Woodside House pictures
Last updated 17 April 2014.
Living room, dining room, 2 bedrooms, 2 studies, 2 bathrooms, playroom, storage room, large outdoor play area, porch, carport, on over two acres. Owners keep access to a separate cottage, garage and workshop on the property for occasional use.
The agent handling the rental is
<Denette Bartoli>. cell 650 787-9885, text messages accepted.
The pictures were taken at various times in April 2015.
- Front, looking South West towards the Pacific.
- View from Marine Road.
- Driveway to Marine Road.
- Entry steps to play area.
- Front, looking South East.
- Play Area in front of house, looking East
- Outside play area
- Play area in front of house
Top Level
- LivingRoom looking North West to the rear. The cover for the wekllhouse had not been completed
- Living Room, looking, looking East to kitchen.
- Living room alcove
- Alcove bench in living room; a former church pew.
- DiningRoom to South East, overlooking playroom.
- DiningRoom, looking towards kitchen with stais to playroom and loer level study.
- Center bedroom, looking South. Double door leads to study.
- Side bedroom, South East corner.
- kitchen looking towards living room and entrance door
- Kitchen, looking towards dining room.
- Main study, taken from living room. Left door is to center bedroom, right door to rear porch
- Main bathroom with double size Jacuzzi tub
Lower Level
- Playroom, looking up to dining room.
- Lower level bathroom.
- Lower level Study, taken from playroom. It extends under both bedrooms and the yop level study.
Rear, view towards the Pacific Ocean through the trees
- Rear porch looking South West.
- Porch AtTopStudy, steps under construction.
- Rear porch, bench and well house under construction.
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