- Center of Mass Query: Report the center-of-mass for a platoon
of soldiers every time it moves by 10 meters.
Q1: Select Istream(center-of-mass(R1.latitude, R1.longitude) as com)
From PlatformSpec P, PlatformPositionReport [Range 5 Minute] R1
Where P.platoonID = 10 and P.PRN = R1.PRN and
R1.timestamp >= All (Select timestamp
From PlatformPositionReport
[Range 5 Minute] R2
Where R2.PRN = R1.PRN)
Q2: Select Istream(delta_compr(com)
From Q1
Comments: center-of-mass is a user-defined
for computing the center-of-mass. We consider the latest position report
by each platform for computing the center-of-mass within the last 5
minutes. So if a platform has not reported its position in the last 5
minutes, it is not considered for the center-of-mass computation. Query
Q1 continuously streams the center-of-mass and query Q2 streams the new
center-of-mass every time it moves by 10 meters. delta_compr
is a user-defined windowed-aggregate (see link for another example of delta compression).
- Object Sighting Query: Report
every time three observations are received from three different sources
within a five minute interval of each other and the reported positions
differ by not more than ten meters from each other.
(Select PRN, latitude, longitude
From RFSensorPositionReport)
(Select PRN, latitude, longitude
From MagneticSensorPositionReport)
(Select PRN, latitude, longitude
From RadarSensorPositionReport)
Select Rstream(*)
From ObservationStream [Now] O1,
ObservationStream [Range 5 Minute] O2,
ObservationStream [Range 5 Minute] O3
Where O1.PRN <> O2.PRN and O1.PRN <> O3.PRN and O2.PRN <> O3.PRN
and distance(O1.latitude,O1.longitude,O2.latitude,O2.longitude) <= 10
and distance(O1.latitude,O1.longitude,O3.latitude,O3.longitude) <= 10
and distance(O2.latitude,O2.longitude,O3.latitude,O3.longitude) <= 10
Comments: ObservationStream is the derived stream of all
observations from all sources. The object sighting query is written using
the derived observation stream. The object sighting query checks for each
observation (specified using the Now window) if there were two
other observations in the last 5 minutes that satisfy the distance
criteria. We use the user-defined function distance to compute
the distance between two observations.
- Boundary Crossing Query: Report when at least 40 soldiers have
crossed a specified boundary.
Select R.PRN as PRN, R.latitude as latitude, R.longitude as longitude
From PlatformPositionReport [Now] as R, PlatformSpecs as S
Where S.type = 'SOLDIER' and S.PRN = R.PRN
Select True
From (Select Count (Distinct PRN) as num
From SoldierPositionStream
Where hasCrossed(latitude,longitude,500,600,550,650))
Where num >= 40
Comments: SoldierPositionStream is the derived stream of
positions of soldiers. The subquery in the From clause of the
boundary crossing query computes the distinct number of soldiers who have
ever crossed the boundary. This subquery uses a user-defined boolean
function hasCrossed to check if a position is beyond the
boundary. Note that the above query counts every soldier who has
ever crossed the boundary, even if he crosses back subsequently.
Therefore, it is possible that there are less than 40 soldiers beyond the
boundary at the logical instant the query returns true. The following
query reports the first instant when at least 40 people are
simultaneously beyond the boundary.
Select True
From (Select Count (Distinct (P.PRN)) as num
From PlatformPositionReport [Partition By PRN Rows 1] as P,
PlatformSpecs as S
Where P.PRN = S.PRN and S.type = 'SOLDIER' and
Where num >= 40
- Front Line Query:
Periodically compute the front line of a platoon.
- Fratricide Situation Query:
Report whenever a tank is within 1000 meters of a friendly platform
and the turret is pointed within 20 degrees of the platform.
