Tree of Forsythe students for the Computer History Exhibits

Courtesy of Cleve Moler, July 1997. We'd like to add current locations and email. Send updates by email to: (Gio Wiederhold). Updated May 2002.

George Elmer Forsythe (at Stanford 1941-1942, 1957-1972)

See also George Forsythe in the Mathematics Genealogy.

    year-of-PhD Name (last known location <email at for @ > some pictures)
  1. 1960 Eldon Hansen (Lockheed, Sunnyvale <email >)
  2. 1962 James Ortega (Chairman, Applied Math, Univ. of VA <email >)
      Professor Ortega (Univ. of Virginia)
    1. 1968 Richard Elkin (Raytheon <elkin at >)
    2. 1969 Joseph Caspar (loc <email >)
    3. 1969 Robert Stepleman (loc <email >)
        Professor Stepleman ()
      1. 1973 J. Shoosmith (Coll. of William and Mary <jnshoo at >)
    4. 1969 Robert Voigt (Coll. of William and Mary <email >)
    5. 1970 Jorge More (loc <email >)
    6. 1975 Jules Lambiotte (loc <email >)
    7. 1982 Loyce Adams (loc <email >)
        Professor Adams ()
      1. 1989 Joseph W. Manke (loc <email >)
      2. 1989 Maria Elizabeth Go Ong (loc <email >)
      3. 1991 Kevin E. Gates (loc <email >)
      4. 1996 Zhiyun Yang (loc <email >)
    8. 1986 Charles Romine (DoE HQ <romine at >)
    9. 1986 Eugene Poole (loc <email >)
    10. 1988 Courtenay Vaughan (loc <email >)
    11. 1989 Andrew Cleary (loc <email >)
    12. 1989 David Harrar (loc <email >)
    13. 1990 Brett Averick (loc <email >)
    14. 1991 Rob Falgout (loc <email >)
    15. 1992 Lori Freitag (loc <email >)
    16. 1992 Narinder Nayar (loc <email >)
    17. 1993 Lois Curfman McInnes (loc <email >)
    18. 1993 Stephanie Stotland (loc <email >)
    19. 1997 Michael DeLong (loc <email >)
  3. 1962 Betty Stone (Washington, DC <email >)
  4. 1962 Beresford Parlett (Prof. Math and EECS, UCB <parlett at >)
      Professor Parlett (UC Berkeley )
    1. 1968 Olin Johnson (loc <email >)
    2. 1969 James Bunch (loc <email >)
        Professor Bunch (UCSD )
      1. 1977 Danny Sorensen (loc <sorensen at >)
          Professor Sorensen (Rice)
        1. 1988 Jeff Scroggs (NC State <email >)
        2. 1993 Mohammedi Abd El-Aziz (Alexandria Univ. <email>)
        3. 1995 Wei Zuo (Sandoa NL<rblehou at>)
        4. 1995 Richard Lehoucq (loc <email >)
        5. 1997 Aurelio Oliveira (UNICAMP--FEEC--Brazil<email >)
        6. 1997 Chao Yang (LBNL <cyang at>)
        7. 1998 Marielba Rojas (Wake Forest <mrojas at>)
      2. 1992 Ricardo Fierro (loc <email >)
      3. 1993 Richard LeBorne (T.U. Hamburg-Harburg <leborne at>)
    3. 1970 William Poole (loc <email >)
    4. 1973 Larry Nazareth (Wash State Un. <email >)
        Professor Nazareth (Washington State Un)
      1. 1997 Min Zhu (Microsoft Multimedia <minzhu at microsoft.comemail >)
    5. 1975 N. F. Chen (loc <email >)
    6. 1975 Ying Wang (loc <email >)
    7. 1978 David Scott (loc <email >)
        Professor Scott ()
      1. 1986 Ronald Morgan (loc <email >)
    8. 1980 T. White (loc <email >)
    9. 1981 A. McCurdy (loc <email >)
    10. 1981 A. Greenbaum (loc <email >)
    11. 1982 B. Nour-Omid (loc <email >)
    12. 1982 H. Simon (loc <email >)
    13. 1983 D. L. Taylor (loc <email >)
    14. 1983 K. C. Ng (loc <email >)
    15. 1988 J. Le (loc <email >)
    16. 1988 J. Li (loc <email >)
    17. 1991 Z. Liu (loc <email >)
    18. 1991 Y. S. Feng (loc <email >)
    19. 1992 T. T. Lu (loc <email >)
    20. 1993 David Day (loc <email >)
