The goals of the STRIP project are:
- to build a real-time relational main memory database capable of over 1000
transactions per second,
- to support seamless data sharing with conventional relational
- to study the practical issues related to real-time concurrency
control and value-function scheduling,
- to earn Ben and
Brad Ph.D.s, fame and fortune.
The following papers are all in postscript.
Deadline Assignment in a Distributed Soft Real-Time System, ICDCS 1993.
An Overview of Real-Time Database Systems, Advances in Real-Time Systems,
Prentice Hall.
- A Real-Time Database System for Telecommunication Applications,
Second International Conference on Telecommunication Systems,
Modeling and Analysis, 1994.
Emulating Soft Real-Time Scheduling Using Traditional Operating System
Schedulers, extended version of RTSS 1994.
On Building Distributed Soft Real-Time Systems, Workshop on Parallel
and Distributed Real-Time Systems 1995.
Applying Update Streams in a Soft Real-Time Database System,
SIGMOD 1995.
Database Support for Efficiently Maintained Derived Data,
EDBT 1996.
An Overview of the STanford Real-time Information Processor,
SIGMOD RECORD, 25(1), 1996.
The STRIP Rule System For Efficiently Maintaining Derived Data,
Technical report.
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Brad Adelberg (adelberg@CS.Stanford.EDU)