Q1: Select *
From PlatformPositionReport [Range 10 Minute] R1
Where R1.timestamp >= All (Select timestamp
From PlatformPositionReport
[Range 10 Minute] R2
Where R2.PRN = R1.PRN)
Q2: Select *
From PlatformStatusReport [Range 10 Minute] R1
Where R1.timestamp >= All (Select timestamp
From PlatformStatusReport
[Range 10 Minute] R2
Where R2.PRN = R1.PRN)
Q3: Select Istream(R1.PRN, R1.latitude, R1.longitude,
R2.PRN, R2.latitude, R2.longitude)
From PlatformSpecs S1, Q1 R1, Q1 R2, Q2 T, PlatformSpecs S2
Where S1.PRN = R1.PRN and S1.type = 'TANK' and R1.PRN != R2.PRN
and S2.PRN = R2.PRN and S1.platoonID = S2.platoonID
and distance(R1.latitude,R1.longitude,R2.latitude,R2.longitude) <= 1000
and T.PRN = R1.PRN and T.type = 'TURRET-ORIENTATION' and
angle(T.value,R1.latitude,R1.longitude,R2.latitude,R2.longitude) <= 20
Comments: We assume that the reports used to detect a fratricide
situation must be within 10 minutes of each other. Among the reports
within the last 10 minutes, we consider only the latest report.
angle(turretOrientation, latitude1, longitude1, latitude2,
longitude2) is a user-defined function that takes the turret
orientation of the tank and the positions of the two platforms as input
and returns the separation degree between the turret and the second
platform. Further, since there is no other relevant information in the
schema, we assume that two platforms are friendly if they belong to the
same platoon.
- Platform Report Query: Maintain a summary of the latest
information available for each tank and update it every 10 minutes.
Q1: Select Rstream(R1.PRN PRN, R1.value fuelStatus)
From PlatformStatusReport [Range 10 Minute
Slide 10 Minute] R1,
PlatformSpecs S
Where R1.type = 'FUEL-STATUS' and S.PRN = R1.PRN and S.type = 'TANK'
and R1.timestamp >= All (Select timestamp
From PlatformStatusReport
[Range 10 Minute] R2
Where R2.PRN = R1.PRN and
R2.type = 'FUEL-STATUS')
Q2: Select Rstream(R1.PRN PRN, R1.value ammoStatus)
From PlatformStatusReport [Range 10 Minute
Slide 10 Minute] R1,
PlatformSpecs S
Where R1.type = 'AMMO-STATUS' and S.PRN = R1.PRN and S.type = 'TANK'
and R1.timestamp >= All (Select timestamp
From PlatformStatusReport
[Range 10 Minute] R2
Where R2.PRN = R1.PRN and
R2.type = 'AMMO-STATUS')
Q3: Select Rstream(R1.PRN PRN, R1.latitude latitude, R1.longitude longitude)
From PlatformPositionReport [Range 10 Minute
Slide 10 Minute] R1,
PlatformSpecs S
Where S.PRN = R1.PRN and S.type = 'TANK' and
R1.timestamp >= ALL (Select timestamp
From PlatformPositionReport
[Range 10 Minute] R2
Where R2.PRN = R1.PRN)
Q4: Select *
From Q1 [Partition By PRN Rows 1],
Q2 [Partition By PRN Rows 1],
Q3 [Partition By PRN Rows 1]
Where Q1.PRN = Q2.PRN and Q2.PRN = Q3.PRN
Comments: We assume that the summary information for a tank
consists of its position, fuel status, and ammunition status. Every ten
minutes, query Q1 streams the latest fuel status, query Q2 streams the
ammunition status, and query Q3 streams the latest position, respectively,
for each tank. Query Q4 uses partitioned windows to maintain the latest
available information for each tank.
- Probabilistic Enemy Tracking Query:
Determine the approximate probability that multiple enemy
vehicle positions reported are actually the same vehicle.
- Prediction Query:
Based on the history of movement of a specified platform, determine
the likelihood of the platform crossing a specified border
within a specified period of time.
- Platoon SITREP Query:
Roll up the summary status computed for each platform
into a situation report for the platoon.
- Platoon Trail Query:
Draw a trail for a particular platform over the past 4 hours.
- Target Monitoring Query:
For a specified list of enemy targets, maintain
the best possible weapon system that can destroy the target. The system
should respond in real-time to a command to fire at any target in the
specified list. Targets have priorities associated with them.
- Continuous Guidance Query:
For a particular vehicle that is driving towards its destination,
alert the commander on obstacles that can cause delays.
Obstacles include weather warnings, threat of the route coming
under indirect fire, etc.
- Multi-sensor Fusion Query:
Combine directional (e.g., infra-red-triggered sensors)
and omni-directional (e.g., seismic-triggered and magnetic-triggered sensors)
unattended ground sensor streams with dissimilar indexes.