume ="17",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBDprivacy.6>} }

@article{Saltzer1975, Author ={Saltzer, Jerome H. and Schroeder, Michael D.},
Title ={The Protection of Information in Computer Systems},
Journal ={Proc.of the IEEE.},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1278--1308",
Volume ="63",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Project MAC, MIT (Cambridge MA) Extensive presentation of security aspects of computer systems with extensive bibliography. Category ={DBDprivacy> DBDprivacy.6, xboxTS } }

@techreport{Salveter1984, Author ={Salveter,Sharon},
Title ={Natural Language Database Update},
Institution ={Boston Un., CSD, TR.84001.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Annote ={ A DBA is to specify a scenario for types of updates as a verbgraph. An update is to be translated using this information into an intermediate language, which is finally translated to QUEL. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3 in DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Salveter1982, Author ={Salveter,S. and Maier,D.},
Title ={Natural Language Database Updates},
Booktitle ={American Journal of Computational Linguistics 20, Toronto.},
Year =1982, Pages ="67--73",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3, DBfile --- similar paper} }

@inproceedings{Salveter1982:1, Author ={Salveter,Sharon},
Title ={Inferring Building Blocks for Knowledge Representation},
Booktitle ={Strategies for Natural Language Processing, Lehnert and Ringle(eds), Lawrence Erlbaum assoc..},
Year =1982, Annote ={The MORAN system uses frames. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3, DBfile } }

@techreport{Salveter1984:1, Author ={Salveter,Sharon},
Title ={Natural Language Database Update},
Institution ={Boston Un., CSD, TR.84001.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Annote ={ A DBA is to specify a scenario for types of updates as a verbgraph. An update is to be translated using this information into an intermediate language, which is finally translated to QUEL. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3>in DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Salveter1984:2, Author ={Salveter,S. and Stumberger,D.E.},
Title ={Designing Database Updates},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin, 76--81.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Volume ="7",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDschema.5>} }

@incollection{Salveter1984:3, Author ={Salveter,S.},
Title ={Supporting Natural Language Database Update by Modeling Real World Actions},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at Boston Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Salza1983, Author ={Salza,S., Terranova,M. and Velardi,P.},
Title ={Performance Modeling of the DBMAC Architecture},
Booktitle ={IWDM, Munich.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ at CNR, IASI (Viale Manzoni, 30, 00185 Roma, Italy) Category ={DBFhard.6.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Salza1983:1, Author ={Salza,S., Terranova,M., and Velardi,P.},
Title ={Performance Modeling of the DBMAC Architecture},
Booktitle ={IWDM 3, Munich, Missikoff(ed).},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at CNR, IASI, (Roma Italy) Category ={DBFmach, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Salza1984, Author ={Salza,S., Terranova,M., and Velardi,P.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of the Interconnection Architecture in a Multiprocesor Database Machine},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ DBMAC, derived from paper presented at IWDM 3. Simulation model covers multiple devices and processors, matches analysis shown in DBD Table 5.2. Category ={DBFmach> DBFsyseval.4.4, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Salza1985, Author ={Salza,S. and Terranova,M.},
Title ={Workload Modeling for Relational Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IWDM 4, DeWitt and Boral(eds.), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), Bahamas.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBFmach>} }

@article{Salza1989, Author ={Salza,S. and Terranova,M.},
Title ={Evaluating the Size of Queries on Relational Databases with non Uniform Distribution and Stochastic Dependence},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at CNR, IASI, (Roma Italy) For non uniform distribution, the number of distinct values decreases less than cardinality under selection. Zipf model. Non independence can introduce great differences. Category ={DBFquery> } }

@book{Salzberg1986, Author ={Salzberg,Betty J.},
Title ={An Introduction to Data Base Design},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Northeastern Un. good description of IMS, nice examples throughout. Category ={DBDintro, 8601226 } }

@article{Salzberg1986:1, Author ={Salzberg,Betty},
Title ={Third Normal Form Made Easy},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="2--18",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Northeastern Un. Bernstein's algorithmic method is easy to learn and can be programmed Category ={DBDmodel, home } }

@book{Salzberg1988, Author ={Salzberg,Betty},
Title ={File Structures},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers,},
Year =1988, Annote ={ A simplified version of Wiederhold: File Organization for Database Design plus extendable hashing and a bit on joins. Category ={DBFintro, office } }

@techreport{Salzberg1989, Author ={Salzberg,B. and Lomet,D.},
Title ={Robust Index Structures for Large Spatial Databases},
Institution ={Proc. Conf.on Large Spatial Databases, (Santa Barbara CA).},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDimage, biblio} }

@inproceedings{Salzberg1990, Author ={Salzberg,B., Tsukerman,A., Gray,J., Stewart,M., Uren,S., and Vaughan,B.},
Title ={FastSort: A Distributed Single-Input Single-Output External Sort},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={ parallel sort is faster than serial sort for files larger than 1 MB Category ={DBDdist> DBFseq> } }

@techreport{Salzberg1991, Author ={Salzberg,B. and Dimock,A.},
Title ={Record Level Concurrent Reorganization},
Institution ={Northeastern TR NU-CCS-91-6.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFindex, DBfile} }

@article{Salzberg1991:1, Author ={Salzberg,B. and Lomet,D.},
Title ={Spatial Database Access Methods},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDimage>} }

@inproceedings{Salzberg1992, Author ={Salzberg,B. and Dimock,A.},
Title ={Principles of Transaction-Based On-line Reorganization},
Booktitle ={Northeastern TR NU-CCS-92-6.},
Year =1992, Annote ={incremental reorganization Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Samad1991, Author ={Samad,T. and Israel,P.},
Title ={A Browser for Large Knowledge Bases Based on a Hybrid Distributed- Local Connectionist Architecture},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Samadani1990, Author ={Samadani,R., Mihovilovic,D., Clauer,C.R., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={A Computer Vision System for Automatically Finding the Auroral Oval from Satellite Images},
Booktitle ={SPIESPSE Conf., Santa Clara.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Category ={Image>} }

@article{Samadani1990:1, Author ={Samadani,R., Mihovilovic,D., Clauer,C.R., Wiederhold,G., et al.},
Title ={Evaluation of an Elastic Curve Technique for Finding the Auroral Oval From Satellite Images Automatically},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Volume ="28",
Number ="4",
Annote ={I3 Category ={IMAGE>} }

@article{Samadi1976, Author ={Samadi,B.},
Title ={Btrees in a System with Multiple Users},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1976, Month =Oct,
Pages ="107--112",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDintegrity>} }

@unpublished{Samaras1988, Author ={Samaras,George},
Title ={An SQL Interface for Object-Oriented Engineering Databases},
Note ={PhD proposal for Spooner, rcvd. , RPI, Troy},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Rensselaer Polytech. Inst. (NY) extended SQL is to be translated into ROSE. Category ={EIS> DBDobject, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Samaras1993, Author ={Samaras,G., Britton,K., Citron,A., and Mohan,C.},
Title ={Two-Phase Commit Optimizations and Tradeoffs in the Commercial Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM Research Triangle Park; IBM Almaden Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Sammut1983, Author ={Sammut,C.A. and Sammut,R.A.},
Title ={The Implementation of UNSW-PROLOG},
Journal ={The Australian Comp. Journal.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Samuel1959, Author ={Samuel,Arthur L.},
Title ={Some Studies in Machine Learning Using the Game of Checkers},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1959, Pages ="210--229",
Volume ="3",
Annote ={ uncertainty of combinations represented as 2D decision tables. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@article{Samuel1967, Author ={Samuel, Arthur L.},
Title ={Some Studies in Machine learning Using the Game of Checkers. II Recent Progress},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development,},
Year =1967, Month =Nov,
Pages ="601--617",
Volume ="11",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@book{Samuelson1976, Author ={Samuelson,K.(ed)},
Title ={ECI Conf. 1976},
Publisher ={LNCS, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) NY, 322pp.},
Year =1976, Volume ="44",
Annote ={ Proc.Int. Conf. European Coop. in Informatics, VIII Category ={DBFintro> } }

@book{Samuelson1968, Author ={Samuelson,K.(ed)},
Title ={Mechanized Information Storage, Retrieval, and Dissemination},
Publisher ={N-H (Amsterdam) .},
Year =1968, Annote ={ Proc.1967 FID-IFIP Congress on Mechanical Information Storage, Retrieval, and Dissemination Collection of papers, many oriented towards bibliographic data bases. Category ={DBDquery> %Samuelson68 } }

@article{Sandberg1979, Author ={Sandberg,G.},
Title ={A Primer on Relational Data Base Concepts},
Journal ={IBM, G321-5139.},
Year =1979, Annote ={ Basic concepts of relational database management systems are described. Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@inproceedings{Sandberg1985, Author ={Sandberg,R., Goldberg,D., Kleiman,S., Walsh,D., and Lyon,B.},
Title ={Design and implementation of the Sun network filesystem},
Booktitle ={Summer Usenix Conference, Portland, Oregon, 1985.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Sandblad1990, Author ={Sandblad,B},
Title ={Software Requirements for Design and Development of Efficient User Interfaces},
Booktitle ={IMIA Working conference on Software Eng. and Medical Informatics, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Uppsala Un. defines groups and task Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Sanden1989, Author ={Sanden,Bo},
Title ={Entity-life modeling and structured analysis in real-time software design - a comparison},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9012-0946.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Volume ="32",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at GMU traditional approach stepwise refinement; entity-life model using Ada's task construct is superior Category ={DENG> } }

@book{Sanders1974, Author ={Sanders,Donald H.},
Title ={Computers and Management in a Changing Society},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1974, Annote ={ Non technical introduction to MIS with readings and case studies. Human and business aspects discussed with readings. Category ={DBFintro> DBDadmin> %Sanders74 } }

@article{Sandhu1988, Author ={Sandhu,Ravinderpal S.},
Title ={The Schematic Protection Model: its Definition and Analysis for Acyclic Attenuating Schemes},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8902--0067},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Pages ="404--432",
Volume ="35",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Ohio State, (Columbus OH) An access control model that is for discretionary and mandatory access policies; Most existing models suffer from intractability with regard to safety or are of limited generality. ---Gasser Category ={DBDprotect> } }

@article{Sandhu1988:1, Author ={Sandhu,Revinderpal S.},
Title ={The NTreee: a Two Dimension Partial Order for Protection Groups},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ; ACM CR 8902-0079},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="197--222",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Grouping the users for authorization purposes. Category ={DBDprotect> } }

@inproceedings{Sang1989, Author ={Sang,S.H. and Kang,H.},
Title ={Approaches to Design of Real-Time Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="274--281",
Annote ={ Recovery, distribution, ?? as identity connection, timestamps, FAUVE, priority vs. fair scheduling. Category ={DBFrealtime> } }

@article{Sang1989:1, Author ={Sang,H.S. and Agrawala,A.K.},
Title ={Distributed Checkpointing for Globally Consistent States of Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1157--1167",
Volume ="15",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Virginia, DCS A new checkpointing algorithm which is noninterfering and generates globally consistent checkpoints. Apply pre- or post-checkpoint transactions to checkpoint file. Category ={DBDreliab> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{SangAjang1981, Author ={SangAjang,G. and Spoor,E.},
Title ={Idee\en voor het ontwerpen van een gedistribueerd database management systeem},
Booktitle ={VU Amsterdam, Management Science, Journal of TIMS Th., in Dutch,},
Year =1981, Annote ={ideas for the design of a distributed DBMS. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Sansom1984, Author ={Sansom,Richard E.},
Title ={Intelligent Database Access},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at TRW Defense Systems Group Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Sansom1988, Author ={Sansom,Robert D.},
Title ={Building a Secure Distributed Computer System},
Institution ={CMU, TR-CS-88-141.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Annote ={at CMU, CSD Category ={DBFprotection, box CMU} }

@article{Santoro1989, Author ={Santoro,N. and Suen,E.},
Title ={Reduction Techniques for Selection in Distributed Files},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Volume ="38",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Carleton Un., Ottawa selecting the Kth smallest element of N elements distributed among the sites. Filger by medians. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Saraiya1989, Author ={Saraiya,Yatin P.},
Title ={Linearising Nonlinear Recursions in Polynomial Time},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Stanford Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Saraiya1990, Author ={Saraiya,Y.P.},
Title ={Hard Problems for Simple Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={Undecidability of datalog programs with rules commutativity, separability and ZYT-linearizability concerns equivalence between safe, Datalog programs which involve a single intensional predicate and which have no variable repeated in the head of any rule programs allow powerful optimization Category ={DBDtheory> DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Saraiya1990:1, Author ={Saraiya,Y.P.},
Title ={Polynomial-time program transformations in deductive databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD rectified by avoiding repeated variables in heads Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Sarathy1993, Author ={Sarathy,V. Saxton,L., VanGucht,D.},
Title ={Algebraic Foundation and Optimization for Object Based Query Languages},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Indiana Un. Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Sarda1990, Author ={Sarda,Nandlal},
Title ={Extensions to SQL for Historical Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="2",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Indian Inst.of Technolgy, Bombay Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Sargot1986, Author ={Sargot,M., et al.},
Title ={The British Nationality[A Act as a Logic Program .},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1986, Volume ="29",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Sarin1986, Author ={Sarin,Rakesh K.(ed)},
Title ={Special Issue on Risk and Health},
Journal ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Volume ="30",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Includes Howard:`On fates comparable to death'; Gafni and Torrance:`Risk attitude and Time preference in Health', and Starr and Whipple:`Health and Safety Risk Analysis: A Perspective. Category ={MCS> DBDprivacy> } }

@inproceedings{Sarin1986:1, Author ={Sarin,S.K., Kaufman,C.W., and Somers,J.E.},
Title ={Using History Information to Process Delayed Database Updates},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at CCA Identity implementation Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Sarin1987, Author ={Sarin,S.K. and Lynch,N.A.},
Title ={Discarding Obsolete Information in a Replicated Database System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 8803-0179.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Pages ="39--47",
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Mutual consistency of copies is ensured by a total order on all updates issued using timestamps. The architecture was developed by CCA's system for highly available replicated data (SHARD). ---J.Pokorny. Category ={DBFmain> DBDdist> } }

@article{Sarin1987:1, Author ={Sarin,S.(ed.)},
Title ={Special Issue on Federated Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Data Engineering, pp.64.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Volume ="10",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Sathi1985, Author ={Sathi,A., Fox,M., and Greenberg,M.},
Title ={Representation of Activity Knowledge for Project Management},
Booktitle ={IEEE TPAMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers, Vol.PAMI-7 .},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Number ="5",
Annote ={ CALLISTO. The paper provides an integration of the underlying theories(time, causality, state) needed for modeling activities. It uses the well known concepts in the knowledge Representation and the attempt is toward their integration. The required epistemological concepts are discussed. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Sato1989, Author ={Sato,M., Yoshinaga,T., Terada,T., Wang,X., and Kishimoto,J.},
Title ={},
Institution ={.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Telematique Intern., Tokyo browsing through full text and image files with moving images Category ={DBDquery> Image, DBfile } }

@book{Satyanarayanan1980, Author ={Satyanarayanan,M.},
Title ={Multiprocessors: A Comparative Study},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBFarch> DBFdist> DBFstorage>} }

@inproceedings{Satyanarayanan1981, Author ={Satyanarayanan,M.},
Title ={A Study of File Sizes and Functional Lifetimes},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 8, ACM Order .},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="96--108",
Number ="534810",
Category ={DBFuse-2> DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Satyanarayanan1985, Author ={Satyanarayanan,M. et al.},
Title ={The ITC distributed file system: Principles and design},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 10, Orcas Island, Washington, December .},
Year =1985, Category ={DBFdist>} }

@book{Satyanarayanan1986, Author ={Satyanarayanan,Mahadev},
Title ={Modelling Storage Systems},
Publisher ={Un.Microfilms, (Ann Arbor Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers), 262pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8705-0344.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Simulation of memory hierarchies. application to a network file system. Category ={DBFarch> } }

@article{Satyanarayanan1990, Author ={Satyanarayanan,M. et al.},
Title ={Coda: A highly available file system for a distributed workstation environment},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Volume ="39",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Satyanarayanan1990:1, Author ={Satyanarayanan,Mahadev},
Title ={Scalable, Secure, and Highly Availalbe Distributed File Access},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9012-0957.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at CMU Andrew and Coda are distributed Unix file systems that embody advanced in data sharing in large physically dispersed workstation environments; includes short reviews of other systems, other articles in same issue. Category ={DBFdist> DBFreliab> } }

@inproceedings{Sauquet1990, Author ={ Sauquet,D., Degoulet,P., Lavril,M., and Aime,F. Sauquet,D., Degoulet,P., Lavril,M., and Aime,F.},
Title ={LIED: a semantic and temporal data management language},
Booktitle ={IMIA Working conference on Software Eng. and Medical Informatics, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Broussais Un.Hospital The authors present a modern distributed system with object and temporal capabilities. Types as TIME, sets, and REFERENCE )with open subtypes) are included. Various NULLS can be represented. It points out weaknesses of current commercial products, but hopes that that will be ameliorated in the future. Both navigational and relational queries are supported. Extending the temporal domain to include intervals and an algebra over intervals seems desirable, some queries are now likely to be awkward. Sauquet et al have carefully adopted concepts found in many earlier systems and show a valid exception to the rule that building your own system is likely to be futile. Model close to structural model, various null values Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Savage1985, Author ={Savage,P.},
Title ={Proposed Guidelines for an Automated Cartridge Repository},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="49--58",
Volume ="18",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Shell Dev.Co. (Houston TX) Category ={DBFarchitecture> DBFhard.1.4> } }

@techreport{Savage1987, Author ={Savage,Patric},
Title ={TUTORIAL NOTES: Integrating Distributed System and Mass Storage System Architectures},
Institution ={IEEE Symp. on Mass Storage Sys., Tuscon.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Category ={DBFhard> DBFdist, Tutorials} }

@inproceedings{Savasere1991, Author ={Savasere,A., Sheth,A., Gala,S., Navathe,S., and Marcus,H.},
Title ={On Applying Classification to Schema Integration},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Savchenko1988, Author ={Savchenko,S.F. and Chernykh,A.A.},
Title ={Time Characteristics of the Functioning of DBMS of the SOU Minicomputer},
Journal ={Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny.},
Year =1988, Pages ="116--117",
Volume ="87",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ measures IMAGE-like system performance o- Sou (HP2100 copy) 64k, disk. Category ={DBFhash, FASAC 102 } }

@book{Savinkova1984, Author ={Savinkova,V.M.},
Title ={Sistemy upravleniya bazami dannykh dlya YeS EVM (Data Base Management Systems for Unified Systems of Computers. A Manual.)},
Publisher ={Izdatel'stvo `Finansy i statistika', Moscow,},
Year =1984, Annote ={ description of YeS DBMSs: Set, OKA, DISOD, SETOR, Bank, INES Category ={DBDbound, FASAC 20 } }

@article{Savir1975, Author ={Savir,D and G.J.Laurer},
Title ={The Characteristics and Decodability of the Universal Product Code},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1975, Pages ="16--34",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFrepresent.2>} }

@article{Saxton1983, Author ={Saxton,L.V., Ip,M.Y., and Raghavan,V.V.},
Title ={On the Selection of an Optimal Set of Indexes},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Pages ="135--143",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Regina (Sask., Canada) Category ={DBFimpl.2.5>} }

@article{Saxton1990, Author ={Saxton,L.V. and Raghavan,V.V.},
Title ={Design of an Integrated Information Retrieval/Database Management System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="2",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ a unified architecture; provides for aggregation and generalization operations; has a RANK operator. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Sayani1973, Author ={Sayani,H.H.},
Title ={Restart and Recovery in a Transaction-Oriented Information Processing System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1973, Month =May,
Pages ="351--366",
Category ={DBDtrans.3>} }

@book{Sayles1989, Author ={Sayles,Jonathan},
Title ={SQL spoken here},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, 269pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9004-0272.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Systems Group Inc. format of an independent study workbook Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Sayles1989:1, Author ={Sayles,Jonathan},
Title ={SQL for dBASE IV: a user's tutorial},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences, 246pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9006-0457.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Systems Group Inc. targeted toward experienced dBASE users, no coverage of the full language. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Scacchi1989, Author ={Scacchi,Walt},
Title ={Engineering Large-Scale Software Systems: An Organizational Knowledge Base Approach},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, Mar., IEEE CS,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="232--235",
Annote ={at UCLA, CSD Software Hypertext information structures. Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Scapin1981, Author ={Scapin,D.L.},
Title ={Computer Commands in Restricted Natural Language: Some Aspects of Memory and Experience},
Journal ={Human Factors.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Pages ="365--375",
Volume ="23",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at INRIA Pseudo-English experiment on recall with redundancy and context changes. Category ={DBDnat> } }

@article{Schach1986, Author ={Schach,S.R. and Wood,P.T.},
Title ={An Almost Path-free Very High-Level Interactive Data Manipulation Language for a Microcomputer-based Databse System},
Journal ={Software Practice and Experience, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8611-1028.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Pages ="243--268",
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto VIADUCT queries (only) the CODASYL-structured DBMS MDBS without requiring set names when the path in unambigous. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Schaefer1970, Author ={Schaefer,Marvin},
Title ={DBL, a Language for Converting Data Bases},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1970, Month =Jun,
Pages ="123--130",
Annote ={Moving data bases between computers Category ={DBDschema> DBDlang, xB7>%Schaefer70 } }

@book{Schank1973, Author ={Schank,R.C. and Colby,K.M.(eds)},
Title ={Computer Models of Thought and Language},
Publisher ={W.H. Freeman, San Francisco, 454pp.},
Year =1973, Annote ={ Collection of 10 papers introducing natural language processing. Category ={DBDnat> %Schank73 } }

@article{Schay1962, Author ={Schay,G.jr. and Spruth, W.G.},
Title ={Analysis of a File Addressing Method},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1962, Month =Aug,
Pages ="459--462",
Volume ="5",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at IBM System Design of direct access algorithms with linear probing. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@article{Schay1963, Author ={Schay,G.jr. and Raver, N.},
Title ={A Method for Key-to-Address Tranformations},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development .},
Year =1963, Month Apr,
Pages ="121--126",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Design and evaluation of direct access algorithms. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, x3.5 } }

@book{Schecter1967, Author ={Schecter,G.(ed)},
Title ={Information Retrieval, a Critical View},
Publisher ={Thompson Books (Washington DC).},
Year =1967, Annote ={ NCIR 3, Ann.Symp.on Information Retrieval, May.1966 (Philadelphia PA). Includes papers on MIT and TID, Chemical Abstracts CIDS, CDC INFOL (Olle), RDF (Maron, Levien), SOLID (deMaine and Marron) Category ={DBDquery.3> %Schecter67 } }

@incollection{Schek1984, Author ={Schek,Hans-Joerg},
Title ={Nested Transactions in a Combined IRS-DBMS Architecture},
Booktitle ={Research and Development in Information Retrieval, in BCS-WS, vanRijsbergen(ed), Cambridge Un.Press, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8511-1060.},
Year =1984, Pages ="55--70",
Annote ={at TU Darmstadt (FRG) IR transaction have broader scope than DBMS transactions? Category ={DBDquery.1> DBDtrans> } }

@techreport{Schek1986, Author ={Schek,H-J. and Weikum,G.},
Title ={DASDBS: Concepts and Architecture of a Database System for Adanced Applications},
Institution ={TU.Darmstadt, TR-DVSI--TI, 1986.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at TU.Darmstadt, CSD (FRG) Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@article{Schek1987, Author ={Schek,Hans-Joerg},
Title ={DASDBS: A Kernel DBMS and Application-Specific Layers},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="122--124",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBDimplement>} }

@article{Schek1986:1, Author ={Schek,H-J. and Scholl,M.H.},
Title ={The Relational Model with Relation-Valued Attributes},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1986, Pages ="137--147",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDnewDBMS> DBDobject, DBfile } }

@book{Schek1987:1, Author ={Schek,H.J. and Schlageter,G.(eds)},
Title ={Datenbank Systeme in Buero, Technik, Wissenschaft},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), in German.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ includes contribution by Biedassek,T., Haenelt,K., and Schneider,W. on text analysis for loading databases. Category ={DBDintro> DBDnat> } }

@article{Schek1988, Author ={Schek,Hans-Joerg},
Title ={Nested Relations, a Step Forward or Backward ?},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin, (Special Issue on Nested Relations), .},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="56--63",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ It's forward ! Induces dynamic definitions. Moving to objects. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Schek1990, Author ={Schek,H-J., Paul,H-B., Scholl,M.H., and Weikum,G.},
Title ={The DASDBS Project: Objectes, Experiences, and Future Projects},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at ETH, Zurich a retrospective on the Darmstadt database system project Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Schek1991, Author ={Schek,H-J., Weikum,G. and Schaad,W.},
Title ={A Multi-Level Transaction Approach to Federated DBMS Transaction Management},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Schek1991:1, Author ={Schek,H-J., Scheuermann,P., and Wolf,A.},
Title ={From Extensibility to Interoperability between Database Systems and Application Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Schek1992, Author ={Schek,H-J. and Wolf,A.},
Title ={Cooperation between Autonomous Operation Services and Object Database Systems in a Heterogeneous Environment},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Scherr1978, Author ={Scherr,A.L.},
Title ={Distributed Data Processing},
Journal ={IBM, G321-5078.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Scheuermann1978, Author ={Scheuermann,P. and Carlson,C.R.},
Title ={Self-Assessment Procedure V, Databases},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Volume ="21",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Northwestern Un. A self-assessment procedure dealing with database systems. Category ={DBDintro.1> DBDadmin, DBfile } }

@article{Scheuermann1981, Author ={Scheuermann,P. and Ouksel,M.},
Title ={Multi-dimensional Btrees: Analysis of Dynamic Behavior},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark 21.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFtree, DBfile} }

@article{Scheuermann1982, Author ={Scheuermann,P. and Ouksel,M.},
Title ={Multi-dimensional Btrees for Associative Searching in Database Systems},
Journal ={Inform.Systems.},
Year =1982, Pages ="123--137",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFindex.Ch8, DBfile} }

@article{Scheuermann1990, Author ={Scheuermann,P. et al.},
Title ={Report on the Workshop on Heterogenous Database Systems held at Northwestern University, Dec.1989.},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull, No 4.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="13",
Annote ={federated issues categories: semantic heterogeneity and integration, object approach, transaction processing, query optimization, standardization Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Scheuermann1989, Author ={Scheuermann,P., Park,Y.C., Omiecinsky,E.},
Title ={Heuristic reorganization of clustered files},
Booktitle ={Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, Paris.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFseq>} }

@techreport{Scheuermann1992, Author ={Scheuermann,P., Weikum,G., and Zabback,P.},
Title ={Automatic Tuning of Data Placement and Load Balancing in Disk Arrays},
Institution ={ETH report 175.},
Year =1992, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Schewe1992, Author ={Schewe,K-D., Schmidt,J., and Wetzel,I.},
Title ={Identification, Genericity and Consistency in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Hamburg Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Schiel1983, Author ={Schiel,Ulrich},
Title ={An Abstract Introduction to the Temporal-Hierarchic Model (THM)},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 9, Florence Italy. .},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="322--330",
Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@inproceedings{Schiel1984, Author ={Schiel,U., Furtado,A.L., Neuhold,E.J., and Casanova,M.A.},
Title ={Towards Multi-level and Modular Conceptual Schema Specifications},
Booktitle ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8412-1024.},
Year =1984, Pages ="43--57",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ worked out example: constraints --> operations and representation --> Relationship and entities. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@inproceedings{Schiel1985, Author ={Schiel,U.},
Title ={Time and Space in Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP WG8.1 WC on TFAIS, Sernadas et al(eds), N-H.},
Year =1985, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Schiel1985:1, Author ={Schiel,U.},
Title ={On the Representation and Retrieval of Incomplete Data and Temporal Information},
Institution ={rcvd},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ Pretty basic; the time issues aren't really developed. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Schiel1988, Author ={Schiel,Ulrich},
Title ={The Problem of Identification},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="31--36",
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at GMD-IPSI, Darmstadt FRG Object or entity id. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Schiff1988, Author ={Schiff,J.},
Title ={The design of a knowledge based economic modeling tool (EMT) prototype},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at FRG Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Schiffner1980, Author ={Schiffner,G. and Scheuermann,P.},
Title ={Multiple Views and Abstractions with an Extended Entity-Relationship Model},
Institution ={An article which is to appear in the Journal of Computer Language, rcvd , 31 pages.},
Year =1980, Annote ={at Northwestern Un., Dep.EE and CS Their paper examines the features of the ER model as a means for representing both the conceptual and external schema in a database system. Furthermore, guidelines are given for interfacing the E-E-R schema with existing DBTG-like systems. ----- Fountain Category ={DBDmodel, Student file (Fountain) } }

@inproceedings{Schill1985, Author ={Schill,J., Smeaton,R., and Jackman,R.},
Title ={The Conversion of Command and Control Software to ADA: Experiences and Lessons Learned},
Booktitle ={ACM ADA Letters.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Pages ="38--48",
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Annote ={IDM, INGRES, ORACLE, with vendor responses. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBFsyseval.5, x at NOSC (San Diego CA) The UNITREP subsystem of WWMCCS was converted from COBOL to ADA with an interface to IDM-500. Category ={DBFmach> DBDquery> } }

@techreport{Schiller1973, Author ={Schiller,W.L.},
Title ={Design of a Security Kernel for the PDP-11/45},
Institution ={Mitre report 2709, ; Nat.Technical Information Service, US Dep.Commerce (Springfield VA) AD-772 9018 microfiche},
Year =1973, Annote ={at MITRE Corp (Bedford MA) Formal model of military secure access and detailed design for segment level control on a PDP11/45. Category ={DBDprivacy.5, xAbB12.6xMf> } }

@inproceedings{Schkolnick1975, Author ={Schkolnick,M.},
Title ={Secondary Index Optimization},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="186--192",
Annote ={at CMU Evaluation of multiple indexes. New paper by him does cost minimization. Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFeval> } }

@article{Schkolnick1974, Author ={Schkolnick,M.},
Title ={The Optimal Selection of Secondary Indices for Files},
Journal ={CMU, DCS. TR.},
Year =1974, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Schkolnick1977, Author ={Schkolnick,M.},
Title ={A Clustering Algorithm for Hierarchical Structures},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Month =May,
Pages ="27--44",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Optimal file partitioning, applied to IMS. Category ={DBFimpl.3, 9.6, 20, 2.3.2 } }

@inproceedings{Schkolnick1978, Author ={Schkolnick,M.},
Title ={Physical Database Design Techniques},
Booktitle ={NYU Symp. Database Design.(not in Yao, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) 82)},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Pages ="99--110",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Schkolnick1978:1, Author ={Schkolnick,M.},
Title ={A Survey of Physical Database Design Methodology and Techniques},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res.R. RJ2306(31048).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFhash, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Schkolnick1980, Author ={Schkolnick,M. and Sorensen,P.},
Title ={Denormalization: A Performance Oriented Database Design Technique},
Booktitle ={AICA '80, Bologna Italy.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ data are placed into relations to minimize access cost. Replication is recognized and updates are appropriatly transformed. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBFhybrid.5, DBfile } }

@article{Schkolnick1980:1, Author ={Schkolnick,M. and Sorenson,P.},
Title ={The Effects of Denormalization on Database Performance},
Journal ={paper rcvd .},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDschema.5, DBfile} }

@techreport{Schkolnick1981, Author ={Schkolnick,M. and Tiberio,P.},
Title ={A Note on Estimating the Maintenance Cost in a Relational Database},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RJ3327 (40084).},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Category ={DBDrel.2, DB Shelf } }

@inproceedings{Schkolnick1983, Author ={Schkolnick,M. et al},
Title ={A Multiprocessor System for High Availability },
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPSAC, San Francisco. },
Year =1983, Annote ={ clustered architecture, nodes have replicated data. Category ={DBFreliab> DBFdist> } }

@article{Schkolnick1985, Author ={Schkolnick,M. and Tiberio,M.},
Title ={Estimating the Cost of Updates in a Relational Database},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8602-0147.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="163--179",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM, Res. Labs. tradeoff by a given index query cost against update cost. Category ={DBDperf> DBFindex.4.3> DBDrel> } }

@inproceedings{Schkolnick1982, Author ={Schkolnick,Mario(ed)},
Title ={Proceedings International Conference on Management of Data},
Booktitle ={ ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data, 1982, Orlando FL, 302pp.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Annote ={held june 2-4. Category ={DBDintro>} }

@article{Schlageter1974, Author ={Schlageter,G.},
Title ={Access Synchronization and Deadlock-Analysis in a Database System: An Implementation-Oriented Approach},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1974, Pages ="97--102",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Schlageter1976, Author ={Schlageter,G.},
Title ={The Problem of Lock by Value in Large Databases},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1976, Pages ="17--20",
Volume ="19",
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Schlageter1978, Author ={Schlageter,G.},
Title ={Process Synchronization in Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="248--271",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) Process synchronization in database systems is analyzed on a rather abstract level. [see Bernstein for comments] Category ={DBDintegrity.1> } }

@inproceedings{Schlageter1979, Author ={Schlageter,G},
Title ={Enhancement of Concurrency in Database Systems by the Use of Special Rollback Methods},
Booktitle ={Data Base Architecture, Bracchi(ed), Venice, N-H .},
Year =1979, Pages ="141--149",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@article{Schlageter1980, Author ={Schlageter,G. and Dadam,P.},
Title ={Reconstruction of consistent global states in distributed databases},
Journal ={ISSDB 1, Litwin(ed), Paris.},
Year =1980, Pages ="191--200",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans-4>} }

@inproceedings{Schlageter1981, Author ={Schlageter,G.},
Title ={Optimistic Methods for Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="125--130",
Annote ={ A method is developed which frees read transactions from any consideration of concurrency control. The application of optimistic solutions in distributed database systems is discussed. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> DBDintegrity> } }

@techreport{Schlageter1982, Author ={Schlageter,G.},
Title ={Problems of Optimistic Concurrency Control in Distributed Database Systems},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDintegrity.2, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Schlageter1986, Author ={Schlageter,G.},
Title ={Redesign of Optimistic Methods: Improving Performace and Applicability},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Schlageter1988, Author ={Schlageter,G., et al.},
Title ={OOPS --- An Object Oriented Programming System with Integrated Data Management Facility},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@book{Schlaifer1959, Author ={Schlaifer,R.},
Title ={Probability and Statistics for Business Decisions},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1959, Annote ={Numerical approach, no theory Category ={DBFeval>} }

@article{Schlorer1975, Author ={Schlorer,J.},
Title ={Identification and Retrieval of Personal Records from a Statistical Data Bank},
Journal ={Methods of Information in Medicine,},
Year =1975, Month =Jan,
Pages ="197--13",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Ulm, Germany Examples of obtaining identifiable data from anonymous personal file records. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@article{Schlorer1980, Author ={Schlorer,J.},
Title ={Disclosure from Statistical Databases: Quantitative Aspects of Trackers},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month =Dec,
Pages ="467--492",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Ulm, FR.Germany Category ={DBDprivacy.3> DBDprivacy-10> } }

@article{Schlorer1981, Author ={Schlorer,J.},
Title ={Security of Statistical Databases: Multidimensional Transformation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month Mar,
Pages ="95--112",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ A transformed database differs from the original database in its record content but produces within certain limits the same statistical output. Category ={DBDprivacy.2.2> DBDprivacy-10> } }

@inproceedings{Schloss1990, Author ={Schloss,G. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Highly Redundant Management of Distributed Data},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Berkeley RAID Category ={DBDdist> DBFhard>} }

@book{Schlueter1982, Author ={Schlueter,Louis Jr.},
Title ={User-Designed Computing: Free-Enterprise Application Design},
Publisher ={Lexington Books, 145pp.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at Sperry Univac, Roseville MN In Chapters 18-21 the Sperry-UNIVAC Mapper proprietary software product is described using a query-by-example technique. Intricate indexes are avoided by keeping related data in sequential packets. Chapter 1-17 suggests that only end-users should write applications. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> App.C } }

@inproceedings{Schmid1975, Author ={Schmid,H.A. and Swenson,J.P.},
Title ={On the Semantics of the Relational Data Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="211--223",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Very important paper relating data model structure semantics to relational data base concepts. Category ={DBDschema> %Schmid75 } }

@inproceedings{Schmid1975:1, Author ={Schmid,H.A. and Bernstein,P.A.},
Title ={A Multi-level Architecture for Relational Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="202--226",
Category ={DBDrel> %Schmid75} }

@inproceedings{Schmidt1989, Author ={Schmidt,H. et al.},
Title ={Combining Deduction by Certainty with the Power of Magic },
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={uncertainty by quantitative Herbrand logic Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Schmidt1991, Author ={Schmidt,H. and Steger,N.},
Title ={De.clare - a Deductive Database System with Heterogeneous Access to Relational Database Systems},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Schmidt1987, Author ={Schmidt,J.C. and Thanos,C.(eds)},
Title ={Foundations of Knowledge Base Management; Contributions from Logic, Databases, and Artificial Intelligence },
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Sounds like Area X. Contributions a.o. by Neuhold,E. and Schrefl,M. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Schmidt1977, Author ={Schmidt,J.W.},
Title ={Some High Level Language Constructs for Data of Type Relation},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Pages ="247--261",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Annote ={PASCAL/R Category ={DBDtheory> DBDrel.1>} }

@inproceedings{Schmidt1978, Author ={Schmidt,J.W.},
Title ={Type Concepts for Database Definition},
Booktitle ={Databases, Shneiderman(ed), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="215--244",
Annote ={at Un.Hamburg, (Hamburg FRG) Category ={DBDschema.2>} }

@article{Schmid1987, Author ={Schmid,K. and Bohmer,G.},
Title ={Reference Master: a Microcomputer-based Storage and Retrieval System for Bibliographic References},
Journal ={Int.J.BioMed.Computing, ; M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag, Vol.5 No.1, 1988, pp.61.},
Year =1987, Pages ="107-121",
Volume ="20",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Large reprint handled on 8-bit microprocessor, search speed of 6,000 entries per minute. Backup schemes, some general questions and pitfalls. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@book{Schmidt1983, Author ={Schmidt,J.C. and Brodie,M.L.(eds)},
Title ={Relational Database Systems},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), 618pp.},
Year =1983, Annote ={ Describes features and analyses ASTRAL, IDAMS, IDM, INGRES, MRDS, MRS, NOMAD, ORACLE, PASCAL/R, PRTV, QBE, RAPID, RAPPORT, SYSTEM R. Introduction by Codd defines types of relational implementations. Category ={DBDrel.2 >app.C } }

@inproceedings{Schmidt1985, Author ={Schmidt,J.C. and Linnemann,V.},
Title ={Higher level relational objects},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the British National Conference on Databases 4, ; ACM CR 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Goethe Un., Frankfurt Ahead defines transitive closure, has poor complexity. Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb> } }

@book{Schmidt1987:1, Author ={Schmidt,J.C. and Thanos,C.(eds)},
Title ={Foundations of Knowledge Base Management; Contributions from Logic, Databases, and Artificial Intelligence },
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Sounds like Area X. Contributions a.o. by Neuhold,E. and Schrefl,M. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Schmidt1993, Author ={Schmidt,Joachim},
Title ={Type-Safe Database Programming in Heterogeneous Environments (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Hamburg Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Schmitt1987, Author ={Schmitt,Peter H.},
Title ={Computational Aspects of Three-Valued Logic},
Institution ={LILOG report 26.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ at IBM Deutschland GmbH, Heidelberg Scientific Ctr., Heidelberg FRG Uncertainty Category ={DBDops, LILOG } }

@inproceedings{Schmuck1990, Author ={Schmuck,F. and Cristian,F.},
Title ={Continuous Clock Amortization Need Not Affect the Precision of a Clock Synchronization Algorithm},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGOPS Symp. on Principles of Distributed Computing.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at IBM Almaden Category ={DBFdist>} }

@book{Schneider1975, Author ={Schneider,Ben Ross},
Title ={Travels in Computerland or Incompatabilities and Interfaces},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Problems of building a database for a history project. Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@techreport{Schneider, Author ={Schneider,D.A., Pfeifer,R., and Rossner,M. (eds)},
Title ={SGAICO: The Swiss Guide to Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Science, 2nd edition},
Institution ={Intellicorp GmbH (Rosenheimerstr 143a, 8000 Munich 80, FRG)},
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Schneider1989, Author ={Schneider,D.A., DeWitt,D.J., and Ghandeharizadeh,S.},
Title ={An Overview of the Gamma Database Machine},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="162--166",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, CSD Was on VAX 11/750s; recently INTEL iPSC-II hypercube with 32 processors. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Schneider1989:1, Author ={Schneider,D.A. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={A Performance Evaluation of Four Parallel Join Algorithms in a Shared-Nothing Multiprocessor Environment},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={ Simple hash join depends on memory capacity and uniformity. Grace is stable. A hybrid scheme is best. Bit filters improve all methods. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Schneider1990, Author ={Schneider,D. and DeWitt,D.},
Title ={Tradeoffs in Processing Complex Join Queries via Hashing in Multiprocessor Database Machines},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFmach> DBDhash>} }

@inproceedings{Schneider1993, Author ={Schneider,D. and Connors,T.},
Title ={Managing Query Execution for an Advanced Database Programming Language},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at HP Labs Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Schneider1979, Author ={Schneider,H-J.(ed)},
Title ={Formal model and Practical Tools For Information Systems Design},
Publisher ={N-H , 296pp.},
Year =1979, Annote ={ Proc.IFIP TC-8 Working Conf., Oxford UK, 17 Apr.1979. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@book{Schneider1982, Author ={Schneider,H-J.(ed)},
Title ={Proc.2nd Intl. Symp. on Distributed Data Bases},
Publisher ={N-H.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at TU Berlin (FRG) ISDDB 2, Berlin FRG, Sep.1--3. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Schneider1985, Author ={Schneider,H-J.(ed)},
Title ={Cumulative Index},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1985, Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ lists the 210 papers which appeared in the first ten years of Information Systems (Pergamon) from 1975 to 1984. Category ={DBDintro, x issue } }

@inproceedings{Schneider1975:1, Author ={Schneider,L.S. and Spath,C.R.},
Title ={Quantitative Data Description},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="167--185",
Annote ={ at Martin Marietta Data Systems (Denver and Houston) Software system development for database system design automation cycle based on DIAM. Category ={DBFeval> } }

@book{Schneider1982:1, Author ={Schneider,M.(ed)},
Title ={Proceedings Human Factors in Computer Systems},
Publisher ={National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). , Inst.for Science and Technology, 399pp.},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDquery.2> DBFuse-2>} }

@article{Schneider1989:2, Author ={Schneider,R., Kriegel,H-P., Seeger,B., and Heep,S.},
Title ={Retrieving of Parts with Geometric Similarity},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="241--245",
Number ="367",
Annote ={at Un.Bremen, Praktische Informatik, FRG CAD parts described by outline, using SQL. ---Gio. Category ={DBDimage> DBDquery> } }

@book{Schoderbek1971, Author ={Schoderbek,P.P.},
Title ={Management Systems, Second Edition},
Publisher ={John John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1971, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Schoen1988, Author ={Schoen,E., Smith,R.G., and Buchanan,B.G.},
Title ={Design of Knowledge-Based Systems with a Knowledge-Based Assistant},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Volume ="14",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at Schlumberger Palo Alto Research, CA AFIS, I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Schoffner1968, Author ={Schoffner,R.M.},
Title ={The Organization, Maintenance and Search of Machine Files},
Journal ={Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, ASIS.},
Year =1968, Pages ="137--167",
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBFindex.0>} }

@article{Scholl1981, Author ={Scholl,M.},
Title ={New File Organizations Based on Dynamic Hashing},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month Mar,
Pages ="194--211",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at INRIA (Le Chesnay, France) In the three schemes which proposed, rehashing is avoided, storage space is dynamically adjusted to the number of records actually stored, and there are no overflow records. Two of these techniques employ an index to the data file. Category ={DBFhash.5> DBFhybrid> } }

@article{Scholl1986, Author ={Scholl,Marc H.},
Title ={Theoretical Foundation of Algebraic Optimization Utilizing Unnormalized Relations},
Journal ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, (Rome ), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) LCNS, 1987.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Pages ="380--396",
Volume ="243",
Annote ={at TU Darmstadt (FRG) Nested relations. Category ={DBDtheory> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Scholl1987, Author ={Scholl,M.H., Paul,H.B., and Schek,H.J.},
Title ={Supporting Flat Relations by a Nested Realtional Kernel},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13.},
Year =1987, Pages ="137--146",
Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Scholl1990, Author ={Scholl,M.H. and Schek,H.J.},
Title ={A synthesis of complex objects and object-orientation},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={nested relations can provide storage for objects Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Scholl1991, Author ={Scholl,M. and Schek,H.},
Title ={Supporting Views in Objecti-Oriented Databases},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDobject> VOD>} }

@inproceedings{Schongalia1990, Author ={Schongalia,T., Tufte,W., and Weber,P.},
Title ={Case study - DOD - WMSN System},
Booktitle ={IMIA Working conference on Software Eng. and Medical Informatics, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ The authors presents a nursing application. It is in that interface that most care-patient interaction occurs and a careful integration and evaluation of nursing systems will be critical to future systems in medicine. Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Schoning1989, Author ={Schoning,H. and Sikeler,A.},
Title ={Cluster mechanisms supporting the dynamic construction of complex objects},
Booktitle ={Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, Paris.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at FRG Category ={DBFseq>} }

@inproceedings{Schoning1989:1, Author ={Schoning,H.},
Title ={Integrating Complex Objects and Recursion},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Schrefl1984, Author ={Schrefl,M., Tioa,A.M., and Wagner,R.R.},
Title ={Comparison Criteria for Semantic Data Models},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Vienna; Un.Linz (Austria) Category ={DBDmodel.6>} }

@inproceedings{Schrefl1988, Author ={Schrefl,M. and Neuhold,E.J.},
Title ={Object class definition by generalization using upward inheritance},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={Constructing objects by abstraction. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign> DBDkb, DBfile Neuhold } }

@techreport{Schrefl1987, Author ={Schrefl,M.},
Title ={A Comparative Analysis of View Integration Methodologies},
Institution ={Informatik Fachberichte, to appear .},
Year =1987, Annote ={at GMD, Darmstadt Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@incollection{Schreiber1975, Author ={Schreiber,R.E.},
Title ={A Management Information System Overview},
Booktitle ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS in Action, Murdick(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="7--16",
Annote ={ Speech presented to the American Banking Assoc., Miami, FLA, May.1968. Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@inproceedings{Schreier1988, Author ={Schreier,U. and Wedekind,H.},
Title ={Supporting Concurrent Access to Facts in Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Erlangen-Nurnberg (FRG) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Schroeder1975, Author ={Schroeder,A.},
Title ={Analyse d'un melange de distributions de probabilite de mem type},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique Report R-104, (Le Chesnay, France)},
Year =1975, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDactive> mix of distributions Category ={DBFmethods> DBFtechn.1, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Schroeder1975:1, Author ={Schroeder,J.R., Kiefer,W.C., Guertin,R.L., and Berman,W.J.},
Title ={Stanford's Generalized Database System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="120--143",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. (Stanford CA) Description of hierarchical information retrieval system. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Schroeder1976, Author ={Schroeder,J.},
Title ={Online Information Retrieval and Database Management},
Booktitle ={Paper read at SHARE XLVI convention, San Francisco.},
Year =1976, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Schroeder1972, Author ={Schroeder,M.D. and Saltzer,J.},
Title ={A Hardware Architecture for Implementing Protection Rings},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Month Mar,
Pages ="157--170",
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDprivacy.4>} }

@article{Schroeder1984, Author ={Schroeder,M.D., Birrell,A.D., and Needham,R.M.},
Title ={Experience With GRAPEVINE: The Growth of a Distributed System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems.},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Pages ="3--23",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Schroeder1985, Author ={Schroeder,M.D., Gifford,D., and Needham,R.},
Title ={A caching file system for a programmer's workstation},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 10, Orcas Island, Washington.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Schubert1972, Author ={Schubert,Richard F.},
Title ={Basic Concepts in Data Base Management Systems},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1972, Month =Jul,
Pages ="42--47",
Annote ={at B.F. Goodrich Chemical Co., Cleveland Review of DBTG report and implementation of IDMS Category ={DBDbound, xB8>%Schubert72 } }

@article{Schubert1974, Author ={Schubert,Richard F.},
Title ={Directions in Data Base Management Technology},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1974, Month =Sep,
Pages ="48--51",
Annote ={Remarks on CODASYL DBTG acceptance. Category ={DBDbound> } }

@techreport{Schuett1990, Author ={Schuett,H. and Streitz,N.},
Title ={Hyper Base: a hypermedia engine based on a relational database management system},
Institution ={GMD rep. 469.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDquery, GMDbox} }

@article{Schultz1987, Author ={Schultz,R.D. and Cardenas,A.F.},
Title ={An Approach and Mechanism for Auditable and Testable Advanced Transaction Processing Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 8809-0703.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="666--676",
Volume ="13",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Abacus Programming Corp., (Van Nuys CA) Special interface to CICS. Category ={DBFsecurity> } }

@inproceedings{Schulze1989, Author ={Schulze,M., Gibson,G., Katz,R., and Patterson,D.},
Title ={How Reliable is a RAID?},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar.,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="118--123",
Annote ={at UCB, EECS Consider Category ={DBFhard> DBFreliab> } }

@article{Schussel1975, Author ={Schussel,George},
Title ={When Not to Use a Data Base},
Journal ={Datamation, pp.82, 91, 98},
Year =1975, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at American Liberty Mutual Liability Insurance Category ={DBDintro.0> } }

@book{Schussel1975:1, Author ={Schussel,George},
Title ={Data Bases},
Publisher ={Information Systems Handbook, Dow Jones Irwin Publ..},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDintro.0>} }

@article{Schuster1976, Author ={Schuster,S.A., Ozkarahan,E.A., and Smith,K.C.},
Title ={A Virtual Memory System for a Relational Associative Processor},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1976, Pages ="855--862",
Volume ="45",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Schuster1978, Author ={Schuster,S.A., et al},
Title ={RAP.2--An Associative Processor for Data Base and its Applications},
Journal ={Proc. Annual Symposium on Computer Architecture.},
Year =1978, Month Apr,
Pages ="52--59",
Category ={DBFmach> DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Schutzman1985, Author ={Schutzman,Howard B.},
Title ={ICHABOD: A Data Base Manager for Design Automation Applications},
Booktitle ={IEEE DA 22.},
Year =1985, Pages ="569--576",
Annote ={at Honeywell, IS (Billerica MA) Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Schwarcz1970, Author ={Schwarcz,Robert M., Burger,John F., and Simmons,Robert F.},
Title ={A Deductive Question Answerer for Natural Language Inference},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1970, Month Mar,
Pages ="167--183",
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at SDC (Santa Monica, CA) Deductive inference driven by English: PROTOSYNTHEX III Category ={DBDnat> } }

@article{Schwartz1963, Author ={Schwartz,Eugene S.},
Title ={A Dictionary for Minimum Redundancy Encoding},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1963, Month =Oct,
Pages ="413--439",
Volume ="10",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IIT Res. Inst., Chicago Data on and use of word frequencies. Category ={DBFrepresent.2.3> } }

@inproceedings{Schwartz1972, Author ={Schwartz,Jacob T.},
Title ={Abstract and Concrete Problems in the Theory of Files},
Booktitle ={Data Base Systems, Rustin(ed), Prentice-Hall publishers .},
Year =1972, Pages ="1--21",
Annote ={at NYU, Courant Inst. General overview of conceptual retrieval design Category ={DBFintro.3> DBDintro.1> } }

@techreport{Schwartz1973, Author ={Schwartz,J.T.},
Title ={On Programming, An Interim Report on the SETL Project},
Institution ={NYU, Courant Inst., Comp. Sc. Dep..},
Year =1973, Annote ={Definition of SETL, a set-oriented language. Category ={DBDintro.1> } }

@techreport{Schwartz1973:1, Author ={Schwartz,Marvin L.},
Title ={A Storage Hierarchical Addressing Space for a Computer File System},
Institution ={Case Western Reserve, Andrew R. Jennings Computation Ctr, Report 1144,},
Year =1973, Annote ={at Case Western Reserve Un. (Cleveland OH) Category ={DBFhybrid.6.1> } }

@article{Schwartz1990, Author ={Schwartz,P.M. and Spector,A.Z.},
Title ={Synchronizing Shared Abstract Types},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Schwartz1987, Author ={Schwartz,W.B., Patil,R.S., and Szolovits,P.},
Title ={Artificial Intelligence in Medicine: where do we stand?},
Journal ={New England Journal of Medicine.},
Year =1987, Pages ="685--688",
Volume ="316",
Category ={MCS>} }

@article{Schwarz1983, Author ={Schwarz,Arthur I.},
Title ={On File Compression Techniques},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , p.148.},
Year =1983, Month =Feb,
Volume ="26",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Ultrasystems, (Irvine, CA) Category ={DBFrepresent-4> } }

@article{Schwid1987, Author ={Schwid,Howard A.},
Title ={A Flight Simulator for General Anesthesia Training},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="64--75",
Volume ="20",
Number ="1",
Category ={MIS>} }

@article{Scidmore1963, Author ={Scidmore,A.K. and Weinberg,B.L.},
Title ={Storage and Search Properties of a Tree-Organized Memory System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1963, Month =Jan,
Pages ="28--31",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin Evaluation of Trees. Category ={DBFtree>%Scidmore63 } }

@article{Sciore1982, Author ={Sciore,E.},
Title ={A Complete Axiomatization of Full Join Dependencies},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Pages ="373--393",
Volume ="29",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook join dependencies, chase procedure. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@article{Sciore1981, Author ={Sciore,E.},
Title ={Real world MVD's},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1981, Pages ="121--132",
Annote ={real-world MVD's are conflict free. Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Sciore1983, Author ={Sciore,Ed},
Title ={Prolog from a Database Point-of-View},
Booktitle ={Presentation at XP4.5 workshop, August .},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Sciore1984, Author ={Sciore,E. and Warren,D.S.},
Title ={Towards an Integrated Database-Prolog System},
Institution ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Sciore1989, Author ={Sciore,E.},
Title ={Object Specialization},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 9008-0698.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Boston Un. methods, variable names, and values of the parent object may be inherited on a single path to the root; contains ideas, no mathematical definitions and few rigorous ones. --- Armstrong. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Sciore1990, Author ={Sciore,E. and Sieg,J.Jr.},
Title ={A Modular Query Optimizer Generator},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Lowell Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Sciore1991, Author ={Sciore,Edward},
Title ={Using Annotations to Support Multiple Kinds of Versioning in an Object- Oriented Database System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Sciore1992, Author ={Sciore,E., Siegel,M., and Rosenthal,A.},
Title ={Context Interchange Using Meta-Attributes},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Boston College; MIT; MITRE Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Scott1976, Author ={Scott,Dana},
Title ={Does Many-valued Logic Have Any Use?},
Booktitle ={'Philosophy of Logic', Korner (ed.), Cambridge Un. Press.},
Year =1976, Annote ={at CMU Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Scott1986, Author ={Scott,Dana S.},
Title ={Capturing Concepts with Data Structures},
Booktitle ={Proc.DS-2, IFIP TC-2 Conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at CMU, CSD How to make reference using natural language. Lexicon provides words. Thesaurus provides terminlogy for concepts, structure into a semantical net. Dictionary presents definitions. A Knowledge Base aims at depth rather than comprehensiveness. An Expert System is concerned with the strategies of using knowledge. An Information Base is an archive of records. Category ={DBDquery, x } }

@incollection{Scott1981, Author ={Scott,G.M.},
Title ={A Data Base for Your Company},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBappl>} }

@book{Scott1986:1, Author ={Scott,George M.},
Title ={Principles of Management Information Systems},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 618pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Connecticut Category ={DBDintro>} }

@article{Scott1989, Author ={Scott,J. and PazdeAroujo,C.A.},
Title ={Ferroelectric Memories},
Journal ={Science.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Volume ="246",
Annote ={at Un.Colorado, Boulder Resurgence of 1950 technology to fill gap between semiconductor RAM and disk, comparisons and projections for 1998. Category ={DBFhard, DBfile } }

@article{Scott1983, Author ={Scott,Michael L.},
Title ={Messages vs. Remote Procedures Is a False Dichotomy},
Journal ={SIGPLAN Notices, pp 57--62.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Volume ="18",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, Madison Two questions: l) Does the sender of a message wait for a reply?, 2) Are messages rcvd explicitly by active processes, or does their arrival automatically trigger some specified body of code? Category ={DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Scranton1983, Author ={Scranton,R., Thompson,D., and Hunter,D.},
Title ={The Access Time Myth},
Institution ={IBM Res.Rep. RC 10197.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at IBM seeks occur 1/3 of the time Category ={DBFhard> } }

@incollection{Scriven1972, Author ={Scriven,D.D.},
Title ={Give the Newly Annointed Some Help},
Booktitle ={INFOSYSTEManagement Science, Journal of TIMS Magazine,},
Year =1972, Month =Sep,
Volume ="19",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBDintro.8> DBDadmin>} }

@techreport{Scroggins1968, Author ={Scroggins,J.L., Mizoue,J.K., and Glass,M.D.},
Title ={National Library of Medicine On-Line Retrieval of Bibliographic Information Text: NLM-ORBIT},
Institution ={System Development Corp, Falls Church VA, TM-WD-73100000.},
Year =1968, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDquery> MCS>} }

@manual{SDC1965, Author ={SDC},
Title ={The Time-Shared Data Management System (TDMS) Language Specifications},
Organization ={SDC, Report TM3370, ?},
Year =1965, Annote ={ classifies utterances as assertives (assertions, statements of belief), directives (orders, suggestions), commissives (promises, offers which commit the speaker to a course of action), expressives (expressing a psychological state), declarations (whose successful performance achieves a correspondence between the content of the utterance and reality -- e.g., declaring a mayday). ---see report in DeMichiel Student file Category ={DBDnat> System Design Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@manual{SDC1965:1, Author ={SDC},
Title ={File Organization in the SDC Time-Shared Data Management System (TDMS)},
Organization ={SDC, Report SP-2907, ?},
Year =1965, Annote ={Design of a fully indexed file structure. Category ={DBFtree> DBFindex.4> } }

@techreport{SDC1965:2, Author ={SDC},
Title ={The Time-Shared Data Management System: A New Approach to Data Management},
Institution ={SDC, Report SP-2747, ?},
Year =1965, Annote ={System Design Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@manual{SDC1969, Author ={SDC},
Title ={SPAN, Statistical Procedure and Analysis},
Organization ={SDC, TM(L) 426900, },
Year =1969, Month Apr,
Annote ={ also TM 1563/010/02, Dec.1965; TM 1563/014/03, July.1966; TM 1563/021/02, Dec.1965; SP 2652, Nov.1966; TM 4073/0/0, Aug.1968; Category ={DBDbound> } }

@incollection{Seaberg1973, Author ={Seaberg,R.A. and Seaberg,C.},
Title ={Computer Based Decision Systems in Xerox Corporate Planning},
Booktitle ={Management Science.},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Seaman1966, Author ={Seaman,P.H., Lind,R.A., and Wilson,T.L.},
Title ={An Analysis of Auxiliary Storage Activity},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1966, Pages ="158--170",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at IBM An analysis of IBM's indexed seq. file organization, N-step-SCAN Category ={DBFindex.3> DBFtechn.3>%Seaman66 } }

@article{Seaman1969, Author ={Seaman,P.H. and Soucy,R.C.},
Title ={Simulating Operating Systems},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1969, Pages ="264--279",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFtechn.2> %Seaman69} }

@book{Seberry1989, Author ={Seberry,J. and Pieprzyk,J.},
Title ={Cryptography: an introduction to computer security},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 375pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9101-0007.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Un.New South Wales large number of cryptographic algorithms and techniques in detail; analyses of their security are also presented although often sketchy; numerous errors. ---Meadows. Category ={DBFprotect> } }

@techreport{Sebillotte1982, Author ={Sebillotte,S. and Marcus,M.},
Title ={Manuel d'Utilisation et Critiques du Systeme AID},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR 20.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at INRIA office system development Category ={DBapplic.> } }

@book{Sechrest1987, Author ={Sechrest,L., Perrin,E., and Bunker,J. (Ed.)},
Title ={Research Methodology: Strengthening Causal Interpretations of Nonexperimental Data},
Publisher ={Conf. Proceedings, Tucson.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Acquisition of statistical causal knowledge for databases - no references to RX. Category ={DBFstatistics, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Secrest1975, Author ={Secrest,Richard D.},
Title ={Data Base Administration},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., SF .},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="168--173",
Annote ={at Standard Oil Company, IN Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@book{Sedgewick1983, Author ={Sedgewick,Robert},
Title ={Algorithms},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1983, Annote ={ reference for random numbers, sorting, searching, Boyer-Moore string matching Category ={DBFmethods> } }

@inproceedings{Seeger1988, Author ={Seeger,B. and Kriegel,H-P.},
Title ={Techniques for Design and Implementation of Efficient Spatial Access Methods},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt(eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="360--371",
Annote ={at Un.Bremen, (Bremen FRG) Category ={DBFhash> Image>} }

@inproceedings{Seeger1991, Author ={Seeger,B. and Larson,P-A.},
Title ={Multi-Disk B-trees},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Seeger1993, Author ={Seeger,B., Larson,P., and McFadyen,R.},
Title ={Reading a Set of Disk Pages},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Segall1987, Author ={Segall,A. and Wolfson,O.},
Title ={Transaction Commitment at Minimal Communication Cost},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Technion Un. Category ={DBFtrans> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Segall1988, Author ={Segall,A. and Wolfson,O.},
Title ={Optimal Communication Topologies For Atomic Commitment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Segev1987, Author ={Segev,Arie},
Title ={Algorithms for distributed data processing},
Journal ={Comput.Opns.Res. .},
Year =1987, Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Segev1987:1, Author ={Segev,A. and Shoshani,A.},
Title ={Logical Modeling of Temporal Data},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at UCB Uses model of Shoshani and Kawagae; defines SQL like operations with many examples. Recognizes objects and grouping. Temporal operations Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDops> } }

@article{Segev1988, Author ={Segev,A. and Shoshani,A.},
Title ={Functionality of Temporal Data Models and Physical Design Implications},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="38--45",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at UCB, LBL Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@techreport{Segev1988:1, Author ={Segev,A. and Fang,W.},
Title ={Optimal update policies for distributed materialized views},
Institution ={LBL-26104, ?},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Segev1989, Author ={Segev,A. and Park,J.},
Title ={Maintaining Materialized Views in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDperform>} }

@article{Segev1989:1, Author ={Segev,A. and Park,J.},
Title ={Updating Distributed Materialized Views},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="173--184",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Immediate and periodical refreshes of selection and projection views wipe keys of the base. Can be extended to projection views with no candidate key and to join views using a differential file. I3 Category ={DBDdist> VOD, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Segev1989:2, Author ={Segev,A. and Gunadhi,H.},
Title ={Event-Join Optimization in Temporal Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9211-0887.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at UCB, CSRD, LBL Temporal databases; An Event-Join group temporal attributes of an entity into a single relation; for the append-only database use Append-Only Tree. Event-Join is union of the temporal equijoin and the temporal outerjoin; append-only databases event-joins can be computed efficiently; tuple covering determines the intervals of t that have already been joined with previously scanned tuples; the append-only tree combines B+ trees and ISAM indexes Category ={DBDquery> DBDops> DBFindex> } }

@inproceedings{Segev1989:3, Author ={Segev,A. and Fang,W.},
Title ={Currency-Based Updates to Distributed Materialized Views},
Booktitle ={LBL-27359, ?},
Year =1989, Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Segev1991, Author ={Segev,Arie },
Title ={Evaluation of Rule Processing Strategies in Expert Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Segev1991:1, Author ={Segev,Arie },
Title ={Query Processing Algorithms for Temporal Intersection Joins},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Segev1991:2, Author ={Segev,A., and Zhao,J.L.},
Title ={Data Management for Large Rule Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Seib1991, Author ={Seib,J. and Lausen,G.},
Title ={Parallelizing Datalog Programs by Generalized Pivoting},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Seib1991:1, Author ={Seib,J.},
Title ={Parallelizing Datalog: Function Symbols Make a Difference},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Seifert1982, Author ={Seifert,M.H.},
Title ={Structuring Distributed Software for Fault-Tolerance (Position Statement)},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 2, Wiederhold(ed), Pittsburgh PA, pp.126.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at IBM, Heidelberg Scientific Ctr (FRG) Category ={DBFrepresent.5> } }

@unpublished{Seki1987, Author ={Seki,H.},
Title ={A Simple Implementation of an Interpreter for General Logic Programs under Tight Tree Semantics},
Note ={rcvd},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at ICOT The idea is that one can `memo' or remember all facts derived in response to a given subquery, thus avoiding the pitfall of typical top-down algorithms: infinite loops and/or repeating work that was done before and thrown away. As a result, the performance of top-down becomes AT LEAST as good as magic sets in any of its variations, with one proviso: Magic sets, working bottom-up, may allow some optimization of joins, as we evaluate rule bodies. Top-down is inherently tuple-at-a-time. One might also argue that the space and retrieval costs of memoing+TD makes this approach too expensive, but BU also `memos' the same data as it constructs the least fixed-point. The bottom line is that I have become less convinced that magic-sets, i.e., preprocessing of rules + BU computation is the only way to go for Datalog. ---jdu Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Sekino1975, Author ={Sekino,Lucia C.},
Title ={Multiple Concurrent Updates},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed), (abstract)},
Year =1975, Pages ="505--510",
Annote ={at Bell Telephone Labs, Holmdel NJ Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@article{Selbman1974, Author ={Selbman,H.K.},
Title ={Bitstring Processing for Statistical Evaluation of Large Volumes of Medical Data},
Journal ={Methods of Information in Medicine.},
Year =1974, Month Apr,
Pages ="61--64",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Ulm F.R.Germany Transposed files with binary coded data, used on a PDP-15 Category ={DBFhybrid.1.3>in DBfile %Selbman74 } }

@inproceedings{Selfridge1992, Author ={Selfridge,P.},
Title ={Knowledge Management for Interactive Software Information Systems},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Selig1972, Author ={Selig,G.J.},
Title ={Planning New Applications of Management Information and Decision Systems},
Booktitle ={Industrial Engineering.},
Year =1972, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Seligman1990, Author ={Seligman,L. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={On Active Databases: An Approach to Building Knowledge-base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Knowledge-base Management Systems, Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int-90, Boston, MA.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Seligman1992, Author ={Seligman,L. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={Approximate Knowledge Base/Database Consistency: An Active Database Approach },
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Seligmann1993, Author ={Seligmann,L and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={Knowledge-base/Database Consistency in a Federated MDB Environment},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at MITRE; George Mason Un. I3 Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist> } }

@incollection{Seligman1993, Author ={Seligman,L. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={Federated Knowledge and Database Systems: A New Architecture for Integrating of AI and Database Systems},
Booktitle ={in Advances in Databases and Artificial Intelligence, Vol. 1: The Landscape of Intelligence in Database and Information Systems (L. Delcambre and F. Petry, editors). JAI Press ().},
Year =1993, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Seligman1993:1, Author ={Seligman,L. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={An Active Database Approach to Consistency Management in Heterogeneous Data- and Knowledge-based Systems},
Journal ={International J. on Cooperative and Intelligent Systems,},
Year =1993, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Seligman1993:2, Author ={Seligman,L. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={Active Federation: A New Architecture for Integrating AI and Database Systems},
Booktitle ={L.JDelcambre and F.JPetry, eds., The Emerging Landscape of Database and Information Systems, JAI Press, (to appear).},
Year =1993, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Selinger1979, Author ={Selinger,M.M., Astrahan,M.M., Chamberlin,D.D., Lorie,R.A., and Price,T.G.},
Title ={Access Path Selection in a Relational Database Management System},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res.R.RJ2429(32240).},
Year =1979, Month =Jan,
Annote ={System R optimization rules. Category ={DBFhard.2.5> DBFeval.4> DBDrel.2> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Selinger1980, Author ={Selinger,P. Lindsay,B., Obermarck,R., and Yost,B.},
Title ={R-*: A Distributed Relational Database Management System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal, pp.201.},
Year =1980, Annote ={at IBM, San Jose R*, paragraph for discussion at VLDB Conf. (Montreal, Canada) 1979. Category ={DBDrel.2.1> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Selinger1980:1, Author ={Selinger,P.G. and Adiba,M.E.},
Title ={Access Path Selections in Distributed Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Databases, British Computer Society 1, Aberdeen.},
Year =1980, Month =Jul,
Pages ="204--215",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Selinger1980:2, Author ={Selinger,P.},
Title ={Replicated Data},
Booktitle ={In 'Distributed Databases (Draffen and Pool eds), Cambridge Un.Press.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Selinger1981, Author ={Selinger,P.G.},
Title ={An Architectural Overview of R*: A Distributed Database Management System},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 5, pp.187.},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2>} }

@inproceedings{Selinger1987, Author ={Selinger,Pat},
Title ={Chickens and Eggs --- The Interrelationship of Systems and Theory},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Selinger1987:1, Author ={Selinger,Pat},
Title ={Database Technology},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Volume ="26",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDintro>} }

@inproceedings{Selinger1989, Author ={Selinger,Patricia},
Title ={Five hard problems in query optimization},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Database Query Optimization, Portland OR.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ 1. Make cost objective adjustable and multi-dimensional. 2. Make resource availability time dependent. 3. Semi-heterogeneous distributed optimization. 4. Optimizing for parallel systems. 5. Can we borrow from programming languages optimization (peephole optimization, etc.) and expand on such techniques? Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Selinger1993, Author ={Selinger,P.},
Title ={Database Technology in Year 2000 (INVITED TALK)},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM Almaden Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Sellis1985, Author ={Sellis,T.K and Shapiro,L.},
Title ={Optimization of Extended Database Query Languages},
Booktitle ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, TR-85-1.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at UCB; North Dakota State Un. QUEL*, for multi-tuple etc object retrieval, optimization with a transitive closure operator. Category ={DBDobject> EIS> DBDperf, DBfile Stonebraker } }

@inproceedings{Sellis1986, Author ={Sellis,T.K.},
Title ={Global Query Optimization},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Sellis1987, Author ={Sellis,T., Roussopoulos,N., and Faloutsos,C.},
Title ={The R+_Tree: A Dynamic Index for Multi-Dimensional Objects},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={survey, avoid parent overlap of R-tree. Category ={DBDobject> DBFtree> Image, DBfile Roussopoulos } }

@inproceedings{Sellis1987:1, Author ={Sellis,Timos K.},
Title ={Efficiently Supporting Procedures in Relational Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Sellis1988, Author ={Sellis,T., Lin,C., and Raschid,L.},
Title ={Implementing Large Production Systems in a DBMS Environment: Concepts and Algorithms},
Journal ={ACM Sigmod 88.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Sellis1988:1, Author ={Sellis,Timos K.},
Title ={Multiple Query Optimization},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .; ACM CR 8809-0702.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="23--52",
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Two architectures: Interleaving the results of locally optimal access plans or a global optimizer. Experimental results, a decrease of 20-50 percent show in I/O and CPU time. ---Sava-Segal. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Sellis1988:2, Author ={Sellis,T. and Roussopoulos,N.},
Title ={Deep compilation of large rule bases},
Booktitle ={Int.conf.on Expert DB Systems.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={ rule base access path schema; ground and derived data are cached; transforms on relations algebra operations Category ={DBDlogic, DBfile Roussopoulos } }

@article{Sellis1991, Author ={Sellis,T. and Shapiro,L.},
Title ={Query Optimization for Nontraditional Database Applications},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ QUEL adds transitive closures and an execute command; focus on loop optimization(time) and temporary storage management (space) Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb> EIS> } }

@techreport{Selman1985, Author ={Selman,Bart},
Title ={Rule-Based Processing in a Connectionist System for Natural Language Understanding},
Institution ={Un.Toronto, TR.CSRI-168.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto, CSRI Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Seltzer1990, Author ={Seltzer,M. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Transaction Support in Read Optimized and Write Optimized File Systems},
Booktitle ={UCBERL M9037.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFtrans, DBfile UCB box} }

@inproceedings{Seltzer1991, Author ={Seltzer,Margo },
Title ={Read Optimized File System Designs: A Performance Evaluation},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Seltzer1993, Author ={Seltzer,Margo},
Title ={Transaction Support in a Log-Structured File System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Semmel1992, Author ={Semmel,Ralph D.},
Title ={Discovering Context in a Conceptual Schema},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at APL, Johns Hopkins Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Semple1967, Author ={Semple,D.jr.},
Title ={Generalized Information System, A Tool for Design Automation},
Booktitle ={SHARE 4th Annual Design Automation Workshop, SSD C-4833.},
Year =1967, Month =Sep,
Pages ="60--87",
Annote ={at IBM, Dev. Ctr (Wheaton, MD) Category ={DBDquery.3.3> %Semple67 } }

@article{Senko1968, Author ={Senko,M.E., Lum,V.Y., and Owens,P.J.},
Title ={A File Organization Evaluation Model},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf , Proc.1968 IFIP Congress, pp.C19-C23.},
Year =1968, Annote ={ Sketch of program that compares IBM file access methods for particular tasks. Category ={DBFeval> DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{Senko1970, Author ={Senko,M.E.},
Title ={Formatted File Organization Techniques},
Institution ={IBM, Gaithersburg, Federal Syst.Div.},
Year =1970, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Info.Sciences Dep. Category ={DBFtechn> } }

@article{Senko1973, Author ={Senko,M.E., Altman,E.B. Astrahan,M.M., and Fehder,P.L.},
Title ={Data Structures and Accessing in Data Base Systems},
Journal ={IBM report RJ982.},
Year =1973, Annote ={at IBM, Research, San Jose Category ={DBDintro.0> DBDbound.5.4> %Senko73 } }

@article{Senko1969, Author ={Senko,Michael E.},
Title ={File Organization Methods and Management Information Systems},
Journal ={Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, ASIS 4, Cuadra(ed), John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) .},
Year =1969, Pages ="111--143",
Annote ={Survey and bibliography. Category ={DBFseq>} }

@inproceedings{Senko1972, Author ={Senko,Michael E.},
Title ={Details of a Scientific Approach to Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Data Base Systems, Rustin(ed), Prentice-Hall publishers .},
Year =1972, Pages ="142--174",
Annote ={ Research strategy with examples from practical applications Category ={DBFintro.6> } }

@article{Senko, Author ={Senko,M.E., Altman,E.B., Astrahan,M.M., and Fehder,P.L.},
Title ={Data Structures and Accessing in Data Base Systems},
Journal ={IBM, report RJ982},
Category ={DBDschema>%Senko73} }

@inproceedings{Senko1974, Author ={Senko,Michael E.},
Title ={The Evolution of Data Base Technology},
Booktitle ={Proc.of Intercom 74, IEEE NY , Section 16.1},
Year =1974, Category ={DBFintro.4, x5} }

@inproceedings{Senko1975, Author ={Senko,M.E.},
Title ={Specification of Stored Data Structures and Desired Output in DIAM II with FORAL},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed), ACM.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Senko1975:1, Author ={Senko,Michael E.},
Title ={The DDL in the Context of a Multilevel Structured Description: DIAM II with FORAL},
Booktitle ={Data Base Description, Douque and Nijssen(eds), N-H (IFIP TC-2)},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDbound>} }

@article{Senko1975:2, Author ={Senko,Michael E.},
Title ={Information Systems: Records, Relations, Sets, Entities, and Things},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , Pergamon Press.},
Year =1975, Month =Jan,
Pages ="3--13",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown Heights A historical overview, establishing the scientific state of the art in data bases, bibliography. Category ={DBFintro.3, xB1.4> } }

@inproceedings{Senko1976, Author ={Senko,Michael E.},
Title ={DIAM as a Detailed Example of the ANSII SPARC Architecture},
Booktitle ={Modelling in DBManagement Science, Journal of TIMS, Neuhold(ed), N-H (IFIP TC-2, Freudenstadt)},
Year =1976, Category ={DBDschema.6, x8>} }

@article{Senko1977, Author ={Senko,M.E.},
Title ={Data Structures and Data Accessing in Data Base Systems: Past, Present, Future},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J..},
Year =1977, Pages ="208--257",
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ commercial and research data base systems are analyzed and grouped into the three categories of hierarchical, network, and single-level models (CODASYL, TOTAL, ADABAS, DIAM, FORAL). Extensive Bibliography. Category ={DBFintro.3> DBFtree> DBDbound.5> DBDquery.1> } }

@article{Senko1980, Author ={Senko,M.E.},
Title ={A Query-Maintenance Language for the Data Independent Accessing Model II},
Journal ={Inf.Syst..},
Year =1980, Pages ="257--272",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, Scientific Ctr (Heidelberg, FRG) Category ={DBDmodel.6> } }

@book{Senn1987, Author ={Senn,James},
Title ={Information Systems in Management: 3rd ed.},
Publisher ={Wadsworth Publ.Co., Belmont, 935pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9005-0367.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Georgia St.Un. six modules: management information, computer systems, transaction processing, information systems management, and case studies; the book is clear, understandable, and readable; tables and figures often summarize text coverage. Category ={DBDappl> } }

@article{Seppala1967, Author ={Seppala,Y.},
Title ={Definition of Extraction Files and Their Optimization by Zero-One Programming},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark 7,},
Year =1967, Pages ="206--215",
Category ={DBFhybrid.1.4> DBFtechn.4>} }

