Here are the files that I used to bulk load sample data into my tables. As you can see, this is a small database. I was counting on most of my data being entered via the web site, so I did not need to pre-load very much information. I found most of these brain teasers at the rec.puzzles Archive.
LOAD DATA INFILE * INTO TABLE teaser FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' (id,title,category,body,hint,answer,numviews,diffvotes,funvotes,diffrating,funrating) BEGINDATA 1|I Never Was|Riddle|I never was, am always to be, No one ever saw me, nor ever will And yet I am the confidence of all To live and breathe on this terrestrial ball.|It never comes|Tomorrow|1|1|1|5|5 2|Once in a Minute|Riddle|What occurs once in a minute, twice in a moment, but never in an hour.|Its all in the riddle|The Letter M|1|1|1|5|5 3|Food and Water|Riddle|Give it food and it will live; give it water and it will die.|It's not alive|Fire|1|1|1|5|5 4|Body Parts|Trivia|Name ten body parts that are spelled with three letters. No slang words.|No Hint|arm, ear, eye, gum, hip, jaw, leg, lip, rib, toe|1|1|1|5|5 5|Helium Balloon|Physics|A helium-filled balloon is tied to the floor of a car that makes asharp right turn. Does the balloon tilt while the turn is made?If so, which way? The windows are closed so there is no connectionwith the outside air.|Think of a ball in water|The balloon tilts into the turn because the air in the car tilts away from the turn and the balloon floats on the air.|1|1|1|5|5 6|Birthdays|Probability|How many people must be at a party before you have even odds or better of two having the same bithday?|Multiply your probablities.|23 people|1|1|1|5|5 7|Bugs|Analysis|Four bugs are placed at the corners of a square. Each bug walks always directly toward the next bug in the clockwise direction. How far do the bugs walk before they meet?|Its not that far|Each bug walks a distance equal to the side of the square before it meets the next bug.|1|1|1|5|5 8|Clock Hands|Arithmetic|Do the 3 hands on a clock ever divide the face of the clock into 3 equal segments, i.e. 120 degrees between each hand?|no hint|No|1|1|1|5|5
LOAD DATA INFILE * INTO TABLE account FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' (username,password,numlogins,lastlogin DATE 'yyyy-mm-dd',email,name) BEGINDATA jolefsky|ge432s|10|2000-01-01||Jake Olefsky turkeyboy|33ddfe|24|2000-03-15||Thomas Innes super|passwd|5|2000-04-20||Mike Hough Brainmaster|monkey2|1|2000-01-08||Alia Syed JohnC|gibralter|45|2000-01-31||John Catron Kristen|1234asdf|17|2000-02-21||Kristen Johnson CookieMonster|himom|34|2000-04-01||Emil Alto theUltimateT|stapler|32|2000-04-21||Karin Olefsky babyfishmouth|4today5|6|2000-03-04||Meg Ryan klin|printer4|3|2000-04-30||Kamie Lin
LOAD DATA INFILE * INTO TABLE featured FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' (fdate DATE 'yyyy-mm-dd',id) BEGINDATA 2000-5-12|2 2000-5-13|3 2000-5-14|1 2000-5-15|4 2000-5-16|6 2000-5-17|5
LOAD DATA INFILE * INTO TABLE submitted FIELDS TERMINATED BY '|' (id,username,submitdate DATE 'yyyy-mm-dd',approveddate DATE 'yyyy-mm-dd', approved) BEGINDATA 1|jolefsky|1997-1-9|1997-1-9|y 2|jolefsky|1997-2-7|1997-2-7|y 3|turkeyboy|1998-6-24|1998-7-24|y 4|JohnC|1997-7-1|1997-7-5|y 5|super|1998-2-5|1998-4-9|y 6|babyfishmouth|1999-2-15|2000-1-1|y 7|babyfishmouth|1999-2-15|2000-1-1|y 8|JohnC|1997-7-1|1997-7-5|y