There are three handouts relevant to this assignment:
This week you will experiment with Oracle's proprietary programming language PL/SQL, and you will use either Pro*C embedded SQL or JDBC dynamic SQL to interact with your PDA database from an external program.
Turn in a listing of your programs, along with scripts showing them working. You should demonstrate that the programs had their intended effect by querying (before and after) some relation of your PDA that was changed by the program. These queries may be included in the file that holds your PL/SQL programs for convenience.
You should include both queries and modifications among your options. For example, a UC campus applicant database interface might include in its menu:
Your application code should interact with the database using Pro*C embedded SQL for C or C++ programs, or using the JDBC call-level interface for Java programs. Please refer to the appropriate handout:Introduction to Pro*C or Introduction to JDBC. We are not expecting anything particularly fancy in terms of the interface itself. (In fact, ultimately this interface will be replaced by the Web interface you will create in the final part of the project.) For example, in C a menu printed via printf is fine. Also, handling of SQL errors can be quite simple. You can write a routine that just prints the error message from Oracle, or model your error handler after one of our sample programs.
Please turn in your C, C++, or Java code along with a script showing an interaction with your program. Each one of your options should be exercised at least once in your script.
The scripts you turn in for this assignment may show your programs running over your small or your large database. However: