Prof. Jay Forrester of MIT invented the core memory, which uses the persistence of direction of magnetic flux in a doughnut-shaped carbon ring to represent 0 or 1. These rings were called cores.
By transmitting a current (of about 1 Amp on early memories)
through the core the direction of the flux can be set. Setting of a
specific core, say at position x,y, is achieved by transmitting a
current of, say, 0.6Amp, through one x-wire and the same to one y-wire
simultaneously. A reversal of the flux is picked up by a third, sense
wire, which is strung through all the cores.
Cores retain their magnetization, so that the cores not read do not have to be
regenerated, a critical operation in earlier memories, as storage tubes.
However, when computers were restarted, the intialization of the drivers
created currents that made it unwise to use the memory contents
from before a shutdown, unless special circuitry was used in the drivers. The cores were assembled into matrix planes that were approximately square, minimizing x + y -- the number of drivers needed -- for x * y bits that could be addressed. A 4K memory unit would have planes with 64 ^2 = 4096 bits, and hence need 64 + 64 drivers. One driver of each set would be selected using 6 bits from the 12-bit address neded to select one bit out 4K bits. |
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Core memory was first used in the Whirlwind computer at MIT,
which was operational from 1951 to 1959, seen on the
IBM adopted core technology from MIT first for the IBM 701.
The IBM 737 core storage unit, announced in Oct. 1954 held 4K 36-bit words,
each accessible in 12 microseconds and had twice the capacity of the
prior electrostatic storage.
The 701 had to be adapted to use memory that did not have to be regenerated
after every write; its logic required 6 memory cycle times to execute an
instruction, as an addition.
A 737 unit could be rented then for $6,100/month.
The follow-up machine, the IBM 704, with floating-point capability had been
announced in April of the same year and replaced the 701 rapidly, which
was withdrawn also in Oct. 1954, although existing machines continued
to be used for a long time. It seems that UC Berkeley's College of
Engineering obtained a 4K IBM 701 in 1956 and operated it up to 1959,
when it upgraded to a 32K IBM 704 [Clough & Wilson: Early Finite Element
Research at Berkeley; 5th US Nat. Conf. on Computational Mechanics, 1999].
The IBM 704 required only two cycle times for an addition instruction.
It could address 32K of memory, but that much memory was rare then
since it would cost well over a million dollars. Such a memory would contain
more than a million cores, and MIT would be owed a $20 000 royalty
A subsequent version was designated the IBM 709, which primarily distinguished
itself by allowing input/output to be processed in paralllel.
Both the IBM 704 and 709 were withdrawn from sales in 1960.
Development of a transistorized version, intially designated 709T, was managed by Michael Flynn, who became a professor at Stanford in 1975.
The resulting IBM 7090, announced in December 1958 and available starting December 1959, was sold up to 1969. The still used core memory, but now at 2.18 microseconds cycle time. Stanford eventually installed its successor, the , running the same memory at 2.0 microseconds, in its Computing Center in Polya Hall.Core memory technology advanced rapidly, making cores ever smaller and faster. For the 360 series, access cycle speeds of 2 and 1.5 microseconds were achieved.
A patent suit between IBM and MIT was eventually settled, and IBM paid MIT 2 cents per core it made. In 1964 the core license rights were bought outright by IBM for $13M. IBM had earlier bought the concept of regeneration of memory after a destructive read from An Wang at Harvard, when An Wang obtained the patent in his name in 196x?.
Slower, 2-D core memories were also fabricated starting in 1966. Here sensing was performed by checking for flux-reversal on one of the driving wires. (Did that process require regeneration of the whole line?) Such core memories operated at about 1/4 the speed at about 1/4 the cost.
The Stanford ACME system used initially an 1 Mbyte 2-D memory and later an Ampex 2Mbyte 2-D memory to provide adequate buffer space for timeshared real-time data acquisition. | Large core memory on top. The `Pie' file held strips of magnetic tape. ![]() |
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