Errata for First Course in Database Systems/Third Edition and Database Systems: The Complete Book/Second Edition
    LocationProblemReported ByDate Reported
    Preface, p. viii, Acknowledgements, l. 3 "a earlier" should be "an earlier". Steve Sugden 9/4/08
    p. 3, l. -17 "infilrated" should be "infiltrated". Lu Chao-Jun 3/8/09
    p. 35, l. 9 "make make" should be "may make". Decio Luiz Gazzoni Filho 4/6/08
    p. 42 l. -16 "inColor" should be "genre". Fernando Lobo 12/27/07
    p. 43, l. 2-3 "inColor" should be "genre" and true should be sciFi. Fernando Lobo 12/27/07
    p. 81, l. -3 R should be L. Chris Ariagno 3/8/09
    p. 93, l. -3 Delete first "can". Lu Chao-Jun 3/8/09
    p. 97, l. 17 Second i should be Si. Xiaochen Wang 1/22/13
    p. 100, Sect. 3.4.4, l. 4 "BNCF" should be "BCNF". Max Hailperin 3/8/09
    p. 103, box, l. 6 "verison" should be "version". Torben Amtoft 6/2/10
    p. 103, l. -9 "sets of relations" should be "relation schemas". Fernando Lobo 1/4/08
    p. 105, Exercise 3.5.5, l. 1 "BNCF" should be "BCNF". Max Hailperin 3/8/09
    p. 107, l. -10 "to not" should be "do not". Lu Chao-Jun 3/8/09
    p. 108, l. -1 "may" should be "must". 11/28/07
    p. 108, last line A's should be B's. Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 117, Example 3.37 There is a missing condition on the general rule. It must also be the case that the left side of the FD is disjoint from Y. steve Whang 8/11/10
    p. 173, Fig. 4.36 The limits 0..* and 0..1 on the association between Studios and Movies need to be swapped. Tracy Chou and Yusheng Yang 12/13/07
    p. 177, Example 4.40, l. 8 MurderMysteries should be Cartoons. Antal Buza 6/12/08
    p. 245, l. -6 The genre for "Pretty Woman" should be "romance" or whatever you think it is. Fernando Lobo 12/28/07
    p. 300, l. -8 BEGIN TRANSACTION should be START TRANSACTION. Edward Chron 3/8/09
    p. 306, Exercise 6.6.1, l. -7 BEGIN TRANSACTION should be START TRANSACTION. Edward Chron 3/8/09
    p. 323, l. -10 "a attribute" should be "an attribute". Chris Ariagno 4/26/09
    p. 328, l. 7-8 Part (b) should read "Require that every battle appearing in Outcomes also appears in Battles." 9/25/07
    p. 332, l. 1 "Exercise 7.11" should be "Example 7.11". Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 333, Example 7.13, l. 1 "Fig. 7.13" should be "Fig. 7.5". 10/24/08
    p. 345, l. -12 "Two" should be "Three". Chris Ariagno 4/12/09
    p. 360, l. 13 Semicolon missing at end of query. Chris Ariagno 4/12/09
    p. 363, l. -12 Semicolon missing at end of query. Chris Ariagno 4/12/09
    p. 376, l. 4 below box "what" should be "of what". Valentin I. Spitkovsky 10/21/08
    p. 376, l. 5 below box quotes needed after "server". Lu Chao-Jun 3/8/09
    p. 386, Fig. 9.8, l. 18 The initialization should be i=1. count[0] is never used. Valentin I. Spitkovsky 10/21/08
    p. 390, Exercise 9.3.1(b), l. 3 laptop should be Laptop. 9/25/07
    p. 395, l. 1 and 3 The /tt's should not be there, and the following THEN's should be in teletype (fixed-width) font like the IF. Sergio Ilarri 2/6/09
    p. 395, l. -11 "only in color" should be "none were comedies". chris Ariagno 3/28/09
    p. 408, l. 13 The insertion must occur before the curly brace of line (10), not completely after that line. Also, it must be preceded by checks for all three error codes. Valentin I. Spitkovsky and Chris Ariagno 4/8/09
    p. 408, l. -9 "tuples were left" should be "no tuples were left". Valentin I. Spitkovsky 10/21/08
