Last update 24Dec04.
List of Stanford CSD Alumns
Subset for Ed Feigentree
More information about the student is typically found in the
tree listings.
Where the principal advisor was not in CS this will be the only student
listing on these pages. IDP stands for Interdepartemental PhD, an active
program before Medical Information science existed.
A master file of advisees is kept on the CS department webpages
as Ph.D Alumni
21 March 2003.
Most entries came from
The CS department
Alumni list, but that list does not show the advisors.
Other Stanford sources were CSD newsletters (1998-2004),
archived CSD reports 1987-1990 (which excluded theses),
the proceedings of the 1987 Computer Forum meeting, and the summary
External Sources consulted are the
SIGACT Theoretical
Mathematics Geneology Database; the
Mathematics Genealogy, the
Mathematicians biographies,
The SIGACT genealogy,
and from "Viewers like You".
year webpage: student name [student info, department, lab], advisor tree (location <email>)
- 1980 Jan Aikins [CS], Adv.: Ed Feigentree (<aikins at cs>)
- 1978 John Phineas Banning [not on CS list], advisor? (<>)
- Dec. 1977 David Barstow [CS, SAIL], Adv.: Cordell Green? (<>)
- 2004? Julien Basch [CS], advisor? (<jbasch at cs>)
- 1972 Henry J. Bauer [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 1969 Sheldon Becker [CS], Adv.: Bob Floyd?, Niklaus Wirth? (<>)
- 1995? James Bell [CS], advisor? ( <>)
- 1996 James E. Bennett [Jim, CS], advisor? Mike Flynn? (Monica Lam? Mendel Rosenblum) (Rutgers <jbennett at cs>)
- 19xx Scott Benson [CS], advisor? (<sbenson at cs>)
- 19xx Joe Berman [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Miriam Blatt [CS], advisor? (<blatt at cs>)
- 1984 A. Peter Blicher [not in CS list], advisor? (<>)
- 1982 David Reeves Boggs [EE], advisor? (Internet Broadcasting <>)
- Dec. 1976 Robert C. Bolles [CS, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Robert Bosch [CS], advisor? (<bosch at cs>)
- 1996 Ronen Brafman [CS], advisor? (604-822-0940 brafman at cs>)
- 19xx Tom Bredt [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Oliver Brock [CS], advisor? , oli at cs>)
- 19xx Alex Bronstein [CS], advisor? (<alex at cs>)
- 19xx Kenneth Brooks [CS], advisor? (DEC-SRC 310 <>)
- 1974 Doug Brotz [CS], advisor? (Parc, Adobe <>)
- Sep. 1974 Jack Buchanan [CS, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 1967 Monte Callero [OR, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Clyde Carpenter [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 1981 Richard Carr [CS], advisor? (Tandem <>)
- Dec. 1976 Robert Cartwright [CS, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 1964 R.I Causy [On Closest Normal Matrices, CS?], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Urszula Chajewska [CS], advisor? (<urszula at cs>)
- 19xx Rohit Chandra [CS], advisor? (<rohit at cs>)
- 19xx Alex Chang [ CS, married to Edith Cohen], advisor? (Arbitrade&T <>)
- 19xx John Chapin [CS], advisor? (<jchapin at cs>)
- 1984 Daniel Chapiro [CS], advisor? (<dch at cs>)
- 19xx Moses Charikar [CS], advisor? (<moses at cs>)
- 19xx Chandra Chekuri [CS], advisor? (<chekuri at cs>)
- 19xx David Chelberg [CS], advisor? (<dmc at cs>)
- 19xx Jens Christensen [CS], advisor? (<jens at cs>)
- 19xx Edith Cohen [CS, married to Alex Chang], advisor? (AT&T <edith at cs>)
- 19xx Scott Cohen [CS], advisor? (<scohen at cs>)
- 19xx Joao Comba [CS], advisor? , <comba at cs>)
- 1984 Gregory F. Cooper [MIS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Vlad Dabija [CS], advisor? (<vlad at cs>)
- 19xx Adnan Darwiche [CS], advisor? (<darwiche at cs>)
- 19xx Helen Davis [CS], advisor? (<hdavis at cs>)
- 19xx James Davis [CS], advisor? (<jedavis at cs>)
- 1986 Stefan Demetrescu [CS], advisor? (<stefand at cs>)
- 1984 Thomas Dietterich [CS], advisor? (<dietterich at cs>)
- 19xx Mike Dixon [CS], advisor? (<mdixon at cs>)
- 19xx John Drakopoulos [CS], advisor? (<drakop at cs>)
- 19xx Ken Duda [CS], advisor? (SRI, SJ state <kjd at cs>)