    21. 1994 Yao Yang (loc <email >)
    22. 1994 Michael Parks (loc <email >)
    23. 1996 Jane Wu (loc <email >)
    24. 1996 Ken He (loc <email >)
    25. 1997 I.S.Dhillon (loc <email >)
  5. 1962 Donald Fisher (Oklahoma State Univ. <email >)
  6. 1963 Ramon Moore (CS, Ohio State Univ. <email >)
      Professor Moore (Ohio State)
    1. 1968 Thomas Talbot (loc <email >)
    2. 1974 Larry Wittie (loc <email >)
    3. 1974 M. L. Athavale (loc <email >)
    4. 1980 Y. D. Lee (loc <email >)
    5. 1978 Sandie Jones (loc <email >)
  7. 1964 Robert Causey (Prof. and Chairman, CS, Chris Newport College, Newport News, VA <email >)
  8. 1965 Cleve Moler (Chief Scientist, MathWorks, Natick, MA <moler at > picture)
      Professor Moler ()
    1. 1969 Norman Schryer (loc <email >)
    2. 1970 Alan K. Cline (loc <email >)
        Professor Cline ()
      1. 1981 Robert Renka (loc <email >)
      2. 1988 Carol Hazlewood (Southwest Texas State Univ. <ch04 at >)
      3. 1989 Eric Hartman (loc <email >)
      4. 1990 Thomas Rowan (loc <email >)
    3. 1970 Charles Crawford (loc <email >)
    4. 1971 David Kammler (loc <email >)
    5. 1972 Stanley Eisenstat (Yale, CIT <email >)
        Professor Eisenstat Yale
      1. 1975 Andrew Sherman (loc <email >)
      2. 1977 Rob Schreiber (Stanford, RPI, NASA, HP labs <email >)
          Professor Schreiber Renselaer Polytechnic Institute
        1. 1990 Gautam Shroff (Tata CS, New Delhi <email >)
        2. 1992 Steve Hammond (loc <email >)
      3. 1978 Rati Chandra (loc <email >)
      4. 1978 John W. Lewis (L3 Titan Systems <lewisjwl at>)\BR Case Inst. of Techn.
      5. 1981 John R. Perry (loc <email >)
      6. 1981 Trond Steihaug (loc <email >)
          Professor Steihaug Un. of Bergen, Norway
        1. 1998 Shahadat Hossain
            Professor Hossain Uni. of Lethbridge, Alberta
        2. 2000 Venansius Baryamureeba (loc <email >)
        3. 2003 Yasemin Yalcinkaya (loc <email >)
      7. 1982 Howard Elman (loc <email >)
          Professor Elman ()
        1. 1992 Xian-Zhong Guo (loc <email >)
        2. 1993 Michael Chernesky (loc <email >)
      8. 1993 Ming Gu (loc <email >)
      9. 1995 Cleve Ashcraft (loc <email >)
    6. 1973 Linda Kaufman (loc <email >)
    7. 1973 Charles VanLoan (loc <email >)
        Professor VanLoan
      1. 1983 Ralph Byers (loc <email >)
      2. 1986 Clare Chu (loc <email >)
      3. 1987 Chris Bischof (loc <email >)
      4. 1993 Greg Henry (loc <email >)
      5. 1997 Nikos Pitsianis (loc <email >)
    8. 1974 Charles Burris (loc <email >)
    9. 1976 James Sanderson (loc <email >)
    10. 1976 John Starner (loc <email >)
    11. 1979 George Davis (loc <email >)
    12. 1980 Jack Dongarra (Un. Tenn, Oak Ridge NL <dongarra at >)
        Professor Dongarra, Un. Tennessee
      1. 1991 Majed Sidani (Lehman Bros, ex Cray Research <Majed.Sidani at>)
      2. 1994 Lorie Liebrock (New Mexico Tech. <liebrock at>)
          Professor Liebrock, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology
        1. 2005 Sue P. Goudy (Sandia <spgoudy at>)
      3. 1996 Youngbae Kim (NERSC, Berkeley <youngbae at >)
      4. 1996 Antoine Petitet (NEC, Germany <petitet at >)
    13. 1985 Ronal Jones (loc <email >)
    14. 1986 Augustin Dubrulle (loc <email >)
    15. 1986 Humberto Madrid (loc <email >)
  9. 1965 James Daniel (Prof. of Math, Univ. Texas <email >)
