Yuan Wang's Technical Publications
The Numerical Evaluation of Integrals, Science Press, Beijing,
1961; 2nd edition: Numerical Integration and Its Applications, Science
Press, Beijing, 1963. (with Hua Loo Keng).
Applications of Number Theory to Numerical Analysis, Springer
Verlag and Science Press (Beijing), 1981. (with Hua Loo Keng).
Goldbach Conjecture (Edited), World Scientific Publishing
Company, 1984.
Number Theory and Its Applications in China, Cont. Math; 77,
1988. (Edited with C.C. Yang and C.B. Pan).
Popularizing Mathematical Methods in the People's Republic of
China, Birkhauser Boston, 1989. (with Hua Loo Keng).
Lecture Notes in Contemporary Mathematics, Science Press, 1990,
(Edited with L. Yang)
Diophantine Equations and Inequalities in Algebraic Number
Fields, Springer-Verlag, 1991.
International Symposium in Memory of Hua Loo Keng, Vol, I. Number
Theory, Vol. II. Analysis, Springer-Verlag and Science Press, (Beijing),
1991. (Edited with S. Gong, Q. K. Lu and L. Yang)
Number-Theoretic Method in Statistics, Chapman and Hall, (with
Fang Kai Tai), 1994
Hua Loo Keng, Kaiming Pub. Comp; Jiuzhang Pub. Comp; 1995.
Major Journal Articles
Sieve method and its applications
A note on some properties of the functions $\vp(n), \si(n)$ and
$\the(n)$, Bull. de L'Acad. pol. des Sci; 4, 1956, 207--209. (with A.
On the representation of large even integer as a sum of a product
of at most 3 primes and a product of at most 4 primes, Acta Math. Sin;
3, 1956, 500--513.
On the representation of large even integer as a sum of a prime
and a product of at most 4 primes, Acta Math. Sin; 4, 1956, 565--582.
On some properties of integral polynomials, Shu Xue Jing Zhan, 3,
1957, 416--423.
On sieve methods and some of the related problems, Sci. Rec; 1,
1957, 9--12.
On sieve methods and some of their applications, Sci. Rec; 3,
1957, 1--5.
On the representation of large even number as a sum of two almost
primes, Sci. Rec; 5, 1957, 15--19.
A note on some properties of the functions $\vp(n), \si(n)$ and
$\the(n)$, Ann. Pol. Math; 8, 1958, 201--213. (with A. Schinzel).
Corrigendum: 19, 1967.
A note on some properties of the arithmetic functions $\vp(n),
\si(n)$ and $d(n)$, Acta Math. Sin; 1, 1958, 1--11.
A note on some properties of the Euler function $\vp(n)$, Proc.
of Northwestern Univ. 1958, 15--23. (with Ren Jian Hua).
On sieve methods and some of their applications, Acta Math. Sin;
3, 1958, 413--429; also Sci. Sin; 4, 1959, 357--381.
A note on the least primitive root of a prime, Sci. Rec; 5,
1959, 174--179.
On sieve methods and some of their applications, Acta Math. Sin;
2, 1959, 87--100; also Sci. Sin; 12, 1962, 1607--1624.
On the least primitive root of a prime, Acta Math. Sin; 4, 1959,
432--441; also Sci. Sin; 1, 1961, 1--14.
On the representation of large integer as a sum of a prime and
an almost prime, Acta Math. Sin; 2, 1960, 168--181; also Sci. Sin; 8,
1962, 1033--1054, (with a new appendix).
On the estimation of character sum and its applications, Shu Xue
Jiang Zhan, 1, 1963, 78--81.
A note on the maximal number of pairwise orthogonal Latin
squares of a given order, Sic. Sin; 5, 1964, 841--843.
Remarks on the difference of consecutive primes, Sci. Sin; 5,
1965, 786--788. (with Shieh Shen Kang and Yu Kun Rui).
On the maximal number of pairwise orthogonal Latin squares of
order $s$, Acta Math. Sin; 3, 1966, 400--410.
A note on a theorem of Davenport, Acta Math. Sin; 4, 1875,
On representation of large even integer as a sum of a prime and
an almost prime, Kexue Tongbao, 8, 1975, 358--360. (with C.D. Pan and
X.X. Ding).
On the representation of every large even integer as a sum of a
prime and an almost prime, Sci. Sin; 5, 1975, 599-610. (with C.D. Pan
and X.X. Ding).
Diophantine approximations and equations
A note on simultaneous diophantine approximations to algebraic
integers, Sci. Sin; 5, 1977, 563--567. (with Hua Loo Keng).
Remarks concerning a transference theorem of linear forms, Acta
Math. Sin; 2, 1979, 237-240. (with Yu Kun Rui and Zhu Yao Cheng).
A note on a transference theorem of linear forms, Sci, Sin; 3,
1979, 276--280. (with W.M. Schmidt).
A note on some metrical theorems in diophantine approximations,
IHES/M/79/297; Chinese Ann. of Math; 2, 1981, 1--12. (with Yu Kun Rui).
A note on a transference theorem of the systems of linear
congruences, Acta Math. Sin; 2, 1981, 303--307. (with Wang Lian Xiang
and Ren Jian Hua).
On additive equations in an algebraic number field, Kexue
Tongbao, 5, 1985, 583--587.
Bounds for solutions of additive equations in an algebraic number
field I, Acta Arith; 48, 1987, 117--144; II, Acta Arith; 48, 1987,
On a system of diophantine inequalities, Kexue Tongbao, 17, 1987,
On homogeneous additive congruences, Sci. Sin; 5, 1989,
Diophantine inequalities for forms in an algebraic number field,
J. of number theory, 29, 1988, 324--344.
Diophantine equations and diophantine inequalities in algebraic
number fields, Cont. Math; 77, AMS, 1988, 83--94.