@unpublished{Sernadas1983, Author ={Sernadas,A. and Sernadas,C.},
Title ={INFOLOG: An Integrated Model of Data and Processes},
Note ={Position paper, IFIP WG8.1 Working Meeting (York, UK).},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Sernadas1984, Author ={Sernadas,A. and Sernadas,C.},
Title ={Capturing Knowledge about the Organization Dynamics},
Institution ={Un.Lisbon, Portugal, INFOLOG RR18.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@techreport{Sernadas1984:1, Author ={Sernadas,C. and Gaspar,C.},
Title ={The INFOLOG Language Facility for Specifying Information Systems},
Institution ={Un.Lisbon, Portugal, INFOLOG RR14 .},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile Sernadas} }

@book{Sernadas1985, Author ={Sernadas,A., Bubenko,J., and Olive,A. (eds)},
Title ={Theoretical and Formal Aspect of Information Systems},
Publisher ={Proc.IFIP WG8.1 Working Conf., (Sitges Spain, ), N-H, 1985.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Annote ={--- Kung. Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@incollection{Sernadas1986, Author ={Sernadas,C. and Sernadas,A.},
Title ={Conceptual Modeling Abstractions as Parameterized Theories in Institutions},
Booktitle ={Database Semantics, N-H.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@book{Sernadas1985:1, Author ={Sernadas,A., Bubenko,J., and Olive,A.(eds)},
Title ={Information Systems: Theoretical And Formal Aspects},
Publisher ={IFIP.},
Year =1985, Annote ={Proc. IFIP Workshop. Category ={DBFintro, QA75.5.I376} }

@incollection{Sernadas1987, Author ={Sernadas,A. and Sernadas,C.},
Title ={Abstraction and Inference Mechanisms for Knowledge Representation .},
Booktitle ={Foundations of Knowledge Base Management, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Sernadas1987:1, Author ={Sernadas,A., Sernadas,C., and Ehrich,H-D.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Specification of Databases: An Algebraic Approach},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Sernadas1990, Author ={Sernadas,A. and Ehrich,H-D.},
Title ={What is an object, after all?},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at INESC, Portugal algebra - can non-trivial methods be handled? Category ={DBDobject> } }

@unpublished{Sernadas1987:2, Author ={Sernadas,C., Fiadeiro,J., and Sernadas,A.},
Title ={Deeds of Sale and Gift: An Oblog Perspective},
Note ={rcvd..},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at INESC/IST, Lisboa, Portugal Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Sernadas1988, Author ={Sernadas,C., Fiadeiro,J., and Sernadas,A.},
Title ={Object-oriented Conceptual Modeling from Law},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Serry1984, Author ={Serry,Alaa E.I.},
Title ={An Analytical Approach to Modeling IMS Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Toronto, TR.CSRG-161.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDbound, DBfile} }

@techreport{Seshagiri1976, Author ={Seshagiri,N.},
Title ={National Informatics Ctr Electronics Commission},
Institution ={NIC UNDP approved project document.},
Year =1976, Month Apr,
Annote ={at NIC, India Category ={DBappl, DBFile} }

@inproceedings{Seshadri1991, Author ={Seshadri,S. and Naughton,J.F.},
Title ={On the Expected Size of Recursive Datalog Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Seth1988, Author ={Seth,Amit P.},
Title ={Building Federated Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE CS Dist.Processing TC Newsletter.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="50--58",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Unisys, System Dvlpt.Group, (Santa Monica CA) FAUVE Preintegration, federated database building, operations. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Sethi1982, Author ={Sethi,R.},
Title ={Useless Actions Make a Difference: Strict Serializability of Database Updates},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Pages ="394--403",
Volume ="29",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Bell Lab (Murray Hill NJ) When several transactions read and write items in a database, the question of consistency of the database arises. A particular history of interleaved read and write actions belonging to several transactions is correct if it is equivalent to a serial history. Since serializability of histories is known to be N-P complete, when there are no useless actions in a history, it is shown that strict serializability can be determined in polynomial time. Two-step transactions in which there is a read step followed by a write step. NP completeness in 2-phase protocols. Category ={DBDtrans-4> } }

@article{Seuchter1988, Author ={Seuchter,S.A. and Skolnick,M.H.},
Title ={HGDBMS: A Human Genetics Database Management System},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Pages ="448--487",
Volume ="21",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ at Un.Utah, Medical Ctr., Dep.Medical Informatics Uses GENESYS I DBMS, includes structural model. Chromosome map studies. Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Sevcik1981, Author ={Sevcik,K.C.},
Title ={Data Base System Performance Prediction Using an Analytical Model},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="182--198",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto, CSRG (Toronto, Canada) By analytical techniques workload description at one level and a set of design choices are transformed into the workload description at the next lower (more fully specified) level. Data design alternatives can be represented by changes at a single level of the layered model. Category ={DBFsyseval.1> DBFmethods.3> } }

@inproceedings{Sevcik1983, Author ={Sevcik,K.},
Title ={Comparison of concurrency control methods using analytical models},
Booktitle ={IFIP 9th World Computer Congress, Paris.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Annote ={survey with common notation Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Severance1990, Author ={Severance,C., Pramanik,S., and Wolberg,P.},
Title ={Distributed Linear Hashing for Main Memory Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Severance1972, Author ={Severance,D.G. and Merten,A.G.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of File Organizations through Modelling},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1972, Pages ="1061--1072",
Category ={DBFtechn.4>} }

@article{Severance1974, Author ={Severance,Dennis},
Title ={The Evaluation of Data Structures in a Data Base System Design},
Journal ={Proc.of Intercom 74, IEEE NY.},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Cornell Un. Review of system tradeoffs. Category ={DBFseq.0> } }

@article{Severance1974:1, Author ={Severance,D.G.},
Title ={Identifier Search Mechanisms, a Survey and a Generalized Model},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1974, Month =Sep,
Volume ="6",
Number ="3",
Annote ={Evaluation model is core memory oriented. Category ={DBFseq> } }

@article{Severance1975, Author ={Severance,D.G.},
Title ={A Parametric Model of Alternative File Structures},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1975, Pages ="51--55",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFseq.0>} }

@article{Severance1976, Author ={Severance,D. and Duhne,R.},
Title ={A Practitioner's Guide to Addressing Algorithms},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; CACM, Vol.19 No.9, pp.529.},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Pages ="314--326",
Volume ="19",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ This paper consolidates a number of popular rules of thumb which have been suggested for the design of record addressing algorithms, and discusses the applicability of these rules to large commercial databases. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@article{Severance1976:1, Author ={Severance,D.G. and Lohman,G.M},
Title ={Differential Files: Their Applications to the Maintenance of Large Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1976, Month =Sep,
Pages ="256--367",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFuse-4.4>} }

@article{Severance1977, Author ={Severance,D.G. and Carlis,J.V.},
Title ={A Practical Approach to Selecting Record Access Paths},
Journal ={ACM Comp.Surveys.},
Year =1977, Pages ="259--272",
Volume ="9",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBFhash.6> DBFsyseval<} }

@article{Severance1983, Author ={Severance,D.},
Title ={A Practitioner's Guide to Database Compression},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1983, Pages ="51--62",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={comprehensive, references. Category ={DBFrepresent-4>} }

@unpublished{Seviora1985, Author ={Seviora,R.A.},
Title ={Knowledge based debugging systems},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDlang, DBfile} }

@article{Sewell1986, Author ={Sewell,W. and Tietelbaum,S.},
Title ={Observations of End-user Online Searching Behavior over Eleven Years},
Journal ={J.Am.Soc.Inf.Sci., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8702-??.},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="234--245",
Volume ="37",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland MEDLINE logs 8,000 search sessions, survey, and observations were analyzed. I3 Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@techreport{sg1985, Author ={sg( at Seismo.ARPA)},
Title ={How to use PARLOG},
Institution ={.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ system for C-Prolog. The version here runs on top of C-Prolog 1.4-1.5. Some changes may be required to run on compatible Prolog systems. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Sha1988, Author ={Sha,L., Rajkumar,R., and Lehoczky,J.P.},
Title ={Concurrency Control for Distributed Real-Time Databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="82--98",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at CMU Category ={DBFdist> DBFtrans>} }

@book{Shafer1976, Author ={Shafer,Glenn},
Title ={A Mathematical Theory of Evidence},
Publisher ={Princeton Un.Press.},
Year =1976, Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Shafer1986, Author ={Shafer,G.},
Title ={Probability Judgement in Artificial Intelligence},
Booktitle ={Kanal and Lemmer.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ non-disjointness? Fred being truthful (p=.8) or careless (p=.2). Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb> } }

@article{Shaffner1962, Author ={Shaffner,R.M.},
Title ={A Technique for the Organization of Large Files},
Journal ={American Documentation,},
Year =1962, Month =Jan,
Pages ="95--102",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Shaffner1968, Author ={Shaffner,R.M.},
Title ={The Organization, Maintenance, and Search of Machine Files},
Booktitle ={Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, ASIS, Cuadra(ed), John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) .},
Year =1968, Annote ={Review and bibliography. Category ={DBFseq>} }

@inproceedings{Shah, Author ={Shah,A.V., Rumbaugh,J.E., Hamel,J.H., and Borsari,R.A.},
Title ={DSM: An Object-Relationship Modeling Language},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA 89.},
Pages ="191--202",
Annote ={ They report that they have combined object-oriented programming with semantic data modeling concepts in the context of C. Their objects, among many other things, are persistent. In addition, they provide association and aggregation relationships as part of their data modeling process. The environment also offers an implementation of relations at the program design level. ---Paepcke. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@techreport{Shahar1991, Author ={Shahar,Y., Tu,S., Musen,M.},
Title ={Temporal-Abstraction Mechanisms in Management of Clinical Protocols},
Institution ={Stanford KSL 91-19.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDops>} }

@book{Shale1978, Author ={Shale, Richard},
Title ={Academy Awards},
Publisher ={Ungar.},
Year =1978, Category ={Movies>} }

@article{Shamir1979, Author ={Shamir,A.},
Title ={How to Share a Secret},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Pages ="612--613",
Volume ="22",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ protection against loss of of keys by dividing the data into pieces. Category ={DBFrepresent-5> } }

@book{Shannon1948, Author ={Shannon,C.E. and Weaver,W.},
Title ={The Mathematical Theory of Computation},
Publisher ={Bell System Technical Journal.},
Year =1948, Annote ={ Reprint of original Shannon Treatise on Information. I3 Category ={DBFintro.3> } }

@article{Shannon1949, Author ={Shannon,Claude E.},
Title ={Communication Theory of Secrecy Systems},
Journal ={Bell System Technical Journal.},
Year =1949, Month =Oct,
Pages ="656--715",
Volume ="28",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Formalization of privacy in terms of information theory Category ={DBFrepresent-5> } }

@article{Shannon1951, Author ={Shannon,C.E.},
Title ={Prediction and Entropy of Printed English},
Journal ={Bell System Technical Journal,},
Year =1951, Month =Jan,
Pages ="50--64",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Shannon1990, Author ={Shannon,K. and Snodgrass,R.},
Title ={Semantic Clustering},
Booktitle ={4th Int.Workshop on Persistent Object Systems.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ reject continuous automatic adaptive clustering; attributes are partitioned into internal attributes, refer to objects guaranteed to be coresident with the object containing the attribute integrity constraint is that no two internal attributes of objects in different cluster instances can reference the same object Category ={DBDobject> DBDperf, DBfile Snodgrass } }

@inproceedings{Shao1988, Author ={Shao,J., Bell,D.A., and Hull,M.E.C.},
Title ={LQL: A unified language for deductive database systems},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at UK Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Shao1988:1, Author ={Shao,J. and Yao,Q.},
Title ={A Knowledge-Based Query Optimization System},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2 Conf., Canton China, N-H},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at P.R.China. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Shao1990, Author ={Shao,J., Bell,D.A., and Hull,M.E.C.},
Title ={An Experimental Performance Study of a Pipelined Recursive Query Processing Strategy},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Ulster, N. Ireland uses transputers. Handles mutual recursion as well as linear recursion. Coarse granularity keeps communication cost low. Category ={DBDmach> } }

@inproceedings{Shao1991, Author ={Shao,J., Bell,D., and Hull,M.},
Title ={Combining Rule Decomposition and Data Partitioning in Parallel Datalog Program Processing},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Shapiro1980, Author ={Shapiro,A.R.},
Title ={A system for conceptual analysis of medical practices},
Booktitle ={IEEE ?.},
Year =1980, Annote ={use of clinic records Category ={MIS, DBfile} }

@article{Shapiro1986, Author ={Shapiro,L.D.},
Title ={Join Processing in Database Systems with Large Main Memories},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="239--264",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFmach> DBDrel>} }

@techreport{Shapiro1969, Author ={Shapiro,R.M., Saint,H.,Millstein,R.E., Hold,A.W., Warshall,S., and Sempliner,L.},
Title ={A Handbook on File Structuring},
Institution ={Report RADC-TR-69-313, National Bureau of Standards, Clearing House for Federal Scientific and Technical Information No.AD697025.},
Year =1969, Month =Sep,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at ADR, Inc. Category ={DBFhybrid.8>} }

@article{Sharma1985, Author ={Sharma,K.D., and Rani,R.},
Title ={Choosing Optimal Branching Factors for k-d-B Trees},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1985, Pages ="127--134",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Indian Inst.Tech. Category ={DBFtree, xissue} }

@inproceedings{Sharma1968, Author ={Sharma,R.L.},
Title ={Analysis of a Scheme for Information Organization and Retrieval from a Disk File},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP Congress, pp.D126--D130.},
Year =1968, Annote ={at Collins Radio Co. Drum queing analysis. Category ={DBFtechn> } }

@inproceedings{Sharmen1978, Author ={Sharmen,G. and Winterbottom,N.},
Title ={The Data Dictionary Facilities of NDB},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds), ACM.},
Year =1978, Pages ="286--297",
Category ={DBDschema.1>} }

@book{Sharp1968, Author ={Sharp,John R.},
Title ={Some Fundamentals of Inf. Retrieval},
Publisher ={Andre Deutsch, London, Z699 548},
Year =1968, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Sharpe1969, Author ={Sharpe,William F.},
Title ={The Economics of Computers},
Publisher ={Columbia Un.Press, NY.},
Year =1969, Annote ={at UCI; Rand (CA) Very complete survey and analysis of methods used to evaluate, select and justify computers. It includes a chapter on memory devices and their performance. Category ={DBFeval> %Sharpe69 } }

@article{Sharr1985, Author ={Sharr,Yu.},
Title ={DBS/R Database Control System},
Journal ={Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny, -Apr., Kiev.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="97--101",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ DBMS's produced at ROBOTRON (GDR). CODASYL extension to Part of trees. Built-in input editing. ADABAS-NATURAL like query language, English and German. 200 installations, with many BoM applications. Category ={DBDbound, FASAC 13 } }

@inproceedings{Shasha1985, Author ={Shasha,D. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Semantically-based Concurrency Control for Search Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at NYU; Sequoia Systems Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Shasha1985:1, Author ={Shasha,D.},
Title ={What Good are Concurrent Search Structure Algorithms for Databases Anyway?},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="84--90",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Interaction of search and recovery management reduces concurrency, seperate the restructuring. Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Shasha1986, Author ={Shasha,D.},
Title ={When does Non-Linear Text Help ?},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Shasha1988, Author ={Shasha,D. and Goodman,N.},
Title ={Concurrent Search Structure Algorithms},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , no.1.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="53--90",
Volume ="13",
Annote ={at NYU; Courant Inst. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDconc> } }

@article{Shasha1991, Author ={Shasha,D. and Wang,T-L.},
Title ={Optimizing Equijoin Queries in Distributed Databases Where Relations Are Hash Partitioned},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="16",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ no shared memory so that processor must repartition the relations and intermediate results in a multijoin query for lost hashkeys (not dynamic optimization); optimum solutions for closed chain queries, NP-completeness of star, tree, and general graph queries and effective heuristics Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Shasha1992, Author ={Shasha,D., Simon,E., and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={Simple Rational Guidance for Chopping Up Transactions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@book{Shasha1992:1, Author ={Shasha,Dennis},
Title ={Database Tuning: a principled approach},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall, ISBN: 0-13-205246-6},
Year =1992, Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Shatdal1993, Author ={Shatdal,A. and Naughton,J.},
Title ={Using Shared Virtual Memory for Parallel Join Processing},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Shave1981, Author ={Shave,M.J.R.},
Title ={Entities, Functions, and Binary Relations: Steps to a Conceptual Schema},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Pages ="42--47",
Volume ="24",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Bristol, CSD (London, UK) The entity-functional data model is defined and its applicability as a data analysis tool described. This data model is, in effect, a minor extension of the entity-relationship model. Category ={DBDmodel.7> } }

@book{Shaw1974, Author ={Shaw,A.},
Title ={The Logical Design of Operating Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1974, Category ={DBFintro.7>} }

@article{Shaw1987, Author ={Shaw,Christopher J.},
Title ={Application and Database Design --- Putting it Off},
Journal ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at TRILLIUM, now, Ashton Tate Advocates minimal binding `A Minimalist Approach'. Determine 1. what should the system do -> relationships, 2. what must it remember? -> objects. Reduces to objects and events, but answers should be objects. Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@techreport{Shaw1979, Author ={Shaw,D.E.},
Title ={A Hierarchical Associative Architecture for the Parallel Evaluation of Relational Algebraic Database Primitives},
Institution ={Stanford C.S. Dep.Rpt. STAN-CS-79-778.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Shaw1980, Author ={Shaw,D.},
Title ={A Relational Database Machine Architecture},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGIR, Vol.XV.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Pages ="84--95",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@techreport{Shaw1980:1, Author ={Shaw,D.E.},
Title ={Knowledge-Based Retrieval on a Relational Database Machine},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford Un., DCS.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBFmach> DBDquery.3>} }

@article{Shaw1983, Author ={Shaw,D.E., Stolfo,S.J., Ibrahim,H., Hillyer,B. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={The NON-VON Database Machine: A Brief Overview},
Journal ={Database Engineering, Kim et al(eds).},
Year =1983, Pages ="43--54",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Shaw1982, Author ={Shaw,D.E. and Hillyer,B.K.},
Title ={Allocation and Manipulation of Records in the NON-VON Supercomputer},
Journal ={Columbia Computer Science Dep.Report, (in preparation)},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Columbia Un. Category ={DBFmach>} }

@techreport{Shaw1982:1, Author ={Shaw,D.E.},
Title ={The NON-VON Supercomputer},
Institution ={Columbia Computer Science Dep.Rpt..},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ The machine incorporates between 100 000 and 1 000 000 of unusually simple processors. However, issues related to software are as central to the goals of the NON-VON project as the achievement of processing power. Support is provided for the operations which characterize the workload in commercial database management and data processing applications. History and current status, physical organization, instruction set of the Processing Element, and the most important paradigms for the implementation of NON-VON software are described. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@techreport{Shaw1985, Author ={Shaw,D.E.},
Title ={Applications of VLSI technology in a Massively Parallel Machine},
Institution ={Columbia Un., CSD, TR., undated, rcvd ?.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBFmach, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Shaw1989, Author ={Shaw,G. and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Queries: Equivalence and Optimization},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Shaw1990, Author ={Shaw,G.M. and Zdonik,S.B.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Query Algebra},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Brown Un. based on ENCORE; object, properties; supports object identity; result objects have new o-ids; algebra has selection, set-ops, also in nested sets, type predicate and property based id select projection and image, for one object at the time, and join create association tuples as new objects; retrieval and update of properties using object property notation; equality is by o-id, or collection of o-ids, or by type and value; also for in-set and subset. Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Shaw1990:1, Author ={Shaw,G.M. and Zdonik,S.B.},
Title ={A Query Algebra for Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Brown Un. Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery>} }

@book{Shaw1985:1, Author ={Shaw,Mary},
Title ={The Carnegie-Mellon Curriculum for Undergraduate Computer Science},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDintro, QA76.27.C37 1985} }

@article{Shaw1990, Author ={Shaw,M. and Woodward,B.},
Title ={Modeling expert knowledge},
Journal ={Knowledge Acquisition.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Calgary recognize domain ontologies, good references Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Shaw1987:1, Author ={Shaw,P.},
Title ={The Module Interface to ISO-ANSI SQL},
Institution ={Ada Joint Prog. office, Ada SQL Workshop.},
Year =1987, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDlang>} }

@article{Sheard1988, Author ={Sheard,T. and Stemple,D.},
Title ={Automatic Verification of Database Transaction Safety},
Journal ={U.Mass, COINS TR-88-29, also TR-86-30, 1986.},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Annote ={at U.Mass, DCIS LISP; inference techniques based on Boyer-Moore. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDtheory> DBFtrans> } }

@inproceedings{Shedletsky, Author ={Shedletsky,J.},
Title ={A Rollback Interval for Networks with an Imperfect Self-Checking Property},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C27 .},
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFuse-4.5>} }

@inproceedings{Shekhar1988, Author ={Shekhar,S., Srivastava,J., and Dutta,S.},
Title ={A Formal Model of Trade-off between Optimization and Execution Costs in Semantic Query Optimization},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles,},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="457--467",
Annote ={at UCB, CSD Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Shekhar1992, Author ={Shekhar,S. and Yang,T.},
Title ={Warp Files and Efficient Processing of Path Queries on Scientific Data},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Shekhar1993, Author ={Shekhar,S., Kohli,A., and Coyle,M.},
Title ={Path Computation Algorithms for Advanced Driver Information System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Category ={DBDquery} }

@article{Shekita1989, Author ={Shekita,E.J. and Carey,M.J.},
Title ={Performance Enhancement Through Replication in an Object-Oriented DBMS},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin, CSD Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Shekita1990, Author ={Shekita,E.J. and Carey,M.J.},
Title ={A Performance Evaluation of Pointer-Based Joins},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin similar to ADABAS? variants of the nested-loops, sort-merge, and hybrid hash join algorithms; pointer-based algorithms can provide significant performance gains in many situations; the nested-loops algorithm performs quite poorly on most medium to large joins; a parameter is result to source size ratio. Category ={DBDperf> DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Shekita1993, Author ={Shekita,E., Young,H., and Tan,K-L.},
Title ={Multi-Join Query Optimization for Symmetric Multi-Processors},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Shema1990, Author ={Shema,D., Bradshaw,J., Covington,S., and Boose,J.},
Title ={Design Knowledge Capture and Alternatives Generation using possibility Tables in Canard},
Journal ={Knowledge Acquisition.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Boeing top level design alternatives with criteria Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Shemer1987, Author ={Shemer,Itzhak},
Title ={Systems Analysis: A Systemic Analysis of a Conceptual Model},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="506--512",
Volume ="30",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Shemer1971, Author ={Shemer,J.E.},
Title ={Access Methods: A Brief Overview for the 1971 ACM SIGFIDET Workshop},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Codd(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="169--172",
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@inproceedings{Shemer1972, Author ={Shemer,J.E. and Collmeyer,A.J.},
Title ={Database Sharing: A Study of Interference, Roadblock and Deadlock},
Booktitle ={Data Base Systems, Rustin(ed), Prentice-Hall publishers .},
Year =1972, Annote ={at Xerox, Corp, El Segundo A shared data base locking mechanism is simulated. The results and a description of the simulation is presented. Category ={DBDintegrity.2> DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Shemer1984, Author ={Shemer,J. and Neches,P.(interviewees)},
Title ={The Genesis of a Database Computer},
Booktitle ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="42--56",
Volume ="17",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ discussion of design of Teradata DBC/1012, also box on Britton-Lee IDM. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Shen1985, Author ={Shen,Sheldon},
Title ={Design of a Virtual Database},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8601-0052.},
Year =1985, Pages ="27--35",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Ohio State include inference and derived data, as a front end to an RDB. distinguish the conceptual 'virtual (CVD) (which is visible to the user as a set of tables) from the virtual database schema (VDS) (not usually visible to the user). The processing needs are satisfied by data retrieval from the tables in the CVD. The VDS describes the base relations, inferencing rules (as in a deductive database), and 'data-processing relationships' of the form 'Ri -f-> Rj' to denote that the processing program f transforms a model of Ri to a model of Rj. Query processing involves building a query tree with desired table in the CVD at the root and then choosing a suitable order of execution. The proposal is reasonable though somewhat simplistic. --- Arun. For derived data, data independence and query processing can be maintained. I3 Category ={DBDdesign> DBDquery, xissue } }

@unpublished{Shen1989, Author ={Shen,W-M. and Simon,H.A.},
Title ={Rule creation and Rule Learning through Environment Exploration},
Note ={rcvd},
Year =1989, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at CMU, CSD Knowledge acquisition, learning by rule discrimination on failure analogy. The LIVE extension of GPS references. AFIS? Category ={DBDkb, box CMU } }

@inproceedings{Shen1990, Author ={Shen,Y-H.},
Title ={IDLOG: Extending the Expressive Power of Deductive Database Languages},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={ Relational datalog model with object ids. Includes aggregation. Aggregation requires linear ordering, using tuple-identifications, different linear orderings are defined. Introduction compares the expressive power of DATALOG, fixpoint queries, while queries, bounded loop queries, EQUAL, adding counters, generic variables and invented values. Semantics of IDLOG are natural extension of the perfect-model semantics of logic programs. Category ={DBDobject> DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Sheng1992, Author ={Sheng,O. and Wei,C-P.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Modeling and Design of Coupled Knowledge-Base/Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Arizona Category ={DBDkb> DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Sheng1984, Author ={Sheng,Richard L-C.},
Title ={a linguistic approach, based on test-score semantics and fuzzy logic, to the problem of fuzzy temporal inference in question answering systems.},
Institution ={UCB, PhD Th., NLM No.AAD84-27100, 159pp.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDkb, Sumex arch. NLM.1q84} }

@inproceedings{Sheng1991, Author ={Sheng,Y-H.},
Title ={A Non-deterministic Deductive Database Language},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at UniSQL Category ={DBDlang>} }

@inproceedings{Shenoy1986, Author ={Shenoy,S.T. and Ozsoyoglu,Z.M.},
Title ={A System for Semantic Query Optimization},
Booktitle ={IEEE Expert, Fall..},
Year =1986, Pages ="43--51",
Annote ={at Un.Kansas Judea Pearl`s (Bayesian) and Dempster-Shafer-Logan (Markov) models generalized and applied to Mycin like structures. Category ={DBDkb> at Case Western Reserve Un. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Shenoy1989, Author ={Shenoy,S.T. and Ozsoyoglu,Z.M.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of a Semantic Query Optimizer},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="344--361",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Semantics represented as function-free clauses in predicate logic. A graph theoretic approach to identify redundant joins and restrictions adding additional profitable specifications to it. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Shepherd1984, Author ={Shepherd,Allen and Kerschberg,Larry},
Title ={PRISM: A Knowledge-based system for Semantic Integrity Specification and Enforcement in Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data , Boston 1984.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="307--315",
Annote ={at Un.South Carolina Category ={DBFrepresent-4> DBDkb, DBfile Kerschberg } }

@inproceedings{Shepherd1984:1, Author ={Shepherd,A. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={Constraint Management in Expert Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina, Vol.2.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="523--546",
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Hewlett-Pack; nd Un.South Carolina survey, extensive bibliography I3 Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Kerschberg } }

@book{Sheppard1974, Author ={Sheppard,D.L.},
Title ={Data Base: A Business Approach to System Design},
Publisher ={CINCOM Systems, Cincinnati OH.},
Year =1974, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDadmin.1> DBDdesign>} }

@book{Sheppard1976, Author ={Sheppard,D.L.},
Title ={Data Base Methodology --- Part I},
Publisher ={Design and Development, Data Base Design, Monograph 23-01-01, Auerbach, (Philadelphia PA).},
Year =1976, Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Sheppard1972, Author ={Sheppard,R.H.},
Title ={Algebraic Encrypting},
Booktitle ={Krankenhause Systeme, Erstrebtes und Erreichtes, Fuchs and Wagner(eds) Schattauer Verlag (Stuttgart FRG) .},
Year =1972, Annote ={at Johns Hopkins (Baltimore) Protection of medical records Category ={DBFrepresent-5> } }

@inproceedings{Sherertz1990, Author ={Sherertz, et al.},
Title ={Source Inversion and Matching in the UMLS Metathesaurus},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE .},
Year =1990, Annote ={Unified Medical Language System Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@book{Sherif1989, Author ={Sherif,M.A.},
Title ={Database Projects: A Framework for Effective Management},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 138pp.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Arafah Systems Ltd Category ={DBDappl>} }

@inproceedings{Sherman1989, Author ={Sherman,M., et al.},
Title ={On Using ODA for Multimedia Database Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="350--356",
Annote ={at CMU, Information Technology Ctr Use of ISO9541 standard Office Document Architecture. Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDoffice> } }

@inproceedings{Sherman1993, Author ={Sherman ,M.},
Title ={Open Distributed Transaction Processing with Encina},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Transarc Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Sheth, Author ={Sheth,A.P., Singhal,A., and Liu,M.T.},
Title ={An Analysis of the Effect of Network Parameters on the performance of Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Pages ="1174--1184",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Sheth1987, Author ={Sheth,A.P., Anoop,S., and Liu,M.T.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Resiliency Mechanisms in Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Sheth1988, Author ={Sheth,A.P., Larson,J.A., Cornelio,A., and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={A Tool for Integrating Conceptual Schemas and User Views},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Sheth1988:1, Author ={Sheth,A., Buer,D.V., Russel,S., and Dao,S.},
Title ={Cache Management System: Preliminary Design and Evaluation Criteria},
Institution ={Unisys, TR-TM-8484-000-00.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ at Unisys Corp, West Coast Res.Ctr, (Santa Monica, CA) Architecture and preview of caching in interfacing between logic-based AI systems and remote relational DBMS servers. Ideas for reusing cached predicate instances effectively. Core architecture plus future plan. Cached predicate instances are kept separately in relational forms. ---BS.Lee Category ={DBFhard> DBDkb> DBDperformance> DBFhard, DBfile } }

@article{Sheth1988:2, Author ={Sheth,A.P., Larson,J.A., and Watkins,E.},
Title ={TAILOR, A Tool for Updating Views},
Journal ={LNCS, No. 303, J.W. Schmidt, S.Ceri, M.Missikoff (Eds.) Advances in Database Technology-EDBT'88, Venice, Italy,},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDrel> DBDops, DBfile} }

@techreport{Sheth1989, Author ={Sheth,A. and OHare,A.},
Title ={The Architecture of BrAID: A System for Efficient AI/DB Integration},
Institution ={Technical Report PRC-LBS-8907, Unisys Paoli Research Center.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Sheth1989:1, Author ={Sheth,Amit P.},
Title ={Fault Tolerance in a Very Large Database System: A Strawman Analysis},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE Conf.on Distributed Computing Systems , (Newport Beach CA).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Unisys West Coast Res.Ctr Category ={DBDreliab>} }

@techreport{Sheth1989:2, Author ={Sheth,A. and Krishnamurthy,P.},
Title ={Redundant Data Management in Bellcore and BCC Databases},
Institution ={Bellcore Technical Memorandum TM-STS-0150111.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ This discusses our initial look at the some of real problems and discusses that relevant research to-date (e.g., one-copy serializability and replica control algorithms) are not relevant to solving our problems. It notices lack of relevant research and any planned products in the area. Terms of eventual consistency and lagging consistency were introduced- beyond that it has little research value. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@incollection{Sheth1989:3, Author ={Sheth,A.P. and Gala,S.K.},
Title ={Attribute relationships: an impediment in automating schema integration},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Bellcore (Piscataway, NJ) Attribute sementics versus real world descriptors for integration Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist> } }

@article{Sheth1990, Author ={Sheth,A. and Larson,J.},
Title ={Federated Database Systems for Managing Distributed, Heterogeneous, and Autonomous Databases},
Journal ={Bellcore, TM-STS-016302.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Bellcore A good reference for federated database systems architecture: a reference architecture, customization to a specific architecture, system deveopment processes and tasks. Uses a reasonable taxonomy of federated database systems. Contains many bibliographic references. ---BSLee. FAUVE focuses exclusively on the technical issues, a valuable basis for future research Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Sheth1990:1, Author ={Sheth,A.},
Title ={Database Research at Bellcore},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ A brief overview of eight database projects within Bellcore. The projects seem to be centered on federated databases. ---BSLee Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Sheth1990:2, Author ={Sheth,A. and Rusinkiewicz,M.},
Title ={Management of Interdependent Data: Specifying Dependency and Consistency Requirements},
Booktitle ={Workshop on the Management of Replicated Data, Houston, TX.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Bellcore A technical memo. Identify subproblems of interdependent data management. Classify the types of interdatabase dependencies. Define temporal and spatial data consistency criteria. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Sheth1991, Author ={Sheth,Amit},
Title ={The Architecture of BrAID: A System for Bridging AI/DB Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Sheth1992, Author ={Sheth,Amit},
Title ={Multidatabase Systems: Research and Reality (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Sheth1992:1, Author ={Sheth,Amit},
Title ={Schemata of Interoperable Database Systems: Beyond Data Modelling},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Sheu1991, Author ={Sheu,Phillip},
Title ={Processing of Logical Transactions in Distributed Logical Databases and Object Bases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Shibayama1984, Author ={Shibayama,S., Kakuta,T., Miyazaki,N., Yokota,H., and Murakami,K.},
Title ={Query Processing Flow on RDBM DELTA's Functionally Distributed Architecture},
Journal ={Fifth Generations Computer Systems, ICOT, pub. North-Holland-84, ICOT.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="427--435",
Annote ={at ICOT Res.Ctr, Tokyo Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Shilling, Author ={Shilling,J.J. and Sweeney,P.F.},
Title ={Three Steps to Views: Extending the Object-Oriented Paradigm},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA 89.},
Pages ="353--361",
Annote ={ They describe how they extended the object-oriented paradigm to allow the definition of views in the context of object-based software environments. This allows the construction of global abstractions that describe unified behavior of large sets of objects. ---Paepcke. Category ={DBDobject> VOD> } }

@inproceedings{Shillington1993, Author ={Shillington,J. and Ozsu,M.T.},
Title ={Permeable Transactions and Semantics-Based concurrency control for multidatabase systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Alberta Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Shima1991, Author ={Shima,M. et al.},
Title ={Knowledge-Based Multimedia Information Retrieval Applied to Plant Diagrams},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Shimada1989, Author ={Shimada,M., Nishimoto,H., Ishizaka,T., Schutz,A., Kim,Y-S., and Ishii,Y.},
Title ={Supporting the Character Set of Japanese Kanji and Korean Hangul in the ADABAS/NATURAL System},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="3--9",
Annote ={at Software AG of Far East Inc., (Tokyo, Japan) Double byte conventions. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@unpublished{Shimada1991, Author ={Shimada,S. and Matsushima,H.},
Title ={Automatic Digest Map Creation by Analogical Schema Inference},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Hitachi Category ={IMAGE, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Shimizu1991, Author ={Shimizu,H., Kiyoki,Y., Sekishima,A., and Kamibayashi,N.},
Title ={A Primitive Function Set of a Decision Making Support System for Selecting Appropriate Online Databases},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Shin1989, Author ={Shin,D.G.},
Title ={A Natural Language Interface to Medical Database Systems},
Booktitle ={2nd IEEE Symp. on Computer-based Medical Systems, IEEE CS Comp.Medicine TC Newsletter, Spr..},
Year =1989, Pages ="9--14",
Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Connecticut, CSD, (Storrs CT) Category ={DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Shin1991, Author ={Shin,D.G. },
Title ={LK: A Language for Capturing Real World Meanings of the Stored Data},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Shipman1990, Author ={Shipman,D.W.},
Title ={The Functional Data Model and the Data Language DAPLEX},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ Based on the Functional Data Model. Exhibits uniformity in that both entities and their relationships are described in terms of functions (which can be single- or multi-valued). Allows subtype/supertype relationships among entity types, but only one supertype allowed. Derived functions are quite important. They are the basis for user views. A suggested application is as a frontend to a DBMS based on other data models, since it allows representation of more semantics. Easy paper to read. Has some nice ideas which could be profitably incorporated in other data models. --- Arun Category ={DBDmodel.6> VOD> } }

@incollection{Shirota1989, Author ={Shirota,Y., Shirai,Y., and Kunii,T.L.},
Title ={Sophisticated Form-Oriented Database Interface for Non-Programmers},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC 2-6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="127--155",
Annote ={at Un.Tokyo, DIS Menu generation, includes scanned images. Path expression. Action definition with triggers. Uses RICOH database. Category ={DBDquery> DBDimage> } }

@book{Shlaer1988, Author ={Shlaer,S. and Mellor,S.},
Title ={Object-Oriented Systems Analysis: Modeling the World in Data},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 144pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ Picture book approach. Well done. The `object-oriented' title was added later, and it really is a E-R and tuple based approach. No OO methods. Objects with attribute tables, which are tables whose columns are attributes and whose rows are objects. Whatever useful material is there takes much too long to extract. ---Pappas. Category ={DBDdesign, bookshelf x } }

@inproceedings{Shmueli1984, Author ={Shmueli,O., Tsur,S., and Zfirah,H.},
Title ={Rule Support in PROLOG},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Technion, Israel Inst of Technology; MCC Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Shmueli1987, Author ={Shmueli,O.},
Title ={Decidability and Expressiveness Aspects of Logic Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Technion (Israel) single recursive predicate (relation) Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Shmueli1988, Author ={Shmueli,O., Tsur,S., and Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={Rewriting of rules containing set terms in a logic data language (LDL)},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDlogic> DBDlang>} }

@article{Shneiderman1973, Author ={Shneiderman,Ben},
Title ={Optimum Data Base Reorganization Points},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month =Jun,
Pages ="362--365",
Volume ="16",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook Criteria for file reorganization Category ={DBFeval> DBFtechn.1> %Shneiderman73 } }

@article{Shneiderman1974, Author ={Shneiderman,Ben},
Title ={A Model for Optimizing Indexed File Structures},
Journal ={Internat.Journal of Computer and Inf. Sciences.},
Year =1974, Pages ="93-103",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Indiana Un. Quantitative evaluation of indexed accessing. Category ={DBFindex.3, xB3> %Shneiderman74M } }

@article{Shneiderman1974:1, Author ={Shneiderman,Ben and Scheuermann,Peter},
Title ={Structured Data Structures},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Oct,
Pages ="566--574",
Volume ="17",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Indiana Un.; SUNY, Stony Brook Operations on linked structures. Category ={DBDbound, xB9>%Shneiderman74S } }

@book{Shneidermann1976, Author ={Shneidermann,B.(ed)},
Title ={Volume I: Database Management Systems},
Publisher ={AFIPS Press, 130pp.},
Year =1976, Annote ={ As was the case with Peter Chen's collection of papers, this text is a group of monographs which address current DB problems. Articles range from a 'DATAMATION' level of difficulty to a 'Relational Calculus' level. --- Fountain Category ={DBDschema, Student file (Fountain) } }

@article{Shneiderman, Author ={Shneiderman,B. and Goodman,V.},
Title ={Batched Searching of Sequential and Tree Structured Files},
Journal ={Indiana Un., CSD Tech. Ref. 0132.},
Annote ={ comments in ACM TODS, vol.10 no.2, Jun.1985, pp.285--287. Category ={DBFseq.1> DBFindex.3> DBFindex.4> } }

@article{Shneiderman1976, Author ={Shneiderman,B.},
Title ={Reduced Combined Indexes for Efficient Multiple Attribute Retrieval},
Journal ={Indiana Un., CSD, T.R.43,},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFhybrid.6.2, DBfile} }

@book{Shneiderman1978, Author ={Shneiderman,B.(ed)},
Title ={Databases: Improving Usability and Responsiveness},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1978, Annote ={ A collection of papers from 1st Conf. held in Jerusalem, 2-4 Aug.1978. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Shneiderman1978:1, Author ={Shneiderman,B.},
Title ={Jump Searching: A Fast Sequential Search Technique},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1978, Month =Oct,
Pages ="831--834",
Volume ="21",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Explores variants of the classic jump searching scheme where the optimum jump size is the square root of the number of records. Category ={DBFseq.2> DBFimpl.2.2> } }

@inproceedings{Shneiderman1980, Author ={Shneiderman,B. and Thomas,G.},
Title ={Path Expressions for Complex Queries and Automatic Database Program Conversion},
Booktitle ={Un.Maryland, CSD, TR-899.},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Category ={DBDquery.3.3, DBfile} }

@article{Shneiderman1981, Author ={Shneiderman,B.},
Title ={Information Policy Issues: Selecting a Policy Framework and Defining the Schema Horizon},
Journal ={Auerbach Annual 80, N-H .},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Shneiderman1982, Author ={Shneiderman,B. and Thomas,G.},
Title ={An Architecture for Automatic Relational Database System Conversion},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR Jun.1982, p.312.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="235--257",
Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Alterations to the logical structure of a DB may necessitate changes at three levels: 1) stored database, 2) schema definition, and 3) application programs or queries. Each transformation is assessed on three features: 1) information preservation (data are not destroyed, only their logical format is altered); 2) data dependence (a data dependent transformation is one in which the stored DB must be checked to determine whether it is consistent with the logical format of the target system); and 3) program dependence (a program dependent transformation is one in which the application programs must be checked to determine whether the transformation is permissible). At every stage the DB is kept in fourth normal form. The 15 transformations are divided into five groups. The first group includes simple alterations, such as changing the name of an attribute or relation (CHANGE NAME), or adding or deleting attributes or relations (ADD/DELETE ATTRIBUTES, INTRODUCE/SEPARATE). The role played by keys in the relational model is clearly critical, and particular care must be taken when transformations involving these keys are being carried out. The second group of tranformations concerns the effect of adding attributes to or deleting attributes from keys (PROMOTE/DEMOTE). The third and fourth sets of transformations are provided for the combining and dividing of relations. (COMPOSE/DECOMPOSE, PARTITION/MERGE). The final group of transformations is concerned with functional dependencies Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> 8.4 } }

@article{Shneiderman1982:1, Author ={Shneiderman,B.},
Title ={Response to N.C.Rowe's Review},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record, pp.98.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@book{Shneiderman1982:2, Author ={Shneiderman,B.(ed)},
Title ={Databases: Improving Usability and Responsiveness},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={ proc. Int.Conf.s on Databases, Jerusalem, Israel. see Jerusalem Conf.x. Category ={DBDintro, xbook Vol.1 } }

@article{Shneiderman1976:1, Author ={Shneiderman,B. and Goodman,V.},
Title ={Batched Searching of Sequential and Tree Structured Files},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1976, Month =Sep,
Pages ="268--275",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ comments in ACM TODS, Vol.10 No.2, Jun.1985, pp.285--287. Category ={DBFseq.1> DBFindex.3> DBfour.4> } }

@incollection{Shneiderman1987, Author ={Shneiderman,B.},
Title ={User Interface Design and Evaluation for an Electronic Encyclopedia},
Booktitle ={Un.Maryland, CS-TR-1819.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Shoens1986, Author ={Shoens,K.},
Title ={Data Sharing vs. Partitioning for Capacity and Availabilty},
Booktitle ={IEEE Data Engineering, Vol. 5.},
Year =1986, Pages ="10--16",
Annote ={ based in presentation at Workshop for High Performance Transaction Systems. Category ={DBFarchitecture> DBFreliability> } }

@inproceedings{Shoens1993, Author ={Shoens,K., Luniewski,A., Schwarz,P., Stamos,J. and Thomas,J.},
Title ={The Rufus System: Information Organization for Semi-Structured Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@incollection{Shoham1988, Author ={Shoham,Y. and Goyal,N.},
Title ={Temporal Reasoning in Artificial Intelligence},
Booktitle ={In: Frontiers of AI, H.Schrobe, Editor, Morgan Kaufman .},
Year =1988, Annote ={at CSD, Stanford a logic to support reasoning in a temporal, dynamic ontologiy; a time based approach goes beyond situation calculus which implemented only the stability assumption. Good references Category ={DBDops, DBfile } }

@article{Shopiro1979, Author ={Shopiro,J.E.},
Title ={Theseus--A Programming Language for Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Pages ="493--517",
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Rochester Extending EUCLID. Data objects in Theseus include relations and a-sets Category ={DBDobject> DBDrel.3> } }

@article{Shore1981, Author ={Shore,John E. and Johnson,Rodney W.},
Title ={Properties of Cross-Entropy Minimization},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Information Theory, Vol.IT-27 .},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Pages ="472--482",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFrepresent.1>} }

@article{Shortliffe1973, Author ={Shortliffe,E., Axline,S.G., Buchanan,B.G., Merigan,T.C., and Cohen,S.N.},
Title ={An Artificial Intelligence Program to Advise Physicians Regarding Antimicrobial Therapy},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic, vol.6.},
Year =1973, Pages ="544--560",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb> MIS> %Shortliffe73 } }

@book{Shortliffe1976, Author ={Shortliffe,E.H.},
Title ={Computer-Based Medical Consultations: MYCIN},
Publisher ={American Elsevier.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Shortliffe1979, Author ={Shortliffe,E.H., Buchanan,B.G., and Feigenbaum,E.A.},
Title ={Knowledge Engineering for Medical Decision Making: A Review of Computer-Based Decision Aids},
Journal ={Proc.of the IEEE, vol.67 no.9.},
Year =1979, Pages ="1207--1223",
Category ={DBDkb> MCS>} }

@techreport{Shortliffe1981, Author ={Shortliffe,E.H.},
Title ={Evaluating Expert Systems},
Institution ={Tech.Rpt. HPP-81-9, Stanford Un., DCS.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDkb> MCS>} }

@article{Shortliffe1989, Author ={Shortliffe,E., and Fagan,L.},
Title ={Research Training in Medical Informatics: the Stanford Experience},
Journal ={Academic Press (New York NY) Medicine.},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Category ={MIS, DBfile} }

@book{Shortliffe1990, Author ={Shortliffe,E., Perrault,L., Wiederhold,G., and Fagan,L. (eds)},
Title ={Medical informatics: Computer Applications in Health Care},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Category ={MIS>} }

@article{Shoshani1969, Author ={Shoshani,A. and Bernstein,A.J.},
Title ={Synchronization in a Parallel-Accessed Data Base},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1969, Month =Nov,
Pages ="604--608",
Volume ="12",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at EE, Princeton Un. and GE RDC, Schenectady NY. Discusses the rules necessary for accessing a shared data base without producing deadlocks. Category ={DBDintegrity.1.4, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Shoshani1982, Author ={Shoshani,A.},
Title ={Statistical Databases: Characteristics, Problems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="208--222",
Annote ={at UCB, LBL (Berkeley CA) Category ={DBDstat>} }

@techreport{Shoshani1984, Author ={Shoshani,A., Olken,F., and Wong,H.K.T.},
Title ={Characteristics of Statistical Databases},
Institution ={UCB, LBL, TR.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at UCB, LBL Category ={DBDstat, DBfile} }

@article{Shoshani1985, Author ={Shoshani,A. and Wong,H.K.T.},
Title ={Statistical and Scientific Database Issues},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8606-0536.},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1040--1047",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDstat>} }

@inproceedings{Shoshani1986, Author ={Shoshani,A. and Kawagoe,K.},
Title ={Temporal Data Management},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="79-88",
Annote ={at UCB, LBL. Reviews and Recognizes. Events are finite. Focuses on regular data storage and access. Other cases are dealt with poorly. No operators. Category ={DBDnew } }

@inproceedings{Shoshani1987, Author ={Shoshani,A. and Segev,A.},
Title ={Modeling Temporal Semantics},
Booktitle ={Roland, Bodart and Leonard (Eds.) IFIP TC 8WG 8.1 Working Conf. on Temporal Aspects in Information Systems, Sophia-Antipolis, France, May .},
Year =1987, Annote ={history semantics Category ={DBDops>} }

@article{Shoval1985, Author ={Shoval,Peretz},
Title ={Principles, Procedures and Rules in an Expert System for Information Retrieval},
Journal ={Inf. Process. Manage. , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8610-0937.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="475--487",
Volume ="21",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Ben Gurion Un.the Negev (Beer Sheva, Israel) network is exited to propogate waves of relevant terms through the net. The waves intersect and thereby produce new more relevant terms. Category ={DBDkb> DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Shoval1985:1, Author ={Shoval,Peretz},
Title ={Essential information structure diagrams and database schema design},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8605-??.},
Year =1985, Pages ="417--423",
Volume ="10",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Ben Gurion Un.the Negev, Israel E-R and Nijissen is the basis of this paper. suggest layering the data model diagram. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Shrader1987, Author ={Shrader,J.A., Smith,R.T., Willis,D.L., Stone,E.G., and Ngoi,J.L.},
Title ={Computerized Medical Records for Resident Training Clinics},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag, -Jun..},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="16--21",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Kettering Medical Ctr (Kettering OH) Records for 2 000 clinic patients. training for residents in ambulatory care. COSTAR on PDP-11/23. An average, routine, scheduled visit required 8 minutes 46 seconds to enter, at a personal cost of about 1.05 dollars per encounter. Purchase price, at 43,700 dollars. About 15,000 dollars per year for software and hardware maintenance and supplies. Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Shrivastava1982, Author ={Shrivastava,S.K.},
Title ={A Dependency, Commitment and Recovery Model for Atomic Actions},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="112--119",
Annote ={at Indian Inst.Science, Bangalore, India Category ={DBDtrans-4> DBDdist> } }

@book{Shrivastava1985, Author ={Shrivastava,S.K.(ed)},
Title ={Workshop On Distributed Computing},
Publisher ={Un.Newcastle Upon Tyne, Computing Lab..},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDdist, CS libr.8508666} }

@article{Shroeder1984, Author ={Shroeder,M.D., Birrell,A.D., and Needham,R.M.},
Title ={Experience With Grapevine: The Growth of a Distributed System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ; ACM CR 8502-0071.},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Pages ="3--23",
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Xerox, Parc Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Shu1975, Author ={Shu,N.C., Housel,B.C. and Lum,V.Y.},
Title ={CONVERT: A High Level Translation Definition Language for Data Conversion},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@techreport{Shu1980, Author ={Shu,N.C., Wong,H.K.T., and Lum,V.Y.},
Title ={Forms Approach to Application Specification for Database Design},
Institution ={IBM, Report RJ 2687(34432).},
Year =1980, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Includes schemas for relations and hierarchies as forms; keys, uniqueness determiniacy = ownership, set inclusion = reference, set exclusion null, value, occurrence frequency, type authority. And processes with name, ops (insert, delete, update, print, query); qualificatory (input, copy from, derive, functions conditions with action, order, nodup. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@article{Shu1983, Author ={Shu,N.C. Wong,H.K.T., and Lum,V.Y.},
Title ={Forms Approach to Requirements Specification for Database Design},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, San Jose.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="161--172",
Category ={DBDschema.1>} }

@inproceedings{Shu1987, Author ={Shu,Nan C.},
Title ={Automatic Data Transformation and Restructuring},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Shuey1975, Author ={Shuey,Richard L.},
Title ={Industry and Computers},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Manufacturing Technology, Vol.MFT-4 .},
Year =1975, Month =Dec,
Number ="2",
Annote ={at GE, Res.Lab, (Schenectady NY) Category ={DBDintro>} }

@techreport{Shuey1986, Author ={Shuey,R. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Data Engineering and Information Systems},
Institution ={IEEE Computer Magazine.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBFone>} }

@article{Shultz1984, Author ={Shultz,R.K. and Zingg,R.J.},
Title ={Response Time Analysis of Multiprocessor Computers for Database Support},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="100--132",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Iowa analyzes DIRECT, HYPERTREE, and REPT, their own proposal. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Shultz1987, Author ={Shultz,R. and Miller,I.},
Title ={Tree Structured Multiple Processor Join Methods},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Shum1992, Author ={Shum,Chung-Dak},
Title ={Query Optimization for Quick and Incomplete Responses},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at NCR Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Shushman1981, Author ={Shushman,D.J., Morgan,M.M., Zielstorff,R., and Barnett,O.G.},
Title ={The Medical Query Language},
Booktitle ={ MUMPS Users' Group Meeting.},
Year =1981, Annote ={ MUMPS --- COSTAR hierarchical query language MQL. MQL for MUMPS recognizes broom problem awkwardly. Category ={MCS> DBFrepresent.2> DBDmodel.3> DBFtrees.5, DBfile@article{Shyu1990, Author ={Shyu,S. and Li,V.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Static Locking in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="39",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at IBM, Santa Teresa static, pessimistic a queueing model approximates locking without deadlocks; then a random graph model finds the deadlock probability of each transaction; the response time and the throughput can be calculated; correctness is serializability. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Shyy1991, Author ={Shyy,Y. and Su,S.},
Title ={K: A Multi-paradigm Knowledge Base Programming Language for Advanced Database Applications},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlang> DBDkb>} }

@article{Sibley1971, Author ={Sibley,E.H. and Taylor,R.W.},
Title ={Logical Structure to Physical Storage Mapping in Data Base Management Systems},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress.},
Year =1971, Annote ={at Un.Michigan Concepts behind the use of a schema. Category ={DBDschema>%Sibley71 } }

@article{Sibley1973, Author ={Sibley,E.H. and Merten,A.G.},
Title ={Implementation of a GDBMS within an Organization},
Journal ={Management Informatics.},
Year =1973, Month =Feb,
Pages ="21--31",
Category ={DBDbound> DBDadmin>} }

@article{Sibley1973:1, Author ={Sibley,E.H. and Taylor,R.W.},
Title ={A Data Definition and Mapping Language},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Pages ="750--759",
Volume ="16",
Number ="12",
Annote ={Overview of data translation Category ={DBDschema.6> %Sibley73 } }

@article{Sibley1974, Author ={Sibley,E.H. and Merten,A.G.},
Title ={Transferability and Translation of Programs and Data},
Journal ={COINS-IV, Tou(ed), Plenum .},
Year =1974, Pages ="291--309",
Annote ={ Summary of the state of the art in data translation. Category ={DBDschema.6> %Sibley74T } }

@inproceedings{Sibley1974:1, Author ={Sibley,Edgar H.},
Title ={On the Equivalences of Data Based Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@incollection{Sibley1974:2, Author ={Sibley,Edgar H.},
Title ={Data Management Systems --- User Requirements},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Un.Maryland and NBS Detailed overview of desired data base concepts Category ={DBFintro.3> } }

@article{Sibley1974:3, Author ={Sibley,E.H. and Rabenseifer,A.},
Title ={Extremely Large Data Systems for National Statistics},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congres, N-H.},
Year =1974, Pages ="1071--1074",
Category ={DBDintro.8> DBDquery> %Sibley74E} }

@techreport{Sibley1974:4, Author ={Sibley,E.H. and Sagani,H.H.},
Title ={Data Element Dictionaries for the Information System Interface},
Institution ={Management of Data Elements in Inf. Processing, National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). COM 74-10700.},
Year =1974, Month Apr,
Annote ={at NBS Schema requirement for external communication. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Sibley1977, Author ={Sibley,E.H. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={Data Architecture and Data Model Considerations},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1977, Volume ="46",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@book{Sibley1976, Author ={Sibley,E.H.(ed)},
Title ={Special Issue on Data Base Management Systems},
Publisher ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFintro>} }

@article{Sibley1976:1, Author ={Sibley,E.H.},
Title ={The Development of Database Technology(editors remarks)},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--7",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFintro>} }

@inproceedings{Sibley1984, Author ={Sibley,Edgar H.},
Title ={An Expert Database System Architecture Based on an Active and Extensible Dictionary System},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at George Mason Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Sibley1984:1, Author ={Sibley, Edgar H.},
Title ={DBMS Evaluation and Selection},
Institution ={Auerbach Publishers.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBimpl , DBfile} }

@article{Sicherman1985, Author ={Sicherman,G.L., deJonge,W., and vandeRiet,R.P.},
Title ={Answering Queries without Revealing Secrets},
Journal ={reprinted in deJonge thesis.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Category ={DBDprivacy.1.1, rp DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Sidhu1984, Author ={Sidhu,D.P. and Pollack,R.H.},
Title ={A Robust Distributed Solution to the Generalized Dining Philosophers Problem},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at SDC Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Sidner1985, Author ={Sidner,Candace},
Title ={Plan parsing for intended response recognition in discourse},
Booktitle ={Computational IntelligenceIntelligence Informatique.},
Year =1985, Month =Feb,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Siebes1987, Author ={Siebes,A. and Kersten,M.},
Title ={Using Design Axioms and Topology to Model Database Semantics},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Sieg1990, Author ={Sieg,J.Jr. and Sciore,E.},
Title ={Extended Relations},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Lowell; Boston University Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Siegel1990, Author ={Siegel,A., Birman,K., and Marzullo,K.},
Title ={Deceit: A Flexible Distributed File System},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Cornell optimized for the user's application, Sun NFS protocol compatibility with multiple servers Category ={DBDdist> } }

@incollection{Siegel1989, Author ={Siegel,M. and Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={Schema integration using metadata},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at MIT ADTs used as metadata to hide semantic differences. Category ={DBDquery> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Siegel1991, Author ={Siegel,M. and Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={A Metadata Approach to Resolving Semantic Conflicts},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ mediator mapping based on metadata whch define both database resources and application requirements; uses general rules for the data transform; notifies application of unresolved conflicts in metadata or data I3 Category ={DBDkb> DBDops> } }

@article{Siegel1992, Author ={Siegel,M., Sciore,E., and Salveter,S.},
Title ={A Method for Automatic Rule Derivation to Support Semantic Query Optimization},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Dec,
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Siegelmann1991, Author ={Siegelmann,H.T. and Badrinath,B.R.},
Title ={Integrating Implicit Answers with Object-Oriented Queries},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ expressions which minimize answers comprised of class asbstractions and execution object ids Category ={DBDobject> } }

@book{Sieworek1982, Author ={Sieworek,D.P., Bell,C.G., and Newell,A.},
Title ={Computer Structures: Principles and Examples},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), 926pp.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at CMU; DEC storage is completly ignored. Category ={DBFintro.3> DBFhard> % Bell71 } }

@manual{SIGDA1975, Author ={SIGDA},
Title ={Proc.of Workshop on Databases for Interactive Design},
Organization ={Available from ACM NY, 172pp.},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Category ={EIS>} }

@manual{SIGFIDET1969, Author ={SIGFIDET, Special Interest Group on File Definition and Translation, ACM},
Title ={Workshops on Data Description, Access and Control},
Organization ={ACM , 1970, 1971, 1972, 1973, 1974.},
Year =1969, Annote ={ Prime forum on schema concepts. See Codd71S, Dean72, and Rustin74 Category ={DBDschema, x(71) x(72)> } }

@manual{SIGIR1967, Author ={SIGIR, Special Interest Group on Management of Data, ACM},
Title ={Proc.of Conf. on Information, Storage, and Retrieval},
Organization ={ACM, 1969, May.1970, Apr.1971, Nov.1973 (with SIGPLAN, see Nance74).},
Year =1967, Month Apr,
Annote ={Meetings since 1964, not all Proc.available. Category ={DBDquery> %SIGIR69, 71 } }

@manual{SIGMOD, Author ={SIGMOD, Special Interest Group of the ACM on Management of Data, successor to SIGFIDET, SIG on File Definition and Translation},
Title ={Workshops on Management of Data (1975-...)},
Organization ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data xx,},
Annote ={ 1980: Chen and Sprowls(ed) 1981: Lien(ed) 1982: Schkolnick(ed). Category ={DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Siklossy1978, Author ={Siklossy,L.},
Title ={Impertinent Question-answering Systems: Justification and Theory},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf .},
Year =1978, Pages ="39--44",
Category ={DBDnat, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Siklossy1982, Author ={Siklossy,L.and Lauriere,J-L.},
Title ={Removing Restrictions in the Relational Data Base Model: An Application of Problem Solving Techniques},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual National Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int-82.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Pages ="310--313",
Annote ={at Un.Chicago ALICE system, Null handling in keys. Category ={DBDnat, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Siklossy1984, Author ={Siklossy,L.},
Title ={Changing Problem Constraints for True Optimization},
Booktitle ={6th Int. Congress of Cybernetics and Systems of the WOGSC.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at VU.(Amsterdam) Question-answering systems which volunteer additional information Category ={DBDnat, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Silberberg1991, Author ={Silberberg,D.},
Title ={Populating Databases from Multiple Sources- The Hubble Space Telescope Paradigm},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist> ----->> Shailesh agarwal} }

@article{Silberschatz1980, Author ={Silberschatz,A. and Kadem,Z.},
Title ={Consistency in hierarchical databases},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1980, Pages ="72-80",
Volume ="27",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@techreport{Silberschatz1991, Author ={Silberschatz,A., Stonebraker,M., and Ullman,J. (editors):},
Title ={Database Systems: Achievements and Opportunities},
Institution ={Communications of the ACM , pp. 110-120.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Volume ="34",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDkb} }

@article{Siler1976, Author ={Siler,K.F.},
Title ={A Stochastic Evaluation Model for Database Organizations in Data Retrieval Systems},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1976, Month =Feb,
Pages ="84--95",
Volume ="19",
Number ="2",
Annote = {} }

@article{Simborg1983, Author ={Simborg,D.W., Chadwick,M., and WhitingOKeefe,Q.E.},
Title ={Local Area Networks and the Hospital},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic, vol.16.},
Year =1983, Pages ="247--259",
Category ={MIS> DBFdist>in DBfile} }

@techreport{Simon1987, Author ={Simon,E. and Valduriez,P.},
Title ={Design and Analysis of a Relational Database Integrity Subsystem},
Institution ={Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam), now CMCSC TR-DB-015-87.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ An integrity checking subsystem is designed and implemented. The system supports the checking of a large subset of multi-variable, multi-relation assertions with aggregate functions. The algorithms are mainly based on previous work, with small generalizations not very well integrated. Some performance measurement is done to compare the algorithm with query modification. ---Xiaolei. Relevant to Ada? Category ={DBDintegrity, DBFile } }

@inproceedings{Simon1992, Author ={Simon,E., Kiernan,J., and deMaindreville,C.},
Title ={Implementing High-Level Active rules on Top of Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ considers fix-point semantics; triggers use Delta relations and transaction boundaries Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Simon1991, Author ={Simon,Herbert},
Title ={Models of my life},
Publisher ={Basic Books, 415pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9107-0474.},
Year =1991, Annote ={ quote: an influential coterie of contemporary AI researchers believe that formal logic provides the appropriate language for AI programs and that problem solving is a process of proving theorems 'they are horribly wrong on both counts' ---Firschein. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Simmons1980, Author ={Simmons,DeLanne A.},
Title ={A Classification Scheme for client Problems in Community Health Nursing},
Institution ={US DHEW, HRA 80-16.},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFrepresent.2> MCS>NU @article{Simmons1965, Author ={Simmons,R.F.},
Title ={Answering Questions by Computer, A Survey},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM ,},
Year =1965, Month =Jan,
Pages ="53--70",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at SDC, Santa Monica Survey of query reduction Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Simmons1966, Author ={Simmons,R.F.},
Title ={An Approach towards Answering English Questions},
Booktitle ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS},
Year =1966, Volume ="29",
Annote ={Representation with free text Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Simmons1970, Author ={Simmons,R.F.},
Title ={Natural Language Question-Answering Systems: 1969},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1970, Month =Jan,
Pages ="15-30",
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb>} }

@article{Simmons1973, Author ={Simmons,R.F.},
Title ={Semantic Networks: Their Computation and Use in Understanding English Sentences},
Journal ={Computer Models of Thought and Language, Schank and Colby(eds).},
Year =1973, Category ={DBDquery.2.3> DBDnat> DBDkb>} }

@article{Simon1972, Author ={Simon,J.C. and Guiho,G.},
Title ={On Algorithms Preserving Neighborhood to File and Retrieve Information in a Memory},
Journal ={Int. Journal of Comp. and Inf. Science,},
Year =1972, Pages ="3--15",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{Simonson1975, Author ={Simonson,Walter E. and Alsbrooks,William T.},
Title ={A DBMS for the US Bureau of the Census},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed),},
Year =1975, Pages ="496--498",
Annote ={Size and plans at Census Bureau Category ={DBDintro.8>%Simonson74 } }

@book{Simpson1984, Author ={Simpson,Alan},
Title ={Data File Programming on your IBM PC},
Publisher ={Sybex.},
Year =1984, Annote ={only basic BASIC. Category ={DBFhybrid.0>} }

@book{Simpson1986, Author ={Simpson,Alan},
Title ={Understanding dBase III Plus},
Publisher ={Sybex, 415pp.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDbound.0>} }

@book{Simpson1987, Author ={Simpson,Alan},
Title ={dBASE III PLUS Programmer's Reference Guide},
Publisher ={Sybex, (Berkeley CA), 1029pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8904-0194.},
Year =1987, Annote ={Excellent advanced use. Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@book{Simpson1988, Author ={Simpson,Alan},
Title ={dBase III Plus Reference Guide},
Publisher ={Sybex.},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDbound.0>} }

@unpublished{Simpson1987:1, Author ={Simpson,Jack},
Title ={Ctr, The High Performance Relational Data Base System},
Note ={Advanced Relational Technology, TR.3.3.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at ART (Redwood City CA) Category ={DBDrel, DBfile} }

@article{Singh1985, Author ={Singh,M.G. and Cook,R.},
Title ={A New Class of Intelligent Knowledge-Based Systems with an Optimisation-based Inference Engine},
Journal ={Decision Support Systems, N-H .},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="299--312",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.MIST (UK) Category ={DBDkb> KBMS, xissue} }

@article{Singhal1988, Author ={Singhal,Mukesh},
Title ={Issues and Approaches to Design of Real-Time Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="19--33",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Ohio State, DCS Category ={DBFtrans> DBFperf>} }

@article{Singhal1989, Author ={Singhal,Mukesh},
Title ={Deadlock Detection in Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1989, Month =Nov,
Pages ="37-48",
Volume ="22",
Number ="11",
Annote ={Survey Strategies. Category ={DBDconc>} }

@article{Singhal1990, Author ={Singhal,Mukesh},
Title ={Update transport: a new technique for update synchronization in replicated database systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="16",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ each site completele executes every update rather than result values Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Sinha1983, Author ={Sinha,Mukul K.},
Title ={Constraints: Consistency and Integrity},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="60--63",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at NCSDCT, TIFR, Bombay 400 005 Category ={DBDintegrity.3> } }

@article{Sinha1983:1, Author ={Sinha,Mukul K.},
Title ={Nonsensitive Data and Approximate Transactions},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE) Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="314--322",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at NCSDCT, TIFR (Bombay 400 005) Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Sinha1985, Author ={Sinha,M.K. and Natarajan,N.},
Title ={A priority based distributed deadlock detection algorithm},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@techreport{Sinowitz1968, Author ={Sinowitz,N.R. and Bell,T.L.},
Title ={Dataplus, a Computer Language for English Speaking People},
Institution ={Bell Lab Record,},
Year =1968, Month =Dec,
Pages ="362--369",
Volume ="46",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ Popular introduction to Dataplus, a schema oriented data base manipulation language of G.E. . Category ={DBDschema> } }

@book{Sinyard1986, Author ={Sinyard,Neil},
Title ={The Films of Alfred Hitchcock},
Publisher ={Gallery Books.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDintro> DBDmovies>} }

@inproceedings{Sippo1988, Author ={Sippo,S. and Soisalon-Soininen,E.},
Title ={An Optimization Strategy for Recursive Queries in Logic Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Sippu1987, Author ={Sippu,S. and Soisalon-Soininen,E.},
Title ={A Generalized Transitive Closure for Relational Queries},
Booktitle ={Un.Karlsruhe, TR..},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={good examples. power limited to good cases. Category ={DBDquery, DBfile Soisalon } }

@techreport{Sippu1987:1, Author ={Sippu,S. and Soisalon-Soininen,E.},
Title ={An Optimization Strategy for Recursive Queries in Logic Databases},
Institution ={Un.Karlsruhe, TR..},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) Category ={DBDquery, DBfile} }

@book{Sippu1988, Author ={Sippu,S. and Soisalon-Soininen,E.},
Title ={Parsing Theory},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), to appear .},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Jyvaskyla Category ={DBlang, xMS} }

@inproceedings{Sitaram1993, Author ={Sitaram,D., Dan,A., and Yu ,P.},
Title ={Issues in the Design of Multi-Server File Systems to Cope with Load Skew},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at IBM T.J. Watson Research Ctr. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Sittig1987, Author ={Sittig,D.F.},
Title ={Computerized Management of Patient Care in a Complex, Controlled Clinical Trial in the Intensive Care Unit},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 11.},
Year =1987, Pages ="225--232",
Annote ={ongoing HELP research. Category ={MCS>} }

@article{Siwiec1978, Author ={Siwiec,J.E.},
Title ={A High-Performance DB/DC System},
Journal ={IBM, G321-5051.},
Year =1978, Annote ={ Discussed is the evolution of a computerized airline reservation system from its early form up to the present version. Data base allocation, accessing techniques, and data communications of the system are described. The system consists of the Programmed Airline Reservation System (PARS) and its control program called ACP. Category ={DBDintro.8> DBDbound.6> } }

@inproceedings{Six1988, Author ={Six,H-W. and Widmayer,P.},
Title ={Spatial Searching in Geometric Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Skalabrin1987, Author ={Skalabrin,V.},
Title ={ACCELL: Event-Driven Application Development},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Unify Corp Category ={DBappl>} }

@inproceedings{Skarra1986, Author ={Skarra,A. and Zodnik,S.},
Title ={The management of changing types in an object-oriented database},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA, Portland OR .},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Skarra1991, Author ={Skarra,Andrea},
Title ={Localized Correctness Specifications for Cooperating Transactions in an Object-Oriented Database},
Journal ={IEEE Office Knowledge Engineering.},
Year =1991, Month =Feb,
Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at ATT Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Skarra1993, Author ={Skarra,A.},
Title ={SLEVE: Semantic Locking for EVEnt synchronization},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@article{Skatrud1969, Author ={Skatrud,R.O.},
Title ={A Consideration of the Application of Cryptographic Techniques to Data Processing},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1969, Pages ="111--117",
Volume ="35",
Annote ={at IBM Category ={DBFrepresent-5>} }

@inproceedings{Skeen1983, Author ={Skeen,Dale and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={A Formal Model of Crash Recovery in a Distributed System},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1983, Volume ="3",
Annote ={FAUVE Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans-4, DBfile Bernstein} }

@inproceedings{Skeen1981, Author ={Skeen,D.},
Title ={Nonblocking commit protocols},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1981, Pages ="133--142",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans-4>} }

@inproceedings{Skeen1981:1, Author ={Skeen,D.},
Title ={A decentralized termination protocol},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 1, Bhargava(ed).},
Year =1981, Pages ="27--32",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans-4>} }

@article{Skeen1982, Author ={Skeen,Marion Dale},
Title ={Crash Recovery in a Distributed Database System},
Journal ={UCB, TR., ?.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at UCB, Coll. of Engineering Category ={DBFrepresent-5> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Skeen1984, Author ={Skeen,D. and Wright,D.},
Title ={Increasing Availability in Partinioned Networks},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 3.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFreliab>} }

@article{Skeen1985, Author ={Skeen,D., Cristian,F., and ElAbbadi,A.},
Title ={An Efficient Fault-Tolerant Algorithm for Replicated Data Management},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IBM, Res.Lab; Cornell Un. Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Skeen1985:1, Author ={Skeen,D.},
Title ={Achieving High Availability in Partioned Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="99--106",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={conflict analysis Category ={DBDtrans-3>} }

@incollection{Skeen1983:1, Author ={Skeen,D. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={A Formal Model of Crash Recovery in a Distributed System},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="219--227",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Cornell Un., CSD Transaction processing and several classes of failures and crash recovery techniques. Models are used to study whether resilient protocols exist for various failure classes. Category ={DBDreliab> DBDdist> DBFtrans> } }

@article{Skinner1969, Author ={Skinner,C.E.},
Title ={Effects of Storage Contention on System Performance},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1969, Pages ="319--333",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ Mathematical model and simulation includes channel and disk unit. Category ={DBFeval> DBFtechn.2> } }

@article{Sklaroff1976, Author ={Sklaroff,J.R.},
Title ={Redundancy Management Technique for Space Shuttle Computers},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1976, Month =Jan,
Pages ="20--30",
Volume ="20",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFuse-4.1>} }

@book{Sladek, Author ={Sladek,John M.},
Title ={The M\uller Fokker Effect},
Publisher ={Pocket Books, Simon and Schuster, 214pp.},
Category ={DBFrepresent> DBDadmin>} }

@article{Slagle1969, Author ={Slagle, Thompson, Weizenbaum},
Title ={Eliza},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , vol.9 no.1.},
Year =1969, Month =Jan,
Annote ={Query reduction Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Sleator1985, Author ={Sleator,D. and Tarjan,R.},
Title ={Self-adjusting binary search trees},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8512-1133.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Volume ="32",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at ATT frequently accessed items move near the root of the tree (splay trees) ---Ballew. Category ={DBFtree> } }

@article{Slonim1982, Author ={Slonim,J, MacRae,L.J., McBride,R.A., Maryanski,F.J., Unger,E.A. and Fisher,P.S.},
Title ={A Throughput Model, Sequential versus Concurrent Accessing in Very Large Data Bases},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="65--83",
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFtrans.7> DBFseq-2, 5.4} }

@incollection{Slonim1984, Author ={Slonim,J, Maryanski,F.J., et al},
Title ={A quantitative Analysis of Information Processing in Centralized and Distributed Architecture},
Booktitle ={Advances in Database Management , (Unger et al eds).},
Year =1984, Volume ="2",
Category ={DBDdist> DBFsyseval.4.4>} }

@article{Slotnick1970, Author ={Slotnick,D.L.},
Title ={Logic per Track Devices},
Journal ={Advances in Computers, Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1970, Category ={DBFhard.5>} }

@article{Small1983, Author ={Small,D.W. and Weldon,L.J.},
Title ={An Experimental Comparison of Natural and Structured Query Languages},
Journal ={Hum.Factors.},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Pages ="253--263",
Volume ="25",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at SAI Commsystems, (McLean VA) natural language vs. SEQUEL, SEQUEL is faster, same error rate. Category ={DBDnat> } }

@inproceedings{Smerik1993, Author ={Smerik,R.},
Title ={TOP END: Open Transaction Processing & Parallel Systems},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at NCR Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Smirnov1983, Author ={Smirnov,V.S.},
Title ={Logic Language of Queries},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , no.3, -Jun..},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="154--161",
Volume ="9",
Annote ={ QL includes sampling, arithmetic, quantification, functions. nulls. All compatible queries are expressible. References outline work. Category ={DBDquery> DBDops, FASAC 324 } }

@article{Smith1978, Author ={Smith,A.J.},
Title ={Sequentiality and Prefetching in Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="223--247",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at UCB, An algorithm which selectively prefetches data blocks ahead of the point of reference. The optimal number of blocks to prefetch is estimated as a function, the cost (a miss), the cost of fetching blocks that are never referenced of fetching additional data blocks, and the cost of fetching blocks that are never referenced. Category ={DBFstorage-2.4> } }

@article{Smith1981, Author ={Smith,A.J.},
Title ={Analysis of Long-Term File Migration Patterns},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-7 .},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Pages ="403--417",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDadmin.2.2>} }

@article{Smith1981:1, Author ={Smith,A.J.},
Title ={Long-Term File Migration: Development and Evaluation of Algorithms},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1981, Month =Aug,
Pages ="521--532",
Volume ="24",
Number ="8",
Category ={DBDadmin.2.2>} }

@article{Smith1985, Author ={Smith,A.J.},
Title ={Disk Cache -- Miss Ratio Analysis and Design Considerations},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems.},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Pages ="161--203",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ includes extensive experiments. NEC ACOS 1000, IBM 3880 mod 11, 12, others. Category ={DBFarchitecture> DBFhard.1.> DBFmach, x issue } }

@article{Smith1965, Author ={Smith,B.W.},
Title ={Symbolic Notations for Statistical Tables and an Approach towards Automatic Systems Design},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1965, Month =Jun,
Volume ="8",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Smith1980, Author ={Smith,C.U. and Browne,J.C.},
Title ={Analysis of Software Designs: Representation and Evaluation of Competitive and Interference Effects of Concurrency and Blocking},
Booktitle ={Proc.PERFORMANCE '80 Conf., Toronto.},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Pages ="245--253",
Category ={DBDintegrity.2>} }

@article{Smith1985:1, Author ={Smith,D.},
Title ={Ordering Conjunctive Queries},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8512-1170.},
Year =1985, Pages ="171--215",
Volume ="26",
Annote ={An AI view of query optimization. ---Gio. Difference between their work and database work is unconvincing.---Minker. Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Smith1974, Author ={Smith,Diane C.Pirog},
Title ={From a Data Description Point of View},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGPLAN-SIGIR , Nance(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="118--130",
Annote ={at Un.Utah Schemas for information retrieval. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@book{Smith1977, Author ={Smith,D.C.P.},
Title ={ACM-SIGMOD 77 Proceedings},
Publisher ={ACM, (Toronto, Canada) 1977.},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFintro>} }

@article{Smith1979, Author ={Smith,D. and Smith,J.},
Title ={Relational Database Machines},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Pages ="28--38",
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@techreport{Smith1986, Author ={Smith,David E.},
Title ={Controlling Inference},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford, CSD, CS-86-1107.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={The index selection problem in an AI setting. Category ={DBDkb, Thesis shelf } }

