Plagiarism in Conference and Journal Papers

This message was sent on various mailing lists on the Internet on the 6th of June 1995. Reproduced with permission of Chris Jesshope ( Click here to see the role played by SCAM.

Dear Computer Science Community, authors, CS publishers, Conference

  This e-mail gives a comprehensive account on the case of a plagiarism
concerning papers submitted to EURO-PAR 95  and subsequently invested on
behalf of the Steering and Programme Committees of the EURO-PAR conference.

History of the case:

  During the meeting of the Programme Committee (PC) of EURO-PAR'95,
last March, it was discovered that plagiarised papers had been submitted to
the conference. The case was brought to the attention of the Steering
Committee (SC) of EURO-PAR, which decided to further pursue the issue, by
conducting an investigation.

  The investigation has reached some conclusive results, which
point to a single name behind these plagiarisms: Constantinos V.
Papadopoulos, 77 Aristeidou Str., Kallithea, GR-17671, Greece.

   The investigation conducted with the help of several people
around the world, has identified so far, with conclusive
evidence, that the real person C.V.Papadopoulos, address of him
77 Aristeidou Str., Kallithea 17671, GR, is the person behind
of all listed below cases.

   The conclusions are based on (a) copies of 'his' papers compared against
papers/reports received from his victims, (b) on e-mails  and correspondence
received from his victims and (c) on copies of correspondence exchanged between
C.V.Papadopoulos (and/or other ghost persons) and the involved Conf. and
Journal's officials, which the latter have provided us.

Results of the investigation:

(a) C.V.Papadopoulos is a real person. He is currently registered as a
    Ph.D. student at the Univ. of Piraeus, GR (earlier he was registed
    at the National Technical Univ. of Athens, but he was expelled
    because of plagiarism cases).
(b) C.V.Papadopoulos has managed to publish several plagiarized papers
    to international journals and conferences (see section A below),
    he has submitted several plagiarized papers (see section B below),
    and he has several suspicious published papers in his CV (see
    section C below).
(c) ftp over Internet seems to be the means C.V. Papadopoulos has
    used for his actions. Unfortunately, the current state of the art
    in the area of authentication, access control, authors's rights, etc
    are unable to identify, beyond doubt, the intruder's ftp action.
(d) All plagiarism cases though they involve various names of authors and
    affiliations, they all give as correspondence address that of
    C.V. Papadopoulos mentioned above.
(e) Some plagiarism cases of C.V.Papadopoulos were known by offended
    authors much earlier than the time the SC and PC of EURO-PAR found out,
    but were not publicized. This gave him time to continue his practice.

What it is proposed:

a) the offended authors, publishers, etc, to take the initiative
   to react the way they think appropriate.
b) the offended authors to react the way they think appropriate
   towards publishers, editors, Papadopoulos, etc, in order to get the credit
   deserved for their plagiarized work.
c) the CS community to think of measures and techniques, of new refereeing
   methods, tools, etc., that may prevent such phenomena in the future.
d) the above case to be publishised by everyone as widely as possible.


The SC and the PC of EURO-PAR wishes to pay tribute to (a) the referees
of EURO-PAR'95 who spotted the submitted plagiarized papers, (b) offended
authors who kindly provided evidence and (c) Narayanan Shivakumar from
Stanford, the SCAM tool of whom, has remarkably identified most of
the below listed sources of plagiarisms, (d) and last but by no means
least to Costas Halatsis who has contributed much of his valuable time in
conducting this investigation.

The Steering Committee of EURO-PAR conferences

Chris Jesshope, Chairman


A) Plagiarized PUBLISHED papers of C.V.Papadopoulos!

1) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "On the Heterogeneity of Distributed Databases - Integrating
       Commit Protocols"
Authors: Constantinos V. Papadopoulos, Univ. of Piraeus and KEPYO, GR
Published at: IEEE Proceedings of the 14th International Conference
              on Distributed Computing Systems, Poland, June 1994

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "Integration of Commit Protocols in Heterogeneous Databases"
Authors: Ayellet Tal (Princeton Univ), Rafael Alonso (Matsushita
         Information Technology Laboratory),
Source: Princeton technical report TR-375-92

2) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "Provably Optimal Algorithms for Signal Routing"
Authors: Constantinos V. Papadopoulos, Univ. of Piraeus, GR
Published at: Journal of Computer Systems Science and Engineering,
              November 1994, vol.9, no 4.

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "Provably Good Performance-Driven Global Routing"
Authors: Jason Cong, Andrew Kahng, Gabriel Robins, UCLA
Sources: UCLA technical report CSD-910013, April 91 and
         IEEE CAD, vol 11, no 6, 1992.

3) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "A New Hashing Algorithm for Parallel Processors"
Authors: Constantinos V. Papadopoulos, National Technical
         Univ. of Athens, GR
Published at: Parallel Algorithms and Application Journal,
              Vol 4, November 1994

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "Work Efficient Hashing on Parallel and Vector Computers"
Authors: Thomas J. Sheffler and Randal E.  Bryant, CMU
Source: CMU report MCU-CS-92-172

4) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "On the Parallel Execution of Combinatorial Heuristics"
Authors: Constantinos V. Papadopoulos, Univ. of Piraeus, GR
Published at: IEEE Proceedings of the 1st International Conference
              on Massively Parallel Computing Systems (MPCS),
              Los Alamitos, CA, May 1994

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "A Massively Distributed Parallel Genetic Algorithm (mdpGA)"
Authors: Shumeet Baluja, CMU
Source:  CMU technical report CMU-CS-92-196R

5) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "On the Parallelism of Data"
Authors: Constantinos V. Papadopoulos, Univ. of Piraeus, GR
Published at: Proceedings of Parallel Languages and Architectures
              Europe, PARLE'94, Athens, 1994

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "Relations + Reductions = Data-Parallelism"
Authors: V.Austel, R.Bagrodia, M.Chandy, M. Dhagat, UCLA
Source: UCLA report CSD-930009, latest version to appear in
        the J. of Parallel and Distributed Computing

6) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "Optimal Algorithms for Online Scheduling of Parallel
Authors: Constantinos V. Papadopoulos, Univ. of Piraeus
Published at: Proceedings of Parallel Languages
              and Architectures Europe ,PARLE '94, Athens, 1994

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "Optimal Online Scheduling of Parallel Jobs with Dependencies"
Authors: Anja Feldman (CMU), Ming-Yang Kao (Duke Univ), Jiri Sgall (CMU),
         Shang-Hua Teng (MIT),
Source:  CMU report CMU-CS-92-189, Proc. STOC'93, 25th Annual ACM Symposium
         on Theory of Computing

7) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "A Formal Study on the Fault Tolerance of Parallel and
        Distributed Systems"
Authors: Constantinos V. Papadopoulos, Univ. of Piraeus, GR
Published at: IEEE Proceedings of the 1st International Conference
              on Architectures and Algorithms for Parallel
              Processing (ICA^3PP 95), Australia, April 1995

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "On the Fault Tolerance of Some Popular Bounded-Degree
Authors: Tom Leighton (MIT), Bruce Maggs (NEC Research Institute,
         Princeton), Ramesh Sitaraman (Princeton Univ)
Source: Princeton report CS-TR-385-92

NOTE: the above paper is also a plagiarized submission to the
      Journal of Discrete and Applied Mathematics (see section
      B, no 8).

B) Plagiarized SUBMITTED papers of C.V.Papadopoulos and other
   innocent or unknown persons, however, all coming from the
   same correspondence address: 77 Aristeidou Str., Kallithea,
   GR-17671, GR. This is the current home address of
   C.V. Papadopoulos!

