CS545 – Stanford-HP InfoSeminar 2008

This year we have a special edition of the InfoSeminar!
Thanks to generous support by HP Labs we are able
to invite more speakers from beyond the Bay Area.
We have assembled an international stellar cast,
bringing you the best database and information management
research from around the world!

The InfoSeminar is held during the winter quarter only. This
time it is organized by Hector Garcia-Molina and Mei Hsu
(from HP Labs).



  • Time and place: Fridays 4:15-5:15 PM in Gates B3, ten talks from January 11th through March 14th.
  • Mailing list: To be added to the seminar mailing list, send your name, affiliation, and preferred mailing address to Marianne Siroker: siroker@cs.stanford.edu.
  • Enrolled students: Students enrolled in the seminar as CS545 must attend 8 of the 10 scheduled lectures to pass the course, no makeups permitted.
  • Directions and parking: The good news is that most parking on campus is unregulated after 4:00 PM.
  • Seminar archives





Title (link to abstract)



Jan. 11

Goetz Graefe, HP

The five-minute rule twenty years later, and how flash memory changes the rules



Jan. 18

Peter Boncz, CWI

MonetDB/X100: a (very) fast column-store



Jan. 25

Ioana Manolescu, INRIA

XML Access Modules: Towards Physical Data Independence in XML Databases



Feb. 1

Alin Deutsch, UCSD

The WAVE Project at UCSD



Feb. 8

S. Sudarshan, IIT

Keyword Search on Graph-Structured Data



Feb. 15

Ricardo Baeza-Yates, Yahoo! Spain and Chile

Towards a Distributed Web Search Engine



Feb. 22

Timos Sellis, National  Technical University of Athens

ETL Scenarios: From Formal Specification to Optimization  



Feb. 29

Wolfgang Lehner, Technische Universitat Dresden

Maintaining Sample Synopsis of Evolving Datasets



March 7

Christian Jensen, Aalborg Univeristy

Enabling Mobile 2.0: Data Management for User-Generated Services   



March 14

Ed Chang, Google China

Organizing the World's Information, Socially