    p. 410, Fig. 9.20
    1. The initialization line for(i=1; i<15; i++) counts[i] = 0; must be inserted after line (13).
    2. The initialization in line (18) must be i=1.
    Valentin I. Spitkovsky 10/21/08
    p. 421, l. -10 query should be prepare. 9/29/07
    p. 471, box, l. 4 "and/or focusing" should be "possibly focusing". Torben Amtoft 6/2/10
    p. 471, l. -7 For the join on date=day to make sense, we have to think of the day attribute of Days as being the exact day over all time, just like the date attribute of Sales is. Torben Amtoft 6/2/10
    p. 489, l. 18 and elsewhere in Chs. 11 and 12 In order to validate, there cannot be a space between the "?" and the "xml" in headers; i.e., the tag must begin <?xml.... 9/16/08
    p. 491, l. 7. 9, and 11, below figure Quotes needed around 1977. Max Hailperin 4/27/09
    p. 492, Fig. 11.5, l. -5 "cf", "mh" should be "cf mh". 10/29/08
    p. 497, l. -5 Parentheses are missing around the expression, which should be (Street, (City|Zip)). Max Hailperin 4/12/09
    p. 498, Fig. 11.7, l. -19 <Street> should be </Street>. 10/29/08
    p. 499, l. -7 Delete "instead". Kurt von Laven 10/2/10
    p. 500, Fig. 11.9, l. 14 movieId should be movieID. Kurt von Laven 10/2/10
    p. 501, l. -1 movieId should be movieID. Kurt von Laven 10/2/10
    p. 500, Fig. 11.9, l. 5 and p. 501, l. -4, -3 starId should be starID. 10/29/08
    p. 503, l. 7 "amd" should be "and". Valentin I. Spitkovsky 10/21/08
    p. 509, last lines of Figs. 11.17 and 11.18, and p. 511, l 10 xs:simpleType should be /xs:simpleType. Neil Fraser 10/29/08
    p. 513, l. 11 ";" should be ":" after "xs". 9/15/08
    p. 520, Fig. 12.2, l. 19 "cf", "mh" should be "cf mh". 10/29/08
    p. 521, Example 12.3 Although the XPath expression produces the stated sequence of attribute nodes, their values cannot be printed without applying the data function described on p. 536 near the bottom, as /StarMovieData/Star/data(@starID). 12/18/08
    p. 521, l. -9 "cf", "mh" should be "cf mh". 12/19/08
    p. 523, l. 14 @* should be data(@*) 12/18/08
    p. 523, l. -16 Remove quotes around strings. 12/18/08
    p. 524, l. -4 "condition" should be "conditions". Valentin I. Spitkovsky 10/25/08
    p. 524, Example 12.6 Contrary to what is stated, // inside the condition starts at the outermost element of the document, not relative to the element to which the condition is applied. Thus, we must replace the path expression //City by Address/City throughout this example. 12/18/08
    p. 525, l. 8 @year should be data(@year). 12/18/08
    p. 525, l. 10 No quotes around the strings. 12/18/08
    p. 530, Example 12.9 Many XQuery processors require that this statement be preceded by a dummy for- or let-statement, so the query is applied to some document, even if that document is ignored. 12/18/08
    p. 535, Fig. 12.9, last line Quotes are needed around $m/@title. 10/29/08
    p. 535, Fig. 12.10, last line Quotes are needed around {$m/@title}. 10/29/08
    p. 538, l. -1 There are actually no quotes around the strings. 10/29/08
    p. 541, l. -4, p. 542, Fig. 12.19, l. 4, and p. 542, l. -1 order should be order by. 10/29/08
    p. 544, Fig. 12.20, l. 1 and elsewhere in Section 12.3 The current version is 2.0 10/29/08
    p. 545, Fig. 12.21 The ending HTML tags on lines (7), (8), and (9) should be capitalized to match the beginning tags. 12/18/08
    p. 548, Fig. 12.24 Replace lines (10)-(12) by <Movie title = "{data(@title)}"> and replace lines (20)-(22) by <Star name = "{data(.)}" />. 12/18/08
    p. 550, Fig. 12.27 There are a number of syntax errors:
    1. Closing HTML tags should be capitialized in lines 9, 11, 15, and 17.
    2. Remove slashes before > in lines 6 and 12.
    3. Add slashes before > in lines 8 and 14.
    p. 551, Fig. 12.28 There are a number of syntax errors:
    1. Closing HTML tags should be capitialized in lines 5, 10, and 13.
    2. Remove slash before > in line 6.
    p. 551, l. -7 "comparison is true" should be "comparison that is true". Valentin I. Spitkovsky 10/25/08
    p. 564, l. 10 256/4 = 64, not 32. Edward Chron 1/15/09
    p. 567, Exercise 13.2.4(e) 65,546 should be 65,536. Edward Chron 1/17/09
    p. 576, l. -19 "checkum" should be "checksum". Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 590, l. 8 Add "to" before "store". Edward Chron 1/20/09
    p. 628, Fig. 14.8 "1995" should be "2005". Dennis Sidharta 12/14/12
    p. 704, l. -8 "in" missing after "discussed". Ufuk Celebi 1/14/13
    p. 713, l. 8 of text "chpater" should be "chapter". Christan Grant 10/21/10
    p. 723, l. -8 Comma before "Suppose" should be a period. Dennis Sidharta 12/14/12
    p. 725, l. 13-14 64K is 216, not 214. Thus, the limit on size stated on l. 14 should be 244 or 16 terabytes. Edward Chron 2/6/09
    p. 725, l. -15 "reapeatedly" should be "repeatedly". Torben Amtoft 6/2/10
    p. 727, l. 11 period after "output". Dennis Sidharta 12/14/12
    p. 736, l. -10 B(S)/M should be M. Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 761, l. -7, -6 "expressionsa" should be "expressions". Dennis Sidharta 12/14/12
    p. 763 footnote The difference in the queries does not lie with the possibility of two stars born in 1960. Both queries would produce duplicates in that case. The difference lies with the possibility that MovieStar contains duplicate tuples. In that case Fig. 16.4 can produce duplicates that Fig. 16.2 does not produce. Torben Amtoft 11/12/09
    p. 775, l. 11 "if" should be "of". Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 775, l -7 to -4 You can push projection below a set union. John Dean 12/1/10
    p. 786, caption of Fig. 16.20 "high" should be "low". Luke Cang 3/27/10
    p. 844, l. -15 "one or both" should be "one or more". Torben Amtoft 6/2/10
    p. 905 l. -2 Delete "each". Dennis Sidharta 1/2/13
    p. 911. l. 10 Semicolon should be a period. Dennis Sidharta 1/2/13
    p. 935, l. 5-6 It should be explained that these two problems are not the only problems that can occur. The remainder are covered in Section 18.8.3. Magdalena Balazinska 4/27/09
    p. 939, l. 3 below figure "s" should be "is". Edward Chron 3/8/09
    p. 951 reference [8] The correct title is "On optimistic methods for concurrency control". Sergio Ilarri 2/6/09
    p. 995, l. 9 of Section 20.2.3 "Each" should be "each". Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 995, l. -12 "some" should be "sum". Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 1028, last sentence of item 1. You must set S' to S before jumping to step 4. Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 1082, l. 9 "(1) and (3)" should be "(2) and (3)". Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 1095, l. -1 "is" missing before "an integer". Edward Chron A3/28/09
    p. 1097, l. 11 j should not be present in the set of items. Robert Ikeda 12/4/08
    p. 1107, l. 3 "condition (3)" should be "condition (2)". Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 1108, l. 1 "Pass 2 of PCY" should be "Pass 1 of PCY". Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 1175, l. -1 > should be <. Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 1176, l. 1-2 Interchange 0 and 1 on these two lines. Torben Amtoft 11/2/09
    p. 1177, l. -11 "duplicate" should be "near-duplicate". Torben Amtoft 6/2/10