For obvious reasons, we name all these papers as coming from
C.V.Papadopoulos address, though he has renounced that he is the
originator of some of these submissions!
For the cases of submissions,for which we have verified that the
involved author(s) had nothing to do with the act of plagiarism,
we use variables X,Y,.. (we do not want to expose their names, and
in any case, they have been informed about it). In the cases of
submissions, where we have not been able to contact/locate the
author(s) (certainly innocent ones), we  give their names, in order
to give them the opportunity to react to this plagiarism action
by C.V. Papadopoulos.
In all cases, we give the given author(s)' affiliation in the
plagiarized submission (the person behind these plagiarisms
has used several different affiliations).
We do not know at this stage the extend of plagiarized submissions;
We receive almost every day information about new actions of this
short, but we were not able or did not have the time to follow
each of them. In any case, the central meaning of this e-mail
to the CS community is to beware of C.V.Papadopoulos.

1) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "Maintaining Cache Coherency for Shared Memory Multiprocessors"
Authors: Evangelia G. Karagianni, Univ. Patras, GR
         (I have not locate her or understood if she is a real person;
          she is unknown to the Univ. of Patras)
Submitted at: EURO-PAR'95

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "Cache Coherency for Shared Memory Multiprocessors Based
        on Virtual Memory Support"
Authors: Karin Petersen, Kai Li, Princeton Univ.
Source: Princeton report 1992, TR-400

2) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "A Multiprocessor Architecture for Concurrent Data Structures"
Authors: Constantinos V. Papadopoulos, IBM Zurich! (certainly
          he is not there)
Submitted at: EURO-PAR'95

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "Transactional Memory: Architectural Support for Lock-Free
         Data Structures"
Authors: Maurice Herlihy (DEC Cambridge Res. Lab), J.Elliot B. Moss(Univ.
         of Massachusetts)
Source:  DEC technical report CRL-92-07

3) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "Implementation of Dynamic Data Structures on Distributed
        Memory Multiprocessors"
Authors: Constantinos V. Papadopoulos, IBM Zurich!
Submitted at: EURO-PAR'95

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "Supporting Dynamic Data Structures on Distributed Memory
Authors: Anne Rogers (Princeton Univ), Martin Carlisle (Princeton Univ),
         John Reppy (AT &T Bell Labs), Laurie Hendren (McGill Univ)
Source: Princeton report TR-447-94, also to appear in ACM Trans.
         Progr. Lang. and Systems

4) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "Verification of Concurrent Objects"
Authors: Evangelia G. Karagianni (Univ. of Pittsburgh)
         (Please notice the difference of the given affiliation
           for her, compared to paper no 1 in this category)
Submitted at: 5th Hellenic Informatics Conf, 1995, GR

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "A Library of Concurrent Objects and Their Proof of Correctness"
Authors: Jeannette M. Wing and Chun Gong, CMU
Source:  CMU report CMU-CS-90-151

5) Paper of C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "Improving Applications' performance on distributed mshared memory
         multiprocessors with cache coherence protocols"
Authors: Mr. X, Univ, of Wisconsin at Madison (Mr. X has been contacted,
         he is innocent, he is not located at Wisconsin!)
Submitted at: EUROMICRO-95

Source of Plagiarism

Title: "Application Specific Protocols for User-Lever Shared Memory"
Authors: B. Falsafi, A. Lebeck, S. Reinhardt, J. Schoinas, M. Hill,
         J. Larus, A. Rogers, D. Wood, Univ. of Wisconsin-Madison
Source: Proceedings of Supercomputing'94, Nov. 1994, Linkoping, Sweden

6) Paper by C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: "Concurrency Control of Atomic Accesses in Distributed File Systems"
Authors: Constantinos V. Papadopoulos, Univ. of Piraeus, GR
Submitted to: EUROMICRO'95

Source of Plagiarism
****Note: At the momment of composing this e-mail, we do not have at hand
          the source paper. We expect it from the original authors,
          who have been contacted.

