Class UMLModel

All Implemented Interfaces:
Model, RDFNode, Resource, VirtualModel

public class UMLModel
extends java.lang.Object
implements VirtualModel

A UML model supports inverse properties and generalization and validates UML schemas. For example, the following sets of objects/subjects are equivalent:

find(X, UMLCore.Feature_owner, null) or

find(null, UMLCore.Classifier_feature, X)

To determine whether X is a class, one can use:

find(X, RDF.type, UMLCore.Class) Validation supports typing and cardinality constraints. Currently, we do not check for ordered relationships.

Constructor Summary
UMLModel(Model instances, Model schema)
UMLModel(NodeFactory f)
UMLModel(NodeFactory f, Model instances, Model schema)
Method Summary
 void add(Statement t)
          Adds a new triple to the model.
static java.util.Hashtable computeInverse(Model schema)
          Computes hashtable containing the names of the inverse relationships
 boolean contains(Statement t)
          Tests if the model contains the given triple.
 Model create()
          Creates empty model of the same Class
static Model create(Model raw)
          creates a fully enabled UML/RDFS model from a raw model
 Model duplicate()
          Clone the model.
 java.util.Enumeration elements()
          Enumerate triples
 Model find(Resource subject, Resource predicate, RDFNode object)
          General method to search for triples.
 Model getGroundModel()
 java.lang.String getLabel()
          The formal string label of the node.
 java.lang.String getLocalName()
          Returns the local name of the resource.
 java.lang.String getNamespace()
          Returns the namespace of the resource.
 NodeFactory getNodeFactory()
          Returns the node factory for this model
static Model getRDFSClassHierarchy(Model m)
          returns "A subClassOf B" instead of "R parent A & R child B" schema should be UMLModel (must not if generalization and specialization are not used)
 java.lang.String getSourceURI()
          Returns current base URI setting.
 java.lang.String getURI()
          Returns the URI of the resource.
 boolean isEmpty()
          true if the model contains no triples
 boolean isMutable()
          True if the model supports add() and remove() methods.
static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
 void remove(Statement t)
          Removes the triple from the model.
 void setSourceURI(java.lang.String uri)
          Set a base URI for the model.
 int size()
          Number of triples in the model
 java.lang.String toString()
static void validateRawSchema(Model instances, Model schema)
          Validates the model given instance and schema data
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public UMLModel(NodeFactory f)


public UMLModel()


public UMLModel(Model instances,
                Model schema)


public UMLModel(NodeFactory f,
                Model instances,
                Model schema)
Method Detail


public static Model getRDFSClassHierarchy(Model m)
                                   throws ModelException
returns "A subClassOf B" instead of "R parent A & R child B" schema should be UMLModel (must not if generalization and specialization are not used)


public static java.util.Hashtable computeInverse(Model schema)
                                          throws ModelException
Computes hashtable containing the names of the inverse relationships


public java.lang.String getLabel()
                          throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: RDFNode
The formal string label of the node. URI in case of a resource, string in case of a literal.
Specified by:
getLabel in interface RDFNode


public java.lang.String getURI()
                        throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Resource
Returns the URI of the resource. Triples and models must implement this method in a standard way.
Specified by:
getURI in interface Resource
Following copied from interface: org.w3c.rdf.model.Resource
the URI of the resource
See Also:
Statement, Model


public java.lang.String getLocalName()
                              throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Resource
Returns the local name of the resource. May not return null.
Specified by:
getLocalName in interface Resource
Following copied from interface: org.w3c.rdf.model.Resource
the local name of the resource
See Also:
Statement, Model


public java.lang.String getNamespace()
                              throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Resource
Returns the namespace of the resource. May return null.
Specified by:
getNamespace in interface Resource
Following copied from interface: org.w3c.rdf.model.Resource
the namespace of the resource
See Also:
Statement, Model


public Model getGroundModel()
                     throws ModelException
Specified by:
getGroundModel in interface VirtualModel
model contains the fact basis of this model


public void setSourceURI(java.lang.String uri)
                  throws ModelException
Set a base URI for the model. Affects creating of new resources and serialization syntax. Inherited method getURI returns the URI set in this method
Specified by:
setSourceURI in interface Model


public java.lang.String getSourceURI()
                              throws ModelException
Returns current base URI setting.
Specified by:
getSourceURI in interface Model


public int size()
         throws ModelException
Number of triples in the model
Specified by:
size in interface Model
number of triples, -1 if unknown


public boolean isEmpty()
                throws ModelException
true if the model contains no triples
Specified by:
isEmpty in interface Model


public java.util.Enumeration elements()
                               throws ModelException
Enumerate triples
Specified by:
elements in interface Model


public boolean contains(Statement t)
                 throws ModelException
Tests if the model contains the given triple.
Specified by:
contains in interface Model
true if the triple belongs to the model; false otherwise.


public void add(Statement t)
         throws ModelException
Adds a new triple to the model.
Specified by:
add in interface Model


public void remove(Statement t)
            throws ModelException
Removes the triple from the model.
Specified by:
remove in interface Model


public boolean isMutable()
                  throws ModelException
Description copied from interface: Model
True if the model supports add() and remove() methods. A model may change behavior of this function over time.
Specified by:
isMutable in interface Model


public Model find(Resource subject,
                  Resource predicate,
                  RDFNode object)
           throws ModelException
General method to search for triples.
Specified by:
find in interface Model


public Model duplicate()
                throws ModelException
Clone the model.
Specified by:
duplicate in interface Model


public Model create()
             throws ModelException
Creates empty model of the same Class
Specified by:
create in interface Model


public NodeFactory getNodeFactory()
                           throws ModelException
Returns the node factory for this model
Specified by:
getNodeFactory in interface Model


public java.lang.String toString()
toString in class java.lang.Object


public static void validateRawSchema(Model instances,
                                     Model schema)
                              throws ModelException
Validates the model given instance and schema data


public static Model create(Model raw)
                    throws ModelException
creates a fully enabled UML/RDFS model from a raw model


public static void main(java.lang.String[] args)
                 throws java.lang.Exception