@inproceedings{Smith1992, Author ={Smith,Devin E.},
Title ={An Integrated Reactor Physics and Source Term Calculation Based on Deductive Database Principles },
Booktitle ={Workshop on Deductive Databases, Washington DC.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Smith1972, Author ={Smith,D.P.},
Title ={A Method for Data Translation Using the Stored Data Definition and Translation Task Group Languages},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed),},
Year =1972, Pages ="107--124",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Smith1990, Author ={Smith,D.R.},
Title ={KIDS: A Semi-Automated Program Development System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Sept..},
Year =1990, Pages ="1024--1043",
Volume ="16",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Kestrel automatic programming Category ={DEng>} }

@incollection{Smith1991, Author ={Smith,D.R.},
Title ={KIDS: A Knowledge-Based Software Development System},
Booktitle ={in Automating Software Design (Lowry and McCartney, Eds.), Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press.},
Year =1991, Annote ={at Kestrel automatic programming Category ={DEng>} }

@book{Smith1981:2, Author ={Smith,E.E. and Medin,D.L.},
Title ={Categories and Concepts},
Publisher ={Harvard Un. Press.},
Year =1981, Annote ={Model of uncertainty. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Smith1990:1, Author ={Smith,G.W.},
Title ={The Semantic Data Model for Security: Representing the Security Semantics of an Application},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at George Mason University Category ={DBDsec>} }

@article{Smith1985:2, Author ={Smith,Henry C.},
Title ={Database design: Composing Fully Normalized Tables from a Rigorous Dependency Diagram},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8601-0051.},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Pages ="826--838",
Volume ="28",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Lockheed, Georgia Well written, nicely illustrated examples, mentions overnormalization. Much related to Kent, some unusual terms. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{Smith1975, Author ={Smith,J.L. and MacKenzie,H.G.},
Title ={FORDATA, A Data Base Management Package under FORTRAN in the Cyber76},
Institution ={CSIRO, Div. of Computer Research..},
Year =1975, Annote ={at CSIRO, Australia Users Manual of DBTG-type system. Category ={DBDbound.4, x9book> } }

@article{Smith1972:1, Author ={Smith,J.L.M., and Holden,T.S.},
Title ={Restart of an Operating System having a Permanent File Structure},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Pages ="25--31",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFuse-4.5>} }

@techreport{Smith1977:1, Author ={Smith,J.M. and Smith,D.C.P.},
Title ={Integrated Specifications for Abstract Systems},
Institution ={Un.Utah, CS, TR.UUCS-77-112.},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDschema.0, DBfile} }

@article{Smith1975:1, Author ={Smith,J.M, Tang,C., and Yen,P.},
Title ={Optimizing the Performance of a Relational Algebra Data Base Interface},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1975, Month =Oct,
Pages ="568--579",
Volume ="18",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Utah Category ={DBDperf> %Smith75} }

@article{Smith1977:2, Author ={Smith,J.M. and Smith,D.C.P.},
Title ={Database Abstractions: Aggregation},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1977, Month =Jun,
Pages ="405--413",
Volume ="10",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBDschema> DBDmodel.1> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Smith1977:3, Author ={Smith,J.M. and Smith,D.C.P.},
Title ={Database Abstractions: Aggregation and Generalization},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Month =Jun,
Pages ="105--133",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDschema> DBDmodel.1> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Smith1981:3, Author ={Smith,J.M., Fox,S., and Landers,T.},
Title ={Reference manual for ADAPLEX},
Institution ={CCA, TR-81-02, ; ACM Computing Reviews Jun.1982, p.311.},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at CCA Category ={DBDimpl.6>} }

@inproceedings{Smith1981:4, Author ={Smith,J.M. et al },
Title ={MULTIBASE -- Integrating Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1981, Month Mar,
Pages ="487--499",
Volume ="50",
Annote ={ based on DAPLEX functional model to read data from remote DBMSes, extended with a local subschema. I3 Category ={DBDdist> } }

@incollection{Smith1984, Author ={Smith,John M.},
Title ={Expert Database Systems: A Database Perspective},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at CCA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Smith1985:3, Author ={Smith,J.M., Chan,A., Danberg,S., Fox,S., and Nori,A.},
Title ={A Tool Kit for Database Programmming in Ada},
Booktitle ={'Ada in Use', Barnes and Fisher(eds), Ada Letters, -Oct., .},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="41--57",
Volume ="5",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at CCA Architecture and Adaplex overview. Problems with Generic Packages. Category ={DBDlang> DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{Smith1983, Author ={Smith,J., et al.},
Title ={Database Technology Review and Development Estimate},
Institution ={Int.Report, IDA.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="155--181",
Annote ={at CCA Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Smith1992:1, Author ={Smith,K.P. and Winslett,M.S.},
Title ={Entity Modeling in the MLS Relational Model},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ belief-based semantics supports multi-level secure entities; rules extend the model to manage relationships Category ={DBDrel> DBDmodel> DBDsec> } }

@inproceedings{Smith1989, Author ={Smith,M., et al.},
Title ={An Experiment on Response Time Scalability in Bubba},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Smith1985:4, Author ={Smith,Peter M.},
Title ={A Protyping Case Study},
Journal ={Information Systems Management .},
Year =1985, Pages ="20--25",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at American Cyanamid Company Category ={DBappl>} }

@article{Smith1989:1, Author ={Smith,P.J., Shute,S.J., Galdes,B. and Chignell,M.H.},
Title ={Knowledge-based search tactics for an intelligent intermediary system},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems, ; ACM CR 9001-0057.},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Pages ="246--270",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Ohio State Thesaurus systems, partial match, rule-based systems, associative semantic networks; frame-based semantic networks; knowledge representation and tactics for suggesting new retrieval terms; study how human intermediaries use domain knowledge; extensively referenced. The distinction between knowledge contained in the system (i.e. the knowledge base) and that contained in the document warrants further discussion ---L.Swanson. Fauve Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Smith1990:2, Author ={Smith,P.J.},
Title ={Document Retrieval: Expertise in Identifying Relevant Documents},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Ohio State Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@book{Smith1990:3, Author ={Smith,Peter},
Title ={An introduction to text processing},
Publisher ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press, 300pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9104-0249.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ document manipulation, character processing, string processing, word processing and natural language processing Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Smith1977:4, Author ={Smith,R.G., Mitchell,T.M., Chestek,R.A., and Buchanan,B.},
Title ={The Contract Net: A Formalism for the Control of Distributed Problem Solving},
Journal ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA).},
Year =1977, Month =Feb,
Pages ="338--343",
Annote ={ at Heuristic Programming Project, DCS, Stanford Un. I3 Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@article{Smith1980:1, Author ={Smith,R.G.},
Title ={The Contract Net Protocol: High-Level Communication and Control in a Distributed Problem Solver},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-29 .},
Year =1980, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1104--1113",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. The contract net protocol has been developed to specify problem-solving communication and control for nodes in a distributed problem solver. Task distribution is affected by a negotiation process, a discussion carried on between nodes with tasks to be executed and nodes that may be able to execute those tasks. I3 Category ={DBDdist> DBFsyseval.4> } }

@incollection{Smith1981:5, Author ={Smith,R.G.},
Title ={A Framework for Distributed Problem Solving},
Booktitle ={ (book)},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist, QA76.9.D5S63} }

@techreport{Smith, Author ={Smith,Stephen},
Title ={Extracting Content Bearing Terms in Parallel on the Connection Machine},
Institution ={TR-DR87-1.},
Annote ={at Thinking Machines Corp., (Cambridge MA) Category ={DBDbiblio> DBFmach, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Smith1975:2, Author ={Smith,S.E. and Mommens,J.H.},
Title ={Automatic Generation of Physical Database Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="157--165",
Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown Heights IMS design process automation. Category ={DBDbound.6> } }

@book{Snedecor1967, Author ={Snedecor,G.W. and Cochran,W.G.},
Title ={Statistical Methods},
Publisher ={Iowa State Un.Press, Ames IO, 593pp.},
Year =1967, Category ={DBFtechn.0> DBFtechn.1>} }

@techreport{Snodgrass1982, Author ={Snodgrass,R.},
Title ={Monitoring Distributed Systems: A Relational Approach},
Institution ={PhD Th., CMU.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at CMU Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Snodgrass1984, Author ={Snodgrass,Richard},
Title ={A Temporal Query Language -- TQUEL},
Booktitle ={Un.North Carolina, DCS, TR-84-006.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ TQUEL extends QUEL with WHEN clause and time ops. A calculus to handle uncertainty in time is proposed. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Snodgrass1984:1, Author ={Snodgrass,R. and Ahn,I.},
Title ={A Taxonomy of Time in Databases},
Booktitle ={Un.North Carolina, TR..},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.North Carolina careful distinctions of real, user defined, effective, valid, and transaction time and temporal intervals. Databases are classified according to queries served and past temporal views (rollback). DB is append-only. Category ={DBDschema.2, DBfile } }

@article{Snodgrass1986, Author ={Snodgrass,R. and Ahn,I.},
Title ={Temporal Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Pages ="35--42",
Volume ="19",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDops>} }

@article{Snodgrass1986:1, Author ={Snodgrass,R.(Ed.)},
Title ={Research Concerning Time in Databases: Project Summaries},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD, no.4.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="19--39",
Volume ="15",
Annote ={temporal. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Snodgrass1987, Author ={Snodgrass,Richard},
Title ={The Temporal Query Language TQUEL},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8712-1006.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="247--298",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.North Carolina A transformation provides the semantics of temporal expressions. The extension is natural. An elegant (almost canonical) solution. ---Mancas. Describes extensions to Quel to handle temporal queries. Three kinds of temporal information are handled: 'Transaction time', when information was stored in the database, 'valid time' when the stored info models reality, and 'user-defined time' explicitly stored by user in the database. ---T.Risch. Category ={DBDquery> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@article{Snodgrass1986:2, Author ={Snodgrass,Richard(ed)},
Title ={Research Concerning Time in Databases Project Summaries},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="19--39",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.North Carolina, CSD summaries of research in temporal databases of Gashani,F.; Ahn,I.; Tansel,A.U., Arkun,E., and Ozsoyoglu,G.; Dayal,U. et al; Dadam,P.; Studer,R.; Kowalski,R. and Sergot,M.; Gadia,S. and Miller,L.; Dekeyser,L.J.; Shoshani,A., Rotem,D., and Segev,A.; Kawagoe,K., Hamakawa,R., Shinohara,K., Yokoi,N., and Maeda,Y.; Ariav,G., Clifford,J., and Croker,A.; Kung,C.H.; Barbic,F., Pernici,B., and Maiocchi,R.; Wiederhold,Gio; Schiel,Ul, and Oresotu,B.A.; Katz,R. et al; Navathe,S., Ahmed,R., and Martin,N.G.; Snodgrass,R., McKenzie,E., Shannon,K., and Valiente,J.; Rolland,C.; Ginsburg,S., Tanaka,K., Tang,C.J., and Salvator,H.; Bubbenko,J.; Lee,R.M., Kimbrough,s., Stamper,R.K., and Widneyer,G.; Mittal,S. Category ={DBDnewDBMS, home } }

@article{Snodgrass1988, Author ={Snodgrass,Richard},
Title ={A Relational Approach to Monitoring Complex Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ; ACM CR 8905-0315.},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="157--195",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.North Carolina, (Chapel Hill NC) Applies 'temporal database' and the graphical display of query results to the monitoring of operating systems. ---Attanasio. historical database forms basis for information processed by the monitor Category ={DBDappl> DEng, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Snyder1990, Author ={Snyder,A.},
Title ={Encapsulation and Inheritance in Object-Oriented Programming Languages},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Snyder1978, Author ={Snyder,L.},
Title ={BTrees Re-examined},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , pp.594.},
Year =1978, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@article{Sobolev1986, Author ={Sobolev,V.Y., Terzyan,T.K., Tseytlin,G.Y., and Yushchenko,Y.L.},
Title ={R-Synthesizer: Integrated Software Engineering Tool},
Journal ={Kiev Upravlyayushchiye Sistemy i Mashiny, in Russian, .},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="35--42",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Part of multilevel structured software design (MSPP). R-technology is based on the concept of 'software design from data'. The logic structure for the data is in the form of a tagged, directed graph. Category ={DENG, FASAC } }

@article{Sockut1978, Author ={Sockut,G.H.},
Title ={A Performance Model for Computer Data-Base Reorganization Performed Concurrently with Usage},
Journal ={Operations Research, -Oct..},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="789--804",
Volume ="26",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Harvard Un. Category ={DBFtechn.4.3>} }

@article{Sockut1979, Author ={Sockut,G.H. and Goldberg,R.P.},
Title ={Data Base Reorganization --- Principles and Practice},
Journal ={U.S. Dep.Commerce, National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). , Spec.Publ.500-47.},
Year =1979, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFseq.0.3> DBFtechn.5> DBDbound.6.3>} }

@article{Sockut1985, Author ={Sockut,Gary H.},
Title ={A Framework for Logical-Level Changes within Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Pages ="9--27",
Volume ="18",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBFhybrid.4>} }

@inproceedings{Soderlund1981, Author ={Soderlund,L.},
Title ={Concurrent Database Reorganization --- Assessment of a Powerful Technique through Modeling},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="499--509",
Annote ={at Un.Stockholm, Syslab (Sweden) Concurrent reorganization of network databases feasible. Category ={DBDmodel.0.3> DBFmethods> } }

@techreport{Sodini1988, Author ={Sodini,Charles},
Title ={The MIT Data Base Accelerator: A Novel Content Addressable Memory},
Institution ={, PODS?.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at MIT a large content addressable memory augmented by a single instruction multiple data (SIMD) processor system. A novel four-transistor dynamic content addressable memory cell allows for high density CAM. A 2K Trit Database Accelerator System has been designed, fabricated and characterized. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@book{Soergel1985, Author ={Soergel,Dagobert},
Title ={Organizing Information: Principles of Data Base and Retrieval Systems},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), 450pp; ACM CR 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDintro> DBDbiblio, Z699.S539 1985.} }

@manual{Softek1985, Author ={Softek},
Title ={Software in Healthcare, Directory Issue},
Organization ={Softek Pub..},
Year =1985, Annote ={at (El Segundo CA) Category ={MCS, W 22.1 S681:02NLM} }

@manual{Software1987, Author ={Software Systems Technology},
Title ={XDB: Extended Database System, Users Manual},
Organization ={Software Systems Technology Inc, Coll. Park MD, USA.},
Year =1987, Annote ={[Ahad,Yao,Choi87] A.2 Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@techreport{Sogol1973, Author ={Sogol,Paul},
Title ={The Implementation of Global Files in MUMPS and MIIS},
Institution ={UCSF, Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS,},
Year =1973, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCSF, MIS Detailed description of MUMPS-II and Meditech MIIS. Report for MUMPS implementation standard committee. Category ={DBFtrees.5, DBfile } }

@manual{Software1974, Author ={Software A.G., Reston VA.},
Title ={ADABAS ADASCRIPT User's Manual},
Organization ={.},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDbound>} }

@inproceedings{Sohn1991, Author ={Sohn,K., VanGelder,A.},
Title ={Termination Detection in Logic Programs Using Argument Sizes},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@techreport{SoisalonSoininen1982, Author ={SoisalonSoininen,E. and Mannila,H.},
Title ={On Deadlock Detection in Distributed and Centralized Locking},
Institution ={Un.Karlsruhe, IfAIuBV, TR.118.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) cost is O(size(Tx)**(n(sites)n(Tx))) Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{SoisalonSoininen1982:1, Author ={SoisalonSoininen,E. and Wood,D.},
Title ={An Optimal Algorithm for testing for Safety and Detecting Deadlocks in Locked Transaction Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="108--116",
Annote ={at Un.Helsinki, DCS geometric reasoning leads to T=Onlogn for 2 TXS Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@article{SoisalonSoininen1984, Author ={SoisalonSoininen,E. and Widmayer,P.},
Title ={On the Complexity of Concurrency Control by Locking in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={Inf. and Control, -3, -Feb.-Mar..},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Pages ="103-108",
Volume ="60",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un. Karlsruhe (FRG) efficient testing for 3 sites. case analysis. Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@book{Sokol1989, Author ={Sokol,Phyllis K.},
Title ={EDI: the competitive edge},
Publisher ={Intertext PubsM-H, 346 pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9004-0275.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Order-Net Services Electronic data interchange of business transactions between companies; appendices describing publications, vendors, analysis, network services and ANSI X12 ---Davis. Category ={unknown> } }

@inproceedings{Soley1992, Author ={Soley,Richard M.},
Title ={Consensus Standards for Integrated Distributed Systems (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Object Management Group Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Soley1993, Author ={Soley,Richard},
Title ={A Common Architecture for Integrating Distributed Applications},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Object Management Group Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Sollenberger1968, Author ={Sollenberger,H.M.},
Title ={Major Changes Caused by the Implementation of a Management Information System},
Institution ={Research Monograph 4, Nat. Assoc. of Accountants, NY.},
Year =1968, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Management oriented thesis on MIS and its impact on the Corp Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@techreport{Solomon1985, Author ={Solomon,Herbert(ed)},
Title ={Data Base Management: Proceedings of a Conference, November 1-2, 1984},
Institution ={Stanford Un., Dep.Statistics, TR..},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Oriented towards databases and Statistics, sponsored by NCIST at the NPG, Monterey. Papers by Wiederhold,G; Blum,R; Dewar,J. and Gillogy,J; McCarthy,J; Dolby,J; Whiting,M.A; Narin,F; Vladutz,G. on Citation Index. Category ={DBappl> DBFintro> DBDstat> } }

@article{Solomon1966, Author ={Solomon,Martin B.},
Title ={Economics of Scale and the IBM System/360},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1966, Month =Jun,
Pages ="435--440",
Volume ="9",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Un.Kentucky Category ={DBFeval>} }

@article{Solomon1986, Author ={Solomon,M.K. and Bickel,R.W.},
Title ={A Self-Assessment Procedure Dealing with File Processing},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="745--750",
Volume ="29",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Florida Atlantic Un. Category ={DBFpreface>} }

@inproceedings{Soloviev1993, Author ={Soloviev,V.},
Title ={A Truncating Hash Algorithm for Processing Band-Join Queries},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin-Madison Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Soloway1987, Author ={Soloway,E., Bachant,J., and Jensen,K.},
Title ={Assessing the Maintainability of XCON-in-R1ME: Coping with the Problems of a Very Large Rule-base},
Journal ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int 87.},
Year =1987, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Solvberg1982, Author ={Solvberg,A.},
Title ={A Draft Proposal for Integrating System Specification Models},
Booktitle ={Information Systems Design Methodologies, IFIP, N-H , Olle et al (eds), N-H.},
Year =1982, Pages ="475--535",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Solvberg1984, Author ={Solvberg,A. and Kung,C.H.},
Title ={Integrating Database Design Tools},
Booktitle ={Proc.Scandinavian Research Sem.on Inf.Modelling and DBMS 3, Kangassalo(ed.), Acta Un.Tamperensis SER.B, .},
Year =1984, Pages ="277--298",
Volume ="22",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Solvberg1985, Author ={Solvberg,A. and Kung,C.H.},
Title ={On Structural and Behavioral Modelling of Reality},
Booktitle ={Proc. IFIP TC2 WG2.6 WC on Database Semantics (Hasselt, Belgium).},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Solworth1990, Author ={Solworth,J.A. and Oriji,C.U.},
Title ={Write-Only Disk Caches},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={ Getting free backup writes by defering them into free time slots on disk cylinder modest cache sizes allow writes to be performed at negligible or no cost and independently of localities Category ={DBDperf> DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Solworth1991, Author ={Solworth,J. and Orji,C.},
Title ={Distorted Mirrors},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Son1988, Author ={Son,Sang H.},
Title ={An Adaptive Checkpointing Scheme for Distributed Databases with Mixed Types of Transactions},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Son1988:1, Author ={Son,Sang H.},
Title ={Replicated Data Management in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data RECORD.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="62--69",
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Virginia, DCS Survey Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Son1989, Author ={Son,Sang H.},
Title ={Checkpointing and recovery in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Pages ="44--50",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Paradata. Category ={DBDarchitecture>} }

@inproceedings{Son1989:1, Author ={Son,S.H. and Chang,C-H.},
Title ={Distributed Real-Time Database Systems: Prototyping and Performance Evaluation},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="251--258",
Annote ={at Un.Virginia, DCS recovery, distribution, temporal semantics related to identity connection. Timestamps as may be needed in FAUVE autonomous databases. Priority versus fair scheduling. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@article{Son1989:2, Author ={Son,S.H. and Agrawala,A.K.},
Title ={Distributed Checkpointing for Globally Consistent States of Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Volume ="15",
Number ="10",
Annote ={ A new checkpointing algorithm which is noninterfering which generates globally consistent checkpoints; apply pre- or post-checkpoint transactions to checkpoint file. Category ={DBDreliab> DBDdist> } }

@article{Son1990, Author ={Son,Sang},
Title ={Real-time Database Systems: a New Challenge},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDreal>} }

@inproceedings{Son1992, Author ={Son,S., Park,S., and Lin,Y.},
Title ={An Integrated Real-time Locking Protocol},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Virginia Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Song1992, Author ={Song,I-Y.},
Title ={A Survey of Object-oriented Database Design Methodologies (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Drexel University Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Song1992:1, Author ={Song,W.W., Johannesson,P., and Bubenko Jr.,J.A.},
Title ={Semantic Similarity Relations in Schema Integration},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Song1985, Author ={Song,Z., Juanfen,Y., Shiwei,T., and Chochun,H.},
Title ={Optical Disk Flash},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, KBManagement Science, Journal of TIMS project. },
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ Trie data structure is implemented for FLASH file access system on optical disks. This system allows multi-key and variable length key. This system is a straight forward implementation of trie data structure. However, because key abbreviation nor data compaction techniques are not used, the index data structure requires large storage area. ---Shima. Category ={DBFindex> } }

@inproceedings{Soop1974, Author ={Soop,K., Svensson,P., and Wiktorin,L.},
Title ={An Experiment with a Relational Data Base System in Environmental Research},
Booktitle ={COINS-IV, Tou(ed), Plenum .},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDschema>} }

@inproceedings{Soparkar1990, Author ={Soparkar,N. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Data-value Partitioning and Virtual Messages},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@unpublished{Soparkar1990:1, Author ={Soparkar,N. and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Transactions in Distributed Multidatabases},
Note ={COSI workshop, Tulsa.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ data are moved to the prime site, without leaving copies at remote sites and updated at the prime site Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Soparkar1991, Author ={Soparkar,N., Korth,H., and Silberschatz,A.},
Title ={Failure-Resilient Transaction Management in Multidatabases},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="24",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ federated; techniques pertinent to fault-tolerant transaction management Category ={DBDdist> DBDreliab> } }

@article{Sordi1984, Author ={Sordi,J.J.},
Title ={The Query Management Facility},
Journal ={IBM Sys.J.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="126--150",
Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Annote ={QMF for DB2. Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Sorenson1975, Author ={Sorenson,P.G., Deutscher,R.F., and Tremblay,J.P.},
Title ={Distribution-Dependent Hashing Functions and Their Characteristics},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="224--236",
Annote ={at Un.Saskatchewan Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Sorenson1979, Author ={Sorenson,P.G., Tremblay,J.P., and Deutscher,R.F.},
Title ={Key-to-Address Transformation Techniques},
Journal ={Auerbach Annual , N-H 1979.},
Year =1979, Annote ={at Un.Saskatchewan Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Sorkin1973, Author ={Sorkin,Michael D.},
Title ={FBI's NCIC Has Problems},
Journal ={ComputerWorld, July 25.},
Year =1973, Pages ="1--4",
Annote ={ Warrants not adequately cleared from files resulting in false arrests. Category ={DBDprivacy.0> } }

@article{Sowa1976, Author ={Sowa,J.F.},
Title ={Conceptual Graphs for a Database Interface},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1976, Month =Jul,
Pages ="336--357",
Volume ="20",
Category ={DBDnat> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Sowa1980, Author ={Sowa,J.F.},
Title ={A Conceptual Schema for Knowledge-Based Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM Pingree Park Workshop, Brodie(ed).},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at IBM Systems Research Inst. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.1> } }

@book{Sowa1984, Author ={Sowa,John F.},
Title ={Conceptual Structures: Information Processing in Mind and Machine},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Sowa1986, Author ={Sowa,J.F. and Way,E.C.},
Title ={Implementing a Semantic Interpreter using Conceptual Graphs},
Journal ={IBM J..},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Volume ="30",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDkb , DBfile} }

@incollection{Sowa1987, Author ={Sowa,J.F.},
Title ={Using a Lexicon of canonical Graphs in a Semantic Interpreter},
Booktitle ={to appear in vol. edited by M.Evens, Cambridge Un.Press.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Sowa1986:1, Author ={Sowa,J.F.},
Title ={Notes on Conceptual Graphs},
Note ={for longer paper `Knowledge Representation in Conceptual Graphs'.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Sowa1988, Author ={Sowa,John},
Title ={Knowledge representation in databases, information systems and natural language},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, presentation, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at IBM (USA) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Spaccapietra1981, Author ={Spaccapietra,S.},
Title ={Conception d'un systeme de gestion de bases de donnees reparties},
Booktitle ={Hommes et Techniques, Boulogne, France.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Spaccapietra1982, Author ={Spaccapietra,S., Demo,B., DiLeva,A., and Parent,C.},
Title ={SCOOP: A System for COOPeration beteeen Existing Heterogenous Distributed Data Bases and Programs},
Booktitle ={IEEE DB Eng. Bull..},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="52--57",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile} }

@book{Spaccapietra1987, Author ={Spaccapietra,S.(ed)},
Title ={Entity-Relationship Approach: Ten Years of Experience in Information Modeling},
Publisher ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. . 5, N-H, 558pp.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ at Centre de Recherches en Informatique, U.Burgundy, Dijon France Proc. ER Conf. 5, Dijon France, Nov.1986 Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{Spaccapietra1991, Author ={Spaccapietra,S., Parent,C., and Dupont,Y.},
Title ={Automating heterogeneous schema integration},
Institution ={Rep. .},
Year =1991, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Lausanne a conservative approach in matching relations attributes and connections; the DBA states formally that these are equal when shown to be similar; includes integrations of attributes into object types Category ={DSDdesign> } }

@article{Spaccapietra1992, Author ={Spaccapietra,S., Parent,C., and Dupont,Y.},
Title ={Model Independent Assertions for Integration of Heterogeneous Schemas},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) J.},
Year =1992, Month =Jul,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ the DBA only specifies contraints among shared attributes; the DBA's action is limited to pointing out corresponding elements in the schemas defining the nature of the correspondence Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Sparr1982, Author ={Sparr,T.M.},
Title ={A Language for a Scientific and Engineering Database System},
Journal ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 19, Las Vegas NE.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="865--871",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Arlington Wants to implement a relational algebra and cites papers by relational calculus people on how efficient it would be. Category ={EIS> } }

@incollection{SparckJones1987, Author ={SparckJones,Karen},
Title ={Architecture Problems in the Construction of Expert Systems for Document Retrieval},
Booktitle ={in 'Knowledge Engineering: Expert systems and Information Retrieval', Ed. by I.Wormell, Taylor and Graham Publishers, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8908-0574.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Un.Cambridge front end to a document retrieval system; two specific approaches. ---Crawford. AFIS, I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Spector1985, Author ={Spector,Alfred},
Title ={The TABS Project},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="19--25",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ OS research project to investgate object-oriented transaction support Category ={DBDobject> DBFtrans> DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Spector1984, Author ={Spector,A.Z., Bloch,J., and Daniels,D.S.},
Title ={Weighted Voting for Directories: A Comprehensive Study},
Institution ={CMU, TR-CS-84-114.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFbasic, box CMU} }

@techreport{Spector1984:1, Author ={Spector,A.Z., Butcher,J., Daniels,D.S., Duchamp,D.J., Eppinger,J.L., Fineman,C.E., Heddaya,A., and Schwartz,P.M.},
Title ={Support for Distributed Transactions in the TABS Prototype},
Institution ={CMU, TR-CS-84-132.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at CMU, CSD Category ={DBFtrans, box CMU} }

@article{Spector1986, Author ={Spector,A.Z. et al.},
Title ={The Camelot Project},
Journal ={IEEE Data Engineering, Vol. 5.},
Year =1986, Pages ="149--160",
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@incollection{Spector1987, Author ={Spector,A.Z., Daniels,D.S., Duchamp,D.J., Eppinger,J.L., and Pausch,R.},
Title ={Distributed Transactions for Reliable Systems},
Booktitle ={`Concurrency Control and Reliability in Distributed Systems', Bhargava(ed), Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY).},
Year =1987, Pages ="214--249",
Annote ={at CMU CAMELOT. Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Spector1988, Author ={Spector,A.Z., Pausch,R.F., and Bruell,G.},
Title ={CAMELOT: A Flexible, Distributed Transaction Processing System},
Booktitle ={IEEE Compcon 88, San Francisco, Feb-.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="432--437",
Annote ={at CMU Camelot executes on a variety of uni- and multi-processors on top of the Unix-compatible Mach operating system. Automatic management of threads, nested transactions, flexible synchronization, long and short transactions, small and large data objects, non-blocking commit protocols, logging, multiple servers, multiple disks per node. Data type library supports Btrees, extensible hash tables, and dynamic storage allocation. Category ={DBappl> DBFtrans, box CMU } }

@inproceedings{Spector1989, Author ={Spector,Alfred},
Title ={Modular Architectures for Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Sperzel1990, Author ={ Sperzel, et al. Sperzel, et al.},
Title ={Editing the UMLS Metathesaurus: Review and Enhancement of a Computed Knowledge Source},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE .},
Year =1990, Annote ={Unified Medical Language System Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@incollection{Speth1988, Author ={Speth,R.(ed.)},
Title ={Distributed Aspects of Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Research into Networks and Distributed Applications, Elsevier Science Publ..},
Year =1988, Pages ="1029--1049",
Annote ={DAISY Working Group Rep. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Spewak1980, Author ={Spewak,S.H.},
Title ={A Pragmatic Approach to Database Design},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds),},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="151--152",
Annote ={ at Database Design Incorporated, 2395 Huron Pkway, Ann Arbor MI. Short note stating that: newer approaches recognize the importance of explicitly acknowledging each users perceived view of the database structure, integrating each of these views into a global data model representing the conceptual structure of the entire database, and separately considering the affects of access and manipulation requirements. This paper will summarize a practical sequence of steps for accomplishing logical database design that achieves all four objectives. Category ={DBDadmin.1> } }

@techreport{Spiegler1981, Author ={Spiegler,I.},
Title ={Automating Data Base Construction},
Institution ={Tel-Aviv Un., Working Paper .},
Year =1981, Number ="68581",
Annote ={ at Tel-Aviv Un., Faculty of Management (Ramat Aviv, Israel) Category ={DBDadmin.1, DBfile } }

@article{Spiegler1985, Author ={Spiegler,I. and Maayan,R.},
Title ={Storage and Retrieval Considerations of Binary Data Bases},
Journal ={Inf.Process.Manag, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8604-0358.},
Year =1985, Pages ="233--254",
Volume ="21",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Boston Un. The method seems rather useless --- Gebhardt. Category ={DBFtree> } }

@article{Spiegler, Author ={Spiegler,I. and Noff,Y.},
Title ={Dynamic Recovery as an Alternative to Data Base Restoration},
Journal ={Submitted to TODS, @R Mar87.},
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Spinrad1982, Author ={Spinrad,R.J.},
Title ={Office Automation},
Journal ={Science.},
Year =1982, Month =Feb,
Pages ="808--813",
Volume ="215",
Number ="4534",
Annote ={at Xerox, PARC (CA) The 8-1/2 x 11 piece of paper is the `interface standard' between the various office units. Category ={DBappl> } }

@inproceedings{Spirakis1985, Author ={Spirakis,Paul G. and Tuzhilin,Alexander},
Title ={A Semantic Approach to Correctness of Concurrent Transaction Executions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at NYU Category ={DBFintro>} }

@article{Spitzer1969, Author ={Spitzer,J.H.},
Title ={Storing the Directory for an Inverted List System},
Journal ={Data Base, page 12},
Year =1969, Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@techreport{Spooner1981, Author ={Spooner,David},
Title ={A Unified Security Model for Data Base and Operating Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Penn.State.},
Year =1981, Annote ={at Pennsylvania State Un. (University Park PA) Category ={DBDprivacy.6.3, DBfile } }

@article{Spooner1984, Author ={Spooner,D. and Gudes,E.},
Title ={A Unifying Approach to the Design of a Secure Database Operating System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE10 , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8412 1023.},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Pages ="310--319",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Rensselaer Polytechnic DBMS and OS make use of a logical information model. Category ={DBDprivacy.6.3> DBDsec, DBfile: Spooner and Gudes } }

@inproceedings{Spooner1986, Author ={Spooner,D.L., Milicia,M.A., and Faatz,D.B},
Title ={Modeling Mechanical CAD Data with Data Abstraction and Object-Oriented Techniques},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={wireframe modeling Category ={DBDobject> EIS, DBfile} }

@article{Spooner1986:1, Author ={Spooner,D., Keller,A.M., Wiederhold,G., Salasin J., and D.Heystek},
Title ={Framework for the Security Component of an Ada DBMS},
Journal ={rcvd rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at RPI; Un.Texas; Stanford Un.; IDA Criteria for evaluating database security approaches for WWMCCS. Illustrates how a DBMS can support several alternative security models. A security barrier (fence) or filter is an alternative or adjunct to the notion of a trusted computer base. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDnewDBMS> DBFsecurity> DBDimpl> DBFsecurity, DBFile } }

@inproceedings{Spooner1987, Author ={Spooner,D., Hardwick,M., and Samaras,G.},
Title ={Some conceptual ideas for extending SQL for object-oriented engineering database systems},
Booktitle ={Int.Conf. on Data and Knowledge Systems for Manufacturing and Engineering, , Hartford,Conn.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDobject, DBfile} }

@incollection{Spooner1989, Author ={Spooner,David},
Title ={The Impact of Inheritance on Security in Object-Oriented Database Systems},
Booktitle ={In 'Database Security II Status and Prospects' N-H Publishing.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDsec> DBDobject, DBfile} }

@book{Spooner1989:1, Author ={Spooner,D.L. and Landwehr,C. (ed.)},
Title ={Database Security III, Status and Prospects},
Publisher ={results of IFIP WG 11.3 Workshop, Monterey.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDsec>} }

@book{Spoto1976, Author ={Spoto,Donald},
Title ={The Art of Alfred Hitchcock},
Publisher ={Doubleday.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBDintro> DBDmovies>} }

@book{Spoto1978, Author ={Spoto,Donald},
Title ={The Dark Side of Genius, Alfred Hitchcock},
Publisher ={Doubleday, ?.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDintro> DBDmovies>} }

@book{Sprague1982, Author ={Sprague,R.H.jr. and Carlson,E.D.},
Title ={Building Effective Decision Support Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 329pp.},
Year =1982, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDadmin.1} }

@book{Sprague1986, Author ={Sprague,R.H., and McNurlin,B.C.},
Title ={Information Systems Management in Practice},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 501pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Hawaii An ideal text and substantial on specifics, strategic issues, technology management, systems development, tools, and maintenance. Management of End-User Computing. Case studies from EDP Analyzer. ---Ruth,S.R. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@inproceedings{Spratt1985, Author ={Spratt,L.L.},
Title ={The Transaction Resuloyion Journal: Extending the Before Journal},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGOPS quarterly Operating Systems Review.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="55--62",
Volume ="19",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Honeywell, Multics Category ={DBDtrans-3, x issue} }

@article{Springsteel1981, Author ={Springsteel,Frederic},
Title ={Complexity of Hypothesis Formation Problems},
Journal ={IJ Man-Machine Studies,},
Year =1981, Pages ="319--332",
Volume ="15",
Annote ={ at Un.Missouri and Ctr of Biomathematics, Prague Czechoslovakia Logical RX is NP for the number of parameters. Category ={DBDkb> Statistics, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Springsteel1985, Author ={Springsteel,F.N.},
Title ={A Multilevel Expert System for Exploratory Data Analysis},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Symbolic and Numerical Computing in ES, (Bellevue, WA, ), J.Kowalik(ed), N-H, 1986},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Washington, DCS, and Oregon State Un. EDA aims to discover via logic all 'interesting', statistically valid hypotheses about a large user-given matrix of data. Category ={DBDkb> Statistics, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Springsteel1988, Author ={Springsteel,F.N. and Chuang,P.J.},
Title ={ERDDS: An Intelligent E-R Based Database Design System, Yielding Normal Forms Under Extended Regularity},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Missouri, Columbia Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Sproull1985, Author ={Sproull,S. and Ullner},
Title ={Device-Independent Graphics, with examples from IBM personal computers},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1985, Annote ={ or IBM/GSS GKS, check out the following text book: It has a lot about general computer graphics, but talks specifically about GKS in most of its examples. There is also a chapter on raster graphics, which is really a text on the IBM EGA display (about 65 pages, with 20 more pages of routines to use it). Some presentation is given on the Graphics Development Toolkit, Graphical File System, Graphics Terminal Emulator and the Plotting System. --- Mark Colan Category ={Image> } }

@article{Sprowls1975, Author ={Sprowls,R.Clay},
Title ={Data Base Education for Students of Management},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS.},
Year =1975, Pages ="907--911",
Volume ="44",
Category ={DBDpreface>%Sprowls75} }

@techreport{Spyratos1977, Author ={Spyratos,N. and Bancilhon,F.M.},
Title ={Name Independence in Relational Data Bases},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-24.},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFintro> at IRIA Category ={DBDintro.1, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Spyratos1987, Author ={Spyratos,N. and Lecluse,C.},
Title ={Incorporating Functional Dependencies in Deductive Query Answering},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Spyratos1983, Author ={Spyratos,Nicolas},
Title ={The Partition Model: A Deductive Database Model},
Journal ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-286.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Paris Sud, LRI, (Orsay, France) Type hierarchies and lattices. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDkb> } }

@article{Squillante1989, Author ={Squillante,M.S. and Notkin,D.},
Title ={Integrating Heterogeneous Local Mail Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Software, pp.59.},
Year =1989, Month =Nov,
Volume ="6",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Un.Washington Mediators for mail, I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Sreenivasan1974, Author ={Sreenivasan,K. and Kleinman,A.J.},
Title ={On the Construction of a Representative Synthetic Workload},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month Mar,
Pages ="127--133",
Volume ="17",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Mitre Corp Category ={DBFtechn.2> %Sreenivasan74} }

@inproceedings{Sridhar1990, Author ={Sridhar,R., Iyengar,S.S., and Rajanarayan,S.},
Title ={Range Search in Parallel Using Distributed Data Structures},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Pages ="14--26",
Annote ={at Louisiana State University distributed trees Category ={DBDdist> DBDadvindex> } }

@inproceedings{Sridhar1990:1, Author ={Sridhar,R., Iyengar,S.S., and Rajanarayan,S.},
Title ={Efficient Parallel Algorithm for Range Searching using Distributed Data Structures},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFseq>} }

@inproceedings{Sridhar1990:2, Author ={Sridhar,R. and Iyengar,S.S.},
Title ={Efficient Parallel Algorithms for Functional Dependency Manipulations},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Louisiana State University Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Srinidhi1993, Author ={Srinidhi,H.},
Title ={Management of Redundant Data in Interoperable Environments},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Bellcore Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Srinivasan1986, Author ={Srinivasan,B.},
Title ={Self Organising Data Structure for Non-Uniform Access Patterns},
Institution ={rcvd , Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12?},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@article{Srinivasan1970, Author ={Srinivasan,C.V.},
Title ={On the Design of Data Structures for Given Algorithms},
Journal ={DCS, Rutgers Un..},
Year =1970, Annote ={at Rutgers Un., New Brunswick, New Jersey Category ={DBFeval> } }

@article{Srinivasan1970:1, Author ={Srinivasan,C.V.},
Title ={A Mechanism to Model Data Structure Design Problems},
Journal ={Rutgers Un., DCS,},
Year =1970, Category ={DBFeval>} }

@inproceedings{Srinivasan1992, Author ={Srinivasan,J., Jiang,Y., and Bhargava,B.},
Title ={Experiments of N-Raid Distributed Object-Oriented Database System},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Purdue Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Srinivasan1991, Author ={Srinivasan,V. and Carey,M.J.},
Title ={Performance of B-Tree Concurrency Control Algorithms},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBFindex> DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Srinivasan1992:1, Author ={Srinivasan,V. and Carey,M.},
Title ={Compensation-Based On-Line Query Processing},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Sripada1988, Author ={Sripada,S.M.},
Title ={A Logical Framework for Temporal Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="171--182",
Annote ={ at Imperial Coll.of Science and Technology, Dep. Computing, (London UK) Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Srivastava1992, Author ={Srivastava,D. and Ramakrishnan,R.},
Title ={Pushing Constraint Selections},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Srivastava1988, Author ={Srivastava,J. and Lum,V.Y.,},
Title ={A Tree Based Statistics Access Method (TBSAM) for Univariate Analysis},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic> Category ={DBDstat> DBFtree>} }

@inproceedings{Srivastava1988:1, Author ={Srivastava,J. and Ramamoorthy,C.V.},
Title ={Efficient Algorithms for Maintenance of Large Database Indexes},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Srivastava1988:2, Author ={Srivastava,J. and Rotem,D.},
Title ={Analytical modeling of materialized view maintenance},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDimplation>} }

@article{Srivastava1989, Author ={Srivastava,J., Tan,J.S., and Lum,V.Y.},
Title ={TBSAM: An Access Method for Efficient Processing of Statistical Queries},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="414--423",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Annote ={univariate and range queries Category ={Statistics> DBFquery> } }

@inproceedings{Srivastava1990, Author ={Srivastava,J., Hwang,K-W., and Tan,J.S.},
Title ={Parallelism in Database Production Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Srivastava1993, Author ={Srivastava,J. and Elsesser,G.},
Title ={Optimizing Multi-Join Queries in Parallel Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{SRS1989, Author ={SRS Network Inc., Husband,R.W., McHenry,T.J., and Wooten,J.C.},
Title ={IDMS/R Systems Desk Reference},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 523pp.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDbobd>} }

@techreport{SSA1957, Author ={SSA},
Title ={Preliminary Report of Distribution of Surnames in the SS Account Number File},
Institution ={HEW, SSA, Bureau of Old Age and Survivors Insurance .},
Year =1957, Annote ={at Social Security Administration Category ={DBFrepresent.2.3> %SSA57 } }

@article{Stachour1990, Author ={Stachour,P. and Thuraisingham,B.},
Title ={Design of LDV: A Multilevel Secure Relational Database Management System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="2",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Secure Computing Technology Comp. Category ={DBDsecurity> } }

@article{Stachowitz1985, Author ={Stachowitz,Rolf A.},
Title ={A formal framework for describing and classifying semantic data models},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1985, Pages ="77--96",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Burroughs Can one represent negative facts, unknown individuals, points in time, and possible model worlds, deductive power and how is it used? ---Armstrong. Codd's RM/T. Abrial's binary model. Category ={DBDkb, xissue } }

@article{Stacey1971, Author ={Stacey,G.M.},
Title ={The Role of Virtual Memory in the Handling of Application Files},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. , N-H,},
Year =1971, Month =Feb,
Pages ="1--3",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhybrid.8>} }

@article{Stacey1974, Author ={Stacey,G.M.},
Title ={A FORTRAN Interface to the CODASYL Data Base Task Group Specification},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1974, Month =Feb,
Pages ="124--127",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Edinburgh Reg. Comp. Ctr Category ={DBDbound> %Stacey74 } }

@techreport{Staelin1988, Author ={Staelin,Carl},
Title ={File Access Patterns},
Institution ={Princeton Un., DCS, CS-TR-179-88,},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Princeton Un., DCS Data for file caching. Category ={DBFmethods, DBfile } }

@techreport{Staelin1990, Author ={Staelin,C. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={File system design using large memories},
Institution ={Princeton Un., CS-TR-246-90.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ under MACH, comparison, optimizer based on access patterns Category ={DBFhard, DBfile } }

@techreport{Staelin1990:1, Author ={Staelin,C. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Clustering active disk data to improve disk performance},
Institution ={Princeton Un., CS-TR-283-90.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFhard, DBfile} }

@article{Stahl1973, Author ={Stahl,Fred},
Title ={A Homophonic Cipher for Computational Cryptography},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Pages ="565--568",
Volume ="42",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Urbana Description of improved substitution ciphers Category ={DBFrepresent-5.4> } }

@inproceedings{Stahlhut1985, Author ={Stahlhut,R.W., Piggins,J., Shusman,D., Morgan,M., Zielstorff,R. Wiedman-Dahl,F., Chimowitz,M., and Barnett,G.O.},
Title ={COSTAR Record Size},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="12--16",
Annote ={at Massachusetts General Hosp., Lab.of CS. Mumps imlementation data. Category ={MIS> DBFtree> } }

@article{Stam1988, Author ={Stam,R.B. and Snodgrass,R.},
Title ={A Bibliography on Temporal Databases},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="53--61",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.N.Carolina, DCS Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@techreport{Stamos1989, Author ={Stamos,J.W. and Cristian,F.},
Title ={A Low-Cost Atomic Commit Protocol},
Institution ={IBM RJ 7185.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at MIT distribution of an algorithm execution rather than simple procedure call service Category ={DBFdist> log per transaction and piggy backing; very clear description Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc, home } }

@techreport{Stamos1989:1, Author ={Stamos,J.W. and Young,H.},
Title ={A Symmetric Fragment and Replicate Algorithm for Distributed Joins},
Institution ={IBM RJ 7188.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden load balancing for parallel join execution Category ={DBDdist> DBDmach, DBfile IBMbox } }

@techreport{Stamos1991, Author ={Stamos,J.W., Cabrera,L-F., and Luniewski,A.},
Title ={Mutual Suspicion, Immediate Revocation, and Serializability in Melampus},
Institution ={IBM RJ 8161.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Access Control Lists are first class objects to manage discretionary security; considers conflicts with serializability Category ={DBDprivacy, DBfile } }

@techreport{Stamper1976, Author ={Stamper,R.N.},
Title ={The LEGOL Project, A Survey},
Institution ={Rep. UKSC-81, IBM UK Scientific Ctr, Peterlee UK.},
Year =1976, Month =May,
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Stamper1986, Author ={Stamper,Ronald},
Title ={The Processing of Business Semantics: Necessity and Tools},
Booktitle ={DS-2, IFIP TC-2 Conf.on Knowledge and Data, Portugal.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at L.S.E. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Standish1967, Author ={Standish,T.A.},
Title ={A Data Definition Facility for Programming Languages},
Institution ={PhD Th., CMU, CSD.},
Year =1967, Annote ={at CMU Data Type definition development. Category ={DBDlang> DBDschema, QA76.55.695 } }

@article{Stanfel1968, Author ={Stanfel,Larry E.},
Title ={On a Quantitative Approach to Improving Document Retrieval Performance},
Journal ={Information Storage and Retrieval.},
Year =1968, Month =Aug,
Pages ="281--286",
Volume ="4",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Stanfel1970, Author ={Stanfel,Larry E.},
Title ={Tree Structures for Optimal Searching},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, vol.17 no.3.},
Year =1970, Month =Jul,
Pages ="508--517",
Category ={DBFtechn.4>} }

@inproceedings{Stanfill1989, Author ={Stanfill,C.},
Title ={Processing Large Databases on the Connection Machine},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Thinking Machines Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Stanfill1990, Author ={Stanfill,C.},
Title ={Information Retrieval Using Parallel Signature Files},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="13",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDbiblio> DBFhash>} }

@manual{Stanford1976, Author ={Stanford Res. Inst.},
Title ={The Promise of Distributed Processing},
Organization ={SRI Business Intelligence Program Guidelines, Rep. , Palo Alto CA, , ITIRC 77B000339},
Year =1976, Number ="10",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintro.8>} }

@inproceedings{Staniszkis1983, Author ={Staniszkis,W., Rullo,P., and Orlando,S.},
Title ={Transaction Workload Analysis in the CODASYL Data Base Performance Predictor EOS},
Booktitle ={Proc.6th Intl. Seminar on DBManagement Science, Journal of TIMS. , Matrafured Hungary.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="97--120",
Annote ={at CRAI, Rende Italy Category ={DBDbound.4, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Staniszkis1983:1, Author ={Staniszkis,W., Rullo,P., Gaudioso,M., and Orlando S.},
Title ={Probabilistic Approach to Evaluation of Data Manipultion Algorithms in a CODASYL Data Base Environment},
Booktitle ={2nd Intl. Conf. on Data Bases, pp.33, rcvd. .},
Year =1983, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDbound.5> DBFhash.6, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Staniszkis1984, Author ={Staniszkis,W., et al},
Title ={Architecture of the Network Data Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Seminar on Distributed Data Sharing Systems 3, Italy, Elsevier, North-Holland, 1985.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="57--74",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDbound>} }

@article{Stankovic1988, Author ={Stankovic,J.A. and Zhao,W.},
Title ={On Real-Time Transactions},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="4-18",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Massachusetts, DCS Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Starmer1984, Author ={Starmer,C.F.},
Title ={Feedback Stabilization on Control Policy Selection in Data/Knowedge Based Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Duke Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Starmer1987, Author ={Starmer,C.F., Cherveny,D.J., Dietz,M.A., and Smaltz,J.M.},
Title ={Managing Research Data with Self-Documenting Files},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="264--278",
Volume ="20",
Number ="3",
Annote ={using UNIX primitives Category ={MIS>} }

@inproceedings{Stary1993, Author ={Stary,Chris},
Title ={Model-Based Design Bases for Task-Oriented Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Technical Un.Vienna Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Stead1985, Author ={Stead,W.W. and Hammond,W.E.},
Title ={Calculating Storage Requirements for Office Practice Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="68--71",
Annote ={at Duke Un.Med. Ctr Category ={MIS> DBFdesign>} }

@article{Stead1988, Author ={Stead,W.W. and Hammond,W.E.},
Title ={Computer-Based Medical Records: the Centerpiece of TMR},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Pages ="48--62",
Volume ="5",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Duke Un.Med. Ctr Category ={MIS>} }

@article{Stead1989, Author ={Stead,W.W.},
Title ={A Quarter-Century of Computer-Based Medical Records},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ historical review, includes Starkweather AAMES summary Category ={MIS> } }

@techreport{Stead1990, Author ={Stead,W.W.},
Title ={Inst.of Medicine Patient Record Study - Database Structures},
Institution ={Inst. of Medicine.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={MIS, DBfile} }

@article{Stearns1976, Author ={Stearns,R., Lewis,P., and Rosenkrantz,D.},
Title ={Concurrency control for database systems},
Journal ={IEEE-FOCS 17.},
Year =1976, Month =Oct,
Pages ="19--32",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@inproceedings{Stearns1981, Author ={Stearns,R.E., Rosenkrantz,D.J., et al.},
Title ={Distributed Database Concurrency Controls Using Before-Values},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 81, Ann Arbor.},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDintegrity.2.5>} }

@article{Steel1964, Author ={Steel,T.B.jr.},
Title ={Beginnings of a Theory of Information Handling},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1964, Month =Feb,
Pages ="97--103",
Category ={DBFintro.3>} }

@incollection{Steel1974, Author ={Steel,Thomas B.jr.},
Title ={Data Base Systems: Implications for Commerce and Industry},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE)},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Equitable Life Assurance, New York A far reaching extrapolation of the future --- large --- significance of database operations. Category ={DBDintro.9> } }

@techreport{Steel1975, Author ={Steel,T.B.},
Title ={Interim Report of the ANSI-SPARC Study Group},
Institution ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data FDT, complete issue.},
Year =1975, Volume ="7",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at American National Standards Committee (Washington DC). Internal-Conceptual-External models defined. Chairman of the SPARC/DBMS study group. Category ={DBDschema.5.1, DBfile } }

@article{Steel1980, Author ={Steel,T.B.jr.},
Title ={Status Report on ISO/TC97/SC5/WG3--Data Base Management Systems},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="321--325",
Annote ={at ATT (Basking Ridge NJ) Extension of the notion of a 'conceptual schema' as initially defined by the ANSI/X3/SPARC/DBMS Study Group. Category ={DBDschema.4> } }

@inproceedings{Steel1985, Author ={Steel,T.B.Jr.},
Title ={A Minimal Conceptual Schema Language for Life, The Universe and Everything},
Booktitle ={DS-1, IFIP TC-2 conf.on Database Semantics.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDmodel> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Stefik1979, Author ={Stefik,Mark},
Title ={An Examination of a Frame-Structured Representation System},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6.},
Year =1979, Pages ="845--852",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Stefik1982, Author ={Stefik,M., Bell,A., et al.},
Title ={The Partitioning of Concerns in Digital System Design},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1982, Month =Feb,
Annote ={Abstraction levels. Category ={EIS, KHall} }

@inproceedings{Stefik1986, Author ={Stefik,M.J., Bobrow,D.G., and Kahn,K.M.},
Title ={Integrating Access-Oriented Programming into a Multiparadigm Environment},
Booktitle ={IEEE Software,},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Xerox, Palo Alto Research Ctr Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Stefik1986:1, Author ={Stefik and Bobrow},
Title ={Object Oriented Programming : Themes and Variations},
Journal ={AI Magazine, Win. .},
Year =1986, Annote ={Frames. ---Surajit Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Steger1989, Author ={Steger,N., Schmidt,H., Guntzer,U., and Kiessling,W.},
Title ={Semantics and Efficient Compilation for Quantitative Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Steig1972, Author ={Steig,D.B.},
Title ={File Management Systems Revisited},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1972, Month =Oct,
Pages ="48--51",
Annote ={Review of GIS, Mark IV, GDM, ASI-ST Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Steil1967, Author ={Steil,G.jr.},
Title ={File Management on a Small Computer, the C10 System},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1967, Pages ="199--212",
Volume ="30",
Annote ={at MITRE (Bedford MA) Description of implementation Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@book{Stein1985, Author ={Stein,Dorothy},
Title ={Ada: A Life and a Legend},
Publisher ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press, 368pp.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ `... the report was nothing more than a mystical tract on the inventor's `... the report was nothing more than a mystical tract on the inventor's outdated philosophy of mathematics, theology, and capitalist economics' Category ={DBDlang> } }

@article{Stein1985:1, Author ={Stein,J. and Maier,D.},
Title ={Relaxing the Universal Scheme Assumption},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Oregon Graduate Ctr Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Steinberg1987, Author ={Steinberg,Carol J.},
Title ={Data Retrieval in a Distributed Telemetry Ground Data System},
Journal ={Data Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="177--183",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at Caltech, Jet Propulsion Lab Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Steiner1988, Author ={Steiner,J.},
Title ={Relational Theory of Queries},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1988, Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ First-order logic to algebra and calculus. Relational calculus and algebra extended with aggregate functions. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Stellwagen1993, Author ={Stellwagen,R.},
Title ={The Data Navigator},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at NCR Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Stemple1975, Author ={Stemple,D.W.},
Title ={A Data Base Management Facility for Automatic Generation of Data Base Machines},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed), page 252 (abstract).},
Year =1975, Annote ={at Un.Massachusetts (Amherst MA) Describes SLUSH and SLIM, a proposed compiler and interpreter to operate on network schemas with adjustable binding times. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDdesign> DBDbound.1.6> DBDdesign, DBfile @article{Stemple1981, Author ={Stemple,D. and Welty,Charles},
Title ={Human factors Comparison of a Procedural and Nonprocedural Query Language},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems ,},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="626-649",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDquery, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Stemple1985, Author ={Stemple,D. and Sheard,T.},
Title ={Database Theory for Supporting Specification-Based Database System Development},
Booktitle ={IEEE Conference on Software Engineering 8.},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Mass, CIS, (Amherst MA) Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Stemple1983, Author ={Stemple,D., Ramaritham,K., Vinter,S., and Sheard,T.},
Title ={Operating System Support for Abstract Database Types},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Databases, British Computer Society-2, BCS John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Pages ="179--195",
Annote ={at Un.Mass, Amherst Gutenberg compiles via formal query transformation Category ={DBDlang> DBDoperations, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Stemple1987, Author ={Stemple,D. Mazumdar,S., and Sheard,T.},
Title ={On the Modes and Meanings of Feedback to Transactions Designers},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Massachusetts, Amherst Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Stemple1984, Author ={Stemple,D. and Sheard,T.},
Title ={Specification and Verification of Abstract Database Types},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Annote ={ All integrity constraints are Schema declarations Category ={DBappl> } }

@techreport{Stemple1985:1, Author ={Stemple,D. and Sheard,T.},
Title ={Database Theory for Supporting Specification-based Database System Development},
Institution ={8th Intl' Conf. on Software Eng.,},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ All integrity constraints are Schema declarations Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@techreport{Stemple1985:2, Author ={Stemple,D., Sheard,T. and Bunker,R.},
Title ={Incorporating Theory into Database System Development},
Institution ={Un.Mass, COINS, TR 85-08.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={Rapid Prototypng of integrity constraints Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Stemple1990, Author ={Stemple,D., Sheard,R., and Bunker,R.},
Title ={Abstract Data Types in Databases: Specification,Manipulation and Access},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDschema @article{Stemple1986, Author ={Stemple,D., Chrysanthis,P., Ramamritham,K., Vinter,S.},
Title ={The Gutenberg Operating System Kernel},
Journal ={Un.Mass, TR COINS 86-0.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile} }

@techreport{Stemple, Author ={Stemple,D. and Sheard,T.},
Title ={Automatic Verification of Database Transaction Safety},
Institution ={Un.Mass, COINS, TR 86-30.},
Annote ={ assuring that integrity constraints are invariant of DB transactions Category ={DBFtrans> DBDmodel, DBfile Stemple } }

@article{Stephenson1983, Author ={Stephenson,C.F.},
Title ={Fast Fits: New Methods for Dynamic Storage Allocation},
Journal ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles-9, Bretton Woods NH.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFstorage-1>} }

@article{Stepp1986, Author ={Stepp and Michalski},
Title ={Conceptual Clustering of Structured Objects: A Goal-Oriented Approach},
Journal ={AI journal.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Sterling1986, Author ={Sterling,Leon and Shapiro,Ehud},
Title ={The Art of Prolog},
Publisher ={The Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT Press.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Sterling1974, Author ={Sterling,T.D.},
Title ={Guidelines for Humanizing Computerized Information Systems, A Report from Stanley House},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Nov,
Pages ="609--613",
Volume ="17",
Number ="11",
Category ={DBDprivacy.0>} }

@article{Sterling1975, Author ={Sterling,T.D.},
Title ={Humanizing Computerized Information Systems},
Journal ={Science, 19 .},
Year =1975, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1168--1172",
Volume ="190",
Number ="4220",
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. (Burnaby BC, Canada) Category ={DBFintro> DBDprivacy> DBDadmin, x15> } }

@inproceedings{Steuert1974, Author ={Steuert,J. and Goldman,J.},
Title ={The Relational Data Management System: A Perspective},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed)..},
Year =1974, Pages ="295--320",
Annote ={RDMS review and techniques. Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Stevenne1992, Author ={Stevenne,J. and Niezette,M.},
Title ={An Efficient Symbolic Representation of Periodic Time},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Universite de Liege, Belgium Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Stevens1970, Author ={Stevens,W.D. et al},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems Requirements},
Institution ={Joint Guide-Share Data Base Requirements Group,11,},
Year =1970, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Skelly Oil Co., Tulsa Okl. A set of requirements, without discussion of design or implementation, as seen by computer users. Category ={DBDschema> DBDschema>%Stevens70 } }

@article{Stevens1982, Author ={Stevens,W.P.},
Title ={How Data Flow Can Improve Application Development Productivity},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J..},
Year =1982, Pages ="162--178",
Volume ="21",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Flows of data are the only connections needed between functional components of a computer program. Components which pass only data can easily be shared and reused and can be developed independently. The compatibility of data flow to applications and distributed processing is also presented. Category ={DBDimpl> DBFintro.5> DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Steyer1977, Author ={Steyer,R.},
Title ={Processing of Queries in Distributed Dabase Systems},
Institution ={VDN --- Report 377, TU.Berlin.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.2>} }

@inproceedings{Stickel1982, Author ={Stickel,Mark E.},
Title ={A Nonclausal Connection-Graph Resolution Theorem-Proving Program},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int-82, National Conference on AI, Pittsburgh PA.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Pages ="229--233",
Annote ={at SRI binding data using a connection graph Category ={DBDkb> DBDmodel> } }

@article{Stillerman1975, Author ={Stillerman,M.L.},
Title ={Confidentiality versus the Computer},
Journal ={Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat Monthly.},
Year =1975, Pages ="14--15",
Volume ="54",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDprivacy.0>} }

@incollection{Stitt1985, Author ={Stitt,Frank W.},
Title ={Clinical Database Management for Medical Records},
Booktitle ={Role of Informatics in Health Data Coding and Classification Systems, Cote, Protti and Scherrer(eds), N-H,},
Year =1985, Annote ={at MEDIX Software, (San Francisco CA) Snomed oriented, general descriptive. Category ={MCS, DBfile } }

@book{StLawrence1985, Author ={StLawrence,Kathleen},
Title ={Computerized clinical nursing reference information system},
Publisher ={Oryn Publications (Washington DC).},
Year =1985, Category ={MCS, ISBN 0-916207-10-2} }

@inproceedings{Stocker1973, Author ={Stocker,P.M. and Dearnley,P.A.},
Title ={A Self-Organizing Data Base Management System},
Booktitle ={Computer J..},
Year =1973, Pages ="100--105",
Volume ="16",
Annote ={at School of Computing Studies, Un.East Anglia Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@article{Stocker1977, Author ={Stocker,P.M.},
Title ={Storage Utilization in a Self-Organizing Data Base},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1977, Pages ="119--122",
Volume ="46",
Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel} }

@inproceedings{Stocker1977:1, Author ={Stocker,P.M.},
Title ={The Structuring of Data Bases at the Implementation Level},
Booktitle ={Architecture and Models in Data Base Management Systems, Nijssen(ed), N-H.},
Year =1977, Pages ="261--276",
Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel} }

@inproceedings{Stocker1978, Author ={Stocker,P.M. and Dearnley,P.A.},
Title ={Issues in Distributed Database Management Systems: A Technical Overview},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds), Berlin.},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="89--100",
Category ={DBFstorage-3.4>} }

@book{Stocker1984, Author ={Stocker,P.M., Atkinson,M.P., and Gray,P.M.D.(eds)},
Title ={Database --- Role and Structure},
Publisher ={Cambridge Un.Press.},
Year =1984, Annote ={Articles by Atkinson,M.P., ... Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{Stoeller1987, Author ={Stoeller,W.},
Title ={dBASE III PLUS},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Ashton-Tate Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@book{Stognii1987, Author ={Stognii,A.A., Vol'fengagen,V.E., Kushnirov,V.A., et al.},
Title ={Designing Integrated Data Bases},
Publisher ={Kiev, Tekhnika.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ includes functional links in database model (chap. III) Category ={DBDdesign, FASAC 209a } }

@article{Stolboushkin1986, Author ={Stolboushkin,A. et al.},
Title ={Reduction of a relational model with infinite domains to the finite domain case},
Journal ={Sov. Phys. Dok. .},
Year =1986, Volume ="31",
Annote ={undecidability of the safety problem Category ={unknown> } }

@article{Stolfo1987, Author ={Stolfo,Salvatore},
Title ={Initial Performance of the DADO2 Prototype},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Pages ="75--83",
Volume ="20",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ 1023 processor with 16K memory, tree architecture, tested with SQL SELECT vs IBM 4381 without disk accesses, factor 6 speedup. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Stone1990, Author ={Stone,C.M},
Title ={Setting Standards in Object Management},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Object Management Group standardization of object-oriented systems Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Stone1968, Author ={Stone,M.G.},
Title ={TERPS-file Independent Enquiries},
Journal ={Computer Bulletin,},
Year =1968, Month Mar,
Pages ="286--289",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Stone1972, Author ={Stone,H.},
Title ={Introduction to Data Structuring and Computer Organization},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), and 1974.},
Year =1972, Category ={DBFintro> %Stone72} }

@book{Stone1975, Author ={Stone,Harold(ed)},
Title ={Introduction to Computer Architecture},
Publisher ={SRA, Palo Alto .},
Year =1975, Annote ={Includes drum and disks (Fuller) Category ={DBFhard.1> %Stone75 } }

@article{Stone, Author ={Stone,H.S. and Fuller,S.F.},
Title ={On the Near-Optimality of the Shortest-Access-Time-First Drum Scheduling Discipline},
Journal ={Technical Note , DSL.},
Number ="12",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., Dig. Syst. Lab. Category ={DBFtechn.4, xB6.4 } }

@article{Stone1984, Author ={Stone,H.S.},
Title ={Database Applications of the FETCH-AND-ADD Instruction},
Journal ={IEEE Computer, Vol.C33 .},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Number ="7",
Annote ={ TEST_AND_SET operations are best to achieve parallelism. Category ={DBDintegrity.1.1> } }

@article{Stone1987, Author ={Stone,Harold S.},
Title ={Parallel Querying of Large Databases: A performance Study},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Pages ="11--21",
Volume ="20",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at IBM A large memory serial machine and a smart algorithm can outperfom a Connection Machine with 64000 processors. Category ={DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1972, Author ={Stonebraker,Michael},
Title ={Retrieval Efficiency Using Combined Indexes},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed),},
Year =1972, Pages ="243--256",
Annote ={at UCB Discussion and some analysis of various parameters for retrieval from indexed files. Category ={DBFindex.4> } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1974, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={A Functional View of Data Independence},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data , Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Annote ={Definition of degrees of independence. Category ={DBDschema.6, x9 } }

@article{Stonebraker1974:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={The Choice of Partial Inversions and Combined Indices},
Journal ={Journal of Computer and Information Science.},
Year =1974, Month =Jun,
Pages ="167--188",
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@article{Stonebraker1974:2, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Wong,E.},
Title ={Access Control in a Relational Data Base Management System by Query Modification},
Journal ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.ERL-M438,},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Annote ={Method to control access to data. Category ={DBDschema> DBDrel.2> DBFstorage-4, xB12.6, xUC, DBfile } }

@techreport{Stonebraker1974:3, Author ={Stonebraker,Michael},
Title ={High Level Integrity Assurance in Relational Data Base Management Systems},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.ERL-M473.},
Year =1974, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDprivacy, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1975, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Implementation of Integrity Constraints and Views by Query Modification},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed), San Jose CA.},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="65--78",
Category ={DBDintegrity.3.2>} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1975:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Held,G.},
Title ={Networks, Hierarchies, and Relations in Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., San Francisco.},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="1--9",
Annote ={ Brief comparison of data structures effectiveness, coding efficiency, machine efficiency data independence and protection aspects for the three designs. Category ={DBDbound, xUC %Stonebraker75N } }

@techreport{Stonebraker1975:2, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Getting Started in INGRES},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.ERL-M518.},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDintro.1>%Stonebraker75G} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1976, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Rubenstein,P.},
Title ={The INGRES Protection System},
Booktitle ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.ERL-M594.},
Year =1976, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBFstorage.12.1, DBfile} }

@article{Stonebraker1976:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Wong,E., Kreps,P., and Held,G.},
Title ={The Design and Implementation of INGRES},
Journal ={ACM TODS, Vol. 1. No 3, June 1976}, Bookchapter ={[Stonebraker:86]}, Report -{UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.ERL-M577.},
Year =1976, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ Describes implementation of INGRES, a non-distributed relational database Category ={DBDintegrity> DBFeval.4> DBDschema.2> DBDrel.2, DBfile } }

@article{StonebrakerN:1976, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Neuhold,E.},
Title ={A Distributed Data Base Version of INGRES},
Journal ={Elec. Res.Lab Rep, UCB.},
Year =1976, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ Discusses some of the design choices made for a system that may be implemented. The paper is not well organized, but has some good ideas. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDnewDBMS.7> DBDquery.9.2, Shel } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1977, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Rowe,L.A.},
Title ={Observations on Data Manipulation Languages and Their Embedding in General Purpose Programming Languages},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Tokyo Japan, 6-8.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Pages ="128--143",
Category ={DBDintro.1.1, DBfile} }

@techreport{Stonebraker1978, Author ={Stonebraker,M.R.},
Title ={Distributed Data Base Machine},
Institution ={Memo No.M78-23, Elec. Res.Lab, Un.CA-Berkeley.},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Stonebraker1978:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M., et al.},
Title ={Concurrency Control and Consistency of Multiple Copies of Data in Distributed INGRES},
Journal ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 3, Berkeley.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="235-258",
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1979, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={MUFFIN: A Distributed Database Machine},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 1, Huntsville AL..},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFmach> DBDdist, DBfile} }

@article{Stonebraker1980, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Keller,K.},
Title ={Embedding Expert Knowledge and Hypothetical Data Bases into a Data Base System},
Journal ={UCB, EECS, Memo No.UCB-ERL-M80.15.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Annote ={Basically, it deals with two ideas: (1) use of AI-style rule systems to support certain database mechanisms (2) use of a sort of abstract data type to provide a generalized form of attribute in databases. Number (2) is limited to a fairly specific set of problems (the example they give is the time attribute). For these cases, the approach is quite reasonable. I don't think it's especially interesting, though. Number (1) is more interesting. The basic idea is to provide a uniform framework for expression of such things as views, protection, and integrity constraints. Their mechanism is similar to the 'rule-based system' idea from AI, although there are some major differences. It amounts to an extension of the query modification idea. But, I don't think this is really the right mechanism for what they propose. The rules tend to be procedural rather than declarative. For integrity constraints (and maybe the other things), the procedural version just isn't as clear. (The authors admit this during the discussion.) Maybe the rule-based approach is useful as a method for implementing constraints, etc, rather than a language for expressing them; this isn't discussed. The rules are useful for expressing certain esoteric update restrictions. (E.g., 'Jones is the only one who is allowed to update this relation between 8 a.m. and 5 p.m.') But, these sorts of restrictions aren't especially interesting, in that they have nothing to do with the semantics of the database. I'm not sure what the 'breadth' of their method is. It looks like the rules can only be triggered by updates. This means that views, for example, cannot be implemented this way, because queries are not affected by the rules. I can't tell from the paper whether or not this is in fact the case. As I say, though, I think the basic idea is interesting; also, they seem to have implemented at least part of it. Category ={DBDquery.2.3> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1980:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={The Argument against CODASYL},
Booktitle ={Distributed Data Bases, Draffan and Poole(eds. .},
Year =1980, Annote ={ ANSI should not adopt the CODASYL proposals as standard because 1. It is a moving target between 71, 73, and 78. 2. It is not supported by most of the DBS community (including IBM). 3. It is not compatible with the notion of Database machines. 4. It is not compatible with the notion of distributed databases. Category ={DBDschema.6> } }

@article{Stonebraker1980:2, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Retrospection on a Data Base System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="225--240",
Volume ="5",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ The implementation history of the INGRES database system. The role of structured design in a database system implementation, impressions of UNIX, the PDP-11, and data models are given. Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@article{Stonebraker1981, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Operating System Support for Database Management},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Pages ="412--418",
Volume ="14",
Number ="7",
Category ={DBFintro> DBDmodel.0> DBFhard.7>} }

@incollection{Stonebraker1981:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Homogenous Distributed Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Distributed Databases: an Advanced Course, Cambridge Un.Press. , .},
Year =1981, Pages ="103--153",
Annote ={based on SIGMOD 78 and TSE 79 papers. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1982, Author ={Stonebraker,M. et al},
Title ={A Rules System for a Relational Data Base System},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.2, Jerusalem, Israel.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDintegrity.3>} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1982:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Kalash,J.},
Title ={TIMBER: A Sophisticated Relation/Browser},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="1--10",
Annote ={ Suggests the design of TIMBER (Text, Icon and Map Browser for Extended Relations), a user friendly, graphics-oriented browser for a relational database. Four motivations for TIMBER are discussed. (not yet implemented) Category ={DBDquery.2> } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1982:2, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Rowe,L.},
Title ={Database Portals: A new Application Program Interface},
Booktitle ={UCB, Memo UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, M82.80.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ application and browsing support through ordered relations. Category ={DBDquery.2>in DBfile } }

@techreport{Stonebraker1982:3, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Adding Semantic Knowledge to a Relational Database System},
Institution ={draft, rcvd. by Milton.},
Year =1982, Annote ={ Proposed are: abstract datatypes (ADTs) as column elements a rule sytem for management (RAISIN), much like ON statements driving INGRES constraint rules. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDintegrity.3> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1982:4, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Woodfill,J., Ranstrom,J., Murphy,M., Kalash,L, Carey,M. and Arnold,K.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Distributed Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering Bull..},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Stonebraker1983, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Woodfill,J., and Andersen,E.},
Title ={Implementation of Rules in Relational Data Base Systems},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo -10.},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Number ="83",
Annote ={at UCB, Coll. of Eng. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@techreport{Stonebraker1983:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Woodfill,J., Ranstrom,J., Kalash,J., Arnold,K., and Andersen,E.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Distributed Data Base Systems},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo -12, 14pp.},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Number ="83",
Annote ={at UCB, Coll. of Eng. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1983:2, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Rubenstein,B., and Guttman,A.},
Title ={Application of Abstract Data Types and Abstract Indices to CAD Data Bases},
Booktitle ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo -3,},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Number ="83",
Annote ={ This paper explores the use of one form of abstract data types in CAD databases, boxes, wires and polygons. The performance and query complexity are examined. Category ={DBDdesign> EIS> DBDrel.2, DBfile } }

@article{Stonebraker1983:3, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Woodfill,J., Ranstrom,J., Murphy,M., Meyer,M., and Allman,E.},
Title ={Performance Enhancements to a Relational Database System},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Pages ="167-185",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Estimates are given for compilation, micro-coding, a file system which supports locality, and a specialized operating system for INGRES. Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@unpublished{Stonebraker1983:4, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Anderson,E., Hanson,E., and Rubenstein,B.},
Title ={QUEL as a Data Type},
Note ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo -73.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Number ="83",
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Stonebraker1983:5, Author ={Stonebraker,Michael},
Title ={???},
Note ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo N.83-74.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFtrans, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1983:6, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Woodfill,J., and Andersen,E.},
Title ={Implementation of Rules in Relational Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={UCB, Electronics Res.Lab, Memo -10.},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Number ="83",
Annote ={ Sketch of a variant of his Jerusalem proposal. Constructs include now 'executable data', a 'QUEL command data type for INGRES' (stored as a parse tree), and derived expression relations. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Stonebraker1984, Author ={Stonebraker,M., DuBourdieux,D., and Edwards,W.},
Title ={Problems in Supporting Data Base Transactions in an Operating System Transaction Manager },
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, TR-84-87.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at UCB; Prime Computer Category ={DBFtrans.7.5, DBFile} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1985, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Sellis,T., and Hanson,E.},
Title ={An Analysis of Rule Indexing Implementations in Database Systems},
Booktitle ={UCB, rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@book{[Stonebraker:1986], Author ={Stonebraker,Michael(ed)},
Title ={The INGRES papers: anatomy of a relational database system},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 452pp; ACM CR 8604-0296.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at UCB, EECS papers written between 1973 and 1984, contains a number of lessons learned and documented mistakes, a great references book. ---Tufts. chap 4 deals with Transactions and Databases. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDimpl> } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1986:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Rowe,L.A.},
Title ={The Design of POSTGRES},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 86 (Washington DC).},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Pages ="340--355",
Annote ={ recursions are introduced into the QUEL language and implemented. support complex objects, extendability, alerters and triggers, inferencing forwards and backwards, improved code for crash recovery, consider optical discs, workstations, tight-coupling. Use custom VLSI chips. Keep the relational model. I3 Category ={DBDobject> DBDrel> DBDkb> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1986:2, Author ={[Stonebraker:1986]},
Title ={The Case for Shared Nothing},
Booktitle ={IEEE Database Engineering.},
Year =1986, Pages ="4--9",
Volume ="5",
Annote ={ based in presentation at Workshop for High Performance Transaction Systems. Category ={DBFarchitecture> } }

@inproceedings{[Stonebraker1985:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Inclusion of New Types in Relational Database Systems},
Booktitle ={UCBERL memo M8567.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ with new access paths and specs for query optimization Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile Berkeley box } }

@incollection{[StonebrakerDE:1985], Author ={Stonebraker,M., DuBourdieux,D, and Edwards,W.},
Title ={Triggers and Inference in Database Systems},
Booktitle ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, TR-ERL-M85-46.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Annote ={ derived data. Do FOREVER. Includes RETRIEVE-ALWAYS for continuous recomputation of derived data, viz. identity connection I3 Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{[StonebrakerK:1986], Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Kumar,A.},
Title ={Operating system support for data management},
Journal ={IEEE Data Engineering, Vol. 5.},
Year =1986, Pages ="169--176",
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@techreport{[StonebrakerR:1986, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Rowe,L.A. (eds)},
Title ={The POSTGRES Papers},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.M86-85, rev. Jun.1987.},
Year =1986, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ The papers included discuss the use of procedures as values in a DBMS and the use of the lock mechanism to implement some aspects of logic. ---jdu most papers published elsewhere. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDimpl> DBDkb, UCB box } }

