Tree of Students of Prof. Brian Reid, for the Stanford Computer History Exhibits

We'd like to eventually list all Stanford CSD PhD students and their students, with current locations and email. Send updates by email to: (Gio Wiederhold).
Started 2007, under construction. All data to be verified.

Prof. Brian Keith Reid

Prof. Reid received a PhD from the Cranegie-Mellon University in 1980. He joined Stanford's Computer Science department in 1981. Brian left in 1986 for Digital Equipment Corporation's Network Research Laboratory. Subsequently he helped start CMU's remote West campus in Mountain View.

    year-of-PhD Name (last known location,email)
  1. 1985 Harold Ossher (IBM Watson <>)
  2. 1986 Jeffrey Mogul (HP Labs <Jeff.Mogul at>)
  3. 1987? Glenn Trewitt (with Hennessy?)
  4. 1988 Paul Asente (Adobe)
  5. 1989 Mary Holstege
  6. 1989 Per Bothner
  7. ? Carolyn Bell
  8. ? Mike Nielsen

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