(25 pts.)
Consider the conjunctive queries Q1 and Q2.
Q1: p(X) :- q(X,Y) & q(X,Z) & r(Y,Z) & NOT q(Z,X) & NOT r(Y,Y)
Q2: p(B) :- q(B,A) & q(B,C) & r(C,D) & NOT q(D,B)
Use the Levy-Sagiv test to show that Q1 is contained in Q2, and
that Q2 is not contained in Q1.
Remember that to show a noncontainment, you do not have to perform the complete test,
as long as you find the counterexample.
(25 pts.)
Consider the conjunctive queries Q1 and Q2.
Q1: p :- q(X,Y) & q(Y,Z) & q(Z,X)
Q2: p :- q(A,B) & q(B,C) & A<=C
Use the Klug-Levy-Sagiv test to show that Q1 is contained in Q2,
and that Q2 is not contained in Q1.
(20 pts.)
Consider the conjunctive queries Q1 and Q2.
Q1: p(X,Y) :- q(X,Y) & q(Y,X) & X>=0 & Y>=0
Q2: p(A,B) :- q(A,B) & q(B,C) & A+B>=C
Use the Gupta-Zhang-Ozsoyoglu test to show that Q1 is contained in
(30 pts.)
Consider the built-in predicate m, where m(X,Y,Z) is true if
and only if X*Y=Z.
You may assume that the values of variables in arguments of m are integers.
Does the containment theorem for unions of CQ's hold when
mis the only interpreted predicate? Prove it is, or provide a
counterexample. (Hint: One or more
of the arguments can be constants.)
Use the Gupta-Zhang-Ozsoyoglu test to test the
equivalence of the following two conjunctive queries:
panic :- e(X) & m(X,X,X)
panic :- e(X) & e(Y) & m(X,Y,Y)
In your test you may use any reasonable law about how multiplication of
integers behaves.