@techreport{Stonebraker1987, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Hanson,E., and Potamianos,S.},
Title ={A Rule Manager for Relational Database Systems},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, TR-M86-85, in `The Postgres Papers'.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at UCB, EECS Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1987:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Hanson,E., and Hong,C.},
Title ={The Design of the POSTGRES Rules System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ locks used to trigger rules. Escalation of granularity. Category ={DBDkb> DBDparallel> } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1990, Author ={Stonebraker,Michael},
Title ={The Design of the POSTGRES Storage System},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ No logging, write new pages, collect old pages to an archive. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBFsyseval> DBFind> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@article{Stonebraker1987:2, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Anton,J., and Hirohama,M.},
Title ={Extendability in POSTGRES},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="76--83",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Stonebraker1985:3, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Anton,J., and Hanson,E.},
Title ={Extending a Database System with Procedures},
Journal ={UCBERL memo M8559.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Stored procedures follow DBTG suggestions from 1971. The INGRES+ results were `competitive'. ---Tufts. fields can be QUEL statements to define objects. Caching and locks for invalidation Category ={DBDnewDBMS, DBfile Berkeley box } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1986:5, Author ={Stonebraker,Michael},
Title ={Object Management in POSTGRES Using Procedures},
Booktitle ={Proc.Intl. Workshop on Object-Oriented DB Sys..},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@book{Stonebraker1988, Author ={Stonebraker,Michael (ed)},
Title ={Readings in Database Systems},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufmann, 650pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8908-0533.},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDintro> DBDrel, x} }

@article{Stonebraker1988:1, Author ={Stonebraker,Michael},
Title ={Future Trends In Database Systems},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCB, EECS whats wrong with SQL and why we have to live with it I3 Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Stonebraker1988:2, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Hanson,E., and Potamianos,S.},
Title ={The POSTGRES Rule Manager},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE),},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Pages ="897--907",
Volume ="14",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ Users defining rules to a DBMS. The scope defines optimization, either forward or backward chaining, the system will optimize performance as possible. Priority rules allow rule systems that have conflicts. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1988:3, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Katz,R., Patterson,D., and Ousterhout,J.},
Title ={The Design of XPRS},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 14, Bancilhon and DeWitt (eds), Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Pages ="318--330",
Annote ={ High performance and high availability in transaction processing. Category ={DBFtrans> EIS> } }

@article{Stonebraker1989, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Hearst,M., and Potamianos,S.},
Title ={A Commentary on the Postgres Rules System},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="5--11",
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Any POSTQUEL command can be tagged with 3 modifiers: 1) 'always', this rule appears to run forever. A retrieve command becomes an alerter. 2) 'refuse', to enforce protection. 3) 'ome-time', to implement 'alarm clocks'. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Stonebraker1989:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={The case for partial indexes},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="4--11",
Volume ="18",
Number ="4",
Annote ={suggestion of DBDesign book 1977 worked out. Category ={DBFindex> } }

@article{Stonebraker1990:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Rowe,L.A., and Hirohama,M.},
Title ={The Implementation of POSTGRES},
Journal ={UCBERL M9034.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at UCB reflect on the design and implementation decisions made; object management and knowledge management Category ={DBDnewKBMS> DBDkb, DBfile UCB box } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1990:2, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Schloss,G.},
Title ={Distributed RAID -- A New Multiple Copy Algorithm},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1990:3, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Jhingran,A., Goh,J., and Potamianos,S.},
Title ={On Rules, Procedures, Caching and Views in Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={UCBERL M9036.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={ Postgres; a simple rule supports a more powerful view system than available in current commercial systems; procedural data types are also efficiently simulated by the same rules system; caching is performance enhancement and can materialize views. views specified by rules, also special semantics for resolving ambiguous view updates procedural data types as proposed in Postgres are also simulated by rules caching the action part of certain rules is a possible performance enhancement and can be applied to materialize views; hence a rules system subsumes both views and procedures Category ={DBDperf> DBDkb> VOD, DBfile UCB box } }

@article{Stonebraker1990:4, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Rowe,L., Lindsay,B., Gray,J., Carey,M., Brodie,M., Bernstein,P., and Beech,D.},
Title ={Third-Generation Data Base System Manifesto},
Journal ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at The Committee for Advanced DBMS Function incremental approach versus new object systems; 3 tenets: richer structure and rules; subsume current DBMS; open to other subsystems. you will have relations, procedures, and rules; special languages are implemented by caching for efficiency 1: richer object structures and rules 2: 3rd generation DBMSs must subsume 2nd generation DBMSs 3: must be open to other subsystems Category ={DBDobject> DBDrel> DBDkb, DBfile UCB box } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1990:5, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Architectures for DBMS-Oriented Expert Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Knowledge-base Management Systems, Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int-90, Boston, MA.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Stonebraker1990:6, Author ={Stonebraker,Michael},
Title ={Architecture of Future Data Base Systems},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ performance, seamlessness vs multi-lingualness, leverage in application design, transactions in OS, virtual memory, protection domains, fixed OS processes, distributed data bases vs block servers, distributed DBMSs vs transaction monitors, will data base administration become impossible I3 Category ={DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1991, Author ={Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Managing Persistent Objects in a Multi-level Store},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1993, Author ={Stonebraker,M. and Olson,M.},
Title ={Large Object Support in Postgres},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1993:1, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Frew,J., Gardels,K., and Meredith,J.},
Title ={The Sequoia 2000 Storage Benchmark},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1993:2, Author ={Stonebraker,Michael},
Title ={Database Research at a Crossroads: The Vienna Update},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Annote ={INVITED TALK Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Stonebraker1993:3, Author ={Stonebraker,M., Chen,J., Nathan,N., and Paxson,C.},
Title ={Tioga: Providing Data Management Support for Scientific Visualization Applications},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@book{Storer1988, Author ={Storer,James A.},
Title ={Data Compression: Methods and Theory},
Publisher ={Computer Science Press, 413pp.; ACM CR 8905-0282.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Brandeis Un., (Waltham MA) On-line model, parallel algorithms for the VLSI implementation with static, sliding, and dynamic dictionaries. In off-line textual substitutions, the entire input is read before any compressed output is produced. ---Bassiouni. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@article{Storey1988, Author ={Storey,V.C. and Goldstein,R.C.},
Title ={A Methodology for Creating User Views in Database Design},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="305--338",
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Rochester Engages the user in a dialogue about the information requirements for some application, develops an E-R model and Fourth Normal Form relations. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@incollection{Stork1989, Author ={Stork,H-G. and Stucky,W.},
Title ={Broadcasting Classified Information},
Booktitle ={'Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89', Ritter(ed), IFIP 11th World Computer Congress, (San Francisco, -Sep.), N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="839--844",
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe, IfAIuBV Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@article{Stout1989, Author ={Stout,Ted},
Title ={Integrating the Open Framework},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar., IEEE CS.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="425--427",
Annote ={at EDA Systems Inc. Versions and configuration management. Category ={EIS> } }

@article{Stoutmeyer1978, Author ={Stoutmeyer,D.R.},
Title ={Automatic Categorization of Optimization Problems: An Application of Computer Symbolic Mathematics},
Journal ={Operations Research, -Oct..},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="773--788",
Volume ="26",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFtechn.4>} }

@article{Stover1973, Author ={Stover,R.F. and Krishnaswamy,S.},
Title ={Ensuring Input Data Integrity in a High-Volume Environment},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , pp.M54--M59.},
Year =1973, Volume ="42",
Annote ={ Methods and costs of data input methods and errors. Category ={DBFuse-2.3> DBDintegrity.3> } }

@article{Strader1981, Author ={Strader,N.R. II},
Title ={Comments on 'Magnetic Bubble Memory Architectures for Supporting Associative Searching of Relational Databases'},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-31 .},
Year =1981, Month Mar,
Pages ="265--266",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at Dep.EE, Texas A and M Un. (College Station TX) An improved double buffering algorithm. Category ={DBFhard.3> } }

@article{Straub1989, Author ={Straub,D.W. and Wetherbe,J.C.},
Title ={Information Technologies for the 1990s: An Organizational Impact Perspective},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1989, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1328--1339",
Volume ="32",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ at Un.Minnesota, School of Management, MIS Res.Ctr. Technology forecasting by information management experts. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Straube1990, Author ={Straube,D.D. and Ozsu,M.T.},
Title ={A Model for OODB Queries},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Un.Alberta Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery>} }

@unpublished{Straube1990:1, Author ={Straube,D.D. and Ozsu,M.T.},
Title ={Query Tranformation Rules and Heuristics},
Note ={Submitted to Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Alberta Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Straube1990:2, Author ={Straube,D.D. and Ozsu,M.T.},
Title ={Type Consistency of Queries in an Object-Oriented Database System},
Note ={Submitted to Proc. Conf. on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ supports multiple types in the query result to reduce loss of type information. Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@techreport{Straube1990:3, Author ={Straube,D.D. and Ozsu,M.T.},
Title ={Access Plan Generation for an Object Algebra},
Institution ={Un.Alberta TR 90-20.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={operators: union, difference map Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@techreport{Strawser1984, Author ={Strawser,Paula R.},
Title ={A Methodology for Benchmarking Relational Database Machines},
Institution ={NPGS, NPS52-84-004, Thesis (Ohio State).},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at NPGS Includes discussion of DBC, SABRE, RDBM, DIRECT, MDBS, VERSO, Tanaka's machine, IDM, DB MAC, LASCM, RAP. Benchmarking was done only on a model. Category ={DBFmach> DBFmethods.2, Thesis File } }

@article{Streeter1973, Author ={Streeter,D.N.},
Title ={Centralization or Dispersion of Computing Facilities},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1973, Pages ="283--301",
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown Heights Describes advantages and disadvantages of distributed systems (including data bases). Introduces simple equations for analyzing cost and performance. Category ={DBFeval.4, Shel } }

@book{Streeter1974, Author ={Streeter,Donald M.},
Title ={The Scientific Process and the Computer},
Publisher ={Interscience, John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) .},
Year =1974, Annote ={ Collection of summarized case studies of applications on IBM equipment, and a management oriented summary of system choices. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@article{Streeter1991, Author ={Streeter,V.J.},
Title ={An Outline of MQL},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Un.Michigan,Dearborn modular SQL for PC Category ={DBDrel> } }

@incollection{Streitz1990, Author ={Streitz,N. and Hannemann,J.},
Title ={Elaborating Arguments: Writing, Learning, and Reasoning in a Hypertext Based Environment for Authoring},
Booktitle ={in NATA ASI Series, Vol.F67, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA)-Verlag.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at GMD-IPSI SEPIA, model based interaction with a textual database Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@article{Strickland1982, Author ={Strickland,J.P., Uhrowczik,P.P., and Watts,V.L.},
Title ={IMS/VS: An Evolving System},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J., ; IBM, G321-5178.},
Year =1982, Volume ="21",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Business Machines Corp Category ={DBDbound.6>} }

@article{Strnad1971, Author ={Strnad,Alois L.},
Title ={The Relational Approach to the Management of Data Bases},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 71, Proc.IFIP Congress, N-H.},
Year =1971, Pages ="901--904",
Annote ={at Project MAC, MIT Description of MacAIMS structure. Category ={DBDmodel, 9.2> %Strnad71 } }

@article{Strom1985, Author ={Strom,R.E. and Yemini,S.},
Title ={Optimistic Recovery in Distributed Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Computer Systems, ; ACM CR 8602-0101.},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Pages ="204--226",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at IBM, T.J.W.Res.Ctr assumes a message-based distributed system. Periodically the process state is logged in stable storage. Comparison to work in database systems is shallow --- Hailpern. Category ={DBDtrans-3> DBDdist, x issue } }

@techreport{Strong1977, Author ={Strong,H., Markowsky,G., and Chandra,A.},
Title ={Search within a Page},
Institution ={IBM, Report RJ2080.},
Year =1977, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFseq> DBFimpl.2> DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Stross1972, Author ={Stross,C.D.M.},
Title ={Operation of a Disc Data Base},
Journal ={Computer J.,},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Pages ="290--297",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Hawker Siddeley Aviation, Hatfield Description of bill of materials processor and its operation. Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@book{Stroustrup1986, Author ={Stroustrup,B.},
Title ={The C++ Programming Language},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1986, Annote ={includes storage of objects. Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang> } }

@inproceedings{Stucki1978, Author ={Stucki,M.J. et al},
Title ={Coordinating Concurrent Access of Multiple Copies of Data in Distributed INGRES},
Booktitle ={ACM CA-NNP 4, Blue Lake NY.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="74--83",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2>} }

@incollection{Stucki1989, Author ={Stucki,P. and Menzi,U.},
Title ={Image-Processing Application Generation Environment: A Laboratory for Prototyping Visual Data-Bases},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC 2-6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="29--40",
Annote ={at Un.Zurich, DCS Application in neurology and state archive. Specification of compression. Category ={DBDimage> DBFrepresent> } }

@inproceedings{Studer1980, Author ={Studer,R.},
Title ={A Dialogue Interface for Data Base Applications},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds),},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="167--182",
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart, Inst.Informatik (FRG) The interface of the application support system ASS into the distributed DBMS POREL. Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery.1> } }

@inproceedings{Studer1982, Author ={Studer,R.},
Title ={Using VDM for the Development of Interactive Application Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.Internat. Symp.Current Issues of Requirements Engineering Environments, Kyoto, N-H.},
Year =1982, Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Studer1985, Author ={Studer,Rudi},
Title ={Modeling Time Aspects of Office Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 11, Stockholm.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ temporal events are tracked using timed THM-nets, petri-nets linking events and time-labelled arcs. Real-time constraints and historical DB. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Studer1986, Author ={Studer,Rudi},
Title ={Modeling Time Aspects of Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Analyses five object oriented semantic temporal database models in terms of their static structural facilities, their ability to handle dynamics of data, and their time modeling capabilities. A fairly good review ---Downs. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@techreport{Studer1986:1, Author ={Studer,R. and Walter,B.},
Title ={Implementations Aspects of a Natural Language Understanding System in a PROLOG/DB Environment},
Institution ={IBM Deutschland, Lilog Report 3.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDkb, lilog box} }

@inproceedings{Studer1986:2, Author ={Studer,Rudi},
Title ={A Conceptual Model for Physical and Logical Time},
Booktitle ={IBM Deutschland GmbH, LILOG Rep. , (A Conceptual Model for Time )},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM, Stuttgart, LILOG Project temporal ER Category ={DBDops> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Su1988, Author ={Su,B., Shi,C., Wang,K., Hu,P., Shi,H., and Wang,J.},
Title ={The architecture of a distributed knowledge base system},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at P.R.China Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Su1986, Author ={Su,Jianwen},
Title ={Safety of Non-well-locked Transaction Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Lowell Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Su1991, Author ={Su,J.},
Title ={Dynamic Constraints and Object Migration},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ objects, as they change state can change roles, for an aircraft say hour 'repair', 'ready', to 'flying'; consider constraints on the role migrations caused Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Su1971, Author ={Su,Stanley Y.W.},
Title ={Managing Semantic Data --- an Associative Net},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGIR .},
Year =1971, Pages ="105--116",
Annote ={at Un.Florida, Gainesville Category ={DBDquery, xB10>} }

@inproceedings{Su1974, Author ={Su,S.Y.W., Copeland,G.P., and Lipovski,G.J.},
Title ={Retrieval Operations and Data Representation in a Context-Addressed Disk System},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGPLAN-SIGIR , Nance(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="144--160",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Su1974:1, Author ={Su,S.Y.W. and Lam,H.},
Title ={A Semi-automatic Data Base Translation System for Achieving Data Sharing in a Network Environment},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed),},
Year =1974, Pages ="227--248",
Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@inproceedings{Su1975, Author ={Su,S.Y.W. and Lipovski,G.},
Title ={CASSM: A Cellular System for Very Large Data Bases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed),},
Year =1975, Pages ="456--472",
Annote ={ Multiple processors operating in parallel on data files. Category ={DBFmach>%Su75 } }

@article{Su1978, Author ={Su,S.Y.W. and Emam,A.},
Title ={CASDAL: CASSM's Data Language},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Pages ="57--91",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ CASDAL is a high level data language for the database machine CASSM. It uses an unnormalized (hierarchically structured) relational data model. This paper (1) justifies the use of this model (2) presents the Casdal language constructs with examples, and (3) describes CASSM's architecture. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Su1979, Author ={Su,S.Y.W., et al.},
Title ={The Architectural Features and Implementation Techniques of the Multi-Cell CASSM},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Computers, Vol.C-28 .},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Su1979:1, Author ={Su,S.Y.W. and Lo,D.H.},
Title ={A Semantic Association Model for Conceptual Database Design},
Journal ={E-R Conf.1, Chen(ed).},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Pages ="147--171",
Category ={DBDmodel.1> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Su1979:2, Author ={Su,S.},
Title ={Cellular-Logic Devices: Concepts and Applications},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Pages ="11--25",
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{Su1980, Author ={Su,S.Y.W., Chang,H., Copeland,G., Fisher,P., Lowenthal,E., and Schuster,S.},
Title ={Database Machines and Some Issues on DBMS Standards},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1980, Pages ="191--208",
Volume ="49",
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Su1983, Author ={Su,S.Y.W., Navathe,S.B., and Batory,D.S.},
Title ={Logical, and Physical Modeling of Statistical/Scientific Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the 2nd Intern. Workshop on Statistical Database Management, Menlo Park CA.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Su1984, Author ={Su,Stanley Y.W.},
Title ={Semantic Data Model for Statistical Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDstat>} }

@inproceedings{Su1984:1, Author ={Su,Stanley Y.W.},
Title ={Modeling Integrated Manufacturing Data Using SAM*},
Booktitle ={presented in FRG , rcvd 1985.},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Florida, DB Systems RD Ctr. Category ={EIS, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Su1986:1, Author ={Su,S.Y.W., Krishnamurthy,V., and Lam,H.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Semantic Association Model (OSAM)},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Florida Category ={DBDobject> DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Su1986:2, Author ={Su,S.Y.W., Mikkilineni,K., Liuzzi,R., and Chow,R.},
Title ={A Distributed Query Processing Strategy Using Decomposition, Pipelining and Intermediate Result Sharing Techniques},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={dynamic optimization in parallel with execution. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@book{Su1988:1, Author ={Su,Stanley Y.W.},
Title ={Database Machines},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1988, Annote ={ several current projects described in great detail Category ={DBFmach, x draft } }

@article{Su1987, Author ={Su,S.Y.W., Dujmovic,J., Batory,D.S., Navathe,S.B., and Elnicki,R.},
Title ={A Cost-Benefit Decision Model: Analysis, Comparison, and Selection of Data Management Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="472--520",
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ The LPS model results from a NBS study. Preference scoring, facility costs. Category ={DBFsyseval> DBDeval> } }

@inproceedings{Su1988:2, Author ={Su,S.Y.W., Lam,H., Navathe,S.B., and Oza,R.},
Title ={An Object-oriented Computing Environment for Productivity Improvement in Automated Design, and Manufacturing: Project Summary},
Booktitle ={PROCIM 88 Conf, Orlando FL.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDobject>} }

@incollection{Su1989, Author ={Su,S.Y.W., Krishnamurthy,V., and Lam.H.},
Title ={An Object-oriented Semantic Association Model (OSAM)},
Booktitle ={In: Artificial Intelligence: Manufacturing Theory and Practice, edited by S.T. Kumara, A.L. Soyster, and R.L. Kashyap; Industrial Engineering Management Press.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDobject, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Su1991:1, Author ={Su,Stanley Y.W. },
Title ={An Association Algebra for Processing Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Su1991:2, Author ={Su,S. and Chen,H-H.},
Title ={A Temporal Knowledge Representation Model OSAM*/T and its Query Language OQL/T},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={uses closed intervals past values are compressed to marks, the current object is complete; a deleted object contains nulls; knowledge rules handle special cases, to permit a compact notation Category ={DBDops> } }

@inproceedings{Su1991:3, Author ={Su,S., Chen,Y., and Lam,H.},
Title ={Multiple Wavefront Algorithms for Pattern-based Processing of Object Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DFBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Suardi1993, Author ={Suardi,L., Rusinkiewicz,M., and Litwin,W.},
Title ={Execution of Extended Multidatabase SQL},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Subieta1983, Author ={Subieta,Kazimierz},
Title ={Navigational Facilities For Relational Databases},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8502-0128.},
Year =1983, Pages ="29--36",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Polish Acad.Sci., Inst.CS, Warsaw Poland Category ={DBDquery.1> } }

@article{Subieta1985, Author ={Subieta,K.},
Title ={Semantics of Query Languages for Network Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="347--394",
Volume ="10",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBDbound.4> DBDquery.1>} }

@inproceedings{Subieta1993, Author ={Subieta,K., Matthes,F., Rudloff,A., Schmidt,J., and Wetzel,I.},
Title ={Viewers: A Data-World Analogue of Procedure Calls},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@unpublished{Subrahmanyam1986, Author ={Subrahmanyam,P.A.},
Title ={The Architecture of SYNAPSE: An Expert System for VLSI Design},
Note ={ATT Bell Labs, rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs Transforms, synthesis, multiple perspective of objects. Category ={EIS> DBFarchitecture> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Sudarshan1991, Author ={Sudarshan,S., Srivastava,D., Ramakrishnan,R., and Naughton,J.},
Title ={Space Optimization in the Bottom-Up Evaluation of Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Sudarshan1991:1, Author ={Sudarshan,S. and Ramakrishnan,R.},
Title ={Aggregation and Relevance in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={operations are min, max, and 'largest k values' Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Sugihara1983, Author ={Sugihara,K., Miyao,J., Kikuna,T., and Yoshida,N.},
Title ={A Semantic Approach to Usability in Relational Database Systems},
Booktitle ={rcvd ?.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Hiroshima Un. (Japan) Category ={DBDintro.2, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Sugihara1987, Author ={Sugihara,K.},
Title ={Concurrency Control Based on Distributed Cycle Detection},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Sujansky1990, Author ={Sujansky,W., Barsalou,T., Herzenberg,L., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={An Enhanced Relational Database Model to Support the Design of Flow Cytometry Protocols},
Booktitle ={Abstract in Proceedings AMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersA Education and Research Conference, Joyce Mitchell, Ed., June .},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Sujansky1990:1, Author ={Sujansky,W., Barsalou,T., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Structural Semantics and Complex Objects for the Coupling of Relational Databases and Knowledge-based Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int 90, Boston.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Sullivan1992, Author ={Sullivan,Joan},
Title ={The Future of SQL and SQL Testing (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at NIST Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Sullivan1991, Author ={Sullivan,M. and Stonebraker,M.},
Title ={Using Write Protected Data Structures To Improve Software Fault Tolerance in Highly Available Database Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ in-memory pages of the database are write-protected or guarded except during actual update of records on pages; copy-on-write reduces vulnerability further; provides high fault protection at low cost Category ={DBFreliab> } }

@inproceedings{Sullivan1992:1, Author ={Sullivan,M. and Olson,M.},
Title ={An Index Implementation Supporting Fast Recovery for the POSTGRES Storage System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at University of California Category ={DBFstorage} }

@inproceedings{Summers1967, Author ={Summers,J.K. and Bennett,E.},
Title ={AESOP--A Final Report: A Prototype On-Line Interactive Information Control System},
Booktitle ={Information System Science and Technology, Thompson, Wash. DC, },
Year =1967, Pages ="69--86",
Annote ={ A later model of system described in Bennett, Edward, et al. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Summers1975, Author ={Summers,Rita C., Coleman,C.C., and Fernandez,E.B.},
Title ={A Programming Language Extension for Access to a Shared Data Base},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., SF .},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="114--118",
Annote ={at IBM, Los Angeles Category ={DBDprivacy.6>} }

@techreport{Summers1974, Author ={Summers,Rita C. et al},
Title ={A Programming Language Approach to Secure Data Base Access},
Institution ={IBM, Los Angeles Scientific Ctr G320-2662,},
Year =1974, Month =May,
Category ={DBDprivacy.4>} }

@inproceedings{Summit1967, Author ={Summit,R.K.},
Title ={DIALOG: An Operational On-Line Reference Retrieval System},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 22.},
Year =1967, Pages ="51--56",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Sun1987, Author ={Sun,R. and Thomas,G.},
Title ={Performance Results on Multiversion Timestamping Concurrency Control with Predeclared Writesets},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Iona Coll.; Clarkson Un. Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@article{Sun1989, Author ={Sun,X-H., Kamel,N., and Ni,L.M.},
Title ={Solving Implication Problems in Database Applications},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Michigan State Un., DCS The general implication problem for truth maintenance is NP-hard. For some special cases, polynomial complexity algorithm can solve the implication problem with neq or disjunctions in the predicates. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic> } }

@article{Sun1989:1, Author ={Sun,X-H., Kamel,N.N., and Ni,L.M.},
Title ={Processing Implication on Queries},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Pages ="1168--1175",
Volume ="15",
Number ="10",
Annote ={ Without not and disjunctions, a polynomial time algorithm is proposed. For some special cases, the implication problem with not or disjunctions are allowed. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery> } }

@article{Sun1989:2, Author ={Sun,X-H., Kamel,N.N., and Ni,L.M.},
Title ={Processing Implications on Queries},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Volume ="15",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Michigan State Un. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Sun1993, Author ={Sun,W., Ling,Y., Rishe,N., and Deng,Y},
Title ={An Instant and Accurate Size Estimation Method for Joins and Selections in a Retrieval-Intensive Environment},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Sundeen1968, Author ={Sundeen,D.H.},
Title ={General Purpose Software},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1968, Month =Jan,
Pages ="22--27",
Annote ={File software for various machines. Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@inproceedings{Sundeen1972, Author ={Sundeen,D.H.},
Title ={Overview of Data Management Systems Applications},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@book{Sundgren1973, Author ={Sundgren,B.},
Title ={An Infological Approach to Data Bases},
Publisher ={Un.Stockholm, PhD Th..},
Year =1973, Annote ={ at National Control Bureau of Statistics (Stockholm Sweden) Extensive (478 pp.) treatise on data base treated from a semantic and constructive point of view. Category ={DBDschema> %Sundgren74 } }

@book{Sundgren1975, Author ={Sundgren,B.},
Title ={Theory of Data Bases},
Publisher ={Petrocelli-Mason-Charter, New York , 244pp.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFintro, x} }

@inproceedings{Sundgren1978, Author ={Sundgren,B.},
Title ={Data Base Design in Theory and Practice---Towards an Integrated Methodology},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds), Berlin, ACM, (with comments pp.17--30).},
Year =1978, Pages ="3--16",
Category ={DBDadmin.1> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Sundin1985, Author ={Sundin,Ulf},
Title ={Using plan generation as a tool for conceptual schema restructuring},
Institution ={Syslab R. .},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Number ="33",
Annote ={at Syslab schema evolution Category ={DBDschema, DBfile box Syslab } }

@unpublished{Sung1986, Author ={Sung,Yuan Y.},
Title ={A Least Costly Constraints Checking for Join Dependency},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDmodel> DBDrel >} }

@article{Sung1987, Author ={Sung,Yuan Y.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Disk Modulo Allocation Method for Caresian Product Files},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1018--1026",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ introduction plagarized from Du and Soboloweski 82. Irrelevant. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Suranjan1985, Author ={Suranjan,D., Pan.S., and Whinston,A.B.},
Title ={Natural Language Query Processing in a Temoporal Database},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="3--15",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Purdue Un. Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Suri1986, Author ={Suri,R. and Diehl,G.W.},
Title ={A Variable Buffer-Size Model and Its Use in Analyzing Closed Queueing Networks with Blocking},
Journal ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Volume ="32",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFeval>} }

@article{Sussenguth1963, Author ={Sussenguth,E.H.},
Title ={Use of Tree Structures for Processing Files},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1963, Month =May,
Pages ="272--279",
Volume ="6",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFtree> %Sussenguth63} }

@inproceedings{Sussman1980, Author ={Sussman,Gerald Jay and Steele,Guy Lewis jr.},
Title ={CONSTRAINTS -- A Language for Expressing Almost-Hierarchical Descriptions},
Booktitle ={AI Journal.},
Year =1980, Pages ="1--39",
Volume ="14",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3>} }

@inproceedings{Sustaeta1986, Author ={Sustaeta,M.C.J., and Buchmann,A.P.},
Title ={An Automated Database Design Tool Using The ELKA Conceptual Model},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 23.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Mexico Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Sutherland1974, Author ={Sutherland,W.R.},
Title ={Distributed Computation Research at BBN},
Institution ={BBN Res.R. .},
Year =1974, Month =Dec,
Volume ="3",
Number ="2976",
Annote ={at BBN (Cambridge MA) Describes the RSEXEC system. Also has some comments on distributed data bases (pp.42--46). Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDdist, Sohel } }

@article{Suwa1982, Author ={Suwa,M., Scott,A.C., and Shortliffe,E.H.:},
Title ={An Approach to Verifying Completeness and Consistency in a Rule-Based Expert System},
Journal ={The AI Magazine, Fall .},
Year =1982, Pages ="16--21",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDquery.2, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Svobodova1981, Author ={Svobodova,Liba},
Title ={A Reliable Object-Oriented Data Repository for a Distributed Computer},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles.},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="47--58",
Category ={DBFdist> DBDreliab>} }

@article{Svobodova1984, Author ={Svobodova,Liba},
Title ={File Servers for Network-Based Distributed Systems},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys, ; ACM CR 8601-0037.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="353--398",
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ mainly WFS (Woodstock),XDFS, CFS (Cambridge), FELIX, SWALLOW, CMCFS, ALPINE; also Datacomputer, IFS, ACORN, Z-ring (Zurich), VICE (CMU-ITC), LOCUS, DOMAIN(Appollo), F-UNIX, R*, ENCOMPASS. Category ={DBDdist> DBFarchitecture> } }

@inproceedings{Swami1989, Author ={Swami,A. and Gupta,A.},
Title ={Optimization of Large Join Queries: Combining Heuristics and Combinatorial Techniques},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Swami1989:1, Author ={Swami,Arun},
Title ={A Validated Cost Model for Main Memory Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMETRIntern. Conf. on Supercomputing.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Swami1993, Author ={Swami,A. and Iyer,B.},
Title ={A Polynomial Time Algorithm for Optimizing Join Queries},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDquery> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Swanberg1992, Author ={Swanberg,D., Weymouth,T., and Jain,R.},
Title ={Domain Information Model: An Extended Data Model For Insertion and Query},
Booktitle ={ WORKSHOP ON MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION SYSTEManagement Science, Journal of TIMS, Tempe, Arizona, 1992.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Michigan Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Swanson1990, Author ={Swanson,E.B. and MathisBeach,C.},
Title ={Departmentalization in Software Development and Maintenance},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="33",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at UCLA organizational forms, departmentalization by work type, by application domain and by life-cycle phase Category ={MEGA> } }

@article{Swanson1980, Author ={Swanson,W.E.},
Title ={Industry Involvement in IPAD Through the Industry Technical Advisory Board},
Journal ={Proc.of IPAD National Symposium, NASA Conf.Pub.2143.},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="21--26",
Annote ={CAD CAM support system based on CODASYL 78 Category ={DBDbound.5> DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Swartwout1978, Author ={Swartwout,D. and Fry,J.P.},
Title ={Towards the Support of Integrated Views of Multiple Databases: An Aggregate Schema Faciliity},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78, Austin TX.},
Year =1978, Pages ="132--143",
Annote ={at Un.Michigan (Ann Arbor MI) Category ={DBDschema.5>} }

@inproceedings{Swartout1982, Author ={Swartout,W. and Balzer,R.},
Title ={On the Inevitable Interwining of Specification and Implementation},
Booktitle ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="438--440",
Volume ="25",
Number ="7",
Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@manual{Swedish1973, Author ={Swedish goverment},
Title ={Sweden's Data Act},
Organization ={Computer Decisions,},
Year =1973, Month =Nov,
Pages ="50--51",
Annote ={Text of Swedish law on data base privacy. Category ={DBDprivacy, xB12> } }

@article{Sweet1984, Author ={Sweet,Frank},
Title ={What, if Anything, is a Relational Database},
Journal ={Datamation, 15.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="118--124",
Volume ="30",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Charter Co. (Jacksonville FL) problems of relational and procedural access. Category ={DBDintro.0> } }

@article{Sweet1985, Author ={Sweet,Frank},
Title ={Managing Data-Driven Development},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="131--138",
Volume ="31",
Number ="12",
Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@article{Sweet1985:1, Author ={Sweet,F.},
Title ={Data Flow Dynamics},
Journal ={Datamation, pp.125.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Volume ="31",
Number ="17",
Annote ={ steady state eqn: pooltime x Flowrate = population. (one of a series of 14, beginning 15Aug.1985: Doable Databases; Data Flow Dynamics; Objects and Events; Keyfield Design; The Two-headed,; Headless,; Optional Arrow; Hard Sets, Soft Sets, and Summary fields; The identifier and its Name; The Past; Future Event; The Template; The Self-related record; Numbers, keyfields and Things; Category ={DBDobject> DBFsyseval.1> } }

@book{Sweet1986, Author ={Sweet,Frank},
Title ={Building Database Applications},
Publisher ={Boxes and Arrows Publishing, Jacksonville FL,},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Swets1986, Author ={Swets,J.A., Feehrer,C.E., Greenes,R.A., and Bynum.,T.E.},
Title ={Use of Probability Estimates in Medical Communications and Decisions},
Journal ={Meth Inform Med..},
Year =1986, Pages ="35--42",
Volume ="25",
Category ={MCS> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Swinehart1979, Author ={Swinehart,D., McDaniel,G., and Boggs,D.R.},
Title ={WFS: A Simple Shared File System for a Distributed Environment},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM Symposium on Operating Systems Principles 7, ACM.},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Swinehart1986, Author ={Swinehart,D.C., Zellweger,P.T., Beach,R.J., and Hagmann,R.B.},
Title ={A Structural View of the Cedar Programming Environment},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Programming Languages and Systems.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="419-490",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Xerox, PARC A lightweight process is entirely represented by its current execution state. a heavyweight process manages memory, files and devices. Rope is variable-length immutable textstring type ROPE. File names can represent either local files or attached files, where the file name is a symbolic path name to a remote file. Read-only copies of entire remote files are retrieved and cached as needed on the local disk. FS will not accept a request to open a remotely file for writing. Category ={DBFdist> } }

@article{Symonds1968, Author ={Symonds,A.J.},
Title ={Auxiliary-Storage Associative Data Structure for PL/1},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1968, Pages ="229--245",
Volume ="7",
Number ="3",
Annote ={basis for RSS, used in System R. Category ={DBFhybrid.7.5> %Symonds68 } }

@article{Symonds1970, Author ={Symonds,Andrew J. and Lorie,Raymond A.},
Title ={A Schema for Describing a Relational Data Base},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET .},
Year =1970, Pages ="230--245",
Category ={DBDintro.1>%Symonds70} }

@article{Symonds1988, Author ={Symonds,Andrew J.},
Title ={Creating a Software-Engineering Knowledge Base},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="50--56",
Annote ={at IBM, Data Systems Div. Operational life cycles model. Goal is to build a complete CASE environment surrounding the factual component of the knowledge base and to use libraries as backing storage instead of a relational database. Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Symons1982, Author ={Symons,C.R. and Tijsma,P},
Title ={A Systematic and Practical Approach to the Definition of Data},
Journal ={Computer J., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8404-302.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="410--422",
Volume ="25",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ description of bottom-up data dictionary construction at Phillips Eindhoven. Category ={DBDschema.1> } }

@manual{SYSLAB1983, Author ={SYSLAB},
Title ={Bibliography of SYSLAB's Reports and Working Papers},
Organization ={SYSLAB, TR..},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ at Dep.Information Processing and Computer Science lists papers by Lyytinen,K, Bubenko,J.A.jr, Britts,S., Hulten,C., Lundberg,B. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@manual{Systems1987, Author ={Systems Research Ctr},
Title ={Technical Report Abstracts: TR-86-37 through TR-87-115, Jul.1986--Jun.1987},
Organization ={Un.Maryland, College Park, Systems Research Ctr, rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland, College Park (MD 20742) unreviewed on Gio's Desk Category ={DBDintro, DBfile } }

@article{Szolovits1978, Author ={Szolovits,P. and Pauker,S.G.},
Title ={Title??},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence.},
Year =1978, Pages ="115--144",
Volume ="11",
Annote ={Avoid unwarranted computational rules. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Tafvelin1974, Author ={Tafvelin,Sven},
Title ={Sequential Files on Cycling Storage},
Booktitle ={Proc.of IFIP.},
Year =1974, Pages ="983--987",
Volume ="5",
Annote ={at Chalmers Un.Technology (Gothenburg, Sweden) Category ={DBFseq.2> } }

@article{Taggart1977, Author ={Taggart,W.M.,Jr. and Tharp,M.O.},
Title ={A Survey of Information Requirements Analysis Techniques},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1977, Month =Dec,
Pages ="273--290",
Volume ="9",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Tainiter1963, Author ={Tainiter,M.},
Title ={Addressing for Random-Access Storage with Multiple Bucket Capacities},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1963, Pages ="307--313",
Category ={DBFhybrid.6>} }

@inproceedings{Tait1991, Author ={Tait,C. and Duchamp,D.},
Title ={Service Interface and Replica Management Algorithm for Mobile File System Clients},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@techreport{Takagi1979, Author ={Takagi Akihiro},
Title ={Concurrent and Reliable Updates of Distributed Databases},
Institution ={Lab. for CS Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersTLCSTM-144.},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at MIT Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.1, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Takakura1993, Author ={Takakura,H. and Kambayashi,Y.},
Title ={Continuously Backup Systems Utilizing Flash Memories},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Kyoto Un. Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Takizawa1986, Author ={Takizawa,Makoto et al},
Title ={Implementation of logic programming interface on CODASYL DBS},
Booktitle ={Meeting on integration of knowledge base and database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at JIPDEC Category ={DBDkb> DBDbound>} }

@inproceedings{Tal1992, Author ={Tal,A. and Alsonso,R.},
Title ={Integration of Commit Protocols in Heterogeneous Databases},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Princeton; MITL Category ={DBDkb>} }

@unpublished{Taladoire1986, Author ={Taladoire,G., Miranda,S., LeThanh,N., and Lakhal,L.},
Title ={From a Graphical to a Universal Relation Interface for Database Manipulation: A Practical Approach},
Note ={rcvd. ?},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Nice Category ={DBDquery, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Talens1993, Author ={Talens,G., Oussalah,C., and Colinas,M.},
Title ={Versions of Simple and Composite Objects},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@unpublished{Tam1990, Author ={Tam,V-A. and Hsu,M.},
Title ={Token Transactions: Managing Fine-Grained Migration of Data},
Note ={submitted to PODS .},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Aiken; Harvard FAUVE; tokens are explicity managed by token transactions; assumes stable local storage. Category ={DBDconc, DBfile Hsu } }

@inproceedings{Tam1990:1, Author ={Tam,V-O. and Hsu,M.},
Title ={Token Transactions: Managing Fine-Grained Migration of Data},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Harvard Un. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Tamminen1982, Author ={Tamminen,Markku},
Title ={Efficient Spatial Access to a Data Base},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="200--206",
Annote ={at Helsinki Un.Technology Category ={Image>} }

@article{Tamminen1985, Author ={Tamminen,Markku},
Title ={On search by address computation},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark, ; ACM CR 8602-0129.},
Year =1985, Pages ="135--147",
Volume ="25",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Helsinki Un.Tech. analysis of the costs, storage external search, search within a bucket. Category ={DBFhash> } }

@inproceedings{Tan1989, Author ={Tan,K.P., Soh,C., and Heng,G.},
Title ={ILRCS -- Interactive Library Resources Circulation System},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="158--165",
Annote ={at Nat.Un.Singapore, Dep.IS and CS Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDappl> } }

@inproceedings{Tan1989:1, Author ={Tan,L. and Katayama,T.},
Title ={Meta Operations for Type Management in Object-Oriented Databases: A Lazy Mechanism for Schema Evolution},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Tanaka1991, Author ={Tanaka,Hidehiko },
Title ={Scheduling Batch Transactions on Shared-Nothing Parallel Database Machines: Effects of Concurrency and Parallelism},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery> DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Tanaka1978, Author ={Tanaka,K., LeViet,C., Kambayashi,Y., and Yajima,S.},
Title ={A File Organization Suitable for Relational Database Operations},
Booktitle ={Proc. Int.Conf.on Math.Studies of Inf.Proc., Kyoto, pp..183-214.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Kyoto Un. inverted list file to support selection by value and Join. Implemented? Category ={DBFimpl.2, DBfile } }

@article{Tanaka1979, Author ={Tanaka,K., Kambayashi,Y., and Yajima,S.},
Title ={Organization of Quasi-Consecutive Retrieval Files},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1979, Pages ="23--33",
Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Kyoto Un. Category ={DBFimpl.2, DBfile} }

@article{Tanaka1979:1, Author ={Tanaka,K., Kambayashi,Y., and Yajima,S.},
Title ={Properties of Embedded Multivalued Dependencies in Relational Databases},
Journal ={Trans. of IECE of Japan, Vol.E62 .},
Year =1979, Month =Aug,
Number ="8",
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Tanaka1988, Author ={Tanaka,K., Yoshikawa,M., and Ishihara,K.},
Title ={Schema Virtualization in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Tanaka1989, Author ={Tanaka,K. and Chang,T-S.},
Title ={On Natural Joins in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Tanaka1991:1, Author ={Tanaka,Katsumi },
Title ={Query Pairs As Hypertext Links},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDappl>} }

@article{Tanaka1988:1, Author ={Tanaka,M. and Ichikawa,T.},
Title ={A Visual User Interface for Map Information Retrieval Based on Semantic Significance},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="666--670",
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Annote ={Visually oriented user friendly facilities. Category ={Image> } }

@article{Tanaka1982, Author ={Tanaka,Yuzuru},
Title ={A Data Stream Database Computer},
Journal ={Computer Science and Technologies, N-H.},
Year =1982, Pages ="265--286",
Annote ={at Hokkaido Un., Sapporo, Japan Modules for searching and sorting are based on pipeline processing. Improved efficiency of the join. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Tanaka1982:1, Author ={Tanaka,Yuzuru},
Title ={Vocabulary Building for Database Queries},
Booktitle ={Proc. RInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems symposia on software science and engineering, Goto et al(eds), S-V, 1983, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8408-0660.},
Year =1982, Pages ="215--232",
Annote ={at Hokkaido Un., Japan For each pair of different concepts, the framework provides the means to define their common concepts, their difference concepts, and their union concept. We need to assure that the conclusions derived from the application of a vocabulary are not generalized prematurely. this system can construct a personal vocabulary. -----Smith. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Tanaka1984, Author ={Tanaka,Yuzuru},
Title ={MPDC: Massive Parallel Architecture for Very Large Databases},
Journal ={Fifth Generations Computer Systems, ICOT, pub. North-Holland-84,ICOT.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="113--137",
Annote ={at Dep. EE, Hokkaido Un., Sapporo, Japan Dataflow to execute relational algebra with many micros Category ={DBDkb> DBFmach@inproceedings{Tanaka1989:1, Author ={Tanaka,Y.},
Title ={A Tool Kit System for the Synthesis and the Management of Active Media Object },
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@book{Tanenbaum1981, Author ={Tanenbaum,A.S.},
Title ={Computer Networks},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 517pp.},
Year =1981, Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam) I3 Category ={DBFintro> DBDdist, DB book shelf } }

@book{Tanenbaum1988, Author ={Tanenbaum,Andrew S.},
Title ={Computer Networks},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 2nd ed., 658pp.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Vrije Un., (Amsterdam, The Netherlands) standard reference for OSI layers Category ={DBFdist, x } }

@techreport{Tang1986, Author ={Tang,C.S.},
Title ={A Temporal Logic Language Modeling of Information and Expert Systems},
Institution ={Un.Trondheim, CSD, TR.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={---Kung. Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Tang1988, Author ={Tang,C.S., et al.},
Title ={To connect the informal graphical design methodology with the formal specification in information system design},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at P.R.China Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Tang1988:1, Author ={Tang,C.S. and Yin,B.},
Title ={Data dependency and undecidability in a model of historical information system},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at P.R.China Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Tang1985, Author ={Tang,C.Y., Buehrer,D.J., and Lee,R.C.T.},
Title ={On the Complexity of Some Multi-Attribute File Design Problems},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1985, Pages ="21--25",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Nat.Tsing Hua Un. (Hsinchu, Taiwan 300) We show that the designing is optimal. Partial match is NP-hard problem. Cartesian product file design. Category ={DBDdesign, xissue } }

@article{Tang1969, Author ={Tang,Donald T. and Chien,Robert T.},
Title ={Coding for Error Control},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1969, Month Mar,
Pages ="48--80",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown; Un.Illinois Thorough introduction to error detecting and correcting codes with extensive bibliography. Category ={DBDtrans.3> } }

@inproceedings{Tang1989, Author ={Tang,J. and Natarajan,N.},
Title ={A Schema for Maintaining Consistency and Availability of Replicated Files in a Partitioned Distributed System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Tang1989:1, Author ={Tang,J. and Natarajan,N.},
Title ={A Static Pessimistic Scheme for Handling Replicated Databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={ at Memorial Un. of Newfoundland, DCS, (St.John's, Newfoundland, Canada) Availability and consistency of replicated partitioned data. Groups are chosen at design time. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Tang1990, Author ={Tang,J.},
Title ={Voting Class - An Approach to Achieving High Availability for Replicated Data},
Booktitle ={DDS, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Memorial University of Newfoundland, Canada Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Tansel1987, Author ={Tansel,Abdullah U.},
Title ={A Statistical Interface for Historical Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={Related to temporal databases. Category ={DBappl> DBDrel> DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Tansel1988, Author ={Tansel,Abdullah U.},
Title ={Non First Normal Form Temporal Relational Model},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="46--52",
Volume ="11",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Baruch Coll., (New York NY) Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Tansel1989, Author ={Tansel,A., Arkun,M.E., and Ozsoyoglu,G.},
Title ={Time-by-example query language for historical databases},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 9002-0151.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="464-478",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ translate temporal queries to historical relational algebra expressions, incorporate time at the attribute level ---Taghva. TBE handles set- and simple-valued attributes; to handle time, TBE is capable of manipulating temporal triplet- and set-triplet- valued attributes; a triplet consists of lower and upper bounds of a time interval and a value; repr. uses open intervals now. Category ={DBDquery> DBDops> } }

@article{Tansel1989:1, Author ={Tansel,A.U. and Garnett,L.},
Title ={Nested Historical Relations},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 89, (Portland OR), -Jun..},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={Temporal data objects. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Tansel1992, Author ={Tansel,A. and Garnett,L.},
Title ={On Roth, Korth, Silberschatz's Extended Algebra and Calculus for Nested Relational Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDops> DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Tari1992, Author ={Tari,Z.},
Title ={A Design Methodology for Object Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Switzerland Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Tari1992:1, Author ={Tari,Z.},
Title ={Interoperability between New Database Languages},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Swiss Federal Institute of Technology at Lausanne Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Tariq1985, Author ={Tariq,S. and Director,S.W.},
Title ={Natural Language Interaction for Computer-Aided Design -- A First Step},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering sign and Test of Computers,},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Annote ={Review and Critique of Cleopatra, NLI for CAD Category ={EIS> DBDnat> } }

@techreport{Tariq1986, Author ={Tariq,Samad},
Title ={Toward a Natural Language Interface for Computer Aided Design},
Institution ={PhD Th., CMU, EECS,},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ Domain SPICE(analog circuit simulation program) output is the domain of exercise for natural language interface. It is a single relation consisting of three attributes, voltage, node, and time. The data seems modeled as a single relation VOLTAGE with one implicit attribute as functions of two explicit attributes node and time. With Cleopatra's small size of vocabulary and grammar, it is questionable for Cleopatra to be actually used by SPICE users. If it were knowledge-based menu-guiding NLI, its usability would be much higher, with the same size of vocabularies. --- ChaSK Category ={DBDnat> EIS> } }

@article{Tarjan1979, Author ={Tarjan,R.E. and Yao,A.C.},
Title ={Storing a Sparse Table},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Pages ="606--611",
Volume ="22",
Number ="11",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. descriptors are added to static Tries. Category ={DBFrepresent-4> } }

@techreport{Tarlecki1984, Author ={Tarlecki,A.},
Title ={Abstract Algebraic Institutions which Strongly Admit Initial Semantics},
Institution ={Un.Edinburgh, CSD, TR.No.CSR-165-84.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ PROLOG. Results about largest logics having initial models. General, cases such as strongly typed first order equational logic with subsorts. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Tarter1968, Author ={Tarter,M.E. and Kronmal,R.A.},
Title ={Estimation of the Cumulative by Fourier Series Methods and Application to the Insertion Problem},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 23.},
Year =1968, Pages ="491--497",
Annote ={ Key-to-address translation preserving sequentiality. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@unpublished{Tasker1987, Author ={Tasker,Dan},
Title ={The use and abuse of domains},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Westpac Banking, Sydney use of domains for checking, refers to 11 base types; remove representation; nice discussion. Category ={DBDschema> DBDintro, DBfile } }

@book{Tasker1990, Author ={Tasker,Dan},
Title ={Fourth generation data: a guide to data analysis for new and old systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 192pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9004-0271.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Sydney Category ={DBDdesign> DBDschema>} }

@article{Tatro1975, Author ={Tatro,Briggs, et al},
Title ={Online Drug Interaction Surveillance},
Journal ={Amer. J. of Hopital Pharmacy.},
Year =1975, Pages ="417--420",
Volume ="32",
Category ={MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Tavakoli1990, Author ={Tavakoli,N. and ModaressRazavi,H.},
Title ={An Architecture for Parallel Search of Large, Full-Text Databases},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@techreport{Tay1984, Author ={Tay,Y.C., Suri,R., and Goodman,N.},
Title ={A Mean Value Performance Model for Locking in Database: the No-Waiting Case},
Institution ={Harvard Un., TR-16-83.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Harvard Un. Steady state average values are used. The predictions have been validated in simulations. Transaction does not wait for a lock but restarts. Insights gained : read and write equal to exclusive; contention can cause thrashing through concurrency control; static locking has higher throughput than dynamic locking; replacing updates by queries can degrade performance. Category ={DBDdist> DBDprivacy> DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@techreport{Tay1984:1, Author ={Tay,Y.C.},
Title ={Byzantine Agreement is Shortlived: Reliability of k-Resilient Distributed Protocols},
Institution ={Harvard Un., TR-18-83.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Harvard Un. increasing the number of processors to satisfy Byzantine conditions may decrease system reliability. Category ={DBDdist> DBDprivacy, DBfile } }

@book{Tay1985, Author ={Tay,Y.C., Goodman,N., and Suri,R.},
Title ={Locking Performance in Centralized Databases},
Publisher ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="415--462",
Volume ="10",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at National Un.Singapore, Singapore Best comprehensive treatment of any database concurrency control analytic performance model. Parameters needed are the length of a transaction and the ratio between the number of transactions and the database size. Includes a complete review of previous concurrency control performance studies. ---Eich. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDconc> } }

@inproceedings{Tay1989, Author ={Tay,Y.C.},
Title ={Attribute Agreement},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at National University of Singapore Category ={DBDops} }

@inproceedings{Tay1990, Author ={Tay,Y.C.},
Title ={On the Optimality of Strategies for Multiple Joins},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Taylor1974, Author ={Taylor,Bruce J. and Lloyd,S.C.},
Title ={DUCHESS --- A High Level Information System},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1974, Pages ="35--40",
Volume ="43",
Annote ={at Duke Un., Durham, North Carolina Data definitions for a mini-computer information retrieval system. Category ={DBDtheory, xB.7>%Taylor74 } }

@inproceedings{Taylor1991, Author ={Taylor,David},
Title ={Efficiently Maintaining Availability in the Presence of Partitionings in Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Taylor1986, Author ={Taylor,Robert S.},
Title ={Value-Added Processes in Information Systems},
Publisher ={Ablex Pub., 272pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={benefit analyses. Category ={DBDintro> DBDeval> DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{Taylor1971, Author ={Taylor,R.W.},
Title ={Generalized Data Base Management System Data Structures and Their Mapping to Physical Storage},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Michigan.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBDbound> DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Taylor1974:1, Author ={Taylor,Robert W.},
Title ={Data Administration and the DBTG Report},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="431--444",
Annote ={ A pre-compiler to increase data independence when using a CODASYL based system. Category ={DBDschema.6> DBDbound.4, x9> } }

@inproceedings{Taylor1974:2, Author ={Taylor,R.W.},
Title ={When Are Pointer Arrays Better Than Chains},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1974, Month =Nov,
Annote ={Summary of study on choices in DBTG use. Category ={DBDbound, x9>%Taylor74W } }

@inproceedings{Taylor1975, Author ={Taylor,R.W.},
Title ={Observations on the Attributes of Data Base Sets},
Booktitle ={Data Base Description, Douque and Nijssen(eds), N-H (IFIP TC-2).},
Year =1975, Annote ={ Discussion of CODASYL DBTG dynamic pointer arrays and set membership structure. Category ={DBDbound.4> } }

@article{Taylor1976, Author ={Taylor,R.W., and Frank,L.R.},
Title ={CODASYL Data-Base Management Systems},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="67--104",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDbound.5>} }

@inproceedings{Taylor1979, Author ={Taylor,R.W., Fry,J.P., Shneiderman,B., Smith,D.C.P., and Su,S.Y.W.},
Title ={Database program conversion: A framework for research},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 5, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, 3-5.},
Year =1979, Month =Oct,
Pages ="299--312",
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Taylor1987, Author ={Taylor,Robert},
Title ={Applications of Britton-Lee Database Machine Technology},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 87.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Britton-Lee, CA Category ={DBFmach} }

@article{Taylor1979:1, Author ={Taylor,T.D. and Widhopf,G.F.},
Title ={A Trend Toward Inexpensive Computer Simulations},
Journal ={Astronautics and Aeronautics,},
Year =1979, Month Apr,
Pages ="34--76",
Annote ={at Aerospace Corp Category ={DBFmethods, DBFile} }

@inproceedings{Teasdale1985, Author ={Teasdale,T.A., Snow,E.B., and Luchi,R.J.},
Title ={A dBASE III Clinical Application in Use on a Geriatric Evaluation Unit},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9, p.164.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Veterans Administration Med. Center, Houston Category ={MIS> } }

@incollection{Tebra1986, Author ={Tebra,Hans},
Title ={Optimistic and Parallelism in Prolog},
Booktitle ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science no.259, ?.},
Year =1986, Pages ="420--433",
Annote ={ at Dep.Math and Computer Science, VU. (Amsterdam) Category ={DBDkb> DBFmach> } }

@inproceedings{Teeuw1993, Author ={Teeuw,W., Blanken,H., Rich,C., and Scholl,M.},
Title ={An Evaluation of Physical Disk I/Os for Complex Object Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Teicholz1984, Author ={Teicholz,E.},
Title ={Computer Integrated Manufacturing},
Journal ={Datamation, pp 169--174.},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Volume ="30",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ description of GE and Grumman design database support for CIM. Category ={EIS> } }

@article{Teicholz1984:1, Author ={Teicholz,E.},
Title ={The CAD/CAM Handbook},
Journal ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), (to appear).},
Year =1984, Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Teichrow1966, Author ={Teichrow,Daniel},
Title ={Computer Simulation--Discussion of the Technique and Comparison of Languages},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1966, Month =Oct,
Pages ="723--741",
Volume ="9",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBFtechn.3>} }

@article{Teichrow1971, Author ={Teichrow,D.(ed)},
Title ={Education Related to the Use of Computers in Organizations},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1971, Month =Sep,
Pages ="573--588",
Volume ="14",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ Learn about data bases and management. Extensive bibliography. Category ={DBDintro.9> %Teichrow71 } }

@article{Teichrow1972, Author ={Teichrow,D.},
Title ={A Survey of Languages for Stating Requirements for Computer-based Information Systems},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS -2.},
Year =1972, Pages ="1203--1224",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={at Un.Michigan Problems with the programming of large systems, proposed methods to improve the process. Many references. Category ={DBFintro.4> } }

@article{Teichrow1977, Author ={Teichrow,D. and Hershey,E.A.},
Title ={PSL/PSA: A Computer Aided Technique for Structured Documentation},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-3 .},
Year =1977, Month =Jan,
Pages ="41--48",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Templeton1985, Author ={Templeton,Marjorie},
Title ={Mermaid: Distributed Management Front-End},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Annote ={at SDC Description of system to access heterogenous databases. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Templeton1987, Author ={Templeton,M., Brill,D., Dao,S.K., Lund,E., Ward,P., Chen,A.L.P., and MacGregor,R.},
Title ={Mermaid: A Front-End to Distributed Heterogeneous Databases},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="695--708",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at UNISYS, Santa Monica CA Category ={DBDdist, xissue} }

@inproceedings{Templeton1986, Author ={Templeton,M., Brill,D., Chen,A., Dao,S., and Lund,E.},
Title ={Mermaid Experiences with Network Operation},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Templeton1987:1, Author ={Templeton,M., Lund,E., and Ward,P.},
Title ={Pragmatics of Access Control in Mermaid},
Journal ={Data Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="157--162",
Volume ="6",
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Templeton1988, Author ={Templeton,Marjorie},
Title ={Research Areas in Heterogeneous Distributed DBMS},
Journal ={IEEE CS Dist.Processing TC Newsletter.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="29--34",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Unisys, System Dvlpt.Group, (Santa Monica CA) FAUVE. Access to data of many types. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@incollection{Templeton1989, Author ={Templeton,Marjorie},
Title ={Schema Translation in Mermaid},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Data Integration Inc. (Los Angeles) MERMAID handles databases under its control as well as independent databases and sequential files. Global schema with extensions as unites, format conversions, precision. No update issues. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Teng1984, Author ={Teng,J.Z. and Gumaer,R.A.},
Title ={Managing IBM Database 2 Buffers to Maximize Performance},
Journal ={IBM Sys.J.},
Year =1984, Month =Jul,
Pages ="211--218",
Volume ="23",
Number ="2",
Annote ={DB2 Category ={DBFhard.3>} }

@inproceedings{Teodosiu1992, Author ={Teodosiu,D. and Pollak,G.},
Title ={Discarding Unused Temporal Information in a Production System},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Alcatel Austria-ELIN Research Centre Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Teorey1972, Author ={Teorey,Toby J.},
Title ={Properties of Disk Scheduling Policies},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS .},
Year =1972, Pages ="1--11",
Volume ="41",
Annote ={ Comparative evaluation of a number of scheduling algorithms. Category ={DBFtechn> } }

@article{Teorey1972:1, Author ={Teorey, Toby J. and Pinkerton, Ted B.},
Title ={A Comparative Analysis of Disk Scheduling Policies},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1972, Pages ="177--184",
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Wisconsin Analysis, design of hardware. Minimizing seeks and latencies. Category ={DBFtechn> } }

@techreport{Teorey, Author ={Teorey, Toby J. and Das, K. Sundar},
Title ={Detailed Specifications for the File Design Analyzer},
Institution ={Un.Mich. Report to Hq. Air Force Data Services Ctr, Contract MDA-903- 74-C-0300.},
Category ={DBFeval, x5book>} }

@article{Teorey1978, Author ={Teorey,T.J.},
Title ={General Equations for Idealized CPU-I/O Overlap Configurations},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1978, Month =Jun,
Pages ="500--507",
Volume ="21",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFeval.4>} }

@inproceedings{Teorey1976, Author ={Teorey,T.J. and Das,K.S.},
Title ={Application of An Analytical Model to Evaluate Storage Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 76, Rothnie(ed).},
Year =1976, Pages ="9--19",
Category ={DBFeval.1>} }

@techreport{Teorey1978:1, Author ={Teorey,T.J. and Fry,J.P.},
Title ={Logical Database Design: A Pragmatic Approach},
Institution ={INFOTech State-of-the-Art Report, INFOTECH International Ltd., (Maidenhead, UK), Revision 1, DSRG TR.79DE16.},
Year =1978, Pages ="357--383",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Teorey1978:2, Author ={Teorey,T.J. and Oberlander,L.B.},
Title ={Network Database Evaluation Using Analytical Modeling},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , AFIPS Press, Arlington VA, 1978.},
Year =1978, Pages ="833--842",
Volume ="47",
Category ={DBDbound.5> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Teorey1980, Author ={Teorey,T.J. and Fry,J.P.},
Title ={The Logical Record Access Approach to Database Design},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="179--211",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFsyseval>} }

@book{Teorey1982, Author ={Teorey,T.J. and Fry,J.P.},
Title ={Design of Database Structures},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDintro>} }

@article{Teorey1986, Author ={Teorey,T.J., Yang,D-Q., and Fry,J.P.},
Title ={A Logical Database Design Methodology for Relational Databases Using the Extended Entity-Relationship Model},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys, (app Mar.1987).},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Pages ="197--222",
Volume ="18",
Number ="2",
Annote ={chapters 2-4 of Teorey's 1990 book on ER pretty basic, but simple overview. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@article{Teorey1989, Author ={Teorey,T.J.},
Title ={Distributed database design: a practical approach and example},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="23--39",
Volume ="18",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ develop a global model, fragmentation, and a data allocation; solution approach is based on mean value assumptions about workload and service. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Teorey1989:1, Author ={Teorey,T.J., Wei,G., Bolton,D.L., and Koenig,J.A.},
Title ={ER Model Clustering as an Aid for User Communication and Documentation in Database Design},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM-CR 9002-0149.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Volume ="32",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Un.Michigan integrates object clustering concepts with the traditional design of ER models. ER conceptual model with generalization and aggregation for organizing model into layers of abstraction; use of grouping heuristics ---Manola. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@book{Teorey1990, Author ={Teorey,Toby},
Title ={Database Modeling and Design: the E-R Approach},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufman, 267pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ Basics, ER modeling and logical database design, transformation to SQL, example of distributed design, replication, clustering. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@article{Terdiman1970, Author ={Terdiman,J.B.},
Title ={Mass Random Storage Devices and Their Application to a Medical Information System (MIS)},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic, pp.518.},
Year =1970, Month =Oct,
Volume ="3",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ at Permanente Medical Group and Kaiser Foundation Research Inst. (Oakland CA) Application Description using strip files Category ={DBFhard> %Terdiman70 } }

@inproceedings{Terenziani1991, Author ={Terenziani,Paulo},
Title ={Combining time points and time intervals in a hybrid knowledge representation formalism},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un. Turin, Italy seems more complex than needed, supports constraint propagation mapping of temporal intervals to time points Category ={DBDops> } }

@article{Terry1987, Author ={Terry,Douglas B.},
Title ={Caching Hints in Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Number ="1",
Annote ={hierarchy, Hints versus Strong Consistency Category ={DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Terry1992, Author ={Terry,D., Goldberg,D., Nichols,D., and Oki,B.},
Title ={Continuous Queries Over Append-Only Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Terry1992:1, Author ={Terry,Doug},
Title ={Ubiquitous Information Access (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Xerox PARC Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Teuhola1991, Author ={Teuhola,J. and Wegner,L.},
Title ={Minimal Space, Average Linear Time Duplicate Deletion},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="34",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Turka,Finland hashing, with collision moved to tail end of the file can be made stable Category ={DBDops> DBDhash> } }

@book{Thalheim1987, Author ={Thalheim,B.},
Title ={Dependencies in Relational Databases},
Publisher ={Teubner, Leipzig GDR.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Thalheim1992, Author ={Thalheim,B.},
Title ={Fundamentals of Cardinality Constraints},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Thatte1986, Author ={Thatte,S.},
Title ={Persistent Memory: Storage Architecture for Object-oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.Workshop on OODBS, Pacific Grove CA, ACM.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Thatte1990, Author ={Thatte,S.},
Title ={Persistent Memory: Merging AI-knowledge and Databases},
Institution ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Theimer1989, Author ={Theimer,M., Cabrera,L-F., and Wyllie,J.},
Title ={QuickSilver Support for Access to Data in Large, Geographically Dispersed Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE Conf.on Distributed Computing Systems , (Newport Beach CA).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res.Ctr Category ={DBFdist>} }

@article{Theis1978, Author ={Theis,D.J.},
Title ={An Overview of Memory Technology},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1978, Month =Jan,
Pages ="113--131",
Volume ="24",
Category ={DBFhard.1>} }

@article{Theis1983, Author ={Theis,Douglas J.},
Title ={Spacecraft Computers: State-of-the-Art Survey},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Pages ="85--97",
Annote ={at Aerospace Corp Category ={DBappl> DBFhard.1>} }

@article{Thiel1972, Author ={Thiel,L.H. and Heaps,H.S.},
Title ={Program Design for Retrospective Searches on Large Data Bases},
Journal ={Information Storage and Retrieval.},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Pages ="1--20",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Compression techniques for text. Category ={DBFrepresent-4>%Thiel69 } }

@article{Thiele1969, Author ={Thiele,A.A.},
Title ={The Theory of Cylindrical Magnetic Domains},
Journal ={Bell System Journal.},
Year =1969, Pages ="3287--3335",
Volume ="48",
Annote ={Fundamental paper on bubbles. Category ={DBFhard.1.4>} }

@book{Thierauf1975, Author ={Thierauf,R.J.},
Title ={Systems Analysis and Design of Real-Time Management Information Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 607pp.},
Year =1975, Annote ={ This text is targeted at the undergraduate or graduate business school course, covering the fundaments of information systems analysis and design. While the book has many good point, e.g., general background and history, systems design, use of O.R. models, it thoroughly abuses the term database and the database concept by blurring the differences between DBM's and old flat-file-systems. --- Fountain Category ={DBDschema, Student file (Fountain) } }

@inproceedings{Thom1986, Author ={Thom,J.A., Ramamohanarao,K., and Naish,L.},
Title ={A Superjoin Algorithm for Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="189--196",
Annote ={at Un.Melbourne, Australia Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Thomas1973, Author ={Thomas,B.},
Title ={A Resource Sharing Executive for the ARPANET},
Journal ={Proc Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Pages ="155--163",
Volume ="42",
Annote ={ Describes the RSEXEC system. RSEXEC is a distributed executive system which functions to integrate the operation of the Arpanet Tenex hosts. RSEXEC supports a distributed file system. Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@article{Thomas1977, Author ={Thomas,D.A., Pagurek,B., and Buhr,R.J.},
Title ={Validation Algorithms for Pointer Values in DBTG Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1977, Month =Dec,
Pages ="352--369",
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Carleton Un. (Canada) Type Checking algorithm detects and locates errors in the pointers which are used to represent chained and pointer array implemented sets. In addition to invalid set pointers, the algorithm has been extended to check index sequential and inverted access directories provided by EDMS. Category ={DBFrepresent-3.2> } }

@article{Thomas1988, Author ={Thomas,Gomer},
Title ={Multi-Vendor Database Interfacing},
Journal ={IEEE CS Dist.Processing TC Newsletter.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="59--62",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at Bell Communications Res., Comp.Technology Transfer Div., (Piscataway NJ) FAUVE 'Front-end' provides interactive query facilities. ?? provides storage of data and efficient access. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Thomas1990, Author ={Thomas,G. et al.},
Title ={Heterogeneous Distributed Database Systems for Production Use},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys, ; ACM CR 9211-0889.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Volume ="22",
Number ="3",

@article{Thomas1975, Author ={Thomas,J.C. and Gould,J.D.},
Title ={A Psychological Study of Query by Example},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS , AFIPS Press.},
Year =1975, Pages ="439--445",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC (Yorktown Heights) Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDquery.2, x10 } }

@inproceedings{Thomas1993, Author ={Thomas,J. and Deloch,S.},
Title ={A Plan-Operator Concept for Client-Based Knowledge Processing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Thomas1980, Author ={Thomas,R.A.C.},
Title ={Process structure alternatives towards a distributed INGRES},
Booktitle ={ISSDB 1, Litwin(ed), Paris, France.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="215--227",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Thomas1979, Author ={Thomas,R.H.},
Title ={A Majority Consensus Approach to Concurrency Control for Multiple Copy Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Pages ="180--209",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at BBN Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity.2>} }

@incollection{Thomas1986, Author ={Thomas,S.J. and Fisher,P.C.},
Title ={Nested Relational Structures},
Booktitle ={in 'Advances in Computing Research 3, The Theory of Databases', P.C.Kanellakis(ed), JAI Press.},
Year =1986, Pages ="269--307",
Annote ={Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Thomasian1991, Author ={Thomasian,Alexander},
Title ={Wait Depth Limited Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Thomasian1991:1, Author ={Thomasian,Alexander },
Title ={Performance Limits of 2PL Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDconc>} }

@article{ThomasianR1991, Author ={Thomasian,A. and Ryu,I.},
Title ={Performance Analysis of Two-Phase Locking},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), N0.5.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Volume ="17",
Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown accounts for variability of transaction size Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@article{Thomasian1991:3, Author ={Thomasian,A.},
Title ={Centralized concurrency control methods for high-end TP},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Thomasian1992, Author ={Thomasian,A.},
Title ={Thrashing in Two-Phase Locking Revisited},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM T.J. Watson Research Center Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Thompson1980, Author ={Thompson,B.H.},
Title ={Linguistic Analysis of Natural Language Communication with Computers},
Booktitle ={Proc.8th Int.Conf.on Comp.Linguistics, Tokyo, Japan.},
Year =1980, Pages ="190-201",
Annote ={ of 1615 inputs given 446 contained errors and 211 were fragmentary. Category ={DBDnat> } }

@article{Thompson1985, Author ={Thompson,B.H. and Thompson,F.B.},
Title ={ASK is transportable in half a dozen ways},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="185--203",
Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Portable knowlegde-based natural query language, implemented in PASCAL. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Thompson1983, Author ={Thompson,C.W., Roth,K.M., Tennant,H.R., and Saenz,R.M.},
Title ={Building Usable Menu-Based Natural Language Interface to Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 9, p.43--55.},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDnat>} }

@techreport{Thompson1984, Author ={Thompson,Craig W.},
Title ={Using Menu-based Natural Language Interaction to Avoid Problems Associated with Traditional Natural Language Understanding},
Institution ={Un.Texas, Austin, PhD Th.; Texas Instruments, TR-CSL-84-12.},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={at Texas Instruments (Dallas TX) Menus are presented according to a constraining ATN Grammar. Experts are attached procedures to resolve value problems. Category ={DBDnat> DBDquery.3, thesis shelf, DBfile } }

@article{Thompson1985:1, Author ={Thompson,Craig W.},
Title ={Menu-Based Natural Language Interfaces to Databases},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="64--70",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDquery> DBDnat>} }

@article{Thompson1969, Author ={Thompson,F.B., Lockemann,P.C., Dostert,B.H., and Deverill,R.S.},
Title ={REL --- A Rapidly Extensible Language System},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 24.},
Year =1969, Pages ="399--408",
Annote ={at CALTECH (Pasadena) Category ={DBDschema.5> DBDquery.3> } }

@inproceedings{Thompson1975, Author ={Thompson,F.B, and Thompson,B.H.},
Title ={Practical Natural Language Processing: The REL System as Prototype},
Booktitle ={Advances in Computers, Rubinoff and McYovits(eds), Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1975, Volume ="13",
Annote ={ACL Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Thompson1982, Author ={Thompson,Gene},
Title ={Standardization of Hospital Applications and the Problems},
Journal ={Inf. Manage., -5, Sep-.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="215--223",
Volume ="5",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Thompson Consulting (Spokane WA) Description of a project undertaken by the Un.Southern California Ctr for Health Services Research. Category ={MCS> MIS> } }

@article{Thompson1981, Author ={Thompson III, William C. and Ries, Daniel R.},
Title ={A Multiprocessor Sort-Merge Join Algorithm for Relational Data Bases},
Journal ={rcvd .},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach, DBfile Thomson III} }

@incollection{Thorne1981, Author ={Thorne,J.F.},
Title ={Gauging Worth of System Reports},
Booktitle ={Management Information System, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFsyseval.5>} }

@techreport{Thompson, Author ={Thompson,James G.},
Title ={Efficient Analysis of Caching Systems},
Institution ={UCB, CSD TR-87374.},
Annote ={ Presents techniques for one-pass analysis of cache policies, with application to multi-processors and distributed file systems. ---Gray. File caching analyzed on block level. ---Gio. Category ={DBF, 054374 in Math Lib. } }

@techreport{Thompson1980:1, Author ={Thompson,M.},
Title ={SPICE File System},
Institution ={Unpublished note: CMU, DCS.},
Year =1980, Annote ={at UNISYS, Irvine CA philosophical introduction to databases and their semantics. Concepts related to UNISYS SIM (Sematic Information manager). Concepts are class, subclass, lattice, view (perspective), immediate, inherited, extended subclasses, single valued, multivalued, derived attributes, data values and reference (entity) values. Relationship representation. Nice ideas from applications. logical database design, entity/attribute-based sementic models, numerous applications Category ={DBdesign> DBDmodel> VOD, x Category ={EIS> } }

@techreport{Thompson1986, Author ={Thompson,T.F. and Clancey,W.J.},
Title ={Applying a Qualitative Modeling Shell to Process Diagnosis: The Coaster System},
Institution ={TR-CS-87-1169.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., DCS Heracles embodies rules for hierarchical classification, applied to metal casting. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Thompson1986:1, Author ={Thompson,W.C.},
Title ={Main Memory Database Algorithms for Multiprocessors},
Institution ={PhD Th., UCD.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at UCD Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@book{Thro1990, Author ={Thro,Ellen},
Title ={The Database Dictionary},
Publisher ={Microtrend Books, San Marcos, CA, 374pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9104-0211.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDintro>} }

@inproceedings{Thuraisingham, Author ={Thuraisingham,M.B.},
Title ={Mandatory Security in Object-Oriented Database Systems},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA 89.},
Pages ="203--210",
Annote ={ This paper describes how the author has used the ORION data model to propose an object-oriented model that is secure at multiple levels. They promise that the security properties described in the paper are more complete than previously reported results. ---Paepcke. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Tichy1982, Author ={Tichy,Walter F},
Title ={Design Implementation and Evaluation of a Revision Control System},
Booktitle ={Proc.6th Int. Conf. Software Eng., Tokyo.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Purdue Un. Version management and checkout. Category ={DBappl> EIS> } }

@article{TilChin1985, Author ={TilChin,O.T. and Shor,O.L.},
Title ={Efficient Data Storage and Retrieval Organization Using the Frequency Properties of the Query Stream},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Dec..},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="364--368",
Volume ="11",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ To save space use indexes for records otherwise to be hashed. Category ={DBFhash, FASAC 336 } }

@inproceedings{Timpka1990, Author ={Timpka,T., Hedblom,P., and Holmgren,H.},
Title ={Action Design: using an object-oriented environment for group process development of medical software},
Booktitle ={IMIA Working conference on Software Eng. and Medical Informatics, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={design refinement druing use Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Timson1980, Author ={Timson,G.},
Title ={The File Manager System},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 4.},
Year =1980, Pages ="1645--1649",
Annote ={at VA Med. Dist.27, San Francisco Category ={DBFtrees.5> DBDdist> App.B> } }

@inproceedings{Tirri1987, Author ={Tirri,H. and Raiha,K-J.},
Title ={Concurrency Control for Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, LA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ takes information available in the transactions reminiscent of precision locking. new compatibility table: read, write, insert, delete, predicate Category ={DBDdist> DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@article{Tjoa1980, Author ={Tjoa,A.M. and Wagner,R.R.},
Title ={A System-Theoretical Approach to Database Systems},
Journal ={Kybernetes.},
Year =1980, Pages ="257--264",
Volume ="9",
Annote ={at Institut fur Statistik, Un.Wien, Austria Database systems are formalized as a projection of the real world which follows certain semantical constraints. Query, update, add and delete are defined exactly. Category ={DBDmodel.0, DBfile } } % ------ TM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@inproceedings{To1986, Author ={To,C.F.},
Title ={Application of DB2 at the Bank of America},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBappl>} }

@techreport{Tobah1987, Author ={Tobah,Ali},
Title ={Large Distributed Heterogeneous Systems Annotated Bibliography},
Institution ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, Sloan School of Management, MIS, Transportation Systems.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ survey the issues involved in integrating systems. Category ={EIS > DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Tobey1971, Author ={Tobey,Robert C.},
Title ={Symbolic Mathematical Computation--Introduction and Overview},
Booktitle ={Petrick(ed), Proc.of the 2nd Symp. on Symbolic and Algebraic Manipulation.},
Year =1971, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--15",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Todd1974, Author ={Todd,S.},
Title ={Implementation of the Join Operator in Relational Data Bases},
Institution ={Tech. Note 15, IBM UK Scientific Ctr, Peterlee UK.},
Year =1974, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@article{Todd1976, Author ={Todd,S.J.P.},
Title ={The Peterlee Relational Test Vehicle},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J..},
Year =1976, Pages ="285--307",
Volume ="15",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ includes description of optimization of relational operation sequences. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDrel.3 @article{Todd1977, Author ={Todd,S.},
Title ={Automatic Constraint Maintenance and Updating Defined Relations},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 77, Proc.IFIP Cong., Toronto.},
Year =1977, Month =Aug,
Pages ="145--148",
Category ={DBDperf> DBDintegrity.3>} }

