SUMMARY OF CODE REVIEW -- 09/25/1996: View Expansion veao.h/c

Presenter: Yannis Papakonstantinou
Note-taker: Joachim Hammer

Items of discussion:

  1. In match_cl(), clean up syntax of the nested "for-loop" (second column, bottom of page 2) that recursively calls match_cl() and assigns nnew
  2. Make mediator code case insensitive (in line with the rest of the code such as engine, matcher, etc.); use strcasecmp
  3. Make the return code of your functions consistent: either use binary logic (0=error: match error as well as fatal error, >0=success: number of unifiers, etc.) or ternary output (<0=fatal error, 0=no match, >0=success: num of unifiers)
  4. In matchterm(), in the outermost "if-then-else if" construct (page 4, middle second column), replace break statement with return 0 statement to be consistent with rest of code

Joachim Hammer