- 19xx Glenn Durfee [CS], advisor? (<gdurf at cs>)
- 19xx Oliver Duschka [CS], advisor? (<duschka at cs>)
- 19xx Lee Erman [CS], advisor? (Teknowledge <>)
- 1980 Larry Fagan [CS], Adv.: Ed Feigentree, Stanford MIS <fagan at cs>)
- Sep. 1977 William Faught [CS, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- July 1976 Raphael Finkel [Rafael, CS, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Kathleen Fisher [CS], advisor? (<kfisher at cs>)
- 19xx Raymond Flournoy [CS, CSLI], advisor? (Amikai <flournoy at cs>)
- 1986 Dave Foulser [CS], advisor? (SCA/Yale, Silicon Graphics <foulser at cs>)
- 1987 Christina Fraley [CS], advisor? (<fraley at cs>)
- 19xx Russki Frants [CS], advisor? (<frants at cs>)
- 1979 Peter Friedland [CS], Adv.: Ed Feigentree, Intraspec (<friedland at cs>)
- 1993? Yossi Friedman [CS], advisor? (Millenium Partners <yossi at cs>)
- 1985 Li-Min Fu [not on CS list], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Hal Gabow [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 1981 Richard Paul Gabriel [CS], Adv.: Zohar Manna and Cordell Green? (<>)
(<gabriel at cs>)
- Dec. 1975 Sundaram Ganapathy [CS, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Anil Gangolli [Spike, CS], advisor? (<gangolli at cs>)
- 19xx Anne Gardner [CS], advisor? (<gardner at cs>)
- 19xx Lise Getoor [CS], advisor? (<getoor at cs>)
- 1981 David Gifford [not on CS list], advisor? (<gifford at>)
- Oct. 1972 Aharon Gill [SAIL, EE], advisor? (<>)
- 1988? Aaron V. Goldberg [Andrew, CS], advisor? (<ajg at cs>)
- 2000 Roy Goldman [CS], advisor? (<royg at cs>)
- 19xx Michael Goldwasser [CS], advisor? (<wass at cs>)
- 19xx Gary Goodman [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Kinshuk Govil [CS], advisor? (<kinshuk at cs>)
- 1969 Cordell Green [EE, SAIL] [CS], Adv.: Ed Feigentree (Kestrel <>)
- 19xx Pankaj Gupta [CS], advisor? (<pankaj at cs>)
--- HHHH ---
- 19xx Max Hailperin [CS], advisor? (<hailperin at cs>)
- 19xx Simon Handley [CS], advisor? (<shandley at cs>)
- 1973 Marsha Jo Hannah [CS, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 1971 Wilfred Hansen [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Will Harvey [CS], advisor? (<harvey at cs>)
- 19xx Barry Hayes [CS], advisor? (PlaceWare <bhayes at cs>)
- 19xx Glenn Healey [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 1987 Dave Helmbold [CS], advisor? (UCSC <>)
- May 1975 Linda Gail Hemphill [Linguistics, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 1990 Jim Hendler? [not in CS list], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Steve Herrod [CS], advisor? (<herrod at cs>)
- 19xx Richard Ho [CS], advisor? (<rho at cs>)
- 19xx My Hoang [CS], advisor? (<hoang at cs>)
- 19xx Hugh Holbrook [CS], advisor? (<holbrook at cs>)
- 19xx Mary Holstege [CS], advisor? (<holstege at cs>)
- 1984 Mark Horowitz [EE, CSL], advisor? (Rambus <>)
- 19xx Brian Howard [CS], advisor? (<bhoward at cs>)
- 19xx David Y. Hsu [CS], advisor? (<dyhsu at cs>)
- 1996 Alan Hu [CS], advisor? (UBC <ajh at cs>)
- 19xx Andy Hung [CS], advisor? (<achung at cs>)
- 19xx Homan Igehy [CS], advisor? (<homan at cs>)
- 19xx Piotr Indyk [CS], advisor? (<indyk at cs>)
- 19xx Norris Ip [CS], advisor? (<ip at cs>)
- 19xx George John [CS], advisor? (<gjohn at cs>)
- 19xx David Jones [CS], advisor? (<djones at cs>)
- 19xx Ari Jonsson [CS], advisor? (<jonsson at cs>)
- 19xx Leslie Kaelbling [CS], advisor? (<kaelbling at cs>)
- 19xx Anil Kamath [CS], advisor? (<kamath at cs>)
- 1991 Hemant Kanakia [EE, CSL], advisor? (Bell Labs, Torrent < cs>)
- 19xx Atsushi Kanamori [CS], advisor? (<kanamori at cs>)
- 1979 Elaine Kant [CS], advisor? (<elaine.kant at cs>)
Guibas (<dhs at cs>)
- 19xx David Karger [CS], advisor? (<karger at cs>)
- 19xx Peter D. Karp [CS], Adv.: Ed Feigentree, SRI <pkarp at>)
- 1994 Dinesh Katiyar [CS], advisor? (Sun, Mayasoft <katiyar at cs>)
- 1973 Linda Kaufman [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Marc Kaufman [CS], advisor? (<kaufman at cs>)