@article{Todd1977:1, Author ={Todd,S.},
Title ={Relational Database Research at the IBM UK Scientific Ctr, Peterlee, A Survey 1970-1977},
Journal ={Rep.UKSC--93, IBM UK Scientific Ctr, Peterlee UK.},
Year =1977, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@inproceedings{Tokuz1986, Author ={Tokuz,Z. and Vines,D.H.},
Title ={A Virtual Database Interface for Ada Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@techreport{Tolsma1981, Author ={Tolsma,J.D.},
Title ={A Mathematical-Logical Model for the Automation Process},
Institution ={SRI, Internal Report.},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Annote ={at SRI, International Fellow, Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Tomasic1993, Author ={Tomasic,A. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Performance of Inverted Indices in Distributed Text Document Retrieval Systems},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Tomasic1993:1, Author ={Tomasic,A. and GarciaMolina,H.},
Title ={Caching and Database Scaling in Distributed Shared-Nothing Information Retrieval Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Tomeski1975, Author ={Tomeski,Edward and Lazarmy,Harold},
Title ={People-Oriented Computer Systems},
Publisher ={Hayden Pub. , 320 pages.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Tomlinson1992, Author ={Tomlinson,C. et al.},
Title ={The Carnot Extensible Service Switch (ESS))},
Booktitle ={Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam), now CMCSC tech.Rep.No Carnot-129-92, June , MCC, Austin TX},
Year =1992, Annote ={mediators, I3 Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Tomoda1986, Author ={Tomoda,D., Tanaka,M., and Ichikawa,T.},
Title ={A Framework of Expert System with Strategic Knowledge},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Tompa1988, Author ={Tompa,F.W. and Blakeley,J.A.},
Title ={Maintaining Materialized Views Without Accessing Base Data},
Journal ={Inform.Systems.},
Year =1988, Pages ="393--406",
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo, DCS, Canada Category ={DBDperf, DBfile} }

@article{Tong1981, Author ={Tong,F. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Design of a Two-Dimensional Join Processor Array},
Journal ={ACM CA-NNP 6, Hyenes France.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFmach> DBDrel.3>} }

@inproceedings{Tong1984, Author ={Tong,R.M., Askman,V.N. and Cunningham,J.F.},
Title ={RUBRIC: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Information Retrieval},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at AIDS Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Tong1985, Author ={Tong,R.M. and Shapiro,D.G.},
Title ={Experimental Investigations of Uncertainty in a Rule-based System for Information Retrieval},
Journal ={Int.J.Man-Machine Studies.},
Year =1985, Pages ="265-282",
Volume ="22",
Annote ={at AIDS RUBRIC uses fuzzy set theory to assess relevance. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Tong1988, Author ={Tong,R. and Appelbaum,L.},
Title ={Conceptual Information Retrieval From Full-Text},
Booktitle ={RIAO'88.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Annote ={at ADS Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Tong1989, Author ={Tong,R., Appelbaum,L., and Askman,V.},
Title ={A Knowledge Representation for Conceptual Information Retrieval},
Journal ={Int.J.Intelligent Systems.},
Year =1989, Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at ADS Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@book{Tonik1967, Author ={Tonik,Albert B.(ed)},
Title ={Information Retrieval: The User's Viewpoint, An Aid to Design},
Publisher ={NCIR 4 (Philadelphia PA), Tonik(ed), Internat.Information Inc. Phil..},
Year =1967, Pages ="93-101",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Toombs1978, Author ={Toombs,D.},
Title ={CCD and Bubble Memories: Systems Implications},
Journal ={IEEE Spectrum.},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Pages ="36--39",
Volume ="15",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFhard.1.4>} }

@inproceedings{Topaloglou1992, Author ={Topaloglou,T., Illarramendi,A. and Sbattella,L.},
Title ={Query Optimization for KBMSs: Temporal, Syntactic and Semantic Transformations},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@techreport{Topor1986, Author ={Topor,R.W.},
Title ={Domain Independent Formulas and Databases},
Institution ={Un.Melbourne, DCS, TR., rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ `domain independent formula' = `safe formula' ---jeff Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@techreport{Topor1986:1, Author ={Topor,R.W. and Sonenberg,E.A.},
Title ={On Domain Independent Databases},
Institution ={Un.Melbourne, DCS, TR., rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Toptsis1992, Author ={Toptsis,Anestis A.},
Title ={Load Balancing in Parallel Hash Join with Data Skew},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at York Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Torii1987, Author ={Torii,S., Kojima,K., Yoshizumi,S., Sakata,A., Takamoto,Y., Kawabe,S., Ishizuka,T., and Takahashi,M.},
Title ={A Relational Database System Architecture Based on a Vector Processing Method},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Torii1988, Author ={Torii,S-I., Kojima,K., Kanada,Y., Sakata,A., and Yoshizumi,S.},
Title ={Accelerating non-numerical processing by an extended vector process},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Toroslu1993, Author ={Toroslu,I., and Quadah,G.},
Title ={The Efficient Computation of Strong Partial Transitive-Closures},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={ at Northwestern University Illinois; ATT Bell Labs Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Toth1978, Author ={Toth,K.C., Mahmoud,S.A., Riordon, J.S. and Sherif,O.},
Title ={The ADD System: An Architecture for Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, West-Berlin FRG.},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="462--471",
Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Toth1980, Author ={Toth,K.C.},
Title ={Distributed Database Architecture and Query Processing Strategies},
Booktitle ={PhD Th., Carleton Un., Dep.Systems and Computer Eng..},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Carleton Un. (Ottawa) Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Toth1981, Author ={Toth,K.C., Mahmoud,S.A., and Riordon,J.S.},
Title ={Query Processing Strategies in a Distributed Database Architecture},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Seminar on Distributed Data Sharing Systems 2, vandeRiet and Litwin(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Tou1982, Author ={Tou,F.N., Williams,M.D., Fikes,R., Henderson,A., and Malone,T.},
Title ={RABBIT: An Intelligent Database Assistant},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int , 1982.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Pages ="314--318",
Annote ={at Intellicorp Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3>} }

@book{Tou1971, Author ={Tou,Julius T. and Wegner,Peter},
Title ={Proc.of a Symposium on Data Structures in Programming Languages},
Publisher ={ACM SIGPLAN Notices, 416 pages},
Year =1971, Month =Feb,
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@book{Tou1971:1, Author ={Tou,Julius(ed)},
Title ={COINS-II, Software Engineering},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1971, Annote ={Proc.Symp.Comp.and Inf.Science 2, Dec.1969. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@book{Tou1974, Author ={Tou,J.T.(ed)},
Title ={COINS-IV},
Publisher ={Plenum Press.},
Year =1974, Annote ={Proc.Symp.Comp.and Inf.Science 4, Dec.1972. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Touati1987, Author ={Touati,Herve},
Title ={Is Ada an Object Oriented Programming Language?},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="23--26",
Volume ="22",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at UCB, CSD Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang>} }

@inproceedings{Touretzky1984, Author ={Touretzky,D.S.},
Title ={Implicit Ordering of Defaults in Inheritance Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int-84.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Towsley1978, Author ={Towsley,D., Chandy,K.M., and Browne,J.C.},
Title ={Models for Parallel Processing within Programs: Application to CPU:I/O and I/O:I/O Overlap},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1978, Month =Oct,
Pages ="821--831",
Volume ="21",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Queueing models for parallel processing by improvement from CPU:I/O overlap if found to be greatest for systems which are in CPU:I/O balance and for low degrees of multiprogramming. Improvement from I/O:I/O overlap is found to be greatest for systems in which the I/O system is more utilized than the CPU. Category ={DBFeval.4> } }

@article{Towsley1982, Author ={Towsley,D. and Venkatesh,G.},
Title ={Window Random Access Protocols for Local Computer Networks},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol.C-31 .},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Pages ="715--722",
Number ="8",
Annote ={ at Un.Massachusetts, Amherst, and Commodore Business Machines, Norristown PA Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Toyama1984, Author ={Toyama,M. and Ura,S.},
Title ={Fixed Length Semiorder Preserving Code for Field Level Data File},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Keio Un. Jpan Category ={DBFrepresent-4>} }

@inproceedings{Toyama1986, Author ={Toyama,M.},
Title ={Parameterized View definitions and Recursive Relations},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Toyoda1966, Author ={Toyoda,J., Tezuka,Y., and Kasahara,Y.},
Title ={Analysis of the Address Assignment Problem for Clustered Keys},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1966, Month =Oct,
Pages ="526--532",
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@article{Tozer1976, Author ={Tozer,E.F.},
Title ={Data Systems Analysis and Design},
Journal ={ECI Conf. , Samelson(ed), 1976.},
Year =1976, Pages ="193--224",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Trabb1978, Author ={Trabb-Pardo,Luis},
Title ={Set Representation and Set Intersection},
Institution ={PhD Th., Stanford Un., TR.STAN-CS-78-681.},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBFindex>} }

@article{Traiger1982, Author ={Traiger,I.L., Gray,J., Galtieri,C.A., and Lindsay,B.G.},
Title ={Transactions and Consistency in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , p.666.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Volume ="25",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Partitioned data and replicated data are discussed. Techniques for providing transparencies abstracted and discussed. By system schedule and system clock a distributed system can be modeled as a single sequential execution sequence. This paper is a easy-to-read introduction to required transparency in distributed database systems. 4 transparencies are chosen and explained here, namely location transparency, replication transparency, concurrency transparency, and failure transparency. The transaction model adapted by the paper is fully synchronous and 2 phase protocol is used to implement concurrency transparency. The paper proves that if all transaction executions are two-phase, any legal execution of the transactions by a distributed system will be equivalent to some serial execution of the transactions by a system consisting of a single node under the assumption that updates are synchronous. The paper introduces special node-associated clock to prove it. The paper also gives simple explanation about a protocol to implement failure transparency using logs and two-phase commit protocol. ---Mikasa. Category ={DBDintegrity.1> DBDdist> } }

@article{Traiger1982:1, Author ={Traiger,I.},
Title ={Virtual memory management for data base systems},
Journal ={Oper.Syst.Rev.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@inproceedings{Traiger1983, Author ={Traiger,I.L.},
Title ={Trends in System Aspects of Database Management},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Databases, British Computer Society-2, Dean and Hammersley(eds), John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY).},
Year =1983, Pages ="1--21",
Category ={DBDintro.0>} }

@book{Tran1989, Author ={Tran,Viet G.},
Title ={Introduction to DB2 Programming},
Publisher ={Mg-H, 198pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8909-0628.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at UCLA, Medical Ctr. Introductory. ---Egyhazy. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Traub1984, Author ={Traub,J.F. Yemini,Y., and Wozniakowski,H.},
Title ={The Statistical Security of a Statistical Database },
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="672--679",
Volume ="9",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDprivacy.2.3> DBDprivacy-10>} }

@inproceedings{Trehan1993, Author ={Trehan,V.},
Title ={ACMS: Digital's Open, Distributed TP Monitor},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ at Stanford Un.Project INFO, Admin.Computer Group, Encina Hall, 1970. Useful configuration information for a Un.administrative database. Category ={DBDadmin, x at DEC Category ={DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Treinish1987, Author ={Treinish,L.A. and Gough,M.L.},
Title ={A Software Package for the Data-Independent Management of Multi-Dimensional Data},
Institution ={NASA Goddard Space Flight ctr , Greenbelt MD.},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Annote ={at NASA, Goddard NSSDC Data Representation Standard. Also x manual. Category ={DBFrepresent, DBfile Gough } }

@article{Treleaven1982, Author ={Treleaven,P.C., Brownbridge,D.R., and Hopkins,R.P.},
Title ={Data-Driven and Demand-Driven Computer Architecture},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="93--143",
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ The aim of this paper is to identify the concepts and relationships that exist both within and between the two areas of research of data-driven and demand-driven architectures. ---Miya. Category ={DBDparallel> DBFarch> } }

@book{Tremblay1976, Author ={Tremblay,J.P. and Sorenson,P.G.},
Title ={An Introduction to Data Structures with Applications},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1976, Category ={DBFintro.2>} }

@inproceedings{Tresch1992, Author ={Tresch,M. and Scholl,H.},
Title ={Meta Object Management and its Application to Database Evolution},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Triantafillou1993, Author ={Triantafillou,P.},
Title ={Recovering in Large Distributed Systems with Replicated Data},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Trigg1985, Author ={Trigg,Randy},
Title ={NoteCards: An Environment for Authoring and Idea Structuring},
Institution ={Xerox PARC.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ An idea structuring tool, but can also be used as a fairly general database system for loosely structured information. The basic object in NoteCards is an electronic note card containing an idea-sized unit of text, graphics, images, or whatever. Different kinds of note cards are defined in an inheritance hierarchy of note card types (e.g., text cards, sketch cards, query cards, etc.). Individual note cards can be connected to other note cards by arbitrarily typed links, forming networks of related cards. At present, link types are simply labels attached to each link. It is up to each user to utilize the link types to organize the note card network. NoteCards also includes a filing mechanism for building hierarchical structures using system-defined card and link types. There are also browser cards containing node-link diagrams (i.e., maps) of arbitrary pieces of the note card network and Sketch cards for organizing information in the form of drawings, text and links spatially. The functionality in NoteCards is accessible through a set of well-documented Lisp functions, allowing the user to create new types of note cards, develop programs that monitor or process the network, integrate other programs into the NoteCards environment. Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery.1> } }

@book{Trimble1989, Author ={Trimble,J.H.Jr. and Chappell,D.},
Title ={A Visual Introduction to SQL},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 254pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9004-0272.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Marriott Corp.; Cray Research the graphics used convey the information instantly ---Artz. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Trinchieri1975, Author ={Trinchieri,M.},
Title ={On Managing Interference Caused by Database Sharing},
Journal ={Alta Frequenza, Vol.XLIV .},
Year =1975, Pages ="641--650",
Number ="11",
Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@article{Trivedi1981, Author ={Trivedi,K.S. and Sigmon,T.M.},
Title ={Optimal Design of Linear Storage Hierarchies},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Pages ="270--288",
Volume ="28",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Duke Un. Category ={DBFstorage-1.3, Note by Shel} }

@techreport{Trueblood1983, Author ={Trueblood,R.P., Lin,T.Y., and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={Security Policy Modeling in Computer Systems Using Petri Net Theory},
Institution ={Un.South Carolina, DCS, TR-83002.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Category ={DBFsecurity, DBfile} }

@article{Trueblood1983:1, Author ={Trueblood,R.P., Hartson,H.R., and Martin,J.J.},
Title ={MULTISAFE - A Modular Multiprocessing Approach to Secure Database Management},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDsec, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Trueblood1984, Author ={Trueblood,Robert},
Title ={Security Issues in Knowledge Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un.South Carolina Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Trueblood1985, Author ={Trueblood,Robert P.},
Title ={A Modular Relational Database Management System for Teaching Courses Involving Database Topics},
Booktitle ={First Intern. Conf. on Computers in Institutions of Higher Education, Mexico.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.South Carolina On Burroughs B20: BDB. Perhaps useful frontends for Ada effort. Also x manual. ---Gio Describes functionality of a modular DBMS called BDB (on Burroughs B20 micro) to get students aquainted with data management using relational database. Screen oriented forms are provided for user interface. Query language looks a variation of SQL, as opposed to what the author calls it as 'natural' structured query language. Unlike SQL, FROM clause proceeds EXTRACT clause(equivalent to SELECT clause of SQL), which is followed by WHERE clause. No mention of nested queries and group-by clause. ---Cha. Category ={DBDimpl, DBfile } }

@techreport{Trueblood1986, Author ={Trueblood,R.P., Durham,S.D., and Odom,T.P.},
Title ={A Performance Design Study of MULTISAFE},
Institution ={Un.South Carolina, DCS, TR-86001, ?},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.South Carolina, DCS Category ={DBFmach, DBfile} }

@article{Tryon1986, Author ={Tryon,D.C.},
Title ={T-GERM: Time-Extended, Graphic Entity-Relationship Modeling Technique},
Journal ={rcvd .},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Pacific Bell (San Francisco) Temporal modeling review and extension. Report includes original section on update data elements. Category ={DBDmodel> DBFref, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Tsai1993, Author ={Tsai,P. and Chen,A.},
Title ={Querying Uncertain Data in Heterogeneous Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at National Tsing Hua University Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery> } }

@incollection{Tsaklanganos1981, Author ={Tsaklanganos,A.A. and Milutinovich,J.S.},
Title ={The Impact of the Computer on Organization Structures: Some Notes from the Past and A Look into the Future},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Tsalenko1992, Author ={Tsalenko,Michail},
Title ={Database Theory in Russia (1979-1991)},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Russian Humanistic State University Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Tsangaris1991, Author ={Tsangaris,M.M. and Naughton,J.F.},
Title ={A Stochastic Approach for Clustering in Object Bases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Pages ="12-21",
Annote ={ Break the problem of object clustering into a graph partitioning problem. Then, they apply an algorithm based on Kernighan's algorithm. Category ={DBDobject> DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Tsangaris1992, Author ={Tsangaris,M. and Naughton,J.},
Title ={On the Performance of Object Clustering Techniques},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDperf> DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Tsao1973, Author ={Tsao,R.F. and Margolin,B.H.},
Title ={A Multi-Factor Paging Experiment},
Institution ={IBM, TJWRC.},
Year =1973, Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC; Yale Un. Category ={DBFtechn.1, x6} }

@article{Tse1990, Author ={Tse,E. and Syed,J.},
Title ={Industry structure modeling for competative analysis: An integrated AI and systems approach},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management, no.1.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDappl>} }

@inproceedings{Tseng1988, Author ={Tseng,V.P. and Mannino,M.V.},
Title ={Inferring Database Requirements from Examples in Forms},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome,},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at U.Massachusetts Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@book{Tsichritzis1974, Author ={Tsichritzis,D.C. and Bernstein,P.A.},
Title ={Operating Systems},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1974, Annote ={ Introduction to operating system, the design process, with references to file structure. Category ={DBFintro.2> DBFintro.7> %Tsichritzis75 } }

@inproceedings{Tschritzis1975, Author ={Tschritzis,D.},
Title ={A Network Framework for Relation Implementation},
Booktitle ={Data Base Description, Douque and Nijssen(eds).},
Year =1975, Pages ="169--282",
Annote ={ Description of relational, hierarchical, and network based systems using a common language. Category ={DBDschema> DBDrel.3> DBDbound.4> DBDbound.5> } }

@techreport{Tsichritzis1975, Author ={Tsichritzis,D.},
Title ={Features of a Conceptual Schema},
Institution ={Un.Toronto, TR-CSRG-56, ?.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBDschema, x8CSRG} }

@inproceedings{Tsichritzis1976, Author ={Tsichritzis,D.},
Title ={LSL: A Link and Selector Language},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1976, Pages ="123--134",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Tschritzis1976, Author ={Tschritzis,D.C. and Lochovsky,F.H.},
Title ={Hierarchical Data-Base Management: A Survey},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1976, Month Mar,
Pages ="105--124",
Volume ="8",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@book{Tsichritzis1977, Author ={Tsichritzis,D.C. and Lochovsky,F.H.},
Title ={Data Base Management Systems},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY), CS and Applied Mathematics, 388pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={at Un.Toronto (Canada) Category ={DBFintro> DBDschema.3> DBDintro.9.0> } }

@incollection{Tsichritzis1977:1, Author ={Tsichritzis,D. and Lochovsky,F.},
Title ={Views on Data},
Booktitle ={'The ANSISPARC Model', Jardine(ed), N-H.},
Year =1977, Pages ="51--65",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Tsichritzis1978, Author ={Tsichritzis,D.C. and Lochovsky,F.H.},
Title ={Designing the Data Base},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Pages ="147--151",
Category ={DBDadmin.1>} }

@article{Tsichritzis1977:2, Author ={Tsichritzis,D. and Klug,A.(eds)},
Title ={ANSI/X3/SPARC DBMS Framework},
Journal ={AFIPS Press.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ Report of the Study Group on DataBase Management Systems, three-level system. Category ={DBDschema.3> } }

@inproceedings{Tsichritzis1980, Author ={Tsichritzis,D.},
Title ={OFS: An Integrated Form Management System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="161--166",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5.2>} }

@book{Tsichritzis1981, Author ={Tsichritzis,D. and Lochovsky,F.},
Title ={Data Models},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 381pp.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@techreport{Tsichritzis1981:1, Author ={Tsichritzis,D.},
Title ={Omega Alpha},
Institution ={U.Toronto, TR.CSRG-127.},
Year =1981, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Toronto, CSRG a collection of papers or office information systems Category ={DBDoffice, DBfile } }

@book{Tsichritzis1985, Author ={Tsichritzis,D.C. (ed.)},
Title ={Office Automation},
Publisher ={Springler-Verlag.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDoffice>} }

@article{Tsichritzis1983, Author ={Tsichritzis,D. and Christodoulakis,S.},
Title ={Message Files},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Pages ="88-98",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFtrees.1> DBFintro-2>} }

@article{Tsichritzis1985:1, Author ={Tsichritzis,D.},
Title ={Object Species},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin..},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Tsichritzis1987, Author ={Tsichritzis,D., Fiume,E., Gibbs,S., and Nierstrasz,O.},
Title ={KNOs: Knowledge Acquisition, Dissemination and Manipulation Objects},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Office Automation Systems.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Pages ="96-112",
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Tsotras1992, Author ={Tsotras,V. and Gopinath,B.},
Title ={Optimal Versioning of Object Classes},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Tsotsos1985, Author ={Tsotsos,John},
Title ={Knowledge organization and its role in representation and interpretation for time-varying data: the ALVEN system},
Journal ={Computational IntelligenceIntelligence Informatique.},
Year =1985, Month =Feb,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Tsuchiya1984, Author ={Tsuchiya,M. and Mariani,M.P.},
Title ={Performance Modeling on Distributed Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at TRW Category ={DBDdist> DBDmodel>} }

@article{Tsuda1983, Author ={Tsuda,T., Urano,A., and Sato,T.},
Title ={Transposition of Large Tabular Data Structures with Applications to Physical Database Organization},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag , Pt.1, ; Pt.2, pp.167--182.},
Year =1983, Pages ="13-33",
Volume ="19",
Category ={DBappl>} }

@inproceedings{Tsudaka1992, Author ={Tsudaka,S-I., Nakano,M., Kitsuregawa,M., and Takagi,M},
Title ={Parallel Hash Join on Shared-Everything Multiprocessor: Implementation and Performance Evaluation},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Institute of Industrial Science Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Tsukamoto1991, Author ={Tsukamoto,M. et al.},
Title ={Query Processing for a Knowledge-Base Using DOT Algebra},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Tsur1986, Author ={Tsur,S. and Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={LDL: A Logic-based Data-Language},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDlang> DBDnewDBMS> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Tsur1988, Author ={Tsur,Shalom},
Title ={LDL -- A Technology for the Realization of Tightly Coupled Expert Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, Fal..},
Year =1988, Pages ="41--51",
Annote ={at MCC A tightly coupled system: objects declared and manipulated in the program are the same objects that are stored and manipulated in the underlying database. LDL -- Logic Data Language: Is a declarative language; Has a fixed-point semantics based on a bottom-up query computation; Supports a data model that include atoms, complex objects, lists, and sets of objects; Has negation support and a constraint specification capability; Uses compilation for semantic analysis and optimization; Employs a procedural capability for updates; Provides a convenient interface for higher, application-specific interfaces. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Tsur1990, Author ={Tsur,Shalom},
Title ={Data Dredging},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="13",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Knowledge Acquisition Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Tsur1991, Author ={Tsur,Shalom},
Title ={Deductive Databases in Action},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@techreport{Tsur1991:1, Author ={Tsur,S., Olken,F., and Naor,D.},
Title ={Deductive Databases for Genomic Mapping},
Institution ={LBL TR LBL-29577, (?).},
Year =1991, Annote ={ LDL program for probe matching, and problems of extending to practicality Category ={DBDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Tsuruoka1981, Author ={Tsuruoka,K., Kaneko,A., and Nishihara,Y.},
Title ={Dynamic recovery schemes for distributed processes},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 1, Bhargava(ed).},
Year =1981, Pages ="124--130",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans-4>} }

@incollection{Tsygankov1986, Author ={Tsygankov,A.I., Semenov,I.G., Popov,I.Y., Markin,S.P., and Avdeyev,O.A.},
Title ={Relational DBMS for Small Computers},
Booktitle ={Prikladnaya informatika (Applied Informatics), Moscow, Finansy i statistika, .},
Year =1986, Pages ="119--120",
Annote ={ BARS relational database for SM, like INGRES. DML similar to QUEL. Category ={DBDrel, FASAC 59a } }

@article{Tu1989, Author ={Tu,S.W., Kahn,M.G., Musen,M.A., Ferguson,J.C., Shortliffe,E.H., and Fagan,L.M.},
Title ={Episodic Skeletal-Plan Refinement Based on Temporal Data},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , DEc..},
Year =1989, Pages ="1439--1455",
Volume ="32",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ ONCOCIN's knowledge base reflects a hierarchical model of the domain. Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Tucker1988, Author ={Tucker,L.W., Feynman,C.R., and Fritzche,D.M.},
Title ={Object Recognition Using the Connection Machine},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS CH2605,},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Thinking Machines Corp, (Cambridge MA) Category ={IMAGE> DBFmach, DBfile } }

@article{Tuel1976, Author ={Tuel,W.},
Title ={An Analysis of Buffer Paging in Virtual Storage Systems},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1976, Month =Sep,
Volume ="20",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBFhybrid.8>} }

@article{Tuel1978, Author ={Tuel,W.G.Jr.},
Title ={Optimum Reorganization Points for Linearly Growing Files},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems ,},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Pages ="32--40",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM, Corp The problem of finding optimal reorganization intervals for linearly growing files is solved. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBFtechn.4.3, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Tuijn1992, Author ={Tuijn,C. and Gyssens,M.},
Title ={Views and Decompositions of Databases from a Categorical Perspective},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ at Agfa-Gevaert, Belgium; University of Limburg, Belgium Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@book{Tukey1977, Author ={Tukey,John W.},
Title ={Exploratory Data Analysis},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1977, Category ={DBFtechn.1>} }

@techreport{Turbyfill1987, Author ={Turbyfill,Carolyn},
Title ={Comparative Benchmarking of Relational Database Systems},
Institution ={Cornell Un., PhD Th., TR-87-871.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Cornell Un., DCS Category ={DBDperf, DBfile} }

@article{Turbyfill1988, Author ={Turbyfill,Carolyn},
Title ={Disk Performance and Access Patterns for Mixed Database Workloads},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="48--54",
Volume ="11",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Tandem Computers, (Cupertino CA) Category ={DBFhard> DBFperf> } }

@article{Turbyfill1989, Author ={Turbyfill,C., Orji,C., and Bitton,D.},
Title ={As3AP - A Comparative Relational Database Benchmark},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar., IEEE CS.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="560--564",
Annote ={at Sun Microsystems, (Mountain View CA) Measures the utility, query and multi-user transaction processing power of a relational database system. Category ={DBDrel> DBDperf> } }

@inproceedings{Turc1990, Author ={Turc,S.},
Title ={Comparison of Basic and Workspace Transaction Models: Serializability and Failure Tolerance},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Turek1992, Author ={Turek,J., Shasha,D., and Prakash,S.},
Title ={Locking without Blocking: Making Lock Based Concurrent Data Structure Algorithms Nonblocking },
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@book{Turn1972, Author ={Turn,R. and Shapiro,N.Z.},
Title ={Privacy and Security in Databank Systems},
Publisher ={Rand, TR.P4871.},
Year =1972, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Rand (Santa Monica) Measures of effectiveness, cost, and protector-intruder interaction. Category ={DBDprivacy.1> } }

@article{Turn1973, Author ={Turn,Rein},
Title ={Privacy Transformation for Databank systems},
Journal ={Nat.Technical Information Service, US Dep.Commerce (Springfield VA) full report.},
Year =1973, Annote ={at Rand (Santa Monica) Detailed overview, much based on Shannon. Cryptography in communication and data and program storage. Category ={DBFrepresent-5> } }

@book{Turn1981, Author ={Turn,Rein(ed)},
Title ={Advances in Computer System Security},
Publisher ={Artech House, Dedham MA, 403pp.},
Year =1981, Annote ={ 32 papers are organized in nine sections. Each section is prefaced by the editor's one-page introduction. Category ={DBFrepresent-4> DBDkb> } }

@incollection{Turn1985, Author ={Turn,R. and Waite,W.H.},
Title ={Privacy and Security Issues in Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Johnson(ed), `Ethical issues in the Use of Computers', Wadsworth , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8511-1083.},
Year =1985, Pages ="133--147",
Annote ={rework of 1974 article. Category ={DBDprivacy.0>} }

@techreport{Turnbull1972, Author ={Turnbull,C.J.M.},
Title ={A Comparative Analysis of Several Disk Scheduling Algorithms},
Institution ={Un.Toronto, Comp. Systems Res. Group Report CSRG18.},
Year =1972, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Analysis of SSTF, SCAN, CSCAN, FSCAN, and F-CSCAN Category ={DBFtechn.3, xCSRG> } }

@book{Turner1984, Author ={Turner,Raymond},
Title ={Logics for Artificial Intelligence},
Publisher ={Ellis Norwood and John John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), Chichester, 121pp.},
Year =1984, Annote ={at Un.Essex Non-standard logics: Modal logic; Dynamic logic; 3-valued logics; Intuitionstic logics; non-monotonic inference; temporal logic; Fuzzy logic. An easy to read overview. Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDlogic, buy } }

@article{Turton1979, Author ={Turton,T.},
Title ={The Management of Operating System State Data},
Journal ={Quaestiones Informaticae.},
Year =1979, Month =Sep,
Pages ="21--24",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, South Africa Category ={DBFintro.7, DBfile} }

@book{Turk1985, Author ={Turk,Thomas},
Title ={Planning and Designing the Data Base Environment},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDadmin, QA76.9.D3T85} }

@inproceedings{Tushman1980, Author ={Tushman,M.L. and Katz,R.},
Title ={External Communication and Project Performance},
Booktitle ={Management Science, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1071--1085",
Volume ="26",
Number ="11",
Category ={DBFintro.4.3>} }

@inproceedings{Tuttle1990, Author ={Tuttle, et al.},
Title ={Using Meta-1 - The First Version of the UMLS Metathesaurus},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE .},
Year =1990, Annote ={Unified Medical Language System Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@inproceedings{Tuzhilin1989, Author ={Tuzhilin,A. and Kedem,Z.M.},
Title ={Querying and Controlling the Future Behavior of Complex Objects},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Tuzhilin1990, Author ={Tuzhilin,A. and Clifford,J.},
Title ={A Temporal Relational Algebra as a Basis for Temporal Relational Completeness},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Annote ={tries to unify previous models Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Twine1988, Author ={Twine,S.},
Title ={Representing facts in KEE's frame language},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Australia Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Twine1989, Author ={Twine,S.},
Title ={Mapping between a NIAM conceptual schema and KEE frames},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1989, Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ KEE's frame language is unsuitable for use at the conceptual level; it fails to satisfy both the ISO Conceptualisation Principle, the Explicit Representation Principle; however, KEE is used at the internal level. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Tyrvainen1992, Author ={Tyrvainen,P., Saarinen,P., and Hatonen,K.},
Title ={DTM-Domain Modeling for Technical Documentation Retrieval},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Nokia Research Center, Finland Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Tzvieli1988, Author ={Tzvieli,Arie},
Title ={PL: A Probabilistic Logic},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Tzviei1988, Author ={Tzviei,A.},
Title ={On Implementation of Production Systems Using DBMS},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Louisiana State Un. Category ={DBDkb>} } % ------ U ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@inproceedings{Uchinami1986, Author ={Uchinami,Seiichi},
Title ={Statistical database management system},
Booktitle ={Meeting on integration of knowledge base and database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Osaka Un. Category ={DBDstat>} }

@inproceedings{Udagawa1984, Author ={Udagawa,Y. and Mizoguchi,T.},
Title ={An Advanced Database System: ADAM--Towards Integrated Management of Engineering Data},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Mitsubishi Japan Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Udagawa1986, Author ={Udagawa, Yoshihisa},
Title ={Engineering database for circuit diagram},
Booktitle ={Meeting on integration of knowledge base and database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Mitsubishi Japan Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Udagawa1986:1, Author ={Udagawa,Y. and Mizoguchi,T.},
Title ={An Extended Relationl Database System and its Application to Management of Logic Diagrams},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Mitsubishi Electric Corp, Japan Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Udagawa1991, Author ={Udagawa,Yosihisa },
Title ={Implementation and Evaluation of a Browsing Algorithm for Design Applications },
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@article{Uhrowczik1973, Author ={Uhrowczik,P.P.},
Title ={Data Dictionary/Directories},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J..},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Pages ="332--350",
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM,DPD, Los Angeles An IBM view of schemas Category ={DBDschema.1> DBDdesign> %Uhrowczik73 } }

@inproceedings{ulHaq1975, Author ={ulHaq,Mohammed I.},
Title ={Insuring Individuals Privacy from Statistical Data Base Users},
Booktitle ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="941--946",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@techreport{Ullman1970, Author ={Ullman,Jeffrey D.},
Title ={The Design of Hashing Functions},
Institution ={Princeton Un., EE, TR., 19pp.},
Year =1970, Month =Sep,
Number ="85",
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@book{Ullman1980, Author ={Ullman,J.D.},
Title ={Principles of Database Systems},
Publisher ={CRC, 379pp.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ Directed towards the upper level undergrad or first year graduate student in computer science, this text is an attempt to integrate many of the more traditional fields of computer science such as programming languages, algorithms, data structures, etc. into the database world. Unlike most database texts, it provides enough basic theory for the reader to understand the fundamental and important concepts without going 'overboard' into theory. However, my feeling is that it is still too mathematical for the average database practitioner. --- Fountain Category ={DBDmodel, Student file (Fountain) } }

@book{Ullman1982, Author ={Ullman,J.D. },
Title ={Principles of Database Systems, 2nd ed.},
Publisher ={Computer Science Press, 494pp.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@techreport{Ullman1982:1, Author ={Ullman,J.D., Vardi,Y.M., and Maier,D.},
Title ={The Equivalence of Universal Relation Defintions},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR.Stan-CS-82-940.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDtheory.2, DBfile} }

@techreport{Ullman1982:2, Author ={Ullman,J.D. },
Title ={Some Thoughts on Supercomputer Organization},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR.Stan-CS-83-987.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ concept of flux needed for join, sort, unification, and Nim algorithms and provided between subnets. A 'batch and binsort' strategy is evaluated. Category ={DBFmach> DBDkb> } }

@article{Ullman1984, Author ={Ullman,Jeffrey D.},
Title ={Implementation of Logical Query Languages for Databases},
Journal ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR-CS-84-1000.},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Annote ={ NAIL provides logical clauses to define views with transitive closure, express security or integrity constraints and perform other types of reasoning. Capture rules control execution. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDlogic> DBDquery.3> DBDkb, DBfile } }

@techreport{Ullman1985, Author ={Ullman,J.D. and vanGelder,A.},
Title ={Testing Applicability of Top-Down Capture Rules},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR-CS-85-1046.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDlogic, DBfile} }

@unpublished{Ullman1986, Author ={Ullman,J.D. and vanGelder,A.},
Title ={Parallel Implementation of Logical Query languages},
Note ={Stanford.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Ullman1987, Author ={Ullman,Jeffrey D.},
Title ={Database Theory --- Past and Future},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., `object-oriented' vs. `value-oriented' and other related matters. Category ={DBDobject> DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Ullman1988, Author ={Ullman,J.D. and Vardi,M.Y.},
Title ={The Complexity of Ordering Subgoals},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@book{Ullman1988:1, Author ={Ullman,Jeffrey D.},
Title ={Principles of Database and Knowledge-based Systems, Vol.1},
Publisher ={Computer Science Press, 631pp.; ACM CR 8905-0287.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ models, datalog, ISBL, QUEL, QBE, SQL, DBTG as object-oriented, OPAL, physical structures for DBTG, hierarchies, relations, design theory, protection, UNIX with SQL/RT, transactions, distribution and locking. KBSs are 'systems implementing logic, in one or another form, as a programming language' and OO-DBMSs are 'systems supporting object identity, abstract data types or classes and type hierarchy'. Evaluation of rules, negation and closed-world assumption in 'datalog'. SQL is discussed in detail as well as the Gemstone language. Well-written and up-to-date. ---Kulkarni. Category ={DBDintro> DBDkb, x } }

@book{Ullman1989, Author ={Ullman,Jeffrey D.},
Title ={Principles of Database and Knowledge-based Systems, Vol.2},
Publisher ={Computer Science Press.},
Year =1989, Category ={DBDintro> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Ullman1989:1, Author ={Ullman,Jeff},
Title ={Bottom-up Beats Top-down for Datalog},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Ullman1990, Author ={Ullman,J. and Yannakakis,M. },
Title ={The Input/Output Complexity of Transitive Closure},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={ in the dense case I/O equals O(nx*3/sqrt(s); for the sparse case O(nx*3sqrt(e/s)) for standard algorithms, where s is memory size and e is the number of edges. More practical algorithm paths are constructed only by concatenating arcs and old paths are O(nxz83sqrt(e/s)) for arbitrary graphs, including cyclic ones. Category ={DBDtheory> } } % ------ UM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@manual{Un1982, Author ={Un.Penn},
Title ={Workshop On Database Interfaces},
Organization ={. Un.Penn.},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Category ={dbdquery, CsLib(8600643)} }

@manual{Un1977, Author ={Un.Penn, Wharton School},
Title ={Proc.of Wharton Seminar on Database Administration},
Organization ={Un.Penn Press, Philadelphia PA.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Unger1962, Author ={Unger,C.},
Title ={On the Theory of Dumping in Computers},
Journal ={Computer J., ; ACM Computing Reviews Vol.3 No.5, 1962 No.2.584.},
Year =1962, Month =Jan,
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Annote ={Economics of dumping versus reliability. Category ={DBFuse-4.4> } }

@inproceedings{Ungar1987, Author ={Ungar,D.},
Title ={The Power of Self},
Booktitle ={OOPSLA 87, San Diego.},
Year =1987, Annote ={identity constraints of COPIES. Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Unland1989, Author ={Unland,R. and Schlageter,G.},
Title ={A Multi-Level Transaction Model for Engineering Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="98--105",
Annote ={at Un.Hagen, DCS, FRG Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Unland1991, Author ={Unland,R. and Schlageter,G.},
Title ={A Flexible and Adaptable Tool Kit Approach for Transaction Management in Non Standard Database Systems},
Journal ={Rep. FernUniversitat 109.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDtrans> EIS, DBfile} }

@article{Unnikrishnan1988, Author ={Unnikrishnan,A., Shankar,P., and Venkatesh,Y.V.},
Title ={Threaded Linear Hierarchical Quadtrees for Computation of Geometric Properties of Binary Images},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =May,
Pages ="659--665",
Volume ="14",
Number ="5",
Category ={Image>} }

@techreport{Upchurch1979, Author ={Upchurch,E.T., Bitner,J.R., Charlu,D.P.S., and Dale,A.G.},
Title ={A Reconfigurable Database Machine: Architecture and Algorithms},
Institution ={Inst. for CS and Computer Applications, Un.Texas, Austin.},
Year =1979, Month Mar,
Category ={DBFstorage-3>} }

@article{Urban1984, Author ={Urban,S.D., Urban,J., and Dominick,W.D.},
Title ={Utilizing an Executable Specification Language for an Information System},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at U.S.W. Louisiana Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{Urban1986, Author ={Urban,S.D. and Delcambre,L.M.L.},
Title ={An Analysis of the Structural, Dynamic, and Temporal Aspects of Semantic Data Models},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Proposes a temporal, semantic database model integrating predicate-transition-nets and temporal-hierarchical-nets. Relations are predicates, data are variable bindings for the predicates. These bindings are passed along links between the predicates as database transactions are processed. Time is represented as a current-time predicate the that is bound with each transaction that alters the database. Interesting ideas, not rigorously presented ---Downs. SDM is best. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Urban1989, Author ={Urban,S.D. and Delcambre,L.M.L.},
Title ={Constraint Analysis For Specifying Perspectives of Class Objects},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Urban1990, Author ={Urban,S. and Desiderio,M.},
Title ={Translating constraints to rules in CONTEXT: a CONstrainT EXplanation Tool},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Urban1990:1, Author ={Urban,S.D. and Delcambre,L.M.L.},
Title ={Constraint Analysis: A Design Process for specifying operations and objects},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month =Dec,
Volume ="2",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Arizona State Un. Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Urban1991, Author ={Urban,Susan},
Title ={A Semantic Framework for Heterogeneous Database Environments},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Urban1992, Author ={Urban,S.. Karadimce,A., and Nannapaneni,R.},
Title ={The Implementation and Evaluation of Integrity Maintenance Rules in an Object-Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Arizona State Un. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{S1993, Author ={S. Urban,S., Shah,J., and Rogers,M.},
Title ={An Overview of the ASU Engineering Database Project: Interoperability in Engineering Design},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Arizona State University Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Urken1988, Author ={Urken,Arnold B.},
Title ={Social Choice Theory and Distributed Decision Making},
Booktitle ={ACM Conf.on Office Information Systems.(>1988?).},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="158--168",
Annote ={at Stevens Inst.of Technology suprisingly interesting review of voting. Recognize uncertainty. Indecision can be limited by controlling the number of choices, Voter's preference structures, and the rules. Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Urpi1992, Author ={Urpi,T. and Olive,A.},
Title ={A Method for Change Computation in Deductive Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={derived data Category ={DBDlogic> DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Urspring1983, Author ={Urspring,P. and Zehnder,C.A.},
Title ={HIQUEL; An Interactive Query Language to Define and Use Hierarchies},
Booktitle ={ER 3, Davis et al (eds), N-H, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8408-0659.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="299-314",
Annote ={at ETH Zurich Category ={DBDquery>} }

@manual{US1965, Author ={US Air Force},
Title ={Advanced Programming Developments, a Survey},
Organization ={Directorate of Computers Electronic Systems Dev., USAF and Computer Associates, Inc., ESD-TR-65-171,},
Year =1965, Month =Feb,
Annote ={File Security methods Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@techreport{Utsumi1987, Author ={Utsumi,Hiroo},
Title ={Update Management System for Remote LISP RDB Queries},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, KBManagement Science, Journal of TIMS CS393 report.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Nippondenso, Aichi-ken, Japan Category ={DBFdist, DBfile } } % ------ V ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@inproceedings{Vadaparty1991, Author ={Vadaparty,Kumar},
Title ={On the Power of Rule-Based Languages with Sets},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Vadaparty1993, Author ={Vadaparty,K., Aslandogan,Y,. and Ozsoyoglu,G.},
Title ={Towards a Unified Visual Database Access},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Annote = {} }

@article{Vaishnavi1978, Author ={Vaishnavi,V.K., Kriegel,H.P., and Wood,D.},
Title ={Height Balanced 2-3 Trees},
Journal ={Computing, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1978, Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@inproceedings{Valduriez1982, Author ={Valduriez,Patrick},
Title ={Semi-join Algorithms for Multi-processor Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 82, Orlando FL.},
Year =1982, Pages ="225--235",
Annote ={at INRIA, SABRE (Le Chesnay, France) Category ={DBFstorage-3.4> DBDperf.3.3> DBDdist> DBFmach> } }

@article{Valduriez1984, Author ={Valduriez,P. and Gardarin,G.},
Title ={Join and Semijoin Algorithms for a Multiprocessor Database Machine},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="133--161",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at France Category ={DBFmach >DBFhash> DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Valduriez1984:1, Author ={Valduriez, Patrick and Viemont, Yann},
Title ={A Multikey Hashing Scheme using Predicate Trees},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFhash , DBfile Valduriez} }

@article{Valduriez1984:2, Author ={Valduriez,P. and Gardarin,G.},
Title ={Join and Semijoin Algorithms for a Multiprocessor Database Machine},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month Mar,
Pages ="133--161",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MCC now Category ={DBDrel.3> DBDdist> DBFmach>} }

@techreport{Valduriez1985, Author ={Valduriez,P.},
Title ={Optimisation des Operateurs Relationnels dans les Machines Bases de Donnees},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Paris, VI,},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBmach, Thesis} }

@inproceedings{Valduriez1986, Author ={Valduriez,P. and Boral,H.},
Title ={Evaluation of Recursive Queries Using Join Indices},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Valduriez1986:1, Author ={Valduriez,P.},
Title ={Optimization of Complex Database Queries Using Join Indices},
Journal ={IEEE Data Engineering, Vol. 5.},
Year =1986, Pages ="186--192",
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBFindex>} }

@inproceedings{Valduriez1986:2, Author ={Valduriez,P., Khoshafian,S., and Copeland,G.},
Title ={Implementation techniques of Complex Objects},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Valduriez1987, Author ={Valduriez,Patrick},
Title ={Join Indices},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="218--246",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at MCC arrrays of combined indecis are maintained to precompute joins among tuples. The technique is very similar to that implemented as ADABAS correlators. Category ={DBFindex> } }

@inproceedings{Valduriez1989, Author ={Valduriez,P. and Danforth,S.},
Title ={Query Optimization in Database Programming Languages},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Vallee1970, Author ={Vallee,Jacques},
Title ={Scientific Information Networks: A Case Study in Astronomy},
Institution ={SCC Report,},
Year =1970, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Stanford Computation Ctr Data base system to store data on stars. Category ={DBDintro.8> } }

@inproceedings{Valtorta1984, Author ={Valtorta,Marco},
Title ={Knowledge Refinement in Rule Bases for Expert Systems: An Application-Driven Approach},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Duke Un., Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Valusek1985, Author ={Valusek, John Robert},
Title ={Information Requirements Determination: An Investigation of Obstacles Within An Individual},
Institution ={UW-Madison, rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdesign, @inproceedings{vanAssche1988, Author ={vanAssche,F., Loucopoulos,P., and Speltincx,G.},
Title ={A rule-based approach to the development of information systems},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Belgium Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{vanBiema1986, Author ={vanBiema,M., Miranker,D.P., and Stolfo,S.J.},
Title ={The Do-Loop Considered Harmful in Production System Programming},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Columbia Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{vanBiema1989, Author ={vanBiema,Michael},
Title ={The Constraint-Based Paradigm: Integrating Rule-Based and Object-Oriented Programming},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Columbia Un., CSD Generalization of traditional object-oriented paradigm. Object-oriented and rule-based programming paradigms are merged in a `constraint-based paradigm'. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb, BSLee file } }

@article{vanBrunt1970, Author ={vanBrunt,Edmund E.},
Title ={The Kaiser-Permanente Medical Information System},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic, page 477},
Year =1970, Month =Oct,
Volume ="3",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ at Permanente Medical Group and Kaiser Foundation Research Inst. (Oakland, CA) Description of medical record storage system using a hierarchial data structure and descriptor catalogs. Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@article{Vance1971, Author ={Vance,David and Heller,Jack},
Title ={Structure and Content of a Museum Data Bank},
Journal ={Computers and the Humanities,},
Year =1971, Month =Nov,
Pages ="67--84",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@inproceedings{vanDam1967, Author ={vanDam,A. and Evans,D.},
Title ={A Compact Data Structure for Storing, Retrieving and Manipulating Line Drawings},
Booktitle ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS , Thompson Books.},
Year =1967, Pages ="601--610",
Volume ="30",
Annote ={Application Description Category ={DBFhybrid>} }

@article{vanDam1972, Author ={vanDam,Andries and Tompa,Frank William},
Title ={Software Data Paging and Segmentation for Complex Systems},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. , N-H,},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Pages ="80--86",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFhybrid.8>} }

@article{vandeBrug1986, Author ={vandeBrug,A., Bachant,J., and McDermott,J.},
Title ={The Taming of R1},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, Fal..},
Year =1986, Pages ="33--38",
Annote ={at DEC; CMU Solutions to XCON configuration problems are expected with R1-SOAR and RIME. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{vandenBerg1992, Author ={vandenBerg,C. and Kersten,M.},
Title ={Analysis of a Dynamic Query Optimization Technique for Multi-Join Queries},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at CWI, The Netherlands Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Vandenberg1991, Author ={Vandenberg,S. and DeWitt,D.},
Title ={Algebraic Query Processing in EXTRA/EXCESS},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDops> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{vandenBussche1991, Author ={vandenBussche,J. and Paredaens,J.},
Title ={The Expressive Power of Structured Values in Pure OODB's},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{VandenBussche1992, Author ={VandenBussche,J. and VanGucht,D.},
Title ={Semi-determinism},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{VandenBussche1992:1, Author ={VandenBussche,J. and VanGucht,D.},
Title ={A Hierarchy of Faithful Set Creation in Pure OODB's},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Un.Antwerp; Indiana Un, Bloomington, Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Vanderberg1991, Author ={Vanderberg,S. and DeWitt,D.},
Title ={Algebraic Support for Complex Objects with Arrays, Identity, and Inheritance },
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{VanderLei1991, Author ={VanderLei,Johan},
Title ={Critiquing based on computer-stored medical records},
Institution ={PhD thesis.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Erasmus Un, Rotterdam based on papers by VanderRiet and Musen Category ={MIS, PhD shelf } }

@incollection{VanderLei1991:1, Author ={VanderLei,J. and Musen,M.},
Title ={A Model for Critiquing based on automated medical records},
Booktitle ={In VanderLei 'Critiquing based on computer-stored medical records' .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Erasmus Un, Rotterdam knowledge applied to ELIAS, a medical record syste; also knowledge acquisition, maintenance Category ={DDBkb> } }

@inproceedings{VanderMeyden1992, Author ={VanderMeyden,Ron},
Title ={The Complexity of Querying Indefinite Data about Linearly Ordered Domains},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{VandeRiet1978, Author ={VandeRiet,R.P.},
Title ={On multivalued Dependencies and Independencies},
Institution ={IBM Rep. RJ2380.},
Year =1978, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@article{vandeRiet1980, Author ={vandeRiet,R.P., Wasserman,A.I., Kersten,M.L., and DeJonge,W.},
Title ={High-Level Programming Features for Improving the Efficiency of a Relational Database System},
Journal ={UCSF, Lab.of Med.Inf.Science, Tech.Rpt.44.},
Year =1980, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam); UCSF (San Francisco) Category ={DBDintro.0> } }

@techreport{VanDeRiet1980, Author ={VanDeRiet,R.P.},
Title ={On Multivalued Dependencies and Independencies},
Institution ={IBM, TR, ?.},
Year =1980, Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@book{vandeRiet1982, Author ={vandeRiet,R.P. and Litwin,W.(eds)},
Title ={Distributed Data Sharing Systems},
Publisher ={N-H .},
Year =1982, Annote ={ Proc.ISDDSS 2: 2nd seminar on Distributed Data Sharing systems (Amsterdam), Jun.1981. Contributions by Spaccapietra,S.(2); S. et al; Holler,E., Schlageter,G.; Berthelot,G., Terrat,R.; Miranda,S.(2); Boudenant,J.; Walter,B.; Zurfluh,G.; Riordon,J.S.; Apers,P.M.G.; Toth,K.C., Mahmoud,S.A., R.; DesJardins,R.L.; Bosc,P.; Deen,S.M.; Litwin; Kersten,M.L.(2), vandeRiet(2), Wasserman,A.I.(2); Leveson,N.G., W.; Wilms,P.F., Lindsay,B.; Kitagawa,T. Category ={DBDdist, Bookshelf> } }

@inproceedings{vandeRiet1982:1, Author ={vandeRiet,R.P., Kersten,M.L., and Wasserman,A.I.},
Title ={A Module Definition Facility for Access Control in Communicating Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Seminar on Distributed Data Sharing Systems 2, vanderRiet and Litwin(eds), N-H.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDprivacy.2> DBDdist>} }

@article{vandeRiet1986, Author ={vandeRiet,Reind},
Title ={Expert Systems in Trouble? .},
Journal ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf-86.},
Year =1986, Pages ="545--548",
Annote ={at VU, Holland Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{vandeRiet1987, Author ={vandeRiet,Reind},
Title ={Problems with Expert Systems? .},
Journal ={Future Generations Computer Systems, pub. North-Holland, North Holland.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="11--16",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at VU, Holland Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{vandeRiet1983, Author ={vandeRiet,R.P., Kersten,M.L., deJonge,W., and Wasserman,A.I.},
Title ={Privacy and Security in Information Systems Using Programming Language Features},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1983, Pages ="95--103",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam); Med.IS, UCSF Category ={DBDlang> DBDprivacy.1.1> } }

@article{vandeRiet1983:1, Author ={vandeRiet,R.P.},
Title ={Knowledge Bases (in Dutch)},
Journal ={Informatie.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="1--68",
Volume ="25",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{vandeRiet1984, Author ={vandeRiet,R. and Litwin,W.(eds)},
Title ={Distributed Data Sharing Systems: Proceedings},
Publisher ={ N-H. N-H, 1984.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ISDDSS 3, held in Parma, 1984. Category ={DBDdist, QA76.9.D5.I58 } }

@article{vandeRiet1989, Author ={vandeRiet,R.},
Title ={MOKUM: An object-oriented active knowledge base system},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1989, Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ model is Prolog rules and tables in the data dictionary; objects reflect active entities in the Universe of Discourse; the model defines structure and behaviour of objects. Category ={DBDkb> DBDobject> } }

@article{VanDerLans1986, Author ={VanDerLans,Rick F.},
Title ={Data Security in a relational database environment},
Journal ={Comput.Secur., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8702-??.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Pages ="128--134",
Volume ="5",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Control Data, the Netherlands Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@book{VanDerLans1988, Author ={VanDerLans,Rick F.},
Title ={Introduction to SQL},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 368pp; ACM CR 9004-0272.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ a comprehensive treatment of SQL; embedded SQL. ---Artz. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{VanDerLans1991, Author ={VanDerLans,Rick F.},
Title ={An SQL Guide for dBase IV},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 416pp.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDrel>} }

@book{VanDerLans1990, Author ={VanDerLans,Rick F.},
Title ={The SQL standard: a complete guide reference},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 150pp.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Shell Netherlands all of the SQL commands in BNF 1986 in the two levels of the standard; annexes to the SQL; also embedded SQL ---Hodges. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{vanderPool1972, Author ={vanderPool,J.A.},
Title ={Optimum Storage Allocation for Initial Loading of a File},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1972, Month =Nov,
Pages ="579--586",
Volume ="16",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at IBM (Amsterdam) A discussion of acceptable densities in the primary area of a direct file, including the effects of large buckets. Category ={DBFtree> } }

@article{vanderPool1973, Author ={vanderPool,J.A.},
Title ={Optimum Storage Allocation for a File in Steady State},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1973, Month =Jan,
Pages ="27--38",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Evaluation of optimization of a direct file with removals and additions at a steady rate. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> } }

@article{vanderPool1973:1, Author ={vanderPool,J.A.},
Title ={Optimum Storage Allocation for a File with Open Adressing},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1973, Month Mar,
Pages ="106--116",
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Annote ={bucket size simulation study Category ={DBFhybrid.6>} }

@inproceedings{VanderZanden1986, Author ={VanderZanden,B.T. and Taylor,H.M.},
Title ={Estimating Block Accesses when Attributes are Correlated},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12, Kyoto.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="119--127",
Annote ={at Cornell Un. Category ={DBFmethods> DBFtree>} }

@techreport{VanderZanden1985, Author ={VanderZanden,B.T., Taylor,H.M., and Bitton,D.},
Title ={A General Framework for Computing Block Accesses},
Institution ={Cornell Un., CSD, TR.85-718.},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Cornell Un. Category ={DBFperf> DBFhard>} }

@incollection{VanDoren1974, Author ={VanDoren,James R. and Gray,Joseph L.},
Title ={An Algorithm for Maintaining Dynamic AVL Trees},
Booktitle ={Tou74 (COINS-IV).},
Year =1974, Pages ="161--180",
Annote ={at Oklahoma State Un., Stillwater Category ={DBFtrees.2, DBfile } }

@unpublished{VanDoren1976, Author ={VanDoren,J.R.},
Title ={An Asymptotic Analysis of Minimum Order Btrees},
Note ={Manuscript dated .},
Year =1976, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ at Dep.Comp.and Inf.Sc, Oklahoma State Un., Stillwater, OK Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFimpl.2> DBDintegrity> } }

@book{Vandoren1982, Author ={Vandoren,J.R.},
Title ={Data Acquisition Systems},
Publisher ={TS158.6.V36 .},
Year =1982, Category ={MCS>} }

@book{VanDuyn1981, Author ={VanDuyn, Julia},
Title ={Developing a Data Dictionary System},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFmain> DBDschema>} }

@article{vanEmdeBoas1986, Author ={vanEmdeBoas,G. and vanEmdeBoas,P.},
Title ={Storing and evaluating Horn-clause rules in a Relational Database},
Journal ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="80--92",
Volume ="30",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ The paper discusses issues in the implementation of a logic programming system using an existing relational database system. They argue that adapting a relational database system to allow it to perform logic programming functions has the advantage that the full power of the DBMS becomes available in the logic programming environment, without the duplication of effort present in other approaches. rules to relations. This mapping does not cover lists, structures, and the Prolog cut operator. A prototype using this mapping has been implemented. They then discuss what would be needed to provide important functions such as built-in predicates, recursion, and arbitrary structures. They found that this task was made easier by making the preprocessor slightly more intelligent than a dumb syntax translation program. (i) The implementation of the cut by introducing a new relation operator, the breakpoint operator (ii) Rules for determining whether the result of a relational expression is finite (in doing this, the rules also provide an evaluation strategy (iii) Iterative compilation of recursive views. On the whole a good paper, though for completeness they should have indicated directions for future work. Partially implemented within IBM Bus.System 12. The rules are stored as View definitions. Required extensions are discussed, including an equivalent to Cut, called breakpoint, returning an ANY tuple. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{VanGelder1986, Author ={VanGelder,A.},
Title ={A Message Passing Framework for Logical Query Evaluation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@inproceedings{VanGelder1987, Author ={VanGelder,A. and Topor,R.},
Title ={Safety and Correct Translation of Relational Calculus Formulas},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Stanford Un.; Un.Melbourne Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{VanGelder1988, Author ={VanGelder,A. and Ross,K.},
Title ={Unfounded sets and well-founded semantics for general logic programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{VanGelder1989, Author ={VanGelder,Allen},
Title ={The Alternating Fixpoint of Logic Programs with Negation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UC, Santa Cruz Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{VanGelder1990, Author ={VanGelder,Allen},
Title ={Deriving Constraints Among Argument Sizes in Logic Programs},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{VanGelder1991, Author ={VanGelder,A. and Topor,R.},
Title ={Safety and Translation of Relational Calculus Queries},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="16",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ consider disjunction, negation, and universal quantification; two large decidable subclasses are allowed formulas; introduces relational algebra normal form from which the current translation into relational algebra is trivial Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{VanGelder1992, Author ={VanGelder,Allen},
Title ={The Well-Founded Semantics of Aggregation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={unknown>} }

@book{vanGriethuysen1988, Author ={vanGriethuysen,J. and Jardine,D.},
Title ={Introduction to Infomod},
Publisher ={Philips International.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Philips, Eindhoven waterfall model extended ER model the principles, concepts and terms of modern information engineering of ISO Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{VanGucht1986, Author ={VanGucht,D. and Fischer,P.C.},
Title ={Some Classes of Multilevel Relational Structures},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Indiana Un., Bloomington Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{VanGucht1986:1, Author ={VanGucht,Dirk},
Title ={Interaction-Free Multivalued Dependency Sets},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Indiana Un. Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{VanGucht1987, Author ={VanGucht,D.},
Title ={On the Expressive Power of the Extended Relational Algebra for the Unnormalized Relational Model},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="302--312",
Annote ={at Indiana Un. Nested relations. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDtheory> } }

@article{vanHare, Author ={vanHare,C.},
Title ={Special Report of the SIGBDP Forum on the New DBTG},
Journal ={Data Base (ACM-SIGBDP)..},
Pages ="1--11",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDbound.5>} }

@techreport{vanKuijk1991, Author ={vanKuijk,Erik},
Title ={Semantic Query Optimization in Distributed Database Systems},
Institution ={PhD Thesis.},
Year =1991, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Un.Twente contraint based Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist, bookshelf } }

@techreport{vanLehn1973, Author ={vanLehn,Kurta(ed)},
Title ={SAIL User Manual},
Institution ={Stanford Un., AI Lab Memo No.Artificial Intelligence in Medicine-204.},
Year =1973, Month =Jul,
Annote ={Specifies LEAP data usage. Category ={DBFhybrid.7>} }

@techreport{vanMelle1980, Author ={vanMelle,William},
Title ={A Domain-Independent System That Aids in Constructing Consultation Programs},
Institution ={Stanford Un., TR.STAN-CS-80-820.},
Year =1980, Annote ={compilation of MYCIN rules. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{VanRenesse1989, Author ={VanRenesse,R., Tanenbaum,A.S., and Wilschut,A.},
Title ={The Design of a High-Performance File Server},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE Conf.on Distributed Computing Systems , (Newport Beach CA).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Vrije Un. Category ={DBmach>} }

@book{vanRijsbergen1979, Author ={vanRijsbergen,C.J.},
Title ={Information Retrieval},
Publisher ={2nd ed., Butterworths.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDquery.1>} }

@book{vanRijsbergen1984, Author ={vanRijsbergen,C.J.},
Title ={Research and Development in Information Retrieval},
Publisher ={Cambridge Un.Press, in British Computer Society Workshop series, Cambridge Un.Press, 433pp; ACM CR 8508-0693.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ RDIR, Proc of ACM-BCS Symp., Cambridge, Jul.1984. Interface of Information retrieval and databases AND ai. Category ={DBDquery.1> DBDkb> } }

@techreport{vanSoest1989, Author ={vanSoest,D.C.},
Title ={An evaluation of KEE project A1},
Institution ={UT-KBS-89-06.},
Year =1989, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Twente critical assessment Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{vanSteen1991, Author ={vanSteen,M and deJong,E.},
Title ={Designing Highly Parallel Applications Using Database Programming Concepts},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{vanTassel1969, Author ={vanTassel,Dennie L.},
Title ={Cryptographic Techniques for Computers},
Booktitle ={Proccedings of the SJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1969, Pages ="367--372",
Volume ="34",
Annote ={at UCSanta Cruz Category ={DBFrepresent-5>} }

@article{vanTassel1969:1, Author ={vanTassel,Dennie L.},
Title ={Advanced Cryptographic Techniques for Computers},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1969, Month =Dec,
Pages ="664--665",
Volume ="12",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at UCSanta Cruz Category ={DBFrepresent-5>} }

@book{vanTassel1972, Author ={vanTassel,D.},
Title ={Computer Security Management},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1972, Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@article{Varakin1984, Author ={Varakin,V.P., Gorenkov,V.P., and Shashayeva,O.G.},
Title ={Dison Version 12.2-2.83 Interactive General-Purpose Information System},
Journal ={Dialogovaya informatsionnaya sistema obshchego nasznacheniya DISON versiya 12.2-2.83, Moscow.},
Year =1984, Pages ="1--12",
Annote ={ at USSR Acad.Sci., Inst.Appl. Math. im. M.K. Keldysh. Data conversion from YeS tapes to BESM-6 computer under DISPAK with DISON DBMS Category ={DBFhard, FASAC 8 } }

@inproceedings{Vardi1982, Author ={Vardi,Moshe Y.},
Title ={The Implication and Finite Implication Problems for Typed Template Dependencies},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="230--235",
Number ="47580",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. The class of typed template dependencies is a class of data dependencies that includes embedded multivalued and join dependencies. Category ={DBDtheory.2> } }

@article{Vardi1982:1, Author ={Vardi,Moshe Y.},
Title ={The Complexity of Relational Query Language},
Journal ={14th ACM Symp.on Theory of Computing,},
Year =1982, Month =May,
Pages ="137--146",
Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Vardi1982:2, Author ={Vardi,M.Y.},
Title ={On the Decomposition of Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE Symposium On Foundations of Computer Science 23, Chicago.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="176--187",
Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@article{Vardi1983, Author ={Vardi,M.Y.},
Title ={Inferring Multivalued Dependencies from Functional and Join Dependencies},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1983, Pages ="305--324",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Weizman Inst., Rehovot, Israel Category ={DBDtheory.2, xissue } }

@techreport{Vardi1983:1, Author ={Vardi,M.Y.},
Title ={A Note on Lossless Database Decompositions},
Institution ={IBM, TR-RJ-4145 (45933) .},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDtheory.2>} }

@article{Vardi1985, Author ={Vardi,Moshe},
Title ={Querying Logical Databases},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Vardi1986, Author ={Vardi,Moshe},
Title ={Incomplete Information and Default Reasoning},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Vardi1988, Author ={Vardi,M.Y.},
Title ={Decidability and undecidability results for boundedness of linear Recursive Queries},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Vardi1989, Author ={Vardi,Moshe},
Title ={Automata Theory for Database Theoreticians},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at IBM Almaden Research Center Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Varghese, Author ={Varghese,S.J., Moore,J.C., and Whinston,A.B.},
Title ={A Model of Decision-Making Involving Two Information Processors},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management (Computer Science in Economics and Management).},
Pages ="119--150",
Volume ="2",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Remove assumptions that: (a) all the information necessary for decison making is available, and thus the decision problem reduces to utilizing the information to make the best decision possible, and (b) the decision is provided by humans. The human and the computer working jointly towards solving a decision problem. Thus, the model explicitly considers the issue of more than one agent's performing information-gathering actions. It also considers the impact of a time constraint on decison-making. ---Amman. I3 Category ={DBDkb> AFIS> } }

@article{Varvel1989, Author ={Varvel,D. and Shapiro,L.},
Title ={The Computational Completeness of Extended Database Query Languages},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), May ACM Computing Reviews 1912-0898.},
Year =1989, Volume ="15",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin POSTGRES and GENESIS and a language defined by Aho and Ullman; Turing complete. QUEL from POSTGRES, GDL from GENESIS, Aho and Ullman vs Turing machine. ---Grismon. Category ={DBDlang> DBDquery> } }

@article{Vasilyev1985, Author ={Vasilyev,N.A.},
Title ={On the Theory of Overall Storage Economy},
Journal ={Programmirovaniye, Moscow, -Jun..},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Pages ="82--85",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Lavror-Yevshow theory applied to something like a neural net system -- read in full? Category ={DBDtheory, FASAC 28 } }

@inproceedings{Vassiliou1979, Author ={Vassiliou,Y.},
Title ={Null Values in Data Base Management: A Denotational Semantics Approach},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 79, Bernstein(ed), Boston.},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="162--169",
Category ={DBDtheory.7> DBDschema.3>} }

@inproceedings{Vassiliou1980, Author ={Vassiliou,Yannis},
Title ={Functional Dependencies and Incomplete Information},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds), Montreal.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="260--269",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto, CSRG (Canada) Category ={DBDtheory.2.8>} }

@techreport{Vassiliou1980:1, Author ={Vassiliou,Yannis},
Title ={A Formal Treatment of Imperfect Information in Database Management},
Institution ={Un.Toronto, TR.CSRG-123.},
Year =1980, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBDschema.2> DBDtheory, Home shelf} }

@article{Vassiliou1983, Author ={Vassiliou,Y., Clifford,J., and Jarke,M.},
Title ={How does an Expert System get its Data},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 9.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Vasta1989, Author ={Vasta,Joseph A.},
Title ={Understanding Database Management Systems},
Publisher ={Wadsworth Publishing Co., (Belmont CA), 2nd ed., 544pp.},
Year =1989, Annote ={IMS, IDMS. Category ={DBDbound>} }

@article{Veijalainen1991, Author ={Veijalainen,J. and Eliassen,F.},
Title ={The S-transaction Model},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng. Bull.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at TRC, Finland Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Veijalainen1992, Author ={Veijalainen.J. and Wolski,A.},
Title ={Prepare and Commit Certification for Decentralized Transaction Management in Rigorous Heterogeneous Multidatabases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Technical Research Centre of Finland Category ={DBDtrans> DBDdist> } }

@article{Veklerov1985, Author ={Veklerov,E.},
Title ={Analysis of Dynamic Hashing with Deferred Splitting},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="90--96",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFhash.5.1>} }

@techreport{Velardi1983, Author ={Velardi,P. and Iyer,R.K.},
Title ={A Study of Software Failures and Recovery in the MVS Operating System},
Institution ={CRC TR-83-8, (CSL TN83-26).},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBFrepresent@techreport{Velardi1986, Author ={Velardi,P. and Pazienza,M.T.},
Title ={Using a Semantic Knowledge Base to Support a Natural Language Interface to a Text Database},
Institution ={rcvd. for IFIP TC-2.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Interesting small-scale experiment. Validity in general unproven. Category ={DBDkb, Cha } }

@book{VelBitsky1984, Author ={VelBitsky,I.V.},
Title ={Software Engineering},
Publisher ={Tekhnika, Kiev.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ R-technology --- a complete methodolgy, formal, but low-level emphasis Category ={DEng> } }

@article{VelBitsky1987, Author ={VelBitsky,I.V, Kovalev,A.L., and Timchenko,T.O.},
Title ={R-ShemechDescription of Structural Specifications of Data Related Models},
Journal ={Cybernetics, (translated from the Russian Kibernetika, -Apr.1987).},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Number ="2",
Category ={DEng, FASAC 152} }

@inproceedings{Velez1989, Author ={Velez,F., Bernard,G., and Vineeta,D.},
Title ={The O2 Object Manager: an Overview},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Altair, France Object access and manipulation, transaction management, persistance and disk management, distribution in the server workstation configuration. A good overview of the storage manager. System can be run in 'Development Mode'. Execution mode provides early binding, concurrency and recovery. Methods can execute in server or client. Built on top of WiSS. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Veloso1981, Author ={Veloso,P.A.S., deCastilho,J.M.V., and Furtado,A.I.},
Title ={Systematic Derivation of Complementary Specifications},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="409--423",
Annote ={ at PUC do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Un.Fed. Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil Category ={DBDschema.1> } }

@article{VeniMadhavan1983, Author ={VeniMadhavan,C.E. and Krishna,S.},
Title ={Comments on 'Optimal Design of Distributed Information Systems'},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. on Computers, Vol.C-32 .},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1200--1201",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ at National Informatics Ctr, Electronics Commission, New Delhi Cross reference P.P.Chen and J.Akoka, IEEE Trans. Comput., Vol.C-29, pp.1068--1080, Dec.1980. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{VenkatRangan1992, Author ={VenkatRangan,P., Kaeppner,T and Vin,H.},
Title ={Techniques for Efficient Storage of Digital Video and Audio},
Booktitle ={ WORKSHOP ON MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION SYSTEManagement Science, Journal of TIMS, Tempe, Arizona, 1992.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCSD Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Ventrone1991, Author ={Ventrone,V. and Heiler,S.},
Title ={Semantic Heterogeneity as a Result of Domain Evaluation},
Journal ={SIGMOD Record Special Issue: Semantic Issues in Multidatabase Systems.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Volume ="20",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Vere1975, Author ={Vere,S.A.},
Title ={Induction of Concepts in the Predicate Calculus},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4, Tbilisi, Georgia, USSR.},
Year =1975, Pages ="281--287",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Chicago Circle Category ={DBDquery.2.3, DBfile } }

@incollection{Verheijen1982, Author ={Verheijen,G.M.A. and VanBekkum,J.},
Title ={NIAM: An Information Analysis Method},
Booktitle ={Information Systems Design Methodologies, IFIP, N-H : A Comparative Review, Olle et al (eds), N-H.},
Year =1982, Annote ={--- Kung Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{VerHoef1966, Author ={VerHoef,E.W.},
Title ={Design of a Multilevel File Management System},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf, P21.},
Year =1966, Pages ="75--86",
Category ={DBFhybrid.6>} }

@techreport{Verhofstad1976, Author ={Verhofstad,J. and Todd,S.},
Title ={Cost Prediction for Database Query Optimization},
Institution ={Tech Note 52, IBM UK Scientific Ctr, Peterlee UK.},
Year =1976, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDrel.2>} }

@techreport{Verhofstad1976:1, Author ={Verhofstad,J.},
Title ={The PRTV Optimiser: The Current State},
Institution ={IBM, UK Scientific Ctr, TR.UKSC-83 (Peterlee UK) .},
Year =1976, Month =May,
Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@techreport{Verhofstad1977, Author ={Verhofstad,J.},
Title ={An Evaluation of the PRTV Optimiser},
Institution ={Tech Note, IBM UK Scientific Ctr, Peterlee UK.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBDrel.3>} }

@article{Verhofstad1978, Author ={Verhofstad,J.S.M.},
Title ={Recovery Techniques for Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1978, Month =Jun,
Pages ="167--195",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDtrans.3>} }

@inproceedings{Verissimo1990, Author ={Verissimo,Paulo},
Title ={Real-Time Data Management with Clock-less Reliable Broadcast Protocols},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at TU Lisboa clock-less protocols achieve the best possible execution time, but have more variance Category ={DBFdist> } }

@article{Vermeersch1985, Author ={Vermeersch,P.E. and Anderson,R.M.},
Title ={Data Base Management for Nursing Education: One School's Experience with System 1022},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub, -2.},
Year =1985, Month Apr,
Pages ="69--78",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Category ={MCS> DBDnewDBMS>} }

@article{Vermeir1982, Author ={Vermeir,D. and Nijssen,G.M.},
Title ={A Procedure to Define the Object Type (Structure) of a Conceptual Schema},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1982, Pages ="329--336",
Volume ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Queensland, Brisbane part of NIAM (Nijssen Information Analysis method) model Category ={DBDmodel.1> } }

@article{Vermeir1983, Author ={Vermeir,Dirk},
Title ={Semantic Hierarchies and Abstractions in Conceptual Schemata},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8404-298.},
Year =1983, Pages ="117--124",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Queensland Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@article{Vernik1984, Author ={Vernik,L.V. and Vinitskiy,I.M.},
Title ={Some Problems of Theory of Relational Data Processing Languages},
Journal ={Kibernetika, Kiev, -Sep..},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Pages ="38--42",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at UkSSR Acad.Sci., Sci.Res.Inst.Psychology conversion of expanded relational calculus to relational algebra. Category ={DBDrel, FASAC 14b } }

@techreport{Verroust1983, Author ={Verroust,A.},
Title ={Set of Facts Closed Under a Schema and Update Operations Associated},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-285.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDmodel.3, DBfile} }

@book{Vesely1986, Author ={Vesely,Eric G.},
Title ={The Practitioner's Guide for Logical and Physical Database Design},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 240pp.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at National Un.Singapore consistent Un.example Category ={DBDmodel, on order } }

@book{Vesely1986:1, Author ={Vesely,Eric G.},
Title ={The Practitioner's Blueprint for Logical and Physical Database Design},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 317 pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8802-0063.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Defining application boundary; data collection; verifying; identifying the entity types; assigning data elements to entity type; normalization; combine tables; generalization; physical design. Survey of commercial DBMS. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDintro> DBDmodel } }

@book{Vesely1990, Author ={Vesely,Eric G.},
Title ={Strategic data management: they key to corporate competitiveness},
Publisher ={Yourdon, 312 pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9104-0254.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ GUIDE's data resource management planning (DRMP) cycle, IBM's Business Systems Planning (BSP), information analysis, BIAIT, ROI estimating; insurance company is an example; 100 page case study Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Vetter1990, Author ={Vetter,Linda},
Title ={Trusted RDBMS},
Booktitle ={Database 90, San Diego.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Oracle Category ={DBDsec>} }

@book{Vetter1981, Author ={Vetter,M. and Maddison,R.N.},
Title ={Data Base Design Methodology},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 306 pages.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@book{Vetter1989, Author ={Vetter,M.},
Title ={Strategy for Data Modelling},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 344pp.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at IBM, Switzerland Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Vianu1983, Author ={Vianu,Victor},
Title ={Dynamic Constraints and Database Evolution},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 2.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at UCSD Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Vianu1987, Author ={Vianu,Victor},
Title ={Dynamic Functional Dependencies and Database Aging},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Pages ="28--59",
Volume ="34",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at UCSD Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@techreport{Vianu1987:1, Author ={Vianu,V. and Vossen,G.},
Title ={Conceptual Level Concurrency Control of Relational Update Transactions},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month Apr,
Annote ={ The conditions in a transaction restrict the set of candidate updatable tuples, so that concurrency in pessimistic algorithms is increased. Keep track, delete, modify vs insert, and eliminate redundant operations. Category ={DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@article{Vianu1988, Author ={Vianu,Victor},
Title ={Database Survivability Under Dynamic Constraints},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1988, Pages ="55--84",
Volume ="25",
Annote ={ The interaction between static functional dependencies and dynamic functional dependencies, the effect of dynamic fd's on database evolution. ---Xiaolei reorganization. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Vianu1988:1, Author ={Vianu,Victor},
Title ={A Dynamic Framework for Object Projection Views},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , no.1, ; ACM CR 8811-0877.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--22",
Volume ="13",
Annote ={at UCSD view updates considering original FDs. Assumes simplest translation to the underlying database. Very restrictive unirelational database FDs and DFDs, no exclusions or deletions. Technically very good. Rejecting update object projections. ---Mancas. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign> DBDschema> VOD> } }

@inproceedings{Vianu1989, Author ={Vianu,Victor},
Title ={Expressive Power of Query Languages},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at UCSD Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Vickery1984, Author ={Vickery,A.},
Title ={An Intelligent Interface for Online Interaction},
Journal ={J.Inf.Sci.Princ.Pract..},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Pages ="7--18",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ survey of AI-based front ends for IR. Classification. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Vidomenko1980, Author ={Vidomenko,V.P.},
Title ={Structural Interpretation of Data-Logic Languages},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Oct..},
Year =1980, Month =Sep,
Pages ="267--271",
Volume ="6",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBDquery, FASAC 312} }

@inproceedings{Vidyasankar1984, Author ={Vidyasankar,K. and Raghavan,V.V.},
Title ={Highly Flexible Integration of the Locking and the Optimistic Approaches to Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={rcvd},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@techreport{Vieille1985, Author ={Vieille,L.},
Title ={Recursive Axioms in Deductive databases: various solutions},
Institution ={.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ Doesn't seem to say much, but surveys the difference between approaches. Category ={DBDkb, ullman } }

