Photo(catalogn, film, color, fstop, speed, image, resolution, available, price)
LocatedIn(catalogn, place, country)
Location(place, country, description)
Models(catalogn, name, dateofbirth, agency)
Model(name, dateofbirth, sex, nude, bio)
Abstract(catalogn, comment)
Takes(catalogn, name, dateofbirth, date, history)
Author(name, dateofbirth, nationality, bio, address)
Influences(auth1_name, auth1_dob, auth2_name, auth2_dob)
Includes(catalogn, id)
Transaction(id, credit_card_n, date, total_amount, cc_type, cc_expdate)
Customer(idname, password, name, address, billing_address)
Buys(id, idname)
There are no FDs besides the keys to attributes in every relation
All the relations are in BCNF
There are no MVDs