documents on Oracle: Over the years we've developed a number of
popular documents that contain much of the information you will need
for using Oracle. Some of the information is specific to our
installation of Oracle and some of it is more general. These
documents may be updated during the course, and we will let you know
whenever that happens.
Technology Network: Very useful comprehensive technical
information on Oracle. You need to register, but it's free to do so.
Students have found that an effective way of finding
information about Oracle error codes (and how to fix them!) is to go
to Google, or better
yet Google
Groups, and search for "oracle" together with your error code.
for Web Nerds: This somewhat aging but still useful online
manuscript by Philip Greenspun of MIT has many examples, anecdotes,
and suggestions specific to Oracle. Particularly useful may be the
section on Dates (somewhat
more coverage than our local help document on the topic) and the
section on Limits.