@inproceedings{Vielle1986, Author ={Vielle,L.},
Title ={Recursive Axioms in Deductive Databases: The Query-Subquery Approach},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at ECRC (FRG) Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Viemont1982, Author ={Viemont, Yann H. and Gardarin, George J.},
Title ={A Distributed Concurrency Control Algorithm Based on Transaction Commit},
Journal ={12th Symp. Fault-Tolerant Comput..},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at INRIA (France) Category ={DBDintegrity , DBfile} }

@techreport{Viemont1984, Author ={Viemont,Yann and Michel,R.},
Title ={Le Mechanisme de Mises a Jour Integres et Fiables dans SABRE},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1984, Annote ={at INRIA, SABRE Integrity Maintenance mechanisms for the diversity of objectives in a Distributed database system are still incomplete. Shadow pages provide the most global solution and a variant is used in SABRE to permit a high level of parallelism. ( Versions) Category ={DBDtrans-4> DBDintegrity.2> DBDdist @techreport{Vigier1984, Author ={Vigier,P.},
Title ={Dynamics Attributes in the Multidatabase System MRDSM},
Institution ={Diplome d'Etudes Approfondies (DEA), Paris 6.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at INRIA To overcome differences in multi database access define new attributes and let the system do the conversion. Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@techreport{Vigier1987, Author ={Vigier,P. and Litwin,W.},
Title ={New Functions for Dynamic Attributes in the Multidatabase System MRDSM},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR., 19pp.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Number ="724",
Annote ={at INRIA presented at Honeyell Large System meeting HLSUA. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile Litwin } }

@book{Vigil1988, Author ={Vigil,Peter J.},
Title ={Online Retrieval: Analysis and Strategy},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 292pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8811-0835.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Illinois Very disappointing. Largely on Dialog and BRS. ---Buell. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@article{Vikas1982, Author ={Vikas,O. and Rajaraman,V.},
Title ={Searching in a Dynamic Memory with Fast Sequential Access},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="479--485",
Volume ="25",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ at National Informatics Ctr, New Delhi, and IIT, Kanpur, India 1.5 log memory size search in a shuffle-cyclic memory with sorted entries. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Vilain1982, Author ={Vilain,M.D.},
Title ={A System for Reasoning about Time},
Journal ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int-82.},
Year =1982, Month =Aug,
Pages ="197--201",
Annote ={at BBN Simple temporal processing operations. Category ={DBDquery.3> } }

@inproceedings{Vilain1986, Author ={Vilain,M. and Kautz,H.},
Title ={Constraint Propagation Algorithms for Temporal Reasoning},
Booktitle ={Proc. Natl. Conf. of the American Association for Artifical Int.},
Year =1986, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Vinden1990, Author ={Vinden,Robin},
Title ={Data dictionaries for database administrators},
Publisher ={TAB Books, 176pp; ACM Computing Reviews 9104-0230.},
Year =1990, Annote ={ intended to sell the data administration concept and the information center; the book is of limited value. ---McGee. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@article{Vinokur1986, Author ={Vinokur,Aleksandr B.},
Title ={Some Problems in Development and Use of Discipline in Design of Automated Data Processing Systems},
Journal ={Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny, Kiev.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Pages ="98--104",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Lvov focuses on data entry and error correction in batch and interactive (DIAMS-MUMPS) mode. Category ={DBDdesign, FASAC 55 } }

@inproceedings{Vinter1986, Author ={Vinter,S., Ramamritham,K., and Stemple,D.},
Title ={Recoverable actions in gutenberg},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern.Conference on Distributed Computing Systems (IEEE) 6.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Pages ="242--249",
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Vitter1982, Author ={Vitter,J.S.},
Title ={Deletion algorithms for hashing that preserve randomness},
Journal ={J.Algorithms.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="261-275",
Volume ="3",
Annote ={chaining and open addressing Category ={DBFhash} }

@article{Vitter1985, Author ={Vitter,Jeffrey S.},
Title ={An Efficient I/O Interface for Optical Disks},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="129--162",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Brown Un. An I/O interface supports basic update operations such as insert write and delete on the block is proposed. Index techniques for erasable media (Btree is assumed in this paper) can be implemented on this interface. Versions of a block is stored as an allocation tree on an optical disk, which is an efficient implementation of the pointer fill-in method. Contents of a version of a block is represented by an offset tree. Theoretical lower bound of these operations is evaluated. This paper assumes that appending into existing block is possible on optical disk. ---H.Shima. Category ={DBFhard.1.4> } }

@article{Vitter1985:1, Author ={Vitter,J.S. and Chen,W.C.},
Title ={Optimum Algorithms for a Model of Direct Chaining},
Journal ={SIAM J.Computing.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhash} }

@article{Vitter1983, Author ={Vitter,J.S.},
Title ={Analysis of the search performance of coalesced hashing},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM, ; ACM Computing Reviews 40,398.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Pages ="231-258",
Volume ="30",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Chaining and open addressing; by appropriate tuning outperforms other schemes Category ={DBFhash> } }

@article{Vold1973, Author ={Vold,H. and Sjogren,B. H.},
Title ={Optimal Backup of Data Bases: A Statistical Investigation},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark .},
Year =1973, Pages ="233--241",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Universitet Oslo, EDB Ctr (Norway) Dump frequency as a function of catastrophic error rate. Category ={DBFuse-4.4> } }

@article{Volfengagen1985, Author ={Volfengagen,V.E. and Yatsuk,V.Y.},
Title ={A Computational Model of Relational Algebra},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Oct..},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="298--309",
Volume ="11",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ In introduction layers the Relational DBMS, KBMS, logic, to develop LAMBDA with derived types. Category ={DBDkb> DBDops, FASAC 334 } }

@inproceedings{vonBultzingsloewen1987, Author ={vonBultzingsloewen,G.},
Title ={Translating and Optimizing SQL Queries Having Aggregates},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{vonBultzingsloewen1988, Author ={vonBultzingsloewen,G., Iochpe,C., Liedtke,R-P., Dittrich,K.L., and Lockemann,P.C.},
Title ={Two Level Transaction Managment in a Multiprocessor Database Machine},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) Category ={DBDkb> DBFtrans>} }

@article{vonBultzingsloewen1988:1, Author ={vonBultzingsloewen,G., Dittrich,K.R., Iochpe,C., Liedtke,R-P., Lockemann,P.C., and Schryro,M.},
Title ={KARDAMOM --- A Dataflow Database Machine For Real-Time Applications},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Pages ="44--50",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe, FRG Category ={DBFmach> DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{vonBultingsloewen1989, Author ={vonBultingsloewen,G., Iochpe,C., Lietdke,R.P., and Dittrich,K.R.},
Title ={Design and Implementation of KARDAMOM -- A Set Oriented Data Flow Database Machine},
Booktitle ={IWDM 89, (Deauville France).},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@article{vonBultingsloewen1989:1, Author ={vonBultingsloewen,G.},
Title ={Optimizing SQL Queries for Parallel Execution},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="17--22",
Volume ="18",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{vonBultzingsloewen1993, Author ={vonBultzingsloewen,G., Kramer,R., and Schryro,M.},
Title ={PANDA: A Testbed for Investigating Strategies for Parallel Query Execution (Synopsis)},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at FZI, Un.Karlsruhe Category ={DBDdist>} }

@incollection{VonGohren1974, Author ={VonGohren,Gerald L.},
Title ={Integrated Data Store},
Booktitle ={Data Base Management Systems, Jardine(ed), N-H (SHARE).},
Year =1974, Annote ={at Pillsbury Co. (Minneapolis MN) Introduction to organisation and use of Honeywell IDS system. Category ={DBFhash.6> DBDbound.4> } }

@book{Vonnegut1952, Author ={Vonnegut,K.jr.},
Title ={Player Piano, America in the Coming Age of Electronics},
Publisher ={Charles Scribner's Sons, 295pp.},
Year =1952, Category ={DBFintro> DBFseq>} }

@article{Vose1972, Author ={Vose,M.R. and Richardson,J.S.},
Title ={An Approach to Inverted Index Maintenance},
Journal ={Computer Bulletin.},
Year =1972, Pages ="256--262",
Volume ="16",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ Proposal to use multi-list structure in index maintenance, another index Category ={DBFindex.4, x3.4> } }

@inproceedings{Voss1992, Author ={Voss,D. and Driscoll,J.},
Title ={Text Retrieval using a Comprehensive Semantic Lexicon},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at University of Central Florida Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Vossen1987, Author ={Vossen,Gottfried},
Title ={Datenmodelle, Datenbanksprachen und Datenbank-Management-Systeme},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), Deutschland.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ Database models, Database languages, and DBMS. Siemens UDS (Codasyl), SQL PS, dBase II, MEMODAX (universal). Transactions. Category ={DBDintro> DBDmodel> DBFtrans> DBDimpl> } }

@article{Vossen1988, Author ={Vossen,G. and Yacabucci,J.},
Title ={An Extension of the Database Language SQL to Capture More Relational Concepts},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record,},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="70--78",
Volume ="17",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at UCSD, DCS and Eng. Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Vossen1988:1, Author ={Vossen,G.},
Title ={A New Characterization of FD Implication with an Application to Update Anomalies},
Journal ={Information Processing Letters, North-Holland. .},
Year =1988, Pages ="131-135",
Volume ="29",
Category ={DBDops>} }

@book{Vossen1991, Author ={Vossen,Gottfried},
Title ={Date Models, Database Languages and Database Management Systems},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 590pp.},
Year =1991, Annote ={at TU Aachen Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@book{Vowell1988, Author ={Vowell,Jeff D.jr.},
Title ={DB2: The Complete Guide to Implementation and Use},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences Inc., 343pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8904--0193.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ Generous examples of JCL, checklists and strawman standards. ---Artz. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Voydock1983, Author ={Voydock,V.L. and Kent,S.T.},
Title ={Security Mechanisms in High-Level Network Protocols},
Journal ={ACM Computing Surveys.},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Pages ="135--171",
Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFsecurity> DBDdist>} }

@unpublished{Vrbsky1988, Author ={Vrbsky,S.V. and Lin,K-J.},
Title ={Recovering Imprecise Transactions with Real-Time Constraints},
Note ={for the 7th IEEE Distr.Reliability .},
Year =1988, Annote ={A lot of interesting terms. FAUVE? Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Vrbsky1990, Author ={Vrbsky,S.V., Liu,J., and Smith,K.P.},
Title ={An object-oriented approach to producing monotonically improving approximate answers},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Urbana leave constraints declarative, action can be hidden Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Vrbsky1991, Author ={Vrbsky,S.V. },
Title ={An Object-Oriented Query Processor that Produces Monotonically Improving Approximate Answers to Relational Algebra Queries},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDobject> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Vrbsky1992, Author ={Vrbsky,S. and Liu,J.},
Title ={Producing Approximate Answers to Set-Valued and Single-Valued Queries with APPROXIMATE},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Vuillemin1983, Author ={Vuillemin,Jean},
Title ={A Very Fast Multiplication Algorithm for VLSI Implementation},
Institution ={Institut National de la Recherche en Informatique et Automatique, TR-183,},
Year =1983, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at INRIA Category ={EIS} } % ----- --- W ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@article{Wachs1986, Author ={Wachs,Andrew S.},
Title ={Parallel Processing in Real Time Enhances High End Performance},
Journal ={Computer Tech. Review.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Concurrent Computer Corp Category ={DBDperform>} }

@techreport{Wachsmuth1987, Author ={Wachsmuth,Ipke},
Title ={On Structuring Domain-Specific Knowledge},
Institution ={IBM Deutschland, LILOG Res.R. .},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Number ="12",
Annote ={ at IBM Deutschland, LILOG Project (Stuttgart, FRG) Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Wada1989, Author ={Wada,Y., Nakakawaji,N., Kanamori,T., and Ishida,T.},
Title ={A Table Driven User-Friendly Interface for Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="150--157",
Annote ={ at Mitsubishi Electric Corp., (Kamakura-City, Japan) Category ={DBDquery> } }

@techreport{Waddle1981, Author ={Waddle,V. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Database Design By Example},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, Coll.of Bus.and Management, TR.81-26.},
Year =1981, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile Yao} }

@inproceedings{Wade1990, Author ={Wade,Drew},
Title ={Goals and Requirements Storage Manager (SM) Working Group Design Data Management TSC, CFI},
Booktitle ={Workshop on OODB Standardization 1, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Category ={DBDobject> EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Wadler1985, Author ={Wadler,Philip},
Title ={How to replace failure by a list of successes},
Booktitle ={Proc.Funct.Prog.Langs.and Comp.Arch., ; ACM Computing Reviews 8608-??.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Oxford Un. non-cooperation in functional programming. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Wagman1990, Author ={Wagman,Branwyn S.},
Title ={Medical Software},
Journal ={Physicians & Computers.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={Macintosh access to MEDLINE optical discs. Category ={MIS> DBDbib, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Wagner1988, Author ={Wagner,C.F.},
Title ={Implementing Abstraction Hierarchies},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .7, Rome.},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Ciencia da Computacao, Sao Paulo, Brazil Category ={DBDdesign> DBDkb> } }

@book{Wagner1975, Author ={Wagner,H.M.},
Title ={Principles of Management Science},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 2nd ed., 562pp.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFtechn.4>} }

@inproceedings{Wagner1990, Author ={Wagner,N.R., Fountain,R.L., and Hazy,R.J.},
Title ={The Fingerprinted Database},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, San Antonio Category ={DBDsec>} }

@article{Wagner1973, Author ={Wagner,R.E.},
Title ={Indexing Design Considerations},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1973, Month =Dec,
Pages ="351--367",
Volume ="12",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, SDD San Jose Description of development of VSAM indexing and key compression Category ={DBFimpl.2> DBFimpl.3> } }

@techreport{Wah1979, Author ={Wah,B.W.},
Title ={A Systematic Approach to the Management of Data in Distributed Data Bases},
Institution ={PhD Th., UCB.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBFstorage-3.4> DBFeval.4> DBDdist>} }

@article{Wah1980, Author ={Wah,B.W. and Yao,S.B.},
Title ={DIALOG--A Distributed Processor Organization for Database Machine},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1980, Pages ="243--253",
Volume ="49",
Annote ={at Purdue Un. DIALOG, Distributed Associative LOGic database machine, is another effort beside RAP.3 in distributed database machine. However, the major difference between it and RAP.3 is that the latter is a research project while DIALOG exists in paper only. There are other differences in design. In RAP.3, for example, each node in the network is equal, whereas in DIALOG, the network is hierarchical: the host computer communicates with a number of backend controllers, each of which is connected to a cluster of data modules. Another difference lies in the physical communication link: while RAP.3 is Ethernet-based DIALOG is a fully-connected network using serial lines governed by a central clock as links. In addition, the database in RAP.3 is partitioned while that in DIALOG is duplicated. (Kitty Shih comment) Category ={DBFmach> } }

@book{Wah1981, Author ={Wah,B.W.},
Title ={Data Management on Distributed Databases},
Publisher ={UMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers Res. Press, Ann Arbor MI, 291 pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 1982, pp.290.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ In this text the author covers many aspects of distributed database systems (DDS). The major areas are: query decomposition on a distributed relational database, placement and migration of multiple copies of a file, task scheduling, and hardware support. The chapters begin with introductory sections which contain excellent and current bibliographic information. Basically, the issues of resource management of data on a DDB are examined in a sweeping yet detailed study. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Wah1984, Author ={Wah,Benjamin W.},
Title ={File Placement on Distributed Computer Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Pages ="23--33",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Wah1984:1, Author ={Wah,B.L. and Lien,Y},
Title ={File Placement and Query Processing in Local Multi-Access Network},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Wah1985, Author ={Wah,B.L. and Lien,Y},
Title ={Design of Distributed Databases on Local Computer Systems with a Multi-Access Network},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 ,},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="606--620",
Number ="7",
Annote ={development of IEEE DE 1, paper. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Wah1985:1, Author ={Wah,Ben},
Title ={unitled Bibliography related to Computer Hardware Architecture for AI},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ extensive bibliography on the categories: Unification Hardware, Sorting Machines; String and Pattern Matching; Parallel Dynamic Programming; Other Microlevel VLSI Algorithms, Theory, Dictionary Machines; Parallel Search Algorithms; Architectures for Searching; Database Machines; Data Structure (List Oriented) Architecture; LISP machines; Fifth Generation; Logic-Programming Oriented Architectures; Knowledge-Oriented AI Architectures Associative Processing; Multiprocessors: Distributed Problem Solving; Functional-Programming Oriented Architectures. Category ={DBDkb> DBFmach>; 2.1.4 @book{Wah1987, Author ={Wah,Benjamin(ed)},
Title ={Proceedings Third International Conference on Data Engineering},
Publisher ={IEEE CS, Los Angeles CA.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFmaint} }

@article{Wald1984, Author ={Wald,J.A and Sorenson,P.G.},
Title ={Resolving the Query Inference Problem Using Steiner Trees},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="348--368",
Volume ="9",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ MDCST resolves queries over attributes using a schema tree. Category ={DBDschema.3> DBDquery.3> } }

@article{Wald1990, Author ={Wald,J.A and Sorenson,P.G.},
Title ={Explaining Ambiguity in a Formal Query language},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Pages ="125--161",
Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Annote ={sorting out paths in the ER model. Category ={DBDquery.3> } }

@inproceedings{Waldinger1987, Author ={Waldinger, Richard},
Title ={The Bomb in the Toilet},
Booktitle ={rcvd .},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at SRI, AI Ctr argument about a requirement in planning systems. I'd choose to use uncertainty computations ----Gio. Category ={DBDlogic , DBfile } }

@article{Waldrop1984, Author ={Waldrop,M.Mitchell},
Title ={The Intelligence of Organizations},
Journal ={Science.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1136--1137",
Volume ="225",
Number ="4667",
Annote ={ review of AAIA panel Aug.1984. The relationship between Computer system organization and human interaction. See also Malone84. Contract net. I3 Category ={DBDdist> DBDkb> } }

@article{Waler1978, Author ={Waler,W.A.},
Title ={Designing a Conceptual Data Model},
Journal ={Presentation made, GUIDE 46, Session No.IM-4, Miami FL, 28pp.},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Annote ={ the waterfall approach is an abysmal way of doing things; the `evolutionary' approach looks like a spiral Category ={DEng, DBfile This paper attempt to define just exactly what a conceptual data model is and why it is necessary. The concept of identifying entities is addressed along with several simple entity-relationship models. --- Fountain Category ={DBDschema, Student file (Fountain) } }

@article{Waites1971, Author ={Waites,W.G.},
Title ={MIS or IMS},
Journal ={Journal of Systems Management.},
Year =1971, Month =Jan,
Pages ="32--34",
Volume ="22",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFintro>} }

@article{Walk1969, Author ={Walk,Kurt},
Title ={Modelling of Storage Properties of Higher Level Languages},
Journal ={COINS-II, Tou(ed), Academic Press (New York NY), 1971.},
Year =1969, Annote ={at IBM, Vienna Category ={DBFintro.5>} }

@article{Walker1980, Author ={Walker,A.},
Title ={Time and Space in a Lattice of Universal Relations With Blank Entries},
Journal ={Abstract for XP1 Workshop on Relational Database Theory, Stony Brook NY, Jul..},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Bell Labs (Murray Hill NJ) Management of null entries, and logical inference based on a three-valued logic, resolution of ' soft embedded multivalued dependency ' Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile } }

@article{Walker1980:1, Author ={Walker,A.},
Title ={On Retrieval from a Small Version of a Large Data Base},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="47--54",
Annote ={ Use data of an abstracted data base, perhaps dropping into detail in only a few area. We suggest an ordering, called succinctness, for comparing the quality of different abstractions. Category ={DBDquery.2.2> } }

@techreport{Walker1981, Author ={Walker,A. and Salveter,S.},
Title ={Automatic Modification of Transactions to Preserve Data Base Integrity Without Undoing Updates},
Institution ={SUNY, Stony Brook, CSD, TR.8126.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBappl> DBDintegrity.3>} }

@techreport{Walker1983, Author ={Walker,A.},
Title ={Databases, Expert Systems, and Prolog},
Institution ={IBM, TR.RJ 3870.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Walker1986, Author ={Walker,Adrian},
Title ={Knowledge Systems : Principles and Practice},
Booktitle ={IBM Journal of Research and Development.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Volume ="30",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Walker1990, Author ={Walker,Adrian},
Title ={Support for metalevel inheritance and explanations, or, you can never tell what end users will want},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at IBM Category ={DBDobject>} }

@book{Walker1971, Author ={Walker,Donald E.(ed)},
Title ={Interactive Bibliographic Search : The User Computer Interface},
Publisher ={AFIPS Press, Montvale NJ, 375pp.},
Year =1971, Annote ={Has papers and bibliography on many systems. Category ={DBDquery>%Walker71 } }

@inproceedings{Walker1986:1, Author ={Walker,M.G. and Blum,R.L.},
Title ={Towards Automated Discovery from Clinical Databases: the RADIX Project},
Booktitle ={Stanford KSL Memo KSL-86-7.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Walker1987, Author ={Walker,Michael G.},
Title ={How Feasible is Automated Discovery?},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, Spr..},
Year =1987, Pages ="69--82",
Annote ={at Stanford MIS abstracts DENDRAL, RX, BACON, Prospector, AM. The answer is yes, somewhat. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Walker1990:1, Author ={Walker,M. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Acquisition and Validation of Knowledge from Data},
Institution ={Stanford Report KSL 90-02.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Walker1972, Author ={Walker,W.A. and Gotlieb,C.C.},
Title ={Hybrid Trees: A Data Structure for Lists of Keys},
Journal ={ACM SIGFIDET , Dean(ed).},
Year =1972, Pages ="189--211",
Annote ={at Ontario Hydro; Un.Toronto Analysis of index structures oriented towards key length optimization. Category ={DBFimpl.2> } }

@article{Wall1986, Author ={Wall,Eugene},
Title ={An objective method of 'weeding' bibliographic databases},
Journal ={J.Am.Soc.Inf.Sci..},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="256--260",
Volume ="37",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Aspen Systems Corp (Rockville MD) measuring database record utility; includes qualitative material. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@book{Wallace1984, Author ={Wallace},
Title ={Communicating With Databases In Natural Language},
Publisher ={?,},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDquery.3, QA76.9I58W35} }

@techreport{Wallace1985, Author ={Wallace,M.},
Title ={Reconciling Flexibility and Efficiency in a Knowledge Base Implementation},
Institution ={rcvd},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Wallentine1976, Author ={Wallentine,V.E., Hankley,W.J., Fisher,P.S., Calhoun,M.A., and Maryanski,F.J.},
Title ={An Overview of MIMICS Design},
Institution ={Kansas State Un., CSD, TR.CS77-04 (Manhattan KS).},
Year =1976, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdist> DBFstorage-3.4>} }

@incollection{Walsh1981, Author ={Walsh,M.E.},
Title ={MIS --- Where Are We, How Did We Get Here and Where Are We Going},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFintro> DBDadmin>} }

@book{Walsh1985, Author ={Walsh,M.E.},
Title ={Modern Guide To EDP Design And Analysis Techniques},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBFintro, QA76.9.S88W35} }

@inproceedings{Walter1980, Author ={Walter,Bernd},
Title ={Concepts for a Robust Distributed Data Base System},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Symposium on Distributed Data Bases 1, Litwin(ed), Paris, France.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="161--171",
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart (FRG) Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Walter1982, Author ={Walter,B.},
Title ={Global Recovery in a Distributed Data Base System},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Seminar on Distributed Data Sharing Systems, vanderRiet and Litwin(eds), N-H.},
Year =1982, Annote ={considers replicated data. Category ={DBFrepresent.5.4> DBDdist> } }

@article{Walter1982:1, Author ={Walter,B.},
Title ={A Robust and Efficient Protocol for Checking the Availability of Remote Sites},
Journal ={Computer Networks.},
Year =1982, Pages ="173--188",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBFrepresent.5.4> DBDdist, DBfile} }

@techreport{Walter1982:2, Author ={Walter,B.},
Title ={Transaktionsorientierte Recovery-Konzepte fur Verteilte DatenBanksysteme},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Stuttgart.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ Transaction-oriented Recovery Concepts for Distributed Database Systems Category ={DBFtrans.7> DBDtrans> DBDdist @inproceedings{Walter1983, Author ={Walter,B.},
Title ={Using Redundancy for Implementing Low-Cost Read-Only Transactions in a Distributed Database System },
Booktitle ={IEEE Infocom, San Diego CA.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Pages ="153--159",
Annote ={replication. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Walter1984, Author ={Walter,B.},
Title ={Replicated Data and Stable Storage in Distributed Database Systems },
Booktitle ={IEEE Infocom, San Francisco CA.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdist, DBfile} }

@article{Walter1984:1, Author ={Walter,B.},
Title ={Nested Transactions with Multiple Committ Points: An approach to the Structuring of Advanced Database Applications},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 10, Singapore.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFrepresent.5.4> DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Walter1984:2, Author ={Walter,B.},
Title ={Nested Transactions with Multiple Committ Points for Structuring Advanced Database Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Seminar on Distributed Data Sharing Systems 3, Parma Italy, vanderRiet and Litwin(eds), N-H, 1984.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFrepresent.5.4> DBDdist>} }

@incollection{Walter1984:3, Author ={Walter,B. and Rothermel,K.},
Title ={Services for Supporting Application Layer Protocols for Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={in 'Information Technology and the Computer Network', Beauchamp(ed), Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Walter1987, Author ={Walter,I., Lockemann,P., and Nagel,H-H.},
Title ={Database Support for Knowledge-based Image Evaluation},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDkb> Image>} }

@book{Walter1988, Author ={Walter,J.R. and Nielsen,N.R.},
Title ={Crafting Knowledge-Based Systems: Expert Systems Made Realistic},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), 342pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8904-0196.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Digital Equipment Corp Requirements, design, and evaluation discussed from the point of view of a developer. System requirements in the usual software process. Representation as rules, frames, contexts, models and blackboards. No new ground. ---McGregor. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@book{Walters1987, Author ={Walters,Richard F.},
Title ={Database Principles for Personal Computers},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ algorithms and basic programs for certain common file processing activities a simplified treatment; not appropriate for cs majors, professionals or specialists. Category ={DBFintro> includes file material similar to Wiederhold 'Database Design' --- McDonald Category ={DBDintro > } }

@article{Walters1987:1, Author ={Walters,Richard F.},
Title ={File Structures for Database Management Systems},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag, Oct..},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="30-41",
Volume ="4",
Number ="5",
Annote ={examples of pile, soundex Category ={DBFseq> DBFseq>} }

@inproceedings{Walton1991, Author ={Walton,C.B., Dale,A.G., and Jenevein,R.M.},
Title ={A Taxonomy and Performance Model of Data Skew Effects in Parallel Joins},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ considers intrinsic (domain) and 4 types of skew: placement, selectivity, redistribution, join skews Category ={DBDops> DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Walton1991:1, Author ={Walton,C. and Dale,A.},
Title ={Data Skew and the Scalability of Parallel Joins},
Booktitle ={Third IEEE Symp. on Parallel and Distributed Processing, Dallas.},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Un.Texas, Austin Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Waltz1975, Author ={Waltz,D.L.},
Title ={Natural Language Access to a Large Database Using An Engineering Approach},
Booktitle ={Proc.International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 4 , Tbilisi, USSR.},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Pages ="868--872",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Waltz1976, Author ={Waltz,D.L., Finin,T, Green,F., Conrad,F., Goodman,B., and Hadden,G.},
Title ={The PLANES system: Natural Language access to a Large Data Base},
Institution ={Un.Illinois, Coordinated Science Lab., TR.T-34.},
Year =1976, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois Category ={DBDnat>in DBfile} }

@article{Waltz1978, Author ={Waltz,David L.},
Title ={An English Language Query Answering System for a Large Relational Data Base},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1978, Month =Jul,
Pages ="526--539",
Volume ="21",
Number ="7",
Annote ={the PLANES system. Category ={DBDnat>} }

@inproceedings{Waltz1987, Author ={Waltz,D.L. and Tucker,L.W.},
Title ={Connection Machine Vision Applications},
Booktitle ={Proc.of SPIE (Intl. Society for Optical Engineering),},
Year =1987, Volume ="758",
Annote ={at Thinking Machines Corporation, Cambridge MA Category ={IMAGE> DBFmach, DBfile } }

@techreport{Waltz1987:1, Author ={Waltz,D., Stanfill,C., Smith,S. and Thau,R.},
Title ={Very Large Database Applications of the Connection Machine System},
Institution ={TR-DR87-3.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Thinking Machines Corp (Cambridge MA) Category ={DBDbiblio> DBFmach, DBfile } } @misc{1992:4, Title ={Achieving a Quantum Change in Database Usefulness (Invited Talk)},
Howpublished ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Thinking Machines and Brandeis University Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Wan1988, Author ={Wan,J-C. and Zhou,C-H.},
Title ={MEX-1: An Expert System Shell},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at P.R.China. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Wand1989, Author ={Wand,Y.},
Title ={A Proposal for a Formal Model of Objects},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record, p.50.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ The proposals are based on ontology i.e. the branch of philosophy of science that deals with modeling the existence of things in the world. Close to M.Bunge. Ontology clearly distinguishes between things and properties. This paper is an important step. ---Haim Kilov. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@article{Wand1990, Author ={Wand,Y. and Weber,R.},
Title ={An Ontological Model of an Information System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 9107-0564.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Volume ="16",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ concepts like system, subsystem and coupling, decomposition, hierarchy, state space, domains, lawful states, equilibrium emphasizes regorously describing the internal structure of a system; a good system decomposition is when a well-defined internal transformation has been induces in each subsystem for each system transformation; this work does not illustrate how to devise a good system decomposition ---Sobel. Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdesign> } }

@inproceedings{Wang1992, Author ={Wang,B. and Hitchcock,P.},
Title ={A Method of Combining Object-Oriented Database with Hypertext to Support Complicated Documentation Environments},
Booktitle ={ WORKSHOP ON MULTIMEDIA INFORMATION SYSTEManagement Science, Journal of TIMS, Tempe, Arizona, 1992.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.York, United Kingdom Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@article{Wang1982, Author ={Wang,C.C. and Huang,C.P.},
Title ={Database Administration System--Architecture and Design Issues},
Journal ={Bell System Technical Journal.},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="2439--2458",
Volume ="61",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ DBAS accepts service-order inputs and forwards them to other databases. The major challenge to the DBAS design lies in the size of the database (up to 12-million telephone station records) and its update volume (up to 100,000 random updates per 10-hour day). Category ={DBDadmin 1.8> } }

@incollection{Wang1990, Author ={Wang,C.C.},
Title ={A Strawman Reference Model in Transaction Processing for an Object-Oriented Database},
Booktitle ={OO Database Taskgroup Workshop, Ottawa.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at TI Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1971, Author ={Wang,C.D. and Lum,V.Y.},
Title ={Quantitative Evaluation of Design Trade-offs in File System},
Booktitle ={Proc.Symp. on Inf. Storage and Retrieval, ACM.},
Year =1971, Month Apr,
Pages ="155--162",
Annote ={at IBM, Res., San Jose Example of FOREM use. Category ={DBFindex.0> } }

@article{Wang, Author ={Wang,C.P. and Wedekind,H.},
Title ={Segment Synthesis in Logical Data Base Design},
Journal ={IBM, San Jose Res.R. RJ1397.},
Category ={DBDops.3> DBDrel.2> DBDdesign>%Wang75} }

@inproceedings{Wang1986, Author ={Wang,C.P. and Li,V.O.K.},
Title ={The Relation Partitioning Approach To Query Processing in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1987, Author ={Wang,C.P. and Li,V.O.K.},
Title ={The Precedence-Assignment Model for Distributed Database Concurrency Control Algorithms },
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1988, Author ={Wang,C.P. and Li,V.O.K.},
Title ={A Unified Concurrency Control Algorithm For Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBFdist>} }

@article{Wang1991, Author ={Wang,Fangju},
Title ={Relational-Linear Quadtree Approach for Two-Dimensional Spatial Representation and Manipulation},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ operators extend the relational model as side-length, area, xy location, distance, northern neighbor, adjacency, contain, translate, rotate Category ={DBDimage> } }

@inproceedings{Wang1990:1, Author ={Wang,K.},
Title ={Polynomial Time Designs Toward Both BCNF and Efficient Data Manipulation},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={Synthesis from FD Category ={DBDdesign> DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1991:1, Author ={Wang,Ke },
Title ={First-Order Logic Reducible Programs},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Wang1992:1, Author ={Wang,K. and Graham,M.H.},
Title ={Constant-time Maintainability: A Generalization of Independence},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Volume ="17",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDmodel> DBDperform>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1993, Author ={Wang,R., Kon.H., and Madnick,S.},
Title ={Data Quality Requirements Analysis and Modeling in Data Engineering},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at MIT Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1989, Author ={Wang,S. and Vossen,G.},
Title ={Towards Efficient Algorithms for Deadlock Detection and Resolution in Distributed Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1990:2, Author ={Wang,T-L. and Shasha,D.},
Title ={Query Processing for Distant Metrics},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1991:2, Author ={Wang,W-H., Pinsky,E. and Hsu,M-C.},
Title ={Modeling Hot Spots in Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1988:1, Author ={Wang,X., and Luk,W.S.},
Title ={Parallel Join Algorithms on a Network of Workstations},
Booktitle ={ISPDS, IEEE CS, Austin TX.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Simon Fraser Un. Category ={DBDops> DBDdist>} }

@unpublished{Wang1991:3, Author ={Wang,X., Fiddian,N., and Gray,W.},
Title ={The development of a knowledge-based database transaction design assistant},
Note ={rcvd. .},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Wales KBTDA first derives specific knowledge about the application; then accepts a user-designed transaction, converts it followed by optimization, safety verification, amendment and analysis to detect potential semantic errors, processing is interactive Category ={DBDtrans, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Wang1993:1, Author ={Wang,X., Jajodia,S., and Subrahmanian,V.},
Title ={Temporal Modules: An Approach Toward Federated Temporal Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1993:2, Author ={Wang,X., and Jajodia,S.},
Title ={Temporal Mediators as a way to Support Multiple Temporal Representations},
Booktitle ={Proc. Temporal Database Workshop, Salt Lake City, June.},
Year =1993, Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1991:4, Author ={Wang,Y. and Rowe,L.A.},
Title ={Cache Consistency and Concurrency Control in a Client/Server SIGMOD Architecture},
Booktitle ={ACM-PODS 91, Denver CO.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1991:5, Author ={Wang,Y. and Rowe,L.},
Title ={Cache Consistency and Concurrency Control in a Client/Server DBMS Architecture},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDperf>} }

@article{Wang1985, Author ={Wang,Y-C., Vandendorpe,J., and Evens,M.},
Title ={Relational Thesauri in Information Retrieval},
Journal ={JASIS, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8610-0936.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Pages ="15--27",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Bell Telephone Labs. (Naperville IL) a thesaurus containing binary relations for query enhancement. Category ={unknown> } }

@inproceedings{Wang1989:1, Author ={Wang,Y.R. and Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={The Inter-Database Instance Identification Problem in Integrating Autonomous Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFdist> FAUVE>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1992:2, Author ={Wang,Y-W. and Hanson,E.},
Title ={A Performance Comparison of the Rete and TREAT Algorithms for Testing Database Rule Conditions},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Wang1990:3, Author ={Wang,Y. and Madnick,S.},
Title ={A Polygen Model for Heterogeneous Database Systems: The Source Tagging Perspective},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Annote ={federated Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Wang1983, Author ={Wang,Y-Y. and Madnick,S.E.},
Title ={Flow Unbalanced General Queueing Network Analysis},
Journal ={rcvd .},
Year =1983, Annote ={at MIT Category ={DBFmethods.3, DBfile} }

@article{Ware1967, Author ={Ware,Willis},
Title ={Security and Privacy},
Journal ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS , 287--290.},
Year =1967, Pages ="279--282",
Volume ="30",
Annote ={at Rand Definitions and environmental problems. Category ={DBDprivacy.0, xB12 } }

@book{Ware1973, Author ={Ware,Willis et al},
Title ={Records, Computers, and the Rights of Citizens},
Publisher ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT press.},
Year =1973, Annote ={ Protection of privacy in government and institutions, use of the social security numbers, operation of the census, etc., bibliography. Category ={DBDprivacy.0> } }

@book{Ware1990, Author ={Ware,W., et al},
Title ={Systems Modernization and the Strategic Plan of the Social Security Administration},
Publisher ={National Academy Press.},
Year =1990, Category ={unknown>} }

@book{Warner1979, Author ={Warner,Homer.R.},
Title ={Computer-assisted Medical Decision Making},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1979, Annote ={at Un.Utah, reference on HELP System. Uses multiple knowledge sources: Bayesian, rules, programs, etc. and triggers on new data entered to initiate HELP sectors and signal users. Category ={DBDkb> MCS> } }

@inproceedings{Warner1980, Author ={Warner,H.R., Cark,S.J., Larsen,K.G., McNeil,F.},
Title ={The HELP System as a Tool for Monitoring Physician Prescribing Patterns},
Booktitle ={Proc. Hawaii Int. Conf. on System Sciences 13, Western Periodicals.},
Year =1980, Pages ="254-255",
Volume ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Utah, Category ={MCS>} }

@book{Warner1970, Author ={Warner,Malcolm and Stone,Mindral},
Title ={The Data Bank Society; Organizations, Computers and Social Freedom},
Publisher ={Allen and Unwin, London,},
Year =1970, Category ={DBDprivacy, JC 597-W37>} }

@book{Warnier1979, Author ={Warnier,Jean-Dominique},
Title ={Logical Construction of Systems},
Publisher ={vanN-R.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBFtrans> DBDdesign, x} }

@article{Warneson1985, Author ={Warneson,I.},
Title ={Optimization of Semantic Relations by Data Analysis Techniques},
Journal ={J.of Applied Stochastic Models and Data Analysis, John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY), .},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Warnier1979:1, Author ={Warnier,J-D.},
Title ={Logical Construction of Systems},
Publisher ={Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY), 1981, 179pp.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBFtrans, x} }

@inproceedings{Warren1981, Author ={Warren,David H.D.},
Title ={Efficient Processing of Interactive Relational Databases Queries Expressed in Logic},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniola and Delobel(eds), Cannes, France.},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="272--281",
Annote ={The CHAT system. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Warren1982, Author ={Warren,D.H.D., and Pereira,F.C.N.},
Title ={An Efficient Easily Adaptable System for Interpreting Natural Language Queries},
Journal ={American Journal of Computational Linguistics, -4, July-.},
Year =1982, Month =Dec,
Pages ="110--122",
Volume ="8",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at SRI, AI ctr A prototype natural language system called Chat-80. Implemented in PROLOG. The resulting logical expression is then transformed by a planning algorithm into efficient Prolog, cf.`query optimization' in a relational database. On a domain of world geography, most questions are answered in under one second. Database is itself implemented as ordinary Prolog; it therefore resides within the normal DEC-10 virtual memory. It is not updated. Category ={DBDquery.2.3> DBDnat> DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Warren1984, Author ={Warren,David S.},
Title ={Database Updates in Pure Prolog},
Institution ={SUNY, Stony Brook, TR.84073.},
Year =1984, Annote ={at SUNY, Stony Brook Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@unpublished{Warren1976, Author ={Warren,Jim C.~jr},
Title ={PS/8 Programming and File System for the PDP-8 family},
Note ={rcvd .},
Year =1976, Annote ={file structure for early mini-computer Category ={DBFhard> @book{Warren1985, Author ={Warren,Kenneth S.},
Title ={Selectivity In Information Systems: Survival Of The Fittest},
Publisher ={Praeger.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ It is a compilation of addreses and essays. It was interesting from an information science point of view concerning the growing amount of publications and their worth. ---H.Lull Category ={DBDquery.1, Z699.5.S3S44 } }

@techreport{Wasserman1975, Author ={Wasserman,Anthony I., Sheretz,David D., and Rogerson,Charles L.},
Title ={MUMPS Globals and Their Implementation},
Institution ={MUMPS Development Committee Report, National Bureau of Standards, US Dep.Commerce (Washington DC). .},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at UCSF (San Francisco CA) Standardization document for MUMPS hierarchical files, with evaluation. Category ={DBFtrees.5, xMUMPS> } }

@inproceedings{Wasserman1981, Author ={Wasserman,A.I. and Botnick,K.},
Title ={Annotated Bibliography on Data Design},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Pages ="46--77",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDintro>} }

@inproceedings{Wasserman1981:1, Author ={Wasserman,A.I. et al},
Title ={Revised Report on the Programming Language PLAIN},
Booktitle ={SIGPLAN.},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Pages ="59--80",
Volume ="16",
Number ="5",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wasserman1986, Author ={Wasserman,A.I., Pircher,P.A., and Shewmake,D.T.},
Title ={Building Reliable Interactive Information Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE12 .},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="147--156",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Software engineering techniques include animated transition diagrams. Category ={DBFuse-4> } }

@article{Watanabe1983, Author ={Watanabe,T., Ohsawa,T., and Suzuki,T.},
Title ={A Simple Database Language for Personal Computers},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8405-0380.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Pages ="646--653",
Volume ="26",
Number ="9",
Annote ={Micro MUMPS. Category ={DBFtrees.5.2>} }

@inproceedings{Waters1993, Author ={Waters,A.},
Title ={Incremental Data Integration for Federated Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at New Jersey Insitute of Technology Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Waters1979, Author ={Waters,F.C.},
Title ={Design of the IBM 8100 Data Base and Transaction Management System-DTMS},
Journal ={IBM Syst.J.,},
Year =1979, Volume ="18",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at IBM, DPD San Jose Transaction application requirements for scheduling and database support. The program structure that evolved to satisfy the functional requirements. Category ={DBFintro.7.5> } }

@article{Waterborg, Author ={Waterborg,J.H. and Harrington,R.E.},
Title ={A Standard Multidimensional, Easy-Access Data File Structure for Apple II Computers},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag, pp.61.},
Volume ="5",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ A random-access file for Apple II BASIC. Multiple data sets in a file can be independent, parallel, or interdependent. Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@article{Waters1972, Author ={Waters,S.J.},
Title ={File Design Fallacies},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Pages ="1--4",
Volume ="15",
Annote ={Criteria for device allocation. Category ={DBFhard.2> %Waters72 } }

@article{Waters1974, Author ={Waters,S.J.},
Title ={Methodology of Computer System Design},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1974, Pages ="17--24",
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Choice of access methods, review of decision points with example Category ={DBFeval.0> } }

@article{Waters1975, Author ={Waters,S.J.},
Title ={Estimating Magnetic Disk Seeks},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1975, Month =Feb,
Pages ="12--17",
Volume ="18",
Number ="1",
Annote ={Optimal placement of files on cylinders. Category ={DBFhard.2> %Waters75 } }

@article{Waters1975:1, Author ={Waters,S.J.},
Title ={Analysis of Self-Indexing, Disc Files},
Journal ={Computer J.,},
Year =1975, Pages ="200--205",
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at London School of Economics Deterministic direct files advocated. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, x3.5> } }

@incollection{Watson1981, Author ={Watson,H.J., Sprague,R.H.Jr., and Kroeber,D.W.},
Title ={Computer Technology and Information System Performance},
Booktitle ={Management Information Systems, Riley(ed).},
Year =1981, Category ={DBFsyseval.5>} }

@book{Watson1970, Author ={Watson,R.H.},
Title ={Timesharing Systems Design Concepts},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY),},
Year =1970, Pages ="210--215",
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Watson1988, Author ={Watson,S.L.},
Title ={OS/2 Query Manager Overview and Prompted Interface},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal .},
Year =1988, Pages ="119--133",
Volume ="27",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM(Austin) User interface not requiring SQL. Prompts for schema definition. Group by (BREAK) objectives. Category ={DBDquery> DBDrel> } }

@inproceedings{Watters1992, Author ={Watters,Aaron},
Title ={Synchronous Logic for Active Databases},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at New Jersey Institute of Technology Category ={DBDkb> DBDactive> } }

@inproceedings{Watters1993, Author ={Watters,Aaron},
Title ={Calculating with Relational Calculus},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBDrel>} }

@article{Waxman1989, Author ={Waxman,R., Saunders,L., and Carter,H.},
Title ={VHDL Links Design, test, and Maintenance},
Journal ={IEEE Spectrum.},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Pages ="40--44",
Annote ={at Un.Virginia VHSIC Hardware Description Language history, contractors. Category ={EIS> } }

@article{Webber1984, Author ={Webber,B. and Finin,T.},
Title ={In Response: Next Steps in Natural Language Interaction},
Journal ={Artificial Intelligence Applications for Business, Reitman(ed.), Ablex .},
Year =1984, Pages ="211--234",
Category ={DBDquery.3>} }

@incollection{Webber1986, Author ={Webber,Bonnie L.},
Title ={Questions, Answers and Responses: Interacting with Knowledge-Base Systems},
Booktitle ={'On Knowledge Base Management Systems', Brodie and Mylopoulos.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at U.Penn. Surveys and classifies information-seeking interactions between a user and a knowledge base system. Focus is on returning to the user what is beyond direct answers and responses. The author also distinguishes answers(correct, useful, non-misleading) from responses with additional supportive information. Category ={DBDkb> DBDnat> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Weber1986, Author ={Weber,A.},
Title ={Updating Propositional Formulas},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Weber1986:1, Author ={Weber,Andreas},
Title ={Updating Propositional Logic},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Annote ={at Un.Karlsruhe (FRG) This is enormously exciting -- the first I've seen that did it my way. He picked weird semantics so I'll have to ponder it to see what its advantages are. ---jeff Category ={DBLDlogic> } }

@inproceedings{Weber1976, Author ={Weber,Herbert},
Title ={A Semantic Model of Integrity Constraints on a Relation Data Base},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2 (Freudenstadt), 'Modelling in DBManagement Science, Journal of TIMS', Neuhold(ed), N-H, },
Year =1976, Pages ="269--292",
Category ={DBDschema> DBDintegrity, x13} }

@book{Weber1979, Author ={Weber,H. and Wasserman,A.I.(eds)},
Title ={Issues in Data Base Management},
Publisher ={N-H, 264pp.},
Year =1979, Annote ={ Material from the survey sessions and discussions of VLDB 4, Bubenko and Yao(eds), Berlin FRG, Sep.1978. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Weber1986:2, Author ={Weber,H. and Ehrig,H.},
Title ={Specification of Modular Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-12 .},
Year =1986, Month =Jul,
Pages ="784--798",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Un.Dortmund Export and Import, hierarchy is required, although modules may be shared. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDlang> } }

@article{Webster1988, Author ={Webster,Dallas E.},
Title ={Mapping the Design Information Representation Terrain},
Journal ={Computer.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="8--23",
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DEng>} }

@techreport{Weddell1980, Author ={Weddell,G.E.},
Title ={Automating Physical Reorganizational Requirements at the Access Path Level of a Relational Database Management System},
Institution ={Un.BC, DCS, TR.80-3 (Vancouver, Canada) .},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDrel.2.5>} }

@article{Weddell1989, Author ={Weddell,Grant E.},
Title ={Selection of Indexes to Memory-Resident Entities for Semantic Data Models},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="274--284",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo, DCS First, search for an initial choice, only considering their suitability. Second, refine the initial selection to account for index maintenance. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Weddell1989:1, Author ={Weddell,G.E.},
Title ={A Theory of Functional Dependencies for Object-Oriented Data Models},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Weddell1992, Author ={Weddell,G.},
Title ={Reasoning About Functional Dependencies Generalized for Semantic Data Models},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1992, Month Mar,
Volume ="17",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@book{Wedekind1974, Author ={Wedekind,H.},
Title ={Datenbanksysteme 1},
Publisher ={Reihe Informatik16, Bibliographisches Institut, Mannheim, West Germany .},
Year =1974, Category ={DBDbound>} }

@inproceedings{Wedekind1974:1, Author ={Wedekind,H.},
Title ={On the Selection of Access Paths in a Data Base System},
Booktitle ={Klimbie and Koffeman (IFIP TC-2) .},
Year =1974, Annote ={Indexes shown better than trees. Category ={DBFtree>} }

@inproceedings{Wedekind1984, Author ={Wedekind,H.},
Title ={Supporting the Design on Conceptual Schemas by Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM Category ={DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@inproceedings{Wedekind1986, Author ={Wedekind,H. and Zoerntlein,G.},
Title ={Prefetching in Realtime Database Applications},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1986, Annote ={ Proposes a method for prefetching data pages. Preanalysis of the transaction generates a second transaction which needs a superset of the data needed by the original transaction. At execution, the second transaction fetches the data in advance in synchronization with the execution of the original transaction. Applicable to canned transactions, but not to free transactions, due to the need of preanalysis. ---BSLee. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@techreport{Wee1975, Author ={Wee,R.S.S.},
Title ={Problems in the Dynamic Sharing of Data in a Relational Data Base Environment},
Institution ={IBM, Scientific Ctr, Report UKSC 0067.},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM, Scientific Ctr (Peterlee, UK) Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Weed1968, Author ={Weed,Lawrence L.},
Title ={Medical Records That Guide and Teach},
Journal ={New England Journal of Medicine, Vol. 278.},
Year =1968, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Western Reserve Un. School of Medicine Category ={MIS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Weed1983, Author ={Weed,L. and Hertzler,M.},
Title ={The Use and Construction of Problem-Knowledge Connectors, the Knowledge-Connector Editor, the Knowlege Networks, and the Problem-Oriented Medical Record for the Micro Computer },
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 7.},
Year =1983, Annote ={extension to the POMC concept. Category ={HIS> DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Weeldryer1981, Author ={Weeldryer,J. and Wood,W.T.},
Title ={The Entity-Category-Relationship Data Model},
Institution ={Honeywell, Corporate Technology Ctr, Report to appear .},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@incollection{Wegner1989, Author ={Wegner,Lutz M.},
Title ={ESCHER -- Interactive, Visual Handling of Complex Objects in the Extended NF2-Database Model},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC-2.6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="277--297",
Annote ={at Un.Kassel, FG Math, (Kassel FRG) Nested relations with self-referencing structure via fingers in stacks. Graphical front-end for AIM. Category ={DBDimage> DBDquery> } }

@unpublished{Wegner1985, Author ={Wegner,Peter},
Title ={Language Paradigms for Programming in the Large},
Note ={Brown Un. draft, rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Comment: The object-oriented model in developing programming environment is of course the right direction. However, Peter is still sticking to the concept that operations are part of the object types, not as seperate action objects. This makes the operations much like procedural attachment and leads to an incomplete model. Although Peter tries to unify the object-oriented and the distributed programming paradigms, processes are only objects externally. The internal structure of processes are still not object-oriented. We can make the following correspondance between PL structure and object-oriented model: data structure <--> DBDobject> entity object (frame) program structure <--> action object (frame) control structure <--> control transfer between objects (frames). And the control transfer between objects should be modeled by pre- and post- condition, triggers, assertions, etc. ---Xiaolei Category ={DBDdesign> DBDobject, DBfile } }

@techreport{Wegner1985:1, Author ={Wegner,Peter},
Title ={A Database Approach to Languages, Libraries and Environments},
Institution ={Brown Un.draft, rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ Summary: It is interesting to notice that while we are trying to design database languages with the programming techniques, the programming people are exploring our semantic model to describe general programming systems. The main idea in these two papers is to describe programming systems using the object-oriented model, especially programming environment and distributed programming. Views are defined differently from views in database world. Views are objects too. Views are considered to be interfaces, e.g., the interface of a process object. An object can have multiple views and the viewer is another object, instead of the user as for a traditional database view. This generalizes the concept of generic process. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign> VOD, DBfile } }

@techreport{Wegner1987, Author ={Wegner,Peter},
Title ={The Object-Oriented Classification Paradigm},
Institution ={Tech.Rep, Brown Un. DCS, CS-87--13.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ what makes a programming language an `Object-Oriented' PL? Classification type, inheritance. (In a sense, Logic PL's are restricted forms of O-O PL's.) --- jeff. Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang, homefile } }

@inproceedings{Wegner1988, Author ={Wegner,P. and Zdonik,S.},
Title ={Type Similarity, Inheritance, and Incremental Modification},
Booktitle ={Proc. 2nd Europ. Conf. on Object Oriented Prog., Oslo.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Annote ={Like is a new type of ISA Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Wegner1989:1, Author ={Wegner,P.},
Title ={Conceptual Evolution of Object-Oriented Programming},
Institution ={Brown Un. CS Dept, TR-CS-89-48, 73pp.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at Brown Un. keynote at 88 OOPSLA Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Wegner1989:2, Author ={Wegner,P.(Ed)},
Title ={Strategic Directions in Computer Science Research},
Booktitle ={Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam), now CMCSRB Conference, Washington.},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ignores databases, information systems Category ={DEng> } }

@article{Wegner1990, Author ={Wegner,Peter},
Title ={Concepts and Paradigms of Object-Oriented Programming},
Journal ={ACM OOPS Messenger.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={expansion of OOPSLA-89 keynote talk Category ={DBDobject> } }

@unpublished{Wei1990, Author ={Wei,G. and Teorey,T.},
Title ={The role concept and its semantic implications in relationship- oriented data models},
Note ={submitted to ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Wei1992, Author ={Wei,S-S. and Lien,Y-N.},
Title ={Hot-Spot Based Composition Algorithm},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Ohio State Un. Category ={unknown>} }

@techreport{Weigand1989, Author ={Weigand,Hans},
Title ={Linguistically motivated principles of knowlegde base systems},
Institution ={VU PhD.Th..},
Year =1989, Annote ={at VU, Amsterdam Category ={DBDkb, Thesis shelf} }

@inproceedings{Weigand1990, Author ={Weigand,Hans},
Title ={An object-oriented approach in a multimedia database project},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Infolab Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Weihl1990, Author ={Weihl,W. and Liskov,B.},
Title ={Implementation of Resilient, Atomic Data Types},
Journal ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Weihl1985, Author ={Weihl,W.},
Title ={Atomic Data Types},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="26--33",
Volume ="8",
Number ="2",
Annote ={research into atomicity versus concurrency Category ={DBDintegrity.2> } }

@article{Weihl1987, Author ={Weihl,William E.},
Title ={Distributed Version Management for Read-Only Actions},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Jan,
Number ="1",
Annote ={at MIT Category ={DBFdist>} }

@inproceedings{Weihl1989, Author ={ Weihl,William Weihl,William},
Title ={The Impact of Recovery on Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at MIT Category ={DBDreliab> DBDconc, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Weikum1986, Author ={Weikum,Gerhard},
Title ={A Theoretical Foundation of Multi-Level Concurrency Control},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at TU Darmstadt Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Weikum1986:1, Author ={Weikum,Gerhard},
Title ={Pros and Cons of Operating System Transactions for Data Base Systems},
Booktitle ={FJCC.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at TU Darmstadt, CSD Category ={DBFtrans, DBfile Schek} }

@inproceedings{Weikum1989, Author ={Weikum,Gerhard},
Title ={Set-Oriented Disk Access to Large Complex Objects},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDperform>} }

@inproceedings{Weikum1990, Author ={Weikum,G., Hasse,C, Broessler,P., and Muth,P.},
Title ={Multi-level Recovery},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at ETH; IPSI-GMD Category ={DBDconc> DBDreliab, DBfile box IPSI-GMD } }

@inproceedings{Weikum1991, Author ={Weikum,Gerhard },
Title ={Conflict-driven Load Control for the Avoidance of Data-Contention Thrashing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@article{Weikum1991:1, Author ={Weikum,G. and Schek,H-J.},
Title ={Multi-Level Transactions and Open Nested Transactions},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng. Bull.},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@article{Weikum1991:2, Author ={Weikum,Gerhard},
Title ={Principles and Realization Strategies of Multilevel Transaction Mangement},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Weikum1991:3, Author ={Weikum,G., Zabback,P., and Scheuermann,P.},
Title ={Dynamic File Allocation in Disk Arrays},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={at ETH Zurich Category ={DBFhard>} }

@techreport{Weikum1991:4, Author ={Weikum,G. and Hasse,C.},
Title ={Multi-level transaction management for complex objects: implementation, performance, parallism},
Institution ={ETH report 162.},
Year =1991, Month =Jul,
Annote ={ multi-level logging to effectively handle recovery for multi-page objects with subobjects and compensating subtransactions Category ={DBDreliab> DBDtrans> DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Weikum1993, Author ={Weikum,G., Hasse,C., Moenkeberg,A., and Zabback,P.},
Title ={The COMFORT Project (Synopsis)},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at ETH Zurich Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Weikum1993:1, Author ={Weikum,G., ONeil,E., and ONeil,P.},
Title ={The LRU-K Page Replacement Algorithm For Database Disk Buffering},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={DBFhard>} }

@article{Weiler1987, Author ={Weiler,P.G., Thorpe,L., Walters,R. and Chiriboga,D.},
Title ={An Automated Medical Record System for a Skilled Nursing Facility},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub, ; ACM Cr 8810-0813.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Pages ="367--380",
Volume ="11",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at UC Davis MUMPS on a PC. Problem dictionary is a key component to prepare well-structured patient care plans. ---J.B.Grimson. Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Weingart1969, Author ={Weingart,S.R.},
Title ={Management Information System Simulation Models --- A Conceptual Approach},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1969, Pages ="247--259",
Annote ={at McDonald-Douglas A theoretical model approach to study data flow in an organization. Category ={DBFtechn.4> } }

@article{Weingarten1966, Author ={Weingarten,Allen},
Title ={The Eschenbach Drum Scheme},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1966, Month =Jul,
Pages ="509--512",
Volume ="9",
Number ="7",
Annote ={at Western Union Drum access method to minimize queuing Category ={DBFtechn> } }

@article{Weingarten1968, Author ={Weingarten, Allen},
Title ={The Analytical Design of Real-Time Disk Systems},
Journal ={Proc. IFIP Congress, N-H, pp.D131--D137.},
Year =1968, Annote ={ The Eschenbach queuing scheme applied to disks and levels of service. Category ={DBFeval> } }

@article{Weinreb1988, Author ={Weinreb,D., Feinberg,N., Gerson,D., and Lamb,C.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Database System to Support an Integrated Programming Environment},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering Bull..},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="33-43",
Volume ="11",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ describes an implementation in Common Lisp of an object-oriented database that provides all the representational power of Lisp together with persistence and other features of a database. ------ BLee Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@techreport{Weischedel1980, Author ={Weischedel,R.M., and Black,J.},
Title ={Responding to Potentially Unparsable Sentences,},
Institution ={AJCL.},
Year =1980, Pages ="97--173",
Volume ="6",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Weiser1985, Author ={Weiser,S.P.},
Title ={An Object-Oriented Protocol for Managing Data},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@incollection{Weishar1989, Author ={Weishar,D. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={An intelligent interface for query specification to heterogeneous databases},
Booktitle ={in Yu(ed) Workshop on heterogenous databases, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Annote ={at George Mason Un. sketch for thesaurus based knowledge base, with a blackboard for multiple federated databases Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Weishar1991, Author ={Weishar,D. and Kerschberg,L.},
Title ={An Intelligent Heterogeneous Database Architecture for Semantic Heterogeneity Support},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Weiss1982, Author ={Weiss,E.A.(ed)},
Title ={Self-Assessment Procedure IX: Ethics},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="181--195",
Volume ="25",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ACM code of ethics, scenarios, references. Category ={DBDprivacy.1> } }

@article{Weiss1986, Author ={Weiss,Eric},
Title ={Computer Science and Literacy Defined: Mary Shaw's Carnegie-Mellon Undergraduate Curriculum Gives Useful, Practical, and Operational Definitions},
Journal ={Abacus, Spr., p.48.},
Year =1986, Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDintro>} }

@article{Weiss1980, Author ={Weiss,Harvey M.},
Title ={The Oracle Data Base Management System},
Journal ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersMI-MICRO SYSTEM,},
Year =1980, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Weiss Associates Category ={DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Weiss1986:1, Author ={Weiss,S., Rotzell,K., Rhyne,T. and Goldfein,A.},
Title ={DOSS; A Storage System for Design Database},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 23.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={EIS>} }

@unpublished{Weiss1985, Author ={Weiss,J.A.},
Title ={Reference Models, Development Methodology and Entity Subsets},
Note ={ISO TC 184SC4WG1.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ US Position on several STEP issues reviewed by many IGES/PDES folks Category ={DBDmodel> EIS, DBfile } }

@techreport{Weiss1984, Author ={Weiss,V. and Aha,D.A.},
Title ={Material Selection with Logic Programming},
Institution ={??, TR.84-2.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={presented at Symp. 29 SAMPE, Reno NV. Category ={MAT>} }

@article{Weissman1969, Author ={Weissman,Clark},
Title ={Security Controls in the ADEPT-50 Time-Sharing System},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS.},
Year =1969, Pages ="119--133",
Volume ="35",
Annote ={at SDC Category ={DBFuse-4> DBDprivacy.6>} }

@article{Weizenbaum1966, Author ={Weizenbaum,J.},
Title ={On-line User Languages},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark ,},
Year =1966, Pages ="58--65",
Volume ="6",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Weizenbaum1966:1, Author ={Weizenbaum,J.},
Title ={ELIZA --- A Computer Program for the Study of Natural Language Communication between Man and Machine},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1966, Month =Jan,
Pages ="36--45",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Early approach, using simple algorithms to mimic intelligence. Category ={DBDquery.2.3> } }

@book{Weizenbaum, Author ={Weizenbaum,Joseph},
Title ={Computer Power and Human Reason},
Publisher ={Greenwood Press, Westport CN},
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Weizenbaum1980, Author ={Weizenbaum,Joseph},
Title ={Computer Power and Human Reason},
Publisher ={Greenwood Press, Westport CT, ?.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Welch1983, Author ={Welch,Howard},
Title ={Data Protection in a Shared Memory Multiprocessor},
Booktitle ={IEEE CS Workshop on Real-Time Operating Systems.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at System Development Corp, (Huntsville AL) File and Record Protection in a Shared Memory Multiprocessor Category ={DBFrealtime> DBDdist> DBFrepresent> } }

@techreport{Welch1989, Author ={Welch,J.L. and Sistla,A.P.},
Title ={Object-Based Concurrency Control and Recovery Mechanisms},
Institution ={TM-0150-06-89-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Welch1975, Author ={Welch,J.W. and Graham,J.W.},
Title ={Information Retrieval in Files Described Using Sets},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 75, King(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =May,
Pages ="92--98",
Annote ={at Un.Waterloo Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@techreport{Welch1975:1, Author ={Welch,Noreen O.},
Title ={A Survey of Five On-Line Retrieval Systems},
Institution ={Mitre Corp, McLean VA, ?},
Year =1975, Category ={App.C } }

@article{Welch1965, Author ={Welch,T.A.},
Title ={Reliability of Polymorphic Systems},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal, pp.43--??,},
Year =1965, Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@article{Welch1979, Author ={Welch,T.A.},
Title ={Analysis of Memory Hierarchies for Sequential Data Access},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="19--26",
Volume ="12",
Number ="5",
Annote ={use of cache buffers Category ={DBFeval.3>} }

@article{Welch1984, Author ={Welch,T.A.},
Title ={A Technique for High-Performance Data Compression},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1984, Month =Jun,
Pages ="8--19",
Volume ="17",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Sperry Res.Ctr; DEC Implementation of Ziv and Lempel. Category ={DBFrepresent-4> } }

@article{Welch1987, Author ={Welch,T.A. and Konrad,M.D.},
Title ={Database Issues in Software Requirements Development},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="48--53",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={ at International Software Systems Inc., (Austin TX) Category ={DEng> } }

@inproceedings{Weldon1976, Author ={Weldon,J.L. and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={An Attribute-based File Organization for a Relational Database},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 76, Houston TX.},
Year =1976, Month =Oct,
Pages ="319--323",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Weldon1977, Author ={Weldon,JayLouise},
Title ={Data Storage Decisions for Large Data Bases},
Institution ={U.S. Dep.Commerce, Nat.Technical Information Service, US Dep.Commerce (Springfield VA) Report ADA-023 874, ?.},
Year =1977, Annote ={at U.Penn Category ={DBFseq.0>} }

@book{Weldon1981, Author ={Weldon,J-L.},
Title ={Data Base Administration},
Publisher ={Plenum Press.},
Year =1981, Annote ={at NYU includes review of ADABAS, DMS 1100, IDMS, Model 204, S2K, Total, Seed. Category ={DBDadmin @article{Weldon1985, Author ={Weldon,Jay-Louise},
Title ={The Case for Active Data Dictionaries: Lessons from the Microcomputer World},
Journal ={Information Systems Management .},
Year =1985, Pages ="42--45",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Welke1972, Author ={Welke,L.},
Title ={A Review of File Management Systems},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1972, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDintro.9> DBFintro>} }

@techreport{Weller1985, Author ={Weller,D. and Palermo,F.},
Title ={Database Requirements for Graphics},
Institution ={IBM, TR RJ2435.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Annote ={for Picture Building System Category ={DBDim> DBDkb> DBDquery> } }

@article{Weller1984, Author ={Weller,D.L. and York,B.W.},
Title ={A Relational Representation of an Abstract Type System},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE10 .},
Year =1984, Month =May,
Pages ="301--309",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ problems of representing traditional language types and abstract data types in databases. (an ADA issue?) Category ={DBDlang> } }

@techreport{Weller1985:1, Author ={Weller,D. and Palermo,F.},
Title ={Database Requirements for Graphics},
Institution ={IBM, TR.RJ2435.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Annote ={for Picture Building System Category ={Image> DBDkb> DBDquery> } }

@techreport{Wellman1987, Author ={Wellman,Mike},
Title ={Dominance and subsumption in constraint-posting planning},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at MIT A planning framework that permits uncertainty and partial satisfaction of goals, based on a dominance relation. Highlights the computational role of plan subsumption calculations. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Wells1972, Author ={Wells,M.},
Title ={File Compression Using Variable Length Encodings},
Journal ={Computer J.,},
Year =1972, Month =Feb,
Pages ="308--313",
Volume ="15",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Welty1981, Author ={Welty,C. and Stemple,D.W.},
Title ={Human Factors Comparison of a Procedural and a Nonprocedural Query Language},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Pages ="626--649",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Southern Maine; Un.Massachusetts SQL and TABLET. The results show that subjects using the more procedural language wrote difficult queries better than subjects using the less procedural language. Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDrel.3> DBDquery.2> } }

@inproceedings{Welsh1967, Author ={Welsh,W.S.},
Title ={Engineering and Computer Based Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the American Management Association Conf. on Planning and Implementing a Computer Based Management Information System,},
Year =1967, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Auerbach System Design for DM-1 Category ={DBDbound> } }

@inproceedings{Wendlandt1991, Author ={Wendlandt,E. and Driscoll,J.},
Title ={Semantic extensions to text retrieval},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ reranking of retrieved citations by semantic network knowledge Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Wenjen1990, Author ={Wenjen,W.},
Title ={Ada/SQL Interfaces in C3l Applications},
Booktitle ={Database 90, San Diego.},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Hughes good overview of 3 approaches: SQL Ada module extension (SAME), Ada/SQL, ANSI preprocessor, SAME best for C3l Category ={DBDimpl> } }

@inproceedings{Wente1971, Author ={Wente,Van A.},
Title ={NASA/RECON and User Interface Consideration},
Booktitle ={Walker71 (AFIPS).},
Year =1971, Pages ="95--120",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@book{Wertz1989, Author ={Wertz,Charles J.},
Title ={The Data Dictionary: Concepts and Uses},
Publisher ={QED Information Sciences., 390pp (2nd ed.): ACM Computing Reviews 9006-0458.},
Year =1989, Annote ={ chatty style, Cullinet IDD, IBM DD/D and Manager Software Date Manager, DB2 Catalogue, DBRAD, discussion of the framework for what will be IBM's Repository product Category ={DBFmaint> DBDschema> } }

@techreport{Wessel1985, Author ={Wessel},
Title ={Extensional Relationships In Information Retrieval},
Institution ={Project Information Bridge, Gesellschaft fur Information und Dokumentation MBH (GID).},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDmodel.6, CSD rep.8507759} }

@article{Westermeier1980, Author ={Westermeier,J.T.jr.},
Title ={Legal Considerations Affecting Information Management},
Journal ={Auerbach Annual , N-H 1981.},
Year =1980, Category ={DBDprivacy.1>} }

@inproceedings{Westgaard1975, Author ={Westgaard,Richard E.},
Title ={A COBOL Data Base Facility for the Relational Data Model},
Booktitle ={ACM Pacific-75 Conf., SF .},
Year =1975, Month Apr,
Pages ="132--139",
Annote ={at CDC (Sunnyvale, CA) Category ={DBDrel>} }

@book{Westin1967, Author ={Westin,A.F.},
Title ={Privacy and Freedom},
Publisher ={Atheneum, NY.},
Year =1967, Category ={DBDprivacy.0>} }

@article{Westin1968, Author ={Westin,A.F.},
Title ={The Snooping Machine},
Journal ={Playboy, pp.130.},
Year =1968, Month =May,
Volume ="15",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Columbia Un. Discussion of the implications of a national databank Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@book{Westin1971, Author ={Westin,A.F.(ed)},
Title ={Information Technology in a Democracy},
Publisher ={Harvard Un.Press.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBFintro.3> %Westin71} }

@article{Westlake1990, Author ={Westlake,A.J. and Kleinschmidt,I.},
Title ={The Implementation of Area and Membership Retrievals in Point Geography Using SQL},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="13",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine geographic grids for all UK postal codes Category ={IMAGE> } }

@article{Westland1990, Author ={Westland,J.C.},
Title ={Scaling up output capacity and performance results from information systems prototypes},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 9104-0299.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at USC algorithm to predict volume and relevance of retrieved entries, based on zipf distribution a coarse introduction, mainly the recall of information retrieval systems; the mathematics is wrong and too simple. ---Gebhardt. Category ={DBDperform> DBDbiblio> } }

@inproceedings{Weston1971, Author ={Weston,P.E. and Taylor,S.M.},
Title ={Cylinders --- A Relational Data Structure},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGPLAN , Tou(ed), Symp.on Data Structures in Programming Languages.},
Year =1971, Category ={DBFhybrid.5>} }

@book{Wetherbe1984, Author ={Wetherbe,J.},
Title ={Systems analysis and design},
Publisher ={West Publ.Co., MN.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDintro>} }

@article{Wetherbe1985, Author ={Wetherbe,J.C. and Leitheiser,R.L.},
Title ={Information Centers: A Survey of Services, Decisions, Problems, and Successes},
Journal ={Inf.Sys.Manag.},
Year =1985, Pages ="3--10",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDadmin>} }

@inproceedings{Wexelblatt1967, Author ={Wexelblatt,R.L. and Freeman,H.A.},
Title ={The MULTILANG On-Line Programming System},
Booktitle ={Proc. SJCC, AFIPS.},
Year =1967, Pages ="559--569",
Volume ="30",
Annote ={Uses ringstructures. Category ={DBDschema.3.5> DBDlang> } }

@article{Weyl1975, Author ={Weyl,S., Fries,J., Wiederhold,G., and Germano,F.},
Title ={A Modular, Self-Describing Clinical Databank System},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1975, Pages ="279--293",
Volume ="8",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Statistics, Design and medical application of a schema driven transposed time-oriented database. Category ={DBFhybrid.1.4> MCS> %Weyl75 } }

@article{Whang1981, Author ={Whang,K-Y., Wiederhold,G., and Sagalowicz,D.},
Title ={Separability as a Physical Database Design Methodology},
Journal ={CSL TR-222 and STAN-CS-81-898, Stanford Un..},
Year =1981, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBDperf>} }

@article{Whang1982, Author ={Whang,K-Y., Wiederhold,G., and Sagalowicz,D.},
Title ={Physical Design of Network Model Databases Using the Property of Separability},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor(eds), Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Pages ="98--107",
Category ={DBDbound.5.3> DBFsyseval.4> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Whang1981:1, Author ={Whang,K-Y., Wiederhold,G., and Sagalowicz,D.},
Title ={Separability: An Approach to Physical Database Design},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds), Cannes, Frances.},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="320--332",
Annote ={at Stanford Un; SRI Category ={DBDperf> DBFsyseval.4>} }

@techreport{Whang1983, Author ={Whang,Kyu-Young},
Title ={A Physical Database Design Methodology Using the Property of Separability},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, PhD Th., TR-CS-83-968, 271pp.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Whang1983:1, Author ={Whang,K-Y., Wiederhold,G., and Sagalowicz,D.},
Title ={Estimating Block Accesses in Database Organizations --- A Closed Noniterative Formula},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8406-0477.},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Pages ="940--944",
Volume ="26",
Number ="11",
Category ={DBFtrees.4>} }

@incollection{Whang1985, Author ={Whang,K-Y., Wiederhold,G., and Sagalowicz,D.},
Title ={Separability and its Application in Physical Database Design},
Booktitle ={'Query Processing in Database Systems', Kim,Batory,Reiner(eds), Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) .},
Year =1985, Pages ="297--317",
Category ={DBDdesign> DBDdesign.7.5> DBDperf>} }

@inproceedings{Whang1984, Author ={Whang,K-Y.},
Title ={Index Selection in Relational Databases},
Booktitle ={IBM, Res.R. No.RC-10787.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDmodel.0> DBDperf, DBfile} }

@techreport{Whang1985:1, Author ={Whang,K-Y.},
Title ={Transaction-Processing Costs in Relational Database Systems},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RC-10952.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDmodel.0> DBDperf, DBfile} }

@article{Whang1985:2, Author ={Whang,K-Y.},
Title ={Property of Separability in Physical Design of Network Model Databases},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8607-??.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Pages ="57--63",
Volume ="10",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. valuable contribution to the technology. A verification would be highly desirable. ---Bash. Category ={DBDbound.4> DBDdesign> DBFhybrid>in DBfile@inproceedings{Whang1985:3, Author ={Whang,K-Y.},
Title ={Index Selection in Relational Databases ,},
Booktitle ={Proc. Intern. Conf.on Foundations of Data Organization, Kyoto Japan.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Pages ="369--378",
Category ={DBFindex>} }

@techreport{Whang1985:4, Author ={Whang,Kyu-Young},
Title ={Query Optimization in Office-by-Example -- A Memory-Resident Domain Relational Calculus Database System},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RC-11571, 49pp.; revised Dec.1987.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDquery> DBDoffice, DBfile} }

@techreport{Whang1987, Author ={Whang,K.Y. and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={An Extended Disjunctive Normal Form Approach for Processing Recursive Logic Queries in Loosely Coupled Environments},
Institution ={IBM (Yorktown Heights), Res.R. No.RC-12567.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={ By loosely coupled they mean one in which logic is translated into a query language and executed on a separate DB system. The problem (and I can believe it, considering our experience with NAIL!) is that calls to the DBMS are expensive because queries must be processed, and perhaps temporary relations created, not just because of the amount of retrieval done. Thus, they try to minimize the number of calls. The basic idea is to combine all the steps of one round of recursion into one query. e.g., if we have we want to take the old tuples, i.e., those added to p on the previous round, and compute the new tuples for this round by something like: It's interesting to relate this technique to `loop unrolling', as practised in Fortran optimizers, e.g. If we have the usual transitive closure rules (p :- a p | a), we could save DB calls by rewiting them as p :- a a p | a a | a, for example, or ... ---jeff. Category ={DBDquery> DBDdesign> } }

@article{Whang1966, Author ={Whang,K-Y., et al.},
Title ={Office-by-Example: An Integrated Office System and Database Manager},
Journal ={IBM, Res.R. No.RC-1, 1986.},
Year =1966, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDoffice> DBDquery, DBfile} }

@techreport{Whang1985:5, Author ={Whang,K-Y. and Krishnamurthy,R.},
Title ={Multilevel Grid Files},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RC-11516, 43pp.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBFindex, DBfile} }

@techreport{Whang1986, Author ={Whang,K-Y. and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={An Extended Discunctive Normal Form Approach for Processing Recursive Logic Queries in Loosely Coupled Environments},
Institution ={IBM, Res.R. No.RC-12567.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ Relational algebra with logic extension for recursion. Bottom-up capture rules used. Justification for Negation by failure in databases. By `loosely coupled' they mean one in which logic is translated into a query language and executed on a separate DB system. Because calls to the DBMS are expensive(queries must be processed, and perhaps temporary relations created) they try to minimize the number of calls. The basic idea is to combine all the steps of one round of recursion into one query. e.g., if we have we want to take the `old' tuples, i.e., those added to p on the previous round, and compute the `new' tuples for this round by something like: w := (a JOIN old) UNION (b JOIN old JOIN c) This technique is like `loop unrolling'. ---Jeff Category ={DBDlogic> DBDnewDBMS, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Whang1987:1, Author ={Whang,K-Y. and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={An Extended Disjunctive Normal Form Approach for Processing Recursive Logic Queries in Loosely Coupled Environments},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="275--287",
Category ={DBDtheory> DBDdist> DBDkb> DBDquery>} }

@article{Whang1988, Author ={Whang,K-Y. and Brady,S.},
Title ={High Performance Expert System-DBMS Interface for Network Management and Control},
Journal ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ Actually, optimization of recursive queries for an application dependent shell (SIENA) which uses SQL. Control of communication networks. Category ={DBDkb> DBDlogic, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Whang1988:1, Author ={Whang,K-Y. and Brady,S.},
Title ={A Framework for Optimization in Expert System-DBMS Interface for Network Management and Control},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Pages ="126--133",
Annote ={ performance in loose-coupling the Prolog-based expert system and a relational DBMS. `Loose-coupling' means interfacing the independent systems at the level of the database query language. The technique is an extension of traditional query optimization. A logic query is compiled into a query graph. The query graph is normalized to extended disjunctive normal form (EDNF). The EDNF primitives are mapped to the implementation primitives. The primitives have been implemented, but the selection of an optimal mapping has not been solved yet. ---BYLee Category ={DBDkb> DBFdist> } }