Title: "An optimal algorithm for concurrent accesses to a single replicated
Authors: X. Jia (Queensland Univ., AU), Yanchun Zhang
Source: IFIP Trans. A, 1992, vol A-12, and Proc. Algorithms, Software,
         Architecture, Information Processing, Madrid, Spain

7) Paper by C.V. Papadopoulos

The source of plagiarism, if any, of this submission has not been
identified so far. I give below the abstract of this paper for possible

Title: "Communication Complexity of Specialized Paralllel Algorithms"
Authors: Brayan D. Clarke and Sideris Carderinis (Univ. of Minnesota)
         (I have not been able to contact both of them)
Submitted to: 5th Hellenic Informatics Conference, 1995, GR
   This paper studies the relationship between parallel computation cost and
   communication cost for performing divide-and-conquer (D&C) computations
   on a parallel system of p processors. The parallel computation cost is
   the maximal number of the D&C nodes that any processor in the parallel
   system may expand, whereas the communication cost is the total number of
   cross nodes. A cross node is a node which is generated by one processor
   but expanded by another processor. A new scheduling algorithm is proposed,
   whose parallel computation cost and communication cost are at most [N/p]
   and pdh, respectively, for any D&C computation tree with N nodes, height
   h, and degree d. Also, lower bounds on the communication cost are derived.
   In particular, it is shown that for each scheduling algorithm and for
   each positive eC < 1, which can be arbitrarily close to 0, there are values
   of N, h, d, p and eT (>0), for which if the parallel computation cost is
   between N/p (the minimum) and (1+eT)N/p, then the communication cost must
   be at least (1-eC)pdh. Therefore, the proposed scheduling algorithm is
   optimal with respect to the communication cost, since the parallel
   computation cost of the algorithm is near optimal.
Keywords: Communication complexity, parallel algorithms, scheduling

Source of Plagiarism

Title: ?
Authors: ?
Source: ?

8) Paper by C.V.Papadopoulos

Title: A formal study of networks reliability
Authors: C.V. Papadopoulos (National Technical Univ of Athens), Mr. X
         (Mr. X.  has been contacted, he is innocent of this case)
Submitted to: Discrete Applied Mathematics

Source of Plagiarism:

Same as no 8 of Section A!

C) List of remaining papers listed as published papers in C.V.Papadopoulos' CV,
   as this CV has been provided to us by Univ. of Pireaus, where C.V.
   Papadopoulos is enrolled as Ph.D. student.
The source of plagiarism of these papers, if any, has not been identified
so far. For those papers, we happen to have at hand, we give their abstract.
Again, in this caregory, we use variables in place of innocent/unlocated authors
The information on these papers in incomplete; we expect that the current
Ph.D. supervisor of C.V.Papadopoulos to be able to help.

1. Papadopoulos, C.V. and Mr. X (Mr. X is innocent)
     Modelling the complexity of parallel and VLSI computations with Boolean
   Microprocessors and Microsystems, Feb. 1995, vol.19, (no.1):43-50.
     Pub type:  Theoretical or Mathematical.

Abstract: Complexity theory seeks to understand the resource requirements
     inherent in the solution of problems on computers. It also seeks to
     understand the relative computational power of different models. The
     Turing model is difficult to work with, in part because of the
     impossibility of studying strictly finite structures. Boolean circuits are
     playing a more important role in our understanding of computation. They
     are useful as models in situations as far removed as VLSI design and
     parallel computation. The branching program challenges our intuitions. It
     has been shown in an indirect fashion that constant-width branching
     programs can 'count', but not exactly how. Algebraic methods give a handle
     and allow us for the first time to study complicated combinatorial

2. Papadopoulos, C.V.
     Stochastic modeling of multiprocessor reliability.
   IN:  Proceedings of the First International Conference on Massively Parallel
   Computing Systems (MPCS). The Challenges of General-Purpose and
   Special-Purpose Computing. (Proceedings of the First International
   Conference on Massively Parallel Computing Systems (MPCS). The Challenges of
   General-Purpose and Special-Purpose ComputingProceedings of the First
   International Conference on Massively Parallel Computing Systems (MPCS) The
   Challenges of General-Purpose and Special-Purpose Computing, Ischia, Italy,
   2-6 May 1994). Los Alamitos, CA, USA: IEEE Comput. Soc. Press, 1994. p.
     Pub type:  Practical.

