Terry Winograd
Professor of Computer Science, Stanford University
Gates Computer Science 3B, Room 388
Stanford CA 94305-9035
Phone (650) 723-2780, Fax (650) 723-0033
Administrator: Heather Gentner, 724-6865
see weekly scheduleProfessional Interests
Professor Winograd's focus is on human-computer interaction design, with a focus on the theoretical background and conceptual models. He directs the teaching programs in Human-Computer Interaction. and HCI research in the Stanford Interactivity Lab. He is also a principal investigator in the Stanford Digital Libraries Project..
Winograd was a founding member and past president of Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility.. He is on the national advisory board of the Association for Software Design and a number of journal editorial boards, including the Journal of Human Computer Interaction, Computer-Supported Cooperative Work, Personal and Ubiquitous Computing, and Informatica .
Courses taught 2001-2002
Information last updated September 22, 2001