pics : 2004-12 Pan-Am Chess Kansas : Stanford-A vs Toronto-B


Pictures from the Pan-American Intercollegiate Chess Tournament 2004 held in Wichita, Kansas from 12/27/2004 to 12/31/2004. Stanford sent two teams (A&B), and I was part of Stanford's A team. Our team had a great showing and was placed 8th overall, and 4th among US university teams. The top four US teams (UTD-A, UMBC-A, Miami Dade College, Stanford-A) play each other for the President's Cup in April 2005.

Stanford-A vs Emory University

Stanford-A vs U of Waterloo


Stanford-A vs Emory University

Stanford-A vs U of Waterloo

Photo album generated by album from Dave's MarginalHacks on Fri Jun 27 14:28:39 2008