Collaboration Policy

Collaboration in solving the problems is encouraged - you have a lot to learn from your fellow students, and it may also save valuable office-hour time. However, in order to make grading the assignments a meaningful way to measure your effort and your understanding of the material, we must put some restrictions: you may work together in small groups on finding solutions, but each of you must then write up your favorite solution independently. Please list the names of your collaborators on your homework. 


Late Policy

All assignment should be handed in on the beginning of class (11am) on the day they are due.  Late assignment submissions will be penalized 10 points for each late day. In other words:

10 points if handed in no later than 24 hours after due time.

20 points if handed in no later than 48 hours after due time.

30 points if handed in no later than 72 hours after due time.

We will not accept any submissions after 72 hours past the due time.


Late Submission Instructions

Late assignments should be submitted to Marianne Siroker, the course administrator, Gates 435.

If Marianne is not in her room, please mark the date and time of submission on the assignment and insert it under the door.