Meeting Notes - 07/18/1996

The followings items were discussed:

  1. Jun fixed the LOREL-2-MSL translator so that it now emits valid MSL syntax rather than a modified syntax that the previous wrappers required. We still need to resolve the issue with the extra parens. Joachim will contact Jun on this.
  2. Ramana fixed the problem with set variables. The query engine now handles them correctly.
  3. We decided that MOBIE needs an option where the user can decide if s/he wants to send MSL or LOREL queries. Joachim will handle this.
  4. We decided to implement the "complete match" option rather than "partial matching". Ramana will make the appropriate modifications in his engine. We also decided to make the matcher case insensitive. This gives us the most flexibility in terms of querying sources.
  5. Yannis agreed to rewrite the mediator examples so that they only use predicates rather than methods (the same is true for the queries that are emitted). Yannis will also send out a demo scenario to all implementors describing the queries that are used in our MedMaker demo.

Joachim Hammer