Tree of Richard Fikes students for the Computer History Exhibits

We'd like to loacte his students with current locations and email. Send updates by email to: (Gio Wiederhold).

Professor E. Richard Fikes (at Stanford 1991-today)

Richard Fikes received his PhD in 1968, under Allen Newell at CMU.

    year-of-PhD Name (last known location, email)
  1. 1993 Alon Levy [Alon Halevy] (Univ.of Washington <>)
      Prof. Halevy, Univ. of Washington
    1. students
    2. 2002 Anhai Doan (Univ.Illinois, Urbana Champaign <>)
    3. 2002 Zack Ives -- with David Weld (Univ. Pennsylvania)
    4. Marc Friedman (Microsoft SQL Server)
  2. 2000 Todd William Neller (<tneller>)
      Prof. Neller (Gettysburg College <>)
  3. 2002 Karl Pfleger [Worked with Babara Hayes-Roth] ( <kpfleger at >)
  4. 2003? Patrick Doyle [Worked with Babara Hayes-Roth] (XO communications < >)
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