- 19xx Lydia Kavraki [CS], advisor? (<kavraki at cs>)
- 19xx Robert Kennedy [CS], advisor? (<robert at cs>)
- 19xx Michael Kenniston [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Sanjeev Khanna [CS], advisor? (<sanjeev at cs>)
- 19xx Misha Kharitonov [CS], advisor? (ICSI <misha at cs>)
- 1987 Scott Edward Kim [not in CS list], advisor? Knuth? (<>)
- Aug. 1971 Robert Kling [CS, SAIL], Adv.: Ed Feigentree (Indiana Univ. <kling at>)
- 1972 Peter M. Kogge [not in CS list], advisor? (<>)
- :Ronny Kohavi, advisor? (<ronnyk@cs>)
- 19xx Kurt Konolige [CS], advisor? (SRI 859-2788 <konolige at cs>)
- 19xx Venkat Krishnamurthy [CS], advisor? ( 3-3692 <venkat at cs>)
- 19xx James Kuffner [CS], advisor? (<kuffner at cs>)
- 1984 John Kunz [IDP], advisor? (Stanford CEE <>)
- 1978 Bill Laaser [CS], Adv.: Cordell Green (<>)
- 1974 Thomas Lang [not on CS list], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Anthony Lazanas [CS], advisor? (<lazanas at cs>)
- 1976 Doug Lenat [CS], Adv.: Ed Feigentree, CycCorp <lenat at cs>)
- 1973 David Levine [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Dan Li [CS], advisor? (<dli at cs>)
- 19xx Amy Lim [CS], advisor? (<aimee at cs>)
- 19xx Neel Madhav [CS], advisor? (<madhav at cs>)
- 19xx Paul Martin [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Larry Masinter [CS], advisor? (<masinter at cs>)
- 19xx Dror Maydan [CS], advisor? (<maydan at cs>)
- 2000 Jason McHugh [CS, CIS], advisor? (There, BEA <mchughj at cs>)
- 19xx Dave Mellinger [CS], advisor? (<davem at cs>)
- 19xx Arif Merchant [CS], advisor? (<merchant at cs>)
- 1971 William J. Meyers [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Chad Mitchell [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Suvo Mittra [CS], advisor? (<mittra at cs>)
- 1979 Mitch Model [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx John Mohammed [CS], advisor? (<mohammed at cs>)
- 19xx James Moorer [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 1972 Francis Lockwood Morris [CS, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 1981 Mohammed Shahid Mujtaba [John Mohammed?, not in CS list, robotics], advisor? (<sbenson at cs>)
- 19xx Janet Murdock [CS], advisor? (<murdock at cs>)
- 19xx Brian Murphy [CS], advisor? (<, brm at cs>)
- 19xx Karen Myers [CS], advisor? (SRI <myers at cs>)
- 19xx Pandu Nayak [CS], advisor? (<nayak at cs>)
- 19xx Todd Neller [CS], advisor?, Stanford <neller at cs>)
- Oct. 1974 Ramakant Nevatia [EE, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Steve Nowick [CS], advisor? (<nowick at cs>)
- 1985 William Nowicki [Bill, CS], advisor? (<nowicki at cs>)
- 19xx Jeffrey Oldham [CS], advisor? (<oldham at cs>)
- 1980 Morgan S. Ohwovoriole [not in CS list], advisor? (<>)
- 1974 Samuel Orcutt [not in CS list], advisor? (<>)
- 1985 Harold L. Ossher [CS], advisor? (IBM Watson <>)
- 19xx Eunok Paek [CS], advisor? (<paek at cs>)
- 19xx Joe Pallas, advisor? (<<&pallas at cs>)
- 19xx Omri Palmon [CS], advisor? (<omri at cs>)
- 19xx Roger Parkison [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Oren Patashnik [CS], advisor? (<op at cs>)
- 19xx Amit Patel [CS], advisor? (<amitp at cs>)
- 19xx Larry Paulson [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx William Paxton [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Li-Shiuan Peh [CS], advisor? (<lspeh at cs>)
- 1966 S. Persson [U.C. Berkeley, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 1974 James Peterson [not in CS list], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Karl Pfleger [CS], advisor? (<kpfleger at cs>)
- 19xx Steven Phillips [CS], advisor? (<phillips at cs>)
- 19xx Karen Pieper [CS], advisor? (<pieper at cs>)
- 19xx Dulce Ponceleon [CS], advisor? (<dulce at cs>)
- 19xx Sean Quinlan [CS], advisor? (<sean at cs>)
- 1987? Russell Quong [not on CS list] Mark Linton (<>)
- 19xx Tomek Radzik [CS], advisor? (<radzik at cs>)
- 19xx Ram Ramkumar [CS], advisor? (212-762-2569 ramkumar at cs>)
