A: Make sure your environment variables are setup properly by running
source /afs/ir/class/cs145/all.envNote that when you try to record your session with "script", it will start a new shell -- requiring you to reload the environment variable. You can put the "source ..." line in your .cshrc file to automatically load the environment variables.
A: The Oracle bulk loader is a separate program outside of sqlplus. Run the bulk loader from the shell command prompt
alter user MYUSERNAME identified by MYPASSWORD;and I get the error
ERROR at line 1: ORA-00988: missing or invalid password(s)A:Whatever you entered for MYPASSWORD cannot contain spaces or start with a number.
A: The INFILE name in the control file must be in quote, single or double.
A: You must create the table in sqlplus first before you can bulk load into the table.