From Relay to Integrated Circuit Chip [Gio et al.] (1960)
Remington-Rand Univac Relay Assembly [DH] (1960) on first floor.
Vacuum Tubes
IBM 604 Plug-in assembly and advertisement, donated by [New Beginnings Antiques - NBA],
see also IBM 704 Vacuum Tube Assembly (1957) on second
floor [CMHC].
To make the IBM 604
useful for technical calculations, the machine was combined with a 402
or 417 electronic accounting machine for printing and one to three
type 941 auxiliary memory units; this combination was successfully
sold as the Card-Programmed Electronic Calculator (CPC). Stanford
University operated an IBM CPC in the 1950ties -- see the picture of
Professor Herriot with one of the
programming plug panels on the first floor.
CDC 6600 Cordwood Module [CMHC] (1967)
Hybrid Technology
Apollo Moon Lander Logic Module [CMH]
Apollo Wired Logic [CMH]
 | picture |
IBM Solid Logic Technology (SLT) [CMH].
See also IBM 360 technology on the third floor.
Integrated Circuits
Pictures to come.
Core Memory
Core memory (unknown computer) [CMHC] (1967)
left wall ,
We show the a plane with the first operational core memory
from the MIT Whirlwind on the second floor,
a memory assembly with 12 planes in the DEC display
IBM 360 Core memories on the third floor.
For a brief description of the technology look at the page
page on Core memory.
Other timelines
Information Systems
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