@article{Whang1988:2, Author ={Whang,K.Y. and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Integrating Expert Systems with Database Management Systems--An Extended Disjunctive Normal Form Approach},
Journal ={to appear in IEEE Expert.},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Whang1989, Author ={Whang,K-Y., Malhotra,A., Sockut,G., and Burns,L.},
Title ={Supporting Universal Quantification in a Two-Dimensional Database Query Language},
Booktitle ={IBM TJWRC, Res.R. No.RC-14402, 33pp.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={Related to query-by-example. Better graphics. Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@article{Whang1990, Author ={Whang,K-Y. and Krishnamurthy,R.},
Title ={Query Optimization in a Memory-Resident Domain Relational Calculus Database},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Pages ="67--95",
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at IBM Thomas J. Watson Res. Ctr. Office-by-example extends the concept of query-by-example (QBE); disks are used only for permanent storage of data and backup; The technique is not a heuristic since it employs a systematic search, but uses the branch-and-bound algorithm. Uses the nested-loop join with use of indexes. An index is an array of tuple identifiers. Assess uses binary search. When an index entry is inserted, the upper half of the index is block-copied. In a 3081 processor copying 1 MB of memory takes less than 0.1 second. Queries in OBE are in the canonical form, have no substructures. Pure demand paging is not suitable, the system has a global goal for paging activities. The set of virtual machines on the dispatch list is determined. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Whang1990:1, Author ={Whang,K-Y., VanderZanden,B., and Taylor,H.},
Title ={A Linear-Time Probabilistic Counting Algorithm for Database Applications},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Pages ="208--229",
Volume ="15",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ at Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology counting the number of unique values in the presence of duplicates; O(n) time complexity based on hashing Category ={DBDops> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Whang1991, Author ={Whang,W.K. and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={Logic Based Approach for Realizing a Federated Information System},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Wheeler1970, Author ={Wheeler,Stanton(ed)},
Title ={On Record : Files and Dossiers in American Life},
Publisher ={Basic Books, NY .},
Year =1970, Annote ={at Russell Sage Foundation (NY) Privacy issues Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@article{Whinston1990, Author ={Whinston,C.W. and Holsappel,A.B.},
Title ={Towards an environment theory of decision support},
Journal ={Computer Science in Economics and Management, no.1.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDappl>} }

@article{White1980, Author ={White,L.J. and Cohen,E.I.},
Title ={A Domain Strategy for Computer Program Testing},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-6.},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Pages ="247--257",
Category ={DBDschema.2> DBDtheory>} }

@article{White1980:1, Author ={White,R.M.},
Title ={Disk-Storage Technology},
Journal ={Sc.Am..},
Year =1980, Month =Aug,
Pages ="138--148",
Volume ="243",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFhard.1>} }

@inproceedings{White1992, Author ={White,S.J. and DeWitt,D.J.},
Title ={A Performance Study of Alternative Object Faulting and Pointer Swizzling Strategies},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDperf> DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Whitebread1986, Author ={Whitebread,Kenneth},
Title ={An Inference Model for Inheritance Hierarchies With Exceptions},
Booktitle ={International Symp.on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems; Un.Tennessee.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="279--287",
Annote ={at Honeywell, Sys. and Res. Ctr (Minneapolis MN) A formal model default reasoning called nonconclusive reasoning. Resolves ambiguity and avoids the need for explicit exceptions without extralogical mechanisms. Category ={DBDkb> KSYS> } }

@article{WhitingOKeefe1988, Author ={WhitingOKeefe,Q.E., Whiting,A., and Henke,J.},
Title ={The STOR Clinical Information System},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Pages ="8--21",
Volume ="5",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at UCSF Category ={MIS>} }

@techreport{Whitney1985, Author ={Whitney,Telle E.},
Title ={Hierarchical Composition of VLSI Circuits},
Institution ={Caltech, PhD Th..},
Year =1985, Annote ={Hierarchical design. Category ={EIS, KHall} }

@techreport{Whitney1970, Author ={Whitney,V.K.M.},
Title ={A Study of Optimal File Assignment and Communications Network Configuration in Remote-Access Computer Message Processing and Communications Systems},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Michigan.},
Year =1970, Category ={DBFtechn.4.5>} }

@article{Whitney1973, Author ={Whitney,K.M.},
Title ={Fourth Generation Data Management Systems},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Pages ="239--244",
Volume ="42",
Category ={DBFintro>%Whitney73} }

@inproceedings{Whitney1974, Author ={Whitney,V.K.M.},
Title ={Relational Data Management Implementation Techniques},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGFIDET , Rustin(ed), 1974.},
Year =1974, Pages ="321--348",
Annote ={ Gives a nonstandard network framework for implementing relations. Review of implementation models, with bibliography. Category ={DBDrel.3, x9> } }

@article{Whitney1974:1, Author ={Whitney,V.K.M.},
Title ={A Relational Data Management System},
Journal ={Tou74 (COINS-IV).},
Year =1974, Pages ="55--56",
Annote ={at General Motors Description of GM-RDMS Category ={DBDrel.3, x9> } }

@article{Wick1989, Author ={Wick,M.R. and Slagle,J.R.},
Title ={An Explanation Facility for Today's Expert Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Expert, Spr..},
Year =1989, Pages ="26--36",
Annote ={at Un.Minnesota Excellent survey and description of their approach. Why, How, What queries. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@unpublished{Widjojo1990, Author ={Widjojo,S., Wile,D., and Hull,R.},
Title ={Worldbase: A New Approach to Sharing Distributed Information},
Note ={rcvd},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at USC, CSD Cosi-dynamic federation; LISP APS is used to merge transformed subsets. Objects are matched by keys. Category ={DBDdist> DBDbiblio, DBfile } }

@unpublished{Widjojo1990:1, Author ={Widjojo,S., Hull,R., and Wile,D.},
Title ={Distributed Information Sharing in a Work-Station Based Environment},
Note ={COSI Workshop, Tulsa.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ merge operations with views to exclude conflicts on autonomous databases Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Widom1989, Author ={Widom,J. and Finkelstein,S.},
Title ={A Syntax and Semantics for Set-Oriented Production Rules in Relational Database Systems (Extended Abstract)},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="36--45",
Volume ="18",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Res.Ctr. Syntax is an extension to SQL. Category ={DBDquery> DBDrel> DBDimpl, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Widom1990, Author ={Widom,J. and Finkelstein,S.J.},
Title ={Set-Oriented Production Rules in Relational Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden Semantics of SQL with cascading rule invocation; exact semantics for execution with externally-generated operations, selftriggering rules, and simultaneous triggering of multiple rules. I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Widom1991, Author ={Widom,Jennifer},
Title ={Deduction in the Starburst Production Rule System},
Institution ={IBM Report RJ 8135,},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Annote ={ simulate deductive database using an active database Category ={DBDimpl> DBDkb, IBM box } }

@inproceedings{Widom1990:1, Author ={Widom,J., Cochrane,R., and Lindsay,B.},
Title ={Implementing Set-Oriented Production Rules as an Extension to Starburst},
Booktitle ={IBM Report.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ADT support; tiggered by transitions Category ={DBDimpl> DBDkb, DBfile IBMbox } }

@inproceedings{Widom1992, Author ={Widom,J., Aiken,A., and Hellerstein,J.},
Title ={Behavior of Database Production Rules: Termination, Confluence, & Observable Determinism},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 92, San Diego.},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Wieder1984, Author ={Wieder,Mark A.},
Title ={Introduction to Datascan},
Booktitle ={MUG Quarterly, Proc.issue.},
Year =1984, Volume ="14",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Vista Computer (Elmsford NY) MUMPS based database support, full-screen. Category ={DBDbound.4> MCS> } }

@techreport{Wiederhold1972, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio et al},
Title ={Report on the San Diego SHARE Data Base Committee on Technical Objectives meeting, Dec.1972},
Institution ={SHARE Proceedings.},
Year =1972, Annote ={at SHARE, Inc. Classification of accessors, accesses, and access types. Category ={DBDprivacy.2, xB12 } }

@techreport{Wiederhold1969, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Proposal to Aid in More Efficient Usage of Disk},
Institution ={ACME Note PEFF, Stanford Un...},
Year =1969, Annote ={ Possible encoding methods or numeric data to compress sparse medical data. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@techreport{Wiederhold1971, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Data Base Access Privileges and Security},
Institution ={ACME Note FSEC, SCC Stanford Un..},
Year =1971, Month Mar,
Annote ={Categorization of Access Choices Category ={DBDprivacy.3> } }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1973, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={The Need and a Method to Obliterate Control Languages},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the SIGPLANSIGOPS Interface Meeting, SIGPLAN Notices, ,},
Year =1973, Month =Sep,
Pages ="140--141",
Volume ="8",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBFintro.4.2>} }

@article{Wiederhold1975, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Fries,J.F., and Weyl,S.},
Title ={Structured Organization of Clinical Data Bases},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="479--486",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Description of schema based application support system. Category ={DBDschema> %Wiederhold75 } }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1978, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Introducing Semantic Information into a Database Schema},
Booktitle ={Proc.Canadian Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf Society Session '78.},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="338--391",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDschema.1>} }

@article{Wiederhold1979, Author ={Wiederhold,G. and ElMasri,R.},
Title ={Errata for Database Design},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin, <<>>.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBFintro, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1978:1, Author ={Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Management of Semantic Information for Databases },
Booktitle ={Proc.of the 3rd USA-Japan Computer Conf., AFIPS and IPSJ, San Francisco CA.},
Year =1978, Pages ="192--197",
Category ={DBDschema> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Wiederhold1979:1, Author ={Wiederhold,G. and ElMasri,R.},
Title ={A Structural Model for Database Systems},
Institution ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR.CS--79--722 (Stanford CA) .},
Year =1979, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDschema>} }

@article{Wiederhold1979:2, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Databases for Economic Planning in India},
Journal ={Management Sciences and the Development of ASEAn Economies, S.Torok (ed), Times Books International, Singapore.},
Year =1979, Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@book{Wiederhold1980, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={New Technologies},
Publisher ={`The Computer in the Doctor's Office', Rienhoff and Abrams (eds), N-H, IFIP.},
Year =1980, Pages ="263--264",
Category ={DBFhard.1.4> MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1980:1, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio and Ramez ElMasri},
Title ={The Structural Model for Database Design},
Booktitle ={ER 2, Chen (ed), N-H.},
Year =1980, Pages ="237--257",
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@book{Wiederhold1980:2, Author ={Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Databases for Health Care},
Publisher ={Stanford CS Report 80-790.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Category ={MCS>} }

@article{Wiederhold1980:3, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Beetem,A., and Short,G.},
Title ={A Database Approach to Communication in VLSI Design},
Journal ={Stanford Un., CSD.},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ use of a CODASYL database system extended with triggers and virtual entries. Category ={DBappl> DBDbound.5> } }

@book{Wiederhold1980:4, Author ={Wiederhold,G. (Translator R. Gritsch)},
Title ={Datenbanken, Analyse---Design---Erfahrungen, Band 1 Dateisysteme; Band 2},
Publisher ={R.Oldenbourg Verlag, Munchen, 1982, Reihe Datenverarbeitung, 454pp.},
Year =1980, Annote ={German translation of of Database Design, 1977. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@techreport{Wiederhold1981, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Binding in Information Processing},
Institution ={Stanford Un., TR.STAN-CS-81-851.},
Year =1981, Month =May,
Category ={DBDintro.6>} }

@article{Wiederhold1981:1, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Kaplan,J., and Sagalowicz,D.},
Title ={Research in Knowledge Base Management Systems},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record.},
Year =1981, Month Apr,
Pages ="26--54",
Volume ="11",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDmodel> DBDquery> DBDkb>} }

@article{Wiederhold1981:2, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Database Technology in Health Care},
Journal ={J.Med.Syst., Plenum.},
Year =1981, Pages ="175--195",
Volume ="5",
Number ="3",
Category ={MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1982, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Hospital Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, 2nd Ed., Ralston and Reilly(eds), Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY).},
Year =1982, Category ={MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1982:1, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Medical Applications},
Booktitle ={Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering, 2nd Ed., Ralston and Reilly(eds), Van Norstrand Reinhold (New York NY).},
Year =1982, Category ={MCS>} }

@article{Wiederhold1982:2, Author ={Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Databases and File-System},
Journal ={The MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), Computer Handbook, Harry Helms(ed), --99.},
Year =1982, Pages ="19-1",
Category ={DBDmodel.0>} }

@article{Wiederhold1983, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio, Kaplan,S.J., and Sagalowicz,D.},
Title ={Physical Database Design Research at Stanford},
Journal ={Republished in Database Engineering, IEEE .},
Year =1983, Pages ="117--119",
Volume ="1",
Category ={DBDperf> DBFimpl> DBFsyseval>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1982:3, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={A Method for the Design of Multi-Objective Databases},
Booktitle ={in Comp. in Eng. , Rahavan,R. (ed), Proc.of the Annual Meeting of ASME, 1982.},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Pages ="161-165",
Volume ="4",
Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign.7.5>} }

@book{Wiederhold1982:4, Author ={Wiederhold,G.(ed)},
Title ={Second Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems},
Publisher ={IEEE Pub. CH1792-1.},
Year =1982, Number ="82",
Annote ={ Proceedings of IEEE 2SRDSDS conference sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society in cooperation with ACM at the Un.Pittsburgh, Jul.1982. Category ={DBDdist> DBFrepresent> } }

@book{Wiederhold1982:5, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Scientific Computing: A Scientific Group of Mixed Background Attempts to Cope with a Broad Spectrum of Problems},
Publisher ={Abstracted in Roles of Industry and the University in Computer Research and Development, National Academy Press, Washington DC.},
Year =1982, Pages ="60--66",
Category ={DBFpreface>} }

@book{Wiederhold1977, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Database Design},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), Computer Science Series, 658 pp., 2nd ed 1983, 767pp.},
Year =1977, Annote ={ A very thorough book. All of the fundamental concepts, and many, many more are covered in this book. It contains little programming and nothing about microcomputers. The main problems from our perspective are that (1) it has so much material that it would be very hard for a relative beginner to handle, and (2) that it has an awful lot of mathematics that we feel a newcomer to the material should not have to plow through. It has very good problems. ---review from a textbook proposal for C-based files I3 Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Wiederhold1983:1, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Milton,J., and Sagalowicz,D.},
Title ={Artificial Intelligence in the Knowledge-Based Management Systems Project},
Journal ={ACM SIGART .},
Year =1983, Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Wiederhold1983:2, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Modeling Databases},
Journal ={Information Sciences.},
Year =1983, Pages ="115--126",
Volume ="29",
Category ={DBDmodel.7>} }

@techreport{Wiederhold1983:3, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={A Metaphor for Distributed Data},
Institution ={report to VisiCorp, San Jose.},
Year =1983, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDdist, paper file} }

@article{Wiederhold1983:4, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Networking of Data and Information},
Journal ={NCI Workshop on Role of Computers in Cancer Clinical Trials, NIH, .},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Pages ="113--119",
Category ={MCS>} }

@techreport{Wiederhold1983:5, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Databases and Information Management},
Institution ={WIS Implementation Study Report, Volume III --- Background Information, Thomas H. Probert (ed.), IDA, 154.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="75-137",
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Wiederhold1983:6, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Milton,J., and Sagalowicz,D.},
Title ={Applications of Artificial Intelligence in the Knowledge Based Management Systems Project},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1983, Month =Dec,
Pages ="75--82",
Volume ="6",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDkb> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Wiederhold1984, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Knowledge and Database Management},
Journal ={IEEE Software.},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Pages ="63--73",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Wiederhold1984:1, Author ={Wiederhold,G. and Keller,A.M.},
Title ={Database Tools, Design Issues for Ada},
Institution ={IDA Internal Document.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Wiederhold1984:2, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Databases},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Pages ="211--223",
Volume ="17",
Number ="10",
Annote ={A summary and history of database development Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Wiederhold1985, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Knowledge Bases},
Journal ={Future Generations Computer Systems, N-H.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="223--235",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Wiederhold1985:1, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={An Integration of Knowledge and Data Representation},
Booktitle ={in Proc. of Islamorada Workshop, CCA.},
Year =1985, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Wiederhold1986, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Knowledge Versus Data},
Booktitle ={Brodie, Mylopoulos, and Schmidt (eds) `On Knowledge Base Management Systems: Integrating Artificial Intelligence and Database Technologies,' Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), .},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Wiederhold1986:1, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio(ed)},
Title ={Proceedings Second International Conference on Data Engineering},
Publisher ={IEEE CS.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFintro> DBDintro>} }

@incollection{Wiederhold1986:2, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Views, Objects, and Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE Computer, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8708-0693.},
Year =1986, Month =Dec,
Pages ="37--44",
Volume ="19",
Number ="12",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Overview, does an appropriate job of whetting the appetite about an intriguing concept that appears to have significant potential. ---Mayforth I3 Category ={DBDobject> VOD> } }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1986:3, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Keller,A.M., Navathe,S., Spooner,D., Berkowitz,M., Brykczynski,B., and Salasin,J.},
Title ={Modularization of an Ada Database System},
Booktitle ={Stanford.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDimpl> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1986:4, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Knowledge and Database Design},
Booktitle ={11th Annual Decision Support Systems, N-H D User's Conf., Ken Orr and Assocts, Kansas City.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1986:5, Author ={Wiederhold,G.C.M., Walker,M.G., Blum,R.L., and Downs,S.M.},
Title ={Acquisition of Knowledge from Data},
Booktitle ={International Symp.on Methodologies for Intelligent Systems; Un.Tennessee.},
Year =1986, Month =Oct,
Pages ="74--84",
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Summarization begins with a data-driven hypothesis generation phase, followed by a goal-driven hypothesis testing phase. Radix discovery. Find an unusual and important clinical event. Retrieve the known causes of the event. Determine if the known causes can explain the event. If not, use the medical knowledge base and patient data to propose and rank new possible causes. Suggest identify type of patient (age, sex, preconditions) to narrow group in increasing significance. I3 Category ={DBDkb> KSYS> } }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1987, Author ={Wiederhold,G. and Qian,X-L.},
Title ={Modeling Asynchrony: The Identity Connection},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Pages ="246--250",
Annote ={ model constraints which describe asynchrony of distributed updates. This paper gives a brief introduction to Identity Connection. In the federated database environment, fully synchronous updates of replicated data are not feasible. In case of asynchronous updates, updates are deffered and different type of consideration is necessary to assure consistency among replicated data. Identity connection offers a new semantics to formulate a transaction model with asynchronous updates. Time constraint specified with the identity connection defines either time or event which forces asynchronous updates to start. Each identity connection is 1:1 and either one directional or symmetric. The identity connection works as a tool of specification for design of distributed database. ---Mikasa. I3 Category ={DBDmodel> DBDdist> } }

@book{Wiederhold1987:1, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={File Organization for Database Design},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY).},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={ includes transaction systems, file performance analyses, analysis methods, file distribution: clustered, remotely distributed federated. Category ={DBFintro> DBDintro> DBDtrans> DBFintro> } }

@unpublished{Wiederhold1986:6, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Support for Parallel Design in an Engineering Information System},
Note ={Stanford Un., KBManagement Science, Journal of TIMS project.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={Conflict recognition and resolution. Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Wiederhold1986:7, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Standardization and Artificial Intelligence},
Journal ={ASTM Standardization News.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Pages ="10--11",
Volume ="14",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Wiederhold1987:2, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Walker.M.G., Hasan,W., Chaudhuri,S., Swami,A., Cha,S.K., Qian,X-L., Winslett,M., DeMichiel,L., and Rathmann,P.K.},
Title ={KSYS: An Architecture for Integrating Databases and Knowledge Bases},
Booktitle ={Submitted to IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={Stresses knowledge view concepts. I3 Category ={DBDkb> VOD> } }

@incollection{Wiederhold1988, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Hospital Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Encyclopedia of Medical Devices and Instrumentation, Webster(ed), John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) .},
Year =1988, Pages ="1517--1542",
Volume ="3",
Category ={MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1988:1, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Databases},
Booktitle ={IEEE Expert, Sum., pp.18.},
Year =1988, Volume ="3",
Number ="2",
Annote ={Short editorial. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1988:2, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Sharing and Partitioning Large Knowledge Bases},
Booktitle ={abstract in `PROTOS, PROLOG Tools for Building Expert Systems', HJ.Appelrath, A.B.Cremers, and H.Schiltknecht (eds), EUREKA TR-EU56, Basel, Switzerland.},
Year =1988, Month =Dec,
Pages ="77--83",
Category ={DBDobject> Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Wiederhold1989, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Winslett,M., and Naclerio,N.},
Title ={Layering an Engineering Information System},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar., IEEE CS.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="444--449",
Category ={EIS> VOD>} }

@book{Wiederhold1989:1, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Design Concepts and Implementation of Databases},
Publisher ={MacGraw-Hill (New York NY), to appear .},
Year =1989, Category ={DBFintro>} }

@incollection{Wiederhold1989:2, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Brinkley,J., Samadani,R., and Clauer,R.},
Title ={Model-Driven Image Analysis to Augment Databases},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC-2.6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="159--180",
Annote ={ Extracting parameters for indexing from fetal and auroral images. Category ={DBDimage> } }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1991, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Jajodia,S., and Litwin,W.},
Title ={Dealing with Granularity of Time in Temporal Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. 3rd Nordic Conf. on Adv. Inf. Syst. Eng., Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA).},
Year =1991, Annote ={ (1) The model and operators are based on the algebra proposed by Allen but restricted to no disjunctions among events. Both papers cite Allens CACM paper, but because of your restriction and because you use time points as your end-points, you probably should look at and cite the paper by Marc Vilain from BBN who investigated the consequences of adopting these restrictions. It is my impression that your system is in fact more in spirit with Vilain's modification of Allen's work than with Allen's original formulation. ---Kahn Category ={DBDkb> } }

@techreport{Wiederhold1990, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Risch,T., Rathmann,P., DeMichiel,L., Chaudhuri,S., Lee, B-S., Law,K., Barsalou,T., and Quass.D.},
Title ={A Mediator Architecture for Abstract Data Access},
Institution ={Stanford University, Report No.STAN-CS-90-1303.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb> VOD>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1990:1, Author ={Wiederhold,G.:},
Title ={Future Architectures for Information Processing Systems},
Booktitle ={Rishe, Navathe, and Tal (eds) : Proc. Parbase-90, Int. Conf. on Databases, Parallel Architectures, and their Implementation, IEEE Computer Society Press, March , pp. 160-176.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDkb> VOD} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1989:3, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={The Architecture of Future Information Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications, KISS and IPSJ, Seoul Korea, pp.7.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDkb> VOD>} }

@unpublished{Wiederhold1990:2, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={KQML, partial report on a proposed knowledge acquisition language for intelligent applications},
Note ={Santa Barbara Workshop.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Wiederhold1990:3, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Rathmann,P., and Barsalou,T., Lee,B-S., and Quass,D.},
Title ={Partitioning and Composing Knowledge},
Journal ={Information Systems.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Volume ="15",
Number ="1",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1990:4, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Sujansky,W., Barsalou,T., Siambela,N. and Zingmond,D.},
Title ={Supporting Access to Multiple Databases for Multiple Views},
Booktitle ={NLM Biomatrix Conf., GMU.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDkb} }

@unpublished{Wiederhold1990:5, Author ={Wiederhold,G. and Qian,X.},
Title ={Consistency Control of Replicated Data in Federated Databases},
Note ={Workshop on Management of Replicated Data, Houston, November .},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDkb> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1991:1, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Barsalou,T., and Sujansky,W.},
Title ={Sharing Information among Biomedical Applications},
Booktitle ={in 'Software Engineering in Medical Informatics', IMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersA, N-H. T.Timmers and B.I.Blum (eds)},
Year =1991, Pages ="49--84",
Category ={MIS} }

@article{Wiederhold1991:2, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={The roles of artificial intelligence in information systems},
Journal ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at DARPA I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1991:3, Author ={Wiederhold,G., Jajodia,S., and Litwin,W.},
Title ={Dealing with granularity of time in temporal databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. 3rd Int'l. Conf. on Advanced Information Systems Engineering, LNCScience, Vol. 498 (R. Anderson et al. eds.), SV.},
Year =1991, Pages ="124--140",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Wiederhold1992, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Mediators in the Architecture of Future Information Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Computer.},
Year =1992, Month Mar,
Pages ="39--49",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1992:1, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Intelligent Integration of Diverse Information (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at DARPA and Stanford Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1993, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio},
Title ={Intelligent Integration of Information},
Booktitle ={ACM-SIGMOD 93, Washington DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Pages ="434-437",
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Wiederhold1993:1, Author ={Wiederhold,Gio., Jajodia,S., and Litwin,W.},
Title ={Investigating Temporal Data in a Heterogeneous Environment},
Booktitle ={in Temporal Databases (A. Tansel, et al, editors), Benjamin/Cummings Publishers.},
Year =1993, Month =Jun,
Annote ={I3 Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Wiederhold1976, Author ={Wiederhold,J.F.A.},
Title ={something on databases?},
Journal ={Computer J., July .},
Year =1976, Annote ={ at Un.Witwatersrand, Computer Ctr (Johannesburg, South Africa) Category ={DBDadmin.2, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Wiederhold1984:3, Author ={Wiederhold,V., Chee,L-H., Theodore,J., Stinson,E., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={A Comparison of Two Database Systems for Heart-Lung Transplant Data},
Booktitle ={Computers in Cardiology, IEEE, Salt Lake City UT.},
Year =1984, Month =Sep,
Category ={MCS> DBFtrees.1.5>} }

@article{Wiedermann1985, Author ={Wiedermann,Juraj},
Title ={Eliminating Redundant Modifications in Dictionary Machines},
Journal ={Comput.Artif.Intell..},
Year =1985, Pages ="545--550",
Volume ="4",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ at Inst.Socio-Economic Inf. and Automation in Management from a sequence of operations. Category ={DBFmach> } }

@article{Wiens1988, Author ={Wiens,R. and Ketabchi,M.},
Title ={An Efficient Method Lookup Technique for Secondary Storage Object- Oriented Systems},
Journal ={J.of Systems and Software.},
Year =1988, Annote ={ class inheritance of methods provides ordering a la Smalltalk 80. Category ={DBDobject, DBfile Ketabchi } }

@techreport{Wieringa1987, Author ={Wieringa,R.J.},
Title ={Axiomatic Specification of Database Domain Statics},
Institution ={VU, TR.No.IR133.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam) Category ={DBDmodel, x} }

@techreport{Wieringa1987:1, Author ={Wieringa,Roel},
Title ={Algebraic Specification of Database Domain Dynamics Part 1: Generic and Individual Processes},
Institution ={VU Rapport IR-134.},
Year =1987, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at VU.(Amsterdam) Category ={DBDmodel, DBfile} }

@techreport{Wieringa1988, Author ={Wieringa,R.},
Title ={Jackson System Development Analysed in Process Algebra},
Institution ={VU, TR. IR-148.},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Annote ={at VU (Amsterdam) Category ={DEng>} }

@inproceedings{Wieringa1988:1, Author ={Wieringa,R. and vandeRietR.},
Title ={Algebraic specification of object dynamics in knowledge base domains},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at The Netherlands Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Wieringa1989, Author ={Wieringa,R., Meyer,J-J., and Weigand,H.},
Title ={Specifying dynamic and deontic integrity constraints},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1989, Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ the constraint that age is a natural number is 'necessary' in the Universe of Discourse; as the constraint that a class must have precisely one teacher is called 'deontic' and constrains the UoD; the distinction between necessary and deontic is relevant for modeling and imposes a complicated modeling discipline. Category ={DBDintegrity> } }

@inproceedings{Wieringa1990, Author ={Wieringa,R.},
Title ={Equational specification of dynamic objects},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDobject>} } @misc{1990:2, Title ={Algebraic Foundations for Dynamic Conceptual Models},
Howpublished ={Thesis, VU, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Category ={DBDmodel, x book} }

@inproceedings{Wiginton1954, Author ={Wiginton,Ronald L.},
Title ={Medicine Methods for Accessing Chemical Abstracts Service Information},
Booktitle ={Proc.IBM Scientific Computers in Chemistry (320--0), 1969.},
Year =1954, Annote ={at American Chemical Society Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Wigton1987, Author ={Wigton,Robert S.},
Title ={The New Knowledge Bases: CD-ROM and Medicine},
Journal ={M.D. Computing, Springer Verlag, -Jun..},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="34--38",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Optical disk books. Includes addresses of suppliers. Category ={DBDbiblio> DBFhard> } }

@book{Wiking1971, Author ={Wiking,Donald},
Title ={The Evaluation of Information Services and Products},
Publisher ={Inf.Res.Press, Washington .},
Year =1971, Category ={DBFeval>} }

@article{Wilde1969, Author ={Wilde,Daniel Un.},
Title ={Interactive Strategy Design},
Journal ={American Documentation.},
Year =1969, Month =Jan,
Pages ="90--91",
Volume ="20",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Wildman1975, Author ={Wildman,Manfred},
Title ={Terabit Memory Systems: A Design History},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE, Hoagland(ed).},
Year =1975, Month =Aug,
Pages ="1160--1165",
Volume ="63",
Number ="8",
Annote ={Review of AMPEX mass storage device development. Category ={DBFhard.1.4> } }

@inproceedings{Wileden1989, Author ={Wileden,J.C., Wolf,A.L., Fisher,C.D., and Tarr,P.L.},
Title ={Pgraphite: an experiment in persistent typed object management},
Booktitle ={SIGPLAN Notices , ; ACM Computing Reviews 9003-0215.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="130-142",
Volume ="24",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Mass., Amherst a prototype tool in an Arcadia environment; typse is known to all programs that use it; persistence is orthogonal to all other aspects of the object; fun to read. ---Berry. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@techreport{Wilens1978, Author ={Wilens,M.E., Volz,R.A. and Fry,J.P.},
Title ={Interactive Database Design Laboratory},
Institution ={Un.Michigan, GSBA, Database Systems Res.Group, TR.78 E13.},
Year =1978, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Wilhelm1976, Author ={Wilhelm,Neil C.},
Title ={An Anomaly in Disk Scheduling: A Comparison of FCFS and SSTF Seek Scheduling Using an Empirical Model for Disk Accesses},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1976, Month =Jan,
Pages ="13--17",
Volume ="19",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Rochester Category ={DBFtechn.2>} }

@article{Wilkes1964, Author ={Wilkes,Maurice V.},
Title ={A Programmer Utility Filing System},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1964, Pages ="180--184",
Volume ="7",
Number ="13",
Annote ={at Cambridge Application descrition Category ={DBFhybrid> } }

@article{Wilkes1969, Author ={Wilkes,M.V. and Hartley,D.F.},
Title ={The Management System --- A New Species of Software},
Journal ={Datamation.},
Year =1969, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDintro.8>} }

@article{Wilkes1971, Author ={Wilkes,M.V.},
Title ={Associative Tabular Data Structures},
Journal ={ACM SIGPLAN , Tou(ed).},
Year =1971, Pages ="337--345",
Category ={DBFhybrid.6>} }

@article{Wilkes1972, Author ={Wilkes,M.V.},
Title ={On Preserving the Integrity of Data Bases},
Journal ={Computer J..},
Year =1972, Pages ="191--194",
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFuse-4>} }

@article{Wilkes1978, Author ={Wilkes,M.V.},
Title ={Distributed Computing in Business Data Processing},
Journal ={ICL technical Journal .},
Year =1978, Month =Nov,
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Computer Lab., Un.Cambridge Projection about use of distributed databases, a.o. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Wilkes1989, Author ={Wilkes,W., Klahold,P., and Schlageter,G.},
Title ={Complex and Composite Objects in CAD/CAM Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDobject> EIS>} }

@techreport{Wilkins1987, Author ={Wilkins,D.C., Clancey,W.J., and Buchanan,B.G.},
Title ={Knowledge Base Refinement by Monitoring Abstract Control Knowledge},
Institution ={Stanford, TR. CS-87-1182.},
Year =1987, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD leaving I3 Category ={DBDkb, DBfile } }

@book{Wilkins1988, Author ={Wilkins,David E.},
Title ={Practical Planning: Extenting the Classical AI Planning Paradigm},
Publisher ={Morgan-Kaufman.},
Year =1988, Category ={DBappl>} }

@inproceedings{Wilkins1985, Author ={Wilkins,M.W., Berlin,R., Payne,T., and Wiederhold,G},
Title ={Relational and Entity-Relationship Model Databases and Specialized Design Files in VLSI Design},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 22.},
Year =1985, Pages ="410--516",
Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Wilkins1987:1, Author ={Wilkins,Marianne Winslett},
Title ={An Approach to Representing and Updating Partial Information},
Institution ={Stanford CS TR.},
Year =1987, Category ={DBDschema.2>} }

@article{Wilkinson1990, Author ={Wilkinson,K., Lyngbaek,P, and Hasan,W.},
Title ={The Iris Architecture and Implementation},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Volume ="2",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at HP Labs Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Wilkinson1990:1, Author ={Wilkinson,K. and Neimat,M-A.},
Title ={Maintaining Consistency of Client-Cached Data},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Annote ={- client-server architecture - simulation analysis of two lock-based cache consistency algorithms - 1st algorithm: - extends 2 phase locking with 3 additional lock modes - optimistic locking scheme - new lock modes correspond to states of the cached object (cached, pending update, out-of-date). - describes details of cache locks algorithms for client and server. - advantages: efficient, no new modules, transparent to non-caching transactions. - disadvantages: many locks maintained, need to translate between logical (object) locks and physical locks - 2nd algorithm: - based on notify locks - notifications of updates sent to clients when updates are committed - client is responsible for aborting transactions that violate consistency - server makes sure client has seen most recent notification message - describes details of client/server actions - simulation model - multiple client/single server closed queueing model - clients: caching/non-caching - number of transactions, objects accessed etc. drawn from uniform distributions - details of simulation parameters like cache size, cache hit probability, multiprogramming level etc. - results also compared to non-caching two phase locking - conclusions - 2nd method is better than first under some circumstances - 2nd method is very sensitive to data contention and server load - 1st method is more stable under all conditions - both caching methods result in better server thruput compared to no caching Category ={DBDdist> DBDconc> } }

@article{Willard1985, Author ={Willard,D.E. and Lueker,G.S.},
Title ={Adding Range Restriction Capability to Dynamic Data Structures},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1985, Month =Jul,
Pages ="597--617",
Volume ="32",
Number ="3",
Annote ={range queries. Category ={DBFimpl.2.3> DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Willard1986, Author ={Willard,D.E.},
Title ={Good Worst-Case Algorithms for Inserting and Deleting Records in Dense Sequential Files},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Proceedings.},
Year =1986, Pages ="251--260",
Annote ={at SUNY Albany Category ={DBFseq>} }

@article{Willard1985:1, Author ={Willard,D.E.},
Title ={Searching un-indexed and non-uniformly generated file in log log N time},
Journal ={SIAM J.Computing.},
Year =1985, Pages ="1013--1029",
Volume ="14",
Category ={DBFseq>} }

@inproceedings{Willard1990, Author ={Willard,Dan E.},
Title ={Quasilinear Algorithms for Processing Relational Calculus Expressions},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at State Un.of NY, Albany Category ={DBDrel>} }

@techreport{Willensky1983, Author ={Willensky},
Title ={Talking to UNIX in English: An Overview of an On-Line UNIX Consultant},
Institution ={presentation at Hewlett-Packard.},
Year =1983, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at UCB, CSD UC (UNIX Consultant) is an intelligent natural language interface that allows naive users to communicate with the UNIX operating system in ordinary English. Jim Davidson : examples of where natural language systems fail because of what might be called pragmatics (problems with context; pronoun reference; ambiguity; failure to interpret speech acts, etc.). UC consists of about half a dozen modules. The organization reflects Schank's influence; each student builds some moderate part of the system for his PhD Th. UC consists of a parser, a memory module, a planner, an English generation component, a Unix interface/expert, and maybe other pieces I've forgotten. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.> } }

@book{Williams1982, Author ={Williams,Ben},
Title ={Computer Aids in Clinical Decisions},
Publisher ={CRC Press, Boca Raton FL, 2 vols.},
Year =1982, Category ={MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Williams1983, Author ={Williams,Fred J.M.D.},
Title ={Comprehensive Physician's Office Computerization},
Booktitle ={presentation to Young Family Practice Leaders Symposium.},
Year =1983, Month =Aug,
Annote ={requirements list. Category ={MCS, DBfile} }

@article{Williams1959, Author ={Williams,F.A.},
Title ={Handling identifiers as internal symbols in language processors},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1959, Month =Jun,
Pages ="21--24",
Volume ="2",
Number ="6",
Category ={DBFhash} }

@article{Williams1967, Author ={Williams,J.H.},
Title ={Computer Classification of Documents},
Journal ={FID-IFIP , Samuelson(ed), N-H 1968.},
Year =1967, Pages ="235--246",
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@techreport{Williams1969, Author ={Williams,John H.jr.},
Title ={BROWSER: An Automatic Indexing On-Line Text Retrieval System (Annual Progress Report)},
Institution ={IBM, Federal Systems Div., Gaithersburg MD,},
Year =1969, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDquery, AD 693 143} }

@book{Williams1982:1, Author ={Williams,Martha E.},
Title ={Information Science Research, the National Library of Medicine and the Public-Private Sectors},
Publisher ={Online Review.},
Year =1982, Annote ={at Un.Illinois Category ={DBappl> DBDquery.2>} }

@book{Williams1982:2, Author ={Williams,M.E., Lannom,L. and Robins,C.},
Title ={Computer-Readable Databases: A Directory and Data Sourcebook},
Publisher ={Knowledge Industry Publications Inc., White Plains NY, 1516pp.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBFrepresent.>} }

@book{Williams1982:3, Author ={Williams,M.E.(ed)},
Title ={The Annual Review of Information Science and Technology},
Publisher ={, Knowledge Industry Publications for the ASIS.},
Year =1982, Volume ="17",
Annote ={ Contents: National Plans and Policy for Telecommunication (FCC), Evaluation and Feedback, Information Resource Management, Library Automation, Subject Analysis, and Biomedical Communication. Category ={DBDquery.> } }

@book{Williams1985, Author ={Williams,Martha(ed)},
Title ={Computer Readable Databases; A directory and data sourcebooks},
Publisher ={ASIS.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Vol.1 Business, Law, Humanities, Social Sciences; Vol.2 Science, Technology and Medicine. Category ={DBappl, Z699.22C66 } }

@inproceedings{Williams1983:1, Author ={Williams,M.H., Neves,J.C., and Anderson,S.O.},
Title ={Security and Integrity in Logic Databases Using Query-By-Example},
Booktitle ={Proc.of n International Logic Programming Conference 1.},
Year =1983, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDk>} }

@techreport{Williams1985:1, Author ={Williams,M.H.},
Title ={A Simple Adaptive Database System},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Williams1988, Author ={Williams,M.H. and Kong,Q.},
Title ={Incomplete Information in a Deductive Database},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H .},
Year =1988, Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Discusses the problem of interpretation of incomplete information in a deductive database. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@incollection{Williams1981, Author ={Williams,R., Daniels,D., Haas,L., Lapis,G., Lindsay,B. Ng,P., Obermark,R., Selinger,P., Waker,A., Wilms,P., and Yost,R.},
Title ={R-*: an Overview of the Architecture},
Booktitle ={IBM, SJ Res.R. RJ3325 (40082).},
Year =1981, Month =Dec,
Annote ={R-star design (R*) Category ={DBFdist> DBDdist, DBfile under Lindsay R* } }

@inproceedings{Williams1989, Author ={Williams,R. and Adkisson,J.},
Title ={Increasing Diskette Capacity with Floptical Technology},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar.,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="148--150",
Annote ={at Insite Peripherals Inc. Optical servo to rach high data capacities on inexpensive, removable magnetic media. Track density of 1250 TPI. Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Williams1988:1, Author ={Williams,Suzanne F.},
Title ={Computer-Aided Design Opening New Horizons for Architects},
Journal ={PC Week,},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Annote ={list of CAD-CAM tools Category ={EIS, DBfile} }

@article{Willoughby1972, Author ={Willoughby,Theodore C.},
Title ={Staffing the MIS function},
Journal ={ACM Comp.Surveys.},
Year =1972, Month =Dec,
Pages ="241--259",
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Pennsylvania State Un. Discussion of the value of human assets. Category ={DBDadmin> } }

@inproceedings{Willshire1991, Author ={Willshire,MaryJane },
Title ={How Spacey Can They Get? Space Overhead for Storage and Indexing: Six Physical Storage Models for Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Wilmot1984, Author ={Wilmot,Richard B.},
Title ={Foreign Keys Decrease Adaptability of Database Designs},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 8506-0531.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="1237--1243",
Volume ="27",
Number ="12",
Annote ={ advocates removing referencing attributes into separate records to permit rapid adaptation from 1:n to m:n relationships. Category ={DBDtheory.2> DBDdesign> } }

@techreport{Wilmot1985, Author ={Wilmot,Richard B.},
Title ={Transaction Performance Improvement fom Fractional Direct Addressing},
Institution ={High Performance Transaction Systems workshop, IEEE,ACM.},
Year =1985, Annote ={ Architecture for very optimistic processing --- no DBMS or OS. Category ={DBFhard.3> DBFmach } }

@inproceedings{Wilms1980, Author ={Wilms,Paul F.},
Title ={Qualitative and quantitative comparison of update algorithms in distributed databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Symposium on Distributed Data Bases 1, Litwin(ed), Paris, France.},
Year =1980, Month Mar,
Pages ="275-294",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wilms1982, Author ={Wilms,P.F. and Lindsay,B.G.},
Title ={A Database Authorization Mechanism Supporting Individual and Group Authorization},
Booktitle ={Proc.Int. Seminar on Distributed Data Sharing Systems 2, vanderRiet and Litwin(eds), N-H.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDprivacy.2>} }

@inproceedings{Wilms1988, Author ={Wilms,P.F., Schwarz,P.M., Schek,H-J., and Haas,L.M.},
Title ={Incorporating Data Types in an Extensible Database Architecture},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3,},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at IBM, Almaden, Res.Ctr DAS DBS concepts, grid files. Category ={DBDschema> DBDkb> DBFhybrid, DBfile } }

@article{Wilms1983, Author ={Wilms,Paul F., Lindsay,B.G., and Selinger,P.G.},
Title ={'I wish I were over there': Distributed Execution Protocols for Data Definition in R*},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 83, San Jose.},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="238--242",
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose, Res.Lab Objectives: site autonomy, transparency, ease of use and performance. Data definition and control statements are executed in a distributed environment. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Wilschut1991, Author ={Wilschut,A. and Apers,P.},
Title ={Dataflow Query Execution in a Parallel Main-Memory Environment },
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Wilschut1992, Author ={Wilschut,A.N., Flokstra,J., and Apers,P.},
Title ={Parallelism in a Main-Memory DBMS: The Performance of PRISMA/DB},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFmach>} }

@inproceedings{Wilson1987, Author ={Wilson,A.H.},
Title ={Solution Patterns for Common Data Design Problems},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Wilson1980, Author ={Wilson,G.A.},
Title ={A Conceptual Model for Semantic Integrity Checking},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="111--125",
Annote ={at CCA A means for representing and applying semantic integrity knowledge to existing databases maintained by existing DBMS's. Category ={DBDintegrity.3.2> DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Wilson1980:1, Author ={Wilson,G.A.},
Title ={Semantics vs. Graphics--To Show or Not to Show},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 6, Lochovsky and Taylor(eds).},
Year =1980, Month =Oct,
Pages ="183--197",
Annote ={at CCA Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDkb>} }

@article{Wilson1982, Author ={Wilson,G.A., Childs,D. Lochovsky,F.H., Larson,J. and Zloof,M.},
Title ={User Oriented Interfaces for the 1980's and Beyond},
Journal ={.},
Year =1982, Category ={DBDquery.2> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Wilson1984, Author ={Wilson,G.A., Cromarty,A.S., Adams,T.L., Cunningham,J.F., Tolander,C.J., and Grinberg,M.R.},
Title ={Distributed Database Considerations in an Expert System for Radar Analysis Intelligent Database Interfaces},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at AIDS; Stanford Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Wilson1962, Author ={Wilson,J.H.jr.},
Title ={Costs, Budgeting and Economics of Information Processing},
Journal ={Annual Review of Information Science and Technology, ASIS, Cuadra(ed), John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY) .},
Year =1962, Category ={DBFuse-3>} }

@inproceedings{Wilson1988, Author ={Wilson,Jackson},
Title ={Views as the Security Objects in a Multilevel Secure Relational Database Management System},
Booktitle ={IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy, Oakland.},
Year =1988, Annote ={at TRW, Redondo Beach Category ={DBDsec> VOD, DBfile Wu } }

@inproceedings{Wilson1990, Author ={Wilson,K.G,},
Title ={Grand Challenges to Computational Science},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Ohio State Category ={DBDintro>} }

@techreport{Wilson1977, Author ={Wilson,M.L.},
Title ={The Information Automat Language: A Demonstration of Its Characteristics},
Institution ={IBM, Rep.FSD76-0090, rcvd. .},
Year =1977, Annote ={at IBM, Gaithersberg, Maryland Category ={DBDschema.0, report shelf } }

@techreport{Wilson1977:1, Author ={Wilson,M.L.},
Title ={Cohabitation of an Information Automat with Preexisting Application Systems},
Institution ={IBM, Rep.FSD76-0091, rcvd. .},
Year =1977, Annote ={at IBM (Gaithersberg MD) Category ={DBDschema.0, report shelf } }

@techreport{Wilson1977:2, Author ={Wilson,M.L.},
Title ={A Comparison of the Information Automat Approach to Data Structures with the Relational and Network Approaches},
Institution ={IBM, Rep.FSD76-0092, rcvd. .},
Year =1977, Annote ={at IBM, Gaithersberg, Maryland Category ={DBDintro.0> DBDnewDBMS.7, report shelf } }

@techreport{Wilson1977:3, Author ={Wilson,M.L.},
Title ={The Information Automat Approach to Design and Implementation of Computer-Based Systems},
Institution ={IBM, Rep.FSD76-0093, rcvd. .},
Year =1977, Category ={DBDnewDBMS.7, report shelf} }

@techreport{Wilson1981, Author ={Wilson,Max L.},
Title ={A requirement and design for relational databases},
Institution ={IBM TR 03.126.},
Year =1981, Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile} }

@techreport{Wilson1986, Author ={Wilson,Max L.},
Title ={Information Automat: Integrated, Automated Software Tools for the Information Age},
Institution ={IA Systems Inc., TR-101.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@article{Wilson1980:2, Author ={Wilson,S.H., Goodwin,N.C., Bersoff, and Thomas, N.M.III},
Title ={Military Message Experiment Final Report},
Journal ={Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA) --- ISI and BBN papers.},
Year =1980, Annote ={ The message processing functionality was provided by SIGMA, a program written by the Information Sciences Inst.the Un.Southern California. It was supported by the TENEX operating system, and the user terminals were modified HP-2649A CRTs. An Automated Message Handling System (AMHS) can be extremely useful in a military environment, especially during a crisis. It must be extremely reliable and routinely available. An AMHS is a more complex program than is generally thought. It must exhibit the characteristics of a well-designed database system, a user-oriented message processor, an interactive command and control system, and a rapid message handling system. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Wilson1986:1, Author ={Wilson,T.B. and Navathe,S.B.},
Title ={An Analytical Framework for Limited Redesign of Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc. Advanced Database Symposium, Tokyo, Japan.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="77--83",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Wimbrow1971, Author ={Wimbrow,J.H.},
Title ={A Large-Scale Interactive Administrative System},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1971, Pages ="260--282",
Volume ="10",
Number ="4",
Annote ={uses transactions. Category ={DBDintro.8> DBFhard-2> DBDtrans.3> } }

@article{Winick1969, Author ={Winick,Robert M.},
Title ={QTAM: Control and Processing in a Telecommunications Environment},
Journal ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf 24, ACM .},
Year =1969, Annote ={at CMU, CSD Avalon. Synchronization of concurrent modifying transactions is built into the meaning of recoverability of objects. Category ={DBFtrans> DBDreliab> DBDconc, box CMU Category ={DBFhard-3> } }

@article{Winker1982, Author ={Winker,S.},
Title ={Generation and Verification of Finite Models and Counterexamples Using an Automated Theorem Prover Answering Two Open Questions},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month Apr,
Annote ={ at Applied Mathematics Division, Argonne National Lab. (Argonne IL) Category ={DBDquery.1> } }

@inproceedings{Winkler1971, Author ={Winkler,Anthony J. and Dale,Alfred G.},
Title ={File Structure Determination},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGIR .},
Year =1971, Pages ="133--146",
Annote ={at U.S. Air Force Academy; Un.Texas Analytic comparison of hierarchic and inverted file types. Category ={DBFtree> } }

@inproceedings{Winkowski1978, Author ={Winkowski,J.(ed)},
Title ={Mathematical Foundations of Computer Science},
Booktitle ={Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA), LNCS, 551pp.},
Year =1978, Volume ="64",
Annote ={Proc.MFCS 7, held 1978 in Zakopane Poland. Category ={DBDschema> } }

@techreport{Winner1986, Author ={Winner,R., et al.},
Title ={Operational Concepts and Requirements for an Engineering Information System},
Institution ={IDA, Alexandria VA.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={at Inst for Defense Analyses (IDA) Category ={EIS>} }

@techreport{Winner1988, Author ={Winner,R.I.},
Title ={Report of the Engineering Information Systems Technical Working Group},
Institution ={Institute for Defense Analyses.},
Year =1988, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ notes from 22Jul1988 Minneapolis meeting. Naclerio's layers definition. Category ={EIS> } }

@techreport{Winograd1971, Author ={Winograd,T.},
Title ={Procedures as a Representation for Data in a Computer Program for Understanding Natural Language},
Institution ={PhD Th., Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersT, Project MAC, MAC TR-84 .},
Year =1971, Annote ={at MIT, project MAC (Cambridge MA) Thorough analysis of the English language parsing problem, PLANNER. Category ={DBDquery.2.3> DBDnat> } }

@book{Winograd1972, Author ={Winograd,T.},
Title ={Understanding Natural Language},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY).},
Year =1972, Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDnat>} }

@techreport{Winograd1987, Author ={Winograd,Terry A.},
Title ={A Language/Action Perspective on the Design of Cooperative Work},
Institution ={STAN-CS-87-1158.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Issues of group behavior, views. Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile } }

@article{Winograd1989, Author ={Winograd,Terry A.},
Title ={Groupware: The Next wave or Just Another Advertising Slogan?},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 89, San Francisco, -Mar., IEEE CS,},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Pages ="198--200",
Annote ={ Underlying mechanisms. Semi-structured objects and messages, structured documents. Conversation management. Category ={DBDappl> } }

@article{Winslett1984, Author ={Winslett,M. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Relational and Entity-Relationship Model Databases and VLSI Design},
Journal ={IEEE Database Engineering.},
Year =1984, Pages ="113--118",
Volume ="3",
Category ={DBDdesign> EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Winslett1986, Author ={Winslett,Marianne},
Title ={A Model-Theoretic Approach to Updating Logical Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Cambridge MA.},
Year =1986, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Winslett1986:1, Author ={Winslett,Marianne Wilkins},
Title ={Updating Logical Databases Containing Null Values},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Winslett1987, Author ={Winslett,Marianne},
Title ={Updating Databases with Incomplete Information},
Booktitle ={Database Theory Conference, Rome.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Stanford Un., CSD an algebra for dealing with set-nulls Category ={DBDlogic> DBDtheory, Thesis shelf } }

@inproceedings{Winslett1988, Author ={Winslett,Marianne},
Title ={A Framework for Comparison of Update Semantics},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Winslett1988:1, Author ={Winslett,Marianne},
Title ={A Model-Based Approach to Updating Databases with Incomplete Information},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Pages ="167--196",
Volume ="13",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, CSD Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Winslett1989, Author ={Winslett,M., Hall,K., Knapp,D., and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={Use of Change Coordination in an Information Processing System},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the ACM Design Automation Conference.},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Category ={EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Winslett1991, Author ={Winslett,M. and Chou,T.},
Title ={Updates with equality: beyond the Herbrand universe assumption},
Booktitle ={ISMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS-91, Charlotte, NC.},
Year =1991, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ comparing results of update sequences under different ontologies Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Winslow1975, Author ={Winslow,L.E.},
Title ={An Efficient Implementation of Codd's Relational Model Data Base},
Journal ={IEEE COMPCON 11 (Washington DC).},
Year =1975, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDrel, x9.1> %Winslow75} }

@inproceedings{Winslow1975:1, Author ={Winslow,L.E. and Lee,J.C.},
Title ={Optimal Choice of Data Restructuring Points},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA)-1, Kerr(ed),},
Year =1975, Pages ="353--363",
Annote ={at Wright State Un. (Dayton OH) Category ={DBFseq.0> DBFhybrid.7> } }

@techreport{Winston1984, Author ={Winston,Howard A.},
Title ={A Neural Model of a Semantic Network},
Institution ={Brown Un, PhD Th., NLM No.AAD84-22500, 383pp.},
Year =1984, Annote ={ PSNET implements a semantic network in simulated neurally plausible hardware. Knowledge representation constructs can be reduced to aspects of a parallel associative memory model. Category ={DBDkb, Sumex arch. NLM.1q84 } }

@book{Wiorkowski1990, Author ={Wiorkowski,Gabrielle},
Title ={DB2: Design and Development Guide, 2nd ed.},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA), 461pp; ACM CR 9012-0928.},
Year =1990, Annote ={at Codd and Date significant updates; latest version of DB2 adds segmented tablespaces, multiple indexes, index cardinality, primary keys; skewed distribution of data, order of predicates, referential integrity, primary and secondary authorizations, recovering referential structures, distributed data facility, and sequential and list prefetch. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@book{Wipfler1987, Author ={Wipfler,Arlene J.},
Title ={CICS: Application Development and Programming},
Publisher ={Macmillan Publishing, (New York, NY), 414pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8804-0241.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Bata Data Inc. (New York NY) Distinctions between transaction, program and task are clarified. VSAM. Category ={DBFtrans> } }

@article{Wirth1972, Author ={Wirth,Niklaus},
Title ={The Programming Language PASCAL},
Journal ={Acta Automatica.},
Year =1972, Month =Dec,
Pages ="241--259",
Volume ="1",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at ETH Zurich Definition of a programming language incorporating type defining statements, records, files and conditional fields. Category ={DBDschema> %Wirth72 } }

@book{Wirth1975, Author ={Wirth,N.},
Title ={Algorithms + Data Structures = Programs},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 257pp.},
Year =1975, Category ={DBFhard-3> DBDschema.3>} }

@article{Wirtschafter1988, Author ={Wirtschafter,D., Carpenter,J., and Mesel,E.},
Title ={A Consultant-Extender System for Breast Cancer Adjuvant Chemotherapy},
Journal ={rcvd , 1979?},
Year =1988, Annote ={at Un.Alabama Category ={MIS, DBfile} }

@techreport{Wiskerchen1985, Author ={Wiskerchen,M. and Wiederhold,G.},
Title ={IOC Facility and Operations Requirements: Communications and Information Systems;},
Institution ={Section 5.2: in Banks,P.M. `Space Station Summer Study Report'; NASA Washington.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={ SESAC Task Force on Scientific Uses of the Space Station. Category ={DBappl> } }

@article{Withington1980, Author ={Withington,F.G.},
Title ={Coping with Computer Proliferation},
Journal ={Harvard Business Review, May-,},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="152--164",
Annote ={ Article addresses the distributed data processing issue. The point is made, that, as computers get cheaper, smaller and more versatile, managers are demanding their own facilities. Since this demand can lead to duplication, lack of standards, and generally poor control the author suggests the concept of distributed responsibility by which managers are given responsibility for their own success, with technical experts assigned as needed to their project teams. At the same time, he feels that a top-level steering committee is necessary to approve projects and monitor their progress. (G. Fountain comment). Motivation for Federated system. Category ={DBDmodel, Student file (Fountain) } }

@inproceedings{Witkowski1993, Author ={Witkowski,A., Carino,F., and Kostamaa,P.},
Title ={NCR 3700 - The Next-Generation Industrial Database Computer},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Witten1987, Author ={Witten,I.H., Neal,R.M., and Cleary,J.G.},
Title ={Arithmetic Coding for Data Compression},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="520--540",
Volume ="30",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ from an input string of symbols and a model, an encoded string is produced The decoder must have access to the same model, the model may assign a predetermined probability to each symbol in ASCII. Such a fixed model is communicated in advance. Huffman coding performs optimally if all symbol probabilities are integral powers of 1/2. Arithmetic coding dispenses with the restriction that each symbol must translate into an integral number of bits, thereby coding more efficiently. Category ={DBFrepresent> } }

@techreport{Wittkowski1985, Author ={Wittkowski,Knut M.},
Title ={Ein Experten System zur Datanverhaltung und Methodenauswahl fur Statistische Anwendungen},
Institution ={PhD Th., Un.Stuttgart, Inst.Informatik, 386pp.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at Un.Tubingen (FRG) An expert system for Data Management and Method Selection for Statistical Application Category ={DBDstat, thesisfile } }

@book{Wittmann1984, Author ={Wittmann and Klos},
Title ={Dictionary of Data Processing; English, German, French},
Publisher ={4th ed..},
Year =1984, Category ={DBFintro, CSDlibr.QA76.15.W57} } % ------- WM ------biblio----1949-1991------

@article{Woelk1987, Author ={Woelk,D. and Kim,W.},
Title ={An Extensible Framework for Multimedia Information Managment},
Journal ={Database Engineering.},
Year =1987, Pages ="115--121",
Volume ="6",
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDnewDBMS> DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Woelk1990, Author ={Woelk,D. and Kim,W.},
Title ={Multimedia Information Management in an Object-Oriented Database System},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Woelk1992, Author ={Woelk,D., Shen,W-S., Huhns,M.N., and Cannata,P.E.},
Title ={Model-driven Enterprise Information Management in Carnot},
Institution ={Mathematisch Centrum (Amsterdam), now CMCSC tech.Rep.No Carnot-130-92, MCC, Austin TX},
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Annote ={mediators, I3 Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Woelk1993, Author ={Woelk,D.},
Title ={Using Carnot for Enterprise Information Integration (Synopsis)},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wohed1988, Author ={Wohed,Rolf},
Title ={Diagnosis of Conceptual Schemas},
Booktitle ={SYSLAB Res.R. .},
Year =1988, Month Mar,
Number ="56",
Annote ={at SYSLAB, Un.Stockholm Category ={DBDdesign, DBfile SYSLAB } }

@inproceedings{Wolf1988, Author ={Wolf,J.L., Dias,D.M., Iyer,B.R., and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={A Hybrid Data Sharing --- Data Partitioning Architecture for Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtrans>} }

@article{Wolf1989, Author ={Wolf,J.L., Dias,D.M., Iyer,B.R., and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={Multisystem coupling by a combination of data sharing and data partitioning},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Jul; ACM Computing Reviews 9006-0515.},
Year =1989, Volume ="15",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ partitioning assumes databases can be accessed directly only by the owning system; sharing assumes that the databases devices are shared across all systems; the hybrid architecture combines the two approaches; all systems have direct access to all data, but some databases are designated as private and must be accessed via the designated processor; performance study used; real world trace from an IMS database installation; application of simulated annealing to database performance. ---Eich. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Wolf1990, Author ={Wolf,J.L. Dias,D.M., and Yu,P.S.},
Title ={An Effective Algorithm for Parallelizing Sort-Merge Joins in the Presence of Data Skew},
Booktitle ={Int. Symp. on Databases in Parallel and Distributed Systems, IEEE, Dublin,},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at IBM TJ Watson Research Center uses Zipf-distibutions. Category ={DBDmach> } }

@inproceedings{Wolf1991, Author ={Wolf,Joel},
Title ={An Effective Algorithm for Parallelizing Hash Joins in the Presence of Data Skew},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Wolf1991:1, Author ={Wolf,J., Dias,D., Yu,P., and Turek,J.},
Title ={Comparative Performance of Parallel Join Algorithms},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDops>} }

@inproceedings{Wolf1986, Author ={Wolf,W.},
Title ={An Object Oriented, Procedural Database For VLSI Chip Planning},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 23.},
Year =1986, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBDobject> EIS>} }

@inproceedings{Wolfson1984, Author ={Wolfson,Ouri},
Title ={Locking Policies in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Bell Labs Category ={DBDintegrity.1>} }

@inproceedings{Wolfson1985, Author ={Wolfson,O. and Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={Deadlock-Freedom (and Safety) of Transactions in a Distributed Database},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs Category ={DBDtrans-3> DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wolfson1986, Author ={Wolfson,Ouri},
Title ={A New Characterization of Distributed Deadlock in Databases},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at Technion, Israel Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@inproceedings{Wolfson1987, Author ={Wolfson,Ouri},
Title ={The Performance of Locking Protocols in Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist>} }

@article{Wolfson1987:1, Author ={Wolfson,Ouri},
Title ={The Overhead of Locking (and Commit) Protocols in Distributed Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8804-0285.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Pages ="453--471",
Volume ="12",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at Technion-Israel Inst.of Technology, Haifa, Israel Category ={DBDintegrity> DBDdist> } }

@article{Wolfson1988, Author ={Wolfson,Ouri},
Title ={Sharing the Load of Logic-Program Evaluation},
Journal ={Technion, CS-TR 482, rcvd..},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ The idea is to avoid interprocessor communication by giving each processor a complete copy of the database (or use a shared memory, I guess), and assigning responsibility for subsets of the output tuples to different processors. I'm doubtful that dividing the responsibility for output does much to divide the total work, since in a recursive logic program, you probably get very quickly into common territory, even if you start with the set of goal tuples completely partitioned. (Think, for example, of a genealogy, where processor 1 is to determine the ancestors of a set of men and processor 2 the ancestors of a set of women.) However, the subject is interesting, and some analysis of the idea and its potential would be excellent. ---jdu Paradata. Category ={DBDkb> DBDperform> DBFmach> DBDarchitecture> } }

@techreport{Wolfson1989, Author ={Wolfson,Ouri},
Title ={The Data Reduction Paradigm for Parallelization in Knowledge Bases},
Institution ={TECHNION T.R. #571,},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Technion, Israel Category ={DBDkb> DBDperf, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Wolfson1990, Author ={Wolfson,O. and Ozeri,A.},
Title ={A New Paradigm for Parallel and Distributed Rule-Processing},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 90, Atlantic City.},
Year =1990, Month =May,
Annote ={at Columbia Un. Datalog with parallel hash, also negation datareduction is a generalization of this paradigm; enables reduction in communication, decomposability, load balancing and negation; decomposability is undecidable Category ={DBDlogic> DBDkb> } }

@unpublished{Wolfson1990:1, Author ={Wolfson,Ouri},
Title ={A Distributed Algorithm for Adaptive Replication of Data},
Note ={TR CUCS-0570-90.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDdist, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Wolfson1991, Author ={Wolfson,O. Dewan,H., Stolfo,S., and Yemini,Y.},
Title ={Incremental Evaluation of Rules and its Relationship to Parallelism},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 91, Boulder.},
Year =1991, Month =May,
Category ={DBDkb> DBDperf> DBDlogic>} }

@article{Wolfson1991:1, Author ={Wolfson,O. and Milo,A.},
Title ={The Multicast Policy and its Relationship to Replicated Date Placement},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month Mar,
Volume ="16",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ mimumun spanning tree write and multicast to store replicas Category ={DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Wolfson1992, Author ={Wolfson,O. and Jajodia,S.},
Title ={Distributed Algorithms for Dynamic Replication of Data},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wolfson1993, Author ={Wolfson,O. et al.},
Title ={A Methodology for Evaluating Parallel Graph Algorithms and Its Application to Single Source Reachability},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wolniewicz1993, Author ={Wolniewicz,R. and Graefe,G.},
Title ={Algebraic Optimization of Computations over Scientific Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Wolski1989, Author ={Wolski,Antoni},
Title ={LINDA: A System for Loosely Integrated Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={ at Tech.Res.Ctr, Lab.for Information Processing, Helsinki Finland uses prototype remote data acccess (RDA) protocol to access federated databases, builds a unified data dictionary on the client machine. Queries by interacting with schema graph display. Category ={DBDdist> FAUVE> DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Wolski1990, Author ={Wolski,A. and Veijalainen,J.},
Title ={2PC Agent Method: Achieving Serializability in Presence of Failures in a Heterogeneous Multidatabase},
Booktitle ={Parbase-90, Miami Beach.},
Year =1990, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDconc> DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Wong1979, Author ={Wong,C.K.},
Title ={Minimizing Expected Head Movement in One-dimensional and Two-dimensional Mass Storage Systems},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1979, Annote ={at IBM, Yorktown Category ={DBFhard.2, DBfile} }

@article{Wong1980, Author ={Wong,C.K.},
Title ={Minimizing Expected Head Movement in One-Dimensional and Two-Dimensional Mass Storage Systems},
Journal ={ACM C. Surveys.},
Year =1980, Month =Jun,
Pages ="167--211",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at IBM (Yorktown Heights NY) Category ={DBFhard.2.6>} }

@article{Wong1980:1, Author ={Wong,C.K., and Easton,M.C.},
Title ={An Efficient Method for Weighed Sampling without Replacement},
Journal ={SIAM JC.},
Year =1980, Pages ="111--113",
Volume ="9",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFeval>} }

@article{Wong1973, Author ={Wong,E. and Chiang,T.C.},
Title ={Canonical Structure in Attribute Based File Organization},
Journal ={PhD Th., UCB, EECS.},
Year =1973, Annote ={at UCB, EECS Combinatorial retrieval of multi-attribute subsets, applicable when there are few keyword choices. Thisis of T.C.Chiang. Category ={DBFhybrid.6.5> %Wong71 } }

@article{Wong1976, Author ={Wong,E. and Youseffi,K.},
Title ={Decomposition--A Strategy for Query Processing},
Journal ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.ERL-574, ;},
Year =1976, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at UCB, INGRES query decomposition by reduction to single variable queries, and tuple substitution--choosing a variable and for it from all tuples, generating a family of queries in one fewer variable. Category ={DBFeval.4> DBDschema> DBDrel.2, DBfile Shel } }

@techreport{Wong1977, Author ={Wong,E.},
Title ={Restructuring Dispersed Data from SDD-1: A System for Distributed Data Bases},
Institution ={Comp. Corp of Amer., TR.CCA--77-03.},
Year =1977, Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wong1977:1, Author ={Wong,E.},
Title ={Retrieving Dispersed Data from SDD-1, A System for Distributed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 2.},
Year =1977, Month =May,
Pages ="217--235",
Category ={DBDrel.2.1> DBDdist> DBDdesign> DBDrel.3, } }

@techreport{Wong1978, Author ={Wong,E. and Katz,R.H.},
Title ={Design Goals for Relational and DBTG Databases},
Institution ={Rep. UCB, Elec.Res.Lab,-M7889.},
Year =1978, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Wong1981, Author ={Wong,Eugene},
Title ={Dynamic Re-Materialization: Processing Distributed Queries Using Redundant Data},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Berkeley Workshop/conference on Distributed Data Management and Computer Networks, LBL 5.},
Year =1981, Month =Feb,
Pages ="3--13",
Annote ={Replication. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Wong1982, Author ={Wong,E., Codd,E.F., Date,C.J., Bachman,C., and Manola,F.},
Title ={The Data Base Debate},
Journal ={Computer World, In Depth.},
Year =1982, Pages ="1--24",
Volume ="16",
Number ="37",
Category ={DBDmodel.1>} }

@article{Wong1982:1, Author ={Wong,E.},
Title ={A Statistical Approach to Incomplete Information in Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , p.666.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Volume ="25",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ Sources of imprecision include recording errors, incompatible scaling, and obsolete data. In many situations considerable prior information concerning the imprecision exists and can be exploited. This paper provides a framework. Null values. Category ={DBDquery.3.2> DBDstat> } }

@article{Wong1983, Author ={Wong,Eugene},
Title ={Dynamic Rematerialization: Processing Distributed Queries Using Redundant Data},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE) Vol.SE-9 .},
Year =1983, Month =May,
Pages ="228--232",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at UCB, EECS Explicit use of redundant data. Maximizing parallelism and minimizing data movement. An improved framework for evaluation. Category ={DBDdist> DBDquery> DBDperform> } }

@inproceedings{Wong1984, Author ={Wong,E., Ioannidis,Y., and Shinkle,L.},
Title ={Enhancing INGRES with Deductive Power},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Wong1977:2, Author ={Wong,H.K.T. and Mylopoulous,J.},
Title ={Two Views of Data Semantics: A Survey of Data Models in Artificial Intelligence and Data Base Management},
Journal ={INFORmation.},
Year =1977, Month =Oct,
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDschema.0> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Wong1982:2, Author ={Wong,H.K.T. and Kuo,I.},
Title ={GUIDE: Graphical User Interface for Database Exploration},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 8, McLeod and Villasenor, Mexico City.},
Year =1982, Pages ="22--32",
Annote ={at UCB, LBL Category ={DBDquery.2>} }

@inproceedings{Wong1984:1, Author ={Wong,H.K.T.},
Title ={Micro and Macro Statistical Scientific Database Management},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at UCB, LBL Category ={DBDstat>} }

@inproceedings{Wong1986, Author ={Wong,H.K.T. and Jianzhong,L.},
Title ={Transposition Algorithms for Very Large Compressed Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDtree>} }

@article{Wong1980:2, Author ={Wong,H.N., Teague,C.T., and Carson,S.N.},
Title ={Automated Data Management for Clinicians: a Low-Cost Approach},
Journal ={Archives of Surgery.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Pages ="514--518",
Volume ="115",
Category ={MCS>} }

@inproceedings{Wong1975, Author ={Wong,Kenneth F. and Strauss,Jon C.},
Title ={An Analysis of ISAM Performance Improvement Options},
Booktitle ={Management Datamation,},
Year =1975, Pages ="95--107",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Washington Un., CSD (St.Louis MO) Category ={DBFindex.3, xSIGMODbox>%Wong75 } }

@inproceedings{Wong1988, Author ={Wong,K.F. and Williams,M.H.},
Title ={Design Considerations for a Prolog Database Engine},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Heriot-Watt Un. (Scotland) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Wong1989, Author ={Wong,L.},
Title ={},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDobject> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Wong1992, Author ={Wong,M. and Agrawal,D.},
Title ={Tolerating Bounded Inconsistency for Increasing Concurrency in Database Systems},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego. },
Year =1992, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Wong1992:1, Author ={Wong,M. and Agrawal,D.},
Title ={Context-Specific Synchronization for Atomic Data Types},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 92, Berlin.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at UCSB Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@book{Wong1981:1, Author ={Wong,Patrick M.K.},
Title ={Performance Evaluation of Database Systems},
Publisher ={UMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers Research Press, Ann Arbor MI, 239pp.},
Year =1981, Annote ={at Ohio State Describes the IPSS methodology and simulator. Category ={DBFsyseval.5> DBDperf> DBDnewDBMS.6> } }

@inproceedings{Wong1979:1, Author ={Wong,S. and Bristol,W.A.},
Title ={A Computer-aided Design Database},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 16.},
Year =1979, Pages ="398--402",
Category ={EIS>} }

@article{Wong1987, Author ={Wong,S.K.M., Ziarko,W., Raghavan,V.V., and Wong,P.C.N.},
Title ={On Modeling of Information Retrieval Concepts in Vector Spaces},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8804-0287.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="299--321",
Volume ="12",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Regina, Sask, Canada The space for both documents and queries is an n-dimensional vector space. In GVSM, terms are not assumed to be linearly independent; measure of independence is based on the number of common documents. ---D.Buell. Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Woo1985, Author ={Woo,C.C., Lochovsky,F.H.},
Title ={An Object-Based Approach to Modelling Office Work},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin..},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDobject> DBDoffice>} }

@inproceedings{Woo1986, Author ={Woo,N.S. and Choe,K-W.},
Title ={Selecting the Backtrack Literal in the AND Process of the AND/OR Process Model},
Booktitle ={IEEE-SLP 86, Salt Lake City UT.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Lab Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Wood1978, Author ={Wood,C., Fernandez,E.B., and Summers,R.C.},
Title ={Data base security: requirements, policies, and models},
Journal ={IBM, G321-5124.},
Year =1978, Category ={DBDprivacy>} }

@book{Wood1987, Author ={Wood,C.C., Banks,W.W., Guarro,S.B., Garcia,A.A.,Hampel,V.E. and Sartorio,H.P.},
Title ={Computer Security: a Comprehensive Controls Checklist},
Publisher ={John Wiley Wiley Sons Publishers, (New York NY)-Interscience, 214 pp.; ACM Computing Reviews 8802-0062.},
Year =1987, Annote ={ For the U.S. Air Force Logistics Command. ---Bellin Category ={DBFsecurity> } }

@article{Wood1973, Author ={Wood,Derick},
Title ={A Note on Table Lookup},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark,},
Year =1973, Pages ="215--246",
Volume ="13",
Annote ={at McMaster Un. (Hamilton ON, Canada) Evaluation of search time through a growing table. Category ={DBFimpl.2> } }

@inproceedings{Wood1981, Author ={Wood,W.G.},
Title ={Decentralized Recovery Control Protocol},
Booktitle ={Proc.11th Fault-Tolerant Computing Symposium, Portland.},
Year =1981, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDtrans-4>} }

@inproceedings{Woodie1986, Author ={Woodie,P.},
Title ={Distributed Processing Systems Security: Communications, Computer, or Both},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFsecurity> DBDdist>} }

@article{Woodon1969, Author ={Woodon,P.I.},
Title ={Data Structure and Storage Allocation},
Journal ={Tidskrift for Informations Behandeling, Denmark,},
Year =1969, Pages ="270--282",
Volume ="9",
Category ={DBFtechn.6>} }

@article{Woods1968, Author ={Woods,W.A.},
Title ={Procedural Semantics for a Question Answering Machine},
Journal ={Proc. FJCC, AFIPS ,},
Year =1968, Pages ="457--471",
Volume ="33",
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Woods1970, Author ={Woods,W.A.},
Title ={Transition Network Grammars for Natural Language Analysis},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1970, Month =Oct,
Pages ="591--606",
Volume ="13",
Number ="10",
Category ={DBDrel.2> DBDnat>} }

@techreport{Woods1972, Author ={Woods,W.A., Kaplan,R.M., and Nash-Webber,B.},
Title ={The Lunar Sciences Natural Language Information System},
Institution ={BBN, Cambridge MA,},
Year =1972, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDnat>} }

@article{Woods1973, Author ={Woods,W.A.},
Title ={Progress in Natural Language Understanding, An Application to Lunar Geology},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1973, Pages ="441--450",
Volume ="42",
Category ={DBDnat> DBDkb>} }

@article{Woodside1986, Author ={Woodside,M.C. and Tripathi,S.K.},
Title ={Optimal Allocation of File Servers in a Local Network Environment},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-12 .; ACM Computing Reviews 8707-575.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="844--848",
Number ="8",
Annote ={at Un.Paris Sud, France It appears that no data are shared, so that load balancing is simple. mathematics allocate n personal computers to m file servers in a Local Area Network (LAN). Category ={DBFdist> DBFmethods> } }

@article{Wu1987, Author ={Wu,C.T. and Burkhard,W.A.},
Title ={Associative Searching in Multiple Storage Units},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Pages ="38--64",
Volume ="12",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at NPGS; UCSD, CSD Category ={DBFmach>} }

@incollection{Wu1989, Author ={Wu,C.T. and Hsiao,D.K.},
Title ={Implementation of Visual Database Interface Using an Object-Oriented Language},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC 2-6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="105--125",
Annote ={at NPGS GLAD generates screens to help query formulation. Relationship types. Category ={DBDimage> DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Wu1992, Author ={Wu,K., Yu,P., and Pu,C.},
Title ={Divergence Control for Epsilon-Serializability},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Columbia Un. Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Wu1993, Author ={Wu,K-W., Yu,P., Chen,M-S.,},
Title ={An Effective Versioning Approach to Concurrent Transaction and Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at IBM TJ Watson Category ={DBDquery> DBDtrans>} }

@article{Wu1980, Author ={Wu,L.H.},
Title ={Development of a Business Data Model},
Journal ={Presentation made at GUIDE 50, Session D--65, Houston TX, 18pp.},
Year =1980, Month =May,
Annote ={at IBM, San Jose GPD Portrays the approach his organization uses for understanding the data in the enterprise from a high level perspective. The topics covered include: Where the Data Administration function is located in the organization What motivated IBM to evolve to this modeling effort. User benefits. Entities and relationships. --- Fountain Category ={DBDmodel, Student file (Fountain) } }

@inproceedings{Wu, Author ={Wu,O.Q., Yao,S.B., Ge,R.F., and Xu,Y.T.},
Title ={Distributed Query Processing in Local Area Network},
Booktitle ={Un.Maryland Working Paper Series Management Science, Journal of TIMSS 83-033.},
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Multi-join query optimization for sequential processing and broadcast network. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Wu1983, Author ={Wu,O-Q., Yao,S.B., Ge,R.F., and Xu,Y.T.},
Title ={Distributed Query Processing in Local Area Network},
Booktitle ={Un.Maryland Working Paper Series Management Science, Journal of TIMSS 83-033.},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Un.Maryland Multi-join query optimization for sequential processing and broadcast network. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@techreport{Wu1987:1, Author ={Wu,Tom},
Title ={Inferential reasoning between frames of discernment},
Institution ={rcvd. .},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Harvard Un. Extends Dempster-Shafer to multiple frames of discernment, associated probabilistically. Comparison to other approaches. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Wu1989:1, Author ={Wu,X., Tanaka,M., and Ichikawa,T.},
Title ={KDA: A Knowledge-based Database Assistant},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb> AFIS>} }

