CS145 - Spring 2004
Introduction to Databases
Gradiance SQL Labs
Due Tuesday April 20
This week you will be using the Gradiance Lab feature to perform SQL exercises. The SQL queries you write will be executed over a stored relational database and checked automatically for correctness. When you log into Gradiance to complete this week's assignment, choose Lab Projects instead of Homeworks.

You have two SQL Labs to complete: one called Bookstore and one called Presidents. Both labs have a mix of easy and more difficult queries. Unlike last week's Gradiance exercises, these questions do not change in any way from attempt to attempt. When you submit an incorrect solution, the system shows the result returned by your attempted query, as well as the correct result you should have obtained. This feedback should guide you toward a correct solution. Note:

As always, your Gradiance work is due at 11:59 PM on the due date, and no late work is accepted -- the labs will not be available after 11:59 PM on the due date.

Support Materials

Gradiance uses the mySQL DBMS to store relational databases and execute SQL queries over them. mySQL supports a slightly restricted version of the SQL standard, but one that is easily sufficient for the lab exercises. You may use the textbook or any other source for basic SQL information. In addition, please look at our short document mySQL versus Standard SQL before getting started.

Getting Help

If questions or issues arise as you are working the Gradiance labs, please contact the course staff at cs145@cs.stanford.edu. The Gradiance support address (support@gradiance.com) is NOT to be used for logistical questions about the assignment, or for technical questions about the SQL language or mySQL system. Please use the Gradiance support address only in the case of a major failure of the Gradiance system itself. Even then we suggest you contact the course staff first, before contacting Gradiance.

Launch Gradiance to get started.