Peer-to-peer archiving systems
- Brian F. Cooper and Hector Garcia-Molina. SIL: Modeling and
measuring scalable peer-to-peer search networks. To appear in the
International Workshop on Databases, Information Systems and
Peer-to-Peer Computing, Berlin,
2003. Abstract, Postscript or PDF.
- Brian F. Cooper and Hector Garcia-Molina. Studying search
networks with SIL. 2nd International Workshop on Peer-to-Peer
Systems (IPTPS), 2003. Abstract, Postscript
or PDF.
- Brian F. Cooper and Hector Garcia-Molina. Bidding for storage
space in a peer-to-peer data preservation system.
International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems 2002. Abstract, Postscript or PDF
- Brian F. Cooper and Hector Garcia-Molina. Peer-to-peer resource
trading in a reliable distributed system. 1st International Workshop on
Peer-to-Peer Systems (IPTPS), 2002. Abstract, Postscript or PDF
- Brian F. Cooper and Hector Garcia-Molina. Peer to peer data
trading to preserve information. ACM TOIS, April 2002. Abstract, Postscript
or PDF
- Brian F. Cooper and Hector Garcia-Molina. Creating trading
networks of digital archives. JCDL 2001. Abstract, Postscript or PDF
- Brian F. Cooper, Arturo Crespo and Hector Garcia-Molina. Implementing
a Reliable Digital Object Archive. ECDL 2000. Abstract, Postscript or PDF.
- The proceedings are published in a Springer Verlag LNCS volume, #1923,
and the content is (C) 2000, Springer-Verlag.
- Extended version. Abstract, Postscript or PDF
- Brian F. Cooper and Hector Garcia-Molina. InfoMonitor:
Unobtrusively archiving a World Wide Web server. International
Journal on Digital Libraries, to appear. Abstract, Postscript
or PDF
Invited papers on peer-to-peer
archiving systems
- Brian F. Cooper, Arturo Crespo and Hector Garcia-Molina. The
Stanford Archival Repository Project: Preserving our digital
past. Invited paper for Library and Information Research News,
Winter 2002. Abstract, Postscript or PDF.
- Mayank Bawa, Brian F. Cooper, Arturo Crespo, Neil Daswani,
Prasanna Ganesan, Hector Garcia-Molina, Sepandar Kamvar, Sergio Marti,
Mario Schlosser, Qi Sun, Patrick Vinograd and Beverly
Yang. Peer-to-peer research at Stanford. Invited paper for SIGMOD Record,
September 2003. Paper.
Extensible data management
- Brian F. Cooper, Neal Sample, Michael J. Franklin, Gisli
R. Hjaltason and Moshe Shadmon. A fast index for semistructured
data. VLDB 2001. Abstract, PDF.
- Brian F. Cooper, Neal Sample, Michael J. Franklin, Joshua
Olshansky and Moshe Shadmon. Extensible data management in the
middle tier. Research Issues in Data Engineering Workshop (in
conjunction with ICDE) 2002. Abstract, Postscript or PDF.
- Brian F. Cooper, Neal Sample and Moshe Shadmon. A parallel
index for semistructured data. ACM Symposium on Applied Computing
2002. Abstract, Postscript or PDF.
Brian F. Cooper, Neal Sample, Michael J. Franklin, Joshua Olshansky and
Moshe Shadmon.
Middle-Tier Extensible Data Management. World Wide Web Journal
(Kluwer), Volume 4, issue 3, 2001. Abstract, Postscript or PDF.
Peer-to-peer and archiving
- Brian F. Cooper and Hector Garcia-Molina.
Ad hoc, self-supervising peer-to-peer search networks. Technical report, 2003.
Abstract, Postscript or PDF.
- Brian F. Cooper, Mayank Bawa, Neil Daswani, Sergio Marti and Hector
Garcia-Molina. Protecting the PIPE from malicious peers.
Technical report, 2002. Abstract, Postscript or PDF.
Java profiling
- Brian F. Cooper, Han B. Lee and Benjamin G. Zorn. ProfBuilder: A
package for rapidly building Java execution profilers. Technical
Report, 1998. PDF
- Neal Sample, Brian F. Cooper, Michael Franklin, Gisli Hjaltason,
Moshe Shadmon and Levy Cohen. Managing complex and varied data with
the Index Fabric (Demo). International Conference on Data
Engineering (ICDE), 2002.
- Peer-to-peer archival data trading. Poster for 2nd Annual
Stanford/Berkeley CS Day, February 23, 2002. Slides.
- Peer-to-peer archival data trading. Invited
talk - IBM Almaden Research Center, January 9, 2002. Slides.
- Peer-to-peer archival data trading. Invited
talk - HP Labs, October 2, 2001. Slides
- Brian F. Cooper and Hector Garcia-Molina. The Stanford Archival
Vault: A reliable, long-term data archive. Poster for
Internet Archival Colloquium, March 8, 2000. Description: Postscript or PDF. Abstract. Slides.
- Stanford Archival Repository Project. DLI2 All Projects Meeting,
12th - 13th June 2000, Stratford - upon - Avon, UK. Slides.
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