SUMMARY OF CODE REVIEW -- 09/20/1996: Mediator main.C, View Expansion veao.h/c

Presenter: Yannis Papakonstantinou
Note-taker: Joachim Hammer

Items of discussion:

  1. Remove btable.h, use TMtypes.h instead
  2. Increase size of medstring array from 2000 chars to 10,000 or 100,000 chars; make value a CONS
  3. In order to simplify running the mediator, create start-up shell script that performs the initialization and input
  4. Use TM_MED_SPEC_SYSNTAX_ERROR from tmerror.h in case of syntax error in med spec.
  5. Copy the part that reads the mediator specification into the part that does the "init"; allows for cleaner exit of program in case of spec. error
  6. The threshold for local join/nested loop join should be controllable form outside via parameter; add this parameter to the start-up shell script
  7. Delete queryResult before calling engine; set value to NULL when declaring it

  1. Error handling: For all errors in veao.c, return QUERY_NOT_SUPPORTED; keep internal errors for debugging, no need to use tmerror.h for those

Joachim Hammer