Abstract: Colored Petri nets have been shown to create greatly simplified
     models that have many fewer places and transitions and can be applied to
     families of systems with minimal changes. The paper presents a modeling
     tool that uses a form of colored stochastic Petri nets to model the
     performance of fault tolerant multicomputers as resources fail. The model
     can be viewed as having tokens that collect to form compound tokens in a
     manner somewhat analogous to the formation of molecules from atoms.
     Therefore we call it the Polyvalent Stochastic Petri Net (PSPN) modeling
     system. Using this approach simple and relatively similar models can be
     used for systems of varying sizes and configuration. Complex actions such
     as backtracking and routing around failed links in a communications system
     can be expressed in the transitions. Failed parts are modeled by simply
     removing a resource token from a place.

3. Papadopoulos, C.V.; el Zahni, A.H. (Mr. el Zahni should react!)
     Protection and routine algorithms for network management: the case of
     transmission networks. (Nineteenth EUROMICRO Symposium on Microprocessing
     and Microprogramming (EUROMICRO 93). Open System Design: Hardware.
     Software and Applications, Barcelona, Spain, 6-9 Sept. 1993).
     Microprocessing & Microprogramming, Sept. 1993, vol.38, (no.1-5):163-70.
     Pub type:  Practical.

Abstract: The authors define several routing and protection problems which
     arise in transmission network planning and management. They then describe
     network planning algorithms and software tools aimed at providing network
     protection. Finally they introduce the concept of automatic network
     protection system and briefly discuss some related problems.

4. Papadopoulos, C.V.
     A Protocol Architecture for Eliminating Latency in ATM Networks.
     Microprocessing and Microprogramming Journal, January 1996.

5. Papadopoulos, C.V.
     Integrating Formal Methods in Software Engineering.
     Software-Concepts and Tools Journal, August 1995.

6. Papadopoulos, C.V.
     Exploitation of IP Datagrams for Internetworking Mobile Computers.
     Computer Communications Journal, October 1995.

7. Papadopoulos, C.V.
     Programming Language Support for Distributed Systems with Multicast
     Computer Communications Journal, December 1995.

8. Papadopoulos, C.V.
     Optimizing the Response Time of Multiserver Networks.
     European Transactions on Telecommunications Journal, April 1995.

9. Papadopoulos, C.V.
     Statistical Measurements on IP Networks as a Basis for ATM Switch
     Computer Communications Journal, February 1996.

10. Papadopoulos, C.V.
     Evaluation of Multigrid Algorithms on Message-passing Multiprocessors.
     Parallel Algorithms and Applications Journal, September 1995.

11. Papadopoulos, C.V. and Rudolf C. Hofmann (please react)
     Performance Modelling of a Distributed ISDN Protocol Test System.
     IEEE Proceedings of the 1st Int. Conf. on Architectures and Algorithms
     for Parallel Processing (ICA^3PP '95), Australia, April 1995

Abstract : Conformance testing of communication protocols has recently become
     a major issue in the context of OSI based standardization of
     protocols. The aim of conformance testing is to assure that a
     protocol fulfills an OSI protocol test system that has been
     installed for conformance testing of the ISDN D-channel signalling
     protocol. Using a general approach for performance
     and evaluated, based on runtimes as obtained from measurements of
     the test system. It is demonstrated that significant performance
     improvements can be achieved once the process scheduling strategy
     at the ISDN protocol testers is properly adjusted.