@inproceedings{Wuethrich1993, Author ={Wuethrich,B.},
Title ={On Updates and Inconsistency Repairing in Knowledge Bases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 9, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at ECRC GmbH Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Wulf1974, Author ={Wulf,W., et al},
Title ={HYDRA: The Kernel of a Multiprocessor Operating System},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Jun,
Pages ="337--345",
Volume ="17",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at CMU Includes protection mechanism using capabilities attached to references. Category ={DBDprivacy> } }

@article{Wuu1984, Author ={Wuu,G.T. and Bernstein,A.J.},
Title ={Efficient Solutions to the Replicated Log and Dictionary Problem},
Journal ={ACM TOCS.},
Year =1984, Month =Feb,
Pages ="57--66",
Volume ="4",
Number ="1",
Annote ={FAUVE Category ={DBFreliab> DBDdist>} }

@article{Wuu1985, Author ={Wuu,G.T. and Bernstein,A.J.},
Title ={False Deadlock Detection in Distributed Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Pages ="820--821",
Number ="8",
Annote ={shows that it cannot occur in 2PL. Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Wuu1992, Author ={Wuu,G. and Dayal,U.},
Title ={A Uniform Model for Temporal Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at DEC Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Wyner1972, Author ={Wyner,D.S.},
Title ={A Technique for Optimizing the Performance of a Checkpoint Restart System},
Booktitle ={Canadian Computer Conf., Montreal, pp.(314) 201 to (314) 212},
Year =1972, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBFuse-4.4>} }

@incollection{Wynn1991, Author ={Wynn,E.},
Title ={Taking Practice seriously},
Booktitle ={In 'Design at Work: Cooperative Design of Computer Systems' Greenbaum and Kyng (Eds).},
Year =1991, Category ={DEng>} } % ------- X ------biblio--------------

@manual{XDS1971, Author ={XDS},
Title ={Data Management System},
Organization ={XDS user news,},
Year =1971, Month =Feb,
Annote ={An illustrated poem . Category ={DBDschema>} }

@manual{Xidak1989, Author ={Xidak Inc.},
Title ={Overview of TDB: An Extended Relational DBMS for Design Applications},
Organization ={Draft, 25 pp.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Menlo Park CA Category ={EIS> DBDrel>} }

@inproceedings{Xu1989, Author ={Xu,H. and Kuroda,T.},
Title ={Design of Database Schemata for Logic Design Education System LODES},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="90--97",
Annote ={at Kyushu Un., DCS, (Fukuoka Japan) Design, simulation support provides views, transitivity over versions. Category ={EIS> } } % ------- Y ------biblio------------

@article{Yager1984, Author ={Yager,R.R.},
Title ={Approximate Reasoning as a Basis for Rule Based Expert Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Systems, Man and Cybernetics.},
Year =1984, Pages ="636--643",
Volume ="14",
Annote ={uncertainty. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Yakimchuk1982, Author ={Yakimchuk,P.S.},
Title ={Structure and a Design Algorithm for the Logical and Physical Schemas of a Relational Data Base},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Aug..},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="222--231",
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDdesign, FASAC 119} }

@techreport{Yalom1990, Author ={Yalom, Raphael},
Title ={Consistency Adjustments for Distributed Data Management},
Institution ={Phd Thesis, Cambridge Un..},
Year =1990, Month =Jun,
Annote ={ partially non-serializable executions and constrained serializable executions (equiv. to some, but not all serializable executions) provide more choices. Consistency vis-a-vis the external world. CLU implementation. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Yamaguchi1974, Author ={Yamaguchi,Koichi and Merten,Alan G.},
Title ={Methodology for Transferring Programs and Data},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 74, Rustin(ed).},
Year =1974, Pages ="141--156",
Category ={DBDschema.6>} }

@inproceedings{Yamaguchi1980, Author ={Yamaguchi,K., Ohbo,N., Kunii,T.L., Kitagawa,H., and Harada,M.},
Title ={ELF: Extended Relational Model for Large, Flexible Picture Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.Workshop on Picture Data Description and Management, Asilomar CA, IEEE 80CH1530-5.},
Year =1980, Month =Aug,
Pages ="95--100",
Category ={Image, DBfile} }

@article{Yamaguchi1982, Author ={Yamaguchi,K. and Kunii,T.L.},
Title ={PICCOLO, Logic for a Picture Database Computer and Its Implementation},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Computers, Vol.C-31 .},
Year =1982, Month =Oct,
Pages ="983--996",
Number ="10",
Annote ={at Un.Tokyo, Hongo, Tokyo, Japan The relational model lacks the capability to handle a pictorial data and our extension allows a large class of pictures to be handled in the same manner as the ordinary attain high performance, to design a highly parallel computer for picture processing, a picture database computer. Category ={DBDmodel.6> DBFmach> Image> } }

@inproceedings{Yamamoto1986, Author ={Yamamoto,Hideki, et al.},
Title ={Development of unnormalized interface suitable for meaning representation},
Booktitle ={Meeting on integration of knowledge base and database, Kyoto Un.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Kyushuu Un. Category ={DBDquery> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Yamamoto1978, Author ={Yamamoto,S., Tazawa,S., Ushio,K., and Ikeda,H.},
Title ={Design of a Generalized Balanced Multiple-Valued File Organization Schema of Order Two},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 78.},
Year =1978, Pages ="47--61",
Category ={DBFhybrid.6.4> DBFimpl.2.5> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Yamamoto1979, Author ={Yamamoto,S., Tazawa,S., Ushio,K., and Ikeda,H.},
Title ={Design of a Balanced Multiple-Valued File-Organization Scheme with the Least Redundancy},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Dec,
Pages ="518--530",
Volume ="4",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ at Hiroshima Un., Hiroshima Coll. of Economics, Nihama Technical Coll. Category ={DBFindex.4> } }

@inproceedings{Yamamoto1975, Author ={Yamamoto,Takeo, Negishi,Masamitsu, Ushimaru,Mamoru, Tozawa,Yoshio, Okabe,Kenji and Fujiwara,Shizuo},
Title ={TOOL-IR, An On-line Information Retrieval System at an Inter-U.Computer Center},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the 2nd USA-Japan Comp. Conf..},
Year =1975, Annote ={at Un.Tokyo Category ={DBDquery.2.1, x10} }

@inproceedings{Yamamoto1989, Author ={Yamamoto,Y., Namioka,M., Moki,K., and Sato,K.},
Title ={An Experimental Multi-Media Database System: MANDRILL -- its Architecture and Language},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="342--349",
Annote ={ at Hitachi, Systems Dvlpt.Lab, (Kawasaki-shi, Japan) Category ={DBDbiblio> } }

@inproceedings{Yamane1985, Author ={Yamane,Y.},
Title ={A Hash Join Technique for Relational Database Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. Int. Conf. on Foundations of Data Organization, Kyoto, .},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Pages ="388--398",
Category ={DBDrel> DBFhash>} }

@inproceedings{Yamane1987, Author ={Yamane,Y. and Take,R.},
Title ={Parallel Partition Sort for Database Machines},
Booktitle ={IWDM.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Fujitsu Labs, Software Lab., (Kawasaki Japan) Category ={DBFmach, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Yamane1989, Author ={Yamane,Y., Narita,M., Kozakura,F., and Makinouchi,A.},
Title ={Design and Evaluation of a High-Speed Extended Relational Database Engine, XRDB},
Booktitle ={Proc. of the Intern. Symp.on Database Systems for Advanced Applications 1, Seoul Korea.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="52--60",
Annote ={at Fujitsu Labs Ltd. Object layer on relations. 4 relation implementation types: chained, Btree, hash nested. 15 operations, some with identical function, but different action. File server. ---Gio. Category ={DBFhybrid> DBFmach> DBDobject> DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Yamashita1990, Author ={Yamashita,Y. et al.},
Title ={Making an Electronic Medical Record System On MUMPS database},
Booktitle ={IMIA Working conference on Software Eng. and Medical Informatics, Amsterdam.},
Year =1990, Month =Oct,
Annote ={ The authors integrate graphics with MUMPS, combining new and well-established technologies. A question is if the older systems have the capability to deal with scale problems due to volumes and complexities of data that can now be generated. We will be interested in the outcome of this work. Category ={MIS> } }

@inproceedings{Yan1992, Author ={Yan,L. and Ling,T.},
Title ={Translating Relational Schema with Constraints into OODB Schema},
Booktitle ={IFIP DS-5, Lorne, Victoria, Australia.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at National University of Singapore Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Yang1978, Author ={Yang,C.},
Title ={A Class of Hybrid List File Organizations},
Journal ={Information Systems, Pergamon Press .},
Year =1978, Pages ="49--58",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBFhash.6> DBFhybrid.7>} }

@book{Yang1986, Author ={Yang,Chao-Chih},
Title ={Relational Databases},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 269pp; ACM Computing Reviews 8705-0353.},
Year =1986, Annote ={at North Texas State Un., Denton review of the mathematical concepts; Relational Model, Relational Algebra, and Relational Predicate Calculus. examples including QUEL, QBE, and Prolog. heavy use of mathematical notation. Category ={DBDrel> } }

@article{Yang1988, Author ={Yang,C-C., Li,G., and Ng,P.A-B.},
Title ={An Improved Algorithm Based on Subset Closures for Synthesizing a Relational Database Scheme},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Nov,
Pages ="1731--1738",
Volume ="14",
Number ="11",
Annote ={ Elementary key normal form (EKNF) eliminates extraneous attributes and superfluities from FD's, based on subset closures, cycles and equivalent subsets. A LR-minimum FD covering. Algorithm is polynomial. Category ={DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Yang1992, Author ={Yang,C-M. and Henschen,L.},
Title ={On the Specification of Database Transition Constraints using First Order Logic},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Northwestern University Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Yang1987, Author ={Yang,H.Z. and Larson,P.A.,},
Title ={Query Transformation for PSJ-queries},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 13, Brighton, UK.},
Year =1987, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Yang1990, Author ={Yang,Y. and Hunt,F.},
Title ={The attribute hypergraph model - toward a unified view of software objects},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at Case Western Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Yannakakis1981, Author ={Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={Issues of correctness in database concurrency control by locking},
Booktitle ={Annual ACM SIGACT Symposium on Theory of Computing 13.},
Year =1981, Pages ="363-367",
Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Yannakakis1981:1, Author ={Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={Algorithms for Acyclic Database Schemes},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 7, Zaniolo and Delobel(eds).},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="82--94",
Annote ={at Bell Labs (Murray Hill NJ) Many real-world situations can be captured by a set of functional dependencies and a single join dependency of a particular form called acyclic [B.,]. The join dependency corresponds to a natural decomposition into meaningful objects (an acyclic database scheme). Our purpose in this paper is to describe efficient algorithms in this setting for various problems, such as computing projections, minimizing joins, inferring dependencies, and testing for dependency satisfaction. Category ={DBDobject> DBDtheory.2> } }

@article{Yannakakis1982, Author ={Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={A Theory of Safe Locking Policies in Database Systems},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="718--740",
Volume ="29",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ Necessary and sufficient conditions are found for a locking policy to be safe, in general it is NP-complete to test for these conditions. However, when the database has a given structure a simple set of rules which is sufficient for safety and, moreover, necessary for a wide class of natural locking policies is developed. Concurrency and deadlock avoidance --- 2 phase and hierarchical locks. Category ={DBDintegrity.1> } }

@article{Yannakakis1982:1, Author ={Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={Serializability by Locking},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month =Jul,
Pages ="227--244",
Volume ="31",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at ATnT Bell Labs (Murray Hill NJ) view serializability in addition to database (state) serializability. Category ={DBDintegrity.1> } }

@article{Yannakakis1985, Author ={Yannakakis,Mihalis and Papadimitriou,C.H.},
Title ={The Complexity of Reliable Concurrency Control},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 4.},
Year =1985, Month Mar,
Annote ={at ATT Bell Labs., Stanford Un. Category ={DBDintegrity > } }

@article{Yannakakis, Author ={Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={Freedom from Deadlock of Safe Locking Policies},
Journal ={SIAM Journal of Computing, Soc.for Industr.and Applied Math.},
Pages ="391-408",
Volume ="11",
Annote ={LDC testing is NP Category ={DBDintegrity>} }

@inproceedings{Yannakakis1990, Author ={ Yannakakis,M. Yannakakis,M.},
Title ={Graph-Theoretic Methods in Database Theory},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at AT&T Bell Laboratories Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@article{Yao1978, Author ={Yao,A.},
Title ={Random 3-2 Trees},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag .},
Year =1978, Pages ="159--170",
Volume ="2",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBFindex.4, DBfile} }

@article{Yao1985, Author ={Yao,A.C.},
Title ={Uniform Hashing is Optimal},
Journal ={Stanford Un., CSD, TR-CS-85-1038.},
Year =1985, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ the key of a record maps to a sequence that is a random permutation of all the locations of a hash table Category ={DBFhash, DBfile } }

@article{Yao1989, Author ={Yao,H-H. and Yamashita,T.S.},
Title ={Extended Relational Operators for Statistical Data Manipulations in Mechanical Databases},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Pages ="516--531",
Volume ="22",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Case Western Un. Lattice NEST, Lattice UNNEST, MERGE, SPREAD, GEN, to reorganize relations Category ={DBDops> statistics> MIS> } } @misc{Yao1974, Author ={Yao,Shi Bing},
Title ={Evaluation and Optimization of File Organizations through Analytic Modelling},
Howpublished ={PhD Th., Un.Michigan, Comp.and Comm.Sc..},
Year =1974, Category ={DBFtechn.2, x} }

@inproceedings{Yao1975, Author ={Yao,S.B. and Merten,A.G.},
Title ={Selection of File Organizations Using an Analytical Model},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 1, Kerr(ed).},
Year =1975, Pages ="255--267",
Category ={DBFindex.0>} }

@inproceedings{Yao1975:1, Author ={Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Tree Structure Construction Using Key Densities},
Booktitle ={Proc. Annual ACM National Conf.},
Year =1975, Annote ={at Purdue Un. Category ={DBFtree>} }

@article{Yao1975:2, Author ={Yao,S.B., Das,K.S., and Teory,T.J.},
Title ={A Dynamic Data Base Reorganization Algorithm},
Journal ={Purdue Un., TR-168.},
Year =1975, Month =Nov,
Category ={DBFtechn, x6.4} }

@article{Yao1976, Author ={Yao,S.B., Das,K.S., and Teorey,T.J.},
Title ={A Dynamic Database Reorganization Algorithm},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1976, Month =Jun,
Pages ="159--174",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFeval.4>} }

@article{Yao1977, Author ={Yao,S.B.},
Title ={An Attribute Based Model for Database Access Cost Analysis},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1977, Month Apr,
Pages ="260--261",
Volume ="20",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFindex.4> DBFeval.4> DBDrel.2> DBDquery>} }

@article{Yao1977:1, Author ={Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Approximating Block Accesses in Database Organization},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1977, Month Apr,
Pages ="260--261",
Volume ="20",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBFseq.0> DBFimpl.2.3> DBDdesign>} }

@inproceedings{Yao1978:1, Author ={Yao,S.B., Navathe,S.B., and Weldon,J.L.},
Title ={An Integrated Approach to Logical Database Design},
Booktitle ={NYU Symp. on Database Design, New York NY.},
Year =1978, Month =May,
Pages ="1--14",
Category ={DBFintro> DBFhash.2> DBDdesign>} }

@techreport{Yao1978:2, Author ={Yao,S.B. and DeJong,D.},
Title ={Evaluation of Access Paths in a Relational Database System},
Institution ={Purdue Un., DCS, TR-280.},
Year =1978, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFindex.4> DBDrel> DBDperf> DBDdesign>} }

@book{Yao1978:3, Author ={Yao,S.B. and Bubenko(ed)},
Title ={Proc.of the 4th International Conf. on Very Large Data Bases},
Publisher ={IEEE 78CH 1389--6 C, 555pp.},
Year =1978, Annote ={See under Bubenko, Papers from VLDB 4, Conf. held in Berlin FRG, Sep.13-15, 1978. Category ={DBFintro> } }

@article{Yao1979, Author ={Yao,S.B.},
Title ={Optimization of Query Evaluation Algorithms},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Pages ="133--155",
Volume ="4",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDtheory> DBDrel.2> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Yao1982, Author ={Yao,S.B., Waddle,V.E. and Housel,B.C.},
Title ={View Modeling and Integration Using the Functional Data Model},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-8 .},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="544--553",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ Transaction model specified via the Transaction Specification Language (TASL). Logical database design involves two major steps. First, local (or application) views are modeled using FDM and TASL. Second, in order to achieve an integrated database design, these local views are combined and transformed to produce a global conceptual view (schema). This algorithm, along with heuristics and some user-supplied subset assertions, enables the database design system to automatically identify and filter out redundancies. Category ={DBDops.4> } }

@book{Yao1982:1, Author ={Yao,S.B., Navathe,S.B., Weldon,J.L., and Kunii,T.L. (eds)},
Title ={Data Base Design Techniques I: Requirements, and Logical Structures},
Publisher ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, 227pp.},
Year =1982, Volume ="132",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@unpublished{Yao1984, Author ={Yao,S.B., Hevner,A.R., Shi,Z., and Luo,D.},
Title ={FORMANAGER: An Office Forms Management System},
Note ={Un.Maryland, Management Science, Journal of TIMSS-84-002, ?},
Year =1984, Annote ={ at Un.Maryland, Coll.Business and Management, Database Systems Res.Ctr. Category ={DBDoffice, DBfile } }

@techreport{Yao1985:1, Author ={Yao,S.B., Hevner,A.R., Silva,E., and Nadkarni,S.},
Title ={Design Issues on Optical Databases},
Institution ={Un.Maryland, Database Systems Res.Ctr, TR-Management Science, Journal of TIMSS-85-014.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Category ={DBFhard.1.5>} }

@book{Yao1985:2, Author ={Yao,S.Bing(ed).},
Title ={Principles of Database Design. Volume 1 Logical Organizations},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1985, Category ={DBDops.4, QA76.9D3p73} }

@article{Yao1987, Author ={Yao,S.B., Hevner,A.R., and Young-Myers,H.},
Title ={Analysis of Database System Architectures Using Benchmarks},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-13 .},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="709--725",
Number ="6",
Annote ={at Un.Maryland, SDC Looks ao. at secondary indexes, query execution order, join methods, background load, communication delay on central (ORACLE) and backend (IDM). Category ={DBDperform> DBFarch> } }

@inproceedings{Yao1986, Author ={Yao,Q. and Kong,Y.},
Title ={Relation Data Model with Cause-Effect Association},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Zhongshan (Sun Yatsen) Un., China Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Yarmosh1982, Author ={Yarmosh,N.A. and Zema,T.G.},
Title ={The Direct and the Inverse Problem of Automatic Translation from Source},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Dec..},
Year =1982, Month =Nov,
Pages ="349--358",
Volume ="8",
Number ="6",
Annote ={querying and CAD/CAM system Category ={DBDquery> EIS, FASAC 322 } }

@inproceedings{Yasdi1984, Author ={Yasdi,Ramin},
Title ={Design Aid Environment for Database-Based Expert Systems},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Stuttgart Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Yasdi1985, Author ={Yasdi,Ramin},
Title ={A Conceptual Design Aid Environment for Expert-Database Systems},
Journal ={Data and Knowledge Engineering, N-H , June .},
Year =1985, Pages ="31--73",
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ Structure includes Classes, aggregation, Grouping. Many references. Category ={DBDkb> DBDdesign> } }

@article{Yasdi1988, Author ={Yasdi,R. and Ziarko,W.},
Title ={An expert system for conceptual schema design: a machine learning approach},
Journal ={Int.J.Man-Mach.Stud. , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8908-0578.},
Year =1988, Month =Oct,
Volume ="29",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ EXIS, machine learning aspects applicable to schema design; a semantic model inducing schema design rules from examples using first order logic to express ideas. ---authors. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@incollection{Yasdi, Author ={Yasdi,R. and Ziarko,W.},
Title ={A learning expert system for conceptual schema design},
Booktitle ={in 'Perspectives in artificial intelligence, vol2: machine translation, NLP, databases and computer-aided instruction' (J.Campbell and J.Cuena, Eds), Halsted Press, NY; ACM Computing Reviews 9001-0062.},
Annote ={at Un.Regina, Canada probabilistic approximate classification to infer rules from sample data, a semantic network represents the conceptual schema in predicate logic ---John McGregor. Category ={DBDdesign> } }

@article{Yawo1981, Author ={Yawo,H., Shiragawa,Y., Shinagawa,Y., and Tsunewatsu,T.},
Title ={Principal Component Analysis of Systemic Lupus Erythematous (SLE): A Proposal for Handling Data with Many Missing Values},
Journal ={Computers and Biomedical Research, Academic.},
Year =1981, Month =Jan,
Pages ="248--261",
Volume ="14",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Kyoto Un. Uses ARA classification, binary nulls are combined using weights from the PCA so that variables with high correlation are combined. Category ={DBDschema.1.3> } }

@inproceedings{Yeh1977, Author ={Yeh,R.T. and Baker,J.W.},
Title ={Toward a Design Methodology for DBMS: A Software Engineering Approach},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 3, Merten(ed).},
Year =1977, Pages ="16--27",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Yeh1978, Author ={Yeh,R.T., Roussopoulos,N, and Chang,P.},
Title ={Data Base Design --- An Approach and Some Issues},
Journal ={INFOTECH State-of-the-Art Report on Data Base Technology, Maidenhead UK, .},
Year =1978, Pages ="443--477",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@article{Yeh1978:1, Author ={Yeh,R.T., Chang,P., and Mohan,C.},
Title ={A Multi-Level Data Base Design Approach},
Journal ={IEEE COMPSAC , Chicago.},
Year =1978, Pages ="370--375",
Category ={DBDdesign>} }

@incollection{Yemenov1984, Author ={Yemenov,V.P., Meleshchuk,S.B., Nedumov,A.N. and Shcherbakov,N.B.},
Title ={An Approach to the Design of a Conceptual Data Model},
Booktitle ={Problemno-oriyentirovannyye informatsionnyye sistemy, Leningrad, .},
Year =1984, Pages ="81--93",
Annote ={at Un.Austin Category ={FAUVE> DBDconc> EIS> at USSR Acad.Sci., Leningrad Sci.Res.Comp.Ctr. Category ={DBDdesign@techreport{Yen, Author ={Yen,J., Neches,R., and MacGregor,R.},
Title ={Classification-based Programming: a Deep Integration of Frames and Rules},
Institution ={ISI Res. Rep. ISIRR-88-213},
Annote ={at USC Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Yen1982, Author ={Yen,F.T.},
Title ={Analysis of the Use of Relational Query Approach, as QBE, to IMS DL/1 Structures},
Institution ={Eng.Thesis, Stanford EE Dep..},
Year =1982, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Stanford Un. Category ={DBDbound.6>} }

@inproceedings{Yerneni1989, Author ={Yerneni,R. and Lanka,S.},
Title ={Identification and Update of Derived Functions in Functional Databases},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Annote ={identity connection Category ={DBDdist> FAUVE>} }

@article{Yershov1984, Author ={Yershov,A.P.},
Title ={Experience of an Integrated Approach to the Urgent Problems of Software},
Journal ={USSR Report, JPRS-UCC-84-018-L.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ Overview of software development up to Fifth-generation. Goals to be achieved: provability, systematicity, comprehensibleness, meaningfullness, multiplicity (modularity), Ergonomicity, Productivity, Education. Category ={DBDintro, FASAC 290 } }

@article{Yershov1986, Author ={Yershov,Aleksandr Mikhaylovich},
Title ={Telecommunication Mode Editing and Debugging of Applied Programs in OKA Database Management System},
Journal ={Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="72--77",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Joint Nuclear Research Inst., Dubna WYLBUR using OKA (IMS-like) on YeS -- typical OS360 problems. Category ={DBDquery, FASAC 47 } }

@incollection{Yevsyukov1986, Author ={Yevsyukov,K.N. and Simakov,O.V.},
Title ={General Technique to Evaluate and Choose Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Prikladnaya informatika (Applied Informatics), Moscow, Finansy i statistika, .},
Year =1986, Pages ="143--173",
Annote ={compares SET, OKA, SETOR, DISOD, INES, etc. Category ={DBDbound, FASAC 59d } } % ------YM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@inproceedings{Yo1993, Author ={Yo,M-L., Chen,M-S., Ravishankar,C., and Yu,P.},
Title ={On Optimal Processor Allocation to Support Pipelined Hash Joins},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 93, Washington,DC.},
Year =1993, Month =May,
Category ={unknown>} }

@article{Yoder1972, Author ={Yoder,Richard D.},
Title ={Management of Computer Failures in Clinical Care},
Journal ={Datamation,},
Year =1972, Month =Oct,
Pages ="78--82",
Annote ={at UC San Diego Reliability problems analyzed, uses and effects. Category ={DBFuse-4> } }

@inproceedings{Yokota1985, Author ={Yokota,H. and Itoh,H.},
Title ={A Model and an Architecture for a Relational Knowledge Base},
Booktitle ={Inst. for New Generation Computer Technology, Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersTI, Japan, rcvd. Ullman .},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDnewDBMS>} }

@techreport{Yokota1985:1, Author ={Yokota,H., Itoh H., and Sakai,K.},
Title ={Deductive Database System Based On Unit Resolution},
Institution ={Inst. for New Generation Computer Technology, Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersTI, Japan, rcvd Ullman .},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Annote ={ The interesting idea here is letting the domain of an attribute be the set of full Prolog terms. (They make the distinction: logical rules + flat data = `deductive DB'; logical rules + terms as data = `knowledge base'). A domain could be treated as clauses or, as they do, a pair of attributes (Head, Body) could represent clauses. Then, there is a natural join operation in which a body of the form Q1*Q2*...*Qn and a head H with associated body P1*...*Pk are smashed together to yield a body P1'*...*Pk'*Q2*...*Qn, where Pi' is Pi after the substitution that unifies H with Q1. The result is that they can write rules on term-data that act as meta-rules. For example, a simple recursive rule applied to this data can perform all top-down inferences a la Prolog. ---Ullman Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@inproceedings{Yokota1989, Author ={Yokota,H., Kitakami,H., and Hattori,A.},
Title ={Term Indexing for Retrieval by Unification},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Yokota1989:1, Author ={Yokota,Kazumasa},
Title ={What is Expected of an Object-Oriented Data Model},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the tri-annual IFIP Conf 89, Ritter(ed), IFIP 11, N-H, 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Pages ="799--800",
Annote ={at ICOT, (Tokyo, Japan) An OODB is not a DB for an OOPL. Suggest a Logic Programming Framework. ---Gio. Category ={DBDobject> } }

@inproceedings{Yokomori1986, Author ={Yokomori,T.},
Title ={On Analogical Query Processing in Logic Database},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at Fujitsu Ltd., Japan Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Yokota1986, Author ={Yokota,H., Sakai,K., and Itoh,H.},
Title ={Deductive Database System Based on Unit Resolution},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Yonezawa1981, Author ={Yonezawa,A.},
Title ={A Method for Synthesizing Data Retrieving Programs},
Journal ={JIP.},
Year =1981, Pages ="94--101",
Volume ="5",
Number ="2",
Annote ={ Specifications are queries to a relational database. The method of synthesis is based on successive transformations of queries by applying `rules' which express procedural interpretations of logical formulas. Category ={DBDintro.1> } }

@article{Yoo1989, Author ={Yoo,H. and Lafortune,S.},
Title ={An Intelligent Search Method for Query Optimization by Semijoins},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="226--237",
Volume ="1",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Michigan, EECS, (Ann Arbor MI) 'Intelligently' navigates the space of all semijoin sequences and returns an optimal solution; On average, less than 5% of the search space is searched. Category ={DBDdist, DBfile } }

@techreport{Yoo1990, Author ={Yoo,H. and Lafortune,S.},
Title ={Enhancing Efficiency and Modularity in Join Query Optimization},
Institution ={CSE-TR-77-90.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDops, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Yoon1992, Author ={Yoon,J. and Kerschberg,L/},
Title ={A Framework for Constraint Management in Object-Oriented Databases},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ at Fujitsu Ltd., Res. and Planning Div., (Kawasaki Japan) Paper from interoperable database system project at AIST/MITI. Frame system includes slots for image values. ---Gio. Category ={DBDobject, DBfile I3 Category ={DBDkb> } }

@article{Yoshida1985, Author ={Yoshida,M., et al.},
Title ={Time and Cost Evaluation Schemes of Multiple Copies of Data in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 .},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="954--959",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at OKI Electric, Tokyo replication Category ={DBDdist> } }

@techreport{Yoshimura1983, Author ={Yoshimura,H., Tanaka,M., and Ichikawa,T.},
Title ={A Visual User-Interface for Geographic Information Retrieval},
Institution ={Hiroshima Un., Fac.Eng, CS group, TR.CSG 83-20.},
Year =1983, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Hiroshima Un., review with Ichikawa 83 Category ={DBDrel.3> DBFmach> Image, DBfile with Ichikawa } }

@incollection{Yoshina1989, Author ={Yoshina,T, Izumida,Y., and Mkinouchi,A.},
Title ={A practical natural language interface to databases},
Booktitle ={in 'Perspectives in AI vol.2: machine translation, NLP, databases and computer-aided instruction (J.Campbell and J.Cuena, Eds), Halsted, ; ACM Computing Reviews 9004-0336.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at Fujitsu questions in Japanese, in a particular domain. --- Wilson. Category ={DBDnat> } }

@inproceedings{Youn1988, Author ={Youn,C., Henschen,L.J., and Han,J.},
Title ={One-Directional Recursive Formulas},
Booktitle ={Intl.Conf.on Data and Knowledge Bases, Jerusalem.3.},
Year =1988, Month =Jun,
Annote ={at Northwestern Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Young1987, Author ={Young,F.},
Title ={Validation of Medical Software: Present Policy of the Food and Drug Administration},
Journal ={Ann Int Med, .},
Year =1987, Pages ="628--629",
Volume ="106",
Category ={MCS>} }

@book{Young1984, Author ={Young,J.},
Title ={An Introduction To ADA. 2nd revised edition},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1984, Category ={DBDlang, QA76.73.A35.Y68} }

@article{Young1974, Author ={Young,J.W.},
Title ={A First Order Approximation to the Optimum Checkpoint Interval},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM .},
Year =1974, Month =Sep,
Pages ="550--531",
Volume ="17",
Number ="9",
Category ={DBFstorage-1>} }

@article{Young1979, Author ={Young,L.},
Title ={IE: The Ideal Interface with MIS},
Journal ={Industrial Engineering,},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Pages ="32--35",
Annote ={ A case is developed for including industrial engineers in, or at least having them work in cooperation with a management information systems department. The author also argues that the IE curricula in the colleges should include courses that will lead some students toward that end. --- Fountain Category ={DBDschema, Student file (Fountain) } }

@article{Young1980, Author ={Young,T.Y. and Liu,P.S.},
Title ={Overhead Storage Considerations and a Multilinear Method for Data File Compression},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-6 .},
Year =1980, Month =Jul,
Pages ="340--347",
Number ="4",
Annote ={at Un.Miami, EE (Coral Gables FL) Analysis of tradeoff in compression of field values using coding/decoding tables in field-level data file compression. A large C/D table may cause excessive page swapping. A two-stage approach is studied. It has limitations. A multilinear compression method is proposed. Category ={DBFrepresent-4> } }

@inproceedings{YoungMyers1993, Author ={YoungMyers,H. and Raschid,L.},
Title ={Transitive Closure: An Experimental Case Study of Three Multithreaded Database Algorithms on a Shared Memory Multiprocessor (Synopsis)},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Un.Maryland Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Yourdon1972, Author ={Yourdon,Edward},
Title ={Design of On-line Computer Systems},
Publisher ={Prentice-Hall publishers, 608pp.},
Year =1972, Annote ={ Frank discussion of conditions necessary for good system design as well as some that caused disasters. Discussion of file and operating systems. Category ={DBFintro.4, x> %Yourdon72 } }

@article{Yourdon1972:1, Author ={Yourdon,Edward},
Title ={The Reliability of Real-Time Systmes},
Journal ={Modern Data, -Jun..},
Year =1972, Month =Jan,
Annote ={ Overview of causes and prevention of system failure. Category ={DBFuse-4, xB11(2.3.5) } }

@techreport{Youssefi1977, Author ={Youssefi,K., et al.},
Title ={INGRES Reference Manual, Version 6.1},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.ERL-M579, (revised)},
Year =1977, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDrel.2, DBfile)} }

@inproceedings{Youseffi1978, Author ={Youseffi,Karel},
Title ={Query Processing for a Relational Database System},
Booktitle ={PhD Th., UCB.},
Year =1978, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Youssefi1978, Author ={Youssefi,K. and Wong,E.},
Title ={Query Processing in a Relational Database Management System},
Booktitle ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo M7817, UCB.},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Category ={DBDrel.2, DBfile} }

@inproceedings{Yoyama1984, Author ={Yoyama,M. and Ura,S.},
Title ={Fixed Length Semiorder Preserving Code for Field Level File Compression},
Booktitle ={rcvd .},
Year =1984, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at Keio Un. Category ={DBFrepresent-4>in DBfile} }

@article{Ypma1975, Author ={Ypma,John E.},
Title ={Bubble Domain Memory Systems},
Journal ={Proc. Proc. of the National Computer Conference, earlier also Spring Joint (SJCC), Fall Joint(FJCC), Western(WCC) and Eastern(ECC), published through AFIPS Press, now (Arlington VA), AFIPS .},
Year =1975, Pages ="523--528",
Volume ="44",
Annote ={at Rockwell International Corp (Anaheim CA) Category ={DBFhard.1> } }

@inproceedings{Yu1977, Author ={Yu,C.T. and Chin,F.Y.},
Title ={A Study on the Protection of Statistical Databases},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data .},
Year =1977, Pages ="169--181",
Category ={DBDprivacy.2.2>} }

@article{Yu1978, Author ={Yu,C.T., Luk,W.S., and Siu,M.K.},
Title ={On the Estimation of the Number of Desired Records with Respect to a Given Query},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month Mar,
Pages ="41--56",
Volume ="3",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Un.Alberta (Canada) Two Algorithms for the estimation in the `closest neighbors problem' Category ={DBDquery.2.1> } }

@inproceedings{Yu1979, Author ={Yu,C.T. and Ozsoyoglu,Z.M.},
Title ={An Algorithm for Tree-Query Membership of a Distributed Query},
Booktitle ={IEEE COMPSAC.},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Pages ="306--312",
Annote ={ first appearance of algorithm for distributed query optimization, used later by Bernstein. Category ={DBDdist, DBFile Ozyoyoglu } }

@article{Yu1979:1, Author ={Yu,C.T., Luk,W.S., and Siu,M.K.},
Title ={IE --- The Ideal Interface with MIS},
Journal ={Industrial Engineering.},
Year =1979, Month =Nov,
Pages ="32--35",
Annote ={ A case is developed for including industrial engineers in, or at least having them work in cooperation with a management information systems department. The author also argues that the IE curricula in the colleges should include courses that will lead some students toward that end. --- Fountain Category ={DBDadmin.3, Student file (Fountain) } }

@article{Yu1982, Author ={Yu,C.T., Lam,K., and Salton,G.},
Title ={Term Weighting in Information Retrieval Using the Term Precision Model},
Journal ={Journal of the ACM.},
Year =1982, Month =Jan,
Pages ="152--170",
Volume ="29",
Number ="1",
Annote ={ at Un.Illinois, Chicago Circle; Hong Kong Un.; Cornell Un. A mathematical model is used to relate the term precision weights to the frequency of occurrence of the terms in a given document collection and to the number of relevant documents a user wishes to retrieve in response to a query. Category ={DBDquery.3.3> } }

@inproceedings{Yu1982:1, Author ={Yu,C.T., Lam,K., Chang,C.C., and Chang,S.K.},
Title ={A Promising Approach to Distributed Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Berkeley, San Francisco.},
Year =1982, Month =Feb,
Pages ="363--390",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Yu1984, Author ={Yu,C.T. and Chang,C.C.},
Title ={Distributed Query Processing},
Booktitle ={ACM Computing Surveys, ; ACM CR 8601-0056.},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="399--433",
Volume ="16",
Number ="4",
Annote ={ cost, semijoins, fragment composition, includes cyclic and tree queries. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Yu1984:1, Author ={Yu,C.T. and Ozsoyoglu,Z.M.},
Title ={On Determining Tree Query Membership of a Distributed Query},
Journal ={INFOR.},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Pages ="261--282",
Volume ="22",
Number ="3",
Annote ={Distributed query optimization. Category ={DBDdist, DBFile Ozyoyoglu } }

@article{Yu1984:2, Author ={Yu,C.T., Ozsoyoglu,Z.M., and Lam,K.},
Title ={Optimization of Distributed Tree Queries},
Journal ={Journal of Computer and System Sciences, Academic. .},
Year =1984, Month =Dec,
Pages ="409--445",
Volume ="29",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDdist> DBDperf, DBfile Ozsoyoglu} }

@article{Yu1985, Author ={Yu,C.T., Suen,C-M., Lam,K., and Siu,M.K.},
Title ={Adaptive Record Clustering},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 8512-1160.},
Year =1985, Month =Jun,
Pages ="180--204",
Volume ="10",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBFseq-2.3> DBFhash.6.3>} }

@article{Yu1985:1, Author ={Yu,C.T., Chang,C.C., Templeton,M., Brill,D., and Lund,E.},
Title ={Query Processing in a Fragmented Relational Distributed System: Mermaid},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8604-0354.},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Pages ="795--810",
Number ="8",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Yu1985:2, Author ={Yu,C.T., Siu,M.K., Lam,K., and Chen,C.H.},
Title ={File Allocation in Star Computer Network},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-11 no,9.},
Year =1985, Month =Sep,
Pages ="959--965",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Chicago Circle assumes non-separability, comm.delays, central site manages primary copy assignment. Category ={DBDdist> DBDrel.3> } }

@techreport{Yu1985:3, Author ={Yu,C.T., Guh,K.C., and Wu,E.},
Title ={A Graphic Interface for Distributed Query Processing},
Institution ={rcvd .},
Year =1985, Month =Oct,
Annote ={No knowledge, no model, no conclusion. Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Yu1986, Author ={Yu,C.T., Lilien,L., and Guh,K.},
Title ={Adaptive Techniques For Distributed Query Optimization},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Annote ={dynamic optimization in parallel with execution. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@inproceedings{Yu1987, Author ={Yu,C.T. and Zhang,W.},
Title ={Efficient Recursive Query Processing Using Wavefront Methods},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Yu1988, Author ={Yu,C.T. and Jiang,T-M.},
Title ={Adaptive Algorithms for Balanced Multidimensional Clustering},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 4, Los Angeles.},
Year =1988, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBFtree>} }

@article{Yu1989, Author ={Yu,C.T., Guh,K-C., Brill,D., and Chen,A.},
Title ={Partition strategy for distributed query processing in fast local networks},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), ; ACM Computing Reviews 9008-0702.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Volume ="15",
Number ="6",
Annote ={ replication, no fragmentation, LAN, costs increase monotonically with relation size. Category ={DBDdist> } }

@article{Yu1989:1, Author ={Yu,C.T., Meng,W., and Park,S.},
Title ={A Framework for Effective Retrieval},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ACM CR 8912-0901.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="147--167",
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Annote ={at Un.Illinois, Chicago Improve recall and precision. Transformation of terms to provide 'more independent' terms. The nonbinary independence model assigns weights to terms in document optimally, accumulating statistics probabilistic models with parameters estimated from previously retrieved relevant and irrelevant documents. ---Crawford. Category ={DBDkb> DBDbiblio> } }

@article{Yu1989:2, Author ={Yu,C., Sun,W., Bitton,D., Yang,Q., Richard,B., and Tullis,J.},
Title ={Efficient Placement of Audio Data on Optical Disks for Real-time Applications},
Journal ={Communications of the ACM , ; ACM CR 9005-0399},
Year =1989, Month =Jul,
Volume ="32",
Number ="7",
Annote ={ no-data blocks are required to introduce delays for time-dependent data such as audio; used here for storing data from another sequence. ---Leis Category ={DBFhard> } }

@article{Yu1989:3, Author ={Yu,C.T. and Sun,W.},
Title ={Automatic Knowledge Acquisition and Maintenance for Semantic Query Optimization},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Pages ="362--375",
Volume ="1",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ for the current state of the database find dynamic integrety constraints; maintain the minimal knowledge base; restriction closure. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Yu1990, Author ={Yu,C.T., and Liu,C.},
Title ={Experiences with Distributed Query Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Un.Illinois at Chicago Category ={DBDquery>} }

@unpublished{Yu1990:1, Author ={Yu,C.T., Sun,W., Dao,S., and Keirsey,D.},
Title ={Determining Relationships Among Attributes for Interoperability of Multi-Dabase Systems},
Note ={COSI Workshop, Tulsa.},
Year =1990, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ search for similar concepts in distinct DB for schema term matching using concept graphs Category ={DBDdist> DBDmodel> } }

@inproceedings{Yu1991, Author ={Yu,Clement },
Title ={Real Time Retrieval and Update of Materialized transitive Closure},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@inproceedings{Yu1991:1, Author ={Yu,C. and Sun,W.},
Title ={},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Yu1984:3, Author ={Yu,K., Hsu,S., and Otsubo,P.},
Title ={The Fast Data Finder--An Architecture for Very High Speed Data Search and Dissemination},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at TRW Category ={DBFmach.6.2>} }

@inproceedings{Yu1988:1, Author ={Yu,L. and Rosenkrantz,D.J.},
Title ={Minimizing Time-Space Cost for Database Version Control},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems .},
Year =1988, Category ={DBDimpl>} }

@inproceedings{Yu1990:2, Author ={Yu,L. and Rosenkrantz,J.},
Title ={Representability of Design Objects by Ancestor-Controlled Hierarchical Specifications},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Nashville.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Annote ={at State Un. of NY at Albany Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Yu1991:2, Author ={Yu,L. },
Title ={An Evaluation Framework for Algebraic Object-Oriented Query Models},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Yu1985:4, Author ={Yu,P.S., Dias,D.M., Robinson,J.T., Iyer,B.R., and Cornell,D.},
Title ={Distributed Concurrency Control Analysis for Data Sharing},
Booktitle ={CMG, rcvd May 1987.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Modelling of Centralized Concurrency Control in a Multi-System Environment The workload is based on traces from large mainframe systems running IBM's IMS. Category ={DBFdist> DBDconc, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Yu1986:1, Author ={Yu,P.S., Cornell,D.W., Dias,D.M., and Iyer,B.R.},
Title ={On Affinity Based Routing in Multi-System Data Sharing},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 12.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBDdist> DBFtrans , DBfile} }

@article{Yu1987:1, Author ={Yu,P.S., Dias,D.M., Robinson,J.T., Iyer,B.R., and Cornell,D.W.},
Title ={On Coupling Multi-Systems Through Data Sharing},
Journal ={Proc. IEEE.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="573--587",
Volume ="75",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBDdist, xissue} }

@inproceedings{Yu1985:5, Author ={Yu,P.S., Dias,D.M., Robinson,J.T., Iyer,B.R., and Cornell,D.},
Title ={Modelling of Centralized Concurrency Control in a Multi-System Environment},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMETRIntern. Conf. on Supercomputing Conf. on Measurement and Modelling of Comp. Sys..},
Year =1985, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC The workload is based on traces from large mainframe systems running IBM's IMS. Category ={DBFdist> DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Yu1986:2, Author ={Yu,P.S., Iyer,B.R., and Lee,Y-H.},
Title ={Transaction Recovery in Distributed DB/DC Systems: A Progressive Approach},
Booktitle ={Symp. on Reliability in Distributed Software and Database Systems, IEEE CS 5.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBFtrans> DBDreliab>} }

@inproceedings{Yu1986:3, Author ={Yu,P.S., Balsamo,S., and Lee,Y-H.},
Title ={Dynamic Load Sharing in Distributed Database Systems},
Booktitle ={IEEE CH2345-786, ?},
Year =1986, Annote ={at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFdist> DBDreliab, DBfile at IBM, TJWRC Category ={DBFdist> } }

@article{Yu1988:2, Author ={Yu,P.S., Balsamo,S., and Lee,Y-H.},
Title ={Dynamic Transaction Routine in Distributed Database Systems},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE).},
Year =1988, Month =Sep,
Pages ="1307--1318",
Volume ="14",
Number ="9",
Annote ={ Incoming transactions are routed by a common front-end processor. Dynamic transaction routing strategies take into account history and minimize the estimated response time, and provide a substantial improvement over the optimal static strategy. Deals with reference patterns for batch processing requests. Note: Uses partitioning for fragmentation. ---Gio Category ={DBFtrans> DBFdist> } }

@inproceedings{Yu1989:4, Author ={Yu,P.S. and Cornell,D.W.},
Title ={Integration of Buffer Management and Query Optimization In Relational Database Environment},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 15, Amsterdam.},
Year =1989, Month =Aug,
Annote ={at IBM TJWRC Allocation and optimization. Category ={DBDquery> DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Yu1990:3, Author ={Yu,P.S., and Dias,D.M.},
Title ={Concurrency Control Using Locking with Deferred Blocking},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 6.},
Year =1990, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM Watson Research Center Category ={DBDconc>} }

@inproceedings{Yu1991:3, Author ={Yu,Philip},
Title ={Optimal Buffer Allocation In A Multi-Query Environment},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDquery>} }

@article{Yu1991:4, Author ={Yu,P., Leff,A., and Lee,Y-H.},
Title ={On Robust Transaction Routing and Load Sharing},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Volume ="16",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@inproceedings{Yu1992, Author ={Yu,P. and Dan,A.},
Title ={Effect of System Dynamics on Coupling Architectures for Transaction Processing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at IBM Research Division Category ={DBDtrans>} }

@techreport{Yu1984:4, Author ={Yu,Yeong-Ho},
Title ={Translating Horn Clauses from English},
Institution ={Management Science, Journal of TIMS Thesis, Un.Texas (Austin).},
Year =1984, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDlogic, Thesis shelf} }

@incollection{Yu1989:5, Author ={Yu,X., Ohbo,N., Kitagawa,H., and Fujiwara,Y.},
Title ={Integration of Functional Data Model into Programming Environment: Application to Solid Database},
Booktitle ={'Visual Database Systems', T.L.Kunii(ed), Proc. IFIP TC-2.6, Tokyo , N-H 1989.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Pages ="217--235",
Annote ={ at Un.Tsukuba, Program in Eng.Sciences, (Tsukuba, Ibaraki, Japan) Implementation in G-BASE. Category ={EIS> DBDimage, DBfile Kitagawa } }

@inproceedings{Yuan1987, Author ={Yuan,L.Y. and Ozsoyoglu,Z.M.},
Title ={Logical Design of Relational Database Schemes},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , San Diego.},
Year =1987, Month Mar,
Annote ={ at Un.Southern Louisiana; Case Western Reserve Un. Category ={DBDtheory> } }

@inproceedings{Yuan1989, Author ={Yuan,L.Y and Chiang,D-A.},
Title ={A Sound and Complete Query Evaluation Algorithm for Relational Databases with Disjunctive Information},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems , Philadelphia.},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Annote ={at Un.Alberta uncertainty represented as alternative tuples i.e. set nulls Category ={DBDquery, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Yuan1989:1, Author ={Yuan,S-M. and Jalote,P.},
Title ={Fault Tolerant Commit Protocols},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 5, Los Angeles.},
Year =1989, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDconc>} }

@article{Yue1991, Author ={Yue,K.},
Title ={A More General Model for Handling Misssing Information Using a 3-valued Logic},
Journal ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data Record, Sept..},
Year =1991, Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Yue1978, Author ={Yue,P.C. and Wong,C.K.},
Title ={On a Partitioning Problem},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="299--309",
Volume ="3",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at Un.Alberta (Canada) Boundary points partition the records into subsets of roughly the same number of elements. We guess the locations of the boundary points by linear interpolation and check their accuracy by reading the key values of the records on one pass. This process is repeated until all boundary points are determined. Category ={DBFseq.1.1> DBFseq.2.3> } }

@article{Yue1975, Author ={Yue,P.C. and Wong,C.K.},
Title ={Storage Cost Considerations in Secondary Index Selection},
Journal ={IJofConference on Information Systems, sponsored by SMachine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. PublishersS, TInternational Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems, ACM SIGBDP.},
Year =1975, Pages ="307--327",
Category ={DBFindex.4>} }

@inproceedings{Yuen1986, Author ={Yuen,T.S. and Du,H.C.},
Title ={Dynamic File Organizations for Partial Match Retrieval Based on Linear Hashing},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 2, Los Angeles.},
Year =1986, Month =Feb,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Yuen1986:1, Author ={Yuen,T.S. and Du,H.C.},
Title ={Dynamic file structure for partial match retrieval based on overflow bucket sharing},
Booktitle ={IEEE Transactions on Software Engineering (SE), Vol.SE-12 , ; ACM Computing Reviews 8707-599.},
Year =1986, Month =Aug,
Pages ="801--810",
Number ="8",
Annote ={ a generalization of extendible hashing. Overflow pages are shared by primary data pages from neighboring directory entries. Simulation results obtained from uniform record distributions. ---Kriegel. Category ={DBFindex> } } % -------- Z ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@article{Zabavnikov1986, Author ={Zabavnikov,V.F. and Grechishnikova,M.L.},
Title ={On One Program Aid for Automated Loading of Databases in SETOR Database Management System Environment},
Journal ={Upravlyayushchiye sistemy i mashiny, Kiev.},
Year =1986, Month =Jan,
Pages ="77--80",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at `Metallurgavtomatika' UGPI, Dnepropetrovsk KORAD is a batch input and reorganization tool for SETOR (TOTAL) implements reference connection constraint. Undo. Category ={DBDquery> DBDbound, FASAC 48@article{Zachman1987, Author ={Zachman,J.A.},
Title ={A Framework for Information Systems Architecture},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal,},
Year =1987, Pages ="276--292",
Volume ="26",
Number ="3",
Annote ={ at IBM Western Area, (Los Angeles), South-West Marketing Div. ER background to EMS Category ={DBDmodel> DBDbound> } }

@article{Zadeh1972, Author ={Zadeh,L.A.},
Title ={A Fuzzy-Set-Theoretic Interpretation of Linguistic Hedges},
Journal ={Journ.of Cybernetics, -Sep..},
Year =1972, Month =Jul,
Pages ="4--34",
Volume ="2",
Number ="3",
Annote ={at UCB Mathematical approach to handle the vagueness of comparative descriptors. Category ={DBDquery> } }

@inproceedings{Zadeh1979, Author ={Zadeh,L.},
Title ={A Theory of Approximate Reasoning},
Booktitle ={Machine Intelligence, eds: Meltzer o.o., and Michie, vars. Publishers 9, Elcock and Michie(eds), Wiley NY.},
Year =1979, Pages ="149--196",
Category ={DBFintro> DBDquery.1> DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Zadeh1983, Author ={Zadeh,L.A.},
Title ={A Fuzzy-set-theoretic Approach to the Compositionality of Meaning: Propositions, Dispositions and Canonical Forms},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo -24.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Number ="83",
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Zadeh1985, Author ={Zadeh,L.},
Title ={The Role of Fuzzy Logic in the Management of Uncertainty in Expert Systems},
Journal ={`Approximate Reasoning in Expert Systems' N-H Elseviers, Gupta, Kandel, Bandler, Kiszka(eds.).},
Year =1985, Pages ="3--31",
Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb, DBfile} }

@techreport{Zadeh1983:1, Author ={Zadeh,L.},
Title ={A Theory of Commonsense Knowledge},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo -26.},
Year =1983, Month Apr,
Number ="83",
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@article{Zadeh1984, Author ={Zadeh,Lotfi A.},
Title ={Review of Shafer's Mathematical Theory of Evidence},
Journal ={AI Magazine,},
Year =1984, Pages ="81--83",
Volume ="5",
Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Zadeh1987, Author ={Zadeh,L.},
Title ={Uncertain Data Management},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 3, Los Angeles.},
Year =1987, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at UCB Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Zadeh1989, Author ={Zadeh,Lotfi A,},
Title ={Knowledge Representation in Fuzzy Logic},
Journal ={IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering .},
Year =1989, Month Mar,
Volume ="1",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@incollection{Zagoruyko1983, Author ={Zagoruyko,N.G.},
Title ={Informatics and Methods of Discovering Regularities},
Booktitle ={Problemy Obrabotki informatsii, vychislitel'nyye sistemy, 100 Sbornik nauchnykh trudov (in Russian), 140--143.},
Year =1983, Pages ="1--2",
Annote ={ What are methods for discovering regularities in the sphere of informatics problem? (from abstract) Category ={DBDkb, FASAC 7.3 } }

@article{Zahle1983, Author ={Zahle,Torben U.},
Title ={Equivalence of Conceptual Schema Approaches in the ISO-WG3 Report},
Journal ={Draft paper, rcvd .},
Year =1983, Annote ={at Un.Copenhagen, CSD (Denmark) Relational, entity-relationship, network, binary, IPL schema approaches are equivalent, and procedures are given for translating schemas. Category ={DBDdesign.7.5, DBfile } }

@techreport{Zahorjan, Author ={Zahorjan,J.},
Title ={The Approximate Solution of Large Queueing Network Models},
Institution ={To appear in Communications of the ACM .},
Category ={DBFmethods.3>} }

@article{Zamulin1981, Author ={Zamulin,A.V. and Skopin,I.N.},
Title ={Data Base Design using Abstract Data Types},
Journal ={Programming and Computer Software; translation of Programmirovaniye, (Moscow, USSR) Plenum , -Oct..},
Year =1981, Month =Sep,
Pages ="267--271",
Volume ="7",
Number ="5",
Annote ={ access by modules defining ADTs. No schema. BOYaZ-6 Category ={DBDobject, FASAC 316 } }

@techreport{Zaniolo1976, Author ={Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={Analysis and Design of Relational Schemata},
Institution ={PhD Th., UCLA, TR.UCLA-ENG-7669.},
Year =1976, Category ={DBDschema> DBDschema.1>} }

@inproceedings{Zaniolo1979, Author ={Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={Design of Relational Views Over Network Schemas},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data 79, Bernstein(ed), Boston.},
Year =1979, Month =May,
Pages ="179--190",
Annote ={ Translates CODASYL '73 schemas similar to MKN schemas directly to relational views. Category ={DBDops.3> DBDdesign> DBDschema> } }

@inproceedings{Zaniolo[1979:1, Author ={Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={Multimodel External Schemas for CODASYL Data Base Management Systems},
Booktitle ={Data Base Architecture, Bracchi and Nijssen(eds) (TC-2), Venice, Italy, N-H.},
Year =1979, Month =Jun,
Category ={DBDbound.5> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Zaniolo1981, Author ={Zaniolo,Carlo and Melkanoff,M.A.},
Title ={On the Design of Relational Database Schemata},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1981, Month Mar,
Pages ="1--47",
Volume ="6",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Sperry Res.Ctr and UCLA The conceptual design of relational databases based on the complete reliability conditions (CRCs). A unified treatment of functional and mulivalued dependencies. Category ={DBDdesign> DBDtheory.2> } }

@book{Zaniolo1981:1, Author ={Zaniolo,C. and Delobel,C.(eds)},
Title ={Proceedings of the 7th VLDB Conference},
Publisher ={IEEE pub.81CH1701-2, 570pp.},
Year =1981, Annote ={ Proceedings of VLDB 7, Cannes, France, 9-11 Sep.1981. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@article{Zaniolo1982, Author ={Zaniolo,C. and Melkanoff,M.A.},
Title ={A Formal Approach to the Definition and Design of Conceptual Schemas for Database Systems},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="24--59",
Volume ="7",
Number ="1",
Category ={DBDmodel.0> DBDtheory> DBDdesign>} }

@article{Zaniolo1982:1, Author ={Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={Database Relations with Null Values},
Journal ={ACM SIGACT-SIGMOD Symp. on Principles of Database Systems 1, Aho(ed), ACM .},
Year =1982, Month Mar,
Pages ="27--33",
Number ="1475820",
Annote ={at Bell Labs (Holmdel NJ) a three-valued logic: TRUE, FALSE, UNKNOWN Category ={UNCERTAIN> DBDlogic> DBDschema.1.3> } }

@article{Zaniolo1982:2, Author ={Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={A New Normal Form for the Design of Relational Database Schemata},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , pp.667.},
Year =1982, Month =Sep,
Volume ="25",
Number ="9",
Annote ={at Bell Labs (Holmdel NJ) Category ={DBDmodel.3>} }

@incollection{Zaniolo1990, Author ={Zaniolo,C.},
Title ={The Database Language: GEM},
Booktitle ={In 'Readings in Object-Oriented Database Systems edited by S.Zdonik and D.Maier, Morgan Kaufman.},
Year =1990, Category ={DBDschema.3>} }

@incollection{Zaniolo1984, Author ={Zaniolo,Carlo},
Title ={Prolog: A Database Query Language For All Seasons},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Zaniolo1986, Author ={Zaniolo,Carlo},
Title ={Safety and Compilation of Non-recursive Horn clauses},
Institution ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1,},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={magic sets Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Zaniolo1986:1, Author ={Zaniolo,Carlo},
Title ={The Generalized Counting Method for Recursive Logic Queries},
Booktitle ={Internat.Conference on Database Theory 86, Rome.},
Year =1986, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at MCC Category ={DBDtheory>} }

@book{Zaniolo1986:2, Author ={Zaniolo,Carlo(ed)},
Title ={The Proceedings of ACM SIGMOD'86},
Publisher ={ACM.},
Year =1986, Month =May,
Annote ={Held in Washington DC, May 28-30, 1986. Category ={DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Zaniolo1988, Author ={Zaniolo,C. and Sacca,D.},
Title ={Rule rewriting methods in the implementation of the logic data language LDL},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at USA Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Zaniolo1989, Author ={Zaniolo,Carl},
Title ={Object Identity and Inheritance in Deductive Databases: An Evolutionary Approach},
Booktitle ={Int. Conf. on Deductive and Object-Oriented Databases 89, Kyoto.},
Year =1989, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Zara1985, Author ={Zara,R.V. and Henke,D.R.},
Title ={Building A Layered Database For Design Automation},
Booktitle ={Proc. Design Automation Conf 22, pp. 645-651.},
Year =1985, Annote ={at CAE systems (Sunnyvale CA) Description of CAE's new system. An interesting approach from someone who's up on the latest systems ideas. No performance data, though I am told that its performance problems do not stem from the database aspect but rather from the algorithms used. (??) Category ={EIS> } }

@inproceedings{Zarri1984, Author ={Zarri,Gian Piero},
Title ={Intelligent Information Retrieval: an Interesting Application Area for the New Generation Computer Systems},
Booktitle ={Proc. Fifth Generations Computer Systems, ICOT, pub. North-Holland, ICOT.},
Year =1984, Annote ={at CNRS, (Paris) Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@incollection{Zarri1984:1, Author ={Zarri,Gian Piero},
Title ={Constructing and Utilizing Large Fact Databases Using Artificial Intelligence Techniques},
Booktitle ={Workshop on Expert Database Systems, Un.South Carolina.},
Year =1984, Month =Oct,
Volume ="1",
Annote ={at CNRS (Paris, France) Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Zarri1984:2, Author ={Zarri,G-P.},
Title ={Intelligent Information Retrieval: An Interesting application Area for the New Generation Computer Systems},
Journal ={Fifth Generations Computer Systems, ICOT, pub. North-Holland-84, ICOT.},
Year =1984, Month =Nov,
Pages ="633--642",
Category ={DBDkb, DBfile} }

@techreport{Zdonik1985, Author ={Zdonik,S.B. and Wegner,P.},
Title ={A Database Approach to Languages, Libraries and Environments},
Institution ={Brown Un., DCS, TR-CS-85-10.},
Year =1985, Month =May,
Annote ={ includes ENCORE specifications of the UNIX file system and of two views of an object. Category ={DBDobject> DBDdesign> VOD, DBfile } }

@techreport{Zdonik1985:1, Author ={Zdonik,S.B. and Wegner,P.},
Title ={Language and Methodology for Object-Oriented Database Environments},
Institution ={Brown Un., TR-CS-85-19.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Annote ={ A database Approach to Languages, Libraries and Environments. They talk of a variety of relationships *between program modules* such as imports-from, exports-to, inherits-from, is-an-instance-of, is-an-interface-of, is-a-version-of, is-a-view-of. ---arun. Category ={DBDobject> DBDlang> VOD> } }

@article{Zdonik1985:2, Author ={Zdonik,Stanley B.},
Title ={Object Management Systems for Design Environments},
Journal ={IEEE CS Technical Com. on Database Engineering Bulletin.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Volume ="8",
Number ="4",
Category ={DBDobject> EIS>} }

@book{Zdonik1989, Author ={Zdonik,S.B. and Maier,D.(eds)},
Title ={Readings in Object-Oriented Databases},
Publisher ={Morgan Kaufmann, 650pp.},
Year =1989, Month =May,
Annote ={at Brown Un. Category ={DBDobject>} }

@article{Zdonik1991, Author ={Zdonik,S. and Mitchell,G.},
Title ={ENCORE: An Object-Oriented Approach to Database Modelling and Querying},
Journal ={IEEE DB Eng.Bull.},
Year =1991, Month =Jun,
Volume ="14",
Number ="2",
Category ={DBDquery> DBDobject>} }

@book{Zehnder1983, Author ={Zehnder,Carl A.(ed)},
Title ={Database Techniques for Professional Workstations},
Publisher ={ETH, Zurich.},
Year =1983, Month =Sep,
Annote ={at ETH, Institut fur Informatik (Zurich) Category ={Appendix C> DBDrel> DBFdist> DBFhard> } }

@inproceedings{Zeller1990, Author ={Zeller,H. and Gray,J,.},
Title ={Hash Join Algorithms in a Multiuser Environment},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 16, Brisbane.},
Year =1990, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBFhash>} }

@article{Zemankova1985, Author ={Zemankova,M. and Kandel,A.},
Title ={Implementing Imprecision in Information Systems},
Journal ={Inf.Sci.,2,3, ; ACM Computing Reviews 8708-0694.},
Year =1985, Month =Dec,
Pages ="107--114",
Volume ="37",
Number ="1",
Annote ={at Florida State Un. (Tallahassee FL) Fuzzy queries. DB schema not considered. --- Tepandi Category ={DBDkb> } }

@inproceedings{Zemankova1992, Author ={Zemankova,Maria},
Title ={Towards Integrated Knowledge Management Systems (Invited Talk)},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at NSF Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Zeng1988, Author ={Zeng,H., Tong,Q., Yao,W., and Song,X.},
Title ={HITKMS: a knowledge base machine system supporting cooperative expert-system and experiential learning},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at P.R.China Category ={DBDkb>} }

@techreport{Zertuche1990, Author ={Zertuche,D.R. and Buchmann,A.P.},
Title ={Execution Models for Active Database Systems: A Comparison},
Institution ={TM-0238-01-90-165, GTE Laboratories Incorporated.},
Year =1990, Month =Jan,
Category ={unknown>} }

@inproceedings{Zezula1993, Author ={Zezula,P., Ciaccia,P., and Tiberio,P.},
Title ={Hamming Filter: A Dynamic Signature File Organization for Parallel Stores},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDappl>} }

@inproceedings{Zhang1993, Author ={Zhang,A. and Elmagarmid,A.},
Title ={On Global Transaction Scheduling Criteria in Multidatabase Systems},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Zhang1993:1, Author ={Zhang,A. and Jing,J.},
Title ={On Structural Features of Global Transactions in MDBSs},
Booktitle ={IEEE RIDE-International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems 93, Vienna.},
Year =1993, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Purdue Category ={DBDdist> DBDtrans>} }

@article{Zhang1989, Author ={Zhang,B. and Hsu,M.},
Title ={Unsafe operation in B-trees},
Journal ={Acta Informatica, Springer Verlag (Heidelberg, FRG and NewYork NY, USA) Verlag , ; ACM CR 9008-0680.},
Year =1989, Volume ="26",
Number ="5",
Annote ={at Harvard mathematical model of the expectation of the number of operations that can be performed on a node before the next unsafe operation occurs at that node split or merge. Category ={DBFtrees> } }

@inproceedings{Zhang1988, Author ={Zhang,C. and Tzu,Y.},
Title ={A model for maintaining compiled PROLOG databases},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at P.R.China Category ={DBDkb>} }

@book{Zhang1989:1, Author ={Zhang,Shaorun},
Title ={Advances in Database; Proceedings of the 8th All-China conference on Databases},
Publisher ={Xiamen University. (2 volumes)},
Year =1989, Month =Sep,
Annote ={ 101 papers, each followed by a short English abstract Category ={DBDintro> } }

@inproceedings{Zhang1987, Author ={Zhang,W. and Yu,C.T.},
Title ={A Necessary Condition for a Doubly Recursive Role to be Equivalent to a Linear Recursive Rule},
Booktitle ={ACM SIGMOD Conf. on the Management of Data.},
Year =1987, Month =May,
Pages ="345--356",
Annote ={[Ahad,Yao,Choi87] L.2 to 2L.1 Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@article{Zhang1990, Author ={Zhang,W., Yu,C., and Troy,D.},
Title ={Necessary and Sufficient Conditions to Linearize Doubly Recursive Programs in Logic Databases},
Journal ={ACM Transactions on Database Systems , ; ACM CR 9211-0888.},
Year =1990, Month =Sep,
Volume ="15",
Number ="3",
Annote ={extends authors' previous results Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Zhang1991, Author ={Zhang,W., Wang,K., and Chau,S.},
Title ={Data partition: A Practical Parallel Evaluation of Datalog Programs},
Booktitle ={PDIS-91, Miami Beach, FL. Garcia-Molina and Jagadish (eds)},
Year =1991, Month =Dec,
Category ={DBDlogic>} }

@inproceedings{Zhang1983, Author ={Zhang,Z-Q. and Mendelzon,A.O.},
Title ={A Graphical Query Language for Entity-Relationship Databases},
Booktitle ={ER 3, Davis et al(eds), ; ACM Computing Reviews 8601-0054.},
Year =1983, Month =Oct,
Pages ="441--448",
Annote ={at Un.Toronto Category ={DBDquery> Image>} }

@inproceedings{Zhao1991, Author ={Zhao,K. and Bouguettaya,A.},
Title ={Incremental Specification of Complex Resources Across Databases},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@article{Zhong1989, Author ={Zhong,X. and Kambayashi,Y.},
Title ={Timestamp Ordering Concurrency Control Mechanisms for Transactions of Various Lengths},
Journal ={Springer Verlag Lecture Notes on Computer Science, Int.Conf.on Foundations of Data Org. and Algorithms 3, (Paris, ), 1989.},
Year =1989, Month =Jun,
Pages ="505--516",
Number ="367",
Annote ={ at Kyushu Un., Dep. CS and Communication Eng., (Hakozaki, Fukukoa, Japan) To deal with starvation use a termination timestamp which is defined by a predicted last read/write request time. Category ={DBDconc> DBDintegrity, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Zhou1992, Author ={Zhou,J. and Baumann,P.},
Title ={Evaluation of Complex Cardinality Constraints},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Entity-Relationship conference, North-Holland. .11, Karlsruhe.},
Year =1992, Month =Oct,
Category ={DBDmodel>} }

@inproceedings{Zhou1988, Author ={Zhou,L., Yang,D., Fan,Z., and Zhu,L.},
Title ={QKBMS/75 -- A knowledge base management system growing from relational DBMS and logic programming language},
Booktitle ={IFIP TC-2, Canton China.},
Year =1988, Month =Jul,
Annote ={at P.R.China Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Zhou1988:1, Author ={Zhou,L. and Zhu,L.},
Title ={A Knowledge Base Management System Built from Relational DBMS and Logic Programming Language},
Booktitle ={rcvd for IFIP TC-2, Jul.1988, Canton China},
Year =1988, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDkb, student file Zhu} }

@inproceedings{Zhou, Author ={Zhou,Y. and Hsu,M.},
Title ={A Theory for Rule Triggering Systems},
Booktitle ={EDBT 90.},
Annote ={ WARNING: I first got an unpublished version of the paper, which I found very un-intiutive and hard to read compared to the published version, which is not easy to read either. State difference rules are defined that transform the database state upon update until a final goal state is reached. The main problem is: Give a sufficient precondition for a set of rules that guarantees them to terminate in the same goal state independent on their execution order. (Unique Fixed Point Property). The main solution is: A set of rules will have the Unique Fixed Point Property if there is no rule whose 'write set' (set of variables asserted to) overlaps with the 'non-monotonic set' (= set of variables deleted from) of some other rule. Such pair of rules are said to be 'interfering'.---Risch. Category ={DBDnewDBMS> } }

@techreport{Zhu1987, Author ={Zhu,J. and Maier,D.},
Title ={Abstract Object in an Object-Oriented Data Model},
Institution ={OGC, TR-CS-E-87-015.},
Year =1987, Annote ={at Oregon Grad.Ctr Category ={DBDobject, DBfile} } @misc{Ref0, Title ={Sequenced vs. Pipelined Parallel Multiple Joins in Paradata},
Howpublished ={submitted to DE 91.},
Category ={DBDkb>} }

@inproceedings{Ziane1993, Author ={Ziane,M., Zait,M., and Borla-Salamet,P.},
Title ={Parallel Query Processing in DBS3},
Booktitle ={PDIS-93, San Diego.},
Year =1993, Month =Jan,
Annote ={at INRIA; Bull Research Category ={DBDdist>} }

@techreport{Zicari1989, Author ={Zicari,Roberto},
Title ={Schema Updates in the O2 Object-Oriented Database System},
Institution ={Politechnico, Report n. 89-057.},
Year =1989, Month =Oct,
Annote ={at Politechnico di Milano schema evolution for OODB Category ={DBDobject, DBfile } }

@inproceedings{Zicari1990, Author ={Zicari,Roberto},
Title ={Incomplete information in object-oriented databases},
Booktitle ={DS4, Windermere.},
Year =1990, Month =Jul,
Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Zicari1991, Author ={Zicari,Roberto},
Title ={A Framework for Schema Updates in an Object-Oriented Database System},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 7.},
Year =1991, Category ={DBDobject>} }

@inproceedings{Zicari1991:1, Author ={Zicari,R., Ceri,S., and Tanca,L.},
Title ={Interoperability between a Rule-based Database Language and an Object-oriented Database Language},
Booktitle ={International Workshop on Interoperability in Multidatabase Systems-91, Kyoto.},
Year =1991, Month Apr,
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@book{Ziegenfuss1984, Author ={Ziegenfuss,D. and Ziegenfuss,J.jr.},
Title ={Health Information Systems: A Bibliography},
Publisher ={.},
Year =1984, Category ={MCS, Z6675.E4Z53} }

@inproceedings{Zielstorff1985, Author ={Zielstorff,R.D., Jette,A.M., Barnett,G.O., Schaumburg,D. Piggins,J., Weidman-Dahl,F., Gross,H., and Webster,S.},
Title ={A COSTAR System for Hospital-Based Coordination of Long Term Care for the Elderly},
Booktitle ={Proc.of the Annual Symp. on Computer Applications in Medical Care (Washington DC), IEEE 9.},
Year =1985, Month =Nov,
Pages ="17--21",
Annote ={at Massachusetts General Hosp. (Boston MA) MUMPS application. Category ={MIS> } }

@article{Zimmermann1980, Author ={Zimmermann,H.},
Title ={OSI Reference Model-The ISO Model of Architecture for Open},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Communication, COM-28.},
Year =1980, Month Apr,
Pages ="425--432",
Category ={DBDdist>} }

@inproceedings{Zimmerman1984, Author ={Zimmerman,R.},
Title ={A Practical Question about Systems Analysis},
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 1, Los Angeles.},
Year =1984, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Stand.Oil of CA Category ={DBDdesign.7.5> DBFhybrid.1> } }

@techreport{Zinssmeister1989, Author ={Zinssmeister,G. and Hoppe,H.U.},
Title ={Acquisition of Task-Knowledge for an Adaptive User Interface},
Institution ={GMD, TR-381.},
Year =1989, Month Apr,
Annote ={at GMD, (Darmstadt, FRG) Application in UNIX file coaching. Category ={DBDkb, DBfile Neuhold } }

@book{Zipf1949, Author ={Zipf,George K.},
Title ={Human Behavior and the Principle of Least Effort},
Publisher ={Addison-Wesley (Reading MA).},
Year =1949, Annote ={ Basic Study on word frequency relative to word lengths Category ={DBFrepresent.1> % } }

@article{Ziv1977, Author ={Ziv,L. and Lempel,A.},
Title ={A Universal Algorithm for Sequential Data Compression},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Inform.Theory, Vol.IT-23 .},
Year =1977, Month =May,
Pages ="337--343",
Number ="3",
Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@article{Ziv1978, Author ={Ziv,J. and Lempel,A.},
Title ={Compression of Individual Sequences via Variable-Rate Coding},
Journal ={IEEE Trans. Inform. Theory, Vol.IT-24 .},
Year =1978, Month =Sep,
Pages ="530--536",
Number ="5",
Annote ={Fast, used by UNIX compress. Category ={DBFrepresent>} }

@inproceedings{Zlatareva1992, Author ={Zlatareva,Neli},
Title ={Performance Evaluation and Refinement of Expert Systems Knowledge Bases},
Booktitle ={CIKM-92, Baltimore.},
Year =1992, Month =Nov,
Annote ={at Concordia University Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Zloof1982, Author ={Zloof,M.M.},
Title ={Office by-Example: A Business Language that Unifies Data and Word Processing and Electronic Mail},
Journal ={IBM Systems Journal.},
Year =1982, Pages ="272--304",
Volume ="21",
Number ="3",
Annote ={OBE is an extension of QBE. Category ={DBDkb> DBDquery.3.3> } } % ------ ZM ------biblio----1949-1991-----

@article{Zobel1991, Author ={Zobel,J., Thom,J.A., Sacks-Davis,R.},
Title ={Efficiency of Nested Relational Document Database Systems},
Journal ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 17, Barcelona.},
Year =1991, Month =Sep,
Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@inproceedings{Zobel1992, Author ={Zobel,J., Moffat,A., and SacksDavis,R.},
Title ={An Efficient Indexing Technique for Full Text Databases},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 18, Vancouver.},
Year =1992, Month =Aug,
Annote ={ allows to retrieve documents using works, sequences of adjacent words, and statistical ranking techniques; compression, dynamic update; given sufficient main memory for vocabulary; the methods requires most one access per query term Category ={DBDbiblio> DBDindex> } }

@inproceedings{Zobel1993, Author ={Zobel,J., Moffat,A., and SacksDavis,R.},
Title ={Searching Large Lexicons for Partially Specified Terms using Compressed Inverted Files},
Booktitle ={Proceedings of the Conference on Very Large Databases, Morgan Kaufman pubs. (Los Altos CA) 19, Dublin.},
Year =1993, Month =Aug,
Category ={DBDbiblio>} }

@inproceedings{Zoeller1992, Author ={Zoeller,R. and Barry,D.},
Title ={Dynamic Self-configuring Methods for Graphical Presentation of ODBMS Objects },
Booktitle ={Proc.IEEE CS Intl.Conf. on Data Engineering 8, Tempe, AZ.},
Year =1992, Month =Feb,
Annote ={at Itasca Systems, Inc. Category ={DBDobject>} }

@techreport{Zook1976, Author ={Zook,W., Youssefi,K., et al.},
Title ={INGRES Reference Manual, Version 6},
Institution ={UCB, Elec.Res.Lab, Memo No.ERL-M579.},
Year =1976, Month Apr,
Annote ={see Yousseffi,K. for Dec.1977 revised, same . Category ={DBDrel.2> } }

@book{ZozayaGorostiza1989, Author ={ZozayaGorostiza,C., Hendrickson,C., and Rehak,D.},
Title ={Knowledge-based process planning for construction and manufacturing},
Publisher ={Academic Press (New York NY) Press, San Diego, 306pp; ACM CR 9005-0372.},
Year =1989, Annote ={at CMU based on PhD thesis, PLANEX used for two domains, for construction project and electrical wire harness process planning; gives good insight into the problem of process planning. ---Apte. Category ={EIS> } }

@article{Zucconi1987, Author ={Zucconi,George},
Title ={Smartchart},
Journal ={M.D.Computing, May.},
Year =1987, Month =Jun,
Pages ="39--43",
Volume ="4",
Number ="3",
Annote ={review Category ={MIS>} }

@inproceedings{Zvieli1986, Author ={Zvieli,A.},
Title ={A Fuzzy Relational Calculus},
Booktitle ={Conference on Expert Database Systems 1.},
Year =1986, Month Apr,
Annote ={at Louisiana State Un. Category ={DBDkb>} }

@article{Zviran1990, Author ={Zviran,Moshe},
Title ={Defining the Application Portfolio for an Integrated Hospital Information System: A Tutorial},
Journal ={Journal of Medical Systems, Plenum Pub No12.},
Year =1990, Month Apr,
Volume ="14",
Annote ={at NPGS, Monterey Category ={MIS>} } % -------- END ------biblio----1949-1991--------