Curriculum Vitae -- Terry Allen Winograd
Last updated January, 2000
Born February 24, 1946, Takoma Park, Maryland
Home Address: 746 Esplanada Way, Stanford CA 94305
Phone: (650)494-1716Business Address: Computer Science Department, Stanford University,
Stanford, California 94305-9035
Phone: (650)723-2780
Fax (650)723-0033
Email: winograd@cs.stanford.eduEducation
Consulting (long-term)
Editorial and Advisory Boards
National Offices
Computer Professionals for Social Responsibility , Association for Computing Machinery, IEEE, ACM Special Interest Group on Computers and Society, ACM SIGCHI.
Selected Publications (see full publications list)
"Thinking machines: Can there be? Are We?," in James Sheehan and Morton Sosna, eds., The Boundaries of Humanity: Humans, Animals, Machines, Berkeley: University of California Press, 1990. Reprinted in D. Partridge and Y. Wilks, The Foundations of Artificial Intelligence, Cambridge: Cambridge Univ. Press, 1990.
"Strategic computing research and the universities," in D. Schuler and J. Jacky, eds., Directions and Implications of Advanced Computing, Norwood NJ: Ablex, 1989, pp. 18-32.
"Introduction to the language/action perspective," as editor of special issue of ACM Transactions on Office Information Systems 6:2 (April, 1988), on "A language/action perspective."
"A language/action perspective on the design of cooperative work," Human-Computer Interaction 3:1, 1987-88, pp. 3-30. Reprinted in Greif, Irene (Ed.), Computer-Supported Cooperative Work: A Book of Readings, San Mateo, California: Morgan-Kaufmann, 1988, 623--653.
"What does it mean to understand language?," Cognitive Science 4:3 (July-Sept 1980) 209--242. Reprinted in D. Norman (ed.), Perspectives on Cognitive Science , Ablex and Erlbaum Associates, 1981, 231--264.
"Beyond programming languages," Communications of the ACM , 22:7 (July, 1979), 391--401. Reprinted in William Riddle and Jack Wileden (eds.), Tutorial on Software System Design: Description and Analysis , IEEE Computer Society Press, 1980, 12--22. Reprinted in D. Barstow, H. Shrobe and E. Sandewall (eds.), Interactive Programming Environments, New York: McGraw Hill, 1984, 517--34.
Major Invited Addresses (past 10 years)
March 25, 1997, "The Design Interaction," Invited address, CHI 97, Atlanta.
July 7, 1995, "Digital vs. Libraries: Bridging the two cultures" Keynote address, SIGIR 95 (ACM SIG on Information Retrieval), Seattle.
March 25, 1995, "Information gathering", Keynote address, AAAI Spring Workshop, Stanford.
September 20, 1994, "Web structure and meta-information", Stanford Computer Forum Workshop on the WWW (which I organized and moderated as well), Stanford.
December 4, 1993, "What is software interaction design?," Keynote address, Conference on Empirical Studies of Programming, Palo Alto.
November 3, 1993, " From Virtual Reality To Real Virtualities: Designing The Worlds In Which We Live," Keynote address, Conference on User Interface Systems and Technologies (UIST), Atlanta.
August 5, 1992 "Groupware in action," Groupware `92, San Jose, CA.
August 12, 1991, "Computers, ethics, and social responsibility," Keynote address, National Conference on Computing and Values, New Haven.
October 23, 1990 "Object-oriented programming and object oriented design: What's the connection?", Keynote address, Conference on Object Oriented Programming Systems and Languages, Ottawa.
March 30, 1990 "What can we teach about human-computer interaction?", Keynote address, CHI90 (ACM SIGCHI conference on computer-human interaction), Seattle.