On small zeros of quadratic forms over finite fields, J. of
number theory, 31, 1989, 272--284.
On a generalized Waring's problem in algebraic number fields, in
``Number Theory'' in honor of Loo Keng Hua, Springer--Verlag, 1990.
(with M. V. Subbarao).
Small solutions of congruences, J. of number theory, 45, 1993.
On small zeros of quadratic forms over finite Fields II. Acta
Math. Sin; 4, 1993, 382--389.
Applications of number theory
Remarks concerning numerical integration, Sci. Rec; 1, 1960,
8--11. (with Hua Loo Keng).
A note on interpolation of a certain class of functions, Sci.
Sin; 6, 1960, 632--636.
On numerical integration and its applications, Shu Xue Jiang Zhan,
1, 1962, 1--44.
On diophantine approximations and numerical integrations I, Sci.
Sin; 6, 1964, 1007--1008; II, Sci. Sin; 6, 1964, 1009--1010. (with Hua
Loo Keng).
On numerical integration of periodic functions of several
variables, Sci. Sin; 7, 1965, 964--978. (with Hua Loo Keng).
Remarks on the interpolation of a certain class of function, Sci.
Sin; 4, 1965, 429--431.
Remarks on the number theoretic method in numerical analysis, J.
Univ. Sci. Tech. China, 2, 1965, 213--218. (with Zhu Yao Cheng and Jian
Yun Cui).
On interpolation of a certain class of functions, Kexue Tongbao,
9, 1966. 387--389.
On uniform distribution and numerical analysis (number theoretic
method) I, Kexue Tongbao, 3, 1973, 112--114; II, Kexue Tongbao, 4, 1973,
165--166; III, Kexue Tongbao, 12, 1974, 559--560. (with Hua Loo Keng).
On uniform distribution and numerical analysis (number
theoretic method) I, Sci. Sin; 4, 1973, 483--505; II, Sci. Sin; 3, 1974,
331--348; III, Sci. Sin; 2, 1975, 184--198. (with Hua Loo Keng).
On numerical integration and its applications for
multi-dimensional functions of bounded variation, J. Univ. Sci. Tech.
China 1, 1974, 39--67. (with Hua Loo Keng).
On number theoretic method in numerical integration of
multi-dimensional space I, Acta Appl. Math. Sin; 2, 1978, 106--114; II,
4, 1982, 414--417. (with Xu Guang Shan and Zhang Rong Xiao).
A note on uniform distribution and experimental design, Kexue
Tongbao, 6, 1981, 485--489. (with Fang Kai Tai).
Applications of number theory to numerical analysis, ``recent
progress in analytic number theory'' Edited by H. Halberstam and C.
Hooley, Vol. 2, Acad. Press, 1981, 111--118. (with Hua Loo Keng).
On diophantine approximation and approximate analysis, Kexue
Tongbao, 5, 1982, 468--472.
On diophantine approximation and approximate analysis I, Acta
Math. Sin; 2, 1982, 248--256; II, Acta Math. Sin; 3, 1982, 323--332.
A note on the approximate solution of the Cauchy problem by
number--theoretic nets, Chin. Ann. of Math; 3, 1982, 451--456.
Number theoretic method in numerical analysis, Cont. Math; 77,
AMS, 1988, 63--82.
Number theoretic methods in applied statistics. Chin. Ann. Math;
11B, 1990, 51--65; (ii) Chin. Ann. Math; 11B, 1990, 384--394. (with Fang
Kai Tai).
A sequential algorithm for optimization and its applications to
regression analysis, in Lecture Notes in Contemporary Mathematics, 1990
(with Fang Kai Tai).
Applications of quasirandom sequence in statistics, Proc. of the
Asian Math. Conf. 1990, 135--139. (with K. T. Fang).
A sequential number-theoretic methods for optimization and its
applications in statistics, in Development of Statistics: Recent
contributions from China, 1991, Longman. (with Fang Kai Tai).
A sequential algorithm for solving a system of nonlinear
equations, J. Computational Math., 9, 9--16, 1991 (with Fang Kai Tai)
A new method for generating the uniform distribution on the unit
sphere, Tech. Rep. of the Hong Kong Baptist College, No. 15, 1992. (with
K. T. Fang and H. L. Wong).
Some applications of number-theoretic methods in statistics,
Statistical Science, 9--3, 1994, 416--428. (with Fang, Kai Tai and
P .M. Bentler).
Uniform design of experiments with mixtures, Scientia Sinica,
1996. (with Fang Kai Tai).
On the calculation of mineral reserves and hillside areas on
contour maps, Acta Math. Sin; 1, 1961, 29--40. (with Hua Loo Keng).
Finiteness and infinity, discrete and continuity, Kexue Tongbao,
1963, 4--21. (with Hua Loo Keng).
On Linnik's method concerning the Goldbach number, Sci. Sin; 1,
1977, 16--30.
On a set of independent units of cyclotomic field, Ziran Zazhi,
5, 1978, 6. (with Hua Loo Keng and Pei Ding Yi).
A conditional result on Goldbach problem, Acta Math. Sin; New
Ser; 1, 1985, 72--78. (with Shan Zun).
Hua Loo Keng, a brief outline of his life and works, in ``Number
Theory'' in honor of Loo-Keng Hua, Springer--Verlag, 1990.
Chen Jingrun, a brief outline of his life and works, Acta Math.
Sin; 3, 1996, 225--233. (with C. D. Pan).
Yuan Wang's home
© 1993-1997, James Z. Wang, Yuan Wang