#!/usr/bin/perl ######################################################################################### # Extracts ingredient sets from recipe HTML pages, using hand-crafted regular expressions ######################################################################################### use Digest::MD5 qw(md5 md5_hex md5_base64); $RECIPE_PAGES_PATH = "*********"; $RECIPE_LIST_FILE = "*********"; sub readFile { my $filename = shift; open(FILE, $filename) or return ""; my $string = join("", ); # remove the header line from the file content, such that files with only this line result in "": $string =~ s/^\n//; close(FILE); return $string; } sub computeDomain { my $url = shift; my $domain = $url; $domain =~ s|^http://(www.)?||; $domain =~ s|/.*$||; return $domain; } sub cleanHtml { my $html = shift; $html =~ s/
/ /g; $html =~ s/<.+?>//g; $html =~ s/ / /g; $html =~ s/\s+/ /sg; $html =~ s/^\s+//; $html =~ s/\s+$//; return $html; } sub printOutput { my $hash = shift; my $url = shift; my $title = shift; $title =~ s/\s+/ /g; $title =~ s/^ //g; $title =~ s/ $//g; my $ingredientArray_ref = shift; my $ingredientString = join("|", @$ingredientArray_ref); $ingredientString =~ s/\|+/\|/g; $ingredientString =~ s/^\|//g; $ingredientString =~ s/\|$//g; print "$hash.html\t" . computeDomain($url) . "\t$url\t$title\t$ingredientString\n"; } my @md5 = (); my @md5_inv = (); open(REC, $RECIPE_LIST_FILE) or die $!; while(my $url = ) { chomp $url; my $hash = md5_hex($url); $md5{$url} = $hash; $md5_inv{$hash} = $url; } close(REC); my %goodDomains = ( "allrecipes.com" => 1, "food.com" => 1, "yummly.com" => 1, "myrecipes.com" => 1, "recipes.sparkpeople.com" => 1, "bettycrocker.com" => 1, "foodnetwork.com" => 1, "cdkitchen.com" => 1, "eatingwell.com" => 1, "delish.com" => 1, "cookeatshare.com" => 1, "recipe.com" => 1, "kraftrecipes.com" => 1, "epicurious.com" => 1 ); my $count = 0; # - means file not found or without valid HTML content # ? means no match in file foreach my $url (keys %md5) { my $domain = computeDomain($url); ++$count; print STDERR "$count\n" if ($count % 1000 == 0); next if (!defined($goodDomains{$domain})); if ($domain eq "allrecipes.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{
  • \s*(.+?)
  • }sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{\s*(.*?) - (Allrecipes\.com|All Recipes).*?}s) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "food.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{
  • \s*(.+?)\s*
  • }sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{(.*) - Food.com( - )?.*}) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "yummly.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{
    }sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{(.*) \| Yummly}) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "myrecipes.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{
  • \s*(.+?)\s*
  • }sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{(.*) [\|-] MyRecipes\.com}) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "recipes.sparkpeople.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{(.*?)}sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{(.*)}) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "bettycrocker.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{
    }sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{\s*(.*?) (Recipe from Betty Crocker|- Betty Crocker|from BettyCrocker\.com)\s*}s) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "foodnetwork.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{
  • (.+?)
  • }sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{(.*)}) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "cdkitchen.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{(.+?)}sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{(.*?)( from CDKitchen\.com| - CDKitchen)?}) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "eatingwell.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{
  • (.*?)
  • }sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{(.*?) \| Eating Well}) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "delish.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{
  • (.+?)
  • }sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{(.*?) - Delish\.com}) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "cookeatshare.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{(.+?)}sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{(.*?) - CookEatShare}) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "recipe.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{
    }sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{(.*?)( - )?(Recipe\.com)?}) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "kraftrecipes.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{
    }sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{(.*?)}) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } elsif ($domain eq "epicurious.com") { my $html = readFile("$RECIPE_PAGES_PATH/$md5{$url}.html"); my @matches = $html =~ m{
  • (.+?)
  • }sg; my @ingredients = (); foreach my $token (@matches) { push(@ingredients, cleanHtml($token)); } my $title = ''; if ($html =~ m{\s*(.*?)\s*(at Epicurious\.com)}s) { $title = $1; } printOutput($md5{$url}, $url, $title, \@ingredients); } }