Here are the papers related to today's talk on hiding sensitive rules in data mining:

1. The vision paper by Clifton 1996 is available at

About hiding association rules:

The formulation of the problem and (probably flawed) NP-hard proof:
2. Disclosure limitation of sensitive rules, by Atallah, Bertino, et al, 1999

A set of (greedy, simple) heuristic santization algorithms:
3. Association rule hiding, by Verykios, Bertino, et al, 2004

Then they argue that to flip 0/1 introduces wrong information, which is not good.
Instead, they suggest using "unknown" value in the following paper
(which seems more close to k-anonymity problem).
The style of algorithm is very similar to the 3rd paper.
4. Using unknowns to prevent discovery of association rules, SIGMOD record, 2001

About controlling sample size to increase error probablity of learning method:
5. Protecting against data mining through samples, by Clifton, 1999
