Name (PinYin):
Other name:
Name search method: exact smart
Sex: male female
Tips: If you select the smart search method, a fuzzy search will be performed. For example, both "XU LIANG CHENG" and "liangcheng" will match "Xu LiangCheng". You can use "*" as a wildcard. For example, "xu *ang*eng" will match "Xu LiangCheng". If you select the exact search method, you must specify "Xu LiangCheng" completely and exactly: Family name should come first; the first PinYin letter for each Chinese character must be capitalized; and there should be a space between the family name and the given name, but no space between characters in the given name! If you know that Xu LiangCheng's nick name is Benjamin, you can enter it under "Other name" to help you restrict the search.
No additional search criteria
Search for teachers only
Search for students in Junior High Senior High Year: Class:
Search for students in Junior High Senior High between Year: and Year:
Tips: Select one of the options above. When entering a year, please specify all digits! If you mean "1999", don't just enter "99". We are trying to be Y2K compliant here! ^_^ For the third option above, you can leave the "Class" field empty if you want the search to return all students in that year, regardless of class.
Only list the records updated within the last days