- 19xx William Riddle [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 1976 Michael Roderick [EE, SAIL], advisor? (<rokicki at cs>)
- 1989 Tom Rokicki [CS], advisor? Knuth> Sammuel? (<rokicki at cs>)
- 19xx Ed Rothberg [CS], advisor? (<rothberg at cs>)
- 19xx Yossi Rubner [CS], advisor? (<rubner at cs>)
- 19xx John Rulifson [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Szymon Rusinkiewicz [CS], advisor? (<smr at cs>)
- 1976 Dave L. Russell [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Mark Ruzon [CS], advisor? (<ruzon at cs>)
- 1971 Johnathan Leonard Ryder [CS, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 1974? Earl Sacerdoti [CS], advisor? (SRI <>)
- 19xx Mehran Sahami [CS], advisor? (< sahami at cs>)
- 1982 J. Kenneth Salisbury [not in CS list, robotics], advisor? (<dhs at cs>)
- 1989 Sriram Sankar [CS], advisor? (Metamata <sankar at cs>)
- 19xx Pat Sathyanathan [CS], advisor? (<wpats at cs>)
- 19xx Alejandro Schaffer [CS], advisor? (<schaffer at cs>)
- 1969 Roger C Schank [Univ of Texas, Austin, SAIL, thesis published as Stanford CS report], advisor? (Stanford, Yale, NWU, CMU west <>
- 1974 Maurice Schlumberger [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Gerald Shapiro [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Vitaly Shmatikov [CS], advisor? (<shmat at cs>)
- 1974 Edward H. Shortliffe [Ted, IDP: Medical Information Science], Adv.:
- 1977 Istvan Simon [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 1977 Charles Simonyi [CS], advisor? (Microsoft <>)
- 1986 David E. Smith [not in CS] list], advisor? (<>)
- 1978 Reid Garfield Smith [not in CS list], Adv.: Ed Feigentree (Schlumberger <>)
- 19xx Alfred Spector [CS], advisor? (CMU, IBM <>)
- 19xx Tom Spencer [CS], advisor? (<spencer at cs>)
- 19xx Mike Spreitzer [CS], advisor? (<spreitzer at cs>)
- 1977 Bob Sproull [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Sam Srinivas [CS], advisor? (<srinivas at cs>)
- 1980 Mark Stefik [CS], Adv.: Ed Feigentree? (<>)
advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Tom Strat [CS], advisor? (<strat at cs>)
- 19xx Jeffrey X.-W. Su [CS], advisor? (<xsu at cs>)
- 19xx Carl Sunshine [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Roger Swanson [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Wei Tang [CS], advisor? (<wei.tang at cs>)
- Sep. 1970 Jay Marty Tenenbaum [EE, SAIL], advisor? (Enterprise Integration Tech.; VEO systems <jmt at> or via wife <bonnie at>)
- 19xx Patrick Teo, advisor? (<teo at cs>)
- 19xx Dan Teodosiu [CS], advisor? (<dant at cs>)
- 1986 Marvin Theimer [CS], advisor? (<theimer at cs>)
- 19xx Becky/Sarah Thomas [CS], advisor? (<thomas at cs>)
- 1967 Vincent Tixier [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Steven Tjiang [CS], advisor? (<tjiang at cs>)
- 19xx Simon Tong [CS], advisor? (<simon.tong at cs>)
- 19xx Eric Torng [CS], advisor? (<torng at cs>)
- 19xx David Van Voorhis [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 1989 Stephen Vavasis [CS], advisor? (Cornell <vavasis at cs>)
- 19xx Suresh Venkatasubramanian [CS], advisor? (<suresh at cs>)
- 19xx Ramesh Viswanathan [CS], advisor? (<vramesh at cs>)
- 1974 John Wakerly [not in CS list], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Alex Wang [CS], advisor? (<axwang at cs>)
- 19xx Rich Washington [CS], advisor? (<rw at cs>)
- 19xx Stephen Westfold [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 1967 William Wichman [EE, SAIL], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Randy Wilson [CS], advisor? (<rwilson at cs>)
- 19xx Liz/Shoshi Wolf [CS], advisor? (<eswolf at cs>)
- 19xx Michael Wolf [CS], advisor? (<wolf at cs>)
- 19xx Michael Wolverton [CS], advisor? (<mjw at cs>)
- 19xx Howard Wong-Toi [CS], advisor? (<howard at cs>)
- 19xx Frank Yu [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 1985 Kai-Zhi Yue [CS], advisor? (<>)
- 19xx Li Zhang [CS], advisor? (<lizhang at cs>)
--- recent additions ---