Stream Query Repository: Habitat Monitoring

Introduction Schema Queries


This page provides data stream schema and query specifications from a wireless sensor networks application. Researchers are deploying sensors in and around the nesting holes of birds on Great Duck Island in order to collect detailed data for studying the nesting habits of these birds. The temperature, humidity, barometric pressure, and infrared sensors that have been deployed relay readings to a computer base station. The base station feeds the stream into a satellite link enabling researchers to access the data in real-time over the Internet. The schema and query specifications were provided by members of the Telegraph group at Berkeley.



Queries in English

  1. Data Collection Query: Report light readings from each sensor at the rate of one reading every 10 seconds.

  2. Light Monitoring Query: Sample data from each sensor at the rate of one reading every second and monitor the average light over the last 30 seconds.

  3. Event-Triggered Query: Whenever a sensor reports a bird-detection event, collect data from all sensors within 10 meters of the event at the rate of one reading every second for 10 seconds and report the average light and temperature.

  4. Bird Counter Query: Keep a count of the number of times birds have entered a particular nest.

  5. Delta Compression Query: Report the new light reading at a particular location every time it changes by 3.

  6. Take Action Query: To keep birds and animals away from the sensors, apply a low electric pulse whenever an external body comes in contact with an active sensor on the field.

Last modified: Dec 2 2002. Please send comments and questions to