Background on Datalog, seminaive evaluation, EDB vs. IDB,
stratified semantics,
logic in general, and
models can be found in Ch. 3 of PDKS-I (Volume I of Principles of
Database and Knowledge-Base Systems, Ullman, Computer Science Press,
Some of the material is repeated, and extended to involve function
symbols in PDKS-II.
AHV (The book Foundations of Databases, by S. Abiteboul, R. Hull,
and V. Vianu, Addiswon-Wesley, 1996)
likewise contains material on this subject.
If you haven't had CS145, or didn't cover things like Datalog,
stratified Datalog, or the equivalence of the ``apply the rules to the
data'' point of view and the ``instantiate the rules and see which
survives'' point of view, then you might look at the
Slides, especially sets 16 and 17.
For stable semantics:
M. Gelfond and V. Lifschitz, ``The stable model semantics for logic
5th ICLP, pp. 1070-1080.
For well-founded semantics:
A. Van Gelder, K. A. Ross, and J. S. Schlipf,``The well-founded
semantics for general logic programs,''
JACM, 1991, pp. 620-650.
Also, A. Van Gelder, ``The alternating fixpoint of logic programs with
negation,'' PODS, 1989, pp. 1-10.
Finally, there is some material in Ch. 15 of AHV.
For modular stratification:
K. A. Ross,
``Modular stratification and magic sets for datalog programs with
negation,'', PODS, 1990, pp. 161-171.
For inflationary semantics:
P. Kolaitis and C. H. Papadimitriou, ``Why not negation by fixpoint,''
PODS, 1988, pp. 231-239.
Conjunctive queries are covered in Ch. 14 of PDKS-II and Ch. 4-5 of
Sariaya's algorithm is in his thesis, ``Subtree elimination algorithms
in deductive databases,'' Dept. of CS, Stanford, 1991.
Conjunctive queries with negation are from a paper by Levy and Sagiv:
independent of updates.
- Klug's method for CQ's with arithmetic is from ``On conjunctive queries
containing inequalities,'' JACM 1:35 (1988), pp. 146-160.
- The Gupta/Zhang/Oszoyoglu test is found in A. Gupta's Stanford thesis ``Partial
information based integrity checking,'' 1994, and X. Zhang and M. Z. Ozsoyoglu,
``On efficient reasoning with implication constraints,'' Third DOOD Conf. (Dec., 1993),
pp. 236-252.
For use of conjunctive queries in information integration, the paper by
Levy, Mendelzon, Sagiv, and Srivastava: Answering
queries using views. is fundamental.
survey of information integration using conjunctive queries by the
This spot was for a private copy of a draft survey of answering queries
using views by Alon Levy.
When he makes it public, I'll link to it here.
A paper on
Contained Datalog Programs by Duschka and Genesereth.
By coincidence, unification is explained in Section 12.4 of both PDKS-II and AHV.
Answering queries using
Views With Binding
Patterns by Rajaraman, Sagiv, Ullman.
Levy, Rajaraman, and Ordille on
Information-Manifold Query-Processing Algorithm.
survey of Tsimmis.
Paper Defining
Curiously, a Google
Web search for information on REFER leads back to my own
class notes from 1996.