![]() | CS145 Introductory Information |
We shall also learn some other database languages, both concrete and abstract, including relational algebra, Datalog, OQL (the object-oriented database emerging standard), and parts of SQL3 (the next relational standard). A Course outline is available.
It is not our goal to study database system implementation (e.g., how to build a system that processes SQL queries efficiently). Study of that very important subject begins in CS245A.
We also plan a 7:30PM Mondays ``help session,'' which will be run jointly by the TA's in B08 of the Gates building. Note: sessions will not begin until October 6.
Person | Role | Office | Phone | Office Hours | |
Jeffrey D. Ullman | Instructor | 411 Gates | (650) 725-4802 | 2PM - 3:30PM, Mon. and Fri. | ullman @ cs.stanford.edu |
Cui, Ying-Wei (Claire) | TA | 193C Gates | (650) 725-3208 | Tues. and Fri., 10:30AM-noon | cyw @ cs.stanford.edu |
Ankur Jain | TA | 193B Gates | (650) 723-6077 | Tues. and Thurs., 2:30-4PM | ankur @ cs.stanford.edu |
Edwina Lu | TA | 193C Gates | (650) 725-3208 | 3:30-5PM, Mon. and Weds. | elm @ cs.stanford.edu |
Phyllis Winkler | Course Secretary | 495 Gates | (650) 723-4377 | N/A | winkler @ cs.stanford.edu |
at the login:
and follow the instructions.We shall assume that students are proficient already with Unix and C. (C++ is not required, but it is allowed for those who prefer to use it.)
SITN students can access the Unix workstations remotely via dial-in (try 650-498-1440) or telnet. If you have access to a full-fledged relational database management system that has an SQL interactive interface and a C application programming interface, then you may use that system. However, we will not make any exceptions for problems incurred by using your own computing facilities rather than those provided by Stanford.
Since we are going to be using the Oracle system, you may also wish to purchase one of several Oracle manuals. There is a bookshelf devoted to these books in the Stanford Bookstore, just behind Microdisc. One choice is: Oracle: a Beginners Guide by M. Abbey and M. J. Corey, Oracle Press, 1995. It has chapters on most of the components we are going to use in CS145: SQLplus, PL/SQL, and the Oracle bulk loader, as well as details regarding some SQL matters we shall not cover in detail, such as representing dates. However, a significant fraction of the book is devoted to matters of installing and managing an Oracle installation, which we shall not have to do ourselves. Some copies of this book have been ordered for the course.
Possibly a more promising choice, which Oracle Press says is ``coming soon,'' is A Guide to Using Oracle by J. and M. Morrison. You may also prefer to invest in a guide covering a specific subsystem such as PL/SQL in detail, or ``wing it'' and try to get by with some quick guides that we shall provide you at the appropriate times plus on-line help files and samples.
Students may also wish to purchase an SQL2 manual, although SQL2 is not quite identical to the version of SQL supported by Oracle. Two recommended books are:
cs145-help @ lists.stanford.edu
This list forwards to the TA's and instructor, and with luck you'll
get a reply in a few minutes.
cs145-all @ lists
It is in the process of being set up now.
When available, you should send the message
subscribe cs145-all YOUR EMAILto majordomo @ lists. The message should come from your preferred mail-reading host.
We hope that messages to this list
will be limited to notes of general interest
to the class.
In most circumstances, you should use the cs145-help
mentioned above.
No late homeworks will be accepted. However, each student is allowed one extension of at most 48 hours. This amount of time cannot be divided among assignments; it applies to one assignment only.
Because there were some apparent cases of lost or misappropriated homework in CS145 and other courses last spring, we are going to adopt a more secure system this quarter, and we hope it will not cause major inconvenience. You may give the TA's homeworks in class, or you may deliver the homework to Ms. Winkler's office (495 Gates) by 5PM on the day due. You will there find a sealed box in which to place your homework. Also, if you feel inclined to do so, Ms. Winkler will give you a receipt for your homework, which you can save if there is any dispute about whether work was submitted on time.
SITN students do not have to use this system, since SITN timestamps and records each received piece of work. However, it is the responsibility of each SITN student to get their work delivered with a timestamp on the day due or earlier.
Final: On campus, time and location to be determined (but probably B3 Gates.). All local TV students must come to campus.
Component | Weight |
Project | 30% |
Homework | 20% |
Midterm | 15% |
Final | 35% |
We shall not deduct credit for small amounts of acknowledged assistance. Even working as a team on one of several problems in a problem set will not hurt your grade, as long as all members of the group acknowledge their collaboration. Such shared interest can be beneficial to all concerned. We do reserve the right to give less than full credit in circumstances where it appears that there has been large-scale division of labor, and you are not getting as much learning out of the assignment as you should. However, as long as you acknowledge your sources, you cannot get into Honor-Code trouble.
If you have any questions about what this policy means, please discuss the matter with the instructor now.