Publications (by topic)
Publications are given in reverse chronological order of appearance. Papers under review appear as technical reports. You can also check out my DBLP
Omar Benjelloun, Anish Das Sarma, Alon Halevy, and Jennifer Widom: ULDBs: Databases with Uncertainty and Lineage, to appear in VLDB'06
(available here).
Parag Agrawal, Omar Benjelloun, Anish Das Sarma, Chris Hayworth,
Shubha Nabar, Tomoe Sugihara, Jennifer Widom: Trio: A System for Data, Uncertainty, and Lineage, demo at VLDB'06.
Omar Benjelloun, Anish Das Sarma, Chris Hayworth, and Jennifer Widom: An Introduction to ULDBs and the Trio System, IEEE Data Engineering Bulletin, Special Issue on Probabilistic Databases, 29(1), March 2006 (available here).
Anish Das Sarma, Omar Benjelloun, Alon Halevy, Jennifer Widom: Working Models for Uncertain Data, ICDE 2006 (available here).
Omar Benjelloun, Hector Garcia-Molina, Hideki Kawai, Tait Larson, David Menestrina, Sutthipong Thavisomboon: D-Swoosh: A Family of Algorithms for Generic, Distributed Entity Resolution, Technical Report, 2006 (available here).
David Menestrina, Omar Benjelloun, Hector Garcia-Molina: Generic Entity Resolution with Data Confidences, First Int'l VLDB Workshop on Clean Databases (2006) (Technical report available here).
Omar Benjelloun, Hector Garcia-Molina, Jeff Jonas, Qi Su, Jennifer Widom:Swoosh: A Generic Approach to Entity Resolution, Technical Report, 2005 (available here).
Active XML
Serge Abiteboul, Omar Benjelloun, Tova Milo: The Active XML Project, an Overview, Technical Report, 2005 (pdf).
Serge Abiteboul, Tova Milo, Omar Benjelloun: Regular and Unambiguous Rewritings for Active XML, PODS 2005
Tova Milo, Serge Abiteboul, Bernd Amann, Omar Benjelloun, Fred Dang Ngoc: Exchanging Intensional XML Data (Extended version) ACM TODS, 2005 (pdf)
Serge Abiteboul, Omar Benjelloun, Bogdan Cautis,
Irini Fundulaki, Tova Milo, Arnaud Sahuguet: An Electronic
Patient Record on Steroids : Distributed, Peer to Peer, Secure and
Privacy Conscious (demo) VLDB 2004 (pdf).
Serge Abiteboul, Omar Benjelloun, Tova
Milo: Positive Active XML,
PODS 2004 (pdf).
Serge Abiteboul, Omar Benjelloun, Bogdan Cautis, Ioana
Manolescu, Tova Milo, Nicoleta Preda: Lazy Query
Evaluation for Active XML, SIGMOD 2004 (pdf).
Serge Abiteboul, Omar Benjelloun, Tova Milo, Ioana
Manolescu, Roger Weber: Active XML: A Data-Centric
Perspective on Web Services, Book chapter,
In Web Dynamics, Springer, to appear in March 2004.
Serge Abiteboul, Bernd Aman, Jerome Baumgarten, Omar Benjelloun, Frederic
Dang Ngoc, Tova Milo: Schema-driven Customization of
Web Services, VLDB 2003 (demo) (pdf).
Tova Milo, Serge Abiteboul, Bernd Amann, Omar Benjelloun,
Frederic Dang Ngoc: Exchanging Intensional XML
Data, SIGMOD 2003 (ps).
Serge Abiteboul, Omar Benjelloun, Tova Milo: Web
Services and Data Integration, WISE 2002 (pdf).
Serge Abiteboul, Omar Benjelloun, Ioana Manolescu, Tova
Milo and Roger Weber: Active XML:
Peer-to-Peer Data and Web Services
Integration. VLDB 2002 (demo) (ps).
Serge Abiteboul, Omar Benjelloun, Tova Milo:
Towards a Flexible Model for Data and Web
Services Integration, FMII workshop,