  10. 1965 Donald Grace (Oklahoma State Univ. <email >)
  11. 1966 Roger Hockney (Reading, England <email >)
      Professor Hockney (Univ. of Reading)
    1. 1975 David Browning (loc <email >)
  12. 1967 James Varah (Head, CSD, UBC <email >picture)
      Professor Varah (Univ. of British Columbia)
    1. 1976 E. J. Doedel (loc <email >)
    2. 1978 Maurice Benson (loc <email >)
    3. 1984 Michael Foreman (loc <email >)
    4. 1994 I. Cavers (loc <email >)
    5. 1997 C. Greif (loc <email >)
  13. 1968 Paul Richman - with Jack Herriot (Bell Labs, Chicago <email >)
  14. 1971 Alan George (Distinguished Professor, Univ Tenn. and ORNL <email > picture)
      Professor George (U.Tennessee)
    1. 1976 Joseph Liu (loc <email >)
    2. 1977 Gaston Gonnet (loc <email >)
    3. 1981 David McIntyre (loc <email >)
    4. 1983 Esmond Ng (loc <email >)
    5. 1985 Hamza Rashwan (loc <email >)
    6. 1988 Eleanor Chu (loc <email >)
      1. Professor Chu ()
      2. 1997 Dianqin Wang (loc <email >)
  15. 1971 Richard Brent - coadvisor Gene Golub (Dept. of CS, Australian National Univ., Oxford <email >)
      Professor Brent tree.
  16. 1972 David Stoutemyer - see Jack Herriot (Prof. of CS, Univ. of Hawaii <email >)
  17. 1973 Michael Malcolm - with Jack Herriot (President, WMI, Waterloo, Ont. and Adj. Professor, Univ. of Waterloo <>)
      Professor Malcolm (Waterloo)
    1. 1978 David Cheriton (prof., Stanford Un. <cheriton at >)
        Professor Cheriton (Stanford )
      1. 1984 Willy Zwanepoel(prof., Rice Univ., EPFL <willy.zwaenepoel at>)
          Professor Zwaenepool (Rice)
        1. 1990 Richard G (Rick) Bubenik (Savvis, St. Louis <>)
        2. 1990 David B. Johnson (prof. CMU <dbj at >)
        3. 1993 John Carter (prof. Univ. Utah; Mango <retrac at >)
        4. 1993 Elmootazbellah Elnozahy (prof. CMU. IBM Austin <mootaz at >)
        5. 1994 Peter Keleher (prof. Univ. of Maryland, College Park <keleher at >)
        6. 2000 Vivik Pai (Princeton Univ. <>)
        7. 2001 Honghui Lu (Univ. of Pennsylvania <>)
        8. 2002 Eyal Delara (Univ. of Toronto <>)
        9. 2004 Christian Amza (Univ. of Toronto <>)
        10. 2007 Sameh Elnikety (Microsoft Cambridge <samehe at>)
      2. 1987 Tim Mann (<mann at >)
      3. 1988 Zygmund Haas ( Cornell Univ. <haas at (?) >)
      4. 1989 Ross Finlayson (<finlayson at >)
      5. 1989 Hemant Kanakia (<kanakia at >)
      6. 1990 Cary Gray (<gray at >)
      7. 1991 Steve Deering (<deering at >)
      8. 1991 Carey Williamson (Univ. of Sasketchewan <carey at >)
      9. 1991 Hendrick Goosen (was Univ. of Capetown <goosen at >)
          Professor Goosen (Capetown)
        1. Philip Machanick ?
      10. 1993 Robert Kutter (<kutter at >)
      11. 1994 Kieran Harty (<kharty at >)
      12. 1996 Sandeep Singhal (<IBM Raleigh <singhal at >)
      13. 1999 Michael Greenwald (Un.Penn., <greenwald at>&)
          Professor Greenwald (Un.Penn.)
        1. 2000 Jianping Shi ( Oracle)
      14. 2001 Hugh Holbrook (< >)
      15. 2001? Jonathan Stone (< >)
      16. 2003 Song Sam Liang (< >)
      17. 2006 Daniel Faria (< >)
    2. 1982 Alfredo Piquer (loc <email >)
    3. 1986 R. Vasudevan (loc <email >)
    4. 1987 Gerald Neufeld (loc <email >)
        Professor Neufeld ( )
      1. 1990 Luping Liang (loc <email >)
      2. 1994 Donald Acton (loc <email >)
      3. 1994 Terry Coatta (loc <email >)

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