I started my work on content-based image retrieval in 1995 when I was with Stanford University. The project was initiated by the Stanford University Libraries and later funded by a research grant from the National Science Foundation. The goal was to design and implement a computer system capable of indexing and retrieving large collections of digitized multimedia data available in the libraries based on the media contents. At the time, it seemed reasonable to me that I should discover the solution to the image retrieval problem during the project. Experience has certainly demonstrated how far we are as yet from solving this basic problem.
CBIR for general-purpose image databases is a highly challenging problem because of the large size of the database, the difficulty of understanding images, both by people and computers, the difficulty of formulating a query, and the problem of evaluating the results. The objectives of this book are to introduce the fundamental problems, to review a collection of selected and well-tested methods, and to introduce our work in this rapidly developing research field.
We designed a content-based image retrieval system with wavelet-based
feature extraction, semantics classification, and integrated region
matching (IRM). An image in the database, or a portion of an image,
is represented by a set of regions, roughly corresponding to objects,
which are characterized by color, texture, shape, and location. The
system classifies images into semantic categories, such as
textured-nontextured, objectionable-benign, or graph-photograph. The
categorization enhances retrieval by permitting semantically-adaptive
searching methods and narrowing down the searching range in a
database. A measure for the overall similarity between images is
developed as a region-matching scheme that integrates properties of
all the regions in the images. Compared with retrieval based on
individual regions, the overall similarity approach reduces the
adverse effect of inaccurate segmentation, helps to clarify the
semantics of a particular region, and enables a {\it simple} querying
interface for region-based image retrieval systems.
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